13daze · 2 years
should i try pulling for movie date mammon
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zo1nkss · 2 years
I think I need to make a "do it for them" meme with just all my blorbos
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magic-mountain-road · 28 days
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Welcome to magic mountain road
Hello, Hello, I am Mumbo :] and I am here to help you with all your kinning needs !! I will make anything in this list:
~ Stimboards
~ Pride PfPS + Bamners
~ Banners
~ Sketches
~ Playlists
~ Sprite edits
~ NPTs
~ And basically anything else you may ask for !! if you want to know if I do it, just ask :]
I will do any sources but my main ones are:
~ Minecraft SMPs (Hermitcraft, Life series, Empires, DSMP [selectively])
~ Scott pilgrim vs the world
~ Homestuck
~ Pokemon
~ General animals / aesthetics
~ General horror
~ Steven universe
~ Gravity falls
~ FNaF
~ Cookie Run
~ musicals
~ And more, just ask !!
DNI: Basic DNI, Proshippers / Comshippers, NSFW / Kink, and SH/ED blogs
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b1adie · 2 months
you will not believe what happened
i logged into hsr for the first time in a few weeks, collect mail, do memory of chaos, do a single pull on Jade's bamner and get yanqing
that’s not mine. i dont need e5 yanqing. i dont even need this current e4 yanqing
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duckielikeserror · 26 days
God I need to change my bamner
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I mean, it goes hard, link posing in front of a burger stack? That goes fliping hard!! However, I kinda mega hate vrchat now, so I need ideas for a new banner :3
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dearreader · 10 months
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keilajec · 7 months
what's the url in your bamner is it piracy (hot)
im gonna be so real i kinda forgot. pretty sure it was a link to the background image of the banner
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please stop stroking it....
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safe-and-smol · 6 months
I was thinking of making a bamner to put at the bottom of my posts. But I don't know how or what to use. Any tips?
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kaimenrr · 2 years
Things for the OFD bamner contest
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imaginefe · 11 months
hi rio, on the next Thracia bamner do u think saia's tome will be creepy or wet 👅💦💦💦
creepy but it makes the player wet
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pasta5284 · 1 year
went back 2 my old mobile bamner for pride month :3
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im-not-a-monster · 2 years
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pixiecaps · 2 years
hiya just read your bamner, ranboo got a noticed by toby fox???
hellooo!! yes hi heres the link to that post
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taz-drgaone · 2 years
its an hfjone meme bestie. that guy dies like 3 times and thats the first time
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weirdgirl-14-art · 6 years
22 24 25 26 and (ill regret this) 29 for jeffery, nevarra, and bamner
22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
Bamner was educated-- he was very studious, a good student and well rounded.  Would have been, like, a “jock,” --- I mean....you know, being a Knight, athletics.  Friendly, gets along with everyone--- helps everyone with their homework and projects even if you’re not in the same group or even in the same class.  (Doesn’t help cheat-- against cheating) 
Jeffery was not educated because ~poverty~ -- but if he was, he’d be that shy, quiet kid that keeps to himself for the most part.  He’d be a really good, smart (maybe not straight A’s, but a mix of B+’s and A-’s), probably gets left to do most of the work in group projects but doesn’t complain.  That type of kid that he’ll open up to if you make the first move to socialize with him, but good.  Probably got along with the teachers more than his own age group.
Nevarra was Slave, so no edumacation--- but if they were, they’d probably be on the more trouble maker side.  Probably not straight A’s, but I genuinely believe that Nevarra would float pretty alright in grades-- and it’s not like they’re struggling in class, but because they approach assignments and projects differently.  I imagine that they do love to learn as a high schooler and try to learn as much as they can as fast as they can, but they hate the education system, and tries to, like....call BS on things and that’s what gets them in trouble. That’s my headcannon at least. 
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
Bamner:  “Life can be hard.  The world can be cruel and unreasonable at times.  Despite it all, don’t ever stop.  Don’t ever give up.  My biggest regret in life was that there was a time where I did give up-- but not anymore.  The is still much to hope for in this world.”  
Jeffery:  “You’re not always going to understand everything in life-- good things will happen and bad things will happen without knowing why.  Sometimes people stay, sometimes they leave, and then you encounter someone new and you wouldn’t have expected that you can’t live without them.  As much as I like to look forward to a bright and happy future-- I want to live in the here-and-now.  I want to hold onto my loved ones and live in the present with them-- no matter how chaotic, confusing or terrifying everything might be in the moment, at least we have the Right Now together, because the future can be uncertain.”
Nevarra:  “Everyone deserves happiness.  Everyone deserves to live their own life to their fullest.  Do not treat others with injustice or look down on them-- everyone has the right to freedom in their lives.  When evil is at work, it’s our job to put a stop to it and encourage the good in the world.” (headcannon-- along the lines in a fancy manner?  That, and “Punch Bad Guys” vibes)  
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
Nevarra is your character--- but they have been wild and great.  I just remember they were more chaotic in the start of the campaign, and, like......steal everything, try to own something because they grew up as a slave and suffered injustices and family torn apart and/or killed.  Like...they tried to steal a table, man.  They tried to be like, “I work alone”---- but then over time, they got a Fiance by proposing to them at first sight, they got hella rad friends they trust, they want to help everyone and hard core revolutions and all that stuff.  Finally, Nevarra has more self control (still wild chaotic, but you know), and in the Castle Storming, Nevarra grabbed a table....and used it to fight back, not really thinking of ownership and all that jazz and that’s character development.  I’m doing a horrible job at describing them I’m so sorry I’m really bad with other people’s OCs because perception differences I just what you to know I think they’re rad!
Bamner Lightsunder wasn’t a fan character-- all original.  Bamner was based off the concept of a Great Hero who’ve fallen far from grace-- not like, turned evil, but lost hope, motivation, etc.  Like most Veterans, he struggled with coping--- he suffered guilt and blamed himself for the fall of the Foreriver Kingdom (even though it really wasn’t).  He descended into alcoholism and suffered from war flashbacks.  He did his best to raise Jeffery, an orphan, and make him happy and tried to install good morals as he grew despite everything he himself was feeling or going through.  Even when Bamner felt there was no hope left in living, he wanted Jeffery to believe there’s always something worth fighting for--- even when you think you’ve lost everything.  Bamner was designed to be this kind of war hero, and he was designed so that the revolution was supposed to bring him out of this state-- so he can say to himself, “There’s still hope worth fighting for.”  
Jeffery was raised by Bamner.  Straight up--- I didn’t think y’all were going to get much out of him other than that, but you did!  I designed Jeffery to be, like-- while Bamner as the old generation, those who witnessed and suffered from the Drow Invasion and the Fall of the Foreriver the most, Jeffery was designed to represent the new Generation, the young generation--- a generation who still believed that they can change, that there’s still a chance for them.  He didn’t experience the tragedy of the Foreriver Fall, lost most youths, so that’s what makes him different from Bamner.  I always knew that Jeffery was going to be quiet and introverted--- part of it is because of rough childhood start at a young age (Drow Tyranny), the other half is because that’s just...inherently who he is.  I do know, 100%, he was meant to be this Nerd-Knight Dude that just appreciates the wild personality that is The Party.  A homie.
26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?
Bamner:  It was Queen Rohesia Foreriver, but now it’s Jeffery.  Queen Foreriver, he served as her Knight (and the kings, but whatever)-- they were close friends....  But after adopting and Raising Jeffery, by wanting to Jeffery have hope, it made room for the Party to say to Bamner, “Hey, why don’t you start believing, too?”  King Vexacion, the evil Drow Tyrant, is the least important to him--- he hates him.  He killed the King and Queen Foreriver and caused so much suffering to those he cared about.
Jeffery:  The most important person in their life right now is, straight up, Nevarra.  He loves them.  Like their relationship has been wild-- saying yes to a proposal to someone you just met in the middle of the fight?  He admits, that was such a crazy thing either of them did--- but know what?  He doesn’t regret it.  Considers it the best decision in his life.  Nobody knows this, but Nevarra was the first person Jeffery trusted to the same extent he trusted Bamner in that moment.  He enjoys, supports, appreciates, and trusts everything that Nevarra is, and they make him happy.    The least important to him that still has an impact--- straight up,King Vexacion.  Because he’s the reason why his family was taken, and he saw so much suffering that they caused to Bamner (just growing up and watching how much pain Bamner was holding onto).
29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
Bamner:  “Mourn for me not, for I am with my Fellow Knights.”
Jeffery:  "Live with Love and Joy in your Hearts for I wish nothing but your Happiness.”
Nevarra:  “Born a Slave.  Lead a Revolution.  Died for Freedom.  We are capable of change” (serious), that or, “Coming back to Haunt King Vexy: Revolution Part 2″ (humorous).  Idk, I’M SORRY.
tHIS IS LONG, but I hope it’s worth it/that it’s good?  Sorry, I hope I got some good things with Nevarra~!  (I’m always shy about doing other people’s OCs--- just feel like I cannot get them right).  I hope you liked Bamner and Jeffery’s things at least.
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