#BROUGHT HER TO A SET and granted she was rather well behaved but she still interrupted it quite a bit
munamania · 1 year
i’ve been trying to pull back on saying this so much lately but i’m going to kill myself
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By the king’s hand 🐍 VI
Warnings: warnings to be added as we progress but this series may contain non-consent, violence, death, and other triggers (this chapter, oral, violence, degradation)
This is dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: The king proves to be mercurial and you prove to be foolish.
Note: Masterlist update coming today @darkmasterlistyouneveraskedfor​. Updates might be sporadic from here on out because despite the world being utter shit, Black Friday still exists.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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The air was fragrant as you sat on the low bench, wrapped in only a robe, and stared out the window. On the other side of the room, Loki dressed with the help of the young boy, Hal. The steam of his bath still dissipated in the air as he grumbled now and then, often drinking deeply from his glass and pouring another slosh of water from the pitcher.
It was as if you weren’t there. How easily the king forgot about all but himself. He dressed in dark blue that day, trimmed in an ivory cape and boots. He swatted Hal away and touched his temple as the sunlight made him squint. He sighed and brushed his fingers through the ends of his dark locks.
“Today will be the riding events. I did excuse myself from those lists.” He spoke, almost as if to himself. “Tomorrow I will be in better condition to win at the blade.”
You were quiet as you drew your legs up onto the bench. You slouched over your knees and rested your chin on your crossed arms.
“I will be gone much of the day but I expect you ready upon my return,” he neared and his shadow loomed over you, “You will undoubtedly be eager for it… From what I recall of last evening, you might even be begging for it.”
You glowered up at him as he smirked and winced then tapped his forehead.
“What am I to do? I have nothing but to walk the boards and stare out at the grass. I will be mad by the time you return.” You muttered as you turned your head away.
“All the better,” he slithered. He lifted his toe and swiveled his heel. He exhaled deeply. “Well, what should you like to do?”
“Besides the obvious?” You sneered.
“Perhaps, if you behave, I will see you to a stroll among the corridors when all are retired, but for now I cannot offer much more.” He sniffed, “So, what is it you peasants occupy your time with?”
You blinked and rubbed your cheek as you thought. You hadn’t much besides your work and your occasional adventures with Gilla. Neither would be viable now.
“I might try to sketch?” You looked up at last.
He considered you with a wrinkle in his brow and nodded. “I will grant you the favour upon the promise of one in kind,” he said, “...upon my return.”
You bit down. You expected as much but it still irked you. You turned to the window again.
“As you wish, your majesty.” You stared out at the green leaves that crested the branches of the palace yards. You felt him watch you a moment longer before he retreated.
“Hal, you will fetch her paper and some charcoal,” his soft soles approached the door, “Tend to her meals as you will and draw her a bath. She is starting to smell a bit… common.”
“Your majesty,” Hal chirped and followed the king through to the receiving chambers.
You listened as the doors opened and closed and you dropped your legs over the edge of the bench as you leaned against the wall. You grunted in frustration and hit the bench with your fist. It was exactly what Loki wanted; you at his mercy. Those small requests would grow to desperate pleas. His ploy was working but you could do little to keep him from controlling you entirely.
You weren’t very good at drawing but you managed a sloppy image of the scene through the window. The trees were slightly crooked and the gate uneven but it kept you busy for a time. You turned to a blank sheet but couldn’t focus enough to draw as you could hear the distant audience from the other side of the glass.
The common folk didn’t often attend these events. If they were present, they were selling wares to those lords and ladies who gathered for the pageantry. Still, trapped in the endless monotony, you longed to join the festivity. Anything but to sit within those walls and wait until your tormentor returned. Even if he could make you feel splendid, the king was little more than your warden.
As the sun reached its peak, Hal appeared to draw your bath with several attendants. You washed alone and dressed in one of the gowns provided by the king. You hate how the satin clung to your torso even with its boning and how the skirts tickled your legs as they swished.
You ate a little. Your tedium turned to impatience turned to agitation. The day faded from yellow to a calm blue and slowly dimmed beyond the stone walls. The din quieted as the sun descended. The king’s presence loomed in your mind.
You attempted a sketch of a lion statuette and relinquished the charcoal in frustration. Hal appeared with two covered plates on a tray and set them on the table. He placed a bottle of wine and some goblets alongside them and left you without a word. The boy seemed nervous since your prior conversation.
The king entered without fanfare. You looked up at him as you were distracted from the trance that had you staring into the unlit hearth. He glanced over at you and frowned. He tutted and removed his cape.
“I am aware your etiquette is unrefined but you will rise and pay your obeisance to me upon my arrival,” he uttered, “Do not think I grow negligent in my expectation of you, little mouse.”
You stood stiffly and bowed. He sat at the table and huffed.
“Well, get over here,” he pointed to the other chair, “Pour some wine.”
You crossed to the table and filled a goblet for him. Your own, you only filled to the half point. You sat and uncovered your plate as he did the same. He poked at the food. He was annoyed already.
“Are you not hungry?” He asked as he twirled his fork. “I am informed your plates are left barely touched as late.”
“I am,” you scooped up a potato, “I will eat.”
He tilted his head and considered you. He dropped his fork and leaned back in his seat. “Do not force yourself on my account,” he said, “If you do not appreciate the fare, then you may forego your supper.”
“Your majesty, I will--”
“No, no, as I recall, you owe me,” he glanced at the paper on the edge of the table and the sticks of charcoal, “And as I do anticipate an early morning on account of the competition, I would rather we sort this out sooner.”
He dropped a hand down and picked at the laces of his trousers, “Come, under the table,” he bid, “If you will not eat then you may use your mouth for other means.”
You glared at him, mortified. You brought your fork to your lips and he was quick to rise and bat it away. The top of his pants drooped as you dropped the silver and you blanched at him. He dropped back into his chair.
“I do not issue requests, I give orders. Now on your knees or I will have you even quicker on your back.”
“Then do it already,” you snarled, “I tire of your boasting.”
He stood once more, this time so abrubtly that his chair toppled behind him. He was upon you in a moment, his hands around your head as he forced you to your feet. His eyes flared down at you as you grabbed onto his arms and wrestled with him. You stumbled as he dragged you around the chamber he angled you toward the settee.
He shoved you down and slipped a hand down to your throat as he straddled you beneath him. He slid his hand down the front of his open trousers and pulled out his hard member. He lifted his knees and moved up to pin down your shoulders. He squeezed your throat tightly as he bent over you and guided his cock to your lips.
“You bite me and I will have your teeth on the floor,” he threatened, “Now open for your king.”
You clenched your lips but as your breath dwindled, you gasped and he quickly slipped inside your mouth. He sank down your throat as he brought his hand up above your head and thrust his hips roughly. You choked and kicked out. You slapped his thighs as you struggled to breathe.
He groaned as his hips slammed down harder and harder. You gagged and your eyes lolled back as your vision swam with tears.
“You do push me when I am already… inflamed,” he grunted, “When my temper has already been stoked by incompetents.”
He fucked your face without relent as you were trapped beneath him. His fingers stretched over your head and he sped up once more. He panted as he chased his end and when it rose, he flooded your throat without warning. He continued to rock into you until you swallowed around him. He shivered at the sensation and sat back as he slowly drew himself from your mouth.
His cock glistened as he rested his weight on your chest and steadied himself. He swallowed and hung his head back. Without looking, he poked two fingers into your mouth. Without thinking, you gnashed his digits between your teeth. You were met quickly with a strike across your cheek.
He wiggled his fingers, further pained by the slap, and growled.
“Must you insist on difficulty,” he pushed himself off of you and tucked away his cock. He grabbed your arm and wrenched you onto the floor. “There you are.” He jabbed you with his toe. “You can spend your night there.”
He shoved you back with his boot and spun away from you. He went to the table and took the heel of bread from his plate and the entire bottle of wine. “No supper for you. If I see that you’ve so much as stolen a crumb, I will whip you myself.”
He stomped to the bedroom doors and looked back at you one last time. “And leave the boy alone. He is not your friend.”
You stayed on the floor but didn’t sleep much. Little hazes but nothing more. Loki stirred in the next room and you turned to face the wall. You didn’t move as a knock sounded shortly after. The young boy seemed to always sense when he was required. He entered and hesitated as he passed you before the settee. He carried on and you let out the air in your lungs.
You heard the king’s voice and the activity that followed his awakening. When he emerged, you remained as you were. He ordered Hal around as he sat to tie his boots. He scoffed as he rose and swept towards the door.
“I know you are awake, mouse,” he said, “Let’s not make deception a habit.”
You refused to respond and he huffed. The door opened and he paused in the doorway. “See to her meals, boy.” His voice shifted direction, “Sir, you will watch the door.”
A grumble came in response to the orders as the door snapped shut. You rolled onto your back and sat up. The morning light made your head pulse and your eyelids drooped heavily. You pulled yourself up onto the settee and buried your face in the cushion. You hadn’t the energy to stay mad, you only needed sleep. It wasn’t long before it came.
When you woke, you were groggy. A plate awaited you on the table and the same buzz floated from outside the walls. Another day of sport and you were, as ever, pent up inside on the king’s whim. You slunk over to the table and ate without tasting. Your stomach ached until it was satisfied.
You stood and paced. You stopped at the window as you tried to get a glimpse of the tents erected around the tourney grounds but the silk offered little sign of what was unfolding. You hated that you had to wait, it was all you did. The king had chosen your punishment well. This purgatory was worse than any dungeon.
You marched back and forth. Your anger began to bubble over. Well, if he should have you do nothing, you will find something to keep yourself occupied. Perhaps you might tear down the drapes or dismantle the framed pictures of his smug ancestors. What worse could he do that he did not intend already?
You kicked the door as you passed it and your toe throbbed. Your slippers offered little padding and you swore. Further enraged by your pain, you punched the door. You stopped and listened through the wood. You could hear the drafty emptiness of the halls. Cautiously, you rested your hand on the handle and pressed until the lever lifted. 
You pulled the door an inch inward and waited for it to be forced back into place. But you met no resistance and poked your head into the corridor. There was no guard, no passing resident, no spy you could see. You retreated and steadied your nerves. Was it a trick? A trap? Either way, it was too much to deny.
You went to the wardrobe and took down the grey cloak hung within. You tied it at your throat and peered back into the halls. Still, no keeper to stop you from your escape. Well, it would only be a brief sojourn. You only wanted to see the games. To know what made the crowd so raucous.
You hesitated. If the king discovered your flight, you would be in dire trouble. Yet, he was competing himself and wouldn’t even know. So long as you were back before your guard. Where was that lug anyhow?
You put your foot down lightly. You slowly leaned your weight on it and stepped out into the hall, testing its vacancy. Still, you were alone. You pulled up your hood and closed the door behind you. You weren’t certain which way to go in the immense palace.
You lost yourself several times over before you found the stairs. You scurried down the steps and hid your face as well as you could as you passed by servants in their aprons and caps. You felt as if they all knew, as if any would accost you and report your offense back to the king.
But they didn’t and you kept on until you stumbled in disbelief onto the green. You followed the scent of roasting beef and the wall of voices to the cluster of tents along the sporting field. There were benches set on platforms to house the observers; the ladies waving their handkerchiefs and the older lords cheering on their favourites.
You stood before the steps of the stands and glanced around. Surely you were being followed. You couldn’t have just walked out onto the green so easily. It felt too simple. It felt a snare but yet you kept going.
You climbed up and pushed down your hood as no other wore theirs. You needed to blend in with the crowd. You walked behind a row of ladies as they stood and called out to the field. You stopped behind them and stood on tiptoes to see past them. Two contestants in armor charged at each other with blunted blades. The tourneys had long since traded real steel for training weapons. The forgers often complained of the flimsy designs.
You edged past the line of ladies and upon a closer look, you recognised the fighters. The prince, Thor, fought in red armor with a lion on its helm, and his brother, the king, faced him with serpents across his breast plate. As you heard it, the custom was to allow the monarch a victory.
Still, the audience held its breath as the swords crashed together once more. The much larger royal barely missed his brother with a fearsome strike. Loki was quick and kicked out Thor’s leg. The elder slipped but recovered easily as he batted away the next swing. The two danced around each other; Loki, graceful and light, Thor, lumbering but effective.
As Thor struck down with both hands, Loki deflected him but found the dull blade snapped by the force. He stumbled back and dodged his brother’s next attack. The king was fast but defenseless. He ducked and dove all around but at last found himself cornered by his burly brother. You saw the desperation and the realisation in his posture.
He made an attempt to disarm his brother only to be thrown back. He landed with a thud on his back and the crowd went silent. Thor sheathed his sword and offered his hand to his brother. There was a moment before the gesture was accepted and the king was hauled onto his feet. The men clapped each others’ shoulders politely but all knew there was little comradery between them. Only the prince would dare best the king. And he had dared.
The king waved to the crowd and the competitors were led from the field. The king reached to remove his helm as he walked towards the stall and looked out into the crowd. His jaw was tense and even at a distance you could see his spite. And, you swore, he could see you.
You carefully took a step back and hid behind the figure next to you. You let out a shuddery breath. He could know, now from so far away. You were just another body in the crowd. Well, you had come and seen the fuss. You would have to go before your absence was discovered and the alarm sent up.
You retraced your steps and staggered onto the grass. After such a loss, the king would be even angrier. He did not lie when he said his brother provoked him like no other. A dark foreboding stabbed you.
You already regretted your mistake. A moment of impulsivity had taken you too far. But he hadn’t seen you. He couldn’t have. You were just paranoid. 
You ducked your head down and raced up the palace steps and followed a servant until you found the stairs. You were lost again as you reached the top. The corridors seemed to only lead into each other in circles but at last, you caught your bearings.
You turned the corner that led to the king’s chambers but were suddenly jerked back as a painful grip closed around your arm. Magnus sneered down at you as his hand threatened to crush your bones. He slammed you against the wall and you gasped.
“The king will not be happy with you, wench,” he snarled, “Oh, I think he might just toss you back where you belong.”
“Let go of me,” you rasped, “Ow!”
He shook you with a sharp hiss.
“Shut your fucking mouth. You know what he will do when I reveal to him what you’ve done?” He taunted. 
You gulped down air and croaked out as squirmed helplessly. “And what… about you? What will he think of the guard who let me free?” You trembled as his grey eyes bore into you, “When he learns that your absence allowed for my escape?”
His nostrils flared and he squeezed your arms. His jaw ticked as he stared you down then all at once, his hands dropped. He shoved you away from the wall.
“You keep quiet and go back,” he stomped behind you, “And I won’t snap your neck and tell him you asked for it.”
You went to the door and he was close behind. He reached past you and opened the door so that it hit the wall. He grabbed the back of your neck and dragged you inside. He kicked the back of your legs so that they collapsed and he forced you down to the ground as bent over you.
“I know why the king keeps you, whore,” he spat, “He will tire of you soon and I will delight in throwing you back to the dungeons.” He pushed until your face met the floor. “When he is done, he might just let me finish breaking you.”
He pushed away from you and flipped you with his foot. He clutched his pommel and sneered down at you as he circled you. His chest puffed out and he stopped sharply on his heel.
“A little rat like you will be back to the gutter soon enough,” he backed away as he seemed tempted to draw his blade. “I’ll make sure of it the next time you stray.”
He slammed the door behind him and it shook in his stead. You laid on the floor, paralysed with adrenaline. You blinked up at the ceiling and breathed at last. You were truly out of your depth.
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multific · 3 years
Wind of Change (Part 1/3)
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Jaskier x Enchantress!Reader
Summary: One day two men come to your castle, just when you were already done with love, a certain bard catches your eye. 
Part 2
There is a legend of a woman who can grant all of your wishes. It is said that she was a normal woman, she fell in love with a man, a soldier. The soldier however, never loved her, only used her. And one evening as intruders got into her house, she begged for her life. The soldier saw what was happening, but walked away, pretending not to see. It is said that the way her heart broke could be heard all across the land. And as the intruders left the woman, half-dead in her home, something happened, as she awaited her death, the darkness pulled her in, creating a being greater than all.
Shortly after the people who killed her died in the most horrible ways. And lastly, the soldier died as well. His body was stuck to a pole to shame him.
Every person feared her, but some were brave enough to meet her. She lived in the deepest forest, a castle, tucked into a mountain. The people who met her without any ill intentions were granted their wishes, but of course, all paid a big price. 
She lived there for centuries.
Then as the times passed, people built a village near her home. Thinking that she was only a myth. If it wasn’t for one man, who saw her. Late at night, as he was heading home, people wouldn’t believe in her till this day. 
The woman had long hair, barely had any clothing and was dripping in jewels. However, the most terrifying thing about her were her eyes. Dark as the night. 
As she walked a dark aura followed her. She was barefoot and the way she moved. Like a snake.
The next morning, the whole village panicked. Thinking a monster is roaming their home, they needed it gone.
And what better way to get rid of monsters then a Witcher?
Geralt and Jaskier arrived to the village by chance hiding from a big storm. The villagers were rather happy to have a Witcher there.
So, they brought the man in to explain what he saw.
“If this witch of yours didn’t hurt anyone, why would I kill her?”
“She is a threat!” one villager said.
“Yes! She is doing something, she could hurt us or steal our children!” someone at the back yelled.
“Geralt?” asked Jaskier as his friend got up from the table. 
The Witcher was already entering the forest when Jaskier caught up to him. 
“Are you going to kill her?” he asked once he finally caught up to Geralt. Geralt didn’t answer just walked further into the forest following his senses.
Geralt knew without a doubt that the witch who had been seen at the village was a very powerful being. 
After a few hours of walking, the two men stopped in their tracks. Standing in front of a huge castle. It was old, but still perfectly intact, built into the great mountain.
Geralt took a deep breath.
“She is in there.” he said. “And she knows that we are here.” 
The bard looked up at the big windows and saw a shadow behind one, he was sure it was someone or something as it soon moved. Jaskier gulped, if it wasn’t for the sun already setting, he wouldn’t have followed his friend into the building.
They walked closer, over by the bridge, Jaskier did what he shouldn’t have and looked down, he was greeted by darkness, he couldn’t even see the bottom of the hole.
The big oak door creaked as it opened. 
“Shouldn’t you...you know...get your sword ready?” asked Jaskier.
“Whatever lives here, a sword would be useless.” said Geralt and now Jaskier was terrified. 
The castle was even bigger on the inside, two stairs coming right down by the sides of the room. Three long hallways, one by their sides and one in front of them, they could only imagine how this place looked like.
“But.. then how will you kill her?” Jaskier was now whispering.
Then the door behind them clammed shut. Making Jaskier jump and Geralt quickly turned. Jaskier watched as Geralt spoke to the darkest spot in the room.
“I’m not here to hurt you.”
“The villagers sent you to kill me.” answered a woman. Possibly the most calming and beautiful voice any of them ever heard.
“I have no reason to. Those people are wrong. If you wanted to hurt them, you would have already.”
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” said the woman as he took a step forward coming out of the dark.
Both men’s eyes widened. She looked just like the man explained, breathtaking yet the dark fog that followed her scared both.
“I’m just here to talk. If I don’t take proof back that you are dead, they will send another man to kill you.”
“You are no man, you are a Witcher.”
“And what are you?” Jaskier asked. The woman finally looked at him, as if she now only realized the other man in the room. Geralt watched as her face light up, her lips moving to a smile.
“Enchantress. And may I know your name?” she asked with a flirty voice as she batted her lashes at the bard. Geralt couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Jaskier.” the bard was clearly scared and very confused. 
“Julian Alfred Pankratz.“ she said.
She slightly moved, this is when Geralt noticed the crescent moon shaped medal around her neck. It wasn’t as the man said, she didn’t wear a lot of jewelry, she wore one. It’s just that one was crafted around her body, like clothing.
“How do you know my name?” 
“I know everything.” she whispered into his ear. Jaskier jumped as she was suddenly now behind him. “I like you. Handsome as well.” she said running the back of her fingers down his cheek.
Jaskier begged Geralt to save him, but Geralt did nothing.
“As I said, I need proof, anything. And they will leave you alone. You can continue living here.”
She pouted.
“I’m done living alone. Maybe I can go with you or you can stay here with me.” she said looking Jaskier right in the eyes.
“G-Geralt can we talk alone for a minute?” he asked as he grabbed Geralt’s shoulder and walked further into the castle, stopping by the stairs.
Jaskier looked at the woman then at Geralt.
“What the fuck is going on? And what the fuck is an enchantress?” 
“I heard of one. Do you know the story of the woman who was in love with that soldier? The one who betrayed her?”
“Of course, they tell that to children and unfaithful men so they would behave.”
“I think that’s her.”
“What?” Jaskier tried to lover his voice as he looked back at the woman, it was rapidly getting dark in the castle.
“Just let me talk.” said Geralt as he walked back to her. She had her back turned.
Suddenly she lifted her arms, all torches and lanterns were lit at the same time, illuminating the main hall.
“What do yo wish for the most, Geralt of Rivia? I can grant anything for you in exchange I wish to keep your friend.”
“No.” Geralt said stopping behind her. 
“That’s sad. I don’t plan on giving you anything, “proof” as you said. I can kill anyone who comes here with bad intentions. Stay the night, but in the morning you will leave.” she turned to take one last look at the two man before she walked away, up the stairs.
Both of the men’s eyes followed her as she moved. Geralt didn’t want to stay, he really didn’t but he also didn’t wish to walk back to the village so late. He needed a plan otherwise the villagers will have questions. Geralt groaned as he looked at Jaskier.
He was the one the enchantress showed interest in, maybe ha can use Jaskier in some way to convince her.
To be continued...
Part 2
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Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
A/N: This is going to be a 3 part mini series. I hoped you enjoyed part 1, I will be posting part 2 next week. 
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
Something Wicked
part 7
Warnings: abuse, yandere behavior 
alright my darlings, not my best work, but here’s part 7! I might edit it later! Love you all! and a reminder that if you or a loved one is in an abusive relationship. Please call the emergency hotlines! 
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Y/N had never been more terrified in her life. Jin kept her safely tucked away in the penthouse, and much to her horror, he never left. When she’d asked about it, as casually as she could as she found her defiance towards the situation only angered him, he’d smiled and told her that he had taken a leave of absence to spend with her before kissing her forehead and asking what she wanted for lunch.
In the several days she had been trapped there, he hadn’t left her side once. Any time she tried to refuse his attention, he got upset. Every hour spent with him showed her just how far gone her boss truly was. Every morning he would set out her clothes for her. He cooked for her. He didn’t leave her side for even a moment. It was as though he thought smothering her would affect her perception of him and of the situation he had placed them both in.
“Darling,” He cooed coming up behind her where she had been sitting stiffly in one of the chairs in the living room reading and trying desperately to ignore his gaze on her. “You’ve been so quiet today. Are you feeling alright?” He asked resting his chin on her shoulder.
“I’m fine.” She murmured trying to suppress her shudder. He didn’t like it when she flinched. The bruise situated on her temple was evidence enough of that.
He hummed noncommittally before moving around her chair and lifting her up before settling her back down in his lap nuzzling into her neck enjoying her warmth and the feel of her in his arms. “I don’t like it when you’re this quiet.” He murmured against her neck. “I’d hate to think you were ignoring me, darling.”
She couldn’t help how she stiffened at those words. Jin had a temper, worse than she had ever realized. She had never thought that Jin was a violent man, but she hadn’t thought a lot of things about Jin until just a few days ago.
“Of course not.” She whispered forcing herself to relax into his hold despite the fact she wanted nothing more than to rip herself out of his hold and run to the farthest reaches of the earth to be away from him.
“Of course not.” He repeated smiling into her neck placing a kiss there. “My sweet darling.” His arms tightened around her possessively. “What are you reading, my love?”
“The Yellow Wallpaper.” She informed him eyes fixed on the cover of the book ignoring the frown that marred his features.
“That’s not a pleasant book, my darling. I don’t want you reading things like this.” He plucked the book from her grasp flinging it over on to the couch.
Of course he wouldn’t want her reading it. It was depicted a woman locked away by her husband to slowly go mad with only the peeling yellow wallpaper to keep her company. Granted her prison was much nicer than the room the poor lady in the book was locked away in, but it was a prison none the less. She had to wonder though why Jin had the book at all when he was so against her reading it.  He was meticulous enough to make sure everything in his home was “appropriate” for her. It was hard to think that this book had escaped his notice.
“There are far more pleasant books to read. Wouldn’t you rather read something more pleasant?” He coaxed nuzzling into her again. “I have such a wonderful selection of books in the solar.”
“Of course.” She agreed keeping herself calm despite how her heart was pounding against her chest. “I’ll run up and grab something different.” She offered with a strained smile as she began to extricate herself from Jin’s lap only to be pulled back.
“Leaving so soon, darling?” He purred into her ear grip tightening around her as he trailed his nose up her neck to place a kiss just below her ear.
“I was going to get a different book.” She murmured her voice trembling slightly as she forced the panic down.
Jin had slowly been becoming more and more touchy as the days went by. He always wanted to be in contact with her. He was always looking for an opportunity to brush his hand against the small of her back or the curve of her hip. He’d been placing kisses against her neck, her cheeks, her forehead. He had tried for her lips as well, but so far she had always been quick enough to turn her head before he could. She knew very well what he was leading up to. She wasn’t naïve despite how Jin treated her. She was trying her best to keep him at bay, but there was only so much she could do against him, and she was running out of time. Jin would only put up with her evasions for so long. He was not a patient man.
He hummed noncommittally his thumb rubbing circles into her hip as he kept her anchored against him. “I think I prefer you staying here with me.”
She took a deep breath to steady herself as she prepared to coddle him. She found that coddling him as she did at the office was the best way to deal with him, and she was nothing if not a master at coddling Kim Seokjin. She did her best to keep him at a distance, but just as she was a master of coddling Jin, Jin was a master of derailing her plans. He was excellent at getting under her skin, of finding new ways to force her just where he wanted her. It was always a gamble on whether or not she would be successful in redirecting him. At the office, Jin had to behave. Here, there were no such restrictions on his behavior.
“Jin,” She began making her tone as sweet and syrupy as she could. He preferred it when she was sweet. “I’m sure the office is missing you. Maybe you should check in, and I’ll grab a new book, something more pleasant. We can have tea afterwards.” She offered as sweetly as she could. He didn’t need to know that she would slip poison in his tea if given the chance.  
He frowned at her tightening his hold on her hip. “Darling,” He purred his tone sweet, seductive, but his eyes were dark and cold. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
She froze, her hands beginning to shake. “Of course not, Jin.”
His grip tightened further becoming painful. She was sure he was going to leave a bruise, just one more to add to the growing collection littering her body.
His sigh was filled with disappointment as he began to tutt at her. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. Why do you insist on lying to me, darling?”
She couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her. “Jin.” She pleaded trying to wiggle her way out of his grasp, but he held her still.
“Haven’t I been good to you, darling?” He turned her chin to look at him enjoying the way she trembled under his gaze. “Why must you continue to be difficult?”  
“Jin,” She whimpered again trying very hard to remain calm.
“I’ve been patient, darling. I thought a little time would help you adjust, but you continue to defy me. I didn’t want to do this.” He sighed again. “I really didn’t.”
“Jin, please.” She pleaded trying to push his hand away from her face. “Please.”
He nudged her up keeping a firm hand on her so she couldn’t escape. “You just don’t learn, darling.”
“No, darling.” He purred standing and pulling her up with him. “You had your chance.”
She choked back a sob as Jin dragged her upstairs to their bedroom. She struggled against him the whole way trying to pull herself free, to fun. She couldn’t get out. She knew that, but maybe she could hide. It was a foolish plan really. Hiding would only serve to anger Jin more, but she wasn’t thinking logically. She was thinking of self-preservation.
It wasn’t hard for Jin to man handle her. He was stronger than her, and he had the stubborn belief that he was doing this for her own good on his side. Everything he did, he did for her, for them. He wanted a life with her, but she seemed determined to be a brat, to ruin all of his carefully laid plans. But if she was going to act like a brat, Jin was going to treat her like one.
“Now, darling.” He growled pinning her down to the bed as he began to strip her. “Don’t fight me. You’ll only make this worse for yourself.”
He soon had her down to only her panties as he sat on top of her stomach. He grinned in triumph as he pinned her hands above her head. Now that he had her where he wanted her, Jin wasted no time in tying her up. He wanted her still and vulnerable before him, and Jin always got what he wanted. He had hoped to use the silk ties under more pleasurable circumstances, but she needed a lesson.
“Now, be a good girl for me, darling.” He cooed placing a kiss to the valley between her breasts before he left her on the bed.
When he returned it was with a wicked looking whip in his hands. Jin was nothing if not extravagant in anything that he did. This was no exception. The crop itself was made out of a sleek dark wood ending in a polished silver handle. But the other end held a short but thick braided leather rope that looked as though it was made to inflict pain. The entire thing had an antique feel to it, elegant, refined, and decidedly wicked looking.
He sighed looking down at her in disappointment as he rolled his shoulders. “This all could have been so much more pleasurable if you’d only listened to me, darling. Ah well. Another time.”  
“Jin,” She called out her voice warbling as she pleaded with him not to do this.
“Shhhhh, darling. Take your punishment like the good girl I know you are.”
“Jin, please. I’m sorry!” She shrieked as he brought the crop down against her breasts with cruel force.
“I know you are, darling, but things that are hard to bear are sweet to remember.” He brought the crop down again leaving a red welt against the soft skin of her belly. “I’m doing this for you own, good darling.”  Another hit, this time to the flesh of her upper thigh leaving behind another angry red welt in its wake.
Each hit fell swift and harsh against her skin littering her with a constellation of red marks. Some were even beginning to turn sickly shades of purple. When he had deemed her front covered enough, he flipped her over to continue this treatment on her other side. By this time she was sobbing from the pain. Any pleas she attempted to make were lost in tears and shrieks of pain.
To her, it seemed to go on for hours. The hits were endless, and they never seemed to lessen in strength. Each blow was almost worse than the last. Some blows were decidedly worse than others. She always knew when the wip had hit a spot it had marked before.
By the time it was over, she was nothing but a shivering, sniveling mess, but to Jin, she looked beautiful. Some of the hits had broken skin leaving her bloody and bruised before him. He liked seeing her like this, sniveling and submissive before him, but Jin was not stupid. He knew her wounds had to be tended.
He left her tied there as she went to the en suite to collect some ointment and a wet rag to clean her up with. She whined at the contact, but there wasn’t much she could do to escape it. Even though her bonds were soft and silky, they were strong. She had pulled against them during the entirety of her beating, but they had never budged once.
“Hush, darling.” He purred dragging the rag against her skin cleaning up the blood that leaked from some of the welts. “It’s over now. You did so well. Such a good girl for me.”
She hated it. She hated him, but even though she hated him, she found comfort in the soft touches he used to clean up her battered body. After all, he was the only comfort she was going to get. There was no one else there to help her. No one else knew where she was. It was just the two of them in this hell.
Once he was finished cleaning her up and placing a soothing ointment on her injuries, Jin untied her and turned her over slipping her into an oversized hoodie of his. The piece of clothing nearly swallowed her whole, but it was soft and warm. More importantly, it was his. He found he enjoyed her in his clothing. He’d have to dress her in his shirts more often.
He settled on the bed next to her pulling her into his side so she was leaned against his chest. “Be a good girl for me, darling, and we’ll never have to do this again. I promise.” He stroked her hair smiling down at her blissfully. “I love you, my darling.”
If this was love, she didn’t want it.
part 8
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Cause someone has to fill the huge Volturi void, right?
An extract of the start of who knows what, y’all.
****Jane (and Alec) are aged up to 20 because S*eyer is a gateway pedo and she does not pass the fuckin’ vibe check****
“Well, I think that was wonderful. That was wonderful, don’t you agree?” Aro clasped his hands and turned to each of his brothers in delight.
Marcus nodded deeply and slowly, his face not moving from its sunken blood-hound like melancholy. Caius smiled thinly. 
This human did indeed have a wonderful handle of the violin trembling against her shoulder, but Aro had been at this for eight days. In a bid to add to his ‘collection’ of art, Aro had decided to reach out to those few hopeful humans who stayed under the Volturi’s employ in search of any with a talent with instruments. Once he acquired a full quartet, orchestra, or god knows what he had his heart set on, he would grant them the immortality they craved in exchange for their eternal service as the castle’s musicians.
No one dared voice how ridiculous a waste of effort it seemed, even when Aro declared he wanted to hear for himself each and every audition, and dragged his brothers into the newly repaired turret room for the occasion.
The young woman with the violin bowed deeply, awkwardly, and then left, only to be replaced by another. This one carried a cello, and froze to her core once she gathered the courage to look at her spectators. 
“Whilst we’re still young.” Marcus droned in an unchanging, deadened tone.
Caius’ snort at the humour was childish and Aro glared across the room at him before regaining his whimsical, cheerful facade. 
“Go ahead.”
The woman wetted her lips and tried to smile, drawing the bow to the strings. Aro thought she looked like very much like she was in pain. 
As the thought crossed his mind, the sound of an enraged scream split through the marble and mortar of the castle walls with such a blood-curdling quality the cello woman almost fainted. 
Aro closed his eyes in annoyance, Marcus rolled his tortured gaze on the ceiling and Caius gave the side of Aro’s head a look which could have said ‘rather you than me’ as much as it could have meant ‘I told you so’. 
“Excuse me.” Aro said with a sickly sugariness, lips peeled back in a shark smile as a muffled crashing sound resounded from above.
He left the judging to his brothers with a heavy heart, and hoped they would at least allow her to play before they killed her. 
Jane’s chambers, of which had been hers and hers alone for over twelve hundred years, were now more of a salvage operation than a rescue mission. She stood still in the rubble of the furniture, of her few possessions and in places, the stonework of the walls, with her back to the door and an antagonised aura about her. Chalky dust still swirled in the air, and smears of powdered granite peppered with splinters decorated her black robes in calico patches. Aro cleared his throat from the doorway and she exhaled audibly. 
“Jane.” He prompted, like a school teacher cueing a small child to take their turn. 
“Master.” It was polite but she knew she was pushing it. Aro had asked a question with his presence alone, and this was the second time this week that she hadn’t answered it. She didn’t turn around.
Aro stayed silent for long enough to give away that he was calculating. 
“Your power grants you a great deal of… privacy. Which in turn demands a great deal of transparency,” His voice stayed light and oddly-pitched. “I trust that I still have your… transparency?” His saccharine tone was straining. She was keeping things from him, and no one kept things from him. 
Jane clenched and unclenched her jaw, still rigid. It wouldn’t be long before he worked this out, she knew Caius was already whispering in his ear at every opportunity. She turned very slowly to look at him, and Aro’s features scrunched a little at what he was confronted with. Jane’s face was calm, but there was a crack running along her cheekbone which was healing very slowly, if it was healing at all. Her eyes were flushed black. However long it had been since Jane had drank, it was long enough halt her natural abilities to heal almost to a stop. 
She nodded once, knowing better than to speak and risk her words being seized and used against her. 
“I do not wish to have to force you to behave appropriately, Jane.” He added with some finality, the threat seeping into his voice. “The Guard do not have personal issues.” He left. 
Jane’s shoulders relaxed a little and she glanced towards a god she didn’t believe in before looking around at the room she had destroyed. She swore. She hadn’t succumbed to such a blind rage in centuries, but she didn’t know any other way to handle this new complication. 
“Dear me.” 
Jane’s head snapped around to regard the new intrusion into what was already a poor day. She growled lowly, fists tightening under her cloak as she felt Chelsea’s thin influence coil around her. 
“Temper, temper, Jane.” Chelsea’s pale brown hair was wrapped into a bun that made her sharp features look as though they had been created by the taught pressure alone. She kept a cold, vindictive twist to her thin lips as she surveyed the room. 
“Didn’t your dirty peasant mother ever teach you that it’s unbecoming of a lady to throw tantrums?”
Anger simmered under the surface as Jane battled to school her face. In her eyes, Chelsea, for what she could do, was an abomination that should have been destroyed long ago, and the fact that Aro refused to listen to her on the subject gave the manipulator a kind of insufferable glee that goaded Jane to her very soul. 
“If you’d like to see a tantrum, Charmion, by all means; carry on.” 
Jane lifted her jaw and with some satisfaction saw the other woman hesitate, eyes flicking down and back up again as if somehow surveying a threat she couldn’t see. The eldest of Aro’s daughters despised people calling her by her birth name and anyone else would have paid for their insolence with a hard dose of Chelsea’s most brutal destruction, losing their friends, lovers, even pets on occasion. But Jane’s power was volatile and chaotic in her veins and no vampire so far had been able touch her mind without being brought to their knees in indescribable agony. 
In fact, the last time a vampire had gone head to head with Jane’s natural defences— a white-blonde Parisian vampire named Lafayette with an affinity to cause long lasting amnesia— he had simply tried, screaming and straining until he expired. Aro had ordered him killed once it became apparent that the force of what Jane had unwittingly done to him had left him barely able to speak let alone serve. The inner circle had accepted this handicap to their absolute power out of necessity to keep Jane close, but Chelsea had never been able to let it go that Jane went unaffected and unchecked, her mental privacy so absolute. 
“Always such an angry little thing,” Chelsea mocked, smirking around at the carnage. “You know, I really thought our time apart would have calmed you down.” Her abilities poked at Jane a second time, just slight enough to be safe.
Late one afternoon in 1740-something, Chelsea had almost died by Jane’s hand when it had accidentally slipped that the older vampire could delicately manipulate Jane’s relationships without torturing herself, though it took a skilful, butterfly application, excruciatingly slow and insidious to evade Jane’s detection and defences, with an end result was pathetic at best. Aro had ordered them apart for ninety years after the fight had been subdued, favouritism Chelsea had branded it when she had heard Jane had survived the transgression (sure as hell nobody else would have), and once they did come back into contact almost a century later the bad blood had only run cold. Her application of it now was just blatant provocation. 
“I’ll be calm as I take a long nap at your overdue wake.” 
Chelsea sneered suddenly. “Please. I know as well as you do that you’re stomping that foot on ice far too thin to risk adding any bite to your bark.”
It was Jane’s turn to laugh. “You have the natural edge when it comes to barking, Chelsea.” 
“Jane.” Alec’s sharp voice cut off the rage her comment had invoked in her antagoniser as he strode past them without halting. “Marcus demands your presence. Now.”  
Jane gritted her teeth again and Chelsea was already back to her smug default. 
“Oops.” She feigned Aro’s sugar with one hand over her mouth as she followed Alec away, knowing damned fine and happily so that Jane was probably in trouble if Marcus wanted her so suddenly. 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Previous Story || Current Masterlist
Chapter 6: Friends of the Ood
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 10th Doctor x OFC
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
Minerva’s face claim: Victoria Camacho // (Kaeya’s face claim: Michelle Trachtenberg)
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter summary: The Doctor and Minerva take Donna to see her first alien planet. Things go wrong when they realize what's happening with the Ood and for some reason, Minerva feels a terrible ache in her chest.
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"Afraid you're gonna lose, Minerva?" Donna taunted as she did several laps in the swimming pool of the TARDIS, "I'm just asking for one little race."
Minerva just smiled and watched her ginger friend swim around the large pool. The two had taken for a relaxing swim before going to Donna's first alien planet adventure. Minerva had been talking about the pool earlier and Donna wanted to give it a go. So, Minerva brought the ginger to the wardrobe and plucked out two bathing suits to get into the pool.
Donna wore a one-piece, lavender bathing suit with thin straps going criss-cross on her back. Minerva chose a white one-suit, not feeling quite secure in a bikini for some reason. It had deep cut-outs on either side, a gold circular pendant binding the bust and the abdominal pieces together. But while Donna was taking some swims, Minerva was sitting outside with her feet dangling below in the water. Her hair was left down to its natural length and the clip she was supposed to be using to be in the pool was right beside her.
"C'mon!" Donna called again, swimming towards her.
The Doctor walked in, having heard Donna's constant calls for his Clever Girl. "What's going on?"
"Minerva doesn't wanna race with me," Donna rested her arms on the floor beside Minerva, "I told her I'd go easy on her."
The Doctor bent down beside Minerva, "You haven't told her?"
Minerva smiled with embarrassment, "Nope..."
"Told me what?" Donna looked between them, a frown growing on her. What was she missing out on now!? Those two always had some inside jokes going on!
"Minerva's an excellent swimmer," the Doctor declared, "She used to be on a swim team as a kid."
"Wow, and you didn't say?" Donna asked Minerva, eyes wide, "All this time you could've easily won a round with me!"
"I didn't want to..." Minerva shrugged. She liked swimming but she didn't like boasting about her natural ease with it. There was simply no need to.
"Well c'mon then," Donna grabbed her hand, "Do one round with me. I want to see how fast you are!"
"No, let's not," Minerva tried to pull back.
"Oh go on," the Doctor encouraged, "You'll be excellent as usual!" He kissed her cheek.
Minerva smiled, sighing as she reached for the clip, "Alright, then. I'm coming in."
"Hooray!" Donna clapped and swam around them.
"Let me," the Doctor took the clip from Minerva.
"You know how?" she teased, "Just twist and snap."
"Ha, ha, I think I can manage to do some hair."
"Yeah, figures since you take two hours each day," she mumbled.
"Oi!" he frowned, "I do not take two hours."
She glanced at him, raising an eyebrow, "Three?"
"Minerva," he mumbled, raising her hair as she instructed and snapping the clip to hold her hair.
"Yes Martian?" she shifted to peck his lips.
"Nothing..." he sighed, the kiss was enough to shut him down, even if it was just a simple peck.
"Good," she patted his cheek, kissing him again more deeply before jumping into the pool. "Donna Noble, you better get ready!"
"Oh, a challenge," Donna returned to them, both having their hands on the edge, "Do the honors, spaceman!"
"On your marks..." the Doctor stood to his feet, still a bit hazed from Minerva, "...get set...go!"
Both women pushed themselves with their feet, swimming ever so fast. The Doctor beamed when Minerva started getting ahead. Oh, she was just amazing at swimming! He actually hadn't seen that well of a swimmer since...
He shook his head, not wanting to finish that thought. He knew exactly who Minerva reminded him of as a swimmer. There was only one person who swam as fast as she did...Kaeya. Granted, it was expected from the princess of a species of water. As much as the Doctor didn't want to think of it, Minerva did share that similarity in rather high levels. Minerva was incredibly fast, she could stay underwater for a long time past any human he'd ever seen, and she was skillful like no other. He thought she was rather lovely as a swimmer and always tried pushing away the similarity as best as he could. It wasn't fair to Minerva, nor Kaeya. He should just focus on Minerva and only her. And that's what he tried with great struggle, but still tried.
"Oi, you're too fast!" Donna complained as she stopped midway, Minerva already making her return trip back to the Doctor.
"Sorry!" she called, making the ginger laugh.
"Minerva wins!" the Doctor declared, finally out of those thoughts of his. He bent down with a grin, "My Clever Girl wins."
"Thank you Martian," she grinned back, "What's my prize?"
"A kiss from a Martian," he tapped his lips.
"Ew, thank god I didn't win," Donna muttered as she returned as well.
"Mm, I'd rather get a kiss from a human," Minerva taunted.
Immediately, the Doctor thought back to Cody. Ever since they had left Isadora's house, he'd been having more and more thoughts of Minerva and Cody actually getting together. He'd been having some nightmares about it too. The kind where Minerva openly and flat out said she preferred Cody over him any day...and then she left, forever.
It was hard to ignore them, but he did...because he came to the conclusion that he didn't want to give Minerva up. Yes, it was probably selfish but he was doing it out of lo...
He was doing it because he was in like with her. Yes. That's what he meant to say. He didn't want to give her up because he knew for a fact that only he could make her the happiest woman in the universe, despite all their differences and struggles.
"I'm just messing with you, Martian!" Minerva laughed, pulling him out of his thoughts, "Of course I'd want a kiss from my big, hot Martian," she leaned over and pecked his lips.
He faintly smiled, "Thank you."
"Well, I'm gonna go shower," Donna stepped out of the pool and wrapped her towel around her body, "You two behave," she wagged a finger at the pair.
"You're ever so funny, Donna," the Doctor rolled his eyes, "But you should know that you really are not."
"Uh-oh," Minerva swam back a few feet.
The Doctor only had the chance to mutter out two words, "Uh-oh what?" before he was pushed into the pool.
Donna busted out laughing, nearly falling back with so much laughter she had pouring out, "Oh my god!"
The Doctor shook his head, looking at himself and seeing he was soaking wet. He was still in his suit with shoes on, "That wasn't funny!"
"I thought it was," Donna shook her head, still not over it.
"Next stop, Donna Noble's home!" he shouted, completely outraged.
"Yikes," Donna stopped laughing almost immediately, "Minerva, I leave that up to your charms cause I really don't want to go home! Bye!" she quickly rushed off, smirking when she got a glimpse before leaving of Minerva swimming over to the spaceman.
"She is going home right now! I'm not even gonna land, nope! I'm gonna chuck her out from the sky!" the Doctor was rambling in his fury, "And no parashoot either! She'll just have to wing it! Then I'll throw all her suitcases out and-"
"Woah there Martian," Minerva was now in front of him, her hands on his chest, "Don't you think you're overreacting just a bit?"
"I'm all wet and in my suit, Minerva, look," he reached inside his jacket's pocket and took out his screwdriver, "It's wet too!" his frown turned into a pout, "That's not fair!"
She laughed, "You're so cute sometimes!" she took his screwdriver and threw it to the floor.
"Sometimes?" And then his pout reverted to a frown, suddenly his soaked appearance wasn't a big problem.
"You can't be cute all the time," she shrugged calmly, "Sometimes you have to be a bit hot," she supplied, leaning up to his ear, "And sometimes you have to be a bit sexy," she smirked as she faced him again, the pink tint on his cheeks more than satisfying for her, "But right now, you look really adorable with your hair all floppy and wet." She laughed as she ruffled through it.
"She is so going home..." he managed to say, her little compliments - plus having her right in front of him when she was practically little clothed - were a bit distracting...just a bit.
"What can I do to change your mind?" she asked seriously, though the faint smile letting her know he really wasn't going to send Donna home, "I'll do anything."
She nodded, "Anything, I'm at your service Martian."
"I want a kiss right here," he tapped his lips. She nodded and pecked his lips, "And another one," he tapped again and he was kissed again, "And another," he was kissed again, "Another," this time he grabbed her by the waist, his hearts racing as his fingers brushed on her exposed sides.
Minerva had chills going around her body at the sensation of his fingers on her skin, "And then?" she mumbled, doing her best to focus on his face entirely.
"And then I want a big kiss," he smiled.
"With pleasure," she draped her arms around his neck and tugged herself closer, chest-to-chest, "But for the record I was already planning on doing this anyways," she said before kissing him.
And so, the Doctor forgot all about Donna and her little stunt. The only thing on his mind was his Clever Girl who kissed so sweet and soft.
The TARDIS was currently jostling its three passengers all around, all aboard for their newest trip. The Doctor and Minerva were finally granting Donna her first alien planet trip which had the ginger beaming here and there.
"Set the controls to random! Mystery tour," the Doctor explained as the box came to a halt, "Outside that door could be any planet, anywhere, any when in the whole wide- are you all right?" He paused when he saw Donna blinking and looking around.
"Terrified. I mean, history's one thing, but an alien planet..." the ginger breathed.
"I know," Minerva grinned, "Each time I go to a new one, it's just so wonderful! Though I have to say my favorite one is Planet Sto, Astrid took me to all the shops they had."
"Can we go there next?" Donna asked, quite serious. She was never one for shopping but an alien shopping spree didn't sound too bad.
"How about we get through this one first?" the Doctor offered, nodding for the doors where their secret trip awaited them. Donna beamed and nodded fairly fast, "I know what it's like - everything you're feeling right now. The fear, the joy, the wonder - I get that!"
"Seriously? After all this time?" Donna asked, a bit surprised.
"Well, now it's even more wonderful because I got my Clever Girl with me," he wound an arm around Minerva's waist, tugging her closer to him.
Donna rolled her eyes, "Don't start you two," she warned and headed for the doors, "Oh! All right, then, you and me both! This is barmy!" The pair followed, the Doctor stopping for his coat on a rail. "I was born in Chiswick. I've only ever done package holidays. Now I'm here. This is- I mean, it's- I dunno. It's all so- I don't even know what the word is!" Donna opened the door and stepped out into a rather cold snowy environment. "Oh, I've got the word. 'Freezing'," she frowned.
The Doctor stepped out and helped Minerva, taking a quick scan of the place, "Snow! Ah! Real snow! Proper snow at last!" although deep down, the Doctor worried over the climate for a certain Clever Girl.
"I think we deserve real snow," Minerva nodded, no one catching a quick flash of blue her eyes gave as she looked up to the blue sky. She started to shiver as the seconds went by but she didn't want to leave, the place was amazing!
"What do you think?" the Doctor looked at Donna.
"Bit cold," she shivered, hugging herself.
"Look at the view!" Minerva exclaimed, trying to run forwards, but the snow was making it a struggle.
"Yep. A beautiful...cold view," Donna called.
"Millions of planets, millions of galaxies and we're on this one. Molto bene! Belissimo! Says Donna, born in Chiswick. You've had a life of work and sleep," the Doctor caught up with Minerva, snatching her by the waist, suppressing a laugh at her surprised squeals "And the telly and rent," he continued, hugging her to provide some heat for her, "Takeaway dinners, birthdays and Christmases, and two weeks holiday a year and then you end up here! Donna Noble, citizen of the Earth, standing on a different planet. How about that, Donna?"
The pair turned around and saw they were short one ginger.
"Hey, Donna?" Minerva called.
The ginger reappeared from the box of wonders wearing a warm coat with a fur-lined hood, carrying a blue coat in her arm, "Sorry. You were saying?"
"Better?" the Doctor smiled.
"Lovely, thanks."
Minerva tilted her head, studying the ginger for a second, "Can you hear anything inside that?"
"Pardon?" she leaned forwards, making Minerva laugh, "Oh, here," she handed Minerva the blue coat.
"Oh thanks!" Minerva took the coat and started putting it on.
"Minerva, we can go back..." the Doctor began but was soon cut off with a hand over his mouth.
"No, I don't want to go. It's lovely and I want to explore," she declared.
The sound of a rocket flying over made the trio look up, Donna gaping at the sight, "A rocket. Blimey, a real, proper rocket. Now that's what I call a spaceship," she slapped the Doctor on the arm, "You've got a box - he's got a Ferrari. Come on, let's see where it's going," she trudged ahead, the Doctor pouting and glancing back at the TARDIS,
Minerva, now dressed in the double-breasted, closed, blue coat, giggled and turned his head back, "I love your box of wonders."
She nodded, her fingers reaching further around his face and pulling him down. "So much," she murmured before kissing him.
"OI!" Donna called back, not about to let a snog session ruin her chances to see about that rocket.
The pair pulled apart with smiles for each other, Donna's call not even perturbing them. The Doctor put an arm around Minerva's waist and headed after the ginger.
"Perhaps we should really go back..." he repeated, not to pleased with her wanting to stay. This was her health after all, they shouldn't risk it.
"Don't you dare," was Minerva's only words on the topic.
The trio were walking in the direction of the rocket when the Doctor stopped, his head turning as he heard ethereal music somewhere. "Hold on-can you hear that?" he asked, "Donna, take your hood down."
The ginger pulled down her hood, "What?"
"That noise-it's like a song..."
Minerva frowned as she heard something extremely faint, very very faint, "I think...no," she shook her head. She must be dreaming, her head hadn't cleared from her mother's words and her father's pending illness.
"Over there!" the Doctor broke into a run in a different direction.
Then again, if the Doctor had heard it...
After a short run, they found the body of an alien half buried in the snow, an Ood.
"What is it?" Donna asked, she and Minerva kneeling by the body.
"An Ood. He's called an Ood," the Doctor answered, kneeling as well and pulling out a stethoscope.
"The humans' servants?" Minerva frowned as she recalled the story the Doctor told her about when he and Rose had met "the devil". As much as she believed in the spirits, that one was just creepy to her.
"Yup," the Doctor mumbled, the rise of guilt flashing in his mind when he remembered the Ood that had died last time he saw them...thanks to him.
"But its face..." Donna said, a bit horrified at the appearance of the alien.
"Donna, not now. It's a "he", not an "it". Give us a hand," the Doctor gestured for her to kneel on the other side.
The Doctor moved the stethoscope around the Ood's chest, "I don't know where the heart is. I don't know if he's got a heart. Talk to him. Keep him going."
"What's your name?" Minerva asked softly.
"Designated Ood Delta 50."
Donna, seeing how the Ood's translator ball lit up when it spoke, picked it up and spoke into it, "My name's Donna. That's Minerva."
"No, no, no, no. You don't need to," the Doctor motioned for her to put down the ball.
"Sorry. Oh, God- this is the Doctor. Just what you need - a doctor. Couldn't be better, eh?"
"You've been shot," the Doctor blinked at the injury the Ood bore on its abdominal.
"Who would shoot an Ood?" Minerva frowned, "I thought you said they were peaceful..."
"They are," the Doctor confirmed. Minerva made a good point, if the Ood were peaceful beings...why would they need to be shot?
The Ood struggled to speak out, "The circle—"
"No, don't try to talk," Donna tried shushing it.
"The circle must be broken."
"The circle? What do you mean? Delta 50, what circle? Delta 50? What circle?" the Doctor asked repeatedly.
But suddenly the Ood opened his eyes that were a deep, glowing red. The trio scrambled back as it growled and sat up. But the growl quickly faded and he fell back, dead.
"He's gone, now..." Donna blinked, walking towards the body.
"Careful, Donna," Minerva warned the ginger.
But Donna felt no more threats from the dead alien. She placed a hand on his chest, "There you are, sweetheart," she stroked his head, "We were too late. What do we do, do we bury him?"
"The snow will take care of that," the Doctor stood to his feet, helping Minerva up then.
"Who was he? What's an Ood?" the ginger turned around.
"They're servants - of humans in the 42nd century. Mildly telepathic. That was the song—it was his mind calling out."
"I couldn't hear anything," Donna stood.
"But I could," Minerva frowned, looking at the Doctor with concern, "It was really faint though, only like small snippets that faded as soon as they started. How can I do that if Donna can't and we're both human?"
The Doctor could see that as part of Kaeya's people's abilities—the Moontsay's, abilities. They were mildly telepathic and because the crystal had remnants of Kaeya and her people, then it was sure to have been affecting Minerva in that way as well, allowing a snippet of the telepathic abilities to inhabit Minerva's mind.
"I...don't know, sorry," he sighed, the lying was just getting difficult to do when she wore that sweet, innocent look on her face.
"I told you, you were special," Donna reminded, giving the Doctor a questioning look while the brunette looked ahead. With a nod from him, Donna understood that the crystal was acting up again.
"Oi, you're special too," Minerva countered, believing Donna's silence had gone to those self-esteem doubts of hers. Donna didn't consider herself important nor special in the least minimum and that was something Minerva would not stand for.
"I'm not the one who heard a mind song!" Donna tried playing along with Minerva's beliefs.
"For all we know it was just the TARDIS getting into my head," Minerva shrugged, "I've spent a long time in it now. That was probably it." She glanced at the Doctor for another confirmation.
He did a quick nod and looked back at the dead Ood, not having the courage to look her in the eye and lie once more to her. "His eyes turned red," he said instead, hoping to get off the topic.
"What's that mean?" Donna asked.
"Trouble. Come on," he nodded for the ginger to return. He took Minerva's hand and started walking away.
None of them noticed the small wave of snow purposely moving to cover the Ood in a perfect manner followed by a blue light racing up to the sky.
"The Ood are harmless and completely benign," the Doctor was explaining to Donna, Minerva already knowing from his story telling, "Except the last time I met them there was this force, like a stronger mind, powerful enough to take them over."
"What sort of force?" Donna questioned.
"Long story."
"Long walk."
"It was the devil, Donna," Minerva answered.
Donna raised an eyebrow, tossing her answer to the trash, "If you're gonna take the mickey, I'll just put my hood back up."
"Must be something different this time, though," the Doctor mumbled, "Something closer to home," they peered over a bluff and saw a base, Ood Operations, "A-ha! Civilization!"
~ 0 ~
Solana Mercurio was greeting a group of buyers for the Ood in front of the company's warehouse, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Ood-Sphere and isn't it bracing? Here are your information packs with vouchers, 3D tickets and a map of the complex," an Ood was passing out the maps to the buyers, "My name's Solana, Head of Marketing. I'm sure we've all spoken on the vid-phone. Now if you'd like to follow me—"
"Sorry, sorry! We're late! Don't mind us! Hello," the Doctor, Minerva, and Donna came running up, all out of breath, "The guards let us through."
"And you would be—"
The Doctor flashed his psychic paper, "The Doctor, Donna Noble and Minerva Souza."
"Representing the Noble Corporation, PLC Limited, Intergalactic," Donna supplied, Minerva shooting her a proud wink for her quick wit.
"Must have fallen off my list. My apologies, it won't happen again," Solana smiled, writing down their names, "Now then, Dr, Noble, Mrs. Noble, Miss Souza, if you'd like to come with me—"
"Oh, no, no, no. We're not married," the Doctor shook his head, irritated that once again people mistook Donna for his wife.
"We're so not married," Donna added.
"Never ever."
"Good because I'd kill both of them if they did that to me," Minerva smirked, taking the Doctor's hand in hers, "My sister cannot marry my boyfriend."
"The only one I'd ever marry is you," the Doctor blurted quite absently, however his comment didn't go over Minerva's head.
"Really?" she blushed, "You'd want to marry me?"
The Doctor, who was now sporting a red blush on his face after realizing what he said, started stuttering, "Well, I mean...y-yes, but not if you-you d-didn't want to. I-I mean if it was al-al right with y-y-you and..." He took a forceful pause, actually afraid he might have scared her off.
"Right, so can we go in?" Donna asked, biting down her laugh at the pair. They were just adorably hilarious!
"Of course. Here is your information pack. Vouchers inside," Solana handed Donna the packet, "Now, if you'd like to come with me, the executive suites are nice and warm." An alarm blared, making everyone look around.
"Ooh, what's that? Sounds like an alarm," the Doctor tried locating the origin of the alarm.
"It's just a siren for the end of the work shift. Now then, this way! Quick as you can!" Solana ushered them inside, also looking about and wondering what the hell was going on.
On a turn of a hallway, Minerva turned around in front of the Doctor and pulled him down into a surprise, passionate kiss, "For the record, I would love to marry you one day," she smiled, Eskimo kissing him afterwards.
The Doctor blinked then smiled, blushing again but this time it was worth it knowing his Clever Girl would actually want to be his wife in a future...
~ 0 ~
Solana was expounding the qualities of the Ood which stood on pedestals for display to the potential buyers, "As you can see, the Ood are happy to serve and we keep them in facilities of the highest standards, "Here at the Double-O - that's Ood Operations - we like to think of the Ood as our trusted friends, "We keep the Ood healthy, safe and educated, "We don't just breed the Ood, we make them better, "Because at heart, what is an Ood... but an extension of us? If your Ood is happy then you'll be happy too," Solana finished with a grand smile and received a round of applause from the buyers. She stepped off her pedestal and moved to the Ood standing in a row, at the center of the room, on circular platforms, "I'd now like to point out a new innovation from Ood Operations. We've introduced a variety package with the Ood translator ball. You can now have the standard setting - 'How are you today, Ood?'" she stopped by the first Ood.
"I'm perfectly well, thank you."
"Or perhaps after a stressful day, a little something for the gentlemen. How are you, Ood?" she moved onto the second.
"All the better for seeing you," the second Ood answered in a sultry female voice.
"And the comedy classic option. Ood, you dropped something."
"D'oh!" the third Ood answered in a Homer Simpson voice, making everyone laugh.
"All that for only five additional credits. The details are in your brochures. Now, there's plenty more food and drink, so don't hold back," Solana stepped back and allowed the buyers to mingle about.
"This is all wrong," Minerva muttered, nearly glaring at the potential buyers.
The Doctor slipped on his glasses and headed to the control board where he switched on the screen. Donna grabbed a drink and followed, along with Minerva, over to the Doctor.
"Ah, got it. The Ood-Sphere," the Doctor pointed to the screen which showed their current location, "I've been to this solar system before - years ago. Ages. Close to the planet Sense-Sphere. Let's widen it out... the year 4126. That is the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire."
"4126? It's 4126? I'm in 4126?" Donna gasped, Minerva smiling in amusement at her.
"It's good, isn't it?"
"What's the Earth like now?"
"A bit full, but you see, the empire stretches out across three galaxies," the Doctor gestured to three lines connecting in a near triangle across the screen.
I"t's weird. I mean, it's brilliant, but... back home, the papers and the telly, they keep saying we haven't got long to live - global warming, flooding, all the bees disappearing."
"Yeah. That thing about the bees is odd," the Doctor mumbled absently.
"But look at us - we're everywhere. Is that good or bad, though? I mean, are we like explorers or more like a virus?"
"Sometimes I wonder..."
"Oi," Minerva elbowed the Doctor in the ribs, "Don't diss my species," she wagged a finger.
"Oh but what a beautiful virus you are," he teased, taking her pointing finger and kissing it, making her laugh.
"What are the red dots?" Donna asked, chuckling herself and pointing to the dots.
"Ood distribution centers," the Doctor replied, distracted as he kissed each Minerva's fingers, she laughed even harder.
"Across three galaxies? Don't the Ood get a say in this?" Donna questioned, deciding to find out for herself as she saw the pair get into another moment of theirs, "Um... sorry, but..." she tapped the Ood gently, "Hello. Tell me, are you all like this?"
"I do not understand, miss."
"Why do you say, "miss"? Do I look single?"
"Donna, any guy would die for you," Minerva turned around.
"Says the woman who has an alien for a boyfriend," Donna frowned, "C'mon, even the spaceman has a girlfriend!"
"Don't do the 'says' thing, that's mine," Minerva pouted.
"And why do you say it like it's impossible for me to actually have a girlfriend?" the Doctor looked the ginger with a pout.
"Have you seen yourself?" Donna gave him a quick look over.
"I have," Minerva mumbled to the side, blushing deeply for her comment.
Donna shuddered. "Ew."
"Not like that!" Minerva quickly exclaimed, blushing even harder.
"Back to the point, please," the Doctor nearly pleaded, sporting his own embarrassed blush.
"Right. What I mean is, are there any free Ood?" Donna turned to the Ood, "Are there any Ood running wild somewhere like wildebeest?"
"All Ood are born to serve. Otherwise we would die," the Ood answered.
"No one can be born to just serve," Minerva said, sadly looking from one Ood to another, "Everyone has a purpose. Everyone is important."
"Before the humans, what were you like?" Donna asked the Ood, the alien simply tilting it's head.
"The circle," it said.
The Doctor tensed, recalling the last Ood's words, "What do you mean? What circle?"
"The circ- the circle- is-"
"Ladies and gentlemen. All Ood to hospitality stations, please," Solana called.
All the Ood started to leave. The Doctor took off his glasses and reached into his pocket for the map of the complex, "I've had enough of the schmoozing. Do you fancy going off the beaten track?"
"Is that a date?" Minerva raised an eyebrow, playfully biting her lip, "Full of adrenaline?"
"What kind of alien boyfriend would I be if I didn't offer a date like that?" he smirked.
"Then off we go!" she beamed, moving to go ahead when she was yanked back, the Doctor giving her a sharp look, "What?"
"You know the word," he reminded.
"What's the word?" Donna stepped to their side, curious.
Minerva groaned, "Allons-y, then..."
"What?" the ginger frowned, confused.
The Doctor beamed and planted a kiss on Minerva's cheek, "Allons-y!"
"That's such a stupid word!" Minerva shook her head, letting the Martian lead them away, her hand in his.
~ 0 ~
The trio came to a locked gate and the Doctor used his sonic to open it.
"Ood Shift 8 commencing," a voice over rang around the area, "I repeat, Ood Shift 8 commencing."
The trio climbed up a couple steps and looked down into an open area where two rows of Ood were being marched. An Ood at the end of one of the rows fell to its knees, a soldier, Kess, walked over to it, "Get up. I said, get up!" he ordered, cracking a whip.
"They're slaves," Minerva said with utter disgust, "Doctor, you forgot to mention that," she shot him a sharp look.
"Get up!" Kess ordered again, the poor Ood standing up, "March!"
"Last time I met the Ood, I never thought, never asked..." the Doctor mumbled, trying to avoid Minerva's eyes.
"That's not like you," Donna shook her head.
"I was busy..."
"That looks like the boss," Minerva nodded over to two men walking after the Ood, another Ood walking along with them.
"Let's keep out of his way. Come on," the Doctor led them down the stairs and off to another place.
The trio were striding down a line of warehouses, the Doctor lagging behind as he looked at the map of the complex.
Donna and Minerva stopped at a door where Donna whistled loudly, making the Doctor duck and turn back, "Where did you learn to whistle?" he joined them.
"West Ham, every Saturday," Donna shrugged.
"You are so my sister," Minerva laughed, "I've got a whistle of my own."
"Yeah, where did you learn?" she asked as the Doctor used the sonic on the door.
"I've been on the road since I was fourteen, after I left uncle Aaron I started hitching some rides. You gotta have a whistler like no other."
The door slid open and the group went inside. They found it was a warehouse that was filled with dozens of large shipping containers. There was even a large metal claw that moved along the track in the ceiling, currently lifting and moving some of the containers.
"Ood Export. You see?" the Doctor pointed up to the claw, "Lifts up the containers, takes 'em to the rocket ships. Ready to be flown out all over the three galaxies."
"What, you mean- These containers are full of..." Donna trailed off, she and Minerva gazing up at the claw.
"What do you think?" the Doctor moved to the nearest container and opened it up.
"Oh my god," Minerva clapped her hand over her mouth, appalled at the many Ood standing inside the container in a formation.
"Oh, it stinks. How many of 'em do you think there are in each one?" Donna crinkled her nose at the scent.
"A hundred? More?"
"A great, big empire, built on slavery," Donna frowned.
"It's not so different from your time," the Doctor countered, both women glaring at him.
"We don't have slaves," Donna snapped.
"I didn't even use the maids in my house," Minerva added.
"Who do you think made your clothes?"
Minerva and Donna looked down at their current clothes, suddenly self conscious about them.
"Is that why you travel round with a human at your side? It's not so you can show them the wonders of the universe, it's so you can take cheap shots," Donna spat.
"What are you sorry for? Showing us the dark sides of species," Minerva sighed and moved over to his side. He sighed of relief that she hadn't taken offense to it and dropped a kiss to her hair.
"I don't understand, the door was open—why didn't you just run away?" Donna asked the Ood that had remained still.
"For what reason?" one of the Ood asked.
"You could be free," Minerva offered, thinking that was more than enough of a reason to run.
"I do not understand the concept."
"What is it with that Persil ball? I mean, they're not born with it, are they? Why do they have to be all plugged in?" Donna looked at the pair, confused.
"Ood, tell me, does "the circle" mean anything to you?" the Doctor asked, all the Ood's translator balls lighting up as they answered in unison.
"The circle must be broken."
"Whoa, that is creepy," Minerva's eyes widened.
"But what is it? What is the circle?" the Doctor insisted.
"The circle must be broken."
"But why?"
"So that we can sing."
Up above, Kess, along with two guards, had found the group. Kess walked over to a comms, "Mr Halpen, I'm in Ood cargo. I found your unwanted guests," he turned to the guards, "Go!" and he hit a button, an alarm blared.
"That's us, come on!" the Doctor yanked Minerva by the hand and started running.
The trio ran down the maze of shipping containers, Donna stopping at the sight of a door, "Doctor! Minerva! There's a door!" she headed for it when it opened up and guards rushed in.
"Don't move!" one of the guards held a gun to the ginger.
Donna raised her hands in surrender, unaware that the pair had ran off without her.
"N-n-n-no, wait!" Minerva stopped the Doctor, "We're short one ginger!" they both looked around to see it was just them.
"Stay where you are!" they hard a guard shout from a distance.
"Gotta keep going!" the Doctor pulled her away again, several of the guards beginning to find them.
~ 0 ~
Kess moved down a catwalk and looked down as the pair ran down the maze.
~ 0~
"Donna? Where are you?!" Minerva shouted, frantically looking around for their ginger friend.
~ 0 ~
"All guards withdraw," Kess ordered into the comm.
"I said withdraw. Keep to the perimeter. I've got these two."
~ 0 ~
Down below, the Doctor and Minerva stopped, the Doctor pressing himself against a container to listen.
"Where is she?" Minerva panted for air, leaning against the container on her back.
~ 0 ~
"I've always wanted to do this," Kess turned on the equipment around him, taking a seat at the controller of the claw.
~ 0~
"Doctor," Minerva tugged on his sleeve and pointed up, both of them seeing the claw moving for them.
"Don't you dare!" he almost growled, yanking her away. If they dared to touch even a strand of Minerva's hair with that thing...
"Where are gonna go!?" Minerva called, glancing back as the claw neared them.
The claw was sent smashing down, just narrowly missing the pair.
"Can you help me?" Donna stood to her feet, one of the Ood raising its head...with its eyes red, "Oh, no you don't," the ginger breathed in horror.
Minerva screamed as she and the Doctor fell and rolled on the floor, "It's gonna get us!" she cried as the Doctor jumped to his feet and pulled her for another run.
He cast a glare up to Kess as they ran again.
"Stay where you are, that's an order! I said stay! Doctor! Minerva!" Donna pounded on the door, the Ood taking slow steps for her.
The claw knocked the pair again, this time sending them over some barrels and finally to the floor on their backs.
"It's coming," Minerva pointed up, panting for her air.
The Doctor quickly rolled over her, not going to let anyone hurt her if he could help it. He would not fail her, never again. Minerva screwed her eyes shut and held onto the Doctor's lapels when the claw dropped for them, terrified of what could come next.
Another hand turned off the control up where Kess was, halting the claw just mere inches from the pair below.
The Doctor lifted his head up, thanking every possible god he knew of for their streak of luck.
"Why aren't we dead yet?" Minerva whispered, her eyes still shut. The Doctor looked down at her and chuckled, internally debating what he was laughing at: her question or her adorable scrunched face. He leaned down and kissed her, without a question Minerva responding to it, "Why are we kissing when we could die?" she murmured against his lips.
"Open your eyes and you'll see," he pulled back so she could see above.
Minerva's eyes opened and gazed above at the claw just inches above them, "We have extremely good luck," she whispered.
The Doctor looked at her eyes, just loving how really deep their shade of green was, they were lovely. He could possibly stare at them all day...
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Minerva blinked, blushing at how close they were and their position at the moment.
"I just love your eyes," he remarked, resting his forehead on hers. He also blushed at her closeness; he could actually feel her breath hitting him as she panted.
"Are you ever gonna get off me?" she asked quietly, her blush growing deeper, "Because I think they're coming..." she tilted her head back to see running feet coming for them.
"Ruin the moment why don't they," he muttered as he pushed him self up, Minerva laughing as he helped her.
"Doctor, get me out of here!" Donna shouted endlessly from her container as the Doctor and Minerva were being brought by guards.
"If I were you, I'd listen to the ginger," Minerva said to the guards, "You want trouble, simply upset Donna Noble."
"Unlock the container," Kess gave the order.
The door of the container was opened and out came Donna running to hug the pair, "Oh thank god!"
"Nice to see you again, Donna," Minerva flashed a smile.
"All safe and sound," the Doctor added.
"Never mind about me, what about them?" Donna pointed to the row of red-eyed Ood marching out of the container and killing several guards.
"Red alert! Fire!" Kess ordered and started to shoot along with the rest of the guards, "Shoot to kill!"
The trio took the opportunity and made their escape. They ran out of the warehouse, along with Solana, and stopped once they felt they had a decent distance from the Ood.
"If the people back on Earth knew what was going on here..." Donna leaned against a wall as she caught her breath.
"Don't be stupid. Of course they know," Solana waved her off.
"They know how you treat the Ood?"
"No, but they don't ask, same thing," Minerva spat, a new disgusted expression in her eyes, "What does the company do to make them obey?"
"That has nothing to do with me."
"Why cos you don't ask?" Minerva gritted her teeth.
"That's Dr. Ryder's territory!"
"Where is he?" the Doctor moved over, "What part of the complex?" he held the map to her, "I could help with the red-eye. Now show me!"
"Don't think that's gonna work," Donna dashed off.
The Doctor took Minerva's hand, keeping her quite close to him as they ran. No one even looked up to see the blue light just hovering over the spot they had been in.
Solana hurried to a nearby comm. and switched it on, "Mr Halpen, I found the Doctor. He's heading for Ood Conversion."
"On my way," Mr. Halpen replied.
Solana switched off the comm. and took a deep breath, finally returning to normal. A sudden wind picked up as the guards ran past her, under the blue light. The wind held them back for a couple of minutes, as if it was trying to stall.
The trio stopped by another warehouse, the Doctor looking around as he heard the same Ood song again, "Oh, can you hear it? I didn't need the map. I should've listened!" he used the sonic on the door and unlocked it, ushering Minerva and Donna in before going in himself and locking it shut again.
"Does that mean we're locked in?" Donna frowned at the turn of events. She had just been trapped in a container with red-eyed Ood, did she really want to be trapped in a whole warehouse of more Ood?
Minerva looked around as she felt a faint song run through her mind, "Do you hear that?" she whispered.
They headed for some stairs and went down to discover some cages.
"Oh, my head," the Doctor put a hand on his head, feeling it pound with so much music and a high volume.
"What is it?" Donna asked.
"Like...like singing," Minerva mumbled, "But it doesn't hurt me," she looked at the Doctor, "Because I can't hear it properly, I guess..."
They stopped at a cage where Ood were huddled together. The Doctor switched on a light to get a better view.
"They look different to the others," Donna remarked.
"That's because they're natural-born Ood. Unprocessed. Before they're adapted to slavery. Unspoiled," the Doctor explained as he squatted in front of the cage, the two women following, "That's their song."
"But I can't hear it," Donna sighed, tired of being the only one who couldn't hear the blasted song.
"Do you want to?"
"Yeah," she turned to face the Doctor.
Minerva tilted her head at the Ood, carefully focusing to the small snippets she heard.
"It's the song of captivity," the Doctor explained as he placed his fingertips on Donna's temples.
"Well, let me hear it, spaceman."
"Open your mind. That's it. Hear it, Donna... Hear the music."
But Donna gasped and faced the Ood, tears streaming down her face as she heard, in a max volume, the song of "captivity". It was...it awful. She could actually feel her heart breaking at their sadness, their sorrow.
"Take it away," Donna breathed, turning to the Doctor again, begging him, "Please..."
"You sure?" the Doctor asked, also catching Minerva's look.
"Oh god yes, please..." Donna nodded, letting him place his fingertips on her temples again, "...I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
"But you can still hear it," she said after he was done.
"All the time," he said sadly.
"This is completely awful," Minerva sighed, putting a hand over her head, "We need to stop them."
The Doctor used the sonic on the cage while the women heard a noise from the level above, "They're breaking in," Minerva looked up.
"Ah, let 'em," the Doctor entered the cage as the Ood tried shuffling away, "What are you holding?" he asked them, one of the Ood looking up in shyness, "Friend. Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friend. Look at me. Let me see," the Ood came closer, "That's it. That's it, go on. Go on."
One of them held out his cupped hands and removed the top to reveal a mushy...
"Brain?" Minerva frowned.
"It's a brain. A hindbrain," the Doctor explained, "The Ood are born with a secondary brain. Like the amygdala in humans, it process memory and emotion. You get rid of that, you wouldn't be Minerva or Donna anymore. You'd be like an Ood. A processed Ood."
"So the company... cuts off their brains?" Donna could barely utter the words as she thought of the horror those poor Ood went through.
"And stitches on the translator..."
"Like a lobotomy. I spent all that time looking for you two," the ginger looked between the pair, "Because I thought it would be so wonderful out here. I want to go home."
Both stunned, the pair looked at Donna for a second before Mr. Halpen and the others arrived, "They're with the Ood, sir," a guard said.
The Doctor slammed the cage door shut, "What are you gonna do, then? Arrest us? Lock us up? Well, you're too late! Hah!"
~ 0 ~
Now in Mr. Halpen's office, the trio were being handcuffed to a pole by guards. Minerva could not be angrier with the Doctor. "Seriously, stop talking!" she yelled at him.
The Doctor flinched at her loud tone. Of course he was guilty that he'd gotten her and Donna cuffed...but it was all for a good cause after all...he'd just have to apologize in a big way again.
"Why don't you just come out and say it? FOTO activists," Mr. Halpen crossed his arms and leaned against his desk, eyeing the trio with suspicion.
"If that's what Friends of the Ood are trying to prove, then yes," the Doctor snapped.
"The Ood were nothing without us - just animals roaming around on the ice."
"Who the hell are you to decide that?" Minerva raised an eyebrow, "It's because you can't hear their songs...their...very sad song." She looked down, even though she couldn't hear the song in all its volume and glory, she could still feel it in her heart...her heart just seem to ache at it.
"They welcomed it! It's not as if they put up a fight," Mr. Halpen shrugged.
"You idiot! They're born with their brain in their hands, don't you see? That makes them peaceful! They've got to be because a creature like that would have to trust anyone it meets!" Donna was trying very hard not to yell for the first time in her life.
"Nice one," the Doctor whispered to her.
"Thank you."
"The system's worked for 200 years. All we've got is a rogue batch. But the infection is about to be sterilized," Mr. Halpen moved to the comm., "Mr Kess, how do we stand?"
~ 0 ~
In the warehouse, guards were moving canisters into position by the fenced-in, red-eyed and rabid Ood. Kess stood watch, "Canisters primed, sir. As soon as the core heats up, the gas is released. Give it 200 marks... and counting."
~ 0 ~
"You're going to gas them?!" Minerva gasped.
"Kill the livestock. The classic foot-and-mouth solution. Still works," Mr. Halpen said.
Her eyes narrowed, her eyes flashing blue for a brief second to speak, "You were just like them," she mumbled before blinking and looking around.
The Doctor wondered who she meant by 'just like them'. He supposed that was a brief slip of the crystal inside her. But what did it mean? Was it supposed to be his people at the time of the Time War? Someone the Moontsays had disagreements with as well?
Perhaps this wasn't even what he should be thinking about. His poor Clever Girl was suffering without even noticing. He just wanted to fix this before she realized what was going on. He didn't want her know and see how terrified she'd be. This was his job and he was going to see to it that nothing happened to her. She would only be happy and happy and happy, just like she should be. She had such a big heart and she didn't deserve this. She'd gone through so much, endured so much from her family and from alien nonsense she had no business being in. And yet after all that, she still had such a big heart; such kindness inside her. The Doctor loved that about her— the fact that she wasn't corrupted by her mother, by the alien mishaps.
He just loved it...he loved...loved...
He blinked as he picked out the repetitive word running through his head and shook it fiercely. This was not the time to be thinking of any of that.
~ 0 ~
The unprocessed Ood put their hands out to the side...
~ 0 ~
The fenced-in red-eyed Ood stood in the center of the warehouse of containers with their hands out to their sides...
~ 0 ~
The Oods in the showroom gripped their heads as if they were in pain...
~ 0 ~
The fenced-in Ood in the warehouse joined in on the song along with the unprocessed Ood, the volume increasing.
~ 0 ~
The alarms blared inside Mr. Halpen's office, "What the hell?" the man looked around. He, along with Ryder and Ood Sigma, exited the office and left the trio cuffed to the pole. They rushed out to see the guards shooting at the infected Ood.
"It's a revolution," Ryder stared in awe. Halpen pushed past him and went up the stairs, Ood Sigma following in.
~ 0 ~
In the warehouse, Kess had been fenced in instead of the Ood, the canisters still active and his gas mask thrown on the other side of the fence, "Come back! Let me out of here!"
The canisters released the gas and Kess screamed.
~ 0 ~
"Change of plan," Mr. Halpen hurriedly entered his office.
"No reports of trouble off-world, sir. It's still contained to the Ood-Sphere," Ryder entered after him.
"Then we've got a public duty to stop it before it spreads."
"What's happening?" the Doctor asked, just able to hear the shooting from outside.
"Everything you wanted, Doctor. No doubt there'll be a full police investigation once this place has been sterilized so I can't risk a bullet to the head. I'll leave you to the mercies of the Ood," Mr. Halpen headed for the door.
"But, Mr Halpen, there's something else, isn't there? Something we haven't seen," the Doctor called, making the man stop.
"What do you mean?" Donna asked, confused.
"The creature couldn't survive with a separate forebrain and hindbrain, they'd be at war with themselves. There's got to be something else, a third element. Am I right?"
"Again, so clever," Mr. Halpen said.
"It's got to be connected to the red-eye. What is it?"
Mr. Halpen looked at the Doctor in the eye for a second, "It won't exist for very much longer. Enjoy your Ood," and he left the office with everyone else.
The trio immediately started to try and free themselves from their cuffs.
"Well, do something! You're the one with all the tricks! You must've met Houdini!" Donna cried.
"These are really good handcuffs!" the Doctor exclaimed.
"Yes, because it's all about the quality, Martian!" Minerva reached up to her hair and plucked out a bobby-pin.
"Are you really going to try to get out of this with a pin?" Donna shook her head.
"Donna, I've opened the TARDIS with a pin. What's a handcuff to me?"
The Ood entered and made them all desist in their struggles. They started marching towards them, making them scream out in unison that they were friends.
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!" the Doctor shouted.
"The circle must be broken!" Donna and Minerva added together.
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Friends, friends, friends! "
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
The Ood held out their translator balls to them but stopped just literal inches away from the trio's translator balls switched off and the Ood held their head in their hands. One lifted its head and the group saw his eyes were normal again, "Doctor. Donna. Minerva. Friends."
"Oh, that's us!" Donna leaned her head back in relief, "That's us!"
"Yes, that's us! Friends! Oh, yes!" the Doctor laughed.
"Do you think you could set us free? My pin broke." Minerva gestured to her handcuff, so innocently that it just added to the Doctor's joyful laughter.
~ 0 ~
The trio ran down the stairs from Halpen's office and across the compound, careful around the ongoing fight. The Doctor came to a halt as he tried to think, "I don't know where it is! I don't know where they've gone!"
"What are we looking for?" Minerva asked.
"Might be underground, like some sort of cave or a cavern or..." the Doctor looked around as they continued to run.
~ 0 ~
On a turn, an explosion knocked the group to the ground.
"Alright?" the Doctor glanced between Minerva and Donna.
"Peachy," Minerva rubbed her head.
The smoke cleared up and they saw Ood Sigma standing in front of them.
~ 0 ~
The group arrived in front of the Warehouse thanks to Ood Sigma where the Doctor used the sonic on the panel to get inside. They rushed in to see a great large brain being kept below within an energy field.
"The Ood brain. Now it all makes sense. That's the missing link. The third element, binding them together," the Doctor said as they all looked below, "Forebrain, hindbrain and this. The telepathic center. It's a shared mind... connecting all the Ood in song."
A weapon clicked behind them and they turned to see Mr. Halpen holding a gun to them, "Cargo. I can always go into cargo. I've got the rockets, I've got the sheds. Smaller business. Much more manageable without livestock."
"He's mined the area," Ryder said.
"You're gonna kill it," Minerva whispered, "The weaker species, huh?" She didn't know why but her chest seemed to ache. "Why? They're innocent..."
But Mr. Halpen ignored the girl, after all that had happened he really could care less about the Ood being 'innocent' and whatnot, "They found that thing centuries ago beneath the northern glacier," he chose to focus on the brain instead. If they were to die, then they might as well know what the thing was.
"Those pylons..." the Doctor said to the women.
"In a circle. "The circle must be broken."" Donna realized, Minerva nodding in agreement.
"Dampening the telepathic field, stopping the Ood from connecting for 200 years."
"And you, Ood Sigma, you brought them here. I expected better," Mr. Halpen shot the Ood a look.
"My place is at your side, sir," Ood Sigma moved to Halpen's side.
He laughed, "Still subservient. Good Oo—" he stopped when he felt a lump in his throat.
"If that barrier thing's in place, how come the Ood started breaking out?" Minerva asked.
"Maybe it's taken centuries to adapt. The subconscious reaching out," the Doctor offered, not so sure himself.
"But the process was too slow, had to be accelerated," Ryder spoke up, turning to Mr. Halpen, "You should never have given me access to the controls, Mr Halpen. I lowered the barrier to its minimum. Friends of the Ood, sir. It's taken me ten years to infiltrate the company. And I succeeded."
"Yes. Yes, you did," Mr. Halpen nodded then pushed Ryder over the railing.
"You murdered him!" Minerva cried, disgusted by the man.
No one dared to look down as they believed Ryder to be absorbed by the brain and so none of them saw the blue glow of light rushing down and making him fade away just before he would actually touch the brain.
"Very observant, brunette. Now then, can't say I've ever shot anyone before... can't say I'm gonna like it, but, uh, it's not exactly a normal day, is it? Still..." he aimed the gun at them.
"Would you like a drink, sir?" Ood Sigma moved in front of the group.
Mr. Halpen laughed, "I think hair loss is the least of my problems right now, thanks."
"Please have a drink, sir," Ood Sigma held a glass out.
"If- if you're gonna stand in their way, I'll shoot you too..." Mr. Halpen seemed to struggle to speak, his last words coming out slurry.
"Please have a drink, sir."
"Have-have you...poisoned me?"
"Natural Ood must never kill, sir."
"What is that stuff?" the Doctor asked curiously.
"Ood-graft suspended in a biological compound."
"He's looking...pale," Minerva remarked, Halpen looking extremely unwell.
"What the hell does that mean?" Mr. Halpen asked, almost gagging.
"Oh dear," the Doctor breathed.
"Tell me!"
"Funny thing, the subconscious. Takes all sorts of shapes. It came out in the red-eye as revenge. It came out in the rabid Ood as anger. And then there was patience. All that intelligence and mercy focused on Ood Sigma. How's the hair loss, Mr Halpen?"
"What have you done?"
"Oh, they've been preparing you for a very long time. And now you're standing next to the Ood brain. Mr Halpen, can you hear it? Listen."
Mr. Halpen looked to the side as he heard the faint Ood Song in his mind, "What have you-I'm... not-"
Ood Sigma stepped out of the way for the group to see what was going on. Mr. Halpen dropped the gun and gripped his head in agony. He pulled at his scalp and it actually came off, revealing an Ood head. He lurched down as he gagged, tentacles coming out of his mouth.
"They-they turned him into an Ood?" Donna gaped.
"Yup," the Doctor nodded, looking at Donna and Minerva and finding the clever girl to be somewhat distance.
"Minerva?" he asked.
"They died, so many died," she whispered so sadly it broke his hearts. She placed a hand over her heart and he knew that it was another slip of the crystal.
Mr. Halpen made an odd gurgling noise and coughed up his secondary brain.
"He has become Ood-kind and we will take care of him," Ood Sigma said.
"It's weird, being with you two," Donna remarked, "I can't tell what's right and what's wrong anymore."
"It's better that way. People who know for certain tend to be like Mr Halpen," the Doctor said and heard a loud beeping noise, "Oh!" he turned off the detonation packs quickly, "That's better. And now... Ood Sigma, will you allow me the honor?"
"It is yours, Doctor."
"Oh yes!" the Doctor went to the equipment that powered the field, "Stifled for over 200 years but not anymore. The circle is broken. The Ood can sing!"
The field around the brain shut off and the song emerged, heard by everyone now.
"I can hear it!" Donna exclaimed as the Doctor laughed.
Minerva turned to the Doctor, his laughter cutting short when he saw her face covered in tears. He rushed up to her, pulling her away from the others, "What's wrong!? Why are you crying!?" he checked her over for any physical injuries he might have missed earlier.
"I...I don't know," Minerva admitted, looking around as she thought, "My chest," she placed her hand over her chest again, "It...it hurts, it's...this..this is so sad."
The Doctor grew silent, that was Kaeya's pain, Kaeya's pain breaking through.
"Why am I so sad?" Minerva burst into tears.
The Doctor pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, looking over her to Donna who stared with confusion and concern. For such a happy moment, it hadn't felt like it...
~ 0 ~
The Doctor and Donna stood outside the TARDIS, Ood Sigma and several others a few feet away from them. The Doctor kept the door open in case Minerva were to call or shout for him. She'd been put to rest after her sudden crying, no struggles given for the first time. The Doctor had made sure her she was as comfortable as possible. He felt responsible, truly responsible, for everything Minerva was going through. He felt so impotent with the situation and frankly, he didn't know how long he could last like this. Finding Kaeya was proving to be an even bigger challenge than it was with Aaron Lozano.
He had to basically sit there and watch how Minerva endured Kaeya's crystal's effects.
"The message has gone out. That song resonated across the galaxies. Everyone heard it. Everyone knows. The rockets are bringing them back. The Ood are coming home," the Doctor spoke, his thoughts pushed away as he focused on the Ood. The faster he finished up here, the faster he could get to Minerva's side and take care of her.
"We thank you, Doctor, Donna, friends of Ood-kind," Ood Sigma said, "And what of you now? Will you stay? There is room in the song for you."
"Oh-I've-I've sorta got a song of my own, thanks."
"I think your song must end soon."
The Doctor stiffened, "Meaning?"
"Every song must end. Even a flower's song must end."
"Yeah..." the Doctor turned to Donna, avoiding the trouble to think of those confusing words, "Um, what about you? Do you still want to go home?"
"Nope, I think there's someone in that box that needs my help," Donna gave him a sharp look. She would certainly not be leaving the spaceman and Minerva at any moment, not when there was this big of a problem with Minerva. Besides the traveling and all its glory, she truly did take a liking to Minerva, and she wanted help the Doctor in any way so Minerva would be well again.
"Then we'll be off," the Doctor cleared his throat, the ginger certainly had a look of doom when she wanted to.
"Take this song with you," Ood Sigma said.
"We will," Donna nodded.
"Always," the Doctor added.
"And know this, you will never be forgotten. Our children will sing of the Moontsay-Doctors, and our children's children, and the wind and the ice and the snow will carry your names forever."
If the Doctor hadn't been too focused on Minerva he would've caught the alerting word in the Ood's words. He, along with Donna who had missed the word as well, quickly hurried inside the TARDIS.
Once gone, there was a rush of wind and snow scurrying behind the Ood, making them all turn.
Dr. Ryder stood on the snow, stumbling back, "What...what happened?" he shivered and hugged himself, "It's so cold," he dropped to his knees, feeling too weak to stand, not to mention the blazing coldness.
"She is returning," Ood Sigma said, "Moontsay, friend of the Ood."
The blue light behind Dr. Ryder glowed stronger for a second or two and rushed up to the sky again.
~ 0 ~
Donna stood in front of a stove in the TARDIS kitchen, awaiting for hot chocolate to finish up. The Doctor sat at the table, waiting for her to finish up. He knew Minerva would be waking up soon and he wanted to have something nice and warm for her. She had been freezing when he brought her into the TARDIS and her room. He had wrapped her in blankets and left a heater in her room after he left, hoping it would be enough to bring her temperature up to a human status. And since he could only do milkshakes at the moment, coldness, he asked Donna to help make a nice hot chocolate.
"I just don't understand what the whole crying thing was about," Donna leaned against the counter, watching the hot chocolate in case it was ready yet.
The Doctor sighed, having thought about that more thoroughly, "During the war, Kaeya's people, most of them, died as bystanders. Kaeya lost everything and I think the situation paralleled with the Ood."
"That's awful," Donna shook her head, "To lose everything, to lose a home...I tell you, I lost it with my father's passing, I don't think I could manage losing everything like..." she eyed him cautiously.
"Like Kaeya and I," he finished for her, "It's okay to say it. But, technically, Kaeya hasn't truly lost everything. Her planet is still here, with only her grandfather-"
"A grandfather she thinks is also dead," Donna pointed out, "She has no idea that some of her people have survived to this day.
"I'll gladly take her to see Mayar," the Doctor sighed, "Though I'll probably stay inside the TARDIS."
"What are you going to do when the princess returns?" Donna looked back, "I mean, you said she was in love with you, but...there's someone new in the picture now."
"For some time I believed Kaeya had changed into some dark woman, but now I understand that she was sick. I still care for her, just..."
"...not the way you used to," Donna finished for him.
"I'd like to be friends but not if it makes Minerva feel uncomfortable, and definitely not if it only hurts Kaeya."
"That's big of you," Donna nodded, "But how do you know Kaeya won't bring the claws out to fight for you," she chuckled a little and sat down on the table while the chocolate finished up.
"If she's truly the same woman that I knew for centuries then I know she won't do anything."
"Why though? I mean, I don't know a lot but you said there'd been centuries of love between you two."
"Donna I was married," the Doctor announced, becoming silent as he thought of that wasted time with Kaeya as well.
It seemed to parallel his time with Minerva. Granted, a year didn't compare to centuries but the pain was the same. There was so much they could've done together, he and Kaeya, but under the circumstances their 'courting' was cut short the moment his marriage had been arranged.
"Tell me the story," Donna quietly edged, seeing the troubled thoughts on his face.
"No," he shook his head, snapping out of the thoughts.
"C'mon, remember what I said? I'm here to help Minerva and you. Minerva's told me nearly everything about you."
"Another time, I promise," he said instead, actually meaning it.
It would be nice to get the story off his chest and get an opinion that didn't belong to Minerva. He knew that Minerva would never scold him for his past, just because of who she was and what he was to her. But Donna always spoke her mind. He knew that she would say when he'd messed up, give him the real scold he needed, the real advice he needed. Perhaps, like Martha was to Minerva a confidant, Donna could be his.
"Alright spaceman, I'm holding you to that," Donna stood and went to a cabinet, "I'll understand the little love talks about a girlfriend/boyfriend."
"N-n-n-no, it's not like that yet," the Doctor shook his head.
"Oh c'mon, you don't have to lie to me, spaceman," she winked, "I can keep a secret," she whispered.
"I'm not lying," he shrugged 'casually'.
"But you're almost there," Donna studied his face, smiling sadly, "I know it because...that's the look that Lance used to give me, a fake one, but...yeah," she shrugged and turned away before her eyes watered up and were seen.
"Donna," the Doctor moved up to her, "He's not worth it," he set a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah, I know, I know," she wiped a loose tear, "But, Minerva's worth it, right?" she turned to him.
"Millions," he breathed, "She's...she's just, wonderful in every aspect."
"And that's why you're falling in love," she wagged a finger, laughing when he saw him blush, "It's alright because she is too," she picked up the hot chocolate mug, "It won't be long until the three little words pop out," she grinned and pushed the mug to him.
"Thanks Donna," he rolled his eyes playfully and took the mug and walked away.
"I'm here to help!" the ginger called with a small laugh.
~ 0 ~
Minerva had her earphones inside her ears, connected to her mp3 and listened to her music. She sat against her headboard, on her bed, with her blankets to her waist. She'd gotten some nice sleep, but she was still a bit cold and she didn't want to cause any trouble for the Doctor or Donna and so decided to listen to her music in hopes of falling back asleep...though it somehow seemed to be hard as she'd been doing this for twenty minutes.
The door to her room opened just slightly, the Doctor poking his head to see how she was doing, "You're awake," he blinked and stepped inside, noticing she had her earphones plugged in, "Right, probably want to be alone, then," he walked for her.
But she beamed at his appearance and yanked her earphones off, putting her mp3 on her bedside table, "No, I want you to be with me," she reached out for him, "As much as I love my songs I love even more when my Martian is with me."
He laughed, "I brought some-"
"Hot chocolate!?" she tried lifting herself up to see the contents of the mug.
"Yeah," he walked to the side of her bed, handing her the mug, "Donna made it so it's edible."
She chuckled and took his hand, "I would've loved your milkshakes."
"But I wanted you to be warm and since I'm not allowed to use the stove without your supervision, I asked Donna to make it."
"I'll have to thank her then," she pulled him down to the bed, "Can you stay with me, please?" she asked seriously, "I'm cold."
"Anything my clever girl wants, she gets," he reminded and made himself comfortable, "So," he reached for her mp3, "What exactly were we listening to?"
"My favorite song," she sipped her mug.
"Ah yes, the little Spanish one. You know, I don't understand what is so special about it," he gave her a look.
"Is describes me before we got together."
"Care to elaborate?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Mm, alright, I'll tell you why," she made herself comfortable and leaned against the headboard again, "You came into my life and you showed me what it was to be truly happy and I just couldn't tell you how much you meant to me back then. You're always here for me when I cry, when I need someone...you're always here. You've done so much for me and in the past I was afraid I'd lose you and you'd never know how much you meant to me. That's why I love the song, because it's my story, my story in 3 minutes."
"Only here I don't ever plan on leaving you," the Doctor earnestly told her. Suddenly, he kicked off his shoes and scooted closer to her, his hand under her chin, "Never, never, never," he said before pressing his lips to her for a gentle kiss. Minerva was blushing red by the time they pulled apart, not even her small shiver managing to cool her down. The Doctor sadly looked at her and suddenly grinned, "I've got an idea," he declared, "Can you lean forwards, please?"
"Mhm," Minerva did as told and watched him crawl behind her, leaving her in-between his legs.
"There we go," he gently pulled her back to his chest, dropping a kiss on her hair; she definitely felt warmer now which was a good sign, "Now drink up, clever girl."
She took a sip from her mug, "Mmm, it has marshmallows."
"Donna's touch."
"I definitely feel much better now," she tilted her head up, "Do you mind staying with me tonight?"
"Of course not, I'll be here until you want me to leave."
"Oh, guess that's never," she casually shrugged, "I have so much on my mind I don't want to be alone. I'll crack if I do."
"No you won't," he assured her.
"Right, because you're here with me now. I can't break if I got my brilliant Martian with me, right?"
"Right," he firmly said.
"My doctor and even a psychologist, wow..." she paused to think, "...you know, if you wanted to charge, you'd make a fortune out of me and my problems."
"I do charge."
"Oh really?" she raised an eyebrow, "And what's it gonna cost me? Five hundred dollars? A thousand?"
"A thousand," he declared, nodding.
She laughed, "I'm gonna have to make a payment plan because I'm broke!"
"A thousand kisses should do the trick," he grinned.
"Oh, kisses," Minerva pretended to think about it as she drank from her mug again.
"Yes, I don't need money, I need kisses from a beautiful woman."
"Have you tried Marilyn Monroe? I'm sure she'd love plant a big one on you," she shrugged.
"Nah, I was setting my eyes on this brunette," he kissed her cheek, making her smile, "She has this beautiful eyes that I can stare into for eternity, she's insanely clever, mind you she's short," he kissed her neck.
"And yet so big of confidence," he kissed her temple, "She's got really long hair I just love to kiss," he set a couple of kisses around her head, making her chuckle, "She always smells like vanilla for some reason," he turned her head to him, "Sound familiar?"
"Mm, maybe," she mumbled, entranced by his closeness and minty scent.
"And I've heard she's cold so I've gotta warm her up, starting with her lips," he lifted her chin and kissed her.
"Definitely warmer," she murmured into their kiss.
"I swear to you, Minerva, that nothing will happen to you," he rested his hand on her cheek, looking her in the eye, "I swear."
"I know you will, I trust you with my life, Martian," she took his hand from her face and kissed the back of it, not grasping what the Doctor was truly talking about. While he spoke about the crystal she thought it was just him by him and his over-protection, "For now, think you can keep me warm?"
He smiled and nodded, "Of course," he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her blanket over them, resting his chin over her head while she drank from her mug, silently cursing himself for this mighty secret of a crystal he was keeping from her.
But it was for her own good and if it did her good, he'd do it.
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
Kinktober Day 0: Intensity Caged part 2
Fandom: Original Tags: Exophilia, angst, hurt/comfort, Pairing: Orc(m)/Human(f), Darnok/Lia
Word Count: 3534
[Authors Note: I wrote this last night as a bridge between last years kinktober and this years. I have lots of plans for these two and this world]
The event at The Scarlet Eclipse didn’t finish until after midnight, but the caged subs had been taken to the back at midnight to allow the assistance time to remove the costumes and have the medics do a final check on them. Lia had come out of the situation physically ok, her body strangely relaxed, though some places where the jewels had been stuck were a little red from where they had rubbed or the adhesive had stuck particularly well. Otherwise, Lia was in perfect health. Physically at least, mentally was a different story.
As much as she tried not to, she found her eyes searching for Darnok and the woman that was with him. Sometimes he was by himself, but most of the time he was with her. While she did hang on his arm, she did not appear to be overly affectionate with him. Lia never saw them kiss, or show any form of deep intimacy. She was confused, hurt and confused. It didn’t make sense to bring someone he wasn’t even attached to if she was an option. Lia had to believe there was more to the situation than what she saw and she promised herself that when she spoke to Darnok she would keep her emotions in check and do her best to be rational.
It took the attendants a good amount of time to clean off all of the body paint, make up, and glitter. While they were working Lia was brought refreshments, plenty of water, a protein drink, and some fruits, nuts, and cheeses. They advised that a heavy meal might not sit well, but that she still needed to eat something. Lia found it to be refreshing and was glad that she didn’t feel sick. It would be difficult to hold a conversation if she was nauseous the whole time, though the nausea could still happen. Seeing Darnok with the other woman had caused her stomach to drop in a rather unpleasant way.
Once clean Lia dressed in the comfortable loungewear she had brought with her at Darnok’s recommendation. After that evening, she needed to feel softness and warmth again. The material was her favorite, the most cozy sleep set she owned. Not that she would usually go out in public in pajamas, but this was a unique situation. Once dressed she was escorted to the lounge area with the other subs and encouraged to just relax while the staff helped the party wind down. 
Some of the subs were sitting together, chatting quietly in hushed tones. Others were off by themselves having brought entertainment with them. Lia had not thought to pack a book or anything other than her phone. Though she noticed a couple others looked like they might be sleeping and a nap sounded glorious. She wondered if she would see Darnok again, or if he would just leave. At least she had been smart enough to drive herself. That way she wasn’t stranded. 
Time passed seemingly slowly but eventually people began to filter in. Lia realized it was the Dominants, the other half of the pairs. She watched as subs were praised and doted on. It made something twist inside Lia and she found herself having to turn away, pretending she was just getting more comfortable where she was sitting. As more time passed Lia worried that Darnok had indeed left her there. She felt hot tears prick at her eyes but she relaxed her face, took several slow breaths, and blinked rapidly to keep them from falling. 
Almost ready to just leave she heard Darnok’s unmistakable voice followed by a laugh that made the hair rise on the back of Lia’s neck. Turning she saw Darnok with the woman from earlier. It was bad enough she had to see them together at the event, but now this? Lia was ready to just walk out, this was not what she had agreed to. However, before she could move to stand the woman moved past Darnok and over to one of the other subs and began to dote on them. Now Lia was completely confused and her emotions were a mess. 
Darnok stepped over to Lia with a big smile on his face. “Oh Lia my dear you were wonderful. I heard nothing but nice things from the staff. You behaved so well, and apparently were an ideally behaved sub even in sub-space. I am so thrilled you were able to achieve that. I hope it wasn’t too rough for you, are you sore?”
Lia just blinked slowly at Darnok. Maybe she misunderstood the situation completely. He was still going to have to explain some things, but some of the hurt began to fade as Darnok praised her. “I feel ok. Some soreness and stiffness, but overall I am alright.”
“You don’t sound alright pet, I am sure you are exhausted. Is there anything I can get you?” Darnok looked Lia over with concern.
“An explanation would be nice.” Her voice was colder than she meant it to be.
Darnok looked confused, the wheels in his head turning. It took a few moments for him to piece together what she might be talking about. “Is this because I changed your attendance from my date to my sub?” 
“That would be part of it. At first I thought one thing, then I saw you at the party and thought another, and now, I am really just not sure what is going on.” Lia hated the way she sounded, like some bitter jealous person, but maybe she was. 
“Ahh, yes, let me explain. When I heard more details about the event I realized that this was simply an opportunity that could not be passed up. V.I.P. access is not just given to anyone, you can’t even buy it no matter how rich you are. I knew you could handle this, even though I am sure it pushed your limits. I have such confidence in your abilities and while you have not been a member long, I feel that this was the kind of opportunity you might regret passing up. I spoke with the owners, explained that while you were new I was confident that you would be perfect for this, and they agreed.” Darnok was smiling, reaching out he stroked Lia’s cheek.
“I will admit, there was a part of me that envied you this opportunity. They made it clear that you being granted access would not mean that I would be granted access as well, and nothing is guaranteed. They will be going over the performances of the subs tonight and eliminating any that they feel did not do well enough to be granted access.” Darnok rubbed the back of his neck. “That is where my date came in.” He held Lia’s hand. “It was purely professional I assure you. I am not exactly her type. The woman you saw me with is Morwenna Gould, a prominent Domme at this club. She has sway and influence beyond most here. Joining her put me in a position where I could be granted access as well, and I.” Darnok paused.
“Lia.” Lifting her chin with one large finger. “I feared if you went without me, that you would replace me. There are others that I know can offer you more than I am able to, and I did not want to lose you.” There was a half smile on his face. “Even I can be insecure sometimes, and for any hurt this caused you I am deeply sorry.”
It was a lot to take in, Lia listened, keeping to her promise that she would make sure her emotions stayed in check. Once she knew the whole situation it made more sense, it didn’t heal all the hurt, but it helped. Knowing the woman was not someone he loved, or was intimately tied to helped more than any other part of his explanation. Seeing his insecurity laid bare made her skin flush. His eyes were so earnest, so open, she could not resist the desire to simply forgive him and push it all off as a misunderstanding.
“I am sorry too, I should not have let my mind and emotions run away with me. I guess it hurt a little at first when you changed things, and then hurt more when I saw you with her. I thought I was being replaced, pushed aside, forgotten.” Lia looked away, feeling shame for all that she had felt. 
Darnok turned her face back to his. “Oh Lia, my sweet little pet. I never meant for you to feel such things. Perhaps we should have a deeper conversation later. Discuss our arrangement further.”
Lia nodded, they had needed to have that talk for a while now. Things had been changing for them and perhaps an airing of grievances and a renegotiation could re-spark some of what they had lost. Before Lia could say anything Morwenna had walked up and addressed Darnok, interrupting them.
“Your sub is positively enchanting to look at, I dare say I am quite envious that you possess such a splendid little jewel.” Ms. Gould nodded to Lia giving her a gentle smile. “My dearest if you ever tire of his brutishness, I would be happy to show you a different side of things.” Morwenna winked with a small laugh. “Oh don’t look so scandalized, I tease, I tease.”
“Really, this is not appropriate you will scare her.” Darnok shook his head and looked the Domme up and down. “Did your sub do well?”
“Of course. She is one of my best, perfection really. That isn’t why I am here. I have to say that your sub has impressed the owners more than anyone here. For her first time at such an event, and to my understanding, her first time doing anything like this, she performed above and beyond any expectation and one of the most desired works of art at the party. Whomever chose her look should get a promotion I was simply stunned when you pointed her out.”
Lia’s eyes widened. So Darnok had known who she was. How did she never catch him looking at her. Had she been so caught up in her own head that she missed it. Was he just subtle, not wanting to make her nervous. She would ask him about it, but later. Now that she knew the truth Morwenna no longer upset her, but she did make Lia uneasy.
“I knew my little Lia would be perfect, the moment I was informed of what the sub participation would be, I just knew I had to try and get her involved. I am glad I did. I requested quite a few prints if I am honest.” Darnok patted Lia’s hand.
“Now that I have praised your sub I suppose I should explain why I came over. As you know, I am terribly competitive and with her performance I thought if you both are accepted into the V. I.P. club that perhaps you would be interested in a little wager? Even if you aren’t accepted, I would still be interested.”
“A wager?” Darnok raised a brow.  “What kind of wager?”
“Now, now, none of that. Focus on your sub. We will talk later. I just wanted it to be on your mind.” Morwenna blew a kiss to Lia and headed back over to her sub, the both of them leaving without so much as a backward glance.
Lia looked at Darnok curiously. “It seems we have quite a bit to talk about. I am not sure where we should go for that though?”
“I have a room at the nearby hotel. I figured it would be better than trying to drive back to the city so late.” Darnok handed Lia a small slip of paper.  “You will have to drive there from here, I am not certain you can leave your car here once they close.”
Lia nodded and slipped the paper into her bag before standing. Darnok walked her to her car and made sure she was safely inside before stepping over to a dark vehicle. The driver got out and opened the door for him and Lia watched as Darnok climbed inside the huge SUV. This, along with every other obvious hint, pointed to Darnok having a lot of money. 
When she pulled up to the hotel she was surprised it was so modest. Though Auchendale wasn’t exactly a bustling hub. Nothing like Oreth’Thalor where Darnok lived and worked. Still, it was a nice hotel and Lia felt under dressed in her night clothes. Hoping she wouldn’t get turned away by the front desk, Lia grabbed her bag and headed inside. Darnok was waiting for her with a smile and led her up to his room. Which was a rather nice room if she was honest. 
Sitting on the couch Lia got comfortable as Darnok removed most of his tux, sitting in just the shirt and pants, looking far more comfortable and quite handsome. She sipped at the water he had given her and waited for him to begin speaking. She knew that this was going to be a long conversation.
“We have known each other for quite some time now, and while our relationship began in a rather unorthodox fashion I would not change it. However, I think we are past time for renegotiation's especially since we never really set up anything official. I need you to understand that I keep my vanilla life and this life separate and that is how it must remain. I protect my privacy and it is simply not feasible for me to allow these separate aspects of my life to blend at this time.” Darnok glanced at Lia to see her reaction so far. 
“Our time together recently has been sparse and I would like to change that. I can increase to every other weekend over the next month or so, and then every weekend can be considered based on any time constraints we both have. I understand part of the problem was your job and I was wondering if anything could be done about that? I really would like to see you more than once a month.”
Lia struggled a bit with her schedule and getting consistent days off would not be easy, but it was something she was willing to try and do if it meant seeing him more. “I can work towards that. I can’t promise every weekend, I would lose my job, but I have been there just long enough now that I have a bit more negotiating power with my schedule. I would just need to know in advance which days so I can be prepared.” 
“That won’t be an issue, I can create a calendar and share it with you. It can be one that we use together to help us schedule our time better. I don’t know why it never occurred to me before, but this could help us if we both end up with a day off during the week and can switch out the weekend day, give us some variety.” He was smiling now, it was a soft gentle smile.
“I know that for a while we were testing limits, pushing ourselves and we lost that as our time together was compromised. I would like to try and get back to that when we feel ready. I know you have so much potential in you and I would love to see you bloom.”
Lia blushed as she thought of some of the limits they had spoken of before and was curious to see if they could recapture some of what they had before. She knew her feelings for him had changed and they were a lot more muddy and complicated now. After their little excursion into the city, she wondered if maybe they could try dating again, but wasn’t sure if this was the right time to suggest it.
“We will have to keep our meetings to The Scarlet Eclipse and Possibly this hotel. I am impressed with the service here so I may use it more, perhaps for a long weekend. Something we had not tried yet. As I said my privacy is important to me and trips into the city, dates and such will have to cease.” Darnok could see the emotion in Lia’s eyes before she could hide it. “I know it seems harsh but it is necessary to maintain the separation between the two sides of my life.” Leaning forward Dar smiled gently at Lia. “I want you as my sub, I want this to continue, but we need more structure so we both can get what we need from this.”
Lia felt as if she had much less say and control over their relationship than he did, this all seemed to be more in his favor than hers, but then she was the sub and she did not want to lose him. Maybe this would be temporary as Darnok sorted out their new normal. It could change, they had changed in the past, and could again. Maybe they just needed to get back to the basics, back to what drew them together in the first place. Maybe then he would remember their passion, remember what made him mark her that first night.
“I want you as my dominant, more than I realized at first. I really have never had anything like this and I don’t want to lose it. You are probably right, you know more about this lifestyle than I do and maybe structure is something we have needed for a while.” She smiled, but there was hesitation there and she knew he could see it.
“Oh sweet Lia, please don’t take this personally or as something wrong. You said it well, we need structure, and this is the best way to achieve that. Come here darling, let me hold you just for a little while. You don’t have to stay the night if you are uncomfortable with that.”
Lia stood and moved over to Darnok, sliding easily into his lap and leaning into his powerful chest. She knew herself well enough to know she would not go home tonight. She would share his bed, give herself to him if he desired it, and wake up in his arms wanting him more than she already did. It couldn’t be helped, she had grown attached and she would take anything he offered. 
The night went almost as Lia expected. They shared a bed, and Darnok did desire her. What she had not expected was the intensity, the passion, and how gentle he was. It felt more like love making than sex, and it broke her heart even more. For a brief moment Lia felt what she imagined someone he cared for might feel with him. Something she hoped to be true, he couldn’t be this way if the emotions weren’t actually there could he?
Morning came and she was reluctant to leave, but they both had lives to get back to and Lia had a lot to think about. She wasn’t sure how long it would be before their visits started up again. Something she was both eager for and dreading slightly.
After a few days she received an invite to a shared calendar and was able to renegotiate her schedule. She had gotten quite lucky that a few other people were looking to adjust their schedules as well to accommodate their own needs and it worked out in her favor. It felt like the only thing that was working out for her so far. She had not heard back from the club and was afraid that Darnok would get the V.I.P. invite and she wouldn’t. A thought that hadn’t really worried her until her imagination decided to run away with that idea. 
It was only a few days before they were to meet up since the event that Lia finally heard from the owners of The Scarlet Eclipse. She sat down hard on the couch as she read the letter, the discreet black card falling onto her lap. She had been accepted. Her Membership fee was waived for the first year of her new status and would start up again at a different rate if she chose to keep it. 
This was a bit of a shock as that part had not been mentioned. The basic membership she had started with was quite affordable, but she had been forced to upgrade to help accommodate what both her and Darnok required. It wasn’t cheap, and she worried just how much the V.I.P. membership was going to cost after the first year. She was sure that would be provided at some point and decided it was best to just enjoy it and worry about cost later. 
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 21
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson &/x fem!gifted!reader Content: “Getting the most of it”, jealousy. Oh...and smidgen of smuttiness. A/N: After 2 night shifts from hell I finally got time to write a bit again. Ask or reblog for tag ;)
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21. A Place in the Dirt
...  Reader   ...
If you had had any hope of getting off the hook lightly on your first day in Asgard...well, those hopes have been crushed, ground into dust, mixed with oil and pigment, and painted onto the wall to spell out the words ‘HA HA’.
Loki had given you all of half an hour to chill and explore the room – surprisingly granting you ownership of the gorgeous suite and the fairy tale-esque bed – however his return had brought a storm of preparations. Maids and tailors (he called them seamstresses) had flocked around you, insisting to prepare a bath for you (as if you weren’t capable of that yourself) after having taken your measurements and tested a gazillion different fabrics while you stood like a mannequin until your body hurt. Admittedly, the bath had been worth it, but you weren’t gonna tell the schemer that when you’d appeared from the bathroom in a cloud of steam.
Allowing a maid to usher you behind a screen, Loki had busied himself with a servant – a good thing too as you were afraid getting physically near him would ruin you and the cleanliness. Still, you were happy for the help as the clothes presented to you were new, styled to match what you had seen the Asgardian noblewomen wearing earlier. Several layers of gossamer-thin silk in greens and sandy colours were almost magically draped across your shoulders, tugged and crossed into a smooth, shimmering haze before the piece-de-resistance was applied: it looked like a bodice of metal scales, the coppery kites woven together unseen without desisting the subtlety of any other thick fabric.
“Lady [Y/N], it is hard to believe you are not Asgardian,” a blond man greets you, breaking the dreamlike (or nightmarish) state you’re in.
Smiling politely, you recall he has been hanging out with a small group during the beginning of the feast. With a woman on each arm, the Asgardian has been drinking and laughing with a bear of a guy with red hair and a beard befitting a Tolkien dwarf (he even has roughly the same shape and table manners as one); at least the second friend – although short of words – knows how to behave himself in court if Loki's directions are to be believed: his face is happy and eyes sharp, never stopping the careful watch of everyone in the room. You don't mind when he looks your way because he will move the gaze to the next person soon enough. The woman, however...brilliant eyes have taken in your every twitch even after Frigga officially welcomed you, explaining to the court how the plan was for you to be tutored by the queen herself. Sif. Apparently, she's quite a warrior and still, she isn't coming to save you now.
"Thank you."
Rather than leaving you alone again the blond sits down, grabbing a glass of golden liquid from a tray of a passing servant and taking a sip. Eyes the colour of forget-me-nots twinkle over the brim.
"Please indulge my curiosity, fair lady." With that melodious voice you might forgive him everything. "How come you travel alone? Save for a single servant..."
You know the answer because it's been drilled in it by Loki: “Travelling without an agenda set in stone, it would be presumptuous and unkind to any host if I arrived with the customary retinue. My servant, as you call him, may not attend precisely the same tasks as a maid...but his allegiance is unwavering. I trust him with my life.”
Brows half cocked, the man next to you drains the glass lazily only to signal for more. The tip of his tongue wipes the last drop of his lips, eye contact unbroken. A shiver runs down your spine and you’re not entire sure it’s the good kind even if there’s an inkling of admiration for his confidence. Player.
“If ever you find yourself in need of...other company,” the man leers, “you can always come to me.” Two full glasses are set between the two of you and he immediately scoots one towards you. “I am Fandral, of the Warriors Three. At your service, m’lady.”
Simply raising your glass in return, you decide life will be a lot nicer with some friends around especially with Loki’s recent teasing. And either way, what harm can a polite gesture do?
Someone stop the floor. Your entire world seems to tilt and spin as you walk down the grand hallways – not uncomfortably so, just enough that keeping on a straight path requires more concentration than you’re willing to spend at the moment when you’d much rather enjoy the warm buzz in your body.
“The floor’s steady, silly pet,” a cool voice admonishes beside you, “I told you not to drink the mead.”
Turning to face Loki, his face bobs in and out of focus until something cool readjusts it’s grasp on you. Some sort of answer is brewing in your brain, but it’s not quite ready yet, it seems, and so you let him lead you the rest of the way to your room.
Aha! “Buttit tastsss good! And Fandang...Fanran...Fannnn-”
“Fandral.” With a sigh, Loki plops you onto the huge bed.
For a moment the trail of thought escapes you while you wiggle around the soft, bouncy surface in an attempt to figure out the method to get out of the bodice. When your companion swats away your hands, you hum with delight at the delicate touch freeing you. Yay! Cool down.
As the feast had progressed and your new, blond friend had coaxed the glass of mead into you (an easy feat considering the deliciousness) your body had begun to heat up, making you miss Loki’s soothing temperatures.
Shrugging off the layers draped over your body, the air is like a balm. “Orh, that’s be’er.”
...  Loki   ...
Nothing but a delicate shift shields [Y/N]’s curves, the silk still unable to hide the darker nipples puckering as she throws herself back into the pillows with a delighted groan. If only...Loki’s imagination grants him flashes of scenes where each sound falling from the woman’s lips are a testimony to the bliss granted by him. Shifting to ease the discomfort brought on by too confining trousers, the Jotun allows his hands to move slowly as they pull the covers over the Midgardian’s body.
“Sleep now, I’ll open the balcony door to let the cool air in.”
It’s a simple order and [Y/N]’s eyes are already closing, still she manages to capture one of his hands and lead it to her forehead. “This works too.”
He can’t pull back, only stare and try to breathe evenly as the woman guides his hand as though it’s a cool cloth. Along the jaw, down the throat to send shivers racing towards the hairline at the neck. Knuckles brush delicately back and forth over the clavicles before she allows his palm to flatten over the upper sternum – the heartbeat beneath strong and rapid – only to drag further until nestled between her breasts while the silk is pulled taught by his wrist.
I...not like this. Snagging the hand back, Loki ignores the whimpers and turns away to discreetly readjust the painful tightness of leather again.
Lying in the darkness of the servant’s room, he can still smell the dampness of [Y/N]’s skin on his hand and the memory of soft heat guides that very same hand’s strokes upwards, twists, and down again in the hopes of relieving some of the tension and frustration that have build up within.
A flicker of magic, and a rendering of her face glows dimly, smiling softly at Loki as he ups the tempo. Though the heat is lacking, at least he can mimic the tight hold she would have on him as he thrusts into the fist repeatedly. Although wavering, more of her body appears, completing the recollection of the sight of [Y/N] splayed on the fourposter. The god’s breath hitch and his hips stutter, but the euphoria only lasts mere seconds before the unquenchable need returns. Sweet doom. There is a way to sate the hunger, but it has to be done right or not at all.
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teabooksandsweets · 4 years
I have to say something about Jill. I think there’s two very precise reasons for her unpopularity.
The first is, how real and relatable she is. She behaves very natural, very much like a child in her situation would, and she feels very, very real. I’ve seen many posts by people who don’t like her who actually admit they relate to her, and I am sure there are far, far more who wouldn’t realise it. Not all the things Jill says or does are good, but all of them are absolutely plausible things for her to do, given her siuation and background and age.
Jill’s nine years old in The Silver Chair. She went to the same school as Eustace and appears to have been raised by parents with a similar mindset as the Scrubbs, though while Eustace was pampered, Jill was encouraged to be more tough and active. She was raised without any religion or definitive moral compass (no, I do not mean that being brought up secularly meant being raised without morals; I am only talking about the context of Jill’s life)—her premise was, in short, pretty much the same as Eustace’s. And definitely different to the Pevensies’.
Which brings me to the second reason (these two blend in each other). Jill didn’t behaved perfectly, and she better—but she never behaved bad enough to undergo a significant change/redemption, nor did she behave well enough to be liked for just who she is.
When all Pevensies went to Narnia they already were, in a way, rooted there. Lucy had met Tumnus, Edmund had been enchanted by the witch, and Tumnus had been caught. The Pevensies met the Beavers, and they learnt of Aslan. They all were raised with a strong sense of duty, and Lucy was naturally faithful and open. Edmund behaved badly lately, and was then enchanted, but he received the same upbringing as his siblings. Peter and Susan were significantly older and more mature than any of the other children who went to Narnia.
Eustace was also only nine years old, and he behaved horridly, but he had his cousins, at least, and he grew immensely through his experiences in Narnia, while being led by others, and finally meeting Aslan.
But Jill? Jill had and knew nothing. A nine year old girl, bullied in a boarding school. Coming, most likely, from a similar background as Eustace, but still behaving much friendlier and nicer than him. (Actually, really friendly. Jill was a nice girl. People like to claim she wasn’t but that’s not true.) A boy she vaguely knew to be rather nasty all of a sudden told her of a magical world. They suddenly went there. She showed off, he fell down. She met a lion and couldn’t know who He was, yet after a while trusted him. She had to.
And later on? She trusted those who were nice to her, she was arrogant, she forgot things she ought to remember. She did all the little bad things that all the other children did, but they were not so dramatically bad and then redeemed as they were with Eustace and Edmund, nor were they simply accepted as every person’s right to not be perfect all the time, as with the other three Pevensies.
(I am not going to bring up Caspian, Shasta/Cor, and Aravis—children who were brought up in Narnia have an entire different set of things to their advantage or disadvantage.)
Jill is kind and courageous and plucky, but she has to navigate through Narnia with very little help—because Eustace can’t really help her, and all the Narnians who do (or don’t) are complete strangers to her, and she has to decide whether to trust them or not, and whether to agree with them or not, and she often decides wrong.
Lucy has a natural gut feeling about that, which isn’t unrealistic, because some children really have that. But I am sure that Lucy knew just as well who to trust back in England. Jill never really learned how and who to trust, and knew that people could be horribly cruel. But she was also a very small child with the natural desire and ability to trust. So, yes, she trusted the wrong people for the very shallow reasons that a child with no proper guidance has for trusting people. She also disagreed with people she deservedly trusted (like Puddleglum) for the natural shallow reasons that most children just can’t bear negativity or restraint too long.
She had no spiritual love for Narnia, not at first (though it developed greatly later on) and simply had to make her way through a strange landscape, without being granted the sense of magic and hope and special-ness that the Pevensies and even Eustace, had he accepted it from the beginning, were granted.
Jill was also whiny and, though never unfriendly or rude, odd-mannered and impatient. She was always supposed to be tough, and she was physically tough, but she was also emotionally sensitive, and very lonely. She had no friends, and she had a lot of fear, and absolutely no sense of home or safety. She cried several times in the book, which is an absolutely normal thing, even when one isn’t a child, even when one isn’t in a terribly dangerous situation, even when one isn’t constantly worried about one’s own decisions. And even though Lewis went so far as to excuse her for it, which shouldn’t even be necessary, there’s many posts on tumblr and other places saying how annoying she is for crying.
And her behaviour is typical for someone who is naturally friendly, but never learned proper manners, and who has a limited self-control; combined with that very certain air of someone who is used to being picked out to be the disliked one, not bullied for a certain thing but chosen because she was, in some way, particularly suitable for being a victim. Both the original “reason” as well as the... results of such don’t leave a person so quickly. They stuck with Jill and it shows.
But there’s another thing to Jill. A constant inner struggle. Not short moments of temptation, no a shocking experience to better her. From the very moment she steps into Narnia, until the moment she leaves, she thinks about what she does wrong, what she does right, with a great deal of denial thrown in—a denial she is often conscious of, and often not. A way from good but flawed, to, well good but flawed, though better, and more aware, and very willing to learn. A gradual, seemingly insignicant development, which began very early, and never really ended, and of which she was aware, and with which she didn’t really know what to do, and which she didn’t always want—until she understood, at least a bit.
And I think all this makes it so difficult to like her for many people. She’s incredibly human without being an obvious heroine, or even an anti-heroine, she is constantly developing, with interruptions and regressions, but with no clear redemption arc of any sort, never stops making mistakes, never stops learning from them; she behaves like a normal child would do in a difficult situation, and she has to face very specific difficulties under very specific conditions which, in that way, never happened to any of the other children.
And yet—she learned to love Narnia and Aslan so much. She spent years in England just to prepare herself for another visit to Narnia. She learnt nothing of (religious) faith in England, yet proceeded to believe in Aslan as much as she could, she kept a loyalty to Narnia and made friends with the other Friends of Narnia for years after her visit there, even though her connections to Narnia were the loosest of all the children, and she had to wait for her return much longer than any of them (not counting Digory and Polly, of course!). She never gained as much of the insight as the Pevensies and Eustace, and Digory and Polly, had, never really had a relationship to it that resembled theirs, but stuck to Narnia with all her strenght.
And people hate her.
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danddymaro · 5 years
Only Reversing Time | Aizen Sosuke x Reader
Summary; Only with reversing time could it have all been different, because he had already made his choice. 
A/N: So Kyouka Suitgetsu is basically Aizen in a sense, a piece of him. 
She knows how he feels, but he’s too stubborn to admit himself even to her. He’s too proud to admit that in his heart he has regrets. 
   - She was cruel, but it's out of love... 
It’s all because of love.
Warning : I can’t say there's any real romance in this, but I really just like writing. Even if it’s a stress at times, it’s nice rolling out new ideas. Anyways, I own nothing but the story itself.
Mentions Of betrayal
mentions of the Vizards
Maybe some Shinji x Reader , but it can easily be platonic.
Word Count: 6021
Only reversing Time
The soft, clicking sound of small, pointed heels was produced, and soon echoed throughout the empty room, seizing the attention he’d granted his earlier musings. 
He had been caught in thought, once again suspended in time, and it was a momentous event brought forth by the small piece held within his right hand.
- Something he had yet to let go of.
Within his hold and laying at the center of his palm was a small silver piece, a hairpin to be precise. 
The lovely gemstones which had once been on it for decoration were now gone, leaving behind small, black vacant holes where the small colorful crystals once were held down. Moreover, over what was once gleaming silver, colors of rust had formed, the coppery tint taking over a good portion of the hairpin. 
While in such an ugly state that it was currently presented with, it was hard to imagine such a thing was ever considered lovely, but he knew that at one point in time it had been vibrant, co-existing with the most prepossessing beauty he’d ever seen in his life.
‘A beauty unparalleled,’ He thought to himself before he paid any heed to the coming visitor.
Lazily, his dark-toned eyes drifted up to his new company, looking towards the guest that had come to see him, all with a rather stoic glance, giving her only part of his focus.  
 At his slight attention, she seemed pleased, joyous to have captured even a fraction of it, even if it was distant or cold.
Because If even a small part of him drew towards her, she knew she had him where she wanted.
“Sosuke...” she sang grinning joyously, stopping suddenly to gaze up at him from where she stood, just beneath the many steps leading up to his throne. 
Her hands clasped behind her in a childish manner while she shifted in her spot as though she wanted to tell him something, something she was too bashful to voice. Her cheeks bloomed with a touch of rose as she gave him a small giggle before shaking her head, keeping whatever she wanted to say secretive and deciding that perhaps it wasn’t the best time to tell him. 
- Years and years of knowing her...and she never admitted to him why she’d showcase such a sweet demeanor.
But he always wondered... 
- Always thought of all the possibilities.
‘ I never came to know what secrets you held...’ He thought to himself as he stared at her. ‘ What was it that you always held from me...? What had you been hesitant to say...?’
Rather than speak more, she grinned, her smile radiating through the dark room as she peered her eyes up at him. However, a soft glimmer resonating from the piece in his hold stopped her charming ministrations, making her expression melt.  
Her shoulders dropped and the perk she had presented herself with died down.
  “Oh Sosuke…” she murmured, her eyebrows creasing. “ You’re still holding onto that old thing?” She asked with disbelief. 
“ Could it be because you missed me?” She questioned him, a notable lingering of amusement hidden within the words which came through as mockery.
It was a question that needed no answer, because she already knew.
She knew every one of his secrets now, but he understood why she asked. He knew well enough why she acted the way she did.
Why she came by so frequently... 
why she behaved in such a way...
“You know, you shouldn't,” she stated, ” Don’t think of me Sosuke. 
Don’t...because soon you'll have everything you want.” She said with an uplift of the corners of her mouth, spreading her arms out wide, the downhearted expression that had come over her now gone. 
She spun around, twirling as a small hummed tune came from her, a song which had been all hers.
And before, during their time spent at the soul society, it had been a mindless little melody he found strangely comforting, and something close to a warm lullaby.
 In the past, he had found the halls filled with that sound whenever she walked alongside him, their hands both filled with large stacks of paperwork their captain had been too leisure to finish himself. 
And on occasions which were very scarce nights beneath the lovely moonlight she so loved to gaze upon, he heard the same sound, her little song traveling through the night air, the tranquil peace being uninterrupted by her mellow sound.
 He remembers it all so vividly...
He remembers the way her body swayed left and right as she sat across him, her light hums causing his knotted shoulders to melt. Too many times he’d stop, finding his eyes glued to the woman as she paid no mind to his peeks at her. 
 And he wondered if she ever came to realize that he stared far too much for it to have been normal.
Did she only choose to ignore him? or had she honestly paid so little mind to his wondering eyes that her blissful ignorance was all she could pay him back with?
The tune had once been beautiful, the sound once lovely to him,
but now, it made his skin chill. 
It haunted him, echoing throughout the empty room and haunting him.
With a seldom look to his eyes he watched her move as something in his chest began to respond to her presence, more specifically to that damned sound.
 And it felt torturous...
What did he really want? 
What was it he truly desired?
He asked himself what it was this was all for...
-  if it was truly worth it.
‘Why?’ He continued on with uncertainty, but as the question came to mind, he stopped in his tracks, going no further into those pondering thoughts that would only lead to more doubt. 
“Damn it...why now...?” he asked himself, “ Why now of all times?” he asked her with a tight press to his two rows of teeth as he glared at her harshly.
He had done something he hadn't done in what was an entire millennium, and that was to second guess. 
He doubted his moves, questioned his logic... his gain.
He asked himself if it Was all really worth it.
He asked himself what would have been had he simply let go of his ambitions.
 Moreover, he wondered if she would have been enough to keep him happy, if perhaps that lovely woman from his past was enough to give his mundane existence of before meaning. 
He closed his eyes for a moment, a small breath leaving his parting lips as he tried to envision it.
- Her soft painted lips on his, her hands both lovely and warm taking hold of his own to kiss with tenderness as she peeked up at him through her fanning dark lashes. 
And in her eyes adoration would shine. 
Sweet words, all addressed to him, would come from her as she accepted him as he was. 
Would she have accepted him if he had shown her just part of who he really was? and if so... what would she had thought of him if he had given her a full taste of his true self?
would she have still taken him in with the same tenderness?
- Would she have loved him?
In his small moment of wonder and thought, the (h/c) haired woman had traveled to him, standing before him now, closer than she had ever come to when she made her unexpected drop in’s.
Her hands went to touch him, moving to caress his face with a loving look of tenderness making her eyes glow with warmth. 
And when he came out from his daydream, he saw her close, just as she had been in his musing.
His fair skin warmed, soft tickles of imaginary feathers teasing his insides and stupidly he awaited the touch, closing his dark eyes with a small shutter. 
‘Would it have been like this?’ He asked himself. 
Unwillingly his heart skipped a beat, remembering just how beautiful a feeling she could inspire within him and that it hadn’t always been painful.
‘ Would something as minimal as a touch been enough to sedate me?’ He continued on, and he waited for her, wanting to find out, but instead of the expected touch, he felt nothing. 
He waited until the gentle heat touching his insides settled, inwardly cursing himself for letting her control so much of him.
Retracting back when she couldn't connect with him, she closed her eyes, tears coming out from her two (e/c) drops. 
And during her suffrage she stared right at him, her melancholic face set before him, wordlessly showing her sorrow.
“Sosuke...” she said with a heave, reaching out to him again, “ Please Sosuke, look at me... please,” she begged him as his eyes shut tighter, his lips also pressed together harshly because he knew that without the pressure they’d tremble. 
His two hands were both balled, ignoring her, using every fiber of his being to cast her presence aside. 
- Discard her like she was common garbage.
“Sosuke, why?” she asked him, “Why are you doing this to me?” she asked him, her frantic pleas being disregarded by him. 
She reached out to grasp at his collar, but her hands went through him, not reaching him for the answers and attention she begged for.
“What did I do wrong Sosuke?” she asked him, making his teeth grind against each other to the point it hurt.
‘Nothing...’ He thought to himself. 
She hadn't done anything wrong, she had been perfect. 
She gave in with her head hanging, stepping farther from him, the beautiful mirage before him cracking.
And in the truth that's all she had been, a mirage, nothing but a simple illusion of his. 
She was a  visual representation of his deep regret, a secret he held grave and still pondered over, revisiting far too often. 
More than he should...
He would have wanted nothing more than to have her with him, right at his side, watching as all the pieces fall together perfectly. He would have wanted nothing more than to have someone he could truly trust, someone loyal to him rather than a snake that followed his every move with the goal of laying its venom.
He then decided to gaze upon her, finally looking towards her to find her staring at him with melancholic (e/c) eyes, ones he found utterly mesmerizing in every single way. 
“Sosuke,” she started, taking a long breath, “ Did you love me?” she asked him, the white gown she wore changing before his eyes, morphing into the familiar uniform she had worn during her time in the soul society instead. 
“- No.
...Do you still love me?” She said with wait, correcting herself. 
His hand began to rise, going to touch her, but remembering just what would happen if he continued, he stopped.
 “Yes,” he answered her, finally admitting to it with a single nod accompanied with his low voice.
He loved her,and much more than that,  he missed her.
He ached for her.
A small smile, one that was plainly bittersweet went on display over her lovely face. 
She said nothing afterward, but even with silence, she struck him. 
Her (e/c) eyes stared right at him, focused on just his existence and nothing more.  
They both knew what came next, and she didn’t beg him to keep her alive, to do what he hadn’t done in the past and spare her. 
She didn’t do such a thing, because she wasn’t intent on staying. 
- It had never been her plan.
Unlike before, he showed his inner turmoil, facing (f/n) with the same grief he had felt before, the one he swallowed down whenever there was remembrance of her. 
He never let himself go so vulnerable, but because it was a final time, he wanted to give in just once. 
He wanted to let himself give in to what he truly felt. 
He wanted to be vulnerable and small for just a moment.  
He knew it wasn’t really her. He knew (f/n) wasn’t really there, and even then it pained him. Even when he reasoned that it wasn’t the woman he loved and just some illusion, he still hesitated, his hands shaking. 
‘ It must be done,’ He thought to himself, gripping the hilt of his sword, fingers curling over the emerald handle wrapping. 
He would destroy her again, and this time for good.
 And he’d make sure that this time around there was nothing was left. 
“Don’t  you want to know why?” He asked her, the question making the woman shake her head in refusal. “ It makes no difference,” she replied, “You know why Sosuke,” she added. “And I know why as well,” she said with amusement, her character doing a complete turn. 
Because she seemed no longer saddened, but instead,  happy... proud even.
A small smile curled the corners of his lips as he released a dry chuckle, “ Of course,” he said back. 
“You wouldn’t let it go would you?” he asked the woman. 
“I only follow you’re example,” she reminded him.
“So call my name, “ she told him, “ Call my true name and finish it off,” she advised, seeing the man’s hand begin to shake with how strongly he held the sword.
“It must be done,” she continued on, convincing him.
“Kyouka Suitegtsu, “ He said lowly, “ Shatter,” he muttered.
‘Shatter it all, finish her off,’
And with his command, the beautiful mirage shattered before him as his zanpakuto did as she was told. 
‘Sosuke,’ Kyouka Suigetsu said softly, the voice going back to the one she normally used as she once again shared his body.
‘ You know It had to be done,’ She reasoned.  ‘This pain shouldn’t be held...You must destroy everything that is hers, even the piece of your heart that holds her dear...’ She advised.
More than anyone else she knew of his suffering, but she also knew of his desires as well. 
He couldn’t come so far to simply foil his own plans by simply doubting, making everything he’d done until then meaningless. 
She was  cruel indeed, but only because she loved him.
‘There’s just one thing that remains, ‘ She reminded him, urging him. 
Nodding, he agreed.
His open palm closed, tightly clenching over the small pin in a mighty hold, using everything he had and crushing it easily. 
There was a barely audible sound of it snapping, breaking into many pieces, tiny ones that not even the best craftsmen could piece back together, because only with only reversing time could he bring back the former beauty.  
He couldn't have a weakness, and he couldn't have something to lose.
He could have the world in his hands, but in that existing plan,  there wasn’t room for (f/n) to be kept there. So with his own mighty hand, he destroyed the last piece of the beautiful memory he had of her.
 He destroyed what little part of his past that made him regret and feel sorrow. 
Because there wasn’t room for her in his heart any longer, she could no longer be a desire of his. 
The Hogyoku wouldn’t allow anything else but his full will.
- To regret was to falter, and to falter was to lose, giving up all he had worked for.
His clenched hand spread out, letting the shattered pieces fall to the cold ground, left to be forgotten like everything else that lay to waste on the sands of Hueco Mundo. 
He stood up from his seat, moving forward, his sandaled feet stepping over the shattered remains, crushing it beneath his feet.
He stepped over her once again before making his journey to the battleground, the soft glimmer in his eyes disappearing before he stepped out. 
He was almost towards his goal... just moments away.
With his transcendence towards an existence far surpassing that of both hollow and shinigami, he could never stand by such a small speck of existence. 
She couldn’t be there, not without being destroyed at least.
He saved himself the pain, because her demise was inevitable, and he reasoned that it was better done by his own hands.
 In the end, he destroyed the path for no return. 
100 Years ago...
She cried out in suffrage, feeling her entire body burn from the inside out as though she were filled with bubbling lava rather than the scarlet liquid which oozed from her pierced skin.
 Every inch of her figure spasmed with agonizing torture, the wounds she’d received before being nothing in comparison to the affliction she felt now. 
And soon, both her fingers and her toes curled, crunching at their small joints, snapping repeatedly in pulsing motions as she tried to gain function of her limbs.
 But whatever wicked spell cast upon her fought back, her body possessed by something powerful growing from within. 
- It would all be just a fruitless struggle.
‘Why is this happening?’ She asked herself. ‘Why?’ she continued on, hacking up, feeling bile rise from her stomach, the swirling contents wanting to find an out through her gaping lips which were now pressed firmly tight. 
Swallowing down the acidic contents, she hobbled forward, trying her best to keep herself up, trying her darnest to just make it out alive.
‘I have to fight this,’ She thought with determination, her teeth pressed firmly together as she locked her jaw fiercely, her brows driven down south to the lowest dip they could fall.
‘ I just have to,’ She told herself, however, her body began to grow heavy and beneath her own weight, her trembling knees buckled. 
Falling onto them and landing on the ground with a crash, she fisted the dirt ground, feeling the small grains collect in her fingernails and push painfully against the skin.
‘No...’ She insisted as she continued to move forward, crawling. 
And then something more than just pain built up within her, something she hadn’t truly felt before to such a magnitude.
Melting with the pain and torturous ache was spite. 
Hate and spite, both sentiments in which she’d never truly bathed in began to drown her, suffocating her existence. 
They began to eat at her, and with the more she felt the wretched feelings, the hotter her insides burned, like feeding fuel to a burning fire, making it grow with more fury. 
“S-SOSUKE!” she screamed, crying out to him, reaching one of her hands out to the retreating shinigami, forcefully straightening her curled fingers out to try and reach him better. 
If she could only touch him... if she could only know it was all some mirage, some nightmarish magic cast over her eyes...
 - Because it just couldn’t really be him.
Not Sosuke, who’s eyes were like melted chocolate, sweet and warm, always looking onto her with what she had been certain was care. 
She had been certain care was there when he’d offer to walk her home at night. 
She had believed it existed when he invited her to watch the fireworks...Or when he wrapped his scarf around her the week before then, when it had been an unexpectantly chilly night.
 His voice which had been one that was capable of melting ice had spoken to her, saying her name with what she could easily say would be love, chided her for not wearing another layer on what were cold nights. 
She thought it had been there...
Love, from not just one from a man to a woman, but love that was true, pure-hearted.
 - Love that had first grown from simple, sweet care. 
“SOSUKE!!!” She said again, beginning to huff with rugged pants, panicking as her heart came to a halt, the momentary stop causing her alarm. 
The heavy drumming of her muscle stopped playing, and she couldn’t understand why. 
She couldn’t understand why any of it was happening. 
‘Sosuke why?
Why ? why if we were friends?
Why if we were ... I thought…
I thought… ’
She wanted to believe it was all a nightmare, or at least some sort of wild misunderstanding, but as she saw him she was too much corruption.
She watched his vicious smile of overachievement and arrogance. 
She witnessed his prideful gratefulness at his master plan.
Altogether, she saw a man she didn’t know and it angered her, all the possible explanations proving him innocent flying out the window. 
Reason began to drain out of her as she soon saw red.
She saw what lay beyond the mask he wore, and she slowly realized that the person she so stupidly trusted was nothing more than treachery.
‘ Friends...No… it was all lies…
All lies…’
The pain coursing through her body melded with betrayal, and became completely overwhelmed by growing spite and hate that soon take over. 
What thread in which she’d held onto that kept her sane tore, leaving nothing behind of the loving innocence, or understanding soul. 
“Traitor…” she rasped through her raw throat, “Sosuke….Sosuke you traitor…” She murmured over and over. 
She could only utter a single name, a single person whose fault it had all been…
Her tongue dried and she couldn’t say nothing more but that dammed name, it being all she could utter out,
A name she had only ever produced with a smile before then had became the bane of her existence.
Right at the center of her chest, occupying the space where her heart should lay, a vacant hole began to produce, opening wider as the seconds rolled by, quickly beginning to cover a grand portion of her chest. 
Instantly, her hands flew to her hollowed out chest, feeling them go straight through.
 Absolute horror washed over her before she cried out, no longer able to produce words.  
Instead, the sound of a wild beast roared out from her wide open mouth, and with fury filled wrath she hollered out. 
As she looked up again, she connected with him, the man who had become her only focus. Wordlessly, she continued to glare towards him with darkness, and moreover, a promise of rancorous vengeance.
 She attempted to say his name once more, hisses and growls being released instead like the snarls of a muzzled beast. 
She felt aching abomination towards him, one she didn’t hide as her now disgustingly animalistic golden orbs showed him beast-like bloodshed. 
He eyed her with an impassive glance, catching a glimpse of what lay far further than the spite. 
He caught sight of the heartbreak at his deception, because as enraged as the creature before him was, the eyes of it were flooded with much more emotions that treaded on the grounds of suffrage and woe. 
Her eyes were glued to him, looking at nothing more than the sole lieutenant until her vision blurred. 
Unwillingly, she drew the pained, golden gems up, setting them upon the barely recognizable crescent moon, its illumination blinding her before her world turned completely black.
 And as her eyes rolled to the back of her head into darkness, she lost more than just her consciousness and will. 
With a final heave, she was left motionless, the hollowfication process one she was unable to endure. And while of course, it had been the intention, he couldn’t help but be sorrow-filled.
Scattered at her sides were her friends, other victims of the cold-hearted betrayal in which had been carried on by none other than one of their own. 
His heart felt no stir at gazing at them because they hadn't meant anything to him. 
‘ But (f/n)...’ 
Aizen took a final glance back at her, letting his dark chocolate eyes stare over at her for a few prolonged seconds before turning away, by then having swallowed up far more than he could take.
His hand stayed tightly balled at his side and right at the center of the sweaty palm, pressing into the moistened flesh, was a small trinket. 
Smeared in blood and faulty with missing gems, it was all he had left of her. 
It was all he could carry with him now, her last memento.
He called it a reward, a token for his achievement when the young silver-haired fox asked him with curiosity. But of course, he’d lied. He did what he did best and hid his true heart. 
Because it hadn't been some reward he took with himself.
He knew very well it wasn’t, and Kyougka Suigetesu was the only other soul that knew his truth. 
At his cool reply to the younger apprentice, she had only sighed, a soft blue breath drawn from her as she could feel the aftermath of her master’s actions. 
When her world began to fill with cold rain, she smiled softly, her two eyes slowly closing as she waited out the downpour. 
The spirit had no say, she knew there was nothing to be done any longer. 
She knew her master was a man who had already contemplated enough, and by then, his final decision irreversible. 
‘I have no choice but to wait this rain out,’ She started, her head inclining back to gaze up at the night sky that surrounded her, the same crescent moon of that night being present for years to come. 
‘You may tell all the lies you wish to master,’ She said reaching out her elegant hand up to the illumination,  ‘but the rain is present, and in my chest, I can feel your heartache,’  She thought to herself, a stray tear falling down her pale cheek. 
‘My world is nothing more than your hidden heart,’ She mused as she stared down at the pin in her hand, identical to the one he kept close to himself. 
(f/n) (l/n), the third seat of the fifth squadron never gazed upon the night sky again, leaving her last moment of existence being filled with treachery, it being a moment filled with unmeasurable sorrow and loss. 
She was just another one of his victims, one of his small stepping stones needed to skip over. But unlike every other subject he had used, some of which he didn’t bother to remember names of, Aizen Sosuke never forgot her.
Not her name, or her fragrance, and especially not the small shared moments between them, the same ones he claimed to have never cared for. 
And among that, he couldn't bring himself to forget her final breaths, those few moments when their eyes connected and he saw true heartbreak, a result of what he had done to her.
And he wondered about so many things, such as the possibility that perhaps she came to love him. 
He wondered if perhaps she had begun to see him as anything other than a subordinate or a friend.
Had she ever thought of him in that way?
Had the idea ever crossed her before?
Because he had thought of it too many times. Every time she came too close, he wondered just what would happen if he just took her hand in his. 
Whenever the colder season came, he wondered how her lips would feel pressed against his, even if they were chapped, even if she tried her best to hide them when he stared too much at them.
 He knew she had been embarrassed, thinking he was judging their appearance, but he had only been musing on testing them out, comparing them to the usual softness that they displayed over the rest of the year.
He’d wanted to be the one to know what they felt like during every season that passed.
He had loved her, far more than he would have ever cared to admit. And in all the years that passed, he had yet to let her finally lay at rest. 
The foolish part of him which was still in love with the dead woman held onto her memory.  
 The small trinket in his hold was evidence of his lack of will, of his forsaken love.
- And he wasn’t the only one to keep her memory alive.
Shinji Hirako never let her go either. 
He hadn’t thought of ever doing so, because to him,  the young woman from all those years ago hadn’t been a burden in his path. And it wasn’t to say that she had been just a subordinate of him as well, because she was much more than that. Slowly but surely, she had wedged herself into not just his personal affairs, but his life as well, digging deep until she reached his heart, becoming someone he came to love wholeheartedly. 
Love that was unconditional...Love that wasn’t littered with lies and betrayal, but mutual understanding and true wellness.
Needless to say, she had never been expendable to him, and if anything, became even more important after her death. Because after all the bloodshed and suffrage, she had become another reason to fight, another reason for revenge.
He felt the same shared spite the Visored did when they so much as mentioned the man’s name. 
There was no question about it, and yet, in a sense, Shinji felt that somehow, they just couldn't understand. 
As close as they all were, they just could relate to him and truly grasp at what was harbored in his chest. 
For the former captain, it was different, the effects of the villainous betrayal leaving more than just a bitter taste in his mouth.
So, as he found his moment to stand before the dark-haired, brown-eyed successor of his former squadron, Shinji Hirako felt blinding rage. He felt the same burning fire in his veins he did when he realized they had been short one person upon their awakening. 
He had looked for her, his first breath loud and labored as his eyes trailed all around him with anxiousness. 
He had searched for her, remembering that on that night, she had trailed behind him, unknowingly heading straight forward to her demise. 
 What would have been if he had made her stay put..?
 Would she had still been alive? 
If he’d done his part as her captain, and much more as her friend, would she still be alive?
Was it just by a stroke of bad luck that she had been slain? or had he planned to take her out as well? 
Had Aizen really been such a bastard to have killed the one person who so eagerly opened her arms up for him? 
A whirlwind of questions stormed within him, and he became desperate for answers.
He recalled hearing her voice, the echo of it ringing in his ears being so ghastly, that at times that he felt like he was haunted.
She’d call out the name of the said man, saying it as though it was all she could muster, her voice strangled and weaved with despair and hurt. 
She repeatedly said his name until she had no recognition of her former self.
‘ I can still hear you cry...’ Shinji thought to himself, ‘ And I can still hear you suffer... ’ He continued on, feeling his blood burn and sizzle, because during her time of demise she was crying because of HIM... 
And even afterward it was present.
 Her pain, as well as her tears, were all because of Aizen Sosuke, the traitor who only stared on, unmoved by her suffrage, unperturbed by her flowing tears.
‘No...No, he planned it...He planned it all,’ Shinji corrected himself after once again being before the man, instantly going back to that night as he caught sight of his dark eyes, the two chocolatey hue’s not having changed with time.
And at that moment he could also feel the ghosts of his fallen tears, the ones that had gone loose once he separated himself from the other visored because he was too ashamed to admit he was actually crying...too ashamed to shed tears before anyone. 
That day, when he was able to come to his senses, he let everything fall, deciding to never go back to that pathetic state, deciding he wouldn’t be made a fool again.
He wouldn’t lose anyone else to the man. 
Never again. 
He’d wait for the moment to strike and retaliate. It then became all he could breathe, consuming him, becoming almost all he could think about. 
Even when he smiled... even when he showed his amusement or joy, she was always there in the back of his mind, urging him to settle the score. 
He couldn’t find true happiness knowing she’d been robbed of hers.
And of course, he knew nothing in the world could give them back their former lives. Nothing could reverse time, and moreover, absolutely nothing in the world could bring her back to him. 
No amount of desire he had could fix it all.
They wouldn’t go back to their shared nights down at the bar, back when they’d get so drunk they’d sing together, unmelodic sounds and hollers making everyone else’s ears bleed.  
He wouldn’t be able to peek at her as she draped a small blanket over him where he sat on his office chair, the sweet woman thinking he was just too tired to make it home.
It always made him smile.
And as much as he hated him, Shinji wouldn’t get back those nights shared with his former lieutenant either, back when the three would spend all-nighters. He’d especially miss when Aizen would say something under his breath, because it was certain it’d rouse a laugh out of his third seat, a laugh that would make both men crack a smile. 
Even if it was at his expense, Shinji wouldn’t ever silence them, because he loved the sound of laughter they’d produce. 
‘ They felt genuine....’ Shinji thought to himself as he thought of those short instances his eyes fell on his lieutenant, more specifically, his smile. 
Aizen’s smile when he looked on at (f/n) felt genuine. 
Hirako could swear upon it, that each and every uplift of the corners of his mouth were were true.
‘So then why did you murder her?!’ He continued on, biting his tongue, withholding the outburst. ‘Why the hell did they feel real?...’ He asked himself. 
‘ Why did they feel real?!’ 
‘Why did I give you a second of doubt!’
Sakanade was in his hold, yet to be released, the power it held never having been a trick he revealed to the man before him, and fortunately for him,  it was all to his own favor. 
Hirako’s taupe-colored eyes sharply glared at the man at the other end of his blade as he held it within his steady hand.
Forcing a large toothy grin at the brunette, he lifted his chin up, feigning all the joy in the world, because he wouldn’t dare let the traitor see his pain. He wouldn’t allow Sosuke Aizen yet another form of victory, no matter how small it was.
‘ (f/n),’ Shinji thought to himself, for a moment the memory of her making him feel pain within his chest, traces of former happiness there as well, making it bittersweet.
‘ I know you won’t be able to come back.’ he told her, knowing she wouldn’t respond back to him. ‘... And I know I’ve been holding onto you far too long as well.’ he continued on. ‘ But I promise that after today, I’ll let you rest.’ he added.
 ‘ I swear to you... Even If it’s the last thing I do...I’ll make this bastard pay for what he did to us... for what he did to you...’  He continued on.
He’d be able to give her rest. In his own way, Shinji Hirako would give the woman peace. 
Because he embraced the love he had for her, never once insinuating otherwise, not during her life, or even after death, eventually coming to believe she was what would fuel him to victory.  
Meanwhile, the other man discarded and cursed the affection. Because Sosuke Aizen believed her to be his demise, something he should get rid of in order to succeed.
In memory of her, the visored swung his blade, his sharpened eyes never leaving his former lieutenant. 
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lunanightingaleart · 4 years
Quite The Unexpected Outcome
Synopsis: Abigail Lynn, an agent from the information’s district of S.H.I.E.L.D., was given the important task of watching over an important demigod who was not allowed to leave, especially after the stunt he pulled in New York City. While The Avengers try to find a solution to what to do with say demigod, she is meant to watch him through the night. Yet his mannerisms seem familiar, how?
Chapter 1: The First Impression Is Always Important
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“You Can NOT Be Serious!” Tony Stark slammed his hands down on his table, staring at the group called The Avengers, who all sat at his large table all somewhat content eating Shawarma.
“It’s rather simple, we’ve defeated my brother and after eating I shall take him, and the tesseract, back to Asgard,” Thor spoke in between bites.
“So you’re wanting us to just let you take him and that danger cube into space, without any of us having any eyes on this fucker?” 
“Well what are you wanting to do? Keep him on earth in a jail cell? In case we forgot that already proved to be worthless.”
“That was in the sky and he had backup. Now the guy is powerless, without his army, and currently behaving himself...as best he can.” 
“Not to mention that stupid scepter is as far away as possible from him. And that portal is dealt with.” The Avengers continued to argue in this somewhat destroyed building, food scattered across the table as they spoke loudly about what they should decide to do with the currently handcuffed god sitting in a special prison cell. One put behind several doors in S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and currently holding several agents at each door. Arguing amongst each other, Tony finally turned towards the other side of the table.
“So what do You think about all of this??” The entire team finally looked to their extra guest who was sitting awkwardly at the table. A young woman in a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, hair up in a tight ponytail and arms crossed as she was suddenly remembered through all the arguing. 
“Well, I’m not entirely sure. To be honest, the only real reason I’m here is because I was on the job of gaining any info on the one called Loki. And then I was brought onto that ship that almost crashed and killed us all. Only for Fury to put me on the committee in which I basically have permission to offer solutions involving all of this. If I had to guess what they want me to say is that we shouldn’t let him leave after all the damage he’s caused. I think the best option at this point would be to...:” She sways her head in a manner of weighing their options.
“Probably just leave him in his cell, make sure there’s security watching him. The information I currently have on the Asgardians, mostly from Thor, is that they definitely react to electricity. God of thunder or not, so if it makes things easier, I’d say keep a few tasers nearby.” The woman looked to Thor.
“You have an extra set of those cuffs don’t you? The ones that were Asgardian built and magically linked to whoever gets cuffed with them?” At his confirmation she hummed and tapped her foot.
“Tony, you're pretty skilled in making last minute technology. If we had you take these cuffs and toyed with them to add perhaps an electric shock to them? For security purposes, just how long would that take?”
“Depends on a few things. My lab luckily wasn’t destroyed in the chaos, and if I have Banner here assist me we’ll probably divide the time by two.” He sighed and thought about it. 
“...I’d say a day, if I start to work on it now.”
“So what are you planning to do...?” Steve looked to the girl who sighed.
“Lynn, Agent Lynn.” Steve nodded.
“Right, you were part of the teams sent to talk to me when I awoke.”
“Yup, I’ve also been part of Shield long enough to recognize...well, all of you really.” She looked across the table with her arms crossed.
“You know the way you sound makes you seem older than you look.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, but I’m still younger than all of you.” 
“So they sent a child to babysit a god?”
“I’m 24, I would suggest not calling me a child.”
“24?? Oh you’re definitely a kid.” Agent Lynn rolled her eyes and sat up. 
“If I’m not mistaken there are two other agents nicknamed Lynn.” Hawkeye commented while leaning on the table.
“You’d be correct, those are my parents.”
“So what do you want us to call you so we’re not basically calling you three the same name?” She narrowed her eyes towards Widow and Hawkeye, sighing and leaning back.
“Right, Abigail.”
“Miss Abigail, what do you honestly expect to gain for keeping Loki here of all places?” Abigail looked to Thor. 
“Honestly?? Keep my boss from being pissed. Most of the world organization wants Loki to pay for what he did, the world is pretty much waiting for an update after everything that happened, as this is the second time he’s come to New York and done damage.”
“Not to mention, killed several people.” Abigail hummed, looking to her drink she had been sipping. 
“...If I’m to be completely honest though, I do have a question we’re not seeming to ask.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“...Who sent Loki?” The room grew silent, all eyes locked on her now.
“What do you mean? Loki came here himself, this was his plan all along, right?” They all seemed to nod amongst themselves, aside from her.
“Then where did this army come from? Or the other one from before? I’m mostly information down at Shield, and I noticed that both times he didn’t come alone. I imagine none of those creatures were from Asgard, Thor?”
“Well...no, but my brother is very persuasive. He’s always been known to convince others to do his bidding if they have sharing interests.” 
“That’s fair, but it seemed almost...like he wasn’t completely in control. The security footage shown when he first arrives doesn’t show the face of confidence. It shows...confusion. Like a moment of coming up with a plan on the spot. Granted, he could have just not realized where the tesseract would open and land him, but his mannerisms seemed a bit different from most others who purposely plan to destroy everything.” 
“Good note, but also at this point we don’t really need to worry about that. They were cowardice enough to send their army and Loki, so it’s most likely they won’t be coming here any time soon. In reality this meeting is more or less to decide whether or not we let Thor take his brother with him, or if we punish this demigod by keeping him here on earth.” Tony stood from his chair, most of the others following. 
“Give me until tomorrow to finish those cuffs, I’d say Banner and I will work on it, while you keep a close eye on Loki. If he tries to escape...well....if the taser doesn’t work, I’m sure the big guy wouldn’t be against throwing him around a bit more.” He patted Bruce on the shoulder before they walked out. As everyone began to separate, Abigail glanced at the table a bit, hearing her stomach growl but ignoring it. She’ll just fill up on her drink. She picked up her bag and started to walk out.
“Hey, Abigail. Are you hungry?” She stopped, but didn’t turn around.
“Oh, no I’m fine.”
“Well that’s bullshit. We did just hear your stomach growl, didn’t we?” Clint and Natasha walked to each of my sides, seeming to read me like a new book in the library. 
“Okay you caught me, I just don’t like...shawarma?” 
“Well there’s other places around here that haven’t been destroyed, what’s the matter? Waiting on your next paycheck?”
“You’d think they’d pay her well enough. Obviously you’re hungry.”
“Guys.” She sighed and glanced towards Steve that approached them. 
“...I’ll buy you lunch, come on.”
“You don’t have to, I can pay for it myself.”
“Well let’s say it's on me today. You can get it next time, come on.” She had absolutely no idea how in the hell these three convinced her to go with them. She was supposed to go right back home and report to her parents after the meeting. If they find out she’s out socializing…
“So what do you want on it?”
“Huh?” Abigail blinked back into reality only to realize they had dragged her all the way to a sandwich shop. 
“Your sandwich, do you know what you want on it?” Abigail looked up at the menu and hummed. After a minute or so she ordered what she wanted and got it to go. 
“Thanks, I didn’t need you to pay for it.”
“I said you’ll get it next time right? Don’t think anything of it.” She nodded with a slightly relaxed look.
“...Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow for the next meeting.” She took her bag of food and started to head back. Her parents are gonna be pissed when she brings food. Shit. Maybe she should stop somewhere and scarf this? Or a homeless person could cross her path and she just hands it to them. As she thought of a plan she almost didn’t hear her phone go off. It was in its final ring when she answered. 
“Agent Lynn, we need you to return back. We have an assignment for you.” Oh, good.
“I see, I’ll be back as soon as I can. Should take about ten minutes.”
“Copy, report to me when you get here.” She hung up. Report to Fury? She had a sneaking suspicion this wasn’t paperwork about the attack. Looking to her food, she gripped the bag and headed back towards work. On the bright side, this kept her from home for a little while longer. Walking the streets was utter chaos at this point. People were being interviewed by every tv station in the city. Reporters everywhere were asking anyone they saw their opinions of The Avengers. Ridiculous, to think that the stations would all go such different lengths and directions to get different possible conclusions of the same group. Some say they feel safer, others feel they are scared now knowing they aren’t alone. Did they really think that before? Perhaps it was her job, but she didn’t believe it possible a planet full of people like her had to be the only life. That an entire planet of people like her parents...were the only signs of life. She could never accept such...a disappointing idea. Finally making it to where she needed to be, she found herself standing in front of Fury and his second in command. 
“Agent Lynn, we found something interesting in our security footage before our…” He glanced over to his second in command before back to her. 
“Unfortunate experience in the aircraft. It seemed you were one of the ones watching over Loki before Agent Romanoff entered the room.” She nodded.
“That’s correct, is something wrong?”
“Not...entirely, but I did want an explanation.” He led her to one of the computers and pulled up the footage. She watched as her image walked into the room and sat at the chair in front of the seemingly ignoring Loki. Abigail watched the footage, remembering back to when the footage was recording. 
“Hey there.” He didn’t seem to want to chat, it made sense, but at the same time, she noticed the look on his face when he got here. He was smiling when he was brought here. 
“...Are you thirsty? Maybe you want some water?” No answer once again. Abigail accepted that and took a notebook from her bag. She sat in silence just scribbling in her in the pages.
“..What do you think you’re doing here?” His voice caught her off guard, her eyes looking up towards him.
“...Um...I’m sitting...chilling, I guess?”
“No, I mean, that really was a poor attempt. You spoke twice to me, and then gave up. What is your business here? To watch me? Get answers from me?” He paced around his cell with his arms behind his back. Abigail stared at him the entire time. 
“....You know it's almost interesting. I didn’t expect you to talk to me at all. I’m just here to watch you. I offered water because you admittedly look really thirsty. Tired too, like you haven’t had something to drink in days. No offence though.” He stared her down with a suspicious glare. 
“You expect me to believe that?”
“I don’t expect anything really? I’m merely a watcher. Plus you look bored. I think I have a book in my bag you can read.” She spoke so calmly, staring him in his eyes while speaking. He looked her up and down with almost a look of disgust.
“You really must be stupid to underestimate me. How do you expect to get me water, or a book for that matter? Unless you’re wanting to open the door~” 
“Hm, you have a point. I guess I could go get Thor, or Iron Man, or Cap. They could get you water.” He stared at her with a suspicious look.
“Was that supposed to be funny?”
“Funny? No? Am I funny?”
“No, strange is more like it.” 
“I get that a lot.” 
She went back to her notebook, pulling out coloring pencils and continuing to doodle. He had very bright eyes, they looked a lot like his possessed team. Maybe that’s what that means, that he’s in all of their heads. She wasn’t sure though. The more she stared at him the more he seemed to notice it, giving her perplexed looks and glares sometimes. She always replied with a smile, going back to her drawing. He really did look tired. If she focused long enough she could almost have sworn he had bruises under his collar. And a few scars peaking out that almost made her stomach tighten. Burn Marks, she knew them well. Her eyes stayed downward for the rest of the time that they sat in silence. Then he finally spoke.
“What have you been doing in there?”
“Hmm? Oh, this?” She looked at him and pointed at her book.
“I’m drawing. Your outfit is quite stylish, so I decided to draw it.”
“You’re...drawing me?”
“Yeah, you have an interesting look to you. I love the color scheme too. Did you want to see?” 
“...I suppose.” She stood up and showed her notebook to him through the glass. It was mostly profile based, with an outline of his outfit on a separate page uncolored. The profile image of him however, was fully shaded and she had begun coloring his hair and skin, He hummed.
“So that’s why you’ve been staring me down. I almost wondered if you had fallen for my charms already~” She cracked a smile, rolling her eyes.
“So smooth~ Do you often try to flirt with your wardens?” He chuckled.
“I’m not often caught, miss?”
“Oh, I’m Abigail. Sorry I should have said something before.”
“Abigail, and you’re an agent here?”
“Well, I’m here. I think you already know that. You aren’t dumb, Loki.”
“That is true, I’m not~” He looked down at the notebook once again, before looking back up at her. 
“Water sounds lovely, is there a way you can do that?” She looked up at him for a moment, giving him a patient smile and closing the notebook.
“You’re not dumb, but neither am I Loki. If you really want water I can talk with the others to get you some. I don’t think it's a good idea for me to…” She heard the door open and turned towards it, seeing her mother who glanced in with a darkened glare. She felt her chest tighten.
“Your time is up, we need you elsewhere.” 
“Yes Ma’am.” She glanced over to Loki, who seemed to stare in her mother’s general direction. She left with her mother out of the room.
She watched Fury pause the footage. 
“It seemed you somehow got Loki to talk freely with you, without any real interrogation.”
“Well I wasn’t trying to get answers out of him. I don’t know what he was thinking, but it seemed he was quite bored waiting for something.”
“Probably the fact he was waiting on the possessed Hawkeye to break him out. He probably thought you might know something as you are an agent here.”
“It’s possible, but it’s also possible he wasn’t expecting anything from Agent Lynn and unintentionally let his guard down.” She watched the two discuss her right in front of her. Eventually the two looked back to Abigail who sat politely silent. 
“...We brought you here to watch him again.” With a tilt of her head she stared up at the two.
“You need a night guard? Or a babysitter?”
“Consider it a little bit of both. Perhaps you could get some information out of him, try and figure out if there’s anything else he has planned. Stark has already made it aware to us that you vocalized an idea. Something about keeping him here with some upgraded alien tech?” She nodded.
“Yes sir, but I also think we should tell the world organization that Loki was sent home.”
“Excuse me?” She watched the second in command cross her arms. 
“The world organization wants the tesseract for weapons, if they can’t have that, then they’ll take what they can get. No offense sir, but you know as much as I do about how the world deals with powerful beings. Most of them are vigilantes that roam free or are villains who get locked away if they can’t be persuaded. What happens to the villains that are persuaded?” He glanced over before returning eye contact with Abigail. 
“...Just how much information do you have on that?”
“I’m in the information district sir. I know as much as they allow me, and considering my parents’ position here, they allow a lot.”
“That’s fair. Well, what is your plan here?”
“I have no plan. Truth be told I think the smartest idea would be to leave him under the eyes of those who defeated him. He’s broken out of Shield technology before, and while we now have more info of what he can do, I have a feeling it’s not everything he can do. My statement for now is that we wait on Tony and Banner to make the cuffs, and tomorrow we discuss where would be a safer place to hold him, since the world organization would immediately come here, and considering we had two jets go rogue, it’s not a stupid assumption that they have more spies in your agency.” 
“Hence why it's just us three here. So, will you be taking the night shift?” She hummed and looked around, thinking for a moment. She’d get more time away from home. 
“Sure, I’m gonna need some water though.” They gave her a strange look, she lifted the bag she was carrying. 
“I have a sandwich which is going to be my dinner. Lots of bread, I’m gonna need some bottled water.” Seeming to understand they allow her to go to the break room for the agents on their lunch, and she grabs quite a few bottles of water and a jar of pickles. She had no idea who’s jar of pickles this was, but she didn’t care. Once she had her stuff she had them lead her through the several doors and intricate pathway to get to the center of the cells. They stopped at the last door.
“This is it, as of today you have access to the lock, but we also recognize your fingerprints, so don’t fuck up.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it sir~” 
She smiled softly, before watching them leave down the hall and listening to each door close behind her further and further away. She took in a slow breath, looking at her watch and humming. Alright, don’t panic. You’ve been in a room with him before, and nothing happened. Well, except the whole ship almost crashing. Then the thought went through her head. Whatever he could do to her...couldn’t be any worse than she’s already experienced. And if he killed her, that would actually be better than what waits at home. She had to admit that sounded so edgy, but she didn’t really care. Taking in a deep breath, she prepared herself and placed her hand on the scanner. The doors opened and inside she found a large see-through glass cell, glancing up she noticed a familiar lining of metal wires. An electric fence. She hummed in thought and seemed to grab his attention. He turned on his heels, seeming a bit more skittish than before. Their eyes met, one pair of dark hazel eyes, and other a rich combination of blue and...green? It was mostly green, which almost confused her. Her eyes read him like an open book as fast as she could before he’d slam said book shut and hide it away. He was covered in bruises now, even quite the goose egg right on his temple. It made sense, he did go hand to hand with The Hulk. She took steps forward, watching him build his walls as fast as he could, a defensive stance forming in the process. The closer she got the more she noticed, and the more her heart seemed to tighten. Why did this body language seem so familiar? Like he was almost prepared for the worst. Then it hit her…
“...Abigail.” She stared up at him, before a small saddened smile formed on her lips.
“Hey Loki…” She tightened her grip on her bag. He looked just like…
Chapter 2:
6 notes · View notes
yumeka36 · 5 years
Frozen 2 story/lore complete analysis
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Foreword: Even after writing my review a few days ago, there was still so much more I wanted to say about Frozen 2. Since the movie had its worldwide release, I've seen many posts by fans debating and interpreting the events of the plot and posing the same questions and concerns over and over. But so far I haven't seen anyone attempt to tackle everything in one comprehensive "guide." Since I'm the type of person who doesn't like posting bits of my thoughts here and there and would rather just say everything all at once in one big post and get it over with, that's what I'll be doing here: examining every major plot point of the movie in somewhat chronological order and giving my detailed interpretation. I'll be using evidence from the movie itself and the limited official sources we have such as the recent Into the Unknown podcast with Jennifer Lee, The Art of Frozen 2 book, and a few others. I'm writing this not only as a means of getting out all the thoughts and feelings I still need to express, but also to help others understand and appreciate this imperfect but still beautiful movie. I've written heavy lore analysis posts about other fandoms before (Five Nights at Freddy's lore was way harder!) so it's something I'm familiar with and enjoy doing. I think I'm pretty good at dissecting answers using even the most minute story details
-Note- there's a high probability that as the months and even years go by, we'll get more official evidence through books, interviews, merchandise, and maybe even new animated shorts and sequels that may invalidate some of the things I describe below. I'm considering coming back to this post at a future date to correct myself if enough of what I say is proven wrong. Let's see how long my interpretations can last!
King Runeard and the dam: Because King Runeard feared the magic of the Northuldra, he came up with a plan to construct a dam that would weaken their resources, under the guise of it being a gift, a bridge between the two villages. The dam disrupted their water sources, causing negative environmental effects on the forest. Since he feared the power of the spirits, it made sense he'd try to destroy the Northuldra in a subtle way rather than wage a war. The dam probably took many months to construct, so we can make the assumption that the group of Arendelle soldiers he brought to the forest as seen in Agnarr's flashbacks stayed with the Northuldra for a while. Further evidence is scenes of the Arendelle soldiers and Northuldra doing reindeer riding together, plus the memory in Ahtohallan of Iduna talking to Agnarr when he's reading a book. Obviously the two of them forged a good relationship during the months Agnarr stayed there. As this time went on, the Northuldra leader began to realize that the dam was doing more harm than good, so King Runeard had to make his final move. Once the war broke out, Iduna made her decision to save Agnarr and "stowaway" on an Arendelle wagon that managed to escape before the mist covered the land. One of the memories seen in "Show Yourself" is young Iduna calling to the spirits for help. We saw in another memory Elsa encounters, as well as Agnarr's flashback in the beginning, that Gale answered her call for help and carried Agnarr into the wagon, and Iduna followed. Since the Northuldra and Arendellian soldiers left behind in the forest were still at odds with each other, and the symbol of the atrocity, the dam, still stood, the spirits remained angry and kept their magic dormant, no longer letting the Northuldra use it. The elements still existed and behaved normally, but no longer in the magical ways the Northuldra were using them for.
The four spirits: The movie tells us that the four spirits are air (Gale), fire (Bruni), water (Nokk), and earth (earth giants). But we also are given the impression that they do a whole lot more than just use their elements. First off, it's discovered that they gave Elsa her powers as a gift because Iduna did the right thing by saving Agnarr even though he was the Northuldra's enemy (Anna put the pieces together and told Elsa during the shipwreck scene). It was a sign that the two sides could learn to get along again so they wanted to give Elsa the ability to find out this truth (use her ice to freeze the water's memories) should she choose to. This is also supported by the fact that the spirits evacuated the people of Arendelle in anticipation of Anna and Elsa discovering the truth and choosing to destroy the dam: the spirits wouldn't want to kill the people of Arendelle as not only would that be pretty evil, but the idea is for the Aredellians to realize the wrong their people committed and correct it, not to die for the sins of their ancestors. But again, this means the spirits – as in Bruni and the rest – did all this, and yet they don’t seem like creatures that make rationale, moral decisions (seriously, Bruni is a baby~). Like, I'm imagining the four of them having a "spirit meeting" (they probably communicate telepathically) and Nokk is like "yo, that Iduna girl did a good thing, let's give her daughter ice powers so she can come back and freeze all the water memories and discover the truth" and Bruni's like "sounds good" and Gale's like "let's do it!" Joking aside, I know even though they're represented as being non-human-like, there's more to them than that. It's similar to Japanese Shintoism in which gods and spirits can exist everywhere and take many forms, often animals, but that doesn't mean they don't have wisdom and power beyond that form. Bruni and the others must be like that too, a certain omnipotence beyond their physical form. Obviously they can control the elements in areas where they're not present (when they stopped all the elements in Arendelle at the beginning of the movie) as well as other godlike phenomena like granting powers to humans. Again, the exact nature of the four spirits and how they can carry out these extraordinary actions/decisions is one of the plot elements I mentioned in my review that's glossed over because there's simply not enough time to delve into it as it's the kind of thing that would take Harry Potter-sized books to fully flesh out. Like any other magical element in fairy tales, it doesn't pay to try and understand the exact "whys" and "hows" of the four spirits in Frozen 2 – I think what we're given in the movie and a little creative interpretation is enough.
Iduna and Agnarr: What did Iduna do immediately after she and Agnarr escaped the forest? The only evidence we have is a scene in Ahtohallan where she tells Agnarr (when they're both adults) that she needs to tell him who she really is and where she's from. This makes it clear that she separated from him after she saved him and stayed away until she had grown up enough that he wouldn't recognize her as the girl who had saved him. Interestingly, the Frozen 2 Junior Novelization book includes an extra memory Elsa passes by in Ahtohallan where she sees young Iduna in an orphanage in the woods outside Arendelle and a voice that says "No one knew who you were, you didn't have any family with you" (the book doesn't say who the voice is). The book also says that Iduna had put on some Arendelle clothing in the wagon she stowed away on with Agnarr. This further solidifies the fact that she was able to hide her identity as a Northuldra and somehow met up with Agnarr many years later after they had both grown up (exactly how she went from an orphan to meeting and then marrying the king of Arendelle is a story for another time). At some point the memory we saw played out where she finally confessed to him about who she was. Exactly when this happens though I'm not sure but the timing doesn't have a big impact on the plot. Obviously it'd have to be some time before they set off to find Ahtohallan. I'd like to think she confessed some time after Elsa accidentally struck Anna with her magic. They then spent many years secretly researching magic in a hidden room, as is described in The Forest of Shadows book (it's likely Agnarr was the only person who knew she was Northuldra). Eventually they made the decision to try and reach Ahtohallan themselves under the guise of going to the Southern Seas.
The voice: I've seen two interpretations of who the voice is – either the voice is within Elsa herself or it's Iduna's ghost/spirit calling to her from Ahtohallan. In the Into The Unknown podcast, Jen says that the voice Elsa hears is her mother's but doesn't go into detail. I don't think Iduna's ghost is literally calling to her but rather the magic side of Elsa, her mother's side, is what's calling her to Ahtohallan. When Elsa reaches the final chamber in "Show Yourself" after embracing her role as the fifth spirit, she's able to reveal the memories there…and the first memories she sees are Iduna's memories. The Iduna we see singing with her doesn't seem to be a memory since it's addressing her directly, so I think that Iduna's spirit/ghost lives on in the depths of Ahtohallan, waiting for Elsa to discover who she really is. Since we see young Iduna in the memory doing the voice (from when she's calling Gale to help her save Agnarr) the melody of the voice must be a universal call for the spirits that Iduna knew, being a Northuldra. As for why it took so long for Elsa to start hearing the voice, she was too consumed by fear and notions of isolation in the first movie to even think of her powers as a gift and what purpose they could serve. It took three years of being accepted by Anna and the people of Arendelle for her to reach a level of comfort that she could start thinking of grander things, like wanting to learn the origin of her powers and if there's some greater purpose she was meant to use them for. These feelings triggered the "magic side" of her, her mother's side, to starting crying out as a voice in her head. When she finally decided that she wanted to follow it, the spirits sensed that desire and awoke, then proceeded to evacuate Arendelle, in anticipation that she'd discover the truth and choose to do the right thing.
Why ice powers? As I described earlier in the post, although it's stated in the movie that Elsa's powers were a gift from the spirits, it was not stated specifically why they chose ice powers. I kinda like that we weren't spoon-fed that answer but once you think about what Elsa does with her powers throughout the movie it becomes clear: since water has memory, ice magic can freeze those memories and give them physical form, creating visual "moments in time" that can be used to discover the truth. No one but Elsa could have used her magic to freeze the memories in Ahtohallan and elsewhere in the enchanted lands to show the past events.
The shipwreck: It was revealed that Iduna and Agnarr were headed for Ahtohallan because they believed they could find out the secrets of Elsa's powers, evidenced by what Iduna wrote on the map and their final words during the shipwreck: "Ahtohallan must be the source of her magic" and "We keep going for Elsa." Olaf questions how they were able to get through the mist, suggesting that maybe they perished before the boat actually got to the enchanted forest, but the map reveals that they knew where the mist was and took a detour through the Dark Sea (this is better described in the Frozen 2 Junior Novelization).
Ahtohallan: Although the lullaby states that Ahtohallan is a river, we find out that the water is actually frozen, forming a huge glacier that still retains all memories. The main clues we have for exactly what Ahtohallan is lies in the notes Iduna wrote on the map that Anna and Elsa find in the shipwreck: "The end of the ice age, the river found but lost, magic's source, Elsa's source." The "ice age" could be referring to the fact that Ahtohallan, once a river, somehow froze during an ice age (when this ice age took place is unknown) becoming a glacier that drifted out into the Dark Sea. "The river found but lost" means the river still exists but is "lost" in the sense that all the memories are now hidden in the glacier instead of a free-flowing river. This could also refer to the fact that even if one finds the river, unless they have powers bestowed by the spirits, the memories will still be "lost" if they don't have the required magic to decipher the memories. The part that refers to Ahtohallan as "magic's source" is the most interesting. Ahtohallan isn't only the source of memories but of magic, evidenced by the fact that we see each of the four spirits connect with Elsa in Ahtohallan, with each of their elemental symbols becoming part of her as she takes her place in the center. Her transformation into the fifth spirit couldn't have taken place anywhere but Ahtohallan – it's a "hub" for the spirits' magic, since magic is required to reveal the memories there. The last part of the note, "Elsa's source," reinforces this: as I described in the section above, the power to manipulate ice and freeze water is essential for finding the secrets of Ahtohallan, and this power is what the spirits gave Elsa. How this actually works isn't too complicated: all the memories we see are either of Elsa's own memories or of people close to her, like Anna and her parents. I think it's logical to conclude that all memories exist in Ahtohallan, but the further away those memories are from you – i.e, memories of someone you don't know, memories from a long time ago, or memories that very few people know about – can be considered "deep" memories that require going further and further into the depths to uncover, running the risk of going "too far." (Ahtohallan memories are different from memories she revealed in the forest: there she froze the memories that existed in that spot specifically whereas Ahtohallan contains memories unbounded by time and space, but with the risk of going too deep). This is why she had to go to such lengths to find out what really happened with King Runeard: not only was this a memory from someone she never actually met from decades ago, but it was a secretive memory only a couple people knew about. But even though Elsa has ice magic, there's no reason to assume she's invulnerable to other ice magic, especially the "ultimate" ice magic straight from the original source, Ahtohallan. This is why even she succumbed to the consequences of going too far into deep memories – the lullaby states "not too far or you'll be drowned," but since Ahtohallan is a glacier now, you get frozen instead. @spicylove4ever​ wrote a post interpreting Ahtohallan too, I recommend it.
The fifth spirit: Elsa's role as the fifth spirit is probably the most debated topic in Frozen 2 – out of all the plot points I describe here, it's the one that has the least information to go by. All we know of the fifth spirit is that it’s a bridge between humans and the magic of nature. By the end of the movie, Elsa is shown to have a closer bond with the four other spirits and her magic has gotten stronger, but that's about it. She was shown to tame the spirits during her journey, but she never tamed the earth giants, which makes me believe that taming them was not a prerequisite for becoming the fifth spirit: the spirits became active and sought her out, being drawn by her magic, and she tamed the ones she encountered. She probably would have tamed the earth giants too if Anna hadn’t stopped her. But we see that even the earth giants are friendly to her after her transformation, so I feel their connection to her is the result rather than the requirement. But now that the wrong of the past has been revealed and corrected, as far as what she does everyday in the forest and how much of it is "duty" vs "self-fulfillment" remains unclear. But one thing that is clear to me that people are concerned about is whether she's still human or is now a literal goddess/spirit. I think the term "spirit" is purely figurative. She never actually transforms into another type of being or appears to ascend to some astral plane beyond the human world – she literally just gets a new dress and hairstyle, just like the first movie, and besides being more powerful and more confident in herself, everything else about her is the same. She wasn't immune to dying to Ahtohallan's magic either, showing that she's not immortal and didn't gain ultimate powers over all. Jen even states in the podcast that she considers both Anna and Elsa the fifth spirit/bridge, further showing that the term is used loosely and not meant to be taken literally. Another point is how different Elsa is compared to the other spirits: they have a sense of being ancient, ethereal creatures that have existed unchanged for who knows how long. Unless something outrageously different about Elsa is revealed now that she has this new role, all evidence still points to her being a normal human that happens to have magical powers. Another interesting point is that there doesn't seem to be a fifth spirit until Elsa came along, so one could make the assumption that fifth spirits are humans like her who are given special magical gifts when the need arises. So they don't exist all the time, and since they're human, they have the lifespan of one and don't live on forever like the other four spirits. If another human was the fifth spirit before Elsa, they probably lived long ago, before even King Runeard's time. Honeymaren said that people thought they heard the fifth spirit call out the day the forest fell, but we know that cry was actually young Iduna calling to the spirits to help her save Agnarr. I don't believe Iduna was the fifth spirit before Elsa since there's no evidence that she had powers, only that she used the spirits' powers the same way the other Northuldra did. And if she was the fifth spirit, why couldn't she have gone to Ahtohallan to reveal and correct the past instead of Elsa? No, the fifth spirit has to have magic in order to utilize Ahtohallan, it has to be a human born with magic to have both the human side and magic side. So whether there was a fifth spirit before Elsa and who it was, or if there wasn't, why is a fifth spirit needed now and what that role entails, are questions that have stumped even me. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for any events and panels with the Frozen 2 creators in the coming months/years, hoping for an opportunity to get these answers from them…assuming they don't get answered beforehand in future franchise installments (otherwise debates like this will continue forever with no resolution!) @vuelie-frost​ also wrote a good post about Elsa's transformation into the fifth spirit and what it means so give it read.
Destiny and choice: A common criticism of Elsa's story arc in Frozen 2 is that she was forced into her destiny as the fifth spirit and didn't really have a choice, since the only way to get the voice to shut up was to go to Ahtohallan. This is true, but the important part is what happens after that. She no longer hears the voice once she finally realizes that she's the fifth spirit, so once the forest was saved and everything was resolved, she definitely had a choice at that point to return to being queen of Arendelle or stay in the forest and cultivate her connection to the other spirits. If I were in her position and had that kind of incredible power, no matter how happy I am with my life, I'd always want to know why I had such a gift and if there's a higher purpose I could use it for. In the podcast, Jen said that Elsa was a good queen but had an even higher calling and one she eventually feels more comfortable with. She also mentions that she still considers Elsa an introvert, further confirming that she still retains her humanity and didn’t suddenly become “perfect” after her transformation. Elsa's obviously overcome with joy when she finds this out in "Show Yourself," so is it really that outlandish that after this emotional self-discovery she decides to continue exploring this newfound purpose? And again, it's not like she's completely giving up her family for this new role because she still sees them often. She can now satisfy both of her desires – learning more about her powers and connection to the spirits while still maintaining her bond with her family. I really wish the movie made this a bit more clear – even just one more short scene of Anna and Elsa together after Anna becomes queen and a few words on how they each feel about their new roles would have put minds at ease. But for what they gave us, it can still easily be interpreted this way.
The flood: Another criticism I've heard for Frozen 2's ending is that Arendelle should have been washed away in the flood, showing that they had to make a true sacrifice to right a past wrong. One of the pages of The Art of Frozen 2 describes an alternate ending where Arendelle castle (it just says "castle," not sure if the rest of the kingdom was spared) was destroyed in the flood and then rebuilt, incorporating some Northuldra elements. With the way the movie actually ended, nothing was sacrificed…but why do we need a sacrifice? I know the mythology book that leaked months before the movie's release said that Pabbie predicted that a sacrifice had to be made…but that same book never actually described the flood and said that Arendelle was saved in the end, so who knows? But whether the sacrificing of Arendelle was something early in the story's development that was eventually scrapped, I think the outcome we got now is just as valid. The final version of the movie had no hinting of any sacrificing that needed to be made, only about discovering the truth and doing the next right thing, which is just what Anna and Elsa did. But in a way, they did make sacrifices, or at least they intended to, with Elsa going too far into Ahtohallan so she could uncover the truth, knowing it could lead to her death, and Anna destroying the dam, knowing it means destruction for Arendelle. And because they were willing to go that far to set things right, the spirits rewarded them by saving Elsa who could then save Arendelle. While the message of the alternate ending was "a sacrifice must be made to right a past wrong even if the current generation had nothing to do with it," the message we actually got was "if you do what is right and true even if it means making a sacrifice, things may still turn out better in the end." I think both messages have merit but the creators eventually decided to go with the latter, which isn't any points against it in my opinion. Of course, the flood still could have hit Arendelle accidentally, for example, Elsa wasn’t able to reach it in time. But considering all the hardship and grief the girls had gone through and how the movie already went to a pretty dark place in “The Next Right Thing,” I can’t fault the creators for wanting to make the ending as happy as possible, with Elsa feeling triumphant that she was able to keep her promise to protect Arendelle and Anna not having to lose her homeland.
The bridge: When Honeymaren explains the fifth spirit to Elsa, she describes it as a bridge between humans and the magic of nature. This makes it seem like Elsa herself is the bridge (since she's a human with magic), but as she says to Anna at the end, a bridge has two sides and their mother had two daughters. After giving it some thought, I realized that yes, Elsa is the embodiment of the fifth spirit, but the bridge part of it comes from Anna…as in, Elsa could not have succeeded with her goal without Anna's help. Even Jen confesses in the podcast that Anna is definitely the bridge part but she considers both of them the fifth spirit in a way. Perhaps the spirits knew that magic alone wouldn't be enough, they knew that in order to discover such deeply hidden memories, one would have no choice but to "go too far" into Ahtohallan. More evidence for this is that the mist only parted for Elsa when she was holding Anna's hand (we don't see them each alone try to pass through but we do see Elsa shoot her magic into the mist only to have it bounce back). If Elsa were to do this alone, she still would have discovered the truth but she definitely would have had to sacrifice herself to do it…and in doing that, who would there be to act on the truth and destroy the dam. Even if she was able to relay the message back to the others via ice magic sculptures the way she did for Anna, would someone like Matthias who's still bitter towards the Northuldra and fiercely loyal to Arendelle go through with destroying the dam? That's why Anna had to be there: Elsa was the part of the bridge that used magic to discover the truth and Anna was the human side that had to carry it out. When Anna chose to do the right thing and destroy the symbol of the past wrong (the dam) even though it meant flooding her homeland, the spirits rewarded both sisters’ actions by saving Elsa who was then able to save Arendelle before the tidal wave hit. It's not clear whether the spirits influenced Anna's birth the way they did Elsa's just for the sake of all this, but it's possible. And this all goes back to the major emphasis the filmmakers have made about Elsa being a mythical character, Anna being a fairy tale character, and how, similar to the first movie, Elsa would have the typical tragic fate of many myths were it not for Anna's fairy tale influence saving the day. Of course, Elsa’s statement at the end that “they did this together” is true, but when she follows-up with “and we’ll continue to do this together” and, later, Anna says as the statue of Iduna and Agnarr is unveiled, that their “land and people are now connected by love” can only imply that the sisters will be working together to mend the relationship between Arendelle and the Northuldra. We don’t actually see this unfold in the epilogue due to how limited it is and, assuming it takes place not too much later (a month maybe?) it’ll take time for the two sides to truly start mingling. But this, along with how our beloved sisters adapt to their new roles, are stories begging to be told in Frozen 3. Keeping the faith that it will happen someday~
Into the Unknown podcast with Jennifer Lee
The Art of Frozen 2
Frozen 2 Junior Novelization (thanks @99884321​ for the screenshots!)
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14th of First Seed, Sundas
I finally received word back from Chancellor of Precedent concerning the official acceptance of Kuna into the House. 
Of course I made my way down to the office immediately, arriving just behind the messenger announcing my eminent arrival.
The Chancellor had me take a seat as his assistants brought forth some very old volumes of precedents from the first era.
It was very exciting to see that there was a record of the official acceptance of a half-Altmer son into House Hlaalu. In their case, there was only one heir to the family line who had been quite sickly, so they had allowed it in order to ensure that the bloodline did not die out.
I asked if, since my son was not in poor health what it would mean for our chances of getting things passed.
The Chancellor explained that since I had no other siblings and that Uncle Urnel had no heirs, unless the Council would allow the re-admittance of Aunt Vivyne’s family, my line was the last one acceptable for the continuation of the Grandmaster’s bloodline. Therefore, we would certainly be granted our Litterae Patentes so long as uncle Urnel approved. The House Council could, of course, contest the decision, but given that I have only one heir and that the bloodline would otherwise end there, the chances of objection were fairly slim, given that none of the other Councilmer were closely related enough to try and get themselves placed upon the throne as Grandmaster.
After going over the next steps and all the forms, I agreed I would like to proceed. Since I had already spoken with Mother, I knew that she would provide sponsorship of the move to begin the process.
So we filled out the necessary documentation and the Chancellor and I both provided our official stamps and the assistants took them directly to be filed. 
Soon my daughter will be a part of this House. And that is something that I am so proud of.
I also asked the Chancellor about filing the adoption of Cariel as well. I said I was not seeking to have her added as a potential heir, but rather, simply to have her recognized as my child within the family registry.
That paperwork was also drawn up and filed.
I spent the better part of the day working on the process before getting in the carriage to return.
Unsurprisingly, someone tried to shoot me through the window of the carriage. The magickal barriers placed around the carriage prevented it, but it did make a spectacular flash of light. As I turned to the light, I saw it flashed out into the direction from whence the attack came. Two of the Ordinators in the procession steered their guar off towards the direction of the attack, even as we continued down the road and towards the manor.
When I arrived home to announce to everyone that things were going well, I found Nabine was not yet returned. Mother was there, with the girls and so we had a nice long talk about how Kuna was now officially in the process of becoming an heir to the throne. Cariel seemed a little disappointed that she would not be following in her sister’s footsteps. I explained that while she would not be eligable to become the Grandmaster, I was still having her added as an official member to the House by way of being my daughter.
I could see Mother bristling with words she wished to speak, but I told her in Chimeris to leave it be and let me take care of it as time grew. She, to her credit, said she would allow it.
I explained to Cariel that I saw her as every bit as much of the family as Kuna. That I loved her and would always think of her as my own daughter and treat her in the same manner.
It is difficult to know how much she truly understood. I know she must see herself as being different. I assured her that, since she did not have to worry about becoming Grandmaster, it meant she would not have to sit through quite so many long lessons about how to behave or have to memorize the long passages of ancient rites. She would even be free from some of the rules and regulations and could play a lot more as a result. I tried to point out every benefit to not having to join the line of succession.
By the end she seemed in rather a good mood and I made sure that we had treats served to both girls.
Mother told me she would accept the sponsorship and would even agree to take the lead on Kuna’s education towards that end. I thanked her, knowing that there was much to be done and the Council to still be convinced. With Mother’s agreement, however, I can only imagine that many will be swayed.
Mother also says that she will stop by uncle Urnel’s tonight and speak with him about all that is going on. And that in the next day or two everything will be put to a vote before the Council and the Litterae Patentes signed. Kuna would be officially granted the title and a brief ceremony would be held when everything was completed.
By the time Nabine returned, a more than a little inebriated, everything was well on its way.
I was surprized to find that Nabine was not happy about my wanting to adopt Cariel officially. I told her that I wanted the House to see Cariel as equally deserving of everything as her sister.
Nabine argued that I was not her father and that it was not my place to insist that I take that title.
I apologized and asked her if she would like for me to have the adoption paperwork rescinded.
That seemed only to set her off more. 
I realized that something else must be bothering her and so I waited for her to get out her frustrations and then asked her if something had happened or if there was something more going on.
She started to get angry again, saying I was patronizing her.
Knowing from past arguments how this goes, I used my birthgift to get her to relax and to tell me what was really bothering her, because I loved her and I wanted to do my best by her.
She told me she hated when I used my birthgift on her, but explained that she was unhappy with life in Mournhold. The constant threats, the having to sneak around all the time, the nasty looks people gave her. It made her feel awful. Worst of all, she had to watch what she did more closely, she had little outlet for her anger, and the one thing that would make it better, spending time with her family, she was denied under the current circumstances.
I wrapped her in my arms and told her I was sorry that things were so difficult. That I hated that it made her unhappy.
She said that she missed just being able to spend the day hunting with her girls or hanging out at a bar without feeling eyes on her at all times.
So I agreed that as soon as the business with Urtisa was concluded, the girls were accepted, and enough time had passed to keep us from suspicion, that I would take her and we would travel with the girls. We could spend some time back in Grahtwood and then travel to Elsweyr. We would stay with my husband and have all of our families together in one place. And if she was unhappy there, that we could do somewhere else. Someplace she wanted to go in order to feel happy. If it was Valenwood or Skyrim or anywhere else on Tamriel, I would go with her to the best of my ability.
It was then that I realized that she was worried. Worried about her life and her girls’, but also about being left again. Nabine said that considering what she had seen happen, she just was not sure what to expect. Everything was so uncertain, but not in the fun way. With so many responsibilities, with obligations pulling us in so many directions, she was scared. Even if we killed Urtisa, even if the House accepted everything and actually allowed us to travel, what new impediments would stand in the way? There was so much that she did not feel as though she could see a path forward for us. And she did not desire to be chained to a House that would keep her from doing as she pleased. Even more, she worried what would happen to Kuna or Cariel and if the House tried to take them away from her somehow.
How foolish I have been not to have seen that, even with her wanting much of this, there would be fears, too. She is a citizen of a state with which ours is a war. She has heard about the way my son and I have both been raised in this House. Of course there would be worries there, fears of what is to come.
I kissed her and told her that I shared much of those same fears. That it hurt to think that, given everything, we might be separated again. And yet, I was willing to do what needed to be done so that we had the greatest chance at success.
Nabine grabbed my shoulders in a grip so tight, it left bruises. She told me that, no matter what, I was to promise her that her girls would never be taken from her by the House. I promised her that if I had to lose my life time and again, I would see to it that the House would not ever keep her from the girls.
With that, Nabine told me to carry her to bed and get her comfortable and massage her feet.
I laughed, happy to see she was recovering herself once more and lifted her in my arms and set her gently onto the bed before going to get the oils.
Even from the other room, I could hear her softly crying and so I took a little extra time to allow her not to be embarrassed. I know how much she hates having anyone, even me, see her cry. I understand how much she hates letting her vulnerability show.
I apologized that I had had trouble finding the oils she wanted, and was happy to hear her give me a small scolding, even with her voice wavering slightly.
After I had done my best to pamper her, we got in bed and I held her until she fell asleep.
I could not rest. My mind ruminated on the fears she had, the hurt that I had brought upon her. I could have cried myself. And yet, I managed to distract myself long enough to bolster my own emotions.
As Nabine sleeps on peacefully, I cannot help but wonder what is truly to come.
She and her girls are both in danger as the result of coming here. I have done this to them.
Worst of all, the downside of not being entirely mortal now, is knowing that I will have to watch them all die. All of those who I care about. I know it will be a long time for the mer in my life. We have long life spans, after all.
But what of Qau-dar, Little Khes, the quadruplets? The lives of Khajiit are much shorter.
And after that, what then? See Nabine pass? Kuna? Cariel? Sildras?
Surely they will have children, some of them.
And I will grow to love them as well. And then I shall watch as they grow old and pass. If I am lucky, of course. There is every chance that the dangers of the world may see themselves stealing those lives early.
Is this what the guardian spirits face?
No, it is not the same. They do not have the ability to interfere. They can only listen or observe. I will be able to interfere.
Perhaps that is the price of what I have done. A price I gladly will pay. I shall become the guardian of my line.
There are other mortals who have found themselves living well beyond normal means. Divayth Fyr comes to mind. Though he has quite the reputation for serving only his own pursuits and not those of others these days.
Will I, similarly, become jaded and cold as the centuries turn to millennia? I can only hope that I am able to remain the same mer. That my personality remains as it is.
Dawn will some soon, I should try to rest. Tomorrow will be busy.
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
Please Assist Me (Chapter 2)
Chapter 1 
He Said
Sophia’s trial month flew by  -  she had completely proved herself. By 6 months in, I really didn’t know how I’d coped before her - she had shown her value time and time again.
The gifts she helped me pick out were always perfect fits for the receivers and she always paid such close attention to the little details that made a gift personal. Kim was thrilled with the coffee set and Karina adored the genuine Moroccan tagine.
She made me laugh sometimes when she questioned the budget but I always just said that “you can’t take it with you” and “why have it if you can’t spend it”. Anyway, I am not that extravagant about most things, well not compared to others in my business. Sometimes though, the cheaper alternatives she came up with were genuinely great ideas.
She made the house feel loved  rather than the scruffy dormitory it’s prone to become when I am left in charge! I remember that on the very first day, when I got home, the t shirts and boxers I’d left in the dryer that morning were neatly folded on my bed. I had felt a slight moment of anxiety at a woman handling my undies but figured since she had been married, it wouldn’t be the first time! My house even felt truly homely sometimes when she’d bring the kids over if we had to meet on a Saturday or the school holidays. They are adorable and very well behaved – a reflection of their mother.
And her cooking skills were very handy – she’d make me salads and soups so I had easy meals after a long day on set so I didn’t always end up stopping for Ramen on my way home! And she even helped me one time by half prepping a meal I was going to make for Alex Winter and his wife. She made me look good though I did admit I had help!
Alex said
Keanu had a real spring in his step since starting his new project. At first I assumed it was all a reflection of his creative satisfaction but then I noticed something else – at every opportunity after she started working for him, he would mention his new PA Sophia when we got together or talked on the phone.
He’d tell me how it was she who picked out my birthday card and gift  - well the options at least and even she who was helping Karina to arrange his mother’s birthday party.
One weekend he invited Ramsey and I to dinner. There we discovered that it was Sophia who had prepped a lot of the ingredients for him the day before as he was on set on Saturday morning! She was everywhere!
He seemed to view her as his personal saviour but at the same time also seemed oblivious to the affection he clearly had for her – and let’s not forget her kids and how he gushed about them.
I needed to talk to him and took my opportunity after dinner.
He said
I guess all those thoughts about how great Sophia was were bubbling away in my mind over dinner with Alex and Ramsey. I could feel myself going on about her and noticed Alex raise his eyebrows a couple of times when I brought her up yet again.
In the kitchen after dinner Alex brought it up asking if maybe I had a little crush on her.
“nahhh, come on, I don’t have time for that” I protested “I mean, yes she’s lovely, a godsend to me    in fact and she’s very attractive I grant you but ……. What?”
Alex was laughing and rolling his eyes at me but I was hesitant to admit anything. After all, she was my employee, and from a different world from me. I’d always imagined that if I got together with anyone, it would be someone in our profession or something related. Someone creative who’d understand my passion. Besides, she was a mother of 2 and I have never got the slightest impression she saw me as anything other than the boss, the busy guy who didn’t have time to buy his own groceries or his own mother’s birthday card and gift.
“It’s just that she is really making my day to day life easier so of course I mention her a lot – I mean she half cooked our dinner”
“Whatever!” Alex said in an exasperated tone “just think about it, will ya?”
“Whatever!” I retorted.
I continued to ponder all this for several days and then events kind of took over.
She Said
The first month flew by and I passed muster. I was now employed on a rolling contract.
I know it was only everyday tasks I was doing but it still gave me job satisfaction. I put care into leaving the house looking and feeling homely and I tried hard with the gift and card buying, making sure I understood what he wanted and also found out enough about the recipient to get the most suitable items.
His insistence on signing the cards himself was adorable.  Most days that I was at his house, I’d need to leave something for him to sign or a little message asking for instructions about groceries or meals. In that way and through phone messaging, we had a continuous dialogue. I knew he was my employer but  it also felt like he was my friend.
That feeling was further reinforced when, about 4 months into the job, he invited me and the kids over to lunch one Saturday to meet his younger sister Karina as she was organising a birthday party for his mum and he was essentially delegating his duties to me.
Keanu told me that Karina would do some buffet food for lunch so I made a contribution of some home-made tuna empanadillas which were one of my specialities. I can’t deny that I held my breath when Keanu and Karina tucked into my bake and delighted in their enthusiastic response
“God these are amazing, you sure you don’t want to cater mom’s party as well?” Karina joked
I liked her and it was fun to start the plans with her. Keanu said his role was basically “show up and cover the costs” and left us to it, preferring to play with the kids. He’d suggested they bring their swim things and took them out to the pool to play.
Miguel and Eva really liked him and he took great pleasure in doing his Duke Caboom impressions for them. I can’t deny that my heart skipped a beat to seem him out there being so sweet with them. They didn’t see much of their Dad anymore since he’d moved away with his new girlfriend so it was good for them, and specially Miguel, to interact with another man.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles
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psycheswritings · 5 years
Nothing’s Fair in Love and War - Five
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Title: Nothing’s Fair in Love and War Fandom: Peaky Blinders Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Daphne Scott (OFC) Warnings: Swearing, drinking, smoking. Word Count: 4071
Author's Note: Hello, again and welcome to the new update. Things start to develop right now and I want to know what you all are thinking of it. Thanks to everybody that commented and liked the fic. Please, let me know what you think. It makes me really happy and helps improve the story. What do you think of the characters, are they too OOC? Something is bothering you? There’s too much scenes of the show in there? What are your thoughts? Share with me. As always, this haven’t been proofread, so feel free to report any mistakes back to me; warnings are expecific for each chapter. Also, your feedback is also highly appreciated. Tags are at the bottom, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Summary: Alfie and Daphne have a little conversation that opens their eyes for things that they might have been ignoring. The Shelby Brothers Limited start to put into action their expansion and Daphne has a very interesting encounter.
They were both sitting at the table, breakfast served, newspaper on their hands and silence filling the place. Cyril was sprawled out on Daphne’s feet enjoying the little ray of sunshine entering through the window. Things have been surprisingly good in the Solomons’s household.
“The Blinders took the Eden Club.” She said nonchalantly, taking a sip of her coffee, neither of them taking their eyes out of the paper.
“I heard.”
“Are we ignoring it them?”
“For now.” She sighed, resigned, knowing that he wasn’t going to talk anyway.
“Will you need me next Wednesday?” Alfie lowered his newspaper at that, observing the woman who still had the object hiding her face.
“Not that I remember. Do you have something planned?” She folded the paper, putting it aside on the table and looking up at him.
“Polly Gray invited me for tea.” He blinked once, twice, before folding his own journal and throwing it beside hers.
“Isn’t this Thomas’s aunt?” There was a hint of surprise on his voice. He remembered the woman from Daphne’s party, she seemed skeptical of the young woman the whole night, watching her from aside, trying to make Daphne slip on her words. It did not made any sense that the gypsy woman would invite her for tea without ulterior motives. Unless… Unless that she had seen what Alfie had been trying to ignore since the first time that Thomas Shelby had put his feet at the bakery – or more precisely, since the first time he had laid his eyes on Daphne.
“Yes, it is.”
“Are you considering her offer?”
“Maybe.” He scratched his beard, not taking his eyes of hers. Daphne could almost hear the gears working inside his head.
“Well, it could be good to build up trust, you know. She seemed a little guarded around you.”
“She was analyzing me. Both of us, for that matter.” She took a sip of her coffee.
“Yeah, but she seems to have picked more interest in you than in old, creepy me.” Daphne rolled her eyes at that – he wasn’t that much older than she was.
“We are women, Alfie, sometimes we see things that you men don’t.”
“Like the fact that Will still loves you?” His statement surprised her. Alfie was like a brother to her, they talked about almost everything and he was one of the first that had the courage to point out that William had fallen for her in France. “You can’t tell me that I was the only one who noticed the staring contest between him and our darling Thomas.” She stayed silent, looking at his blue eyes to try to discover where he wanted to go with this conversation. “I’m not stupid, Daph, I’ve been fighting your suitors since we came back from France, I know when a man looks at you as something more than the powerful businesswoman that works with the mad Jew. And that is the way Thomas Shelby looks at you.” He propped his elbows onto the table, hands placed together underneath his chin. “And don’t go telling me that he is curious about us because we’re past this point now.” She smiled, a genuine one, and Alfie had to fight the urge to not do the same.
“He is curious.”
“Well, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.” She saw the smirk on his face and the joke in his tone.
“Are you planning to?”
“It depends on where his curiosity is leading him.” Daphne really wanted to believe in him but there was something in the way he talked that told her that he was willing to do what it takes to keep Thomas Shelby from getting too close to her. “You go on and met Polly, aye. See if you can discover something useful to us. Either way, it may be good being on her good sides.” It would come in handy having her out of the bakery if he was going to do what he was planning. Alfie knew her for a fair amount of time to recognize the signs – she was falling for the Brummie gangster.
Since they met, Alfie never saw Daphne show any interest in a romantic relationship. She flirted just alright, could lead men on to think that they had a chance of winning her when the truth was far from that. He even suspected that she and William had some kind of fling at some point. But he also knew that the doctor wanted more – he had talked to Alfie about it in a drunken haze one night. He said that he would rather be in her life as only a friend than not being in her life at all. There is no need to say that they never talked about that ever again.
Yet, he had discussed the topic with Daphne a few times – he was protective of her but it didn’t meant that he didn’t wanted her to be happy, which he truly did. He was a bad man, by society standards, that is, he always had been. Taking what he wanted, manipulating people, lying, deceiving, beating, killing… his whole life. She was completely the opposite – gentle, caring and loving, with a fierce personality and courage that would put any man he knew to shame. Daphne deserved the world – but she did not believed in that. Not after the war. Not after losing everything, after being unmade and having to pick up the pieces. So she ignored everything, everything that could make her feel alive – including the hint of attraction that she felt for William and with that any chance that he had of convincing her that they could be good together.
Considering all of that knowledge, Alfie found a little amusing, at first, the sudden interest that Thomas Shelby had shown towards her the first time they met. It was subtle, the Brummie was not a man that used to show his emotions freely, but the Jew caught his gaze and recognized the curiosity there. And she was right, indeed, because in the beginning all that Tommy wanted was to discover what her connection with Alfie was. But that changed quickly when he learned that she had no romantic involvement with the Jew and he was more than surprised when he saw the hint of interest in Daphne’s eyes the day Tommy brought his man to the bakery.
Alfie didn’t liked the path things were starting to run up to, so he decided to play his cards and deal with things his own way. Thomas Shelby was no good men and that wasn't the first time he crossed somebody to his own benefit so he shouldn't feel guilty for behaving like the gangster he was. Then why he felt like he was doing something wrong?
Thomas was leaning onto the dresser, reading the newspaper and smoking while he waited for his brothers and aunt.
“Are you alright?” Polly asked when she entered through the front door, taking off her gloves and going to sit by the fire to try and warm up. Tommy clears his throat, throwing the paper in one of the chairs and taking the bottle on the table.
“What is it? Just us?” Arthur asks, curious, standing beside his younger brother.
“Just us.” Thomas uncorks the bottle and starts pouring the liquid into the three glasses displayed on the table.
“Are we celebrating?”
“Just taste this.” Tommy hands the glasses to each of them. Arthur and John sit on the lovesit, the eldest Shelby takes the drink in one gulp.
“What do you think, Arthur?”
“Yeah, it's good. Good stuff, really nice. Too good for the Garrison. I suppose we could shift it to the toffs at the Eden Club. Why? What is it?” He asks, curious like the other two. Tommy starts explaining while Arthur takes the bottle and pours himself another glass.
“That is part of an export drive. We now have a secure warehouse in Camden Town and secure passage to the Poplar Docks. So, on Monday morning, we'll be sending out our first export crate. A crate of Riley car spares bound for Halifax, Nova Scotia.”
“Where there's prohibition.” Polly finishes for him. He gives her a half smirk, pointing at her with the hand that holds the cigarette.
“Where there is prohibition. All over Canada and America, people are making their own booze in bathtubs. But rich people in New York, in Toronto and Boston are still paying a lot of money for the real stuff. So, on Monday, the first Shelby company crate will contain a thousand Riley carburetors. But hidden in the packing will be five hundred bottles of the finest quality single malt Scotch whisky.” Polly is examining the bottle that Arthur had put back on the table. “And we, Shelby's, have a license granted by the Minister Of The Empire himself, which means our crates won't be searched.” Thomas sees the hesitation in his aunts demeanor. “And, Polly, all of the whisky will be packed at the docks, so Michael can do the books without being involved. Like I've been telling you all for a year now motor cars are the future.”
“So, how is your life then, Tom?”
“On the up, Johnny, on the up.” Tommy is supervising the shipment of the crate while smoking a cigarette.
“But, Tom, really, come on, how is it?” The gypsy steps closer to Tommy, hands on his waist. “You know I hate to see you not even married yet. I have a fine looking cousin, she'll make your life hell. You deserve her!” He laughs and the gangster smiles a little. “We haven't had a good old wedding in a long time.” The gangster can do little to stop the image that his brain conjures in his head - Daphne, standing at the altar in a white dress veil upon her face. Damn, woman for making him want things he can’t have. He is quick to go back into business.
“Have you had a look inside these boxes, then, Johnny?” The man is carrying boxes to the boat and tries to run away from the gangster’s question.
“What do I want to look at car parts, Tommy, when I haven't even got a car?”
“Faith in family is a fine thing, eh? And I wouldn't even be counting. If twenty five becomes twenty four, then twenty four it is.” Tommy walks closer to him, stopping by his side.
“Oh, you know I'm no good with numbers, Tom.” The gangster puts his arm around Johnny’s shoulders.
“And if 24 ever became 23 then that'd be tax. We don't pay tax.” The man looks at him clearly frightened.
“No, Tom.”
“Good man.” Tommy pats his back and makes his way to the stairs of the warehouse,, where he mets Billy Kimber.
“I put an iron door on, and we've put iron bars on the windows and across the skylights.”
“Good.” The gangster passes by Billy and the man follows him up.
“So what will you be keeping in here, Tommy?”
“Temptation, Billy. Temptation.”
“Morning, Arthur. I was just passing.” The eldest Shelby is fucking a woman on one of the couches of the club, pointing a gun at the alleged threat entering the room. Tommy just walks by, going directly to the back room take a look at the books.
“I think I'm in fucking love.” Arthur takes a few minutes to go met his brother, appearance disheveled and still breathing a little heavy. “Drink!” He becomes one of the waiters and sits down in front of Tommy, buttoning his shirt. “She don't know where to look.” The waiter comes with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. “Whisky, Tommy?”
“No, I've got a long drive ahead.” The younger Shelby is deeply concentrated in the number in front of him,
“You off home?” Arthur asks, serving himself a glass of the alcohol.
“Mm-hmmm. Eventually.”
“To Birmingham.” The eldest Shelby raises his glass before taking the shot.
“What's this?” Tommy asks turning a page and tapping his fingers on it. “Olives.”
“Yes, it's miscellaneous. It's, erm, olives. Sticks, you know, with little bits of fucking onion and things. That's what that is.” Arthur gestures while speaking and Tommy just stares at him.
“We've taken six hundred pounds on olives.” The older man seems a little unset
“Yeah, with little bits of onion.” Tommy takes a drag of his cigarette before speaking, very calmly.
“I told you, Arthur, the dealers sell the cocaine, we take a cut. We don't sell direct. The Home Secretary's cracking down and I don't want this to fuck up everything else, you understand?
“I understand.”
“How much of that six hundred came out of your pocket?”
“It's under control.” Arthur says after a while, pouring himself another drink.
“I put you down here because people are scared of you, Arthur. But if you don't straighten up, it'll be John's turn in London.”
“No need. I can handle it.”
“It's under control?”
“It's under control.” Tommy closes the book in front of him, leaning back in the chair and crossing his legs while Arthur downs the whisky.
“Fucking tidy profit, though, eh?” They both smile, while Arthur looks around.
“It's happening, Tom.”
“Good. Good.” Thomas gets up, taps the book on the table and leaves but not before shouting to his brother. “Straighten up, soldier.” Arthur kneads his fingers through his hair, finishing to button up his shirt and taking the money from the table.
“Yes, sir, Sergeant Major.”
After knocking on his sister’s door and waiting for her to open the door for him, Tommy it’s taken a little by surprise when he is received by a young man.
“I'm looking for Ada.”
“Who are you?” Thomas just pushes him away and marches into the house, the man follows him.
“Ada.” He greets her sister.
“I asked you a question.” Tommy turns to face the man that had just passed through the living room door.
“It's all right, James. This is my brother.” The woman doesn’t bother herself by the presence of her older brother.
“Who's he?” Tommy asks and Ada answers nonchalantly.
“He rents a room.”
“You need to rent out rooms?”
“Actually, she doesn't charge rent.” James answers instead.
“He's a writer, which means he's skint.”
“You get up late these days, Ada.”
“Mm. I go to bed late.”
“Yeah? Where's Karl?”
“What do you want, Tommy?” Ada lowers the paper in her hands and notices that Tommy analysing James and is quick to say. “Oh, God, before you start sizing him up for a wedding suit, he's not interested in me. Or in girls of any kind.”
“Ada!” The writer reprehends her.
“What? Tommy won't judge you.” She goes on reading the paper again. “He sure as hell won't go to the police.”
“Look, I'll go and get dressed.” James makes a move to leave but Tommy stops him.
“James I'm Thomas.” The gangster extends a hand to him. “Pleased to meet you.” The young man seems a little unsure, but reaches for Thomas’s hands, shaking it. “Can I have a minute with my sister, please?”
“Yes, of course.” He leaves the room and Thomas takes a seat on the couch, looking around and then at his sister.
“So, does your lodger know your name?”
“Yeah. Thorne. You think I'd tell anybody anything else? Your Brummie boys are all over the papers. Just one last push, eh? Then you'll go legit? Just one more obstacle to get round then it'll all be straight?”
“Actually, yes.” Tommy seems unamused by her commentaries. Ada scoffs before talking again.
“Personally, I find it quite amusing. Men like you are becoming very fashionable down here. No society party in London is complete without a gangster for the girls to go giddy for. Anyway, what is it that you want?”
“I don't have any children, Ada.” That takes her attention. “So I have set up a trust fund. The beneficiaries will be John's kids and Karl. In order for Karl to benefit, I need your signature.” He takes a paper from the inner pocket of his coat, unfolding it and putting it onto the table for her to take. “I've set up an account. Money will be transferred in the event of my death. It'll set them up for a new life.” Ada folds the newspaper, putting it aside to take the thing he has left on the table.
“Are you sick?”
“I'm just doing what any ordinary man would, putting my affairs in order.” She paused for a minute or two, reading the terms of the trust fund.
“And putting your affairs in order includes admitting that you feel something for Daphne?” Since he had came to her asking about the woman, Ada had been dying to ask him about it. After her conversation with Daphne and seeing the way they both looked at each other at her birthday party, the Shelby sister was more than convinced that there was something in the water. Tommy rolls his eyes, scoffing at his sister but she doesn’t give him a chance to talk. “Wherever it is that you are doing that made you think about putting up a trust fund for your nephews certainly is trouble enough to make you stop moping around because of that damn barmaid and move on to someone that’s worth.”
“And Daphne is.” Ada sighs, irritated by his cold façade.
“You know what, Tommy. Go on and keep on pretending that you don’t care about anybody anymore. Keep on lying to yourself about what you really feel. Maybe that way she can have a chance with somebody that bloody deserves her!”
“I don’t know if that man really exists.”
Daphne was sitting at the cafe, book in hand and a cup of tea in front of her, appreciating the piece and quiet when she noticed the man coming towards her. She knew that it was just a matter of time, she had already noticed that Finn had been following her all day, it was obvious that it had something to do with his older brother’s doings.
“Mr. Shelby.” She lifted her gaze to met his and saw the little hint of surprise in there.
“Miss Scott, a surprise to find you here.”
“Really. You mean that the fact that Finn is out there in the cold taking guard to see what time I arrived is totally coincidence.” He gave her a sideway smirk at her cleverness. He wasn’t expecting to get caught so easily. “Call the poor boy inside.” Thomas beckoned the younger blinder inside and in a minute he was by her side, looking at his brother a little concerned that he would get reprimanded.
“Hello, Daph.”
“Hello, Finn. Why don’t you go to the counter and ask Mary for a sweet? On my behalf.” He looked at his older brother for permission before thanking her and walking towards the counter. Tommy pointed at the chair in front of her.
“May I?” She closed her book, putting it aside.
“Be my guest.” The waiter came to the table immediately and she asked for more tea and something for them to eat before Tommy had a chance to talk. When the waiter left he was looking at her, smirking. “So what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit outside of the bakery?”
“I was just passing by, thought that would be good to see you.” The warmth that spread through her was something that Daphne wasn’t expecting.They weren’t friends, they were just business partners and all that considered he was still a stranger for her - what little information she had of him, besides one or two things confided to her by Ada, was mostly business related. However, for some reason that she couldn’t quite understand, the simple fact of this man sitting in front of her and saying that he thought that would be good to see her in such a casual manner, like it was something that he had been thinking about for a while, made her heart flutter.
“Everything alright with the first crate of Shelby Brothers Limited?” He smiled as he noticed the faint blush on her cheeks and the fact that she was redirecting the topic. It seemed that Daphne Scott would never cease to find a way to amaze him in some way.
“All going according to the plan.” There was silence again as the waiter came back with the food but they never averting their gaze from each other more than what was strictly necessary. Daphne thanked the waiter and took a sip of her tea. “How’s the preparations for your friend's wedding?” If she thought that his inquiry was strange she didn’t showed it.
“Rushed but going well despite William’s complaints.” At the mention of the doctor’s name Daphne saw Thomas’s flinch but he quickly regained his composure.
“You seem pretty close.” He took a sip of his own tea trying to put the image of the doctor hugging Daphne to the back of his mind.
“Yeah, we know each other for a long time. William is a good friend.” He made a little pout murmuring a “hmm” and then there was silence. Being under his stare was never unsettling, not like it was with other people sometimes, she felt surprisingly comfortable with the silence in a similar way than what she felt around Alfie. But the Jew was right - like Ada and Harriet - there was something in the way he looked at her, something that wasn’t just curiosity. He looked at her like he knew something about her that she hadn’t figured it out yet and she had to admit that she felt compelled to discover what it was.
“Friend.” The word was said as if it contained venon. “I see.”
“He’s a good man.” She said casually and he scoffed at that.
“Yeah, I bet he is every mother’s dream for her daughter. Any particular reason to way he’s not married yet?” She arched and eyebrow at him.
“Any reason to why you are not married yet?”
“I am not a good man.” Thomas leaned back into the chair, analysing her piercing gaze.
“I doubt that this is a hindrance, lost count of how many women I saw daydreaming about marrying Alfie.” She smiled, biting a scone and taking her time chewing it. “There are people that are drawn to danger.”
“Are you?” There was the glint in his eyes again and Daphne paused for a moment before answering him.
“If I feared danger I wouldn’t live with a gangster.” It was a bold affirmation and he noticed that she did nothing to conceal it. He looked around, people seemed too absorbed into their own conversation to eavesdrop, even then, he was surprised by her bluntness. Thomas let the statement sink in with a prickle of satisfaction, a smirk creeping into his features. “You didn’t touched your food.”
“Not hungry.”
“Would you disregard me like that?” He knew what she was doing, trying to guilt trip him, so he decided to entertain her and began to eat. She seemed rather satisfied with herself as she took another bite of her scone, smiling.
“Are you going?” Tommy gave her a confused look, like he had been distracted. “To the wedding.”
“Do you want me too go?” The question caught Daphne by surprise even when she knew that the leader of the Peaky Blinders’s boldness. Yet, there was no surprise to her in figuring out that yes, she did want him there.
“Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Shelby, but you don’t seem like a man that cares about anyone else’s opinion.” He rested his elbows on the table, leaning in closer.
“And if I care about yours?” She felt lost in his gaze, lost into this strange feeling that she had around him. But the moment had come and go just as fast when Josiah approached her, informing that she was needed at the bakery. So she had to excuse herself, getting up to leave. Daphne extended her hand for him to shake, like usual, and was taken by surprise when his rough fingers turned hers around, guiding them to his lips. He kissed her knuckles, a barely there touch, but his azure eyes stared at her conceding everything that he did not say. “See you then.”
Tags: @stressedandbandobessed7771​
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Ok so I found an amazing post about a dating app for our monster S. O.’s and since it’s ORCTOBER I was like YES I NEED THIS. So even though I’m in school. I still wanna do this. It’s rather short but it’s cute. And @thetravelerwrites​ and @thetravelerscompanion​ they wanted to be tagged. So here you go. I hope you all enjoy it too. 
Orctober- OkCryptid
You were sitting on the couch playing a game on your tablet while your daughter watched TV on a quiet Wednesday night, it was just the two of you. You were a single mom, a widow to be exact and your number one priority was always taking care of your daughter Anarra, who was 8, and when your husband had died about a year ago, he left you with quite the life insurance policies through work and a private policy which meant that you and your daughter were taken care of financially for many years to come. You had already gone back to school before he died and had gotten your license to be a massage therapist, so you already had your own business, working part time at a nearby salon that your best friend Dawn owned and you made your own hours and because you had incorporated yourself to make your own business, when your husband had died, it was easy to get health insurance for you and your daughter and because of his life insurance policies, you still didn’t need to work full time and you and your daughter could live very comfortably. You were lucky. 
But, you were also lonely. Granted you were no stranger to vibrators so your “needs” were mostly taken care of. But it’s just...not the same. You were a half elf and half human and your husband was mixed too, his father was half human and half orc while his mother was half human and half dwarf and he had turned out to simply look half human and half orc. And Anarra reflected all of that, she had your husbands blonde hair, compared to your dark auburn, your turquoise eyes and your shared fair skin tone, she was just as beautiful as you were at her age but she definitely had the more slender but very physically fit physique of an elf where as you were very voluptuous thanks to your human heritage. 
But lately, you just wanted...something more, it was fall, you missed cuddling on the couch under throw blankets and having date night with your husband and just...well... honestly you missed that good bone rattling sex where your husband would bend you over the kitchen island yank your pants and panties down to your knees, spread your legs, before sliding into you, grab your hips and pound into you from behind until you were sure you were going to break the god damn kitchen island! No vibrator could really do that. 
“Mom?” Anarra suddenly asked, pulling you out of your lewd thoughts. 
“Hmm?” Came your reply. 
“Are you gonna start dating again?” She asked which made you shake your head before you looked at her incredulously. 
“Why do ask? Do you want me to start dating again?” You asked. 
“Well, if you wanted to, I know you miss dad and I do too, but there’s lots of other kids that don’t have moms and you’re a really great mom and if any of those kids had a dad but not a mom and maybe they’re like us and their dad is a really great dad and together we could be a family, I'd be ok with that.” She offered and you wanted to burst into tears at her sweetness and thoughtfulness. 
“Ok, well if you’re ready, we could look together.” You offered before you got your phone out and downloaded OkCryptid and together you made a profile before you went through who you were matched up with already before you found a few profiles that looked good, you cross referenced them via Facebook, a few immediately became disqualified by some of the contents and pictures you found that they were tagged in before there was just a handful of possible options, two were just single guys, three were single dads, a human, an elf, and an orc. The human though was looking for an elf, the elf was also looking for an elf and the orc...judging by his kids, had been married to a human before because his two kids looked like half orc and half human to you but you couldn’t be sure but he was “open to anything" species wise. Within half an hour all three dads were in your inbox and a few of the single guys you had already disqualified who once they found out you were a mom, weren’t interested in being a father, but were interested in “hooking up with a hot milf” to which you politely declined. 
So you set up dates with all of the single fathers since they didn’t have any issue with you already having a child of your own, one Friday night, one Saturday night and the third on Sunday night, all at the same place. A famous trampoline park chain - since they all had kids. 
Friday came and it was the human up first. Daniel, father of two very rowdy, misbehaving, disrespectful, hellion boys. He was divorced and you could immediately tell why she left him, he just oozed self entitled asshole. He was disappointed and actually repulsed that you were curvy, thinking that because you were half elf, judging by your ears and features in your selfie, that you’d be skinny, but he seemed to make peace with it as he poked and prodded at your personal life and seemed especially keen on how much your husband’s life insurance policies were and if there was anything left or if “you had blown it all shopping for clothes and makeup” and when he asked about what you did for a living, he was thrilled then propositioned you for a “happy ending” massage which you promptly shut down and threatened to call the police because that was illegal which he backed off and backpedaled and apologized and said he was “only joking” and that you “need to lighten up”, yeah right. From there, all he cared about was how much you worked, how much you made, if you had a good credit score, if you had any STD’s, how clean you kept your house and how good of a cook you were and how good you were at laundry because he and his boys were “tough on clothes”. That date lasted a whole 30 minutes and was the longest 30 minutes of your life and you had hit the liquor store on the way home and even Anarra was relieved it wasn't going to work out because those boys were really rough in their play and it took an orc halfling who she was friends with to come over and tell them to go away and rescue her before he brought her over to play with his little sister who was a year younger than Anarra but the same size. 
Saturday, was the elf’s date, Althidon, he was also divorced, had nothing but condescending bullshit to say and had two very pretty girls who were the quintessential "mean popular girls" who you wanted to slap, he was disappointed you weren’t more elf like in body shape and the fact that you were half human made him turn his nose up at you and the fact that you worked “such a meanial job” that you “needed to be rescued from” because it was beneath anything that had any trace of elf blood in it because if an elf woman had to work- it should be something more “dignified” like a doctor- lawyer- ceo type since he was an architect himself and the fact that all the education you had was a highschool deploma and massage liscence, which he automatically assumed he knew more about your job than you did because “it couldn’t possibly be that hard” because he was “an intelectual” with a “top 3% IQ” and that you had never really “applied yourself” and were “hindered by your human half” but that was only after he inquired how much your late husband’s life insurance polices were and if you had spent it all yet, yeah- fuck no, there was no way in hell you were going to tell him something like that. That date lasted not even 20 minutes. Again, the longest 20 minutes of your life. 
By Sunday, you were beyond tired, beyond disheartened because they both had been in love with your face but repulsed by your body and obviously only thought you were worth their time if you were going to center your life around them or was a cash cow for them. No fucking thank you, you were going to be happy with your vibrators, you didn’t need this shit. You were about to delete the app because surely nothing good could come of it. All these guys wanted was to either hook up, or a fucking mother to take care of them and their little hellions. Ugh!
So with a heaving sigh you prepared yourself to meet with the last guy, Dektar. You showed up fifteen minutes early, got a drink and managed to slip a little bottle of cherry rum into your Dr. Pepper as you looked out of the corner of your eye as an orc was doing the same thing to his drink and you both noticed the other and recognized the other, you both had seen the other here before, but you always seemed to sit at opposite ends of the little cafe area when he wasn’t sitting in the massage chairs scattered throughout the rest of the trampoline park which the cafe area actually wasn’t that big, you kind of sort of knew him. He was Dex, he brought his boy and his girl here usually on Friday nights and stayed until glow night which was the last two hours the place was open on Fridays and you’ve actually been seeing him around for several months. His daughter was Talna, who was a year younger than Anarra but about the same size and his boy was Tark, they were actually really well behaved and played well with Anarra and the few times they had hurt themselves, you had been there with bandaids and neosporin and a kiss to the booboo to save the day because your own daughter was a little accident prone and you were always prepared which Dex was always grateful and appreciative of. 
“Long day?” He asked. 
“Very long weekend, you?” You asked as you nodded over to his drink and the face he made- made you giggle. 
“That bad huh?” You asked which he nodded emphatically to. 
“You?” He nodded over to you. 
“Oh, one of the worst I’ve had in awhile.” You said before you glanced up at the clock again. 
“Waiting for someone?” He asked. 
“Yeah, my date.” You answered. 
“Me too.” He nodded. 
“Really? Who are you waiting on?” You asked, curiously. 
“Brillianna Sarsys.” He answered as he looked at his phone again. 
“...Dektar Bruke?” You asked as you realized he actually was your date! He seemed to realize the same thing at the same time, relief clearly on his face. 
“Oh, hi,” He waived awkwardly before he got his stuff as you got your stuff and you met at a table in the middle. 
“Hi, I thought your name was Dex?” You recalled. 
“A lot of people can’t seem to pronounce it correctly, they think it’s Dexter so I’ve gone by Dex for decades now. And I thought your name was Bri- as in Brianna.” He chuckled in amusement. 
“Yeah, most people can’t get my name right either, it’s been Bri since elementary school, also decades.” You laughed. "Well let me just say I'm so happy and relieved that you're someone I kinda sorta know already." You laughed.
"Likewise. So what's made your weekend so bad and so long?" He asked curiously.
"Oh the other dates I've had this weekend. They were complete disasters. I got on OkCryptid because I've been a widow for a little over a year and my daughter basically gave me the go ahead that she was ready to move on so earlier this week, I made a profile and you were one of my matches.” You explained. 
“So the other matches weren’t great?” He guessed. 
“Oh my gods were they the worst! Uh the single guys I was matched up with only wanted to hook up, which I’m not into casual sex, I don’t have anything against others who are into that, it’s just not for me. Otherwise I’ve only gone on two other dates, the first was a human, who thought I was “exotic” because I was half elf but disappointed I was fat, he had two boys that I’m sure if I had to mother them, I’d break a belt or two whooping them because they were just the worst, really rough, really rude, really crude and basically bullys and I would put them on any domestic terrorist list and potential shooter list if I could.” You listed off. “And because I am a licensed massage therapist he of course was all about the “happy ending massage” which is propositioning which is illegal, I did actually call the cops on his ass.” You added as Dex looked both sickened and enraged. 
“Yuck.” Dex snarled in disgust. 
“I know right? So that was my Friday night. Saturday night I had a date with an elf, who was actually disgusted I was half human, thought my job was meaneal and beneath anything that had even a drop of elf blood running through its veins. He only seemed to care about how much my husband’s life insurance policies were and his daughters were literally mini “mean popular girls” who I would again- slap their mouths off if I had to mother them. So yeah, lovely weekend.” You quipped sarcastically. “My week was actually just fine, just the last two days have been particularly awful.” You explained before you took a long sip of your spiked Dr. Pepper. “So how has your week been?” You asked. 
“Oh, just as awful, I also had two dates, but I didn’t bring them here, we went out to eat. The first was a single woman who thought she knew how to parent my kids better than me and had nothing but opinions about how I was raising my kids all wrong because even though she has no kids herself she has a degree in it apparently.” He began as you grimaced. 
“Yikes.” You hissed. “I hate that don’t you? When people who don’t have kids, usually aren’t even married feel they’re qualified to give advice? Or the people whose kids are the worst, think they’re the perfect parent.” You offered. 
“Yes! It drives me up the wall! Now I have seen the way you are with your daughter and she’s awesome so obviously you’re doing something right, I think it’s probably the fact that you’re willing to actually discipline her.” He ventured. 
“Oh very much so and I’ve noticed your kids are really well behaved too, I’d think I’d be safe to assume you do too.” You returned as he grinned proudly. 
“I’ve been known to get after them when the occasion arises.” He nodded in confirmation. 
“So was that it or was there more?” You asked before he rolled his eyes and shook his head before taking a long pull from his drink too. 
“I wish I could say yes but sadly no, I’ve been on OkCryptid for three months and so far it really hasn’t worked out, most women just want to hook up or if they are looking for a relationship, they don’t want kids or especially if they have careers, they don’t want to give that up which I get it, some women have the “mom chip” and some don’t and if you don’t- don’t have kids but they’re usually “overwhelmed” by my situation, which I can empathize with, because I have a difficult situation to deal with. Going into a family with kids can be overwhelming.” He explained. “Honestly you were my last attempt, if it wasn’t going to work with you, I was going to delete the app and just try dating the old fashioned way, actually what’s funny is if you had not been well... you I my plan was to ask you out this Friday when I saw you again.” He confessed. 
“Aww, that’s sweet and I would have been open to that.” You admitted. “Also, wow you’ve been on there for 3 months? I can’t imagine sticking it out that long. I’ve only been on there a week and I’m ready to throw in the towel.” You admitted. 
“Yeah, well it’s kind of...well...a coincidence that we’re in similar situations, we’re both widowed, both with kids and just both of us looking for a decent parent because I was in the same boat as you, it wasn’t until my kids suggested I get back into the dating game before I did.” He ventured. 
“It is a coincidence. And I don’t have to tell you that as a parent you’re ready and willing to do whatever it takes to take care of your children and protect them yet teach them at the same time and while I’m sure you’re probably just as lonely as I can be sometimes, you’ll put up with it and endure it because you need to be picky about who and what is around and influencing your children and you should be guarded, they’re great kids and they need to be protected.” You insisted and he looked at you like you were the most amazing being in the universe. And before you knew it, you were both leaning forward across the table and talking like you were long lost best friends and this felt so natural and it was so easy to talk to each other and actually shared some of the deeper parts of yourselves with each other and come to find out, his wife was a human orc halfling, she had been an absolute sweetheart and been such a great mom and cancer had come out of nowhere and by the time she started showing signs she was sick, it was too late and they couldn’t save her and it had absolutely devastated the family. 
You shared that your husband had gone for a motorcycle ride and a driver didn’t see him and changed lanes and side swiped him and pushed him into a cement barrier on the highway and even though he had been wearing a helmet and an armored motorcycle jacket and every piece of safety gear possible, it wasn’t enough. And he didn’t press or even hint at wanting to know how much you had gotten in life insurance policies, he was simply content and happy in the knowledge that you were taken care of and doing well and able to stand on your own two feet. 
You quickly exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch and made plans for a second date and when he kissed you right before you parted, it stole your breath away. 
Ok, so OkCryptid was actually amazing.
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