#Baroness Von Sketch Show
canadachronicles · 5 months
An oldie but a goodie, eh?
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auressea · 1 year
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heckinrissa · 2 years
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inkmachine7 · 1 year
cuphead, do you like candy?
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Okay so 2 of Isle Two Bosses were in the show but there are three left to be in the show(I wanna include the fairy twins in the show soon).
Poor Beppi, he wants to be a cameo in the series instead of that bug one.
Oh for the love of god Beppi PLEASE!!! be patient and wait.
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zibiscusloon · 2 years
Finally finished all the new episodes! Therefore I’m screaming all my thoughts at you guys cause I’m a dumb mess and you guys are the only people who tolerate my gibberish!
-Oh my poor sweet idiots..
-oh lord they’re trying to escape-
-Let them out of the gay baby jail box! They’ve done nothing wrong! >:(
-I will continue to argue the absurdity of Inkwell Isles justice system. Cupsy & Mugsy steal cookies: jail time. Saltbaker attempts three counts of murder: community service-
-Mugman would make the best of prison-
-Miss Cyclops my beloved 💕
-Mugsy immediately being down to get out when he saw Cuphead get upset was genuinely wholesome 💕 (the two fight a lot this season so I treasure every wholesome moment-)
-They’re happy to be grounded akajshsj lmao-
Charmed and Dangerous
-Boys you ain’t getting those cookies sweeties stop trying
-Chalice! 💛💛💛
-Of course she has a mob after her
-She continues to a master of manipulation. Good for her.
-the Goat-
-they fucking stole his car-
-Hilda!! 💕💕
-Aaaandd they crashed-
-Oh hey! The mob! :D wait that’s bad-
-“Remember when I said I was lying about the angry mob? Well, the funny thing is, I was lying about lying about the angry mob!”
-“And it’s true. Chalice is a lying grifting friend-abandoning thief who-“ well damn Mugsy go off I guess-
-Boo! 👻
A High Seas Adventure!
-This is probably one of my favorites-
-Brineybeard! :D my favorite simp!
-Y’all are sleeping on “Sweets for me Sweet”, it’s genuinely catchy-
-I strive to be that parrot, sassy lil shit-
-He’s so in love-
-“Cala Marrrria!! Hiiiiii!!”
-“You talk to much.” Her.. her voice 😳
-Yes! Slay Queen! We live a girl loving being an absolute monster!
-Same Mugsy-
-Briney is respectful and I feel everyone forgets that. Won’t call Cala anything she doesn’t wanna be called.
-Overall I was a huge Calabeard shipper back in like 2017 so this episode really made me happy-
-Mugsy’s a real pirate 💕🥹
Another Brother
-How the hell do they get into town now that I think about it- there’s a hug ass cliff there-
-Protective Mugsy-
-Ew Bowlboy-
-Boys please get along once this season-
-“Chess?!! Without helmets???!!!”
-He.. he wants to.. be.. Cuphead. Stay away from my boy you lil shit-
-Anddd goodbye Bowlboy! You creepy lil shit! (affectionate & derogatory)
Sweet Temptation
-And Cuphead knows no self restraint. Who’s really shocked.
-Mugsy how the hell is your Candy not expired. Also who the fuck eats candy like that-
-Cupsy got the boot 😔
-Hey! Sugarland!
-*gasp* BARONESS!! 💕💕
-She’s cursed? Can we get more of her lord please-
-Lmao Cupsy knows what’s up- I’m genuinely shocked he had enough common sense to know the classic lured to eat candy by some lady who wants to eat me routine-
-Gee. Wonder when these two specific rules will be broken.
-And they’re immediately broken.
-Oh lord she really is deranged-
-My lil gummy and ginger boys 🥺 oh lord don’t eat them-
-Whippet Creampup is genuinely scary what the hell-
The I Scream Man
-Mugsy faking sick- ..I can’t say shit I’ve done it before.
-“Errands!!” :D
-My boy wants to be a pirate so bad it’s so cute-
-Calamug shippers y’all are winning this episode with his lil crush. Not my cup of tea but good for y’all. ☺️
-Ice Cream Man- (derogatory)
-Imma be honest and say I honestly thought he was Bowlboy disguised to torment Mugman. He has Bowlboy vibes.
-Don’t throw sprinkles in my boy’s eyes!! >:v
-Aaaannnd reading ruined.
-His stupid ass hat-
-.. He spoiled the book. KILL HIM-
-Feral Mugman is best Mugman.
Piano Lesson
-Look at my baby 🥹 living his dream- oh it is a dream. Oh.
-My grandpa always sings this old song about crawdads and I may have hummed it the entirety of the episode because they kept showing up-
-Hey Ludwig! He’s an NPC guy! :)
-Bitch how is you’re limo that long-
-My baby is trying his best ok-
-As a former piano student. Yes Mugman. That instrument is actual hell ti get to sound right.
-Hey! Look at Cupsy! My boy doing great- 🥰 MUGMAN NO-
-“What have I told you about using my hedge trimmer’s to mutilate your brother?”
-And more unhinged Mugman-
-Ludwig! You dirty thief! >:V
-Oh lord and he’s fucking dead-
-That moment at the end was genuinely cute-
Release the Demons!
-My other favorite episode 💕
-Honestly I feel Devil on the anger issues- same dude- same-
-Henchman is trying his best-
-“And of course! He couldn’t name twinkle twinkle little star!!!!-“
-And.. they’re all dead-
-Lil baby Cuphead & Mugman- 🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹
-Their lil coats are so cute-
-“And then he had this ..sweater! And it was invisible, and impenetrable, and dumb-“
-Dice Henchman friendship?-
-Hey! I like the funny lil round boy! Hope nothing bad happens to him! (I was soon to be wrong-)
-I love how the gate to Hell is just.. there. Anyone in Inkwell Isles can just go through it.
-Dice you gotta get in your work to!
-And he’s a smooth talker like always
-Have I mentioned how cute Cuphead & Mugman are this episode?
-Devil in a towel Devil in a towel Devil in
-The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?!- 👀
-annndd they want pie.
-Cuphead is (legally) free!! :D (Devil clearly doesn’t care but I’m still happy for my boy)
-Stickler you bold lil shit-
-I’ve actually been wondering if the sweater affected all demons or just the Devil. So this answers my question.
-This episode exists to ruin Devil’s day.
Dead Broke
-Chalice! 💛 my favorite spooky girl!
-ICE CREAM MAN- (double derogatory)
-This plan actually completely works on paper. Just saying.
-Sally Stageplay!! :D she’s rocking her outfit can I just say- slay Queen!
-“Do you have any idea what’s it like to be stuck in the same house as your sibling, day in and day out?” “Yep.” Felt that-
-Feel this is supposed to be a reference to how Chalice kept getting kidnapped by ghosts in the game.
Rat’s All Folks!
-Well damn Elder Kettle what that fly ever do to you-
-Aw they’re making him a cake (oh. It’s so he’ll do something for them. Seems about right.)
-Werner Werman!! The bastard! :D
-“We don’t know that’s how he got in.” “That’s how I got in.”
-Cheeky bastard-
-He ate the cake!! >:V damnit-
-Stop torturing my boys please-
Say Cheese
-Another fight
-Look at them in their dumb lil suits-
-Kettle’s dark origin story-
-OH LORD WHERE’D HE GET A FLAMETHROWER- (He just.. has that in the back of his truck??)
-Guess it’s bully Elder Kettle hours
-Mugman who’s side are you on-
-Kettle put the golf club down-
-I like that bee cop lady-
-Oh my gosh they’re still wanted-
-Shouldn’t the statue of limitation on Kettle’s charges be up?? I don’t know the statue on limitation on arson but he did that in his youth and he’s an ol grandpa now-
-Yeah! Family mugshots! :D
Lost in the Woods
-This whole episode is just the grasshopper and the ant in some way
-Don’t split up- annnddd they split.
-Cupsy just get bullied by wildlife for 14 minutes
-Lil feral Cuphead lil lil feral Cuphead lil fer-
-How the hell did he- Mugsy you should go into real estate! Look how quick you made that cabin!
-Mugsy tries to kill Cuphead this season: Part 2!
-Cuphead’s such a lil gremlin this episode-
The Devil’s Pitchfok
-My other favorite episode! (That also hurts me-)
-It’s a beautiful day in Inkwell Hell! *distant screaming*
-Devil is such a pathetic lil cat man- feel that-
-The writer is- audacious- I mean go off dude write an article dissing the fucking Devil-
-He deserves to have fun! :D burn that city down!
-Mugsy is just the type of older brother who unknowingly embarrasses you-
-Devil & Henchman getting all giddy about Devil’s work is genuinely so wholesome-
-De-Dev you forgot something- andddd he’s gone. This won’t go horribly wrong.
-And they found it- oh lord now there’s fire-
-Mugsy, sweetie, never change.
-Think they’ve just killed people with pasta
-He made Mount Mugmore! 🥹 That’s so cute- oh hi Devil.
-Mugsy & Cupsy bully Devil, part.. uh.. lost track at this point.
-“Goodbye to Cuphead.”
-Dude the fucking guilt on his face-
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tiramegtoons · 2 years
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Started watching second season of the Cuphead show and I immediately love how Baroness Von Bon Bon was carried out as a villain in this show!! Her movement and expressions are totally wack 👀👀
Also to top that off, her voice actor did an amazing job and at times it feels like they really got into it. <<
I really don’t mind the eye and sleeve color changes- if anything it made her pop out more in terms of contrast.
Oh- and the Hansel and Grethel-like Plot twist- OAUUGHOHG
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cathhowy · 2 years
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ratodemadame · 2 years
cagney and bon bon
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canadachronicles · 8 months
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! May you be spared the Aunties Mo and Uncles Bob!
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ekholocationn · 2 years
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cuphead show bon bon sure was something, am i right?
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mysticcroissant · 4 months
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Kara (evil sona) sketches :D
The first one is inspired by Baroness Von BonBon from The Cuphead Show
I gave them an eyepatch since my actual sona has a face mask. They're very lanky and a bit stretchy like Spinel or Velvet and Veneer
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exhuastedpigeon · 9 months
Anytime I sit through a land recognition done by a white person who then moves on without doing anything else to support indigenous communities, I'm reminded of the greatest Baroness Von Sketch Show sketch of all time.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Hour of the Wolf (Ingmar Bergman, 1968)
Cast: Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann, Gertrud Fridh, Georg Rydeberg, Erland Josephson, Naima Wilfstrand, Ulf Johansson, Gudrun Brost, Bertil Anderberg, Ingrid Thulin. Screenplay: Ingmar Bergman. Cinematography: Sven Sykvist. Production design: Marik Vos-Lundh. Film editing: Ulla Ryghe. Music: Lars Johan Werle. 
Ingmar Bergman's Hour of the Wolf is unquestionably a "horror movie" -- i.e., one filled with incidents and images and narrative details aimed at shocking the viewer. It takes place on a remote island with a mysterious castle. Figures appear who may be either humans or demons. There's a scene in which a man walks up the wall and across the ceiling and one in which a woman peels off first her wig and then her face. The protagonist either murders or imagines that he has murdered a small boy. That protagonist is Johan Borg (Max von Sydow), an artist, who has come to the island with his wife, Alma (Liv Ullmann), to recover after an illness -- physical or mental, we're not told. Johan can't sleep, and Alma sits up with him at night while he tells her about the demons whose images he has sketched, so no wonder that her own mental state becomes fragile. One day, she meets an old woman who tells her that she should read Johan's diary, which he keeps under his bed. She does so, rather like Bluebeard's wife persisting in opening his castle's doors, uncovering some disturbing entries regarding his continued obsession with an old love, Veronica Vogler (Ingrid Thulin). They're invited to a dinner party at the castle by the baron (Erland Josephson), where they meet a variety of unlovely sophisticates and are entertained by a rather bizarre puppet show excerpt from Mozart's The Magic Flute (an opera that Bergman would film, in a less bizarre manner, seven years later). But the climax of the evening comes when the baroness (Gertrud Fridh) takes the Borgs to her bedroom to show off her prized possession: Johan's portrait of Veronica Vogler. From then on, it's a deep descent into madness for Johan and a desperate attempt by Alma to save both of them from self-destruction. The "creep factor" in Bergman's movies is never entirely missing, but Hour of the Wolf cranks it up higher than ever. The problem is that the creepiness is sustained almost to the point of tedium, and with a concomitant loss of credibility. The remote island setting prevents the film from grounding itself in normality, so that the action plays out on one sustained note of oppressive isolation. Hour of the Wolf has many admirers, who rightly point out that Bergman, with the considerable help of his actors and his cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, has crafted a nightmare of erotic obsession with the utmost skill. But I like to compare Hour of the Wolf to another horror movie released the same year, Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby, a "commercial" product aimed at a general audience, which suggests evil things going on beneath the surface of a commonplace urban setting, and ask which is the more successful: the sustained psychological oppressiveness of the Bergman film or the sinister mixture of comedy and shock of the Polanski movie?  
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lydiaskyeleaf · 2 years
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Day 31 of Inktober: Bon Bon in Candyland.
Last picture for Inktober. To tell you the truth, I drew the sketch around the 10th to 13 day of the challenge and it was supposed to be the 14th day picture. The reason I didn't do it sooner was because by the time I finished the sketch, I end up debating to actually add this to the collection.
In the end, I decided to make this the last drawing as it shows what I noticed as I did this challenge: I like drawing creepy grins.
Also added Baroness Von Bon Bon from CupHead because if you watch the animation show, you know why.
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More conceptual sketches of a story collaboration between @mask131 and I titled “The Sweetest Game”. Previous post with the first batch of drawings here, as well as their bios.
https://www.tumblr.com/artmakerproductions/716532830289772544/the-initial-first-draft-concepts-for-the?source=share For the new addition, the witch who hunts the characters down one by one, inspiration was lifted from the show, Face Off, with that depiction of the Snozzwanger as a safari hunter: www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/… with the candy cane shotgun of Baroness Von Bon Bon’s from the game, Cuphead: static.wikia.nocookie.net/cuph…, and the Witch from Tim Burton’s Hansel and Gretel: dangerousminds.net/content/upl…
Do please give feedback on these designs as I’d really appreciate it as I need direction for where I want to go with the character’s looks. 
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