#Barba x female reader
daddydoddsjr · 10 months
Hey! Could i request #14 and #30 from the inexperienced prompts with barisi x reader? If you’re not comfortable doing with both of them then can you do with whichever one you’d like to? 🧡🧡🧡
Inexperienced Smut Prompts #14 and #30 - “You’ve never even touched yourself?” & “It’s not scary at all. Let me show you.”
You were lying in Rafael’s bed, your head against Sonny’s chest as Rafael sat in front of you, carefully pulling your panties off. You had been in a relationship with both of them for a few months now, and it was all still very new to you.
“Show me how you do it when you’re alone,” Rafael told you, his hands gently rubbing your thighs. You shifted a little, now embarrassed, “Well… I’ve never…” You trailed off, hoping they both got the hint.
“You’ve never even touched yourself?” Sonny asked, clearly a bit surprised, as was Rafael. “Why not?”
“It always seemed… scary, I guess.”
“It’s not scary at all. Let me show you,” Rafael’s hands slid down your thighs. His thumb began to rub small circles on your clit, causing your hips to jolt. This only made Rafael smile a little, “So sensitive, el cariño,” He said lowly before sliding two fingers into you. You let out a small moan at the feeling, and your eyes closed. You felt Sonny’s hands on your chest, taking your breasts into his hands and massaging them and playing with your nipples.
After a few minutes of this, you began to feel the heat in your stomach grow hotter, and you looked up at Rafael, who was watching your every move.
“I can’t wait to see how pretty you look when you cum.”
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 5 months
Forever and Always
So first I owe an apology to @autumntheblogger who requested a sequel to Our Family. It has taken me a while to write this and be happy with it. But it is finally here and I really hope it was worth the wait.
I recommend reading Our Family first, which is linked below but you don't have to.
Warnings: None. Just good old fluff.
Prompt List
Our Family
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You smiled softly as Rafael whined low in his throat as you slowly moved out from under his arm that was wrapped tightly around your waist. You wiggled out of bed looking back at him as you sat up, his forehead was wrinkled as he reached out to you in his sleep. You huffed out a laugh putting your pillow in his reach before leaning over and pressing a kiss to the furrow in his eyebrows. It was a similar event every time you got up before him, it was rather adorable, although a little bit amusing at the same time.
You swapped your shirt for the one of his that was sitting at the end of the bed as always before you padded down the hallway, checking in on Noah before continuing to the kitchen. Rafael had had a long night, a difficulty in a case causing him to stay later than he normally did these days, so you wanted to cook him a nice breakfast before he had to head into the office.
You were half way through cooking waffles and some egg and bacon when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and lips on the back on your neck before Rafael buried his head in the crook of your neck.
“You could have slept a little longer babe,” you whispered.
“Hmm, I could have, but you weren’t there,” Rafael whispered pressing kisses up and down your neck. “There is no point sleeping in if you aren’t with you.”
“Sook,” you teased.
“You are so mean to me, Carino,” Rafael whined, you could feel him pouting. “Don’t make me tell Liv on you.”
“Ooh, bringing out the big guns huh?” you asked lightly running your fingers along his forearm. “You know she would be on my side right?”
“Fine, I’ll tell Finn,”
“Also on my side,” you turned your head enough to kiss him on the temple before you pulled out of his arms to plate up the rest of the food. “Could you get our son?”
“I can go get our son,” Rafael grinned sneaking in one last kiss before going to get Noah. It didn’t matter how much time had passed since you had told him that Noah was his son as much as he was yours, he would always get so happy to refer to Noah as “his” or “our” son. You shook your head a little as you brought the plates to the table, being sure to grab Noah’s sippy cup with his juice and Rafael’s cup of coffee. You could hear him coming back down the hall, humming softly to Noah.
“So, what is the plan today?” he asked, getting Noah settled.
“Hm, gotta drop Noah off at day care, then I have a meeting with a client that’s probably going to take all day,” you sighed, already feeling the headache that this day will induce.
“Wait, is this that guy that keeps changing his mind?” Rafael asked raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, after we agree, he calls and then says he doesn’t want it that way anymore, it is doing my head in,”
“Next time he tries, tell him your boyfriend is a lawyer,” Rafael grinned. “A verbal agreement is a legally binding contract.”
“Mhm, my boss will love it if I subtly imply that I will sue one of our top paying clients,” you roll your eyes.
“Well, the option is there,” he placed a kiss on your forehead as he stood up. “Thanks for breakfast I gotta get into the office.”
“Have a good day!” you were too focused on helping Noah eat to see the look on Rafael’s face. His hand went into the pocket of his pants and stayed there as he headed out the door, looking back once to the scene at the kitchen table before closing the door.
Rafael stood outside the station one hand in his pocket fiddling with the box that he had been carrying around for months, since you had told him that he was Noah’s father. He had been standing there for a lot longer than he ever wanted to admit.
“Counsellor?” Rafael jumped at the sound of Nick’s voice behind him. “Are you going in?”
“Yes, need to speak with Liv about the new case you lot have dumped on me,” Rafael cleared his throat attempting to cover up how nervous he was.
“We haven’t given you a new case,” Nick raised his eyebrow as he followed Rafael inside. “And you’re jumpier than normal, it’s too early for you to have had enough caffeine to make you like this considering your tolerance.”
“I hate detectives,” Rafael muttered.
“You’re nervous,” it was not a question as Nick’s eyes traced the movement of Rafael’s in his pocket. “Congrats.”
“Not a word…I haven’t even told Liv yet,” Rafael pointed his finger at Nick. “And I want to ask for Liv’s blessing…and Finns.”
“My lips are sealed,” Nick promised as they entered the bull pin.
“Why is one of my detectives telling you that his lips are sealed?” Liv questioned, her eyes narrowing as she catalogued every movement Rafael made before her eyes zeroed in on his hand still in his pocket. “My office. Finn, join us.” Her tone left no room for argument.  
“Good luck,” Amanda winked as both men followed Olivia into her office. Rafael felt his heart pick up speed, he knew Liv would notice straight away, but he had not considered her tone to be that specific one, it was her Lieutenant voice. And the way Finn walked ahead of him was the same way he walked into the interrogation room.
Olivia closed the door behind the two of them before she walked around her desk, Finn taking his spot right beside her as they both stared Rafael down. It was rare for him to be on the receiving end of those looks, at the same time. He now knew how a suspect felt when Liv and Finn would team up. Rafael felt sweat start to build on his forehead as he took a deep breath.
“I am aware that the both of you already know what I want to ask,”
“Well, you aren’t very subtle Counsellor,” Finn mused. “You’re more wired than I have ever seen you.”
“Have I mentioned lately how I hate detectives?” Rafael asked trying to buy himself some more time. He had originally had it all planned out but he found himself struggling to remember everything he had practiced.
“Quit stalling Rafa,” Liv teased, which helped Rafael relax a little. “I wanna hear what you have to say.”
“I wanted to ask for your blessing to ask y/n to marry me,” Rafael forced out. “I love her with my entire heart and soul. I could not imagine my life without her. Or without Noah, the two of them have changed my life for the better. I mean I have a life now, before I wasn’t really living but y/n and Noah brought light and love to my life. They helped me to live again.”
Olivia’s lips twitched as she struggled to keep her face neutral, she didn’t want to break too early but her eyes gave away everything. They brightened with happiness with every new word that left Rafael’s mouth. She knew the two of them would be a forever thing from the moment they started seeing each other but to hear how much her sister had impacted Rafael’s life was another thing entirely, especially when she already knew how much he had impacted her life as well. Finn on the other hand had no issue with holding strong. He needed to rib the ADA a little.
“Not our permission?” Finn raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that normally what people ask for? Not blessing?”
“My carino is her own person and I don’t believe she would appreciate if I asked for someone else’s permission to marry her as if she was property,” Rafael pointed out. “But to have the blessing of her sister, who raised her and your blessing Finn, who has been such an important person in her life. That would mean a lot to me, to know that the two of you trust her heart to me.”
“Well,” Liv said her voice a little heavy and if Rafael peered a little closer he could have sworn that he saw some tears forming.
“I got questions,” Finn demanded, still not giving in but his demeanour had softened. Rafael fought so hard to not roll his eyes but Olivia did not.
“Of course you do, one would forget that I was the one who raised her,” Liv muttered.
“Alright, Finn,” Rafael sighed before squaring his shoulders. “What questions?”
“When are you planning to pop the question?”
“This Saturday, it’s the anniversary of when we met,”
“I am trying very hard to restrain myself right now,” Olivia muttered as she stood up and walked around to stand in-front of Rafael, she pulled him into a tight hug which he returned in kind. “I whole heartedly give you my blessing to marry my sister. I know you will continue to make her happy and that you will continue to be an amazing father to Noah.”
Finn kept his arms crossed as he moved to stand in-front of Rafael, his eyes narrowed. He stared Rafael down but Rafael did not waver as he held the detective’s stare. He had never wavered before and he definitely wasn’t about to start now. But the stare down didn’t last long before Finn’s tough shell broke, his lips pulling back into a smile as he threw his arms out wide.
“Well, that’s all I wanted to know,” Finn grinned. “Was just pulling your leg, there was no way I wasn’t giving you my blessing to marry Little Benson, she would have throttled me.”
“Good to know that is the main reason,” Rafael muttered shaking his head.
“I mean of course I think you’re good for her as well,” Finn shrugged. “But she’s a Benson.”
“Little unsure if I should feel complimented or insulted by what that implies,” Olivia narrowed her eyes at Finn before deciding it wasn’t worth it. “I want all the details. Now.”
“Of course you do,” Rafael had resigned himself to this the moment he bought the ring.  
“I was thinking, this Saturday I could take little Noah for an aunty/nephew sleep over, it’s been a while,” Liv stated as the two of you were getting your nails done. It was a little earlier than normal but Liv had insisted on changing your appointments to Friday instead of the Saturday two weeks from now. And Liv had insisted on choosing your nails, and for you to choose hers. You narrowed her eyes at your sister, tilting her head to the side before you looked at the calendar on the wall and saw the date.
“He’s proposing,” you didn’t even ask, you just stated.
“…damnnit,” Liv cursed. “I really thought I could have gotten this past you.”
“You might be the detective but I was raised by you,” you shrugged. “Plus, these nails are like fancy nails. Not to mention you and Amanda taking me shopping yesterday and insisting that I try on really pretty dresses and to get the one that is almost the exact shade of Rafael’s eyes. And tomorrow is the anniversary of when we first met.”
“I now understand why Rafael always says he hates detectives,” Olivia laughed shaking her head. “I didn’t realise you had picked so much up from me.”
“Yeah well,” you just shrugged again. “You were always my hero Liv, of course I wanted to be able to do what you do. Plus you did drill into me to be observant and then Finn even started teaching me recon shit.”
“Part of me wants to offer you a job but the other part of me definitely wants you to stay as far away from police work as possible,”
“As if I would take it anyway,” you rolled your eyes. “No offense but I like my job too much and I get paid really well. Plus I don’t get shot at so.”
“Yeah, yeah alright,” Liv grinned. “So, I get Noah on Saturday, and Sunday until lunch, then his dad gets him while, you and I go out for dinner and you tell me everything.”
“Liv, I don’t think you’re going to want to know everything,” you giggled, your heart fluttering in excitement. You may have been nonchalant when you stated what this was all about but truthfully you were nervous. Even knowing what Rafael had planned you had no idea how he was going to do it.
“You are a terror,” Liv rolled her eyes.
“Little sister’s prerogative,” you shrugged. “But yes, I agree, you can have Noah up until Sunday lunch, which we will all have together, and then you and I will have a dinner in? I doubt I will be up for going out.”
The two amazing women who always did yours and Liv’s nails both giggled at that.
“I remember when my husband proposed to me,” the one doing Liv’s nails sighed. “We didn’t leave our room for days.”
“Liv showed me the dress you will be wearing,” your technician grinned. “These nails will go beautifully with it.”
Liv had chosen a golden base for your nails, that simmered gently, with a pale green swirling pattern overlaying it. The pale green was almost a perfect match for your dress and Rafael’s eyes. You smiled softly holding your left hand up in-front of you, imagining the ring that will be sitting on your ring finger tomorrow night.
“Have you seen the ring?” you asked.
“I have,” Liv nodded. “It’s gorgeous and very you. Rafael did a good job choosing it. And that is all you get from me.”
You pouted a little but knew you would rather have that as a surprise. Since you technically ruined the surprise that he was proposing to you in the first place.  
“Come on! We want to see,” Amanda sang as she held Noah on her hip, with Oliva beside her.
You stood in-front of the mirror in Olivia’s bedroom, brushing down the front of your dress. Amanda had volunteered to help do your make-up when Liv mentioned that you had worked out what was happening tonight, and she had done an amazing job. It was a beautiful subtle look that managed to empathise your cheekbones and bring focus to your eyes. Olivia had curled your hair and pinned the sides up, so nothing obscured your face.
“Alright, alright! I swear you are more excited than I am,” you laughed walking into the lounge room, blushing at the looks on the two women’s faces. “Is it too much? Will he know that I know?”
“You look beautiful,” Liv whispered her eyes tearing up a little.
“I don’t think he will care,” Amanda smiled. “Not when he sees you. What do you think little man?”
Noah cooed clapping his hands and reaching out for you. You allowed him to latch onto one of your fingers as your stepped forward to place a soft kiss against his chubby little cheek.
“I hope you have fun with your aunties tonight,” you smiled.
“Oh, don’t you worry,” Liv wrapped an arm around your waist holding you to her side. “Manda, Noah and I will have lot’s of fun tonight.”
“Though not as much fun as you,” Amanda wiggled her eyebrows. “He’ll be here any minute.”
You giggled, holding in the small squeal that wanted to escape when a knock sounded on the door.
“Make that any second,” Liv squeezed you before going to let the man of the hour in.
“Breathe,” Amanda whispered kissing you on the cheek as Rafael walked into view and you felt your air in your lungs leave you in a rush. He was wearing your favourite suit, which thankfully complimented your dress perfectly.
“Carino,” Rafael breathed. “You take my breathe from me.”
“Well, you two need to get going,” Liv started pushing the two of you towards the door when you failed to say anything in response. You couldn’t, you found for once you had no words. This was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with and tonight was the start of the next chapter of it.
“Rafael, this place is beautiful,” you whispered as the hostess led you to your table. Which was in a quiet corner, lit candles decorated it, and a bottle of expansive red wine was breathing next to a vase filled with peonies and lilac. Your favourite flowers.
“Tonight is a special night,” Rafael pressed a kiss to your temple as he helped you into your chair.
“The anniversary of our first date?” you asked tilting your head to the side as he poured glasses of wine.
“Exactly,” Rafael grinned, you could see the nerves that he hid behind that smile. You reached across the table and grabbed his hand squeezing it once, as a gentle smile pulled at your lips.
“You always spoil me Rafi,” you pulled your hand away to focus on the menu in-front of you. “You look especially handsome tonight. Amanda had to remind me to breathe.”
“Turn about is fair play,” Rafael teased. “Everyday I must remind myself to breathe, when I wake up with you in my arms, when you smile at me I feel the world stop.”
You felt your heart squeeze as your stomach fluttered before it stopped, contentment settling over your body as Rafael pulled a box out of his pocket.
“I was going to wait until dessert but I found I can’t,” Rafael chuckled, as he slid the box to the middle of the table. “Carino, everyday that we have been together has made my life better, happier and brighter. The day you told me you loved me I knew that I would know no better happiness, until you told me I was Noah’s father. You have given me a home, a family. I know that your love has made me a better man and I promise you that everyday I will be sure to be deserving of your love, of your heart and of our son. You are my heart, my soul and the very breathe in my lungs. I wish to wake with you in my arms every day. Carino, my love, will you marry me?”
Rafael opened the box as you tried to stop the tears that fell down your cheeks. Nestled in blue fabric was the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. It was also far from a traditional engagement ring but it showed that Rafael knew you. For you never wanted a traditional ring. It was a black band twisted around itself, with lines of silver and gold entwined along it. Three gems sat in the band, the middle one held above the others by the twisting of the band, wrapping securely by the gold and silver. It took you a moment to realise what the gems represented, and when you did your heart ached with love. They were your birthstones, Noah’s, Rafael’s and yours.
“Rafi,” you breathed holding out your left hand for Rafael, he lifted the ring from the box holding it just over your ring finger before he slowly slid it down. “Yes, always.”
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The Sounds of Justice - Master List
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Warnings: canon typical violence, cursing, non-consensual drugging, descriptions of character death, mentions and descriptions of jail, car crashes, lying, manipulation, guns, yandere themes, mafia AU, mafia Rafael Barba (trust me, he needs the warning), mentions of rape (not to the reader), and unwanted advances (nothing happens to the reader).
A/N: This is my response to the mafia AU poll that I posted. It was a challenge to write it but it was worth it. Comments and reblogs are very much welcomed and I hope you enjoy the fic. Please take notice of the warnings; they are exactly the same as the warnings on this page and they will be at the top of each chapter.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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Job well done
WC: 759
Warnings: Smut Smut Smut. Its been a while, so why not just jump straight into it. No lead up just straight into it.
Enjoy x
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His long fingers were wrapped around your wrist as they were pinned above your head and being pressed into the wall. His lips, which were surprisingly warm pressing into your skin, the feeling of his beard along with his lips making you shiver as they ran along your skin. His fingers toyed with the hem of your skirt and he chuckled into your neck when you let out a whine when he moved his hand away for a moment. His hand was soon back to where it started and you shivered again, pressing your chest into his more by aching your back as his hand was still making its way up the inside of your thigh. You were so wrapped up with the feeling of his soft palm on your skin that you startled when his lips where at your ear, his breath also warm hitting your skin,
“I was proud of you today” Rafael whispered in your ear, his long pointer finger now running along the lace edge of your panties “Did Liv know you came here? She wouldn’t be very pleased.”
“No” you gasped back shaking your head slightly as his fingers started to push into the side of your panties more, making their way to your very wet core “I don’t really care what Liv would have to say right now” You locked eyes with his beautiful green ones.
“She will need to know eventually, mi amor” Rafael said firmly in a voice that usually only had one reaction from you as he slid two fingers into your warm centre “So wet for me Y/N, you like when I talk to you like that, don’t you?” Rafael twisted his fingers inside you, pointing them upwards to hit your sweet spot and you nodded “Use your words Y/N”
“Yes Sir” you moaned as Rafael’s fingers moved inside you.
“Good Girl” Rafael rolled his hips into your thigh, his hard cock pocking you.
Your eye’s locked with Rafael’s again and he could feel your core starting to clench around him, your mouth dropped open slightly, a devilish grin on Rafael’s face and the sound of your wetness filling his new office.
You hadn’t had a moment to even register what was happening with how fast Rafael moved and before you knew it, your skirt was up above your hips, your panties pooled around your feet on the floor, Rafael’s pants were around his ankles, he had rolled on protection and his hands where on your ass cheeks hoisting you up just enough for his long hard cock to slide into you and you were pushed back into the wall, your legs wrapped around his middle and his long fingers pressed into the soft flesh of your behind, your body sent into over drive as his hips rolled into you hard and fast.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled him into you, your lips crashing together, your tongues pushing into each other mouths rolling together. Your walls started to tense around Rafael and he could feel it too, his hip thrust getting faster and the bottom of his dress shirt pressed so hard between you both that it was rubbing on your needy pearl, causing a delicious kind of friction.
Your whole body felt hot and your legs started to tingle. You broke the kiss, your forehead resting on his. Your eyes slammed shut and you bit hard into your bottom lip, trying not to be loud as you came hard around him your breath almost taken away with how intense you came. Rafael moved his hips faster, you could feel the sweat forming on his forehead before you moved your head and put your lips to his ear,
“Cum for me Sir, give it all to me”
Rafael rolled his hips hard into you, stilled and said your name and a few swear words under his breath. He took in a deep breath before you loosened your legs around him and he made sure you had your balance first and then kissed your forehead and then your lips sweetly. Rafael turned away walking over to his desk and cleaning himself up, while you fixed yourself up, smoothing your hair flat at the back,
“We need to tell her, love” Rafael smoothed the hair on face with his long fingers, looking at you dead in the eyes.
You rolled your eyes walking over to him throwing your arms around his neck and his moving around your waist,
“After that, whenever you want Rafi”
Tags:  @detective-giggles​ @beccabarba​  @witches-unruly-heart​ @dianilaws​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @lv7867​  @permanentlydizzy​ @averyhotchner​ @infiniteoddball​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @madamsnape921​ @annabelleb49​ @alwaysachorusgirl​​ @thatesqcrush​​ @gillysoldlady​​   @jemmakates​​  
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cabotwife · 1 year
Hii i saw that u do SVU imagines could you possibly do a Barba imagine like season 16/17 ish, she is about to join the team and the night before she meets Barba at a bar and the hook up and next morning she leaves before he wakes up and walks into the office and boom he is there <3 endings up to you but something cute heheh
A Night With Barba
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thanks for requesting anon! I’m sorry this took a bit to do . warnings: poorly written fluff, ooc Barba and Benson (???) word count: 700ish a/n: sorry if this is bad, i've never written for a male character before, and i originally wasn't going to, but i decided why not... not sure how i feel about this..
You're nervous as you walk into the bar. It's not your usual scene, but your friends convinced you to come out with them tonight. You take a deep breath and scan the room, trying to find your friends. That's when you see him. The man sitting at the bar catches your eye, and you can't help but stare.
He's tall, with dark hair and piercing brown eyes. He's dressed in a sharp suit, and he looks like he belongs in a courtroom. You can't help but wonder what he's doing at this bar. You're surprised when he looks up and catches your eye. He smirks and raises his glass to you, and you feel your cheeks blush.
Before you know it, he's walking over to you. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asks, and you nod, still feeling a little starstruck.
The two of you chat for hours, and you can't believe how easy it is to talk to him. He's charming and funny, and you find yourself laughing more than you have in months. When he offers to walk you home, you don't hesitate to say yes.
You wake up the next morning, feeling a little disoriented. You look down and realize you're still wearing your dress from last night. You turn to your side and see him sleeping next to you. You're surprised that you don't feel embarrassed or regretful. Instead, you feel content.
You get dressed and quietly leave the apartment, not wanting to wake him up. You stop at a coffee shop and order a latte, trying to process what happened last night. You're not sure what it means, but you know that you don't regret it.
As you walk into the SVU precinct, you feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. This is your first day as a detective for the Special Victims Unit, and you're not sure what to expect. You're startled when Sergeant Olivia Benson approaches you.
"You must be the new detective," she says, and you nod. "I'm Sergeant Benson. Welcome to the team."
She fills you in on an ongoing rape case, and you're surprised at how much she trusts you already. You work hard throughout the day, and you're proud of the work you're doing. When the case finally wraps up, you're exhausted but satisfied.
As you're packing up your things, you hear a voice behind you. "Hey, do you want to grab a drink?"
You turn around and see him. Rafael Barba. You're surprised to see him here, but you can't help but feel a sense of excitement.
You agree to go out with him, and the two of you spend the night talking and laughing. You tell him about your day, and he listens intently. You feel a connection with him that you've never felt before.
As the night wears on, you start to feel a little uneasy. You're not sure if you're ready for a relationship, especially with someone like him. He's a lawyer, and you're a detective. You're not sure how it could work.
But then he takes your hand, and you feel a sense of warmth spread through your body. "I know we just met," he says, "but I feel like I've known you forever."
You're not sure if it's the alcohol or something more, but you feel yourself leaning in to kiss him. The kiss is soft and gentle, but it sends sparks through your body. You pull away, feeling breathless.
"I don't want this to end," he says, and you nod in agreement.
The two of you spend the night together, and you can't help but feel like you've found something special. You're not sure where it will go, but you know that you're willing to find out.
As you fall asleep in his arms, you can't help but feel like you've found your place in the world. With Rafael Barba by your side, you feel like you can take on anything.
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slvtrlv · 1 year
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imagine #1
imagine Rafael hides his feelings for you.
But he wants to hold you, to kiss you, to be with you.
Wants to be yours so bad.
I’m listening “wanna be yours” by arctic monkeys & now I’m a crying mess💔🥺
I’m gonna write a one shoot for this “imagine”
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kayyybenson · 1 year
Control Your Kids - Rafael Barba
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You and Barba have kids together. Good luck.
    I was awoken by a loud crash then two voices. Jesus Christ. "It's your turn to see what they're up to." I rolled over and heard Rafael mumble something in Spanish before the bed moved. After a couple of minutes, there was another crash and a couple of curses. "Rafael?" I stood up walking out of the bedroom, something crunched underneath my foot. "Oh god, what did they get into?" I whispered before turning the living room light on. My jaw dropped when I saw the mess. It looked like both a hurricane and a tornado ran through the house. "What the hell?" Rafael stood there, covered in flour, feathers, and what I can only assume is chocolate frosting.
    "I'm going to kill them." He groaned. I heard giggling behind me, I swiftly turned around and got met with the same chocolate frosting that covered my husband. 
    "Not if I kill them first." I glared down at the twins, butting my hands on my hips, activating disappointed mother mode. "You two are going to clean this mess up, right. Now." Camila flinched and quickly moved to get the swifter. "You too Carlos. Go!"  The twins were at the age where they were literal menaces. We had gotten so many calls from their school that we resorted to switching their classes so they were separated. The school threatened to expel them if we didn't do something.
    "What if I don't?" I looked at Rafael, hoping for backup, but he just shrugged. 
    "I will put a lock on your door, the only time you will leave will be to go to school, eat, and use the bathroom. Hell, you won't even have a bathroom, you'll use a bucket!" That got him and he moved to clean the mess. "If Elena is like this we're sending her to a boarding school." I finished wiping my face off and sat on the couch. Rafael sat next to me and rubbed my back.
    "You're a good mom." 
    "It doesn't feel like it, I can't keep my own kids in check. Look at our house, it's a battlefield." 
    "It's a phase, it will pass, until then I'm not against putting a lock on their door." I chuckled in response. "How about I bring them to school today so you can get some rest?" 
    "Are you sure?"
    "Yes, I'm sure."
    "But you've never made their breakfasts. Carlos likes the chewable Flinstones and Camila likes the gummy ones. Make sure she thoroughly brushes her teeth though sometimes-"
    "Mi Tesoro, I got this. Go to sleep." I huffed and went back to the bedroom. Rafael let out a string of curses followed by the twins giggling.
    "Nope. Not my problem today." 
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thatesqcrush · 2 years
These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends, Ch.2
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Mafia!Barba x f! reader
AN: A prequel - how it all began.
WC: 2.7K
CW: language, violence (physical assault, gun violence, attempted rape)
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one year earlier
“Your big bad wolf was here earlier. And he sat in your section. Took his order to-go when he learned you weren’t in.”
You paused from where you were marrying the ketchups. You knew exactly who your colleague Allie meant and your heart began to quicken.
A man so handsome, that it bordered on obscene. He was older than you with salt and pepper hair and green eyes that made your eyes burn. He was always in three piece suits and carried a black shiny briefcase.
The diner you worked at was a low-key, come-as-you-are spot with burgers, ice cream, endless coffee and donuts. You wore a classic waitress uniform: a pink checkered dress, a white apron, a white collar, and short sleeves with peaked white trim. Your skirt was short, but not dangerously so.
It was late, you had picked up a double shift as you needed the extra funds. Bills came every 30 days like clockwork.
This particular gentleman came in a few times per week. He always ordered the same thing - a carafe of coffee and a varied pastry. He would stay for an hour or two, furiously writing in a yellow legal pad and constantly checking his two phones. From what you were able to glean from brief moments of interaction, you knew he was a prosecutor.
He always sat in your section. And always left a generous tip.
You turned to your Allie. “Yeah, well I switched shifts so Flor could go to her kid’s recital. How would he know?”
“Watch him come back.”
“So you’re saying he’s a stalker?”
“Girl, if my stalker looked like that, I would gladly let him murder me in more ways than one,” Allie teased.
You gave her a pointed look and then took a deep breath before walking over to grab a coffee pot to re-fill customers cups.
The rest of the shift was slow, which you weren’t accustomed to. You weren’t surprised, given the cold, wet weather outside. It was the perfect weather for staying inside, in bed, and under a thick blanket watching movies or reading. There were two remaining customers, an elderly couple, and they weren’t even in your section. You leaned back against the wall by the service window and watched people passing by outside. You heard a rumble of thunder followed by a flash of light, indicating a passing storm was soon to appear. You sighed and turned your attention back to the elderly couple. They were adorable and sweet, you thought to yourself as they held hands across the table.
You were single and while not desperate, your battery operated boyfriend was taking a beating. Your last romantic relationship was with someone who was a big, dull dud.
On more than occasion, you played with Mr. Prosecutor in your fantasies. You wondered what it would be like to kiss those soft lips, feel his strong arms around you, to run your hands through his salt and pepper hair.
After the elderly couple had left, some thirty minutes later, you decided to wipe down the tables. You leaned over to grab the tip the elderly couple left when you heard the jingle of the bell above the door ring.
You turned around to greet the person when you realized it was him. His eyes met yours. His gaze was intense, almost hungry and a muscle flexed in his jaw. He wore a grey peacoat over a thin pinstriped suit. With his beard, he really did appear as if he were a big bad wolf.
He didn’t say anything but just gave a small nod. You felt yourself flush, a heat creeping up to your face.
You heard Allie’s bright, cheerful voice, greeting him and bringing him a menu. “Y/N will be right with you.”
You brought the dishrag back up to the counter watching Allie come back with a knowing smile on her face. Your eyes darted back and inwardly groaned at him rolling up his sleeves, showing off well defined forearms. His shirt fit him well, with suspenders that you wanted to snap back. He had a smidge of tummy that you wanted to sink your teeth into.
“Go get him Little Red Riding Hood,” your coworker, Allie teased before thrusting your checkpad into your chest.
You walked over, feeling your heart thudding loudly in your chest. You felt as if you were walking through molasses but also walking too fast if that were even possible.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had butterflies like this.
“You’re here late,” you remarked. Mr. Big bad wolf looked up at you, a cocky smile on his face. His green eyes disarmed you.
“I’d say the same applies to you,” he replied.
“Covering for someone,” you found yourself explaining. “Not my usual shift. As you know.”
A thick brow arched in response. The corners of his lips twitched, threatening to smile.
“Um, so your usual? Coffee and…?”
“What do you recommend?”
You were taken aback by the question, not expecting it. “We have a banana cream and a cherry pie that are good…”
“What would you personally order?”
“Me? Oh, easy. The coconut macadamia nut cake. It’s heaven.”
“I’ll take a slice of that then, angel.”
You blushed once more, squeaking a ‘coming right up,’ before spinning on the balls of your feet.
You made your way to the pie carousel to grab the pie and then walked back to the kitchen to properly slice it.
You caught your reflection in the napkin holder and cringed. Inside your apron was your lipstick and you grabbed the tube quickly to fix your lips.
Allie came through the swinging door and cheered at the sight of you applying lipstick. “Yes Red, go get him!”
You rolled your eyes. “Nothing is going to happen. But some friendly flirting doesn’t hurt.” You grabbed the pie and made your way back out.
You placed the slice of cake down - a generous slice if you will, along with the coffee. “You’ve come here enough times that we haven’t been properly introduced.” You stuck your hand out and gave your name.
“Rafael Barba.”
When his hand met yours, you could have sworn something electric went through the both of you. You gave him a smile. “Nice to meet you Rafael.”
“Pleasure is all mine,” Rafael replied, eyes crinkling as he smiled.
You blushed again. “Okay, I’m going to get back to work.” You gave him a smile and an awkward wave before dashing back to behind the counter.
Other people began to arrive and before you knew it, it had become busy again. You were distracted - every time you’d take an order, you’d surreptitiously gaze at Rafael.
Eventually Rafael approached the cashier and settled his bill, leaving another generous tip for you. You noticed that this time he had left his business card. You pocketed it into your apron with a smile and finished your shift.
You walked to the subway, your feet aching. It was late, the streets were empty save a person here and there. There was a shortcut down through an alley that would connect you to the subway more quickly.
Someone grabbed you from behind and you screamed. A gloved hand covered your mouth and you felt the cold steel blade of a knife against the curve of your jaw. You struggled, trying to break free and you felt the blade start to press your skin.
Tears streamed down your face. Another person emerged from the shadows. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? She’s cute.” Your eyes darted to the knife in that person's hand.
The man holding you shoved you towards his partner.
“We’ll have our fun.”
You tried to break free again, this time stepping on your assailant's foot hard.
The man let out a yelp and then knocked you to the ground.
“You stupid bitch.”
Your knees scraped against the gravel and you let out a cry. You felt a kick to your ribs and you cried again. You tried to stand up to run, but you were grabbed again and slammed against the brick wall - hard.
Your head pounded and you felt warm wetness drip down the side of your face.
You braced yourself for the next blow or worse, but it never came.
From somewhere far away, you realized someone else had joined the soirée. There was scuffling and cursing. There was the sound of fists hitting flesh, followed by the awful crunch of bones breaking which was then followed by two gun shots.
Then it all fell quiet.
As your world faded to black, the last thing you heard was, “Amaro, I need something taken care of. No witnesses.”
When you came to, you realized you weren’t in your apartment. Instead you were in an apartment that appeared as something out of Architectural Digest.
The apartment was enormous. It was freakishly spotless too. There was a coffered ceiling and an informal living room, adorned with a fireplace. The apartment was a gorgeous blend of refined and eclectic old-world charm. The walls were chic, painted black and matching leather Italian chairs. It gave off a moody vibe.
You were laying propped on a brown leather sofa. You looked down and realized you were no longer in your waitress uniform, but an oversized, faded Harvard t-shirt. Your wrist and ribs were taped. You reached for your temple and felt something akin to stitches. Your body ached everywhere and you were thirsty.
“Where am I?” you wondered out loud.
Your lobo emerged, concern etched on his face. “Oh good, you’re up,” he replied softly.
“Rafael?” You looked at him confusedly. “What happened? Where am I? Where are my clothes? Who stitched me up?” As you continued your questioning, panic in your voice increased.
“Shh,” Rafael rushed, sitting by your side. “You’re okay. You’re safe.”
He looked at you earnestly. Your eyes searched his, your gut telling you he was speaking the truth.
“You were attacked by two men. They tried to rape you. But it stopped.”
You looked at his face more intently. A black eye was forming, there was a cut on his lip. And when you looked at his hands, the knuckles were scraped and bruised.
“I heard a gun,” you replied softly. “That was you, wasn’t it?”
Rafael’s face turned stony. “You don’t need to worry about that.”
You worried your lip, chewing it. You tried to sit up and you winced. Rafael helped you sit up more, covering you up with your blanket that came off a bit. You looked at your bare legs and frowned.
“Did you change my clothes?”
Rafael shook his head. “I have a nurse and doctor on call and they had to in order to treat you.”
“Why didn’t you just take me to the hospital?”
“The hospital didn’t need to know. I have more than capable staff. Besides, they were hear within 10 minutes whereas in the hospital, it would have taken longer and there would have been too many questions.”
“Why do I have the feeling you’re more than just a lawyer?”
Rafael chuckled quietly, his voice dropping a bit. “Something like that.”
“Where’s my stuff? I need my phone.”
“Right there on the chair. Your phone is on the side table, charging. Are you hungry?”
You nodded. “Actually, I am. More thirsty than anything.”
“Lucia is my chief of staff, and she’s already working with the chef to whip up some food.”
You blinked. ‘Who is this guy?’
“I need to use the facilities.”
Rafael nodded. “Let me help you up.” You took his hands and allowed him to help you. You felt another spark as you grabbed his hands and wondered again if he felt it too. ‘He had to, right? Why else am I here? The man murdered two men for me.’
Rafael directed you to the bathroom. Once inside you gave yourself a onceover. Your face was scraped up and bruised. You gingerly touched the stitches along your temple. You looked down at your bruised ribs and knees which were covered in road rash. You felt your eyes well up and you willed yourself to not cry at this moment, but the tears came anyway.
Once finished, you wandered down the hall, following the sound of voices. You rapped gently on the open French doors, and poked your head in. Rafael was drinking a lowball of something and an older woman was also drinking something. Delicious smells permeated the air and your stomach rumbled loudly.
Rafael looked at you. “Everything okay?”
“I was just um- hoping for some pants?”
The older woman clapped her hands together. “Don’t you worry. I’ll have something for you shortly. Meanwhile, sit. Food is almost done.”
You took a seat at the table and looked around. This masculine Madrid kitchen featured custom black lacquered cabinetry throughout, antique Windsor chairs surrounded a table set with china and fine linen napkins.
“I am sure you have questions,” Rafael replied.
You nodded. “I do, but I just want to say thank you right now. For saving me. For ki— handling those other men.”
By the time you changed and ate, it was near dawn. “Look, I am super grateful for everything, but I think I need to get back home. My cat needs to be fed and…”
Rafael shook his head. “You are in no condition to be out and about. You need to rest. How about I send someone to get some stuff for you and take care of your… pussy.” He smirked.
You gasped slightly at the double entendre. “No, no, I have imposed enough. You saved my life, committed murder on my behalf…”
“I… expedited their passing.”
“Who are you? I mean really, who are you!” You asked, panicking once more.
Rafael squared his shoulders. “I’m the Assistant District Attorney for Manhattan.”
Your eyes narrowed. “I have a feeling you’re more than that. You killed two people! The government frowns on that. And it's against the law.”
Rafael let out a deep breath. “I’m underboss to a specialized organization within the DA’s office.”
“So you’re a mobster?”
Rafael laughed darkly. “Something like that.”
“Are you keeping me here to later kill me? So I don’t go screaming to the cops?”
Rafael laughed again. “The cops aren’t going to do shit. The DA’s office runs Manhattan.” Rafael walked over to you.
“I wouldn’t dream of hurting you cariño.” He traced your face with a finger. His eyes are unfathomably dark with hunger and lust. “So I’ll give you this choice - you can leave and you’ll never hear or see me again, or, stay a few days, rest and be taken care of for a change.”
You felt equal parts afraid and enticed. You wanted to leave, you wanted to stay.
You whimpered, and Rafael growled, crushing his lips against yours. Your head was spinning as he furiously sucked your bottom lip into his mouth before exploring your parted lips with his tongue.
I-I-I’m—I don’t—” Your thoughts were a mess. His hungry hands and mouth felt like they were going to devour you whole. He pulled back after a moment, disappointment clearly etched on his handsome face. You were panting, your eyes wide and lips swollen from Rafael’s kiss. You wanted him to stop touching you, but part of you felt like you might actually die if he stopped.
He sucked on your pulse point, eliciting a high pitched mewl from your throat. He palmed your breast through the soft material of the shirt you wore, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
You felt a sinful gush of wetness between your thighs.
“I’ll tell you what, how about you just stay the night? You are in no condition to be out and about. The doctor said you were concussed. Get some rest, think on it and you can decide tomorrow.”
“How do I know you’ll keep your end of the bargain?” you asked, your arms crossed.
“Because,” Rafael began, his voice dangerous and low, “as much as the universe wants us together, if you want to leave, I’ll keep my promise. I always keep my promise.” He grabbed your smaller hands in his.
You had yet to respond. Yes, you had a crush on the older man. But did you want this?
“Tell me you don’t want me.” He demanded, forcing you to whimper. “Tell me how bad I am. Tell me how you didn’t want this to happen. Didn’t want a bad man like me to take you and make you mine.”
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Tags: @mgarner1227 @beccabarba @madpanda75 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @alwaysachorusgirl @melk917 @plaidbooks @witches-unruly-heart @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @detectivebarba @detective-giggles @writefasttalkevenfaster @youreverycolor @mrsrafaelbarba @tintinxtintin @dreamlover31 @zoeykaytesmom @adarafaelbarba @qvid-pro-qvo @sass-and-suspenders @greeneyedblondie44 @bananas-pajamas @i-justreally-like-cats-okay @bisexual-dreamer02 @berniesilvas @rachelxwarren @neely1177 @ottosuricato @whoamelinda @its-just-me-chey @emandems10 @amelia-song-pond @garturbo @jazzyjoi @whatisthislife28 @mommakat32 @a-brignac @blueberryt @pieceofshittytitty @chasingeverybreakingwave
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daddydoddsjr · 2 years
Could u do a fic where Olivia and the team find out about Barba's kids after he has to pick them from school when his wife couldn't or in an awkward Zoom meeting and they walk in in the background or something?
Dad!Rafael Barba — Wife!Reader (mentioned briefly)
Contents/Warnings || None
Authors Note || this is pretty short. takes place around season 18 cause why not (definitely not bc it’s one of my favourite seasons or anything like that)
also i have a lot of asks that i’m working on !! thank you all for sending things in :) i’m working on them as i have time but hopefully they come out steadily
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Olivia and Amanda were standing in Barba’s office, updating him on a case they were involved in, and Olivia and Amanda had finally convinced a key witness to testify. Barba was pleased by this news to say the least. He knew that their case was basically a slam dunk with this witness testifying and it eased his stress a bit.
The women had only been there a few minutes before Carmen walked in holding a 6 year old girl in her arms. “Daddy!” she exclaimed as soon as she saw Rafael, who stood up from his desk and smiled at her before taking her out of Carmens arms, “Did you and Carmen find the vending machine?”
The little girl nodded and held up a bag of M&M’s happily. Rafael sat back down in his chair, situating the girl on his knee and making sure she was balanced. Olivia and Amanda were both surprised, having no idea that Rafael had a daughter, “Well, what’s your name?” Olivia asked, leaning down a bit to be eye level with the girl.
“Elena..” She replied shyly. Olivia smiled, “Elena… that’s a very beautiful name. I’m Olivia, and this is Amanda.”
Amanda smiled at Elena before saying, “Barba… how have you never mentioned this?”
“I like to keep my private life private,” Barba said simply, “But Y/N had a doctors appointment and couldn’t pick her up from school today, so I did.”
Olivia and Amanda were still in disbelief over Barba being a father. “Some detectives you are,” He said half heartedly, helping Elena open the bag of candies and giving her a small handful.
“I’m going to have to ask Y/N about play dates with Elena and Noah, and maybe Jessie too when she gets older.”
“Great, because I don’t see you enough already,” Barba sighed, but Olivia always knew when he was kidding or just being a grump. “Your wife is going to end up liking me and Noah more than she likes you,” Olivia mused, “But we’ll let you spend some time with your daughter. We can come back tomorrow and let you know if anything else comes up with the case.”
Olivia and Amanda left, leaving Barba and Elena in the room. Barba did some paperwork as Elena sat happily enjoying the M&M’s and occasionally poking her dad until you came to pick her up. A play date with Noah was scheduled fast.
513 notes · View notes
x-bluefire-heart-x · 2 months
Alright Chapter 9 of Dating up is here. I split it in half, this is set directly after Chapter 8. I hope you guys like this and the next chapter is almost done and will be up soon.
Let me know if you guys want to be added to the tag list! Also if you have any ideas you want to see, like any episodes that you would like to see Chica in.
Warnings: Sexual contact, fingering, sucking dick, a hint at anal play, marking, dirty talk
Master List
Prompt List
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Tag List: @pear-1206
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“Oh god,” you muttered shoving your head deeper under the pillow. “I hate life.”
Your mouth was dry and felt like cotton but also a little minty as you tried to work out what happened last night. It all got a little fuzzy around the time Rafael and his friends showed up. But you were sure there was something in there that was embarrassing, something…
“Oh jesus, please tell me that was just a weird ass dream?” you pleaded.
“If you’re talking about last night, then I’m afraid not Chica,” Rafael’s amused voice drifted over you. You groaned in response, burrowing further into the nest you had made in his bed. The events of last night became a little clearer the longer you were awake, you felt your body turn to ice, your stomach dropping as you remembered in detail what you did and said.
“I am so sorry,” you whispered sitting up, turning to look at Rafael, you felt so bad about last night. You couldn’t believe what you had done.
“Why?” Rafael asked moving forwards, sitting down and taking your hand, bringing it to his lips.
“Cause I was meeting your friends for the first time and I was so drunk that I talked about your dick and sex,” you whined eyes watering a little. “And everything else, I must have been so embarrassing.”
“Carino, they thought you were adorable,” he assured you cupping your cheek and stroking under your eye to catch the stray tears. “And believe me they were happy for the material for teasing me.”
“Are you sure?” you asked. Rafael tugged on your hands urging you to move so you were sitting in his lap, legs straddling him and arms fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. His hands ran up and down your sides soothingly.
“Sweetheart, I am so sure,” he nodded, kissing your nose. “You could never do anything that would embarrass me. You were showing affection and being yourself around my friends. That is all I could ask, plus you made such a good snarky remark against Carisi, so there’s that.”
“Rafi,” you smiled feeling a little better about last night. “Promise me you’ll tell me if I made them uncomfortable?”
“Of course,” he agreed. “Do you feel better?”
“About that yes, but I still feel like death warmed up,” you rubbed your head. “Thank you for drinking my margherita.”
“Ah, see I made a good choice,” he tweaked your nose just to hear you giggle. “Alright, do you want to have a shower or some food?”
“Hm, shower, definitely,” you were about to get up but suddenly sat back down your eyes staring at Rafael, studying him.
“Chica?” he asked, brow furrowed unsure what you were doing.
“You said no to sex last night,” you stated
“Of course, you were drunk,”
“It’s like a low bar, don’t get me wrong but thank you,” you shrugged. “But just for future reference, I would be okay with us fooling around when I’m a little drunk.”
“Noted, let’s have this conversation when you are a little more awake and alive,” he grinned.
“Alright,” you agreed. “But…wanna join me in the shower? I’m not drunk anymore.”
“If I ever say no to that question, it isn’t me and you should call Liv,” Rafael’s grip tightened on your hips holding you to him to stop you from getting up. “First, though I want you to drink some more water.”
“No, water and I’ll join you in the shower but that is it,” he tapped you on the nose. “You are hungover and as much as I would like to fuck you in the shower, I don’t think you’re really up to that are you?”
“No,” you pouted. “Though speaking of, did you clean my teeth last night? Whilst my mouth is dry it is minty.”
“Ah, no, you woke up, threw up and then cleaned your teeth while complaining about the light,” Rafael answered. “And then you preceded to do your whole night skin care. Which was not something I thought I would ever see done after a night of drinking.”
“….yeah that sounds like me, sorry should have warned you I tend to do that,” you scratched the back of your neck. “Sorry about throwing up.”
“Chica, it’s fine, you made it to the bathroom,” Rafael kissed your neck nibbling on the skin there.
“Woah buddy, if you don’t want to fuck me you better stop,” you wiggled away from his mouth before groaning a little. “Yeah, I think I need water. My head is trying to kill me.”
Rafael laughed wrapping his arm firmly around your waist as he leaned to grab the water bottle from the side table. Opening it behind your back before bringing it up to your lips, raising an eyebrow when you pursed your lips, face confused.
“Oh, so I can help you drink water when you’re drunk and don’t want to let go of my friend’s hand but now that it is the two of us suddenly it’s weird?” he asked. “Nice Chica.”
“Oh my god, I did that?” you asked.
“You did, and you owe me for that,” he nodded. “It completely ruined my hard arse reputation.”
“I’m sure you can make that back the next time you make a witness cry, or refuse to get a warrant cause they don’t have enough evidence and their “maternal instincts” aren’t enough,”
“Okay I told you I did that in confidence for it to never be mentioned again,”
“You never said off the record,”
“You suck,”
“You like my sucking,”
Rafael rolled his eyes as he brought the water bottle back up to your lips. You eyed it for a second longer before opening your mouth and letting him pour some in before swallowing, repeating the action until you pushed the bottle away.
“Alright, let’s get you in the shower, so you can eat something and take some pain meds,” Rafael said, recapping the bottle and sitting it on the bed beside the two of you. His arm still holding you close on his lap. “Now hold on tight.”
“What?” you were confused until Rafael stood up holding you against him. “Aw, you’re spoiling me.”
“Don’t get use to it,” Rafael warned you walking towards the bathroom.  “How’s the light?”
“Hm, hurts a little,” you admitted, eyes squinting against the harshness of the light. Rafael hummed as he sat you on the counter before reaching for the light switch and dimming them.
You merely hummed in response, smiling a little dopily at him. Rafael chuckled in response, pressing a kiss to your temple as he walked past you to the shower, fiddling with taps until it was the temperature you preferred. He made quick work of removing his own clothes before helping you out of yours, pressing kisses to your cheeks, temple and forehead as he did so.
“Want to wash your hair?” he asked carefully running a brush through it to get rid of the knots that appeared overnight. He hummed when you didn’t answer right away, leaning to press a kiss to you should blade. “Carino?”
“Don’t know but that feels nice,” your voice was getting drowsy from the gentle way Rafael brushed your hair, you were always a sucker for anyone who played with your hair and this, surprisingly, was the first time Rafael had brushed your hair.
“It doesn’t feel like it needs a wash, so maybe that can wait for when you’re more human,” Rafael joked reaching for a hair-tie that seemed to live on the bathroom counter. His fingers were gentle as he carefully gathered your hair and tied it into the bun he had seen you wear when you didn’t want your hair to get wet when you showered. “Is that too tight?”
“Not at all, I may have to demand that you play with my hair more often now,” you told him turning around to press a soft kiss to his lips. “I think it may be my favourite thing for you to do.”
“We’ll see,” he said, but he knew that he would never be able to deny you that request. Turns out he rather liked being able to play with your hair and brush it for you.
“We both know that means ‘Yes of course, Chica, whenever you want,’” you attempted to mimic his voice, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you pressed your naked bodies together.
“Chica,” Rafael warned, as he grabbed your hands and pulled them away before leading you into the shower. “Behave.”
“Sir, yes sir,” you mocked, attempting to hold a serious look before you broke and giggled at him.
“When you’re feeling better you are going to get it,” Rafael stated, gently turning you around so your whole body was wet before he grabbed the soap and a wash cloth. He switched places with you as he started to lather you, being so gentle with his movements.
“That feels nice, Rafi,” you whispered leaning to kiss him as he turned you around to wash your front. His eyes were soft with an emotion in them that you had never seen before, it caused your stomach to flutter and not in the way it normally does after a night of drinking.
“Good, let’s get you rinsed off,” he smiled. “Do you want to spend the day in bed?”
“Only if you are with me,” you prompted, taking the wash cloth and soap from him. “Can I wash you?”
“Maybe next time,” Rafael promised you switching places with you again to rinse off the soap. “Let’s get you dried and in bed, which yes I will join you, after I have made you some food.”
“Ooh, some greasy?” you asked.
“Bacon and egg sandwich with hashbrowns?”
“Perfect, with a cup of tea?”
“Of course, Chica, this is technically your breakfast, I know you need tea with breakfast,”
“You know me so well,” you grinned following him out of the shower.
Later in the day
“So, how are you feeling now?” Rafael asked running his hand through your hair. You smiled happily up at him, relaxing more against his lap. The two of you stayed in bed all day after your shower together, Rafael cuddling you at first and then he switched to sitting up with you laying on his lap while he read over some case notes.
“Much, thank you for looking after me,” you nodded.
“Of course, my darling,” he bent down to press a kiss to your forehead, gently stroking your cheek, before tweaking your nose.
“Normally, on our girls nights out we don’t get quite as drunk as we did,” you moaned.
“Oh?” Rafael sat his case file on the bed side table. “You young girls don’t go wild every other night?”
“Rafi, you read my dating profile, I’m a nerdy little librarian, all four of us are nerdy,” you rolled your eyes. “I prefer a night in. Last night was special it had been over four months since we were all able to meet up.”
“I know but you are still young,” he shrugged. Your eyes narrowed as you studied the way his face was twitching a little. “If you need to spend more time with your friends so you can meet up more-”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you interrupted him sitting up so you could look at him properly. “The only reason we weren’t able to meet up for nearly four months was because Shannon was out of the country visiting some of her family and Courtney had been out of state for work. And that is the second time you have said I’m young in a short time span. Rafi, does our difference in age bother you?”
“No,” Rafael denied, but he refused to look at you as he shifted sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his face. He had hoped this might never come up between the two of you but he forgot that you were annoying observant, well, annoyingly only when you turned it on him. Adorable when it was any other time.
“Really, cause it seems a little like maybe it does,” you insisted. “Rafi, why haven’t you said anything before?”
“Because I guess I never realised until last night when I meet your friends,” he said. “And a part of me worried that I was keeping you from being with your friends and that maybe I was a little old for you.”
“Absolutely not,” you assured him, climbing onto his lap grabbing his face between your hands to ensure he couldn’t look away from you. “You listen to me right now Rafael Barba. You are not too old for me, me and my friends rarely get drunk like that, we all actually prefer hanging out at one of our places, checking out a museum or just getting a nice dinner. We occasionally get drunk like that but it is rare. You are not keeping me from my friends, now that Courtney and Shannon are back in town, we will be meeting up like we normally do. Understand?”
“Chica,” Rafael whispered his hands reaching up to cover yours, the light in his eyes coming back.
“Do you understand?” you repeated forcibly. “I need an answer bub, I need to be sure that you understand that the gap in our ages is not an issue, my friends adore you.”
“Yes, Carino I understand,” he nodded leaning forward to kiss you. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Anytime, babe,” you nuzzled your nose against his. “Please tell me if you start thinking like that again. Because I can tell you how you blow all other men out the water, my girls said their first times never ended with them having orgasms, well cept for Courtney but she had her first time with a woman so.”
“Really?” he asked, hands moving down to grab your hips.
“Yep,” you hummed popping the ‘p’. “So, I’m never letting you go, for the sex alone. God only knows if I could find another man who can make me orgasm from finger fucking me.”
“Good to know you aren’t superficial at all Chica,” Rafael squeezed your hips teasingly.
“I mean obviously I’m not letting you go because you’re-”
“Gorgeous, charming, sarcastic and incredibly intelligent?” he asked.
“Did…I say that last night?”
“Correct,” he nodded. “You also said I was really good in bed so.”
“God,” you groaned resting your head against his shoulder. “I’m never gonna be able to see your friends ever again.”
“Well, I mean at least you whispered your attempt at bribing me to give you your drink back,” Rafael pointed out dryly, causing you to lift your head to stare at him blankly.
“That’s something I suppose,” you agreed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, running your fingers through his hair.
He hummed contently at your actions, letting his head fall to rest on your chest. You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, settling more firmly in his lap. The memory of what you whispered to him coming back, you couldn’t believe you said that even if no-one else was able to hear it. Though, the thought of doing that did make you excited, it turns out not even being hungover was enough to keep your desire for him down. You wiggled a little on his lap, feeling his dick underneath you didn’t help. You whimpered as you grew a little wet. Rafael’s arms tightened around you as you continued to wiggle in his lap.
“Want another shower?” Rafael asked.
“A shower?” now you were just confused…well, confused and horny but mostly confused.
“You’re feeling better,” he started, his hands holding you firmly in his lap. “And if you still want to, I would like to join you in that shower.”
“Hmm, I suppose I could be persuaded to have another shower,” you sighed, moving to get up from his lap.
“Oh, no, stay right there,” Rafael clicked his tongue, his hands holding your hips tightly to keep you firmly in his lap. Smirking when you looked at him confused. In one smooth motion he stood up holding you to him.
“Rafi!” you squeaked grabbing hold of his shoulders, legs wrapping around his waist as one of his hands moved to hold your ass, squeezing it teasingly as he walked to the bathroom. “Thought you said not to get use to this.”
“Hm, I thought this was an excellent way to get you to the bathroom so I can have my way with you,” he shrugged. “Now, what was it you said to me last night? Come on bub, let’s go.”
“Rafi,” you giggled, before grinning at him, words bubbling up inside but you held them in. Instead, you nuzzled into his neck, kissing and nibbling at the skin.
“Shit, Chica stop it,” he groused. “I could drop you.”    
“Oh, now why would you ever do that?” you asked licking up along his neck.
“Oh, now you’re going to get it woman,” he growled, a dark promise in his voice that caused you to shiver in delight. Both of his hands grabbing your arse and squeezing.
 “Maybe after this shower, we could do what I suggested last night?” you proposed.
“I have a question about that, what was with the vest?” Rafael asked sitting you on the counter, hands trailing along your thighs.
“I saw how you got one time I tried it on,” you raised an eyebrow. “It’s the same look you get in your eyes when I wear lingerie.”
“Hm, wear my blue and silver one,”
“Yes sir,” you reached out to start undoing his shirt. “But…how about I suck you off in the shower first?”
“Twist my arm, Chica,” he grinned, hands tugging your panties down as you finished with his shirt, pushing it off his shoulder and dragging your fingers back up his torso scratching over his nipples to get that little noise out of him.
His fingers trailed back up your thighs and under the shirt you were wearing as he started sucking kisses along your neck, he thought it was a little bare and that just had to change. You gasped, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer, you could feel the outline of his cock against you as he rolled his hips.
“Rafi,” you moaned. “I thought I was meant to-”
“We’re not in the shower yet, Chica,” he whispered into your ear before he bit your lope gently. “I think I want you to cum on my fingers first.” Leaning back, he smirked down at you, the fingers that were gripping your thighs squeezed once before one hand inched up closer to your pussy. “So, be good and spread those legs a little more for me.”
“Aw, don’t you have enough room?” you teased before gasping as Rafael’s thumb pressed down on your clit without warning. “Rafi!”
“I suppose I could make you cum just from this but I really want to fuck you with my fingers,” he growled lowly. “Don’t you want to feel my fingers inside you?” He moved his thumb in a circular motion alternating between pressing down and barely any pressure, his other hand slipped up under your shirt to tease along the underside of your breast. “Come one, Carino, don’t you want my fingers inside you?”
“Yes, fuck yes,” you nodded.
“Then spread your legs,” he ordered. You unwrapped your legs from around his waist, opening them wide biting your lip at the look in Rafael’s eyes. It didn’t matter how many times you saw it; it still took your breath away to see him look so hungrily at you. “Good. Girl.”
Rafael kissed you as he slowly teased you by pressing the tips of two of his fingers into you before taking them out and then inserting them again just a little further each time. Each time he pulled them out he stroked them upwards and rubbed at your clit with his thumb drawing out whines and gasps from you in between kisses. He knew exactly how to work you; he could bring you to the edge but never let you tip over.  He left his fingers inside, stroking them against your walls drawing out your pleasure as he removed his thumb from your clit.
“Rafi,” you moaned leaning back from him your hips rolling as much as they could.
“You know, I have heard that orgasms are great for hangovers,” Rafael grunted nibbling on your bottom lip.
“That is true,” you whimpered a little, one of your legs moving to curl around his waist as your hands scratched at his back when his thumb pressed down on your clit rubbing it in circular movements again. “Ah, fuck!” tears started to form in your eyes as the pleasure built.
“That’s it, Chica,” Rafael encouraged. “Cum for me baby. You can do it, be a good girl and cum on my fingers.” Your walls clenched as your orgasm hit you, clamping down on his fingers. Your hips twitched as you clutched at Rafael tightly as you let your high run through you.
“Rafi,” you whined as his fingers continued to stroke you. He pressed a kiss to your lips, his tongue swiping into your mouth.
“Hm, fuck I love feeling you cum on my fingers,” Rafael whispered against your lips, slowly pulling his fingers out. He made sure your eyes were focused and on him when he put them in his mouth and sucked the wetness that clung to them. “Fuck you taste so good.”
“Come here,” you dragged him back to your lips, tongue licking into his mouth tasting yourself on his tongue as they twined together. “Fuck Rafi. You’re a menace.”
“Pay back,” he murmured before tugging your bottom lip between his, letting it go so he could kiss along your jaw and down your neck to make another mark.  “And I’ve been holding back since last night.”
You tilted your neck to the side allowing him more access to your neck as your other leg wrapped around his waist joining the other squeezing him tight. Your hands lightly running over the marks you left on his back, grinning a little at the shiver that ran through him.
“Rafi, I need you,” you whispered, running one of your hands up into his hair and tugging humming at the groan it pulled from him.
“Hmm, but I’m not done yet,” he pulled back lips pouting a little.
“You keep going at my neck like that and it’ll look like I was mauled,” you laughed, tapping his lips. “Plus, I need to get your cock in my mouth like now so…”
“Only if afterwards, I can take my time eating you out,” Rafael countered.
“You drive a hard bargain Mr Lawyer,” you rolled your eyes. “But I guess I can live with that.”
Rafael helped you down off the counter, using that as an opportunity to squeeze your arse and thighs again, sighing a little happily. His hands moved upwards, pulling the shirt up as he went, making a slight detour to lightly squeeze your breasts before throwing the shirt into the laundry basket. His hands trailed down your body again before you stepped away from him, backing towards the shower, reaching out blindly to turn it on.
“Boxers off mister,” you pointed. “Then you can get back to copping a feel.”
“A little hard to cop a feel while you’re on your knees,” he complained. “Why don’t you help me take my boxers off and I can cop a feel.”
“Always a lawyer,” you chuckled stepping towards him, before grinning cheekily and backing towards the shower again and crooking a finger at him. “Come on bub, boxers off or you won’t get to take your time eating me out.”
“I should hire you as my second chair,” he muttered as he pushed down his boxers before joining you under you under the warm spray of the shower. “Let you turn those amazingly, annoying negotiation skills on the defence. I’ll never have to go to trial again.”
“I don’t think that’ll happen,” you warned him.
“Oh, I don’t know, you got Liv to drink a shot by looking at her,” he shrugged. “I think you could get Buchan to agree to a deal.”
“Buchan…oh that big fella who is an absolute piece of shit?” you asked turning Rafael around so he was under the spray.
“That’s the one,” he nodded, hands pushing your hair away from your face, before they started stroking down your back. “Chica!” he whined as you dropped to your knees taking away his ability to touch you anywhere other than your head.
“I’m about to suck your cock and you’re whining?” you raised an eyebrow at him. “Got to say, I don’t think there are many men out there that would complain about getting their dick sucked.”
“That’s because those men are idiots and don’t know how to appreciate a gorgeous woman in-front of them,” he defended himself. “And dios do I appreciate you, with your-.”
You ignored his statements as you leaned closer to press a kiss to the head of his dick, causing him to cut off his statement with a curse. You looked up at him, grinning as you pressed kisses along the length of his cock, before licking up along the vein before you took it into your mouth. Swallowing around it as you took it down all the way to the root. Rafael wasn’t the only one who learnt how to play your body. Your hands held onto his thighs for balance as you moved up and down, swirling your tongue around the head, dipping into the slit before you swallowed it back down. This time only taking a small part each time you went down.
“Fuck,” Rafael moaned. “You’re so good with your mouth Chica.” Tangling one of his hands into your hair he tugged on it as you moved, his hips lightly thrusting to match your movements. “That’s it, you’re taking me so well.” Pulling all the way off, you smirked up at him as you trailed kisses along his length again.
“Bet you’re glad I talked you into this, huh?” you asked him as you pressed a kiss to his balls, quickly licking them before moving suck on his tip again, tasting some of the precum that was dripping from it.
“Hm, I think I would prefer this if I could be eating you out at the same time,” he mused.
“You’re impossible,” you sighed, before going back to sucking his dick.
One of your hands reaching to gently squeeze his balls, before you gently reached behind to stroke at the skin there. Rafael slumped against the wall the water hitting his chest and falling down to you, his eyes watching you burned with a hunger that he knew would never been fully satisfied.  His hand continued to tug on your wet hair, encouraging you to take him all the way down again and hold him in your throat, swallowing around his thick length.
“Carino, look at you,” his whispered in awe, his other hand stroking along your cheek before rubbing along your bottom lip, his thumb pushing in a little beside his cock before retreating. “Fuck you look gorgeous with your mouth so full.”
Your body warmed at the words coming from his mouth. You hadn’t really heard him dirty talk before, it was doing things to you. Your pussy was throbbing in need, suddenly you wished this was happening in a bed so you could feel his tongue inside you. Although, if that was happening you wouldn’t be seeing this side of him. You swallowed once more around him before pulling off so just his tip was inside your mouth.
“Fuck, gorgeous I am close,” he told you, pulling your hair a little rougher. “You going to swallow for me?”
You whimpered in response, focusing on his slit as you moved your hand back more, lightly rubbing it over his hole. The first time you did it was a slight accident but when you noticed how Rafael reacted you made sure to do it more often. You even thought about brining up an idea you had been having for a while but you weren’t really sure how to go about it. But for now, it was a good way to get him even more turned on as he got closer to finishing.
“Ah shit, close,” he whimpered, hips thrusting a little more as he got close. You hummed around his cock before you felt his orgasm fill your mouth, you moaned at the taste as you swallowed it down. Licking at the head as you pulled off to catch any stray drops.
“Not to copy you, babe but, fuck you taste good,” you stated pressing one last kiss on the head of his cock before an idea hit you. You ignored the way he tugged on your hair to try and get you to stand up instead you started kissing along the top of his right thigh. Biting at the skin, sucking on it to leave a mark, as you moved along it to his hip bone.
“And you’re a menace,” he moaned. “Come on stand up, please.”
“Aw, you’re begging?” you asked teasingly as you marked up his hip bone and then left a path of kisses along his stomach to his other hip bone to leave more markings. “And at least these can be hidden.”
“You like my markings,” he pointed out finally managing to get you to stand up as he pressed lightly against one of the markings on your neck.
“Not as much as you do,” you said stroking your hands up his stomach to wrap around his shoulders. Rafael grumbled a little as his hands found their way to your arse again, the grumbles turning to happy little hums. “You’re an easy man to please, you know that?”
“Hm, maybe,” he shrugged. “But it’s not like it could be used against me.”
“Really?” you asked as you attempted to step out of the shower but his hands tightened their grip on you tugging you against him under the stream. “Well, that’s rude.”
“Aw, don’t you like that I can hold you against me?”
“You know I enjoy how strong you are,” you leaned up to kiss him. “Just like I know how much you enjoy my arse, my thighs and my pussy.”
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The Taste of Revenge - Master List
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Warnings: canon typical violence, cursing, mentions of non-consensual drugging, descriptions of character death, mentions and descriptions of jail, car crashes, descriptions of drowning, lying, manipulation, guns, yandere themes, mafia AU, mafia Rafael Barba (trust me, he needs the warning), spoilers for Hannibal, references to Leverage, past Frederick Chilton/Rafael Barba, NSFW moments and angst.
NSFW warnings: filthy thoughts, rough sex, consensual smut, threesome, m/m, m/f, dom/sub, use of pet names (good boy and good girl), dirty talk, possessiveness, a hint of angst, Frederick has a voyeurism kink, fingering, handjobs, finger licking and sucking, oral (male and female receiving), unprotected penis in vagina sex and mentions of injury.
A/N: This is the sequel to The Sounds of Justice. I recommend reading that fic before reading this one as this sequel references a lot of events from the previous fic. You can catch up with that fic by clicking on the link here. Please take notice of and heed the warnings; they are there for a reason and they will be at the top of each chapter. Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
What if? A Jim Sterling AU
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AO3 | Wattpad
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Current Requests List - please check here before sending a request
Law and Order SVU:
Rafael Barba requests are open
Crowley requests are open
Gabriel* requests are open
Dean Winchester requests are open
Sam Winchester* requests are open
Chicago Fire:
Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek requests are open
Matt Casey requests are closed permanently - i do not write for Matt anymore
Chicago Med:
Connor Rhodes requests are open
Will Halstead requests are closed permanently - i do not write for Will anymore
Prompt List - Feel free to submit a request for any of these characters!
* means smut prompts are not accepted.
Rules: I do NOT write characters having children (I will write pregnancy but it often depends on my mood), weddings, funerals, character x character and sibling!reader. I ONLY write female!reader x character
Like my work? Consider supporting me on Ko-Fi!☕️
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y2ashlee · 1 year
Another Barbatos x Female! Reader
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A/n: basically they are the same Barbatos and Mc as the last one please enjoy.
It was a normal day in the Devildom for everyone else but for the human ______ and Barbatos it was sex day and this time he was letting her control him which of course he didn’t mind as he was there to serve her. She smiled as she sat down on his bed even though her heart was beating fast. “Is everything alright?” He asked. “Yeah i guess I’m just nervous.” She chuckles. “Well there’s nothing to be nervous about.” He smiles and she smiles back at him. “Well, shall we get started?” He asks. She nods and reaches a hand out to him and he takes it and kisses it gently. “Give me orders as you please~” he says softly and she blushes. “..could you strip for me please.” She says smiling softly. He nods and smizes as he pulls away and slowly unbuttons his jacket as drops it to the ground. “How much should-“ she cuts him off. “Just to your underwear. “ she smiles up at him. He nods and kicks off his shoes as he undoes his cummerbund and drops it to the floor. She smiles loving watching him. He finally gets to his shirt and slowly unbuttons it and places it gently on his chest of draws as he knows it’ll be a pain to iron later. He slips off his gloves and drops them to the floor as well as his singlet. He smiles softly loving that her eyes were on him. He undoes his belt and slides it out and drops it to the floor. He unbuttons his trousers and zips down the fly and they slide to the floor. He smiles up at her as he steps out of them and takes if his socks and tosses them aside. “Is this to your liking?” He asks and she nods. “Perfect.” He smiles. “Now what would you like me to do, my dear.” He asks and she thinks for a moment. “Undress me.” She says softly. He nods and gently lays his hands upon her jacket and slowly slips it down her shoulders and slips it off tossing it aside before returning to her and unbuttons her blouse and slides it from her shoulders his fingertips grazing her skin gently as he removes it and places it in the chest off draws with his own shirt. He then slowly removes her singlet and drops it to the floor and slowly moves to her shoes bending down and dropping to his knee as he undoes the laces of her shoes and slides them off and puts them to the side. She smiles watching him. His fingertips graze her legs as she slides her socks off and tosses them over his shoulder as his hand travel up to her skirt and undo the button and zipper that keeps it up and he slides it off of her gently groping her arse as he does and it sips the the floor and he tosses it aside. He leans up and lays he head gently on her thigh. “What else would you like me to do, my dear ______~” he said and looked up at her his eyes gleaming as he did. She thought for a moment before she replied. “Please me with your mouth.” She says softly.
He grins at her and nods. “I am at your service.” He says as he slides her underwear down her legs and removes it from her and drops to the floor he places his hands gently on Bert thighs and gives one a kiss before pushing them apart gently and rubbing them drawing circles upon them with his thumbs before places his face closer to her womanhood. He licks his lips and places his tongue to her outer walls tracing his tongue up and down each side gently. She smiles and lays back onto the bed letting him do his job. He continues his tongue movements. She moans softly covering her eyes with her arm. “K-keep going.” She said placing a hand on his hair. His tongue moves to her entrance and circles around it slowly before sliding his tongue inside his hand moving to her clit and circles it with his thumb. “Ugh, your so good.” She says softly and bites her lip her hips bucking up to meet his mouth. He continues the movements of his tongue feeling her walls clenching around his tongue. She moans deeply feeling her climax coming close. “B-Barba-!” She says getting cut off and her orgasm finally arrives coating his tongue as she rides out her high. He pulls away from her and licks his lips. “Did I do well.” He asked. She nods her breath returning to normal. “Wonderful…” she says softly. “What would you like me to do now.” He asks smiling at her as he moves onto the bed and rests above her.
“..me..” she says softly. He smirks and kisses her softly before pulling away. “As you wish my dear.” He says and pulls away to remove his underwear. “Shall I do you raw or with protection.” He asks he kissing her once more. “Whatever you’d like.” She says pulling him towards her. He nods and kisses her once more. “As you wish.” He said as he places his shaft against her outer walls and slides it between them. He smiles loving this feeling before he places the tip of his shaft at her entrance circling around it before inserting the tip slowly. She bites her lip as he slowly moves further into her while sliding out of her before plunging back into her going further then before. She gasps and she clutches onto his shoulder. “I’m I going to fast.” He asks slowing his pace. “No it’s ok, keep going.” She says rubbing her fingers into his skin. He nods and continues remaining at his slow pace each thrust he goes deeper. He kisses her quickly before grunting loving the feeling of her walls clenched around him. He grunts and thrusts deeper into her his hips grinding into hers. “..hard-er.!!” She moans softly. “As you wish.” He says as he quickens his pace each thrust going deeper pulling out slowly and thrusting back in harder he feels her walls clenching around him more as she continues to moan and groan. He finally finds that spot deep inside of her and hits it almost each time before she pulls him closer to her and and shudders her release coming once more her walls clenching against his shaft once more as she feels him deep inside of her. He groans feeling himself coming closer to him climax. He pulls out of her and places his shaft between her outer wall thrusting upwards until he finally comes his climax coating her lower abdomen. She huffs until her breathing comes to slow. “Y-you know you could have came inside, I wouldn’t have minded.” She said softly. He lets out a loud breath as he calms his breathing. “I know but I’m not really to be a father just yet.” He says with a chuckle and kisses her cheek. “Well I guess for the best then.” She says. “Now let’s get cleaned up.” He says parting from her and walking to the nightstand to grab some wet wipes. “Agreed.” She says sitting up.
Elsewhere in the palace…
Diavolo smiles to himself as he takes his headphones off. “My my, Barbatos was right that documentary about human world animals was amazing.” He says to himself. “I can’t believe there’s an animal called an Eye Eye and humans believe their demons.” He chuckles. “I-indeed my lord…” Little D no.2 says looking at the ground knowing what he heard was no animal noises.
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slvtrlv · 1 year
please can i request
1. "you look better in my clothes than i do."
with rafael barba 🥰
Relationship: Rafael Barba x Female Reader.
Warning: none just a fluff.
Words: ???
A/N: hi, I hope you like it :3
I've always loved the rain. But not when it starts at the most inappropriate moment.
Now I'm running into the apartment after another hard day, besides, I'm all wet after a heavy downpour.
Water drips down my hair and rolls into the neck area, from which I shudder and billions of goosebumps run, from which the trembling in the body increases.
- Damn this rain - I mutter to myself, taking off my sneakers, leaning my hand against the wall so as not to fall into a puddle of water that formed due to my wet clothes.
Rafi has not come yet, although it is already 10 o'clock in the evening. Of course, he told me about a new case that their company is working on at the moment, so our apartment is used to the late arrival of its owners.
I take off my outerwear and carefully tiptoe through the living room to the bedroom to take a hot bath and change clothes.
Strange as it may seem, but the first time I met Rafael was in such weather. It was pouring rain outside, and I was waiting for my bus at the bus stop and the only thing that saved me from the rain was the only tree on the whole damn street. Its leaves have almost all fallen off and only a couple of leaves protected me as best they could, and the bus still did not go. Desperate, I was about to go on, and just at that moment I felt that the rain had stopped coming, well, how to say, the drops were still hitting the puddles. I raised my head and saw an umbrella over me, and a man next to me.
- I don't want to bother you, but I don't think bus will come at such a late hour, – said the stranger. His voice immediately sent warmth through my entire body.
- Well.... What time is it now? - I asked, unable to take my eyes off his.
- It's almost midnight - the man replied. – I'm Rafael.
- Midnight? - I ask, surprised. Although knowing my friend, with whom we can talk non-stop, I shouldn't have been surprised.
- Yeap – God, if we are all your children, then Rafael is definitely your most beloved son.
- I'm Y/N - I say softly, holding out my hand to him.
- Nice to meet you, Y/N – he shakes my hand, which makes me think that absolutely his whole body radiates warmth: his eyes, his smile, his hands.....
- Here take this, otherwise you'll freeze completely – he hands me his sweater. And the only thing I feel is the soft material of the sweater and the amazing cologne.
- Thank you – I answer him, wrapping myself in the sweater more tightly.
That's how we met.
Taking off my clothes and throwing it outside, I went into the bathroom. I turn on the water and.... Cold. Wait… It's a hot water faucet....I turn the faucet in the other direction and there is also cold water.
- Great.... Just wonderful. Now I will definitely shake myself to death from cold and damp – I spread my hands comically, sigh heavily and go to the bedroom to find something that will help me warm up.
Sweater. The same sweater. His.
It is still as soft and pleasant as it was that night.
Rain. Street. Night. And he.
I wrap myself up in it as much as possible, and move into bed to warm up. Without noticing, I fell asleep.
- Honey – I hear a quiet whisper.
- Rafa – I answer half-asleep and open my eyes. The darkness does not allow me to see his face, but I know every detail of him even without the light.
- I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, you were sleeping so sweetly – he runs his hand through my hair and kissed me on the head.
- It’s okay, I wanted to wait for you, but I fell asleep – I stretch out my arms to him so that he would join me.
Rafa succumbs to my charms and crawls onto the bed. Comfortably placed.
I am under the blanket, hugging his torso and putting my head on his shoulder and he is hugging me with his left arm around my waist, and with his right arm around my shoulder.
- Is this my sweater? - he grins.
- Yes
- Why?
- I was returning from work when it started to rain. I wanted to take a bath, but there was no hot water, so I had to put on your sweater – I answer him.
- Is that all?
- Of course not, I remembered the day when we met, I was also soaked and frozen to the bone. How you gave me, a stranger, your sweater and how this day brought you and me what we have now – I feel movement from his side and lift my head.
- You look better in my clothes than i do – Rafa kisses me on the cheek and nuzzles my neck – Always.
- I love you – I answer him stroking his hair.
- I love you too, Y/N – looking into my eyes, he says and kisses me on the lips.
For the sake of such moments, I am ready to catch raindrops every day, so that I can wrap myself in his clothes and his warm body.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 4 months
Let's Play
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Genre: smut
Paring: female Reader x Rafael Barba, Dominick Carisi Jr and Michael Cutter
Idea: reader is a criminal and has been arrested for a serious crime now she has to go to court and could go to prison for life. Her solution is to seduce the Executive Ada (cutter) and his Adas (Barba & Carisi) in their office to get a deal so she doesn't have to go to prison
Requested by: @villains-are-hot
A/N: Thank you so much for sitcking with me and i really hope you enjoy this piece !
Y/N’s POV 
Jail is the fucking worst. It’s not what they present on TV at all it’s hard and rough and not a place that someone like me belongs.
This whole innocent or guilty thing doesn’t apply anymore. It’s never about whether you did the crime or not it’s about how you can get out of it. 
That’s something i’ve always been good at finding my way out of things. It’s because of my looks honestly. I take a lot of time working on myself. Eating the right things and not moe procedural work and hair and nails. I bake out in the sun and tan and i make sure i look like a barbie doll. 
It’s worked for me my entire life. Being able to walk through any situation and work or perhaps flirt my way out of the situation. I mean why else would you work so hard if you weren’t going to use it to your advantage. 
Right now you were currently sitting in the district attorneys room.
You were currently out on bond and your very old but very expensive lawyer was convincing you to take a deal. You a deal ?? Like hell you would. 
Okay maybe i should start at the top with everything. I’m not the devil in this case okay.
My ex boyfriend was stalking me and was harassing me all the time. He wouldn’t leave me alone and i thought something bad was going to happen.
He was breaking into my apartment and leaving letters and sending me pictures polaroids of myself while i was out and about.
I tried to tell people but no one listened. Expect Bobby that is. He told me not to worry about it. 
I didn’t ask any questions and when Matt ended up dead I didn’t think to go around telling anyone. I was more relieved than anything. 
But when your ex ends up dead of course your name comes in the investigation.
Then when Bobby got offered a sweetheart deal he took it in a heartbeat and told everyone you asked him to do it. 
Which was absolutely crazy. I mean sure you weren’t complaining when he died but you never asked for the man to be murdered. I’m innocent in all of this really. 
Right now you were sitting in the courtroom while all these delicious men were debating on what to do with you.
Your lawyer had stepped out for a moment not that you were complaining though because this situation is everything you wanted. 
They all were a little older than you, but silver foxes were the best they have knowledge they knew what they were doing. 
“Come on just go easy she clearly didn’t know what she was doing” The tall italian one said. He was clearly an ex cop you can tell a man like him he knew how to use handcuffs. 
“Absolutely not she knew what she was doing was wrong she set into the motion the events of a mans murder”  The shorter man with brownish hair yelled. 
“Come on gentleman why are we even wasting our time with this the jury is going to convict her and our hands will be washed” the shorter more angrier man said. 
You sat up straight in your chair. Your back was stretched, your girls were out and proud. You “accidently” knocked over a coffee cup with a tiny bit of coffee. 
“Opps i’m sorry gentlemen” You said smiling and laughing. 
The taller man got up and cleaned up the mess and you could see him look up at you. Your eyes meant with him and you flashed a smile down at him. It was clearly working he wasn’t looking away. 
“All finished now with what ever this was” the shorter man said. 
The taller man got up and threw the stuff away in the bin. 
“What’s your name” You asked in a flirty voice 
“Dominic Carisi, everyone just calls me Carisi” He said in a more nervous tone 
“What the hell am i watching” The shorter man yelled. 
“And who might you be” You said leaning on the table and the man looked at you with a disbelief look in his eyes. 
“Michael Cutter and that’s Mr Cutter to you” He said in a more stern voice. 
“Well so nice to meet you” You said
“And you, who might you be last but not certainly least” You said batting your eyes and moving around a little bit to show off your assets. 
“Rafel Baraba” He said in a monotone showing he wasn’t even that interested. 
You reached out your hand and you took his in yours and have it a nice squeeze. He didn’t let go right away which surprised you then he snatched in a matter of seconds and played it off. 
Carisi was looking at you out of the corner of his eye and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.
He looked somewhat jealous but also irritated. Like what was running through his mind. Either way it seemed like a good opportunity for you to run it through. 
So you looked away from Barba and looked back him. His piercing blue eyes taking a look at yours.
You leaned in and he just sat there a moment not moving either. 
It felt like there was a moment going on there and you took his hand and brought it up to your lips and gave him a kiss on the hand. 
“Whoa okay don’t do what” Carisi yelled. 
“Come on police officer you liked it” You said 
“It’s ADA and no I didn’t” he said 
You turned your back and looked at the shorter man who was leaning against the wall just kind of looking at you. 
“And what about you I know you like it to don’t you” You said running your tongue against your lips. 
“No absolutely not” Barba said in a mototone 
You gotten up from your seat and walked over to Cutter who was now sitting at the table and looking more and more over this.
You sat down on the empty seat next to him and placed your hand on top of his. 
He looked at you and he got a look on his face where he was both appalled at what ever was going on and he also looked intrigued too. 
You knew you could pull him out he was acting tough but was he also really that tough you thought to yourself. 
You leaned in and you got closer to his face. He just kind of looked you in the eyes and he quickly looked down at your lips. 
“Come on you know this isn’t on me” You whispered quietly and grabbed his tie and played with it. 
“All i know is  your a criminal” he whispered back 
You just smirked and played cool you would never let the upper hand slip away.
"Maybe take a girl out before you judge her" You said.
He just looked at you with a mischevious look on his face like he was debating on taking you up on the offer.
You got up and walked over to Barba and he looked a little more annoyed than usual with you. You just stood up straight girls were showing curves were popping off. 
“What about you you know what they say the biggest surprises come in small packages” You said putting your hand on the wall over top of him and looking down at him. 
He seemed into it like he was hiding it just like the rest of them. They all knew they wanted it but they couldn’t have it. Was it because they wanted you or they wanted they knew what they couldn’t have. 
You didn't forget about carisi though you knew he was going to be the one to come through in the end. you had him so close you just needed to nail it in.
That’s what it was a lot of the times with the men you dated. Was it because they had an illiouson of something else. 
You decided now was the time to get what you wanted you played them like you needed. They all were leaning towards you they didn’t want to admit it but they all secretly wish they had you. 
You walked over to where you were sitting. And this time you let your body fall loose. You wanted to look more simpler more sad 
You looked over at Carisi with a more soft tone then you ever had. You were begging him with your eyes.
"Mr Carisi please listen to me that's all I asked" You told him
"I can't talk without your lawyer" He said in a soft voice which means you had him
“Wheres my lawyer” You asked
“Why your not going anywhere anytime soon” Cutter said. 
You worked your face up to look sad and more worried. 
“I need to get out of here” You said
You looked more irritated and more like something was bothering you. 
“I know what you all may think okay I’m not heartless i really didn’t know what he was going to do okay. I would never wish anyone dead” You said. 
You let your tears roll down your face something you were good at. 
You quickly wiped them away and it worked with everyone. They all softened their tones and sat down. 
“Listen let us get your lawyer we can help you” Carisi said. 
“How”  You asked in a soft tone. 
Barba walked into the hallway to gesture your lawyer to come back. After a few seconds he did. 
You all were sitting down at the table and looking at each other. You were playing with your fingers something you did to help make it like you were nervous. 
“How about we offer criminally neglect homicide 2-4” Barba said 
“No way she was a victim” Your lawyer said. 
“I was scared and worried all the time okay he wouldn’t leave me alone he was going to kill me” You said in a soft scared tone.
“You willing to testify” Cutter asked. 
“Yes anything” You said. 
“FIne were drop charges for the testimony” Barba said. 
“Thank you lets go” Your lawyer said. 
You got up and left before they could change their mind. As you were walking out you looked back at the guys. 
You put your signature smile on them 
“This was fun boys” You said leaving the room giving them a little wave. 
You walked out the room and was laughing to yourself. You knew damn well you weren’t going to Jail not never. 
13 notes · View notes
squadmuse · 6 months
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Law & Order SVU: Rafael Barba
Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid & Aaron Hotchner
Supernatural: Dean Winchester
Chicago Fire: Matt Casey & Kelly Severide
Chicago Med: Will Halstead & Connor Rhodes
House M.D: Robert Chase
18 notes · View notes