#while we weren’t allowed to eat in the car i was just mumble thinking out loud like Oh my cats gonna get a really late dinner she’s probably
munamania · 1 year
i’ve been trying to pull back on saying this so much lately but i’m going to kill myself
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 9
Wordcount: 2, 776 Rating: R18+ for adult themes and sex The reader is referred to as she/her.
One more night - 9
Dream on
“Asshole,” Amelia shot him a side-eye. She joined Gilbert by the counter, who wore a graphic tee with another reference she didn’t get. He wasn’t the type to go out much, and Allen was still giving him shit.
So much for not being judgmental.
“He’s harmless, Al. Really.” You murmured.
“That’s what you said about Mathias too.” He huffed.
The arms around you tightened. What Allen implied held more truth than any of you liked to admit, but you weren’t throwing anyone under the bus. Not when so many eyes around the room were red.
“It’s Ma—tee—as. Not Ma—thy—as.”
“Whatever,” He mumbled, spooning up some chili. He studied his surroundings as he chewed. Almost everyone was eating, including one unwanted guest. “So what are we even doing, sitting around like this?”
“Some of us were going to the gym,” You answered, leaning forward to retrieve a toy car that rolled off.
“And who’s some?”
Everyone ended up going. Gilbert was the only one in a good mood, seeing how many people joined him.
While everyone was off doing their own thing, you and Amy with the slam balls, Allen on the bench, and his friend on the machines, Mathias sat in the cafeteria with Bob, putting blocks in a shape sorter.
Ten minutes in, you walked over, your shirt slightly damp with sweat. He perked up immediately.
“Tell me if you wanna leave, by the way.” You patted his shoulder. He blinked, but couldn’t be surprised by your suggestion. “We can take the little one home and have the apartment to ourselves for a bit.”
“Why would I want to leave?”
“Did you really want to stay here?” You softened your gaze. When he leaned back with his brows furrowed, you had your answer. “There’s nothing for you to do here. You were better off staying back.”
It was true. The entire neighborhood had shown up, and he was the only one sitting on the side.
“But I didn’t wanna miss out.” Mathias sighed.
“There isn’t a lot you’re missing out on,” You assured.
He didn’t say anything, only kissing you in silent disagreement. You didn’t understand it like he did.
“Just take things at your own pace.”
He had seen a few contestants, their bright red mitts on and ready to train. Their muscles rippled with every jab, punch, and swing, their tired smiles radiating a magnetic kind of satisfaction. They were the talk of the town, the up-and-coming sports stars.
It was a race he had yet to take the first step in.
And the longer he waited, the harder it would get.
“You’ve gained six pounds,” His coach said, pulling his glasses off. “And you’ve lost some muscle mass.”
Mathias was sitting in his office, getting a rundown of his body measurements. A lot was bound to change after a month of inactivity, and more for worse than better, but he was determined to get back on track.
“There are some other things too,” The knowing look in their eyes made the atmosphere a somber one. Regardless, his pupil sat perkily in his chair, eager and ready for anything thrown at him. “All of which—”
He held his breath.
“—can be improved pretty quickly if you started training now.” The man continued.
“Okay!” Mathias nodded, springing up from his chair. “Then we can start now. I’ll go get my wraps.”
“Wait a minute, Densen.” His coach picked up a piece of paper with his index and middle finger. “Medical certificate. I’m not legally allowed to train you until I get the okay from your doctor.”
He swiped it from his hand and skimmed through it. By the time he was done, his lips were pursed in a deep frown. Lifting the paper to his face, he covered himself as heat rushed to his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Mathias. These rules are only here to protect you. Come back when you’re all healed up.”
“But that could take weeks.” He uttered, voice faint.
Mathias didn’t realize how torn he’s been until he started crying. It wasn’t the first time he hit a roadblock, and yet, thinking about everything left him tearing up. Nothing was going right.
“How am I supposed to fight?”
“You can’t rush recovery, sport.” The other sighed. Standing from their chair, they took his shoulder and ushered him outside. “Take it from me. Your future self will thank you for taking the break you needed.”
They stopped in the middle of his boxing gym.
“Just give the speed bag a spin.”
Mathias didn’t hesitate to do exactly that, wrapping his hands so he could start punching it. The bag went back and forth as he rolled his fists against it in rhythmic circles. Heat surged throughout his body.
“Otherwise, you gotta sit everything out.”
Getting back on his feet should’ve been invigorating. But as he stepped up his workout—against what his doctor and coach advised—and to the level of what other boxers were at, he burnt out like a light.
After a quick burst of jabs, chin tucked and feet bouncing, his chest began to ache. He grit his teeth and pressed on anyway, swinging at the sandbag until he couldn’t anymore. He lasted twenty minutes.
Mathias lowered himself to a crouch.
His mouth hung agape as he panted. Sweat rolled down to his chin, eyes squinting from pain. The severe stabbing sensation in his chest was a brutal reminder of what everybody had been telling him.
“Can we please get a hamster?”
Everyone was cleaning out the apartment, save for Mathias. Amy mopped the floor, you did the laundry, and Allen polished up the kitchen. It was a system that hadn’t changed since it was created years ago.
“You don’t even like hamsters.”
“I never said that. I just don’t like them as much as dogs,” Allen replied, walking out the door to take out the garbage. When he returned, his voice faded back into earshot. “Or cats. Or even birds.”
“So you don’t like them.” Amy raised her brows.
“I do. I just have favorites,” He scrubbed down the sink before flicking open the tap to wash everything down. “Fish and hamsters are apartment-friendly, and fish are boring. So, we should get a hamster.”
“Whatever it is, we don’t have room for a tank.”
“We so do! It’s just a box. We can put it anywhere.”
“Where? The living room?”
“That’ll be too noisy,” Allen threw a hand towel over his shoulder, turning to you with a shit-eating grin.
“Only including me in the conversation when you need something, huh?” You stifled a smile.
“If you’re asking if it can be put in my room, it’s a no.”
His shoulders slumped.
“I’ve got a small room and it’ll probably stink. Don’t think that’ll be good for Mat.” You pinned a shirt with your chin to fold it. Adding it to a neat pile, you then picked up a pair of boxers. “How about the balcony?”
“But that’s cruel!”
“I don’t know where else, then.”
“Okay, okay. Fine.” Allen nodded, raising his arms in defeat. “We’ll just put it in my room. Oh, wait. I don’t have a room. I don’t need a private space, but it’s not fair that you guys aren’t willing to share it!”
“We’re cramped enough as is. Having a rodent might just take up the last bit of oxygen around here.” Amy glided in with her mop. She followed her brother with her gaze, who plummeted on the couch, sighing.
“Then we won’t get a hamster. Happy?”
You and Amy were back in her room, huddled in front of Mathias’s laptop, looking at the PetSmart website.
“There goes my trip to the Bahamas,” She grumbled, adding a cage to her cart. Inside it was also wooden shavings, pellets, treats, and toys which you both would split. The hamster part would come later.
“You put aside a fifty-bucks for the Bahamas?”
“Hey, I can dream.”
“I mean, if we flew to Florida and caught a ship there, that would probably be a few hundred.” You nodded.
“See? Perfectly doable! But we also gotta stop by Disneyworld on the way.” She beamed.
“Now, that’s not very doable.”
“I said I was only dreaming.”
Mathias came home an hour later. He went straight to the sink to wash his shaker, splashing some water on the sides. Allen sat further up the couch to watch him ruin an hour’s worth of good work.
“You gonna wipe that?”
“Yeah, sorry.” The Dane peered over his shoulder. After leaving the kitchen spic and span, he ambled into Amy’s bedroom. You were on his laptop, playing flash games. “(F/N), Can I talk to you?”
“What’s up?”
He closed the door behind him. When he turned to you, his laptop was closed and you were on the bed, waiting for him. The simple gesture left him smiling gently, which was very telling after today’s events.
“I did my PTs today,” He joined your side.
“And how were they?” You asked.
Mathias turned to the wall in front of him.
“They were alright.”
And yet, he kept his head down, unable to look at you. When he was this quiet, this reserved, he always had the worst on his mind. You figured as such, so you leaned your head against his shoulder.
“My ribs are getting better, but I haven’t worked out in a month. I’m starting to lose my muscles.”
“Can’t you gain it back?”
“Maybe if I started now,” He glanced down at you, darting his eyes over yours. It hurt to say what he’d been holding in, but not as much as your reaction.“But I won’t be fully healed for another month.”
“Okay? What if you start then?” You piped up faintly.
“That’s two months I haven’t trained,” He pressed his head to your chest. His voice grew fainter and fainter as he spoke, all until this came out as nothing but an anguished whisper. “I don’t think I’ll make it in time.”
Allen stood outside the door, listening in to the conversation. And there, he let his guilt fester all over again. He never meant to hurt his nephew. And he definitely never meant to jeopardize Mathias’s career.
What he could only hope to do now was to make it up him, but how could he right something so wrong?
“I’m staying at Mat’s place tonight.”
“Okay. When are you coming back?” Allen asked. There was no resistance on his end, not even the urge to question why. He just let go. Or maybe, he was finally being understanding like he wanted to be.
“Tomorrow after work,” You replied, lifting a tote with some necessities—your uniform, wallet, and keys.
“Want me to pick you guys up?”
“I’ll call you.”
You walked to the door with Mathias, who had his duffel, ready to go. He stepped out first.
“Tell Amy where I am, okay?”
Before you left, you lingered around in the doorway. Your hesitance caught Allen’s attention, but he never opened his mouth to say anything. Not until you did. So there he stood, watching your back expectantly.
You turned to him, eyes downcast.
“I’m sorry for what I said.” You uttered.
“And what did you say?” He leaned on the counter.
“That I was just your friend,” Your gaze saddened, and you couldn’t bear to stay here any longer. But you made sure he heard this before you left for the night. “You’ll always be my brother.”
The door clicked shut.
“Whatever you say,” He sighed.
Going back to Mathias’s was a breath of fresh air, only his place smelled just like him. It had that clean, woody scent you loved. And you didn’t realize how much you missed him until you were drowning in it.
“What’s with the bear?” You picked up a tiny teddy from his bedside table. It had a blue-striped outfit and bright red heart sewn in the middle. Everything was just as he left it, including his shopping.
“Remember when we went to IKEA?” He asked, sliding off his bed and walking over to you.
“Uh-huh. Did you buy it for yourself?”
“Kind of,” Mathias took it from you and started playing with it. He spun it from side to side, letting the arms hit your forehead gently. “For the future. But maybe I should just give it to Bob.”
“You don’t have to. He has plenty of toys.” You huffed out, a little embarrassed by what he implied. But you were insistent on one thing. Taking the teddy, you put it back where you found it. “You should keep it.”
“Why? I don’t need it.”
“Then why did you buy it?”
“I wanted it in the moment. But maybe I shouldn’t have bought it.” He scratched his head.
Mathias followed you into bed. He pulled you onto his thighs so you could straddle him. Your hands went against his chest, heart pounding as you stared at him. And he stared back, smiling gently.
It was different now that you were at his place, in his bed. And the privacy was intoxicating.
“Did you want me to keep it?”
“I said that, didn’t I?”
“You can’t answer my question with a question.”
“Why not?”
He laughed. Then, he leaned in. His lips connected with yours in an open-mouthed kiss. The heat of his tongue alone could get you light-headed, but he was never one to hold back. So he stuck it down your throat, drowning you with the taste of him.
By the time he stopped kissing you, every last bit of your clothes was gone, and his hands were pumping you up and down your waist. That and the sight of his twitching cock left you dripping wet.
Seeing it left him aching for a hot fuck.
You wanted him just much as he wanted you, and it drove him mad. But before he let loose, he got a condom. Tearing open the wrapper, he put it over the head of his dick and rolled it down to the base.
You had sex with him for hours. It felt so good to finally do it with him, but good was barely the word to describe the feeling of connecting with him. While you rode him into oblivion, head rolled back and mouth agape, you cried quiet tears of satisfaction.
“Are you really pulling out of the tournament?”
You lay next to him, your body ravished and head clearer than ever before. There was no part of you he hadn’t touched, kissed, or penetrated, no crevice of your mind he hadn’t invaded. But with that clarity returned the grief from his waning motivation.
“Don’t give up.” You reached out to his cheek, face warping with sadness. “You tried so hard.”
“Don’t think about that now,” Mathias took your hand and kissed the knuckles. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his cheeks were rosy, and his heart was still pounding. “Just lay with me.”
He was spent after going at it for hours, and so satisfied, he couldn’t be sad. His restless mind was in a dream-like state, put to sleep by your body. And so, Mathias was content for the first time in a long time.
He hadn’t had you for too long. And once he did, he reached a high so good, he fell asleep smiling.
The tournament was in four months. He had three to train. When he’d finally start, he’d have lost so much muscle mass, heart health, and skill, reaching his old condition in time would’ve been a miracle.
Surpassing everyone else would take another one. Nobody in their right mind would believe he could pull it off. Not his doctor, coach, or any of his friends. It was only Allen that wasn’t in his right mind.
Not entirely, anyway.
The next morning, he pulled up to Mathias’s place.
You already left for work, so it was just him making eggs. While he stirred it in the pan, he wiped a drop of sweat that hung off his eyebrow. The Summer heat was unforgiving, and his realities even more so.
Waking up alone was a harsh reminder of them.
His career had come to a standstill.
Breathing out a sigh, he took the pan off the stove. Before he could dig in, he heard a knock on his door. Did you forget something? When he opened it, he fully expected it to be you standing outside.
Only it was anyone but.
“You get in a good workout lately?”
Allen was at his doorstep, gym bag slung over his shoulder and shaker in one hand.
Next chapter: Thunderstruck
Tag-list: @sunnysssol @chicha027 @javelintine
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
| — I finally got this done and ready for you all. I know it’s a bit late since Christmas was days ago but here it is! Happy holidays! |
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.! 𝔞 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔰 !.
— “ We can go to the park, after dark. “
— “ Smoke that tumbleweed! “
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The beautiful white snow fell from the sky slowly, the sun was setting now as it was nearing the end of the afternoon. Turning evening, you waited for all of your friends to finally come over. Price had thought it would be a neat idea to be together for the holidays, and you offered up your house for the team of huge rowdy men. And of course Laswell and her wife.
You leaned against the railing of your porch, watching as your dogs wrestled in the snow. Obviously overjoyed with the weather, unlike you, who was shivering even under several jackets. After a few more moments of silence, two cars pulled up.
In Price’s truck, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz tumbled out of the back. Being cramped there for so long, Soap immediately sat on the ground to stretch his legs. König and Price leaving the driver and passenger sides, the German soldier waving excitedly at you. In his other arm was a container of cookies. And you knew exactly what kind they were. After all, how else would everyone stay on another planet without going outside for another smoke every few hours?
In the other car, Laswell and her wife stepped out. With Alejandro and Rodolfo in the back, their car seemed the most calm and tolerable. Seeing as they weren’t still bicker with one another and actually came over to greet you. Laswell brought you into a hug, introducing you to her wife. “This is Ana, my wife.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” You shook Ana’s hand, she smiled. “Laswell has told me so much about you. My home is yours.” Stepping aside, you held open the front door. Allowing for the two of them to head inside, hearing Laswell mention something about ‘lecturing the others’.
Before the rest of the men could head inside as well, you slammed the door shut. Soap falling to his knees dramatically on the porch. “What! Let us in Y/n, it’s freezing!” He whined, and just by looking at him, you knew he’s stolen a cookie from König already.
“No! For one, you’ve covered yourself in snow. And two, i don’t think Laswell would approve of us smoking inside around her wife.” Just like that, Soap sat up and threw himself onto a chair that was set up for this specific reason.
“Of course you would behave after hearing you’ll be rewarded with weed…” Ghost mumbled, sitting next to the Scot in another chair. Everyone shared some laughter with each other as you got to work grinding up the weed.
Alejandro didn’t feel like making you do all the work, so he helped. Whenever it came to big sessions like this with the team, two bongs were always needed. Alejandro was the one who cleaned them out, filled with clean water, and fixed the bowls. Taking whatever was finally grinded and adding it into the bowl, once it was full, he took a lighter and handed both objects to Gaz. The man immediately started up, ripping a huge hit.
With the other, you went and sat down with Alejandro finally. The two of you joining Rodolfo on the slightly worn out porch couch. Soap was chatting König’s ears off about a new game that had just come out. While Price and Ghost watched the dogs continue to run around. Even calling them over to pet them.
“So Y/n, what do you have planned for us tonight?” Rodolfo asked, taking the bong from your hands to have his own hit.
“Uh, I have no clue. Other than opening presents and eating. It’s just whatever goes.” You shrugged your shoulders, turning to the side to pat Alejandro’s back since he was coughing his soul up.
A few minutes passed by, bongs being passed around and a few coughing fits here and there. Everyone was relatively buzzed or completely faded (Soap and Gaz). It was a peaceful night and it was starting off strong. The sun officially setting threw everyone into a loop. Whether it was sappy or flat out loud.
“You try sitting in the backseat of a truck between two other guys, Rudy! You don’t understand my pain.” Soap crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair with hooded eyes and a pout. He was complaining about how bad his legs had ached when he left the vehicle. Rudy had called him a pussy as a joke and now Soap was at full volume.
Price shoved the bong away as he took his last hit, glaring at Soap. “I don’t wanna hear it kid. Aren’t you the one who lost against König here?” He pointed a thumb to the side towards König, who was sitting on the ground with the purple bong in his lap.
Realizing what they were talking about, König stopped mid rip. “Price is right! You lost the rock-paper-scissors battle, stop being a sore loser.” He commented, a slight sassiness in his voice as he lit the bowl of weed for himself.
Soap’s jaw dropped, suddenly going silent from defeat. Earning laughs from everyone else who found the scene entertaining. Finally, you and Alejandro both finished off the remaining herbs in both of the bongs. After a few moments of preparation, you all stood up to go inside.
Well you at least tried to. Price, Ghost, and Rudy all got up with ease, ready to head inside already. Alejandro, you, and Gaz were able to stand, with only a bit of struggle. Either wobbling side to side or losing strength in their legs immediately.
The other two were not as successful. Soap thought he stood up, until you all had to tell him to hurry. From there, he was standing and even able to walk through the front door before tripping over air and stumbling into the house. No one really concerned about the loud thump other than Gaz and Rudy. The rest of you watched König try to stand up from the ground. The tall man struggled to get his long legs in working order, and once he did, two dogs bolted past him. Knocking him down, forcing him to try again.
It hasn’t even been ten minutes since you’ve all finished, and it was already the start of the giggles. Alejandro and you braced against each other as you cracked up. Price and Ghost trying to hold their composure but failing. And everyone else scattered on the floor outside or inside. Laswell and her wife were sitting on the couch inside, sadly witnessing the whole thing.
Finally, you all managed your way inside. Half of the team beelined to the kitchen in search of food, including yourself. You had made sure to make tons of it before they came over, so it was still hot and fresh. Soap and Rudy were the first to grab their plates and scramble to pile on the most food as possible. Ghost and Alejandro followed with you, and everyone else slowly came in as well.
“Rudy let go mate. Or this isn’t going to end well for you.” Soap’s threatening comment caused everyone to turn their heads. He and Rudy were both holding onto a big chicken leg, the two of them having a mini tug-of-war with it. Rodolfo was staring at the Scot blankly, with no sign of letting up on the food or even negotiating. Soap could only glare back, the two of them were about to brawl over a damn chicken leg.
“Soap, you already have two other chicken legs on your plate, let Rudy have that one.” Price spoke up over the tension in the room. Soap gasped, whipping his head around with an offended look on his face.
“Why should I? I grabbed it first!” He complained, throwing his hands up, letting go of the chicken as well. Rudy quickly stole the chicken leg, took a bite out of it, put it on his plate and walked away to go sit down. To not stir up the pouty Soap anymore, everyone stifled their laughter. Covering their mouths and turning away. Alejandro was just about in tears next to Ghost.
It took Soap another fifteen seconds before he realized what happened. His only reaction was a loud groan-ish scream, before trudging away to go sit down as well.
Once everyone all got their food, you all sat down at the large dinner table you had set up. It was a comfortable silence as everyone ate. Too busy devouring their own food to talk, other than Laswell, Ana, and Price; who were off having their own conversation over the sounds of grown men chewing like horses.
It’s midnight now, the clock had turned and it was officially Christmas. Everyone except for Alejandro and König sat on the couches, they sat right by the Christmas tree. Alejandro leaned against the armrest of your side of the couch, trying to get all the team members to be quiet enough to start opening the gifts they got for each other.
Soap was yapping at Ghost, who had apparently stole his spot on the couch next to you. The Scot’s accent was thicker once again, seeing as he joined you and Rudy for a round two with the bong so he was back in the clouds again. Ghost was silent as he got lectured, staring off into space with red eyes still.
“Soap! Por favor, amigo. Find a new seat y cállate!” Alejandro begged, pointing Soap to an empty spot next to Price, who was smugly patting the seat next to him. Soap looked at you, begging for you to say anything else so he wouldn’t have to listen to Alejandro. But you didn’t, and with a dramatic groan, he plopped down next to Price.
Finally all of you were ready to start, Secret Santa gifts were being handed out first. Just to get it done and over with, Ghost grabbed his gift first. Trudging over to König, he handed him the box. “Merry Christmas…” he mumbled, König thanking him and tearing open his gift with excitement. Pulling out several new veil cover ups, all with different simple designs. The German was genuinely happy, springing up to hug Ghost.
He paused before he officially wrapped his arms around the man, waiting for an okay from Ghost. Sighing, the Brit nodded and held open his arms for König to hug him. Everyone in the room clapped and cheered (some more dramatic than others; Soap and Rudy) for the sweet scene in front of them.
It was around three in the morning now, everyone was settling down. A few had already gone to sleep in the guest rooms as well. You, Alejandro, Soap, König, and Ghost were left. The five of you all cuddled up with thick blankets over your shoulders as you stood outside on the porch once again. Soap was given a pre-rolled joint with his gift basket from Price, and immediately decided he wanted to try it. Bringing all of you outside once more.
König and Soap were still the most energetic, it seemed like they were never going to fall asleep at this point. Arguing over this or that questions with thick accents and curses in their own languages at each other. Ghost had tapped out from the joint very early, leaning back in his chair with his head tilted back. If you could mute the arguing soldiers, you would hear quiet snores from Ghost.
You were left cuddled up to Alejandro’s side, the both of you sharing your blankets to have even more warmth against the snowy weather. Your eyes couldn’t leave from admiring the bracelets he had gifted you. He said he didn’t know what to get, and then he found those while walking through the market. They were stunning, and he honestly knew exactly what you would have wanted.
Passing the joint back to Soap, Alejandro took the opportunity to whack him behind the head. “Quiet down! People are sleeping inside and right next to you.” He pointed at Ghost, still fast asleep. Soap rubbed the back of his head and glared at Alejandro. Quietly turning back around with a child-like huff and continuing his conversation with König, more quietly this time.
Shaking his head, Alejandro leaned back to relax. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him, resting his cheek against your head. “Children.” He mumbled.
“When are they not? You can't complain though, they keep the energy up.” You poked his side, stifling your laughter as you heard insults be shot at each other.
Alejandro remained quiet, accepting that you were right. The two of you watching as Soap mumbled something under his breath to König. The much larger man gave him a stare that could kill. Before Soap suddenly jumped up from the floor and sprinted into the snowy yard, running away from König who was yelling incoherent German curses.
Rolling your eyes, you sat up and removed the blanket from your shoulders. “Should we separate them before Ghost does?” Alejandro nodded, standing up with you. He didn’t miss the chance to place a quick kiss on your cheek though.
“Feliz Navidad my love..”
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tyb1 · 3 years
I would like to request Seth Clearwater fluff!!! Like falling asleep together for the first time or first date.
Hi!! sorry it took so long, i was high unmotivated to write but i was determined to write this for you. i hope you enjoy it!! :) p.s i included both:)
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” The slamming of the car door made you jump, the sudden appearance of Seth caused a small shriek to escape your lips. Seth apologized quietly to you for scaring you, his face was now on the steering wheel of the car. You brushed it off, your attention was on the water pellets that were falling from his face down his neck. He was soaked in water, the weather forecast stated that it was going to drizzle however it was pouring rain.
“What happened?” You asked, he was shaking the water from his hair. Some particles of water were thrown at you making you giggle.
“They’re closed because of the storm, I even made reservations for us.” He mumbled out, his cheeks were fluffed from the pouting he was doing. It was the cutest thing ever, however you’d never admit that out loud to him. It was something about him that always radiated this cute energy even when he would be mad.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Well let’s go somewhere else. Maybe we can drive around until we find something else to eat.”
Seth threw his head on the steering wheel. You merely cringed at him for hurting himself like that. “I’m sorry this day has been ruined. After the restaurant, I was going to take you to a drive-in movie.”
“The day just started!” You shouted, his eyes grew wide at the sudden outburst. You weren’t the one to get embarrassed, you only laughed it off. “Let’s go to the drive-in movie and wait there.”
Seth removed his head from the steering wheel, he was now leaning back on the headrest with his eyes closed. “The movie doesn’t start for another hour.” He groaned, from his body language you could tell that he was growing agitated with the matter. Your hand found its way on his, you squeezing hoping to give him a bit of reassurance.
“So? We can just hang out in the car.”
Seth only nodded his head, he took off in the direction of the movie drive-in. Your feet were on the dashboard tapping along to the music. You stole glances at him, from the way he was holding the steering wheel you knew he was still aggravated from earlier, his knuckles were nearly white. “Seth come on, this is our song. You love this song.”
He only side-eyed you. A small grin was appearing slowly on his face. He turned up the radio making you smile so hard your cheeks were about to explode. He grabbed your hand swinging them around in the air while singing the song. “I can't write one song that's not about you. Can't drink without thinkin' about you. Is it too late to tell you that? Everything means nothing if I can't have you?”
You rolled down the windows allowing the rain to come in the car. Seth nearly had a panic attack when the cold water came in contact with him. “(Y/N) you are so dead!”
“That's okay, at least I'd die at your hands. I read that in a Shakespeare book!”
“Which one?”
“I think Hamlet.”
Seth snorted, “That was definitely not Hamlet and I don’t even know what Hamlet is about.”
The rest of the ride was spent with Seth teasing you about that. He would say ‘How could you be a Shakespeare fan and not know that!’
Seth brought both of your tickets, the movie that was playing was a horror film. The name was The Quiet Place. You were a big fan of horror films, he parked right in the middle where the screen was. Shortly after that, he left to get some popcorn and candy, while he was gone you made your way into the back of his car. The blankets and pillows were already there for you guys.
“Come back here, it's nice and warm,” you said, Seth looked confused, he hadn’t realized that you were in the backseat. He laughed, you were snuggled underneath the blankets of the covers.
Seth didn’t want to get wet again so he tried to climb across the seats as you did. The only problem was he was bigger and taller than you. He got stuck once, he also landed in the back like a pretzel. “I got it.” He said after you tried to help him from the awkward position.
Seth sat upright next to you; his elaborated breathing was the only thing that was heard.For the first time today, it was awkward, he handed you the popcorn which you gladly took. You honestly didn’t want it but it was the only thing that kept you occupied. You both sat there with the blanket over your legs and both your hands in your laps. He yawned twice trying to pull that stunt that boys do. It was quite a cliche but the attempt was cute.
“You know you can just put your hands over my shoulders. You don’t have to pull that stunt.”
He was awkward, more awkward than usual. This wasn’t your first date but it was the first time you guys were this close to one another. Whenever you went out to eat you would sit on the opposite side of the table from one another. The only physical contact you had with him was when he would help you get out of his car, one hand would be in your hand while the other would be on your lower back guiding you to your destination. That was one of the best feelings in the world although his hand placement wouldn’t stay there for long.
“I’m sorry I don’t want to mess things up. I really like you a lot. I don’t know how these things work so I’m working hard so I don’t lose you.”
“Hey, you’re fine. We’re in this together. I honestly like you a lot too. I’m just as nervous as you are.”
“Can I say something else?”
“What is it?”
“I’m actually scared of scary movies. I thought that if you were scared then I could protect you so I’m actually happy that the movie didn’t play.”
“Seriously!? I’m a huge fan of horror films.” You both burst out in laughter, “That means I would have been the one protecting you.”
“I wouldn’t mind. I love the fact that I could be in your arms.”
You face Illuminated with happiness, “I mean it’s not too late for it…”
Your arms were as wide as your smile when you embraced him in your arms.
Seth continued to be nervous as the night progressed, he would continue to ask if you were okay. He genuinely wanted this night to be perfect.
Halfway through the movie he fell asleep. The night sky was the only light you were getting since the movie had finally cut off. Cars continued to drive by you to leave the movie lot. Seth looked too precious for you to move him so you didn’t. You relaxed your body next to his, closing your eyes softly.
“Thanks for the perfect first date Seth.”
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kurosukii · 3 years
𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥
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pairing: matsukawa issei x f!reader
summary: you’re so glad that you married a loving and doting man who cares for your child as if she’s his own flesh and blood; you just didn’t expect that his son would take a certain liking to you as well...
genre: smut, stepcest au
warnings: 18+. noncon/dubcon, pseudoincest (stepcest), somnophilia, dubcon cheating, milf reader, use of ‘mommy’ (not in the femdom way), creepy and possessive issei, slight voyeurism and exhibitionism, body image issues, corruption, manipulation, panty sniffing, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, unprotected sex, mutual masturbation, spitting, degradation, praise, size kink, breeding kink, biting, nipple play, oral (f receiving), humping, cockwarming, cumplay, creampie, overstimulation, mating press, doggy style
word count: 6.4k
author’s note: for @karasunosimp‘s it’s raining milk collab! thank you for letting me join! hehe so it’s another stepcest au,,, also i’ve already written for 3/4 of the seijoh four EEK (let me know if i missed any warnings!) (MINORS DNI)
° thank you to @meiansmistress @ssrated1volleyballplayer @bokuroskitten @anime-nymph for beta-reading and editing! <33
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[11:53 AM]
“have fun at the amusement park! stay safe and always listen to your dad, okay?” you say sweetly to your jumping daughter.
you giggle at her excitement, your heart and cheeks warming when you see her eyes twinkling with unbridled joy as she holds her stepdad’s finger with her entire hand.
“bye mommy! i’ll see you later when we get back! have fun with nii-chan!” she answers loudly, squealing when your husband picks her up and twirls her around as they walk down the path to the car.
you wave them off, returning inside and closing the door with a click. you wince at the sound, louder now that your daughter’s giggles and squeals are gone.
meanwhile, issei leans against the wall with his thick arms crossed as he shamelessly looks you over from head to toe. he slowly licks his bottom lip, clearly liking what he sees.
you’re now hyper aware of your bare nipples brushing against the fabric of your shirt, and paired with the flimsy linen shorts you’re wearing, the room definitely feels hotter with the sexual tension that’s permeating the air
sexual tension that you’ve been blatantly ignoring ever since you married into the matsukawa household.
“why are you always so nervous around me, mommy?” issei asks, feigning innocence. his eyes twinkle and lips stretch into a smirk when he sees your breath hitch.
you don’t bother to grace him with an answer, heavy lump forming in your throat as you speed walk past him and into the kitchen.
he chuckles at your reaction and pushes himself off the wall, following you as his eyes watch your swaying hips. issei is hungry and it has more to do with the woman in front of him rather than the steaming plate of food on the table.
after you’re done fixing up the table and finally take a seat, you pray to any higher being within earshot to ask for strength in dealing with your wayward stepson.
you really don’t like being alone with him and it’s not because you don’t want to be around him. it’s because you’re afraid of what he might do to you.
you weren’t born yesterday and you’ve lived a long enough life to know when a man is looking at you like he wants to spread your legs and pound you until you’re a writhing mess underneath him.
because that’s how issei looks at you and he’s not ashamed about it either. it genuinely shocks you because his father—your husband—can be in the room and issei will still undress you with his eyes.
you thought you were being delusional at first, ashamed at how you secretly accused your husband’s son of leering at and having inappropriate thoughts about you.
it turned out that you weren’t wrong, however, because you came home one afternoon to get something you left, expecting that no one would be there so imagine your shock when you passed by issei’s slightly opened door and heard him pleasuring himself.
you were about to run back downstairs until you heard him groan your name as he was stroking his cock. you choked out a gasp as you stood by his door. he was naked, tanned body glistening with sweat as he fucked his hand.
you couldn’t help but gape at his thick and long cock—bigger than your husband’s, as much as you were ashamed to admit—and you watched him for a few minutes, panties drenched with how much slick and pre-cum was leaking out of issei’s, for lack of a better word, horsecock.
your face burned when his hips jerked and he sprayed his cum all over himself, moaning your name long and hard as his body twitched from the stimulation.
needless to say, you went back to work with soiled panties and a hot face, not knowing that watching issei masturbate to the thought of you would be the turning point that led to the taboo relationship with your stepson.
the sound of utensils falling and clanging break you from your memories; your face burns at being caught red handed and you squirm uncomfortably in your seat.
issei apologizes for the disturbance and continues eating, never failing to wink every time you glance at him. he knows the effect he has on you and he relishes in it, teasing his stepmom endlessly.
he can’t wait to expose you for the little whore you actually are, and what better than to seize the opportunity of the both of you having the house all to yourselves?
“your little one and my dad are out bonding in the amusement park and i know for sure that they’ll be there all the way into the night,” he says, setting down his utensils and wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin.
the movement of his hands causes the many rings on his fingers to reflect against the light and he looks at you from under his thick lashes, brown eyes smoldering with shameless desire.
“so why don’t we do some bonding too?” he asks and chuckles when you choke on your food. he reaches for your cup of water and hands it to you, thick and ring-clad fingers brushing against yours as you take it from him.
“you’d like that, wouldn’t you, mommy?” he whispers, his voice raspy and deep. you shiver at his sensual tone, fingers gripping the cup hard. you clear your throat loudly after swallowing, willing yourself to ignore his advances and innuendos.
“i’m tired, issei. i’m going to take a nap after eating,” you say sternly, glaring when he seems not to take you seriously. he laughs lowly, letting out an okay, whatever you say, before standing up and stretching.
your cheeks warm when he groans, similar to the one you heard before, and you jump out of your chair and begin to gather all the plates and leftover food.
“let me clean up, hmm? you did all the cooking and prepping. ” issei stops you with a large hand on your forearm. his skin is hot to the touch but his rings feel cool, the juxtaposition making you lightheaded.
he’s breathing down on you, large body covering yours while his intoxicating scent invades your senses. you shake your head and mumble out a garbled ‘thank you’ before you leave the kitchen and issei, practically sprinting up the stairs and towards the room you share with your husband.
you close the door once you’re inside, breathing heavily as you hear your heartbeat in your ears. damn him, you growl in your head. you ought to give him an earful about personal spaces and appropriate manners.
you sigh loudly as you walk to the dresser, intent on changing into your silky nightgown for your midday nap. you wear the garment to help you feel attractive, despite your age and changed body. you remove your shirt over your head and shiver when you see how hard and pebbled your nipples are.
even though your mind refuses to succumb to issei, your body is a whole different story. you wince when you remove your shorts and feel the dampness in your panties, making shame and guilt course through you as you put on your nightgown.
of all the people in the world, only your husband should make you feel this way. no one else, and certainly not his son. what would he think of you? what would your daughter think of you?
fuck, why are you even allowing yourself to think like this?
you know that if you ask issei to stop acting inappropriately towards you, he would listen—wouldn’t he?
you know the reason why you allowed this whole forbidden staring and teasing to go on for so long was because you felt lonely. which angers you, because you have a loving husband and you couldn’t ask for anything more.
but he didn’t exactly make you feel desired. sure, you’ve been intimate with him but he didn’t look at you the way you want to be looked at—like you’re the sexiest woman he’s ever seen. you feel ashamed, as if all the attention and love your husband gives means nothing to you.
as someone who has gone through major bodily changes, the ugly face  of insecurity easily rears its head when you look at yourself in the mirror—but that doesn’t mean you regret having your daughter, not at all.
it’s just one of those things that has been ingrained in you and you find it hard to escape. which is why whenever issei looks at you with hungry eyes, you can’t help but feel wanted, desired.
it’s as if he doesn’t care about the extra weight you put on or the stretch marks on your body—no, he doesn’t care about any of that. you wouldn’t have believed it if it weren’t for his incessant teasing and the fact that he masturbates to the thought of you.
but you know it’s wrong, that it can never be. you sigh dejectedly as you lie down on the soft and cold bed, staring up at the ceiling. you have to talk to issei about this whole game and tell him to stop it before his father finds out.
and issei’s molten brown eyes are the last thing you think of before you finally close your eyes.
issei hums as he wipes his hands on the towel, looking in the direction you ran off. he smirks to himself as he puts back on his rings, body brimming with excitement and desire. time to pay you a visit.
he walks up the stairs, footsteps loud in the quiet house. he finds himself right in front of your door and leans his ear on the wood. he’s met with silence as he slowly turns the knob and enters the dimly lit room.
his eyes immediately find your sleeping form and he feels his cock stir in his pants, making the fabric tighten around his crotch.
fuck, you’re so god-damn beautiful.
long legs carry him over to you. he puts one knee on the bed, making it dip as his long fingers caress your cheek. his rings complement your complexion, his thumb and index finger lightly squeezing your parted lips.
he watches in fascination as your eyelashes flutter against your cheek and his cock twitches again when he hears your little whimper as he plays with your slightly damp lips.
his fingers continue their ministrations as his sharp eyes travel down your form, smirking when he sees your nipples poking through the silky fabric. to his delight, he notices your nightgown riding up your body, revealing the frilly white cloth of your panties.
he groans softly as his cock hardens and the bed dips even more as he puts his whole weight on it. he stops his movements on your face and maneuvers himself until his large body is over you.
his eyes burn holes through your panties and his breathing becomes heavier. god, he knows it’s wrong to touch and feel you up while you’re sleeping, but you’re so fucking breathtaking and he can’t help himself. after all, he’s been waiting for an opportunity like this to happen.
there’s a slight tremor in his hands as they hover over the exposed skin of your thighs. he lays them gently on your skin and he groans lowly in his throat. fuck, you’re so smooth and soft.
he squeezes them a few times before he gently pries your legs open, watching your reaction carefully in case you wake up. your breaths are still even and he takes that as a signal to spread your legs wider, raising them until your feet are planted on the bed.
he bites his lower lip to stifle his groan once he sees the wet patch on the center of your frilly panties. you’re such a fucking whore and he knows that it’s for him and only him.
he positions his body until he’s lying on his stomach, slightly rutting the bed to relieve the tension in  his cock. his head moves between your legs, directly in front of your heated and covered pussy.
you stir slightly when you feel a breeze on your exposed skin, making issei stiffen. you settle down and he sighs in relief, thinking fuck it before he inhales the scent of your arousal.
he growls lowly in his throat at your smell, sticking out his tongue and licking a long and wet stripe up your covered slit. you moan softly, but that doesn’t deter issei from groaning into your cunt.
he raises his body and sits up on his haunches, hooking his fingers in  the waistband of your panties. he slowly pulls them down and his eyes practically glow as he sees your bare pussy for the first time.
his throbbing cock twitches when he sees a string of slick connecting your cunt to your panties. he gently lifts your hips and stretches your legs so he can remove the soiled underwear, watching your sleeping face carefully before positioning your legs again.
he knows he’s a disgusting man, but what can he do when you’re offering yourself up so sweetly to him?
he bunches the fabric in his hand, ringed fingers making an indent on the cotton as he brings it up to his nose, closing his eyes as he inhales deeply.
he growls at your fresh scent, his body tensing at the new wave of arousal that drenched your panties. he watches as you squirm and move around, rubbing your thighs together as you whimper quietly in your sleep.
his eyes flash. is his naughty stepmom having a wet dream? that explains why your panties feel wetter in his hand...
well, issei is nothing but a man who makes women’s dreams come true, and it just so happens that you’ve captured his attention—and quite frankly, his dick.
he throws your panties to the floor after a few more sniffs and quickly dives back between your legs. he’s up close to your naked pussy, pupils blown wide as he stares at your hole that’s clenching around nothing.
you’re wet but not wet enough by his standards, so he gathers all the saliva he has in his mouth and parts your folds with two thick fingers. he spits on your cunt, the  little sound coursing through the quiet room.
he watches intently as the globule of spit slides down your lower lips and you shiver, moaning at the cold feeling between your legs. you squirm more as your mind gets filled with a certain haziness, unable to distinguish what’s real and what’s a dream.
throwing caution out the window, issei wastes no time and finds your clit, suckling it into the damp heat of his mouth. he groans at the taste of your pussy, his hips rutting the bed once more.
the vibrations from his lips make you moan loudly and arch into issei’s mouth. your eyes are squeezed tightly as you thrash around the bed, making you instinctively close your legs, squeezing issei’s head between them.
his hands grab your thighs, the cold rings on his fingers digging into your skin as he pries them open. he shakes his head with your clit in his mouth, making you cry out and tremble.
god, your dream feels so fucking real. you’ve never felt pleasure like this before and you love it. your fingers grip the sheets as you involuntarily roll your hips, following the motions of issei’s tongue and lips.
his chin is drenched with his saliva and your juices as the bed creaks from the rutting of his hips. frankly, he doesn’t care how loud and sloppy he’s being if it means you’re this responsive.
issei lets go of one thigh and moves his arm under him while his mouth continues to suck and lick your clit. he watches through his lashes as your chest rises and falls quickly, cute moans falling from your mouth.
the silk of your nightgown is dark with how heated your body is, your sweat dampening the fabric. your nipples are so hard that they’re poking through the garment.
his tongue flicks against your puffy clit as he slowly inserts two fingers—the ones that aren’t adorned with rings—into your leaking cunt.
the feeling of his long fingers inside your pussy makes you cry out and your toes curl from the full feeling. the new stimulation and volume of your pleasured sounds awakens you, your foggy eyes wide and confused.
you’re still groggy when you sit up and lean on your hands, your mind processing what’s happening when you realize that it wasn’t a dream at all.
no, it’s real and issei’s really between your legs, lapping away and fingering your aching pussy. your mind clears and you choke out a gasp in between your moans as you watch him in shock.
issei watches the emotions cross your face the whole time and his chest puffs out, his ego rising knowing that he’s the one doing this to you.
your frantic eyes meet his and he winks slyly. you tug at his hair ready to pull his head and mouth off of you because this is so wrong, but he beats you to it. his tongue swirls and flicks faster at your pulsing bud, his fingers increasing their thrusting.
now that you’re awake, he doesn’t have to care about his volume anymore so he lets out loud groans and grunts, the vibrations reverberating through you and making your pussy tingle.
“issei, t-this is wrong! s-top! stop!” you beg, voice immediately turning into a loud moan when he ignores you and bobs his head faster.
he moans to himself, knowing that your body is betraying you because although you’re begging him to stop, your hand is tugging his hair as you desperately fuck his face and fingers.
you taste so good that he can’t stop even if he wanted to.
“i-i mean it! get off—oh my god!” you scream when he gives your clit a hard suck. coupled with the squelching sounds and speed of his thrusting fingers, you cum all over his mouth.
you breathe heavily, face flushed and blissed out as you watch issei kiss your inner thighs before rising between your legs.
his mouth and chin are glistening with your cum and his pink tongue darts out to lick his lips clean of your juices, groaning as he meets your eyes.
you notice the dark patch on his crotch and your cheeks flame when you realize that he came the same time as you, but that doesn’t ease your worries because his cock is still hard and twitching.
once you regain some of your bearings, you realize what exactly just occurred and you let out a little scream as you try to scramble away from issei, shame filling your body.
he doesn’t let you get away from him, however, because he immediately pushes you on your back and crashes his swollen lips to yours.
you yelp at the sudden movement and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, grinding his hard cock on your wet and leaking pussy, further drenching the fabric of his pants.
you taste your essence as he massages his tongue with yours. you moan, tugging at his messy curly hair, trying and failing to pull him off you.
his hands find purchase on your thighs and he squeezes them, making you shiver at his cold rings. you whimper when he wraps your legs around his waist, grinding into you with a force harder than before.
your saliva mixes with his as the lewd clicking sounds of your mouths fill your ears. issei grinds on you one last time before he lifts his head from yours, lips separating with a trail of spit connecting them.
satisfied with kissing you, he stares at your face, gaze smoldering. you try to push him off you, but to no avail. he only tightens your legs around his waist as you struggle against him.
you suck in a breath as you feel the heat of his cock directly on your naked pussy. issei smirks lazily at you, tutting at you as if you’re inconveniencing him. your hands tug at his hair more, desperately trying to anchor yourself.
“if i had known your pussy tastes that sweet, my face would stay buried between your legs for the rest of my days,” he says suavely, his tongue darting out and licking his lips as he looks at yours.
you moan softly at his words and you’re now keenly aware of your nightgown sticking to your skin, making you uncomfortable as your nipples brush against the sweaty fabric. issei notices your discomfort and clicks his tongue.
“i think you’ve been hiding your pretty tits from me for far too long,” he whispers, his hot breath caressing your face. his hands move from your thighs and his fingers hook under the straps of your nightgown.
you shiver underneath him as his hands remove the sweaty fabric from your body, ring-clad fingers ghosting the sensitive skin of your arms.
you whine in distress as issei discards your nightgown somewhere behind him. you’ve never felt so exposed, your bare and glistening body being scrutinised by his dark eyes.
your insecurities start to get the better of you and you move your arms to cover your breasts and mound. issei stops you, large hands putting your arms back to your side.
“don’t hide from me, baby,” he whispers, his head dipping as he kisses the crook of your neck. his hands go to your chest and he palms both of your aching tits, squeezing and kneadingthe soft skin.
you moan, arching into the warm and cool feeling of his fingers. issei continues sucking and leaving marks on the skin of your neck as he whispers his thoughts.
“i know my dad doesn’t fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked,” he claims, making you squirm under his body that’s still clothed.
shame momentarily disappearing, you claw at his shirt and pants. he chuckles at your impatience and his hands leave your breasts for a moment, removing his shirt in record time.
he gets off the bed and makes quick work of his pants, kicking them off and quickly returning to the bed—to you. he didn’t give you the chance to look at his hard cock—not that you needed to anyway, because you already know what it looks like.
you yelp when issei puts his arms around you and settles you down on his lap, giving you a clear view of his cock that’s bobbing against his defined abdomen.
you gulp, nervousness filling your body as you stare at his large cock. seeing it up close is absolutely different—it’s longer and thicker than any other dick you’ve ever seen.
issei’s ego rises as he watches you. he’s always been proud of his size but seeing you? the object of his and his dick’s affections sitting on his lap? well, that’s enough to boost any man’s ego.
“see what you do to me?” he asks, guiding your hand to his throbbing cock. you whimper when you hold his shaft, your hand barely wrapping around him. issei hisses at the feeling of your soft hand touching his sensitive skin.
“you’re so fucking sexy and i can’t stop thinking about how you’d look like bouncing on my cock,” he admits, urging you to stroke his dick faster.
you slowly pump his shaft and moan when you feel his fingers—the same ones from before—find your swollen clit, slowly circling the pulsing bud. your free hand squeezes his shoulder as his fingers move faster.
you squeal when he inserts two fingers inside your cunt, making your hand squeeze his cock. he groans in at the stimulation, making his abs clench.
“i-ssei!” you whine, head thrown back as he pumps his fingers into you faster. the squelching sounds of his fingers scissoring your insides causes a knot to slowly form at the pit of your stomach.
“gotta prep this pussy more, baby,” he says breathlessly, watching your slack-jawed face as you stroke and twist his cock.
“still so fucking tight, can’t wait to sink into you,” he grunts, moving your body so he can get a better angle at your g-spot.
“bet i can fuck you better than my dad ever will, mommy,” he growls, curling his fingers inside of you as he ends his sentence. you lurch forward and cry out, eyes fluttering at the pleasure.
“see? you want my cock—shit—so badly, huh? look at how your hand is squeezing and s-stroking me, fuck,” he stutters, feeling his orgasm approach. his free hand squeezes your hip, keeping your balance.
you shake your head frantically at his statement, still not admitting that you want this, want him.
“stop fighting it. i know you want me as much as i want you,” he grates, curling his fingers again and making you wail at the pleasure. your fingers twist and pump his cock, pre-cum leak from the tip. your hand feels warm and slick as you continue to jerk issei’s shaft.
“gonna cum baby, cum with me,” he whispers into your skin, breaths heavy as the slick sounds of your fluids fill the room.
your body is trembling and you know you’re nearing your orgasm once more. you bury your face in the crook of his neck, moans and whimpers falling from your lips.
“c-cumming, issei!” you scream when his thumb circles your clit just as he curls his fingers again inside your tight pussy, hitting your g-spot perfectly.
he follows after you, hot spurts of his cum staining your hand and arm. he groans and throws his head back as he feels the heat of his essence coat his abs and thighs.
he removes his fingers from your cunt and gently pushes you back on the bed. you yelp when issei grabs the back of your thighs and pushes them to your chest, folding your body in half.
“i’m going to fuck you until all you and i can hear in this house are your cute and sexy moans,” he growls, spreading your legs and baring your clenching hole to his dark eyes.
his cock bobs as he moves forward and he takes hold of his shaft, one long vein on the underside. he taps it a few times on your clit, making you whine and close your eyes.
you take a deep breath as he inserts the tip, body shaking as his large cock goes inside of you, inch by inch.
you open your eyes and claw at his arms when the stretch starts to become uncomfortable. you look down and gasp, eyes wide as you have a clear view of his fat cock splitting you.
“god, you’re so fucking tight,” he growls, squeezing your thighs as he slowly bottoms out.
“you’re so big, issei,” you moan, leaning your head back on the pillow as your eyes flutter at the feeling of his cock stretching your walls.
“mhmm, big enough to fuck you the way you want to be fucked, mommy,” he chuckles then groans when your cunt squeezes around him.
“fuck—do you like it when i call you mommy?” he growls when your tight walls clamp down on him again. you shake your head, a futile attempt in proving him wrong.
“who knew my mommy is so kinky,” he mocks you and before you can even reprimand him, his entire length bottoms out in one swift thrust.
“issei! fuck!” you scream, scratching his forearms as your back arches, toes curling at the sudden thrust.
you feel so fucking full. of all the cocks you’ve taken, issei’s definitely tops the list. you can feel every part of him, from the single vein to the throbbing of his length.
he groans loudly, squeezing your thighs so hard that his rings will definitely leave bruises later. he fights to controls himself, willing not to cum at the feeling of your pussy finally enveloping him.
he sucks in a breath and leans his forehead against yours, pulling out slowly, leaving only the tip of his cock inside your pussy. you whine at the loss, missing the way he stretches you.
he thrusts back in, bottoming out as his tip teases the entrance of your cervix. you cry out in both pain and pleasure, still trying to adjust to his size.
he stays still inside of you for a few seconds before he places his hands on the bed, your calves resting on his upper arms. he starts thrusting, moving in and out of your cunt.
you mumble incoherently, breasts bouncing with each thrust issei makes. you grab both of his wrists, squeezing them as the sounds of your skin meeting his fill your ears.
issei groans and hisses, panting heavily as he pounds your pussy, his heavy balls slapping against your ass. he leans down to your ear, licking the sensitive skin and making your shaking body tremble even more as you whine.
“bet you’re happy now, huh?” he whispers in between his groans, biting your earlobe.
“w-what do you—oh my god, issei!” you stutter, but then he fucks you harder and faster, making you keen and arch your back. he makes your body contort into positions you’ve never been in before—until now.
“do you think you’re quiet when you touch yourself during your late night showers?” he asks you in a condescending manner, smirking when you whine at his statement.
“i can fucking hear you when i go to the kitchen. you’re such a slut. moaning your stepson’s name, imagining that he’s the one who’s touching your pussy,” he growls as he buries his head in your neck, his hot breaths fanning your skin.
“but i guess i don’t have the right to talk, huh? i fuck my fist every night and imagine it’s your tight cunt wrapped around me,” he finishes, nipping away at your skin before his hands return the back of your sweaty thighs.
he slaps them, in sync with his thrusts, making you wince at the metal of his rings. your shaking arms reach for your ankles, setting everything on display for issei.
you’re loudly chanting his name like a prayer, pleasure running through every nerve in your body. for the first time in your life, you’re actually enjoying getting fucked silly—never mind that it’s your stepson who’s making you moan like a pornstar.
his thrusts are heavy and deep as he slowly toys with your clit and you jerk when his fingers draw circles on the aching bud. your body’s trembling harder than before, loud moans and whines falling from your open mouth as drool seeps from the corners.
“i-i’m gonna cum, issei!” you squeal as the sound of the headboard hitting the wall and the squelching noises coming from your pussy make the pit in your stomach slowly tip over.
“cum, baby. cum all over my fat cock,” he whines, throwing his head back as he jackhammers into you, his cock throbbing and his balls tightening as he prepares to empty himself inside of you.
“c-cumming i-issei! fuck!” you scream, your hands squeezing your ankles as your legs shake from your intense orgasm. your cunt is practically suffocating issei’s cock, making his hips jerk and stop.
his mouth falls open into a loud and heavy groan as he spills his hot and sticky cum inside of you. there’s so much cum that it leaks out of you and around his cock as it drips down to the drenched sheets below your bodies.
you finally set your shaking legs down as your trembling body aches from your folded position. issei falls on top of you, elbows on the bed as his sweaty face is smothered by your breasts.
his cock is still inside of you, twitching as more cum spills inside of your soiled pussy. your heavy breaths fill the cool air of the room as you recover, feeling disgusting at all sweat and cum on and in your body.
issei lifts himself off of you and pulls out of your cunt, making you both sigh and groan at the drag of his cock. your mixed fluids immediately trickle out of your pussy and you moan at the thick feeling.
issei furrows his brows as his fingers scoop his cum and quickly pushes it back. you whine as the tips of his fingers tease your hole, squirming away from him as your clit throbs from the overstimulation.
you’re kind of expecting him to roll over you and lie down but he shocks you—it’s evident with the way you yelp when flips your body over to your stomach, his large hands raising your hips until you’re kneeling on the sheets.
“i can’t fucking get enough of you, baby,”  he says breathlessly, chest still heaving at the previous round. but it’s true, he really can’t get enough of you—not when he knows the taste and feel of your pussy.
“i-issei, i-i can’t,” you whine when he holds his cock and hovers before your dripping cunt. he doesn’t pay any heed to your whimpers, mostly because he knows you still want more of this, more of him.
“you say that but your pussy is telling me a different story,” he smirks and you can hear the condescension in his voice as his thumb rubs the sweaty skin of your hips.
he doesn’t give you any time to reply because he quickly sinks into you, your mouth falling open into a loud moan as his fat cock stretches you open once more.
fuck, even if you’ve already taken him, the stretch and ache still feels the same. he’s so fucking big that you know you won’t ever get used to his size, no matter how many times he fucks you.
he doesn’t waste any time and starts rolling his hips, his thighs loudly slapping against your ass. he hisses as one of his hands lie flat on your back, pushing it down to form a deeper arch.
“i know you saw me jerking off. did you like the show i put on for you, mommy?” he growls, his other hand gripping the back of your neck and smothering your face on the sweat-stained sheets.
you moan into the fabric when you hear the mocking endearment, your drool mixing with all the other fluids. your fingers bunch the sheets between them  as the loud creaking and thumping of the bed fill your ears.
“i came so hard because i knew you were watching me work my cock,” he groans, thrusting hard and deep. your cunt squeezes his cock when you remember that afternoon. so all this time? he was shamelessly coaxing you towards him?
you huff, pride slightly damaged when you hear his admission. you’ll show him that he’s not the only one who can fuck like an animal.
you whimper when you spread your knees—which is a feat in itself because issei’s thrusts practically send your body flying forward. you moan when he hits your sweet spot, making tingles run down your spine.
you start meeting his thrusts, no longer letting him do all the pulling and jostling. his eyes flash when he realizes what you’re doing, which only encourages him to fuck you harder.
his hands palm your jiggling ass, leaving marks on your soft skin. you leave your head buried in the sheets, the sheets, stifling your moans and whines because if you don’t, —you’ll definitely make the walls shake with how loud you are.
“yeah that’s a good girl. fuck yourself on my cock, come on,” he coaxes you, deep voice raspy as his own body trembles at the pleasure of your walls clamping down on his cock.
“fuck—look at how your slutty cunt is taking me,” he growls when you roll your hips, the angle sending new waves of pleasure to the both of you.
“god, i wanna fuck you in front of my dad just so he knows that your pussy belongs to me,” he hisses, holding your hips as he takes control of the pace again.
his thrusts become sloppy and erratic, the loud slapping of skin a constant symphony as he maintains the fast pace. you turn your head to the side and breathe deeply, choking out a moan as he continuously hits your g-spot.
“want me to make you a mommy again? get your belly all swollen and round with my kid?” he says, voice shaking as his heavy balls slap against your skin. he’s close, he can feel it.
you’re close too, just a few more deep and hard thrusts and you’ll gush around his cock again. issei leans over your body, his chest covering the entire expanse of your sweaty back.
you squeal when your knees drop and you fall flat on the bed, your entire front rubbing against the sheets. you whimper shakily when your nipples brush against the soft fabric, the extra stimulation making your body jerk back against issei’s thrusting cock.
“issei! g-gonna c-cum a-again!” you squeal, voice shaking from how raw your throat feels. your moans increase in pitch and volume the nearer you get to your orgasm.
“fuck, your pussy feels like heaven!” issei groans, his own voice increasing in pitch and volume as well as he reaches his limit. you feel his cock swell and throb before thick and hot spurts of his cum coat your clenching walls.
“issei—oh my god!” you wail, cumming at the same time as him. your mouth stays open in a silent scream as you close your eyes tightly, cunt spasming as you drench his cock with your essence.
you wince when you feel the squelching of your mixed juices as issei rolls to his side, bringing you with him. both of you are quivering with pleasure and overstimulation, breathing heavy with your chests rising and falling rapidly.
his cock finally softens inside of you, clearly spent for the day. more cum falls out of your pussy, staining your sweaty bodies even more.
his parted lips find your neck, sucking and licking away at glistening skin. you whine, tilting your head, exposing more skin for him to mark.
you sigh tiredly, exhaustion finally catching up to you. you don’t really care that you’re dirty and soiled with sweat and cum—or the fact that issei’s dick is still inside of you. you just want to rest.
your eyes droop, ready to fall asleep enveloped in issei’s warm chest and arms, along with the wandering of his soft lips on your neck—until you hear a very familiar voice shout from downstairs, loud footsteps running up the stairs.
“honey! issei! we’re finally home!”
[3:47 PM]
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pilothusband · 3 years
All Hail The King
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Rating: Explicit (18+)
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: Alcohol, oral sex, p in v sex, praise kink. I’m a horny bitch, okay? This is purely indulgent.
Word count: 5k
Author’s note: Special thanks to @wyn-dixie​ for reading this over before I posted it and for enabling this filth. ❤️ This idea entered my brain randomly and I had to write it out. Please let me know what you think! I want your feedback. If I had Photoshop I would have made an edit of Frankie with a crown for this but I don’t have it so here’s this gif instead.
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The bar is humming with activity, but the table you’re nestled at in the back provides enough shelter to allow you all to converse without having to yell at each other.
You’ve been nursing a glass of water for a while now, since you’re the designated driver this week. It doesn’t bother you, though— you’re just happy to be out with your friends.
Every once in a while you steal a glance over at Frankie, who’s sitting diagonally across the table, next to Santiago who is directly across from you. Benny is to your left, his large body crowding you into the wall, and his brother Will is at the head of the table.
“Hey Fish,” Benny claps a hand on his shoulder. The force of his hand jostles Frankie’s solid body backwards a little, but to his credit he doesn’t flinch. “How are things with that girl you were seeing? Jennessa? Jennifer?”
You take a sip of your water and look down at the table to mask your interest at the sudden change in conversation.
“Jessica,” Frankie clears his throat. “They aren’t. We didn’t have much in common so she broke it off after a few dates.”
Queue the internal cheering. Jessica was a bit of a wet mop, to be honest. She never had anything to say when Frankie brought her around and she would scoff at everything that was slightly unsavory in her eyes. Deep down, you had to come to terms with the jealous twinge you felt in your gut every time she would squeeze Frankie’s shoulder affectionately, her immaculately manicured nails pressed harshly into his jacket.
“I’m sorry, Fish,” Benny said, slinging his arm around the man, the clumsy movement knocking his hat slightly askew. “Her loss, brother.”
“Here here,” Santi agrees, raising his bottle in the air. “To the king!”
Benny cheers clinks his bottle against Santiago’s echoing his sentiment. Will huffs out a laugh and Frankie groans, hiding his face in his hands.
You gape at the two men in question, but they just giggle like a couple of school girls.
“I didn’t realize I was in the presence of royalty,” you say, trying to figure out what they’re talking about. You look over at Frankie as he takes an impatient sip from his drink.
Benny just about spits out a mouthful of beer onto the table.
“Shut the fuck up, guys.” Frankie warns his friends. “Seriously.” Santi and Benny give him an innocent look. Will focuses his gaze on the bottle he’s holding, picking at the paper label, damp and curling at the edges from condensation .
Santiago leans towards you, his breath hot in your ear.
“We call him the pussy eating king.”
You thank the powers above you weren’t mid-sip, because the choked sound that emits from your throat was both involuntary and sudden. Heat blossoms in your stomach and your thighs clench together as you make eye contact with Frankie. He looks away nervously, embarrassed even. 
“So was this a self coronation or..” You trail off, grinning at the flush on Frankie’s cheeks.
“It was that really talkative chick he was seeing for a while,” Benny says, turning to you. “Brianna?”
“Brenda,” Frankie sighs.
“So Brenda crowned you the pussy eating king?” You ask Frankie, who still refuses to meet your eyes.
He grumbles in response, waving off the subject.
“Yeah, she went on about it in detail for the whole night one time. I think you were away for a work trip or something” Santiago is absolutely smirking, loving the way Frankie is physically shrinking under the group’s attention. “Come on Fish, don’t be so modest. You’re a beast in the sack, it’s a good thing!”
You smile, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You remember why you weren’t there. It was because you couldn’t stand seeing Frankie so happy with another woman, so you feigned sick.
“Well, I can see why things with Brenda didn’t last,” you respond, knowing Frankie was kind of a private guy. “But hey, at least she can tell all her friends she got the royal treatment while it lasted.”
Benny, Santiago and even Will all roar with laughter, fists banging raucously on the table. Frankie huffs out an embarrassed laugh, despite himself.
“Yeah, yeah,” he takes a swig of his beer, emptying it. “I need another drink.”
“Hey Ben, what time is your fight next week again?” Will calls over to his brother. You’re grateful for the change of subject. Frankie’s had enough torture for one night and you aren’t sure how many more details about Frankie’s sexual prowess your nether regions can take.
Benny turns towards Will to talk about his upcoming match and you take a sip from your glass to try to hide how flustered you’re feeling. Did this bar get hot all of a sudden?
The glass lands back down with a dull thump and you look up to find Santiago studying you, his eyebrow raised.
“What?” You don’t mean to sound aggressive, but his gaze is unnerving, as if he’s trying to suss out something you’re hiding.
“Nothing, nothing at all.” He smirks and tips up his beer, taking a long gulp. You roll your eyes at him and look down to pick at your nails.
A few moments later, Frankie returns with a fresh beer and you can feel Santiago turning his face in your direction again to read your body language. You school your reaction, fingers digging painfully into your pint glass. Sometimes Pope is too fucking nosy for his own good.
He must lose interest after a moment though, because he turns his attention back to Benny, who’s still talking about his upcoming fight.
The topic doesn’t come up again, thankfully, and you’ve dropped all the boys off at their separate destinations, save for Frankie, who lives the closest to you.
The car ride alone with him isn’t as tense as you were expecting, since his tongue has been loosened with the fair amount of alcohol he’s had tonight. You both chat easily about the upcoming week and how much you’re dreading going back to work on Monday.
You can’t resist one smart remark though, as you pull up to Frankie’s house.
“Your castle awaits, my liege,” you quip, trying and failing to hide your amused smile as you look over at him.
Frankie throws his head back and laughs freely, opening the car door with a wink.
“Goodnight, my queen,” he bows exaggeratedly before shutting the car door.
The butterflies don’t tamp down until you’re securely inside your own apartment, locking the door behind you.
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That night was a month ago, which means it’s been a whole fucking month since your brain flew the coop. Every time Frankie does just about anything with his mouth, everything else around you ceases to exist.
Take last Thursday, for example. Frankie dropped by after work to help you change your porch light, since the fixture is too heavy and the light is too high up to easily reach.
He steps up the ladder with ease, unscrewing the fixture and holding it with his left hand. He puts the screwdriver in his mouth so he can hold onto the ladder as he gingerly hands you the fixture. You grab onto it and hand him the replacement bulb so he can swap them out.
He gets the lightbulb in and gestures towards you to hand the fixture back, which he screws back in before stepping down.
“Blegh,” he wipes his mouth on his sleeve, an action that has your last two brain cells screeching to a halt. “Screwdrivers taste awful.” 
His statement is cute, self-deprecating, and you try to respond appropriately but all you can do is gape at him like a fish out of water.
‘Get your shit together, he’s wiping off the taste of rust, not your pussy,’ you try to mentally shake yourself out of your stupor, but it does no good.
He turns back towards his toolbox to drop the screwdriver in and close the lid.
“All set,” he says, dusting off his jeans. He sounds a little uneasy, probably because you’re acting like a complete weirdo.
“Thank you so much, Frankie. I really appreciate it.” You find your manners and pull him in for a hug, secretly reveling in how good he smells.
“Any time,” he tells you as he wraps his arms around you and squeezes softly.
Before he pulls away you make a spur of the moment decision, and reach up to give him a small kiss on the cheek. He’s so impossibly warm and so inviting, you can feel your heart flutter in your chest. The sparse hairs on his face tickle your chin. 
Frankie clears his throat and ducks his head down, mumbling a hurried goodbye before he heads back to his truck, toolbox in hand. You don’t miss the way his lips are turned up and the crows feet make an appearance in the corner of his eyes, nor do you miss the brilliant flush that spreads over his face and down his neck.
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It’s Saturday now and your torment knows no end. You decide you’re too tired to go out and opt to invite the guys over for a movie night, to which they all agree. 
You decide you’ll just have to look away every time Frankie takes a sip of a drink, or eats a handful of popcorn. Or God forbid, if he licks his lips.
The group chat has been a nightmare, with everyone trying to come up with a movie to watch. Benny wants to watch The Expendables, Will mentioned something about wanting to see Dunkirk for ages now and Santi is playing devil’s advocate, disagreeing with all of their choices but not coming up with one of his own.
Frankie has been quiet in the chat, besides initially agreeing to come over initially.
It’s 9:00 PM, you have a 30 rack of beers in the fridge and some popcorn set out for everyone. All you have to do now is wait for the guys to arrive. Your phone chimes with a notification from Benny.
Benny and the Jets 🥊: Sorry lady, I got called in for a last minute practice. Raincheck?
Ironhead 🦸🏼: I gotta duck out too. The lady wants to have a date night. Sorry!
You type out a reply to them, a little disappointed but bidding them a good night all the same.
A knock sounds on the door and you rush over to answer it. The door swings open to reveal Frankie, wearing the softest looking navy blue hoodie you’ve ever seen, along with his Standard Oil cap. He looks as unsure as ever, holding a bottle of red wine.
You chirp an over-enthusiastic greeting, internally cringe at it, and step aside to welcome him in.
“I know you like red wine, so I got some for you on the way here. I hope it’s the kind you like.”
You accept the wine and look at the label. It’s a California Zinfandel. You can’t believe he remembered your favorite wine.
“I love it, thank you so much.” You pull him into a hug, nuzzling into the soft material of his sweatshirt. He returns the hug just as enthusiastically, pulling away to kiss your forehead.
“Is Santiago on his way?” You ask, padding into the kitchen to grab a glass from your cabinet. “Do you want a glass? Or I have some beer if you’d prefer.”
“Beer is perfect, thanks,” he says a little breathily as he looks over at you. “Santiago said something came up and that he’s sorry.”
Something feels a little fishy with the three of them ducking out all at the same time, but you don’t mention it as you hand him a beer and search through your drawer for a bottle opener. A few minutes later, you’re both set up on the couch and are scrolling through Netflix for a movie.
“I have no idea what to watch. Do you?”
“Want to watch Civil War? I know the guys will bitch we’re continuing the rewatch without them but they can deal.”
You tip your head back and laugh, navigating over to your Disney+ app.
Frankie takes off his hat and sets it aside while you spread a blanket over your laps, braving a chance to scoot closer to him. He takes the hint and wraps his arm behind your shoulders, nestling you closer to his chest. You settle in and try to pay attention to the movie, despite the wild fluttering that is taking place in your stomach.
Frankie shifts uncomfortably and winces a little. You can tell he’s trying to hide it, but little does he know you’ve been watching every single movement he makes like a hawk. Or a nervous lap dog.
“Does your back hurt? I can move,” you start to get up but Frankie grabs onto your wrist and pulls you back in.
“No, stay. I just need to find a comfortable position.”
You make a soft noise of surprise when he lifts you up and pulls you towards him, settling back so he’s spread out on the couch. You’re settled on top of him, your legs stretched out over his with your back to the cushion, half draped over his torso.
This position has your heart thumping hard in your chest. His face was just a few inches from yours. All he’d have to do is tilt his face towards yours, and you’d be practically kissing.
Focusing on the movie is harder than ever. Your left hand rests on Frankie’s chest and your right is near his head. Without even thinking, you reach out and start stroking your fingers through his soft curls. He hums contentedly, the pleasant sound rumbling through his chest.
A hand makes its way up your arm leaving goosebumps in its wake, landing on your shoulder.
You brave a glance at Frankie and feel your heart stutter in your chest when you realize he’s been looking at you. His eyes are as dark as ever, twinkling against the flicker of your TV.
He closes the gap and captures your lips in a tender kiss. His lips are warm and soft, melding to yours perfectly. The brush of your mouths together is intoxicating. Your tongue darts out to lick at him and he complies, letting out a guttural moan at the sensation as your tongues meet languidly.
You shift your leg so it slots between his and both of your hands find his shoulders and squeeze them, eliciting a soft mewl from Frankie’s mouth. His hands are hot on your back and he slides one down to your ass, kneading the soft flesh over your leggings.
Your hips press into his, rutting into him, soft pants falling from your mouth– mingling with his. You need to be closer, closer, closer. He tightens his grip on your ass in response and rolls his hips so you can feel how hard he is against your belly.
“Fuck, baby,” he rasps, breaking the kiss, words tumbling out between his ragged breaths. 
You can feel yourself throbbing for him, wetness rushing to your core as his hushed baritone makes your head spin with need. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’re convinced this is a dream. That there’s no way you’re dry humping the man of your dreams on your couch right now.
You duck down to hide your expression, not wanting to ruin the moment with your anxiety and doubt. You’ll take whatever this man gives you, even if it’s just this moment. 
You busy yourself by peppering small kisses on his neck, trailing them up to his jaw.
“Hey,” he slows your movements and holds your chin with his thumb and forefinger, tilting your face up gently up to look at him.
“I want you. I want this. Do you?” 
You feel the urge to look away, his gaze is intense and laser-focused on you. Eye contact has never been your strong suit, so this was a lot for you to handle. But you fight the urge to flinch and stare back, searching to see if there was anything that will give away any trepidations. His expression remains hard set, serious but not unkind. It’s just like Frankie to have eyes as clear as day, giving away all of his secrets. They’re just like him— strong, unrelenting in their hardness and softness.
“Yes,” you reply. Your voice cracks a little, thick with emotion. “I’ve wanted this, wanted you, for so long.” 
You feel embarrassment wash over you with the admission, but Frankie doesn’t let it last long before you crushes his lips to yours in a searing kiss. He breaks it off after a moment, lips swollen and pink.
“Baby, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.”
He strokes a hand down your jaw, his thumb caressing your skin as a goofy smile blooms over your face.
“I want to make you feel good, baby,” he whispers, his thumb catching on the swell of your bottom lip. “Will you let me make you feel good?”
You blink and swallow heavily, a fresh wave of arousal flooding to your center as the deep rasp of his voice utters those words, smooth as caramel– dousing over you like kerosene on a fire.
You nod, not trusting your voice at this very moment.
“I need you to say it out loud, honey,” he says, his lips brushing against yours ever so lightly.
“Yes, Francisco,” you breathe out. “Make me feel good.”
He bites your bottom lip and tugs, then growls playfully before he grabs your shoulders and flips you over. You let out a delighted shriek, giggling as he lifts up the hem of your shirt and kisses every inch of skin that’s revealed.
“Wait,” you call out. He stops his movements immediately. “You first.”
Frankie grins. You want to press your fingers into the dimple that appears and feel the scratch of his beard under your nails. He leans back and lifts his sweatshirt over his head, the grey t-shirt he’s wearing sticks to the inside of it and he rolls both garments down his arms. 
His chest is bare to you now, smooth except for a smattering of hairs in the middle of his chest, and a patch leading down into his jeans. You want to reach out and run your hands down the planes of his torso and follow the path of hair,  but your arms aren’t long enough to reach. 
You remove your shirt, leaving you in your leggings and bra. It’s a soft lace number, a delicate pink with no underwire. You watch as his hungry gaze roams over your chest. To your surprise, he doesn’t motion for you to take it off. Instead, he leans over you, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
 He moves downwards, tongue darting out to taste the salt of your neck. He continues his path and mouths between your breasts, one of his hands reaches out to squeeze the plump flesh in his large hand. You nipple instantly pebbles under his ministrations and he pulls the fabric aside to tease it with the pad of his finger. You moan softly at the sensation and yelp in surprise when he sucks it into his mouth and bites it, soothing the sharp sting with a flick of his tongue.
 “Mmm, love how responsive you are already,” he hums, moving down. Your back arches as his mouth makes a hot trail down the rest of your torso. You look down and notice he’s left wet patches where his mouth has been, coating you in saliva and leaving goosebumps in his wake.
 He reaches the waistband of your leggings and pushes them down, letting out a strangled groan when he gets an eyeful of your panties, the same shade of pink that matches the bra you’re wearing. 
“So fucking sexy,” he breathes.
He peels your panties down your legs and pulls them off along with your leggings, leaving you completely bare from the bottom down. You start to cross your legs to hide yourself, feeling self-conscious at how exposed you are, but Frankie grabs your thigh to halt the movement.
“You better not hide this pretty pussy from me,” he says, licking his lips.
You half expect him to dive in, but he takes a moment to look at you. He’s resting a hand on your hip. His pointer finger makes a path down, tracing an invisible line up and down your slit. You hiss at the ghost of his touch and thrust your hips towards his hand, seeking out more friction.
Frankie lets out an amused chuckle at your reaction and leans forward to plant a wet kiss to your inner thigh. You let out a shaky breath in anticipation– your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest. He kisses up your thigh until he reaches the apex between your legs, then licks a stripe through your folds with the flat of his tongue, pulling a surprised gasp from your parted lips.
He sucks your clit into his mouth and you can’t help it– you buck up into his mouth and grab onto his hair and tug at the strands. He grabs onto the flesh of your hip and whimpers into your pussy. Despite being almost dizzy with need, you feel a rush of power knowing you have this effect on him.
“You taste so fucking good. So wet for me,” he punctuates his words with bold licks up and down. “Never want to stop.”
He changes patterns, making tight circles on your clit with his tongue. The sudden switch has you mewling and your legs clamp around his head involuntarily. Frankie grabs your thighs and wrenches them apart, hooking them over his shoulders as he latches onto your pussy. His hands are on your ass, holding you up as your back arches off the couch.
All you can do is scramble at the cushions below you for purchase as Frankie buries his face into your cunt, lapping at you with abandon. His tongue licks into you with an intensity you’ve never experienced before; it has you seeing stars.
You have no idea how he knows exactly how to manipulate your body to pull the pleasure from you so naturally. Every lick feels like it’s searching for treasure, every suck hits somewhere deep inside, reverberating through the muscles of your thighs and up in your abdomen.
He gently places you back down to the cushions and rubs at your entrance with his pointer finger, looking up at you for permission.
“Yes, please–“ you whimper brokenly. He complies immediately and plunges it into you, following with a second finger, and curls them up. His pace is slow at first and he flicks his tongue out to play with your clit at the same time. He’s soon spurred on by your moans and sets a brutal pace. You once again feel the urge to clamp around him to increase the pressure, but Frankie uses his broad shoulders to hold your thighs apart.
 Seeing his shoulders, bare and perspiring from his intensive movements, so wide and flushed, coupled with the furrow of his brow, his eyes pinched closed, makes something primal within you awaken. You barely have time to feel your orgasm coming before it’s hitting you– thighs shaking, back arching, hands in his hair. You don’t even realize it, but you;’re shrieking his name, chanting it like a prayer. He’s groaning in reply, milking you through it with his fingers and tongue, lapping up your release, syrupy sweet and indulgent.
 He doesn’t stop until you’re flinching from overstimulation. He kisses up your body lazily, taking his time before capturing your lips. You kiss him back, licking into his mouth and tasting yourself on his tongue. He grinds into you, his jean-clad erection rubs against your aching cunt and rekindles the fire, molten heat shooting through your entire body.
 “Wanna fuck you so bad, baby,” he says, panting the words into your mouth.
 You moan and break the kiss.
 “Want to take this to my room?”
 He doesn’t reply, but instead swings his body off the couch and picks you up bridal-style. He stumbles a little with the first steps and you both laugh, kissing each other with each step he takes towards your bedroom.
He tosses you onto the bed softly and you let loose another delighted giggle when Frankie flops over you dramatically, caging you in his arms. Your tongues tangle together in an impossibly sensual kiss. He’s momentarily distracted, caught up in the feel of your body underneath his with the soft touches of your tongue, and you take the opportunity to roll him over and straddle his hips.
Frankie is looking up at you as if he’s in awe, like he can’t believe you’re here right now, naked from the waist down and grinding down on his hard cock, tenting his jeans.
You move down his body and zip his fly down, pushing down the denim along with his boxer briefs. His cock springs free, hard and hot and leaking at the tip. You can’t help but lick the bead of precum, and a broken whine rips from Frankie’s throat. His hands are clenched into the sheets, knuckles white with how hard he’s gripping the mattress beneath him.
You’re bobbing your mouth up and down his length, tongue licking around his shaft and cheeks hollowing out. His moans are loud, constant. He’s babbling praise, telling you how fucking amazing your mouth feels, how badly he wants to fuck you. It’s a heady feeling, bringing a strong and quiet man to his knees like this. You love that he’s letting you know how much he’s breaking for you.
Your tongue finds its way down to his balls and you suck them into your mouth, moaning at the musky taste. His moans are high pitched now and his hand is squeezing your shoulder.
“Baby, you gotta stop,” he grabs onto your hair to pause your movements. “I need to feel you.”
You give him one last broad lick up his shaft and shift back up, and look down at Frankie to catalogue the number you’ve done on him. He’s absolutely wrecked– brown eyes blown wide, chest rising and falling rapidly with his uneven breaths.
 You remove your bra, stretching it over your head and throwing it to the side. Frankie follows the movement and lets out a needy, staccato moan at the sight of you, completely bare before him.
 You reach down and kiss him soundly on the mouth, lining his cock up with your entrance.
 “I’ve got you, baby boy,” you coo, sinking down on his length.
 “Fuck,” he grits out between his teeth.
 You give yourself a moment to get used to his size and rock into him. His hands fly up to your chest, squeezing lightly and rolling your nipples in between his fingers.
 “So fucking big,” you pant out. “So good for me.”
 It seems Frankie loves praise as much as you do, evidenced by the twitch of his cock inside you.
 Your pace is agonizingly slow. You’re trying to tease out the moment, stretch it out so it lasts forever. It doesn’t last long– you can’t stand it anymore. You bounce up and down on him, snapping your hips when they meet his.
 “So fucking perfect,” he pants out. “Wanna fuck you from behind.”
 You breathe out a moan and stop your movements. Frankie mistakes your pause for hesitation and reaches up to brush the hair out of your face.
 “We don’t have to,” he says, voice gentle, brow furrowed in concern. 
 “No, fuck. No, Frankie. I want to.”
 You gingerly get up and whimper at the loss when he’s no longer inside you. Frankie sits up, shoulders rocking forward and cock bobbing with his movement as he settles onto his knees. You watch him and bite your lip, getting on all fours and lifting your ass up in the air to present yourself to him.
 Frankie can’t help the groan that falls from his lips and sinks forward to lay an open-mouthed kiss on your pussy from behind before he lines himself up. He enters you without hesitation, hips slapping against your ass rhythmically, setting a decisively fast pace. 
 All you can hear is the filthy sounds of your wet pussy as he pounds into you, along with your strangled moans, and his heavy breathing, laced with whispers of praise you can’t discern. The waves of pleasure are too much, too strong. You can feel the familiar build up of an orgasm. Your head is in the clouds as it climbs and climbs– then crashes.
 His fingers on your clit is what does you in. Your whole body shakes and all you can do is whimper and moan around his cock while he fucks into you. The strong, practiced rock of his hips become sloppy as he chases his release, muttering words of adoration into the air as he pulls out and cums, spilling onto your back. He pulls every last drop out of his cock before collapsing over you, forehead resting on your spine as he catches his breath.
 “Fuck, baby,” he says, once he’s caught his breath. “Should have done this ages ago.”
 You both laugh and Frankie gets up to grab a wet face towel from the bathroom
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A little while later, you’re both in bed, blissed out and wrapped up around each other. The movie, drinks and snacks are all forgotten. All that matters is here and now– your breaths mingling together as you kiss each other lazily, tongues probing slowly. 
In the other room, both of your phones ping on the coffee table with unheard notifications.
The first text is from Santiago.The other boys follow suit, not a minute apart.
Pope 🤦🏻‍♂️: 👑
Benny and the Jets 🥊: 👑
Ironhead 🦸🏼: 👑
Neither of you see the texts until the next morning.
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 The following weekend, it’s Santiago’s turn to be the designated driver. He’s parked outside of Frankie’s house, waiting to pick both of your asses up. He starts to tap his fingers impatiently against the steering wheel after the first 15 minutes. 
“What the fuck are they doing in there?” He asks Will and Benny. They all know the answer, but don’t say anything.
Meanwhile, Frankie has you crowded against the front door, your sundress is hiked up and his face is buried in your pussy. Neither of you can hear the sound of Santi’s impatient honking over your moans.
And if you end up going to the bar sans panties because you can’t find them before Santiago is pounding his fist on the door, well that’s just a secret you and Frankie will have to keep.
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Taglist: @tenderclio @softdin @darnitdraco @freeshavocadoooo @recklessworry @wyn-dixie @manalg14 @codenamewife @comphersjost @princessxkenobi @manalg14 @comphersjost @a-skov @sheresh0y @greeneyedblondie44 @blackmarketmummy @brandyllyn @gracie7209 @bootyliciousbilbo @dobbyjen
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Silent Treatment ~ OT7 [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: ot7 x reader
GENRE: ot7, non! Idol, family relationship, smut, oral f recieving, female appreciation, we’re sorry sex,
A/N: I’m still not 100% there with ot7 smut, I am trying though so I hope that this is okay for you! I didn’t add too much smut as you only said a little. I hope you like it!
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If someone had told you that you would be in a happy relationship with seven men, you never would have believed them. You never took yourself as someone who would be into polyamorous relationships but when you met the boys it all changed. They were kind, sweet, caring and they all loved you equally so it was no wonder you fell hard for them. Eventually moving into a huge home together and having a child. The only difficult part about that was explaining to your daughter’s teachers that she had different people going to pick her up from school. The dirty looks you would get from other people who thought your business was automatically their business when it had absolutely nothing to do with them.
“Mummy!” You snapped out of your daydream when you heard the familiar cry of your daughter’s voice. The more she grew older the more she began to look like you. Which you were thankful for. Neither you nor the boys knew which of them was the father, none of you wanted to know either. Collectively she was your child and that was the only thing that mattered.
“Hey sweetie, how was your day?” You questioned as you bent down to pick her up, placing her onto your hip as she began to list off everything she had been doing in class that day. You couldn’t believe she was almost seven years old, time flew by so quickly with her. 
“We did maths! I learnt how to multiply up to 10 today.” You giggled as you began heading back to the family car. It was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn picking her up today but it turned out he was busy and stuck at work. No big deal, you were mostly a stay-at-home mum and wife anyway since seven of them earnt far more than you knew what to do with.
“Are my dad’s at home?” A filthy look flew in your direction from the woman in the car beside your car. You weren’t stupid. You knew how everyone felt about your relationship with her fathers. Even the teachers in the school weren't best pleased that your daughter understood that she had more than one father. They expressed that they would rather have her know them as her uncles but who were they to tell you how to raise your daughter?
“Daddy Namjoon and Jungkook are but they’re a little busy, sweetie.” You strapped her into the back of your car, taking her book bag from her to check if she had homework to do. 
Normally it was Namjoon’s job to help with the homework, something you were trying to make happen so she knew it was okay as she grew older but not tonight. Tonight he and Jungkook were making renovations on the house so it was going to be you that helped her out.
“Okay, I’ll ask daddy Hoseok to teach me some dance moves when he comes home. We have an end of the year dance coming up and I want to ask Jaylyn and Katie to go with me.” You smiled weakly at her. The boys were all busy with their own things tonight but you nodded along, not wanting to upset her too much before you got home for the night. 
“Shall we put on some music or would you like to keep telling me about the dance?” You looked in the mirror at your daughter who pointed to the radio. One of her favourite things to do was listen to music. Something she had gotten from Yoongi. He was a radio jingle maker/ producer on the side which meant he was almost always busy with work. 
“Maybe we’ll hear daddy Yoongi’s radio jingle,” You told her with a laugh as you turned up the radio and began your drive home for the night. 
Your daughter had something from each of the boys, Yoongi’s love for music, Hoseok passion for dancing. Namjoon’s brain, Jungkook’s ability to be good at literally everything that she set her mind at. Jimin’s duality, Taehyung’s art skills and she took after Jin with her loud rambling in Korean. There was so much of them in her it was hard to believe she was only one of their children.
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Once your daughter had finished her homework you allowed her to go and play while you cleaned up the house. It seemed that no matter how much you tidied up it would end up a total mess again. Clothes were strewn about on the top floor where everyone would come home and dump everything they had on. Shoes were piled up at the bottom of the stairs in front of the front door. Somewhat of a safety hazard. The floors seemed to always get dirty no matter how many times a day you cleaned them.
“What do you have planned for dinner?” Was the first question that flew from Jimin’s mouth once he entered the house. Shoes on messing up your freshly moped floors. Staring at him you almost wanted to slap him with the wet part of the mop.
“Jimin! I just moped!” You called out as you sat him leaving dirty shoe prints all over the place, seeming to have no care in the world as he made his way into the kitchen and heading into the pantry.
“Relax. It’s just a bit of mud.” He grumbled as he continued to go through the cupboards for snacks. Dropping different packets onto the floor that he didn't bother to pick up once he came out with what he wanted. 
“What did you say you had planned?” He questioned when you began cleaning up the mess he left and then began putting everything you had been using away.
“I didn’t, I don’t have anything planned.” You grumbled as you put the cleaning products away into the kitchen cupboards. Standing back up and looking over at Jimin who shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing planned?” Jungkook’s voice chimed in as he heard you speaking. By now all of the boys were home and expecting something to eat as if you were the only one that knew how to use the oven. 
“Yes, nothing planned because guess what? I’m not the only one that knows how to cook.” You snapped as you glanced at each of their faces. You hadn't meant to snap as nastily as you did but it was getting to be exhausting being the only one that cooked and cleaned everything in the home.
“You’re the only one that has nothing to do all day. You've done nothing, the least you could have done was made dinner,” As soon as the words left Jungkooks lips the air seemed to turn cold and thin. Everyone turned to stare at him as you scoffed at the statement. The only reason you didn't work was that they had convinced you that they earnt enough, there was no need to work because who would look after your daughter all day.
“I did nothing all day?” Your hand rested on your hip as you tilted your head to the side. The boys said nothing leaving Jungkook to dig himself a bigger grave.
“I didn’t mean-”
“I do nothing? So I don’t clean all day, make breakfast and lunch for you, or take our daughter to school..." Jungkook turned pale as he realised how angry he had made you. 
"I don't pick her up even though it’s everyone else's turn. I don’t do the laundry, make sure the studies are clean or go food shopping, parent and teacher meetings?” Jungkook was taken back by everything he realised you did. He had no idea that you did so much leaving them to get on with whatever they wanted to do. 
“Y/n you’re being dramatic,” Taehyung mumbled as he shook his head, to him this was all easy work. Nothing about what you had said seemed as tiring as you were making it out to be,
“You know what...I don’t even have the energy for this,” You began making your way to the door when you heard Yoongi speak out this time,
“It's not like you work a full-time job, we would help but we work more than you do.” There it was. The "you don't work but we do" line. Something you had been anticipating since the moment they told you that you didn't have to work. Looking at each of their faces you knew from the moment you saw them they agreed with Yoongi.
“So you think being a mother isn’t a full-time job? That everything I do around the house is easy? Oh, please I would love to see you fucking try it for once.” You countered,
“You’re being stupid, they didn't mean it like that." All that you heard fall from Jin's lips was that you were stupid. You stared at him mouth hanging open a little but nothing came out. You just shook your head and stormed out of the room.
Ignoring them all as you stormed up to your bedroom. Normally you would share it with one boy a night, or two if you needed the extra cuddles but right now you needed to be alone. You walked past one of the studies to find your daughter fast asleep holding her barbies. Luckily she was away for the fiasco going on downstairs so you picked her up and carried her to your room. If they saw she was with you they wouldn't bother trying to get into the bed with you. 
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Days passed by and the boys barely noticed you were giving them the silent treatment. They were all so busy with their jobs that they didn't speak to you. Meanwhile, you played the role of the pretty little housewife that made everything perfect for them while they were away. The house was spotless, your daughter was at school on time and picked up at the same time. 
"Darling, go and tell your dad's that dinner is waiting for them." You told her as you set the table for eight. Making sure your daughter's spot was right at the top of the table before putting their plates down and heading up to your room. There were piles of laundry sitting on the bed waiting to be put away. 
"Daddy," She called out as she walked into the back garden. They were all working on a new wendy house for her. They were trying to make it bigger than the last one so that everyone could fit into the house for tea parties. 
"Yes, sweetie?" Jin called out as she came bounding over to him, jumping into his arms and smiling.
"Mummy told me to tell you that dinner is ready," She looked at all of them and Jungkook clapped loudly. 
"Break time!" He chuckled rubbing his hands together and heading into the house. 
The dining room was empty and only eight placemats were set at the table. 
"Where is mummy?" Namjoon questioned your daughter who was sitting in your usual spot. She simply shrugged her shoulders before eating.
"I haven't seen her much and when I do she's silent which isn't like her," Jin mumbled as he began to eat the food you'd made, everything tasted fantastic like it always did when you cooked for them. 
"I tried to speak to her this morning but she ignored me," Jungkook mumbled as he pushed food into his mouth, 
"I don't blame her, you were rude on Tuesday." Hoseok reminded him of the day of the fight. That wasn't really a fight more like a disagreement. 
"We all were." Namjoon corrected him as they continued to think back on it. 
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The weekend continued on just like that. You were sending messages to the boys through your daughter using her as a messenger owl while the boys did the same back. Monday morning came around and you were standing outside the school gates with your daughter. 
"Mum?" You looked at her as you zipped up her coat, grabbing her bookbag. 
"What is it, sweetie?" You questioned as you made sure her hair was perfect and she looked good to go. 
"Are you and my daddies going to spilt up?" You looked at her and then over at the school as the bell rang. 
"No, we're just having a small fight baby that's all." You whispered as you kissed her forehead. If you tried to explain it now she'd be late for school. 
"Go, I promise we'll make up while you're at school." She began rushing off in the direction of her class and you waved goodbye until the doors completely shut and you could head home. 
Home where all of the boys were waiting for you. They had collectively decided to take the day off from work so they could get to the bottom of whatever was wrong with you.
"So what's the problem with you?" Jungkook questioned earning a slap around the back of the head from Namjoon who was trying to be the levelheaded one throughout all of this. 
"What he means to say is, why are we getting the silent treatment?" Namjoon reiterated the question but in a different manner.
"Let me see...Tuesday night ring a bell?" You questioned as you walked past them and into the kitchen. Beginning to get started with the housework when Hoseok pulled you into a tight hug from behind. Your whole body seemed to melt into his as you missed the contact from each of them. 
"We were being idiots, we were tired and irritated with our jobs and we took it out on you." He whispered in your ear as he kept his arms around your tightly never once letting go. 
"Let us make it up to you," He whispered again, his breath making your back tingle as you shook your head. Getting away from him as quickly as you could. He knew what his whispers and touching did to you. 
"You think I'm just going to forget what you said with a simple, "we were irritated?" Because that's not how it works!" You snapped at them all, glancing over all of their faces to see if they truly meant what they were saying. 
"We didn't mean for it to be so mean and we're sorry," Yoongi told you as he stepped closer to you, holding your hand and running his fingers over your knuckles.
"We know how much you do and how hard you work," Jungkook stood up from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen to look at you.
"Now, please...Let us make it up to you." Yoongi told you again as he stepped closer to you. Running his hand up and down your cheek as you relaxed into his touch. 
"None of you have actually said sorry except for Yoongi." You moved closer to Yoongi, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as you giggled. 
"So maybe I should only forgive him." You looked at the boys as your lips slowly began to kiss up and down Yoongi's neck, biting down softly right at the nape of his neck. His weakest point. 
"No! We're sorry! I'm sorry." Taehyung whined out desperately as he so wanted to have your body on his. It had been so long since any of you had been together intimately it was starting to become too much to be away.
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Seven apologies later and you were laid on the bed making out with Yoongi while Namjoon's hands ran down your naked body. Massaging your breasts while his mouth wrapped around the other, sucking and nibbling on your nipple as you let out small moans of pleasure. 
"L-Let me touch you," You complained as you reached out to touch Yoongi but he moved your hand away. 
"It's about you tonight and only you," Confused by what he meant you went back to kissing him. Your lips moving in sync with one another as he held your face in his hands.
Suddenly you felt Jimin's lips on your core making you cry out at the sudden contact, 
"Seems like someone has missed us almost as much as we've missed her." He chuckled as he began to slowly lick stripes up and down your folds, nibbling at your clit whenever he could.
"Jimin!" You whined out, back arching a little as he continued with the slow movements of his tongue which almost had you begging for more.
"Hmm so good," Jimin moans out as he begins to dip his tongue in and out of you. Taking his time as he slowly licks your pussy, tasting every bit of you he can get. 
"So fucking good," He growled deeply, your whole body shaking as he continued to lap up your juices. Repeatedly flicking your clit with his tongue causing you to cry out his name, hands buried in his hair as you pushed him closer to your cunt.
"Jimin right there!" You cried out as he inserted two fingers into you, curling them up as he continued to suck on your clit. 
Your whole body was on fire as you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge. The curl of his fingers making you moan out, every now and again he would let out growls causing your pussy to clench around his fingers. 
"Don't take away all the fun," Yoongi pouted as he took your breast into his mouth, sucking harshly while Namjoon did the same to the other. Your head was spinning so fast you'd forgotten the other boys were in the room.
Watching as you were eaten out so carefully and lovingly.
"J-Jimin!" You warned as you could feel yourself beginning to get closer. The coil in your stomach was beginning to tighten with every bite, lick and thrust from him. 
"I-I can't-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before your orgasm ripped through your body. Your eyes shutting tightly as you cried out his name. Hips bucking against his lips begging him not to stop until you rode out your high.
"My turn." Jungkook chuckled as he began to kiss up and down your body. Hands travelling down to your core as he began to rub your already sensitive clit. Each touch felt intensified from your previous orgasm. 
"J-Jungkookie," You moaned out as he kissed you sweetly, two fingers rubbing small circles into your core.
"Shh, let us take care of you tonight, it's not about us." Jin's whisper filled your ear as he began to kiss and suck on your neck. Hoseok's hands made their way to your breasts as did Taehyung's. It was going to be a long and very good day.
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By the time they were finished with you, you were panting and dripping in sweat...As well as other substances. You'd finally convinced them into letting you please them. Girls couldn't have all of the fun after all. Whining out as you held onto Jin you looked up at him,
"Someone needs to go and pick our little girl up, I don't think I'll be able to walk straight for a week." You laughed softly as Jin helped you into the bathroom. He'd already drawn you a hot bubble bath with a mug of hot chocolate waiting for you. 
"I'll go and get her, we can stop by the library before we come home," Namjoon said as he watched you sink into the hot water, eyes rolling back as you finally relaxed.
"I'll come too," Jungkook said as he looked at Namjoon and then at you. Making sure you were okay before they headed out to go and pick up your little girl.
"J-Jin." Your hand reached out to touch him and he turned to look at you. 
"Can you come in? I don't want to be alone." You told him, the others had all gone to wash up and you would have been alone. 
"Sure." He whispered as he stripped down, getting into the bath behind you and holding you close.
"I really love you guys," You mumbled as you closed your eyes. Listening to nothing but his heart beating against his chest.
"We love you too," He whispered as he began to slowly wash your body off carefully.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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boom-bakugou · 4 years
‘Wedding Crashers’ - Katsuki Bakugou
A/N: Sorry for my inactivity but here’s a little sorry and thank you present for me hitting 1k! I love you all sm <3
Pairings: Pro Hero!Bakugou x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+, ooc deku; but it’s more of a headcanon, semi-public sex
Summary: Your ex-boyfriend Izuku Midoriya inviting you to his wedding is a definite stab in yours and Katsuki Bakugou’s backs. But you’ll show him.
Word Count: 5k
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You had considered your morning to be relatively normal, breakfast not burnt, coffee just that right amount of bitter to stir you awake. But those happy moments of peaceful bliss were soon to be fleeting as your mail arrived. Sifting through the pile to what you assumed would be bank statements and bills; your fingers landed on a cream white envelope. Your name printed neatly in a cursive font that when you followed it with your eyes for too long it almost made you want to puke. Tearing it open haphazardly, you read the perfumed content inside.
‘Dear Y/N Y/LN,
We are very proud to invite you to the blah blah blah wedding of pro hero blah blah Izuku Midoriya and blah blah blah.
RSVP blah-‘
Wait what? The taste in your mouth was pitiful. Yes, you and Izuku had dated years prior and after being childhood friends, yet it didn’t end… swimmingly. But this didn’t feel like inviting a childhood friend to your happiest day, no, this felt like a backhanded swipe at your ex-girlfriend who was well known to the media to be single. Pro-Hero gossip magazines made sure of that.
Throwing the invitation onto your countertop, your eyebrows furrowed with spite. You felt weak almost, watching your ex-best friend grow up to be this bountiful hero with merch in every store that you went to. Though you had triumphed well in the hero charts yourself, nothing ever seemed to compare to him. The golden boy. You never really got over the fact that he ended things because being a single hero was more postable than one who was tied down. Until now. Mr. Big shot getting married. It really made you question your integrity,
Recuperating your thoughts, you realised your phone was buzzing on the couch next to you. Checking to see the influx of text messages, you saw Katsuki Bakugou’s name fill up your lockscreen with notifications.
Bakugou: tell me you got the stupid fuckin invite too
Bakugou: the nerve that nerd still fuckin has
Bakugou: inviting his childhood ‘friends’ after all this time
Bakugou: tch, one big publicity stunt if you ask me
You chuckle as you scroll through the messages, gladly knowing that you weren’t the only one feeling this way.
Y/N: so what’re we going to do about it?
Bakugou: what do you mean?
Y/N: well we can’t show him up at his own wedding but we can sure stir something of our own
Bakugou: well that idiot is marrying some nobody extra
Bakugou: probably to show how ‘great’ he is
Bakugou: so how about if two top pro heroes rsvp’d together?
Y/N: you mean us?
Bakugou: no, midnight and grape juice. of course us you idiot
The idea brewed in your head for a moment. Izuku had always been nice when he was younger, and Katsuki hadn’t exactly been the nicest towards him in return. You were always the mediator in those situations. However when Deku grew and grew in the hero charts he started to lose touch with reality. Not really remembering what being a hero was about besides having his face stuck on a lunch box and raking in the dough for it. It was sad. You didn’t know who he was anymore.
Y/N: fuck it, i’m in
“You know, don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a tux before.” You chuckle, arm linked around Bakugou’s as you stepped out of the chauffeured car together. You were here to make a scene. Paparazzi glistened everywhere like a moth to a candle flame. You couldn’t wait for the tabloids in all honesty.
“Shut up.” Bakugou grumbled, almost in embarrassment. But his smile didn’t show a hint of it. “Not looking too bad yourself.”
You had coordinated well. Your maroon dress flowed in the gentle summer breeze and matched perfectly to Bakugou’s equally coloured tux. You two were such a pair it was nigh impossible to not think that you two were together today. And the paparazzi made sure of that indefinitely.
You couldn’t lie about how the service was beautiful, because it was. However you didn’t need to hear the shutter clicks of a camera go off every few words they spoke. It was distracting, and you and Bakugou shared a glance each time it occurred. Stifling a giggle, you hoped no camera would pick that up. Even if they did, they’d probably pin it to ‘look at these other heroes wishing that they were the next to get married!’ they’d eat that shit uplike ambrosia.
“Can’t wait to see the reception.” You mumbled towards Bakugou, your plastic smiles never fading for the cameras. Izuku making a show of himself and his new bride.
Watching him was almost bittersweet. The happy memories of you three as children flashing behind your eyes. Now replaced with a fame hungry number one hero. Where had all the time gone?
“What’s got you so perplexed?” Katsuki asked, filtering your way through the crowd, making your way to the cars that would deliver you all to the reception.
“Just-“ You sigh, allowing the cover of other heroes to hide you from the all seeing eyes of the paparazzi. “I miss him, y’know? Miss how we used to be.”
“Tch.” Bakugou didn’t care about the scowl present on his face, your words ate him up like some sort of bacteria. “Thought you said that he was the most selfish guy you’d ever dated?”
“He was but like-” You watched Izuku’s back as he held his new partner’s hand. Waving to the cameras and not watching her, as lovely as she looked in her wedding gown. “As weird as it sounds, I sometimes miss high school.”
Bakugou’s eyes scanned your face, following your eyesight to Midoriya. Fucking extra. The thoughts swam around his head, polluting his mind. He knew Izuku’s break up with you had been a massive toll on your mental health and your ego. He made you think that you weren’t good enough for him, and Bakugou never got over that fact. How could he pass up on you for anything else?
Breaking apart from the conglomerative of wedding-goers, Bakugou lead you to one of the specially hired cars to take the guests to the reception. Despite Bakugou’s abrasive and rough nature, you couldn’t help but notice how delicately he held your hand. Not tugging you along or haphazardly grabbing you by your wrist, making you follow him. No, his fingers interlaced with yours and you felt the coarseness of his palms due to the explosive nature of his quirk.
“You can let go of my hand now, we’re in the car.”
“Yeah- whatever.”
Catching up in the car, you both realise how little time you have to actually spend with each other. Though you and Bakugou communicate 1000 times more than you do with Midoriya, heroing keeps you both busy. No times like these to goof off and be with each other. You missed it, you missed your hot-headed idiot friend.
“Hope there’s less fuckin’ paparazzi here. Think I’m gonna go blind with those extras pointing them in my face.” Bakugou rolled down the tinted window a smidge to watch as the car drove into an old looking manor hall where guests had already begun to arrive.
Flowers decorated the ground and just as you two got your hopes up, you saw a line of paparazzi at each side of the staircase leading to the double-doored entrance.
“Well, it was worth a try.” You remark to him, patting his back as you chuckled to him.
Bakugou was the first to exit, standing beside the door so he could reach for your hand to help you out while you fixed your dress. Just as the two of you began to reach for each other's arms to walk into the reception together; there was a brusque tug to your dress. Upon further inspection, a member of the shutterbugs had stood on a long section of your dress. Allowing himself to get pictures of it stretched out and flowy.
“Hey!” Bakugou didn’t waste time on pushing him off the tail end of the dress. “Try anything funny like that again with my girl and say goodbye to that shitty camera of yours!”
The man nodded, slowly letting his camera hang loose on his neck. The rest of the cameramen easily caught the scene but you both couldn’t care less. What’s a wedding without a little drama?
“Thanks Katsuki.” You note with a soft smile.
Bakugou’s hand tenderly makes its way around the small of your back until his arm is holding you close to him as you walk inside. His hand sitting in a caring way at your hip to assure that nothing could come between you both. You could not wait for the media to plaster this fake-ness on every outlet that they could! However, you liked the thought of relishing in the attention right now.
Once the dining festivities had come and gone. It was time for their first dance. Watching as he held her under the blue lighting had your heart hurting slightly. The thought that that could’ve been you. But Bakugou was right. He’s probably marrying some quirkless nobody not only to make himself look better, but being with another hero is messy. You both had media eyes on you; but… you couldn’t help but wonder how different your life would be like if Midoriya was how he used to be.
You didn’t even notice Bakugou’s eyes on you the whole time. Not wanting to waste a second of his eyesight on the show Izuku was putting on. You were a sight of your own. How could you not see that you deserved someone better? Someone like him. You always spoke about how everyone was under a facade when supporting Deku, but you never correlated that to yourself.
After a short while, others began to join in on the large dance floor. Perfectly spacious for all the famous faces and their egos. Bakugou’s hand traced down your arm until his hand clasped with yours, gently leading you to the floor yourselves.
“What’re you doing?”
“Come on, who’s to say we can’t have some fun too huh?”
Smiling at him, you followed his lead. His hand occupying your waist before pulling you in closer to his chest. Flowing with the music, you couldn’t help the cheesy smile on your face; nor the one that spread to Bakugou’s.
“Why’s no one ever tied down Mr. Ground Zero then?” Your question takes Bakugou by surprise, showing a small blip in your combined graceful swaying to the music.
“No ones good enough.” Such a Bakugou answer.
“You’re sounding like Izuku, but he probably got that from the old you.” You jested, earning an eye roll from Bakugou. “I’m being serious! Come on you can tell me.”
It takes him a moment to figure out an answer, so much so that he doesn’t focus on dancing anymore. He just stands there holding you before locking eyes again.
“Just haven’t found the right person to deal with my bullshit I guess.”
There’s a beat of silence and your eyes search his face for answers. You didn’t even realise how close you were to him. His breath fanning your face, the smell of oak and fire and burning sweetness engulfed your senses. You also didn’t realise how the two of you sank closer and closer into one another.
“Hey Kacchan, mind if I steal her from you?”
Izuku’s voice almost sends you two flying away from each other like same sides of a magnet.
“Ask her yourself she’s not mine.” You turn from Bakugou to give a friendly smile to Midoriya, allowing your hand to rest in his. “I’ll be at the bar. Free drinks and all.”
His answers are short, curt. Yet before you can ask him if he’s alright Deku spins you and begins to dance with you in his arms at the tempo of the new music track that’s playing.
“Long time no see Y/N!” His manner has always been so chipper, despite the facade of it all. Though Bakugou and you went there to purposefully to cause discourse; you don’t think you have it in you to be mean to Izuku’s face.
“Yeah, look at you! Married man now, must be scary.” You chuckle, almost nervously. It was like speaking to a stranger.
“Well I guess I’ll find out! But come on that’s been the subject of the whole day! I wanna know about you and Kacchan.” You felt like Bakugou right now, the old nickname boiling your blood as it did his. There was no doubt Izuku took influence from Bakugou and his fiery personality; but he took it in all the wrong ways. Using confidence to become cold, uncaring.
“Oh- haha, Katsuki and I aren’t-“
“Y/N. Don’t lie to me! I can see the way he’s burning holes in my tux from over here.”
Turning you to the music so you could face where Katsuki was standing, you peaked behind Midoriya’s arm to see Bakugou with an all too familiar scowl on his face. Chasing down a beverage in a crystalline glass in one easy gulp.
“If you ask me Midoriya he’s always looked at you that way.” You laugh your statement off but you meant it with malice.
“Midoriya? Feeling formal today are we Y/N?” He had completely lost touch of who he used to be. “I used to look at you like that when I saw you with other guys, I know what that look is.”
His comment stops you dead in your tracks, not allowing for him to swing you to and fro to the music.
“Actually Midoriya I don’t even remember you looking me with jealous intent other than when I was higher than you on the hero charts.” Shaking yourself free from his towering position on you, you stormed off to the patio doors, letting yourself be eaten by the oncoming darkness of night.
Crying at your ex’s wedding. Not something you’d think you’d ever do in your lifetime but here you were. Thankfully you couldn’t see any reporters or such outside so for now, it was just you and your tears. Maybe you were too harsh on him? You used to be friends right? What happened to that kid who wanted to be a hero who you looked up to? What happened to the boyfriend you had who kissed you goodnight and ignored you when your face was on the TV more than him or snapped at you when he was announced lower than you and broke up with you because ‘heroes dating are messy!’ No. Bakugou was right. He was a self-righteous bastard now.
You half expected Midoriya to come out after you but he was probably entertaining other guests. Luckily, as you turned you saw Bakugou standing outside with you, signature hands in his pockets with a dumb, sympathetic smirk on his face.
“I promise I didn’t punch that asshole at his own wedding but I can tell you he got a fuckin’ earful from me. Hope the paps got a good pic.” His tone was joking but it hadn’t cracked a smile from you yet.
“S’alright. Wouldn’t give two shits if you did.” You sniffled, collecting mascara tears on your fingers and wiping them on the decorative concrete bannisters of the balcony. “Shouldn’t’ve fucking come. This was stupid I have too much baggage for this shit.”
You turned away from him, allowing yourself to lean out on the barrier, looking into the distance on the warm night. You could hear Bakugou give a small sigh before his arms snuck around your waist, pulling your back into his chest before placing a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
“That fuckin’ idiot didn’t know what he lost and it’s my fault for influencin’ him.” The pain in his voice was evident. Did Bakugou blame himself for the hurt Midoriya caused you?
“No. That extra is so blinded by the shit everyone has to say that he’s forgotten what real life is. Doesn’t care about his stupid fans or his friends or the best most understanding girl in the whole fucking world. A girl I know does the best for everyone no matter what her own situation is.” You turn around to face him, not wanting to leave his embrace. “Y/N. No matter how much I’ve always wanted to fuckin’ win I’ve just wanted the best for you. And when that bastard did what he did to you- I- fuck. You look at him, like you’re waiting for him to just notice you; but every time I see you it’s like I’m seeing you set the stars in the sky every fuckin night. You just- you’re fuckin’ everything to me Y/N.”
It was completely silent on the balcony besides the low thump of the music from indoors, but it was deafening. But it all faded when his lips attached to yours. It was so clear. All that pining over Midoriya when he was just copying the one who actually saw you for who you were. He even copied Bakugou’s crush on you, most likely to make him jealous. But your mind had no time to think of that when all you could feel was Bakugou.
It was like you had never been kissed before, never felt the love and sensuality behind it. Soft and moist but breathy and warm. For once Bakugou didn’t wish to win a battle, he wanted unity and to be together with you. His hands danced over the delicate curves of you in your dress; taking in every inch of your perfect body. The gasp that fell from your mouth was perfect entrance for Bakugou’s tongue to mingle with yours. The sparks hot and electric between you both was like liquid lightning.
Just as your hands found home in his hair, you heard the all too familiar sound of today of a photo being taken. Bakugou is the first to break the kiss to find the intruder of your special moment. Your lips already feel blushed and bruised but your heart was nearly pounding out your chest.
“Fuckin’ print that in your gossip magazine you extra!” Bakugou couldn’t help but heartily laugh at the man as he shook with worry after catching the intimate moment. He wanted to show you off. He wasn’t ashamed that his lips had captured you to be his.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.” He whispers into your ear and you eagerly nod, grasping his one hand with your two as the both of you manouvered your way through the wedding guests until you finally found a small closet down a hallway where no one from the party had entered.
Slamming the door shut behind you, your eyes drank in Bakugou’s frame. How had you missed that small boy you once knew had now become this beefy, beautiful man? Who was looking at you with the same awe and intent? Bakugou cornered you against the door of the supply closet, latching his lips together with yours once again as if he was scared he’d never be able to taste you again.
“You’re fuckin’ perfect.” Katsuki’s lips mashed with yours as his hands slid up your dress, the coarseness of his fingers against your soft skin sending shivers down your spine.
All those years of being a hero really showed on Bakugou, he lifted you with ease as your fingers traced scars on the back of his neck; holding on for support. His hips pin you against the door and you feel his cock hardening between the fabric of your underwear and his suit pants, you can’t help the whimper escaping your lips at the friction of him.
Bakugou’s hands slip under the straps of your dress, letting them fall delicately to your sides as his lips ensnare yours. His grunts and your whimpers enough to make any passerby know what was going on in the confined space of the closet. His fingers glide beneath the dress which allowed it to fall further as Bakugou felt the weight of your breasts in his palms.
“God you’re fucking everything princess.” His fingers slide beneath the lacy fabric to thumb your nipples, perking and tugging it with his forefinger.
Breaking the kiss, his head lowers to encapsulate the bud in his mouth. Gently suckling it before rolling it feverishly between his teeth. Your hands snaking through his hair only spurring the assault on your supple flesh. Biting your lip to stop the obvious moans that were threatening to spill out of your mouth. You swore you could see stars as his tongue flicked against the pointed nub- sending your nerves wild.
“Bet that fucking extra never treated you like this baby.” He matched your height, his gaze never leaving your own as he took both of your tits out of your bra; kneading the flesh and buds of your nipples as he spoke. “Just wanted to get himself off, I know how to fuckin’ treat you right.”
“Then do it… Kacchan.” You spoke with such gusto in your breathy state, knowing that the old nickname would make him see red. And god did it send him feral.
His body pressed you further into the door, even if it felt like he couldn’t. The aching feel of his cock rubbing against your clothed core made you mewl in want of him. His fingers slid beneath the hem of your dress and made little pricking motions into your inner thighs until he traced a slit over your panties.
“Shit you’re fucking wet.” The pads of his fingers kneading against where you wanted him most, a chuckle falling his lips as your hips did their best to try and get any sort of relief.
“Katsuki please- please fuck oh my god-“ Your neck craned back as you felt your body take control. The low growl in Bakugou’s throat at the sight of you barely touched and already begging for him.
Tracing his fingers along your décolletage he stopped when he met your parted lips before roughly shoving his fingers in your mouth, pressing down the body of your tongue.
“Please please please-“ Katsuki mocked. “Please what princess? Better use your fuckin’ words or else.”
An insufferable smirk played upon his lips as he felt your cunt clench around nothing at his dirty words. Pulling his fingers from your mouth, he wiped the remnants of your spit across your tits; awaiting for your response.
“Fuck me Katsuki- please you’re all I want. God you’re all I need.” Although said in your aroused state. You meant it- and he knew that.
Not wasting any more of the precious time you two had before you were inevitably found out considering your blatant disregard for being quiet; Bakugou used his hand to tug off his belt. Nearly setting his suit pants on fire as his quirk crackled in anticipation for you.
Your body clung to Bakugou’s for support, his whole body easily keeping your pinned high between himself and the door. Once his lower half was sufficiently stripped, it was easy enough for him to rip the sides of your underwear off.
“Shut up.”
Not wanting to disagree; you did. Hips bucking against nothing as the cool air prickled at your hot cunt. Bakugou held his manhood in his hand, rubbing the head of it in your slick and providing stimulation to your clit. Your thighs tightening around his waist like a vice grip at the well needed attention.
“You’re fuckin’ soaking baby. So needy.” Bakugou mumbled against your neck, allowing himself and you to get off momentarily at the friction. You could only nod to his words which were making you more and more wet for him. He was such a tease.
“Come on princess. Tell me you want my cock. Tell me.” His voice growled as he repeated himself, leaving marks upon your nape that would surely bruise because of his harsh bites and sucklings.
“Katsuki I need you- only you. Only you.” Your repetition is barely a whisper but he heard it, and despite his rough nature Bakugou confines your lips in a kiss as he sheaths himself inside of you.
Taking a few slow thrusts to allow yourself to adapt to his size, it’s only a moment before Bakugou completely bottoms out inside of you. He watches your face shiver in pleasure which he mirrors. He clasps your hips so firmly his knuckles turn white; it didn’t even hurt as all you could focus on was him inside you. Your hands find their way to his biceps, gripping on for some tension relief and you could still feel his muscles flex even beneath his suede blazer and the shirt.
“What a good fuckin’ girl, taking my cock like this.” Bakugou’s voice is a low growl as he thrusts into you, the sounds of your clothes brushing against one another and the slaps of your skin interacting was like a sinful symphony.
The smell of caramel danced in your brain as Bakugou worked up a sweat absolutely pummeling himself into your sex. You grasped onto him as if your life depended on it, moaning into his neck as his cock slid in and out of you. You didn’t even know how much time was passing as he rutted himself into you relentlessly- yet as you both came to your highs, you could both barely move from the thrill of it all.
Steadying your breaths back to a regular pace; Bakugou slid you down from where he had pinned you against the door and let you fix yourself as he then did himself. You sorted your dress and pulled any tugs from your hair when he had pulled it before slapping Bakugou’s arm.
“You dick! You ripped my underwear!”
“Hot.” He chuckled, fixing his belt loops and stuffing the ripped panties into his pocket.
“Not funny! I’m not parading about with no underwear on!”
“We’re getting the fuck out of this extras stupid wedding. You can wear my clothes at my place.” Suitably sorted and not looking like you had just had the brains fucked out of you in a closet (despite the reddening bites and bruises that were now appearing on your neck), Bakugou held you close. Yet instead of taking the corridor to the exit, he was leading you back to the main dance hall.
“Where’re we going?” You hashly whispered to Bakugou, your thighs still wet from your slick and the cool air against your unclothed pussy making you heat up from embarrassment.
“Gots to do one thing before we go.” There’s a shit eating grin on his face, you couldn't help but wonder what on earth he was planning now.
Midoriya stood talking to other heroes all dressed in their formal attire and Bakugou (with no consideration of their conversation) roughly tapped his shoulder to get his immediate attention. His arm around your waist was so tight but being see with Bakugou like this made you feel almost proud.
“We’re just heading off.” Bakugou had replaced his smile for his usual scowl, something he had always looked at Izuku with.
“Going so soon? It’ll be a shame you guys!” Izuku’s voice was plastered in falsehood. He probably regretted trying to gloat over you two. Bakugou held out his hand for Midoriya to shake it, your brows furrowed on what was obviously a stepping stone to Bakugou’s plan.
“I know I might not be better at you right now in the hero charts.”
Uh oh.
“I’m glad you’ve finally come to recognise that Kaccha-“
“But I am better at you at something for sure.”
Bakugou used Midoriya’s hand in his to pull him closer, readying himself to whisper in his ear.
“Cause I just fucked the shit out of your ex-girlfriend and I know you never made her come as hard as I did.”
Your face burned with the heat of a million suns, but the glower on Izuku’s face was priceless. And you couldn’t help but see the flash of a camera capture the moment as Bakugou’s hand fell from his and slipped once again around your waist.
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
One shot | Bucky | Fluffy: 1 , 9 | Angst: 5 , 6 | w/ a happy ending
I kinda wanted to make it a challenge, and I thought these prompts were the most interesting! If you do choose to do it, I hope you have fun! Have a great day ❤️
Pizza With a Side of Confessions
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: N/A, bit fluff, bit angst
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: thank you so so much for requesting! this also include in the second ask you sent i did see it and make note of it! you certainly did give me a challenge here this one took some real mapping out to complete but i think i got it i hope i checked off all the boxes :)
You had sworn the knock on your door was going to be from your date. The sleazy, creepy date you had just rejected on the stoop of your apartment building.
He had ended up being the complete opposite of what he appeared to be online. Through text messages, he seemed caring and kind. Interested in you. But then when you two met… He hands kept groping. Wandering. Caressing. You had begged him to stop in the restaurant which he eventually did after he walked you home, something you only agreed to to keep the peace, he began working on you again and you had to put your foot down, forbidding the night from going further.
He didn’t look too happy about your attitude which made you assume when that knock landed on your door, it was him and he was coming back for revenge. You had grabbed the first knife you could find and quickly pulled the door open, ready to hopelessly defend yourself…
But as you blinked back the tears cascading down your face, welling in your eyes, you saw a familiar pair of blue eyes along with a familiar frown.
"Bucky?" You sniffled, still pointing the knife at your best friend’s chest.
"Hey, doll," Bucky said, cautiously. He was standing as still as he could while also balancing a pizza box in his arms. "Do you… Do you maybe want to drop the knife, like, right now?"
You shook yourself out of your daze, quickly pulling the knife away from him. He visibly relaxed but his expression was cold, serious, as it took in your upset form. You brought the back of your hand to your face trying to get rid of the tears but they just wouldn’t stop.
"I-I’m sorry," you mumbled as you stepped away from the doorway, letting Bucky into the apartment. He immediately abandoned the pizza on your kitchen counter and turned to you, brows furrowing in waves of worry.
"What happened?" He asked — well, more like growled. If a man could growl. He truly sounded beyond angry which made you jump a bit. Bucky must’ve noticed because he immediately took a step back and tried recomposing himself. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you it’s just — seeing you cry — I need to know, whose ass am I kicking now."
You let out a light laugh at that, seeing his such protective side. You and Bucky had formed quite an interesting friendship over time. When you two first met, he loved bickering with you, teasing you here and there about anything and everything. You’d be the bud of the joke with him and while you tried not to let it bother you, admittedly, it had very quickly gotten quite annoying. Eventually, he seemed to just abandon the act and while you were cautious, you welcomed the newfound friendship — Lord knows those were hard to come across in adulthood.
Bucky has been an amazing friend to you ever since. Maybe even a little too amazing because over time you couldn’t deny some feelings had begun to form. But in your eyes, there could be no way such a handsome, funny man was going to be as interested in you. You tried to suppress it and instead just taught yourself to enjoy his little acts of kindness.
"I-I went on another date tonight," you sighed, setting the knife back in its holder. You leaned against the counter, opposite of Bucky. His arms were folded, waiting. "I and this guy had been texting for a while and… and I really thought he was great, I truly did, but then when we met he just made me so uncomfortable. All touchy, feely… Just making my skin crawl, even now." You sighed, dropping your gaze to the kitchen floor. "I told him I wasn’t interested after he walked me home and he didn’t seem very happy about it so… When you knocked, I thought it was him trying to get into my apartment."
You felt like such a fool explaining the situation. Despite this being Bucky and knowing, at some capacity, he wasn’t going to hold it over you, it was still embarrassing. You seemed to be constantly going on these dates trying to find a partner and time after time you came up disappointed. And Bucky would always be there to pick up the pieces.
When you looked back up at your friend, you found he was studying you closely. He was sure taking a while to respond but, then again, what more could he say? You felt he probably had grown exhausted trying to comfort you after these failed dates.
And it seemed your suspicions had been confirmed — but not in a way you could have ever seen coming.
Bucky cleared his throat as if he was preparing. You took a deep breath, ready for whatever blow he was about to serve. Would he yell at you? Would he give some speech on his disappointed he is? Beg you to delete the apps? Would he—
"Maybe you just shouldn’t be going on those dates anymore."
"Huh?" You frowned.
Bucky sighed. "You can’t keep putting yourself through this."
"But how else will I find someone to date? I’m not getting any younger here, Buck."
He turned away suddenly. You heard him let out a deep sigh. Your heart was pounding loudly in your ears.
"You could maybe start by looking at the man in front of you."
Your jaw just about hit the floor. "B-Bucky—"
But there was no stopping him as he went in for the declaration. "Remember when we first met and I used to tease you relentlessly? At the time, did it ever cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, I didn’t hate you? That I wasn’t doing it out of spite? I was doing it because I was nervous. Here waltzes in this amazing, beautiful woman, and I-I didn’t know what to do. I was falling for you and I couldn’t stop it. Hell, I’m still falling for you. Every day, darling. Every goddamn day." He paused, shaking his head. "I know this probably isn’t what you want to hear tonight but I can’t sit here any longer watching you get taken advantage of by the men in this city. I’m sorry it’s coming out like this but I think you needed to hear it. I apologize for that but I won’t apologize for loving you."
You didn’t know what to do. All you could focus on was Bucky’s pleading eyes and the tears forming in your own. But they were coming on for a good reason this time. They weren’t wasted tears over an uncomfortable date. They were tears of relief.
"Do-Do you really mean all that?" You finally asked.
Bucky nodded. "Every word."
In a spontaneous move, you pushed yourself away from the counter and took determined strides towards Bucky. You threw your arms around his waist, burying your face in his shirt. It took Bucky a second to react but you eventually felt his arms snake around you.
"I love you, too, Buck," you mumbled into his chest. You felt his body shake as he chuckled.
"You sure, doll?"
You nodded. "I’ve loved you for a while, too. I just never thought you’d ever…"
"Stop," Bucky said. "Don’t say anymore. Whatever you thought, it’s not true. I have always loved you."
You pulled away from his chest, putting some distance between you two but keeping your arms locked around him. He was looking down at you with a great mixture of relief and adornment on his face. You couldn’t help but smile. You felt the same.
"I can’t believe this," you giggled. "So are we… Are we like…"
Bucky laughed. "I think we need a date first."
You gasped, happily. "A date?"
He nodded then untangled himself from you. You watched as Bucky walked over to the forgotten pizza. "How about pizza and a movie?"
You looked between Bucky and the pizza box. "Bucky, do you want to explain why you were at my door with a pizza?"
Realization flashed across Bucky’s face. "I-I didn’t come here expecting a date or anything, I swear. I stopped by because… well, I didn’t know you had your date and thought at the very least we could hang out. I even got your favorite."
You smiled, stalking over to the pizza. "Pepperoni and jalapeños?"
Bucky scoffed. "I did say I got your favorite, didn’t I?"
You let out a cheerful squeal as you hugged Bucky again, throwing your arms around his neck. He leaned into you and it all felt natural, like the stars in the sky had finally aligned.
You broke away and said, "You take the pizza and find a movie. I’ll grab some plates."
Bucky agreed and you two broke into your separate tasks, eventually coming back together to sit on your living room couch. At first, though, you two just kind of stood there, the smell of pizza wafting between you two. You weren’t just sitting on the couch to watch a movie — you were sitting down, on a date, to watch a movie.
But you were tired of being so hesitant and running into wrongs after wrongs. You were taking this opportunity. You sat on the couch and patted the spot right next to you. Once Bucky sat down, you got a bit bolder and threw his arm over you, allowing you to cuddle into him. He was a bit tense at first but soon eased up, welcoming you to invade his space.
Bucky had decided on some action movie but you didn’t particularly care about it. All you could focus on was the fact you were cuddling with Bucky while eating pizza. It was a date. A real date where the touching felt natural and you weren’t scared of saying the wrong thing. Had you really been so blind?"
The emotions and questions within you were building quickly. You needed a way to break it, to distract yourself. You landed on your sad, silly humor to save the day.
"Hey, Buck," you mumbled as the car on screen blew up or something. You didn’t know, you just shifted closer into Bucky — if that was even possible. His hold on you got tighter.
"Yeah, doll?"
"Remember when I pulled a knife on you? That’s crazy. Who would’ve guessed a little civilian like myself could hold a knife to the Winter Soldier and live to tell the tale." You were well aware that you were rambling now, the roller coaster of a night catching up to you, but Bucky didn’t seem to mind.
The laughter that escaped him was like music to your ears. His body shook beneath you as he comically laughed at your ridiculous comment.
“You drive me up the wall sometimes, darling," Bucky mumbled back once he had calmed down.
You giggled, "Better get used to it."
"Yeah," he sighed, "I guess I better."
270 notes · View notes
xpeachesncream · 3 years
back to you | drabble (jjk)
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↳ drabbles masterlist
yours (ft. the bands!couple) | drabble one: you’ve seen jungkook get angry, but this is the first time he’s ever let it out on you.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content, more fluff than anything
tags: @thebeebi​ @miinoongi​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @bluesharksandfish​ @unicornbabylover​ @ayujaded​
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Jungkook steps down from the stage after performing Euphoria, aggressively throwing his towel against the wall in anger.
"FUCK!" He yells loudly in frustration, startling some of the staff as hot tears starting to spill down his cheeks. It's been a long time since Jungkook felt unsatisfied with a performance. He was so, so unsatisfied because of a small mistake only he could notice, however, it was big enough to shoot him down. All he wanted was to put up a good performance for the fans, for the people that paid money to watch them here, and he felt like such a fucking failure not meeting his end of it.
"Kookie, what's wrong?" Hobi follows after him when he sees the anger clear as day on his face, tears still coming down as his nose was beginning to turn red.
"Nothing." He mumbles as he shuts himself into a private room backstage and slams the door loudly that it echoes through the hallway.
"What just happened?" You ask Hobi as you jog over, unable to catch Jungkook right away since you had been busy getting Jimin ready for his solo performance. "He needs to get ready."
"He's pissed. I think he messed up and he's taking it pretty hard."
"Messed up?" You were confused because you had no clue what he was talking about. You caught the performance as much as possible, and you didn't hear one fucked up note or see one fucked up step.
"You know him." Is all Hobi says, making you sigh.
"Go get touched up, I'll go see what's up with him."
"He's in there." Hobi nods towards a room before he's jogging back to the chaos in the group dressing room. You silently walk over to the door, giving it three soft knocks before leaning closer to listen for any movement.
"I'll be out in a fucking second, can you wait?!" He yells, which catches you by surprise because you definitely haven't see him this angry since the night him and Jimin fought at the dorm and to be quite honest, you're still learning how to handle angry Jungkook. You open the door and peek your head through, hoping he could simmer once he sees it's you.
But he doesn't, and that's what fucking sucks.
He looks at you, and it breaks your heart seeing him cry. Your face softens as you try to come closer but you jump back when he suddenly gets up to walk towards the other side of the room to create some distance. You stay put to watch him, his back is facing towards you with his hands pressed firmly against his hips.
"Not now, Y/N."
"Babe, I just—"
"Did you not just hear me? Not now. So please go." You almost flinch at his tone, the way he delivers his statement.
"Jungkook, please let me in. Let me make it better." You come behind him, hand gently grabbing at his shoulder. For a second, you feel him ease up, but it doesn't last long before his walls are coming back up. He moves out of your grip and walks away from you while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"It was such a stupid mistake." He says softly.
"Baby, whatever it was, it was a tiny mistake because we didn't even—" I guess this was your first lesson in dealing with angry Jungkook— choose your words wisely. Jungkook is such a perfectionist that he's incredibly hard on himself when it comes to things like this. No mistake is ever tiny to him. It all becomes a huge deal because he just wants to keep people happy. He wants to make sure he can follow through.
"See, you don't even get it." He snaps at you.
"Excuse me? Are you serious right now, Jungkook?" You cross your arms and scoff at him.
"That wasn't just a tiny mistake Y/N!" His tone slightly raises. "It was a huge deal for me!" He sighs and shakes his head.
"I'm just trying to help."
"Yeah well, you really aren't making this any fucking better. So just go, okay?" As soon as the words leave his mouth, he looks at you and instantly regrets it when he catches a small frown forming at the corner of your lips. "Shit, baby—"
"No, you know what? I might not understand right off the bat but I was gonna do my best to try and do so because I wanna do what I can to be there for you." You throw your hands up in defeat. "But fine, Jungkook. If that's how you wanna be, then go ahead and fucking shut me out." You fire back, annoyed that he's giving you hella attitude when your only intention was to support him.
"Y/N—" He tries to grab your wrist but you yank it out of his grip.
"Get yourself ready, you have 10 mins before you need to be back on stage." You avoid eye contact and slam the door shut.
"Fuuuuuck." Jungkook groans and hits the chair before letting out a deep sigh and making his way back to the group. When he gets back to the room, he sees you assisting Jin, your bottom lip tucked under your top lip while you bit onto it. He can see Jin's mouth moving and your head nodding, but he can't really make out the conversation with all the noise and chaos going on.
Fuck, he fucked up. All he wanted to do was tell you how sorry he was for snapping at you and for letting his anger out on you that way.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Jin asks you softly, his eyes full of concern when he catches your wet lashes. He can tell you had just been crying, and has a good sense of why.
"Kook is being a meanie." Jin chuckles as you fix his shirt.
"He gets like that when he isn't happy with himself."
"I'm only trying to help though."
"I know, and I'll give him a good ass-whooping later for treating you like that."
"God, he's so mean when he's pissed like that. I've never had to personally deal with angry Jungkook like this."
"He pushes everyone away and doesn't know any better, but he'll learn from this. Let him. He needs to understand that he can't take his feelings out on you like that just because you're his girlfriend."
"Thank you." You softly say as you finish rolling the lint roller across his broad shoulders.
"Of course." Jin winks. "Cheer up." He gives your shoulder a good squeeze before he's rushing out with the rest of the boys.
The rest of the night is quiet between you and Jungkook, mainly because you're doing your best to 'let him learn' and avoid him even though it was the hardest thing to do. He had tried to subtly grab your attention every now and then, but you brushed it off and paid no mind to it. Halfway through, he had realized he just needed to give you space. Every part of you wanted to cling onto him like a koala and tell him how frustratingly and annoyingly cute he was, but there was also a small part that was still upset at the shit he said. You were still hurt at how easy it was for him to lash out on you like that, let alone push you away when he wasn't feeling his best.
Once the show was over and you and the staff had done a great deal of cleaning up, you finally headed home in one of the staff cars, the boys already back at the hotel resting up and eating. You quietly make your way to your room on the same floor as the boys, hearing their laughter erupting from one of the rooms down the hallway. At the front of your door was a small box of fried chicken wings and a bag of radishes, most likely from Jungkook. You normally ordered room service or grabbed Kook's leftovers, moreso cause you were too tired from the day to even think about eating a huge meal. You let out a small sigh, grabbing the box as you walk in and set it on the table. You take a quick shower, lathering up in some lotion before throwing on Jungkook's longsleeve.
Technically, you weren't allowed to sleep in Jungkook's room and he wasn't allowed in yours, but your boyfriend always does what he wants and never plays by the rules in the book [as we've learned]. He always finds a way to sneak over, texting you right as he gets to your door and slipping out bright and early the next morning. It was some high school shit, but you genuinely understood wholeheartedly why they tried to keep that rule in place during the tour.
Jungkook is just always gonna be stubborn though, which is why you hear him knocking loudly as if it wasn't getting late.
"Y/N." He keeps his forehead against the door. You sit still in absolute silence until he speaks again. "Babygirl, I'm sorry. Please let me in." You continue to sit in silence, a little torn on whether or not you should let him in or let him be for the night. Were you too quick if you were to let him in? I mean, the fight wasn't huge, but it was still enough to sting. "Baaaaby." He whines.
"What are you doing?" Taehyung whispers harshly. "You're gonna get in trouble." Jungkook keeps his forehead against your door and simply lifts a hand to Taehyung to prevent him from going on any further.
"Fuck it."
"Jungkookie, go back—" Kook points down the hallway, forehead still pressed against your door like a child on timeout.
"You go back. I'm fine here." Taehyung silently chuckles to himself before crossing his arms and retreating back to his room, listening to the repeated, soft "y/n's" and "baby's" coming from Jungkook.
When you realize he isn't going to leave, and you sure as hell don't want him to get in trouble, you sigh and get up from the bed to open the door for your man. You turn the knob and slightly pull back just enough to open your door and let him do the rest. You head back to your bed, not turning behind you when you hear him walk in and shut your door. He quietly comes into your view, but you continue to sit criss-crossed on your bed, scrolling through your phone while the TV was providing some background noise.
Okay, you might have been acting like a level 10 brat, but he hurt your feelings when you were only trying to help.
"Hmmm, baby." He whines and pouts as he climbs onto the bed and rests his chin on your leg. When you still don't pay him any mind, he sucks on his teeth and gently puts your phone down so you have no choice but to look at him. "Baby, I'm sorry." He sits up, his hand gently caressing your thigh.
"Do you even know what you're sorry for?"
"I was being mean. I didn't mean to take my anger out on you like that."
"You sure were being a meanie." You slightly pout, causing him to sigh in regret. He never, never wanted to hurt you. Yet, one quick moment of vulnerability and the first thing he does is hurt you.
God, he felt like a dumbass.
"Babygirl, fuck. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just being stupid." He sits next to you and pats the open space in between his legs for you to fill. You quietly climb in between, allowing him to hug you from behind and plant kisses along your cheek, jaw and neck.
"Kook, are you always gonna push me away like that? Especially on days where you don't feel your best? When you don't feel satisfied with yourself? Cause if that's the case— how are we gonna work if you won't let me in?"
"No baby, no. I just— Fuck, honestly. I don't know. I felt so insecure over the smallest thing. I made it a big deal for no reason. I just wanted to look good for the fans. For you. I wanted you and everyone else to be proud." You slightly turn and cup his cheek, Kook leaning into it and pressing a kiss against your palm.
"They are so, so proud of you. Always. The fans, the boys, the staff. Me. You are so hardworking and dedicated to your craft. You are the most talented person I know." You sigh. "What really happened out there?"
"I messed up a note. It was subtle, but enough for me to notice and trip on the next dance move."
"There's always going to be room for improvement, babe. But that will never change the fact that your fans and the people around you adore you. They will love you, flaws and all." He looks at you before lifting your chin with his finger and placing a soft peck on your lips. He never used to care about how people looked at him, still doesn't. But when it comes to his performances, his singing, dancing— he's very particular and wants nothing but to please people. He just didn't know how to stop being so hard on himself, where to place boundaries. He didn't know how to differentiate between big and small mistakes.
"I love you." He whispers, thumb gently caressing your chin before placing another kiss against your lips. "I love you so much, and I'm so sorry for being mean to you earlier. I never meant to hurt you or push you away."
"And I'm sorry for being a brat back." He chuckles. "I love you, too."
"Deserved it, I'll let it slide." You giggle as he hugs you tightly, playfully kissing you everywhere that he possibly can. "I missed you."
"You saw me all night."
"I saw you, but you didn't come close to me."
"Which you deserved."
"Which I deserved." He nods in agreement. "Now I just wanna shower my baby in kisses." He continues to pepper you with soft kisses. "By the way, did you get the chicken?"
"Yeah, thank you." You smile at him.
"You have more?" Your smile instantly fades while you push yourself off of him and hop off the bed.
"You came here for my chicken?!"
"No! Obviously I came here to make things right and apologize." You bite onto your bottom lip to prevent yourself from smirking. "Just thought I could get a little bonus and snag your leftovers, you know?" His doe eyes were wide, lips slightly pouty. "Soooo, let me see what's in that box." He looks at the chicken box behind you and wiggles his eyebrows.
"Unbelievable." You joke as he lifts you up from the legs and gently [not really] throws you back onto the bed before running to your chicken box. "Jungkook! I will whoop your ass if you touch my chicken." He scrunches his nose, bunny smile coming into full view as he places a finger on top of your box. "Ugh!" You throw a pillow at him.
"Oh, so you wanna get fiesty? I'll show you fiesty." He rushes back onto the bed, tickling you into the sheets.
"You started it!"
"And I'm gonna finish it." He stares at you as you lay beneath him. "Off with your clothes, sweetheart." He whispers into your ear, causing you to squeal.
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 — mason mount
summary: after finding out your relationship had formed on the basis of a bet, you decide to make mason, declan, and ben pay for your forgiveness, all in good fun.
part one here
requests are open!
“Did you mean what you said about resigning?” Mason asked quietly, head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat. You were laying in the darkness, both waking up far too early for training today, and instead of getting some more sleep, you opted to talk about what happened last weekend.
You thought about his question, and reminded yourself how you felt in that moment. Hearing your relationship was a bet, it stung you once more. “I did. Because I genuinely thought you’d waited the full two months to just break my heart.” Your heart was beating faster, Mason could hear it, so he squeezed you tighter to him. “I really thought you’d not felt a thing for me at all.”
“I’m so sorry.” Mason’s voice was barely above a whisper, and he was pressing small kisses to your stomach in an effort to relax you. “I fell so hard for you, I still am. The guilt was eating me alive and instead of telling you, I ignored it. I pushed it away.”
“Let’s not let it dampen our day.” You mumbled against his hair, basking in the last few minutes of intimacy before the full day ahead of you. “We only have a few more training sessions until the first big qualifier. And I need you on your A game, Mount.”
You could hear his giggle as you reach for the lamp. “Yes coach, would you like a tea, coach?” He put on his best military voice, watching as you nodded your head and threw your legs over the bed.
The pair of you were showered and in your car, driving the usual route from your house to the training grounds. Mason had a larger house than you, that was for sure, but he preferred spending time at yours. Everything was yours, there wasn’t a single thing that didn’t fit who you were as a person. And he loved it.
“One last kiss,” Mason spoke quietly, knowing you weren’t really allowed to show any unprofessional behaviour whilst at work, “then we are back to a strict relationship.” You nodded, collecting your things that were at Mason’s feet. You quickly kissed him, watching him blush and bite his lip.
“From hours 9 to 3, you’re not my boyfriend.” You stated, pushing open your car door and waiting for Mason’s to be a safe distance away before you could begin your walk in.
The boys were all sat around, waiting for you. As you were their only trainer today, but you were supervising more than anything else. They knew what they were doing. You had your plans for them, Ben, Declan, and Mason in particular. You knew you’d been very lenient with them, even after finding out what they did. So you planned on working them a bit, and as their trainer, what can they say but yes?
“Morning, boys.” You called out, taking your coat off and earning a small wink from Mason, who was sat between Declan and Ben. “With your qualifier coming up soon, I need you all on your A game. So to warm up, I want you all in groups of three and passing to each other.” You looked over to the three you planned to overwork, gesturing for them to stand. “And you three will be taking two laps around the turf.”
You watched their face contort into a look of discomfort, making you smirk and sit down to watch them. Mason was huffing by the time he’d finished his two laps, waiting for the other two boys as they were joking about.
“You keep giggling like schoolgirls, I’ll send you on another lap.” You shouted to them both, Mason sending you a little smirk. He knew what you were doing, and quite frankly, he didn’t care. He’d do anything to make sure you knew how sorry he was and how much he loved you.
Mason caught your eyes, standing closer to you and sneakily holding a hand around your waist. You ignored him though, you were serious when you said you couldn’t act like a couple during work. His hand had retracted after a little while, when Declan and Ben had gotten back to you.
“Alright,” you scanned the area to find them things to do, “can you pick up all the cones and stack them up on the side?” Mason nodded, getting to work immediately as the other two boys huffed. You’d decided this would be it for now, you didn’t want to overwork them and then be unable to play their match.
“What did we do to you, Y/N?” Ben groaned, going to help Mason and Declan as they picked up the cones. You’d gotten a few looks from the other boys, followed by a few giggles. The whole thing was hilarious — there was no denying that.
When the boys had gone to lunch, you remained outside. You didn’t want to be seen by the trio, who would no doubt talk about you and bring up the bet. Your heart still squeezed whenever you thought about it, knowing that you must’ve been the laughing stock of their group chat at one point. The boys didn’t even know you knew about the bet, nor did they know that Mason was actually in love with you. You didn’t know how they were going to find out either.
As one final bit of work, you’d say the boys down at the end of the session. “You guys have done really well today, keep this work up and we’ll be winning our qualifiers.” You looked over to the pile of balls, jaw clenching at how difficult they were to pick up by yourself. “You three,” you pointed at Mason, Ben, and Declan, “can put the balls away. I bet you’ll do it quicker than me.”
The look on their faces were priceless, Declan flushing red as he scrambled to put the balls away. Mason had chuckled at you, despite being exhausted from all the work you had them do.
“I take it she knows about the bet,” Ben claimed, shoving a ball into the bag that Mason was holding open, “how did she take it?” Mason forgot the pair of them thought this was still a game, not knowing he’d fallen helplessly in love with you in the process.
“Bad. She threatened to resign but I told her I loved her.” Mason confessed, pulling the strings on the bag tight and dragging it to the cupboard.
Declan gasped theatrically, “why on Earth would you say that?”
“Because I do, idiot. I love her.” He looked over to you, laughing with Jude and Jack before following them inside. “A lot, actually.”
The three had entered the building once again, passing you on the way to the locker rooms. Declan had paused before going in, turning to approach you with Mason and Ben following closely behind.
“Y/N,” Declan alerted you, and you’d looked up from your phone, “I think we owe you an apology. It was nasty for us to bet Mason at all, let alone involve you. I’m really sorry.”
“Me too.”
“And me, three.” Mason had added, making you giggle.
“I forgive you, boys. Thanks for your help today.” You winked at them as they turned into the locker room, leaving Mason standing opposite you. “And you,” you poked his chest, “I love you. I really do.”
“I love you so much more.”
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luminnara · 3 years
I wonder what Dick would be like trying to flirt on the lead up if the mission, trying to be smooth and cool before screaming next to Weasel. The back track of trying to be cool again after than freak out would be glorious and I would probably fall for it, lol
Dick Hertz x fem!reader
This ended up way longer than intended and I am not mad about that lol
Sfw but raunchy!
Requests for oneshots and HCs are open!
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You were no stranger to the concept of the suicide squad.
Thanks to your own colorful past, and powers that you couldn’t always quite control at first, you were stuck serving out a long ass sentence at Belle Reve, the shittiest shit hole of them all. Your only escape from the mundane, high-security monotony was the occasional mission from Waller.
The Suicide Squad—more officially known as Task Force X—was the latest installment in Amanda Waller’s series of highly classified, top secret, black ops teams. She chose Belle Reve’s most infamous criminals, many of whom had extraordinary powers and even more extraordinary reputations, and tossed them together on incredibly dangerous missions. You knew she didn’t care whether you lived or died, but successfully completing such impossible tasks always cut time off your sentence, and with nothing else to do with your time, you always thought it was worth the risk.
And besides...you hadn’t died yet.
So when Waller approached you during your daily yard time, you already knew what to expect.
“Yeah, yeah.” You grumbled as you followed her into the exam room and plopped down in the same old chair. “I know the drill. I go off mission, you blow my brains out.”
“—with the explosive device implanted in the base of your skull. Correct.” Waller said, unimpressed.
“And what, you have to give me a fresh one?” You raised an eyebrow as the doctor made you lean forward. “Lose the button for the last one or something? Or are you afraid that just one won’t do the job?”
Waller looked even less impressed. “I suggest you put a lid on that attitude today.”
“Why?” You winced at the feeling of a thick needle pushing into the back of your neck. “Jesus, fuck! Seriously, how many little bombs do I need in my head?”
“Good luck, puppy.” The doctor sneered as you stood up to follow Waller back out into the corridor.
“This is a black ops mission.” She continued with her usual spiel. “Your commanding officer is Colonel Rick Flag.”
You gasped. “The Colonel Rick Flag?”
She turned to glance at you.
“I have no idea who that is.”
You could hear her sigh in exasperation. “Suit up and go outside to the transport. You’ll meet the rest of the team and fly out to Corto Maltese.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Yeah, the Suicide Squad was a nice distraction from your shitty everyday life...but putting your ass on the line for someone who didn’t give a shit whether you lived or died, and who was always hovering above the button that would splatter your brains all over the wall, wasn’t exactly the greatest feeling in the world.
Waller waited as you ducked into a room to change. There was a black box waiting for you, and upon opening it, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of your old gear. The dark gray leather suit fit like a glove, and your gun had been cleaned and polished after your last mission, the painfully bright fluorescent lights reflecting off of the barrel with a gleam. You grabbed your gloves and strapped your ammo belts on before buckling a gray carbon fiber mask on.
Wearing your own stuff always lifted your spirits. It was the suit you’d been arrested in a few years ago back in Metropolis, and after seizing it, the feds had been nice enough to give it some upgrades with newer tech. Anything to make you a better government-sanctioned killing machine, you guessed, and it’s not like you were gonna turn it down. After all, killing was how you ended up in Belle Reve in the first place, and it was one of the only things you were good at...it just made sense for Waller to want to put your near-inhuman skills to good use.
You walked out to join her again, lugging a canvas bag of equipment and supplies along behind you.
“Pick that up and carry it correctly.” She snapped as the doors at the end of the hall opened.
“Why don’t you eat my—“
You interrupted yourself by groaning at the bright sunlight as it hit your eyes, raising a hand to shield your face as you managed to spot an armored truck waiting for you.
“You’ll have a lot of new teammates.” Waller called after you. “Be on your best behavior. I’m not responsible for anything they do to you.”
“Probably just a bunch of old farts like always!” You yelled back as you jumped up into the back of the vehicle.
Two guards sat down on either side of you as you got yourself settled in. There was another woman already waiting, her skin orange, her hair in a high ponytail that seemed to be pulled through the top of her helmet. She was regarding you with very little interest, and that was absolutely fine with you. You had a few friends within the Belle Reve prison complex, and you weren’t necessarily looking for more.
The ride was short and uneventful. You passed through a few gates that took forever to open, waited for a few security checks, the usual shit. When the truck came to a halt and you hopped out again, you were at a small airbase hosting a few hangars for planes and helicopters, one of the latter already sitting outside. Guards from Belle Reve were lining the circle of armored vehicles, and as yours joined them and the back doors were opened once more, you grimaced at the bright sunlight.
“Afraid of a little sun?” The orange woman laughed, baring her teeth at you.
“Hurts my eyes,” you mumbled, jumping down after her.
You landed on pavement, looking down at your feet in an attempt to avoid the oncoming headache you knew was imminent. When your shoulder rammed into someone, though, you had to look up anyway.
What you saw wasn’t exactly what you were expecting.
A good looking blond guy was looking down at you, a cocky grin on his face. “Whoa, didn’t realize we were getting a babe this time!”
You glared at him, grateful for the mask covering the lower half of your face.
He couldn’t see you blush that way.
“Little girl’s got some ammo, huh?” He reached for one of the belts strapped across your chest,
Your hand flew up to grab his wrist and you held him in a Vice-like grip, your glare more pointed now. “Touch me, and you can see some of it from behind your eyeballs.”
Blondie whistled lowly, relaxing his arm. “You’re tough, huh? I like that in a girl.”
You dropped his wrist and rolled your eyes. “Still gonna like it when I’m ripping your balls off?”
You could swear he was swooning on his feet. “Baby, you are a goddamn tease...”
“Oy, Dickhead!” An Australian voice rang out, “back off!”
His grin faltered for a moment, obvious disappointment flashing over his face. “Oh. Got a man already. Damn.”
“Who, Boomer?” You grinned, unclipping your mask as you turned to wave at one of your only friends. “Nah, I’d never fuck that wanker.”
“I heard that!” The gold-toothed Aussie yelled.
You let out a loud laugh as you looked back to blondie.
You were caught off guard by the actual, genuine look on his face. He was admiring your smile now that your mask was off, his eyes lingering on your lips for a fraction of a second longer than they should have. He was trying to be smooth, you could tell, and most people wouldn’t have noticed something so slight...but you were an assassin working your way through a couple life sentences, and you weren’t most people.
It all only lasted a moment before the cocky grin was back. “So, after this, you wanna come back to my cell, maybe we could, you know...” he waggled his eyebrows at you, making a hip thrusting motion you almost couldn’t believe a grown criminal was making.
“Maybe focus on not dying first, slim.” You patted his chest before turning towards Boomer, leaving blondie to stare after you—or more precisely, your ass—with a dramatic, longing look.
Your friend was regarding you with an amused expression. “Flirtin’ on the job? Didn’t think you had it in ya.”
“Shut up.” You punched his arm a little too hard and he winced. “Who is that guy, anyway?”
“Dick,” Boomer said, rubbing his arm.
“Don’t call me a dick—“
“No, dumbass, that’s his name. Richard Hertz.”
“...very funny, Boomer, but there’s no fucking way his parents named their kid Dick Hertz.”
Boomer shrugged. “Believe me or don’t, I don’t care. Either way, it’s the truth.”
You scoffed and stole a glance over at your new admirer. He was tall and pretty well built, platinum blond hair short, lips pulled back in a grin that showed off straight white teeth. He was dressed in all black, two guns holstered to his chest, and as he messed with a Belle Reve guard by pretending to reach for one, he looked like an overgrown child who should not have been allowed to hold onto firearms.
“Please tell me he’s got a cooler name,” you groaned.
“Why? So you can scream it at night?” Boomer cackled. “He goes by Blackguard. He’s pretty strong from what I hear. Prolly pretty fun in bed, too.”
You wrinkled your nose and rounded on Boomer. “Shut up.”
“You like him.” Your friend grinned. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. Just remember to name your kid after good ol’ Uncle Boomer.”
You gave him a rough shove and he stumbled back a few steps, laughing like a madman the entire time.
“Hey!” One of the guards barked at you.
Rather than pushing your luck with your armed babysitters, you huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. More cars were pulling up, dropping off the rest of your comrades, and while Boomer was distracted with them, you stole another glance at Dick.
He was still messing with the same guard, and was receiving some harsh warning glares in the process. Was he a complete idiot, or was he so cocky because he could actually handle it? He had to have ended up in Belle Reve for a reason. It wasn’t the type of place you went to for innocent misdemeanors. And if he was chosen for a Suicide Squad mission, that meant that his sentence was long enough to warrant risking his life to lessen it...and it also meant that he was useful.
When he winked at you, you realized with a start that he had totally noticed the way you were checking him out.
“Time to load up!” A voice yelled, saving you from any further embarrassment.
A few minutes later, you were strapping yourself into your seat on the chopper, pretending not to notice as Dick struggled with his seatbelt across from you. The guy sitting next to him had to help, and when you finally couldn’t help yourself, you let out a quiet laugh from behind your mask.
Dick’s head shot up to look at you, that cocky grin plastered to his face again.
“Wish you were over here helpin’ me,” he said bravely. “Rather have your hands down by my—“
“Dick.” Colonel Flag warned as he stood above you all with his gun in his hands.
Boomer let out a loud laugh at the unintentionally dirty euphemism and you snorted.
“What? Just makin’ some conversation,” Blackguard said, leaning towards you with a wolfish glint in his eyes. “You don’t mind, do ya, Princess?”
Your cheeks were heating up behind your mask, and he could see the way your eyes crinkled slightly with your smile.
God, he wished he could see your smile again.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late!” A familiar voice said. “Had to go number two.”
“...Good to know.” Flag sighed as none other than Harley Quinn herself hopped in.
“Harley!” You called, reaching for her with grabby hands as she looked for her seat.
“Hey there, baby!” The pale blonde woman greeted, slamming her equipment bag into Savant’s head. “Hey, Boomer!”
“What’re you doin’ back in prison, Harls?” Boomer asked, hanging onto the nylon mesh cage behind him as he stretched his arms out.
“Got road rage. In a bank.” She finally found a spot between you and Javelin, and as Flag checked everyone over, the chopper took off into the air.
The lighting was dim and red, the thrumming of the helicopter blades blending in with the white noise of the pressurized cabin. Save for that, it was quiet for a while, everybody either sizing each other up, or, in Dick’s case, imagining how you looked under your suit.
“So, uh...how much longer you in for?��� He asked you.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Because I don’t exactly think I should be talkin’ about sneakin’ into your cell while Flag is here to rat me out about it,” Dick grinned.
You caught the colonel rolling his eyes.
“Hey, that never stopped anybody,” Harley said brightly.
“Boutta be in a whole big ass jungle,” Boomer elbowed you in the side. “Plentya room in there to be alone.”
You groaned as Dick gave you a sly grin.
“Y’know, this mission’ll be over in no time.” He said, stretching his arms out behind his head. “I’ve got some wicked ass powers. I got this.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked, recognizing the way he was trying to peacock and impress you. “Not worried about anything?”
“Baby, I’ll carry this whole team. Just you watch.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Dick.” You bit his name out as more of an insult, but he didn’t seem to care, giving you another wink.
He obviously thought that his flirting and posturing was working...but you were pretty sure he was just annoying. Cute, but annoying. Maybe good for a hook up here or there...but that was about it.
“We’re in a butcher’s freezer, Harls!” Boomer called from the other end of the bench. “Surrounded by dead hogs hangin’ on hooks. Only they don’t know it yet.”
“Leave ‘em alone, Boomer!” She called back with a laugh.
You chuckled at your friends, leaning your head back as you settled in for the flight. Harley was complimenting Javelin’s accent, you still didn’t know what TDK stood for, and Boomer was just starting to mess with him about the fact that all names were made of letters when the freaky weasel-thing next to Dick stole everyone’s attention.
It was one of the strangest creatures you had ever seen. Human height, covered in mangy brown fur, with big bulging eyes and a mouth full of sharp little teeth all made it both fascinating and concerning to look at, and as it made a few disgustingly wet retching sounds, Dick nodded towards it.
“Yo, is this a dog?” He asked.
“...What?” You asked in disbelief. He had to be fucking with you, right? There was no way he meant it.
“Is this thing a dog?” He repeated.
“A...a dog?”
“What...what kinda dog do you think it is, mate?” Boomer asked.
“I dunno, I’m not familiar with all the breeds.” Dick gave him an incredulous look.
“I’m gonna go with Afghan hound.” TDK said.
“Since when does an afghan hound have bloody thumbs?”
“Oh my god, is it a werewolf?” Harley asked excitedly. “I’ve wanted to meet a werewolf for ever!”
Dick was already up and struggling against his restraints. “Yo, they sat me next to a werewolf?!”
“That’s not right,” TDK agreed as his neighbor slammed into him in his desperate attempt at an escape.
Boomer was laughing loudly, and you couldn’t help but join in. “You’re seriously scared of werewolves?”
Dick glanced up at you as he tried to unbuckle his seatbelt. “Yes, I fuckin’ am! So fuckin’—get me out! I do not fuck with werewolves, there is no fuckin’ way—“
“Maybe you should hop onto your new girlfriend’s lap!” Boomer cackled, jabbing a finger towards you.
“Poor baby,” you cooed, and as you saw the look in Blackguard’s eyes, you were pretty convinced that he was about to try to tear his way out so that he actually could.
“Hey, hey, he’s not a werewolf!” Flag yelled over the commotion. “He’s a weasel, he’s harmless! I mean, he’s not harmless, he’s killed 27 children, but I—I think we got him to—I think he’s agreed to this, so relax.”
“Thought you were super tough?” You asked as Dick calmed down and caught his breath. “Gonna carry the whole team?”
Rather than the snarky flirtation you expected, he actually looked a bit defeated. When you raised an eyebrow, though, he took the prompt, and the most desperate backtracking you had ever seen began.
“Yeah, well...” he scoffed, trying to give you a cool look. “Caught me off guard, that’s all. No big deal.”
“Off guard? Isn’t guard, like, in your name?” You teased, your smile genuine behind your mask. Alright...he was winning you over now. He was an idiot, but...maybe he was a lovable one.
He faltered for a second. “I-I mean, yeah, well...”
Flag was shaking his head. “Get into position to drop!”
Everyone unbuckled themselves and collected their things, lining up to jump into the ocean off the coast of Corto Maltese. When you saw that Dick was back to struggling with it, again, you smiled to yourself and leaned down in front of him.
“For what it’s worth...” you said as you pulled up on the metal tab, your hand dangerously close to his crotch, “I wouldn’t mind shacking up somewhere in the jungle with you.”
He stated at you with wide eyes, disbelief written all over his face. He really was cuter when he wasn’t putting on such a dumb, cocky facade, and he jumped up as quickly as he could to follow you.
You just laughed as you straightened up and walked away, Blackguard right on your heels. As the door opened and the big, dark ocean came into view below you, you felt a hand brushing against your hip and a firm chest press up against your back. You realized you could have stayed right there forever, patiently waiting to see how far he was brave enough to go...but you were both members of the Suicide Squad, and you had a job to do.
“I’ll see you down there, Dick,” you said, turning your head slightly to glance at him.
“See you on the other side, baby,” he grinned.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Nine)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 9.3k
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension (?) mentions of sex, vaginal fingering, masturbation, cum eating, choking.
Notes: Sorry it’s late! But here is chapter 9! Next chapter things start to get interesting again hehe. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat about the stories!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni @helenazbmrskai @justinetingball @jpeachytaev @marplest @calling-dips-on-j-hope @lecavivien @fancycollectormoon @mawwnsterr @siredsong
© taestefully-in-luv
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“Kim Taehyung, huh?” Ellie circles around the man like a god damn vulture. She inspects him carefully, her eyes raking his body over and over. “Yeah.” She stops, looks him up and down one more time and nods her head approvingly. “He’s hot as fuck.”
“Ellie…” you whine, “Can you please at least try to act normal?”
Ellie brings her cigarette to her lips, inhaling the poison before blowing it out. “Nah.”
Taehyung looks at you with wide eyes, his amused smile growing wide and taking over his face. His eyes then meet your sisters and he bows his head slightly and smirks to himself.
“Nice to meet you Ellie.” He gets out before you can say anything else.
“Mom’s going to hate this, you know?” Ellie takes another drag of her cigarette, “Going to Korea for 3 weeks? Taking a leave of absence from work? Dude going to another fucking country, girl you are crazy.” Ellie laughs, but she approves.
“Why do I even have to tell her?” you can’t help but pout. You admit your mother can be…something else.
“Are you serious y/n?” Ellie looks at you with pinched brows, “You went missing for 8 months and now you want to disappear for another 3 weeks? Without her knowing? Are you trying to kill her?”
“I guess you have a point—”
“—I’m meeting your parents, y/n.” Taehyung cuts in, walking closer to your side. You three are standing outside your apartment building where you two met Ellie. It’s the morning of Taehyung’s flight but he is missing it.
“You are what now?” you ask totally off guard.
“Ellie can you set up a time and place for us to meet them? I’m afraid y/n will try to make an excuse.” He sighs out, “Please.”
Ellie raises a brow, impressed at how straight forward Taehyung seems to be. She pulls out her phone and dials for your dad.
“Taehyung…” you look over at him and he only stares at you with hard eyes. He’s mad at you. As he should be, you think.
“I want to meet them, I think it is… important.” He breathes out, “Don’t you?”
You nibble on your lips as you think, you even mumble some nonsense Taehyung can’t understand before you finally nod your head.
“Okay.” You agree shyly, “If you want to.”
“You realize you will be meeting my parents too, right?” Taehyung walks closer to you, “And all of my friends.”
“What? Even Hana?” You snap, “Joy.”
“y/n…” Taehyung warns in a low voice. “Don’t be that way.”
“Don’t be that way?” You whisper shout, trying to keep your voice somewhat down so Ellie can’t hear you as well as she has her phone to her ear.
“Don’t be that way? You fucked another girl, Taehyung.”
“Is that fair, y/n? You had no intention of ever talking to me again.” Taehyung bites, “You are being so fucking unfair.” His eyes squeeze shut as he tries to calm down. “Fuck.”
Your eyes look up and you scan the sky. It’s cloudy today, almost looks like it could rain but it probably won’t. It just tricks you into thinking it might, kind of feels like your mood.
“Trouble in paradise already?” Ellie brings the phone down a bit to speak to you two. “Dad isn’t answering, I’ll try mom.” She says, bringing the phone back to her ear.
You huff out a short, frustrated breath as you nod your head towards your sister. You can’t even look at Taehyung right now, you feel betrayed over Hana but also you feel guilty because he is right. You are being so fucking unfair. And also this begs the question…did you have no intention of ever talking to him again?
You push that thought away as you stare at your sister, watching her expectantly as she waits for your mom to answer the phone.
“y/n.” Taehyung finally opens his eyes and gazes down at you, “Follow me.”
“Taehyung, no—”
“Now.” His voice expresses the deepest parts of the sea, the depth so intimidating. Your eyes slide to the side as you release a few shaky breaths. You mumble a weak ‘okay’ and follow him a few feet to the side, walking towards the stairs to your apartment building.
“Let’s try to get along.” He sighs, his hands at his sides until he’s reaching up to drag a hand down his tired face. “For both our sake’s.”
“Are you forcing yourself to be nice to me?” you ask, a bite in your tone and Taehyung looks down at you with his cold, intimidating stare.
“Mostly.” He comments plainly and you feel your heart pinch.
“Why even bother? Why force yourself if you hate me?” You find the courage to look into his eyes and he narrows his at you.
“I don’t hate you. I’m fucking pissed at you.” He begins, “I’m allowed to be hurt and act accordingly.” He breathes out heavily, “Don’t you think?” he challenges you.
“Okay, okay.” You roll your eyes. “I-“
“Don’t get a fucking attitude either, I’m the one who is mad here.” Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest. “If I were you I would be working on your apologies.”
You feel like a child being scolded and it infuriates you. He is treating you like a god damn kid and you can’t help but feel like you probably deserve it.
“Okay, Taehyung.” You slump your shoulders slightly, “I understand…”
Taehyung’s hand finds itself in your hair, his fingers sliding down to play with the ends.
“Good girl.” He praises with a smug smile.
You are upset but hearing him call you a good girl has your stomach doing flips. You two have barely touched the other since you have seen him, he has kept his distance and you are too nervous to make the first move. Last night he slept on your couch…yeah, he didn’t even want to sleep in the same bed as you. At least he stayed with you though and not that dingy hotel.
You can’t help but feel like the miles your home and his home had you apart feels like nothing compared to the distance between you two now. He says he loves you and wants to make this work but he can barely look at you and it is painfully obvious. He’s hurt, so hurt. He isn’t being shy about how hurt and disappointed he is and it’s hard to swallow.
Taehyung hasn’t made many attempts to be closer to you, in fact, it seems like he is going out of his way to not be close to you. Which only causes you to sink deeper and deeper into your hole of self-pity. Why did he say he wants this to work yet he is acting the way he is?
“I don’t hate you. I’m fucking pissed at you.” He begins, “I’m allowed to be hurt and act accordingly.” He breathes out heavily, “Don’t you think?”
Right. He has every right to be acting the way he is. He is allowed to be hurt and you shouldn’t turn this around to make yourself the victim here, when it’s clear here on who should be upset.
But the thought of Taehyung sleeping with someone who isn’t you makes you fucking furious but also depressed as hell. He couldn’t last 6 months without sticking his dick in someone else?
Then you remember that in his mind you had no intention of ever talking or seeing him again. Truthfully, you don’t know if he is wrong about that. It’s possible you really weren’t ever going to reach out. You’re the worst.
You don’t even know what Taehyung went through while being without you but the empty look in his dark, chocolate eyes tells you it was not pretty. He hasn’t opened up about it but it’s not like you two really have found the time or space to discuss. You have to respect the fact that he wants space, that he wants distance, that he wants to feel his emotions even if they are negative. He’s allowed to feel his emotions, y/n.
“Mom said her and dad can meet us down town at that one restaurant you like y/n…with the pretty drapes.” Ellie walks up to you and Taehyung. “They’ll be here this evening. Mom and dad are excited to meet you Taehyung.”
“Ah, really?” Taehyung asks Ellie while his gaze remains on you. “Me too.”
Ellie looks between you two and awkwardly nods her head. “Okay, I should get going but I will see you guys this evening.”
“Sounds good…” You respond to her, your eyes finally leaving Taehyung’s as you give your attention to you sister. “Send me a text when you are on your way to the restaurant.”
“Will do.” She leans in, hugging you quickly and leaving a kiss on your cheek. “See you two tonight.” She pulls back and faces Taehyung giving him a small wave then she if off to her car leaving you and Taehyung.
“Should we head inside?” you ask quietly, swinging your arms at your sides. “I can make you some pancakes?” you offer shyly and Taehyung frowns. Fucking frowns.
“I kind of ate pancakes almost every day,” He admits, “Oh!” he lights up, “Do you know how to make French toast?”
Your lips curve upward into a small smile, “Yes, Tae. I can make you some French toast, if that’s what you would rather have.”
“Let’s go inside.” He gestures towards the stairs and you follow closely behind him. You two walk down a hall until he is stopped at your front door, you run into his back and stumble back.
“Careful.” He whispers, “Don’t want you falling.” He reaches for the knob and opens the door, walking inside. You follow him, closing the door behind you and taking your shoes off.
“I knew yours would taste even better. You just have a way with breakfast food, did you know that?” Taehyung stuffs his face with another slice of the French toast you whipped up. You can’t help but giggle as you watch him, he looks so invested in this last piece of French toast like he wants to take his time with it so it’ll never end.
“Hey, my cooking elsewhere has improved!” you whine.
“When we get to Korea,” Taehyung begins, his eyes finding yours. “I want to show you some dishes I like and maybe we can learn to cook them together.”
“Mine will never be as good as your moms, let’s get that out there right now.” You laugh and Taehyung nods his head like he agrees with you, you playfully swat his arm across the table.
“But yours can be second best. Even if you aren’t any good, I’ll still eat it.” He grins at you and you roll your eyes.
“You’ll eat my bad cooking?”
“Only because I …” Taehyung’s grin gets wiped off his face before he can even finish that sentence. “Because I…love you.” He says more quietly, now avoiding your gaze.
“Right…” you feel your pinching heart want to give up on you, it hurts in your chest.
Taehyung looks at you, he doesn’t really know what to say at this point. He doesn’t know how to act like he wants to. He’s too hurt. But he has to try. Or else he isn’t sure what will come from the two of you.
“I do love you.” He sighs out, “So much.” He reaches across the table and takes your hand in his and he feels himself grow weaker and weaker. “But I do want to take this slow. We have a lot to learn about one another now that we are in reality again. We aren’t in our own bubble like how we were.”
You take your bottom lip between your teeth and start nibbling nervously. Take it slow how?
“Am I allowed to hug you? Kiss you?” you ask, almost ashamed that you had to ask something like that.
“I’m not feeling all too affectionate…” Taehyung admits softly, “But,” he bites his own lips as he looks down at your hands. “I could take a hug right now.”
You pull your hand away from his and draw it towards your body, you intertwine your fingers together in your lap and sigh out. Your eyes on your hands, your head hanging low.
“Are you sure?” you hear your voice crack and you want to disappear.
“Come here baby.” Taehyung stands from his chair and waits for you expectantly. “Come hug me.” He says, his voice nice and low like a hum.
You slowly rise from your chair and without looking at him you inch closer and closer until he’s pulling you in by the arms.
He hates this almost as much as you do. Maybe even more. He thought he would come here, find you and everything would be light and smooth but instead it has proven to be hard, harder than he imagined.
“Hug me back.” He orders softly, dragging your arms to wrap around his waist. “And hold me tightly.”
You circle your arms around his waist and walk closer until your head is being shoved into his chest. You can smell him like this, his scent filling your nostrils and creating a long, string of memories linked with his scent. Suddenly, you are recalling every moment you spent like this. Every moment you ever inhaled him, every moment you felt his scent linger on your own body.
You feel your chest tightening and your throat burning, you try to speak but you can’t. You’re too lost in the scent of Taehyung, too lost to think, your mind fuzzy and tricking you. It says he wants you, needs you, loves you. And you just don’t know how true that is. You feel your cheeks wet from the few tears that are now slipping out of your eyes, you sniffle into his chest and you feel Taehyung tense beneath you.
“Don’t cry.” He says as soft as he can, “Babe…” he starts rubbing your back, his large hand touching you in a way that makes you start to cry harder.
“y/n.” He then hugs you tighter, pulling you in impossibly close.
“I’m just so…so…sorry…” You choke out, sniffling harder now. Taehyung releases a long breath, closing his eyes as he pulls you in flush against him.
“I know…” he keeps his eyes closed as he thinks on what to say. But he comes up short, he just really doesn’t know what to tell you right now.
“You hate me.” You cry harder into his chest and Taehyung finally shoots his eyes open and begins shaking his head.
“I don’t hate you…” he breathes out, “I told you already. I’m just upset. And it’s going to take some time—”
“How much time?”
“y/n, I don’t know.” He bunches the material of your shirt in his hands as he tries to calm his frustrations. “I’m hurt. You really didn’t…you really were going to never talk to me again…like those 8 months we spent together meant nothing to you.”
“That’s not true.” You sob. “I think eventually—”
“When? 10 years from now? You think I would have waited forever?” he mutters.
“Apparently not. You couldn’t even wait 6 months to get your dick wet.” You pull back from him, your eyes puffy from the tears.
“Really y/n?” He steps back from you, “It didn’t mean anything. I was so fucking broken when that happened.”
“Oh? And her pussy was the glue to put you back?” you snap. You watch as Taehyung grows angry, the scowl on his face almost scaring you.
“You are the most unfair fucking person.” He spits out, “Yeah, I fucked Hana. But we aren’t like that, we’re just friends.”
“I don’t want you to be friends with a girl you’ve fucked!” you admit between bated breathes, “Who says it won’t happen again?”
“Me. I say that.” Taehyung growls, “I have no interest in Hana…I was…I was in a really dark place.” He tries to calm himself, “Really dark place.”
“How dark?” you ask, making him feel interrogated.
“Would go to sleep never wanting to wake up.” He says with a straight face and you feel yourself grow guilty. You did that to him. It’s your fault. How do you make up for that?
“Fuck.” You look down at your feet, “I’m so sorry Tae…”
“Doesn’t matter. What matters to me right now is that you understand I don’t want Hana. I obviously want you. I came all the way here to make this work with you.” He huffs out, his eyes boring holes into the top of your bowing head.
“Tell me you understand or it’s going to be that much more work to make this happen.” Taehyung steps closer to you, reaching for your hand.
“We have a lot to work through y/n. This isn’t the island anymore. This is both of our real lives and we’re intertwining them. At least I want to.” His thumb starts rubbing your skin and you feel yourself grow warm. You finally lift your head and gaze into his dark, dark eyes. He is staring at you with so much intensity that you automatically feel intimidated.
“Tell me you will be patient. Tell me you want this. Fuck, tell me you love me.” Taehyung keeps his deep voice low, but you can hear the frustration throughout his words.
“I love you.” You stumble forward until you are embracing him again. “I love you so much.” You begin to cry again, much more softly this time. “I will do anything to make sure this works Taehyung.”
Taehyung can’t help but smile a little, he places a kiss to the top of your head and he sniffs you. Same shampoo as what you had on the island. He feels his eyes sting a bit, the memories of the island beginning to haunt him.
“Anything?” he whispers and you nod your head frantically.
“Let my mom teach you how to make japchae. Then make it for me.”
“You’ll eat it even if it’s bad?”
“Even if it’s bad.”
“Very good to meet you, Taehyung.” Your mother drops her hand from his as she eyes him over. “You really spent every day with our y/n? For 8 months? Aren’t you tired of her?” she half jokes.
“I could never.” He replies smoothly. “And it’s also nice meeting you Mr. y/L/n” Taehyung reaches out to shake your dads hand when your father takes it but pulls him in for a tight hug.
“You took care of y/n all that time…” Your dad hugs Taehyung gratefully, taking a moment before he pulls back. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“She took care of me too.” Taehyung smiles as your dad pulls away from him. “Always made me breakfast.” He teases, stealing a glance at you. You are standing here next to him with an awkward smile on your face.
“It wasn’t much…” you say quietly. “Anyway, we should go get our table.”
“I got it!” Ellie comes up to you four, “Let’s go.”
You all follow Ellie to a table for 6. You guys occupy 5 of those spots, your mother uses the extra chair for her purse. The server sets down your menus and takes out his little notepad to take down your drink orders.
A sweet tea for your mother, a coke for your father, waters for both you and Taehyung and a vodka sprite for your sister. You give her a look of amusement before you stop your server from leaving and ordering your own spiked drink.
“Careful girls.” Your mother warns. “There’s no need to get drunk.”
“Oh its one drink mother.” You sister scoffs. “Plus I think y/n could use it.”
“And why is that?” Your dad suddenly becomes interested in your conversation. “Is everything okay? How is work going? Are you making friends?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine.” You wave him off, “It’s just…this dinner serves two purposes.” You admit, your eyes darting all across the room.
“Which are?” your mom narrows her eyes at you. “I know one is to meet your little boyfriend. But what’s the other?”
Boyfriend? Is Taehyung your boyfriend? You guys haven’t discussed it. You only said you two will make it work but what all does that mean?
“Well…” you begin to feel small under your mothers gaze. “I am….” You find it hard to gather the words and the courage to finish your sentence. You feel like the lights above you are too bright, too hot and causing you to sweat slightly.
Suddenly, you feel Taehyung’s large hand caressing and squeezing your thigh. Your head whips up to face him and he is already staring at you with a small smile.
“She’s coming back with me to Korea.” Taehyung states while he continues to look at you, finally, he turns his head to face your parents.
Your mother quite literally chokes on her spit, her eyes expanding twice their size as she looks at the two of you. Your dad rubs her back, trying to calm her.
“She’s what now?” You mother coughs out, “I don’t think I heard that right.”
Your sister looks between the four of you with a wide grin on her face.
“Oh mother dearest…” Elli sings out. “I think you did hear that right.”
“You’re …you’re moving to Korea?”
“Yes.” Ellie jumps in but you twist your head to look at her disapprovingly.
“No…no, just going to visit.” You finally find the courage to say. “For three weeks.”
Your mother scrunches her face up, a look of disappointment on her face.
“y/n. You just started a new job. Don’t you think this is rather irresponsible?”
“It’s only for three weeks darling.” Your dad finally says something. “Right y/n?”
You nibble on your bottom lip and nod your head a few times.
“For now.” Taehyung cuts in. His hand continues to rub your thigh and you hate to admit how much feeling his hand on your thigh makes you feel so good.
“Wait.” You snap out of your thoughts, “What do you mean ‘for now’, huh?”
Taehyung looks down at the table, about to respond to you when the server comes back with your drinks.
“Your tea mam…” the server sets down the tea in front of your mother and she barely reacts. She only blinks at you and Taehyung, her face gone pale.
“Yes, Taehyung.” She starts, “What do you mean for now?”
Taehyung opens his mouth but closes it just as quickly. He turns to face you and he awkwardly smiles.
“I feel like that’s something we have to talk about…just me and you.”
“If it’s something just us to discuss then why bring it up in front of my parents?” You grit out nervously.
“Right…sorry.” Taehyung mumbles, he reaches for his water that the server just set down. “You’re in this right?” He asks before taking a sip of his water. “With me?”
You blink at him a few times before glancing at your parents, they look at you with curiosity. Then your eyes find your sisters who is drinking her vodka sprite with a smug smile.
“Yeah y/n.” Ellie takes a few sips. “Are you in this?” Then you feel her kick your foot with hers.
“Y-Yes.” You say, a bit shy. But Taehyung finds himself relaxing.
“Then, for now.” He repeats himself from earlier, “One day we will live together, don’t you think? But don’t worry it’s up for debate where.”
“L-Live together?” you get out awkwardly.
“If you remember correctly y/n, it’s not like we haven’t lived together before.” He squeezes your thigh. “Don’t worry it’s something we will get to…slowly.”
You nod your head in understanding and face your parents. You exhale a deep breath and find your mothers eyes.
“I will be leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks. Taehyung and I…” Your eyes slide to your side where Taehyung is sitting. “We have a lot to work through. I’m sure you can be understanding of our situation.”
“Of course sweetheart.” Your dad smiles at you, but your mother is shaking her head.
“You didn’t even want to reach out to him? You think you can enter a relationship when you didn’t even want to talk to him?” Your mother snaps at you. She crushes the napkin in her fists as she speaks. “You can’t handle this y/n.” she looks at you with cold eyes.
“She can.” Taehyung cuts in, “She is stronger than you give her credit for Mrs. y/l/n.”
Your mother scoffs at this, she throws her napkin in her lap and shakes her head.
“You don’t know her then. Taehyung.”
You feel yourself grow smaller and smaller as your mother continues to bash you. You try to even your breathing but her words carry weight.
“Jesus Christ, mother.” Ellie cuts in. “Do you even know the first thing there is to know about y/n?”
“I think I know my daughter well enough that when there is the first sign of something not working she runs away.”
“So what?” Taehyung growls. “So I am supposed to abandon her because she has personal shit to work through?”
“Tae…” you mumble weakly, “Let’s just go…”
Your sister finishes her drink and slams it down on the table, she looks at you with eyes on fire.
“Really y/n? Just going to prove her point like that?” Ellie hardens her expression as she stares at you waiting for your reply.
You feel weak. But your sister is right. You can’t let your mother win every time.
“Listen, you can agree or disagree but I am going.” You look your mother right in the eye. “I love him. And we have a lot to work through if we want this.” You say honestly. “So, whether you guys agree or not, I am going.”
“Of course we agree.” Your dad continues to rub your mothers back. “Your mom is just worried about you.”
“I’ll return home in three weeks.” You say confidently until you notice your mother’s eyes glossed over.
“Will you though? I thought I lost you. Now you want to disappear again.” Your mom says quietly. “He’s the reason you were gone for 8 months.” She points at Taehyung. “And now he wants to steal you away again.”
You pinch your brows together and try to breath evenly as your mom’s words sink in. She blames Taehyung for the island?
“It’s not his fault for the island mom…” you look between her and your sister, looking for answers. Ellie just shrugs.
“It doesn’t matter what I think, right?” your mother spits out. “Just do what you want y/n.”
“I will?” you say slowly. “That’s kind of the whole point.”
“You leave tomorrow?” Your father asks, still rubbing your mothers back.
“Flight is at 10 am.” You respond, “I promise I will be back.”
“She will come back.” Taehyung says softly, the guilt evident in his voice. “You can trust me to take care of her.”
“Okay, then that’s all settled!” Your dad claps his hands together. “Should we order some food? You kids get what you want, we’re paying tonight.”
“Do you want to take a shower…with me?” Your timid voice shakes a little as you ask Taehyung if he wants to you know, fucking shower with you.
His eyes rake over your body, you are wearing just a towel and his eyes widen at the sight. Your skin looks so soft, so delectable. Your towel barely covering the entirety of your breasts and it doesn’t help how short it is, your thighs so exposed. Your hair falls over your shoulders and your collarbone begs to be kissed.
Taehyung shakes these thoughts from his mind and looks up at you from his spot on the couch.
“I can’t…” he says slowly, “I am serious about going slow.”
“You don’t have to fuck me.” You put it bluntly. “I just miss you. Want to be close to you.”
“You won’t tempt me?” he rises from the sofa. “The most you are allowed to touch me is washing my hair.” He states.
“Okay.” You agree quickly. “Come shower with me.” You reach for his hand and he immediately wraps his fingers around yours, making you get all warm and gooey inside.
“I missed you too.” He whispers, following you into the bathroom. “Missed you so much.”
You take a step away from him and gesture for him to take off his clothes. He raises a brow at you and lifts his hands up.
“Take my clothes off for me.” He lightly teases, “But don’t let your hands linger.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes but you do as he says. You pull his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor and then your hands go to his pants. Your fingers quickly try to slide down his zipper and drag his jeans down leg by leg. He kicks them off to the side as you reach for the waistband of his briefs. You lick your lips as you slowly slide them down his legs, his cock springing free. He isn’t hard, not that hard at least, but his size is still impressive.
“Turn the water on babe.” He points towards the shower, “And lose the towel.”
You let the towel drop to the floor as you walk towards your shower, Taehyung watches your ass as you walk. He can’t help but bite down on his plump bottom lip, just watching you. He wishes he could take you by the hair, bend you over and fuck you for hours. But he’s afraid at this point the only sex he can have with you is angry, hate sex. And he wants his first time with you again to be full of love and nothing but.
“Make the water nice and warm.” He softly commands.
You twist the knob, making the water run in hot streams. It warms up quickly so you grab Taehyung’s hand and lead him into the shower.
The water stings a bit as it hits your back but you throw your head back anyway and let it wash over you fully.
“Shampoo.” You tell Taehyung and he is already squeezing it into his hand. You walk forward until you are touching Taehyung, chest to chest. He gulps when he feels your nipples grazing his skin.
“Close your eyes.” He commands. “I’m going to wash your hair now.” He massages your head tenderly, your hair turning into a soapy mess. “Rinse now.” He pushes you back until you are back under water.
This continues on, he rubs conditioner in your hair and then takes your washrag and pumps some body wash into it.
“Going to clean you.” He says lowly, “Is that okay?”
“Mhm.” You swallow down your nerves and agree to him touching you. First he moves your hair back and starts at your shoulders. He scrubs them slowly, the soap and water falling down your chest and your arms. Taehyung follows the soap, his eyes traveling all down your body.
“Have you lost weight?” he asks, slightly concerned.
You feel yourself blush.
“Maybe a little.”
“You weren’t the only one going through a hard time, Tae.”
Taehyung nods his head slowly, his hand lowering itself until he is scrubbing at your stomach. He watches all the bubbles form on your skin and he actually feels jealous over fucking bubbles. He gulps, thinking about how these bubbles get to slide down your stomach, how they get to travel down to your pussy.
“y/n…” Taehyung’s deep voice startles you, you are so lost in the way he cleans you. You feel yourself grow more and more frustrated by the way he touches you and you know it will go nowhere.
“Yes?” you say breathlessly. “What’s up?”
“I’m going to clean…” he clears his throat. “Everywhere.” He warns.
You feel your knees go weak at his words, you try your hardest not to rub your thighs together but you can’t help it.
“Okay.” You murmur.
Taehyung’s hands glides down your lower stomach, making you tense. Then his fingers find your pussy and he is rubbing his fingers over it, nice and slow.
“Did you fuck anyone else?” his low voice asks you.
“N-No.” you shake your head, your knees starting to shake from how weak you are.
Taehyung’s fingers find your clit and he starts rubbing it. You fall forward a little, your head resting on Taehyung’s shoulder as he feels you.
“You didn’t?” He asks again, his deep voice rumbling. “You’re sure?” He starts rubbing faster.
“I promise, Taehyung.” You moan into his shoulder. “You’re the only one I have been with.”
“Then I’ll reward you.” He whispers, “With my fingers.”
His fingers slide down to your hole and he inserts not one, but two fingers into your lonely, desperate cunt.
“Did you ever touch yourself?” he breathes out roughly. “And think of me?”
“Yes.” You pant, “All the time.”
His fingers start thrusting in and out of you quickly. They are so long, so beautiful. You have missed his fingers so much, it’s ridiculous.
“You only came to the thought me?” His breaths are erratic as he speaks. “Because for me, I only thought of you.”
“Yes Tae, yes.”
He finally adds in a third finger, making you feel fuller and fuller. He curls his fingers making you tense, he starts scissoring his fingers, they brush against your special spots and you groan out loud. There’s no way you are lasting another 30 seconds.
“Please let me touch you.” You start to beg, but Taehyung just thrusts his fingers in and out of you faster and harder.
“Please.” You beg again, you squeeze his shoulders with your hands. “I have missed you so much, need to touch you.”
“No.” Taehyung gets out roughly, “No…”
His other hands fingers finds your clit again and starts focusing his energy there, he rubs your clits so expertly that your knees finally give out on you as you start coming all over his hands.
“Ahhhh. Fuck,” your erratic breaths hit the skin of his shoulder as you come undone. “Fuck…” you bite down on his shoulder. Taehyung isn’t much better, his own breaths uneven.
“I don’t deserve you.” Taehyung whispers in your ear. “You’re too good for me.”
“I’m the one who is undeserving.” You admit softly as you steady your breaths. “Please tell me you will sleep with me tonight…in my bed, I mean.”
“Please come to bed with me, Tae.” You stand over him as he lays on the couch. “I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
“I don’t trust myself.” He says with his hands behind his head, eyes closed.
“Why are…why are you stopping yourself from being affectionate with me? Why wouldn’t you let me touch you?” you squat down next to him, your face now closer to his.
“Because I don’t deserve you. To be touched by you.” He says softly. “You didn’t sleep with anyone else.” He murmurs, “You stayed loyal to me, despite not knowing when you would see me. But I…” he opens his eyes, he turns his head to face you. “But I did.”
You feel your stomach twist and turn, your heart falling and falling deep into your lower stomach. Hana.
“Why did you do it?” You finally ask, “Why did you feel the need to sleep with her?”
“I was in a dark place, y/n.” Taehyung groans, “The girl I was in love with…am in love with…wanted nothing to do with me.” He looks at you with hard eyes.
“But I hate myself for it.” He admits, “I should have found you sooner, I should have—”
“Tae.” You cut him off before he gets too choked up. “Let’s talk properly. From the beginning.”
“The beginning?” he blinks at you. “Ah. The island. Our fight before we got separated.”
“Yes…” you sit down on the floor, crossing your legs. “I am so sorry. I loved you then just like how I love you now.” You take a deep breath. “My mom isn’t so wrong about me. I ran away when things got hard, or got complicated.” You chuckle bitterly. “But I didn’t think I would wake up and find you to be gone from me, my life.”
“I know…” Taehyung whispers.
“But…” you begin again, “It gives me a whole new appreciation for goodbyes. I should have never let us go to sleep like that, in the middle of a fight, and I will never let that happen again.”
“y/n…” He sits up from his place on the couch and pats the spot next to him, you get up and sit down on the sofa.
“I don’t think the company forced us to have feelings for one another. Because here I am in the real world, so ridiculously in love with you.” you say a bit quietly. “I should have trusted you. Trusted myself. I promise you Taehyung, I will never doubt you again. So tell me how you feel about me and I will believe every word…even if it isn’t all positive.”
Taehyung nods his head as he stares at his feet, his hand goes to your thigh and he starts rubbing it soothingly.
“I love you.” He says after a few moments of silence, “But I am still really hurt over everything. A big part of me keeps telling me you were never going to reach out. That part of me terrorizes me. It screams at me that you don’t actually love me.” He admits lowly, “But hearing you now…it helps.” He says, still rubbing your thigh. “I think I believe in you. Even if you don’t believe in yourself…I really think you would have reached out.” He tells himself more than you. “I have to believe that.” He closes his eyes and is silent for a few more moments.
“Tell me I’m right.” He says desperately. “Just tell me I am right.”
“You’re right.” You say even if you aren’t so sure yourself. “You’re right, babe.”
“You know I don’t play games and I like for everything to be out in the open so I am going to tell you all of my intentions.” Taehyung opens his eyes to look at you.
“Okay.” You gulp.
“I love you and only you.” He begins. “I want this to work for the long run. I want you to meet my family, meet my friends and I want to see how everything goes.” He squeezes your knee. “I’m hoping the visit goes amazing so we can discuss the next steps.”
“Which are?”
“I don’t want to do long distance, y/n…” he brings his hand back to his own body, “I want to live closer to you. Even if that means I have to move here but honestly I think you will really like it in Korea…”
“You want to move together? Like, live together?”
“You already know we can do it. We make pretty good roommates.” He teases, bumping his shoulder into yours.
“Okay, true…”
“Then you realize the things that come after that right?” he says with a smirk on his face. “But first, let’s take these next three weeks as slow as possible. Let’s get to know one another all over again. To see if this really works outside the island.”
“Why do I feel like you are testing me?” you ask with a frown but Taehyung gives you a stern look and shakes his head.
“You’re technically testing me too.” He says, “We need to see if this works.”
“Okay, I get it.”
“I want to officially take you out. On a real date.” He whispers, “Would you like that?”
You feel your blush deepening on your face, your hand goes to your cheek just to feel how warm it is.
“Yes.” You mumble.
“Need to hear you loud and clear baby.”
“Yes.” You say a bit louder and Taehyung’s hand goes back to your thigh, he starts rubbing up and down your leg.
“That’s my good girl.” He leans in to kiss the side of your neck and you feel your whole body go tense under his lips touching your skin.
“Taehyung…” you moan out, closing your eyes. “I miss you.”
“I’m right here.” He whispers into your neck, placing another kiss then he leans away. “Go to bed.” His deep voice echoes.
“Come with me.”
“Not yet baby.”
You slump your shoulders in disappointment. Why is he being so difficult?
“Just to sleep.”
“I can’t control myself around you y/n. Please respect my decision.” He ushers you to stand him so he can lay back down on the couch. You stand up and hover over him for a moment.
“Can I kiss you goodnight?” you asks timidly. Taehyung gnaws on his lips before he is waving you off.
“Please just go to sleep.” He somewhat begs. “I’ll see you in the morning, make sure you’re all packed.”
You are nervous. Nervous as fuck, actually. You and Taehyung just arrived in Korea and even the air is different. You can’t believe you’re actually here, you can’t believe you really got on that plane and flew all the way to Taehyung’s home—the place you were so curious about when you first met him.
Taehyung seems different. Like, being home is showing a whole new side of him. He looks happy, giddy even. He holds your hand tightly as you both walk the streets with your luggage. You two got dropped off from your taxi a couple blocks away from his apartment so he could show you some shops he loves to go to.
“This bar here is quite popular between my friends and I.” he points at a little bar and you just nod your head.
“Looks nice.” You say with starry eyes. “Everything looks nice, actually.”
“We will be going there tomorrow night when we meet up with everyone. My friends-that is.” He squeezes your hand. “Tonight we can go to my parent’s house for dinner. How’s that sound?”
“Already?” you look down at your shoes as you walk. “I thought we could just relax today…”
“It’s like 8 in the morning. There’s plenty of time for a nap.” He comments nonchalantly. “Look, I’m just really excited for you to meet everyone. I understand though…if you want to take a few days…”
“No, no. It’s okay.” You shake your head, you two continue walking until he stops, making you stop.
“We’re here. My apartment.” He points up at the building and you take a deep breath.
“Are you going to make me sleep on the couch?” you half joke and he pulls you into his side, hugging you.
“I haven’t decided yet.” He teases.
You both walk up to his apartment and enter the small place—you say small, but it is bigger than your place and much nicer. How does Taehyung afford this?
“My parents help out…” he admits as if reading your mind. “That’s how I got such a nice place.”
“Ah I see. That’s great!”
“Ever since the island my dad has been super supportive of my music, always just wanting the best for me.” He grins sheepishly. “It’s different but it’s nice.”
“I’m happy for you…I can’t wait to meet your parents.” You place your suitcase and backpack down on the floor, Taehyung does the same.
“Let me give you a tour.” He smiles, taking your hand.
You follow him around as he shows you his apartment, you two take a moment longer in his bedroom. You slide your fingers against his beds blanket, and admire the art on his walls.
“Yes, you will be sleeping in here.” He huffs out dramatically, “I haven’t decided where I am sleeping though.”
“Take a nap with me…” you walk closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Just an innocent nap” you lean into him, your warm mouth at his ear. “Innocent, I promise.” You lean back a bit to see how pink Taehyung is becoming, his face flushing and his body tensing.
“No…” he stutters, “I can’t.” but he can’t help his own hands from wrapping around your waist. He pulls you in closer to his body and breathes you in. God, this is pure fucking torture. He can’t help the way his breathes become rougher, slightly uneven.
“Fuck…” he breathes out. “I want to kiss you so bad.” He says as he grows weaker and weaker in your grasp.
“Then kiss me, Tae.”
“Maybe our first date.” He teases, his hands going lower until they are gripping your hips. “Please tell me you’ll let me take you out this Friday?”
“I have to wait that long?”
“Only 4 days baby.”
“4 days too many.” You pout…”But you are worth the wait.” You lean up and kiss his cheek.
Taehyung slowly closes his eyes, the urge to kiss you stupid is strong. The urge to rip your clothes off and fuck you? Even stronger.
“y/n…” he warns. “Hurry up and take your nap. I’m going to let the guys know we made it,” he says, pulling out his phone.
You bite your lips while nodding your head in understanding. You pull away from Taehyung and pull off your shirt, and slip off your jeans.
“W-What are you doing?” Taehyung blushes as he watches you undress.
“Changing.” You shrug, you walk towards his drawers and open them up one by one, trying to find yourself one of his t shirts.
“You are really testing me, aren’t you?” he bites down on his bottom lip, his eyes scanning your exposed body. “You really want me to slip those panties off and fuck you silly?” he walks closer to you, putting his phone in his back pocket. He crosses his arms over his chest and eyes you.
“Keep going.” He orders. “Take off the rest of your clothes. Sleep in nothing but the t shirt.”
Your head snaps up to face him and you see how serious he is. You swallow down your spit as you reach behind you to unclasp your bra. It falls to the floor and you feel the cool air hardening your buds.
“Panties too.” Taehyung commands, “Take them off slowly though.”
You nod, your hands going to the waistband of your panties, you slowly drag one side down and then the other. You begin to slide them down one leg at a time when you hear Taehyung tsk.
“Slower.” He says sternly. “I said slow.”
You drag them down slower now, they are barely at your thighs when Taehyung takes long strides to meet you. He slaps your hands away and his own hands go to your underwear.
“Like this.” He begins showing you, “Nice and slow. Let the anticipation build.”
He slides them off you so fucking slowly, when they get to your knees he pauses, his eyes traveling up to your exposed pussy. He licks his drying lips and groans.
“I can smell you baby. You’re wet.”
You throw your head back, feeling embarrassed. You squeeze your thighs together when he starts dragging the panties down again. When they’re finally at your ankles, you kick them away.
“You got wet from something like this?” he quirks a brow at you, amusement written all over his face.
“I can’t help it Tae, I need you.”
“You are so greedy,” Taehyung walks closer to you, his fingers sliding up your arms. “You just had my fingers in the shower, now you already need more?”
“I’ll always need more until you let me have you.” You admit between bated breaths.
“Oh is that so?” he teases, his fingers traveling up towards your neck. His fingers wrap around your throat, he squeezes and walks you backwards until your body is against the wall.
“You want to come?” He squeezes your throat just a bit tighter.
“Yes.” You squeak out, you can’t help but swivel your hips.
“My greedy girl wants to come?” he asks again, his other hand gripping your hips. “Then come. Touch yourself.”
“T-Touch myself?” your eyes widen, “What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb baby, take your fingers and rub that clit for me.” He says while squeezing your throat lightly. You feel yourself grow more and more turned on. Your hand reaches down between your legs, and your fingers find your swollen, aching clit.
“How does that feel babe? To finally be touched?” he asks, his hand never leaving your throat as his other hand massages your hip. “I want you coming all over your fingers.”
You rub your clit faster and faster, you’re slowly closing your eyes when Taehyung squeezes your throat a bit harder.
“No.” he says. “You have to keep your eyes on me.”
You open them wider, you stare up at Taehyung, his gaze is dark and intense. Your lips part as you moan out, your whines and whimpers all directed towards Taehyung.
“Mm.” you moan, “Feels good, Tae.” You rub tight, focused circles on your little bundle of nerves, you quickly feel your high approaching. The entire situation making you feel so fucking turned on. Taehyung looks so fucked out as he watches you. His eyes glazed over in lust.
“You going to come?” he asks breathlessly. “Because of me?”
“Yes, yes, yes.” You pant out, “I’m so close.” You tense your whole body as waves of your orgasm begin crashing over you. Your fingers keep going as you ride it out and your head hits the wall as you finally finish.
Taehyung loosens his grip on your neck, and pulls you in for a hug. He brings your naked body to his and he inhales you. Before you can wrap your arms around him and hug him back, Taehyung is grabbing your hand and leading you towards the bed.
“Lay down.” He orders. “Now.”
You give Taehyung a look of question but you do as he says. You lay down on the bed and wait for him to instruct you further.
“Spread your legs.”
You do as he says, spreading your legs nice and wide. You don’t know what to expect though, you eye him curiously.
“Place your fingers at your pussy.” He continues to instruct you. “Yes, like that…now gather your juices for me baby.” He walks over, gets on the bed between your legs. He crawls up your body until his face is in front of your face.
“Get your fingers soaked for me.” He kisses the side of your neck.
You get your fingers nice and wet and you bring them up between your faces, showing him.
“Good. Now let me taste.” He says, “This is the only way I deserve to taste you.”
You frown at that, but you push your fingers past his lips nonetheless.
Taehyung’s eyes roll to the back of his head as his tongue swirls around your fingers, he can’t help but groan as he tastes you. You pull your fingers out of his warm mouth and gather more of your pussy juices. You then bring your fingers to his lips again, pushing past them so he can taste you again and again.
“How do I taste?” You breathe out, “Good?”
“My fucking favorite flavor.” He moans, “Taste yourself.” He commands, taking your hand in his, dipping it between your legs, so your fingers can gather your cum. Then he is bringing your hand back between your faces, and sticking your fingers in your mouth.
“Taste.” He orders quietly.
You lick up your fingers, moaning at your situation.
“I want you Taehyung.” You whisper desperately. “I need you.”
Taehyung bows his head down, breathing roughly at your words. He wants you too. He needs you too. But he still isn’t in the right place to fuck you. He wants this first time to be more than a fuck. He wants to make love to you. He also feels like he doesn’t deserve you now. He feels like shit.
“Not yet.” He breathes out harshly. “But maybe soon.” He struggles to find a steady breath.
“Taehyung…” you whine.
Taehyung rolls off your body, stands to his feet and grabs the t shirt you were going to use. He throws it over to you.
“Put this on and take your nap.” He says softly.
You listen, as usual. You pull the shirt over your head and through your arms and get up to clean yourself off.
Taehyung stands at his window, deep in thought. He wants you. He needs you. He loves you. He’s sure of all three of these things. But it’s too soon to think he has forgiven you isn’t it? It’s too soon to think he’s over it. He wants to be over it, of course. But he knows it is too soon to think he is.
“I guess I will take a nap now.” You announce your presence once again. You pull back Taehyung’s covers and slip inside the bed. The entire bed smells just like him. You pull the blanket to your nose and inhale it, you turn to your side and stuff your face in his pillow, inhaling that as well. Everything smells just like him. It makes you feel weak.
“Okay babe.”
You feel your eyes sting just a bit, the reality is Taehyung is still distancing himself from you. And that makes you feel small, makes you feel weak. You aren’t satisfied with anything. No attention he gives you feels like enough.
“Taehyung?” You call out for him, your voice small. “Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?”
Taehyung leans away from the window and walks over to his bed. He sits on the edge, just staring at you.
You nod gratefully, you reach out for his hand and he gives it to you.
“This will be a perfect 3 weeks, I swear.” You promise to Taehyung. He feels his heart beating wildly in his chest.
“I know.” He responds in a whisper.
“You are going to fall even more in love with me.” Your voice cracks, your eyes filling with tears.
“I know.” He says quietly.
“You’re never going to want me to leave.”
“I know.”
“You are going to beg me to stay.” You choke on your words and he squeezes your hand.
“I know.”
And he is afraid of that…that he is going to beg you to stay but you will say no. You have your own life at your own home. He knows this is going to take work, he knows this is going to take time. He knows this. But fuck, he is ready to do everything with you. But he knows he needs to take it slow.
“You are going to be so in love with me by the end of this.” You silently cry.
Taehyung feels his heart pinch in his chest, he feels it struggling to find a beat. He knows this. He knows he is so in love with you and the more time he spends with you, it will grow. But do you feel the same? Do you really? You weren’t ever going to reach out, were you? He knows the answer deep down. The same thought fucking haunts him.
“I know.”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Sorry for your loss - “I will move on” #04
Read on AO3 || Serie Masterlist here
Summary: When your wife Natasha passes away in a car accident, a part of you dies with her. It takes a few months of mourning for your psychiatrist thinks the best alternative is for you to join a grief group. And there you meet Wanda Maximoff, and learn to live again.
Warnings: (+16) mentions of death, panic attacks and anxiety, grief, self sabotage, mentions of abusive family background, mutual attraction pining, explicit consent, therapeutic conversations about death, self-deprecation, healthy methods of coping with grief, possible triggers about anxiety, domestic Wanda, hurtful behaviors.
​ Tag list: @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia / @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5
Chapter Four - I will move on
"And I guess that's about it." You say as you finish telling Agatha about your last few weeks. She smiles as she shakes her head.
"I have to say I am proud of you." She comments gesturing briefly with her hands. "Are you sure you don't want to add anything else?"
You shrug, unable to remember anything relevant that you haven't mentioned.
You told her about writing again, about trying to drive again. About helping Wanda to stay home without having panic attacks, and to go back to work. You had only managed to drive in the supermarket parking lot, but it was still progress, and Stephen was very happy to hear it about too. The only thing missing to get your life back to normal was your apartment. And you had already arranged with Wanda to visit later that week.
"I have two questions for you then." Agatha says when you confirm that you have nothing to add. "Don't you think it's time to try to reconnect with your friends?"
You hesitate, thoughtfully. 
"I don't know." You said slightly uncomfortable. "My friends weren't just mine. They were Nat's friends too. And then she died, and I isolated myself. And well, I guess they were in their own grief too, because none of them tried to look for me anymore."
"You took your time to heal." She says. "Maybe they took theirs too. And now might be the time to reconnect."
You sigh, looking away.
"Yeah, I'll think about it." You speak. You look back at Agatha a moment later. "What was the other question?"
Agatha hides a small smile.
"A sensitive topic for patients who lose their beloved lovers." She says and you frown in confusion. "Well, dear, I need to ask if you are trying to date again?"
You gasp in surprise, feeling your face heat up.
Agatha lets out a giggle.
"I know this may seem insensitive at first, and that's more because of the sexist socioeconomic construct that treats widowed women as violated property that must belong to their lover for the rest of their lives than anything else but I need you to understand that it's perfectly natural to move on." She narrates and you just stand there with a shocked expression and your heart racing. "You are a single woman now, and you have sexual and emotional human needs. I'm going to help you work through any kind of guilt, because judging your progress, you seem ready to be in a relationship again."
"I...I don't..."
"Don't worry, honey." Agatha interrupts with a giggle. "I'm not telling you to go around fornicating." She jokes. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. But I don't think it's really your style at all."
You feel your face heat up, frowning at Agatha, but she continues to speak.
"Anyway, I'm saying that it will be good if you get back into romantic relationships with other people. Casual encounters, that sort of thing. You are allowed to love someone again, there's nothing wrong with that." She explains getting up toward her own desk, and then gives a mischievous little smile in your direction. "Not to mention that orgasms are great stress relievers."
You choke in surprise, but Agatha just smiles, turning to write the appointment report.
Your face is still very red when you leave her office.
"I'm going to make a gardener out of you yet, huh?" Monica joked as you finished composting, making you laugh lightly.
"Well, I had a good teacher." You joked back as you stood up.
You were at Wanda's flower shop again. It became routine for you to help Monica with the garden and the flowers. And as the days went by, you got used to being in the greenhouses while she was attending to customers and Wanda was working in the office. It took two weeks for Monica to start joking that you had become a staff member at the flower shop. You don't really mind helping out. Botany has turned out to be something surprisingly relaxing for you. The hours of Wanda's shift passed by quickly when you keep your hands busy with the plants and flowers, your anxiety long forgotten.
"Are you hungry?" Monica asks as soon as you return to the store's front desk, and she pulls out the " break" sign tucked under the counter. 
"Let's take a lunch break. See if Wanda wants to join us while I attend that boy." Monica says looking forward toward the window display. There is a boy clearly unsure about whether or not to enter the store and you exchange a chuckle with her before heading towards Wanda's office.
She is on the phone when she answers the door for you, and signals with her finger in her mouth for you not to say anything as she makes room for you to enter. As she mumbles in agreement on the call, you look around. She seems to be working on the organization of some big event judging by the whiteboard in the corner filled with notes, and you figure it's a party or some wedding, because you and Monica have been growing more flowers for this kind of thing lately.
"That sounds pretty good, actually." You listen to her speak as she jots down a few things in an agenda. " Don't worry, we have enough for the engagement party and the ceremony." 
The shelf on the side in front of the whiteboard catches your attention, and you walk over to the furniture next.
Wanda moves a little behind you, adding some stickers to the whiteboard. You keep looking at the bookshelf, distracted by the objects on it. There is a picture of the twins that makes you smile, some books, and other small pots of plants. You lightly caress the bonsai before looking down.
You run your fingers over the red flower on Wanda's bookshelf, trying to remember the name. Monica has taught you many things, but you don't know many as well.
"Anthurium" Wanda whispers behind you, as she turns off her cell phone and realizes that you are looking at the flower with curiosity. You murmur in understanding, turning to make comment that it is very beautiful, but your speech dies in your throat when you realize how close Wanda is. "What did you want?" She asks curiously and you are almost leaning your body against the bookshelf, trying to think clearly.
"I-I came to ask if you want to have lunch with us." You say while mentally telling yourself not to look at Wanda's lips.
Wanda murmurs in understanding, and you can barely breathe when she stands even closer, her hand outstretched to something above your head. She pulls out a small stick caught in your hair, and all you can do is stare at her with a racing heart as she bites back a smile, and tosses the stick into one of the vases on the shelf behind you.
"I'd like to join you, but I'm busy." She says and her gaze falls to your lips for a second before she turns her head away and walks off. You let out a breath, wiping your sweaty hands on your pants as Wanda walks toward the table in search of the notepad and pen she was using before hanging up her cell phone. "Can you please bring me something to eat? I'm starving. I just don't know exactly what I want..."
You smile as you see Wanda's thoughtful expression with pen and notebook in hand. You approach, putting the notebook down with your hand gently.
"Don't worry, I know what you like." You say simply, and Wanda blinks in surprise, smiling awkwardly. "I'll stop by that confectionery shop you like and also bring you a dessert, okay? You look stressed."
Wanda laughs lightly, her cheeks flushed. 
"Thanks, love."
The nickname slips so naturally from her lips that it takes a moment for both of you to realize what has just been said. Your gaze falls to Wanda's mouth the same minute that her pupils dilate. You are almost breaking the distance when Monica opens the door, not noticing the closeness of the two of you because she has her gaze on a piece of paper in her own hands.
You and Wanda immediately turn away, embarrassed.
"We have a big order, girls." She announces excitedly, raising her eyes to you. Monica frowns slightly at the guilty expressions and reddened faces. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?"
"No." You answer in unison quickly, surprising Monica again, who acquires an expression of suspicion and humor. You clear your throat and Wanda lets out a short laugh.
"We were just talking about lunch." You say. "And well, Wanda has a big order too. I guess you guys will need my help then."
Wanda turns to you again with this statement.
"What? No, I can't make you work for me..."
You interrupt with a laugh.
"Wanda, don't even start." You say. "I love staying here. And I'm happy to help, really. Don't worry about it."
"You sure make my shifts more fun." Adds Monica with a smile, making you laugh. Wanda looks at you intently.
"Are you sure?" She asks, and you smile as you nod in agreement. "We'll talk about it later. You can't work for free, and if you're going to help you need a schedule, and breaks and chores."
You laugh, nodding.
"Yes, boss." You murmur playfully and Wanda pats your arm, making you and Monica laugh. 
"Let's get our lunch now, I'm starving." Monica orders as she turns to walk out the door. You murmur in agreement, and quickly kiss Wanda on the cheek before following the other woman. Wanda has a foolish smile on her face until you return with her lunch many minutes later.
You call Carol Danvers the day before you return to your apartment.
Things go much better than you expected, but it's not surprising, because you usually expect the worst case scenario. 
Carol is very happy to hear from you, and you are happy to know that she doesn't hate you for not calling before. You talk for a few minutes, but she can't talk much on the phone because her shift is about to start. You are surprised to learn that she is working in a nightclub downtown now, unlike months ago when she worked in a rock bar in Queens. 
 She tells you that Bruce was traveling because of his internship, but that he would be in town for the weekend, and invites you to visit her at work. You hesitate because you are not sure if you are ready to go to a club, but you accept as you think of Agatha's words about reconnecting with your friends again.
You are the one who drives to your apartment the next day, after you and Wanda leave the flower shop. Your heart is racing the whole time, but Wanda rests her hand on your thigh to calm you down, and as the minutes go by, you can no longer tell whether you are nervous about the trauma or something else.
Parking in the small condo cluster, you take a deep breath. Wanda gives your thigh one last squeeze before she pulls her hand away and gets out of the car, completely oblivious to the way your entire body trembles at her touch. Shaking your head slightly to push that kind of thought away, you step out of the car.
Your hands are shaking wildly as you take your keys out of your pockets, just as you reach the second floor, after you have politely waved to the people who recognized you on the way to your apartment. 
"Hey, breathe." Wanda asks softly beside you. And you take a deep breath, and it helps. And then you turn the key, and go inside.
It is exactly the same as the last time you were here, many months ago, on the day of the accident.
Your mother cleaned it up, of course, but it is still the same. Everything is in the exact same place, even the shoes that Nat left lying in the corner of the bookshelf. And you felt your chest tighten when the flashes of memory began.
You walked around, looking at the surroundings while Wanda followed you. A few tears streamed down your face, but you said nothing.
You were in the kitchen when the first sob escaped your throat. Leaning your hands on the counter, you dropped your keys and tried to push away the memories that were clear in your head.
It was as if you could feel Nat in the room. Seeing her in the armchair, laughing at your jokes, or being a disaster in the kitchen on nights when you tried to eat something homemade. Her books mixed in with yours on the bookshelf, your wedding and graduation pictures on the mantelpiece. 
You moved away from the counter quickly, however, as Wanda looked at you intently, unsure whether to approach or not. Walking down the hallway, you stopped in front of your bedroom door. 
And you stood there. Long minutes staring at the wood. Unable to move.
Feeling arms around your waist, you sighed, your body relaxing considerably.
Wanda hugged you from behind, and waited. You were crying again, and you only stopped after a while. Taking a deep breath, and lightly stroking Wanda's hand to ask her to let go, you waited for her to let go of you to open the door.
Wanda waited for you outside. You just walked around the room, your face wet as you breathed with difficulty, your arms crossed as if you were afraid to touch anything.
When you came out, you took a deep breath once more. And then you said you needed to call your mother.
That's how you spent the rest of the day packing up your apartment together with Wanda, your mother, and Pietro and Monica, who came to help after Wanda said you needed more people.
You came back the other day too, until the only things left were larger pieces of furniture.
"Are you sure you're going to sell?" Your mother asked you in the parking lot as soon as you left there in the late afternoon. Wanda had just gone home with her brother and sister-in-law.
"That was her apartment, Mom." You say as you put the boxes in the trunk. "I could never live here without Natasha."
"It's a good property." She comments, making you chuckle lightly.
"I'm sure the next owners will love it."
"I don't mean to be disrespectful, dear. It's just a nice apartment, not the kind of thing you get every day and..."
"Are you wanting to keep it by any chance?" You interrupt, irritated at your mother's lack of sensitivity. She sighs, and you frown.
"No. But maybe someone else wants to."
It takes a moment for you to understand what she is implying.
"You know Nat didn't talk to her family."
Your mother looks away.
"Actually..." She begins and you close the trunk with a confused expression, "I've been seeing Melina since January."
You blink in surprise, and then let out a dry laugh.
"I am speechless." You say in shock. "You...are you serious? Wow, I...wow."
You lean back against the car, impressed and annoyed. Your mother sighs guiltily, stepping in front of you again.
"Look, I know I should have had something, but you were so..."
"Sad? Yeah mom, my wife died, I had a right to be."
"That's not what I meant."
You sighed, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah, I know." You grumble. "But it sucks that you kept it from me. What the hell does Melina want anyway?"
Your mother looks away for a moment.
"She wanted to see you actually." She says and you let out a wry laugh. "I know how ridiculous it sounds, but her daughter died and you were the only remaining connection to Natasha."
You push your fingers against your forehead lightly, thinking you are starting to get a migraine from this conversation. 
"You know what, Mom?" You say. "Since you two have become such good friends lately, tell her that her chance to connect with me was lost the moment she didn't attend the funeral." 
Your mother sighs, but you are already turning to get into the car. She follows you a moment later, sitting in the passenger seat.
You drive in silence back home.
Over the weekend, you almost canceled your plans with Carol.
Your mother was giving you the silent treatment for the way you refused to talk about Natasha and Melina, and you were very irritated by the whole situation.
Grumbling about how ridiculous it all was, you agreed to have coffee with the two women the following week, and your mother's mood changed considerably, the complete opposite of what happened to you.
But you forced yourself to smile, and got up from the couch to get ready.
Around seven-thirty at night, you arrived at the place, which was already very busy, neon lights peeking through the windows along with the loud music. 
"My goodness, look at you!" Greeted Carol cheerfully as soon as you met her at the counter. She turned around to hug you tight, and you felt your chest swell with happiness. You had missed your friend so much.
"You got a haircut" You comment in the same excitement, smiling at her. "I missed you, Danvers."
She smiles, mumbling that she missed you too. She asked you to sit on one of the stools at the front of the bar, and you did so while she went back behind the counter.
You updated each other a bit as she served some customers, and a while later, Bruce arrived.
"Banner I can't believe you are wearing a suit in a nightclub." Carol teased as she greeted her friend, making you chuckle slightly as Bruce explained that he didn't have time to look more casual.
"It's good to see you." He said to you as he hugged you, you repeated the words, then sat at the bar.
A few drinks and laughs later, Carol's shift ended, and she sat at a table with you two.
Between telling your friends about your progress in therapy, and hearing how Carol had left her previous job after punching a slacker client in the face, and learning that Bruce was working as an aspiring scientist, and lecturing around the country, the three of you had enough beers for the direction of the conversation to make your cheeks flush.
"I swear to you, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!" Carol told you, making you and Bruce laugh at her excitement. 
"Now you're going to say that the next second you saw the next most beautiful woman in the world?" You teased wryly, and Carol laughed as she told you to shut up. "Are you even dating this Gamora girl?"
Carol hid a smirk, taking a sip of her beer.
"Actually." She began. "We're living together."
You widened your eyes in surprise, and then laughed.
"My god, Carol Danvers in love!" You teased making her laugh as she flashed you her middle finger. "No, but seriously, that's amazing! I'm happy for you, Carol."
"Yes, yes." She says smiling, "But what about you? I know you and Nat were like, madly in love or whatever cheesy stuff you put in your books, but it's been months. It would be nice if you met someone new."
The topic is quite sensitive, and the mood at the table changes because of it. But you are far more embarrassed than upset, and you lower your gaze to your bottle before answering.
" Oh, well, i..." You begin half-heartedly. Your stomach does a flip-flop, because you are thinking of a person. "There is someone, I think. But I don't know if we're both ready to take that on yet."
Carol makes an agreeing noise with her mouth, and then has an insinuating little smile on her face.
"Do you still remember how to be with a girl, champ?" your friend teases, and you nudge her shoulder shyly as she and Bruce laugh.
"Aren't those things like riding a bike?" The other man asked timidly, getting a wry look from Carol.
"You know, Bruce, your innocence is admirable." Carol teases making you laugh. 
"Don't be mean." You say poking her lightly in the ribs, but Bruce doesn't really care. It's been that way since college when he told you guys he was asexual. The whole thing was funny because Carol has always been very, very sexual. And they have been teasing each other about it for years.
"Ah but I won't be, I promise." She assures. "Actually, I'm much more interested in hearing about your new girlfriend."
You laugh shyly, drinking some of your beer.
"I don't have a girlfriend."
Carol laughed, her gaze running around the room before returning to you. 
"Well, that blonde girl has been looking over here for a few moments. I have a girlfriend, and Bruce doesn't like sex. I guess you're the one who's going to have to talk to her."
You widened your eyes at your friend's words, looking forward quickly.
A blond woman was indeed staring at your table.
"I don't think that's a good idea." You mumble clumsily, and Carol gives a little laugh.
"That's too bad, because now that you've looked, she's going to come here." Your friend warns, and you choke on your beer when you see the girl actually getting up from the countertop.
"Carol, help me." You awkwardly whisper but your friend just laughs, and then the stranger catches up with you all.
"Hi." She greets sensually, looking up at you. You swallow dryly as your friend holds back a giggle. "Would you like to dance?"
"Use your words." Carol teased lowly next to you, making the girl laugh at your clumsiness. 
"Don't be shy, I don't bite." The girl added maliciously. " Unless you ask me to."
You feel your face heat up with embarrassment, and you spread your mouth open, not knowing what to say next. Carol murmurs impressed.
"Sorry, sweetie, she used to function better than that." Carol interrupts the interaction, taking pity on your distress. "I think she's taken. But if it's just a dance, we can all enjoy it together."
The girl bites her lips, seeming to consider. She takes one last look at you, and then accepts the invitation.
This is how you end up on a dance floor, trying to escape the hands of a stranger. 
You remember how to dance, and the drink helps a lot. But there are hands running over your body before the woman turns around and starts rubbing against you in rhythm with the music. You feel your breath catch, the excitement of having so much intimate contact after so long reaching you completely.
"Are you sure you're taken?" She whispers against your ear, and you give a short laugh, feeling your head spin.
"Yes."  You half-heartedly assure her, using all the rest of your drunken control to push her hands away from you. 
The woman didn't mind, stealing a short kiss on your cheek before dancing away, swaying her hips.
Carol threw her arms around you next.
"Wow, you really are in love!" She enthusiastically shouts to be heard between the beats of the music. You laugh with flushed cheeks, saying you need to take some air.
Your friend continues to dance, pulling Bruce close, and the man laughs awkwardly as he puts his arms around the blonde. You chuckle at the scene before turning to go outdoors.
It is easier to breathe outside. 
Your first action is to take your cell phone out of your pocket, and check your notifications. Your heart melts when you open a message from Wanda. It is a picture of her and the boys, lying together between a comforter. The caption reads "movie night, doesn't even look like they were jumping on the couch two minutes ago".
You stare at the picture for a few seconds after sending a heart emoji to Wanda. And then you gasp softly, realizing. You really are in love with her. Like in romance movies, and fairy tale books. But also like the real thing. Because you love Wanda's company, her sharp jokes, the way she talks and behaves and cares for everyone. You don't want to be in a bar, or meet another girl. You want to be wrapped in a comforter with Wanda and the kids.
Trying not to panic at this conclusion, you put your cell phone back in your pocket, deciding to go back inside to say goodbye to your friends.
You are trying to find a way to tell Wanda how you feel. The problem is that you are insecure, because you have no idea if she is ready for a relationship again. You don't even know if she likes women.
With so much suffering in the past months, you also don't want to face a broken heart. So you decide to wait and see how things will turn out.
It is something about the way your life is completely intertwined in Wanda's now, in the same way that she has wrapped herself around your heart that makes you sigh when you think about it everything.
You are distracted while you work, and Monica smiles because you have a smirk while tinkering in the gardens, which is clearly not related to the plants. She doesn't say anything, because it's the same way Wanda smiles when you bring her coffee, or when you two come back from lunch. She can only be excited to think how it will be to organize your wedding.
It is at lunch after group therapy that Wanda invites you to her father's wedding anniversary party. You hadn't met him yet, and a party was a good thing, because you wouldn't have all his attention on you, and it lessens your anxiety considerably.
The party will be at Wanda's father's country house, and you will be able to cross the "take a trip" goal off your therapy to-do list.
In the meantime, you prepare to see Natasha's mother.
It is a Thursday, and you set aside your lunch period for this, because you really don't want this meeting to last more than an hour.
Your mother and Melina are already in the restaurant when you arrive, and you nod politely to the woman when you sit down at the table, signaling that she doesn't need to get up.
"So, what did you want?" you ask snidely, earning a scolding from your mother. Melina doesn't seem to mind your aggressiveness however.
"Let's order something to eat first please." Your mother says before the other woman can respond. You roll your eyes, not disagreeing.
After the waitress takes your orders and leaves, you cross your arms impatiently.
"Look, I know it's hard for you to hear from me after all this time..." The woman begins.
"Hard for me?" You cut her off with irony. "No, Melina. I was not the daughter you abandoned. It was just hard for Nat not to have you around. I simply don't like you myself."
"Honey" Your mother warns, but you let out a dry laugh.
"No, really." You continue firmly. "What do you really want with me?"
Melina sighs, straightening herself in her chair.
"Your mother told me that you intend to sell Natasha's apartment." She says. "I don't approve of such a decision."
You stare at her for a moment, and then let out a laugh.
"I should have known you'd only show up for the money." You say feeling your stomach turn with anger. Melina rolls her eyes, but doesn't deny it. Your mother looks surprised that you are right.
"I gave that apartment to Natasha..."
" I beg your pardon?" you interrupt angrily, your loud tone attracting the attention of the next table. "You gave her the apartment? Are you listening to yourself now?"
"We don't need to get carried away." She asked with irritation in her eyes, drawing a nasal laugh of indignation from you. "You know I'm right."
"No, Melina." You retort seriously, lowering your tone. "Clarify for me how you can possibly think that putting an apartment full of debt in your daughter's name to escape the state, making her work two shifts to pay for everything, sets up like giving an apartment to someone?"
"You are manipulating the facts." She hits back and you nod in disbelief, closing your eyes momentarily. "I had financial problems, and Nat didn't object when I suggested..."
"She was 15." You cut in. "You forgot that little detail right? You also forgot about going to the guardianship board to emancipate your 15 year old daughter just so she could take on a debt of yours?" You asked angrily. "Oh, did you forget about Nat working in a diner throughout her teenage years to pay for everything?"
Melina clenched her jaw, glaring at you angrily. You really weren't in the least bit of patience for this conversation, and it was a good thing the waitress arrived with your orders, because you were about to turn the table.
"I am not hungry anymore." You grumble as soon as the waitress leaves and you look down at your food, your stomach turning. Then you look forward. "When I sell the apartment, I will talk to your lawyer and if you are entitled to anything, you can rest assured that it will come in the mail. Now do me a favor, and never look for me again." 
After saying these words to Melina, you exchange a quick glance with your mother and get up, walking to the exit.
You are pretty upset about the whole Melina thing, but your mood improves almost immediately when Wanda invites you to visit her. 
Actually, she needs help with the kids, because she's busy with a rich lady's wedding that required priority on the flower project, and the summer vacation started that week.
Monica was helping Wanda with the whole design, so you and Pietro would take care of the kids.
It was quite fun to do it, because you loved children. Pietro even had the bright idea of setting up a little lemonade stand outside Wanda's house, and while the other women were working, you and he took the kids outdoors.
"Don't you think a million dollars is a lot of money for a glass of lemonade, Billy?" you ask the boy as you watch him put several zeros on the price cardboard. Pietro laughs as he helps his daughter pin up her hair.
"I don't know." The kid tells you without stopping drawing. "I'm a kid, I've never paid anything."
You laugh, looking forward. You and Pietro are sitting on chairs placed on the grass while the children play around the lemonade stand. 
When some of the neighbors buy the lemonade, you tell Billy that a gold coin is worth a million, and he doesn't argue.
The temperature rises considerably throughout the day, and around two in the afternoon you and Pietro decide that it would be good to take the kids swimming.
"Call the wives please." Pietro says to you as you stand in the living room after you two walk back in and put everything away, and he is helping the children put on bathing suits. You feel your face heat up at the innocent insinuation of Wanda being your wife, but you say nothing and he doesn't even seem to notice.
You knock on the door, then enter the office, and smile at the two women inside, who seemed to be concentrating on their own papers.
"Let's go for a quick swim girls?" You ask, ignoring the way your stomach gets butterflies when Wanda looks up at you. 
Monica lets out an excited exclamation.
"Yes, please!" She says. "This room feels like an oven!"
You and Wanda laugh, and you make room for Monica to walk past you. 
"Any chance you have a bathing suit in my size?" You ask Wanda next, and she bites back a smile, thoughtful.
"Let 's find out."
It is only upstairs that you realize that you have never been in Wanda's bedroom before.
All the times you have been here, you were reserved for the living room, the kitchen and the office. Except for the times you were in the twins' bedroom, and well, when you used the bathroom.
You stood still a bit past the entrance, not knowing exactly what to do with your hands as Wanda searched the closets for a bathing suit for you.
"You know you can look around right?" Wanda commented with playfulness in her speech, making you chuckle shyly.
Stepping forward, you twiddled your fingers together nervously as you looked around. You smiled at the decorations, and especially at the pictures on the dresser. 
"Damn, I think I only have one pair." Wanda grumbled as she closed the closet, turning to you next, a swimsuit in her hands. "Do you want to wear it?"
You smiled wryly.
"Not if it's the only one you have." You say. "Don't worry, I'll keep my T-shirt on."
"Don't be silly, it's really hot outside. I'll lend you a bra." 
Wanda leaves her swimsuit on the bed and walks over to the dresser behind you. You step aside to give her room to open the drawers.
You look quickly away from the underwear drawer, feeling your heart race at the intimacy of this moment. It only gets worse when Wanda hands you a black sports top, which she is glad to have found.
"Thank you, Wands." You mutter as you accept the garment. 
You widen your eyes as Wanda begins to unbutton the shirt she is wearing, but before you have a heart attack, she flashes you a small smile and picks up the swimsuit from the bed, turning toward the bathroom as she uses her free hand to keep the shirt closed.
You take advantage of Wanda's exit to quickly take your shirt off, put on the top and then the T-shirt over it.
A moment later she returns, and your breath catches in your throat.
"This swimsuit has a tie in the back, can you help me with that?" Wanda asks distractedly as she tucks her hair into a bun. You swallow dryly, trying to keep your gaze off her exposed legs. 
Wanda stands facing the dresser, watching you approach through the mirror. You ignore your uncompensated heartbeat as you stare back at her, and let out a shy smile as you lower your gaze when you notice her flushed cheeks as you stand right behind her.
Raising your fingers to the height of her back, you gently touch the skin exposed by the opening of her swimsuit. The contact makes every inch of the woman's skin shiver in front of you, and she sighs softly, the sound making your stomach turn.
You risk looking forward again, at your reflection, only to find Wanda's mouth ajar, her eyes dark. You risk dragging your fingers further inside the fabric, making her choke lightly.
Completely mesmerized by the way Wanda's body responds to your touch, you raise your other hand, trailing a finger up from the length of her coccyx to the opening of her swimsuit, watching Wanda close her fists as her cheeks redden.
You can hear the sounds of her uncompensated breathing, but you can also hear the muffled laughter from the distance downstairs, and that motivates you enough to ignore the trembling of your fingers as you zip up Wanda's swimsuit.
"W-we should go downstairs." You whisper in a hoarse voice, ignoring the urge to rip off Wanda's swimsuit. 
The redhead swallows dryly before slowly turning toward you. Your faces are so close that you can feel her breath on your cheek.
"Mommy why are you taking so long?" Billy's muffled scream coming from the backyard through the window makes you and Wanda jump in fright. 
Pietro and Tommy repeat the same sentence next, and you clear your throat, taking a step back. Wanda can't keep her gaze on you as you both walk down to the pool outside.
You can only distract yourself from the feel of Wanda's skin on your fingers because you play in the pool with everyone, and these thoughts are pushed to the back of your mind for the rest of the afternoon.
It is only when you have to leave, after the children have had a bath, and are dressed in comfortable clothes in front of the television, and you have hugged Monica and Pietro goodbye that these thoughts come flooding back when you have to repeat the gesture with Wanda.
You disguise yourself, smiling politely at the couple standing behind the redhead as you let your arms circle her waist as you hug her. Resisting the urge to close your eyes and sink your face into Wanda's neck, who has her hands on your shoulders, you hold back a sigh as you pull away.
"See you on Monday." You murmur in a husky voice, and the redhead nods, her gaze falling quickly to your lips.
You think you'd better get in the car before you lose control of your body.
Startled slightly, you opened your eyes with difficulty. Someone was calling you, but it must have been very late, because you couldn't see anything in the room but the blinking light on your dresser.
Grumbling, you stretched your arm out to reach for your vibrating cell phone and answer the call.
"Hello?" you asked in a voice hoarse from sleep, closing your eyes again.
"Hey, sorry to wake you." It was Wanda, and her whiny voice made you open your eyes quickly, worried. 
"Wanda? Did something happen?"
"Yeah." She agrees, sniffling softly. "I just... I'm so sad. The whole fucking time. Then Tony came over and started saying these things and now I'm crying and I can't stop. I'm sorry, it's not your problem, I shouldn't have called and..."
"I'm coming."
You think Wanda tried to say something to stop you, but you ended the call as you stood up.
"Where are you going?" Your mother asked as soon as you came downstairs, and you were startled to find her awake, but you didn't ask as you noticed the laptop in your lap.
"Wanda." You mumble simply, looking for your keys.
"Kitchen countertop." She informed and you muttered a thank you as you picked up the item from the mentioned spot. "You know, if you're going to start leaving the house at dawn to see her, it might be best to move in with her."
You chuckled awkwardly at the comment as you put on your shoes.
"Try to get some sleep, work will still be there in the morning." You tell her to change the subject, and your mother sighs, turning her attention back to the screen. "You don't have to wait up for me."
"Oh, I figured." She teases last making you roll your eyes in embarrassment before opening the door to leave.
You didn't have to knock on the door, because as soon as you parked the car and got out, you had a view of the outside garden porch, and you could see Wanda sitting on the rocking bench, looking at the ground.
You sighed, opening the garden gate to enter the backyard.
Making a noise with your feet so as not to startle her, you felt your heart squeeze as she wiped her tears away quickly, turning her head to the side. You sighed, taking a seat on the bench in front of her, rocking it slightly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked a moment later, and from the redhead's silence, you figured not. But she nodded next, looking down at her own feet. "Tell me what happened then."
It takes a moment, but Wanda speaks. She tells how Tony Stark showed up at her door at three in the morning, saying that he blamed himself for his brother death but that this was a good thing now because it was exactly what he needed to change his life and stop drinking, and that she punched him in the nose, saying that this was always his problem, everything was always about him. Tony promised that he would be someone decent now, that he was going to change, and Wanda just pushed him away, telling him to go change somewhere else.
"I feel like the worst person in the world right now." She grumbles as soon as she finishes narrating. 
"Tony has been an alcoholic since he was fifteen, and he's finally getting better. I think he was in need of someone to help him."
You shook your head, letting out a short laugh.
"And why is that your problem?" you retorted, surprising her. "Wanda you are under no obligation to suppress your feelings to make others feel better. You have every right to feel angry with Tony. And to not want him in your life again."
Wanda takes a deep breath, burying her face in her hands for a moment, as if trying to believe your words.
You bit the inside of your cheek, deciding whether to speak what you wanted to.
"Wands?" You called after her, and she looked at you. "You said you were sad. Do you want to talk about that too?"
The redhead looks away from you, a weak smile on her lips. 
"I don't know how to talk about it really." She starts by looking down at her feet. "I never did."
You wait, stretching your leg out and lightly tapping your feet together with her on the floor. Wanda smiles at the movement, and then bites her lips.
"I think it started when I was a kid." She counters thoughtfully, her gaze straying to the yard around her. "Ever since mama died, or maybe before. There's this sadness, stuck in my chest. And no matter what I do, it won't go away." 
You listen intently, waiting for Wanda to finish.
"When I was younger, Papa worked all day and Mama took care of me and Pietro. But she got sick, and granny came to live with us to help. I was ten when she died, and Pietro's anxiety got worse." She swallows dryly, as if the memories are choking her. "Granny didn't know how to help my brother, so I took care of him myself. And when we were in high school, she got sick too. And well, Dad didn't know what to do really, so I took care of her at home while he and Pietro worked to pay for the medications." She adds, and sniffles lightly. "I just remember being tired. All the damn time. I'd go to school, and come home, and I'd eat, and play, and watch TV, but I wasn't really there. I started to think that's how everybody else felt, because I had a normal life, and I had no reason to feel sad."
You frown slightly, but bite your tongue to keep from interrupting.
"Grandma died just before I graduated, and I barely had time to miss her, busy with college applications, and taking care of the funeral at the same time." She counters with a wry laugh, as if realizing how unfair it was that she was left to take care of everything by herself. "And then I met Vis, and he was sweet and kind and he was everything anyone could want. The perfect boyfriend, perfect friend, and brother and husband. So I choked down that sadness, because it wasn't fair that I was with someone so amazing, and I wasn't satisfied." She recounts as she lets the tears flow. "When the twins came, everyone told me that my life was complete. That children were exactly what everyone wanted, and that I had the perfect life. So I kept that image."
Wanda raises her hand to wipe away a tear that ran down her cheek, but others kept falling next.
 "With Vis's death, everything started to fall apart on me." She says after a pause, biting her lips slightly to hold back the crying. She lets out a nasal laugh next. "But I wasn't going to let that happen, so I gathered the pieces together. I put a smile on my face and continued to be the mother my children needed. And then I met you."
You frown in confusion, but Wanda does not look at you. She runs her hands through her hair, shaking her head slightly.
"You came into my life at its worst possible moment. And all you did was make me feel better again." Wanda declared with a sigh, and you felt your cheeks heat up, looking away to your feet. "You don't expect me to be happy, or polite, or sociable. You don't care that I get cranky and irritable, that I wanted to skip work or eat junk food." She counters, wiping a tear from her cheek. "I feel like I can breathe again, because when you look at me you don't judge me like everyone else. You just listen, and observe. And take care of me."
You sigh, impacted by the intensity of the confessions. You think that if you keep quiet long enough, Wanda can hear your heart beating fast.
The redhead takes a deep breath, twisting her fingers slightly before speaking again.
"That's why I called." She counters in a sigh. Her eyes fill with tears again, but she doesn't let them fall. "You've been the only person who makes me feel this way. And when Tony came along I felt I was drowning into those terrible thoughts again. I needed you to pull me back up."
You raise your head to Wanda, but she is looking down at the floor, her cheeks flushed. You smile, rising to sit beside her.
"I will." You whisper as you interlace your fingers, looking forward. Wanda stares at your entwined hands before leaning her head on your shoulder.
"Thank you." She murmurs a moment later. 
"Don't mention it." You reply in the same tone.
You stand like this for many minutes, Wanda wiggling your fingers together. You are about to close your eyes when a childish voice startles you a little.
"Mommy?" it's Billy, dressed in adorable teddy bear pajamas, scratching his eyes sleepily. "Why are you out here?"
Wanda looks at him in surprise. 
"Come here dear." Wanda asks signaling with her free hand for Billy to approach. The boy yawns, walking over to you two. You mess up his hair as Wanda releases her hand to sit her son on her own lap.
"Why are you here, Y/N?" The boy asks sleepily, making you and Wanda smile at how cute he looks. 
"I am a friend of your mother's, Billy, I come whenever she needs me." You reply with a smile, trying not to be affected by the way Wanda looks at you.
"You should come more often, y/n. Mom is happy when you are around." Billy declares causing Wanda to let out a surprised exclamation, and you feel your heart race.
"Oh, really?" You tease with a little smile, and Wanda pushes her shoulder against yours lightly. "I promise I'll visit more often then."
"You can live here!" Billy exclaims excitedly next, making you laugh in surprise. 
"Don't be silly, Billy." Wanda adds embarrassed. "We don't have a room."
"She can sleep with you mommy." Billy retorts as if it's obvious, "Daddy's not here anymore, and your bed is too big, because it fits Tommy and me together!"
You swallow dryly, surprised and embarrassed at the way Billy is casual above all, but mostly worried that this comparison might have hurt Wanda. But she lets out a little laugh, shaking her head.
"It's time for bed, enough of this talk" Wanda warns the boy next, getting up with him on her lap.
You accompany the two of them into the house, waiting until Wanda comes downstairs after putting Billy to bed.
Billy's words in your head were still echoing when Wanda suggested that you sleep in her bed after she came downstairs, and part of you wanted to, but you figured that night wasn't the best time. So you slept on the couch, and left after breakfast, ignoring how warm your chest felt at the image of the table with Wanda and the twins having coffee.
Your first stop after leaving Wanda's house was the cemetery.
Taking a deep breath, you stared at the memorial stone in the ground. The small photograph of Natasha carved into the stone. 
"I miss you, pchelka" You whispered softly, leaving your hands in your pockets as you looked down. Your chest hurt less than the first time you came here, but the pain was still there. You imagined that it always would be. "I won't ever stop. But I want to live again. I hope you won’t be mad at me, from wherever you are, and understand that."
Part of you knew that Natasha would be happy for you. It was one of the reasons you loved her so much.
Kneeling down, you pulled out of your pocket the items you had left in the car's glove box a few days ago, planning to do this since the day of the bar.
" This belongs to you." You whispered, after digging in the grass next to the headstone, and pulling out of the small wrapping your wedding rings. You placed the metal in the dirt, along with the daffodil seeds you brought with you. Using some of the water from the bottle you had in your hands, you watered after burying the items. "Rest in peace, my love."
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jayla’s cafe | sjy
↬ series: cameras & caffeine | chapter one ↬ overall pairing: cafe owner!jake x ceo!reader (all members will be featured at some point throughout the series, some are in it more than others !!) ↬ overall series genres: fluff, slight angst, jake also bakes, reader is a single mom, we fell in love when we were kids but life happened so we broke up and now we’re reconnecting because we’re adults and i don’t think i ever truly got over you au, love triangle if you squint really really hard ↬ navi: next | series masterlist ↬ warnings: none ↬ word count: 1.3k
[ series synopsis ]
↱ You were young when you fell in love with Sim Jake. How could you not when he had a smile that could light up the darkest of nights, eyes that seemed to look deep into your soul, and a bubble of happiness around him that you wanted to be a part of? He was young when he fell in love with you. How could he not when you had a warmth that could never be replicated, a spark in your eyes that he loved to see, and your own special way of calming him down? But life had other plans for you two. After high school, he wanted to move back to Australia and start a new life with you but you wanted to stay in the country and continue the life already established for you. Things changed, your views no longer aligned, and before either of you two had broken up.
Now, a few years have passed and due to medical issues, your father has decided to temporarily step down from his position as Hybe Entertainment’s CEO, leaving the position to you. Despite all the eyes watching and waiting for you to fall since you’re so young and a single mother, you’re determined to prove them all wrong. You’ve been doing fine so far, working in such a high position and stressful environment while simultaneously being able to take the time and effort to take care of your son, Heeseung. But when you get news of your ex, Jake coming back to the country and opening up a cafe you decide to pay a visit. One visit turns to two which turns to three and before you know it, Jayla’s Cafe suddenly becomes a part of your regular routine. Jake meets Heeseung, the two instantly taking a liking to each other but unbeknownst to any of you, cameras lurk in the bushes and flash when you’re unaware. What happens when photos are revealed to the public and connections are made? Connections… that might not just be baseless rumors after all.  ↲
You let out a sigh as your eyes stay settled on your laptop screen in front of you, too focused on work to be able to glance at the time and too busy to hear your office door opening. It’s only when you feel a presence next to you, a slight tug at your hand, and the sound of your son’s voice that you’re finally brought back to reality and out of the trance that work had put you in. You smile as you smoothen out Heeseung’s hair, move the chair back a little to allow him to settle on your lap. You look up at Sunghoon and smile,
“Thanks for taking care of Hee today,” you say gratefully. Of all the billions of people in the world, you couldn’t be more thankful to have Sunghoon as your best friend. He was there for you when you were pregnant, a constant source of comfort when you needed it, and now was one of the closest things that Heeseung had as a father.
“Mhm,” is all Sunghoon replies as he takes your coat for you. While the three of you head into the elevator
“Hoonie?” you say. Sunghoon stays quiet at the nickname, simply looking at you and you continue, “I’m thankful for all that you’ve done for me but you really don’t have to any of this. After all, you’re the co-CEO of Park Enterprises with Jay and you have your own life. Maybe you should go on a few dates here and there instead of always being with me and Hee, I can set you up,” you offered. Sunghoon was hurt at your implication that there were better places to be than with you but didn’t show it. Instead,
“I don’t have time to go on dates, you know this.”
“But you have time to take care of a kid for half a day?” you countered. In all the years that you’ve known Sunghoon and have been best friends, you never could really get a read on him. You wondered what he was thinking about and the thoughts running through his mind but when the elevator finally reaches the parking lot below your building,
“It’s different because you and Heeseung are actually worth spending my time on,” he replied as you got into your car. The car ride to your house was spent in silence, a normal occurrence with Sunghoon but it felt normal and was a type of silence that didn’t need to be filled. Spending time with Sunghoon was something that you did so often that it was almost a part of your routine. Like tonight, there were times when Sunghoon would pick up Heeseung and bring him to your office and the three of you would then have dinner together. Other times, you picked up Heeseung and headed to Sunghoon’s office for dinner. Occasionally, Sunghoon’s half-brother and co-CEO of Park Enterprises, Jay would eat out with you guys too. Growing up, you were all a group of five who were stuck together like glue, Jay, Sunghoon, Yeji, you, and Jake. The Park Brothers ran the family business together while Yeji chose to travel the world, much like Jake did. You hear your name being called, causing you to look at Sunghoon next to you,
“You ok? You looked so deep in thought.” You glanced behind you, looking at Heeseung now asleep in the backseat,
“Just thinking about some things is all.”
When you got to your house and started eating dinner, you couldn’t help yourself from glancing at Sunghoon every so often. You couldn’t deny that it felt nice to have a constant source of stability and comfort through him, but it wasn’t fair to him since he was spending so much time and taking so much effort to help you out given that you were a single mother and he had grown to become your best friend. The two of you were on your living room couch since he was spending the night and were watching a movie while Heeseung was asleep in his room. Suddenly, Sunghoon brought up a topic that you weren’t quite expecting him to but you weren’t surprised about it earlier.
“Jake’s back from Australia.” You set your cup of hot chocolate on the table and wrap the blanket tighter around you and lean your head on Sunghoon’s shoulder,
“I know.” It comes out mumbled as you keep your eyes on the screen, not quite wanting to talk about it but you knowing that you were going to have to face it eventually, nervousness now filled you.
“He opened up a cafe downtown, Jayla’s Cafe.”
“I know.”
“I’m going with Jay tomorrow.”
“Jake invited me too but I said I couldn’t go because of work.” It was a lie since tomorrow was your day off but Jake didn’t need to know that. Honestly, you weren’t ready to face Jake and you didn’t think you’d ever be. When you and Jake were younger, you fell in love but after high school, life happened and Jake chose to go to Australia while you decided to stay since you were learning how to take over Hybe Industries.
“You gotta tell him.”
“It’s not like I keep it a secret, like, people know I have a kid.” It was a dumb response and you knew it. Sunghoon called you out on it by saying,
“You don’t keep it a secret but you don’t actively acknowledge it either.” Sighing,
“Can we not talk about this today?” Or ever, you wanted to say.
“I know it’s not my place to tell you what to do. But he’s back now.”
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The opening day of Jayla’s Cafe went way better than Jake expected if he was being honest with himself. Whether it was due to good marketing, pure luck, or Layla’s presence in the cafe that drew in so many customers, he wasn’t going to complain about it. He was more nervous now than he was in the morning because Jay and Sunghoon would be dropping by in a few minutes. It had been years since he had seen his old friends or been a part of “high society” as most would call it due to the status and wealth you all grew up with. He missed you the most and kind of hoped that you would’ve dropped by today. But things were different now, he knew. You two weren’t the little kids who fell in love and acted on that love in your teens. You were no longer the girl who’d yell at Jake for teasing you over something dumb, you were now the CEO of Hybe Entertainment and someone that young kids could look up to and aspire to be like. He was no longer the guy who’d hold your hand or give you a hug when you cried because you didn’t need that-- him anymore.
“I was the one who decided to head back to Australia,” Jake muttered to himself in an effort to somewhat justify the years that he hadn’t seen you or anyone else except for the few times Jay would come to Australia. The bell chiming signals to Jake that someone had walked in, confirmed at the sight of Jay and Sunghoon entering inside the cafe. While you had already told him that you wouldn’t be coming, his heart still sank a little at the lack of your presence here. Greeting the guys and setting out some pastries and drinks, the three talked and caught up on things. Somewhere down the line,
“Jake, can you connect my phone to the Wi-Fi real quick?” Sunghoon asked, handing Jake his phone,
“Yeah, sure man.” Taking Sunghoon’s phone, the phone screen was still open, a mistake Sunghoon was unaware he had made. Looking at the phone screen, Jake saw a photo of you and Sunghoon which wasn’t something that was surprising to him. What did surprise him was the sight of a little boy in between you and Sunghoon, Sunghoon’s smile the brightest he’s ever seen it before. As Jake hands Sunghoon his phone back after connecting it to the Wi-Fi, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had happened in the years he’d been gone. But throughout the night and as the conversation went on… he couldn’t bring himself to ask.
↬ a/n:
now that tatts & cupcakes is over, meet cameras & caffeine !!
❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul​​ ) | main blog masterlist | blog navi
taglist status: open -- send an ask or comment !! ( if you comment, i respond under my main acct )​
taglist: @markleepooh | @ifvjay | @softnanaaaa | @dear-dreamie​ | @sunshineshouchan | @bloom-bloom-pow | @mykalon​ | @fairycob​ | @icywhatim​
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yoongimooni · 3 years
felicity — shim jae-yun (jake)
intense happiness.
[friends to lovers]
[i was so bias-wrecked while writing this]
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jake. your best friend since childhood. you grew up together, and you distinctly remember your parents telling you that the red brick house on the other side of the house was officially occupied. so, you and your family decided to wish your new neighbours a congratulations and offer a few gifts. and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
“i’ve been thinking,” jake began, lying on your bed while you sat at the desk. 
“that’s scary,” you remarked playfully, turning your attention towards him. “what’s up?”
you watched as he sat up, rolling his eyes in the process before saying, “i want to be an idol.”
your eyes widened at his words, “what?”
he nodded, beaming as he spoke, “i really wanna do it. it’ll be fun!”
a small smile settled on your face as you watched his eyes light up while he went on about his dream.
 “you should do it,” you said, “i’ll be rooting for you. you know that.”
“i know,” he whispered, falling back onto the bed. “if i get in—”
“when,” you correct, “you’re going to get in. i know you will.”
“i’m going to miss you.”
you laughed, patting his head, “i’m going to miss you too.”
jake did get scouted, entering a show called i-land and before you knew it, his whole family was about to up and leave for korea. so you stood at the airport terminal, tears in your eyes as you watched your best friend of ten years leave for korea. 
“i thought you said you wouldn’t cry,” jake chuckled, resting a hand on your head. “hey…”
“of course i’m going to cry, you’re leaving…” you sniffed, wiping the tears away with the sleeves at your hands. “i don’t want you to go but… i know you want to.”
he smiled sadly, dropping his hand. “i’m going to miss you so much.”
“don’t forget me when you’re famous, okay?” you laugh, but it was humourless. “i’m going to miss you too, jake. and layla.”
he lets out a breath, looking at the ground before looking back at you. “i’ll call you everyday.”
“as you should,” you said. “until next time.”
“until next time.” jake ran a hand through his hair as he looked from you to the entrance of the plane where his parents were standing. just as he was about to walk to them, he wrapped his arms around you, whispering, “cheer for me, okay?”
you hugged him back tightly, responding quietly, “물론이야 (mullon-iya)*.”
you yawn, the rough landing jolting you awake. 
“attention passengers, we have landed. please unbuckle your seatbelts and exit the plane.” the flight attendant announces from the loud speaker, and you stretch in your seat. 
the nine - almost ten - hour flight from australia to korea was long enough to knock you out, and you groggily made your way out of the plane.
after retrieving your luggage, you made it into a train, and you plugged your earphones in. a video on your youtube recommendations caught your eye, and you blinked at the title. 
“who is jake’s biggest supporter?” you mumble quietly to yourself, clicking on the video.
the text voice fills your ears with the words, “a few days ago on the vlive, jake said that his biggest supporter is in australia. but engenes say that the way he talks about this mystery person is more than just a supporter.”
“you’re an engene too?” a voice cuts through the video and look up to see a girl, a teenager, looking at your screen.
“uh... something like that,” you say awkwardly.
“that’s so cool! oh, you’re watching about the vlive a few days ago, right?” she grins, brushing her bangs out of her face. “i wonder who they are…”
“what did he say about them?” you ask slowly, “i didn’t have time to watch the live.”
“that’s okay!” she smiles, taking a seat beside you. “jake said that this supporter has been with him since pre-debut days and has always been there to help him. i think he said something about how he wanted to give up but they’ve always helped him persevere.”
you nod slowly, holding the chuckle in your throat. “i see.”
“you’re a foreigner, right? unnie*, where are you from?”
“australia,” you say, just as your phone begins to ring with a facetime call, the name ‘jake’ appearing on the screen, and the train doors open to yongsan station. 
the girl looks from the phone to you, the gears in her head beginning to turn. “wait—”
“that’s my stop, see you!” you wave goodbye, and leave the train.
accepting the call, you smile when you hear jake’s voice, “(y/n), you haven’t been picking up!”
“huh?” you laugh when you see five missed calls from him the duration you were on the plane. “jake, i was busy!”
“obviously,” he snickers, and you roll your eyes, watching as he fixes the mask on his face. “weren’t you the one who told me to keep in touch?”
“oh don’t you start,” you chuckle.
he runs a hand through his hair, a habit he may-or-may-not have stolen from sunghoon, and he squints to stare at your screen. “hold on, where are you right now?”
“uh... the station,” you say, and you technically aren’t lying. “why?”
“it looks familiar— why is there korean on that sign?” 
“multicultural australia, ya gotta love it!” you chuckle nervously, “anyway—”
“wait, wait, are you in korea?” 
“uh... no?” 
“liar!” he exclaims, getting up from his seat. “aiyo, why didn’t you tell me? i would have picked you up! where are you?”
“it was meant to be a surprise!” you whine, “you ruined it!”
“yeah, yeah,” he laughs, saying something to one of the managers in quick korean, “where are you, i’m picking you up.”
“are you allowed to?” you ask quickly, “jake, we can just meet up where i’m staying.”
“sejin said i can,” he says, putting on a bucket hat and a jacket before climbing into the car. “where are you?”
“yongsan station. it’s really pretty here!”
a second later, the call cuts off, leaving you a little confused but you shrug it off. you wonder around the station, buying yourself a well-needed coffee, and looking at the multitude of stores. that is, before someone tapped you on the shoulder. 
“excuse me, i’m looking for (l/n) (y/n), have you seen them?” 
“jake!” you squeal, and he lifts you into his arms, spinning you around. 
he laughs, squeezing you tighter. “i missed you so much, (y/n).”
“i missed you too,” you say, before looking him up and down. “you’re so different now! have you been eating enough? sleeping well?”
he chuckles, mumbling under his breath in korean, “너는 천사다 (neoneun cheonsada)**.”
“nothing,” he says quickly, “come on, let’s go.”
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*물론이야 (mullon-iya): of course
** 너는 천사다 (neoneun cheonsada): you are an angel
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