childoftheriver · 10 months
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Legs Lake and Mushroom Bobby on stage in Hyde Park - courtesy B.A. and her wonderful husband on FB.
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Happy 77th birthday to the legend himself, the man who singlehandedly designed the sounds for Windows Vista, our fearless leader Robert "Boppin' Bobaloo Bobby Frippuccino" Fripp! (May 16, 1946)
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flavia-draws · 1 year
king crimson members and where their gemstones would be if they were gems
Pete: forehead. why is this even. A question boppin Bobby: probably hand. I just can’t decide which one cause he’s a lefty but plays like a righty Ian: chest. right over his heart greg: probably his throat or near his mouth. or his chest. Or hand. Ooooooo, or his BACK, because kc is his past mike: hand or foot, because, drummer gordon Haskell: idfk. What do we know about him other than that he thought indoor games was really fucking funny. ummmm maybe his chest? mel collins: chest but in a blue pearl way not an amethyst way keith Tippett: hand or chest because jazz musician i’m going to count Jon Anderson: definitely chest andy mcculloch: don’t know much about him. Gonna go with hand or foot again ian Wallace: see above oops I forgot Peter Giles: head or hand boz burrell: don’t know much. hand or close to mouth bill bruford: head or chest david cross: chest, or cheek because it’s cute jamie Muir: chest, definitely in an amethyst way this time john Wetton: hand or chest or near mouth or throat richard palmer-James: forehead again adrian belew: ohhh this is a hard one. U,mmm probably top of head? Just seems like him. Or chest, or hand tony levin: hand or chest
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tombeane-blog · 8 months
Lost In Schertz, Texas
"Whoa-oh. oh mercy, mercy me Oh. Things ain't what they used to be, no no" Marvin Gaye - "Mercy. Mercy Me"
October 14th, 2023. Schertz, Texas. Directly in the path of the "Ring Of Fire" annular eclipse.
There's a danger in going to a reunion after 62 years.  That person you liked may now be an obnoxious jerk.  If so, a beautiful, comforting memory is destroyed forever. It rips a piece of who you are out of you. Will I like them? Will they like me?
I join a small group of strangers for the Memory Walk Saturday morning at 9 a.m. The first people I meet are my high school best friend Roger, his wife Brenda and his sister Rosie.
We walk and talk the few blocks to the old high school and back.  Rosie brings up the famous chicken-in-the-teacher's-car episode and Roger and I have to raise our hands and confess.  (In our defense, how could teen aged boys know how much poop a panicked chicken could scatter all over the inside of a locked car?)
After the walk, Roger invites me to come to his house for a visit.  There, we chat outside, then inside and we keep talking as we take a walk down to his pond.
I see a small snake about two feet long, motionless in an S shape on the hard ground. We get close and it stays frozen - looking up(at what?).
I reach down and tap it lightly. It slithers away, still looking up.
Back inside, we talk for a while and then Roger and I run up to a local Mexican restaurant for a couple of Tacos.
As we are leaving we see a woman looking up... and that's when we realize that we had talked through the entire 2 plus hours of the eclipse. (Is that what the snake was looking at?)
Even though the ladies were bummed out after hearing the news of the missed eclipse, we still had four lives to review so we chatted away the afternoon.
At 4:30 Rosie and I leave for the Reunion Dinner at the local VFW hall.
Somehow my memory failed me completely and we ended up lost(lost in Schertz, Texas???).
Rosie logs onto that Google map thingy and she directs me to the VFW hall.
Just to the left of the hall is the ancient sign outside the long abandoned Drive-in Theater where teen paradise in Schertz awaited.
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There's only a small part of it still standing and it's eroded to the point it's no longer even readable.
We go inside the VFW hall and get our name tags and head into a large, crowded room filled with strangers we once knew.  
I was hoping they wouldn't see me as that slightly paunchy, incompletely bald and totally 80 years old guy standing in front of them.  I didn't get even one - "Tom, you dog.  You haven't changed a bit".  Understandable, but.....Damnit to Heck!
"I had to rearrange their faces
And give them all another name"
Bob Dylan - "Desolaton Row"
We blend into the crowd.  I grab a cold Lone Star and wander around, going up to various people and starting conversations with "And you are...?"  Often I walk away thinking, "Yeah but... CLASS OF 61' RULES!"
I sit for a while with Jane, Joan and Lynda - classmates who all became teachers.  Not one of them looks older than 50.  How did they manage that?
"He rocks in the treetop all the day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singin' his song"
Bobby Day - "Rockin' Robin"
They are playing 50's Rock and Roll.  The dance floor redefines the word empty.
Rosie comes over and says, "Tom, let's dance."  "No way, I haven't danced in decades and besides we'd be the only ones out there."
She won't let go of it and drags me onto the dance floor.  The music is irresistible and it overwhelms my common sense.  
All of a sudden the music is around us and in us and all alone on the dance floor we are 'Rockin' ana' Boppin, Rollin' ana' Strollin'. 
We are on fire and burning up the floor.  In my mind I'm as good as I ever was, although I can't shake the feeling that most of the crowd is probably thinking, "What in the wide wide world of sports is that old fool doing out there dancing with that hot chick?"
The music ends and out of breath, we proudly slink back into the crowd.
I'm sitting with some classmates talking.  The music is so loud I can only hear snippets - "do you remember.... what happened to... moved there and... it hurt like hell with my two hip replacements."   Hearing some, pretending to hear others, I nod and I smile.
All of a sudden it's 9 o'clock and Roger is here to pick up Rosie.  We walk to his car.  Brenda is sitting in the passenger seat with her little Yorkie on her lap.  Rosie slides into the back seat and we say our goodbyes.
As I walk to my rental, I look up, and there, standing tall above the trees is that big Starlite movie screen.  From a distance it looks pristine and white but I know it is stained and rusty and decaying.  I wonder how it hasn't fallen down after all those decades of being abandoned.
I think of the before times when teen couples in cars - with other things on their minds - blissfully ignored the moving images on the screen.
And those teens are all gone now.  Some gone somewhere.  Some gone somewhere else. Some gone forever.  Some remembered.  Some forgotten. 
Battling against time, that big white screen seemingly pays no heed to the years. It ignores the rain, the wind and the neglect. 
Weathered and old, but still standing.
Just like us.
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addictedgallery · 9 months
Get Your Art Fix!
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"He rocks in the tree-top all the day long, Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singin' his song, All the little birds on Jay Bird Street, Love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet." ~ Rockin' Robin, Bobby Day, 1958
"All Of A Flutter - Blue Sky" by Samantha Redfern, 2023
Arty-Fact: "Birds have started to feature a lot in my work. I began to notice how birds seem to be a constant companion in my life. The song birds in the morning, the pigeons crossing the road, the myna birds ready to steal my leftovers. Everywhere I go there are birds. They have become an inherent part of the landscape around me.” ~ Samantha Redfern
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See It On Your Wall
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 87
Good God Y’all/Voyage of the Damned
“Good God Y’all”
Plot Description: While Castiel goes in search of god in the fight against Lucifer, Sam and Dean help out an old hunter friend of Bobby’s
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died
Cas’s faith is fascinating. Both in the “god is boppin around and CAN be found” way AND the “and I CAN find him. I’ll be the one to find him so you don’t have to become Michael’s vessel” way
He really has sacrificed a lot already for these boys…there’s so much overlap in the devotion he and Ruby have/had to their creators that I wish could have been explored more
Welcome back to relevance, Ellen!
You can tell how American this show is when the most logical, most reasonable solution to the problem in this town is more guns. Arm everyone that’s left
Sam?? SAM DONT DO IT. Do not drink the demon blood.
YEAH, I wouldn’t be too trusting of him either, Dean
I can definitely understand the struggle of the desire to exorcise demons without killing the person they’re possessing but knowing that the only way to do that is a GIGANTIC betrayal
Imagine if Ellen had been able to be around to smack some sense into the boys the whole of last season
Wait. What??? So…who’s actually possessed?? Or is this all some weird delusion? Because Jo and Rufus seem to think Sam and Ellen are the possessed ones while we’re shown that THEY have black eyes
Who’s THAT guy? What’s HE doing??
With every sentence she says, I’m more and more convinced they needed Ellen to keep them in line.
Oh…that guy was War of four horsemen fame (the Good Omens one is better, imo)
WHAT A FUCKING LIIIIIIIINE. He’s talking about how he didn’t need to do much to turn this town against itself. “I’m like Jell-O shots at a party. I just remove the inhibition”
He’s a terrible, manipulative son of a bitch but…he’s good at his job, I’ll say that
Oooooooo, Ellen comin in with Jo’s middle name
Omg…he came into town in a red Mustang???
Pleeeeease tell me they’re not STILL trying to push Dean/Jo
Oh Deeeean, making the VERY obligatory lord of the rings reference after cleaning up War’s magic ring, and it’s just a plain gold ring
This feels so wrong. Y’all should not be splitting up. Why do you think this is a good idea. Unless Sam was going to go with Ellen and Jo, which he’s NOT.
“Been On My Mind…”: no. 7
“Voyage of the Damned”
Plot Description: When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race
I’d be unnerved by those angel statues even BEFORE they moved
Why on Earth (or really in space) would you name a ship the Titanic AGAIN??
Oh! I know this guy!! I’ll see him again in a month when he goes to Sherlock for help. I feel like he doesn’t make it out of this episode
Tired of the Capricorn = greedy business man stereotype. The cruise line owner’s name is literally Max Capricorn…….
I love when he goes out of his way to make friends with those of the lowest social standing.
Omg these “ancient” Christmas myths are fantastic
I mean, yeah, you can’t save the Titanic from getting hit
I love that the angel robots do NOT move like robots but like the humans who are very much in the costumes
CONVENIENT that the TARDIS falls directly to the UK/really, to London
Mmmmm but he IS rather dashing when he takes charge of a situation while in a tux
Good on you, Bannakaffalatta not letting him shorten your name to make it easier for him!!
Morvin and Foon are so sweet together. I love them
The only person worse than Rickston was the captain…I take that back. The captain still did what he did to take care of his family, this dude is REALLY only out for himself
Of COURSE the Doctor was there at the first Christmas…
Morvin!!!! NOOOO!!!!
He could disarm them this … oh, but at the cost of his own life. Poor Bannakaffalatta
Not Foon, toooo
Why does Rickston get to live when the three who gave their lives deserved it SO. MUCH. MORE.
“You can’t even sink the Titanic!” Is a great line
This is not very OSHA compliant, Astrid. I can’t believe only Mr Copper and Rickston Fucking Slade are gonna walk away from this, from the Doctor’s lil crew
The way his hair did not budge as they flew up to the bridge
Omg…I forgot Midshipman Frame’s first name was Alonso, so the Doctor got to say “Allons-y, Alonso!”
Ok, Mr Copper DOES deserve this
I love that he thinks he’s gonna travel alone and Donna’s gonna track him down anyway
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Whooo 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎊
So glad to be back :)
Ooh the beach :D
An boppin music 🥰🥰
Awww a family at the beach :)
Oop drama 👀
Lol burying him the sand xD
Nahh this ain't gonna go well
Aww lol :)) still tough it's cute
Hmm did he do that on purpose xD
To get them to participate :)
Oh no o.o
Oh NOO :(((
Hi Bobby 🥰🥰
Hi Hen :DD
Hi Chimney :))!
Hi Buck 🥰!!
Hi Eddie :D!!
Ohhh yeah glass!! Poor dude :((
Aww Buck with those kids 🥰🥰
Ope ayy they getting him out!!
OOF this poor guy 😬😬 :(
I hope he's okay <3
OOP Buck, that gonna be you 👀/has been you xD
Yeah see he knows lol
Ohhh noo :(((
But still, Buck with these kids 🥰🥰❤️
Yayy :DD
I mean the music stopped so he better be fine lol
Ahh Omar and Raja, interesting :))
Idk why lol, I was just thinking bc I was saying "those kids" lol
Awww :))
Ahh yeah dry thunderstorm, I remember hearing a bit about this and thinking about the promo going "idk that looks like rain to me XDD"
Hi Josh :))
OOF parents?
Yeeeah xdd
Maddie <333
Ahhh and Albert xDD
But also. ALBERT :DDD!!
XDD Josh
Awww y'all lol <333
Oof I really hope this isn't that rough xdd
Aww they're adorable 🥰🥰
C'mon y'all we got this <33
OOPE hi guys :DD!!
Okay okay all good so far xDD
Awww :))) <33 them with Jee
Oh?? First no seat now a fine backsplash?
Hmm, this is going suspiciously well xDD
Hi Albert :D!
Wait lol what? Is he dead?
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saint-casual · 3 years
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someone sent me this romance with prog, FUCK YEAH
uhh i dont like enemies to lovers much, i just want to see the wholesmeness more, but yeah its a mostly fun intro! named after songs!!! People You Were Going To
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praguehead · 5 years
1974 Fripp: I don’t wanna do King Crimson anymore I wanna do ambient with my boyfriends and go to New York
The press: Why?
Fripp: myeah
Bruford & Wetton: bro wtf
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yesterdaysanswers · 4 years
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The middle aged metalhead pharmacist who works at the hospital my mom works at is really excited that she told him her daughter likes king crimson because he loves it but can't get his family into it and his kids all hate his schizoid man mug and are now old enough to refuse to go to concerts with him and she told me on the phone yesterday that he want to lend me two CDs of king crimson music that apparently "you can't get anywhere else" and I have no idea what this means or if she misunderstood him but I'm gonna try and get a hold of the secret king crimson tracks when I go home for reading week and download them
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I’m gonna tell my kids this was Robert Fripp
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incorrectrockquotes · 5 years
Toyah: [kisses Robert]
Robert: What is this?
Toyah: Affection
Robert: Disgusting
Robert: Do it again
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justproggerthings · 7 years
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the other night I had a dream that was mostly a horrifying nightmare but at the end Boppin' Bobby was there and I hugged him and told him how important his music is to me
he had an American accent though. it was pretty wacky
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rushpartyofcanada · 7 years
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