#Ben Hargreaves x y/n
itstheghostofmypast · 7 months
Five: If there is one thing I'm thankful for it's-
Diego: Your family?
Klaus: Bloodshed?
Luther: Alcohol?
Victor: Coffee?
Y/N: Guys...can we please exchange our vows without interruptions?
Ben *hands Five a gun* arent you glad I'm your best man?
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d1ana-m0nd · 8 months
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : It's a well known fact that Sir. Reginald Hargreeves adopted 7 children to save the world from it's impending doom. Though, the number of children will change from 7 to 8 once a close friend of his, Rita Rossweisse was on her death bed and requested him to take in her child, who fortunately was born on October 1st 1989.
➢ Word Count : 4,553
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
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Chapter 4: Man on the Moon
Ever since the other numbers chose to leave the academy, Number One and Number Zero were the only numbers behind left. Luther mostly spent his day lazing around, uncertain of what to do next as he awaited for Mr. Monocle's missions. Y/N kept herself busy by doing her assigned chores and helping Pogo and Grace around the house, and visited Vanya from time to time under Mr. Hargreeves' orders.
Today was the same routine for Number One. The only difference was that Luther thought it would be a great idea to ride a bicycle around the house, whilst drinking a container of milk. The servant noticed this through the CCTV and giggled but, you cut off your amusement short because you had orders to follow through.
You turned on the PA system and called over the larger male's attention. "Attention, Master Luther. Mission alert. I repeat, mission alert. Mr. Hargreeves' request for your presence in his study room."
The dirty blond male stopped his shenanigans and hastily placed the bicycle against the wall, as he hurried to his room to dress up into his superhero suit. Once he finished dressing up, you escorted him to his father's office.
Heading to his father's room you couldn't help but, sneak glances towards his direction. Was he comfortable with you? Is he fine with working alone in missions? Would he mind if you assisted him?
"Do you have something on your mind Y/N?" Luther quipped, most likely catching onto the smaller girl's glances.
You let out an airy chuckle, "I'm sorry, It's just… I'm worried for you."
The larger man raised a brow, "Why would you be? I've handled a lot of missions by myself, this one is nothing new to me."
"I suppose you are right," You sighed and added, "Though that doesn't mean you can handle everything yourself, sometimes you need other people to help you."
Number One nodded, "Yeah, I see your point but," he ruffled your hair, "You have nothing to worry about, I'm Dad's Number One for a reason."
You forced yourself to keep your lips into a smile; You didn't want to tell him that being number one means nothing when it comes to life threatening situations…
"Also, Master Luther, please refrain from messing with my hair." You reminded him as you tried to salvage the neatness of your hair, which made the larger male giggle.
When you've both arrived at Mr. Hargreeves' office, you were quick to stand by the patriarch's side prepping his tea as he spoke to Luther.
"There's a biochemical substance, unknown, but dangerous, especially in the wrong hands. As my Number One, I need you to deal with the threat." The older male commanded as he jotted down things on his priceless notebook.
"I'm ready. But, uh..."
"You don't need to call me by my number anymore." Number One requested.
Mr. Hargreeves' and you were intrigued by Luther's words. Why would he point out something so miniscule and have no importance to the mission?
"Why not?" Mr. Monocle inquired, his sharp gaze on Luther.
The larger male stiffened under his father's gaze, it made him feel small but pointed out. "Because I'm the only one left."
"Ah." The older man didn't seem surprised by his son's statement, though he shrugged it off as he went back to writing where he left off.
"Ouch. I'm totally not here." You sarcastically thought brushing off the pain of being ignored, was Luther even aware you were still in the same room? Or did he forget you were still there?
When Luther left the room, you raised a question to the head of the Hargreeves' family, "Mr. Monocle may I raise a question?"
The older male merely nodded and gestured for you to shoot your question.
"Why am I not sent to missions with Luther? Wouldn't it be better for him to have assistance rather than doing them alone?" You mused, subtly pointing out the dangers of doing the mission by himself.
"Ah. Simple," Mr. Hargreeves' paused as he drank his tea then spoke, "You will serve as a hindrance. Number One knows how to deal with missions by himself without my orders. You, on the other hand, would need guidance on every step of the way. Which is something I don't need in missions."
You couldn't help but bite your lower lip. Your throat was clogged with colorful words that were wanting to be spewed at the patriarch's direction, though you knew your situation better now. You were merely a servant in everyone's eyes, not a person who wants to help…
Unexpectedly, the mission Luther was sent to almost got him killed. The last thing he'd witness as a human is gunfire going off, metal clanging, air hissing, loud clattering and banging as he battled with his opponents. The whole fight ended with the larger male groaning in pain, as his body was covered with bullet wounds, knife slashes and burns from the fight. Making haste, you and Grace hurriedly pushed the wheeled stretcher to the infirmary.
"Hurry! Let's get him inside. Get that gear off him." Reginald ordered you and Grace to assist him.
The injured Luther was wheezing in pain as you took out the scissors and cut away the gear that was in the way.
"Paddles. Quickly!" Mr. Hargreeves' commanded, Grace charged the paddles then placed it on Luther's chest. The paddles whirred and buzzed but Number One was unresponsive.
You turn up the paddles and increase the voltage. Whilst Grace charged it up and placed it on Luther's chest awaiting for his pulse to become more stable but got nothing.
The monocle cursed as he saw no improvement, "Damn it! Bring me the serum. Pogo."
Pogo walked up to Mr. Hargreeves' side and gave him the serum that was mixed with your blood and Pogo's, a modified serum that could save his life. The older man hurriedly inserted the serum into Luther's veins and pushed the liquid into him. For a moment, everyone went silent since Luther wasn't wheezing in pain anymore, unsure of what to do next, but they left the room as soon as Reginald told them to.
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It was early in the morning, most likely around 5 am. Pogo woke you up to share his discovery with you. Groggily, you followed his lead, when your eyes met a deactivated Grace, your eyes widened, immediately awakened from your tired state.
“Mr. Pogo, was this part of the plan or did the masked people do this to her?” You murmured, your hands gripping onto the fabric of your sleepwear.
The advanced chimpanzee wore a sullen look glancing at Grace, “Mr. Hargreeves expected this would happen but, he didn’t plan to do this to Grace.”
“So it’s the masked people then… By any chance, did Mr. Monocle anticipate that other people would get involved?” You asked your eyes narrowed at the ground because you didn't know how to take your anger out.
“Yes, yes he did.” Pogo replied which made you sigh, this made you think one thing.
“Mr. Pogo… does Master Hargreeves not trust me?”
The formal chimpanzee looked away, guilt weighing his heart. “I’m afraid not.”
You could not help but feel like crap. As the servant of the Umbrella Academy and as Number Zero, you've done everything in your power to please Mr. Hargreeves and serve his family. However, in his eyes, what you were doing was not good enough, you were not trustworthy enough. As the servant of the Hargreeves family, were you not perfect enough… Did he see the cracks? The flaws you have tried so hard to hide? You could not help but blame yourself for being so incompetent and being unable to keep up to their expectations.
The older chimpanzee noticed that the servant seemed bothered by his admission, based on how she was staring into space whilst she fiddled with the fabric of her pajamas. He decided it would be best to redirect their discourse.
“Y/N you should use this opportunity to run away now. You plan to monitor Five right? Leaving now will give you a headstart.”
You shook your head no, ”I cannot… Master Luther’s already suspicious of me, I would not want to create any more discord between us.”
“Understandable," Pogo nodded, " Please inform the others that are left behind, regarding the state we found Grace in.”
The servant bowed to Pogo and did as you were told. You informed the ones who were left behind in the academy: you told Diego before he departed early in the morning, you looked for Vanya but couldn't find her, the same could be said to Klaus, you told Allison and planned to tell Luther but the Rumor stopped you claiming she would tell him herself.
You were planning to start doing your chores along with Grace's tasks but you suddenly recalled Klaus' absence. His absence worried you a bit, because his 'disappearance' occured after the masked people came to terrorize the house looking for Five.
“By any chance Miss Allison, have you seen Klaus? I can’t seem to find him.” you questioned the older woman, hoping her answer would ease your worries.
The woman in curls shook her head but wore a small smile, “Don’t worry about it Y/N, he’s probably out there doing his own thing. You have nothing to worry about, he’s a grown man and he can take care of himself.”
You forced yourself to smile once again; you understood that she meant well but it felt wrong to brush off Klaus' absence at a time like this. Though you told yourself that maybe you are just overthinking things, might as well redirect that energy to the chores that needed your attention.
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It was a cloudy day, Lance, the prosthetist, spent his morning walking his dog. Once he finished taking his dog out for a walk, he carried the dog and headed to his car. Unaware of the danger he'd face the moment he stepped foot into his car. He unlocked the back door and carefully placed his dog on the backseat then went to the driver's seat to start the car.
Out of nowhere, someone blinked to the passenger seat. Before he could react, a knife was pressed against his neck by the brunette boy that had been "harassing" him, rather, threatened and scared the crap out of him for days.
"Oh, Jesus!"
"One chance. That's all you've got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab." Five placed the blade against the prosthetist's neck, harder.
"I... I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market." Lance rambled, sweating bullets as he feared for his life.
The boy brought up, "Including eyeballs?"
"Yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean, they sell like hotcakes. I... I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers."
"So, the serial number I told you..."
"Uh, could've already been bought. Yes, off... off the books."
The brunette boy glared at Lance and sighed, "I needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers, and I need it now!"
"I don't have it!" The prosthetist exclaimed but, Five pressed the blade further into his neck. "I mean, not on me. The only copy's in my safe at the lab."
The boy withdrew the blade and sat on the passenger seat comfortably, like he owned the car. "Well, you start the car, then. 'Cause we're going on a field trip."
Lance let out a sigh of relief, "Okay."
"Now." Five threw a cold glare at the doctor's direction.
Despite being half Lance's size, Five's glare was enough to urge him to start the car, "Okay."
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
Once Luther woke up and was caught up to speed with the situation, he made a beeline to Five's room with Pogo and you in tow. The larger male rummaged through Five's things and room to look for something of use. At the moment, you and Pogo were trying to reason with him.
"Like I said, Master Luther, Number Five hasn't lived in this room since he was a boy." Pogo said watching over the comically larger male crouching and looking for something that could help him.
Luther nodded, "Yeah, I know, but we need to warn him. He doesn't even know we were attacked. He doesn't know they're looking for him, he doesn't know…"
Unexpectedly, a new pair of footsteps caught everyone's attention, everyone's eyes were redirected to the man in leather who just entered Five's room. It seemed like he had the same plan as Luther.
"What are you doing here?" Diego narrowed his eyes to Number One.
"Uh..." Spaceboy sighed then shifted his attention to his brother, "Do you know about Mom?"
"Y/N informed me before I left." The Kraken said and added, "It looks like you got what you wanted, one way or another, right?"
The whole room was silent with the latino's remark. The dirty blonde merely sighed in response to his brother's remark. Their relationship has always been like this after all, one upping the other over the smallest of things.
"Wanna tell me what you're doing here?" Luther questioned the other male.
"Looking for Five." The knife wielding vigilante briefly replied.
"Let me guess, you're gonna save the day." The larger male snided, as he rolled his eyes knowing his brother's antics.
Diego narrowed his eyes at Number One, "It's what I do. Asshоlе."
"Really?" Spaceboy stood up and looked his brother in the eye. "Last I checked, you mopped floors."
"And what do you do? Sit on the moon for four years, waiting for orders?"
Although that insult wasn't directed at you, it stung. Though you wouldn't voice that; what you said and felt didn't matter at the moment.
"Keep on being a loyal soldier after everything our father did to you."
"Master Luther and Master Diego, arguing will not be of any help in trying to find Master Five." You tried to meditate the situation but your words fell on deaf ears as the men kept arguing.
"What? You mean save my life?" The larger male defended his father.
"No, I mean... turn you into a monster."
Luther let out an exasperated sigh in response to his statement. He tried so hard to hide it from the others but they now know the truth. It was embarrassing to say the least, even though he knew he couldn't hide it forever. He couldn't help but wish they didn't see this side of him.
"Can't hide it anymore, champ." Diego mockingly pointed out.
"He had a difficult decision to make, and he made it." The dirty blonde defended their father again.
"Grow up, Luther. We're not 13 anymore."
"Making difficult decisions to save others, is what leaders do, by the way." Spaceboy desperately added, as he tried his best to paint their father in a good light.
The latino scoffed, "He sent you on that mission all alone. Almost got you killed."
"Yeah, well at least he was there. Where were you? You and everyone else in this family? You walked out." Luther hissed as he glared at Number Two.
"Everyone, please calm down-" You tried to pacify the situation but got interrupted instead.
"And thank Christ that I did, or I would have ended up just like you." The Kraken looked at him in disgust as a eureka moment occurred in his head. "Let me ask you a question. When you watch one of these nature shows…"
"Diego, please." The advanced chimpanzee begged knowing where he was going with his question.
"Does it turn you on?" The knife wielder wore a smug expression that angered Luther. It tempted Spaceboy to physically wipe off the expression on Diego's face.
"So what? Is he just an animal to you, too now, Diego, huh? Don't-"
"Enough! This house was attacked. We barely got out with our lives. And Grace... she wasn't so lucky. Your brother is missing, and this is how you rise to the occasion? Take your nonsense elsewhere. Now." Pogo's voice boomed which caught everyone off guard.
"Sorry, Pogo." Luther apologized.
"Yeah, sorry, Pogo." Diego muttered.
"Wow. It's almost like I wasn't here trying to calm them down as well." The girl silently remarked, hating the fact that no one in this household took her seriously. Was it because she looked like a little girl?
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By some miracle, Luther and Diego decided to team up with you to go look for Five. They added you to their search party, since you were the one who Five kept by his side ever since he came back, and you probably had an inkling of where he was heading to. Number One was hesitant to let you join but Number Two managed to 'persuade' him. The Spaceboy, the Kraken, and the Servant headed to where they last saw the van was parked.
"This is it. He's still here. This is Five's van. Go. Go." Luther urged the others to hurry.
They - Diego and you - did as you were told and hurried. You opened the back door whilst Diego and Luther fought over the passenger seat, until Diego gave up as he rolled his eyes and reluctantly opened the sliding door at the back. The three of you looked all over the van for any signs of where Five was.
Diego whistled loudly, "I know where to find Five." He took out Vanya's autobiography, the first page littered with equations and a library stamp. The library was hours away from their current location.
"I should stay behind just in case Master Five plans to come back here." You said, assuming the possibility he would come back to the van.
The dirty blonde seemed hesitant to let you stay behind without anyone keeping an eye on you but Diego butted in before his brother could say anything nonsensical - his words, not yours.
“Yeah, we need someone to check on the van just in case he comes back, just message me if he comes.” Number Two ordered which you bowed to.
They left you behind to head to the libraries that were nearby, with Luther occasionally peeking over his shoulder making sure you'd stay in the van. You sat on the passenger seat and waited for Five to show up.
As time passes, you grow bored, your attention drifting from one thing to another. Suddenly, you saw two well dressed people entering the prosthetic building. They wore similar suits to the masked people but, you couldn't verify if they were the same people since they didn't wear a mask. Out of caution, you called the police over the nearest phone booth and reported them about suspicious individuals entering the building.
Just in cue, Five arrived at the prosthetic building. As he and Lance were heading to the entrance of the building, the brunette smelled something familiar - fire. Alert coursed through the boy's veins, he hurriedly ran to the entrance of the building. The fire from within the building roared and the fire alarm rang for help, which increased the adrenaline and his pace. He was about to enter the entrance and try to salvage the only lead he had, only to be pulled back by his collar, the glass shattered and exploded which grazed Five.
The flabbergasted brunette sat on the pavement watching as his only hope to save the world was burning right in front of him. He felt helpless watching it all burn away, it was the only thing he could do, as he thought of one thing, we are all doomed.
"Master Five, are you alright?" You asked as you removed your hands from his collar and crouched to his level, a worried look etched onto your facial features.
"What are you-" Five was taken aback by your presence then narrowed his brows at you. "How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to see the masked people come in…" You muttered looking away, you had a gut feeling he would lash out on you again.
"Why didn't you stop them!?"
"I didn't know I was supposed to stop them, I assumed you were already inside, that's why they came in. Plus, you told me to stay out of your way last time, so I just called the police again-" You tried to explain only to be interrupted by a glare and Five scoffing at you, "You're useless!"
"You haven't changed one bit!" The brunette hissed, venom seething through his words; It made you flinch. You tried to assist him to stand up, only for your hand to be swatted away.
"You are still a puppet waiting for someone to pull your strings. You can't even think for yourself without someone's orders! Is it that hard to think for yourself just for once?!" The boy exclaimed angrily as he stood up in his own accord, without your assistance.
"You know my goal is to stop the apocalypse but, you let this happen."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was supposed to -"
"You not knowing does not cut it! You just lost me the only lead I had!"
You froze in your place, as you fidgeted with your skirt's frills. Five was right… Despite following orders, you have caused nothing but trouble to him and everyone else. You have tried your best to help everyone but, why do you keep messing up everything?
"Rossweisse, If your plan all along was to sabotage me then, expect me to get rid of you. Luther already told me you might have something to do with the old man's death and I could care less about that but, you getting in my way is something I won't stand for." Five declared as you watched him walk away, again. A heavy weight on your heart.
You left the front of the burning prosthetics building, noticing the sirens were getting louder, to avoid any more attention you sat on a nearby park's bench, Five's words deeply engraved into your head. The only thing that brought you back to reality was the sound of your phone's notification going off.
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You did as you were told and met up with Diego and Luther. You carried Delores, whilst the larger male carried the drunk Five in his arms. Throughout the whole walk, you were quiet because your own thoughts were clouding your head.
"Well, we can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment." Luther pointed out.
The latino suggested, "My place is closer. No one will look for him there."
The brunette in spaceboy's arms belched, which made the dirty blonde sighed and gave Five a 'look'. "If you vomit on me..."
"You know what's funny? Aah! I'm going through puberty." The boy scoffed then continued speaking, "Huh. Twice. And I..." Five chuckled under his drunken breath, "I drank that whole bottle, didn't I? That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, it's gone. What are you guys talking about?"
"Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night. They came looking for you. So I need you to focus. What do they want?" Luther questioned, eagerly awaiting answers from the boy in his arms.
"Hazel and Cha-Cha." He drunkenly answered with a poor attempt of a smile.
"Who? You know, I hate code names." Diego remarked as he played with the knife in his hand to calm his nerves.
The boy explained. "Ah, the best of the best. Except for me, of course."
"The best of what?" Spaceboy pestered his 'younger' brother.
"You know, Delores always said she hated when I drank. She said it made me surly…"
"Well, you certainly act the opposite of it." The girl internally pointed out, as Five was more tamed than his usual self.
"Hey!" The male in black leather impatiently shouted.
The drunk Five smiled drunkenly, unaffected by Diego's impatience, "Hm? Yeah?"
"I need you to focus. What do Hazel and Cha-Cha want? We just wanna protect you." Number Two reasoned, only for his worry to be scoffed at.
"Protect me? I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed? No. I'm the Four frickin' Horsemen. The apocalypse is coming." The brunette explained then vomited over Luther's shoulder then went back to sleep.
The 'Five search party' arrived at Diego's place, which is the Boiler room underneath Al's place. Luther carefully placed the sleeping Five on Diego's bed. Whilst you placed Dolores on an empty chair and sat beside the top half of a mannequin.
The latino took one good look at the boy's sleeping figure, "Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep."
"Well, don't worry. He'll sober up eventually. Be back to his normal, unpleasant self." Luther muttered, keeping his voice down, while you silently agreed to his statement.
"Yeah, I can't wait that long. I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies." Number Two said as he paced back and forth.
"All that stuff he was saying before… What do you think he meant by that? Y/N, do you know what he meant by it?"
You were about to answer Luther's question but footsteps that were approaching Diego's room caught everyone's attention. The vigilante cautiously approached the door and readied his blade as he cracked the door open ready to throw it at the 'intruder'.
"You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I'm pressin' charges!" Al exclaimed angrily, most likely exasperated by how it was a common occurrence.
Diego let out a sigh of relief and fully opened the door, "What do you want, Al?"
"I ain't your secretary." The gym owner snarked with a grouch, "Some lady called for you, said she needs your help."
"What lady?" Number Two placed his blade back into place, curious about the lady Al was referring to.
"I dunno. Some, uh, detective. I think she said her name was, uh, Blotch or somethin'." The old man tried to recall as he scratched the back of his nape.
"Patch? She needs my help…"
Al nodded confirming the name was what he heard then added, "She needs you to meet her at that motel, a dump on Calhoun."
"About half an hour ago. Uh, said she found your brother."
"Well, that doesn't make sense…" Diego looks at his 'missing' brother who was currently snoozing on his bed.
"Klaus…" You muttered and then pointed out, "He hasn't been home since the shooting, the masked people probably took him as hostage!"
"Go. I'll wait here," Number One said, well more like gave his brother permission to leave. Without another word, Diego slammed the door closed as he ran.
"...With them." Luther muttered as he glanced at you and Five. The awkward atmosphere reigning the boiler room.
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➢ Taglist : @igotanidea @incapableofanything @kumioon @buuhsworld @stray-npc @sunsunhe @instabull @theredvelvetbitch @yoashh @keowthedino @danis-stuff-is-here @sol3chu @cxlynv @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @supernova25 @venuseuripedis
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ruru0803 · 6 months
Unknown Territory:Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 2: We only see each other at weddings and funerals part 2
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Five is aged up here.
Characters talking...
Everyone else talking is white.
Everyone stares at Luther waiting for him to speak. He stands up ready to make his point.
"Um..I guess..."
"C'mon speak up, Luther."
Luther sends Five a glare.
"Before that, I figured we could have some sort of memorial service. You know in the courtyard at sun down."
Klaus flies over to the bar and pulls out his cigarette, smoking away from the group.
"A few words at dad's favorite spot."
"Dad had a favorite spot?"
Luther looked at her confused, how could she not know.
"You know the spot under the oak tree."
Everyone shrugged.
"We used to sit there all the time. None of you ever did that?"
Klaus flies back over, now having two drinks in his hand. He hands one to Five before drinking some of his own.
"Will there be any refreshments?"
Everyone turns towards him.
"Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."
Luther's brows furrowed at the question.
"What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."
Five, Diego and Klaus all rolled their eyes at the statement.
"Dad didn't allow a lot of things, Luther."
Luther rolls his eyes at Five.
"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"
"Yeah? Like what?"
"Like what?"
Five and Diego were tired of him talking in circles and wanted him to get to the point.
"Like the way he died."
Diego sighs and Klaus sits down.
"Here we go..."
"I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack."
Luther nods at Vanya.
"Yeah, according to the coroner."
"Wouldn't they know?"
Vanya was confused at what he was saying but Diego knew exactly what he was saying.
Allison gives Luther a concern look.
"I'm just saying at the very least, Something happened."
"Something, like someone killed him."
"Exactly, He told me I should be careful who to trust."
Diego shakes his head and stands up.
"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles."
Luther shook his head in disbelief.
"No. He must have known something was going to happen."
He looks directly at Klaus with a pleading look in his eye.
"Look, I know you don't like to do it but I need you to talk to dad."
Klaus scoffs and Allison does the same. Klaus shakes his head he was way too high for this.
"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call.'"
Luther looks at him annoyed.
"Since when? That's your thing."
"I'm not in the right...frame of mind."
"You're high?"
"Yes, Yeah!"
Luther points to the ceiling.
"You were just flying."
Klaus lifts up his feet moving his toes around, Vanya moves his foot from in front of her face.
"My flight and my seance powers are two different things. I take my shoes off I fly. I get high, the ghosts go bye, bye."
Luther glares at him as he takes another drag from his cigarette.
"Well sober up. This is important."
"It's nonsense, that's what it is. There are more important things. Like the end of the world."
Luther quickly turns on Five.
"How could you say that? Our dad is dead."
Five shrugs.
"And the world is better off for it."
"I'm with Five on this one."
Luther shrugs him off.
"Then there's the issue with the missing monocle."
"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?"
Everyone just stares at Luther as he acts like he made a good point, he starts ranting about how it was someone who held a grudge against Reginald.
"Where are you going with this?"
"Isn't it obvious, Klaus?"
Five glares at Luther and Diego followed along finishing the rest of Five's statement.
"He thinks one of us killed Dad."
The room went silent. Five and Diego continued to glare at Luther, Allison looked offended, Klaus was in disbelief and Vanya was confused.
"You do?"
"How could you say that?"
Diego just shakes his head at him.
"Good job, Luther. Way to lead."
Diego walks away from him. Five gets up as well, flipping him off.
"Our oh so great leader everyone. Screw this."
Klaus gets upset and stands up ready to leave as well when Luther tries to make up an excuse for what Diego said.
"You're crazy, man. You're crazy."
"I'm not finished."
Allison and Vanya also stand up ready to leave the room.
"Sorry, I'm just gonna go murder Mom. Be right back."
"That's not what I was saying."
After everyone left Luther was left alone to process what just happened.
17 years ago....
A crowd of people hover outside of a bank. An alarm goes off from inside, the SWAT team pulling up at every corner of the place.
Different news channels showed up to get a peek on the action from inside the building. From a building far away Reginald watched along with his adopted child Vanya.
"This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News."
"This is Rebecca Coleman, giving you the inside scoop on a recent robbery..."
"John Hughes from Channel 8, three hours ago a group of armed men entered the Capital West bank at main and sixth."
Inside the building a man walked around yelling at his walkie talkie. One of his other partners was struggling to get people to stay behind the desk, he had to wrestle with some of them.
The man on the walkie doesn't notice the younger uniformed girl skipping up behind him until it's too late.
"Hey, get back with the others."
The girl smiles at him leaning in as if to tell him something.
"I heard a rumor."
The man squints his eyes at her.
"What? What did you say?"
He leaned in more towards the girl which made her smile grow wider.
"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot."
The man stared off into space before his eyes turned pure white. He turned his gun towards another man wearing a suit that had a similar mask as him.
His partner panicked as he watched him trying to convince him not to shoot but it was too late. The man screamed out in agony causing everyone around him to panic including the people outside of the building.
During the commotion, Luther scrambles across the roof of the building before breaking through it, he slams one of the men against the table before throwing him out of the window. The police looked confused and pointed their guns to the window.
Diego ran from wherever he was hiding before throwing two knives into the shoulder of another goon.
"Guns are for sissies, Real men throw knives."
The man that was near Allison climbs up on the desk, his gun now pointed directly towards the children and he kept backing up trying to put a lot of space between him and them.
"Stay away freaks."
Diego pouts at him playfully.
"Hey, be careful up there, buddy."
"Get back now!"
Allison grins at him.
"Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Or what?"
The man turns towards the sound of another voice to find Five smiling up at him cockily. He pulls the trigger shooting at the boy but he disappears. He hears a whoosh sound behind him turning to find the same boy but this time he was glaring at him.
He goes to shoot him again but this time his gun was replaced by a stapler however that didn't stop him from pressing on it multiple times in desperation. Five grins at the man, amused.
"That's one badass stapler."
Five grabbed the man's hand that was holding the stapler and used it to knock him out. He hops down joining the rest of his siblings. They all faced the door where they were told more people were. The crowd looked at them in shock, tape still around their hands and mouths.
"Do we have to do this?"
Klaus and Five pat their brother's back before Luther pushes his towards the door giving him a stern look.
"Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault."
Ben sighs before walking inside.
"I didn't sign up for this."
The hostages all run out of the building scared for their lives leaving the kids to watch as blood splattered onto the door and windows. Moments later their brother comes out shivering and covered in blood.
"Can we go home now?"
The kids walk outside the building, watching as the police start to put their guns away and the cameras start to focus on them. Diego, Luther, and Allison smiled proudly at the cameras while Klaus and Five do too, Ben stares at his feet shyly.
"Why can't I go play with the others?"
Vanya looks at her dad with questioning eyes. He only looks at her annoyed which causes her to look away from him.
"We've been through this before, Number 7. I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you."
Vanya looks down at her siblings sadly, watching them wave at the people in front of them. She didn't notice A woman watching her back. Reginald leaves Vanya up on the roof by herself making his way over to the others.
"Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."
The children all grin at each other and the audience. The woman moved her attention from Vanya towards the children in front of her. The people around her got rowdy, all trying to be heard.
"Mister Hargreeves! Mister Hargreeves. Channel 9 News. What happened to their parents?"
"They were suitably compensated."
"Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?"
The kids all look towards their father, wanting to hear his answer.
"Of course, as I am for the fate of the world."
The woman looks around making sure no one was following her before stepping into the water. She walks deeper and deeper before completely emerging herself into the water.
Her legs started to fuse together before turning into a beautiful coral blue. She dove deeper into the water, gliding against different types of fish until she reached a golden castle.
She swam towards her room before lying on a mattress someone brought that she took from a shipwreck.
She sighed trying to make herself comfortable and closed her eyes. She opened them again when she felt the presence of another beside her.
"How was your trip to the human world, my love?"
The woman stared into the eyes of her husband.
"It was fine. Though I saw the weirdest thing today."
The merman looked at her with interest which she chuckled about.
"Apparently the humans have gotten themselves a group of supernaturals."
The mermaid sighs, looking towards the ceiling.
"Unfortunately, they're under Hargreeves care."
Her husband's eyes widened at the statement she made. While the two are not anywhere near close to being friends with Hargreeves, they have worked with the man before.
"I hate to think of the paths those children would go down under his care."
She looked back at her husband with a deep frown on her face.
"There was another kid that he had left on the roof, almost like he didn't want her around the others."
She laid her hands down on her stomach and started to rub it softly.
"Promise me, that if we have a second child. We won't make one feel better than the other."
You look around the room, staring blankly at the walls. You were bored out of your mind. You knew this was your punishment for trying to leave without completing your mission and you knew it could be much worse with the way they handle things here, you were surprised you got off this easy.
Though the cuffs around your hands were starting to make your wrist hurt. No one has been in since the handler earlier that day and the quiet was starting to get to you. They knew the best way to break you was to isolate you from the people you loved, it was something Five picked up on when he met you and something the Temps picked up on when they would lock you up for days to see how long you'd last. It was like a game to them however they did stop after Five threatened to kill them after finding out about it.
You sighed to yourself until you heard Five calling for you from inside your head. It scared you a bit and you were going to visit him until you heard the sound of footsteps from further down the hall. It was one of the different mermaid powers you unlocked. When you were younger, you always wondered how your mom could talk to the whales back at home, she said it was a gift that mermaids got when they were older, she explained how they communicated with sound and part of you didn't understand until one day when you were on a kill mission with Five and suddenly everything was louder than normal.
You heard the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder as the person got closer. The door to the room opened to reveal Herb with a tray of food in his hand.
"Oh, the Handler decide she's too good to see me now? I'm hurt."
You send him a playful smile to show you were kidding, you always like Herb. He was a nice guy, always kind to everyone and helpful. You did wonder how a guy like him could end up working for the Temps.
Herb smiles back at you placing the tray at your feet.
"Too bad, you get me instead."
Your smile grew until you looked at the tray below you which caused him to get worried.
"What's wrong? Do you not like it? I picked it myself."
"It's not that."
You gesture to your cuffed hands.
"I can't very much eat with my hands immobile."
Herb sighs before playing with his hands.
"I'd love to let you down but the Handler said if I did, she'd doc my pay again."
Herb then taps his chin.
"But she's sending some guards in later, like two or three of them."
He looked into your eyes and you instantly knew what he was hinting at. You wouldn't get him in trouble if there were other people down here instead. You smirk at the thought.
"Could you at least feed me then?"
Herb nodded his head with a smile reaching down to grab the food.
Klaus stood at the bar staring down at the framed photo and ashes of his adopted father with a pout on his face.
"Listen up old man. You know, if I was murdered, and one of my sons--"
He stops himself.
"Adopted sons-- happen to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about, I don't know, I don't know... manifesting!!"
He was laughing about it but the better part of him was annoyed with the thought of having to manifest the man that tortured him most of his life. He wasn't too keen on having him around him but if it'll get Luther off his back, why not.
Klaus starts to move his hands around upset with the fact that he couldn't conjure him. He stares down at the photo, anger and frustration growing more and more.
He sighs and tries to patiently wait for something-- anything to happen but nothing does.
He tries to clear his mind, still nothing and that made him more upset.
"You always were a stubborn bastard!"
He points an accusatory finger at the picture in front of him.
"I don't know about you, but I need a drink."
Klaus goes to grab some alcohol but ends up knocking over his father's ashes instead.
In the other rooms in the house everyone just sits in silence waiting for the funeral to start. The family never felt more like strangers than they did in that very moment.
The family now stood outside in the pouring rain holding umbrellas in their hands. Five gave Ben's statue a somber look. He had wondered if he had been there would Ben had still suffered the same fate.
Grace looked at her children with a confused smile on her face.
"Did something happen?"
They all looked at her concerned.
"Dad died. Remember?"
"Oh, yes. Of course."
Most robots wouldn't feel anything but Grace felt an odd sense of embarrassment, sadness, and a small sense of relief.
"Is mom okay?"
Allison looked at Diego.
"Yeah, yeah, she's fine."
He turned to look at Grace, his gaze softening.
"She just needs to rest. You know, recharge."
Pogo walks up finally meeting up with the others before asking Luther to proceed. Luther walks up opening the top of the container which held the ashes of his father, he pours it on the ground but not much comes out. Klaus cringes knowing he was the reason it happened.
"Probably would have been better with some wind."
"Does anyone wish to speak?"
No one steps up, they all look at the other instead. Considering no one had any good memories of him. Grace stepped up facing her children.
"He wasn't the best father.. and an even worse husband.."
Diego nodded along with his mother's words.
"But if he was guilty of anything-- it was caring for the world so much that he sacrificed his personal relationships.."
Diego frowned deeply at her statement.
"Unfortunately, he never asked us how we felt about that. But that doesn't make his death in vain. we must--"
"Stop. Stop."
Diego walks up to Grace, touching her shoulder.
"Mom, You don't have to defend him. He's gone now."
"He was a monster."
Klaus laughs.
"He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him."
Luther glares at him and Allison tries to get him to be quiet again.
"My name is Number two."
He looks at her which makes her look away from him.
"You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us names."
He gestures to Grace.
"He had mom do it."
Grace tries to discuss the situation.
"Would anyone like something to eat?"
"No, it's okay mom."
"Oh, Okay."
Everyone looks down, contemplating Diego's words. Klaus and Vanya were in agreement, Five was indifferent, Allison was sad, and Luther felt torn.
"Look, you wanna pay your respects?"
Diego turns to look at each and every one of his siblings.
"Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was..."
"You should stop talking now."
Diego turns to Luther annoyed.
"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."
"I'm warning you."
Klaus bites at his nails feeling stressed and Five just looks away from the scene already expecting a fight to break out before making eye contact with Klaus.
"He had to ship you a million miles away."
"Diego, stop talking."
Luther got upset. He didn't want to believe Diego's words.
"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"
Diego stabs his finger into Luther's chest which makes him retaliate by pushing it off and swinging a punch however he misses as Diego dives under his arm. He swings another but ends up missing again. Allison watches with a disappointed look in her eyes, Vanya pulls Grace back not wanting her to get hurt, Pogo tries to stop them, and Klaus puts a protective arm in front of Five which earns him a glare and a smack on his arm.
The two continue to go at it getting closer and closer to Ben's statue. Vanya begs for the boys to stop as Klaus eggs it on. Diego uses technique on Luther which throws him off guard as he felt he was stronger. Luther tries hard to use his physical strength against him but Diego kept slipping away.
"I don't have time for this."
Five shakes his head before heading inside.
Diego stand in front of Ben's statue, taunting Luther and as Luther throws a punch, Diego moves out of the way causing him to punch Ben's statue, breaking it.
The rest of the remaining siblings stare at the statue upset about what they did. Allison rolls her eyes at the two before following Five's lead and heading inside. Diego pulls out a knife throwing it towards Luther and slicing his arm much to the dismay of Vanya.
Luther walks inside the house taking this as a personal loss. Vanya walks up to Diego disappointed.
"You never know when to stop, do you?"
"You got enough material for your sequel yet?"
The two stare down each other before Vanya walks away.
"He was my father too."
Diego walks over to Grace before leading her inside with the others. Klaus watches everything with a cigarette in his mouth, stressed about the whole situation. After everyone leaves he walks up the pile of ashes on the ground.
"I bet you're loving this. Hmm? The team at its best. It's just like old times."
He takes another drag before placing his cigarette on the ashes.
"Best funeral ever."
You looked up when you heard footsteps coming in your direction again. The door opened to reveal to people both in the Temps uniform without their masks. One was a woman she was a few years younger than you, she had light blue eyes and blonde hair dyed orange at the bottom to match the suit she wore, she did not look happy to be there, on the other hand the man beside her had the opposite reaction especially when seeing your face. He was the spitting image of the girl except his hair was dyed brown.
"Arin, Johnny, long time no see."
You smile at the two getting a big one in return from Johnny.
"Hey Y/n, Looks like you've gotten yourself into trouble since lunch yesterday."
You shrug as he laughed though Arin didn't find it very funny.
"How's it hanging?"
"Not great. Can you believe how boring it is?"
"Ugh, I bet. I once was on stakeout by myself, worst five hours of my life..."
You nod along knowing the feeling.
"Speaking of Five, how's he doing?"
You shrug again.
"Who knows."
"It must suck to be away from him."
You sigh, leaning your head back against the wall.
"You have no idea."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!!"
Arin claps her hands together getting both of your attention.
"Stop this."
"Stop what?"
Johnny rolls his eyes at his sister before gesturing to you.
"She's our friend. I'm just having a conversation."
"She's a prisoner. We don't Kiki with prisoners."
Your smile instantly drops.
"Really, Arin."
"Shut up. You and Five did this to yourselves. I mean really trying to leave the commission are you serious?"
You scoff sending the girl a glare.
"You're lucky that this is the punishment they gave you. Honestly could you and Five had been any stupider."
Johnny tries to calm her down but she just turns and jabs a finger into his chest.
"Johnny, our jobs are on the line here. We don't have time to play 'friendly', You get me?"
She leaves the room for a bit, Johnny whispers a small apology before she comes back throwing a plate to the bottom of your feet causing some of the food on it to fly off the plate. She sends a fake smile before pulling her brother out of the room with a slam of the door.
You ball hands into fist.
Five sat on the stairs, leaning his head against his hand. He had been trying to get you to come but you hadn't shown up since earlier. He watched as each one of his siblings passed, each one more upset than the last. It was a pretty shitty funeral.
He sat there to himself for a few more minutes until Vanya came down throwing on her jacket and heading to the door.
"Where are you going?"
Vanya stopped with her hand grazing the door knob, she was still getting used to finally being around again. She hesitates before turning to face him with a shrug.
"I'm headed to a meeting. I'm already late so I'm hoping to catch up with them before it's too late."
Five just nods his head and the two just stare at each other in silence. Vanya figured he wouldn't say anything else turns towards the door again but Pogo came and stopped her again.
"Don't waste your time. Diego's right, I shouldn't have come."
"This is your home and always will be."
Pogo walks up to Vanya.
"Should I get you a taxi?"
"I already called one. But thanks."
Five smiles at the interaction between the two. Pogo has always been more of a father figure to them than Reginald was, Hargreeves was more of a teacher.
"I hope you know that your father loved you very much. In his own way."
"Yeah well that's kind of the problem. isn't it?"
Five chuckles in agreement, raising a hand slightly as a goodbye. Five watches Pogo walk up to the door to check on Vanya before he gets up and walks to the kitchen in search of caffeine. Unfortunately for him there was none. Klaus somehow found his way into the kitchen getting not much attention from Five. Allison later joins them.
"Where's Vanya?"
"She's gone."
Klaus holds on to a guitar, kicking his feet up.
"That's unfortunate. An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."
Five was annoyed to say the least, he hadn't heard from you since you talked earlier and now the sky was darkening. He was worried something might've happened to you and he had no way of knowing, no way to get to you. Now there wasn't any coffee to help him calm his nerves.
He couldn't talk to his siblings about it, no way would they understand. They don't even have their lives together. Not to mention the world was about to end.
"I'm taking the car."
Five moved to walk out of the kitchen. He wanted, no he needed coffee. Something to make him feel like he had some semblance of his life together.
"Where are you going?"
Five looked at Klaus like he just asked him the dumbest question in man kind.
"To get a decent cup of coffee."
Allison looked at him skeptically.
"Do you even know how to drive?"
She thought her question was valid, if the world was going to end, according to Five, there would technically be no need for them.
Five however just glared at the girl.
"I know how to do everything."
Five teleports away from them and into the car. He realizes he doesn't have the key and hops into the house for a second before jumping back, starting the car and pulling off.
He pulled into a stop in front of a place called Griddy's, somewhere he, Ben, Klaus, Allison and Vanya would sneak off to when everyone else was asleep.
He walked into the building not seeing anyone there so he approached the counter before pressing the bell. Another man walks in sitting next to him. The waitress comes from the back apologizing to the two men before taking their orders.
Five talked to the man for a bit, they talked about early memories before the waitress came back with their orders. The man offered to pay for Five much to his relief because he forgot to grab any money on his search for his caffeine. The man had given Five an address that he asked after awhile before leaving the building.
Five was now left alone again as the Waitress went back to where she came from. He was now deep in thought, worried about your safety. He knew how the Handler could be and for some reason she didn't particularly like you. Most would say that she was jealous of you; you were likeable and kind hearted, She however was not. But Five knew better, the Handler had some type of infatuation for Five and that didn't go unnoticed by him and because of that his relationship with you, platonic or not; angered her greatly.
After a while a group of agents walked into the building. Five recognized the orange, yellow and black costumes from anywhere. They found him.
"That was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me."
All of them instantly pulled their guns to his head but he didn't show any fear.
"On your feet, come with us. They wanna talk."
"I've got nothing to say."
"You think I wanna shoot someone today? Go home with that on my conscience?"
Five smirks while picking up the knife beside his cup. This was a new agent, Five had seen him around the commission. He was good at his job, Five was better.
"I wouldn't worry about that. You won't be going home."
Five quickly teleports behind the man, stabbing him in his neck causing him to shoot his gun in shock before falling to the ground dead.
The other agents try to look for him as the lights start to blink from getting hit with the bullet. Five watches them look around in confusion from under the table before he teleports onto another one laying down.
"Hey, assholes!"
All of them quickly turned to the voice pulling their triggers but it was too late, he had already gone. All they succeeded in doing was shooting the lights out in the signs that were around the building.
Five smirks at them from outside of the building. You would have chastised him about making this longer than it had to be, you didn't like killing people. Sure you could have had any other job in the commission but the thought of Five being out there risking his life scared you, so you stuck it out. Though you'd rather do a fast and easy kill than drag it out. Five on the other hand could care less about torturing these agents, they took you away from him. They had to pay.
You tap your fingers against the medal around your hands. Your eyes shift to the door in anticipation. You start to hum the tune of come little children as soon as the door opens. Arin locks eyes with you as you continue your song, her eyes start to turn silver, you smirk as she walked closer to you while pulling out her keys.
You smile as you land on your feet, softly rubbing the bruise that formed around your wrist. You were happy that Herb and Johnny weren't the ones down here at the moment otherwise you'd feel bad.
"Thanks Arin, You're a doll."
She smiles as you softly pat her shoulders and You send her a guilty smile.
"I'm so sorry about this, buddy."
You punch the girl super hard, knocking her out as soon as her head hits the ground.
"No hard feelings..."
You smiled down at the body before slipping out of the door and heading towards the direction of the suitcases.
Though as soon as you turn the corner you bump into Johnny causing him to fall on his ass. He looks up at you in shock before sending you a big smile.
"No way, Arin changed her mind and let you out?"
You grimaced at him.
"Not exactly..."
His eyebrow raised in question. You were weary about how he'd react, the twins were super protective of each other, hurting one was like hurting the other and neither would let it go.
"What do you mean?"
You couldn't really hide the fact that you knocked his sister out because he would find her body if he walked into the room.
"I knocked her out."
You started stumbling trying to think of something to say so that he wouldn't be upset but there was nothing you could say.
"I'm sorry but I can't stay here any longer."
Johnny stands up from the ground dusting himself off while sending you a glare.
"I have to get to Five and help him save the world and unfortunately Arin was in the way of that. I will fight anyone I have to, If it means I can help him."
Johnny's face softened and he shakes his head with a small chuckle.
"You really care about that man, don't you?"
You nod at him.
"Fine. I'll help get you out of here."
He smiles at you and you quickly pull him into a hug.
"Thank you!!"
The two of you break away from each other and make your way down the hall looking for the suitcase room in the dark corridor. Once you make your way there you find two different guards outside the room with three inside.
"Ugh. I thought they'd be patrolling around right now."
"Don't tell me you're not up for a challenge, Johnny."
Johnny sighs.
"Not tonight."
You smile at him.
"I got a plan."
Johnny walks up to the two agents that were guarding the door with a smile on his face.
"Hey, Guys."
"Hi, Johnny."
Johnny's smile falters.
"The Handler is asking for everyone to meet up in the training room."
The two looked at each other in confusion before turning to Johnny.
"Apparently Y/n has escaped so The Handler needs all hands on deck."
"What about the suitcases?"
Johnny looks at them sternly.
"She says this is more important."
"Right. Lets go."
"Go on ahead you two, I'll let the others know."
The two nod before heading in a different direction once Johnny is sure they are completely gone, he sends you a thumbs up before walking in the room.
The other three agents turn towards him with their guns pointed but instantly point them down when they see it's just him.
"Oh, John. Sorry, We thought you might be someone else."
"Like who?"
One of the agents shrug.
"I don't know, Y/n is a sneaky little minx. We thought maybe she escaped or something."
Johnny starts to chuckle nervously.
"No way. I was in the room they're keeping her in earlier, she's bound tight. No way she's getting out of there."
"Right, obviously they wouldn't let that sneaky little siren just roam in a cell somewhere."
One of the other guards butt in.
"You guys hear something?"
Johnny and the agent look at him.
"Weird, I hear someone humming."
Johnny knew what he was talking about, You were using your song on the agent. Johnny was currently wearing his headphones, something he received after The Temps found out you had the power to control people with your voice, of course not every agent received a pair, only the ones that worked with you which is why he and the other two agents couldn't hear you at the moment.
The other agent however had his eyes change into a silver color which quickly alarmed the other two however it was two late as he quickly shot one of his teammates in the leg. The agent on the ground screamed in pain of the shot before firing one of their own.
Johnny quickly backed out of the room before you slipped in and knocked the agent whom he was talking to into the wall, knocking him out as the agent you sirened shot the other in the head.
You let out a shaky breath, watching the blood drip from the agent's head causing you to close your eyes before turning to the sirened agent.
"Alright get out of here."
The agent nodded before leaving the room and heading in the direction of the two.
You quickly grab a suitcase before turning to Johnny; who had come back into the room. You pull him into a tight hug and your eyes filled with worry.
"Be careful out there. The world is a dangerous place as you know."
"I'll miss you."
"And I will miss you."
Tears started to fill your eyes and you were starting to regret letting Johnny help you.
"It'll be okay."
You pull away from him, looking deep into his eyes as he sends you a smile.
"It'll be okay. Now go."
You nod before holding onto the suitcase and disappearing in a flash of a light.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Arin frowns looking down at the floor finding herself unable to make eye contact with the handler.
"You had one job. Not to let her escape and what did you do?"
"We let her escape."
"You let her escape."
Arin backs away as the Handler advances towards.
"Actually. It was my fault."
Arin's eyebrows pinched in confusion as she turned to find her brother at the door.
"I let her out."
Arin shakes her head at him, her eyes were telling him to shut up though he didn't listen.
"I don't know why I did it, It was just hard watching my friend being held captive."
"Johnny, stop."
"Arin, had nothing to do with it."
The handler walked up to him with a glare on her face.
"How do you explain the fact that we found her knocked out on the ground."
Johnny makes eye contact with his sister. He had hoped this would get his sister out of trouble.
"I knocked her out, she was adamant about keeping Y/n locked up so, I helped her escape."
"You weren't in the camera footage."
"I snuck in and deleted it in hopes that I wouldn't get caught."
The Handler looks him up and down. Her eyes showed suspension.
"And yet you're giving yourself up now. Why is that?"
Johnny looks down at the ground as the handler continues to stare intensely at him.
"I can't let my sister take the fall for what I did."
The handler turns her attention towards Arin motioning to Johnny.
"Is this true?"
Johnny nods at his sister wanting her to let him take the fall. Arin looks down again, her jaw tightening.
"Arin, leave the room."
Arin hesitates but heads towards the door when her brother smiles at her, she grabs his hand on the way out and he gives it a squeeze before she walks out the door, closing it behind her.
Tears started to stream down her face at the sound of a gun shot ringing through the halls.
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alright, no pressure! I’ll send them one by one.
but for this one how about some hc where he likes to take his girlfriend out shopping? like he loves to buy her in new dresses, and when she told him he doesn’t have to do this for her, he’s half joking like ‘oh no I’m doing this for myself’ and tell her to spin for him
Sparrow! Ben takes his S/O shopping Headcanons
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Hopefully this meets expectations!
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of how a relationship would look like with Sparrow Ben is very: King and his Queen/King 👑
He would be someone that spoiled his partner. He’d take them out to fancy restaurants, extravagant getaways, and luxury boutiques.
He basically runs the sparrow academy and even Reginald himself which then extends to Reginald’s money.
No request is too small. Ask and you shall receive 💜
One day Ben takes you out onto the town like he’s done many times before to treat you. He takes you to have a nice Italian lunch and to buy you a new dress. In the shop he’s looking through and picking out dressing handing them to the worker for you to try on. He’s pick out quite a few and the pile keeps growing. After picking out about 10 dresses, he has the retailer to set them up in the dressing room for you to try on.
After trying on a more fitting dress and coming out, ben had you stand on the podium so he could see the dress on you in full view.
“You know you don’t have to do all this for me, Ben.”
Ben smirks, “Oh no, baby, trust me.” He said taking your hand and spinning you around so he could really get a good look of the dressing outlining your figure. “I’m doing this for me too.”
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c0ffee-stain · 2 years
Fic Idea - Whispers
F. Hargreeves x reader
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Y/n L/n, arguably the most dangerous assassin in the whole of the Space-Time continuum, has been working with the Commission for what seems like an eternity. And just before she was about it make a deal of a lifetime with the a well known Handler, a certain 38 year old man ambushes her with a plan to forever escape the grasp of the Commission.
Even when declining several times, which quickly led to a heated fight, he doesn't listen and decides to drag her along to the apocalyptic year of 2019, in hopes of preventing the apocalypse and to save his siblings.
However, things don't go as planned, as they both arrive to 2019, stuck in their 15 and 16 year old bodies with a target on their heads.
Alias: The Bloodhound
Birthplace and era: REDACTED
Occupation: Assassin
"I hate you. I hate your face, your eyes, your lips. I hate you so much that whenever you walk into a room, I feel my skin get hot and my breath hitch from how truly hideous you are."
Enemies/Rivals to Lovers
Five Hargreeves x f!reader
(Let me know if you would be interested to read something like this…)
I do not own The Umbrella Academy. The Umbrella Academy belongs to the rightful owners.
I only own y/n, my OCs, and the fanfic plot.
Edit: The Prologue and first chapter are out now
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the-doctor-3000 · 2 years
HC: Dating Five Hargreeves
Requested by @madelynmulford
Warning: I think Five is a bit out of character, fluff, small mentions of torture & death and spoilers for season 3
I'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind and sorry if it's too long or if it doesn't make any sense, I was a bit tired while writing it and I really wanted to write it since it has been some time since you requested it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!💖
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First things first, you two met because of Reginald.
To be more specific - you are one of the 43 children.
Your power; Telepathy
You are number 8
Your hero name is Psylocke (Yes, like the X-Men character)
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Before you two started dating, when you were 13 years old and your powers still weren't at the height of their success, you created a special necklace for you and Five.
This necklace of course had some special abilities - to be able to communicate even when one is far away from the other.
He promised that he'd never take it off.
And he did.
When he was gone in the future , he always wore it.
Of course you didn't know.
You were incredibly sad when he disappeared you didn't talk to the others at all.
Okay - correction - you didn't talk to Luther, Allison, Reginald, Diego and Grace. You only talked to Pogo, Klaus, Ben and Vanya (Viktor).
Though, when Ben died on a mission, you only distanced yourself more and talked only to Klaus.
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SEASON 1: Protective
The years went by and you became a famous ballet dancer.
Your life wasn't perfect but it was good. You were still recovering from the fact that Five was gone.
. . . Until. . .
Reginald's funeral.
You reunited with the others and all seemed happy to see you - since you distanced yourself from most of them except for Klaus.
Everything went downhill when you all had to say a few last words to your adoptive "father".
Then - moments after the fight with Luther and Diego - Five appeared from a vortex portal and he was 13 years old.
But he wasn't the only one.
When he appeared, you also turned 13.
Scared of losing him again, you followed him and helped him.
He was about to confess until Klaus and you were kidnapped by Hazel and Cha-Cha.
Let me tell you this;
Five, the expert cold-blooded hitman, was worried!
Meanwhile you used your powers on the pair to make them realise you and your brother - who had been tortured more.
Short story long, you guys returned and Five literally jumped on you!
Like, heck, he would check if you had any injuries and he wouldn't leave you from his sight. To make sure you were okay.
He then told you that he had something to tell you.
After you check on Klaus, you returned to Five.
"So," y/n started, looking a bit anxious as she sat beside Five "What did you want to talk about?"
"I was going to tell you the day you and Klaus disappeared." he said
Y/n scoffed, "You mean kidnapped by these friends of yours."
"What did they tell you?"
She paused for a moment, "When would you tell me that you became a killer?" his heart dropped. "Five, why didn't you say anything?" he looked away in shame, ready to leave but y/n blocked his passage. "No, Five. You're not leaving me again. Not this time. I want you to answer this simple question. Why?"
"Y/n, I didn't—"
"Tell me why!"
"Because I was scared, alright?!" he shouted "I was scared that you'd be afraid of me! That you'd hate me! Happy?"
Y/n looked at him in shock and regret, "Five, I would never hate you. I am just sad that you never said a word." a thought crossed her mind as she processed "Why do you care if I hate you or not, though? The Five I know doesn't give a damn what others think of him."
"It has come to my attention that I. . ." he started, trying to find the right words "That I have developed feelings for you. I always had, actually."
"You. . . You love me?" y/n asked
"I believe that's what I said."
So, yeah, after that you hugged him tightly and as cliché as it sounds, you kissed.
Teasing "ohhhh~"s were heard from the doorway.
It was Klaus and he was smirking.
"Five and y/n are dating", "🎶Five and y/n sitting on a tree~!🎶" or "Make way for mr. and mrs. Hargreeves." are part of the teasing.
Overall, Five is a very protective boyfriend during the first season.
He would protect you from any danger and wouldn't let you run off alone without him.
Especially after the whole Hazel, Cha-Cha and Vanya (Viktor) situations.
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SEASON 2: Obsessive/Jealous
So, after the 1st apocalypse, you all time travelled in the past at Dallas.
Many crazy things happened.
Lila also tried to kill you a few times because you were Five's girlfriend.
And although you spent more time with your boyfriend, you also got to bond with your other siblings and made up for the lost time.
Five would get a bit jealous but wouldn't admit nor show it.
Okay, wrong, he would have a more threatening look on his face as he would come by your side and sent angry glares at the others.
"Woah! Easy there, Five." Diego said as he raised his hands up in surrender with a laugh "I am not hitting on y/n. She is my sister and, besides, she is too young for me."
"That little shit," said Lila with a grin, referring to Five, "is so funny when he gets jealous."
Even though you weren't sure whether to laugh and agree with Lila or punch her for mocking your boyfriend, you were grateful that Diego reassured him in an odd way.
Oh boy, speaking of jealousy and obsessive behaviour.
When you, him and Luther meet his past-older self. . . Things get ugly.
VERY ugly.
And it's not only your Five who acted all jealous and obsessed, but also his 50-year-old self too.
Awkward. . .
You got very annoyed with BOTH of them and Luther tried to calm you down.
"The midget isn't bothering you, is he?" Older Five asked
Y/n tried to remain positive and replied with a small laugh and shake of her head, "No. Goodness no. You do realise, though, that he is you and you are him, right?"
Before he could reply, younger Five walked up to them and placed his arm around y/n.
"Hello, sweetheart. I am not interrupting anything, am I?"
"Actually, you do." Older Five said
"Too bad."
Y/n just ripped younger Five's arm off and walked faster towards their destination.
Luther tried to put some sense into the two men but they simply ignored him.
When the two Fives started fighting, you took matters into your own hands and with your powers you caused them a momentary migraine in order to stop them from teleporting and attacking each other.
You grabbed them by the ears and then slapped them.
They just stared at you in awe and impressed.
After his older self left, he felt a bit better but still would act a bit obsessive just not as much as before.
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SEASON 3: Caring
We all know what happened at the end of the previous season.
When you SAW Ben, you felt like tearing up. Especially at the fact that he didn't know you and that he was a total jerk.
Five rubbed your back gently in a comforting way.
As you all fought the Sparrow Academy, Five tried to also keep you safe.
- Although he knew that you were capable of fighting -
When you came face-to-face with Jayme, she spat her venom at you.
But before her venom could touch you, Five jumped in front of you and he started hallucinating while you and Jayme watched.
Five could hear emotional music and when he looked at the staircase, he saw y/n walking up to him in her actual body and age, wearing a wedding gown.
"Hello, Five, my love." the fake y/n said to him with a sweet smile "Promise that we will always be together?"
"I promise you, y/n, my love." he said "Come to me." he started walking to her and they started making out.
The real y/n and Jayme were watching this, and of course they couldn't see it.
"Ugh." Jayme groaned in disgust and then turned to y/n "Are they all perverts?"
(Y/n.exe has stopped working)
When you used your powers to see what he saw, your blush worsened and then you used them to stop the whole hallucination.
He stopped and looked at you.
You had a 'We will have words later' look.
After the fight, you all went to hotel Obsidian.
Five announced that he was retired and guess what.
He spent most of his time with you!
On top of that; he was so caring and a true gentleman.
For example, were your feet aching? Five would either carry you to your room in a bridal style or use his powers to teleport you there.
(Though the second opt was more like him, he would go with the first option mostly just to show off a little and prove how caring he can be for you)
Closed door? He would open and hold it for you to pass.
He'd shower you with TONS of compliments.
Also, he would buy you whatever you want from the hotel since he doesn't actually have any money for shopping at malls or anywhere else other than the hotel.
But you didn't care.
You found his actions cute.
Small Bonus: You'd start getting along with Lila and he would be concerned since she tried to kill you both.
Lots of teasing towards Five from both of you.
"Okay, can we focus?" Five asked, y/n and Lila laughed
At the wedding of Luther and Sloane, expect him singing a song FOR you.
Wanna take a guess of which song?
Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love
But don't expect Five's voice suddenly getting majestic.
(Though I actually liked his singing voice)
Your siblings will tease you but you would just look at him with a sweet smile.
When Reginald entered, he grew suspicious and sat beside you.
As you entered the hotel Oblivion with the two remaining members from the Sparrow Academy, Five held your hand gently.
As you guys fought the guardians, you'd also make sure that both of you were okay.
At Reginald's betrayal, you guys tried to reach other.
After Allison killed him, you went into each other's arms.
Five was missing an arm and instead he was worried about you.
Even after the battle was over when Allison pressed the button, and you all returned back to normal (without your powers) but in a different reality, you would still check if you were alright.
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col0rlord · 2 years
Here again
Five Hargreeves x reader
Power: shapeshifter
Not really any warnings.
Thank you for anyone who read this. I’m not that good at writing, sometimes I am
I hit the ground really hard and groaned. I saw I was in an ally way and it was night time. I saw a flash and tried to focus my eyes after that. I stood up and ran to the side of the road and look for anyone really
“Oh honey where are your parents?” I heard a woman’s voice say.
I turned to look were is was from and I saw a younger woman, maybe about late 20’s. She had cat eye glasses with a chain that wrapped around from the back to the other side.
“What year is it, and and where am i?” I asked as I walked over to me and she grabbed my by my biceps. she looked me up and down with wide eyes.
“It’s 1961 in Houston, Texas. Here let me take you home honey.”she started pulling me to walk with her. I was so in shock I just went along with it.
I learned that her name was Cindy Russell and she was a high school teacher. She told me she was going to put an add in the paper to see if anyone was going to get you. After that she told me to take a shower and she would talk to me after that.
When I came out she was sitting in the living room smoking a cigarette and reading the news paper. After she saw me she put her cigarette out and asked me to follow her.
“Honey, we are going to put this add in the paper and if no one says anything in a week. I think I’m going to keep you here. We need to enroll you into school though. We will do that tomorrow. I’ve got clothes from my nieces and she looks about your size. For now just get some rest.” After that she walked out of the bedroom. It was a nice bedroom for the time. Was orange themed.
I started looking around to room and figure out what was going on and what day it was. I needed to find the others. I was flipping through anything I could find in the room. Not one thing about anyone. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it read 11:37 pm.
It was no hope. I cleaned up everything and went into bed. I turned off the light next to me and that’s when reality hit. I was alone.
No one answered for a week. You could have guessed. I’m now enrolled into school. We got some clothes that fit me. They really looked cute. I have met some new friends and I learned they live down the road from me.
After school we walk home together and laugh about whatever happened.
“Y/N, I heard that Steve was going to ask you out for Prom are you wanting to go? Stacy asked holding her books to her stomach.
I looked at the ground and smiled. I don’t really know if I want this our not. What about Five. I haven’t heard anything about him, or anyone matter of fact.
“I guess I am.” I smiled at her.
I walked up to the front door and waved her goodbye. I locked the door and sighed.
“Cindy I’m home!” I yelled but didn’t hear anything back. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note with some money.
I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. Cindy comes home early because she doesn’t have classes the last two blocks.
Dear Y/N,
There was a last minute meeting at the school. I have no idea when I will be back so I left some money for dinner and you can go buy something for yourself. My old bike in in the garage I called Larry to fix for you. Have fun!
Nice. I know where I’m going. The diner downtown. I walked into the garage and grabbed the bike. I had to money in a bag placed in the basket in the front and opened the door.
When I pulled up to the diner I saw a bunch of people yelling and throwing things. I wanted to know what was going on. I saw some people throwing food and stuff at the colored people sitting at the counter. I made my way through to see what was happening a little better. Wait… wait is that…..
“Allison?” I said next to her and she turned to look at me. Her eyes widen and I could tell she really want to hug me but she couldn’t.
“Meet me at Odessa at 8” she told me as she looked forward. I nodded my head and went to a different Diner around here.
After I ate and looked around I headed home to see if Cindy was there yet.
“Cindy I’m back! How was the meeting?” I asked as I walked into the house.
I didn’t hear anything. That’s weird. I never heard of a meeting going till 7. I turned into my cat form and left the house for the night.
I was walking along the sidewalk when I heard footsteps right next to me.
I looked up and saw Klaus talking to who I think was Ben. He looked down and saw me and picked me up.
“Y/N, how have you been. Have you been living like this cat the whole time?” He asked holding me up.
I turned back and then he was holding like a baby.
“No Klaus, I haven’t.” I said annoyed that he was still holding me.
“You look good, like a real 60’s babe. Wait till Five sees you dresses like this. Thats beside the point, where- where are you headed?” He said putting me down.
I dusted myself off and looked back at him.
“To see Allison. What have you been doing all this time? When did you get here?” I asked him.
He put his hand to his head and groaned.
“Well now I’m running from the cult I made. I got here in like… when did we get here? I asked the air next to him.
“1960 is when we got here.” I nodded. “Got here about 1961. I live with a teacher and am about to be asked out for prom.” After I said the word Prom Klaus went crazy.
“FIVE IS GOING TO FILP SHIT Y/N!!!” He yelled. The second he said Five my eyes widened.
“You saw five!?” I asked.
After that we both heard a bell ring and saw Allison step out of her store. I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.
Once we were inside I hugged Allison and looked around at everyone else in the room. I coughed and looked at that ground.
“Everyone this is my brother and sister Klaus and Y/N” Allison said to them.
I smiled and waved.
“We need to find the others. And figure out what is happening and how to fix it.”
After talking for a while I looked at the time and saw that it was 11:30.
“I got to get home, I have school tomorrow and Cindy will worry. See you all around.” I said then walked out and turned to a cat and ran home.
I woke up to start another day in school. Stacy said today was the day. Steve is going to ask me. I wanted to look good when he did it so I put on a orange flower button up and a yellow pencil skirt. I put on some of the makeup Cindy had and was off to school.
“You look nice today. Are you excited for Steve to ask you?” She said as we walked through the doors and to our lockers.
“Why wouldn’t I be excited isn’t he like the most popular guy in school. I hope this isn’t some Carrie moment.” I said pull out some books I need.
She looked at me like I was crazy. “You’ll get it in like 20 years. I told her as I closed my locker and walked to class.
It was lunch time and I was walking to my table with Stacy and Linda and we passed Steve’s table with all his friends. After we sat down I smiled at them and started eating.
After a while of talking and eating we saw Steve stand on the table.
“Can I please have everyone’s attention please!” He yelled with his hands cupping his mouth.
“I would like Y/N Y/L/N to come over here please.” I stood up and walked over to him very slowly not trying to look too excited.
“Will you go to prom with me?” He asked as he had his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up on the table.
Everyone clapped. Some girls rolled there eyes. His friends yelled and High fived him.
After that we all went to our next class and I waved Steve goodbye and walked with Stacy as we both jumped in joy.
It was the end of the day and we all were going home. I saw Steve outside leaning against a tree waiting for me. I told Stacy to wait and I walked over to Steve.
“What color are we going with babe?” I asked Miss. Russell for the house phone so we can talk more later.” He put his arm around my neck and pulled me into a hug.
I waved goodbye and started walked with Stacy.
As we walked I saw a car parked in front for my house and looked at Stacy.
“Go through the back door. Stay safe girl” then she walked away. I opened the gate to our backyard and walked inside.
I walked to my room and put my stuff down.
“Long time no see. Who was that boy you were talking to at school today?” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.
I turned around and saw Five leaning against the door frame. My eyes widened.
“Five I’m so happy you are back!” I yelled as I ran into his arms.
“You didn’t answer my question love, who was that.” 
I looked up at him and smiled.
“He just wanted to know the answers for the homework. He is weird like that. I’m just glad you are here now.”
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
The umbrella academy masterlist
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Request for this fandom: closed
Angst: Red
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: purple
A little bit of everything or nothing: green
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Five Hargreaves
I don’t need a partner. (Wanda! Fem!Reader)
Deals broken. (Wanda! Fem!reader
Your curse. (Fem reader) (Spicy)
Praise of my past. (Gn reader)
<Nothing Yet>
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mekochansblog · 2 years
My little angel
Five Hargreaves x reader
- this takes place in season two when the whole family falls in Dallas. not related to any of the one-shots, some of the scenes are changed for the sake of this.
  warnings: slight cursing, pregnancy.
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You knew you were holding Five's hand when everyone decided to teleport (more like time travel) away from the apocalypse. When you did land (more like crashed) on the ground, you weren't around anyone. You looked up where the portal still was, but nothing until someone hit down next to you, (it turns out it was Klaus that landed next to you.) When you did get your vision back, it was to Klaus shaking you. You groan, your head hurting from the crash landing you had and Klaus crashing next to you. "Y/N, get up! Do you know where we are?" You slowly got up with the help of Klaus and looked around. It looked familiar to you, but you couldn't place it. So you shook your head and shrugged your shoulders.
"Where's Five?" Klaus said, but not to you.
"huh?" said Ben, but only Klaus could hear him.
"Five! Diego! Allison!"
Ben looked around, "Where is everyone?" He said.
Klaus also looked around, "Oh, they're gone. They're gone, like a fart in the wind." So you decided to use your powers to see Ben since you knew you didn't only land with Klaus. Once you knew your abilities were working, you saw Ben walking away and going to a trash can. You looked at him with disgust but decided to walk where he was.
"Klaus gets over here," Ben said since Klaus was trying to talk to a man walking by. So you decided to roam around zoning them out. Just then, a lady walked past you with her baby in her hands while what you assumed was her husband was talking to her. You felt a pang in my chest when you saw them walk passed by. It made you miss Five., You subconsciously grabbed your slight belly.
      "Y/N Y/N, we are in the 60s!" Klaus said, running to you.
Your eyes widen, "What the fuck did you say?! The 1960s?! Oh, when I see Five, I'm going to murder him! I'm pregnant, for fucks sake!" Your eyes widened, and you slowly turned to Klaus and Ben, who looked at you with wide eyes.
"You're pregnant?!" You slowly nodded; even though you and Five were in your early 20′s and married didn't mean you weren't scared of what he would think when he saw you, who knows when. Ben whispered something to Klaus, and they both nodded; Klaus gave you a reassuring smile and a much-needed hug.
"Don't worry, Y/N, me and Benny boy will help you with everything until we see Five, okay?" So you chuckled and hugged him back, glad you landed with them and not alone.
"Okay, Klaus and Ben, thank you."
                   ~~~~~~~~ 3 years later~~~~~~~
     "Mommy, mommy looks pretty flower," You giggled at your 3-year-old Evangeline. After Klaus used Ben to get money and start a cult, you all decided to stay together. You eventually had your baby Evangeline on October 31st, 1960. Klaus was ecstatic to have a niece around. You all traveled the world for the past three years and are now in California. So you decided to stay by the cars since whatever Klaus was doing looked boring. So the next thing you know, you see Klaus running to you, screaming about starting the vehicle. So you quickly grabbed Evangeline and turned on the car. So you slammed your door, and he ran to the driver's seat, promptly turned it on, and speeded away.
"Klaus, where the hel-heck are we going? What about your cult?"
He dismissed you with his hand and said, "Back to Dallas." So you just sighed and gave Lina (Evangeline had many nicknames) an apple for the road. So this will be a long ride.
     It was a long ride, and the car came out of nowhere and stopped working. While Klaus and Ben, since you knew he had to follow Klaus, went outside to 'investigate,' you turned around to look at my little angel. She was distracted by the little flower you gave her in the middle of the road. You smiled at her and just looked back to see Klaus and Ben on the ground fighting, but to anyone else; it would look like-
"Mommy, why is Klausy fighting himself?" You sighed like he was fighting the air. So you turned to her and chuckled.
"Oh, you know your uncle Klaus is always funny." She also giggled and just started telling me a story one of the cult members told her. Eventually, Klaus told us (Mainly you) that we would be walking. You looked at Klaus.
"I hope you know this is your fault." Klaus gulped and nodded his head. We eventually found a small pub/bar in the middle of nowhere.
      You looked around and looked at Klaus with an 'are you serious face. You rolled my eyes at your brother-in-law and walked to an empty table to relax with Angel on your hip. You turned when you heard Klaus mention something about showtime. You sighed and rubbed your temples; he was summoning Ben for everyone to see. The next thing you knew, Klaus had Lina in his hands while telling you to run since he had your kid; of course, you ran.
"Shit, which one?"
"Language, Klaus!"
"Sorry, sorry, Y/N!" Klaus turned on the truck with Lina on his lap, so you grabbed her and put the seatbelt around both of yall, and he stepped on the pedal so you guys could finally leave. Then, once yall were far from the pub/bar, you smacked Klaus.
"Wha- y- y/n wait- wait, I'm sorry, okay, sorry, but it was the only way to get back to Dallas without walking." You huffed but knew he was right about that. So who knows when yall will return to Dallas walking on foot? You just turned your head, held Lina, and took a nap.
     You woke Lina and yourself with the sound of the police sirens. They stopped Klaus and you since HE stole the guy's truck. Then, while arresting Klaus, the policeman looked at Lina and you and smiled politely. "Are you by any chance his wife?"
You shook your head, "No, officer, he's my brother-in-law; we were heading back to Dallas. I never knew how he got the truck.
He nodded his head and told you he could take me back home. You shook your head and took a peek at Klaus. He just nodded, saying he would be fine since he would have Ben with him.
"I'll visit you, okay?" He smiled and shook his head while the policeman took you to the other car and started driving you to Klaus's mansion. Once yall got there, you thanked the man and walked inside. Lina was asleep while you were holding her. You opened the door, went to the many rooms yall had and lay her in them. You looked at your beautiful daughter and just saw her father on her. She got her dark brown hair from Five and her stunning emerald eyes from him. You lightly giggle; she looks nothing like you, yet, she got your attitude with a mixture of her father. You fell asleep next to your little Evangeline.
You woke up in the morning and decided to go to the garden to grow fruits, vegetables, and anything to eat. It has been two years since Klaus chose to roam around the world for his cult. Once everything appeared, you grabbed what was needed and went to the kitchen to make Lina and yourself something to eat before visiting her 'Klausy,' as she calls him. Once you guys finished your breakfast and changed into cute matching outfits, yall started your journey to the police building to get your brother-in-law out of jail. Once you walked in with Lina holding one of your hands, you went straight to the front counter. You smile politely.
"Hi, I'm here for Klaus Hargreeves?" The officer looked you up and down, not noticing Lina holding your hand (more like two of your fingers). He smiled at me and leaned forward while you leaned back.
"Sure. Is he your brother or something?"
You faked a smile and just said, "Brother-in-law or something." So he leaned back and told you why he was there and how much bail it would be. So you took out the cash you needed and gave it to him. He huffed and just told another officer to let Klaus go. When you turned around, you saw someone you thought you wouldn't notice.
Allison turned around and saw you and ran and hugged you.
"Y/N, I thought- you're here. Oh, I missed everyone. When- when did you get here?" You laughed and pulled away since Lina was tugging on your hand. So you bent down and carried her. Allison saw Lina, and her eyes widened.
"You- you have a baby? Since when? Is she.." You laughed and nodded,
"Yeah, she's all Five's kid, she acts like him too sometimes, which scares me, but this is Evangeline; she just turned three not too long ago." Lina looked at Allison, gave her a shy smile, and hid her face on your shoulder. Then a question popped into your head.
"Alli, why are you here?" She looked down and explained what had happened to her husband, which surprised you since you didn't expect her to be married. So your face went serious, and you turned to the policeman and stated.
"I would like to pay the bail for Raymond Chestnut." The policeman looked at you with wide eyes and started stuttering, probably going to tell you a bullshit excuse.
"Did I stutter, sir? I don't need an excuse; I want to pay the bail for Raymond Chestnut now!"
The policeman stuttered and called for another policeman to get him out. You turned to Allison, and she looked at you with wide eyes. You turned a bit and saw Klaus and Raymond talking about what you had heard about rivers. You met them halfway and hugged Klaus while squishing Lina. You all said your goodbyes when you all decided to meet up another day and not with your brother-in-law or husband in the middle of jail. Klaus, Lina, Ben, and you walked to the mansion. You have already made it look like you guys never moved out. While walking, you suddenly remembered Lina and decided to bake a cake for when Klaus (and, of course, Ben) would return from jail, which you had forgotten all about. So you asked Lina if she wanted to go and buy a cake instead. She nodded her head, and you told Klaus you both were going to the café shop close by to buy something to start heading home. Then, once you walked to the café, you sat on their little island next to a woman and man talking.
"When you were a baby, you were bought by an eccentric billionaire. He raised you in an elite academy with six other siblings with extraordinary powers, but in 2019, to avoid the apocalypse, we jumped into a vortex and ended up being scattered throughout the timeline in Dallas, Texas. Any questions?"
You almost dropped your mug of coffee that you ordered and turned around to where the man had his back to you and turned the man around. He looked annoyed that someone disrupted him from talking, but he also froze once he saw it was you.
"Y/N, is that you?" You smiled at him and grabbed his face, giving him a kiss you have missed since you landed.
"I've missed you ever since I landed." He gave you one of his loving gazes and kissed you on the forehead. Lina started making a fuss, so you grabbed her and put her on your lap. Five looked at her and saw the resemblance. He pointed at her, then himself, and you just nodded. He laughed and hugged both of his girls.
"Her name is Evangeline, or Lina or-"
"Angel." So he grabbed her like the pro that he was at almost everything; Lina let him feel the same warmth she felt with you.
"Finally, my little angel, we meet."
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
From Here to Here (Ben hargreeves x reader)
An: Hello my lovelies! Can you tell who my favorite UA character is yet or do I have to post more Ben one-shots? Wrote this one a while ago so it's been a while since I've read and edited it. But hopefully, you guys enjoy it! I'll be posting quite a few one-shots this week, a couple that I wrote a while ago, and also two new ones that I'm in the process of editing, a Kristoff one and a Poe Dameron one, so if you like those characters keep an eye out! Anyway Happy reading!
Warnings: reader dealing with Ben dying. very angsty.
words: 2421
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Ben Hargreeves was my best friend, or at least the only person I could tolerate for long periods of time within the Hargreeves family. My name is number 8, but I am not one of the 7 children Mr Hargreeves adopted. I have my own family, a mother and father who raised me, until the age of 5 when we discovered I had powers. They tried helping me control my powers for years but that did not go well, that was when they had found out about the umbrella academy, they did some research into it, and went to talk to Mr Hargreeves the adoptive father of the 7 umbrella academy kids. My parents made an agreement with Hargreaves where he would help me harness my power and control it, but I had to live in the Hargreeves household. My parents agreed and I was officially enrolled in the umbrella academy at the age of 10. I remember the first day I arrived at the academy.
I was met at the door by a very pretty blond woman who kindly smiled at me and led me inside after I said goodbye to my parents. I waved at them until the door closed behind me and took a deep breath. The kind woman held out her hand and I took it giving it a little shake.
"Hello dear my name is Grace," She said smiling
"H-hello" I replied shyly, pausing as she nodded encouragingly at me to continue "I'm (Y/n)" I finished.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you (y/n), Welcome to the Umbrella Academy, you can leave your bags by the door," She said letting go of my hand, she turned her back to me and started walking towards a big staircase. Meanwhile, I was frozen in place unable to take a step forward. All kinds of worries and thoughts ran through my mind. Thoughts like 'what if they don't like me', and 'what if I'm not good enough and they send me away' and more flooded my brain. Grace looked back at me to see if I was following her and I just looked at her with a frightened look on my face.
She smiled sympathetically, "Come along (y/n), I'm sure the rest of the children will adore you" She comforted me, walking back to offer me her hand to hold. I looked at it nervously before wrapping my fingers around her hand and letting her lead me upstairs. She led me to an office and entered it with me. Sitting inside behind a huge desk was Mr Hargreeves, my caretaker from now on. "Sir, (Y/n) has just been dropped off by her parents" Grace announced.
"excellent!" He said not looking up from his writings "Gather the rest of the children in the living room for a proper introduction to our newest student, I'll be down in a bit" He finished, my heart started beating faster, I wasn't ready to meet so many new people at once, I always had gotten bad anxiety with new people, ever since I was little.
"of course sir" She answered with a nod "come along (y/n) it's time for you to meet the others" She informed me softly, as if she could sense my fear, and gave my hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance. She started walking out the room and back towards the room where I had left my bags. I wouldn't let her hand go. We walked down the grand staircase and I looked at my bags still sitting by the door, I would have to get them later. She kept walking to a large living room type area, with large animal heads mounted on the walls. Large portraits of a group of kids in black domino masks hung above bookshelves and fireplaces, I assumed that was the umbrella academy. Grace stood me in front of the empty fireplace, and let go of my hand. I was about to start panicking that she was going to leave me to introduce myself to the children. However, she returned to my side almost immediately, this time with a bell in her hand. She rang the bell, and I could hear the faint thud of many footsteps from above, and I got nervous again. I quickly fumbled for Grace's hand and gripped it tightly.
"It's alright (y/n)" She said calmly, rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand soothingly. Then one by one the umbrella academy kids appeared in front of us, lining up in a straight line. They all eyed me, holding Grace's hand like my life depended on it. "Good afternoon children" She greeted cheerily, unaware of the glances the rest of the kids were throwing at me. "I'd like to introduce you all to (y/n), The newest addition to the team," she said trying to nudge me forward a little bit, but I shook my head wildly and refused to budge. She sighed and continued with the introductions. "(y/n), this is Luther" She said gesturing towards the first boy in the lineup, he had dirty blond hair and just gave me a small nod of recognition, no smile. "Diego" she continued gesturing to the second boy in the lineup, who had dark black hair and a slightly tanned complexion, he also gave me a nod of recognition, but unlike Luther, the corners of the boy's mouth turned upwards slightly in amusement. "Allison" Grace pointed towards the first girl in the lineup, who gave me a small smile, and I smiled shyly back at her. "Klaus" Grace continued, Klaus had an outright grin on his face and stepped forward taking a big bow as his name was called, flinging one hand out to the side, almost smacking the boy next to him in the face as he did. I let out a small giggle, and he stepped back into line satisfied that he was able to make me chuckle "Five" The boy next to him rolled his eyes, at Klaus, and gave me a smile as his name was called. "Ben" The small Asian boy barely looked up from his feet as he waved at me, and I waved back with a small smile. "and finally Vanya" Grace said as the last girl in the line smiled widely at me, and I could tell how overjoyed she was to have someone new in the house. "I expect you will all treat our new guest with kindness and respect," She said giving a stern look to each kid in the lineup.
"Yes mother" They all replied in unison, except for Klaus who answered a few seconds late
"Alright, your father said he would come down for introductions, but I suppose he's a bit busy at the moment. So you are all dismissed" She smiled at the children once more, before allowing them to disperse. I allowed her to detach her hand from mine, and she wandered off away from the living room. The other children gave me one final glance before dispersing to different corners of the house. Everyone left except for two kids Klaus and Ben...
"Well hello there (y/n)" He said slinging an arm around Ben's shoulder, leaving Ben no choice but to walk with Klaus towards me. "welcome to our messed up family" Klaus continued over enthusiastically as he and Ben stopped in front of me. Ben shot me an apologetic look before rolling his eyes at Klaus. Then I let out my first real laugh since being in the house.
"Shall we get your bags, and escort you to your room?" Klaus said bowing deeply after removing his arm from around Ben's shoulder.
"Why thank you, kind sir," I said playing along with Klaus giving him an overdone curtsy. His eyes lit up as I played along with his Joke. He offered me his arm and I looped my arm through it. as he led me towards where I had left my bags, a sighing Ben trailing along behind us.
End Flashback:
I chuckled to myself as I recalled the memory of when I had first met the other kids. That was about 5 or 6 years ago, I'm 16 now along with all of the other kids. Five disappeared around 3 years ago, Vanya hasn't been the same since he left. He was one of the few who was nice to her, besides me of course. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts by a quiet knock on the door. I already knew who it was.
"Come in," I said sitting up on my bed, as Ben opened the door and stuck his head inside. "How was the mission?" I asked smiling with my arms open wide. He rolled his eyes and crossed the room stepping into my open arms. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against his stomach.
"It was alright, we succeeded, although it was harder without you, we had to improvise on the stuff you normally would have handled," He said running his fingers through my hair, smiling down at me. "How much longer till you can come on missions again?" He asked, you see I had fallen down one of the many staircases in the house while rushing to get ready for a mission, and ended up with a broken leg. Mr Hargreeves was very upset about that as it meant I couldn't participate on missions till it was healed.
"A few weeks or so" I answered breathing in his scent content. You see Ben and I were a 'thing' but not officially a 'thing'. Like we knew about each other's feelings and acknowledged them but didn't make our 'relationship', if you can even call it one, official as we both knew Mr Hargreeves would disapprove of it. But Ben and I were content to stay this way.
"Hey (y/n)?" Ben said as he ran his hands through my hair again soothingly.
"Hmm?" I hummed my response, closing my eyes
"How much do you love me?" He asked and I could practically hear the smirking smile in his voice. My head shot up and I looked up at him. I tried to pretend I was mad at him for asking the question but I ended up smiling instead. I thought for a moment thinking up an answer that was sure to get on his nerves.
"From here" I stated simply, smiling at him.
"From here?" He asked, confused. "From here to where?" He asked with another smile.
I simply shook my head and said again "From here" Before burrowing my head in his stomach.
"I don't get it" He pouted a little.
"you will eventually" I replied with a soft chuckle.
"okay Love" he accepted my answer most likely knowing he wouldn't get anything else from me.
A few years later
I couldn't believe it, he was actually gone. The man I loved was actually gone. I couldn't believe it, but I was forced to accept it when they lowered his casket into the ground. I had been crying for a few weeks straight now, and after the funeral, I cried for a few more weeks. I was broken, Ben was the only thing I had ever loved, and the only person who made me feel like I deserved to be loved. I rarely left my room and when I did leave, Klaus didn't leave my side, he said he was acting on Ben's orders. I knew Klaus could probably summon Ben so I could see him again but I told him not to, no matter how many times he offered to. I knew that if I saw him, Klaus wouldn't be able to summon Ben for long, and once our time was up, he would be ripped from my arms again, and I wouldn't be able to handle that. Instead, I visited Ben's grave every week, every Friday. Today was no different, I exited my room and found myself immediately met with Klaus attaching himself to my hip. He knew the routine, I went through every Friday, and always willingly walked with me. We passed the playground and glanced at the children giggling while swinging on the swing set. We walked through the park until we reached the entrance to the graveyard. I saw Klaus tense up. No matter how many times I insisted he didn't have to come with me, he insisted twice as many that he did. So I linked my arm through his and he took a deep breath, while I led him to Ben's grave. I kept throwing glances at him whenever I saw his head dart in a different direction, worried. Soon we arrived at Ben's grave, thankfully it was a little separated from the rest of the graves, so Klaus wouldn't be surrounded by as many ghosts. He walked a little ways away from Ben's grave to give me some privacy, and the second he left my side I dropped to my knees and cried. I cried for a few minutes, before inhaling deeply and wiping my tears. I sniffled as I vaguely remembered a conversation we had before he died.
Semi-flashback (just a repeat from above):
"Hey (y/n)?" Ben said as he ran his hands through my hair again soothingly.
"Hmm?" I hummed my response, closing my eyes
"How much do you love me?" He asked and I could practically hear the smirking smile in his voice. My head shot up and I looked up at him. I tried to pretend I was mad at him for asking the question but I ended up smiling instead. I thought for a moment thinking up an answer that was sure to get on his nerves.
"From here" I stated simply, smiling at him.
"From here?" He asked, confused. "From here to where?" He asked with another smile.
I simply shook my head and said again "From here" Before burrowing my head in his stomach.
"I don't get it" He pouted a little.
"you will eventually" I replied with a soft chuckle.
"okay Love" he accepted my answer most likely knowing he wouldn't get anything else from me.
End flashback
I sniffled as I recalled the conversation, realizing he never got the rest of his answer. I decided I would give it to him now, even if he wasn't nearby. I reached out to gingerly tough the gravestone in front of me.
"T-to h-here," I said my voice cracking as I stumbled over my words. "That's how much I love you Ben" I finished as my shoulders shook with sobs. --Fin--
QOTD: What's your favorite animal?
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*At Luther's wedding*
Y/N: Bet you three shots he'll cry.
Five: I bet you four he'll throw up.
Y/N: I bet you two shots we'll pull through this too.
Five: seven that we'll all die, love.
Lila: Do they realise this is called alcoholism?
Diego: Shhh...just watch
Y/N: Two shots say you'll be kissing me tonight.
*Five takes two shots, smirks at her blushing face*
Lila: wtf?
Diego: It's giving love.
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d1ana-m0nd · 1 year
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : It's a well known fact that Sir. Reginald Hargreeves adopted 7 children to save the world from it's impending doom. Though, the number of children will change from 7 to 8 once a close friend of his, Rita Rossweisse was on her death bed and requested him to take in her child, who fortunately was born on October 1st 1989.
➢ Word Count : 9,850
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
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Chapter 1: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Under the eccentric billionaire's order, Pogo gathered the remaining people of the Umbrella Academy to Mr. Reginald Hargreeves office. All three of them stood in front of his desk: The robot nanny, The advanced chimpanzee, and the ever youthful servant named Y/N. The three of them were standing stiffly on their spot, patiently awaiting for the head of the Hargreeves household to speak.
As they awaited, silence became the norm. Although silence has always been the norm in the Hargreeves household, it was rarely tense, rather, this type of silence only occured when the others were still around, especially during their missions. Though you would suppose it was reasonable, after all, their lives were at stake when trying to save the world, and they wouldn't want to repeat "their" mistake back in 2006.
But it doesn't answer the question, why was it so tense now?
Was the Monocle planning something?
You breathed through your nostrils as though knowing that the assumption would make sense since, lately, you have noticed Pogo and Grace talking amongst themselves about something you were not aware of, though you did recall Grace looking dejected every time it was brought up.
"Mr. Monocle, may I have the permission to raise a query?" You broke the silence, making the scribbling noise abruptly stop. The cold eyes his children criticized him for were now gazing into your very soul, thus casting a spell upon your skin to shiver in a rippling manner. Despite knowing how he acts as a person, you will never get used to his actions.
"I have encouraged your lot to raise questions for a reason, so do not hold back when it comes to your curiosity." He encouraged his utmost attention to you, which made you more nervous than usual.
"Ms. Grace and Mr. Pogo have been mumbling to themselves about a plan to bring the Umbrella Academy back. I recall them periodically mentioning someone's death. I'm assuming they are referring to an important figure in their life, someone who will make them come back to where they came from…" You paused breathing through your teeth then continued. "So, they must be referring to you, yes?"
The Monocle looked satisfied with your answer then resumed scribbling on his priceless notebook. "I specifically told them to leave you breadcrumbs so I expect no less of you to catch onto our scheme."
The man who was deemed by his children to be a monster praised you in his own way but for some reason you felt dumbfounded by the confirmation. It even felt like your body was refusing to accept it. As the Monocle laid out the plan he had in mind, you tried to listen intently, keyword, tried.
"Is this necessary?" You blurted out. Their eyes darted to you, which made you want to shrink to the size of a molecule.
"I just don't think taking your life is worth exchanging to assemble the Umbrella Academy… Why don't you try calling them over? Like inviting them over for family dinner?" You suggested awkwardly rubbing the back of your nape.
"As much as we understand where you are going Ms. Y/N, I'm afraid that won't work with how…" The formal chimpanzee paused, trying to look for the right word. "Strained their relationship with their father is."
This whole thing began a cataclysm in your head, questions erupted left and right, your rationale losing its grip with reality because of how much it starts questioning the how's, the why's and what's of the situation you were in. However there was one thing for sure, the eccentric billionaire wants to assemble the academy and there has to be an objective behind it and what could it possibly be?
What could be the danger that made him gamble his life for the Umbrella Academy's return?
As you tried to rationalize, an intrusive thought disrupted your line of thinking.
"Master Five, your father is requesting for you to finish your breakfast. Now isn't the time for you to experiment with your abilities. You will have more time to explore them after the meal." You repeated the head of Hargreeves household's words, though they weren't the exact wording since you paraphrased it because you believed his original phrasing was harsh.
The boy in school shorts slowly turned to you with a familiar scowl on his face, almost mirroring his father's signature look. "You infuriate me."
He took slow steps towards your direction, his eyes not leaving your figure. It felt like you were a deer in headlights willingly awaiting for your death to come. Oddly enough, you kept your composure, externally unbothered but internally dreading what will happen next.
"All you ever do is follow that old man like a puppet, you can't even think for yourself and you speak as though you are following a script." He spat, his words seething with anger but for what?
"I have no use for you, so go back to your box." Five ended with a glare and walked away as though he was satisfied with the damage he had done to you.
"What about Number Five?" You suddenly uttered out, the intrusive thought bringing back his existence into both your mind and the room you were present in at the moment. "How will you know he will come back?"
"I know he will come back but, you are free to call my statement a hunch if it helps you sleep at night." The Monocle stated with a discernible look on his face followed by him quickly dismissing you three for the night.
The news of Mr. Reginald Hargreeves flooded throughout the streets of America: the televisions, the radios, and the people talked of it like it was the only thing worth talking about. Though it was understandable considering how impactful he was in today's society though some were rejoicing in his death for obvious reasons… However, what they didn't know was that this was all part of the plan.
You waited at the front of the door, in your best Victorian maid outfit, your hair was arranged how you wanted to be and you wore special shoes for the occasion. The others will probably say that you looked the same as usual and you will admit you looked the same, but it made you feel and look the part, the part of a servant.
The door creaked, which caught your attention. Your gaze was then directed to the humongous ape hybrid man of the Umbrella Academy, who was now struggling to not break the door handle while trying to maintain his balance. You presume he is still getting used to the Earth's gravity that's why he was struggling.
"Early as always Master Luther." You commended the larger male with a smile on your face.
"I'm sorry if I break something by accident, you know how long I've been on the moon and all." He muttered with a charming awkward smile on his face.
"It's fine, I don't think your father would really mind especially with how hard you've been working on the moon for years now." You reassured the male. You guys had a small chat until he left to take a short nap.
As you stood there waiting for the others, you decided that you were going to get some water for yourself and a chair so you could rest while waiting for the others. Out of nowhere, someone slammed the front double doors. You quickly went into a fighting stance, the portable staff ready to be equipped into the fight but, instead of facing danger, you were facing a man who was a danger to himself.
"ROSEYYY!" Klaus yelled out that terrible nickname he gave you since you guys were children. You weren't primarily fond of it because of how crappy it was but you forced yourself to tolerate it.
Your once wary self relaxed at the sight of him. "Master Klaus, I'm glad you are still in good condition but, it would have been preferable if you entered in a less heart-attack inducing way."
"You and I both know that I'm the light of the party!" The seance declared then circled around you, his arm hanging around your neck. "Which means, I have the responsibility to make this party fun for everyone. And~ just because it's a funeral doesn't mean it shouldn't be fun~ "
"I suppose that would make grieving a lot easier." You said rather uncertain about your response though Klaus didn't catch onto it.
"That's the spirit! Oh, by the way, have you seen Pogo?"
"I haven't, last time I checked he was in the basement…"
"Great! I'll just take a trip down memory lane while waiting for the others." He said then walked off as though he didn't make a big scene, though you doubt that he was planning to take a trip down to "memory lane".
You sat on a nearby chair and waited for the others to show up for the next 2 hours, though the interactions weren't that interesting.
"Good Morning Master Diego." You greeted the kraken with a smile just like the others though he didn't reciprocate your gesture. He just acknowledged your greeting with a nod, then went straight for the living room to loiter. As you waited for the others, you could hear knives being thrown at random directions, most likely his remedy for his boredom.
An hour later, the rumor arrived with her luggage in hand. You both exchanged pleasantries as you assisted her to her room with her luggage though she kept insisting she can carry it. But, you managed to talk her out of it, though you can tell she only felt bad because of how young you looked, despite your mental age.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
Just outside the Umbrella Academy, a certain petite lady had arrived. She stared at the building before her but it felt like it was menacingly staring her down, as if warning her that it was her last chance to run away. Vanya was hesitant to enter and scared to be reunited with her siblings - adoptive siblings - who were most likely not on good terms with her after her book. However, she knew that she couldn't keep running away from them, so she took a deep breath then entered her childhood home.
Despite the fear that lingered, it subsided once she saw the interior of the house. Everything looked the same; the house felt untouched even after all the years that had passed, it was oddly comforting. Though it was most likely in Grace's programming to keep things in order that would please her father, the same could be applied to Y/N but she's mostly responsible for cleaning the yard though.
It was rather comforting that things haven't changed though it felt odd not being able to see Y/N be at the entrance to greet her. It was usually her job to greet everyone and congratulate them over the littlest of things like surviving a mission or mastering a certain skill.
Was she out to get groceries?
Vanya looked for signs of Y/N but found none. She decided to approach someone else who might know where you were. Luckily, she saw Grace by the fireplace, her attention enamored by how the fire danced and flickered.
"Hey Mom," Vanya greeted, but she didn't acknowledge the violinist's presence.
"Mom?" She repeated yet received no response.
"Vanya?" A new voice called out.
The petite girl awkwardly turned to where the voice came from and was met with her sister, Allison Hargreeves. The actress who recently got a divorce but is starring in a lot of movies like romcoms.
"You're actually here." She said in disbelief though there was a small smile present.
"Hey Allison."
"Hey Sis."
In spite of how awkward it was, both of the girls hugged it out. However, a man clad in black leather had other plans. Said man came out of where he was loitering then walked past his sisters.
"What is she doing here? You don't belong here. Not after what you did." Diego sneered at the violinist.
"You're seriously gonna do this today?" The actress asked, it was evident on her facial features that she did not want to deal with Diego's whining.
The brown-haired male didn't give her a piece of his mind but Allison was having none of it. "Way to dress for the occasion by the way."
"At least, I'm wearing black." The male in black snarked back at her and continued on with wherever he was planning to go.
"You know what, maybe he's right. I shouldn't-" Vanya muttered, as she was about to retreat back to her apartment but a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks.
"Miss Vanya, you may think that Diego is right but not all of us share the same sentiment as him. For now, let's put the feud past us and gather as a family to mourn for your father's loss." You said. Your words were comforting the uneasiness she felt, at least now she knew that two people - besides Pogo and Grace - wanted her to stay.
Once Diego's sour words were dissolved by you and Allison's overwhelming sweetness. You and the violinist were left by yourselves to explore the eccentric billionaire's house, what Vanya used to deem as her home. But, now it's a house filled with bitter memories for her.
"Miss Vanya, is it alright that I follow you around for a while?" You questioned her, the smile you wore around her over the years seemed like had no intention of being wiped off.
"Y/N, I told you to stop using honorifics around me." The petite girl reminded you, as she reciprocated your smile.
You giggle at the reminder. "It can't be helped, with how much I've been around Pogo, I just couldn't help but pick up the habit."
The brown-haired girl entered the living room with you. Her eyes wandered trying to identify if some changes were made, though she couldn't see any big difference. Unless you and Grace decided to move a decorative piece a few centimeters to the right, then she definitely would not have noticed that detail. As she surveyed the room, she couldn't help but, drift to the section of the bookshelf where her autobiography was nestled in between.
Suddenly, the advanced chimpanzee walked into the living room. A smile adorned his face when his eyes landed on the violinist whilst he adjusted his glasses.
"Welcome home Miss Vanya"
"Pogo." The brunette muttered then went to his side and hugged him.
"So good to see you." Pogo greeted but then his gaze shifted at the book that was in Vanya's hands. "Ah yes, your autobiography."
"Do you know, um…" Vanya glances down at the book hesitating to bring up the question but goes along with it anyway. "Did he ever read it?"
"Not that I am aware of."
Based on Vanya's lack of response, you could tell that she was both not surprised and disappointed. All those years of being by her side made reading her so easier. Just like the others, she was hell-bent on being recognized by their father, the only difference was that she wanted to be treated like an equal.
The petite woman then diverted her attention to the painting above the fireplace. "How long has it been since Five disappeared?"
"It's been 16 years, 4 months, and 14 days." You and Pogo said in unison, both of you shared a small smile not expecting to say it at the same time.
"Your father insisted we keep track," You stated, though you had a different reason for keeping track. You promise to yourself that once he comes back, you will redeem yourself for your past failure.
"You wanna know something stupid? I always used to leave the lights on for him. I was scared he would come back. It would be late, the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us, so he'd leave again."
"So, every night me and Y/N make a little snack and make sure all the lights are on." The violinist recalled, a small smile on her face as she reminisced how you helped her at night making sandwiches and turning on all the lights at night though, Pogo did nag you both at one point for wasting electricity, so you guys had to revert to using lanterns.
"Oh, I remember your snacks. I'm pretty sure I stepped on half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches." The formal chimpanzee chuckled. While you tried your best to suppress your laughter, as you remembered the night you witnessed Pogo slipped on one of the marshmallow sandwiches.
"Your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere. He never lost hope." The advanced chimpanzee reassured Vanya that the day of his return would come.
"And look where that got him." The brunette pessimistically said.
Spaceboy ordered you, Pogo, and Grace to gather the others in the living room. You and Pogo didn't waste any time and made sure everyone was in the place where Luther requested them all to be. Grace even hastened her usual pace to make snacks for everyone to munch on.
The numbers of the Umbrella Academy were all gathered in the living room. Although there were only a handful of people in the room, no words were exchanged. The only thing that was audible was the fire crackling, and the sound of Klaus concocting himself's special poison - an alcoholic beverage - from the bar.
"I guess we should get this started," The ape-hybrid-man stood up then suggested. "So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot."
"Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison raised the question, surprised that this never went under her radar.
"You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" Luther added but everyone else was dumbfounded by the new information.
"Will there be refreshments?" Klaus asked as he brought his drink to where everyone else was at. "Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."
"What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."
"I agree with Master Luther, please put that out Mr. Klaus, the smell is unpleasant and it takes a while to ventilate the house. I recommend you smoke outside if you're hell-bent on letting off steam though." You suggested to the seance as you stood behind his slouching figure, which made him jump, have you been behind him since the very beginning? He didn't see nor hear your footsteps.
"Is that my skirt?" Allison raised a brow at her brother's fashion choice.
"What?" The brown-haired male looked down at the bottom part of his outfit then smiled. "Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathey on the bits."
"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?" The ape-man said calmly, gaining everyone's attention simultaneously because they knew something was about to implode.
"Like what?"
"Like the way he died."
"And here we go." Diego muttered as he rolled his eyes at Luther.
Based on his words, you knew that Diego thought that Luther was being overdramatic but you thought otherwise, after all you were an accomplice. You knew where this was going, you can only hope they would go for the bait but, you highly doubt it knowing how they are not coordinated with one another. Though, there was a slim chance they would work together, it was slim but it was better than holding onto nothing.
Vanya's brows were knitted together in confusion. "I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack."
"Yeah, according to the coroner." Spaceboy emphasizes 'the coroner' as though they weren't reliable. If anything, they were more reliable than the paparazzi.
"Well, wouldn't they know?"
"Theoretically?" Vanya repeated, not following through with where Luther was going with. To be fair, she was not alone, everyone was as confused as her.
"I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange."
" Kudos to Mr. Hargreeves for tricking Luther into believing him. Though, I shouldn't be surprised considering how he becomes gullible when it comes to Mr. Monocle." You mused as you played with the ends of your hair, giving away to the others that you were deep in thought.
Diego will not say it but he's had his eye on you since this meeting has started. He didn't understand why you were taking everything to heart. You were never the type to be serious unless told to be. This 'meeting' wasn't even serious, it was all bullshit. Which made him think, what were you thinking?
"Oh, quelle surprise!" Klaus gurgled through his drink.
"Strange how?"
"He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust." The dark blonde-haired male reasoned but no one was buying his words.
"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles." The Kraken angrily retorted.
"No, He must have known something was going to happen." Luther turned his attention to Klaus "Look, I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad."
"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just… stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?'. " The Seance exclaimed with jazz hands.
"Plus, I'm not in the right… frame of mind." The brown-haired male added.
"You're high?" Allison said in disbelief.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Klaus laughed as he confirmed her statement.
"I mean, how are you not? Listening to this nonsense?"
"Well, sober up, this is important." Luther ordered him, to which Klaus reluctantly sighed, knowing he didn't have much of a choice.
"Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." The ape hybrid added to his conspiracy. Even though it was silent, you could hear the others internally groaning as more words came out of his mouth.
"Y/N, while you were cleaning up Dad's room, was the monocle still there?"
"Last night I wasn't assigned to give him medicine, it was Mrs. Grace's turn. So I can't be too sure if he wore the monocle. Though the crime scene cleaners and investigators did let me know that they made sure to keep everything in the same spot." You reported, as your thinking pose shifted into your default one.
"Make sure to check the cameras around the time they were cleaning." He commanded, you bowed in return to confirm you will do as he says.
"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?" Diego barked as he stood up, nearing Luther's figure.
This was only an assumption but you could tell that Diego was catching onto where Luther was going with. If a fight were to break out, you had to make sure to pin down Diego first before any damage could be done.
"Exactly," Spaceboy agreed then added. "It's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge."
"Where are you going with this?"
"Oh isn't it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed Dad." Diego hissed followed by him glaring at the person who was supposed to lead the Umbrella Academy, instead of retorting back his’ brother’s accusation, Luther went silent.
"You do?!" Klaus exclaimed in disbelief.
"How could you think that?" Vanya questioned.
"Great job, Luther. Way to lead." The Kraken angrily stated as he started to walk away from Luther's shit show - his words not yours.
"That's not what I'm saying." The dark blond-haired male tried to explain but he was cut off.
"You're crazy, man. You're crazy. Crazy."
"I'm not finished!"
"Ok well, sorry, I'm just gonna go murder Mom, I'll be right back."
"That's not what Mr. Luther was saying." You tried to butt in only to be ignored.
"I didn't-" Luther sighed, finally reading into the idea that it was pointless to reason anymore.
"Allison," Luther called out "The Rumor" but she walked away from him. "Jeez…"
"That went well…" He muttered to himself, not realizing there was still another person left behind.
"Master Luther, might I suggest something regarding your endeavor to uncover this mysterious monocle thief?"
"Y/N I appreciate the help but, I think I need time for myself now…" Spaceboy breathed through his nose.
"I understand, I will let you be after this but, you have to keep in mind that whilst investigating you must broaden your scope, especially your list of suspects." You dropped a huge hint, just like the Monocle told you to do so.
"Au revoir." You said, leaving Number 1 by himself, like the lonely number he was.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
16 years ago is the day Umbrella Academy debuted. There's a robbery at Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth, this was Umbrella Academy's first mission so the numbers were dispatched to resolve the issue however, you and Vanya were exempted from it so you were both forced to stay by Mr. Reginald Hargreeves' side.
The eccentric billionaire brought out his small hand held telescope and pointed it to where the mission was taking place. From a distance, you could barely tell what was going on but, you weren't worried for them. The thieves can't compare to the umbrella academy's strength, so you knew you had nothing to worry about because they could handle themselves. However, someone else was bothered by the thought of being left out.
"Why can't I go play with the others?" The young violinist questioned, her eyes longingly staring at her family who were having 'fun' without her.
"We've been through this before, Number Seven," Mr. Hargreeves paused as he lowered his telescope. "I'm afraid there's just nothing special about you."
Silence reigned the atmosphere even after the Monocle left you both to your own devices. At the moment, he was being interviewed by the press. With plenty of time and privacy in your hands, you try to cheer up Vanya but she is still looking over at the others.
"Personally, I think your special Vanya. Mr. Monocle has kept you by his side for a long time now, despite having no powers, so there has to be a reason behind it." You tried comforting her.
Vanya exhaled as her gaze descended down to her feet. "He only keeps me by his side because he knows he can't throw me away."
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
The song 'I think we're alone now' played, Luther usually played that song whenever the Monocle left the house. As the song's lyrics went from one ear to another, you couldn't help but recall the days of the other numbers dancing to the song with their own dance moves that each expressed themselves as a person. The thought of it made you smile as you busied yourself helping Miss Grace around the house.
As you were smiling and humming to yourself the song that Luther played, your attention was suddenly taken away by the sound of thunder rumbling, followed by blue light flashing from the outside, and the sound of all the metal objects being thrown towards the wall. Just like everyone else, you went outside to check what was going on, only to find a blue ball of energy appearing in the middle of the backyard, accompanied by the wind howling in its presence.
"What is it?" The violinist questioned, increasing her volume a little so everyone could hear her.
"Don't get too close!" Allison said worried for both of your safety, with a hand on both you and Vanya's shoulder to stop you guys from doing anything stupid.
"Yeah, no shit." The Kraken shot back.
"Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly." Luther paused as he tried to analyze it again then added. "Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two."
"Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan."
"Out of the way!" Klaus shoved the bigger man with a fire extinguisher in hand.
"What are you-"
The seance sprayed the fire extinguisher towards the strange blue ball but, his attempt didn't work so he decided to throw it towards the hole thinking it would work yet, nothing happened.
"What is that gonna do?" The rumor gave her brother - the rarely sober one - a questioning look.
Klaus shrugged. "I don't know! Do you have a better idea?"
Electricity around the blue ball crackled as the wind howling became stronger, as an image of a person in the blue ball became more visible. It seemed like the person was attempting to cross through the portal, which alarmed Luther and Diego.
"Who, whoa, whoa. Everyone, get behind me." The ape hybrid man stepped up and used his larger frame as a shield for everyone.
"Yeah, get behind us." Diego added as his smaller but well built frame shield you and Klaus.
"Well, I vote for running, c'mon!" The lanky man shouted trying to drag you back into the house but you stood your ground and swatted his hand away.
Everyone is rooted to the ground, their eyes staring right at the portal. As the mysterious person started to become younger and smaller - though you felt like your eyes were deceiving you - then said person fell out. As the portal faded, everyone began to approach the person that came from the portal. The young brown haired male gathered his footing, his clothes larger than his frame, his mere presence left everyone flabbergasted.
"Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?" Klaus asked out loud.
Klaus' question prompted Five to look down and realize he was back to his 15nth year old self, "Shit."
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
At the moment, everyone was trying to process the bizarre specimen before them. Said specimen was not doing anything weird, if anything Five was just prepping his ingredients and materials to make marshmallow sandwiches. Though the others were staring at him as though he was an apparition that the seance had successfully resurrected in one go.
The younger male could feel their inquisitive stares, instead he chose to sigh and raise a question. "What's the date? The exact date."
"The 24th," The petite woman replied, her confusion still apparent on her facial features.
"Of what?"
"Good." He said and continued on like nothing happened.
Everyone stared at the younger male as though he was out of place. Truth be told, he is out of place among them but from an outside perspective he would easily be deemed as the younger brother. Whilst you, on the other hand, had stopped functioning. You refused to believe that Mr. Hargreeves knew that Five would return the moment he would die.
"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asked yet he was ignored by the boy silently making his marshmallow sandwiches.
Noticing his “younger” brother’s neglect, the larger male abruptly stands up. "It's been 16 years."
Five scoffed at the other male's statement, then teleported to the shelf behind Luther. "It's been a lot longer than that."
"I haven't missed that." Spaceboy murmured though you couldn’t tell if he was referring to Five’s attitude or how he loosely uses his powers.
"Where'd you go?" Diego questioned.
"The future. It's shit, by the way." The younger male teleported back to the table once he got what he was looking for.
"Called it!" Klaus exclaimed happily.
"I should've listened to the old man," Five grumbled as he teleported to the fridge and opened it. "You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice."
The brown-haired male blinked back to the table and paused, then examined Klaus' outfit. "Nice dress."
"Oh, well, danke !" The seance accepted his - physically - younger brother's compliment.
"Wait, how did you get back?" The violinist inquired.
"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five explained but his answer left them with more questions and more confusion.
"That makes no sense." Diego replied, which he will grow to regret later.
"Well, it would if you were smarter." The younger male retorted. To which the kraken took offense, as he abruptly stood up and tried to tackle Five but Luther blocked him with his arm.
"If you are that desperate to understand, ask someone to translate it for you in simpler terms. If you want to ask who could possibly condense it down to your level of intelligence then, I suggest you ask the other 15 year old in the room." The younger brown-haired male sarcastically recommended as he side glanced at you.
Everyone followed his gaze which resulted in everyone's attention on you, which made you freeze up, not expecting to be acknowledged out of the blue. "Well… From what I understood, Master Five miscalculated during his time travel, because of the miscalculation he was only able to project his consciousness and not his physical form at the time. And, since his physical form didn't develop during this period, he was forced to manifest in his 15 year old body. Am I correct Master Five?"
"Close enough." Five confirmed though there was a slight error in your explanation but he does not want to go into tangent about it because he knew that it would be pointless and he would start deviating from the main topic.
"How long were you there?" Luther asked.
"31 years, Give or take."
Simultaneously, Diego and Luther sat down. You raised a brow at this, complemented with an amused look on your face. Although neither would admit it, they both shared the same brain cell most of the time and it was hilarious.
"What are you saying? That you're 46?" The ape hybrid inquired, his tone giving away his disbelief.
"No, my consciousness is 46. Apparently, my body is now 15 again." The younger male corrected the larger male.
"Wait, how does that even work?" Vanya raised one of her brows yet she was ignored.
"Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh." Five looks out the window, his back facing his siblings as he eats the sandwich, then he faces his siblings. "Bet she's laughing now."
"Delores?" The violinist's question was ignored once again as his gaze was fixated on the newspaper.
"Guess I missed the funeral."
"How'd you know about that?" The ape hybrid man asked.
Five rolled his eyes at Spaceboy's question. "What part of the future do you not understand?"
The younger male read the paper's headline then asked. "Heart failure, huh?"
Five clicked his tongue. "Nice to see nothing's changed."
"Uh, that's it? That's all you have to say?" Allison grunted, confused by his stunt.
"What else is there to say? The circle of life." The boy commented as he left, just like how he left to get milk 16 years ago.
"Well… That was interesting." Luther stated as silence settled among them.
Once the abrupt family reunion ended, everyone left the kitchen to prepare themselves for the funeral. On the other hand, the servants of the Hargreeves household were busy tending to their tasks while helping the others. As you finished your chores, Pogo did not hesitate to switch shifts with you in monitoring the CCTVs, though as you were monitoring it. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of Five, his mere existence boggled you. It didn’t help that you kept replaying what Mr. Hargreeves said to you.
"I know he will come back but, you are free to call my statement a hunch if it helps you sleep at night." It still felt unnerving that he knew and it even felt more unnerving seeing the real deal before your eyes.
Although you were in a dazed state, your mind didn’t completely block out the noise from the physical world. When you heard pitter-patter hitting the window, you shifted your gaze to the outside and noticed the change of weather. People say that whenever the sky darkens and the rain occurs at a funeral, it means the angels are mourning because one of God’s children died. While others say it’s both an inconvinience and a coincidence. Truth be told, the rain did fit the atmosphere for mourning, though the children of the Monocle would say otherwise.
As you were monitoring the CCTVs, Pogo called over everyone to prepare themselves for the funeral. In spite of the rain, you all still went along with the funeral. Everyone brought an umbrella with them, except Luther and Diego. The atmosphere was serious but someone disrupted the mourning.
"Did something happen?" The robot asked with a smile which caught Everyone’s stares.
"Dad died. Remember?" Allison reminded her.
Grace’s smile faltered at the statement. "Oh. Yes, of course."
"Is mom okay?” The Rumor asked concerningly.
"Yeah, yeah, she's fine. She just needs to rest. You know, recharge.” Diego reassured them, the others doubted his words but went along with it anyway.
"Whenever you are ready dear boy." Pogo signaled. To which, Luther stared at the vase and took a few steps before opening the lid, instead of gracefully dancing with the wind, the ashes of the old man fell out.
"Probably would have been better with some wind." The larger man remarked.
"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo brought up but everyone went silent.
"Very well," Pogo adjusts "In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master… and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"
"He was a monster." Diego interrupted, despite the horror that was ridden in the other’s faces, Klaus was laughing as more words came out of his brother’s mouth. "He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him,"
"Diego." Allison called out.
"My name is Number Two." He corrected her then added. "You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it."
"Would anyone like something to eat?" Grace interrupted once again.
"Ms. Grace, that won't be necessary." You shut her down.
"Oh, okay."
"Look, you wanna pay respects?" Diego spits on the dust then gestured at it as he spoke. "Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."
"You should stop talking now." Luther warned Number Two as he took small steps towards the smaller male.
Diego shifted his gaze towards Luther. "You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."
"I am warning you."
"After everything he did to you?" Diego slowly walked towards Spaceboy.
"He had to ship you a million miles away-" The latino went right up at his face and glared at the larger male.
"Diego, stop talking."
"-That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego harshly pointed his finger towards Luther's chest.
Luther grabbed Diego's hand then performed a right hook to go for Diego’s head but he dodged it, followed by a left hook to which Diego swiftly dodged as well. Both numbers grunted with each fist they threw and dodged.
"Boys, stop this at once!" The advanced chimpanzees' words fell into deaf ears as both males went on with their fist fight. You were about to intervene but, Five grabbed your wrist.
"Their grown men, not children, let them handle this on their own." Five advised you. You knew it was not a direct order but, his words made you hesitant. Against your will, you stayed by his side.
Luther slammed his arm onto Diego which caused him to stagger back but, he managed to tank it and wore a smug look. The latino then taunted the larger man, "Come on, Big boy."
Luther jabbed but missed, Diego punched him in the gut, as Spaceboy was hunched back Diego drummed the larger man's back.
"Stop it!" The violinist screamed yet no one heed her words.
"Hit him! Hit him!" Klaus egged on.
Luther did a left hook but Diego countered it. Seeing that no one was going to listen to Pogo, he sighed and scoffed as he leaves the children by themselves.
Number One grabbed Diego's collar and threw him near Ben's statue. When the latino was on his knees, Luther tried to punch him but, Diego kneed his stomach. The clad in black tried to kick Luther again but Luther pushed him. Before he could apply more force, Diego turned the tables.
"Get off me!" Diego shouted.
Luther tried to slam his arm but, Diego was quick to dodge with a complimentary punch. Both were now panting and staggering, barely on their feet. Everyone’s eyes were on the fight but you had your eyes on Diego’s distance. He was dangerously near Ben's statue.
"I don't have time for this." Five muttered then return inside.
"Come here, big boy!" Diego taunted once again.
Luther ran towards him and sent a punch towards his direction but due to Luther being slow, Diego was able to dodge it. Ben's statue instead became the victim of Luther's wrath.
"Oh…" Klaus’ face shifted to shock as he witnessed Ben’s downfall… twice if you count the statue as Ben’s replacement.
"And there goes Ben's statue." Allison said under her breath then begins to walk away from the fight.
Out of nowhere, Diego brought out one of his knives.
"Diego, no!" You and Vanya shouted in unison.
Before you could run and tackle the Kraken, he already threw the knife toward Luther’s direction. Luckily, Luther's arm only got scraped. Even though you failed to protect him, you quickly rushed to his side as he frantically pants. He hurriedly covered up the wound and retreated to the house, to which you followed.
Once you were finished with helping Luther, you were quick to go downstairs and check on Five. You already lost him once, you don’t want to lose him under your guard again. On your way there, you passed by Allison who seemed relieved seeing you.
"How's Luther?" She asked, concern evident in her eyes.
"Master Luther's fine, luckily the wound was not deep and it merely grazed him. Though, I hope that next time he does not easily get reeled in by Diego's taunting." You said wishfully even though you were aware that was not bound to happen considering their track record over the years.
"I doubt that. After all, boys will be boys." The rumor’s statement made you smile since there was some truth to it. Although you all had been apart for years, the others didn’t change, they were still the same people you grew up with. Hopefully nothing could change that.
As both of you arrive at the kitchen, you guys witness that Five is looking for something, whilst Klaus was on the table loitering and doing his own thing. You didn’t think much about the number of people until Allison raised a question "Where's Vanya?"
"Oh, she's gone." Klaus replied.
Out of instinct, you were about to go and leave the kitchen to look for the violinist but then, you remembered your original objective and stayed in the kitchen instead and just mentally said sorry to Vanya.
"That's unfortunate." Five said as he slammed the refrigerator closed.
"Yeah." Allison was taken aback by Five’s statement, especially knowing the type of person he usually puts up front, until he added on. "An entire square block. 42 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms but no, not a single drop of coffee."
"Mr. Hargreeves hated caffeine." You reminded him but he glared at you to silence you, which worked.
"Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us." Klaus remarked with a laugh.
"I'm taking the car." The younger male was about to blink to where the cars were parked until you interrupted him. "Master Five, where are you going?"
"To get a decent cup of coffee." He hissed at you with venom.
Truth be told, you didn’t understand why he would need to go outside, he could have just asked you to buy coffee for him or you make one for him instead. Though you supposed that would take longer than he would like, and knowing his patience and unspoken dislike of you, he would not appreciate the time you took.
"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison questioned which only caused his furrow brows to become more prominent.
"I know how to do everything."
As Five was about to teleport away, you grabbed him by the wrist before he could blink away.
"May I come with you?"
"I'm 46 years old, I don't need a babysitter." He hissed, clearly hating the idea of being babysat by you.
"Master Five, I'm not coming with you to babysit you, I'm coming with you because I need to monitor you in case you are feeling the side effects of time travel." You tried to reason, though you admit that reasoning was rather flimsy.
"That's the same thing as babysitting but as a shitty excuse!"
You sighed, thinking you failed but, as you were about to let go of his wrist, he grabbed yours instead. His lips near your ear, as he carefully whispered "I'm only letting you come with so someone can catch me up-to-date."
His voice and the distance between both of your bodies made the gears in your head pause, followed by embarrassment flushing your face. Before you could even respond, Five randomly teleported you both to the garage. For a moment, your mouth was left ajar but, you were able to register the boy's silent gesture to enter the car, to which you followed.
Throughout the whole ride, it was silent until Five spoke, "Did you want out of that shit hole so bad that you were willing to go out with me?"
"No, Mr. Hargreeves wanted me to monitor you once you returned." You lied well it was a half lie but, it was true you wanted to monitor him and something about him was bothering you.
"Even on his deathbed you can't even catch a break. Though, I should expect that from you." The boy huffed passive aggressively, which made you feel awful, why did he hate you so much?
"Before his death, did he ever say anything? Like wanting to reassemble the Umbrella Academy?" The boy in school shorts asked promptly, to which you found yourself hurriedly creating a lie.
"The Monocle did say he had plans on reassembling the academy but he never got to do so..."
From then on, the whole car ride was silent as you guys arrived in front of a donut shop named "Griddy's Doughnut". It was rather retro looking - at least based on what you have heard from books - despite it being past the 2010s, they didn't renovate the building into a more modern look. Which you found yourself questioning if they were short on budget or not…
You walked behind Five as a precautionary measure then entered the building. As the counter came to view, the physically younger male approached it then, rang the bell twice, you both sat down silently as a another customer entered the building. The man took in a deep breath as he took a seat. Once the sound of the bell ringing finally alerted the waitress, the sound of clattering ceramics were cut short followed by her entering the counter.
Waitress chuckled as she wiped her hands clean, "Sorry, the sink was clogged."
You awkwardly smiled at her, silently understanding her pain. Then she took out her notepad and pen from her apron. "So, what'll it be?"
"Uh, give me a chocolate éclair."
"Mm-hmm. Sure."
"Can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?" She said with a smile which made you internally cringe for her, you felt like you already knew what was going to come out from Five's mouth.
Five scoffs then says, "This kid wants coffee. Black."
That was surprisingly milder than you expected but, you were relieved that the donut lady was spared from Five's mouth.
Waitress paused, her mouth agape but quickly tightened as she then turns to the man beside Five, "Cute kid." She chuckled.
In turn, Five forced a smile which only worsened the uneasiness you and the donut lady felt. To divert her attention, You coughed and smiled at her. "I'll just have a glass of water."
"Okay." Her body language more at eased with you, the waitress then began to prep for your orders.
Five sighs, "Don't remember this place being such a shit hole. I used to come here as a kid, used to sneak out with my siblings and eat donuts till we puked."
Your eyes widen at his admission, they snuck out without you? Even Vanya? Were you that untrustworthy that they had to hide it from you?
"Simpler times, huh?" Five mused.
"Eh." The older man looked puzzled but, played along, "I suppose."
Waitress cleared her throat as she placed everyone's orders in front of us, "Here."
Five nudged you with his elbow and motioned for you to pay the bill. You pat your skirt's pockets to look for your wallet but, the other man interrupts your search.
"I got theirs."
"Thank you sir." You thanked him with a small smile, to which he returned.
As you took small sips, everyone did their own thing. Your eyes busy wandering about the building, looking for something that would be useful in a certain scenario, like how the broom could be used as a substitute for a wooden staff, a plate as a distraction, and a butterknife for stabbing.
Five glanced at the other customer's vest then strikes up a conversation with him. "You must know your way around the city."
"I hope so, I've been driving for 20 years."
"Good, I need an address."
Five asks for an address for the place he is looking for and the man jots it down on a napkin then leaves once he's finished. The boy then carefully folds the napkin and stuffs it in his blazer's one of many hidden pockets.
As the brown haired boy was about to drink his coffee, he heard the door swing open then notices the reflection of the newcomer - rather newcomers - from the bell, all of them were wearing combat gear which meant one thing...
"Hmm. That was fast."
You glanced at him, confused by what was happening and how Five knew these people.
"I thought I'd have more time before they found me." His answer did not suffice your curiosity.
"Okay. So, let's all be professional about this, yeah?" One of the masked men proposed but the boy beside you had other plans.
Five placed a hand on your thigh then began to do Morse code of 'SOS' to notify you are both in danger. At first you were in high alert, ready to take out your retractable staff but, the boy followed up his secret message with 'I can handle it'. You were not at ease by his answer, not one bit.
"On your feet and come with us. They want to talk." The leader of the masked men demanded as he used his firearm to gesture for Five to go down on his knees.
"I've got nothing to say." Five said so breezily and arrogance which bothered you even more, is this how he handles live hostages?
"It doesn't have to go this way. You think I want to shoot a kid? Go home with that on my conscience?"
"Well, I wouldn't worry about that…" Five turns to the person who had his firearm pointed towards Five's head. "You won't be going home."
Five retreats his hand from your thigh then grabs a butterknife and teleports behind the group leader and stabbed his neck. Then he quickly disappears, while they were distracted by their dead comrade, he reappeared by your side and teleported you behind the counter. Against your will, you peeked and watched him do his work.
He blinked then reappeared on top of a counter, with a very relaxed pose with a smug look on his face. "Hey, assholes!"
You did not like the fact that he looked like he was enjoying this.
The gunmen were shooting at where the voice came from but, he disappeared, leaving the men to shoot up the place and leave it in ruins. The boy in school shorts reappeared at the front door then knocks on it to get their attention, as they ready their firearms to shoot at him. He mockingly salutes then vanishes once again.
You didn't want to be useless so you took a nearby mop and broke it then, stabbed one of the gunmen using the broken half. Before one of the nearest attacker could shoot a bullet through your skull, Five quickly untied his necktie then choked him.
As he was busy, you threw a plate towards a thug's head to distract him and the others. Whilst Five grabbed a pencil then stabbed one of the gunmen that was about to try and tower his smaller figure.
The last two thugs were about to charge their guns at you but, Five ran to your side and blinked away with you in his arms, as the idiots shot themselves. As silence finally settled in, he reappeared to the masked man he was choking earlier and retrieved his necktie.
As you were examining the donut shop, you noticed one of the gunmen is still alive so you approached him then snapped his neck to end his misery. As you left his side, he noticed that one of the men after him dropped a tracking device, which explained how they found him so quickly.
The brown haired boy asked you to use one of the assassin's knife to cut open his arm and dig into his arm to remove the tracking device. Once you were both done, you guys left the building and dropped the tracking device in a nearby puddle then left as if nothing happened.
Five and you made your way to Vanya's apartment, well it was mostly you leading the way since you were the one who memorized the way there. Instead of loitering outside Vanya's apartment like a normal person, Five had other ideas. Without a word he grabbed your wrist and teleported you guys into the violinist's apartment.
Suddenly, the door clicked and the doorknob turned, which Five took as his cue to turn on the light, which made Vanya jump on her heels. Although you knew it was not an appropriate time, you smiled and waved at Vanya nonetheless. You were just glad she came home safe.
"Jesus!" She jumped, a hand on where her heart is supposed to be.
"You should have locks on your windows." Five suggested.
"I live on the second floor."
"Rapists can climb."
You tried to stop yourself from chuckling at his statement, knowing it was a serious conversation and He probably would not appreciate your response.
"You are so weird." The petite girl mumbled as she sat beside you then, began checking on both of you guys. Based on how her eyes widened, you could tell she noticed there were some specks of blood on both of your clothes.
"What happened?" Vanya's worry evident on her facial features.
"It's nothing." Five dismissed but the violinist's lingering gaze never left the specks of blood on his collar.
"Why are you both here?" Vanya asserted.
"I've decided you two are the only ones I can trust." Both girls in the room raised their brows at Five, this type of situation was rare and rather odd.
"Why me?"
"Because you're ordinary."
You glared at Five and stepped on his foot, to which he rolled his eyes at. He forgot you were very protective of Vanya.
"Because you'll listen." He corrected himself though the petite girl had his doubts.
"Miss Vanya, is it alright if we use your first aid kit? We weren't able to pass by a pharmacy on the way here and I'd like to disinfect and treat Master Five's cut." You asked and she went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit then gave it to you. As the servant, you did your task like always, which is to aid with the numbers wounds.
"When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future. Do you know what I found?" The brown haired boy asked.
"Nothing… Absolutely nothing."
You paused from tending with his wounds and checked if he was telling the truth, he was dead serious.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
The world lay in ruins, a wasteland of rubble and debris. What was once bustling cities and towns were now piles of twisted metal and broken concrete. The streets were empty, save for the occasional scavenger picking through the remains of what was once a home or a business. The air was thick with dust and smoke, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. It was a world of silence, save for the occasional sound of rubble shifting or the distant echoes of a once-great civilization now reduced to rubble and fire.
Five stood amongst the rubble devastated by what the future had become. It was now a world of despair, a place where hope had been lost and the future was uncertain.
"As far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive."
Five walked then found a newspaper and read the title.
"I never figured out what killed the human race, but… I did find something else."
"The date it happens."
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
"The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it." He said, his words were soft but it was enough to cause your heart to tremble in fear. Both you and Vanya had shocked engraved onto your faces, still processing what you guys heard.
Knowing this sounded like it was going to be a long night, you turned to the girl next to you and asked, "Miss Vanya if it's alright, may I put on a pot of coffee?"
Vanya nodded wordlessly, as she agreed this was going to be a long night for everyone else.
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➢ Taglist : @kumioon @buuhsworld @incapableofanything @igotanidea
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ruru0803 · 7 months
Unknown Territory
Five x Fem Reader
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A combination of both the comics and the TV series, Five Mets a mermaid and falls in love. What happens when forces try to keep them apart?
Five will be aged up to 20 years old, I'm not writing any smut but I wanted him to be the age of his actor.
There will be themes of emotional and mental abuse of children, sexual themes, Incest, gore and violence in this story. You guys seen the show or read the comics, you know what I'm talking about.
Minors do not interact.
I don't own any characters in the show or comics. All credit goes to Gerald Way, Gabriel BÀ, and Steve Blackman.
Slow updates on this story, I wanna make sure I can make the comics and series flow together before posting chapters. Most of the chapters will most likely be long, sorry about that 😅
Main Cast
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Five played by Aiden Gallagher ⏳
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Y/n played by You. 🫧
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Klaus played by Robert Sheehan 👻
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Diego played by David Castañeda 🔪
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Ben played by Justin H. Min 🐙
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Vanya/Victor played by Elliot Page 🎻
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Allison played by Emmy Raver-Lampman 🗣️
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Luther played by Tom Hopper 💪🏻
Apocalypse Suite/Season 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
*Part 2
*Part 3
Chapter 3
*part 2
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Can I request Sparrow Ben x reader where they slept together (not smut). Diego is the protective brother so Ben uses the ‘I slept with your sister’ card to puss him off.
“I slept with your sister.” Sparrow! Ben x (f)Reader.
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I don’t have a lot to go off so it’ll have to be short but I hope you enjoy anyway!
They hadn’t known the sparrow Ben that long and while he looked like their Ben, they were nothing alike. It was starting to get on Diego’s nerves. The whispering. The giggling. It drove him up the wall to see his sister being flirty with such an ass like him. She could’ve picked any one else. Anyone but him. Hell, he tried to kill them when they first met and she’s acting like none of that happened.
As his sister got up to go get something to drink, Diego took his stand. He marched up to Ben with a glare.
“What do you think you’re doing with my sister? She’s been through enough and doesn’t need some dickweed like you playing with her feelings.”
Ben glared back at him. “What I do and what she does is none of your business. What? You disappear on her for years like you did the rest of your family and now you want to come in and play the big brother card? Eat shit.”
By this time Diego was fuming. He grabbed bens collar and pulling him in ready to yell at him but it didn’t intimidate Ben. “Listen you little shit, I-“
Ben cut him off, “No, you listen. There’s nothing you can do. She would pick me over someone who abandoned her and beats up anyone she likes. And what could you stop from happening anyway? I already slept with her.”
Diego at this point was ready to punch his lights out. He reared his fist back ready for it. “Diego!” His sister shouted. “Let go of him!” She continued. Diego sighed and let go of Ben who just knowingly smirked.
His sister didn’t hear what was said but apparently it wasn’t hard to figure out why Diego was ready to hit him. “I know you’re just worried but you can’t dictate my life. You’re gonna have to trust I can make these decisions on my own.”
Diego looked between them again still a little skeptic before he sighed. “Yeah, fine. But he slips up, you call me.” He said pulling out a dagger and flipping it as he walked off just to emphasize his point.
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parkersbliss · 2 years
Are u taking requests? If so can you do A five Hargreaves x Fem!Reader Season 3
When Everyone is in the room after being attacked from those metal dudes, and when Five gets his arm chopped off, Reader can mirror anyone's powers so She goes BACK in time and runs Infront of five so it doesn't happen but the weapon goes straight to her forehead...and everyone freaks out and five goes BACK in time and they BOTH move so they so they don't get hurt..
-Angst but fluffy at the end
And Again | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x female!reader
wc; 832
warnings: blood, violence
requests: CLOSED
Recognition flashes across Five’s face.
His eyes begin to trail the floor before he runs up the stairs. You follow after him, right on his heels as he reaches the balcony.
“Five?” You question as his brows furrow in thought.
He blinks, turning to you. “The sigil,” He whispers. He grabs the railing, leaning over. “Hey, I found the sigil! It’s—”
All the siblings turn to look at him as the glass ceiling breaks. Your eyes widen as the last guardian comes flying down. He throws his sickle, and Five screams out as blood sprays in your face. You gasp, stumbling back as Five falls to the floor, and you watch his arm land a few feet away.
“Oh my god,” You shout, turning to Five. His face is contorted in pain as he breathes in shakily. His arm is cut clean off, blood spilling all over the floor.
You stood there helplessly, watching as Klaus is gutted and Ben, Diego…
No, this isn’t happening. Your heart was racing as you saw what happened to everyone you love. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t even supposed to save the world. You were supposed to enjoy your last day with Five, wondering what could’ve happened. But, no, you had to play hero, and you were certainly paying the price.
Five gasps in pain on the ground, shouting your name, and you physically ache at the sound. This isn’t happening.
You screw your eyes shut, channeling all your energy into your hands and watching as Five gets back up, the glass rebuilds itself in the ceiling, and Five is running up the stairs again. You let go, feeling the strain of using your powers, and follow after him. You’re panting as you watch the ceiling and feel your body tense in preparation.
Five looks at you funnily before turning back to his siblings. “Hey, I found sigil—!”
He’s interrupted mid-sentence when glass shatters, and just like before, the sickle comes flying at him. But you’re quick this time and push him to the ground. However, you hadn’t thought your plan through when everyone starts creaming for you, and you watch the sickle come straight for you.
“(Y/N)!” Five screams, pushing himself up as fast as possible. Everything happens in slow motion. He tries his best to reach you, but then there’s a thud, followed by the clatter of the sickle.
“Oh my god,” Klaus gasped. “Oh my god.”
“(Y/N)?” Diego shouts before the guardian starts attacking them.
Five’s never felt anything like it before. You laid before him, blood gushing from your head and eyes closed. He can’t hear anything. He can’t feel anything you’re…
“Five?” One of his siblings calls out, but Five sits beside your dead body with shaky breaths. He couldn’t believe this. They came all this way and…
He lost Luther, thought he lost Klaus, and now you?
He lets out a sob, doubling over and crying his heart out. The world was so cruel. He’s aware of all his siblings calling out for him, asking if you’re okay. But that’s a stupid question. They watched the weapon come straight for you. But how did you know? You acted fast, too fast for someone with a normal reaction rate. Now, your powers were mimicking others, but Five was certain no one had super speed around here. And so, instead of mourning your death, Five has to ponder how you pulled that off.
If you knew it was gonna happen, then you could’ve reacted that fast. But how would you know? A thought occurs to Five when he recalls how exhausted you’d been just minutes earlier. Could you have…?
Five looks down at your bloody body and lets out a dry chuckle. “You smart girl.”
He lets out a huff of air, clutching his hands into fists and watching the blue light alter the previous events. He watches as your eyes open, you stand back up, and you appear right next to him, out of breath. At that moment, he stops, just a few seconds. Instead of standing at the railing and shouting to his siblings, he grabs your hand and yanks you hard to the ground. The ceiling shatters, and the sickle flies over your heads, clattering to the floor, and Five sighs in relief.
Your eyes are wide in shock as you sit up, turning to the boy. “How did you—?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” He replied.
“You lost your arm the first time.”
“I lost you the second time.”
Your face softens, and you take in his glassy eyes. You place a gentle hand on his face, brushing away his tears with your thumb. “I’m here now, Five,” You assure.
“Don’t ever do that again,” He said sternly.
You press a gentle kiss to his lips, ignoring him because, if given the chance, you would do it again. And again. And again, if it meant saving Five.
And he would do the same.
— END —
five taglist: @clearbasementvoid @halfumbrella @esmedith @navs-bhat @alexxavicry @thelaststraw3 @rainbows-r-nice05 @gcldtom @bokuakadaily @3ternalreal1ty @umbrellatte @hahaspoilerhaha @mi1kobitch @analuizafernandescavalcante @icarus-star @yuki1s--note @m4nd0l0r @ells-graveyard @eichenhouseproperty @iaevs @oneirataxia-girl @ay4kshalatus @mysterygirl-14 @speaker15 @ch0c0-cake @sacrificialstars @lilsubbysblog @unhealthyob @chariotte @666abby6666 @zanrioo @bubsonnobx @dontknownameauthor @instabull @xuenihao
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Lunch Break
Alphonso Hargreaves x GN!Reader
Warnings: none
For the hottest day of the year he still wore a long sleeve shirt and pants. His insecurities made you sad. He would never say it but he envied his siblings. They all were normal, or at least normal-er. Alphonso was many things, funny, charming and hell, even confident. But secure in his looks was not one of them. He got used to the way he looked but he never had those moments where he looked in the mirror and really admired himself.
You two had met on accident when he came to the antique shop where you worked. He needed space from his siblings, Fei, Ben, and Jayme were all so pessimistic and cold. Marcus and Christopher only ever wanted to work. And Sloane was doing whatever she did every day. He was alone and could finally breathe. The smell of old furniture and books was something he didn’t think he’d grow to love, but there you were. Cleaning antique lamps and trying to get the cigarette smell out of old carpets.
“You should try white vinegar and lavender oil-for the smell.” The shop was so quiet, his voice came out as a shout. Spooking you and knocking over your cleaning spray,
“Aw shit, I’m sorry. Let me help.”
Kneeling down by your side he reached for the ruined merchandise, now bleached with…bleach,
“Hey, you’re um, a sparrow right? I’m Y/n. Why are you here and not like saving the world?” He made eye contact, you didn’t look away from his features, you smiled softly and stood up. Alphonso followed you to the register and put the stuff on the counter, trying to play it cool,
“I’m on a break, just chillin’ ”
Oh god why did I say it like that
His eyes followed you around. You glanced at the clock and then back at him,
“Well I’m about to go on break, wanna break together?” Alphonso couldn’t believe it,
“Yes! But speaking of breaking, what about the stuff I ruined? Doesn’t that cost money?” His new friend just smiled and shrugged,
“I’ll figure it out when I get back, as of ten seconds ago I am no longer working.” You took off your name tag and walked past him through the shaded glass and into the sun.
The heat was nearly unbearable. It would’ve been worse if Alphonso hadn’t offered to buy you both ice cream to make up for the accident. While he payed the man you saw a giant ad across the street. 6 siblings.
No Alphonso.
“Why aren’t you up on the billboard with them?” He just laughed,
“Are you kidding? If they put my face on a bill board it would scare everyone away. Its bad for business.” You used your hand to block out the sun and glare at the gigantic advertisement for his brothers and sisters,
“Business or not, you’re their family and a part of the team. You deserve recognition for that, Alphie.” He seemed stunned by your words and stood quietly holding both your ice cream cones. He only stopped daydreaming when the dessert began to drip on his hand,
“Oh shit.” He laughed and licked the bit of ice cream off his wrist before handing you your cone.
The excursion ended when you walked the park length and made it back to the antique store. You both stood still not wanting to depart but not wanting to stay too long in fear of making it awkward,
“How’s you know about that trick with the cigarette smell?”
“My sister Fei used to smoke as a teen and would have me help her get rid of the smell.” You opened the door and kept your back to him,
“Come back again sometime, this was nice.”
“You’re late, where the hell were you?” Marcus ushered him inside,
“He was with someone.” Fei sneered. The siblings began asking questions and interrogating him about his afternoon off,
“Are they hot?” “Can we trust them?” “You didn’t talk to them did you?” “What makes you think they’re actually interested?”
“It’s not a big deal! I took a walk and lost track of time okay? Get off my back.” Number four let his siblings sit with their discomfort about this newcomer in their brothers life. It didn’t matter what they thought. Alphonso had plans already.
He logged into his computer and typed in a search: How to fix antique furniture
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