#Banni herbal
vampiricsheep · 1 year
🥵😍💞 for Banni?
Interesting picks for banni!
Are they physically attractive, and is it on sight or over time /what do they find irresistible / do they treat sex as casual or something with a lot of weight
1.beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc etc, but I think in general probably not. They're quite small, have strange features, and blend into the margins of any crowd. Their posture is always defensive and sometimes there's wildness in their eyes, so i think most people see them as creature first and person second. A lot of their appealing traits are ones you learn through closeness. That said, they have very striking eyes and some might consider their visage endearing.
2. What's irresistible to them...hm. a good earthy or herbal musk - not applied, but acquired through physical labor and proximity to plants and earth. Husky voices also go on this list, provided the speaker doesn't shout. They also like when someone's hands are on the larger side and are fond of muscly men. That last bit is by touch, not appearance, because from any distance further than a foot theyre not making out much detail beyond silhouette.
3. Both, but it's a little backwards. There's very little intimate and sacred about sleeping with someone they don't know or aren't all too social with...but once they're actually friends, when it's clear that one or both care about the other outside of temporary gratification, it's a performance with emotional and social weight. They can't afford to disappoint someone they like, and are afraid of the chance it's all a fake connection and that they're being used.
...So they could have been your lonely night company or boredom call for months, only to get skittish the moment you mention genuinely enjoying the time you have together
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banniherbal · 2 years
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kaweeella · 3 years
Chapter 3- I Gave Up On Traditional Danganronpa Chaptering
Warnings for death and depictions of a dead body.
Izumi sits at the table. She isn’t keeping an exact count of how long it’s been, but she knows it’s been too long.
“So,” Banri says entering the room. “We got anyone missin’ us yet?”
“Save it.”
“Come on, Banny,” Kazunari enters as well, “It’ll be alright.”
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’ve got no horse in this race. Even if that bitch was telling the truth I’m fine. I don’t got a lot of reasons to get out.”
“I’m sure there’s someone who cares about you, Banri.”
“Doesn’t matter. Life was boring. Every day was on repeat. Shit gets boring.”
“... Banri I don’t think this is the answer to your problem.”
“Yeah, there’s a lot you can do to make things fun!”
“Why are you even telling me this? Do you two want me to kill someone?”
“No, Banri, but you’re clearly depressed so we’re trying to help you.”
“Damn, that’s a first.”
Before he can continue Banri gets up and leaves.
“You think he’ll be alright?” Izumi asks him.
“Okay.” She’ll talk to him later.
One by one everyone gets up. Omi makes breakfast, Hisoka sleeps at the table, Azuma and Homare drink tea and talk. Tenma huffs.
“What’s wrong, Tenma?”
“Didja lose something in the halls?” Kazunari asks.
“No. How much longer do we have to wait? I’m trapped in this place full of strangers, and those stupid winding hallways. Why wouldn’t I be upset?”
“We can’t think like that. If we do we might make irrational decisions.”
“What, so I shouldn’t be upset?”
“No, you have every right to be upset but-”
“Yeah. Okay.” He gets up and leaves.
After breakfast, Izumi finds Banri in the library. Her little book stack is still there, though one of the books is missing, she presumes Banri’s reading it. She can’t quite see the book in his hands.
“Hey, Banri, wanna talk or-”
“It’s just that you were-”
“I don’t want to hang out with you, leave me alone you old hag.” He says that as if it’s a line he’s tired of repeating.
Izumi tries to hide her anger. She fails, but she tries. “Alright. See you then.”
Izumi walks down the halls. She finds Kazunari and Yuki, but she doesn’t find Tenma. She’s concerned about him too so she wants to try and cheer him up.
“Well, I guess some things are better off left alone.” She mutters.
“Hey, Izumi.” She turns to see Itaru.
“Hello.” She smiles. “Would you like to hang out?”
They talk in the room she met Sakyo Banri and Tasuku in. She can get a better look now, it has a round couch and a pinball machine.
“Oh hell yeah.” Itaru says under his breath before going to the machine.
“So you like pinball?”
“Yeah. It’s fun.”
Izumi hums. “I was never really good at it. I just liked pushing the buttons.”
Izumi watches him play, the dinging of the machine and the clicking of the buttons the only sounds filling the room for a while.
“Good job.”
“Thanks.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“So what other games do you play?”
“Not that many. Just some card games and other older games.”
“What else do you enjoy doing?”
He laughs nervously. “Well, I like friendly competition with others and group bonding activities. What do you like?”
“I like cooking.”
“That’s a pretty useful hobby. What do you cook?”
“Curry. You wanna try some?”
Izumi excitedly grabs his arm and the head to the kitchen. Though they’re stopped in their tracks when they see Tenma on the floor.
“Oh, Tenma. I don’t think that’s…” Itaru puts his hand on her shoulder. He cautiously steps towards Tenma. “You don’t think…”
Itaru leans in to listen for breathing. He sits up and looks back to her, shaking his head. Before she’s aware she’s doing it she’s screaming, tears rolling down her face.
“Wh-what’s wrong?” Muku and Yuki run from where they were in the hall before pausing.
“Oh my god…”
Suddenly the speaker turns on, Izumi can hear Banri cussing them out from another room.
“A body has been discovered. Please meet in the hallway and I will continue the explanation.”
Izumi covers Muku’s and Yuki’s eyes. They hear the library door open and Banri comes down the hall. He pauses when he sees them.
“Oh fuck…”
Slowly everyone arrives, all staring down at the former child star.
“Now that you’ve all gathered, let me explain the rules. You will be given time to investigate and look for clues. When time is up, you will be taken to the trial.”
“Trial?” She hears someone whisper.
“Then you will discuss the evidence and find the blackened. If you can’t, then the blackened goes free and everyone will be punished. If you do, only the blackened will be punished.”
“Hey asshole, what do you mean by that?!”
They don’t elaborate. They’re just left to figure things out themselves.
“So we have to… look over his body?” Sakuya says in tears.
“No, the adults will investigate, you kids can go wait in the lounge.”
“Oh yeah that’s a great idea.” Banri says. “Keep people out of the loop.”
“What are you implying?”
“Information is our greatest weapon right now, so we should all be a part of the investigation. Unless there’s something you don’t want everyone knowing.”
“Izumi couldn’t have done it. She was with me.”
“Christ, again?” Yuki asks.
“We were playing pinball.”
“Fine then, you’re right. But this is a lot to subject kids to.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure it’s gonna get a hell of a lot worse.”
“So how do we go about this?” Omi asks.
“We should have at least two people watching the body to keep people from tampering.”
“I can do it.” Juza says.
“Yeah, I will too.” Omi says.
Izumi nods and moves towards the body before they all hear something. A little robot rolls down the hallway and stops by them. It has little tablets.
“These are the files. They have the autopsy on them. You might wanna look at them.”
They each grab a tablet and read through it.
The victim is Tenma Sumeragi. He’s 16 years old and 178 centimeters. Cause of death was blunt force trauma. He was killed in the hallway.
Izumi lowers the tablet and looks at him. Only 16… she looks around him. She finds a large book, looking at it, it’s 1001 nights. She looks around at everyone. She sees Azuma and she can’t quite read the look on his face.
“Azuma,” She walks over to him. “Is there something on your mind?”
“Yeah… I asked Tenma to grab something for me earlier. I think it might be my fault he…”
“Did you kill him?”
“Were you the one who bashed him over the head until he wasn’t breathing?”
“Then it’s not your fault. No one could have seen it coming.”
“But I-”
“Izoom’s right, Azu. It’s not your fault. All we can do now is figure out who’s fault it really is.”
He nods. “Okay then.”
“So now we know why he was over here.” She walks over to Banri. “Banri what book were you reading?”
“In the library. You were reading a book, what was it?”
“I don’t know, I was hardly paying attention. It was some collection of weird stories.”
Izumi nods and looks back at the book on the floor. It’s red and blue with a golden lining around the cover with a pretty design.
“Is that it?”
“Were you in the library from when I first saw you there to when the announcement was made?”
She thinks. “Okay. That’s all.” She walks over to the library. In it, she finds her book stack, only missing 1001 nights. She looks around. There are books piled on the floor. Percy Jackson, Pillage, Classic Fantasy Stories, and some others. The cover on Pillage is a blue gradient with a moon in the background and a dragon in the foreground. The cover on the classic fantasy stories is black and blue with gold, and has a moon, city, and what looks like a dragon flying over them. The fantasy book has silver on the pages, sticking them together a little. Opening it up she can guess that he didn’t read that far, as after some point she has to get them unstuck herself.
“What’re you looking at?” Itaru asks in the doorway.
“Banri was reading in here so I wanted to look at what he was reading.”
“Right. We should get other alibis.”
The two of them look around. “Yuki, Muku, what were you two doing?”
“I found this supply room and I was looking at what was in there.” Yuki says.
“I came over about 30 minutes ago and started looking with Rurikawa.”
“Okay. Anything else?”
“I saw you going by and I saw Kazunari looking around. Kazunari left before Muku showed up. Don’t know where he went.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“So you have any ideas?”
“No, we just need to collect more information.” She walks over to Juza and Omi. “What were you two doing?”
“Omi was baking…”
“And what were you doing?”
“He was helping.” Omi smiles.
“Alright, good to know. Thank you.”
They ask around a little longer. The kid and Hisoka were sleeping, Homare was writing, Kazunari was hanging out in Tsuzuru’s room, Azuma was in the dining room, it was mostly like that. A lot of people were just hanging out in their rooms.
“Hey Azuma,” She walks back over to him.  “What did you ask Tenma to get?”
“There’s a storage room and the other day I found some tea there, and I thought it’d help ease his nerves.”
She nods and looks in the storage room. There are some different types of tea. Green, oolong, matcha, black, hibiscus, white, herbal. She also sees fabrics, parchment, weights, other stuff she can’t quite get a look at.
“What tea do you think he liked?”
“I don’t know.” She wishes she could have gotten to know him better.
Walking back, she notices something blocking the door to the women's restroom. A cardboard roll. She can see the crime scene from inside.
“Do you think this is where the culprit was hiding?” Itaru asks.
“Well I didn’t put it there, so probably.”
“Time is up, everyone. Please head to the end of the hall.”
Everyone cautiously walks to the designated area. Muku and Sakuya hold Izumi’s hands. They stand there for a second, not sure what’s supposed to happen, when the wall seems to open. Inside is what appears to be an elevator. They hesitate for a moment.
“Go on, get in.”
After a second, Banri steps on, and everyone follows suit. She waits in the back, the boy joining them.
“Izumi?” He says.
“My name is Masumi Usui. I trust you.”
The four of them sit in the back, the elevator as it descends.
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nmpudyog · 6 years
he Everlasting Love between Henna and Indian Culture
AUGUST 14, 2018
Henna, popularly known as Mehndi in India, apart from being considered an excellent herbal remedy is a significant part of the culture irrespective of religion, region or caste. It is one of the several unifying factors that tie India in one single thread of culture. Applying herbal henna powder on hands, by forming a homogenous paste, in intricate designs, patterns and motifs is a celebrated art form in India and Middle Eastern countries. Various designs from simple flowers to complex palanquins, peacocks, ‘banna- banni’ (bride and groom caricatures) and roses are drawn on hands filled with delicate shading. Mehndi is applied by ladies on hands, feet and arms on various festivals including Rakhi, Teej, Id- ul- Fitr, Diwali, Karwachauth, Bhai dooj etc. Mehndi that pays good colour off is considered sign of prosperity and good luck. This is why Mehndi is applied to both bride and bridegroom’s hands as well as feet. In fact applying henna is such an integral part of marriage that a full fledged ceremony is organized for this, known as Henna night or Mehndi Rasm.
Henna that is applied to hands for decorative purpose is different from the one used as herbal remedy for hair or skin. In fact to colour eyebrows there is specific Henna Spa for Eyebrows. Henna gives strength to hair, nourishes them and prevents hair fall. Organic HennaPowder is used for this purpose and is generally mixed with other herbs like Hibiscus, Brahmi, Indian Gooseberry (Amla) etc. Henna used to create temporary designs on hands is a bit different from these types. Dry leaves of the aromatic henna plant is plucked crushed and sieved to form fine powder. This powder is soaked overnight to form a free flowing paste. To enhance the colour payoff ‘Nilgiri Tel’ is added to the mix. The paste is filled in cones which are used as pencils by experts in the Mehndi art to draw beautiful patterns on body. After 2-3 hours when the Mehndi has become completely dry, it is scrubbed off (not washed) and ghee (clarified butter) or pure coconut oil is applied on the design. Usually the pattern stays on body for good 10-15 days.
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These days high quality henna for body art is also being manufactured that is used to create permanent as well as temporary body art. Known as BAQ Henna, it is becoming increasingly popular day by day among people who love tattoos but are wary of chemical dyes. Henna Spa Kit Manufacturers take special care these days to supply supreme quality unadulterated pure henna to colour hair. With organic henna, one can choose to dye hair black or orangish red temporarily or permanently.
NMP Udhyog is India’s leading Henna/ Henna powder manufacturer, supplier and exporter. NMP Henna issued for variety of purposes from dyeing hair/ eyebrows, essential ingredient in hair spa kit to finest quality Body Art, temporary/ Permanent Tattoos, herbal remedies and for functions like bride’s mehndi night.
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banniherbal · 2 years
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banniherbal · 2 years
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banniherbal · 2 years
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banniherbal · 2 years
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banniherbal · 2 years
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banniherbal · 2 years
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banniherbal · 2 years
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banniherbal · 2 years
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