an-internet-introvert · 2 months
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It’s time for an intervention
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ambusterpm · 3 months
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Gandalf as requested by @brethilach (thank youu)
You know not how difficult a task you've set me,,, I've always struggled so much with finding a way I like to draw Gandalf. I am mostly content with this. I was thinking he'd keep all sorts of bits and bobbles that he can wear on his person as he travels to remember the friends he's made. Saruman looks down on him for it, sees it as trashy and frivolous.
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spookysweaterblog · 4 months
just to keep you in the loop, privating a bunch of older asks and stuff because of the whole refreshing of this blog and it being more misc and not just slashers. I was going to do this months ago, but I didn't want to DELETE it, but then I saw tumblr had a private feature, so hey, it's reversible whenever.
If there was any specific ask that's not there anymore, I could put it back up, just comment below if you remember one that just stuck out to you. If you can't remember any specific, then it doesn't need to be up-
or I might not feel like digging for it because there's like hundreds.....
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lotstradamus · 5 months
inspired by the manchester anon haha but do you have any tips and suggestions for visiting leeds? 🩷
I've lived here for 2 years now (!!!) but somehow I still don't really know my way around and just go to the same 5 places and use google maps to get anywhere else. it's sad. but here's some shit I love:
Grindhouse - cheap drinks, loads and loads of seats, never too full, music a reasonable volume, and they project 80s movies on the back wall. we once sat in here for 2 hours cos Stand By Me was on. one time we watched the bar staff earnestly tell a group of women on a hen do that the bar was closed and they weren't serving any more drinks, at 7:45pm. 10/10.
Rudy's - only 9 cities* in this fair nation have a Rudy's, so I'm going to keep reccing it for everyone else. perfect Neapolitan pizza. *Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Nottingham, Durham, London, York, Liverpool - if you live in one of these places and haven't been to Rudy's yet, sort it out.
Neon Cactus - go here on a Wednesday and order wings, and you'll get half price margs. lots of great Mexican scran. don't take anyone too picky or over 50, because the price for the great food and vibes is that at least one thing you order will be incorrect. but roll with it. half price margs, man.
Empire Cafe - book in advance if you want to sample the delights of Empire Cafe, cos there's like 6 tables max. everything is seasonal, changes on the daily, and is insanely delicious. if you want to experience heaven, order the steak and chips with salsa verde. there is NOTHING like it.
Stuzzi - another seasonal, small plate sort of place, but Italian. amazing food and a gorgeous restaurant. go with a big group and order one of everything.
Eat Your Greens - ANOTHER seasonal restaurant! this one is farm-to-fork and organic. I can’t speak to the quality as I haven’t actually been, but I am a frequenter of their GREENGROCER, which is MEGA. last time I think I left with natty wine, pâté, some insane tinned fish, a jar of harissa and a bag of sunset potatoes. if you like food, go here.
SARTO - fresh, handmade pasta and picky bits. another great place to go with a group and order all the starters. I had a celeriac pasta there last year that I think about on a fairly regular basis; I picked it cos it was the weirdest sounding thing on the menu and it was fucking mouthwatering. good quality and good people! and it's next door to The Wardrobe, so perfect for a pre-gig tea.
Santiago Bar - like Grindhouse (alternative, casual) but the music is louder and you'll find yourself doing tequila shots at 1am and screaming along to, like, Don Broco. it's the best.
Blue Collar Boys - as a rule I hate 'vintage' clothes shops (overpriced, ugly, everything is XXS), but this place seems to specialise solely in American t-shirts and sweatshirts from the 90s in exactly my size, and everything is £10. this is amazing and a huge bargain if you find something like vintage Wranglers and a Playboy bomber jacket (£20, my wife) but not so amazing or a bargain if you find 3 t-shirts with holes in (£30, me). we've never been without finding shit we love. they only open on random weekends, and they always seem to have more stuff than they could possibly ever sell. it's a freaky vintage alternate universe.
The Corn Exchange - a big gorgeous ol' building full of little businesses. vintage, handmade, tattoos, coffee, jewellery, independent brands, yarn, shoes, a barbers, a bookshop, they've got it all. very easy to spend £100 and 6 hours. every so often they have a market on the bottom floor. perfect tiny representation of Leeds: quirky, independent, delicious, cool.
Silver's Deli - this is a 9-minute train ride away in Bramley (my ends!) but has become THEE buzzy foodie spot recently. go on a sunny saturday morning (cos you will probably have to sit outside) and order the everything sandwich. thank me later. if they have scotch eggs or sausage rolls on, I beseech you, order both. and if you want the sunday special prepare to get there at 11 and fight.
Against the Grain - if you've come to Bramley for Silver's, you may as well trundle 10 minutes up the road and visit the best bar in Leeds. cosy, casual, full of locals, hidden in Swinnow Mills. it's a sit-around-and-chat-to-people sort of place, with bonus charcuterie boards AND a pizza van on weekends. we are here A LOT, because Gray's Salon and Rose and Thorn Tattoo are both in the Mill, and we give them all our money. oh! and dog friendly. sooo many dogs.
Project House/Galleria - if you've gotten the train out to Bramley for Silver's and ATG, jump on the 72 back to town and get off at Project House to eat MORE food. Galleria is a great place to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Project House has EVERYTHING (depending on the day). yoga! gigs! vintage fairs! a bi-annual tattoo convention meets makers market with food vendors called Hand of Glory! check what's on and head on down to support local!
Kirkstall Bridge Inn - another one local(ish) to me, but worth travelling out of town for; a PROPER pub (i.e. no tv, no sports, no shite) that does roasts upstairs and lets dogs in downstairs. outdoor seating right by the canal, and every so often they put something on and the car park turns into a tiny festival. Kirkstallpalooza is a highlight. great place to finish a nice canal walk (who am I?!).
tl;dr sorry that this is obnoxiously long, I love Leeds
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artseniccatnip · 4 months
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pommy in a fancy outfit :]] based on an old drawing/design:
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Some personal rambles about academia and my future career:
I’m in my second year of undergrad now and I’ve been loving it a lot. Going from an online school to any in-person school has been super daunting (felt weird being in a physical classroom again) but really super beneficial as I’ve managed to already develop good relationships with my professors.
I’m majoring in history, obviously. And I’ve planned on getting my PhD or even just masters in history for quite a while now. But, recently, I’ve began to contemplate going to law school. As much as it is my dream to get my PhD in history and become a professor, I have to be realistic and see that the chances of that happening are extremely slim.
I have heard the law field is becoming quite over saturated itself, but the job opportunities are significantly better compared to academia (and much higher pay). Though I do find law very interesting and something I could very potentially see myself doing, I feel in a way defeated if I go into law. As if I’ve fallen to “the man”, y’know?
Also, a PhD is never say never. I could get my JD and a PhD down the line when I feel I’m financially secure enough to do so. Even if I don’t get a job out of it, I feel the experience will greatly benefit me education wise.
Oh, I’ve been such a sopping wet mess of academic confusion lately …
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meruz · 2 years
maybe a weird question, but does the show that your backgrounds appear in ever make you feel differently about your work? like as an artist im sure youre pretty much always proud of the finished product but if the show that uses them is one you dont like does it ever.. make you feel weird?? or is it still just like "hey, i did that!"
nah..Not any weirder than posting art in general feels LOL. the thing is, liking a tv show as entertainment is different from liking it as a workplace which is also different from liking it as idk… an art object to put in my portfolio. I’m not going to pretend there isn’t overlap there like if I had to kind of draw it out (in more ways than one haha)...
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So theres a lot of push and pull between factors. Its VERY common for artists to have shows they enjoyed working on that they wouldn’t personally enjoy watching and vice versa. And for me personally? I’m a glass half full kind of guy so even amongst mixed feelings I tend to focus on the good parts and I've liked almost every show I've worked on, come out feeling pretty good about my work almost all the time. 
I’m lucky though. I’ve never had to stay at a job with truly heinous working conditions. I’ve always had the privilege of enough resources (savings, parents house to fall back on, etc) to quit and find something new which is something not all people have. 
And I guess I would feel weird/bad about my work if it turned out to be used for like… a horrendous hate crime or something? Like if god forbid I ended up somehow…presumably accidentally?? working on the 21st century’s version of Birth of a Nation???? But (knock on wood) I like to think the chances of that in animation are pretty slim LOL or at the very least I'd be able to see the red flags ahead of time and get out of there…. one of the good/lame things about mass media is that it’s supremely moderate like it can’t be transgressive or radical (on either end of the political spectrum) or else it risks losing profit. And on top of that, animation is one of the least spontaneous storytelling mediums. just by nature of how much coordination and planning that has to be done ahead of time for something as simple as moving a character across the screen. Backgrounds in particular are relatively middle-late in the animation pipeline. every show runs a little differently but normally by the time we're working on bgs the story, boards, and characters are like... 70-90% locked in? So it’s pretty rare to be working on a show only to later be surprised by whats on screen when it airs.
I do know that south park turns on a dime and makes episodes slapdash in like one week but uh I like to think they're the exception not the rule LOL. most western animation will take about a year per ep from outline to final export.
anyways thanks for sending a thoughtful ask as opposed to something patronizing or obnoxiously leading like "im so sorry you had to work on such a shitty show" which ive been getting a bit of lately.
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disruptivevoib · 4 months
Minute drought of CJ art that may be to come isn't cause I don't have interest anymore btw. I simply want to draw pretty women for a bit too FGGFD
And I do have a LOT of art planned, I just need to gear my motivation back up around all of it sometimes!
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Bull shit my brain does...
Be me: AuDHD 24yof (& other random crap about me that doesn't matter to this post)
Hear that one. Specific. Insurance Jingle... (Iykyk)
My stoopeed axe elf: "🎶Livercheese Livercheese li--vercheese li--vercheese 🎶"
Be me, (the same AuDHD person, but 5 years ago...)
Work at a sketchy pizza joint, where the cook plays music in the kitchen on BT
Cook's speaker starts playing RHCP's "Californication"...
Silently drown self in dish sink laughing
Be me (need I say or did you get it?)
Listen to "Cha Cha Slide"
Hear clap clap clap clap your hands
Laugh ass off in mind...
Bc you changed (l,h,d) to (r,p,t)
Imagine nurseries and nursing homes playing the results at every party 🤣🤣
Disclaimer: I have a twisted sense of humor bc of the father I was blursed with... Karma mercy his soul (I'd say God, but the man was beyond the Lord's help)
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minifridge44 · 6 months
intro 🤑
helloooooo you can call me v 🛵🛵
• she/he
• I AM A MINOR!!! just btw 😐
• i have literally no idea how tumblr works so if i do something strange that’s why 🧑‍🎤
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say something if i do something stupid or confusing or say something that isn’t okay!!! i’m always trying to better myself and make everyone comfortable. also i don’t want to look like a fool 👎
interests include:
🎲 general topics
art (digital and traditional), singing/theatre, music/bands
not really an interest but i LAUVE matcha 🍵
🎲 fandoms (this is where it get embarrassing)
south park, jackbox games, pixar’s luca, many musicals that i’m too lazy to name, gorillaz, weezer, green day, cookie run kingdom (sometimes), the outsiders, splatoon
i don’t really have a dni, just don’t be stupid and don’t be annoying and don’t be mean 🙅
bye now
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Ultimately, I think that for all the troubles I've had with mental illness, they've done me a lot of good as well. It's not at all obvious to me that my "default personality" -- the one I have when I'm fully not suffering from any delusions, etc. -- is something I would choose if given the option. (I've never been given the option, so it's hard to say with certainty.) I like being the way I am, but I know I'm not going to be the way I am forever. Is it worth it to keep it up indefinitely?
My answer is yes.
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alwaysalreadyangry · 6 months
have got a work zoom call in a bit but i'm so low energy today that i don't know if i'm going to be able to speak coherently for an hour. haven't really had the energy or drive to even make myself a bowl of porridge to eat or to work out what caffeinated tea we have in. so... great!
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Normally I wouldn’t complain about Hori drawing Bakugou on his back, but if I wake up and that’s the only spoilers of him I see again I’m gonna lose my shit.
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longlivedead · 11 months
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its halloween, time to play with your pyramid thing
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
AHHHH!! YOURE OSMP FIC IS SO FLUFFY!!! but i can’t wait to see what will happen to wilbur.
LMAO, note the absence of a "character death” tag anon
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"But but but I didn't consent to seeing kink at pride by going to it!" blah blah blah
Buddy I once had a customer come through wearing a big ol' bulky pink leather dog collar around their neck along with a whole outfit that was sending Vibes and I managed to not fucking piss myself or combust into holy shrieking flames or start crying and screaming and throwing up, and when I told them to have a good day they just said, very exhaustedly, "Oh I'm trying" before leaving
"Kink is fine as long as you don't force anyone to be part of your scene"
You really think my autistic ass is ever going to know the difference between people being, y'know, people having fun vs people forcing me to be part of their kink scene?? I can't even tell when someone is politely telling me to fuck off and is genuinely being Nice - ain't no way I'm spending mental energy and spoons to determine this shit unless it's actively endangering me
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