#Ban Mido
gumikon · 1 year
Ginji: You know, I've been thinking...
Ban: That would explain the beads of sweat.
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souyu · 2 years
Huevember - Day 14: Ban Midou (Get Backers)
Flower: Snapdragon.
Grace, strength (due to its growth in rocky areas), deviousness, deception.
My favorite character from this anime ✨
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bananaban · 1 year
the next few posts might be mostly Jack Kline i miss that kid let it be known that Ban Mido will kill for that kid
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kiroonsmoon · 11 months
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I forgot to post this dumb thing
@eclysia sorry for never draw ur guys normally will happen again.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 years
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I know lots of people think of Nobutoshi Kanna as Guts or Knuckles, but I'll always love him as Ban-chan.💜🐍🤩
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pansexualkiba · 10 months
"Hey, you wanna help me fuck with my friends?" Midoriya posed.
"Depends," Shigaraki shrugged, catching Midoriya in an infinite, "How fucked up are we talking?"
"I want to fake date, mostly so I can get free samples, but also I just generally want to mess with them."
Shigaraki paused the game and turned to stare at his maybe-friend, who was just sitting there as if he hadn't said something completely insane.
"I am so glad I banned you from being a villain." Shigaraki slowly said.
"As if you could actually stop me."
It was supposed to be a simple trip to the mall. And then Midoriya asked if he could bring someone.
Logically, it was okay. As far as anyone knew, it was just a regular camping trip. Buying things like sunscreen and bug spray was totally above-board. As long as Midoriya gave the more sensitive things (like training weights) to someone else, it could just be a hangout and a getting-to-know Midoriya's mysterious friend he sometimes mentioned.
Never by name, though. Odd.
"Ah, Uraraka! Iida!" Midoriya's voice sang out behind them.
"Deku!" Uraraka whirled around, "You ma-"
Midoriya was casually(!) holding hands(!!) with Shigaraki Tomura, the leader of the League of Villains(!?).
"Ma." Uraraka enunciated.
"Sorry I'm late!" Midoriya laughed, "I had to pick up Mura. His dad isn't exactly keen on letting him outside these days."
"Ma." Iida stuttered helpfully.
"I live pretty close to here, Izu," Shigaraki Tomura reminded Midoriya. "You didn't have to threaten dad."
"Ma." Kirishima looked ready to implode.
"Don't you know?" Midoriya grinned widely, with a bit too much teeth, "No one in the world is going to get between me and my Mura."
"Oh, Mido's a yandere." Ashido weakly noted, "That's good to know." The absurdity of that statement caused the whole of 1-A to begin shouting over one another.
"I'm hallucinating. There's a gas leak. I'm in a dream. This is a prank show-"
"Yeah, Mura!" Midoriya acknowledged only THAT question for some reason. "He's my best friend!"
"And?" Shigaraki Tomura grinned, which would haunt Uraraka's mind for months to come.
Midoriya then flushed, and stammered a truly horrifying statement. "It- It's a recent development, but…" He grasped Shigaraki Tomura's OTHER hand as well. "Mura's my b-boyfriend!"
Further stunned silence.
"Hehe," Shigaraki Tomura chuckled, a horrifying sound like a crow choking on a mouse. "Didn't I tell you? You're not going to be able to live without me, Izu." He leaned in for a Kiss, but was stopped by Midoriya's hand.
"M-Mura, we're in public…" Midoriya whined.
"Oh," Ashido wheezed, fainter than ever before, "So they're yan4yan. That's fun."
"Midoriya-kun," Iida finally gathered himself, "With all due respect t-to Mura-"
"Shigaraki to you, Heroling," Shigaraki Tomura sneered.
"Yes, um," Iida fumbled, "With all due respect to Sh-Shigaraki-kun…" He adjusted his glasses and chopped his hand directly at Midoriya. "Are you out of your horny-ass little mind?!"
"Iida?!" Uraraka exclaimed in surprise.
"Uraraka-kun." Iida lit a cigarette. "This has broken me." He motioned to Shigaraki, who was shaking with suppressed laughter. "I am about to go apeshit."
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guiltless-studios · 1 year
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How it started vs How it’s going - Masc-Leaning Costumes
The journey into cosplaying male characters definitely helped me feel more at home in my own body. Even well before I had the language to describe the gender euphoria it brings me. I’ve been Non-Binary for several years now and I am accepting that I lean more into Genderfluid territory as I adore the chances I get to look at least a little more manly. Obviously I had to start somewhere, and in the early 2000s, Squall/Leon from Kingdom Hearts was my first foray into cosplaying male characters, where I had exclusively only done female until that point.  Cut 20 years later and I am thoroughly enjoying what I have managed to do, and I hope to up my masc game going forward. ... And to the folks from my past who have made transphobic comments in my direction: Stay salty. And I hope someone bigger than me gets you cancelled for your bigotry. :)
[Image ALT:
1) Guiltless dressed as and posing like Leon from Kingdom Hearts, but without a wig in the character’s hairstyle. Comes off more feminine in overall look and shoulder length hair style.
2) Guiltless dressed as Ban Mido from The GetBackers. Pose is anime-like but more feminine.
3) Guiltless dressed as Renon from Castlevania 64, notable effort put into drawn facial hair and a more masculine pose.
4) Guiltless dressed as their World of Warcraft character, a Blood Elf Male Hunter. Character is wearing the Windrunner’s Pursuit armor set and the Sunreaver Tabard.
5) Guiltless dressed as a casual version of their larp character, wearing a ‘World’s Okayest Ranger’ shirt. Emphasis was made on the drawn facial hair and the character’s face paint that is based from the Monster Hunter game series.
6) Guiltless dressed as Crowley from Good Omens, emphasis on the masculine hair, face contouring and demon-like contact lenses.]
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top-kulte · 1 year
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Mon Numéro 28 Ban Mido
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deesfanfictionkin · 1 year
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NAME: Ban Mido
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Ban has the ability to make anyone who meets his eyes live through their worst fears, their absolute nightmares, though only until he next blinks, though that can feel like an eternity to those people.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Through prior training in Tewagi as a child, Ban has learned a unique martial arts style that allowed him to have a grip strength that can crush up to 200 pounds.
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NAME: Ginji Amano
FACTION: The Rikthimi, currently the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Ginji has the ability to manipulate electricity, generating it from inside his own body, but also being able to manipulate electricity from outside his body.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: While it's not an ability, Ginji is very charismatic and seems to naturally draw people to him.
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NAME: Kazuki Fuuchouin
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Kazuki has the ability to create strings, nearly invisible to the naked eye, that he can use to not only fight, but to control inanimate objects and people.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Shido Fuyuki
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Shido was born with the ability to talk to and control animals. Any type of animal, he can communicate with it and control it, though he sees it more as asking 'friends' for favours.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: MakubeX
FACTION: The Rikthimi, lleader of the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: MakubeX is a technopath, with an innate knowledge of technology and the ability to control anything made from technology.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Himiko Kudou
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Himiko has the ability to release powerful scents from her body, seven in total, which all have different effects on anyone who inhales them.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Kuroudo Akabane
FACTION: Himself. Honestly, it's himself. Born on the upper levels of The Tower, he holds no high regard for The Tower or The Rikthimi, only in search of amusement for himself and strong opponents to satisfy his bloodlust.
ABILITY: Akabane has the ability to make any sort of weapon out of his own blood, though, of course, to use them does mean that he needs to make himself bleed.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: This man is a fearsome person. He has incredibly accuracy, power, stamina, agility. He's truly a very strong fighter who very few can match, and because he enjoys fighting and killing, he's someone most people tend to stay away from.
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NAME: Hevn
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Hevn has the ability to read the memories of an object, though only for a short period into the past. She can dig deeper into the past, but it really strains her ability and saps her lifeforce, so she only does it in extreme situations.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Hevn currently works as an information broker, with seemingly endless helpful connections. She always 'knows a guy for that'.
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NAME: Paul Wan
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Paul was born with the ability to harness and control the wind, though he cannot generate it.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Let's just say that Paul knows a lot more than he's letting on at any given time, especially considering his previous work as an information broker.
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NAME: Natsumi Mizuki
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region.
ABILITY: Natsumi can control gravity, in small amounts. Her ability is rather weak, compared to some of those around her, but she can generally manage levitation over long distances of small objects or heavier objects over short distances.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Juubei Kakei
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Juubei can create white and black needles from within his own body. The white ones are used to heal, the black ones to harm as they are coated in a poison he generates inside his own body.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Juubei is medically very competent, and has served as a makeshift doctor during his time living in The Tower.
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NAME: Haruki Emishi
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower.
ABILITY: Emishi's blood is explosive if spilled.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: On top of his natural ability, Emishi is an accomplished fighter, using a double-ended whip as his main weapon.
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ren-deru-16 · 2 years
Choose your SSR card.
Idolish7 OC edition: Yume
"The young Superstar"
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Yume, despite being ten years old, is shown to have natural-born talent as an idol.
In reality, Yume was from another world, where her parents are TRIGGER. Her world was where alpha, beta and omegas existed and she was transported to the canon universe coincidentally after an accident happened to TRIGGER.
She at first was taken in by Ryu's mother, and that's how she met Ryu right before he was about to meet Gaku and Tenn. However, she refused to use any last name.
The fans consider her as some sort of "mini-TRIGGER"/the mascot because of her energy that matched TRIGGER. Tenn enjoyed her company as well as her sense of fashion, Gaku would take her out to his mother's soba restaurant after knowing she likes soba, Ryu was initially being the protective older brother but he relaxed and let her wander on her own, as long as she stays with Anesagi. Anesagi, on the other hand, absolutely adored her, even allowing the girl to call her "nee-nee".
Despite being that, Yume has a trauma from her world. The accident traumatized her and she subconsciously developed separation anxiety to the three, especially to Tenn.
Many would mistake her as teen because of her physique when she's just ten years old, thanks to the genes from Ryu. Her silver leopard like eyes resemble Gaku when serious and her hair and face resemble Tenn. The trio originally did not know her history but they always wondered why she's very attached to them. Now that Yume revealed the truth, they only accepted her and let her be.
Tenn in her world was the omega, and her alpha parents were Gaku and Ryu. She would accidentally call present Tenn mama but noe that the truth is out, Tenn allowed it as long as it's only them, the same goes for the other two where called as Papa Gaku and Papa Ryu.
Yume is can be also two-faced depending the situation, but with her emotions she is as straightforward as she can be with her words.
Idolish7 gradually got to know her history and when Tenn and Gaku were kidnapped, Sogo calmed her down and promised that they'll rescue them. Ryu saw that she was too shaken uo and he decided to perform alone for their sake. But Yume was able to recover and the two performed Negai wa Shine on the Sea, like father and daughter.
She has lowkey intrusive thoughts, thinking of murdering Ryo and how to hide his body, run the car (if she can drive) the paparazzi who were pestering Ryu,
(person - what she calls them - what they call her)
Tenn - Tenn-san/Mama - Yume
Gaku - Gaku-san/Papa Gaku -Yume
Ryu - Ryu-nii/Papa Ryu - Yume/Yu-chan
Anesagi - nee-nee/Anesagi-san - Yume
Sosuke - shachou/gramps - Yume/brat
Yuki - Yuki-san - Yume-kun
Momo - Momo-san - Yume-chan
Rinto - Rin-san/Okazaki-san - Yume-chan
Iori - Izumi otoutou-san/iori-san - Yume-chan
Yamato - Yama-san - Yu
Mitsuki - Izumi ani/ Mitsuki-san - Yume-chan
Tamaki - Tamaki-san/pudding-san - Yumecchi
Sogo - Sogo-san - Yume-chan
Nagi - Nagi-san/otaku-san - yumecchi
Riku - Riku-san/Riku-jii - Yume-chan
Banri - Ban-san/Ogami-san - Yume-kun
Tsumugi - Tsumugi-san - Yume-chan
Otoharu - granpa, Otoharu-ji - Yume-kun
Kinako - kii-chan - *kinako noises*
Kujo Takamasa - Kujo(-san) when forced to be formal since she never likes him - Yume
Aya - Aya-san - Yume-chan
Haruka - Isumi-san/tsundere-san - Yume/You
Toma - Inumaru-san - Yume
Minami - Natsume-san - Yume-san
Torao - Mido-san/gigolo-san - Yume-chan/kid
Ryo - *insert any foul names*/Tsukomo Ryo - Yume-kun
Shirou - Manager-san - Yume-kun
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rainysflowers · 2 months
☠ ⇝ Rainy's Master Whump Directory ⇜ ☠
Yeah, basically this is just all my whump crap but in a big ass tree. I like organizing okay
Whump GIF Directory:
Whump Prompt/Senarios Directory:
Rainy's Whump Event Fills:
Rainy's (Mostly) Whump Events:
Bonus Things!!;
Whump Picrew/Quiz Chain Stats:
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gumikon · 3 months
Shido: Stop mixing Shakespearean English with modern English. It's confusing and you're annoying, you dramatic hipster.
Ban: I swear to the heavens, if't be true thee sayeth one more word, I shall yeet thee across thy second dimension.
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mangalampo · 2 years
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Read Manga GET BACKERS MangaLampo
ABOUT Blonde, hip, pragmatic and cool, Ginji Amano has the power to generate currents with his body like an electric eel. Brunette, equally hip, bespectacled and rambunctious, Ban Mido has the mystically mysterious 'Evil Eye,' the power to create one minute illusions in the minds of his foes. Together, they are the GetBackers, the best retrieval team in the world. They can get back anything taken from clients, and their success rate is (almost) 100%! However, first they have to get some clients--and soon--or this spry retrieval duo will starve on the streets!
Nguồn bài viết: https://mangalampo.com/manga/get-backers-29439
mangalampo #manga #manhwa #manhua #comics
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bananaban · 2 years
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by かけお
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kojakus · 4 years
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There are many topics I could rant about for hours but Ginji and Ban from Get Backers it's definitely on my Top 3
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