hexedwinchester · 2 months
i hate BMoL plot! I hate Toni Bevell! I hate what she did to Sam but I also kinda love it.. you get me?
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I cant stop thinking about the bmol experimenting with Sam and thanks to @trials-era-sam confirming our hc with Sam's addiction (thank you Jared!!) i just had to write this-
"Names Sam. All we need are names." Toni repeats, tapping her pen against her stupid little notebook.
Even if Sam wanted to, he can't give her want she wants. He doesn't really know that many hunters to begin with, let alone all the hunters in the whole of the united states. Who does she think he is?
She sighs dramatically and puts both her pen and book down on the old table next to her, uncrossing her legs and standing up, taking a few steps closer to Sam.
"Fine." She muttered, "we'll just move onto the next phase, since you're choosing to be difficult."
She starts fishing around in her blazer pocket, in search for something, and Sam can tell she found what she was looking for when a small smile pulls against her lips and she slowly withdraws her hand out, holding what looks to be a small vial?
Sam tilts his head to try and get a better look at it. Is it another drug to induce hallucinations? A truth serum? Who knows what they've invented over across the Atlantic.
Toni scoffs at the confusion displayed on Sam's face, and holds out the vial for him to see, holding it up triumphantly as if she won a race or something.
The first thing he notices is how red it is. He stares for a few more seconds until he realizes, and he can practically feel all the air leaving his lungs.
They've been keeping tabs on him for a good 12 years, they know pretty much everything about him. He doesn't know why this didn't occur to him sooner.
"No." He practically hisses at her, his mind flooding with the pain of detox already. Although he doubts he will ever make it out of here, and hes kind of already given up trying to escape. Whats the point? Dean is dead, Cas will be fine without him. Lucifer is out there roaming free, theres nothing for him anymore.
He's completely content with these british people keeping him here.
But eventually he'll have to detox, he always does.
He can feel his heart starting to pick up pace.
The first detox was bad enough, but he can start to feel the panic raising at the thought of having to live through that now, what horrors would haunt him in his...less than stable state.
He doesn't know what he'd do if he has to see Lucifer or the cage again.
What atrocities would his mind conjure up this time?
He finds his mind rushing back to all the less than pleasant experiences in his life. How it felt to have an archangel inside of him. He thinks that’s why he didn’t realize Gadreel was in him for so long. In comparison to the searing pain of the literal devil in his body, some run of the mill angel was like a tick. Hardly worth his attention.
Toni clearing her throat snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up at her again, and couldn't hide the fact that his hands were shaking.
"Sam," she began "you have made less than ideal choices in your life." A pointed glance towards him. "But, that doesn't mean you still can't be utilised. We as men of letters firmly believe in sufficiency, and your way of...terminating demons is much faster than any excorsim that we have on hand. Don't you think?"
Sam thinks that his heart is going to give out with how fast it is pumping. He can hear the blood rushing in his ears. The year of shame and regret with Ruby and all his mistakes crashing down on him.
"Please." He pleads, looking up at this awful woman through his wet hair. "You don't know what you're doing." He tries to reason with her, but with that glint in her eye, he knows shes not listening to a word he's saying.
"Cmon now Sammy, you can't tell me that you don't miss it." She exclaims, a soft undertone to her voice, as if shes trying to be understanding towards him. Sam scoffs.
And hangs his head in defeat.
They've burnt him, shot him, cut him up and probably broken a few ribs if his pain is any indication. He has no doubt that they will hesitate to do this to him too.
Hes just glad Dean won't be here to watch him turn into a monster again.
Everything Dean told him during that year comes rushing back as he clamps his mouth shut tight. He knows that this will happen to him with or without his consent, but he won't let it happen without a fight.
After all, she isn't Lucifer, he doesn't have to lay down and let her do whatever she wants to him. Hes allowed to fight back. And for Deans sake, he will try.
Toni notices Sams jaw muscles working, and sighs like a disapproving mother whose toddler just won't listen to her.
She roughly grabs Sams face and lifts his head up, making him look up at her.
And although his face is rock hard with determination, pure fear is flashing in his eyes.
He doesn't want to go back to that. To that feeling of desperately needing more and more.
Hes fought so hard against his addiction for so long now. Why is this happening? Chuck must think his life is a joke to do this to him.
But, he keeps his mouth closed tight as Toni tuts and pinches his nose closed, staring down at him patiently.
He hopes he's strong enough to let himself pass out before his mouth inevitably opens to let in air. At least then he could say he tried. But he knows the human body, he knows that when survival insticts kick in, he won't be able to fight it.
But he closes his eyes and tries to stay calm as toni pinches his nose tighter and grows more annoyed.
He starts to count.
Hes gotten to fifty seconds when his lungs really start to hurt.
67. His head has started to spin.
89. His teeth hurt from how hard he's clenching them.
92. He can feel the presence of the vial hanging above him like a carrot on a string. Patiently waiting for his mouth to open like they both know it will.
107. There are spots dancing behind his eyelids. He knows his body will betray him soon.
He lets out a silent prayer at second 115. Begging for someone to help him.
He wonders if Lucifer can hear him.
121. He gasps.
Before he can even suck in some precious air, the vial is being shoved in his mouth, and the metallic taste of blood on his tounge is the only thing his senses can focus on.
Its okay. Dont panic. He just has to spit it out like he did before. No biggie.
He ignores the way his body yearns for it. To swallow it. He ignores how his muscles are remembering how powerful they used to feel. He ignores how his throat is trying to gulp it down, actively working against the only rational part of Sam's brain.
The smell is overwhelming. The taste practically irresistible.
He doesnt have to swallow it. He doesn't have to let her win. He doesn't.
He goes to spit it out. Toni sees. She acts quicker than Sam can even realise.
She's pinching his nose again and roughly keeping her other hand over his mouth. Making sure that he can't possibly spit it out and cutting off all access to air.
Meaning he'll need to swallow it to be able to gasp for air.
He looks up at her with tears in his eyes. His head starting to spin again from lack of oxygen. He shakes his head softly, once again begging her not to do this to him, even though he knows this grovelling will get him nowhere.
She looks down at him with no emotion in her eyes. Even the smile on her face has faded. She just seems a bit bothered now. As if Sams resistance is just a small inconvenience to her.
He'll have to swallow soon. She knows it. They both know it.
Eventually Sam finds his throat working against him and swallowing down the sweet sweet blood.
As it goes down, he gasps out and Toni removes her hand. A satisfied smile on her face.
Sam, on the other hand though, couldn't be more disgusted with himself.
He would start crying if there was any liquid left in his body. He can already feel it. Feel the power thruming through his veins. He can feel his body yearning for more already, protesting that it wasnt enough.
He starts to shake. Silently sob. He cannot believe that this is happening to him again. That he has to go through this again, and all for what? Because some british people want to study him to see how he works and then do who knows what with him?
He starts sweating. Even that tiny amount enough to bring back a pretty severe addiction.
Toni sits back down looking smug. "How do you feel, Sam?"
He glares at her, although how effective it is with his shaking chin and dried tear streaks on his cheeks, he doesn't know.
"Alright." Toni nods at him and starts to make her way back up the stairs.
Sam starts to freak out, but refuses to show it. Not at least until she leaves the basement.
Theyre leaving him here. For how long? Are they going to make him go through detox now? Study his symptoms? Wait for him to start begging them for some more? Maybe, if Sams lucky enough, it wont be that bad, since it was only one small vial.
But he can already feel it. The way his head feels like it's getting squashed between two rocks, the way his stomach is rolling like he's about to vomit, the way his limbs are shaking quite violently.
Sam is never lucky. And this is going to hit him hard.
He hopes it doesnt get so bad that he starts begging for more blood. He'd never forgive himself if he fell that far.
He wishes Dean were still alive.
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i’m sorry but the bmol simply should not have had stupid angel depowering knuckles or any kind of knowledge let alone weapons that could be used against angels.
so much of what makes the angels on spn so terrible and terrifying is that they absolutely do not interact with humanity more than they have to and that includes taking human vessels. most of them probably see that as an insult, to trap some aspect of your being in the inadequate body of something so much lower than yourself. and what makes them so formidable is that there is no way to know of their weaknesses unless they specifically reveal them. the angel banishing sigil, the angel blades, the wards against angels, holy oil they all come from angels themselves (anna, castiel, castiel, and again castiel).
sure a few high ranking demons had some defenses against them (alastair in s04e15 death takes a holiday) but even lilith didn’t know how to kill an angel (and so probably didn’t know about the existence of angel blades). apart from these few chosen beings no one even knew of their existence and you’re telling me a bunch of nerds who liked role playing as military somehow have a number of weapons and spells that can kill/banish/overpower them? i know nobody was taking anything seriously in later seasons but c’mon.
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xyberangelzparadise · 1 month
I'm thinking about a s12 where John comes back instead of Mary. Sam still gets taken by Lady Bevell but instead of Mary its Dean and John that come to his rescue.
When Sam first sees John after he gets past the initial shock he just feels ashamed. All throughout his childhood he constantly was told that he wasn't strong enough to survive on his own and that he needed to be looked after and taken care of. Its been over a decade since he last saw his father but nothing has changed. Dean hadnt even been dead for a day and thats all it took for him to get captured. Hes a grown man now and yet here he is tortured, restrained, and helpless waiting for his dad and big brother to come and save him.
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ladyluscinia · 11 months
God the British MoL child murder academy is SO MUCH adjkfjdjcjdskgkcjz
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a-ketch · 2 years
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Some recent art completed for crossroads 7
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winchestress · 2 years
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how to immediately get on crowley’s hit list
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homoangel · 1 year
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okay but its pretty funny if crowley knows about kendricks academy (and he probably does doesnt he?)
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hexedwinchester · 16 days
worst spn plot or storyline?
hi plot-critical noni!
good question! I have a couple of those that i don't like.
BMoL: Like why were they even a plot in the first place? i am not scared of Bevell or Ketch and neither should our boys. this was bland and a boring plot. their agenda of recruiting american hunters like some corporate poaching was lame
Leviathans: i'm sorry, you are telling me that purgatory's oldest, most ancient creatures can't handle borax? umm..what? what's next? shedims are scared of pizza seasoning? and don't get started on the dick jokes. dick jokes were the only reason why s7 was created. i would rather they spent more time on Sam's broken wall.
AU and Michael!Dean: completely unnecessary if you ask me as none of it ties to the finale. this was just an excuse to bring back AU Charlie and Bobby and let Dean be possessed by Michael which, again weird, because the dude just created hybrid monsters with his sword. that was laughable!!
there are other minor plots that i am not a big fan of but these three bore me to death! anyway, thanks for the ask :)
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Why do i never get what i want... Why no after care after bmol. Why no after care after beat the devil. No tentatively cleaning the blood off of Sams neck and cheek?
I deserved to see Sam exhaustedly collapse into Deans arms, Dean walking Sam over to baby, helping him get in, making him as comfortable as possible. I wanted to see Dean taking care of his little brother, making sure there were no broken ribs, no infected cuts or burns. Cleaning him up, making him soup, tucking him into bed... is that so hard? Sam didn't even have to bring up the hallucinations and how they reminded him of lucifer for me to be happy...this would've been enough
And what about Sam coming back to a Dean who was fully prepared to walk back into that vampires cave just to retrieve his brothers dead body?? Huh?? Why did I not get to see Dean ushering Sam to a more secluded tent, away from Lucifers prying eyes, keeping his hands on Sams shoulders so that he can feel every flinch, looking at Sam with pleading eyes, because Dean needs to take care of Sam this time more for himself than for Sam. Because theres nothing physically wrong with Sam...but Dean doesnt know if he can spend one more second looking at that dry, caked up blood on Sam's neck. Its too much for him.
So why did I not get Dean softly and carefully rubbing the blood off of Sams face with an abandoned rag he found somewhere, comforting his little brother, promising him its not his fault, wiping away a stray tear that Sam let fall, but not saying anything about it....why did I not get that???
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waywardvamp · 1 year
Three more seasons to go, so I've decided in my head that the Men of Letters in other countries look at the Brits with a mixture of "There come those posh bastards again" and mild interest at how low humanity can reach. And that they are generally... Well, not a merciless cult of glorified rich people with a vested interest in monopolising magic. Because, let's be honest, that's their whole thing. They don't give a damn about security, they only care about control.
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dustythewind · 2 years
Supernatural poll, because I’m currently reading a fanfic that’s really awesome aside from one thing that’s bugging me. Decided to take a poll and see if maybe I got this wrong or if the fic writer has it wrong like I’m thinking.
So, The Men of Letters. The fic author (who I will not name) keeps referring to the men of letters, who had the bunker our boys lived in and various other spots like where that tentacle-chick was bound, IN THE U.S., as Brits. I had always assumed that the MOL in America were Americans and the British MOL were based in the UK. And that the BMOL only showed up on this side of the pond when American hunter shenanigans threatened the planet.
Please reblog even if you don’t vote. Thanx.
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a-ketch · 2 years
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Crossroads 7 art
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winchestress · 2 years
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based Ketch
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