donotbelasagne · 1 year
This is your friendly neighbourhood village idiot, reminding you that Michael Sheen was in
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And Bright Young Things
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In the same year (2003).
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bright-omens · 1 year
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We don't talk about this scene (^^) enough. Yes, we talk about it and how much it hurts and how upsetting it is, but we don't talk about it.
We don't analyze it. We don't break it down to the littlest details. We just say it's sad and leave it at that.
We don't talk about how Miles's first instinct was to have one last party with his friends before anything else. We don't talk about how he wore sunglasses to hide the fact that he was crying, possibly in an attempt to not burden them with his problems. We don't talk about how even when he's found out, he tries to act like it's nothing and even tries to hold back his tears and emotions. We don't talk about how when Nina comes in and sees him like that, he can't even bring himself to explain again. We don't talk about how Agatha can't even understand what's happening because of how drugged up she is and how that must be impacting Miles even more. We don't talk about how the last thing he says is, "Miles is in a scrape again." We don't talk about how that phrase alone can tell us so much about his personality. We don't talk about how this scene as a whole tells us so much about how he is, as a person. This scene tells us so much about Miles and no one acknowledges it. Why? Miles is such a beloved character, but no one says anything about this sene other than "He deserved better." Why? He definitely deserved so much better, but why don't we talk about this scene more? Why don't we analyze it more? Michael Sheen's acting skills in this scene were phenomenal (I swear, after watching this, I never want to see that man cry again), and it just gets chalked up to sad. Yes, it's sad, but there's so much more going on underneath the surface too, if you look hard enough.
Overall, this is just a great movie and I wish it got more attention and I wish Miles had more screentime
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bingos-buttons · 1 year
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Miles(Bright Young Things) moodboard as a gift for my friend, @wirm-boy :)
Requests are open!
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rrrauschen · 6 months
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Jan Švankmajer, {1968} Byt (The Flat)
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bingo-bumbles · 1 year
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Okay no one in the history of ever would want this, but! Bright Young Things as warrior cats. I may be cringe but I am free, some story background is below!
All four were once kittypets that ran away to Thunderclan. Nectarwing(Nina), Amberlight(Agatha) and Mistyheart(Miles) were the first to leave and later dragged Antflight(Adam) in with them. I have plans for the other characters and storylines. I apologize for nothing :)
Also wow double Bingo art post I'm going insane!!
Edit:Thank you to my friend @wirm-boy for the title, "Bright Young Kits" and helping brainstorm :)
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evan-bo-bevin · 1 year
It's been quite some time, and this account hasn't been very active lately, so I wanted to give you guys an update on what's going on:
My partner & I have been working on an outline for our debut comic, Bite Your Tongue, since last September. We've gotten a lot sorted out re: plot, characters, etc, but there's still more to do before we can really start production on it. You can follow @rainydayatelier for updates and release details!
In the meantime, we're working on a Legend of Zelda fancomic we're currently calling Departure. We have the first 5 pages inked, and up to chapter 3 written and ready to be drawn. Here's a little sneak peek of chapter 1:
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We're having a ton of fun with this little fan story, but it's also helping us get used to the new workflow & styles that my partner and I are testing out for Bite Your Tongue. There's gonna be some trial and error as we learn what works and what doesn't, what needs more detail and what can be simplified.
More information and comic pages will be posted on @loz-departure-comic, but I will also post an update notice on this blog, too.
I plan on streaming while I work on these comics (once I settle into a solid routine), so come by if you wanna watch me draw/ink comics! My partner and I will also occasionally stream games we might be playing here and there.
Streaming links are posted on @rainydayatelier, so come follow us if you wanna catch us online!
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kralovna-ne-stesti · 1 year
Mám pocit, že náš byt už ví, že jsme koupili dům, a začíná na to reagovat. Rozpadá se. Jen nevím, jestli se teď začal hroutit, protože do teď silou vůle kvůli nám držel, nebo proto, že nechce, abychom ho opustili, a tak se kazí a vyžaduje pozornost?
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Ludzie wokół.
Kłamstwa, zdrady.
Nigdy nie wiesz, z kim masz do czynienia.
Nowe znajomości, te spojrzenia.
Oni chcą się bawić.
Ty chcesz czegoś więcej.
Boisz się ich.
Znaki zapytania zamiast twarzy.
Kto kim naprawdę jest?
Kiedy nastąpi koniec?
Uciekasz od nich.
Biegniesz przez noc.
Końca drogi nie widzisz.
Gdzie jest schronienie?
Czy w ogóle istnieje?
Niektórym udało się znaleźć przystań.
Oni są przerażający.
Czy ja jestem jednym z nich?
Kim jestem w oczach normalnych?
Te prawdziwe dusze.
Prawie wpadłem w pułapkę.
W ostatniej chwili wycofałem się.
Strach odchodzi.
Narasta niezależność.
Świat się zmienia.
Nie ma na co czekać.
Trzeba twardo stąpać po ziemi.
Głowa wysoko, klatka do przodu.
Oczy szeroko otwarte.
Idziemy do celu, bez kompasu.
Zaciśnięta pięść.
Przebić się przez tłum.
Nie zostać pomiędzy ciałami sztucznymi.
Nie stać się jednym z nich.
Zmiana kierunku.
Teraz jesteś tylko Ty.
Robisz coś dla siebie.
Żyjesz dla siebie.
Jesteś sensem wszechświata.
Dasz sobie radę.
I będziesz czerpać bez miar.
Teraz jesteś Ty.
Pamiętaj, że jesteś.
To nie sen.
Zaciśnięte zęby.
Żyj dla siebie.
Odpręż się.
Znasz już wszystkie tajemnice świata.
Iluzja wkrada się niespodziewanie.
Sztuka, to odróżnić ją od rzeczywistości.
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major-victory · 2 years
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kasperowiczpiotr · 1 month
Ostrożność w intensywności bytu
Szok podłączony do prądu za genitalia odwraca rzucone uroki w imadle jaja przekuwa w żelastwo rżnie głupio radosnego człowieka na beztroskiej poduszce powietrznej pomimo stopów zawiści z bylejakością życie wysuwa na prostą przed zastosowaniem prądu tętniącego w zmiennych polowano na białe kruki by uczynić z nich zapiski w czerwonej księdze te jednak stały się białymi karłami jądrami czerwonych…
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pornerreality · 2 months
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𝗥𝗘𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗔𝗖𝗘 posledního pozemku (3/3) v Ouběnicích, které byly plně připraveny s projekty a stavebním povolením.
Každý pozemek byl zasíťován primární el. přípojkou a ihned plně připravený k výstavbě. Dále měly pozemky projekt vrtu se st. povolením, a čističku taktéž se stavebním povolením.
Pozemek nabízel možnost využití výstavby hotového projektu rodinného domu, na již oploceném pozemku se schváleným stavebním povolením.
Jednoduše jsme udělali vše pro to, aby kupující měl minimální starosti, a aby měl vše připraveno k plné spokojenosti.
S úctou Ondřej Porner
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We'll Meet Again
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Ginger has never been to a party like the ones Nina and Adam attend, but after enough pestering from Nina he finally relents.
At this party he meets the infamous Miles Malpractice.
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Spoilers for "Behind You Touch"
Dude... I finished watching this show like 5-10' ago and I am so disappointed. What's with all the plot holes?
The protagonist's mother's murder never got solved. We didn't even get closure or even anything that had to do with Seon Woo's mother. The redevelopment scandal was barely mentioned. And don't even get me started on Seon Woo's character arc and eventual death. It was like... Ye Bun seems to prefer the second lead and we don't know how to steer her towards the detective so let's kill off Seon Woo so that we don't have to choose at all.
Right when I was starting to think "Hey! This show might not be that bad"... BAM. Like what?!
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evan-bo-bevin · 1 year
That feel when you draw a super hot and sexy shot of a character but you can't post it anywhere because its a major spoiler.........
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arekmiodek · 1 year
Czysta forma... Na aksamicie przestrzeni rozświetlona blaskiem pochłania czerń niewidoczna... Wsłuchuje się w szum fal poświatą obleczona gdzie sączę wzrokiem granice ludzkiego poznania... Wciąż wygłodniałe usta dotykają ust sklejone wilgocią na przemian... Malowane płótna i rzeźbione kolumny jakby uformowane od nowa osobne byty...
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Wiersz "CZYSTA FORMA" (Arkadiusz Miodek)
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rainydayatelier · 2 years
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Doing some ROUGH pre-production work for an upcoming story, featuring Aisha (left) & our main character, Marko (right)!
Marko's fashion sense is so bad that people 100% think he's lying when he says he's a vampire.
It's also fun seeing the vampire hunter (unwittingly) protecting the vampire, for once...
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