minamotosousuke · 2 years
Nene is boy crazy and Mitsuba is too except that he’s only crazy for a single boy…
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nanabansama · 4 months
Tsukasa Is Tsukasa
Recently I discovered a poll asking if people thought the Supernatural Tsukasa and the Red House Tsukasa were different, and the results surprised me! A majority of voters thought they were not the same. Not only that, but I've seen many people in the fandom start believing they are separate people, if they hadn't already believed it before.
I think this stance can very easily be explained by the scene in Chapter 111 where Amane comes to the conclusion that the Tsukasa who went missing isn't the same as the one who came back:
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While people might be divided on the details, the conclusion is basically the same: whatever that is inside of him, it's not Amane's brother.
And I can see why they think this! In fact, it used to be a popular theory back during the release of chapters 78-82 when we didn't know the specifics of what happened. Heck, we still don't know many of the specifics...and many people continued believing the Tsukasas were different anyway!
There's decent evidence to support this, too. When Tsukasa returned, he had sharp teeth and supernatural powers. He knew that Kunishige's wish was that the head priest would die. He's demonstrably different from the innocent little Tsukasa that sacrificed his life for Amane.
If that wasn't enough, even his own mom came to the conclusion that Tsukasa wasn't her son! This is basically the same conclusion Amane comes to in Chapter 111. That's 2/3 of Tsukasa's family members thinking some evil entity is larping around in his skin--not a good look!
In any case, while I could try and convince you guys there are two Tsukasas and the Tsukasas are different, that's not what I'm here to do. If you read my blog you already know I'm 100% on the side that Tsukasa is Tsukasa and always has been, and nothing AidaIro has shown me so far has been convincing enough to change my mind. In this post, I am here to argue that the Red House Tsukasa is the same as the Supernatural Tsukasa and that he merely works in tandem with the ancient god living inside him.
1. Chapter 82
This is the chapter when a lot of people dropped the theory that there are two Tsukasas, including me. (Yes, I used to believe there were two Tsukasas--people change!)
Kou and Nene had determined that the Red House Tsukasa was the real Tsukasa and that the one Amane killed was a fake. They come to this conclusion because this Tsukasa was trapped in the Red House for 50 years and acts a lot nicer and sweeter than the one we know.
The issue is, Kou tells this Tsukasa that Amane is going to kill Tsukasa and die at the age of 13...and unbeknownst to Kou, the seemingly innocent little Red House Tsukasa is EXCITED at the idea! Tsukasa, thankful to Kou and Nene, helps them escape the house but stays behind. This scene is when a lot of cool stuff happens.
First, we learn that Tsukasa wasn't actually trapped in the Red House and he always knew how to get back home, but that he never left because he was worried about what would happen to Amane. However, once Kou told him that Amane wasn't happy after Tsukasa left and that Amane kills not just Tsukasa but also himself, Tsukasa realizes he doesn't know that much about Amane and wants to learn more. The most shocking part of this scene to me was that Tsukasa's excitement at dying was very similar to the lighthearted way the Supernatural Tsukasa brings up his death with Amane.
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Second, we see Tsukasa not only has the entity he sacrificed himself to to save Amane stored in his chest, but that he holds a conversation with it.
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The entity being shown in his chest is actually a popular argument for the "Tsukasa isn't Tsukasa" theory, but I feel this scene proves otherwise. Tsukasa is not the unwilling host of this entity, as one might expect, but instead almost treats it as a friend. They have a sort of symbiotic relationship going on, and Tsukasa makes the decision to go back wholly of his own, despite them both knowing how to get back the entire time. He even says "let's go back TOGETHER," which supports the idea that they work together and that it isn't simply piloting a Tsukasa meat puppet.
We can argue Tsukasa is the victim to the entity's machinations, that the entity needed Tsukasa to do it willingly or that the entity took full control of Tsukasa after he succumbed to the flames or what not and tricked him, but so far AidaIro has only shown cooperation between these two characters. It's not unreasonable to suggest that Tsukasa gaining supernatural powers after he comes back isn't a sign that he's a different being entirely but that he's just working with one.
2. Mother Doesn't Always Know Best
This one will be a quick section, but considering Mother Yugi is basically the origin of "Tsukasa isn't Tsukasa" I wanted to cover why I think she's wrong.
In Chapter 79 Kunishige recounts how Mother Yugi took Tsukasa to their shrine because she thought her son was possessed by a demon after being spirited away. Kunishige thinks she's crazy at first, and so do the priests, who find nothing wrong with Tsukasa. Put a pin in that btw.
However, Kunishige later learns she was onto something because Tsukasa is not only an incredibly unsettling child but he correctly predicts the death of the head priest of the shrine and tells Kunishige his wish, for the head priest to disappear, would be granted tomorrow. This proves Tsukasa has otherworldly power, since he knows Kunishige's wish without Kunishige telling him, and also might have the ability to grant wishes, something the entity in his chest is shown to be capable of.
Now, I personally think the fact that the priests found nothing wrong with Tsukasa is HUGELY in favor of my theory. I understand how you can argue that the entity somehow avoided detection because it's powerful, or because there was nothing left of the original Tsukasa or something, but I still think the fact the priests detected nothing wrong is extremely weird. What if that's because Tsukasa is still in control?
I think the fact Mother Yugi was convinced Tsukasa isn't her son and wasn't persuaded otherwise is important, too. In fact, I think it might directly correlate with the conclusion Amane makes in Chapter 111. I think Amane is more or less coming to the same conclusion his mother made, something he hadn't wanted to believe at first but eventually, finally, succumbed to. I have to imagine his mother's insistence that Tsukasa wasn't Tsukasa left a big impression on Amane, and it's something that's bothered him for years.
I can't exactly blame them both, either. By the time Tsukasa came back, he'd lost a lot of his innocence. Keep in mind that they think Tsukasa was gone for six months. Any normal 4-year-old kid might have been traumatized by leaving his family for six months, but Tsukasa just acts creepy and possessed. And despite him meeting Nene and Kou 50 years in the future, it's possible it really was only six months for Tsukasa! Time worked differently there. Still, it's not hard to see how the extreme circumstances he was in might have changed him. Not only was he stuck in a haunted death house, he later learns the wish he granted for Amane wasn't Amane's true wish and that Amane kills Tsukasa. This is all pretty life-changing information, and when you tack on the fact that he's buddy-buddy with an ancient man-eating god, it's really not that surprising Tsukasa has changed so dramatically, especially when he's still at the tender age of 4.
3. Behavior
For something that's supposedly replaced Tsukasa entirely, it certainly gets very personal with Amane, doesn't it?
I said before that Red House Tsukasa in Chapter 82 acts similar to Supernatural Tsukasa. How they find delight in death. But I don't think this is the only point of similarity between them, either. In Chapter 81, Red House Tsukasa is under the impression that Amane hates him.
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In Chapter 111, after Amane tells Tsukasa he hates him, Tsukasa tells him he already knew that.
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Mind you, this line comes seconds before Amane comes to the conclusion that Tsukasa isn't Tsukasa.
Think about it. Tsukasa tells Amane that he knows Amane hates him, echoing a sentiment that the Red House Tsukasa shares. And Amane, after hearing this, comes to the conclusion that this Tsukasa is an impostor.
Isn't that... really sad?! I mean, I'm not going to say that Amane's whole reasoning for Tsukasa being a fake is that he thinks Amane hates him, but...before this scene, Amane was saying he couldn't destroy his yorishiro because he cared about Tsukasa too much. And for Tsukasa to say something he's thought ever since Amane pushed him as a little kid, and for THAT to make Amane say he thinks Tsukasa is fake... it really shows they've never understood each other at all.
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Tsukasa's never been shown to get extremely upset about being hated by Amane, either, so you can't say Amane is right just because Tsukasa is laughing in Chapter 111. Tsukasa initially seems shocked when he was pushed, and overall seems a little sad about it in Chapter 81, but he still remarks that Amane hates him with a smile. He's selfless about it. And later, when he learns Amane kills him, this feeling gets more complex. Despite Kou's attempts to convince him otherwise, I think Kou's reveal only made Tsukasa more convinced that Amane hates him, and this is shown in Chapter 111 when he laughs about it. It's just a funny joke to him at this point.
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I...genuinely cannot reconcile this behavior with Tsukasa being a fake. I just can't! Why would the entity be this personal with Amane? Why would it share opinions that the supposedly "real" Tsukasa had? If AidaIro really is trying to write a story about a little boy being replaced by a supernatural entity, then they could at least do a better job of making them act different. TBHK makes it clear that supernaturals can experience human emotions just as strongly as actual humans, so it wouldn't surprise me if the god has its own personality and feelings, but for them to just...be the exact same as the human it replaced? I'm not buying it.
There is no difference between the Red House Tsukasa and the Supernatural Tsukasa that can't be explained away by the fact that people change as they grow older. Everything about Tsukasa's character arc as I've presented it is completely logical.
With so little info on the ancient man-eating god, it's kind of impossible to reach a proper conclusion at this point. All we really know about its personality is that it hungers for flesh and will grant any wish in exchange for it. With this in mind, it's incredibly easy to see why people think the god and Supernatural Tsukasa are one and the same, especially when the cast tends to treat them as such. I could just as easily write a post in favor of them being different as I could of them being the same.
And I think this is what AidaIro ultimately wants! I think AidaIro wants us to second guess ourselves. If I know anything about Aidairo, it's that they like to keep up on our toes and shock us with surprising twists. Who really knows what they have hiding up their sleeves?
Still, I feel the theory that the god replaced Tsukasa raises more questions than answers, and I hope I managed to explain my side of things.
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donut251155 · 1 month
The "Yugi twins situation" is NOT incestuous
I'll just analyze stuff people used to "prove" the opposite of this, as someone with a close (PLATONIC!!!) relationship with a sibling
I'll just get straight to the point
This scene is NOT incestuous. They hadn't seen each other for DECADES, it makes sense that Tsukasa reached out to touch Amane - usually if you can't believe you're seeing someone you reach for their face, no? And he just moved his head up (+ the つ (translated as "rub" could just be his hand moving and could be a translation error. Like the "ah…" from Amane, he says "つー" (Tsu) which would've probably been him calling out for Tsukasa)
Also Amane was blushing because he WAS ABOUT TO FUCKING CRY??? IT'S NORMAL TO GET RED WHEN YOU CRY??? That's basic knowledge I fear
I also think that if the scene was supposed to have some incestuous undertones, Tsukasa wouldn't have moved his thumb back.
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Someone said this
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I believe it doesn't have incestuous undertones for three reasons:
1. He had a dreamy and hopeful face in both cases. Usually, when characters dream of doing anything, even eating a cake or something like that, the artist adds blush to make the desire stronger. Tsukasa's desires were just having fun with his brother at a festival, something COMPLETELY PLATONIC, and knowing that his brother genuinely cares about him (another COMPLETELY PLATONIC thing driven by a sense of insecurity that he got because of how grumpy Amane was while sick. He wanted to hear his brother say "I love you" (PLATONICALLY) for the last time. It's less ambiguous in the Italian version because it's "Amane, tu mi vuoi bene?" which can only be seen as platonic (voler bene is platonic, amare romantic))
2. He looks cuter blushing. He's a child, children are supposed to be cute. He looks depressed without the blush in the first image 💀💀
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See? He's cuter with the blush
3. He blushes for like 90% of the time. It makes him cuter, more childlike, he's FOUR YEARS OLD. The blush disappears when the drawing is too small for it to be added, when he's supposed to be confused, scary/creepy or serious.
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This part fucking hell. Y'all do not know how four year olds think, do you?? Let me enlighten you
To the four year old Tsukasa, you either love or hate someone. No in between. He isn't talking about romantic love, he's talking about caring about someone, usually deeply. He means the platonic kind of love, it's all he knows. Nene reacted that way because she's 15, to her "love" is the romantic kind of love and she's in love with Hanako, same with Kou - they're teenagers who learnt that romantic and platonic love are different. Tsukasa doesn't know. He loves Amane in a platonic, brotherly way and thinks Nene loves his brother in the same exact way, like every other 4 year old would've assumed
(I reached the max of images :(( I meant the part where Tsukasa asks Nene if she loves Amane and says they're the same after she says she does, her mistaking it as romantic love and him taking it as platonic. Mb guys I'm new to Tumblr)
For the pose where the early manga showed us how Amane supposedly killed Tsukasa: it's not suggestive in any way. It just looks like Amane pushed Tsukasa down, stabbed him and that his knees gave out after he noticed he actually did what he did because of the wave of guilt and grief he felt (he even dropped the knife)
That's all I can think of atm :D
If you have any questions about this, ask ahead and I'll answer them!! I'm ready to answer
And sorry if I sounded a bit pissed off, but I am. I'm so sick of people misunderstanding sibling love lolol if you ship them go fuck yourself and do not talk to me, do not even breathe the same air as me I hate you and you're a disappointment to humanity
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pararororurun · 8 months
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TBHK x reader
Summary : how'd they react to reader being similar to mitsuri.
Note : SOME (most) ARE PROBABLY OOC. SO. I'M SORH SORRY GUYS. Also I forgot to write some character oopsies that's my fault lolll but I'll do them some other time hopefully. ANYWAYSS PLEASE ENJOY AND BAIIII^_^!!!
• Hanako
> You're pretty fun to tease! (lol)
> but whenever he sees you fight in any
scenario he finds it interesting. Someone
who's usually all cheery and happy could
actually be this strong? Someone grab him a
notebook and a pen he needs to figure some
things out about you.
> as much as he treats you like a little kid he's
actually kiiinda deeply afraid of you!
Especially when you're a bit angry.
> tries to help you with your work as much as
he can! But unfortunately fails due to still
having the intelligence of a 13 year old.
• Nene
> honestly would love you with all her heart
and tries to protect you as best as she can.
> when she sees you in action she stares at
you in awe, flustered at how cool you looked.
Then after you finish she'll immediately run
up to you and hug you tightly.
> once she invited you to help her clean the
bathroom and she couldn't stop staring at
you. Talk about lovestruck..
> THE POINT IS. She love you with all her
heart and would do anything for you.
• Kou
> you are his inspiration. (After Teru)
> everything you do will make him interested
and he'll keep on praising at how cool you
were, and how you're always so kind and
smart, and
> head over heels. Oh it's not even subtle
anymore it's SOOOO OBVIOUS it's crazy.
Even tiara notices something off about him.
> tries to protect you. Everytime you're in
danger he gets in front of you and tries to
help you get away from the danger.
> please trust him, he wants to (always) be by
your side.
• Mitsuba
> would start by hanging around you first,
then dent that he was following you.
> everytime you mention someone else he
would always try to mention how he's a lot
more cuter.
> easily jealous, doesn't show it but it's
> would try to take some of the flowers from
the garden, then gives it to you. Saying
how it's just a show of gratitude and
nothing more.
> gets all giddy after.
• Teru
> at first he didn't trust you too much, he has
a little suspicion on you.
> would sometime let his guard down when
he's around you, but then remembers you
aren't quite human? So he keeps on
reminding himself.
> even if you weren't somehow human, he
would still try to help you when you get
> wishes you were human.
• Akane
> worst crisis ever.
> oh he likes Aoi but he also like you?!?!??!??
> walks around the council room in stress as
Teru stares him down, teasing him about
this new 'crush' of his.
> he tries to hit Teru with a bat.
> everytime he sees you he would go the
other way and try to avoid you. He's
> he would feel a little bit of joy but also
bitter whenever he talks to you.
• Aoi
> who knew letting out your feelings on
someone you trust dearly could be so
helpful? Huh?
> whenever you compliment her on
something she would go quiet and not say
anything else, then puts on a sour/pouty
> is actually really embarrassed by your
compliments. She would immediately go
red whenever you compliment her too
much, then she would ask you to stop.
> you are very dear to her. She just doesn't
know how to show it.
Note : happy Friday guys. Yay? I don't rly have much to say sooo
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mari-lair · 8 months
Let's talk about Akane's overprotection of Aoi and the dangers of not properly setting up a narrative tone.
We are told that Akane stalks Aoi because guys have been trying to force her into a relationship for years, so he protects her by beating up anyone who approaches. Nene and Kou are understandably horrified by this.
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But in the very next page, Aidairo hit us with this tone switch:
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What Akane is saying is contradictory to the violent and possessive narrative that was shown during his introduction, to this yandere role he played the entire chapter, but the manga is trying to convey that we should take him seriously here. Even the lighting and composition are the ones used when characters are vulnerable and Aidairo wants to show that what they feel is real.
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It's strange...
Being possessive is never framed as something that leaves other characters in awe, just compare Akane's melancholic and peaceful gaze to the creepy tone used when Kou and Hanako have their "you are possessive" moment.
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Both Kou and Hanako hate that part of themselves, Kou even rejects it, but it's still clear the rejection doesn't make him any less possessive. Both want to be dependable, they want to be the only choice, no one else is acceptable. It's a selfish feeling. Being 'the most important person' is more important than the joy of the person they want to help (Kou's wish is Mitsuba needing him, instead of Mitsuba happy as a human. Hanako wants to be the one to save Nene, the idea of Nene being saved by someone else does not satisfy him even if it would make her happy and safe)
So this isn't a "Akane is lying to himself" or a "he is delusional" case.
The narrative, which had presented Akane as a yandere, wants us to believe that "I will protect Ao-chan... Even if she never looks my way" is not only what Akane believes to be true, but also something admirable. A sentiment Nene craves directed her way, claiming to be 'a little jealous' of Aoi, despite calling Akane scary a single page ago.
Let's rewind to see how we got here.
Akane and Aoi's stories suffer from being mostly given to us in gags for a good chunk of the manga, as they are not very relevant in the early arcs, but the crumbs come together after their confrontation in chapter 69.
Why is Akane stalking Aoi? Because he worries about her. Not about someone stealing her necessarily, but about her being hurt or forced into situations she is uncomfortable with.
They are very codependent. They have been for years.
We can see Akane being shocked at the sight of people bullying Aoi since they were kids, it isn't just 'boys who want to date her' that makes her uncomfortable. Jealous girls do too.
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Even when Aoi is left alone, using clothes completely out of her cutesy style to attract less attention, and just living her life, she is still harassed.
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Aoi's life is a nightmare, it straight up sucks. She hates that, and when Akane notices this discomfort, he hates that too.
He is far more protective than possessive, he doesn't care when people are touchy with Aoi as long as she welcomes the touch: Take Nene as an example.
Akane never touches Aoi at the start of the manga but Nene does, a lot. He never think "Nene is touching my Ao-chan! Unforguivable". "Maybe Ao-chan likes Nene more than me is not far!" or anything of sorts
Even when Aidairo uses the same over-the-top/creepy gag humor I personally find excessive, and Aoi straight up flirts with Nene, Akane's only thoughts about it are the usual "I love her so much"
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When he does show dislike for Nene it's never because she is of value to Aoi. It's because of how dismissive Nene can be, not taking Aoi's safety seriously and easily excusing Hanako's actions.
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We only see him be aggressive with Nene when Hanako possesses her and makes Aoi uncomfortable.
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The problem here is the framing, the comedy focus. It's hard to take it seriously.
Everything about Akane's intro chapter is hard to take seriously. We are told he is "Hard working. Reliable. What a nice and sweet person."
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But we aren't shown these honorable qualities much, not explicitly at least. The big panels, the main focus, is on his gag.
And his main joke is that he loves excessively, even for this school standard where everyone is weird (like Nene writing a self-ship fanfic with Teru) so he needs to be over the top, his behavior has to stand out!
How do they try to achieve this? Yandere jokes.
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It is overplayed, they spend pages on it. WHOLE PAGES on it.
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It is an old narrative trick to present a twist character as a comic relief to lower suspicion, to keep the more important characterization for after a reveal when they are oficially important, but framing all his actions as comedic and devoid of dept to make his reveal as No.1 more unexpected leaves him in a strange position: Akane is intended to be written as a protector but framed as a joke, to the point his introduction become the satire of a protector.
When he is revealed as the clock keeper and allowed to be given more focus, Aidairo try to explain his behavior and show signs of him being a genuinely caring and kind person, as the first part of his intro had promised.
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But it's to late.
His crazy actions and anger issues is in most people's minds, a few lines can't erase pages and pages of his introduction as a yandere like archetype, so it's easy for first impression bias to come into play and interpret all his actions as a simple "He is obsessive." instead of trying to find dept or nuance to the established dependence he has on Aoi.
When we are shown that above wanting to date her, he just wants her to be safe and happy, it does not become clear. The reader needs to pay a lot of attention to small moments like these:
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Which a casual reader likely won't. Most are reading for the toilet trio at this point in the manga.
This fumble on his character introduction makes it hard to know what should and shouldn't be taken seriously. Aidairo discarded the yandere narrative relatively quick (we haven't seen Akane's bat in ages) but this gag about being happy as long as Aoi is happy turned out to be important:
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It was used to further contrast Aoi's and Akane's mentality on their big arc, and highlight how much nearly losing Aoi affected him.
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So the only way we can tell what joke to take seriously cause it will be used to build up his character and what isn't important is hindsight.
I did not care about Aoi and Akane's relationship when I first read the manga, i went 'oh cool!' on their conflict, cause that was very well done, but since their characters were not well introduced, I did not notice a lot of the ideas being shown to me.
Akane is a sweet boy. That's his core, his consistency. Even with Aoi, being kind is the priority over being with her.
Let's compare him with Hanako, who is an openly possessive character, and see how they approach their love interests when they don't know if their love interest likes them back yet, and they aren't reduced to a gag (so we'll dismiss Akane being 'a yandere with a bat', and Hanako's joke of him being a tactless pervert, like peaking under Nene's skirt when her time was frozen)
(so pre-chapter 86 to Hanako and pre-chap 69 to Akane)
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Hanako traps Nene, he will cling to her anytime he can, he cares about Nene and loves her dearly, he even says he "loves everything about her" but he is greedy for her attention, he is selfish, always trying to make her focus on him out of everyone in the room and keeping her in his hold, out of others reach. His unsubtle possessive nature is a charm of his, makes for an interesting character.
Akane has a different vibe to it. He doesn't have many serious moments with Aoi before their spotlight arc, unfortunately, but when he does, he focuses on reassuring her (even when her time is frozen and she can't hear him) and avoids touching her at best he can. He has known her for more than 10 years, but he doesn't act as if she belongs to him.
I am not saying Akane is not possessive of her, he is. But he tends to be more worried about her than anything.
Using hanako as the trademark of possessiveness again, check out these two scenes:
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At the start of the manga Kou likes Nene, and Akane is under the impression Teru like Aoi, so both scenes follow the basic premise of "A know B has a crush on their crush, and they get possessive over a possible romantic rival being too close."
Hanako doesn't say anything, but his message is clear "She is mine."
Akane explicitly says he doesn't like Teru near Aoi but he doesn't try to remove Aoi from Teru or try to do anything violent. Why would he? Aoi is in no danger, nor is she uncomfortable, so he changes focus to the person who is troubled, awkwardly reassuring Teru that his distress is, in his personal opinion, stupid, so "chill bro".
He wasn't like that with Teru before.
He was so determined to stop the wedding he even rejected hanging out with Aoi, crying tears of blood and asking for her forgiveness in his mind but prioritizing not making her get together with Teru above her joy.
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Is that because of his development? Yes! A big part is. Notice the way he treats his mental image as reality? That was his biggest flaw, he imposed his views on Aoi (the view being "everyone is stupid in love with Teru" in this case), and assumed what he believes is a universal truth, doing exactly what Aoi accused him of: Not seeing her, just an idea of her.
But the reason he went so crazy and determined, it's because Akane saw Teru as someone dangerous. Someone who would use Aoi. Hurt her. He believes he is protecting Aoi from the big bad president. A view that makes sense when we take into consideration both Aoi's history of being forced into relationships, and when we go back to their interaction.
Look at this and tell me this isn't a threat:
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Teru acts as if he barely remembers her name, she is just 'that cute girl', mostly a tool for him to use against Akane.
When his view of Teru changes to someone kinder who genuinely cares about Aoi as a person, he no longer enters protective mode.
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He is still bothered about the idea of Aoi being with someone else, he does noooot look pleased even with his fairy tale vision of a happy couple, but the way he treats this possible 'rivalry of love' when he does believe Teru loves her is so different from his "Don't get close to her!! I will NOT allow it!!" approach.
There is no insecure overthinking. No aggression. He is playful about it. He even teases Teru.
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He just wants to focus on rescuing Aoi. A 'rivalry' isn't important. He needs her to be safe.
These two parts of Akane have been juggling for a long while.
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But now, character focus is the priority, and I am thankful the damage is being undone, that Aidairo let Akane's love take up whole pages instead of small panels buried under pages of jokes.
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Their codependence, no matter how many issues it has, and how it can sabotage them, is based on so much care for each other.
It's a shame I only believe Akane was sincere when he said he'll always be there to protect Aoi regardless if he 'gets to be with her', because of what we see later in the manga, not because of what had been set up in his intro.
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
hi!! can i ask for hanako, kou, tsukasa, nene, teru, and sakura reacting to y/n who bops their head like they're listening to music when they're happy? like there could be dead silence and then we have y/n bopping their head happily. and if its not too much to ask can it be a gn y/n? im so sorry for the long ask <//3 if u dont wanna take this request thats fine! love ur work :D! - 🐝
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Hello my first emoji ayon! Apologies for this being late. This was also the only image I could find with all of them.
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Hanako/Amane Yugi
-He finds it cute.
-Honestly, he really likes it since he can tease about it later.
-Every once in a while he'll float over to you and lift the headphones out or lightly tug on your earbuds to pull them out.
-"Whatchu listening to?" He asks.
-He's not really looking for answer, he just wants your attention.
-If you close your eyes while listening, he'll go in for a kiss just to see your surprised face.
-If you wear earbuds he'll ask if you can share.
-If you're ok with it, he gives comments about the music you listen to.
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Nene Yashiro
-Honestly, she doesn't really judge you since she's just so happy she actully got a relationship, so when she sees you listening to music and bopping your head, she doesn't mind.
-She might every once in a while ask what song it is.
-If she knows the song she'll either talk about it or fawn over the band members/singer.
-You introduced her to a lot of diffrent types of music along with new bands and singers.
-Every once in a while she gets a sticky notes and writes songs she likes so you can listen to them. (Along with a few doodles in the corner.)
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Kou Minamoto
-He's concerned.
-He thinks you're going to hit your head or something else since your not really paying attention to your surroundings.
-He usually has a hand wrapped around your waist just to make sure your safe.
-If you offer to listen to music with him, he'll accept. Perhaps you could dance together.
-I don't think he'd be a very good dancer so you might have to teach him if you know.
-If neither of you know, well you can just look like two idiots having fun.
-When you two dance im the school (if ever) Hanako is going to intervene. He'll probably trip Kou so he'll fall on you making him look like a pervert. And nobody else can see Hanako so they Kou is in the wrong.
-Hanako truly doesn't mean any harm by it, he's just trying to poke some fun.
-As long as you tell Kou he doesn't need to worry about you and you can handle your surroundings, he's a lot more comfortable.
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Teru Minamoto
-Same thing with his brother, he worries you're going to get hurt and tries to avoid anything happening to you.
-He always had a ton of fangirls and the fact he choose means you matter to him more than you could imagine. (Same thing with his fans if you know what I mean.)
-He might even go as far as taking you things away if you don't listen to him.
-Don't worry, just give him puppy dog eyes and he'll give in faster than the speed of sound.
-Or cry, if you can cry on command good lord. He HATES to see a person he cares for in pain, so he'll do almost anything to make it stop.
-If you walk around while listening to music, he's right behind you with his hands on your shoulders to make sure you're safe. This does not change if your eyes are open.
-And if you do happen to have someone bump into you, are they going to have an earful from your boyfriend.
-So, just be careful around him and when you listen to music.
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Sakura Nanamie
-It doesn't bother her in the slightest.
-She enjoys the stillness of sound, she's usually caught up with Tsukasa being loud, so just being in the same room as you, but not talking makes her enjoy these times together.
-She knows your not paying attention so she sometimes go up behind you and give a little kiss on your cheek. (Or on the lips depending on how far the relationship has gone.)
-When she wants your attention for either a question or because she simply wants affection, she'll lightly tap your shoulder or rub the back of your hand.
-She ALWAYS asks if you can give her attention beforehand, since she is very much aware of what it's like for someone to be forced into it.
-This also makes it very rare for her to ask for anything, but I'm getting off track.
-It's not a huge part of her life but she still thinks it kinda cute you do it
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Tsukasa Yugi
-All he can think is, "Perfect opportunity".
-You're distracted AND can't hear him. He wants to prank or surprise you as much as possible. Having your attention on something else other than him (Which he is a bit offended by) Gives him the chance to shock you.
-At this point, it's not as surprising. The most shocking part is what he tries and do to gain your focus.
-He's given you things he's killed, which the offer is nice, the corpse is not.
-He'll incessantly bother you asking if he can listen to music with you.
-If you refuse, he'll do one of three things.
- 1. Continue to cry and complain
- 2. Take whatever you're listening to music on.
- 3. Get Sakura involved. Which ends up with your device getting confiscated.
-As fun as it is to mess with you, he gets super annoyed if you ignore him completely. And that leads to one of the items above.
-Just as long as you devote your time to mostly him, he's fine with whatever else you do.
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sleepyjuice-juice · 4 months
okay okay imagine
this is kou's perfect tl, right? His family is together, his mom is alive, and not only is Sousuke alive and well, but they are close. First name basis. Sousuke knows that Kou is an exorcist even though he keeps that a secret from his other living friends, Yokoo and Satou. They share some sort of exclusive relationship.
And then... Nene, Akane, possibly Teru (Teru is a wildcard atp - Minamoto mom in the mix complicates his motives), possibly others are trying to revert the timeline, back to the one where absolutely nothing is working out for him. Dysfunctional family, loved ones dying, weight of the world on his shoulders all over again.
I mean, one part of this to analyze is how this affects Kou's character development. In the og tl, he's in a very tough spot in his character development, in which he still feels responsible for everyone else's happiness, always putting others first, always at his own expense. He feels weak and unreliable, but holds himself to such a high standard, because otherwise he doesn't know how to hope. He's barely voiced his insecurities to anyone, besides Mitsuba, and also Teru when they fought during the severance arc.
We don't know how much Kou remembers now, nor the rate he'll remember things, nor how adjusted he really is to this new tl. Because Nene, even though she initially struggled to remember the old tl, she also was foggy on some details about the current tl. And Kou set a table for three instead of 5. So, the question this begs is how displaced is Kou's memory atp?
Alright. Moving on. Depending on these factors... how is his development affected by this? He is in an environment that is fulfilling for him in every way, but it is being threatened to be taken away by people he may or may not remember (doesn't remember Nene yet, status with Akane not confirmed, Teru's motives still in question)
And even if he does remember, how will he react? He has everything he's ever wanted, and it's real this time, unlike in picture perfect. Will he finally put his own wishes first, or will he relinquish a life that's better for him, his family, Sousuke, and so many more? And would that really be selfish of him to decide, if this timeline is objectively healthier?
It's suggested that one of the Yugi twins even grew up to be one of Tsuchigomori's colleagues, likely Amane. If he thought about it, Kou could argue that if Nene loves Hanako/Amane, she would choose the world that he got to grow up in instead of the one where he dies prematurely. It's even hinted that Aoi still likes Akane despite her engagement to Teru, so, logically he'd have a really good argument against everyone opposing the new tl, right?
But... it's not his story. We know he's more than likely going to have to lose this life. Lose his loved ones all over again
And of course... to choose Sousuke Mitsuba, he has to unchoose Mitsuba No. 3. Which is another ooooof biiiig storm coming
It's gonna hurt me, I know. I'm just SO goddamn invested in how this is going to play out
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tsukasalvr · 1 year
hi!! can i request a hanako, kou, and yashiro with an s/o who also speaks korean who switches between languages really easily? im learning korean rn and i just think it’s funny how i hold a conversation in english, then switch to korean since im staying in korea! tysm and i hope you’re doing well!
AN: I hope u don’t mind if I put foreign/different language anon!
s/o who switches between languages
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𝗔𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗲/𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺: 𝗧𝗯𝗵𝗸
Characters: Hanako, Kou Minamoto, Nene Yashiro
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: thinking abt when jlo said mi gente Latino and I can’t stop giggling
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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You’ve piqued his interest! Will ask you what you mean whenever you switch languages
If you switch because you don’t remember how to say it in the language so you say it in another, he won’t make fun of you and will help you remember the word if you want
“And it was hanging on the ceiling it was bright and pretty—it was… uh-“
“A chandelier?” He asks and becomes happy and says ‘yay’ when you tell him yes
If you like to randomly switch over then he tries to remember the words and also will attempt to pronounce it. He’s very curious and is up to learning if you want to teach him and wouldn’t mind if you tease his pronunciation and would just playfully be mad at you
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Kou Minamoto
Be ready to be bombarded with questions about the language and will try to learn it
Stays up at night studying about it so much that it starts to be concerning to Teru and you, and ends up with the two of you having to prey him away from his desk and get some rest
Never shames if you can’t get the exact words right and will never tease you! Might correct you sometimes or will help you remember but never makes fun of you
At some point, he ends up knowing the language pretty well and whenever you’re over at his place, you two end up talking in that language with Teru wanting and begging to know what you two are talking about and Tiara not caring
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Nene Yashiro
Thinks your so cool and awesome for knowing/learning another language and looks at you with starry bright eyes with her mouth open in shock
If you can’t remember a word then she’ll try to help, although she might not get it right all the time and it would just end up being a guessing game between the two of you
“Hmmm… is it mirror?” She asks and hums again when you say no as you both wonder what the word could be with your hands under your chin as you both think
She might try to learn the language but she won’t always get it right so don’t make fun of her, her heart won’t be able to take it
She won’t ever make fun of you though! She can’t bear the thought of being mean to you!
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musicalmoritz · 29 days
Could you do more of the kids/ parenting head canons??? Can I ask for like Aoiaoi, Natsuteru and Kounene also yamabuki lemon as a single parent and whoever else you want??
Another one let’s gooooooooo
• Out of every couple these two are the most likely to get married and have kids
• They would have an insane amount of kids. Like they’d be on the news for how many kids they have. Poor Aoi
• Buuuut she’s just as eager to have a house full of kids as Akane is. She gives them flower names and they probably have at least one Harry Potter ass kid who’s named smth like “Teru Nene Aoi.” She doesn’t have to be as strict with them bcuz Akane takes over most of the parenting, trust tho she’s still very involved in her kids’ lives. She probably has a binder to keep track of what’s going on with each of them
• I mentioned before that I see Aoi becoming a florist in the future, I see Akane becoming a therapist. He uses a bunch of psychology tricks to parent their kids, but he has a habit of using too many technical terms when he gives advice. “No honey, you just need to develop an internal locus of control.” The kids and Aoi are both very tired of it. He would absolutely love being a dad tho and be the biggest family guy ever
• They have a sign on their front porch that says smth like “Home of Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi Aoi & Aoi❤️”
• Their home life is very chaotic and stressful at times but it’s built on so much love and dedication. Akane and Aoi are both living their dream lives (likely with a lot of nannies) (or with Akane quitting his job to be a househusband after him and Aoi rock-paper-scissored over who got to do it) (Aoi didn’t speak to him for a week after he won)
• Oh wow it is hard for me to imagine them as parents
• I say they would have two sons (I’m loosely basing this off a series one of my moots @/teru.kisser made on TikTok)
• No matter who he’s with, Teru is gonna be a helicopter. His parental instincts come before anything else in his life so he fully dedicates himself to the kids. He either has some cool ass job like a private investigator or he’s a stay at home dad, no in between (no he’s not an exorcist in this I’m letting him be happy). He dotes on the kids all the time but can be overly strict in order to keep them safe
• Natsuhiko tries to be the fun dad but he’s so aloof that the kids don’t know much about him. Some kind of super secretive job. His and Teru’s parenting styles tend to conflict so they essentially parent separately. They argue a lot bcuz of their differences but they manage to make it work because both of them are deeply in love with each other. Their kids frequently question how they ended up together
• They take the boys to amusement parks a lot
• While the household can be a bit tense and they could definitely use some family counseling, they all love each other a lot. None of them know how to express it bcuz they’re all so secretive in their own ways but they care about each other more than anything. It’s a weird life but a charming one
• Old married couple Kounene save me…old married couple Kounene…save me old married couple Kounene
• Two sons and a daughter. That’s the vibe I’m getting
• Kou has some deep-seated issues he’s unwilling to address but he makes up for it by loving his wife and kids Gomez Addams style. Mans is fully devoted to his family and he makes sure to tell them that every day. I might let him go the exorcist route bcuz I want to see him suffer a lot little. He’s there at every sports game his kids have yelling at the ref. He makes Nene breakfast in bed every morning. One thing abt Kou is he’s gonna spoil the ppl he loves
• Writer!Nene is still a thing in this universe, she has her own trauma and writes to make sense of it. She’s a bit better with the kids because when they need her help, she focuses more on understanding why they’re upset as opposed to Kou who solely focuses on solving all their problems. She has a hard time keeping up with all their extracurricular activities but she supports them nonetheless
• All of Kou and Nene’s friends admire them for being high school sweethearts
• They’re a stereotypical sitcom family. Corny life lessons at the end of each day. The kids get into shenanigans. They probably have a dog too, a golden retriever. It’s a whole bit
Single Dad Lemon
• I love this one, we need more single parent rep
• I’m gonna say he has a son
• I really want to go with some tropey story of how he was living a rough lifestyle and found a troubled kid that he had to look out for and eventually he had to fix up his life to adopt the kid bcuz they changed each other’s lives but would that be too corny?? Maybe he just up and decided he wanted to be a dad someday. Maybe his baby mama left him. You decide
• He would be one of those dads that acts like an older brother at times but in a good way. Instead of rising to his rebellious son’s bait, he meets him halfway, confronting him abt his bs without putting up with it. One of those parents you can swear around but he will throw in a half-hearted “Language.” It’s rocky at first but they end up super close, a rare instance of finding a parent who is genuinely your best friend
• Their house is a mess but it’s a home <3 Similar to the Kounene family they’d probably have a sitcom type lifestyle, the Boy Meets World to Kounene’s Full House. The kid throws a party while Lemon is a way and they have to have a heart-to-heart about it. Cue the tears
I hope you enjoyed these, I had a lot of fun making them!! I’m pleasantly surprised I’ve gotten so many asks about this, I thought most fans hated fankid stuff so I’m happy to see I’m not the only one who like to imagine what these characters would be like in the future
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artsyannierose · 1 year
Nene’s Dead Corpse and her ghost bf
randomly made a crap ton more sense to me
fricking school (screw school I hate you (no not rly I’m just stressed))
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Anyway I’m a biomed class where unit 1 is studying medical investigations forensic science style
and one of the things is like, what happens to a person after the body has been dead for a while (post mortem or sum, see im learning :D)
Things like algor mortis, livor mortis, I’ve heard of. In fact I’ve even studied the clouding of the corneas before, but it never got to me till today
maybe it’s cause I cannot for the life of me study forensics without my wild imagination giving me nightmares or just panicking when I’m alone but aNyWays
I tend to imagine characters associated with death in these scenarios so I don’t lose it in class💀
*cough* Nene *cough cough*
So as I was taking notes on the slideshow, some of the images of clouded corneas reminded me strangely of something familiar, but at that point I couldn’t tell. There’s something haunting about the eyes (or maybe it’s just my over-analytical brain loving small details like this) they’re GORGEOUS
Maybe it’s ‘cause the true color of the iris is completely visible in all its glory, without the pupil obscuring it
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(something like this?? A little vivid tho lol)
but like
there’s no
no reflection, no emotion…nothing (which is so hauntingly beautiful leave me alone I’m a sucker for this now)
it’s literally just an eye with nothing but color
and then it hit me…it’s exactly the look Nene had when Mirai fast-forwarded her time
you can see in the image it’s just her plain magenta eyes with a fuzzy de-saturated blob in the center…aka clouded corneas
And that honestly made me realize that in this scene she’s not—she’s not even unconscious
No she’s literally, physiologically dead
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she is literally a dead body this hits me so hard😭😭
and I can imagine algor mortis kicked in by then, her body was probably cold to the touch
so imagine how he felt, and I’m aware people have analyzed his emotions but just think about it
he’s always seen her so full of life and hope, and now all he has left is an empty shell of her, cold and dead with no life left inside
…just like him
the more I think about it Hanako is just an animated corpse
he has no reflection in his eyes most of the time because he is ✨dead✨
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I mean Mei, Mitsuba, and Hanako don’t have a little white reflection dot like Nene and Kou
Or maybe I’m overthinking it and Nene’s eyes are just super reflective
even for someone who presumably took his own life, he probably never saw tsukasa’s body start postmortem and actually feel dead bc it looked extremely bloody ngl (I’m guessing he killed himself right after 💔)
and now he’s holding someone he cares about like this for the first time and I’ll bet that scarred him
and he figured out that never, never ever did he ever want to see his sweet assistant like this again, lifeless in his arms
and so after that, cue Hanako in his villain era who basically became a yandere the entire picture perfect lmao
and he was unbelievably adamant about it too
I mean honestly if I held anybody I knew lifeless like that I’d be scarred for life and crying for days
seeing the light drained from someone’s eyes is so interestingly sad to me
Look at the difference:
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vs Sad/Determined
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vs Depressed (ig??)
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vs Dead
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She still has so much emotion in her eyes
and then d e a d
literally looks like a porcelain doll
wait she looks so pale in the last image compared to the others now that I think about it
I love aidairo’s eye for detail it’s so fun to figure out
Well anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk essay atp-
send help
anyways excuse me while I grab a box of strawberries to munch on and cry my eyes out all over my homework before I sleep-
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
First off I would like to say thank your For your wonderful writing I really enjoy it.
Anyways can I get Hanako, Nene, Kou, Teru, With a warm hearted and exorcist S/O With powerful water and ice abilities
Kind S/O is a powerful exorsist based in water
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Hanako, Nene, Kou Teru ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
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Uauauauaaaa thank u 🥺❤️ im so happy knowing that you like my writing so much!! Your words motivate me a lot to continue writing!! I hope you love this as much as I did
I keep it as just based on water, sorry for that
why this sounds so... Tanjiro?
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Hanako is always so cheerful and friendly, even when he is pretty open with his feeling it actually take him a while to accept them and to accept to be in a relationship with you. You being a exorsist isn't a problem for him, at first was something that startled him but you had showed him so much kindness that he grows comfortable around you
Hanako tend to do a lot of jokes about you being are exorsist, about how even when being one you end up dating a supernatural, or how he probably had defeat you by stealing your heart, and so on, but even when he makes a lot of jokes he never underestimated you, he knows what you are capable of and he respects and admire your strength
Just as he loves making jokes about you being an exorsist he LOVES bragging about your strength, he will tell everyone who is willing to heard (and those who aren't too), he is always talking about how stronge you are, about your power and the techniques you just show/teach him, about how amazing you look, he is just too excited and in love to shut up
Speaking of, even when he knows you are really stronge (probably even stronger than him) that doesn't stop him from stepping in front of you and shield you whenever you two find an agressive supernatural. He knows you are stronge but he will hate for something to happen to you, he doesn't want to lose you
Is probably that at least once you will protect him from the attack of a supernatural (or Teru another exorsist), even when he is the leader of the mysteries that doesn't mean he can't be hurt, so when you are the one protecting him he feels completely flattered, he feels small and vulnerable in the way that he feels completely safe, like he doesn't have to be the stronge and powerful honorable 7th for once
Hanako doesn't know what he loves more of you, if your strength or your kindness, your power based in the water is one of a kind, even when fighting you can be as gentle and comforting as a pleasant breeze or be powerful and destructive like a tsunami, also, just as the water, you can easily adapt to your surroundings, quickly getting used to the battlefield and fighting with elegancy. Hanako is completely mesmerize by your fighting style and doesn't lose the chance to see you fight, admiring every move you do but still on guard to step in and protect you in case things get out of hand (however he doesn't accept that out loud, never, he only says that he was sure you will do it)
As if it wasn't enough you kindness is the perfect complement, your sweet smile and gentleness while treating him always make him flustered, it took him a while to get used to be treaten with such kindness and even when he felt like he was handling it you just accept him as he is, as the supernatural, as the assassin, and you did it with a smile in your face, he doesn't feel like he deserve it but he doesn't want to lose it either
Hanako is always being playfuly and clingy towards you, always making jokes and teasing you with everything he can, both of you always have a lot of fun, but there are also moments when he just want to be with you in silent, doing nothing but basking in your presence for how comforting it is for him, for how much peace brings him, for how it calms the cruel past that hurts him but isn't ready to talk about
Rainy days remind him of you (but also make him feel a little melancholy, even if you are in the school taking classes), specially the ones where is raining just a little, when is soft and gentle, he tend to stay out let the rain fall on his phantasmagoric body, it isn't like he will get sick anyways actually this is a lie, he gets sick sometimes for doing it, but he doesn't mind at all
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Nene Yashiro
Yashiro constantly has crushes on people she finds atractive, normally are crushes that doesn't last long but are stubborn, it was almost imposible for her to don't fall for your kindness and beautiful smiles however the love she felt at first started to grow stronger and more sincere, to the point where it was sure to say that she was in love
Your warm hearted personality always manage to make Yashiro flustered, whenever you are being kind towards her Yashiro quickly gets blushy and flustered, things like offering her your hand and being willing to help her always make her feel special and loved, like if it were out of a romantic novel, although even little things like smiling when you see her or asking her about her day tend to make her heart skip a beat
Even when your kindness is something that Yashiro finds completely endearing and attractive she can easily get jealous over it, she likes whenever you are being kind towards others and other appreciating your kindness too, but it doesn't take much time before she start to feel jealous over it and the more time it past the more it affects her, she could go from feeling threaten for other people to feel insecure and compare herself with others, is pretty obvious that she feels down but she doesn't want to say it directly
Yashiro doesn't pry much details about you, specially at first, is more likely she will know more and more about you as the time pass, that is why is more probably that, if you don't tell her, she will find out about you being an exorsist when you two are dating already
She could get to know that you are an exorsist for seeing you fight or someone telling her, even as an accident, but no matter how she finds out it would be incredibly surprising for her, it would even take some reasurance for her to fully accept because for your personality she never thought that you will even fight anyone
At first Yashiro though that she was the one who brought you to the mess with the supernaturals and even felt bad about it but now that she knows that you are an exorsist (and a powerful one) she feels a lot better, even she start asking your help anytime she gets into troubles or hide behind you when is scare (something that make her feel a little embarrassed)
Yashiro doesn't think much about your power but as she find out that your fighting style is based in water she grows really curious, she has an idea of how it could be but want to see it herself (not that she will put herself in danger just to be able to see it)
Yashiro knows you are powerful but actually getting to see you fight is a whole new thing for her, she can only describe seeing you fight as if you were dancing perfectly, like if it were everything around you what change to follow your lead, doing it with so much elegancy and majesty that make her heart skip a beat, and from that day she looks up at you even more and is really flustered by it
She like to brag about you (even when she got teased and end up being a flustered mess for it) because you are perfect in her eyes, you aren't just incredibly kind but also incredibly powerful, she thinks she can't have a better partner
Kou Minamoto
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Getting into a relationship with Kou won't be too difficult, if you two like each other he doesn't see why not, however he is quite flustered by being in a relationship, it would take him a while and even so there will always be something new that manage to make him flustered and blushy around you
Your kindness is something that make him fall for you almost imediatly, being so warm hearted make Kou feels comfortable around you almost imediatly and it doesn't pass much time before he actively search for your company. He isn't strange to kindness but, somehow, everytime you are directly kind towards him he feels special, it makes his heart feels faster because he just feels like if you were an angel
As well, Kou never feels jealous when you are being kind towards others, he actually likes seeing you show kindness and a sweet smile to everyone else, it makes him proud of who you are, and even more because he is dating you
Kou talks about you quite a lot, he can't just stop doing it and is a little embarrassed everytime someone point it out, but more whenever someone tease him for it (his friends and even his brother). He is proud of you as the person who you are but you being an exorsist, and a powerful one, make him even more proud and even make him feel honored of being your boyfriend
Is probably that he didn't know you are an exorsist at first (is more likely Teru is the one who knows) but even in that case it won't take him long to find out since he himself is an exorsist, when he get to know he doesn't underestimated you but treat you as an equal (unless someone tells him how powerful you actually are), so the moment he actually get to know your true strength he feels flustered but a little embarrassed, but that feelings are quickly replace by the excitement (if he gets to know by seeing you fight will be even more impressive for him)
Kou will ask you a lot of things about you being an exorsist out of excitment, he is so curious about your training, how long you have being an exorsist, with how many supernaturals you had fight with and how much you know about the supernaturals. Kou even compare your strengh with Teru's strength only because he says that you two probably are as stronge as each other (he mean it as a compliment, the only time Kou compare you to someone else is to praise you)
After Kou gets used to the idea he will treat you as always and not as some kind of superior when it comes to exorcism or supernatural, and, also, Kou will ask you if you could teach him some things about your own style because he wants to grow stronger
Kou is completely surprised when he gets to know that your style is based on water but he quickly grows incredibly curious, wanting to know how it works and wanting to see you fight. Kou is satisfied if you only explain him how it works or even let him see when you train, but actually seeing you fight it completely mesmerize him, he is normally protective over you, specially when it comes to supernatural, imediatly shielding you without a doubt but seeing you carry the fight is new to him and he love it
After the first time he sees you fight he will only grow more and more mesmerize and curious about your power, asking you more and wanting to see more of it. Soon he will know why it is based in the water, whit that incredible adaptability it has, not matter how it is the battlefield, big or small, filled of things or empty, you always manage to walk as if that place were your home and fight like if you were in the perfect scenario
As well, he is amased and shocked by how you handle your power, you can express your usual kindness in soft attacks that doesn't make suffer anyone or wipe out everything like a powerful hurricane
Kou is constantly praising you and openly telling you how proud he is of you, for your kind personality and for your strength, and he will never grow tired of it
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Teru Minamoto
Getting into a relationship with Teru it would take a little bit of time and effort, even when he is always kind and charming all of that is mostly a facade, both has to be close friends first and he has to be able to feel comfortable enough around you before getting into a relationship. You being an exorsist it makes things much easier since is more likely you two had work together at least once and probably know each other for a while now
Teru loves your warm hearted personality, you're always willing to help others and offer a sincere smile, he finds it cute and endearing, even a little hilarious considering that you are a powerful exorsist, he loves watching you interact with others and showing that infinite kindness
Teru can get jealous easy but he doesn't show it much, normally tries to don't do anything about it, he is your boyfriend and that helps him calm down his jealousy, however when is too much he will step in and steal your attention from the others, but it could easily go unoticed since he does it with a smile and kind words, he always find the perfect excuses
Your kindness always manage to warm Teru's heart and that lead him to be protective over you, for his duty as an exorsist he had to give up many things and mature at an early age but being in a relationship with you despite everything makes him feel really happy and he wants to protect that, he sometimes end up underestimating you and sometimes thinks that for being so kind you are also inocent
More than once Teru had step in front of you to shield you from supernatural or try to be faster on attacking in order to protect you, he just want be able to protect you (and sometimes he likes to show off a little in front of you), he normally does it out of insist (due of being the main exorsist for so long too) if you complain and ask him to let you do your work he apologize for it and tries to hold back
Teru is intriged by your fighting style, he had been raised in the Minamoto Clan, following the tradicional fighting style of the family so he had never come across a fighting style based in water and he wants to learn from you, not exactly to use it but how it works. Teru finds it incredibly interesting but what he finds more amusing is seeing you use it
He admires your adaptability and how versatile you can be while fighting, that way you two to can fight together without much troubles, even become a powerful couple, and Teru is grateful for it for different reasons, he can be sure you are safe, he can spend a lot of time together and it makes things easier for him, he doesn't have to be the only one who carries the weight of being the strongest
But as much as he love your strength it also wakes in him an wish to challenge you, and he does whenever things are more calm or he knows is something you can easily handle
As well, as much as Teru loves your kindness and warm hearted personality he feels like is a waste of time whenever you show kindness towards supernaturals, even more when you do gentle but direct attacks while fighting, in his eyes the supernatural doesn't deserve that kindness and he isn't afraid of telling you his opinion right away, however he won't stop you from doing it if you really want
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thelunarfairy · 2 months
Hey! How are you? I wanted to share a thought with you! I posted it on Twitter, but no one paid attention! :(
I think Kou is going to have his "villain arc" in this new timeline!
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My evidence is what Kou said during the PP arc: "If Mitsuba were alive in this world, then it wouldn’t be so bad... I would have been so happy..."
He is willing to sacrifice his current life for Mitsuba's happiness.
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He only gave up on this idea because it was just a "fake", not Sousuke who came back to life. However, in this new timeline... Sousuke never died. He is happy and well, and moreover, he is a great friend of Kou.
If Kou gets his memories back, he might not be willing to leave this world, especially considering Mitsuba's current situation in the old timeline.
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I do believe that Kou could become a "villain" in this new arc, quite similar to Hanako's situation during the PP.
But how could we blame him? His mother is alive, his father is present, and his dear friend is happy. He has everything he ever wanted! Why would he give it all up?
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I’m a certified Mitsukouer. So let me know if I mischaracterized it at any point."
Ahh, how sad that people didn't pay attention to you there :( but don't worry, we'll have fun here! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! 🧡
So, your line of reasoning is perfect. JSHK has a defined and recurring theme, "sacrifice for someone you love".
Something so ingrained here that a good part of the characters have already thought about doing this at some point.
Although they are similar, each case involves some different reasons and situations, which result in the same thing "sacrifice or not".
Kou is confused, at one point he was the exorcist who should hate all supernaturals, like his older brother. And he had this thought that was weakened after he met Hanako, because he realized that spirits can be people who were "good" in the past.
This intensified when he met Mitsuba, when he realized that a classmate of his died, without anyone caring about him. Without having friends, without anyone remembering him.
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The story of Mitsuba's loneliness is sad, it's touching, and Kou feels guilty at one point for having neglected it, even though he wasn't.
Kou realizes that Mitsuba was just an ordinary boy, like him, and he has a stronger connection than he does with Hanako, because Hanako has a more mysterious past, because he's still suspicious to him, but Mitsuba doesn't, Mitsuba has always been there,
But Kou hasn't seen him.
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So, the predefined ideas, the things his brother said about supernaturals are confusing him.
He doesn't see Mitsuba as a supernatural, he sees him as a friend, at least initially, we know that his feelings are stronger than that, but let's take it one step at a time.
Mitsuba became someone important, to the point where Kou decided that he would give him happiness, including giving up many things for him.
And here we have the comparison with Hanako's behavior.
When Kou wants that new reality because everything he loves is there, when everything he wanted was within his reach. Would he fight for that reality for Mitsuba?
And does Mitsuba want that?
The difference between Kou and Hanako is that Hanako rarely gives up on the people he loves and acts wrongly to get what he wants.
Would Kou do the same?
He promises a lot, but does little.
Teru made that whole speech saying that he was weak because of that, not only him, but Hanako himself said that Kou said he would save Nene, but Hanako was the only one who looked for an alternative to save Nene.
Kou doesn't know what to do, so he usually chooses the easiest way.
Even if he wanted to stay in this reality, he could easily be influenced, as he was by Hanako and Natsuhiko many times.
For Kou to become a villain, he needs more development, he needs to show that he fulfills what he promises, regardless of how he will do it.
For now, Kou is just the confused and scared boy who doesn't know which path to follow, he is hard-working, but his effort is still not enough to save anyone, not even Mitsuba.
And he knows it.
Adding this to the fact that he has a kind heart, he needs something very serious or big to happen for him to develop. At some point he will say again that he accepted that his mother died, that Mitsuba from that reality could be saved in another way.
At least, if he cares about Hanako, maybe he will make that choice. And having Nene by his side to influence him, he will probably choose to go back to how he was before.
It would be a good possibility to imagine that he will develop in this arc and will fight for this reality, he would fight against Nene (not literally) to keep the people he loves by his side.
It's something I want to see, Kou developing.
Come on kid, show me that you can fight for what you love!
It would be interesting.
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nanabansama · 7 months
Card Set Hanakotoba
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Recently I was discussing with my lovely friend @istoleyourboat about the meanings behind the flowers in this new card set, and I felt the urge to chronicle them somewhere! I thought you guys might get a kick out of it, too, so this seemed as good a place as any to put it.
So without further ado...
1. Hanako-kun - Queen of the Night
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The Queen of the Night (月下美人) is a cactus flower that blooms just once a year for a single night. Because of this, the most heavily associated meanings with the flower are "transient beauty", "fleeting love," and "the urge to see someone just once."
The short-lived life of this flower feels quite fitting for our ghosty boy! I also like how the flower looks both beautiful and unsettling...all around a fantastic choice by AidaIro.
2. Nene Yashiro - Strawberry Blossoms
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If you have paid attention to the Hanakotoba in TBHK before, then Nene being associated with strawberries should be nothing new to you. Regardless, the prevalent Hanakotoba for Strawberry Blossoms (イチゴ) are "love," "innocence," and "you make me happy."
The "you make me happy" one makes me want to kick my feet around and squeal a little. Isn't that cute!? I also feel the strawberry is especially fitting for Nene because it seems like something she would grow in her Gardening Club.
3. Kou - Clivia
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Otherwise known by the names Bush Lily or Natal Lily, the Hanakotoba for Clivia (君子蘭) are "sincere," "noble" and "good-hearted."
I think this all fits very nicely with our resident good boy Kou, hm?
4. Teru - Bird of Paradise
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The Bird of Paradise (ストレリチア) symbolizes "faithfulness," "magnificence," "a bright future" and "superficial love."
Even at a glance this flower really pops out at you, making it a great fit for the ever-impressive Teru. I really, really love this choice!!
5. Sakura - Hellebore
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Otherwise known as the Christmas Rose, the Hellebore (クリスマスローズ) represents "reminiscence," "never forget me" and "notice my woes."
The way this beautiful flower seems to cast its head down makes it look almost sad. I suppose that's why it has such pitiful meanings associated with it!
6. Natsuhiko - King Protea
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King Protea (キングプロテア), also known as the Sugarbush, symbolizes "strength," "courage," "resilience," and "a king's quality."
If you notice, Natsuhiko always has a little crown-shaped tuft hidden in his hair, so AidaIro associating Natsuhiko with a flower that references royalty pleases me. There's still a lot of mystery surrounding him, but we can at least confirm that Natsuhiko is, indeed, strong and resilient.
7. Akane - Ivy
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The plain, non-flowering ivy stands out in stark contrast to the other plants here, but that's because the hanakotoba for it is just that good. Ivy (ヘデラ) means "everlasting love," "I take this feeling to the afterlife," "faithfulness", and "marriage."
Like, if that doesn't scream Akane, I don't know what does.
8. Aoi - Hydrangea
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Again, if you've been paying attention to Hanakotoba in the series, this will not be the first time you've seen Aoi paired with hydrangea. Regardless, hydrangea (アジサイ) represents "enduring love," "mystique," and "fickleness."
The hydrangea is also associated with rejection, more specifically the coldness of a person who rejects the romantic advances of another. It's just such a perfect Aoi flower, there's no wonder AidaIro is so attached to it.
Thank you for reading till the end! And I urge you to look up these flowers yourself and see if you can find any meaning to them I may have missed. You might find something brilliant that I completely overlooked!
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tsuchigomoricock · 2 months
Tsuchigomori doesn't get enough attention and I am very glad I found your account! What are your favorite things about him? Honestly, I just want to hear another person that likes Tsuchigomori ramble about him:3
AAAA IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!! Sorry for responding late ^^…. Let me ramble 😈
i absolutely love his character!!!! He is so funny with how he jokes with kou and nene or when he argues with yako , i love how different he acts when hes in is supernatural form vs his human form. Like he literally says in the manga he changes just cause he feels like it, if thats not silly idk what is… He has weird humor that makes everyone stare and look at him weird but he says it anyway and laughs at his own jokes and that is SO CUTE!!!! Or if we’re gonna get more serious, i adore his father-like relationship with hanako it warms my heart. Back when he was still alive he cared for him whenever he showed up to schools covered in cuts and bruises, always firm with him but we all know how much he cares for him.
(spoilers under the cut)
Even when he killed tsukasa , Tsuchigomori said “Even if no one else would ever forgive it, even if there’s no reason that would justify it, I forgive it.” I already started to love his character but that panel truly sold it for me. And how his yorishiro is the space rock hanako gave him? It literally is so cute, showing how hanako is important to him.. Literally he’s his dad idc… I love how he cares about the kids even if he pretends not to show it, gives them advice whenever he can. I really, REALLY wish we had more to him and knew MORE about him, i want to know everything about him!!! He is so incredibly interesting and a great character, he is so underrated and i’m happy i can ramble on and on why I like him.
Onto something less serious.. i have small reasons too, his fear of loud noises and cars!! Makes me laugh every time, he’s a GROWN man shaking in fear while cars pass 😭 i fucking love that, thats just so fun and i like his small traits. Also how he dislikes cold weather and is weak to the cold, even more adorable!!! Have you seen that official art with Tsuchigomori in his winter clothes? Its absolutely adorable… i love his expression he just looks so over it while everyone else is having fun..
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As serious the story goes on in the later chapters I enjoy having Tsuchigomori there to ground everything out, how his latest concern is living his double life as a supernatural then a human is so ??? I can’t explain it. Also it would be foolish of me not to mention his looks cause.. come on, look at him!!! His little glasses chain, his two toned hair.. everything about him is so dreamy i LOVEEE him. His slippers are just so cute too idk, he’s dressed all professionally the he has slippers on… AND MY MIND WENT SOMEWHERE ELSE MID RAMBLE.. his relationship with KOU!! I live for it, Tsuchigomori is kou’s homeroom teacher and they just go at each other all the time, i live for those moments. When kou tried to bribe Tsuchigomori with bugs?? Calling him spider face?? I LIVEEE FOR IT!!!
I could continue but i think its gotten long enough… i love Tsuchigomori if you couldn’t tell. I love everything about him… tsuchigomori ryujirou i am your number one fan I LOVE YOU!!!
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amyyythestarry · 7 months
Oblivious hypocrisy?
This post is about supposed hypocrisy within Tsukasa. Theory.
To start off, let’s go over his general beliefs that have been shown throughout the manga since day one.
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Tsukasa belives supernatural and humans should be whoever they want to be, they should be together if they desire to. And if that’s enough to end the world, then it’s a done deal.
I find it interesting, out of everything that interesting about Tsukasa, that he thinks people should get whatever they desire. Within reason, authenticity, and if they’re willing to pay the price. With those things, it really doesn’t matter what your wish is, or who you hurt to get it. He’ll forgive everything.
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No.1: He wants people to have whatever wish they want, whatever desire they have.
This really plays into his part on Sakura’s team as well, as her assistant. She’s selfish for wanting to wipe out everyone, every living/existing being just so she could go ‘outside’ and be free. But that’s what she wants, and she’s sure she’s truthful about it, that she’s truly happy.
So in Tsukasa’s eyes, that’s ok.
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No.2 is: That he believes wishes and desires and wants are endless.
A human, a supernatural, existing beings don’t stop wanting. They’re always going to want something, we are always going to have desires and wishes.
He’s known this ever since he was 4 years old, when he got trapped in the Red House. In the Red House, we can see that Kou got put through many trials of his wants projecting at him. And they didn’t stop until they got to Nene and he refused all of them.
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They are even things he didn’t even realized he wanted.
That’s because they’re coming from the heart, where the authenticity lies.
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Tsukasa has seen person from person walk into the house wanting their wishes to come true. He knows how this works. A wish for a price, no matter how many wishes there are, they’ll have to be payed for.
But there is no end it, no boundaries to what they can wish and what they can’t. As long as it comes from the heart, maybe even portrays in front of them like with Kou.
So, two clear beliefs. People should have whatever they want, beings don’t stop wishing.
Now let’s see how those two things are shown by Tsukasa himself. Let’s see if he fits his own expectations.
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Tsukasa replies with a chapter long explanation on why and how his wish already got granted.
Kou asks Tsukasa what his wish is, why hasn’t his wishes been projected like his has. Tsukasa says he had no other wishes then what he’s already got granted, with the cost of sacrificing himself, and having to stay in the Red House.
He has no other wishes, supposedly. By his own words. He’s saying he’s never wanted anything more, he’s never even thought of anything more.
To Tsukasa, he really just hasn’t thought of anything more, what more could he possibly want.
Being in the Red House for so long, having to see people come to get a wish granted with their prices as well. He’s been busy peering into other people’s wants and desires. Almost noisily, as this has become his new interest, fixation. Wishes, wants, desires. Impulses, and inclinations too.
But he’s so busy with that, he can’t even think to peer into himself. Figure himself out.
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You could think this was his only want, but then we see later that that’s incorrect.
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Tsukasa says he knew how to get back home, he just didn’t go because he thought it was for the best. He mentions ‘holding back’, which just brings me back to the whole concept of that in TBHK, and Tsukasa’s obvious interest in it.
So I find it wondrous how he’s saying he himself stopped holding back at some point.
Stopped holding himself back from being with the people he loves most, with Amane and his parents. Now just acknowledging that he’s had the desire to go back. And he even invites the Red House Darkness ( Is that what we’re calling it? ) to come with him.
Though, despite him letting go of his swear of not wanting more, this isn’t reaching his expectations at all. This was, for all we now, one occurrence.
Supernaturals and humans should be however they want to be? Has he ever abstained that from himself?
He’s always wanting people like Mitsuba, Shijima, Sakura, Amane to embrace their aspirations, no matter how selfish or fantastical they may be. He’s always pestering about wishes, this and that, to whoever.
But, he’s never once thought about himself, has he? Just once? It seems so, cause currently ( In the chapter 110 ), here he goes again. Trying to make two wishes come true, Sakura and Amane’s both. At the same time.
And something I’ve also noticed about him is that, he may be truthful, but there are times where he isn’t willing to share. I can point out occasions, but I think this is implying more.
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He can shy away from things, questions, topics. Involving his own feelings? Like his feelings about thunder?
He can get quiet, wide eyed, looking everywhere else?
Well, that’s ironic, giving he always wants to know the feelings of others.
Amane, grabbing his face, trying to see his expression, because I think to Tsukasa that’s a way to read people. Just through the face they’re making? Hmm..
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With Sakura too, like shown in the other imagine above.
Mitsuba as well.
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But.. Then he hides his face when it comes to some situations? I wonder.
That exes all of his beliefs/expectations out.
He doesn’t even make it close to meeting them.
Tsukasa’s all too selfless, and with his overbearing appeal to wishes, wants, desires, selfishness, aspirations, etc etc. It clouds his brain from focusing on nothing more than other’s.
And I’m always so confused when people call him selfish. They may be thinking of his twin. Their almost complete opposites, after all.
I feel like this shows a sort of oblivious hypocritical behavior. His behavior contrasts his beliefs and feelings.
I don’t think anyone would have took him for the hypocrite. Even though I don’t think he himself even has a clue.
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mari-lair · 5 months
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I think Teru doesn't care about the new timeline: This place doesn't matter to him, it's just a weird dream or a supernatural accident that will be solved soon and cease to mater, marriage included.
This is just like Mei's picture perfect world for Teru, something he can reject because his 'real' life is somewhere else.
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He has been angry or distressed or plain cold since he first stepped into this new world, the only times Teru looks happy or blushes are when he feels like he is one step closer to going home.
The first time is when he was holding the key that he believed could give him the power to change the past. And his joy fades as soon as Akane revels that the key is useless in Teru's hands.
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The second time is when he and Nene get a concrete hint to leave this new world.
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The third time is when he is threatening Akane, using his engagement with Aoi as a tool "Look at me, I'll have a date with my fiance! don't you hate that? Don't you want to get back to the old timeline?? So give it your all to get us back to the real world!"
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The way Teru interacts with Aoi also feels weirdly dismissive in chapter 113.
Let's push aside the nature of Teru's "I need Akane-san for my dream" deal with Aoi for a second and compare his approach with Aoi in the old timeline to the new one. He used to always try to spend time with her, starting conversations, wanting her company, and even forcing her to hang out at times.
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And most important, he asked her a ton of questions. It was his main way of approaching Aoi, just asking her about her preferences, her feelings, her motivations, or whatever he felt curious about.
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But in this new world? The only question Teru asked was "What are we?" and after getting his answer he basically ignored Aoi. He has no interest in the marriage or Aois's feelings about it. He should have a million questions but he has none at all, asking nothing even in the 15 minutes that he had waited with Aoi and Nene for Akane to come back.
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Teru's reaction makes no sense if he was in love with Aoi, but the thing is: His behavior is too dismissive to make sense if he was in love with someone else either. An arranged marriage is a big deal. It's a promise to be tied to someone forever. So this lack of joy, anxiety, anger, fear, or anything outside short-lived surprise, is.... weird.
His shock passes fast and he goes "ok, that's how it is" about it.
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He cares so little about this marriage he either doesn't realize yet that Aoi isn't happy by it or he doesn't care, since he tactlessly used their engagement to mess with Akane right she is right there. (something he never did before, the old Aoi doesn't even suspect Teru likes to use her to threaten or mess with Akane)
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That's why I think he isn't taking this engagement and more importantly, this new timeline as a whole, seriously. At all.
The only time he seems to take the Aoi of this new world somewhat seriously is when he brings up Aoi's memories. The memories of the old world Aoi.
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Cause this Aoi? She is a girl from a 'fabricated world'. She must be familiar but I doubt Teru considers her the 'real' Aoi.
I hope we get this marriage situation explored, I hope Teru slowly realizes this is real, if not to him, at least for everyone else: This world Aoi, this world Kou, and so on see it as reality. Maybe when Aoi gets her memories back we will get a more serious talk about the engagement? Who knows, there are still a lot of questions in the air about this new timeline.
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