#Barbra dunkelman
achievementtrash · 2 years
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Part 1 of my tarot card series
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a-sammich · 3 years
I was able to meet and get autographs from the voices of Yang and Weiss. These art prints are from Musetap Studios.
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When signing the pajamas print Kara did say "Yep, Weiss do got that booty."
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allhallows-art · 7 years
Lost Generation // 12
Sorry I've not been posting this. I’ve been trying to get it caught up on AO3 first. Anyways, this silly little idea of a series has come so far and I must admit I’m quite proud of myself as well as thankful for the support. So here’s part 12. Part 13 will come out tomorrow. As always, reblog and like and send stuff to my inbox and what not.
P.S. thank you to @fics4you for just encouraging me to start this thing
Story Summary: The Achievement Hunter boys try and survive their preteen years, trying to make friends and sort out their own problems as well as each others. When will they realise that working together, no matter their differences, would help them all?
part summary: none. it’s a surprise. just read it and weep
Words: 1656
Warnings: couple of swears
“I could kill you, Ramsey,” the threat left Ryan’s pursed lips, his harsh eyes staring daggers at the boy sat in the seat next to him. The once busy classroom was now empty, only Ryan, Geoff, and Miss Dunkelman left. Geoff just rolled his eyes at Ryan’s words, shrugging them off. “Sure, you could,” he said, his voice already bored and they hadn’t even been there five minutes. Geoff continuously tapped his fingers on the desk, Ryan’s sight focusing on the hand. “Could you be more annoying?” the question was sarcastic, Geoff not even having the chance to open his mouth for a smart comment before Ryan’s hand shot out and slammed on Geoff’s. “Fuck! You asshole!” Geoff cursed at Ryan, cradling his hand to his chest despite it not really hurting. “Language, Geoff,” Miss Dunkelman scolded, glancing up from her work to see the boys looking as if they were about to launch at each other. “Can’t you two just get along? Surely you have something in common,” she spoke, pushing herself to her feet and walking towards them. Her actions caused Ryan to turn his attention from Geoff; a bad decision. “Geoff!” he yelled as the elder of the two slammed his hand on Ryan’s. As quickly as the teacher had distracted them, they were ready to attack again. Not on Barbra’s watch. She swiftly stepped in front of the desk and hit her palms on the wood, gaining their attention. “Stop being so immature, boys. No matter what, you’re stuck in here for the next hour. So, you either get along or sit in complete silence,” she said, her brows furrowed as she waited for a reply. Ryan sighed and Geoff just gave a small nod before looking at Ryan. “Do you play video games?” he asked, the start of conversation making the teacher smile and return to her desk. At least they were arguing. “Uh, no. my parents say they rot the brain. Although I did play a demo in a store once when shopping with my uncle.” Ryan’s words made Geoff’s jaw drop open, stunned.
“How have you survived without video games?” Geoff was utterly confused as to how Ryan entertained himself especially since he knew he wasn’t into sport after watching him yesterday. Ryan just gave him small a shrug. “Lots of reading, only when I could escape the absolute hell that is youth club,” Ryan spoke and visibly shivered. “Imagine a summer camp but instead it’s just a daytime thing, at a church, where all the activities are all Christian friendly and they practically swaddle you in bubble wrap.” “A summer long Sunday school? Boring,” Geoff grimaced at the thought. “Yeah, it was. Not a single kid my age either. It was humiliating,” Ryan sighed and stared at his desk, a little shocked to realise that he and Geoff just had a reasonable conversation. “What sort of stuff do you read? I’m into like mystery books but I’ve nearly finished Lord of The Rings.” It was now Ryan’s turn to drop his jaw, eyes wide a Geoff who just stared back in confusion. “What? Kid like me can’t read?” he questioned and Ryan just shook his head. “No, I was just…not expecting it,” he mumbled and Geoff nodded. “Yeah, I don’t usually tell people,” Geoff trailed off and glanced down at his hands to see his fingers tracing shapes on the desk. There wasn’t much noise in the room, just the monotonous ticking of the clock along with Miss Dunkelman’s pen scratching across paper. Ryan opened his mouth to speak but the opening of the door caught their attention more, Mr Burns stepping into the classroom with a short looking kid behind his figure. “Sorry to disturb, Barb, but Jeremy here said that Ryan was walking him home as his mom isn’t available to pick him up. Again.” The final word caused Jeremy flush with embarrassment as Ryan’s face flooded with confusion. He looked to Jeremy, searching for an answer or explanation but he just kept gesturing to go along with it. And so, he did. “Uh, yeah, my mom knows his,” he lied, Jeremy surprised at how convincing he was. “Well, I hope it doesn’t matter too much if I leave Jeremy in here until these boys have served their time,” Mr Burn spoke and Miss Dunkelman just gave him a nod. Jeremy took a seat next to Ryan giving him a sheepish smile. “What was all that about?” he whispered, Jeremy just shrugging his shoulders. “I had to make something up. Otherwise Mr Burns would’ve called my mom again and she can’t exactly take calls right now,” he mumbled and Ryan, yet again, arched his brow. He was about to ask Jeremy to explain when he sensed Geoff leering over his shoulder and decided against it. “Fantasy,” Ryan said simply, this time causing both Jeremy and Geoff to be confused. “Excuse me?” Geoff asked and Ryan turned to face him again. “You asked what kind of books I like. Fantasy, mostly but I do enjoy Sci-Fi too.” It brought a smile to Geoff’s face and it wasn’t long before all three were babbling about books and movies and the lack of movies in Jeremy’s life, Geoff getting obviously agitated at the fact he’d never seen Star Wars but knew Face Off perfectly. “First Ryan never playing videogames and now you’re telling me you’ve never even watched Jurassic Park?!” he exclaimed and Jeremy thought for a moment. “If that’s the one about dinosaurs, then I’ve seen it. Not all the way through but the T-Rex was awesome.” By the end of the hour, Geoff was practically hitting his head on the desk whilst Jeremy kept trying to explain the plot of Face Off to Ryan, who had no intentions of listening. Miss Dunkelman looked up from her work and smiled to see them all getting along. “Well, boys, you’re free to go,” she announced and Geoff leapt up with his bag, running for the door. Ryan grabbed his own bag and glanced at Jeremy who hung by his side, raising a brow. “You can go now, you know that?” he said and the smaller of the two bit his lip as they exited the classroom. “I know, I was just wondering if you’d actually walk me home?” his eyes were like those of a puppy dog, staring up at Ryan in earnest. He looked to his watch. It was only 4pm. His parents wouldn’t be home till 6pm. “Sure, why not. I’ve got nothing to do,” Ryan said with a shrug and a smile lit upon Jeremy’s face. And so, the two left the school premises and Jeremy lead Ryan towards his home. As they walked, they easily sparked another conversation and settled into each other’s company. Ryan was sure Jeremy only knew his name from that one soccer ball incident but it didn’t bother him too much, pushing any questionable thoughts into the back of his mind. After all, Jeremy was being a little strange about the whole situation. Maybe it was just something he did back in his home state, as Ryan could tell the accent was strong and not Texan. “And he’s called Rimmy Tim. He’s the best sniper in the crew,” Jeremy said, his arms waving widely as he finished explaining the imaginary gang him and his friends had created. “So, you guys just play this imaginary game?” Ryan questioned, his hands shoved into his pockets as they walked up a path towards a house. “Yeah, Trevor comes up with these crazy heists and we play it out. It’s cool. You should join sometime. I can see you as being as totally psychopathic killer,” he spoke with a chuckle as his keys unlocked the front door and they stepped inside. Ryan’s eyes scanned the hallway before he was dragged into the living room, Jeremy dropping his bag on the floor and Ryan following suit. Jeremy switched on the light and it flickered for a moment before illuminating the room, showing the old leather couch, stained coffee table and ancient tv. “No wonder you don’t watch movies,” Ryan mumbled as he joined Jeremy on the couch. “Okay, Ryan, so you could help me with homework or we plan out your crew member,” Jeremy suggested and Ryan smiled. “Homework is boring. Let’s get me in this gang,” his grin was wide as Jeremy pulled paper and pens from his bag, the two immediately starting to sketch and write. Ryan was just excited to finally have an escape from his parents. He’d been told many times to just “grow up” and that imaginary games were for children. But fuck them. He was still a child and he’d play as many imaginary games as he damn well pleased. “So, Ryan, what would your name be?” the question startled Ryan, having not even thought about it. “Name?” “Yeah, it’s like a new identity,” Jeremy explained. “Probably something menacing,” he noted and that’s when it hit him. “The Vagabond. It means a person who wanders from place to place. And there’s no way I’m settling down. Adventure is in my blood,” he said enthusiastically and Jeremy nodded. “Vagabond it is.” The two continued to play their pretend game, sketching out their characters and their various outfits and equipment, Jeremy having a surprising knowledge of firearms. “So, uh, Jeremy, how do you know so much about guns?” Ryan asked a little warily, and Jeremy glanced up from the paper. “Huh? Oh, my mom’s ex had a big collection and he kept it here when he dated her. He’d teach me all about them but I couldn’t ever actually touch one,” he explained as if it was nothing and Ryan just slowly nodded “Right…so where is your mom, again?” The words brought Jeremy’s hand to still and Ryan saw how his eyes stared in concentration at the paper. “I…I, uh, don’t know.”
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cooper-r-r-jones · 5 years
I had a dream this morning that somehow I made this outstanding post and caught the attention of Barbra Dunkelman.  However I was in the shower and when I got out she was here talking casually to my parents and I was in my pajamas.  Why I never changed I don’t know.
I somehow ended up on a train because everyone on my mother’s side of the family had to visit some person in the hospital (I don’t remember who).  The train didn’t seem like a train and there wasn’t any place to sit since everyone was saving a seat for someone.  There wasn’t anything to hold onto either.
I also remembered I didn’t get a picture with Barbra and felt disappointed.  My mother however seemed to think I can make another post and get her attention again, I just looked at her and said “that’s not how that works”.
And then I woke up.
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theaudientvoid · 7 years
I'm watching old episodes of the Off Topic podcast, and there's one that opens with an ad for the Lazer Team movie that's narrated by Barbra Dunkelman, and I'm just, like, "why is Yang talking to me?"
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knightarclight · 8 years
I don’t hardly watch Star vs the Forces of Evil, but I would like to petition that Barbra Dunkelman voice older Star Butterfly. 
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restartandrefresh · 6 years
hiya i don’t wanna sound like im bragging here but im at phoenix comic con and saw barbra so close that if I said her name she would have heard me ahh she was so sweet to the ppl in line for an autograph!!! someone came up to her (forgot who they dressed up as) and she immediately exclaimed “ahhh you’re so cute!!!” anyway I hope you’re having a great day knowing barbra dunkelman is the sweetest :D
I've met Barb quite a few times and can confirm she is the sweetest. Thank you for the well wishes I hope you had a good time at the convention!!! ❤️
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lesbianspeedsters · 8 years
me: upset, depressed, and a mess
barbra dunkelman:
me: wow my depression is cured??
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achievementtrash · 4 years
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We got some haunter bois, the wonderful Barbra Dunkelman, some Lindsey Jones, a Myatt playing ukulele, and a meg Turney because hell yeah
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trevorcolins · 10 years
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roostersdonthaveteeth · 11 years
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Oh hello beautiful
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xanakin · 11 years
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