vitalphenomena · 5 months
@undoctrine // x
TWEAKER KNOWS TWEAKER. She regards Ben with something like fury until the realization sets in that he must be very, very high.
And she's been there before. She's there right now! She just handles it a little bit better than he is right now. So.
"You need some water. And a cigarette. Let's go outside."
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calithal · 5 months
you can't lie to me. i can tell when you're lying.
pre-established relationship prompts, accepting!  ༄
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                there’s  a  man  in  her  room,  she  has  a  migraine.  she  almost  killed  him  when  she  heard  the  sound  of  the  door,  fucking  lunged  with  teeth  and  nails  poised  to  attack.  but  he  caught  her,  of  course,  because  she’s  probably  still  drunk  and  so  sick.  it’s  ben,  who  is  a  man  that  could  hurt  her  but  doesn’t  and  just  always  looks  so  exhausted  instead.  he’s  annoying.  one  day  she  wants  to  stab  him  just  to  see  what  he’ll  do.
                  she  doesn’t  even  know  what  he  wants  her  to  say.  sorry  i  drunk  called  you  and  made  it  sound  like  i  was  going  to  do  something  really  fucked  up.  i  don’t  remember  any  of  it.  get  out  of  my  room.    “  unh ... fuck  you,  ben.  ”    she  groans,  snatching  the  pillow  from  his  arms  and  putting  it  back  over  her  head.  he  really  does  shoulder  fucking  everything,  doesn’t  he?    “  go  get  your  own  fucking  life  together,  leave  mine  alone.  ”    and  then,  because  he’s  not  listening  and  he’s  just  standing  there  like  a  creeper  dog  man.    “  i  already  have  a  gross  older  brother,  i  don’t  need  you.  ”
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unpossession · 2 years
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“god loves you, but not enough to save you.”     ---   @undoctrine​
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                     “I  don’t  believe  in  God,  Ben.      I certainly wouldn’t count on His help,”          Willow stares at him, shock half-expressed in her eyes at his advice. He thinks God loves anybody? Her? Him?         “--Or anyone’s, for that matter. If I die, I die. I’m not gonna beg to be saved. Living is hard enough.” 
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springthings · 2 years
@unpossession, @undoctrine
        hand in hand with willow, she flutters through atmosphere of the after party, giggling and chattering with everyone she meets, distraction flowing like a stream, and she never pulls away from the current of it. willow's gentle reminders of what allie had promised to the air moments ago- after willow, herself had met up with ben -were the only things that kept her afloat, kept her from getting lost. or, at least, too lost. the feeling of not knowing is one she loves too much to let go of, forever. they find him by the bar, allie squealing and bounding towards him, never letting go of willow's hand until she nearly jumps to throw her arms around him. " found you! look, lo lo! we found him! "
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ohfiendangelical · 2 years
It’s been quite some time since Ben darkened his door — and seeing him now, Zero almost doesn’t recognize him. He looms like an enemy, eyes shadowy and furious; there’s an eerie electricity about him, a vengeful readiness for violence. His rage is palpable, but incomprehensible. It makes Zero uneasy. 
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          “You look angry, Benjamin,”          he says, playing it cool. Flashing a smile, he opens his arms to @undoctrine​.          “Why don’t you come in and we talk about it?”
Whatever it is. 
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loetise · 2 years
                “  do  you  wanna’  go  to  a  party?  ”    she  doesn’t  lean  away  from  her  close  proximity,  brushing  glittering  dust  on  taylor’s  eyes  and  cheeks,  tint  on  her  lips.  it’s  not  why  she  had  started  this,  she  had  just  wanted  to  see  the  shimmer  on  taylor’s  pretty  face,  and  being  close  to  her  always  makes  allie  feel  like  her  heart  is  buzzing,  like  she’s  glowing.  allie  leans  closer  again,  turning  on  her  charm.  the  flutter  of  her  lashes,  looking  up  through  them.    “  you  could  get  wasted,  if  you  wanna’,  and  i’ll  take  care  of  you,  this  time.  ”
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blobbycentral · 5 months
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I read fic where Affogato had short hair and couldn’t resist drawing it soooo—
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rotturn · 2 years
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letssofia3006 · 1 month
Watching the dragon prince for the first time and ho mama, I´m starting my pinterest moodboard collection about characters slaying an undercut while passing throught an undoctrination arc.
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“Atheism is the default setting.”
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vitalphenomena · 5 months
MADDIE REGARDS BEN SKEPTICALLY. It isn't his fault. It's something that's come over her, recently. It's a fear instilled in her of the outside world, of young men who don't treat her like Kieran, like Cain.
Also, Ben is tweaking.
"If you need a warm place to stay," she says reluctantly, "I'll see what I can do, but I don't want to make any promises, now..."
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unpossession · 2 years
Sometime  this  week.         It was going to be sometime this week. Belongings packed neatly away in boxes, labeled for each person it’s contents may concern, no note written yet, because she didn’t quite know what to say. With only a few things left to do, Willow was feeling pretty certain:    It would be sometime this week. But the insistent knock on her door, luring her out of her bed, has thrown a spanner in the works. 
She shouldn’t have ignored his calls. Ben’s arrival in her New York apartment has meant a postponement. Willow can already tell from he look on his face that he’d expected the worst, expected to arrive too late to stop her doing whatever stupid thing that he (rightfully) assumed she was about to do when she dropped off of the map, when she stopped smiling, stopped writing to him. 
Neither of them will talk about it, obviously. She can barely look him in the eye. Willow and Ben sit beside each other nursing a cup of coffee in their hands, pretending as though the state of her apartment with all it’s boxes piled high in the corners of the room is not something that needs to be discussed. Willow sips her coffee, quiet, hesitant. 
                 “The, um... The Mets are playing today, I think... All this time in New York and I, um... I still haven’t seen a single baseball game...” 
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springthings · 2 years
Ben had prepared a special little gift for her, delivered under the cover of night. It appears a long, thin box wrapped delicately with pink tissue paper and shimmering ribbons has been left on her doorstep. In chicken scratch handwriting a heart felt note from Ben: A, happy birthday. Love, B. Upon unwrapping the present she will be presented with a long, thin-tipped knife, gleaming in tones of rose gold. The handle appears to be made up of smoothed Lapis Lazuli, held together with a golden band. And if she looks closely enough at the blade, she will see the initials BG engraved by the hilt. One of a kind, made only for her.
allie birfday 🥳🥳🥳, accepting always.
        she nearly trips over the box when she opens the door that morning, basking in the first morning full of spring light before she finds her little gift. doe eyes light up, her smile just as bright and pinching her cheeks a blooming pink. she's already found little things, from the birds and her friends in the forest, somehow just knowing as they always do. but this doesn't feel like any of them. even though the ribbons and the tissue paper are so very her, it feels like ben. the sort of tender roughness that he brings, that she finds when she hugs him and in his small, hesitant smiles. the fairy girl takes his gift into her arms like she might do to him if he were here, before she sits down on the step of the small porch to open it. his note washes over her with affection, and it feels like tiny bunches of love stored in little scratchy letters. beats of her heart in time with he thought of me! but she can't help but wish he was here to hug and thank, and her thoughts fill with fluffy, cloud like daydreams of the moment. at least, until she found the knife, buried within equally as fluffy decorations and wrapping. it's cold, in a startling way, she finds as she holds it in her hands, like she doesn't quite know what to do with it. it's beautiful, and she loves it, in some way. she has to, it's from him. allie lets out a breath, and decides that she will love it and it can be beautiful and she won't worry about what it's used for. she'll call and ask him and he'll say something silly and clever and delightfully grumpy and she'll laugh and everything will be just fine.
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khozmoh · 2 years
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—  basic  slasher .
you're  a  basic  slasher.  not  basic  as  in  boring,  but  that  you're  what  most  people  think  of  when  they  think  of  "slasher".  you're  very  efficient  in  what  you  do,  you  know  what  you  need  to  get  done  and  then  you  get  it  done.  probably  a  semi-tragic  backstory  that  could  have  been  solved  without  killing,  but  whatever  works  I  guess.  you  use  some  kind  of  handheld  blade  to  kill,  and  you're  pretty  good  with  it.  you  aren't  flashy,  but  you  are  well  known.  nice.
tagged  by :    seen  on  @conqveror​  tagging :    @undoctrine​,  @chrissycunningham​,  @letthefearin​,  @eloquitry​,  @cvldthief​,  @dvarapala​,  @evenbreath​,  @fu1ler​ 
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loetise · 1 year
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i would like to say, dance and be happy. instead i will say in my crone's voice, be ruthless when you have to, tell the truth when you can, when you can see it. — margaret atwood, from selected poems ii ; for @undoctrine ♡ ( give rora edit permission with the 🖼️ emoji )
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shikaleeinbox · 3 years
🍂 Which one of you made the first move? And for 👁 Do you guys ever help the other out with their work?
🍂Who made the first move:
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👁Helping out with work:
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