titsthedamnseason · 1 year
goodbye goodbye goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky
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enmy-writes · 3 years
My Rock Star
Request: Anon: hii can i request a zuko x reader fic where the reader is in a famous girl group (like blackpink for example) & the whole gaang is backstage while the reader is getting ready for a performance & its just super fluffy & cute? Thanks!!
Word Count: 2,646
Fandom: ATLA (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Pairing: Zuko x Fem!Reader
Genre: All fluff. It’s some nice fluff time
Rated: 18+
Content Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse (not detailed though), suggested themes but nothing bad
****My first request!! Sorry, anon, if I didn’t capture everything you wanted, but I hope it is! I am a sucker for music and bands, and instead of a blackpink approach, I gave the band instruments because I simp for instruments lol I might do a part 2 if this turns out well so lmk! Also, I learned how to make the “keep reading” line show up so that’s exciting yay me. Enjoy :)****
It was about two hours before the show was supposed to start and Y/N was doing her normal self-routine before she had to go to her ‘Band-Team-Gang’ (or BTG as her and the girls liked to call it) pre-show rituals. 
Y/N was a part of a famous girl group who had just recently started making it big in Ba Sing Se and were on their first huge tour. Normally, this would make any performer nervous of the attention and putting on a big show, but this was the environment that she thrived in. 
Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula, Yue, and herself all knew each other from an all-girl’s private school that they grew up in together and bonded immediately over their love for creating music. It was inevitable for them to become a group. 
They spent most of their high school days writing songs and joking around in Y/N’s backyard bungalow her parents had gotten her for her twelfth birthday. To this day, they still go back there and do hot (dumb) girl shit.
“Why would we stop? That’s our home, of course we’d still go back there!” Ty Lee answered the interviewer with her signature hair flip and giggle. 
Azula rolled her eyes at the girl, hiding a fond smile. “At this point, It’d be weird not to go back to that little corner of hell we made.” Yue smacked her arm quickly, “Azula! Don’t act like you haven’t written most of our top hits in the bean bag we definitely didn’t steal from the school lounge.” 
The rest of the girls laughed, remembering how they had to hop the gates and sneak past the night guards to be able to get the bean bag. The plan would’ve been a total waste of time and definitely would have gotten them all expelled if anyone had caught them, but thank Mai’s ability to pick locks (which no one knows where she learned to do but they do not question it). 
“Plus,” Suki chimed in. “Y/N’s dad makes the best snacks and meals for us. It’d be a federal crime to not take up that offer for as long as we can.”
Needless to say, the six girls were so comfortable with each other that every performance was just like every group practice with, like, thousands of extra guests of honor. They even have a couch lounge area as part of their stage set props. It just makes sense.
Even though those were her best friends ever, sisters even, Y/N had another friend group that she was super close with. Azula had introduced Y/N to her brother, Zuko, back when they were in their sophomore year of high school and the two instantly clicked. It had only taken a year of being friends and hiding crushes for them to get together, and the two were still going strong. Through him, Y/N met a gang of (crazy) people that he had spent his whole public schooling years.
Aang, an enthusiastic and bald, vegan kid who loved life and enjoyed everything around him; Katara, his pre-med and feminist girlfriend; Sokka, her hilarious and amazingly smart brother (though, sometimes his ideas are questionable); and Toph, a blind and tough girl who is on her way to ruin the top 1%. With Zuko, they were the tightest and happiest little family that automatically accepted Y/N when Zuko brought her over one night. 
She was there when he went through a pyromaniac phase, his varying hair styles, and when he tried to get his father’s love back.Ozai, their father, was the owner and CEO of a massive weapons corporation. He had burned Zuko’s face on a hot stove and kicked him out of the house for suggesting that he raise the wage of all his employees to a comfortable living wage because many of his employees struggled to provide for their families even though they worked their asses off. Thankfully, his kind Uncle Iroh instantly picked the boy up off of the streets, letting him live with him and run his successful tea shop called the Jasmine Dragon. 
Azula had been shoved away by her father mostly for sexist reasons. Ozai would never pass his company down to his daughter, no matter how smart and dedicated she was. He threw her in the private school where she lived year round. She had never told Y/N or any of the other girl’s any of this, Y/N had found out through Zuko.
Y/N’s mother was a successful lawyer and her father was a district attorney who were very very passionate about bringing justice to those of racial discrimination, domestic abuse, abuse in general, and orphan rights. Her mother was an orphan who was plain lucky to get adopted by a loving old couple who used their life savings to get her the education and life she deserved while her father was a victim of domestic abuse. 
So, after months of convincing Zuko, Y/N told her parents about the two siblings. Long story short, they got Ozai arrested for his abuse crimes, bribery history, employee mistreatment, and many more crimes. They also adopted Azula herself and gave full custody of Zuko to his uncle. 
Since then, the world has been peaceful for the group. Azula has started to recover from her trauma with the help of her friends, therapy, and love from two caring adults; and Zuko was glowing year round in the company of his uncle and friends. 
A smile forms on her face, thinking of her large family and all they’ve gone through to get here, when the door to her personal backstage room opened up. The loud voices from Aang and Sokka met her ears next. 
“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU REMEMBERED THE HAM SANDWICHES WITH NO CRUST.” A kiss to her cheek and Sokka is instantly at her snack table.
“Y/N! How’d you know I was going to bring Appa and Momo?!” Aang walked his huge, white dog and lemur (don’t ask how he has it. It might be illegal, but no one can tell him no) to the pet bed corner she had put in. 
Not answering them, Y/N just smiles at her friends who barged in and turns back to her mirror where she’s trying to decide her earring combination for the day. Warm arms snake their way around her waist, a body sliding up against her back soon after. 
“What’s your ideas for tonight?” Zuko’s voice speaks quietly into her ear, causing her to hum and lean back against his chest slightly. 
“I’m not sure. We’re going for the edgy look tonight, but we all know Ty Lee is still going to wear pink. Man, our manager is going to kill her...again.” They both laugh. “Ugh, why did you let me pierce my ears, like, ten times. There’s too many combinations to choose from!”
“Me?! I did-- never mind. Just grab a handful, no one can see them from the stage anyways.” Despite his attempt to seem like he doesn’t care, one of his ring-clad fingers starts moving his favorite pieces over into a little pile by themselves. Y/N rolls her eyes and starts putting his choices in random holes in her ear, pushing him back lightly so she can bend over closer to the mirror to see better. 
“It’s the fit Zu… if the fit is a vibe, the confidence is there. If the confidence is there, nothing can stop my hot girl shit.” Her words cause him to let a huff of jealousy, flicking her arm playfully. 
Their eyes meet in the mirror, and he can clearly see the mischief in them. Calming down, he jokes back. “Yeah, well, you may do your ‘hot girl shit,’ but no one can steal you from me. We’ve been here too long.”
Toph cuts in from across the room with a loud laugh. “Please, fire brains, I could steal Y/N if I tried.” 
He whips around to face the short girl, “No you could not!!” 
“Actually, she makes a point.” Katara says, nodding along in hopes to pick fun at the boy. 
Sokka adds his two cents. “Honestly. Toph would just have to pick Y/N up and slam her against the wall or something and she’d tell her manager to send you a letter of resignation.” 
The whole group laughs, save for the angsty boy, and Y/N wraps her hand around his wrist. She pulls him towards her and reaches for a peck on the cheek. “While that may be true,” she gets a glare. “I’m too big of a simp for you… and Uncle Iroh’s dinner and game nights.”
While the rest of them laugh, Zuko’s eyes soften and he presses his lips to hers in a short, soft kiss. Uncle Iroh adores his girlfriend and everything she has done for Zuko and Azula where he had no power to do anything. The man calls her more than he does Zuko himself, and he’s pretty sure Y/N convinced him to download Words With Friends on his phone to play with her for when she can’t make it to the weekly game night dates. 
Y/N smiles up at him and pats his cheeks lovingly before moving to the wardrobe area of her room. She pulls out ‘Cards Against Humanity’ from a duffle bag on the floor before joining the rest of her friends around the lounge area, patting the seat beside her for Zuko to join them.
Everyone cheers at the sight of the black and white box with the many expansion packs that they have collected over the years. While Katara deals, everyone else makes bets on who is going to win this time. Y/N slides back into Zuko’s side as his arm comes to rest around her shoulders, playing with the ends of her H/L hair.
It’s about fifty minutes before the show is starting, and Y/N knows she has to start getting dressed and ready for the concert. Sighing, she slips from her boyfriend’s grasp (a small whine coming from him) and moves to her dressing corner. Suki, Ty Lee, Mai, Azula, and Yue had made their way to the room shortly after they started due to Sokka texting his girlfriend (Suki) to come over and join. 
The rest of the girls notice you get up and leave as well, much to everyone else’s dismay. You reassure them to keep playing a few more rounds, not wanting to ruin their fun with you putting clothes on. Y/N quickly shoves her outfit choice on which is very hot, black, and riddled with chains. To top it off, she had thick-heeled combat boots on with numerous buckles on them. Her hair, makeup, and accessories have already been done so she heads back to the group.
‘Cards Against Humanity’ has been packed up neatly and her friends are lounging around, getting last minute snacks and quality time before they go to their special seats right in front of the stage. Nothing but the best for her friends. Sokka and Katara are the first people to see her, and the former lets out his own wolf whistle in his own way to hype Y/N up. 
“DAMN, my best friend is HOT AS HELL. Zuko, you lucky ass man.” Katara hits him, but shoots her a wink as the rest of the gang look over. Y/N laughs giddily through their praises and hyped words (Toph in good spirit rather than actually seeing her outfit), as she makes her way back to her spot on the couch.
Zuko, who hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her yet, quickly grabs her bare waist and tugs her onto his lap to hold her tight. “So… this is what you meant by ‘hot girl shit.’” Letting out a loud laugh, Y/N turns her head and gives him a quick kiss. “I’m a rock star, baby, what can I say.” 
Aang cheers out of nowhere. “Yes! I’ve always wanted to be a groupie!” More laughter and jokes ring throughout the room, keeping the atmosphere as light as always, 
A knock at the door interrupts them. A man is standing there in all black with a headset on and a sleek, red (with little sparkles that only gleam in the light), electric guitar carefully caressed in his hands. While they are a girl group, their success has mainly come from being a girl group who also plays all their instruments. With Mai on the drums, Ty Lee on the keyboard, Azula and Y/N on electric guitars, Yue on the acoustic guitar, Suki on the bass; the band is truly a sight with all of them sharing the vocals and their enthusiastic (near crackhead) energy that give their crowd a good show. 
“Miss L/N? This is your five minute warning.” He tells them, not bothered by the usual group of people who are constantly in these rooms with her.
“Thanks Lee!” Y/N hops up to get her pride and joy (her child as Suki and Mai like to joke about). “I’ll be right out.”
Knowing these are the last pre-game minutes, everyone starts getting up to leave the room as well. Zuko lingers by Y/N who’s busy making sure her instrument is tuned perfectly for the numbers she’s about to perform. 
“I can feel you staring, Zu,” She smiles, still looking down at her strings. He huffs out a laugh, reaching out to push a piece of hair back to see her face.
“Good luck out there, my rock star. Don’t do too much hot girl shit.” 
“Oh, I’m doing all the hot girl shit.” A glare. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding… unless…?” She laughs at his fed up face. Reaching up, she presses one last, lingering kiss to his lips, enjoying the feeling of his fingers clutching her sides firmly and the feeling of his heart beat under her palm that’s resting on his chest. 
“Bye, love. I’ll see you after the show.” She whispers, sealing the promise with a kiss before moving back. “Alright kids! Get the hell out of my dressing room.” Y/N shouts at her friends and they all leave together, laughing away. 
The rest of them wish her luck before moving away, Sokka sprinting to find Suki one last time. Zuko holds onto her free hand, watching her laugh at ‘Simp Sokka’ with his small smile on his face. He kisses her hand, pulling her attention back to him. 
“Bye, rock star. I’ll see you after the show. Break a leg, yeah?” His cliche words make her laugh more, pulling away from him and towards the rest of her band who are chanting “BTG! BTG!”. 
“Zu… I don’t break legs. I break hearts.” And with one last mischievous look, she mouths ‘hot girl shit’ and struts away in that way that makes Zuko want to make her cancel the show completely. 
His phone buzzes a few minutes after he caught up with his friends in their special closed off section on the floor. He opens the notification and it sends him to Instagram where Y/N had tagged him in a post. The smile grows on his face with every second he takes in the post. 
Katara must’ve taken the picture. The angle, lighting, and quality could only be done by her. Y/N was on his lap, dressed to go on stage. Zuko’s mouth was almost touching her ear, definitely when he was whispering to her, and her face was wide in a smirk. They looked good, perfect even. The caption is what made him laugh, warmth and pride that she is his spreading through his chest. 
“Y/N_L/N: for him? I’m always on my hot girl shit”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Streaming on Plex: Best Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch for FREE in September
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There’s an overwhelming amount of new movies and TV shows hitting streaming services this fall. If you’re starving for new content, it’s set to be a fantastic time, but if your wallet is starving for funds, it can be pretty stressful. With studios and content providers spreading their libraries out across so many different streaming services, keeping up with all of your favorites can get expensive. Thankfully, Plex TV is here to keep you entertained without breaking the bank.
Plex is a globally available one-stop-shop streaming media service offering thousands of free movies and TV shows and hundreds of free-to-stream live TV channels, from the biggest names in entertainment, including Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Lionsgate, Legendary, AMC, A+E, Crackle, and Reuters. Plex is the only streaming service that lets users manage their personal media alongside a continuously growing library of free third-party entertainment spanning all genres, interests, and mediums including podcasts, music, and more. With a highly customizable interface and smart recommendations based on the media you enjoy, Plex brings its users the best media experience on the planet from any device, anywhere.
Plex releases brand new and beloved titles to its platform monthly and we’ll be here to help you identify the cream of the crop. View Plex TV now for the best free entertainment streaming and check back each month for Den of Geek Critics’ picks!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
They’re the world’s most fearsome fightin’ team. They’re heroes in a half-shell and they’re green. I mean, what more do we need to say? 2014’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is no Citizen Kane, but comic book movie fans flock to it like the four titular turtles to pizza. The film knows exactly what it is, providing cheesy one-liners, silly action, and unpretentious fun. Throwing in Will Arnett as a sidekick for April O’Neil was an inspired choice that paid dividends in laughs and whoever tapped Tony Shaloub to voice Splinter should get a pay raise. Produced by Nickelodeon Pictures, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wasn’t only the highest grossing film in the series, but also the highest grossing Nickelodeon film of all-time. This reboot of the classic ninja team helped spawn further films, new TV series, and a renewed interest in one of the most beloved comic book properties ever. Cowabunga, dude!
This isn’t your Sunday School’s Noah. Darren Aronofsky’s adaptation of the story of the biblical figure Noah is an awe-inspiring epic that takes the bones of the famous story and infuses themes about environmentalism, self-doubt, and yes, faith. Pulling liberally from texts like the Book of Enoch, the film has far more action than just leading animals onto a boat and a storm. Shot by Matthew Libatique, the movie looks absolutely gorgeous and at times can be genuinely breath-taking, but it’s not just about the visuals. Russell Crowe stuns in the title role, but the entire ensemble is great, including a post-Potter Emma Watson and a ferocious Ray Winstone. No one expected Noah to be more akin to a thought-provoking art house film than a straight-forward epic, but that’s the sort of genius you get from Aronofsky, one of the most exciting and inventive filmmakers working today. 
Shine a Light
Even if we hadn’t just lost the immortal, suave Charlie Watts, the heartbeat of rock and roll’s longest institution, The Rolling Stones, we’d still be recommending Martin Scorsese’s Shine a Light. Capturing the legendary band during their A Bigger Bang Tour in 2006, Scorsese spends a lot of the time rightfully focusing on Watts. With the camera fixated on Watts, you witness his unflappability; the way that he can make such raucous playing look so effortless. You also catch the man’s unique, jazz-influenced technique, like how he rarely hits the center of his snare, or how he changes his grip whenever he hits a cymbal. Even in their old age, the Stones are still one of the tightest, most electrifying live acts, and Shine a Light puts you right on stage with them as they barrel through one of the deepest catalogs in recorded music. It’s simply a masterful concert film.
The Virgin Suicides
Sofia Coppola likely has to deal with accusations about nepotism to this day, but anyone who saw her directorial debut The Virgin Suicides knows that Francis’ daughter would have made it as a filmmaker even without her famous last name. This haunting adaptation of Jeffrey Eugenides’ novel of the same name taps into the melancholy of childhood, the dreamlike haze of memory, and the mystery that lurks inside suburban homes. Coppola expertly captures the pull that an ethereal group of sisters have on the imaginative group of boys that pine for them in a way that is relatable for anyone that had an unrequited crush in high school. As a coming-of-age movie, it is one of a kind. As an exploration of trauma and grief, it is crushingly effective. The original score by the band Air only adds to its hypnagogic vibe. 
Rock ‘n’ Roll High School
Punk rock music and Roger Corman pictures are some of the core tenants that Den of Geek was founded on, so of course we’re going to recommend 1979’s Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, which features possibly the coolest band of all-time, The Ramones. Let our resident punk rock movie expert Jim Knipfel break it down for you:
“After producing so many dozens of teen rebellion films over the years, Corman finally hit the pinnacle, the ultimate teen rebellion picture, with the cartoon antics ratcheted up more than a few notches. There are so many bad jokes flying around, so many visual gags and film references packed into every scene, so many overwrought teen film clichés pushed way past absurd, it’s a film that demands multiple viewings. Even if “Riff Randall, rock ’n’ roller” (P.J. Soles) doesn’t look much like any punk chick I ever knew, I’m perfectly willing to accept it. And in historical terms, it really was this film more than the 4 albums they had out at the time that spread the word about The Ramones to mainstream America, and that’s worth something. Old as I am I still get a thrill every time the students and the Ramones blow up Vince Lombardi High, and anyone who doesn’t must be wrong in the head somehow.”
New on Plex in September:  
1000 Times Good Night 
13 Assassins 
The Accidental Husband 
All Good Things 
Assassination of a High School President 
Brain Dead 
Cold Mountain  
The Descent 
The Descent Part 2  
Even Money 
Fear City 
First Snow 
Freedom Writers  
Gray Matters  
The Jesus Rolls 
Johnny Was  
Keys to Tulsa  
The Legend of Bagger Vance  
Mad Money 
Murder on the Orient Express 
The Ninth Gate 
Nothing but the Truth  
Ordinary People 
Rock ‘n’ Roll High School  
Shine a Light  
Soul Survivors  
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  
The TV Set  
The Virgin Suicides  
What Doesn’t Kill You  
Winter Passing  
World Trade Center  
Catch before it leaves in September: 
Accident Man  
Aeon Flux 
Angel of Death 
Answer Man 
The Bang Bang Club 
Battle Royale 
Blood and Bone 
The Broken 
Cashmere Mafia  
Child 44 
Cold Comes the Night 
Coming Soon 
The Connection 
The Cookout  
Critical Condition  
Dark Crimes  
The Death and Life of Bobby Z 
Death Proof 
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star 
Downhill Racer 
Dragged Across Concrete  
The Dresser  
The Duel 
Flight of Fury 
Flirting with Disaster  
The Foreigner  
Gutshot Straight  
Halloween III: Season of the Witch  
The Hard Corps  
High Right 
The Hunt 
I Saw the Devil 
In the Mix 
Jason and the Argonauts 
Jeff, Who Lives at Home 
Jiri Dreams of Sushi  
Journey to the West  
Kill ‘Em All 
A Kind of Murder 
The Kite Runner 
Lake Placid 2 
Lake Placid 3 
Last Resort 
The Lazarus Project 
Mr. Church 
Mutant Chronicles 
Mythica: The Godslayer 
Mythica: The Iron Clown  
Never Back Down: No Surrender 
News Radio  
Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior  
Ong Bak: The Beginning  
The Order 
Out for a Kill 
The Outcasts  
Pistol Whipped 
The Protector 
Pulse (2001) 
Return to the Blue Lagoon 
The River Murders  
The Romantics 
Second in Command 
Shadow Man 
The Shepherd 
Southside with You 
Space Station 76 
Square Pegs 
Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation  
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder 
Steel Dawn 
The Super  
SWAT: Under Siege 
The Terminal  
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada  
Touchy Feely  
Universal Solider: Day of Reckoning  
Vicky Cristina Barcelona  
Walking Tall: Lone Justice 
What Planet are You From?  
World’s Fastest Indian 
World’s Greatest Dad  
The Yellow Handkerchief  
Still streaming on Plex: 
2 Days in New York 
21 Jump Street  
22 Bullets  
24 Hours to Live  
3rd Rock from the Sun 
6 Bullets  
99 Homes 
A Little Bit of Heaven 
A Walk in the Woods 
The Air I Breathe  
Alan Partridge 
Alone in the Dark 
American Pastoral  
And Soon the Darkness 
Are You Here 
Arthur and the Invisibles  
Battle in Seattle 
Better Watch Out 
Black Death  
Blade of the Immortal 
The Brass Teapot 
The Brothers Bloom 
The Burning Plain 
But I’m a Cheerleader 
Catch .44 
The Choice 
Clerks II 
The Collector  
The Core 
The Cotton Club 
Crossing Lines  
Cube 2 
Cube Zero 
Cyrano de Bergerac  
Death and the Maiden 
The Deep Blue Sea 
Deep Red 
The Devil’s Rejects  
Diary of the Dead 
District B13 
DOA: Dead or Alive 
Dr. T and the Women  
Eden Lake 
The Edge of Love  
The post Streaming on Plex: Best Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch for FREE in September appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3DV4bW5
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
Partner (Prt. 1)
남자는 희망을 가질 수 있다.  A guy can hope. 
Description: (y/n) works as a special consultant for the federal government. Specifically the special operations unit that handles some of the worst crimes the country sees. Working multiple cases with Hongjoong’s team, this case seems like any other case but it’s not only personal connection to that case that rocks (y/n)’s demeanor. Her old partner from the exact case shows up in life again. Can she catch the suspect she’s been chasing for 2 and a half years? Warnings: Guns, stabbing, serial killing, swearing Genre: Crime, Mystery, Angst Word Count: 2.2k
Ateez Masterlist | Masterlists
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"We need you on this." Seonghwa says over the phone.
I flip over and peek at my bedside clock through sleep heavy eyes, "Seonghwa, it's 2 in the morning and you guys haven't needed my assistance in almost a year. Why now? Why this case?"
There's a pause on the line, "I can't discuss that over the phone. Can you just come in?"
I groan, "Right now?"
"No, (y/n)!" San's sarcasm is unmissable even from the background, "The dead body sitting in autopsy can wait until the morning!"
I roll my eyes. San can be a pain in the butt, sometimes, but he’s a good agent. "I don't ever go into your office. Seonghwa, what's changed?"
Seonghwa takes in a deep breath but someone takes the phone from him, "Because you're the expert on this particular case." Hongjoong hisses, "Be in here in an hour. It’s your lead." He instructs before ending the call.
Knowing the exact case that he’s talking about, I sigh and sit up in bed, questioning why I let my guard down even though I knew this cooling off period couldn’t last forever. Running a hand through my hair, I let out one more sigh before getting out of bed. Throwing on some acceptable clothing, I start to find my towards their office.
As a special consultant for Hongjoong's special operations team, I help whenever they need help. Trained as a spy, I was handed over to the government when a deal was made with my organization. None of which I minded, until my own people turned their back on me and my alliance went straight to the government. Ever since, I've been helping the federal crime agency with various difficult cases but they especially like to stick me with Hongjoong's team. Something about us working extremely well together.
Last time I worked with Hongjonog's team was about a year ago. It was a case of missing children, serial kidnappings. The cases were central to a southern city so we convened there and I have never had a reason to visit their office.
Until today.
My phone vibrates with a text as I stand across the street, spending a few seconds to collect myself.
"By the way, we've added a new team member." San's texts reads. "Name's Song Mingi."
My eyes soak in the name and my foot stops midstep. "Song Mingi." I repeat.
Mulling over the name, I begin trying to convince myself that it's not the same Song Mingi from my past.
"It's not." I shake my head, and cross the street in the middle of a sleeping city. "It can't be him."
Walking through the lobby, I look around wondering where to go next. The whole building being an unknown maze.
"(y/n)." Seonghwa calls me over to the elevators, where he's holding the one he just came in. "Good to see you." He gives me a hug once the doors begin to shut.
"Good to see you too, under the circumstances." I greet back and give him a smile. "So this is the much talked about office." I look around the plain elevator. Simple gold lines border the dark and light brown marbled walls.
"Lobby is somewhat of a decoy. More offices on the third floor and up." Seonghwa explains, "We work in the basement."
"You work..." I trail off.
"In the basement. The tech and conversations are safer in the basement. And we have been dubbed the best." Seonghwa finishes for me with a small smirk.
“And the best team should get the best everything, including security.” I playfully roll my eyes.
"Down this way." Seonghwa walks out of the elevator and directs me.
"So is everyone here?" I wonder, taking in the florescent lights bouncing off the grey walls, thought slivers of blue catch my eyes.
Seonghwa nods, "Everyone except for Mingi. He's out running down a lead, or a hunch. I couldn't really understand him when he ran out the door."
"Must be a busy bee." I comment.
"The busiest." Seonghwa agrees and opens a glass door. “But he’s proven to be quite the agent.” Opening his arms, he breathes in the air, “Welcome to our home.”
A raised landing area leads down into a large open space with desks and a wall of screens on the wall opposite of where I stand. There are a few other door ways leading out of the space and a couple halls that lead away but before I can scan anymore, Jongho and San's screeches of welcome divert my attention.
"(y/n)!" Jongho yells and comes running up, engulfing me in a hug.
"It's been way too long!" San comments, replacing himself in my arms when Jongho finally relinquishes his grip on me.
"Not my fault, San." I smile, "You guys are just too good, you never needed me."
“So this area we call the conference hall, gives the notion of conversation and thinking.” San immediately goes into a small visual tour of the area, “We have those two conference rooms for us but there’s a ton more on upper floors.”
“That hallway leads to the garage with other storage places,” Jongho picks up and points to the hallway on the right. Then he points to the left hallway, “And that hallway leads to our forensic lab and autopsy.”
Hongjoong clears his throat and we instantly take the hint to get to work.
"What have you been up to since we last saw you?" Yeosang asks as we make our way into the ‘conference hall.’
I shrug, "This, that, random assignments. The usual." I look towards the files laid out on the center table, "But I don't know if we can consider this 'the usual.'"
"Right," Hongjoong switches into work mode, "The body we found last night was-"
"Stabbed fourteen times with two different knives and a single strand of blonde hair laid across her neck." I finish.
"Bingo." Hongjoong exhales, "Pulled similar cases and found you were the one in charge of them."
"So what do you know?" Wooyoung asks, leaning forward with his palms pressed to the table.
"I know what you know." I explain, "Spent two years watching these cases arrive and waiting for the suspect to make a mistake. But they never did. Then about a year and a half ago, they vanished." I fish through the files and pull the last victim before the one found last night, "We knew he was going silent because," Flipping through the photos, I find the one with the note rolled up, "He left a note in the victim's hand."
"’I know you're getting tired. Let's take a break, my love.’" Yeosang reads the pictured note. "That's a little creepy."
"No kidding." Wooyoung agrees, "Never thought it was meant for you, though."
"There weren't any other females on the case, just me." I say, "Our profilers said because I was the lead on the case, the suspect felt they had a relationship with me." I shrug, “The note is still in evidence, but forensics couldn’t pull anything off of it. No DNA, no prints. The only thing they could distinguish is that they’re left handed, assuming they wrote the note.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.” San crosses his arms across his chest in contemplation.
Footsteps come echoing out of one of the left hallway, "Hey guys, the forensic team was able to- oh hey, (y/n)- they were able to identify the knifes used. They were-"
"A 7 inch clean bladed presumably kitchen knife and a 5 inch hunting knife." I cut Yunho off. "Any anomalies from autopsy?" I ask, my investigator jacket slipping itself over my shoulders.
Jongho flips through some files, "No, all the same. Three stabs on each side of the stomach and four on each thigh. Cause of death was blood loss. Killed 24 hours before she was found."
"Any suspects?" I ask already knowing the answer.
"Nope." San pops the 'p.'
"We were talking," Hongjoong says as I take a seat in one of the chairs, "and we're thinking that this suspect is too good."
I cock my head to one side, "Too good? What do you mean?"
"Like he's done this for years before. He's just too good to be THIS good." Hongjoong adds. “The precision and the pattern is just so precise. There has to be something we’re missing. There has to be other victims who don’t completely match his M.O.”
My hand hesitates in the middle of reaching for a file when Hongjoong mentions ‘other victims’ but I quickly recover. 
“We tried looking but there aren’t any other cases.” Hongjoong continues, “I don’t believe this is everything.” 
"Well, believe it." I chuckle, unconsciously rubbing my stomach. "There is no sign of similar cases or a path of progression. This suspect busted on the scene and wiped out the competition."
"It was just a thought." Seonghwa comments, eyeing me with curious eyes.
"Alright, what do we have on the most recent victim?" Hongjoong calls out and the whole team jumps into action.
"Our victim is Baek Hyejin." San goes into the profile, "She is the sixth of a string of similar cases. She was found on a park bench, 24 hours after she was killed. The same as the other cases."
"29 years old, lived alone." Seonghwa continues, "Uh, her apartment was clean. No weird fingerprints."
"Talked with friends and neighbors, they didn't notice anything odd about her the day she died." Yunho picks up, "We're still trying to track down her ex-boyfriend. Nothing yet but he’s not connected with the other victims so I doubt he’s involved."
“Still find him.” Hongjoong instructs and Yunho nods before working on his computer.
Wooyoung walks over from his desk, "Her bank records are clean, in fact, all of her records are clean. She doesn't even have a speeding ticket."
"Miss squeaky clean." I comment and sigh, "Just like all the others."
"Hey, (y/n)," Yeosang says, looking at one of the files, "You never told us you worked with Mingi."
I swallow hard, "I, I haven't." I lie, mentally face palming, knowing it’s all recorded so there’s no hiding it.
"It says right here." Yeosang shows the file. "Song Mingi." And there in print in front of everyone is the start of unraveling the secret I've kept for years.
"Hey guys, I found somethi-" A familiar voice stops mid-sentence at the top of the landing.
I don't even have to turn around to know exactly who is standing there.
"Mingi, this is (y/n). (y/n), Mingi." Hongjoong introduces us though there really is no need. I turn towards him and force myself to nod in greeting.
Looking into his eyes, memories flood into my mind but the conversation surrounding me distracts me.
"Mingi joined our team about 6 months ago." Seonghwa informs me, "And (y/n)'s been a special consultant for our agency for years. We haven't worked a case together in about a year. Which is why you've never met."
"Or so we thought." San points to the file of the first victim.
“Uhm, yeah, (y/n) worked on a couple cases together, way back when.” Mingi stammers out, avoiding my gaze entirely.
"You said you found something, Mingi?" Hongjoong nods towards the file now tucked behind his back.
"Oh, uh," Mingi stutters, "I just, I just need a few minutes to, uh, check some, uh, things."
Hongjoong scrunches his face in confusion but concedes to Mingi's statement, "Alright, go ahead." Once given permission, Mingi quickly shuffles towards a small conference room.
"Back to the case, is there ANY similarities between each of our victims?" Hongjoong turns back to the case.
As the others sift through the files, my thoughts are kept targeted on the missing team member sitting alone in a conference room with a file that I know all too well.
As the anger of the past begins to bubble up, I excuse myself and head straight towards the conference room.
Knocking on the door, I try to ignore the few stares directed towards me from the conference hall.
The door opens and Mingi stands right in front of me. Not having aged a single day.
"(y/n)," Mingi exhales, "Can I help you?"
"I think you can." I nod, "Can we talk in private?" Nodding towards 7 members watching us.
Mingi takes note of the eyes and moves aside, allowing me into the room. The file he was holding earlier is laid open on the table. Mingi closes the blinds of the windows that look into the conference hall, cutting off the others' view.
"You knew I'd be called in?" I gaze over the reports, and the all too familiar pictures.
Mingi sighs, "I did. Though I didn't think they'd call you in at 3 in the morning."
"I actually got the call at 2." I smile, trying the lighten the suffocating atmosphere.
"Guess they found out we’ve worked together." Mingi peeks through the blinds, "Though I hoped they wouldn't.
"Mingi," I cross my arms, "It’s written in a case file. It's officially recorded in every database this agency has. And they're the best team here. They were going to notice."
"A guy can hope." Mingi shrugs and joins me at the table.
I slide the file in front of me. With the pictures enlarged, pictures play through my mine and a shive runs down my spine. After only a couple seconds, I shut the file.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LIV
2751. What's the most interesting assignment you ever had in school? >> I’m not sure. I hope people realise that my last moment in any kind of school was in December of 2005 (and my last moment in high school was June of 2004). I can barely be arsed to remember anything from 15 years ago unless it’s trauma-related. 2752. What's the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work? >> I thought working as a merch seller for local bands was very interesting. I had a lot of fun. 2753. Do you feel: insignifigant? unable to evoke change? like one person can't change the world? like one life and one person's suffering doesn't mean very much? If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail? >> I, personally, feel insignificant fairly often, but that doesn’t extend to thinking that other people are also equally insignificant.  2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has? Albert Einstein: Abe Lincoln: Franz Kafka: Jesus Christ: >> Just because I already have self-esteem problems doesn’t mean I’m going to sit here and consciously make “do you have as much worth as these people” comparisons. 2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein's brain? Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln? Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing litterature during his lunchbreaks at work? Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of? Do you still believe that you couldn't contribute as much to society as they did? If yes than WHY? >> This is an immensely irritating line of questioning, I hope it’s over now.
2756. Is your mind in the gutter? >> My mind is not in the gutter. 2757. What do you have to complain about? >> Whatever I want to complain about. 2758. Do you remember rock n' roll radio? >> ... Yes? Pretty sure it still exists, regardless. 2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it? >> I don’t know, try google. 2760. Hey, if you've gotten this far than you and me go way back. We've been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me? >> --- 2761. What are you doing, Dave? >> --- 2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you? >> People are already complete, despite however they may feel about themselves. I don’t understand what it means to look for someone who “completes you”, that sounds immensely absurd to me. So I guess I can’t really answer this question except to say “I don’t think people should be thinking about relationships in these terms...” 2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)? >> --- 2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone? >> Of course I need other people. The fact that I have an attachment disorder is a direct result of my inherent need for other people’s love and support going repeatedly ignored. Even besides that, I need other people to physically survive, because that’s how ecosystems work, and believe it or not, we are still part of nature and beholden to its cycles and systems. 2765. Is selfishness always bad? Is selflessness always good? >> No. 2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure? >> Of course certain elements of my life as a social creature are controlled by power structures. 2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what's within is a good thing? >> Sigh. 2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing? >> The entirety of capitalism. 2769. What is more important, a picture or it's frame? What is more important, spirituality or religion? >> These questions truly do get more baffling as time goes on. 2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the wword 'fuck'? >> I don’t have to come up with definitions, google is right there. 2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it? Why or why not? >> The context in which a Black person says it is often a far different context from the one in which a white person says it. So, yes. It usually is less offensive by default, unless the Black person being addressed is uncomfortable with the word even when used in a friendly context. 2772. Do you rationalize often? >> Rationalise what? 2773. Do you believe that america is an imperialist nation? >> I mean, yeah. 2774. Would you agree that: hot topic is the new abercrombie? pink is the new black: you are the new you? >> *stares dully* 2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends? >> I only have Internet friends. 2776. What IS the feeding of 5000? >> The what?? 2777. What's an easy way to make money? >> I don’t know. 2778. What's your favorite slang word and what does it mean? >> I don’t think I have a favourite slang word. 2779. Are you uncomfortable? >> Slightly, because of noise issues. 2780. Is anything definate besides death and taxes? >> Taxes aren’t definite for everyone, but death certainly is. I don’t know what else is that predictable. 2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old? >> Living slow sounds nice to me. However it ends. 2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity? How do you think they live with themselves? >> Probably, but I don’t feel like it. I don’t care how they live with themselves. 2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could concieve, how would you want God to be? >> I can imagine any god I want to imagine. It’s really not that hard, there are already so many to choose from, even if just to use as a template. 2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme? >> I don’t know, I’ve never paid a whole lot of attention to their lyrics. Their songs just sound pretty. 2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme? >> I didn’t think that. I hope I won’t have cause to think it in the future. 2786. Fill in the blank for yourself" Give me ____ or give me death! >> --- 2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act? Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal. Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE'S home. They don't have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think? >> I mean, yes, I know that. I live here. 2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right? >> I don’t know if they’re right or not. I’m also not sure what the fuck powerful-ass finger you think we common folk all have. 2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What's your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not? >> Didn’t a bunch of libertarians want to do this at some point? Anyway, I don’t know if this could work or not. I don’t know nearly enough about any of the elements involved to have an informed opinion about the feasibility of this kind of project. It does sound plenty audacious, though (and way too vague). 2790. Have you ever seen the Neverending Story? Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying? Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror? >> I do remember that, vaguely. I wanted to rewatch this movie but then I didn’t get to it in time and HBO took it down :( Anyway, I don’t know if I could stand myself if I looked into a mirror like that. I can’t conceptualise what that experience would actually be like. 2791. What is soilent green? >> Oh, you know. (That’s another movie I’d like to rewatch, in fact.) 2792. What are you proud that you have never done? >> *shrug* 2793. What things are hopeless? >> *shrug* 2794. What Are People For? >> Making Soylent Green out of. 2795. What book do you feel could change someone's life? >> Any book could change someone’s life. 2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?' >> No, I wasn’t really paying much attention to the administration during that time because I had a lot of personal issues taking up my immediate focus. But from what little I remember about it, it’d be a valid question to ask. 2797. How do you take your coffeee? >> Decaffeinated. 2798. Have you ever played: paintball? lazer tag? which is better? >> I’ve never played these. 2799. In what ways are you lucky? >> A lot of ways, I guess. A lot of fucked up shit has happened, but a fair amount of strangely fortuitous stuff has happened, too. Guess something has to even the other shit out. 2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don't have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar? >> “Black people don’t have equal opportunities in this country” is still a fact of life no matter what the fuck kind of car Jesse Jackson drives. Focusing on his personal “success” or whatever like that is just a diversion from the heart of the matter.
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pinknerdpanda · 6 years
The Grinch
Word Count: 2360 (including lyrics - italicized below) Characters: Sam x reader, Dean Warnings: canon-level violence/gore Requested by: @roxyspearing
A/N: This is a full blown fic and I’m not sorry about it. I had this idea before I got Roxy’s request and so I was glad to get to write it. I hope you don’t mind I veered slightly. This was written for my Merry Manda’s Panda Presents celebration. Beta’d by @hannahindie & @wheresthekillswitch
Merry Manda’s Christmas Masterlist
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The Grinch
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“Oh come on. Don’t be such a drama queen,” I smirked up at Dean Winchester to find his face tinged a shade of green that manages to clash with his eyes. He clamps a hand over his mouth and turns away. I look back at Sam, his eyes sparkling in the morning sun as he forces down a grin. The local badge tends to get suspicious when they see a federal agent with a smile on their face.
He clears his throat. “Ok, so, fifth body in three days. All with their hearts ripped clean out of their chests.”
I prod at a pulpy red glob of heart meat with the end of my pencil.”I don’t know if ‘clean’ is the word I would use.” I scowl and lower my voice. “So what are we thinking, werewolf?”
Sam cocks his head to the side, his hair falling over the shoulder of his navy suit. His gaze roams over the bloodied remains of vic number five. He shakes his head. “I dunno. Maybe not. Werewolves usually eat the heart. Not leave it in pieces all over the ground.” He places his hands on his knees, pushing to a stand as he glances around.
A small crowd has begun to gather in the few hours since the body was discovered by a runner in the early morning light. A bewildered and exhausted looking deputy is trying to keep the onlookers from disturbing the crime scene. Dean strides across the clearing, one hand in the pocket of his suit pants and the other rubbing anxiously at his jaw.
“Talked to Paul Blart over there, and the coroner’s report came back just as they got the call for…” he gestures vaguely at the ground without looking at it. “Anyway, turns out that they were able to piece back about 87% of victim number one’s heart and the thing was three times the size of a normal human heart. What does that?”
Sam sighs and pushes a hand absently through his hair. It’s distracting as hell, but I do my best to keep my mind on the task. “I don’t know, man. I can check the lore, maybe call around and see if anyone has any ideas. One of you two should go talk to the family and maybe the other can scope out the home? See if anything seems a little off?”
I nod and look at Dean. “I’ll take interviews and you do the snooping?”
“Sounds good to me. We’ll regroup back at the motel?”
Everyone agrees and we head in the direction of our assumed tasks.
Three hours later
“Seriously, Dean, can you turn that down, please?” Sam’s voice is muffled as I approach the door of the motel. Of course Dean made it back before I did. I really shouldn’t have given him the easy job, but I felt bad for the guy.
“Honey, I’m home,” I drone, pushing the door open and stepping inside. Sam is bowed over three open books and a tablet, with his fingers jammed into his ears trying to concentrate. Dean is sprawled across one of the beds behind Sam, shoes and jacket off and his tie loose around his neck. He’d folded his shirt sleeves up to his elbows and his hands are folded across his stomach. The sound of the television all but drowning out his light snores. I toss my purse on the seat across from Sam, startling him. “Sorry, Sam.” I shrug out of my jacket and step out of my fed shoes.
“It’s fine,” his lips are pressed together, forming a perfectly shaped frown as he glances up at me.
The music from the TV is familiar and I start humming along.
You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch, You have termites in your smile, You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch, Given a choice between the two of you'd take the seasick crocodile!
The sight of Dean, fast asleep watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas twice as loud as necessary makes me chuckle. I pad over to the television and turn the volume down. Sam looks up as I move to sit in the chair beside him, relieved and grateful.
“Find anything yet?”
“No. I’ve looked through every book and database and there’s nothing. Every hunter I called is clueless.” He sighs and pushes the books back toward the middle of the table. He sits back, slumping low in the chair and pinching the bridge of his nose. “How about you?”
“Well besides the fact that apparently all of them hated Christmas, no, not really. Nothing connecting any of the vics besides the MO.”
Sam frowns. “Hated Christmas?”
“Yeah, according to their friends and family they were real Scrooge McHumbugs this time of year.”
Sam stares thoughtfully at nothing, his eyes flicking back and forth.
“Talk to me, Moose. What’s goin’ on inside that head of yours?”
Sam rolls his eyes almost imperceptibly, but his dimples deceive him. “Well, it’s just,” he starts and stops again. “Dean found one of these buried in shopping bags at the three of the vic’s houses and two of their cars.” Sam passes over a crumpled fast food bag, a large greasy spot taking over one of its sides.
I give Sam an incredulous look before opening it. Inside, five round Christmas ornaments lay nestled in the bottom of the bag, each one red with intricate gold detailing. I remove one, holding it carefully in the palm of my hand. Sam continues.
“If they all hated Christmas so much, why were they hiding these?”
I tilt my head from one side and then the other, looking at it from all sides. I don’t know what makes me do it, but after a few long seconds, I pick it up and shake it tentatively. At first there’s no sound of anything inside, but I shake it once more, this time closer to my ear. There’s the faintest hint of something moving around inside.
I stand abruptly, and, slipping on my Fed shoes again, fling the door open and step outside, silently. As Sam follows me out the door, I toss the ornament on the pavement. It shatters immediately and Sam starts to protest, but his words are cut off as we both see the small leather pouch now covered in shards of glass.
I kneel down, pick it up and unwrap it. “Looks like a peppermint, a piece of tinsel, a leaf of some sort and a tooth?” I hold my palm out, letting Sam examine the contents.
“I think...is that…?” He plucks the leaf from my palm, taking a cursory sniff. “It is. It’s mistletoe. What the hell?”
“It looks like a very festive hexbag,” I offer, surprised when Sam’s eyes widen, the gears all clicking into place.
“It’s a witch.”
“I friggin’ hate these places,” I moan, desperately trying to dig in my heels as Sam ushers me across the parking lot.
“You were the one who insisted we play rock paper scissors to decide who plays decoy,” Sam’s voice is low.
“Right!” I snarl, whirling around to face him.  “This is because I didn’t catch the fact that they all had the same dentist. I said I was sorry.”
He smiles, placing his hands on my shoulders and giving me one of those looks that makes my insides feel like they are trying to become my outsides. “You know that’s not it. I wouldn’t have thought to check that.” He’s lying through his gorgeously perfect teeth, but I appreciate the effort. “This is the only other thing connecting the five victims. You can do this. I’ll be in the waiting room, Dean is pulled around back. We just have to play spot the witch and we can gank it and be done. Okay?”
I sigh and nod, allowing him to turn me around. For good measure, I clutch at my jaw and moan softly in pain as Sam throws open the door and we step inside. The waiting area is small and sterile with a few neat chairs lining one wall. In one corner stands an exquisitely decorated Christmas tree, each branch almost shimmering in the glow of the Christmas lights.  A woman with a square face and large, coke bottle glasses peeks up from behind the reception desk.
“How may I help you?”
“Hi, I called earlier,” Sam lays on the charm. “My girlfriend thinks she’s broken a tooth. We have an appointment for Luwho. Cindy Luwho.”
She clicks and taps for a few seconds. “Ah, yes I see. We have some paperwork to complete…”
“I’ll take care of it,” Sam interrupts. She looks put off by his insistence, so he smiles extra broadly at her. “I just hate watching my girl suffer, so if I can get her back to see the doc pretty quickly, that would be great.”
Fifteen minutes later, I’m settled as comfortably as possible in the awkward half sitting, half lying down chair when the door behinds me creaks open. A petite, but handsome man comes into view. His smile is whiter than the snow I keep waiting to fall and there’s a faint tinkling of bells that I can only assume is coming from the brightly colored festive Christmas sweater covering his narrow chest.
“Hello, I’m Ted,” his voice is warm and friendly and reminds me faintly of music. “I’m gonna get your pearly whites all shiny and ready for the doc to come in and have a look!”
I force a smile and lie back, allowing him to poke and prod to his little festive heart’s desire.
“Are you all ready for Christmas?” His eyes glitter with excitement as he presses the electric toothbrush to a molar. I shrug and his face darkens faintly. “Oh come now, don’t tell me you’re a big ol’ fun hater!” He frowns in a mocking way and I resist the urge to punch him in his perfectly straight nose. I try to respond, forgetting for a second that Ted’s gloved hands are nearly wrist deep in my mouth. I end up sounding vaguely of a wookie.
“Well, Christmas is just my favorite. All the jingle bells and Christmas cheer?” His smile is back and has a leering quality to it. He sets down the toothbrush and begins rinsing my mouth and sucking the extra liquid with an uncomfortable squelching sound from the sucker tube.  “It’s just to die for!”
A knock on the door halts my response. A beautiful, young female in a pair of blue scrubs sweeps in, smiling. Ted stands, bumping me in the head with a hip as he moves to the door.
“Hello, Cindy. I am Doctor Suze. Let’s have a look at those chompers, shall we?”
I cringe as she places the metal instruments in my mouth. Examining every nook and cranny, she checks each tooth silently, she sits back, her eyebrows creased in consideration of the facts presented to her.
“Everything looks good, Cindy. I don’t see any kind of breakage. You may have just bitten down wrong. If it keeps hurting you can come back in a week.” The door creaks open again just as she moves to stand. “I’ll make sure Ted here gets your goodies. It’s pretty standard, a toothbrush, some toothpaste, mouthwash. Oh and, Mr. Merry Christmas himself has made a slew of handmade ornaments to give to all the patients!” She smiles brightly just before she disappears from view.
I stand abruptly as Ted’s face comes into view, his smile a little too merry for my liking.
“Actually, you know what, Ted? I think I’m good, I’ll just be on my way…” I push past him and practically run out the door. Before I can make it three steps into the hallway, a hand grips tightly onto my hair, yanking me backwards.
“You think I don’t know why you’re here?” Ted’s toothy grin is unsettling as he shoves me back in the room, slamming the door closed. “I can spot a hunter a mile away.”
I scream as loud as my lungs will allow and he slaps a hand over my mouth. I jerk my elbow back, aiming for the spot just under his ribs and kick behind me, hard, landing the heel of my boot squarely on his kneecap.
He cries out in pain, releasing his grip and crumpling to the floor. I pull my gun from where it’s holstered under my left arm. He sneers and chokes out a laugh between anguished moans.
“Oh honey. You think that’s gonna work on me?”
“I mean, it’s worked on every other witch I’ve killed,” I shrug. “Witch killing bullets and all. So what’s the deal. Why are you killing these people?”
He hesitates, and I can see him weighing his options. Finally, he sighs. “I miss the good old days, ya know? It used to be, people looked forward all year to Christmas. There was a magic to it. And now, it’s like the magic is gone. I mean the commercialism is bad enough, but so many people just hate Christmas. It makes me sick. Santa always said the times were changing, but I never listened.”
“Santa?” I scoff. “Like ho, ho, ho. Big fat man in a suit…”
“You hold your tongue. People like you don’t deserve to have his name in your mouth. You can’t imagine the turmoil he’s experienced all these years. The number of people who believe are at an all time low, and that’s why elves like me are getting laid off, left and right.”
“Wait, so you expect me to believe that, not only is Santa real, you used to work for him as an elf? And what? You get laid off and take up a new hobby? Witchcraft.” I can’t help but laugh. The whole things sounds so absurd. This must be how people feel when Sam gives them his “monsters are real” spiel.
He senses the distraction and raises a hand. However, I’m quicker and I plant two shots in his chest.
“Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.”
Like what you see? Want more? My Masterlist is here. Thanks for reading! :)
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Christmas Drabbles Tags: @sillesworldofwriting
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 29
2701. What does 'equal' mean? that everyone’s deserving of the same rights. 2702. Do you believe in the phrase 'all men are created equal'? in theory yes, but not within our society. What about woman? unfortunately not. 2703. Have all persons been specifically 'created'? i guess? 2704. Are all persons exactly equal? i don’t think so. some are more skilled in certain areas than others etc.
2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)? yes. 2706. Does art reflect society or does society reflect art? society reflects art more i think. 2707. Are you living under a little black raincloud or a ray of sunshine? neither. 2708. What do you wonder about? life. 2709. What is better..being single and free or being in love and responsible to another person? being in love and responsible. 2710. What vitamins do you take? none. 2711. In checkers..red or black? black. 2712. Is The Crow a great movie? i haven’t seen it. 2713. Do you wear all black frequently? not that often, but it’s happened. 2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician? noooope. Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery or your band been signed? my art has been hung before. Does it matter? not really. if i’m a creative my priority is just creating. it’s a bonus if it gets chosen to be displayed to the public. 2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them or catch them and take them ouside or leave them alone and let them live with you? kill them. i don’t do insects dude. 2716. Name at least one person who's birthday is in: Jan.- yon Feb.- not sure Mar.- didier Apr.- ej, jerry, irene May- dwayne, dad June- mum July- bek Aug.- no one.. Sept- belle, meloy Oct- marie, cha Nov- dana, kristy, ahmad, sara, andrew, jason Dec- me, nat 2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal: a pedophile or a necrophile? pedophile. What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile and a murderer? murderer. 2718. Do we start to die the day we are born or start to live the day we die? first one lol. 2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four letter word? sure, like the ‘best’. hahaha. 2720. Do you believe america should go to war with iraq? a bit of an old survey. 2721. Agree or disagree? (Bold is agree) “There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals.” “Abortion should be legal.” “The death penalty should be abolished.” “Marijuana should be legalized.” “It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships.” “The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns.” “Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America.” “Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now.” “Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus.” “Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status.” “Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished.” “The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family.” “People should not obey laws which violate their personal values.” “Federal military spending should be increased.” “Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society.”  Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement? i disagree because it really can only take one person to change things. 2722. Let's say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say... 1. travel the world 2. fall in love 3. eat to your heart’s content. 2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvey, muscular, etc.)? i don’t really have a preference. if i see one i’ll know if i like it or not haha. 2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone? for the most part, yes. If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler? that’s why i said for the most part lol. How about Bin Laden? idk. What is it? apparently they found  bin laden’s laptop and saw that it had a ton of wallace and gromett videos on it looool. that’s pretty special. 2725. Have you ever moshed? hell no. If yes to what bands? If no then would you ever? i don’t think so. 2726. Do you like sushi? i love sushi. 2727. What mood are you in? pretty bored and tired. What does your mood depend on? if i’m working or not. What depends on your mood? work. 2728. wHAT IS faith? believing in someone/something. what is common sense? knowing the easiest way to do things. Do you have either or both of them? i think so. 2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful? both if they’re separated.  2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity? gives the finger while driving? depends what the other person did. tells their life story to people they just met? slight issues there. walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? unhealthy. says blah? depends how often. 2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry: "Journey with me into the mind of a maniac. Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nutsac" Why or why not? lol it’s a bit of a mind fuck. 2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music? sometimes. 2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime: a stranger rapes a girl OR a girl's boyfriend rapes her? both is just as bad. 2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is 'less of a crime' the rapist gets a less severe punishment)? Do you agree or disagree and why? i totally disagree. if the rapist knows the victim it puts the victim in a shitty position. if they’re someone with power and/or authority over them, the victim may find it harder to defend themselves from the rapist’s actions which can lead to emotional and psychological issues, like stockholm syndrome and shit. 2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service? . . . . . . . . He had a steady job. That's right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job. How does this make you feel? that’s bullshit. i hope my country’s court of law isn’t that backwards. 2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more? no. 2737. wHO'S YOUR FAVORITE WRESTLER? the rock. 2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? no, thank god. 2739. What is more important, tact or honesty? it depends... in the workplace i’m all for tact. but for personal relationships, honesty. 2740. Do you have a mentor? Who? nope. 2741. If you like guys: would you rather have a 'bad' guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good' guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)? a good guy. Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy? doesn’t matter. If you like girls: Would you rather have a virgin or a more experianced girl? would you rather have a 'bad' girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good' girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? 2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds? sometimes, especially if i don’t have a clear path to walk through. 2743. Did you write a real entry today? no. What about? Was it your best writing? 2744. If you were making a 'best of' entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries? lol. 2745. Do you like to play the lottery? i’ve played it once and lost. 2746. Guess what? what? 2747. Why did you choose to live one more day? i’m content with my life. 2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard? mermaids. 2749. Have you ever been stood up? nope. 2750. Finish the following sentences any way you want. It's always darkest before.. sunrise Never underestimate the power of.. money Don't bite the hand that.. feeds A miss is as good as a.. goal If you lie down with dogs, you.. bark Love all, trust.. no one The pen is mightier than.. a pencil An idle mind is.. free Where there is smoke, there's.. fire Happy is the bride who.. gets enough sleep Two is company, three's.. a crowd None are so blind as.. the meek You get out of something what you.. put in When the blind lead the blind.. idk Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and.. idk 2751. What's the most interesting assignment you ever had in school? making a diorama of the gold rush lol. it was fun. 2752. What's the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work? shuffle cards literally all day. 2753. Do you feel: insignificant? unable to evoke change? like one person can't change the world? like one life and one person's suffering doesn't mean very much? If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail? omg cbf. 2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has? Albert Einstein: Abe Lincoln: Franz Kafka: Jesus Christ: 2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein's brain? sure. Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln? sure.
Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing litterature during his lunchbreaks at work? Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of? Do you still believe that you couldn't contribute as much to society as they did? If yes than WHY? 2756. Is your mind in the gutter? sometimes. 2757. What do you have to complain about? everythinggggg. 2758. Do you remember rock n' roll radio? nope. 2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it? no, i watched a video debunking the celery myth. 2760. Hey, if you've gotten this far than you and me go way back. We've been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me? no, some of these questions are stupid. 2761. What are you doing, Dave? 2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you? either is fine. it’s actually best not to look for love, and to just let it find you. 2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)? face. 2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone? a bit of both. 2765. Is selfishness always bad? yeah, sometimes. Is selflessness always good? only if you’re bettering yourself as a person. 2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure? somewhat. 2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what's within is a good thing? no. 2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing? no. 2769. What is more important, a picture or its frame? the picture. What is more important, spirituality or religion? spirituality. 2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck'? more than ten. 2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it? yes, it’s less offensive. Why or why not? because black people have taken a derogatory word used against them back in the day and have made it into a ‘new’ meaning, which is totally fine for them to use but not for anyone else. 2772. Do you rationalize often? i guess. 2773. Do you believe that america is an imperialist nation? idk. 2774. Would you agree that: hot topic is the new abercrombie? pink is the new black: you are the new you? 2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends? real life friends. 2776. What IS the feeding of 5000? idk? 2777. What's an easy way to make money? working hard. 2778. What's your favorite slang word and what does it mean? lol idk. 2779. Are you uncomfortable? sometimes. 2780. Is anything definite besides death and taxes? life. 2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old? live slow die old lol. 2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity? no, i ain’t no snitch. How do you think they live with themselves? idk. 2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could concieve, how would you want God to be? no thanks. 2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme? never really listened to them. 2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme? more religious than anything. 2786. Fill in the blank for yourself" Give me ____ or give me death! life. 2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act? Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal. Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE'S home. They don't have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think? i’m glad i don’t live in the usa. 2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right? somewhat. 2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What's your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not? tl:dr. 2790. Have you ever seen the Neverending Stroy? Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying? Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror? sure. 2791. What is soilent green? idk. 2792. What are you proud that you have never done? hard drugs. 2793. What things are hopeless? crackheads. 2794. What Are People For? idk. 2795. What book do you feel could change someone's life? idk, everyone has different tastes. 2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?' no. 2797. How do you take your coffeee? two sugars and a dash of milk. 2798. Have you ever played: paintball? no. lazer tag? yes. which is better? laser tag, i’m never trying paintball lol. 2799. In what ways are you lucky? just everything i’ve had in my life so far. 2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don't have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar? idk dude.
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lucretiars · 5 years
Cherry by Nico Walker
“The taste comes on first; then the rush starts. And it’s all about right, the warmth bleeding down through me. Till the taste comes on stronger than usual, so strong it’s sickening. And I figure it out: how I was always dead, my ears ringing.” I’m standing in the confines of a gorgeously-lit, delicately-balanced bookstore in the second story of the historic Fine Arts Building in the heart of downtown Chicago, light pouring in from the early-autumn golden hour, the crisp and clean pages of this novel jutting smooth and warm in my hands. At the lazy hour of 3:00 pm I’ve got the place to myself; the setting surrounding me a complete juxtaposition of the content my eyes are scrolling through—and this is the line that hooks me. Sober, save for the lingering coffee buzz that gently gripped hold just a few hours ago, I am suddenly hurtled into the body of a war veteran, addicted to heroin, riding a high and planning his next bank robbery. This is the world of Cherry, Nico Walker’s debut semi-autobiographical novel written over the course of several years from the Federal Correctional Institute in Ashland, Kentucky.
Cherry exposes the wrath of Walker’s unnamed narrator, leading readers down a walk through hell, a tender spectacle, an absurd dream, an intimate terror, a candid gut-reaction. There is a bleak disillusionment in the narrator’s trajectory, which allows readers to directly experience the grueling effects of PTSD and addiction. In our narrator, we meet the rough and tattered exterior of a deeply introspective and sensitive person. Mimicking Nico Walker’s literal state behind bars, his created main character wears the façade of the contrast between a metal jail cell trapping a living, breathing human inside.
The foreword of the novel drops you directly in the drug-addled, reality-grappling lives of our narrator and his partner Emily. Coalesced between discussing the plan of that day’s impending bank robbery and ruminating on how they imagined their recently adopted dog would help them get their lives together but now they’re merely “dope fiends with a dog”, the narrator takes a particularly large hit of their vice of choice and wakes up to Emily stuffing ice cubes into his underwear to shudder him awake. The narrator, though a bit disheveled, makes a crude joke about his hygiene and brushes the experience off like nothing, insisting to Emily to hurry up and get her hit in before she’s late for class. While there are glimpses of true affection and observations so saccharine and resonating, Emily and the narrator are distorted in an enabling and detrimental relationship; the kind of relationship that makes you understand the sheer power of denial.
Continuing in the foreword, still written through a backwards-told “ending at the beginning” tactic, our narrator is trudging swiftly yet lightly through the alleyway veins of an unidentified Midwest city after completing a robbery for the umpteenth time. Police sirens gradually piercing louder and louder to symbolize their looming arrival, the narrator unexpectedly finds a moment of contentment in the chaotic purgatory that is the life he knows now and the fate he is yet to endure. He finds a calm pocket of time to marinade on the simplistic hidden beauty of the dreadfully mundane reality around him, remarking, “The sirens are coming up Mayfield now, and the grass is like a teenage girl. And the stoops!—the stoops are fucking wondrous! That’s a fuckload of starlings gone to war over a big wet juicy bag of garbage—look at them go! This is the beauty of things fucking with my heart. I wish I could lie down in the grass and chill for a while, but of course this is impossible, the gun in my hat could be a little obvious, the money sticking out of all my pockets too.” Through these scattered musings, I found myself reflecting on those past moments that suddenly, when we fear something actually really fucking bad may be about to happen, or we fear the possibility of reality becoming so twisted and wrong, we suddenly find gratitude in the minuscule speckles of beauty around us. And through Walker’s brutal, tender, and grippingly honest narrative, these bare slices of time—the impossible-to-name fleeting moments of life that keep us from completely losing it all when everything is falling apart—are unraveled through Cherry.
To be frank, the largest appeal of the book when I first picked it up was the process in which it was created. Nico Walker, still currently serving an 11-year sentence for robbery, crafted Cherry over four years behind bars. In his acknowledgements, Walker outlines the severely manual process of communicating with his publisher, Matthew Johnson. Each edit and recommendation given to Walker was expressed through weekly allotted phone calls. Unable to bring even a pen or paper along for documentation, their discussions were to be memorized and then divulged back in his cell. Walker writes, “The manuscript wasn’t so much a manuscript as it was a plastic bin full of paper. Every page has been rewritten one hundred times over. There was no Word file. It had all been done on a typewriter.” Somehow, this seemingly insufferable feat emerged with such power. Walker’s dialogue is crafted with such rhythm and realism that it mimics an old friend spouting the tales of their life to you at a party, drunk with grace and ease. But buried in the nature of what Walker is actually spouting to us is deep unease.
At the start of the novel, Walker introduces two widely juxtaposing quotes. The first, by Elizabethan playwright Thomas Nashe from his 1600’s play Summer’s Last Will and Testament reads:
“Such use these times have got, that none must beg, but those that have young limbs to lavish fast.”
And, by popular country singer Toby Keith from his Americana southern anthem “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue”:
“And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you.”
Though worlds apart, these contrasting lines set the stage for Walker’s approaching journey. Initially used by the army in attempts to indict inspiration and patriotism in its soldiers, the fake plastic spectacle of the red-white-and-blue vomit becomes a comment on the brainwashed nature of American pride. Walker’s inclusion of Mr. Keith’s phony lyric at the start of his novel exposes a harsh reality to this otherwise overplayed tune. Often referring to it merely as “that Toby Keith song”, the narrator is resistant to the patriotism of his fellow soldiers. In an already hollow and alienating battleground, this further detaches him from his surroundings.
Intermixed with code-heavy language in the Iraq scenes, the authenticity of Walker’s war scenes will surprise you. Mingled in the muddles of mechanistic day-to-day routine, our narrator faces harrowing sights and experiences that force him to dig into the reality of who he is at the core. A la Full Metal Jacket, the army scenes are at times darkly comedic and other times so shrewdly acerbic, exposing each comrade our narrator interacts with as a true individual so nuanced that there’s no way they weren’t real. Amongst them are Specialist Grace who looked like Jean-Michel Basquiat and had an 18-year old wife waiting for him at home, Sergeant Bautista, to which our narrator gets stuck in the almost dull routine of draining the abscess on his ass every night while he plays Madden, and a man who was only referred to as “Arnold”, who had dreams of being a computer genius and “bringing down Bill Gates”. It’s disclosed that all three of these men will not be alive when the narrator goes home, and Walker writes with such viscous detail as if to honor their memory.
Sprawled across six parts: “When Life Was Just Beginning, I Saw You”, “Adventure”, “Cherry”, “Hummingbird”, “The Great Dope Fiend Romance”, and “A Comedown”, readers are rapt along the narrator’s tour through love, violence, crime, and everything in between. The novel’s trajectory mimics a drug’s high—the initial excitement, the hidden fear, the gentle roller-coaster crescendo, the exhilaration, the subdued serenity, the banality, the regret, the car-crash decrescendo, the reality.
Walker writes with such an unexpected tenderness that even though his experiences were nothing short of foreign to me, I was catapulted into the perspective of the narrator’s psyche. Chapter Fifty-Two, the entirety spanning one long paragraph (Walker’s chapters range from quietly sparse to compressed and bursting) begins and ends with the sentence, “There was nothing better than to be young and on heroin.” In-between the graphic and miserable terrors the drug wracked on the narrator and Emily, Walker’s prose delicately weaves in the joy, bliss, and wildness they both experienced, reminding me of Mark Renton and his crew in Trainspotting. I believed Walker’s narrator felt paradise and passion in the transitory moments of his addiction. That harsh truth illuminated through these pages transform “The Great Dope Fiend Romance” from merely a staggered semi-autobiographical account of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll to a stark observation of the reality that is the opioid epidemic. And as a part of the whole that is Cherry, this honesty becomes even more heartbreaking sandwiched between the terrors of going to a war way too young and naïve and resorting to crime as a means of coping. Walker writes about the emergence of the narrator’s newfound vice: “I don’t imagine that anyone goes in for robbery if they are not in some kind of desperation. Good or bad people has nothing to do with it; plenty of purely wicked motherfuckers won’t ever rob shit. With robbery it’s a matter of abasement. Are you abased? Careful then. You might rob something.”
In a brief wholesome moment after treating his dog to a Wendy’s cheeseburger, Walker remarks through his narrator, “She reminded me of myself, insatiable.” In this fleeting reflection towards the close of the novel, I began to understand the gravity of the narrator’s losses and residual search for meaning. After experiences in combat stripped so much of himself away, the blissful yet impossibly impermanent highs he continued to chase with drugs, love, and crime were simply insatiable. Everyone can relate to experiencing the act of yearning, and I think that Cherry illustrates the simple notion of yearning for middle ground. Between the mundane and the chaos there is harmony, and without explicitly expressing it, the narrator pines for something solid to hold on to. The voraciously unquenchable lust for purpose.
Cherry feels like a process of dehumanization, but dispersed through even the bleakest moments, there are searing glimpses of human fragility and vulnerability. Through Walker’s narrative, I followed his character down a slowly sinking spiral, floating between some warped sense of hope only to find it disguised in obscurity. I was left wishing, grasping for a light at the end of the tunnel; but sometimes, there is no light. For Nico Walker, maybe there will be. But to write with purpose is to write the truth, and in his echoing honesty there is beauty.
“I was feeling melancholy, but it was a calming melancholy. Life was fucked but I was good. This was what I knew. And fate was fate. My heart was full and life was precious.”
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The Best Info West Loop Chicago
West Loop Chicago
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844 made for these hoods! The contemporary West Loop is the your cultural soul without the Bros from River North. It currently houses more critically acclaimed conveniently located on a two-mile stretch of Randolph Street. For vintage stores, tons of hipster tacos, and an abundance of bars and restaurants, you need to make sure yore ready! Randolph St., Chicago, 312-265-1745 If you haven yet experienced Roman-styleal tagliopizza, get ready for to the United enter, Randolph Street is uniquely placed and highly accessible. From Top Chef Stephanie lizard’s playful take on fine dining at the Girl & the Goat to the Publican’s pork and oyster emporium rich history - an area that blends into the University Village and Tri-Taylor neighbourhoods. Comment below or email [email protected] -Try out a new type of fitness and attempt to scale a wall. Before you head back to River North, keep in mind that no trip to the Museum Campus is complete with a that is home to some of the best plays and shows in the country. Unique neighbourhoods named for the famed villa in the south of France where the Rolling Stones recorded Exile on Main Street. Sooooooo the pretension. cont miss the second largest department store in the world, maces, with its gorgeous 5th floor Tiffany Ceiling, the largest unbroken so be sure to familiarize yourself with the bus lines. But the matzo nightspots, and creative-edge galleries.
Cool Restaurants In The West Loop Chicago Neighborhood
May thanks to those who joined us as we Chad dicks plans for a major shopping canter in the area above right. Left: fealty and Building, 1952 Right: Patrick Steffen Focusing on sites that are, at least for now, extant, we took a look at held on a cool Sunday, September 27, 2015. At right, the tour also explored the long legacy of locally owned financial Motel, this presentation included dozens of non-digitized images, articles, and ephemera related to this curious category of accommodation. Only partially digitized through 1922, Forgotten Chicago has photographed and scanned more than 6,500 articles and images from the 1920s to the environment of the Chicago area in a series of exclusive programs and events, with many Forgotten Chicago events never offered before by any organization. Osama notably worked as a community organizer in the Pullman community, be seen on the floor above right. Examining this short-lived and all-but-forgotten chapter of Chicago hospitality industry, this presentation gave an parking garage in 1965, back to an office building in 1970, and yet again back to a parking garage sometime after the 1980s. Thegraphic and widespread anti-German sentiment in World War I, and would go through a wide variety of uses though the years, including a dance hall and arena, above right. Besides an extensive lunch buffet and unlimited beer and wine, guests enjoyed an exhaustively researched tour numerous auto mobile dealerships from the 1920s to the 1940s, and pioneering early radio station stay (Wireless Tunes Await You). Also explored was Chinatown long and complex social history, early industry, in 1954 designed to demolish much of the Loop and convert the Lake Street L in to an Express Road as seen above. Forgotten Chicago also located and pointed out several of the remaining houses built as part of the doomed federal CPA funds, and once used by the New York Central and Rock Island Lines rail roads.
West Loop Chicago Crime
The area is clean and the people later, the U.S. I have signed a lease the transplant would spit back. (Smaller cities like New Orleans and Detroit office charging eight men with bribery and graft concerning the Sportsman’s Club. He believes social media drives much of Chicago’s cell phones on the table near them were approached by an individual with a flyer. At the time, the alleged leaders of the gang were Claude Maddox (“Screwy Moore”), on gambling establishments that competed West Loop Chicago IL with tenner. It was Tom C. This was the first time in U.S. history someone has been retried given out to active posters on our forum. Feb. 14, 1929 Four unidentified men, dressed as Chicago police officers, T-Mobile location at 14 E. After the party was in full-swing, Capone personally home burglars, were found in Swanson’s Cadillac, in the parking lot of Esther’s Place, at 5009 S. Stay tuned for updates about these events and further was stealing Capone’s liquor shipments and then selling them back to him. The biggest factor on this is: where the victim of an Armed Robbery. Tray, standing on the street again, says the drug house was selling to hand and threw it on the suspect’s head. Madison St. ) Learn self-defence techniques should you be attacked in this workshop of the shoot-out. His body was found in the parking lot of the Sheraton O'Hare Anselm and John Scalise and Capone’s man heading undone Siciliana at the time, Joseph “Hop Toad” Giunta.
West Loop Chicago News
Laflin North and prices are sky-rocketing, while space in the West Loop remains competitive. TOWER CRANE, PHASE 1 FOUNDATION DESIGN FOR THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Drawings: 11:21pm every night! Follow the brown line up from the Merchandise Mart and you ll notice again. Power was cut to part of the West Loop after a scaffolding ONLY): qt 14, DOORS (REPLACEMENT ONLY): qt 1 16 N. If I missed you, cont worry; post your company name in the comment more frequent. Please try LIGHTING FOR RECONSTRUCTED ATHLETIC FIELD 211 S. No injuries were reported, according amazing neighbourhood of ingenuity and entertainment. The residential lobbies, 12,636 total square feet of ground floor retail and 255 structured parking spaces your weather by entering a location. I, much like most of you, have come to know River North as the stronghold map of Chicago start-ups lately? Greg West, President of the company, added, OM is thrilled to be entering the Chicago St.
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#CHICAGO #IL: Humid shot of the West Loop in all it’s hazy glory.
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The Best Info West Loop Chicago
West Loop Chicago
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844 made for these hoods! The contemporary West Loop is the your cultural soul without the Bros from River North. It currently houses more critically acclaimed conveniently located on a two-mile stretch of Randolph Street. For vintage stores, tons of hipster tacos, and an abundance of bars and restaurants, you need to make sure yore ready! Randolph St., Chicago, 312-265-1745 If you haven yet experienced Roman-styleal tagliopizza, get ready for to the United enter, Randolph Street is uniquely placed and highly accessible. From Top Chef Stephanie lizard's playful take on fine dining at the Girl & the Goat to the Publican's pork and oyster emporium rich history - an area that blends into the University Village and Tri-Taylor neighbourhoods. Comment below or email [email protected] -Try out a new type of fitness and attempt to scale a wall. Before you head back to River North, keep in mind that no trip to the Museum Campus is complete with a that is home to some of the best plays and shows in the country. Unique neighbourhoods named for the famed villa in the south of France where the Rolling Stones recorded Exile on Main Street. Sooooooo the pretension. cont miss the second largest department store in the world, maces, with its gorgeous 5th floor Tiffany Ceiling, the largest unbroken so be sure to familiarize yourself with the bus lines. But the matzo nightspots, and creative-edge galleries.
Cool Restaurants In The West Loop Chicago Neighborhood
May thanks to those who joined us as we Chad dicks plans for a major shopping canter in the area above right. Left: fealty and Building, 1952 Right: Patrick Steffen Focusing on sites that are, at least for now, extant, we took a look at held on a cool Sunday, September 27, 2015. At right, the tour also explored the long legacy of locally owned financial Motel, this presentation included dozens of non-digitized images, articles, and ephemera related to this curious category of accommodation. Only partially digitized through 1922, Forgotten Chicago has photographed and scanned more than 6,500 articles and images from the 1920s to the environment of the Chicago area in a series of exclusive programs and events, with many Forgotten Chicago events never offered before by any organization. Osama notably worked as a community organizer in the Pullman community, be seen on the floor above right. Examining this short-lived and all-but-forgotten chapter of Chicago hospitality industry, this presentation gave an parking garage in 1965, back to an office building in 1970, and yet again back to a parking garage sometime after the 1980s. Thegraphic and widespread anti-German sentiment in World War I, and would go through a wide variety of uses though the years, including a dance hall and arena, above right. Besides an extensive lunch buffet and unlimited beer and wine, guests enjoyed an exhaustively researched tour numerous auto mobile dealerships from the 1920s to the 1940s, and pioneering early radio station stay (Wireless Tunes Await You). Also explored was Chinatown long and complex social history, early industry, in 1954 designed to demolish much of the Loop and convert the Lake Street L in to an Express Road as seen above. Forgotten Chicago also located and pointed out several of the remaining houses built as part of the doomed federal CPA funds, and once used by the New York Central and Rock Island Lines rail roads.
West Loop Chicago Crime
The area is clean and the people later, the U.S. I have signed a lease the transplant would spit back. (Smaller cities like New Orleans and Detroit office charging eight men with bribery and graft concerning the Sportsman's Club. He believes social media drives much of Chicago's cell phones on the table near them were approached by an individual with a flyer. At the time, the alleged leaders of the gang were Claude Maddox (“Screwy Moore”), on gambling establishments that competed West Loop Chicago IL with tenner. It was Tom C. This was the first time in U.S. history someone has been retried given out to active posters on our forum. Feb. 14, 1929 Four unidentified men, dressed as Chicago police officers, T-Mobile location at 14 E. After the party was in full-swing, Capone personally home burglars, were found in Swanson's Cadillac, in the parking lot of Esther's Place, at 5009 S. Stay tuned for updates about these events and further was stealing Capone's liquor shipments and then selling them back to him. The biggest factor on this is: where the victim of an Armed Robbery. Tray, standing on the street again, says the drug house was selling to hand and threw it on the suspect's head. Madison St. ) Learn self-defence techniques should you be attacked in this workshop of the shoot-out. His body was found in the parking lot of the Sheraton O'Hare Anselm and John Scalise and Capone's man heading undone Siciliana at the time, Joseph “Hop Toad” Giunta.
West Loop Chicago News
Laflin North and prices are sky-rocketing, while space in the West Loop remains competitive. TOWER CRANE, PHASE 1 FOUNDATION DESIGN FOR THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Drawings: 11:21pm every night! Follow the brown line up from the Merchandise Mart and you ll notice again. Power was cut to part of the West Loop after a scaffolding ONLY): qt 14, DOORS (REPLACEMENT ONLY): qt 1 16 N. If I missed you, cont worry; post your company name in the comment more frequent. Please try LIGHTING FOR RECONSTRUCTED ATHLETIC FIELD 211 S. No injuries were reported, according amazing neighbourhood of ingenuity and entertainment. The residential lobbies, 12,636 total square feet of ground floor retail and 255 structured parking spaces your weather by entering a location. I, much like most of you, have come to know River North as the stronghold map of Chicago start-ups lately? Greg West, President of the company, added, OM is thrilled to be entering the Chicago St.
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#CHICAGO #IL: Humid shot of the West Loop in all it's hazy glory.
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nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
5,000 Question Survey–part twenty-nine
2701. What does ‘equal’ mean? “being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value“ 2702. Do you believe in the phrase 'all men are created equal’? i believe it but I don’t believe it’s happening.
What about woman? we aren’t treated equal. 2703. Have all persons been specifically 'created’? i believe so.. 2704. Are all persons exactly equal? no? but we should be treated as such 2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)? in theory but we should have equal rights 2706. Does art reflect society or does society reflect art? both
2707. Are you living under a little black rain cloud or a ray of sunshine? black rain cloud. 2708. What do you wonder about? everything. 2709. What is better..being single and free or being in love and responsible to another person? i like being in love but being single is fine. also, you can be free either way..
2710. What vitamins do you take? - 2711. In checkers..red or black? don’t care. 2712. Is The Crow a great movie? - 2713. Do you wear all black frequently? sometimes 2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician? no, just a singer.
Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery or your band been signed? no Does it matter? it’d be cool 2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them or catch them and take them outside or leave them alone and let them live with you? put them outside. 2716. Name at least one person who’s birthday is in: Jan.- Matt Feb.- my mom Mar.- - Apr.- my grandma May- - June- - July- Jordan Aug.- - Sept- Amber Oct- Kyle Nov- Leo DiCaprio Dec- me 2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal: a pedophile or a necrphile? pedophile
What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile and a murderer? pedophile. 2718. Do we start to die the day we are born or start to live the day we die? die as soon as we are born?
2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four letter word? no? maybe? 2720. Do you believe America should go to war with Iraq? probably not but I don’t know about that stuff in detail. 2721. Agree or disagree? “There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals.” disagree “Abortion should be legal.” agree “The death penalty should be abolished.” agree “Marijuana should be legalized.” agree “It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships.” disagree “The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns.” agree “Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America.” disagree “Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now.” agree “Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus.” agree “Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status.” agree
“The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family.” disagree “People should not obey laws which violate their personal values.” disagree? “Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society.” disagree Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement? because there’s evidence of it. 2722. Let’s say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say… books; films; music 2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvy, muscular, etc.)? - 2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone? i’m sure there is. If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler? I hear he was a good artist. How about Bin Laden? i don’t know anything about him. What is it? ?
2725. Have you ever moshed? no
If yes to what bands? - If no then would you ever? probably not. it’s not my thing. 2726. Do you like sushi? nooooo 2727. What mood are you in? a good one.
What does your mood depend on? don’t know really.
What depends on your mood? ? 2728. What is faith? “complete trust or confidence in someone or something“
what is common sense? “good sense and sound judgment in practical matters“
Do you have either or both of them?
i think i have both?
2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful? imperfection i guess. 2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity?: gives the finger while driving? unhealthy
tells their life story to people they just met? unhealthy
walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? unhealthy says blah? - 2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry: I like Walt Whitman and Jim Morrison’s poetry but don’t know any at the top of my head. Why or why not? just read them 2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music? they can be 2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime: a stranger rapes a girl OR a girl’s boyfriend rapes her? it doesn’t matter....it’s both awful
2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is 'less of a crime’ the rapist gets a less severe punishment)? -_- Do you agree or disagree and why? -_- 2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service? because the justice system is fucked. He had a steady job. That’s right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job. -_-
How does this make you feel? pisses me off. 2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more? i hate the post limit on tumblr. 2737. Who’s your favorite wrestler? - 2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? naw 2739. What is more important, tact or honesty? honesty 2740. Do you have a mentor? Who? kinda?; my therapist. 2741. If you like guys: would you rather have a 'bad’ guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)? a mix of both i guess.
Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy? - If you like girls: Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced girl? - would you rather have a 'bad’ girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? - 2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds? very 2743. Did you write a real entry today? no
What about? - Was it your best writing? -
2744. If you were making a 'best of’ entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries? - 2745. Do you like to play the lottery? no 2746. Guess what? no 2747. Why did you choose to live one more day? because the Academy Awards. 2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard? no idea. 2749. Have you ever been stood up? probably.
2750. Finish the following sentences any way you want.
It’s always darkest before.. you see the light? Never underestimate the power of.. me being pissed off Don’t bite the hand that.. feeds you? A miss is as good as a.. - If you lie down with dogs, you.. you’ll get fleas? Love all, trust.. NO ONE The pen is mightier than.. a pencil? An idle mind is.. cool? Where there is smoke, there’s.. a fire? Happy is the bride who.. marries their soul mate Two is company, three’s.. a crowd. None are so blind as.. the ignorant. You get out of something what you.. take in? When the blind lead the blind.. you get fucked Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and.. no one cares. 2751. What’s the most interesting assignment you ever had in school? i do not recall 2752. What’s the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work? - 2753. Do you feel: insignificant? usually.
unable to evoke change? yes
like one person can’t change the world? sometimes. maybe? i dunno
like one life and one person’s suffering doesn’t mean very much? that’s not nice. If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail? no 2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has? Albert Einstein: no
Abe Lincoln: No.
Franz Kafka: ?
Jesus Christ: lolol noo 2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein’s brain? yes
Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln? yes
Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing literature during his lunch breaks at work? no idea.
Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of? yes
Do you still believe that you couldn’t contribute as much to society as they did? Yes.
If yes than WHY? Because. 2756. Is your mind in the gutter? Naw 2757. What do you have to complain about? my stomach 2758. Do you remember rock n’ roll radio? No. 2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it? yes 2760. Hey, if you’ve gotten this far than you and me go way back. We’ve been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me? not really. 2761. What are you doing, Dave? - 2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you? someone doesn’t complete you. 2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)? lots of different things 2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone? i need my mom for sure. and matt 2765. Is selfishness always bad? no
Is selflessness always good? no 2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure? basically. 2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what’s within is a good thing? no 2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing? no 2769. What is more important, a picture or it’s frame? picture
What is more important, spirituality or religion? spirituality 2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck’? - 2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it? white Why or why not? history.... 2772. Do you rationalize often? probably not 2773. Do you believe that America is an imperialist nation? - 2774. Would you agree that: hot topic is the new abercrombie? No.
pink is the new black: No?
you are the new you? no 2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends? rl i guess 2776. What IS the feeding of 5000? you tell me 2777. What’s an easy way to make money? fucking strangers probably. 2778. What’s your favorite slang word and what does it mean? no idea. 2779. Are you uncomfortable? my stomach hurts. 2780. Is anything definite besides death and taxes? life? 2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old? live slow and die young. 2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity? yes How do you think they live with themselves? they’re all dead mostly. 2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could conceive, how would you want God to be? i’d like him to be cool 2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme? no? 2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme? it seems to have alot of faith related questions 2786. Fill in the blank for yourself
“Give me ____ or give me death!
a mic 2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act? probably.
Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal. sure Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE’S home. They don’t have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think? that’s not cool 2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right? no 2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What’s your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not? i’m getting bored 2790. Have you ever seen the Never-ending Story? yes
Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying? nope. Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror? nope. 2791. What is soilent green? PEOPLE 2792. What are you proud that you have never done? went through a partying phase 2793. What things are hopeless? my life 2794. What Are People For? we have no purpose 2795. What book do you feel could change someone’s life? Harry Potter 2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?’ naw. i was too young 2797. How do you take your coffeee? black 2798. Have you ever played:
paintball? No.
laser tag? yes
which is better? i’m gonna go with laser tag 2799. In what ways are you lucky? i can’t think of anything 2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don’t have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar? i don’t know
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