#Bathsheba Sherman
blackspell · 1 year
The Conjuring - L'Evocazione
JustNerd.it E’ il primo capitolo della saga di “The Conjuring”, diretto da James Wang e scritto da Chad e Carey Hayes. Il film richiama i film horror degli anni settanta di molti altri produttori per creare i vari sequel e spin off come: “The Conjuring – Il Caso Enfild” e la Trilogia di Annabelle. E’ un horror sovrannaturale basato su fatti realmente accaduti su uno dei casi più famoso di Ed e…
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it is always Dunking On The Warrens o'clock
"a witch named Bathsheba Sherman hanged herself on this property!!!!"
if by "witch" you mean "normal Victorian rando" and by "hanged herself" you mean "died of a stroke in her 80s" and by "on this property" you mean "somewhere else entirely" then yes
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omgsquee2001 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request Colby Brock for number 8? maybe you are having a nightmare and he hears you?
Of course I just have to say, thank you for using thee prompt list 😊
It had been a few weeks after Sam, Colby, Stas, Kat and yourself had come back from investigating the Conjuring House. That place had left a nasty scar with all of you. None of you had talked about anything else.
You were tossing and turning in bed, sweat pouring down your face.
You were running around the Conjuring House, trying to find a place to hide. You had gotten separated from Colby and the others a while ago, leaving you alone. You found a little corner just big enough for you to hide in. You quickly got into the corner, pulling your knees up to your chest. You tried to keep your breathing calm, trying not to alert her of where you were. You bit back a whimper as you heard ragged breathing. You squeezed your eyes shut, tears leaking from them. Your eyes opened I fear. The ragged breathing seemed to be right by your ear. Slowly, you turned your head. The ghost of Bathsheba Sherman stared at you. Her expression was lifeless. Her smile then twisted into a sickening grin.
‘Found you.’ She croaked.
You gasped and jolted as you were shaken awake. Your boyfriend, Colby Brock, was staring down at you with concern. He was gently stroking your cheek.
“Hey. You okay? I heard you screaming.” He said gently. You lay there for a moment, tying to gather your surroundings. Tears then came to your eyes and you jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck, tears falling again. Colby sighed and held you. He knew that you had a nightmare about what had happened at the Conjuring House. He gently stroked your hair. “Hey. It’s going to be okay, baby. Nothing can hurt you, as long as I am here.” Colby said, pressing a kiss to your head.
//I am so, so sorry if this sucks. I have an inspection at work today, so my anxiety is a little on edge. I still hope you like it. If not, I’m more than happy to rewrite it//
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ohbelladonnamoon · 17 days
The writers of the conjuring are trash. Bathsheba Sherman the demonic witch from conjuring was a real person and she wasn’t a devil worshiping witch. She was a christian woman who tragically had a child pass in her care. People say she was accused of witchcraft and found innocent but there are no creditable reports of this. It would seem in truth she lived a very uneventful peaceful life with her children. When she passed in her elderly age she was given a christian burial. She was vilified for absolutely no reason and after the movie people started to deface her grave.
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The new owner of the 1736 farmhouse that inspired the movie, “The Conjuring” in Burrillville, Rhode Island is already experiencing paranormal activity after purchasing the home for $1.5M in May. It was listed for $1.2M, but there was a bidding war. 
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The new owner, real estate developer Jacqueline Nuñez, has been excited about the remote farmhouse that’s surrounded by dense woods, since day one.  The remote location is part of the reason why Nuñez fell in love with the house.
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Rumor has it that the home is haunted by the ghost of Bathsheba Sherman, who had lived there in the 1800s.
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The house features beamed ceilings and wide-board hardwood floors. It’s a beautiful home, there’s a lovely fireplace in the living room, topped by Ouija boards. 
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The house also inspired the movie “Annabelle,” but Hollywood’s version on the left, looks nothing like the real Annabelle that looks like Raggedy Ann. 
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To ensure that the next owner lives up to their expectations, the former owners insisted on interviewing her before she was allowed to purchase the home.
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"They wanted to find someone that was going to keep and grow the business that they had started, which I absolutely intended to do," Nuñez said. They rented it out for paranormal investigations and they didn’t want the new owner to live in it year round. 
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"I didn't sign anything that limits me in terms of how often I can be there. But their reason for that is because the energy there is so strong that it can begin to affect people who are in the house for an extended period of time," Nuñez said.
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The Perron family, that was terrorized by the home in the 1970s, claimed that every morning their beds shook at exactly 5:15am. Who needs an alarm clock?
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Nuñez said she's already had first-hand experiences with paranormal activity. "I was with a ghost hunting group last night. We were sitting upstairs and they were trying to talk to some of the spirits. There were loud and heavy footfalls on a staircase, and we could have sworn that there was actually someone else in the house, but there wasn't.”
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The creepy attic. The house has 3 bdrms. and 1 bath. 
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Cellar stairs.  Some of the worst ghost shenanigans are said to have happened in the dirt floor cellar.
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When Roger Perron had to go down to the cellar to make furnace repairs, he would feel a cold, stinking presence beside him.
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spookyco · 11 months
A Verdadeira História da Casa Mal Assombrada de "Invocação do Mal"
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Com o novo fenômeno das transmissões ao vivo proporcionadas pela quarentena, não poderia faltar uma live para os amantes de terror! Por isso, entre os dias 8 e 16 de maio, a The Dark Zone Network irá fazer transmissões ao vivo de dentro de uma das casas mais assombradas dos Estado Unidos: a casa que inspirou o filme "Invocação do Mal (2013)". 
"Invocação do Mal" é um filme de 2013 dirigido por James Wan que deu origem à uma franquia assustadora e popular no cinema de terror. O primeiro longa da franquia conta a história de um casal e suas 5 filhas, que se mudam para uma casa em uma fazenda localizada em Harrisville, Rhode Island. À medida de fenômenos estranhos começam a acontecer na casa, o casal Ed e Lorraine Warren - renomados demonologistas - interveem para ajudar a família em apuros.
Um dos fatores que mais atraem atenção no filme é o fato dele ser baseado em fatos reais. Porém, em muitos filmes como "O Exorcismo de Emily Rose", sabemos que a verdadeira história é modificada para adequar-se em frente às câmeras. Portanto, qual é a verdadeira história da casa mal assombrada de Invocação do Mal e da família que inspirou o longa?
A família Perron
Em 1971, Carolyn e Roger Perron se mudaram junto com suas 5 filhas para Harrisville, Rhode Island. Acomodados em uma propriedade de 81 mil m² chamada de Fazenda Arnold, a casa contava com 14 quartos e havia sido construída em 1736.A verdadeira casa que inspirou "Invocação do Mal"
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A verdadeira casa que inspirou "Invocação do Mal"
Imediatamente depois que se mudaram, a família começou a perceber acontecimentos estranhos na casa. Começaram levemente, com Carolyn notando vassouras desaparecendo, se mexendo sozinhas e montes de poeira se acumulando na cozinha. Enquanto isso, as filhas ouviam ruídos no assoalho da cozinha e relataram terem avistado espíritos pela casa.
No começo, os espíritos vistos eram relatados como "poucos sólidos" e "opacos". Alguns eram até gentis, deixavam cheiros de flores pela casa e davam beijos de boa noite nas crianças. Um dos espíritos, apelidado pelas meninas como Manny, era querido por elas e sua atividade preferida era ficar as observando brincar, sorrindo e parada em um canto.
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A cozinha da Fazenda Arnold em 1971
Entretanto, nem todos os espíritos mostravam-se inofensivos como Manny. A família relatou que presenciaram cama, telefones e vários outros objetos levitando, batidas brutas na porta da frente e puxões de perna e cabelo durante a noite. Dentre todos os espíritos presentes na casa, o que mais era temido pela família era o de Bathsheba Sherman.
Quem foi Bathsheba Sherman?
Ao perceber os acontecimentos estranhos na casa, Carolyn pesquisou o passado da casa. Em seus estudos, a matriarca da família Perron descobriu que a Fazenda Arnold pertenceu a mesma família por oito gerações, e em que todas elas aconteceram mortes inexplicáveis e horrorosas no local. Algumas crianças se afogaram no lago próximo, alguns se enforcaram no porão e outras foram assassinadas. Já Bathsheba Sherman se enforcou em uma das árvores atrás do celeiro da propriedade.
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A Família Perron
Bathsheba Sherman realmente existiu e foi residente da Fazenda Arnold em meados dos anos 1800. Nascida em Rode Island e casada com Judson Sherman, a vida de Bathsheba foi descrita como solitária e conturbada. Haviam rumores de que Bathsheba era satanista e estava envolvida com o assassinato de uma criança da vizinhança, mas nada nunca foi comprovado. Além disso, a mulher também era conhecida por torturar, esfomear e hostilizar seus funcionários de maneira agressiva.
Para a família Perron, o espírito que os atormentava era o de Bathsheba pois ela se considerava a matriarca da casa e se sentia ameaçada por Carolyn, que ocupava o seu lugar naquele momento. Apesar de odiar Carolyn, o espírito amava Roger. Enquanto acariciava e era inofensiva com o Sr. Perron, com sua mulher Bathsheba praticava torturas e agressões.
De acordo com Andrea Perron, uma das 5 filhas, muitas vezes a família presenciava fortes cheiros de peixe apodrecido e camas flutuando longe do chão. Além disso, o Sr. Perron relatava que sentia uma presença fria e grudenta atrás dele toda vez que visitava o porão, por isso evitada ir àquela parte da casa. Porém, como o aquecedor quebrava de forma constante e misteriosa, ele sempre era obrigado à retornar ao andar debaixo.
Após inúmeras tentativas falhas de expulsar a Sra. Perron da casa, Bathsheba tentou possuir seu corpo. A partir da percepção da família sobre a possessão da mãe, os mesmos chamaram Ed e Lorraine Warren, famosos demonologistas da época, para interviram no caso.
O envolvimento dos Warren
Pelos mais de 10 anos que a família Perron morou na Fazenda Arnold, Ed e Lorraine Warren prestaram inúmeras visitas para investigar a casa. Em uma das visitas, Lorraine - considerada uma grande médium - realizou uma sessão para tentar entrar em contato com os espíritos da casa. Durante essa sessão, Carolyn Perron apresentou sinais de possessão, falando em uma língua irreconhecível e levitando do chão em sua cadeira.
Após essa sessão, Roger Perron dispensou os Warren do serviço alegando preocupação com a saúde da esposa. Ao contrário do que é mostrado no filme, o casal Warren não conseguiu livrar Carolyn e a família da possessão. A família Perron continuou a viver na casa até 1980, ano em que conseguiram dinheiro suficiente para se mudarem. Durante os anos que continuaram morando lá, os fenômenos paranormais foram diminuindo, até cessarem completamente.
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Ed e Lorraine Warren
A casa atualmente
Atualmente, a casa palco de inúmeras mortes e mistérios é propriedade de Cory e Jennifer Heinzen, casal investigador de fenômenos paranormais. Para o jornal Sun Jornal, Cory relatou que já presenciou portas abrindo sozinhas, barulhos estranhos e passos nos corredores.
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Cory e Jennifer Heizen
Embora tenham presenciados fenômenos paranormais, o casal e sua família são fascinados pela propriedade, dizendo terem se apaixonado pelo grande espaço, pelo lago no fundo e pela serenidade do local. A família planeja restaurar a casa e, futuramente, transformá-la em um local de passeios paranormais.
E aí, o que você achou dessa história? Tão assustadora quanto a do filme? Compartilhe nas suas redes sociais e com seus amigos que gostam da franquia de Invocação do Mal!
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demongemz · 11 months
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welcome to london, JUDY WARREN! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like DIANA SILVERS? well, no matter, we hear that you are 22 and working as a/an COLLEGE STUDENT. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from THE CONJURING and have a tendency to be COURAGEOUS as well as SUPERSTITIOUS.
Name: Judy Warren Relatives: Ed Warren(Father); Lorraine Warren(Mother) Occupation: College Student Birthday: January 11 Age: 22 Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Moral Alignment: Lawful Good Memory Status: Intact
Trigger Warning: Possession, Demons Judy was born to Ed and Lorraine Warren. They loved her dearly, and Judy adored them back. She was raised in a Christian household and developed a strong sense of faith from an early age, though she was instructed never to go into the occult museum where her parents imprisoned supernatural artifacts. In 1971, Judy got a pair of necklace lockets for her and her mother, with hers having a picture of her parents and Lorraine's having a picture of Judy in it. During the infamous investigation into the Perron home, Lorraine lost the locket while fleeing from the malevolent ghost Bathsheba Sherman. Now knowing of Judy's existence, Bathsheba traveled to the Warren house to attack her, freeing the demonically possessed doll Annabelle. However, Lorraine had a vision of Judy, and she and Ed managed to get home just in time to save Judy from being struck by a flying chair. Ed and Lorraine returned to the Perron house, where they defeated Bathsheba. Not long after, Judy began to notice that she was beginning to show signs of psychic abilities, similar to those of her mother, and began seeing a ghostly priest wandering around her school. Her reserved nature and word of her parents' occupations caused her to be bullied in school, though her friend/babysitter Mary Ellen stood up for her. One day, Ed and Lorraine had to travel out of town just before Judy's birthday, leaving Judy under Mary Ellen and her friend Daniela Rios' care. Judy was given a pair of rollerblades as a gift and went out with Mary Ellen to try them. While they were gone, Daniela snuck into the occult museum and touched several items, as well as letting Annabelle out of her case. Afterward, the girls began to experience strange supernatural happenings in the house, including Judy being attacked by a ghostly bride. They investigate the Warrens' case files, though Judy suggests they leave the disturbing reports alone. That night, all three girls were attacked by ghostly and demonic spirits, and Judy must help her friends survive the night. During the chaos, Judy sees the ghostly priest from her school lead her to safety. Judy and Mary Ellen realize they must find and lock the doll back up to stop the spirits and manage to get past The Ferryman and obtain the doll. Daniela is possessed by the bride, but Judy saves her by playing a video of her father performing an exorcism. Judy tries to get Annabelle back to her case but is attacked by the demon, who begins to steal her soul. Judy fights back with a crucifix and manages to get the doll back in the case, but is unable to close it as the Bride, Ferryman, Samurai, and Annabelle demon close in. Suddenly, a freed Daniela rushes in and helps close the case, sealing away the demon and cutting the power from the other monsters. After Ed and Lorraine return, all is set right. Mary Ellen and Daniela bring people to her birthday party, and Judy feels accepted. Many years later in 1977, Judy has grown into a teenager. She designs bead jewelry with her mother, but then hears a noise and goes to investigate. She is frozen in fear when she and Lorraine see the demon nun Valak standing at the end of the hall. Lorraine pursues it and is attacked, only to realize that the attack was a dream. Judy wakes her mother up, saving her from the nightmare.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Bathsheba Sherman
After a infant dies in her care, a woman by the name Bathsheba Sherman was accused by her local community of being a witch and working in league with the devil. Although found innocent, locals still held onto their beliefs.
The name was made popular in ‘The Conjuring’ but who was Bathsheba Sherman?
Many of you have no doubt seen ‘The Conjuring’ and a few have asked the page whether the movie is real or not. Many of the questions have been about the ‘witch’ Bathsheba Sherman, so rather than detailing all of the hauntings in full, which would be quite an interesting task indeed and one that would take a long while, I thought I would just focus on Bathsheba herself and see what facts are present.
Bathsheba Thayer was born on Rhode Island in 1812, and, in her early thirties, she married Judson Sherman who was one year older than her on March 10, 1844. About five years later they had a son named Herbert.
The shermans owned a farm in which Judson worked during the long days while Bathsheba kept house and looked after their young son. Although it is believed that the Shermans had several other children, a girl and two more boys, there are no records to substantiate this or the fact they were all meant to have died in their young years.
However, living the good life it was all to turn around for Bathsheba when a infant died whilst in her care. Different sources get a little bit sketchy on just whose baby it was, some say it was a neighboring family‘s while others say it was one of the Sherman children, but the result was the same… the cause of death was found to be an impalement at the base of the child’s skull, probably from a large gauge sewing needle, and Bathsheba was put on trial (or at the least a inquiry was carried out).
Many of the townsfolk believed the child’s death was a sacrifice on Bathsheba’s part to the devil, or some form of witchcraft. There was much jealousy aimed towards Bathsheba, she was beautiful and many of the local women coveted her looks, no doubt some of this envy fueled the rumors.
However Bathsheba was cleared of any wrong doing, there was insufficient evidence to find her guilty of murder, accidental or otherwise. Unfortunately the law courts are not the only courts, and it was the court of public opinion that was to do the most damage and cause Bathsheba to lead a more sheltered life thereafter.
Locals held onto their belief that she was up to dark deeds and possibly some of them knew stuff that we can not possibly know today, after such a long period of time.
Something changed in her after this time, she became embittered and began to treat the hired help on the farm poorly. She would physically assault them, and in some instances starve them, not to death, but rather fed them poorly.
Bathsheba never hanged herself, but rather lived to quite an old age. She had outlived her husband Judson by four years when she died at the age of 72/73 (her exact date of birth is not known but the date of her death was May 25, 1885).
She died from a strange case of paralysis which doctors did not completely understand at the time. Reportedly the medical report on her death states that her body had turned as if to stone. This no doubt further fueled the rumors of Bathsheba Sherman being a witch, having made a deal with the devil.
Her son Herbert outlived her, had a family and children of his own.
Bathsheba is buried in the Harrisville Cemetery, the fenced off enclosure also holds the headstone of her husband. Bathsheba’s headstone had been broken in half, possibly by vandals or those taunting her in death. She was well known of before the movie was released, though not by as many people.
Since the release of The Conjuring and the surrounding hype Bathsheba’s headstone has been repeatedly vandalized.
With so much attention it seems the court of public opinion still has her guilty .
But was she a witch?
Asides from the strange death of the child in her care and the public opinion there are no hard facts as to this being the case. However there probably would not be either way. If she had caused that child’s death, and had done so via impaling the infants skull, then that is an unforgivable act in any aspect.
The main photograph with this post is said to be the oldest surviving photo of what was then known as the Arnold Farmhouse, which nearly a hundred years after this photo was taken would be purchased by the Perron family. There are several websites and researchers that believe the woman in the chequered dress at the front is Bathsheba Sherman, who lived on a neighboring property. If it is her then this photo would have been taken just before her death, as it was taken at about 1885.
As for the haunting, the Perrons have stated there is some confusion as to Bathsheba’s role in the whole affair. Roger Perron believes the entity he saw one night was that of a woman who had hanged herself in the barn (in her 90’s). She appeared with a very obvious broken neck, the face seemed to change form, from looking like a desiccated hornets nest (cracks, ridges, deep gouges) to that of a old woman with a vacant stare.
However Cynthia saw something slightly different as revealed in this interview:
“I was playing upstairs with the Little People, and the door opens to the closet. I thought it was one of my sisters coming through the door, but it wasn’t. It was an older woman with her head tilted to the side and her arms out (she was wearing gray dress with little yellow flowers all over it, and a gray apron or pinafore.) She had a handkerchief held out. I looked at the face, just for a second, and then I looked down and saw the handkerchief. I didn’t see any feet.
So I jumped up and bolted. I ran through the next bedroom and down those stairs, but I was running so fast that I missed the landing in the middle of the stairs. So, I ended up kind of going down them on my butt.
.Well, my mom just happened to be coming in from the kitchen, which meets at the bottom of the stairs, and she basically caught me. I was hysterical, and, at that time, holding my back and trying to explain to her what just happened. And she’s more concerned about what’s going on with my back. And I’m like, ‘I don’t care about that, mom. She just came to me and said, “Come to me, little girl. Come to me, little girl.”
The link with Bathsheba and the haunting was made when Carolyn Perron (the mother) was lying on a sofa when she felt a sharp prick in her leg followed by muscle spasms. When she checked her leg she found a small amount of blood coming from a perfectly circular hole in her leg. It was Lorraine Warren (an investigator who worked on the case) who went on to suggest that that mark was very similar to what was described as having been done to the infant who died under Bathsheba’s care.
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hunterb666 · 3 years
Boreo as Ed and Lorraine Warren, anyone?
I just rewatched the first conjuring movie and I love Conjuring universe, and this AU just popped up in my mind. 😂
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kaitlinj16 · 3 years
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The Conjuring (2013) 😈
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skepticaljackal · 3 years
Here’s hoping that Bathsheba Sherman is in Heaven and Ed Warren is rotting in Hell
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jaydraw209 · 4 years
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Day 29: The Conjuring
Thanks for introducing me into these Movies, Dad.
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openheart12 · 3 years
Tales of the Heart
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A/N: I was so stoked when I found out TC was filmed in NC because it’s finally good for something dihgjkdgjls I’m trying to keep this as gender neutral as I can since I don’t tend to write fics with real people because I try to respect them, but I had this idea and wanted to write it. I’m not completely sure how I feel about it yet though lol but it should be a couple parts!! 
Summary: During filming for The Conjuring, reader is living their dream of being an actor. They didn’t think life could get much better, but then again, they never expected they would fall in love. 
WC: 1,314
Pairing: GN reader x Vera
You were in Wilmington, North Carolina for the filming of The Conjuring that you were just casted in. It was a movie based on the paranormal investigator couple Ed and Lorraine Warren. The movie itself was actually based on one of their real life cases that you had spent hours researching on to prepare for your role, however minor it was.
Acting has been a dream of yours since you were little. The red carpet had always excited you and now you were just that much closer to achieving your dream. 
It was late February and a cold chill was raising goose bumps on your arms. You were on the way to EUE/Screen Gems Studios where the first day of filming was taking place. You were told filming would take just a little over a month and you had planned accordingly, bringing almost your entire wardrobe, but it was better to be prepared than sorry.
At least that’s how you justified it. 
This was your first time in the state and you were taking in your surroundings. The window was down, your hair blowing in the wind as you did some last minute research on your phone. You pulled up the first article you found; 
The movie was based on the Perron family case, a family of seven who lived in Harrisville, Rhode Island. In January 1971, they moved into a farmhouse where they began to notice strange things happening. It started small, Carolyn, the mother, would notice that the broom went missing or seemed to move by itself, she’d hear something scraping against the kettle, and she’d find small piles of dirt in the center of the floor after cleaning it.
It wasn’t long before the children started to notice spirits around the house. 
Carolyn  researched the history of the house and discovered that it had been in the same family for eight generations and that many of them had died under mysterious and horrible circumstances. 
She found a woman by the name of Bathsheba Sherman who lived on the property in the mid-1800s. She was rumored to have been a Satanist and there was evidence that she was involved in the death of a neighbor’s child, though no trial ever took place. She was buried in a nearby Baptist cemetery in downtown Harrisville. 
The Perron’s believed it was Bathsheba’s spirit tormenting them. 
The Warren’s made multiple trips to investigate. At one point, Lorraine conducted a seance to contact the spirits that were possessing the family. However, during the seance, Carolyn became possessed, speaking in tongues and rising from the ground in her chair. After the seance, Roger kicked the Warren’s out worried about his wife’s mental stability. 
The family continued to live in the house until they were able to move in 1980, at which point the spirits were silenced and the hauntings ceased. 
You let out an involuntary shudder. As excited as you were, you were also nervous. You didn’t think that a horror movie would be the start of your career, not that you were complaining. 
The car pulled up in front of the studio and you got out, looking at the building standing before you. You thanked the driver and gave him the information of the hotel you would be staying at.
You straightened your shoulders and took a deep breath before making your way inside. The first thing you noticed was the noise and the chaos. There were hundreds of video equipment scattered around and more people than you’ve ever seen before cramped together. You weren’t exactly sure of what to do so you stood off to the side, in a private little corner.
You took in everything, from the people to the millions of lights that were already beginning to make your head hurt. And for a moment, just a moment, you began to doubt if you could do this or not.
“Hey, you okay?” A soft voice called out to you.
“I’m fine,” you replied, turning to look at the person and stopping in your tracks. The voice belonged to no one other than Vera Farmiga, the star of the movie you were here to film, your idol, and the woman you had a slight crush on. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a slight crush, but nonetheless, you stood there in shock. 
“I’m Vera,” she said, offering her hand to you. You took it with a shaky hand. Her hand was so much softer than you expected.
“I’m Y/N.” 
“It’s nice to meet you,” she smiled and you returned it, still standing there completely awestruck. You had seen every single movie she’s been in, she was one of the big reasons you wanted to go into acting and standing in front of her, you were speechless.
“Vera?” A male voice called and the two of you turned your head to see James Wan, the director, walking towards you. Yet again, you were awestruck. You loved his directing and Saw was a favorite of yours. “I need you and Patrick to start getting ready. We’re going to start the opening scene of the Warren’s.”
“Okay, perfect. James, this is Y/N,” Vera introduced you and you gave a small smile.
“Hey,” you offered.
“Hey, you’re playing the student at the university, right?”
You nodded, surprised he remembered your role.
“I don’t think we’re going to film your scene today, so if you just want to hang out and get to know the other cast members, that’s fine,” he said before going back to work, leaving you and Vera alone again.
“Maybe we can get together for dinner later?” She asked and you swear you heard her voice waver just a bit, but you played it off as your ears playing tricks on you.
“That’d be great!” You exclaimed, a wide grin on your face.
“It’s a date,” she winked, walking away. A slight blush adjourned your cheeks and you felt very hot. The chilly air from earlier was now gone.
The rest of the day passed by rather quickly, you had stayed on set getting to know the gist of things and of course watching Vera. 
She was captivating while in her element, doing what she loved. You were entranced by her beauty. You didn’t think that there were many people who could pull off clothes from the 70s quite like she did. She even caught you staring a couple times, smiling at you when she met your eyes.
You also saw Patrick Wilson, the other star and other half of the Warren couple. You noticed their chemistry right away and couldn’t help but think of how you wished it was you playing Vera’s significant other. 
When filming finished for the day, you headed to your hotel room to get ready for your “date.” You were giddy with excitement and bouncing with nerves. A million questions were going through your head: what would you wear? What would you two talk about? Would it be awkward? Where were you going to go? 
You weren’t familiar with the area and you didn’t know if she was or not. Dinner on the beach sounded nice to you, but maybe she didn’t like the beach or maybe she would change her mind. There were too many things unknown and your nerves were starting to get the better of you. 
Just then a knock sounded at your door and you went to look through the peephole to find Vera outside. You opened it and she smiled, leaning in to give you a hug. 
“You ready?” She asked.
“Ready,” you responded confidently. She held her hand out to you and you took it, heading downstairs to the waiting car. “Where are we going?” You asked once getting seated.
“You’ll see,” she smirked. 
You smiled at the things you still had to learn about her as you got settled in for the drive.
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conradscrime · 3 years
The Perron Family Haunting: The True Story of The Conjuring
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October 05, 2021
The Conjuring is one of the most well known horror movies that have come out in the last decade, as it is based off of a true story, the hauntings that the Perron family experienced in the 1970′s. The story also dives into Ed and Lorraine Warren, two of the most well known paranormal investigators, though they are quite controversial with many believing they are frauds. 
The Perron family lived in the house for about 10 years, which was located in Harrisville, Rhode Island and was a 10 bedroom home built in 1736. The family consisted of the two parents, Roger and Carolyn Perron and their 5 daughters: Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cynthia and April. The Perron couple bought the house in the winter of 1970 and had moved out in June 1980. 
The house was extremely haunted, with many strange things happening to the Perron family over the 10 years they lived there.The paranormal activity began friendly, as the spirit of a woman named Mrs. Arnold would often tuck the daughters into bed and kiss their foreheads. Another spirit named Johnny Arnold, who had hung himself in the attic in the mid 18th century would often play with the girls’ toys and watch them play outside. The Perron girls were very fond of Johnny, and had nicknamed him Manny.
There was also a spirit known to the Perron’s as “the sweeping ghost” as they would often hear the sound of a broom sweeping the floor in other rooms, and when they would go investigate, there would be a broom propped up with a neat pile of dirt next to it. 
However, not all the spirits in the farm house were friendly. Apparently, on most mornings around 5:15 am, the family would smell rotting flesh and unknown forces would pull at the girls’ hair and limbs. They would often hear the door banging loudly and crying. One night a voice told them that there was 7 soldiers buried within the walls. 
It is suspected that a witch named Bathsheba Sherman was haunting the house and in the movie she attempts to take over Carolyn’s body and spirit. 
Bathsheba Thayer was born in Rhode Island in 1812, marrying a man named Judson Sherman in Connecticut on March 10, 1844. Bathsheba was a housewife and her husband was a farmer on their land. They had a son named Herbert L. Sherman when Bathsheba was 37 years old, born in March of 1849. The Sherman’s were pretty well off, and it is suspected that they may have had three other children besides Herbert, named Julia (born in 1845), Edward (born in 1847), and George (born in 1853) but that these children had all died and did not live past the age of 7. The Sherman’s also often took in a boarder to stay with them and help on the farm. 
Bathsheba would have lived next door to what later become the Perron’s house, and at the time of her death in 1885 it was known as the Arnold Estate. Bathsheba died on May 25, 1885, about 4 years after her husband, Judson, died in 1881. Their son, Herbert, married a woman named Anna in 1881 and dying in 1903.
The movie portrays Bathsheba as a witch, but there is no real evidence proving she was, just lots of stories and folklore tales. It was believed some thought she was possibly a witch when an infant had mysteriously died in her care. The baby was examined and it was determined that the child had died from a wound caused by a large sewing needle that impaled the skull. Some townspeople believed Bathsheba had sacrificed this child, offering the baby to the devil, though the court found her not guilty. 
Andrea Perron, one of the Perron children who experienced the haunting, later wrote a book about the family’s experiences called ‘Darkness House of Light’ and in the book Andrea claims that her mother, Carolyn, often spoke to a man referred to as “Mr. McKeachern” who was somewhat of a local historian. Mr McKeachern claimed that Bathsheba treated poor people badly and had often starved and beaten the people they would hire to help on the farm. 
Some folklore and legends say that Bathsheba died from a “bizarre form of paralysis” and that when she died her body turned to stone. 
The paranormal experiences in the house were getting so terrifying that Carolyn Perron told Ed and Lorraine Warren about an incident that had happened a few years before. Carolyn said she had been lying on the sofa and suddenly felt a piercing type of pain in her calf, causing the muscle to spasm. She noticed there was blood but there was nothing that could have made the puncture. In Andrea’s book, she later said the wound on her mother was a perfect circle, as if a sewing needle had impaled her skin.
Andrea Perron said that a total of 8 generations of one extended family have lived and died in the house and that some of them have never left. Over the existence of this farm house there have been a number of tragic deaths including two suicides by hanging, one suicide by poison, the rape and murder of an 11 year old girl named Prudence Arnold, two drownings and the death of 4 men who had frozen to death. 
Though, 11 year old Prudence Arnold did not die on the farm, she had a horrific death elsewhere. According to public records from the Black Book of Burrillville which has a number of entries of births and deaths in the area, her throat was cut by W.E.K. No one is sure whose initials these were, because in Andrea’s book she named the killer as Bill Norton. Perhaps W stands for William which can be shortened to Bill but no one truly knows. 
Though the state of Rhode Island does not legally require seller to inform the buyer of any paranormal presence, Andrea Perron claims the previous owner had told her father on the day they moved in. 
The current owners, Gerry and Norma Sutcliffe have claimed they have heard banging on the door in the front hall, voices talking in other rooms, sounds of footsteps followed by a door opening in other rooms and Gerry’s chair moving in the study. Neither of them have ever actually seen spirits, though one day Norma saw a blue light shoot across the bedroom and Gerry thought he had seen fog in the house.  The Sutcliffe’s have not experienced nearly the same extent to what the Perron family experienced, and because of the success of The Conjuring, they are often the target for trespassers and onlookers. Norma has tried to fight back trying to gain evidence to disprove the Perron family’s story. 
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generationexorcist · 3 years
For Sale: The Haunted House That Inspired The Conjuring
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In the mid-19th century, as the story goes, a woman named Bathsheba Sherman wreaked some havoc on the townspeople of Burrillville, Rhode Island. This may or may not have included practicing witchcraft, beating her farmhands, and murdering a baby with a sewing needle.
After her death in 1885, Sherman apparently stuck around her farmhouse—and when Roger and Carolyn Perron moved in with their five daughters in the 1970s, she started wreaking havoc on them, too. The haunting was so severe that paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren got involved, and the entire debacle later served as the basis for the 2013 horror movie The Conjuring.
Mental Floss
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its-spooky-bitch · 3 years
Fraudulent and damning evidence against Ed and Lorraine Warren
I’ve gotten some asks in the past about which Warren cases are fake, so I decided to compile evidence against them that I have found. 
Annabelle’s story is only told and validated by the Warren’s Donna, Angie and Lou (if they even existed) have never stepped forward to support or deny the claims made by the Warren’s.
Have claimed the The Necronnmian is a “Book of Shadows” from long ago that contains English translations of diabolical spells. The Necronomian is a fictional book by H.P. Lovecraft and a Book of Shadows is a book that contains religious texts and spells in the Wiccan religion.
Had no involvement in the Enfield Haunting and showed up uninvited and were denied access to the house.
Have an honest to God Iron Maiden poster in their museum.
Ed told Ray Garton the author working on the Book in a Dark Place that the Snedeker family was crazy and told him to make up something that was scary when he had concerns about the conflicting reports from the family.
Said that poltergeists and demons were the same, when they are not.
Alleged that they had video evidence of the White Lady of Union Cemetery, but the footage is very hard to find/prove that it actually exists.
Claimed that Bathsheba Sherman was in fact a witch when there is no evidence that she was a witch and basically slandered the name of an innocent woman posthumously.
Literally anything about Amityville.
Claimed that they did an exorcism in the Glatzel house, when the catholic church said that no exorcism took place and actually questioned the legitimacy of the case. Claim that they had priests exorcise multiple haunted locations they worked on, but the catholic church (who decides if a place or person needs an exorcism) said that no exorcisms took place.
Accused neighbors of being payed off when they disputed their claims about the Snedeker house.
Have said on their website that skeptic thinking is the Devil’s greatest ally, 
BONUS:  Ed Warren once said in regard to the Passetto family case and Mrs. Passetto converting from Judaism to Catholicism “The devil or devils hate nothing more than a Jew who converts to Catholicism. You take the cross of Christ.” Make of this what you will.
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