#Baelor the blessed as KING lmao
aangopologist · 2 years
I know it's very unlikely, bur I would love a TV show about the Conquest of Dorne over a Blackfyre Rebellion one.
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It's hilarious how Daemon and Rhaenyra's grandchildren carry the Green's legacy in spirit by destroying House Targaryen through internal conflicts decades later.
Aegon IV grows up to be far more extreme and gluttonous than Aegon II could ever be, coupled with a greater degree of cowardice (Aegon II would never). His sister Naerys is a little Helaena/Alicent-coded, but her cousin Daena mirrors Alicent more than I could imagine. And I am precisely talking about book!Alicent here.
Both Alicent and Daena were unapologetic in their pursuit of power after years of abuse and neglect, demanding the realm recognize their sons as kings by birthright. Neither of them gave two fucks about starting a civil war and I call that a slayyy. Go, my queens!
If Daena had been more like Rhaenyra, believe me when I say I wouldn't have liked her as much. It's their defiance that makes both Alicent and Daena more compelling characters.
I don't necessarily think Daena would have liked Alicent, but she would have definitely felt grudging respect and admiration for her courage.
Daeron the Young Dragon is just like Daeron the Daring (both are extremely popular among the nobles and the smallfolk). Both died young and were eternalized. Baelor the Blessed is obsessed with catholicism and guilt to a point that would even scare Alicent and Criston.
Aemon the Dragonknight is essentially a more refined, though not necessarily cooler, version of Aemond One-Eye. Aemon literally stood aside while his sister endured years of sexual and psychological abuse from her brother-husband. Aemond would never have stood by if Aegon II had tried to harm Helaena. His loyalty and protectiveness towards his sister would have driven him to intervene. Their love stories are similar too, with many fans shipping Aemond with Helaena, and Aemon with Naerys.
Elaena is intriguing, but there's not much to say about her or her sister Rhaena.
Daemon and Rhaenyra's grandchildren are worse than the Targtowers in every aspect. Alicent (the Hightowers) and her children de-stabilized House Targaryen during the Dance, but Rhaenyra's grandchildren did so much worse by starting a civil war that lasted for generations to come. Team Black got the realm and power back, and they still fucked up. Again.
Another intriguing aspect is that Alicent and her children had legitimate reasons to resist and fight for Aegon's claim to the throne by feudal right—even if those reasons were fueled by spite and revenge. Alicent endured years of sexual abuse from Viserys, bearing children he barely acknowledged. She was humiliated in court and called "mad" when her son lost his eye, and Rhaenyra's son faced no repercussions—not even a slap on the wrist.
The Targtower children were neglected by their father for years and were practically forgotten when Rhaenyra lived in the Red Keep with her sons in tow. (And if you think Rhaenyra didn’t use her father’s love and rejection of his other children as a political machination, then you’re an absolute idiot.) If usurping her throne was the biggest fuck you they could give Rhaenyra and Viserys, then I fully support it!
Despite their complicated and angry feelings towards each other, the Greens would never act on them to cause significant harm. They understood that they only had each other for support and protection. But Rhaenyra's grandchildren, who were also in a similar situation, harbored outright hatred for each other for no reason! You'd think after the Dance, they would have learned a thing or two about the importance of family, but the gang didn't give a single fuck LMAO.
Daemon and Rhaenyra's grandchildren didn't have significant opposition. House Targaryen still held substantial power and ruled over the other Great Houses. Although they had to be more cautious without having dragons to threaten others, the internal strife could have been avoided if Daena and her sisters had been treated like actual human beings rather than cattle. (If Alicent was treated better and her children were acknowledged by Viserys and the rest of his family). The lack of care and respect towards them sowed the seeds of war, leading to the internal conflicts that ultimately weakened the dynasty.
The generational cycle of abuse and neglect within House Targaryen is one of the main key reasons why they were driven to extinction in merely three centuries. House Hightower and House Baratheon only did so little to show their true color.
Rhaenyra's claim that "The only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon was itself," couldn't be more accurate!
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dyannawynnedayne · 2 years
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Targaryen Smackdown
Hello hello hello friends!
My first poll is going to be a Targaryen Smackdown, because they give me the most to work with lmao
This will be voting for your favorite Targaryen, however you choose to categorize that.
I picked the people in the poll based on the following criteria:
We are not doing consorts, that will be a different poll. Only those born to House Targaryen will be in the poll.
I included individuals who didn't carry the name Targaryen. So bastards are counted, as are the children of women who marry into other houses. (Only went one generation down for that)
I only picked characters who lived to the age of sixteen.
Some characters remaining were trimmed if their AWOIAF page didn't have much in it.
Lastly, I ended with sixty-nine (nice), but to make this readable and easily divisible, I cut it down to sixty-four. (less nice)
So, without further ado! Our polls
Round 1.1
So as not to overwhelm, I'll be splitting this up into two rounds. After that, we will do just one set of polls for each round. Expect Round 1.2 to be released tomorrow. :)
Rhaegar, the Silver Prince vs. Gael, the Winter Child
Aegon the Unworthy vs. Aegon the Dragonbane
Bittersteel vs. Viserys I
Daena the Defiant vs. Septa Rhaena
Aemond One-Eye vs. Maekar I
Aegon the Elder vs. Duncan the Small
Rhaenyra, the Realm's Delight vs. Aerys I
Aemma Arryn vs. Jaehaerys II
Viserys the Beggar King vs. Septa Maegelle
Bellenora the Black Pearl vs. Jaehaerys the Old King
Baelor the Blessed vs. Daeron the Daring
Aegon the Conqueror vs. Daeron the Young Dragon
Elaena, Lady of Parchments vs. Daeron the Drunken
Helaena, rider of Dreamfyre vs. Jaecerys Velaryon
Daemon the Rogue Prince vs. Shaera Targaryen
Rhaenys, Lady of Driftmark vs. Lucerys Velaryon
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solasan · 2 years
🏆❌🔮🧸 for olenna!
[ 🏆 ] is your muse multitalented? what are their hobbies, and why did they pick up these hobbies? if they don’t have hobbies, why don’t they?
i think olenna's got quite a few talents; she has a good head for numbers, even if she'd never admit to it (bc concerning herself with finances and accounting is 'unladylike' lmao), and she's definitely a voracious reader, so her talent for wordplay + language is marked. reading is her biggest hobby, since it was a way to both connect with her father after his death and distract herself from the war raging outside of old oak / her grief as a young teenager. after years spent in sewing circles, she becomes a very good weaver, and she actually enjoys it quite a lot; the methodical nature of the movements is very soothing to her. she also has a talent for embroidery, though no real passion; it's more one of those things that she's just expected to be good at, given her high birth, sex, and position as queen.
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
answered here.
[ 🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
hehehehehe tabby u've asked the question ive been excited abt answering for olenna from the BEGINNING god bless u. olenna's relationship with religion is super messed up! she was raised following the faith of the seven; both of her parents were pretty devout, especially danelle, but it was... normal levels ig? the oakhearts visited the sept often, kept tokens of the seven around them, stuff like that.
and then willem, rymund, and theomar are killed by daeron & tessarion; the war reaches new levels of horror; the greens install spies (both overt and covert) in old oak to ensure no new rebellion begins. and olenna turns to the gods for guidance; particularly the mother and the crone. it gets to the point that she starts sleeping in old oak's sept for protection, which is... ironically probably a little stupid when there's a war going on, but nothing bad happens to her. she honestly becomes a little bit fanatical bc of the isolation of her position (old oak is effectively cut off from the outside world at this time, since the crown is keeping a very close eye on them). when the war ends and all of her remaining loved ones have survived, olenna starts dreaming of joining the faith as a septa to 'thank the gods for sparing us all'.
then she becomes queen, so that's not an option. but she continues to be very devout! given that she's less isolated now, she becomes a little less vocally devout (she doesn't go off on long philosophical debates or anything anymore) but she still visits the sept on visenya's hill very often and puts a lot of money into motherhouses and the faith within king's landing. as queen, she encourages a lot of more modest behaviour within the court of king's landing, which was already pretty sober and severe bc of aegon's mislike of tourneys & balls, so she's basically just... the wet blanket on top of the even wetter blanket shjdsjk.
she raises each of her children in the light of the seven; believing that the gods will always protect them if she does that, because that's what she's supposed to do, right? that's what the seven-pointed star says. and then aegon dies and she's lost someone she loves again, and that's painful, and even if she understands that death is natural, she's upset with the gods for taking him when he was still young. and then daeron dies and that's not natural, because no parent should outlive their child. her faith gets a little shaken; she spends long hours in the sept begging and pleading for answers, to no response. and then, when her beliefs are already a little shaky, baelor dies, and the whole faith gets thrown out the window lmao.
she burns her copy of the seven-pointed star; she locks her mother's prayer beads away. she never steps foot in a sept again. she isn't exactly an atheist, because she still believes the gods exist, but much like tywin, she doesn't like them very much. or at all. she feels very personally betrayed by them, bc she dedicated so much of her life to their worship, and she's lost so much. olenna definitely holds onto that anger til the day she dies.
[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
answered here.
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ASOS: Davos V (Chapter 54)
"Yet in the city, the lions prance and dance. The Red Wedding, the smallfolk are calling it. They swear Lord Frey had the boy's head hacked off, sewed the head of his direwolf in its place, and nailed a crown about his ears. His lady mother was slain as well, and thrown naked in the river."
That never gets any easier to read.
At a wedding, thought Davos. As he sat at his slayer's board, a guest beneath his roof. These Freys are cursed.
They can take a seat right next to Littlefinger.
"They will not." Melisandre's voice was soft. "I am sorry, Your Grace. This is not an end. More false kings will soon rise to take up the crowns of those who've died."
"More?" Stannis looked as though he would gladly have throttled her. "More usurpers? More traitors?"
"I have seen it in the flames."
Two books later, only Euron has claimed a dead king's crown. I suppose Tommen qualifies, but Joffrey isn't dead yet.
Are we missing any kings?
"An ant who hears the words of a king may not comprehend what he is saying," Melisandre said, "and all men are ants before the fiery face of god. If sometimes I have mistaken a warning for a prophecy or a prophecy for a warning, the fault lies in the reader, not the book.
Mistaking a warning for a prophecy? Lmao. lol. hahahahahahaha.
Imagine putting a line like that in the book, and still nobody getting it. Read the last sentence again, then try to convince me George doesn't think this entire fanbase is stupid.
"Lord husband," said Queen Selyse, "you have more men than Aegon did three hundred years ago. All you lack are dragons."
The look Stannis gave her was dark. "Nine mages crossed the sea to hatch Aegon the Third's cache of eggs. Baelor the Blessed prayed over his for half a year. Aegon the Fourth built dragons of wood and iron. Aerion Brightflame drank wildfire to transform himself. The mages failed, King Baelor's prayers went unanswered, the wooden dragons burned, and Prince Aerion died screaming."
Spoiler alert, by the end of the following Davos chapter, Stannis will prove to be equally as daft as everyone above.
Queen Selyse went down on both knees before the king, hands clasped as if in prayer. "Robert and Delena defiled our bed and laid a curse upon our union. This boy is the foul fruit of their fornications. Lift his shadow from my womb and I will bear you many trueborn sons, I know it." 
Oh, she's gone gone.
You know what's fun? In the previous chapter I learned heroes don't kill children, and now we're opening this chapter with Stannis debating whether or not he should burn a child alive. Subtle? Not exactly.
Melisandre put her hand on the king's arm. "The Lord of Light cherishes the innocent. There is no sacrifice more precious. From his king's blood and his untainted fire, a dragon shall be born."
"It would be a wondrous thing to see stone come to life," he admitted, grudging. "And to mount a dragon . . . I remember the first time my father took me to court, Robert had to hold my hand. I could not have been older than four, which would have made him five or six. We agreed afterward that the king had been as noble as the dragons were fearsome." Stannis snorted. "Years later, our father told us that Aerys had cut himself on the throne that morning, so his Hand had taken his place. It was Tywin Lannister who'd so impressed us." 
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Boy, this keeps coming up a lot!
How did we manage to jump from bringing stone dragons to life to that little anecdote? Better question, why did we jump from bringing stone dragons to life to that little anecdote?
Warrior, make me brave. "I know little of dragons and less of gods . . . but the queen spoke of curses. No man is as cursed as the kinslayer, in the eyes of gods and men."
The topic of kinslaying mostly follows four characters around:
Tyrion, Stannis, Theon, and Victarion. 🤔
"Only death can pay for life, my lord. A great gift requires a great sacrifice."
"Where is the greatness in a baseborn child?"
"He has kings' blood in his veins. You have seen what even a little of that blood could do��"
"I saw you burn some leeches."
"And two false kings are dead."
The Ghost of High Heart saw a vision of Euron's hired assassin killing Balon before the leeches.
The Red Wedding has been in the works since A Clash of Kings. Again, before the leeches.
Stannis gave a snort of laughter. "He has you there, my lady. Two is not three."
"To be sure, Your Grace. One king might die by chance, even two . . . but three? If Joffrey should die in the midst of all his power, surrounded by his armies and his Kingsguard, would not that show the power of the Lord at work?"
No, it would show the power of Littlefinger.
Sansa is given the poison hairnet in A Clash of Kings. Say it with me now -> before the leeches.
Now I'm starting to wonder if Melisandre is going to take credit for something else her magic had nothing to do with.
"Edric—" he started.
"—is one boy! He may be the best boy who ever drew breath and it would not matter. My duty is to the realm." His hand swept across the Painted Table. "How many boys dwell in Westeros? How many girls? How many men, how many women? The darkness will devour them all, she says. The night that never ends. She talks of prophecies . . . a hero reborn in the sea, living dragons hatched from dead stone . . . she speaks of signs and swears they point to me. I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king. Yet dare I disregard her?" He ground his teeth. "We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must . . . we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty. 
A hero reborn in the sea? That's probably not literal. Whenever Patchface uses "under the sea" it likely represents death/the afterlife.
I'm going to go with Bran, given Daenerys is right after.
Edit: I am an idiot, and @agentrouka-blog is not. Daenerys was reborn on the Dothraki Sea.
"I know the cost! Last night, gazing into that hearth, I saw things in the flames as well. I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning . . . burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash. Do you think I need Melisandre to tell me what that means? Or you?" The king moved, so his shadow fell upon King's Landing. "If Joffrey should die . . . what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?"
"Everything," said Davos, softly.
Great line.
Kings engulfed by flames could be Aegon or Euron (Or Jon, if you think it's pointing to his bloodline), but I have a feeling it's Stannis being consumed by fire.
Edit: I change my mind. Everything is Daenerys. Bride of fire, it will be her doom.
Davos had often heard it said that the wizards of Valyria did not cut and chisel as common masons did, but worked stone with fire and magic as a potter might work clay. But now he wondered. What if they were real dragons, somehow turned to stone?
"If the red woman brings them to life, the castle will come crashing down, I am thinking. What kind of dragons are full of rooms and stairs and furniture? And windows. And chimneys. And privy shafts."
Davos turned to find Salladhor Saan beside him. 
You spend enough time around religious zealots and you actually start to wonder if a castle is made of real dragons. Get it together, Davos.
Man, I adore Salladhor Saan.
When I die impoverished, my wives and concubines will curse you, Onion Lord. Lord Celtigar had many fine wines that now I am not tasting, a sea eagle he had trained to fly from the wrist, and a magic horn to summon krakens from the deep. Very useful such a horn would be, to pull down Tyroshi and other vexing creatures. But do I have this horn to blow? No, because the king made my old friend his Hand.
There's that kraken horn getting more attention. I'm treating this as more evidence that all horns are silly distractions.
"A certain Lysene pirate once told me that a good smuggler stays out of sight," Davos replied carefully. "Black sails, muffled oars, and a crew that knows how to hold their tongues."
The Lyseni laughed. "A crew with no tongues is even better. Big strong mutes who cannot read or write." 
How am I supposed to concentrate when there's this much Euron in a Daenerys Lite chapter?
"He will not do it," said Davos. "He could not harm his own blood."
"Lord Renly will be glad to hear this."
"Renly was a traitor in arms. Edric Storm is innocent of any crime. His Grace is a just man." Salla shrugged. "We shall be seeing. Or you shall. 
I know no king, but the King of the Seas, whose name is SALLADHOR SAAN.
In other news, Davos is still delusional.
He did not need Salla to tell him that he had risen too high. I cannot read, I cannot write, the lords despise me, I know nothing of ruling, how can I be the King's Hand? I belong on the deck of a ship, not in a castle tower.
He keeps saying stuff like this.
As for birth, the dragonkings oft chose Hands from amongst their own blood, with results as various as Baelor Breakspear and Maegor the Cruel. Against this, you have Septon Barth, the blacksmith's son the Old King plucked from the Red Keep's library, who gave the realm forty years of peace and plenty." Pylos smiled. "Read your history, Lord Davos, and you will see that your doubts are groundless."
If there was a message here, or in the passage before featuring all the the other doomed Hands, I missed it. Check it out, maybe you'll see something.
At the top of the steps Davos heard a soft jingle of bells that could only herald Patchface. The princess's fool was waiting outside the maester's door for her like a faithful hound. 
"Under the sea the old fish eat the young fish," the fool muttered at Davos. He bobbed his head, and his bells clanged and chimed and sang. "I know, I know, oh oh oh."
I doubt this has anything to do with Blackfish, Catelyn, Lysa, or Edmure.
My first instinct is old Freys eating young Freys, but don't ask me how they're fish.
If not that, maybe we should ask Bloodraven about all those bones?
Edit: probably shouldn't forget Stannis and Shireen.
The princess looked at him wide-eyed. "Did Uncle Robert win three battles in a day?"
The bastard nodded. "It was when he'd first come home to call his banners. Lords Grandison, Cafferen, and Fell planned to join their strength at Summerhall and march on Storm's End, but he learned their plans from an informer and rode at once with all his knights and squires. As the plotters came up on Summerhall one by one, he defeated each of them in turn before they could join up with the others. He slew Lord Fell in single combat and captured his son Silveraxe."
Blink and you'll miss the word informer. Who was the informer?
I feel like we're going to get to the end of this series and learn Varys and Littlefinger were responsible for everything. I mean we already know one is.
The first time he had seen the Wall he had been younger than Devan, serving aboard the Cobblecat under Roro Uhoris, a Tyroshi known up and down the narrow sea as the Blind Bastard, though he was neither blind nor baseborn.
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Roro had sailed past Skagos into the Shivering Sea, visiting a hundred little coves that had never seen a trading ship before. He brought steel; swords, axes, helms, good chainmail hauberks, to trade for furs, ivory, amber, and obsidian. When the Cobblecat turned back south her holds were stuffed, but in the Bay of Seals three black galleys came out to herd her into Eastwatch. They lost their cargo and the Bastard lost his head, for the crime of trading weapons to the wildlings.
Davos had traded at Eastwatch in his smuggling days. 
Wow, look at that. A captain with a trading ship sailing obsidian beyond the Wall.
I thought you needed a king for that!
If Melisandre knew of this letter . . . What was it she had said? One whose name may not be spoken is marshaling his power, Davos Seaworth. Soon comes the cold, and the night that never ends . . . And Stannis had seen a vision in the flames, a ring of torches in the snow with terror all around.
"My lord, are you unwell?" asked Pylos.
I am frightened, Maester, he might have said. Davos was remembering a tale Salladhor Saan had told him, of how Azor Ahai tempered Lightbringer by thrusting it through the heart of the wife he loved. He slew his wife to fight the dark. If Stannis is Azor Ahai come again, does that mean Edric Storm must play the part of Nissa Nissa? "I was thinking, Maester. My pardons." What harm if some wildling king conquers the north? It was not as though Stannis held the north. His Grace could scarcely be expected to defend people who refused to acknowledge him as king. "Give me another letter," he said abruptly. "This one is too . . ."
". . . difficult?" suggested Pylos.
Soon comes the cold, whispered Melisandre, and the night that never ends. "Troubling," said Davos. "Too . . . troubling. A different letter, please."
Oh Davos, you silly little goose. It's not Edric Storm who gets to play the role of Nissa Nissa for this fraudulent Azor Ahai.
Go ahead, take another guess.
Final thoughts:
Remember when Stannis fans were adamant the show invented the Shireen storyline, despite the existence of this entire plot that's clearly laying the foundation?
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aerltarg · 3 years
2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27 from ask game
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
oh, it's actually hard to answer bc pretty often my otps can work as brotps for me as well. it also means that when i can't ship some characters they don't work for me as friends either. not to mention that in asoiaf i'm open to many ships, and if i'm not very passionate about some it's not a sign i can't see them in romantic light.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
may i say any sansa ship? 😭 as well as sansa herself lmao. idk generally i can't ship characters i don't like because i'm just not interested. and it's not to say i don't like book!sansa (show!sansa is another case 💀), i just don't find her arc as intriguing and epic as arcs of some other characters. however, it's absolutely her obnoxious fandom's fault that i don't want to touch anything about her now, pairings including. sansaery? pass. sansan? i used to have a soft spot for them in my heart but now? nah. sansa x anyone? pls have mercy, she's already a fandom bicycle.
and jonsa ofc. i would never mind some crack ship as i do this one if not for their obnoxious stans that did way too much to list there right now. but this burning desire to persuade every rock on the street that your crack ship is canon will never stop being ridiculous lmao
also braime. tbh i used to low-key like them but some of their stans weirded my away lol. i get that not all of them are like that but still. it's generally my great pain when i see braime/brienne/jaime stans who are also dany/targ antis. every time i see them i cackle and run away as fast as i can crying from disappointment lmao. it's really a pity because i'm either very neutral or like in my own way all three of them.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
jonrya it is! i never hated them, you know, but they never were more than siblings and brotp to me. however, later i encountered the deluded crack ship fandom that shall not be named and understood that if there is any possible romance for jon with any of his sisters-cousins we all know which one it will be lmao. also their stans are very sweet and i really like many of their takes on arya and jon! i generally love relationships of jon and arya very much so it wasn't that difficult in practice to see them in a quite different light.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can't stand now?
meta culture lmao. reading different analysis and interpretations of the text used to be very interesting to me (and still is tbh but in other fandoms) though asoiaf is a different case. imo many people aren't honest in their so called theories and analyses. i get that all of us are biased but some "meta writers'" denial of their own biases influence fandom in a bad way. it looks like too many people run to them to get answers to their questions about any minor detail as if they were grrm himself. yk instead of using their own reading comprehension lmao. you see how this meta culture ruined fandom just looking at the most delusional stans and shippers who spread their agenda by writing endless text posts full of nonsense and bullshit but styled as oh so intellectual and thoughtful analysis. it's insane how many people actually buy it and don't check canon accuracy of such claims themselves. it got to the ridiculous point when random people try to argue with you with some far-fetched embarrassing "theories" as if they were canon facts or quotes straight up from a fanfic because they read somewhere some other confused soul's post and got from a context that this quote is canon (despite the fact that it wasn't written in grrm's style at all but some people can't use their brains even if their lives depended on it it seems).
anyway it's become too long and rambly already so tldr. because of such "neutral unbiased" analyses i got the habit of fact checking almost everything i see in such posts. there's only a small amount of meta writers from targ/dany/jon/arya stans that i trust because i know by practice and following them for some time that they don't pull anything out of nowhere, back up everything they say with canon quotes, don't decontextualize anything and (that is the most important thing to me) are reasonable and open to discussion unlike so many bnfs nowadays.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
ah, not in this fandom yet, god bless! i think i'm not loud enough for the needed amount of time to deserve it lol. but since i'm not going anywhere soon maybe one day i will 😂
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
robert baratheon and tywin lannister, obviously. tbh it's pretty hard for me to hate any characters because you know. they're fictional lmao. just lines on paper, they can't hurt you. and even such dudes as tywin or robert don't get real distaste from me if they're written well enough. my problem with them lies not only in their canon crimes and shitty consequences of those but in fandom's (or at least some parts of it) unwillingness to acknowledge that they're canonically written as shitty, not as stan/pity/worship material. tywin isn't as clever as some think and robert is a coward outside of battlefield, not to mention some absolutely disgusting denial of his nature from targ antis only because the man happened to be the most vocal targ hater in-universe so these folks feel like he is their main book representative and whitewash him completely lmao
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
uugh idk even. i'm either low-key interested (or used to be at least so i can stay pretty neutral for the sake of nostalgia lol) or too indifferent to really care.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
all my faves have their own crowd of haters i'm afraid 😭 but let me say rhaegar. even among some dany/targ stans my man is so misunderstood lmao. it's not even his fault i dare say it's fanon about his half-imagined crimes that somehow got widespread to the unbelievable degree. and when i say they're half-imagined i'm being very generous actually. ofc he isn't perfect, no one in asoiaf is. and yes, he's a pre-series dead minor character but almost all little information about him is actually positive, not to mention the narrative itself that doesn't paint him as a villain or just a shitty dude. on the contrary, he's an idealized to some degree dead prince who could've been a good king (like some other historical targaryens, jacaerys, baelor breakspear, aemon son of jaehaerys, etc.), a mysterious yet tragic figure. i have much to say about why it's so popular to shit on him in fandom but yeah. his haters should send their complaints to grrm instead, no one forced the man to write him like that lol. and i mean that no one has to like him ofc. but it's misinterpretation of the text to claim he was intentionally written as a villain or smth by grrm.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
i don't know if it counts as unpopular but i would say tyrion's arc as a whole because i enjoy his character and like in my own way. i can get why some people don't like him but this man will always have his own place in my heart i must admit.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
is this unpopular tho?.. ok but renly wouldn't make a terrible king. i dare say he would be better than both robert and stannis. yes, he wasn't shown as perfect and i don't claim this. he wouldn't be the best or the most brilliant or the most just or noble. yet still better than his brothers. his flaws weren't anything other high lords didn't have, his mistakes weren't anything other lords and kings didn't do. in many ways he would make a better job than robert or stannis, too bad he died so early, even though i get why it was important for the narrative.
26. Most shippable character?
well generally for me it's the ones i love the most lol. jonerys/snowstorm is my never dying otp but i admit my sins, sometimes i just see dany with other characters (often from other fandoms pls don't @ me). however, since dany is THE fave of mine it means i would rather twist the other guy or girl to fit into the good match for her than twist her for another character in my new born crack ship lol. and i never stay for too long with the ships with which i feel they don't really fit and don't do justice for each other lol. maybe that's the reason i'm not much of a rare shipper / crack shipper afshdjdb
27. Least shippable character?
everyone i don't like? 😭 as i've said sansa for the reasons above lol. you can insert many others in her place lmao
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