#BUT it still stands. and i do believe u should do it c:
sukugo · 7 months
I wanted to make an edit for Gojo, Sukuna and Yorozu because I also love the parallels but I don't have an appropriate place to post it. If I do it, it won't have enough exposure and my effort would've gone to waste. I'm relieved to know that you plan to make one for them as well, please do it one day, thank you! I'll be waiting!
anon!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i definitely will (tho it will probs still be taking some time from the looks of it😔) but really dont let that stop u 🥺🥺 if u wanna do it, just go for it!!!! it's always better to have more people make stuff, doesn't matter if it's the same thing, everyone always has their own unique way of making things and seeing things, but even regardless of that, the main thing is that if u want to make something, forget everything else, just do it!!!!!!!!
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hannieehaee · 4 months
Can you do sumn with vernon with a pretty girl like drop dead pretty she’s really shy, quiet and introverted like you can do wtv
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content: crush!vernon, kinda simp!vernon, mutual crush, talking stage turned into official relationship, afab reader, fluff, confession, etc.
wc: 1166
a/n: i hope u enjoy what i came up with c:
vernon just couldn't help himself whenever you were around, you were simply too pretty a sight for him to behold; always making him fumble and act an idiot.
vernon wasnt really one to put too much weight on appearance, always considering what's on the inside to be far more important, but you had just drawn him in. you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen, and vernon knew were fully unaware of your beauty, which only added even more to your charm.
your shy demeanor and cute blush any time he stumbled over his words made the embarrassment worth it. he would make a joke of himself in front of the entire nation if it meant seeing your shy smile and the way you'd attempt to cover your mouth as you giggled at him.
the two of you weren't dating, per say, but vernon liked to think you were on your way there. with his inability to function around you and your introverted demeanor combined, it was a bit difficult for either of you to ask the other out, but vernon was very much enjoying the 'will they, wont they' the two of you had going on.
he knew you liked him, which was something he prided himself on greatly, always showing off to the members (and consequently turning into putty the moment you walked in).
"yeah, when are you gonna ask her out, nonnie?", had asked seungkwan one day during practice.
the members had been taking breaks on and off throughout the day, with that day being pretty much free aside from dance practice. during one of the breaks, you had come up, as vernon had decided to invite you over to impress you so that you could lend him some company during his work day. the members had taken this opportunity to berate him about your current relationship status.
"oh, you're not dating? huh. mind if i-",
"don't finish that sentence," vernon interrupted mingyu before he could even picture a reality in which you even so much as looked mingyu's way.
"fesity. you really like her, huh? she is super pretty," joined in jeonghan, instigating further conversation.
"yeah ... how'd you get her attention?", now was chan's turn. it was like they were taking turns to drive him as insane as possible while he waited for your arrival.
"can you guys shut up? i'm going to ask her out. she's just a little shy, i wanna show her that i really like her before making things official," he rebutted.
"well, you should hurry up. pretty girls like that are never single for too long; shy or not," added seungcheol.
before vernon could respond by telling him the intricacies of your exclusive relationship friendship, you suddenly walked in, calling vernon's name from the entrance and consequently scrunching up your nose in embarrassment at having accidentally invoked every member's attention upon entering.
vernon couldn't help but coo at you from where he was standing, adoring how shy you could be sometimes. you were entirely unaware of the fact that a few of his members had just been inquiring if they had a chance with you just before your arrival.
despite having been around the members a few times (with your friendship with vernon being quite obviously just a phase of denial on both of your parts), you were still a bit shy around them. you knew that they knew you liked vernon, and you knew that they knew vernon liked you. it was all a childish game of chicken as the two of you waited for the other to make things official.
even through what you believed to be an awkward moment, one look at vernon's soft smile and you pushed that awkwardness aside and walked towards him, offering him a hug before being stolen away by a few of the other members for a greeting hug of their own. vernon simply grumbled beside you, knowing they were all friendly with you, but still wanting you all to himself.
when you finished, he childishly grabbed onto your hand, now holding it in his as a sign of possessiveness (a behavior vernon had never expressed up until meeting you). the two of you inadvertently blushed and looked away from each other, making seungkwan jokingly gag while you weren't looking.
"okay, get him out of here. you two disgust me," seungkwan practically pushed the two of you towards the exit, "don't chicken out this time! ask her out, you coward!", he finished before slamming the door on the two of you, throwing a panicked vernon a satisfied smile.
your eyes had widened as you looked back at vernon, a surprised smile making its way to your face, "'ask me out'?", you asked him.
"oh, uh, yeah ... about that-"
he cleared his throat and finally made eye contact with you, realizing you were instigating him just to tease him. this eased the nerves he felt at you now knowing that he liked you (which was something he kind of already assumed you knew), though it did not prevent the endless string of words that left his mouth moments later.
"hey! don't make fun of me. i really like you, okay? of course i'm nervous. i've been nervous, which is why i've chickened out of asking you out every single time", his eyes trailed off you due to his nerves, "and you're- you're just so fucking pretty, every time you look at me i lose my train of thought. i have no idea how im even saying this to you right now. or why i cant seem to shut up, fuck. okay, fuck. what i meant to say is: will you please go out with me? officially? as, you know ... boyfriend and girlfriend?", he finished, finally looking at you again, though now with wide eyes and almost breathless.
you matched his appearance with your own breathlessness and shocked expression, but this did not last long, as you seemed to give yourself a short pep talk in your head before nodding to yourself and pulling him towards you, stealing a kiss from him.
he froze completely for a few moments before finally taking action and giving in, kissing you in a way sweeter way than his brain was begging him to (he did not want to scare you away by kissing you in the way he really wanted to).
once more, the two of you were too shy to make eye contact at first, simply blushing and holding onto each other in the most timid way possible.
vernon broke the silence first, "im really hoping that's a yes ..?"
you giggled back, "yes, vernon. i'd love that."
with a boyish fist bump thrown towards the sky, vernon let out a quiet 'fuck yeah!' before holding onto your hand and walking you out of the building, finally leading you to your first outing as an official couple, already planning your first date in his head.
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cinnbar-bun · 4 months
Affinity (Various OP Characters x Reader)
Characters: Brook, Buggy, Beckman, Crocodile, Zoro, Mihawk, Corazon, Shanks, Law
Rating: SFW
Word Count: ~4k
A/n: Reader is GN! I kinda made this after hearing about a special thing in my religion, and decided I wanted to do this. I of course made it more romantic in nature than the original idea goes, but hey, romance! I had my followers choose 7 originally but it went to 9, which is a very lucky number in my religion so maybe it was a sign? Who knows! Please enjoy <3
Tagging: @fanaticsnail @gingernut1314 @undeadeurydice @i-am-vita @kiribuchi @therosietoesy (sorry, I forgot who asked for Law my bad)
There is a belief that before you are born, you were once a soul that had existed with other souls. Souls who had an affinity for each other would find that affinity carried in their time as a human. Souls who repelled each other would find that distaste carried over as well. Perhaps it was preordained, fate, destiny- whatever you’d call it. Regardless, it seems your soul has met with someone who once had an affinity for you…
Being an undead figure unable to pass on was not what Brook had in mind. In some ways, he was grateful for another chance at life, another chance to do what he previously was too dead to finish. Albeit, being a pile of bones did have its drawbacks.
While he could still function and do things many humans did, fact was, he was anything but. One look at him would easily make him stand out as something like a freak of nature.
Skeletons cannot love and be loved like a human. He could hold, but could not be held like a human. Admittedly, it had bothered him on occasion, but he always tried to brush it off with a simple hum or shrug. After all, he had his friends and crewmates- and he had a promise to continue fighting for. That should be enough.
But he couldn’t stop his eyes (if he had any) from wandering… couldn’t stop the way his mind wondered…
Just what could it be like if I too could fall in love?
Ah, but that’s such a silly thing for a skeleton to consider. Who could ever love the undead remains of someone long forgotten?
He’d practically given up on such silly notions like love or a relationship- it didn’t fit his current predicament.
So Brook focused on his music and his performances instead. He held up his violin and decided to waste some time on this sunny day playing for his audience of a few blue birds chirping at this green park. It was beautiful and reminded him of his day with the Rumbar Pirates- agh, nostalgia was always his weakest attribute, he thinks.
His fingers drift along the strings of the instrument, peacefully playing his weary heart away. He doesn’t recognize he has another guest until he hears slow clapping.
“What?” He turns his head, surprised to see you on the bench, smiling and clapping.
“That was lovely,” you comment. Time slows still and your eyes meet, shining (e/c) eyes with hollow black sockets.
If he had skin, perhaps he would’ve been red or sweating buckets. As a skeleton, he was not able to do things. But Brook was still a man through and through, and he couldn’t help but freeze at seeing the way your eyes were soft and full of admiration.
“I’m glad you thought so. Music is my pride and joy.”
“I can tell,” you reply. “I felt like I forgot to breathe for a moment when I heard that. I’m sorry for watching, though, if you weren’t looking for an audience.”
“N-no, actually it was…” he was too caught up in the way his soul was resonating and burning within him. “I appreciate it actually. Would you like me to play a song for you?”
“Would you? I’d love to hear more!”
Buggy never believed in things like soulmates or fairy tales or blah blah blah- it was all junk! The only thing he ever could trust was treasure- shiny, bright, treasure! What else did a pirate need or want?
Is what he would say out loud- Buggy, even at a young age, was secretly a romantic who refused to let himself be swept up in the sentiment. When him and Shanks would sail together on Roger’s ship, Shanks would often ask what he thought about love.
Unlike Buggy, Shanks was pretty honest and confident about his assertions. Buggy would stumble and try to keep the bravado up, pretending as if he didn’t secretly yearn for a person who could look past his red nose and maybe possibly sorta kinda like him? Was that too much to ask? If you were Buggy, the answer was yes, because he would never allow himself the chance to be soft or vulnerable with someone. Especially not when he was already so sensitive about his looks and attitude. The thought of letting his guard down to be loved terrified him- what if they left? What if they made fun of him, too?
It was just too much for his fragile ego, so he brushed it aside and continued his hunt for treasure.
“Now where the hell am I?” He yelled, tilting the map in his hand left and right, as if that would somehow make his destination clearer. “Kinda crappy treasure map is this?”
He glared and shoved the map back in his pocket as he stomped around this town. He hadn’t ever bothered to come to this place before, so everything was new for him. He glared at the kids who were pointing at his nose to scare them off (mission accomplished), but his foul attitude still didn’t lessen.
As Buggy turned a corner, he accidentally rammed into someone. They shrieked, and his hat fell off his face and covered his eyes.
“Watch it, will ya? I’m walkin’ he…” he pushed his hat back up and came face to face with perhaps the most gorgeous person he’s ever met. His mouth was wide open, gawking at you as you gave an apologetic smile.
“Sorry. I didn’t see you there,” you said sheepishly.
“Y-yeah it’s… it’s cool. No biggie,” he mumbled in a daze.
“Are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he returned to normal. “I mean, yeah, totally.”
You chuckle at his behavior, and something within Buggy’s chest makes it feel like there’s a million butterflies flapping inside his ribcage. He can’t help the dumb grin on his face as he laughs along.
“Sorry again, sir. I’ll keep an eye out for you next time,” you wink and begin walking away, making Buggy flabbergasted. N-next time? Was that a promise? He didn’t even realize what he was thinking before he turned around and tried to jog back to you.
“H-hey, wait up-!”
Beckman was fairly ambivalent to the idea of a “soulmate” or “affinity”. Sure, he humored his often childish captain with those notions, but the fact was, Beckman was simply a sailor at heart. He didn’t think being “stuck” to someone was the life he wanted, and he was fairly sure a sane, rational person would not want to be the lover of a first mate to perhaps one of the most infamous pirate crews on the sea.
Now, this would imply you were sane and rational, and this would also imply that he was also not a sucker for you. Perhaps that was what made him attracted to you in the first place, or maybe it was something that gave him the idea that his captain wasn’t so off base.
When it came to you, Beckman was eager, a bit too eager, the others would joke. Whenever you called, he came running and answering like a loyal servant. Whenever you wrote, his lips would form a large smile while he refused to let the others look at the letter you sent. Whenever he was away from you for long periods of time, he drank a bit too much.
It was common place enough for the others to notice and tease him about, even if Beckman was adamant there was nothing there. You guys were just… friends, or something ambiguous like that. You didn’t need a label for your relationship. This was completely normal, you were normal, he was normal- nothing was out of the ordinary, so if they would please stop asking and make him confront those pesky feelings he-
Maybe he had a problem. He never felt this way for anyone else he encountered. You knew of his philandering, not seeming to care all that much, but damn it, even he couldn’t continue that streak because his mind would get occupied with you, you, you. Love was too complicated. Maybe this was the alcohol talking. Or Shanks getting in his head about “souls being attuned” or whatever spiritual jazz the red-haired captain would spout.
No, it really made sense, all things considered. There was no one else but you to make him quit fooling around with others on the islands he stopped at. There was no one else but you who invaded his thoughts, who plagued him day and night with those eyes, that smile, the way you hated that red cologne he once bought and-
Oh dear god, he was deep into this, wasn’t he?
Love? Spirits? Souls? Soulmates?
Yeah right, add that to the list of stupid things weak poets say to make their miserable lives have some meaning. You could jump through a million hoops to try and blame encounters and relationships on things like “destiny” or “fate”. To a man like Crocodile, however, “destiny” was just something he could control. Whether through bribes of money or through making them submit with his fearsome powers, “destiny” was nothing but another means of his affluence.
Only those who were weak and had nothing could not control their lives.
Something like love was a crutch used by those who had nothing to pretend they did. What was love to power? What was love to wealth? To fame? To greatness?
Love was the longest-running scam that Crocodile almost could be impressed with, if not for the fact that the sentiment around love made him want to gag.
Except, now he was actively looking for jewelry to buy you, flowers to deliver to your doorstep, and outfits to clothe you in for when you visited him.
It was almost disgusting how Crocodile was eagerly awaiting for your next arrival, for when he could be able to see you on the street or at his casino so he could see that face he adored so much. Those eyes that made him want to melt, that voice that echoed in his head, that smile that made him want to have an image of you adorned on his wall so he could always see it.
Something, he could never place what it was, drew him to you. Something made you seem to stand out to him in ways that no other could. He was Crocodile- world famous business man and pirate- he had no shortage of people throwing themselves at him or fearing him. Only to you was he trying his luck attempting to woo you to give him that look he loved. Only for you was he making excuse after excuse to continue seeing you, lying over and over that he had a reason to use you, that it was just a part of some master plan.
He exhaled another puff of his cigar and rubbed his temples.
Gods, why was he acting this way? He was Crocodile. Not a lovesick teenage boy, not some lonely man, not some simpering-
“Sir, (Y/n) has arrived.” His ears perked up as he quickly slicked back his hair.
“Is that so? Send them up,” he orders, grabbing his expensive cologne to spray onto him again.
Zoro had never heard of the idea of soulmates or anything like that. When one lives, breathes, and dies by the sword, something like “soulmates” is just comical. He doesn’t need love to become the best swordsman. He didn’t need love to teach him how to pick up a sword and kill another with it. That was, in fact, the complete opposite of love.
Survival of the fittest, he thought. Nothing more, nothing less. You kill for bounties, bounties that pay, pay that gives you a chance to eat food. Nothing more to it. He never did more than he needed to, never worked harder for anything outside of his sword training and hunting. What else did a swordsman need to live?
He was currently drinking his fill at a local tavern of some random village he washed out upon. He didn’t care to get names, not when he was always moving, always killing, always leaving. “Zoro” was a passing chance encounter few got to ever meet or understand. He was fine with that. A bounty hunter didn’t need attachments. A bounty hunter definitely didn’t need someone weighing him down.
At the tavern, a few rowdy pirates were acting up. Yelling obscenities, throwing food and liquor at one another, making rude gestures- nothing out of the ordinary for drunk pirates. Zoro had no business with them, so he ignored them, continuing to order pint after pint.
It wasn’t until he heard a crash that he looked up. You were angrily yelling at one of the pirates who threw a drink at you, and his mates were drawing their weapons. It was clear you were outnumbered, so you looked around the bar for anyone that would help.
Normally, Zoro wouldn’t bother, figuring you dug your own grave by messing with pirates like that. However, when he glanced to your eyes, he found himself… staring. Lost. Entranced?
He didn’t know why he felt like he should protect you, but he always had a good intuition when it came to these sorts of things. He sighed, placed his mug down, then stood up, drawing his swords from their sheathes.
“Zoro,” he stated. A rare thing for him to admit so casually to a normal person. The pirates heard his name and shriveled up in fear. Zoro didn’t pay them any mind, instead tapping his sword against his shoulder impatiently. “Need me to shut these guys up?”
If you had asked a young Mihawk about love, he would have most certainly called you a fool for daring to think of such illogical things instead of focusing on one’s own strength and potential. While he had heard of the sentiments about love and soulmates before, he didn’t place much value into it. Love was a distraction from the training he could have done. Love was a waste of time. Love was just for weak-minded people who let themselves be vulnerable or gentle with another. Love wasn’t for people like him.
Which was why he was now trying to instill the opposite into his foolhardy protege, Zoro. Yes, yes, unfortunately, Mihawk was proven wrong from his earlier ways of thinking, and ever since then, he’s been doing his best to be a good man for you.
“I didn’t think a guy like you would have a partner…” Zoro would mumble.
“Of course I would. Do I not look like a suitable husband?” Mihawk replied as he was sipping his wine. “A marriage is only an aspect of your training and power.”
“How does cooking dinner help you train?” Zoro raised a brow, not believing a word.
“If you cannot handle a routine for even the most mundane and domestic of tasks, you cannot expect to be disciplined enough to train. If you think something like making your love a cup of tea or folding laundry is too hard or not worthy enough, you are not worthy enough to hold a sword.”
Zoro nodded, impressed by Mihawk’s reasoning (or maybe impressed at how you somehow made the world’s greatest swordsman so whipped and happy to make you dinner).
“Well, when you put it like that,” Zoro scratched his cheek, looking back at his mentor to see him staring at you longingly from the window. You and Perona were outside picking some of the vegetables at the garden, an activity you insisted upon doing despite Mihawk’s protests. You and the young lady were joking and laughing about something Perona said, and Mihawk sighed.
“Something wrong?” Zoro asked, unsure what Mihawk was thinking with his stoic appearance.
“No, not at all,” Mihawk shook his head, taking another sip.
“Then why did you sigh like that?” Zoro questioned. A smirk grew on Mihawk’s lips as he chuckled, continuing to look at you. You… you who were so special, who had become the apple of his eye, his strength, his joy, his passion.
“Oh, you wouldn’t understand it right now, my student,” Mihawk closed his eyes. “Fate is… it’s simply a humorous thing.”
He always was a sensitive soul, despite his outer appearance and harsh exterior. But even as a child, Law could tell something was up with Corazon.
“Why are you always looking at them?” Law grumpily asked, folding his arms and raising a brow at his benefactor.
“Hm? At who?” Corazon dumbly responded, cigarette in his lips.
“You know who I mean! Don’t act stupid!” Law shouted. Corazon chuckled and exhaled the smoke.
“Sorry, gotta be more specific.”
Of course, Corazon knew who Law was referring to. It wasn’t like Corazon had hidden his affection for you, but that was for another time. You were something special, something that Corazon yearned for but could never have. Not when Doflamingo’s influence was so large and looming over his life. But even if Corazon himself could not love you so freely, he always did like to tell the young boy stories. Of course, Law, being a jaded little boy, had never really given thought to such things like “soulmates” or “souls knowing each other”. That was stupid and impossible.
Corazon liked to believe, though. It comforted him. It made him feel happy that, hey, even if this life perhaps didn’t work out for him and you, at least he had known you before. At least he was able to see you again. At least he got you in his life for a moment, even if it would end in nothing but heartache and pain. At he least, for just a bit, he got to see that smile, those eyes, and feel your hands over his.
It made his life a little less hard, a little less dull. The romanticism that despite Doffy meddling in his life, Corazon still had a chance with you, was meant to know and be with you… well, that was plenty enough for him. It made him happier, too, knowing Law was perhaps a soul he was acquainted with before. It made him feel like he was always going to be guaranteed love and kindness with you and Law, even if the world was unkind to him.
Yes, this new family he had found was perhaps where he belonged the most. With you and Law by his side, there was nothing more he could ask for.
“You’re obsessed.”
“Am not!” Shanks yelled childishly at Beckman, before turning back to face the island they were planning on docking at soon. The wide smile on his face made it clear he was beyond excited to be there, and the other men chuckled.
“Don’t tell me you’re planning on running off to see em?” Yassop asked, knowing the answer.
“Oh, stop bugging about it! It’s just a little reunion with (Y/n), not anything crazy,” Shanks waved off. He breathed into his palm and winced at the smell of his breath. “Crap, does anyone have any mouthwash?”
“I don’t think anything can get that stench out. If they hadn’t run away cuz of your smell before, I think you’re good now!”
“Haha, very funny guys. Besides, it’s just between friends. Nothing weird.”
Of course, that was a bit of a fib, but who doesn’t tell little white lies? Surely he’d be forgiven for saying that by whomever was possibly in charge of making this happen?
Shanks, even with his overwhelming power and influence, did believe in superstition. It would be foolish not to, especially in such a dangerous world that a pirate inhabits. Sure, some of them were old wive’s tales from scared-straight sailors, but he did find them having some merit. He didn’t like to discount the seemingly impossible, not when it made even the most outlandish things possible.
He believed it was fate he got to meet Buggy and be a part of Roger’s crew. He believed it fate he met little Luffy in Foosha Village. He also believed it was fate he saved you that day. Some things just “made sense” like that to Shanks. It certainly made his life more interesting while also giving him a chance to bother you as always.
“Oh, come on, you can’t really kick out your soulmate, can you?” Shanks would tease.
“Soulmate?” You laugh. “Is this your attempt at proposing to me?”
“Hey, if you’d like it to be, I can absolutely make it happen,” Shanks replied, an earnest look in his eyes. You smile at him- crap, how do you always manage to make him ache and miss you? It’s gotta be fate, because no way could anyone have his heart in tight vice like this.
“Well… if you’re insisting, Captain,” you begin, smirking at him. “Why not take me with you? As your soulmate.”
Shanks’s eyes widened and the look on his face was a mixture of bewilderment and excitement.
“You know I can always make room for you,” he answered, trying to steady himself.
“Good. Although, we could share a room.”
“You drive a hard bargain, dear,” he chugs his rum. “Cheers to us!”
Since he was a young boy, Law always tried to remain by himself. You couldn’t really trust anyone in a world of piracy and violence like that. Corazon, of course, always recommended otherwise. He even shared stories about a place where souls all were together.
It didn’t sound plausible or even remotely make sense. How would you even know if your soul was supposedly affiliated with someone?
It had been years since those days and the loss of Corazon, and even though he tried his hardest not to, Law still kept those stories in his mind. They were pointless and silly, but they were something Corazon believed wholeheartedly, even saying it was a miracle he got to meet a young Law. In some ways, Law felt somewhat similarly.
Love wasn’t for someone like Law. Too damaged, too cold, too logical, too afraid to ever let that feeling grow. It was how he stayed and remained for his life, and how he was planning on operating for the rest of time.
Until you, quite literally, crashed into him.
Jeez, you had to be a pest. Or a virus. Or a parasite. Something like that, but gosh, you were contagious. When you smiled, he found himself wanting to smile back. When you talked, he found himself thinking over every word you spoke in great detail. Maybe he was overthinking things, maybe when you said you were happy to have met him that was just you being friendly. Or something.
Almost always his mind drifted to you, feeling a certain way for you that he didn’t feel with the others in his crew or from the Straw Hats. You were different.
Perfect? Maybe. Definitely too good for someone like him, he’d think. But even with that self-loathing and apprehension, he found himself being drawn to you like a magnet.
Cora, if this is what you meant before…
Damn it, now he was letting things like soulmates and affinity cloud his judgment. He was a grown man, not a young boy, he didn’t need those silly delusions and ideas growing in his head and making him think he had a chance with you.
“Tora-o!” Luffy called. “Come here!!”
“No,” Law grumbled.
“Law,” you asked right after. “Do you mind helping me with this?”
“...yes,” he replied, stoically walking up to you to see what your problem was. Luffy gawked and pouted from the side, while a few of the others chuckled at Law.
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icyharrington · 2 years
haii okay this is #82 on the prompt list for steve, requested also by my lovely boothang @wroteclassicaly​ !!
“this is a one time thing.”
contains: daddy kink, blowjobs, deepthroating/face fucking, dirty talk, u suck steve’s dick at work lol
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“You’re- fuck- crazy,” Steve Harrington breathes against your mouth as you shove him back into the supply closet of Scoops Ahoy with enough force to knock several cleaning products off of the shelf. He goes to pick them up off the floor, but you stop him in his tracks, yanking him back to you by the front of his dorky uniform. “Fuck. We have to be quick or Robin’s gonna kick my ass.”
“You are so cute when you’re nervous,” you coo, standing on your tiptoes so you can wrap your arms behind his neck. “Especially in your little outfit.”
“Gee, thanks, (y/n)! That totally wasn’t emasculating at all,” he mutters bitterly, before plucking his hat off and flinging it off to the side. “There. Better? Now you can see my hair in all its glory.”
“No, I liked it!” you protest, pouting at him the way you always do when you’re being particularly bratty. “I’ve always wanted to blow you while you’re in your work uniform.”
He scrunches up his face in a mixture of apparent disgust and confusion, which makes you laugh. “Why?”
“I dunno. Why not?” You sink to your knees, unbuckling his belt. He licks his lips as he watches you, the anxiety on his face transforming into something entirely different, but all too familiar.
“I can’t believe you visited me at my job just to do this,” he murmurs, although he doesn’t sound particularly vexed. It sounds more like he’s in awe of your boldness, if anything. “You are so fucking bad.”
“I should visit you here more often,” you think aloud, as your fingers work his shorts down to gather around his ankles. He’s wearing a pair of plain white boxers underneath, which you think look sexy on him despite their plainness, but then again, you literally think he’s sexy in a cheesy sailor costume.
He’s frowning, but it’s obvious that he’s trying very hard to maintain his rule-abiding facade. “No, (y/n). This is a one time thing, okay? I could lose my job.”
You stick your tongue out at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest defiantly. “You’re really going to deprive your girlfriend of two different types of free cream?”  
You say this to make Steve laugh, and it works; he’s shaking his head incredulously, arms lifting to fold behind his head as he grins down at you. “You are such a fucking slut, (y/n). I mean, jeez!”
Reaching into his underwear, you take hold of this gradually strengthening erection, working it back and forth in your fist for a few strokes until he’s fully hard. Steve’s cock is big, and even though you’re well aware of that fact, it’s still such a shock each time you wrap your fingers around his thick length. You love to tease him there, trailing your fingertips up and down the protruding veins that travel through, until he’s swearing lowly under his breath. “Yeah, but you love it, though.”
“Yeah, ya got me there.” He takes a fistful of (h/c) hair as you strip off his boxers, taking him into your mouth without hesitation. “Fuck. You’re my little slut. Can’t get enough of my big dick, can you?”
You attempt to shake your head as you move your head up and down his length, placing your hands on his muscular thighs in order to take him deep, just how he likes. His head lolls back as he lets out a hoarse groan from the back of his throat, bucking his hips against your face until you’re sputtering. “Yeah, I like you like this. It’s the only time you’re not running that bratty-ass mouth.”
Since you’re unable to retort, you shoot a venomous glare in his direction, though you continue to work on his cock with your mouth. He has a firm hold on the back of your head, preventing you from drawing back when he begins to slide his cock further into your narrow throat. “Yeah, good girl. Take all of it.”
He keeps you in place as he shifts himself back and forth, fucking your face at a leisurely tempo; and, like his little whore, you stay kneeling for him, hands folded primly in your lap. It’s a dynamic that you love- you, the devious, mastermind submissive, and Steve, the flustered dominant.
You can’t do much besides bat your eyelashes up at him as he essentially uses your mouth to masturbate, his jaw clenching as he knits his brows in concentration. He’s going so hard that there’s saliva dribbling down your chin and black smudges of mascara ringing your eyes, but you’re too wrapped up in his taste to care how badly he’s wrecking you.
“Fuck- yeah, that’s it. Take it nice and deep for daddy,” he encourages, his breath lodging in his throat for a brief moment. He loosens his grip on your hair, allowing you to regain some control of the situation. You decide to relocate your mouth to his balls for a change in scenery, reveling in his frantic moans as your tongue laps aimlessly at the sensitive skin there. “Fuck, (y/n). That’s my good little slut. You gonna swallow all my cum, baby?”
You nod eagerly, between sloppy strokes of your tongue against him. “You know I will, daddy.”
“Shit…” he mumbles, looping a portion of your hair around his hand and using it to steer you back to your original position. “Open your mouth.”
You do as you’re told, opening wide as he angles his cock over your mouth, pumping himself with his fist until his stomach muscles contract, a telltale sign that he’s about to cum. He manages a breathless, “wider,” before he releases his load into your waiting mouth, his orgasm accompanied by a series of strangled grunts and moans.
Steve is so sexy when he cums, with his plump lips bitten red and forehead slick with afterglow; you watch him adoringly as he rides out his orgasm, mouth falling open to call your name.
You swallow his cum, letting the salty-sweet taste coat your mouth as it slides down your throat. Once it’s gone, you proudly display your empty mouth for Steve to let him know that you’ve done your job.
It takes a moment for him to snap back into reality, his eyes half-lidded and dazed as they scan his surroundings, and then you. He strokes your hair with his massive hands, humming, “that’s my girl.”
He redresses himself as you stand up and retrieve his hat for him, which you find overturned beside the mop bucket. Your knees are sore and will likely be covered in bruises tomorrow, but you don’t mind a few bumps here and there if it means pleasing Steve. “Do you think Robin’s wondering where you are yet?”
“No,” comes a familiar singsong voice from the other side of the closet door, and you and Steve whip your heads to look at each other, eyes wide. Of course Robin had overheard the whole encounter, and had chosen not to say anything until now. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell! As long as you promise to wash your hands before you get back to work, Stevey-poo.”
Robin laughs obnoxiously, and you’re caught between drinking the nearest cleaning chemical or busting into hysterics yourself.
Steve, on the other hand, looks like he wants to die, a pained expression painted across his crimson-flushed cheeks.
“God fucking damn it, (y/n).”
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sunbaby01 · 7 months
The Conjuring house
In which Violet tags along to hellweek, and finally gets the push she needs to admit to her best friend Colby how she really feels.
She’d like to say she couldn’t quite believe she’d let Sam and Colby talk her into this. But that would be lying. She knew the moment Colby batted his pretty little eyes she’d have said yes to anything he asked just to make him happy.
“So we’ll introduce the video then you and then Cody and Satori” Sam told her getting the camera ready.
“Okay” she breathed, unable to shake off the feeling of somebody watching her.
“Hey, we’ll be fine. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you” Colby told her, twirling a strand of hair round his ring clad fingers, flashing her a smile and taking his place next to Sam with her to his left.
“What’s up guys its Sam and Colby and welcome to hellweek!” Colby started
“For this year’s hellweek I’m sure some of you know we’re staying at the conjuring house for a week alone. Although we do have some guests for you along the way…” Sam finished, while Colby reached out wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her into frame.
“Hey guys!!” She gave a little wave, still feeling anxiety in her body.
“That’s right, violet here is our special guest. How’re you feeling Vi?” Colby asked, hand still around her waist.
Friends, friends, friends, her subconscious repeated.
“I’m okay, not gonna lie I do feel a bit anxious it’s like…I don’t know, you know when you feel like someone’s in the room watching you?” She looked at both Sam and Colby.
“Obviously we don’t want you to be anxious but the fact you feel like someone’s here brings us onto our next guests who you’ll see regularly this week…Cody and Satori” Sam spoke again panning the camera to the couple next to them.
Violet felt the warmth leave her waist and distracted herself by looking round the room slightly until she heard the knocking. She made her way back to where the group was standing, but not too close, letting Sam and Colby have their moment while she digested what she was hearing. Footsteps walking around the room although no one was moving. And then she felt it, a hand on her arm. She jolted into the little table next to her and quickly moved to stand by their producer. To much in shock to notice the frown on Colbys face when he spoke.
“You okay?”
“Yeah what was that?” Sam asked.
“I could’ve sworn someone touched me on my arm” she rubbed over the spot.
“Come over here,” Colby nodded and she moved placing herself between Sam and him, “you feel unsafe or anxious when you’re here you come to me okay? Sam maybe if he’s closest but me” he looked deep into her eyes-
“Hey guys look” Sam interrupted as Satori called out the alphabet. Violet hated the way as words became clear Sam’s face dropped, she felt helpless as his eyes filled up with tears and he requested a few minutes to gather his thoughts.
“Sammy this is amazing” she squeezed his hand.
“I know…it’s just no one would know what they’ve just said. Knowing she’s here watching over us?” He shook his head taking a few more breaths to calm down.
“Hey guys? I’m sorry to interrupt but there’s someone new who wants to talk” Satori spoke and with one more deep breath they began again with the alphabet.
“What’s your name?”
G e o r g e
Violet tensed slightly, there was no way.
“Okay George and do you have a message for someone here?”
Y e s
“What’s your message?”
F i n a l l y m e e t y o u
Tears formed in her eyes while Sam and Colby looked to one another not knowing who this was, repeating the words in a mumble and too much on a high to notice her reaction.
W a t c h o v e r y o u p r o u d
It was then when the first tear fell she let out a cry and both boys turned straight to her.
“Do you know who this is?” Sam asked, while Colby reached for her hand.
“My grandpa George passed when my mom was young. And I’ve always kinda felt a hole where he should be like I’m missing something I never had and I’ve always wondered if he could see me or if he’d be proud” she leaned towards Colby’s body for comfort when the knocking started again.
L o v e y o u a n d m o m
“We love you” she managed to get out between her tears.
“I know this is very draining for you George okay? Do you have one final message for your granddaughter this time?”
t e l l h i m l i k e I t o l d h e r
And they heard the footsteps walk away.
“Tell him like I told her?” Colby asked, “does that mean anything to you?” He looked down at her pushing away the thoughts of how beautiful she looked when she cried.
“Yeah…I don’t really wanna talk about it now if that’s okay? It’s just been a lot to process, can we move on?” Violet asked wiping her eyes forcing the smallest of smiles in thanks when Sam changed the subject while Colby just looked at her.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the night. Not only had she finally met her grandpa but he’d known all about her feelings for Colby. Violet thought back to the story of how her grandparents met, once being best friends until her grandpa took the chance of ruining their friendship because he fell in love with her. And that’s what he wanted Violet to do, to take the chance.
The camera had finally been put down and Sam headed over to where she was stood.
“You okay?” He squeezed her shoulder.
“Yeah I just wasn’t expecting that at all…he wants me to tell someone my feelings and I’m scared of ruining it” she ran a hand through her hair just as Colby came in.
“I think you should listen to Grandpa George, I’ll give you two some time” he smiled at her once more already knowing the someone in question and left the room.
“Viol-“ Colby started.
“Did I ever tell you the story how my grandparents met? It was my favourite growing up. My mom used to tell it to me every night before bed. They were best friends…but my grandpa started seeing her differently, started trying to woo her and she took it as a joke until he finally just laid it out there. He loved her and there was no one else he wanted to grow old with” she played with her fingers
“That’s a really sweet story,” it was, and yet at the same time in that moment Colby hated that story because the pieces started coming together about what her grandpa meant, “so he wants you to tell him how you feel?” He asked, jaw clenching when she nodded. He ran his hand through his hair and turned to walk away when she spoke.
“I love you,” she whispered and Colby froze, “I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since you agreed to match my stupid costume the first Halloween after we met. And I know I’ve loved you since you only started suggesting movies you know I love in group movie night and always having my favourite soda stocked. If you don’t feel the same then we can just forget this, go back to how we were and I’ll try to move on-“
“No” he interrupted, turning around and placing his hands either side of her neck, thumbs brushing her jaw, “I don’t want to forget this, I don’t want to go back and I definitely don’t want you to move on. How did you not know? You noticed I did those things and sure I do stuff for my friends but I’d do anything for you. I did all those things because I care but also because I love you. Why do you think I agreed to that Halloween costume, huh?” He asked lowering his face to hers.
“I just thought you really loved Halloween” she murmurs against his lips.
“I do, but I also really love you” their lips finally meet and they smile into the kiss at the sound of Sam’s ‘finally’, satori’s soft ‘aww’ and the flicker from the light above them before they broke apart.
“Let’s go see some ghosts, hm?”
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mo49ko · 7 months
hiii first of all i love your art so much! it’s so pretty!!! secondly you give off the vibe of someone with superior taste in fan fiction so i wonder if you have any good fqmq recommendations? long modern aus have a special place in my heart but honestly i’d read pretty much anything about these two. anyways thanks for posting so much your art always brings me joy ily 🫶
omg thank you so much for your kind message!! 💖
i want to believe that i am someone with superior taste in fan fiction and will now wear this message as a badge of honour forever!! 🥹🥹
there are sooo many good ones but here are a few of my favourites with my thoughts on them!! please check out the fic pages for the actual summaries. there are a lot of modern AUs but no one is surprised!!
also i cant stand angst and refuse to read it so i hope u like happy endings 🤭🤭 there is literally nothing more exciting to me than reading about fengqing trying not to kill?? kiss??? each other while sharing a flat
NSFW ones are under the cut. i put the ones with no explicit sex under SFW but do read the tags/warnings!!
bound by destinies thread by muqingssaber
AU where mq is a tailor and fx works at the palace and gets a crush on him THEYRE SO SWEET!! there is also a lovely art that goes with this story so do check it out
mollycoddled by wanningcore
(modern AU) mq is sick and fx takes care of him. their interactions and reactions to each other are sooo well written...enjoyers of mq learning to let himself be loved this one is for you 🫡🫡
a drive to the heart by evan_dumpling2137
(modern AU) i love mq finding the most convoluted excuses ever to hang out with his...c...crush...
i crash into you (head on) by dreamagain
(modern AU) fengqing getting together by third wheeling hualian. i read this multiple times and threw my phone across my bed over how cute it is. i am OBSESSED with the last scene in particular but i don't want to spoil it so pls read🤭
take a piece of my heart and make it all your own by ruilian
THIS ONE IS HILARIOUS obsessed with the concept of mq asking hc for definitely-not-love advice
little beastie by Annabec
mq turns into a little kid and there is only one person who can...should...will take care of him and love him!!! guess who!!! it's so sweet and makes my heart warm
god of love, pei ming by jagaimocchi
(modern AU) for wingman pei ming enjoyers ITS SO FUN
Stuck Into Memory by tsuki_dango
(modern AU) mq with nipple piercings 👀
or you just saw me with my equations up by decis by xiaolongbaobei
FENG XIN/FU YAO !!! this fic rewired my brain i am so serious... i have not stopped thinking about it mostly because i am obsessed with the slight difference in personality between mq and fy in canon and i went into this for the nsfw but it's so well written and explores mq's complexed very well
not how i turned out to be by brosnyaa
(ABO) I rec this to everyone i know who even remotely knows who fengqing are!! for enjoyers of fx getting jealous over a misunderstanding but still wanting to respect his boundaries, pei ming being there, and most importantly... the 🔞🔞🔞
fengyao threadfic by doordaash (twitter)
hehe... more fengyao...
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Jean Vicquemare
He's a minor character with a surprising amount of depth when u look into it!! But he is also a Cop (derogatory) and I feel a lot of people take the few things we know about him and twist it into an entirely different entity separate from the source material. I think he's an interesting character and should also be catapulted into the sun <3
This could not be more of a divisive character in this Fandom, which is hilarious considering he doesn't even have that much screen time. He is either seen as the devil incarnate or a poor little baby who's so sad! Being a fan of him means it's just best to block his tag here on Tumblr otherwise you'll tear your hair out at how frustratingly people misrepresent his purpose in the story.
Dark Pit
Most of Dark Pit's mischaracterization comes from the fact that he's in SSBU- everyone assumes he's like every other nintendo clone; evil and just a 'bad' version of the original. But he's not!! Even the characters in his own game think he's just cruel by nature, when he's never actually done anything wrong. He's a dick, yes, but wouldn't you be a bit pissy if you kept getting dragged into a war you want no part in, called a name crafted specifically to belittle your own existence?
Dark Pit was created when Pit, the original, was on a mission to destroy a mirror that would copy anything that stood before it, since the villians were using it to create an army. It's incredibly important to note that it does NOT create 'evil' versions or even just copy the body and leave the personality at home. It's a 1:1 conversion. Unfortunately, the villians also knew Pit would destroy the mirror quite directly, standing in front of it (or more accurately, flying kicking towards it) and triggering the copy to be made. It was shattered midway through creation, creating Dark Pit- something the villians were hoping would happen, as Pit is the last angel to exist and they REAAAALLY want their own angel.
Immediately everyone assumes Dark Pit is just evil by default- even the villian is gloating about her new minion, but he immediately rejects that and punches the villian and helps you in the fight. He steals her power and flies away after, but its important to realize that Dark Pit could've just allied with the villians for the same result, and instead chose to be alone. Sure, he's kinda a dick to Pit, but he hasn't done anything outright evil. Just took a dead god's power in order to fly and left.
Cue the next mission where Palutena calls Dark Pit 'twisted' and 'inherently corrupt' like ma'am where??? Hes just an asshole cmon, you would be too if your birth parent is a reflective piece of glass. You go off on a mission to try and KILL him, and he obviously defends himself- once again, he's done nothing outright wrong. He's rude and aggressive, yes, but he literally doesn't want ANY part of all this war between gods shit, and here you are killing him for merely existing. During the final battle of the mission Dark Pit tells Pit that he is his reflection, and that they're the same person- Dark Pit is just more than willing to say the things Pit refuses to admit to himself.
AND HE'S RIGHT. Dark Pit believes the gods are selfish, are using Pit as a tool for their own gain, and that the world would be better off without them since all they ever seem to do is cause war and destruction. If you pay attention to how Pit reacts to the world around him, he DOES share these beliefs but instead of acting on them, he just buries it. Pit will even snap at the gods about half-way through the game, telling them outright that its THEIR war that is destroying the planet and that THEY'RE all at fault. Dark Pit is NOT an evil clone; he's an inversion. Everything Pit hides away, he wears on his sleeve, and interestingly, everything Pit openly is, DARK PIT STILL IS TOO. He, just like Pit, hides it away instead of admiting it.
After the fight Dark Pit runs away, and shows up mainly as an ally to Pit going forward. The game mentions further how kinda fucked up Dark Pit's whole situation is- if Pit's soul is removed from his body, Dark Pit just DOESN'T EXIST during that time. If Pit dies, Dark Pit dies, and he has no control over it. He never even gets his own name- its either Dark Pit, or his nickname of 'Pit two' (Pitto). If Pit ever attacks Dark Pit and tries to kill him, there's little Dark Pit could ever really do; In the game he'll defend himself and try and kill you, but at that point he's dead either way. His life is barely his own.
Worst part is, SSBU confirms Dark Pit allied with Viridi after the events of Kid Icarus Uprising. I cannot STRESS how horrible that is for his characterization so far. Viridi is the god of nature and hates humanity for even existing, with her first appearance being her dropping NUKES onto towns and cities to purge humanity. And Dark Pit now works as a commander under her. Either Viridi has to mellow out REAL damn fast and stop nuking medieval humans, or they accidentally wrote Dark Pit to be a Human Murderer (we specifically know Viridi sends her commanders to kill off anyone who survives her nature nukes). Really hope this stays in the realm of 'not canon' because holy shit there's so many better options to pick from than the 'little girl god with a hit list and a factory of bombs'.
(Not even sure WHY Dark Pit, who thinks gods are selfish and use angels like tools, would want to ally with a god. Yes, he can't fly without a god's help, but even then why ally with the most vindictive and murder-happy god that isn't Hades??? Poor dude really just needs a break from all the gods to sort out who he is and to start building his own life independently from Pit)
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peekaboo-icyou · 1 year
the truth
Part 1
Pt.2 of new person
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“U-um excuse me?…” the guy that looked like the boss turned to you and bent down to you level “yes doll?” He smirks “c-can I ask w-what’s going on?…” he takes a drag from his cigarette then laughs and stands up “y’know your little boyfriend the chimney?” “The who?” The guy looks back at you confused “y’know the chimney the most feared mob boss in the city?” “I don’t know no chimney sir I’m sorry” the gets back down to your level worried “y’know a um William soot or uh wilbur soot?” You smile cheerfully “oh yes that’s my boyfriend!” He smiles “so he hasn’t told you?” “Told me what?” “He’s a fake! He’s not a good guy he’s killed thousands of people! Done drug deals, stolen, almost every crime” you look at him shocked “b-but my Wilbur wouldn’t do that he’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met h-he braids my hair, he cooks for me and reads to me, your telling me that’s all a lie?…” you tear up
the guy pulls up two chairs for you both “sit down toots” you sniffle and sit down “I’m sure he does do all that I understand why he didn’t tell you I mean if I found a cute little lady that only believed in good in the world I’d probably hide it to and especially if they treated me like a normal person, see once you get into the business and become known everyone is scared of ya” you sniffle more “so let’s get you cleaned up doll” “what do you mean?” “I think you’ve had enough shock today I’m lettin you go”
you go to give him a hug and that’s when you hear a shot and something cold run down your chest and down your leg and you fall to the floor “Y/N!!!” He throws the gun and quickly runs over to you “get the fuck out of my way you bastard!” He punches the guy “oh god what have you done to her?” “What have I done to her? All the wounds are makeup to scare you, you fuckin shot the poor girl” he puts pressure on your wound “stay in there baby we’re gunna get you help” you cough up blood “w-Wilby?…” “yes baby?” You look at him “do you see the light to?” “No don’t go to the light!” You pass out
You wake up in a bed a really fancy bed and the bedroom is the size of your tiny apartment, you hear the door open “y/n?” You pretend to sleep and hide under the blanket “darling I know your awake” you come out “I’m really sorry for not telling you I just didn’t want you to hate me” “you lied to me!” “I-I kno-“ “I thought you were a good person and I was wrong your just a money hungry bastard!” He frowns and tears up “I even spent money on you! Which I had no problem doing for dinner and coffee but but you also told me you couldn’t afford your apartment rent for 3 months! And this definitely is not a apartment, did you know I just lost my coffee shop the one that my grandmother gave to me! Because I couldn’t pay the rent because I spent all my money on stuff you ‘couldn’t’ afford!” “Wait baby I-“ “don’t baby me! I never want to see you again!” You try to get up but the bullet wound hurts to much but you still manage anyway until you discover your basically naked “where are my clothes!” He’s crying right now but you can’t really see because he’s good at hiding it “they got ruined you can borro-“ “I don’t want your clothes!” “Just a hood n/n so your not naked when you leave I’ll get a driver to take you home but please do not break up with me…” “I-I have to think about it…”
Should I make a part 3
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the-blackholeus · 1 year
If u feel comfortable can u pls 2014/2016 splinter x mutant reader and they been together since April saved their basically the turtles mother/dad
„My love. Are you alright?”
Splinter’s ears twitched as he heard your voice, turning his head to face your figure as you walked through the door, your massive, mutated form throwing a shadow over the rat as you sat behind him. Your eyes, still a kind e/c color, glowed softly in the darkened room as your slitted pupils expanded lightly to allow you to see better, taking in the troubled expression that he had been carrying for a while now.
“My dearest Y/N.”, the rat muttered softly as he leaned against your form, feeling the strong muscles underneath your fur/scales. “Always so caring.”
A soft chuckle left your throat, and you reached out to wrap your arms around his lean figure, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “You are my husband, of course I care about you.”, you grumbled, but then your face turned a little more serious and you moved one of your claws hands to his shoulder, squeezing it softly. “Seriously, though, what is bothering you? What is on your mind?”
Splinter sighed heavily, closing his eyes before his long ears fell back, causing the worry you felt in your chest to increase. “My mind is…troubled.”, he admitted, and averted his gaze, taking a look one of the pictures a camera has taken as the Technodrome, the warship of Krang himself, had entered their dimension, the photo standing out from the rest as what it showed was something straight out of a science fiction movie. “Worried about…the recent events.”
You hummed, understanding where he was coming from. “You are worried that they would come back?”, you pried, your voice dropping a little as you said that, not wanting to alert your sons who were just next doors, arguing whether they should go get pizza right now or only when they already at the stadium where a huge soccer event was taking place today.
They have begged the both of you to be allowed to go there, and after some discussion with your husband, you finally allowed them. Their cheers have warmed your heart.
“Yes…”, your fellow mutant nodded, his gaze falling upon the door that was the only barrier between you both and your children. “Shredder has already proven that nothing stops him from trying to take over the world, and this alien…” He broke off, trying to recall what this slimy beast had been called.
“Krang?”, you offered, earning a small smile of gratitude from him before continuing.
“Yes, this Krang…he is still out there, out for revenge and plotting who knows what. He could return at any given moment.”, he finished, his features twisting into a pained expression.
“You are afraid that our sons will not be victorious next time.”, you spoke, your words not a question but a statement. You were always good at reading him, your long life and heightened senses only making things easier for you. “You are afraid that our second rebellion against this warlord will be a failure.”
“Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello have proven themselves more than once, yet I cannot help but worry.”, he admitted, hating every moment he doubted his children. “This monster is different than Shredder. He possesses a technology that is far more dangerous than any of us can even phantom, he is experienced in war, and we are still unaware of how powerful he truly is. It is possible that we have only scratched the surface of what he can do.”
“I agree that this is something to worry about.”, you whispered, recalling the moment you had to send your children to the Technodrome to face this alien. You had been sick with worry and would have followed them if it wasn’t for your injury. You shook your head at that memory, pushing it to the back of your mind. “Yet, I believe that your fear is clouding your judgement, my dearest husband. You forget, our children have the best teacher they could have ever had.” Your hands traveled to his face, and you held him still as your snout touched his. “You.”
A flattered smirk spread on the old male’s lips as he heard this, and he leaned forward to kiss you, his paws wrapping around your shoulder. Your lips moved against each other as you bathed in the love you both had for each other, all fears and worries melting away at an instance.
You almost lost yourself there, however, before that could happen, the door slammed open and Mikey stood there, looking as giddy as ever. “Mom! Dad! / Dads! Do you wanna join us to the soccer game?!”
You both broke apart slowly, grinning at the disgusted sound your youngest made at the display before you turned your head towards him. (He was still such a child!) “Your offer is charming, my son. But...I believe that your father and I will stay here and spend some time with each other. He...hasn't been feeling himself lately."
"Oh? What's wrong?", the boy asked, as sweet as he was, his brothers peeking over his shoulders to see what was going on. "Are you sick?”
“Should we get you something?”
“Should we stay here too?”
“Should we make you tea?”
“My children, please!”, Splinter yelled and raised his hands. “I am mostly alright, just a little tired. Please don’t worry about me. Go have fun at your game. Our dearest Y/N will stay and ensure that I am alright.”
“You sure?”, Leonardo asked, and you could see the worry swirling in his bright, lively eyes. Oh, how wonderful he was. A great leader.
“Go and have fun.”, you urged them softly and took a few steps forward to wrap your fingers around your eldest child’s chin. “We will stay here and relax, watch the game on TV. There is no reason for you to stick around us old folks.”
“Thanks mom/dad.”, the blue wearing turtle nodded, and smiled softly as you pressed a kiss to his forehead, turning to your other children to do the same to them, patting their cheeks with your paws/claws.
“Don’t mention it.”, you huffed as you turned back to your husband, barely catching them waving at the both of you before they disappeared.
“Thank you.”, the rat mutant hummed softly as you lowered yourself next to him, leaning against his small yet warm form, feeling his soft, clean fur brush against your skin. “Now, where were we?”
“I believe that we were kissing.”, you chuckled as you took his face into your hands again, pressing a quick peck against his lips. “Do you want to continue? We don’t want you to drown in worry again, now do we?”
“No, we don’t.”, he agreed and chased your mouth with his own, wrapping his arms around your neck once more. The kiss lingered a little longer than usual, both of you panting softly as you broke apart, your orbs meeting with glints of a love and devotion that is rarely found between couples. “Thank you for being here, Y/N. You are a light of my life I didn’t realize I needed. How could I have ever lived without you?”
“I don’t know.”, you chuckled, feeling flattered and unbelievably happy hearing those words. “But I do know that I’m not going anywhere. I will stay with you forever. Remember what I swore you, until death does us apart.”
“And even then, I think you will find a way to come back.”, the older male teased, a rare cheeky grin spreading upon his lips. You laughed out loud.
“Yes. You are right. You are stuck with me.”
“I would not have it any other way.”, he assured you, pulling you into yet another kiss, closing his eyes as he felt you giggle against his soft lips.
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dreamsclock · 1 year
no more sad cdnf ill cry :((
happy c!dteam for u :) i feel like i've posted this before but idk??? either way . this was written YEARS ago but it's still v sweet :D
“You’ve got to stop burning yourself out like this.”
Dream doesn’t even look behind him, training weary eyes on his target in front of him without a word. He knows what he’ll see if he turns - Sapnap, hands balled resolutely into fists behind him, face determined, concerned. It’s clear his best friend doesn’t understand, and he’s not about to start explaining.
“Seems like you’re trying to get yourself injured,” comes another voice casually from behind Sapnap’s, and this voice does make Dream stiffen and turn; Sapnap is standing exactly as he imagines, looking strangely out of place in the dark of the Syndicate training room, but behind him is George, eyebrows arched, face bored. He leans against the door like he doesn’t care less. 
Dream knows better. He always does.
“Who sent you?” He asks, voice quiet, hushed.
Sapnap steps forwards. “Who d’you think, idiot?” He trades an uncertain glance with George. “Techno said you’d be down here. Think he’d kill us if we came down here otherwise.”
Biting back a snort of amusement, Dream knows it’s true. Techno is more than a little protective of the Syndicate grounds, and had been displeased enough when Dream had requested that his friends should be allowed to come and go as they pleased. But he knows why Techno has sent them - knows, because Techno is ridiculously transparent these days, and it’s obvious the other is worried about him.
Not that anyone should worry about him. Because he’s fine.
He says so himself.
“Tell Tech I said… thanks for the concern, but I’m good.” Dream spins back round to his straw training dummy, gives it a poke with his sword. His arm, exhausted after hours of desperately trying to work himself back up to full strength, trembles. “I’ll finish soon, and I’ll get sleep when I’m done.”
George scoffs. “It’s one in the morning. It’s past training time.”
“I slept plenty yesterday,” Dream says, unfazed, “look. I’ll finish soon. I promise.”
…It’s only partly a lie. Really, ‘soon’ could mean anything - five minutes, fifty minutes, five hours. He does plan on finishing at some point… though he doesn’t have to tell them when. He’s sick of feeling like he’s being babied, sick of hiding away waiting desperately to be completely healed - hell, Quackity and Sam had done a fantastic job of making sure Health and Regen potions got rid of every scar and open wound on his body - and he’s sick of feeling like he’s useless. Like he’s damaged.
He’s completely fine. He’s Dream.
When he sways on his feet, Sapnap doesn’t look sure, and steadies him. Annoyance rising, Dream pushes him off with a grimace.
“Sapnap.” The name comes out with force. “I’m fine.”
“Dream.” George mimics his voice, pushing himself off the doorframe and sauntering in. His eyes are heavy and framed with dark circles under his goggles. “You’ve been here seven hours.”
…Okay, so that’s true. Dream wilts a little, but stays stubborn. “I stopped for dinner.”
“Stopped to step out, take steak from Philza, and eat it.” Sapnap exhales, stepping round and getting between Dream’s sword and the training dummy. “Look, man. It’s clear you want to train. Nobody wants to stop you doing that–”
“Really?” He interrupts, words clipped. “Because that’s what it feels like.”
“No. Prime, you’re paranoid.”
“Really.” Dream’s laugh is dry, even in his own ears. “Astute, Sap.”
He doesn’t mean the nickname, he really doesn’t. It’s been months and months since he’d called him that - before the breakout, before prison, before the throne, and even then, it had mostly been a joke. Calling him Sap now feels too gentle, too vulnerable – but Sapnap softens anyway, sighing, running a hand through the back of his hair. “We just want you to rest,” he says quietly, “look, man. We all get that you want to train. Believe me, we get it. But you have so much time. You don’t need to exhaust yourself like this.”
Time. What do George and Sapnap know about time? Dream’s face hardens, and he lifts the sword to Sapnap’s throat - it’s not a genuine threat, though, and it stings to see Sapnap stiffen like it is. 
“Sapnap, listen to me. I’m not going to stop training. I need to train.” He has to laugh, incredulously. “I lost so much time in prison. Ten months! And I lost six weeks recovering, and I lost two months building up strength again and focusing on recovering mentally, and I’ve only just managed to start training properly again! How can you ask me to stop when I’ve only just started?”
“Fight me, then.”
Sapnap and Dream both pause at George’s nonchalant offer. Swiveling round, eyes narrowing suspiciously, Dream stares at his best friend. “What?”
George saunters forwards, dropping his sword on the floor and rolling up his sleeves. Despite the tiredness on his face, he looks ready. “You heard me,” the older continues impatiently, “if you want to train, then fight me. Only if you lose, you rest. If you win, you can do what you want.”
Sapnap protests incoherently. Dream, seizing the opportunity to be left alone, agrees: “Deal,” he says, dropping his own sword, “fists only?”
George hums in agreement. “First to get the other to less than half health.”
And fighting with George – it’s different. It’s not as frightening as Dream had initially feared, nothing like prison, when his only ways of fighting back had been shielding his face from blows or throwing himself into lava to defy the Warden and Quackity. It’s not frightening, it doesn’t remind him of prison, Quackity, anything – instead, it’s exhilarating. It feels like his old life again when George yelps at a particularly sneaky hit, feels familiar and good when George’s fist connects with his shoulder. 
He’s used to winning fights with George, especially this George, who spends half his life in a dream and certainly hasn’t trained for a long, long time. Maybe it’s this that makes him cocky - or maybe it’s because he’s tired, maybe it’s because he’s only just started back training himself, maybe it’s a thousand different reasons - but Dream underestimates George a few too many times. 
It ends with him flat on his back, cursing under his breath as George stands above him smugly, and calling out a defeated, “half health!”
(It’s a lie. He’s on quarter health. That makes it more bitter.)
George crouches beside him, a smug smile playing about his face. “You look surprised,” he smirks, and then turns to Sapnap, who is also standing with his mouth agape, and then George scowls, “oh, come on. You didn’t think I’d win either?”
“In Dream’s defence,” Sapnap says, “you lose, like, ninety percent of the time.”
George looks offended, kicking at his best friend, who dodges with a grin. “You’re lying,” George says mournfully, “I’m better than both of you. You’re both lame.”
“Lame?” Sapnap complains. “Says the guy who loses all his good items every time he gets outta bed because I keep killing him. How am I the lame one?”
“Dream,” George wheedles, “defend me.”
Dream doesn’t reply. He yawns instead, tilting his head up and studying the roof of the Syndicate room sleepily. When it did at all, exhaustion has always hit him strongest and out of nowhere – he remembers curling up and falling asleep in the strangest of places as a child, only woken sleepily by Bad or Sapnap finding him hours later, and as old as the memory is, it’s comforting to him now.
“He’s dying,” George says gravely, “I killed him. Someone prepare the funeral.”
Sapnap laughs, covering his mouth and rolling his eyes. “Idiot.” He flops down beside Dream on the hay floor, tucking his arms behind his head and turning to his best friend with a mischievous look. “What was that, about not being tired?”
Dream stifles another yawn. “Maybe ‘m a little tired,” he admits, eyes heavy and warm, and Sapnap’s chuckle sits light in his stomach, “still not goin’ to bed, though. I’ve got to train.”
“Train by sleeping on the floor?” When Dream only grunts, Sapnap grins. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”
George sits too, but places down a bed first, sitting down on it cross-legged and haughty. “I’m not sleeping on the floor. You two have fun, though.”
“How’d y’ beat me?” Dream mumbles, blinking sleepily. “I wasn’t expectin’ it.”
George looks pleased with himself. “Because I’m the best and you’re dogwater,” he says plainly, and then, seeing Sapnap’s eye roll: “And because you’re obviously tired. You can’t do any good training while you’re tired. Obviously. It’s, like, the first thing you learn in training.”
Dream chuckles, the sound heavy and warm. It’s been a while since he’s felt like this: he feels so normal, he feels like how he had felt pre-prison, pre-wars, pre-SMP – it’s nice. It’s really nice. “You’re an idiot.”
“Says you.” George returns, but it’s fond, and makes Dream’s eyes crinkle.
“I’m so sick of DNF,” Sapnap says dramatically, and Dream grins as Sapnap loops an arm around him, “time for Dreamnap. DN.”
“Deez nuts,” George yawns, closing his eyes, “goodnight, DN. Deez Nuts.”
He’s asleep before either Dream or Sapnap can comment. Clapping a hand over his mouth to stifle his laugh, Dream turns to Sapnap, who doesn’t look tired, but does gaze at him fondly. 
“Glad you’re resting, dude,” Sapnap tells him, “really. I know you hate me an’ George and Techno and stuff talking about it and stuff, but you’ll train better with sleep. You really will.”
Dream doesn’t argue. “I just feel like–” He shifts, trying to shake off some of his exhaustion. “I hate feeling like I’m useless. I hate sitting about doing nothing, I hate feeling like an invalid, or– or like I’m some kind of victim, you know?”
Sapnap sighs. “I know. And there’s nothing wrong with training. Hell, I’ll train with you. I want to. But you have to be patient with your body.”
He gestures to Dream’s leg-brace; to the cane, propped up awkwardly in the corner; to the tremor in his hands and the sunken skin of his cheeks. 
“Healing takes time, buddy.”
Buddy. Despite feeling defensive, Dream’s chest warms at the familiar nickname. “I… know,” he says, reluctantly, “I’m just not used to going slow.”
“Who said anything about going slow?” Sapnap laughs. “You went fast enough with George fighting him tonight. You’re not– I dunno, you’ve not suddenly forgotten how to fight. You just have to look after yourself a little better, man. And, you know. Let people help you from time to time.”
His oldest friend shoots him a fond look.
“You’re pretty shit at doing that, still. Even as a kid, you were dumb with that.”
Dream nudges him with a yawn. “I’m not dumb. You’re dumb.”
“You’re dumber.”
“You’re dumbest.”
“You’re the dumber-dumbest.”
“You’re… that multiplied by infinity.”
Sapnap scoffs. “Just go to sleep, dumbass.” There’s fondness layered into his voice. “G’night. I’m gonna kick your ass when you train tomorrow if you wake me before nine in the morning tomorrow.”
Nine? Dream tries not to look flabbergasted. “That’s so late.”
“Nine o’clock,” Sapnap says, “any earlier and I’ll literally just beat you up.”
Dream pouts, but turns away, tugging the blankets from George’s bed and wrapping them around himself. “G’night, Sap.” And then, after a long pause, he says, almost shyly: “Thanks. For helping.”
Sapnap doesn’t reply, but he does nudge him gently and fix his blankets, which is his code for don’t mention it. Dream, warm and content and so, so tired, lets himself drift off to sleep, deep and dreamless, for the first time in three days.
When he wakes the next morning, it’s eight in the morning, and Sapnap and George are still asleep beside him. Instead of jumping to his feet and rushing to get ready, Dream yawns, and lets himself drift back to sleep.
Another hour won’t hurt. Not when his best friends are there to support him.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Ecstasy [06]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall at Banmaden
Male Ghoul B: Founder King. There is something you have not told us, isn’t there?
Carla: ...? What are you talking about?
Male Ghoul C: About the lady standing next to you.
Yui: ( ...! Me...!? )
Male Ghoul A: We’ve heard that she’s related to the Demon World. In which case she could be a valuable figure to initiate negotiations! 
Male Ghoul B: It’d even be easy to form an alliance by offering her in return, no? 
So why are you leading us into battle regardless!? Do you want our lives to go to waste!? 
Carla: ...It would seem to me that you lot are very much opposed to the idea of fighting. 
Male Ghoul C: Of course we are! Nobody wants to die!
Male Ghoul A: Exactly! Just like he said!
Yui: ( Everyone’s terrified...Of course they are. )
( I can definitely understand why they’d rather not get caught up in this war. )
( If I go, I’m sure that the Vibora Clan will call off the war. )
( By doing so, we can at least avoid the conflict lurking around the corner... )
ーー I understand. I shall offer myself up for trade to the Vibora.
Carla: ...Yui...!
Shin: Hey, are you serious right now!?
Yui: It’s fine. If I accept these conditions, it’d definitely lower the chances at a war and I’d be able to make myself somewhat useful to everyone. 
Carla-san, please use me. ーー I’m begging you. 
Carla: You...!
Male Ghoul B: You’re amazing! Big props to you!
Male Ghoul C: Now we don’t have to fight with the Vibora Clan, right? Thanks!
Yui: ( Everyone’s happy...I’m glad... )
ー The scene shifts to Carla’s room
Yui: U-Uhm, Carla-san. Please don’t pull my arm that strongly...!
( It hurts...! )
ー He pins her against the wall
Carla: What on earth are you thinking!?
Yui: ...!
( He forced me against the wall...The look in his eyes is beyond terrifyingーー )
Carla: Do you understand what you did? Not only did you go against the King’s decision, but you even defied my order!
I believe I made myself very clear in the past, but have you forgotten about that already!?
All you need to do is do as I say. That is how the woman of the Founder King should behave!
Yui: ...But.
Carla: You still want to talk back?
Yui: ...I don’t mind if that’s how you want to take it. But please let me say this.
Carla: ...
Yui: I am genuinely happy that you care for me so deeply. I truly believe that I am blessed.
But it just doesn’t sit right with me if I’m the only one enjoying safety. ...It makes my heart ache. 
Carla: ...
Yui: I don’t want anyone to have to fight. Not the Ghouls, nor Shin-kun.
And above all, I don’t want you to get hurt.
Carla: Yui...
Yui: Therefore, could you please leave this one in my hands? I’m begging you.
Carla: ...
...Heh. Those are some bold words coming from you.
→ It’s rather impudent of me, isn’t it? (❦)
Yui: ...I’ve got a lot of audacity to say this, don’t I?
But this is something only I - as the one with Cordelia-san’s heart inside of me - can do. 
I believe I have the right to be audicious. 
Carla: ーー Haha. Look at that, you have really learnt to defend your case.
...Exactly. You are absolutely right.
→ I’m sorry 
Yui: ...I’m sorry. Perhaps I was a little too harsh just now.
Carla: If you are simply going to apologize afterwards, then don’t say such things in the first place.
Yui: Eh...?
Carla: This is something only you can do, is it not? If you have made up your mind about it, then all we can do is leave it up to you. 
Yui: ...Right. My bad.
( I’m the one who brought it up in the first place, but I kind of got cold feet just now. I better be careful. )
Carla: ...But you know, Yui. 
Yui: Yes? ...Ah.
ー He embraces her
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Carla: If I am honest with myself...This situation greatly pains me as well. I did not want to have to get you involved.
Yui: ( His arms embracing me...are shaking ever-so-slightly. )
I feel the same way. Seeing you risk your own life in a war pains me, it hurts...
( I’m sure the two of us share the same feeling... )
Carla: ...If possible, I would like to keep you in my arms like this forever. 
Yui: Me too...
Carla: Yui...
I was incredibly shaken up,
by the Ghouls pleas to not have to go into battle. 
I want to be useful to everyone. 
And if I could aid in avoiding this war, even just a little...
Spurred on by this feeling,
I finally declared that I would step up to negotiate a trade (交渉材料) with the Vibora Clan. 
I know Carla-san has been opposed to the idea this whole time,
But he finally gave in to my decision (決意). 
Both Carla-san and myself,
equally treasure one another. 
As we embrace each other,
I became painfully aware of that. 
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strywoven · 1 year
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@stellarisen has requested a story : “Say your prayers, little one.” // from tem to namyr kadai ;) ehehehe
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How far from the path we’ve strayed , beloved friend.  Verily , it was once o u r path to walk ( together always , wasn’t that our promise ? wasn’t that what we swore to each other ? have you already forgotten all that we said & did ? ) … And now , AND NOW— She barely recognizes him and who he has become ( another senseless peon ) .  The man she remembers is hardly there anymore.  Kadai would not be surprised if Temenos killed him to become the Skeksis’ ready and able s e r v a n t .  They , the very same monsters who now send her once-friend to HUNT & COLLECT HER ; clever , cruel , pinning them against each other purely for the s p o r t of watching the gelfling who care for each other most do each the most h a r m in the end.
If only there was a better solution to this.  The only thing Kadai can ever think of is GRABBING HIM & BEATING THE SENSE back into him ; reasoning with the Inquisitor has long been out of the question.  His loyalty to the Skeksis is terrifying and resolute.  Kadai knows she might have already l o s t Temenos to their thrall , she knows that prolonging the inevitable is simply … Putting them both at risk.  But if there is still a c h a n c e , should she not take the risk just the same ?  Should she not seize it and CLING TO IT ?  For him , she would do a n y t h i n g .
Perhaps that is why there comes no real falter , no real resistance when Temenos pulls her close with his staff , the two gelfling standing near nose-to-nose as he utters his piece , believing – rather FOOLISHLY – he’s at l a s t caught the elusive quarry his Lords have sent him after.  Kadai grins at him ; features SPLITTING WIDE APART in a show of fangs and none of the friendliness , a slash of startling w h i t e cutting garishly across her dark-hued features.  ❝ Oh ? ❞  She asks aloud , followed shortly by her meanspirited c a c k l i n g , each note like a ringing blade ; clear , crisp , condescending.  How many times shall they play this game ?  How many times shall they have such a conversation ?  ❝ And to whom , O’Inquisitor , do I give my prayers to ?  The LORDS ? ❞  A scoff , head tossing , ears and wings flicking.  ❝ Please !  You think they would care ?  You think they would listen ?  They only humor you to manipulate you !  Such has been the case for trine upon trine ! ❞  Her voice raises , practically s h o u t i n g at him.  Not wise to antagonize him and his faith , but Kadai doesn’t much c a r e for being wise.
Although her hands are bound , she’s still f r e e in other ways.  Her sharp-tipped tail lifts and JABS HIS SIDE with a stabbing force , not enough to impale but enough to give herself some breathing room ,  ❝ I suppose I shall pray just the same , ❞ Kadai says , continuing the momentum of the conversation , ❝ I shall pray that you open your eyes and see the truth for YOURSELF ! ❞  She bounces away a few steps , light on the balls of her feet , bringing herself to the ledge of the clifface.  Watching him for a moment or two , Kadai grins again.  ❝ You know , we really must stop meeting like this , ❞ She teeters over the edge , ❝ I fear I might fall for you ! ❞  And there she goes , throwing herself into open air , down towards the frothing sea below.  It’s suicide to try flying in a s t o r m for most , but Kadai is well-known for her risky endeavors.  Her wings flare open , catching the churning , angry currents of the winds which carry her immediately aloft.  Temenos is not lucky today ; perhaps next time ( as there is assuredly going to be a next time ) .
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artcalledtattoo · 1 year
Rest Management
Racism, Equality? Segregation & Tactics
My my my dear management
BigBonus Grapplers
They’ll fuck you over
Over three years now still drinking and pissed
But sleep dream go to work again
Smoking reefer in the boys room
Slap a face of adult or wrap your fingers around the posers neck and shake him silly teasing me with thc at work
I like a high I love the connections in brain
You leave me fucking severed
But I don’t take business personally
It’s just fucted up
I should acronym or maybe their names
For a fit into their own personalities
I Have That Power
Silence of the sheep
No open sit downs of night shift responsibilities
Two Malfoy likes delegating privately one on one to an employee
I must be getting fucked again
Fucks hold hands through the night
It takes two managers to manage
Fraud. (adult work levels)
Waste. (everyone’s times, to stupid to be productive you get easy work)
Abuse. { you all work like no others, here is your weight, [ ( fuck you fatman & snake )
That hiss has never bought me anything ] }
Did I do it right? Punctuation unlike us in energy living on same damn planet!
Stand two to close posers to open
Shit is stoopid
Take a rest from Racism inEquality Segregation & Tactics
I’m read up and beyond
My heart is racing ready to smolder pounding your fire weak
You all don’t even believe what you believe and again fuck it all up even more by thinking, that’s why I see stupid shits sitting wasting time on clock it’s been a past three year epidemic of demons, life takers of mine and others
Rapers of time need your name here y’all
Or acronym HJMSZ but it’s not
Your fault it’s your Leader
The one you look up too
Rest Leisurely
Static Cling
Black candles pentagram and names surrounding
Ritual circumstances performed all over
Did you pay to keep selves safe
We will see
This is churning scary
Like stepping on a stick of butter
Don’t fucking Milk me for Bread
Your stick of butter is melting in my
Asshole, shut up
Go read an email, fall asleep
Get high
But we know better than to come for you for answers
That’s why we only ask to let us free
You two fucked
Stand alert now open and greet
You don’t even greet me like that upon entry, I know my place
In lows of 2023
Same as fucking start of last year
New Shit in charge of building
No talks
No comments
REST Management
It’s not fucking Wal Mart!
I’m just talking out loud
My God says, You can
And I do
Even when it’s garbage it don’t bother me taking it out
It’s been my first thing since
I don’t know?
That can be read as or read as or red assed
Telling on their bullshit
White folk managers in charge as they love certain people of sun to wed
But fuck us tues to sat
Rest fucked up next week and year too
Don’t get pissed, it’s just business
I tell myself five times a night
Lift a box throw farther
Do more for thy body
Health an importance
Snakes and Fatmans
Life starts accordingly to social media ending after 31, destined for death oh not me, you like maintaining, soldiers did to, of the female persuasion don’t fucking guide me for work I was doing before your time
Fuck my poser and last President my last three years have been because of you mostly, let peons fear, chess board
I’m after kings queens knight rooks fuck the bishops their fucking children and not my threat religion political area a let’s pl
I need a minority leader in charge of me!
Rest assured management
This is not an Email nor End
New marching orders for fucking arriving soon
Could be email
Could be technician change
Could be just a venting
I know place in this
Should’ve got me high too
Save your energy
I won’t be doing all I do
Will if not, my mouth speaks
Hostile work segregation & racism
Want to talk about it Martian
Let’s chat brother brotha slow as turtle moving
Not to me!
One hundred grand bonus bulls kit
Oh that’s a store manager
Tactical restful life in leisure
Small manager syndrome
He don’t ask us, nothing since arrived
Explicit Writing
Fuck Them All
Let a Lord sort’em out
Light a candle
Make it a ritual for sinnisters
Pent them up in a gram
Written upon
Add those names
I can play evil against evol allow me and resign
Too Easy ask dirt he left dust when he righted out
Fuck him and all of you reading
My masters
No more stay
Namaste my masters
Whoah KY after me
I’ll explain the interests
KY REST in a state
Can’t stop fucking me
I’ll explain
Over Powering protecting their interests
A later Post, you all knew on coming!!!
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@theydefy​ asked : ❛ i guess we both lost something we were fond of. ❜  // kylan to kaen!
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          It is still foreign to them to be allowed to c r y so freely , so plainly ; tears feel strange on their always-dry cheeks , catching ‘round stones and falling in some sorrowed downpour to an open lap.  Once it starts , they know it shall be quite h a r d to stop — after all , they spend more time than they should on holding their emotions at bay , keeping each one carefully controlled / constrained so nothing breaks the exterior of gefling’s so-called BEACON ( a weakness , they were told once in reprimand , you are weak ; a good soldier does not sit & sob , they stand & fight ! ) .  For better or worse , Kaen learned to keep their heart q u i e t e r than necessary.  But here , far out of reach of the despondent Lessers , the godling knows a meager safety in showing the cracks ‘neath their charade.  And they are sure Kylan would be the least likely to judge them for such a thing ( in fact , they are sure kylan is one of the few who would rise to challenge this repressive logic they’ve been vested with ) .
          Without much warning , they reach for their little brother , gathering him up as if one of their once-toys and holding him CLOSE & TIGHT to their breast ( the thought rises : mind your strength , sweet creature , you could crush him if you are not careful enough ) .  After a moment , Kaen loosens their grip , allowing Kylan to sit comfortably in their lap.  They smile at him , fixing his hair from the way they accidentally messed it.  “We ‘ave , aye.  An’ Ah’m n- not sure tha’ th’ losses get easier each time ‘r ye jus’ learn ta’ handle it better.  Either way … Ah’m still waitin’ fer th’ grief ta’ pass.”  Perhaps , though , that was their own fault ; loving so much , and so DEEPLY / FULLY — every death struck them in a way that felt like a piece of them continued to get taken away without their permission ( first with allyra , now here where loss was so constant it seemed inescapable — ) .  A sniffle , hand lifting to rub their eyes with their sleeve.  “B- but we still ‘ave each other , so tha’s worth somethin’.”  Or so they want to believe it is.  Nothing is quite as s i m p l e anymore , but they’ve never been more sure of anything in their life : Kylan is their family , nothing would change that , not even the war that continues to take everything away.  “Ah- Ah’m right grateful , y’know , ta’ ‘ave ye , Kylan.  Ah’m not sure wha’ Ah’d do without ye sometimes,” They admit with a small laugh.  
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jdlopes777-blog · 7 months
DAY - 1 - MAJOR RESET - World War 7 within myself. DEC 2nd 2023 ,
RESTART - from World War 6 in JANUARY 2023
I’m 38 , and I about to hit 39 , this is a everlong struggle to be a better SPIRIT , SOUL , inner man , the outer man has had dominion over my temple. I belong to Jesus Christ almighty.
Fighting the good fight of FAITH and WELL BEING. ITs been tough just to be here now typing this. Im either typing my life on TUMBLER , or writing it down on my journal.
My life has been bitter sweet , I made decisions that led to where I stand today. I do believe wether terrible painful 😞 decisions The Lord doesn’t mean no harm. FREE WILL can make you or break you. Even to your grave.
I have intoxicated my existence to the point of death. I tried to take myself out when I was 27 years old and my last breath never came at 5:30am. The enemy is real but why can I not let that hit home and register and a new MIND SET be born at 27.
I had a chance at 17 , 20 , 21 , 24 , 26 , 27 , 29 , 31 , 33 , 35 , after those catastrophic events war at within myself all due to external and internal factors deriving from bad circles of influence and decisions that infected my soul by un equally home myself to another human being and the 🌎 world.
I am like a land , I’m like a wholly land the entire world wants to take over and run over and destroy it because I am the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD in Christ Jesus for what he has done for humanity. Took the punishment for all of us all. I have been made righteous for what HE DID , not anything of me. For my penalty of sin is death and Christ tells step aside son , this is not your battle but MINE.
Receive it , it is my GIFT 🎁 to you , GRACE…..
I was born in DEC 12th , 1984 , according to my mother and gramma a 4am baby before the sun came out. Gramma takes and took amd stole the center stage , per the family in Managua Nicaragua I was the baby of the BARRIO , along with my baby girl side quick NINOSKA , a girl baby born around the same time.
At 17 she was the one for me , so I THOUGHT , ….she was beautiful to me. I thought this at a point in my time I was in my prime , healthy , virgin, away from the toxic world that was ever so fast unraveling at light speed with technologies that I had yet to be introduced to so at that very moment all I had was 📝 📄 PAPER and PENCIL .
She was my sweetheart PEN PAL , from NICARAGUA the barrio I was born in MANAGUA , and me in WHITTIER , CA - Fred C NELLES. Youth Correctional Facility. A little more back , this all started from when I was 10 years old , my father lifelessly beat me for at least once every 2 weeks , a savage beating with a shiny leather belt with a piece of metal from a business suit any opportunity he had , sometimes 3 times every 2 weeks since I was 5 years old.
Father of mine , sent my mom to learn English , and go to adult school , my mom was about 22 years old , and she only spoke u less she was spoken to. THE SANDINISTA way , the very thing that gave me ASSYLUM , to enter the USA , as a political ASSYLEY , the very thing we left that country for was the very thing that my father brough with him to 🇺🇸 AMERICA in 1987 , Los Angeles then Santa Ana OC , in CALIFORNIA.
The derailment of my childhood which then DOMINO EFECTS into my teenage hood troubles and eventually ADULTHOOD. My father prior to this was a HERO 🦸‍♂️ in my life like any child should grow up into am adult and say. ………….
Before I go ( I DONT BLAME my father anymore, I have grown up to accept my up bringing. and realize that it was tragic but like a song I heared my SWEDISH MADIA , The Lord has helped me and is still helping me get through it all as he goes before me everytime anywhere good or bad.
The song above has a BAR that says , SHOW em how you backflipped from TRAGIC
Show em how the struggle made MAGIC.
It was 1989 , had to have been a week day I was already getting ready to start KINDERGARTEN at FAIRHAVEN ELEMENTARY in Santa Ana , CA , My father was a powerful self employed man , a prosperous salesman. He lives a FRUGAL lifestyle. My father one afternoon , in a studio apartment we lived in , had just recently paid for my moms younger sister to come to USA to live with us.
She was probably 18 years old fresh low hanging fruit from the tree 🌳 virgin probably. While my beautiful poor mother was at school learning to speak English , something my father and her should have been doing together. The very thing that could have made my family into BILLIONAIRES. My mother was a woman of HONOR , gracious , humble , natural beauty , with a cute squint , a queen 👸, my father threw away a BILLION dollar club ticket to BRENTWOOD , CA over a an AFFAIR with my moms younger sister , my father tells me and the twin younger brothers of mine. Kids get ready in 15 minutes. We are going to the park.
Those 15 minutes were longer or so I recall , so I went inside the room the only room in the apartment that had only one restroom a tiny studio. There he was having sexing with her in the bed my mother and father shared. The ONLY bed in the place. I saw it and I remember it like it was yesterday. The door was unlocked , and I saw them both naked , fucking , FORNICATING , or ADULTERY , destroying a married Front row seat ticket. VIP pass I helped myself to ,
You can’t tell a CHILD wait for 15 minutes!!!! A child won’t give you not even a a minute. But yet I remember waiting for at least 7. I was obedient in life up to that point. I was alway trying to please my dad and be the best kid for him , I would look for him up that point. Like any 5 year old child does today. I was forced to grow up quick at the speed of life up to that point.
There seeing it for at least 4 seconds , my world got hit with a NUCLEAR WEAPON of full destruction, I COULD NOT UNSEE the scene. Now my father becomes the enemy , a terrorist in a child life . My father died that moment in my life. He died and I died too , the moment he walked out and beat me to death a savage beating. The first time I had ever seen the BELT that would torment me the next 7 years of my life a TRIBULATION of 7 years , I am in awe 🫢 to think 🤔 about it and I type and reflect this very moment here now in the present.
for the next 7 years I lived in a prison , a child like prison , locked up and the key was thrown away In fear that I might say something to my mother when she came back. It was a very EXPENSIVE price , blood 🩸, sweat 😓 and tears 😭. To keep me intimidated , full of fear , afraid , I couldn’t be a child have fun be loud , run around , make friends , go out and play. While I noticed other kids play in my neighborhood I couldn’t. I guess that’s what led to my first attempted SUICIDAL idea in my life. When I was 6 years old after many beatings , I jumped off a second floor BALCONY. from that same apartment ,
Wether I was actually trying to kill myself or not subconsciously or consciously , I would hang out in that balcony which was the only thing I was allowed to do. It was like 5 by 12 , place crowded with junk. I played alone there UNSUPERVISED , I thought I could fly , how could I have not thought of tue danger in falling , well I did , next thing you know I get up , walking all the way around and climbed the stairs bleeding 🩸 from my CHIN I think I could have snapped my head back , but truly THE LORD avoided the loss of life. I know this now looking back.
I was a WONDERER , I would wonder off , to get away from my father , I was afraid of him a real fear. So I would purposely wonder off and get lost in public , and then I would get scared of him finding me so then I would return I was not brave enough to follow though running away.
Anyway …. Back to the situation at hand I just almost killed myslef , and I walk back up bleeding tore up from my chin because I landed flat on my stomach on concrete below from 20 ft , I had to climb the balcony and stand in top on the balcony wall , in order to get maximum flight time of 20ft or so or more. 24 ft max , ( I’d have to go the crime scene and measure to be exact ) …….
I open the door amd as soon as my mom saw me I CRIED , and she calls the ambulance and 911 and all that chaos. I went to the hospital , NUMB , I’m not sure what my mother told the paramedics , but the hospital wanted to know what happened. I remember the doctor asked me if I was trying to be like Superman or Batman. I wish I was either so I could have kicked my fathers ass raw like he did to me. I got 12 stitches under my poor child chin and with NO ANESTHESIA probably because they were I afraid I had a like a concussion and the hospital rather let me feel it then put me to sleep and risk not waking up.
I cried like I was dying I felt every stitch going in and out. They had to tie me down on a board as they tried to stitch me up and my mother had to help along with nurses. Then I got passed that , it came to pass , then I was hospitalized for like 2 or 3 maybe 5 days until results came in that I was clear from severe trauma to my head. I still had one more person to deal with , my father , I could see him in the door of the hospital room door with his arms crossed , I wanted to cry 😢 not because I was happy to see him , but because I knew he wanted to whoop my ass for that stunt.
And so this is how It all began , I wish I had good news , but this is not a happy story , it’s just a moment in my present time to remind myself where I have come from and what I have survived , and that life is not over and it won’t end here NOW , the Lord has proven to me that after trying to take my own like 3 or 4 times maybe 5. HE never allowed it and hasn’t yet to happen , he hasn’t called me back ,
HEAVEN HASNT CALLED ME HOME 🏡, the Lord is not done with me here on earth. I’m back flipping from tragic things. And making struggles into prosperous things with a PURPOSE for HIM. His word says that the work HE started in me HE will complete , the moment I’m called by HIM.
Imagine living like that for at least 7 years until came times that I was being a menace to myself and others , I was confused , I was sent to NICARAGUA , at 7 to 8 and was dropped off I another monster being replaced for another , it’s like JOSEPH sold to slavery by his siblings , I can relate being una foreign land and not knowing anyone , and this is where I meet my baby queen at 7 years old , first time swing her after my father had fled the FEDERAL investigators , for his fraud schemes , we fled the country in 1992 to 1993 , drove Two cars and packed them with as much stuff as we could , and drove away to NICARAGUA 🇳🇮 in car through MEXICO , with my mother , my mothers younger sister , whom is now PREGNANT with child , my father seed , something my mother DID NOT know about , I wonder what my aunt told my mom to make her not suspect the AFFAIR , stay tuned for that story , in another chapter.
There were some other things that happened to me as a child in this country under the care of my gramma now but even a loving 🥰 sweet woman could not spare me from more trauma , I nearly died of a skin cancer like desease , I got like a skin cancer , and by the GRACE of God I did not die. For some reason I attracted creeps , But aside from all that , it was Summer of 1992 , and I spent Christmas of 1992 in Managua under another fear of someone hurting me. I got home sick and I missed my mom. For the love of God why can’t I be with my mom under her arms hugged and feel safe. without a creep after me in MANAGUA , and another tyrant like my father watching every little thing I was doing.
The only good memories I had was with ERNESTO a boy friend of a girl called ROSA a daughter of NINOSKAS mom , the Doctor NINOSKA of the Barrio. I was a child who needed LOVE and I thought I was in love with this girl. That was short lived. My parents left back to USA to face the hard truth and reality of their actions with the government. And they took with them the pregnant woman my moms younger sister , who is close to giving birth to CHRISTOPHER LOPEZ , my little half brother , half cousin. He was born in FEB 2nd 1994 , my fathers SECRET CHILD.
I came back to USA 🇺🇸 Never knowing when I would see NINOSKA again. I came back in time to jump on the second grade with Ms HETZEL , at FAIRHAVEN Elementary , Now my aunt was public enemy in my world # 2 because now she was mistreating me afraid of the same thing because she knows I know I saw her stupid naked ass , losing her VIRGINITY to my father , God only knows how many times they fucked , aside from that one time I witnessed.
Back to blood 🩸 sweat 😓 and tears 😭, clashing heads with my father and my moms younger sister and my mom never aware of any of it , bottled up inside for YEARS !!!! at least 7 in the presence of those 2 evil 👿 people. I was DAMAGED GOODS , at times the savage beating would welt my skin and trigger the shape of the belt with blood marks , had to hide those. Most were on my back and arms and even hand whenever I would beg my father crying 😭 to stop it hurts. Grabbed me my one arm and whooped me with that belt from another.
By now at 7 years old I have so many issues. Sexual and physical and mental and emotional.
The rest is for another time …….. lots more to talk about that…from 1992 to 1999 …..
Then from OCT 20 th 1999 to FEB 14th 2005 at the age of 20…. and on …………
BACK TO TODAY …….. 12-2-2023 …………..
story to be continued ……………
DAY 1 is today , and I pray to the Lord I am given the strength to ABSTAIN , from yesterday mindset …..
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deerydear · 7 months
"and the there were 'the beautiful ones'.
Their time was solely devoted to eating, grooming, and sleeping.
They never involved themselves with others. They never engaged in sex, nor would they fight. All appeared as a beautiful exhibit of the species: with keen, alert eyes; and a healthy, well-kept body.
These mice, however, could not cope with unusual stimuli. Though they looked inquisitive, they were, in fact, very stupid..."
I was walking home from a café, after reading my book. I kept looking at the hedges overgrowing the garden walls, leaning beautifully into the paths. Here is where the fragrant honeysuckle blossoms in the summertime. The tall trees shade the path in the daytime.
I finished reading this book:
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Gag Order
David Petrakis's lawyer had a meeting with Mr. Neck and some kind of teacher lawyer. Guess who won. I bet David could skip class the rest of the year if he wanted and still get an A. Which he would never do. But you better believe that whenever David raises his hand, Mr. Neck lets him talk as much as he wants. David, quiet David, is full of long, drawn out, rambling opinions about social studies. The rest of the class is grateful. We bow down to the Almighty David, Who Keeps the Neck Off Our Backs.
Unfortunately, Mr. Neck still gives tests, and most of us fail them. Mr. Neck makes an announcement: anyone who is flunking can write an extra-credit report on a Cultural Influence at the Turn of the Century. (He skipped the Industrial Revolution so he could drag our class past the year 1900.) He does not want all of us in summer school.
I don't want to see him in summer school either. I write about the suffragettes. Before the suffragettes came along, women were treated like dogs.
Women could not vote
Women could not own property
Women were not allowed in many schools
They were dolls, with no thoughts, or opinions, or voices of their own. Then the suffragettes marched in, full of loud, in-your-face ideas. They got arrested and thrown in jail, but nothing shut them up. They fought and fought until they earned the rights they should have had all along.
I write the best report ever. Anything I copy from a book, I put in quotes and footnotes (feetnote?). I use books, magazine articles, and a videotape. I think about looking for an old suffragette in a nursing home, but they are probably all dead.
I even hand it in on time. Mr. Neck scowls. He looks down on me and says, "To get credit for the report, you have to deliver it orally. Tomorrow. At the beginning of class."
N O J U S T I C E , N O P E A C E
There is no way I'm reading my suffragette report in front of the class. That wasn't part of the original assignment. Mr. Neck changed it at the very last second because he wants to flunk me or hates me or something. But I've written a really good report and I'm not going to let an idiot teacher jerk me around like this. I ask David Petrakis for advice. We come up with a Plan.
I get to class early, when Mr. Neck is still in the lounge. I write what I need to on the board and cover the words with a suffragette protest sign. My box from the copy shop is on the floor. Mr. Neck walks in. He grumbles that I can go first. I stand suffragette tall and calm. It is a lie. My insides feel like I'm caught in a tornado. My toes curl inside my sneakers, trying to grip the floor so I won't get sucked out the window.
Mr. Neck nods at me. I pick up my report as if I'm going to read it out loud. I stand there, papers trembling as if a breeze is blowing through the closed door. I turn around and rip my poster off the blackboard.
The class reads slowly, some of them moving their lips. Mr. Neck turns around to see what everyone is staring at. I nod at David. He joins me at the front of the room and I hand him my box.
David: "Melinda has to deliver her report to the class as part of the assignment. She made copies everyone can read."
He passes out the copies. They cost me $6 .72 at the office supply store. I was going to make a cover page and color it, but I haven't gotten much allowance recently, so I just put the title at the top of the first page.
My plan is to stand in front of the class for the five minutes I was given for my presentation. The suffragettes must have planned out and timed their protests, too. Mr. Neck has other plans. He gives me a D and escorts me to the authorities. I forgot about how the suffragettes were hauled off to jail. Duh. I go on a tour of the guidance counselor's office, Principal Principal's, and wind up back in MISS. I am back to being a Discipline Problem again.
I need a lawyer. I showed up every day this semester, sat my butt in every class, did some homework, and didn't cheat on tests. I still get slammed in MISS. There is no way they can punish me for not speaking. It isn't fair. What do they know about me? What do they know about the inside of my head? Flashes of lightning, children crying. Caught in an avalanche, pinned by worry, squirming under the weight of doubt, guilt. Fear.
The walls in MISS are still white. Andy Beast isn't here. Thank God for small favors. A boy with lime-colored hair who looks like he's channeling for an alien species dozes; two Goths in black velvet dresses and artfully torn pantyhose tradeMona Lisa smiles. They cut school to stand in line for killer concert tickets. MISS is a small price to pay for Row 10, seats 21 and 2 2 .
I simmer. Lawyers on TV always tell their clients not to say anything. The cops say that thing: "Anything you say will be used against you." Self-incrimination. I looked it up. Three point vocab word. So why does everyone make such a big hairy deal about me not talking? Maybe I don't want to incriminate myself. Maybe I don't like the sound of my voice. Maybe I don't have anything to say.
The boy with the lime-colored hair wakes up when he falls out of his chair. The Gothgirls whinny. Mr. Neck picks his nose when he thinks we aren't looking. I need a lawyer.
Advice from a Smart Mouth
David Petrakis sends me a note in social studies. Typed. He thinks it's horrible that my parents didn't videotape Mr. Neck's class or stick up for me the way his folks did. It feels so good to have someone feel sorry for me, I don't mention that my parents don't know what happened. They'll figure out what happened soon enough at the next meeting with the guidance counselor.
I think David should be a judge. His latest career goal is to be a quantum-physics genius. I don't know what that means, but he says his father is furious. His dad is right—David was made for the law: deadly calm, turbo-charged brain, and a good eye for weakness.
He stops by my locker. I tell him Mr. Neck gave me a D for the suffragette report.
David: "He has a point."
Me: "It was a great report! You read it. I wrote a bibliography and I didn't copy from the encyclopedia. It was the best report ever. It's not my fault Mr. Neck doesn't get performance art."
David pauses to offer me a stick of gum. It's a delaying tactic, the kind that juries love.
David: "But you got it wrong. The suffragettes were all about speaking up, screaming for their rights. You can't speak up for your right to be silent. That's letting the bad guys win. If the suffragettes did that, women wouldn't be able to vote yet."
I blow a bubble in his face. He folds the gum wrappers into tiny triangles.
David: "Don't get me wrong. I think what you did was kind of cool and getting stuck in MISS wasn't fair. But don't expect to make a difference unless you speak up for yourself."
Me: "Do you lecture all your friends like this?"
David: "Only the ones I like."
We both chew on this for a minute. The bell rings. I keep looking in my locker for a book that I already know isn't there. David checks his watch a hundred times. We hear Principal Principal bellow, "Let's move it, people!"
David: "Maybe I'll call you."
Me: "Maybe I won't answer." Chew, chew. Blowbubblepop. "Maybe I will."
I was walking along the shady lane.
In the book, the writer is talking about how there is a blizzard in New York.
It's only autumn, here...
I was so immersed in this other world, that when I stepped outside, the autumn night felt warm, compared to the biting winds of winter!
I had complained earlier, in my head, that it would be too cold to walk home alone.... pssssh!
Funny thing to say, because I used to go walking in the freezing rain, for fun... to test myself, to feel the might of God.
Like some devoted men starved themselves, whipped themselves, subjected themselves... to feel closer to God. I favored inclement weather.
I went to what was before me.
I took a copy of Crime and Punishment from the mental ward I had been staying in. This was the cover. It spoke to me.
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I saw this man as myself... Even before I settled down enough to ever read it.
I see myself amongst the crowd.
When I was walking, looking at the beautiful plants that grow along the lane.... I felt old habit trying to pull my eyes down to the sidewalk concrete. If you look at the sidewalk, you think less thoughts, and your mind stays the same... mired, like an elephantine mammoth frozen inside a glacier.
Why did I want to keep my mind in the same shape?
Why didn't I want to let the Sunlight in? Why didn't I want seeds to sprout, and shoots to poke their heads out of the soil... and vines to clamber up the walls, looking for exit holes...?
"and the wallpaper's peeling....
It's such a psychotic feeling!"
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"Killing the flowers will not delay the Spring."
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