#Bee rambles
beezonia · 3 days
I was thinking about what I’d do if I ever decided to rewrite eah
I think the conflict between royals and rebels would be a bigger thing for me
like it just doesn’t stay for a few days and then everyone is seemingly okay with the whole not following your destiny thing
I’d have some students having a huge crisis over the whole “no destiny no poof” because it’s most certainly not what they were told
then this one kid just comes and defies all logic and people are freaking out
I’d have parents finding out and grilling grimm for letting it happen, which means grimm is an even bigger problem now he’s got this pressure to restore status quo
I’d have rivalry’s between people like Faybelle and Poppy those who are more likely to take action if they deem it necessary
(poppy screams teenage rebellion and I want to give her more of a character unlike cannon)
Duchess being duchess stirs up more unease by sticking her nose into those who are questioning their destinies (including Ashlynn and Briar) and just ends up making them feel worse for questioning
(dw I love duchess I promise you she’s gets good things too)
Student council being the only civil way people can get their opinions across
but then there’s like secret groups where opinions are freely shared between people you wouldn’t expect and those who have made it really clear where they stand
Kitty ends up being someone’s eyes and ears because of her ability to hide in plain sight
Briar questions her loyalty to Apple and it becomes a thing for the royals to start loosing faith in Apple slowly because she as a future leader can’t stop it
idk i might be going too deep here and you don’t have to agree with me. But I just want more emphasis on the royal/rebel split
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Okay but a thought struck me the other day, and maybe I’ll write it, but considering writing was my goal this weekend and I instead ended up at urgent care - sharing as a hc in case I never do 😂
The birds and the superkids are all still besties/dating (whatever your preference, doesn’t matter here) and yada yada happens and Damian and Kon just…get into a giant argument.
So they’re screaming at each other or whatever, and Kon just brings up the fact of “If you forced Jon to pick between us, he’d pick me.”
And it stings but Damian’s like ‘no shit, you’re his brother.’
But then to REALLY rub salt in the wound, Kon says, “And if you forced Tim to, he’d pick me too.”
And that one hits like a ton of bricks ‘cause - yeah. Tim probably would.
And it’s just the thing to say to trigger all of Damian’s insecurities and self loathing and - yeah, of course everyone would abandon him first chance they get. They’d be stupid not to! So why should any of them - Damian included - waste their energy!
So of course in his hurt he retreats from everyone, and it takes most people way too long to notice (except Jon obviously) but eventually Kon is asked if he knew anything and he guiltily mentions their argument and the terrible things he said.
And oh BOY are Jon and Tim fuckin’ FURIOUS. Jon definitely punches him. Tim…maybe.
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Getting back into Danny Phantom (one of my fav childhood shows that I haven’t watched in YEARS) and realizing and understanding things that I didn’t understand when I was a wee child
To this day I still love the concept of the show (and the—albeit prolly unintentional—trans allegory to it) and now my understanding of it and the depth of the “I have to hide my true identity but not to protect the people I care about but to protect myself from THEM” is something I can appreciate way more and it’s such an underrated and fuckin cool yet messed up and heartbreaking trope and I aajsjsjsnshdbdhdhfjcjnfjfjffj
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beepeircings · 12 days
Yeah ivantill is cool but have you heard of MIZISUA. They're quite literally the og, alnst is litewally built off them 💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️‼️
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biowho · 10 months
I’m seeing a lot of post that are people completely shitting on dragon age (understandable) in comparison to baldur’s gate. Which is fair in regards to development time/how the devs are treated. But it isn’t with the games themselves
It’s the exact same thing as comparing a hard boiled egg to an avocado. Yeah they’re the same shape (kind of) but they’re made up a completely different stuff
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shiveringfrogspawn · 4 months
y’all i’m watching s4 of nuwho (haven’t watched classic) and I just. don’t want to finish. i’m on the waters of mars episode and I don’t want to say goodbye to ten yet. nine’s goodbye cut me deep and i’m still not over it, i already know minor spoilers for the season ending and I’m avoiding it…I’m sure matt smith is gonna be brilliant but i love david’s doctor soooo much (not as much as nine, of course, but ten is special in his own way). i’m crying just thinking about it. help.
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shysneeze · 3 months
frankly, i would just like to be able to wear clothes the same way conan gray does
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Be back soon…
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honeybeejam · 6 months
found out that benjamin wadsworth is watching harry potter on his instagram .. not sure about how i feel about him getting context to mattheo? i hope they’re going to update 😳
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nerdloser222 · 22 days
If there’s one thing I took away from Beatles doctor who episode, it’s that Mclennon is real
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beezonia · 29 days
I find it sad the Cedar will never get to experience the adrenaline when you lie
Cedar will never get to listen to people’s secrets, no one trusts her enough for that.
She’s no one’s first choice because she’ll spout it out to everyone as soon as they ask. Cedar is the definition of a tattletale and it’s not even her fault
Yet people are more likely to just not get to know her because she has to tell the truth, she’ll be blunt, brutally honest. The opposite of everything a teenager is
Cedar can’t be trusted with gossip, so she’s in the dark most of the time
Cedar is an outcast in a place where you shouldn’t be one unless it’s your destiny
She’s a girl who can’t lie, she’s someone who has to continuously find loopholes for her curse so people might trust her enough
I love her, she deserves a lot
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Another brainrot ideas that I want to write but knows if I ever will.
‘Bad idea right?’ By Olivia Rodrigo.
Damian and Jon have broken up. It was ugly. Phone numbers blocked. Situations avoided if the other would be there. The like.
Cue {indefinite amount of time later} and the Waynes are hosting a gala. Bored after a while, Tim finds Damian in the corner, and finds him near frantically texting.
“Who are you talking to?”
And Tim (like literally everyone) knows these two are still head over heels and soulmates and all of it, that everyone’s just biding their time until they get their heads out of their asses.
Tim is still his brother and worries about other people hurting his perpetually bleeding heart. So he questions that decision bluntly. And Damian, already smirking and clearly energetic/excited shrugs him off, while nonchalantly mentioning Jon asked him to hang out because HE was bored and knows Damian hates galas.
Tim questions again. Asks what they’re gonna do. Damian shrugs him off, says nothing, probably watch TV or play a few rounds of some game.
Tim, knowing already how this goes, and has lived it himself of course, reminds him how Bruce feels about any of them sneaking out of social events.
Damian shrugs again. Says he won’t be gone long. Honestly just gonna go tell Jon he’s a loser. Their father won’t even notice. Especially if Tim covers for him a little.
Tim, smiling himself, takes a gulp of his champagne and says “Don’t be too long.”
They, of course, don’t see Damian until he’s sneaking into the manor the next morning, terribly, poorly covering the hickey on his neck.
Bruce may or may not deep sigh and hand Tim hundreds in wager winnings.
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I gave into the little goblins in my head and made another au…( @potatotato-26 blaming you and your droplets au for this because it has infected my brain/pos/silly)
So basically something something Eclipse gets into trouble while doing stuff with Earth and something something happens and poof Eclipse has been reset and is now spilt into three lil baby eclipses
So now Earth has to wrangle the baby eclipses with no idea on what to do and shenanigans and family fluff (with maybe a few sprinkles of angst) ensues
I’m so good at explaining things ik💅 but also struggling with lore surrounding how exactly it happens so uh yeah-
The Eclipse triplets, names & designs all based on different kinds of eclipses cuz yes:
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Total (sweet lil fella, kinda quiet tho)
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Partial (the scrunkly wet-kitten menace, closest to Eclipse in both appearance & personality)
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Annular (the C R E A T U R E )
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Extra doodles under the cut
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orchidhues · 29 days
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otomes-and-tears · 8 months
finally!! someone said shiloh is an interesting character and even complex if you had analyze many of GB patch's long answered posts about him that doesn't include the 'Up for interpretation'.. (I've been in the shadows trying to hide that thought pls💀)
I have also spent an embarrassingly long amount of time combing through gb patch’s asks, going through every single mention of him I could find for scraps of characterisation lol but I can’t help it! He’s so interesting!
Like… I think half the reason why I like him so much is that I played Our life before XOXO droplets, so when he reappears in step 3 and the sunset bird gang finds out that he’s a little sicko it came as a complete surprise for me, because I really wasn’t expecting something like that.
He was so different from the other characters, it really intrigued me to see how a character that grew up alongside Liz and Cove could end up being so different, and how this incredibly wholesome, fluffy game basically makes it clear that Shiloh is a shitty, manipulative person and that sometimes people like that just don’t want to change. It doesn’t really end the whole Shiloh arc with a neat little bow by making him magically change his ways after an afternoon and they don’t frame Liz as being wrong or bad for still feeling affection for a dear childhood friend that turned out to be a snake, even after she found out about his true nature.
These kinds of dynamics just deeply interest me. I think that any relationship in Shiloh’s life ends up being at least a bit intriguing due to his manipulative tendencies, and it’s fun to speculate on his thoughts and the motivations behind every single person he chooses to associate with.
I… I have a lot of thoughts about him. I can spend days talking about him and JB’s relationship.
He’s genuinely one of my favourite characters ever I love that little snake and he’s incredibly underrated 😭
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shysneeze · 2 years
i love steve right but i could have swung for him when he told nancy he planned kids with her like babes shut tf up im trying to ship your ex with your lesbian bestie and you’re ruining it for me
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