acrossthewavesoftime · 3 months
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My commiserations to both of them on their terrible taste in boyfriends.*
*Hans Willem, who was fighting rumours about his Boy Best Friend's alleged homosexuality (with him) all his life, would disagree with my phrasing here, but his first wife would definitively agree after the whole Willem-is-jealous-because-after-Hans's-wedding-he-is-no-longer-his-bestie's-priority-number-one jealousy debacle of mid-August 1679.
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miieandering · 3 months
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When you serve so hard you manage to build a mini version of the Het Loo in your ancestral homeland😼
painting van keppel's wig was so fun. on the level of satisfying of rendering clouds. 10/10 would draw more of this slimy cat
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defensivelee · 22 hours
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redraw of that AI miku art on twitter, which sadly looked stunning so everyone who saw it picked up the pencil to do it even better than the original. i just, ironically, chose to draw an AI myself rather than miku :3
not crediting the original 'creator' bc fuck that shit. hans william bentinck you will always be famous
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juette · 8 months
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Happy Monday from Torchwood One
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hassakudesu · 1 month
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I am playing some rpf challenge and reached the modern profession,my friend asked me what i thought Bentink was, that reminds me of the Hague traffic police.
The YouTube account of this traffic police team is@TeamVerkeerDH
(I found the official x account just after I finished drawing according to the screenshot. I compared the high-definition picture and found some parts of the clothes were drawn wrong…😭🤓Whatever)btw I'm doing a modern college student version of William, hope I can finish it hehe
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coquette2004 · 2 months
Happy Birthday to the official handler of William III,
Hans William Bentinck.
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unanchored-ship · 3 months
idk why im using this as a confession booth but the other day i opened 'the sun king' by nancy mitford specifically just to kiss the portrait of bentinck like twenty times. idk i lost count. i want dutch husband
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please use me as a confession booth... gimme
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joachimnapoleon · 1 year
What is certain, is that he fought with himself for a long time; it was hard for him to declare himself against Napoleon his brother-in-law, who had sometimes humiliated him, but to whom he owed all his greatness. Then, once this great step was taken, he, and the Queen still more, would have fulfilled their engagements honestly, if they had not suspected that they were being played.
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
They slept that night on the beach.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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acrossthewavesoftime · 7 months
"My compliments to all the family except for Lott[e]."
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Charlotte Philiberthe von Nassau-Beverweerd (1649-1702) (detail); created between 1675 and 1694, though the hairstyle would suggest a date in the 1670s; in the collection of the Rijksmuseum.
For Valentine's day, here's a tale of a romance that did not quite turn out as expected, but left a string of interesting documents.
Let's picture the scene: you're in love. Who do you tell? Well, obviously, you might confide the butterflies in your belly to your best friend, and it just so happens that the lady who's quite turned your head is a distant cousin of his.
This is the situation one Hans Willem Bentinck (1649-1709) found himself in during January and February 1675. His crush was Charlotte Philiberthe von Nassau-Beverweerd, a distant relation (their grandfathers were half-brothers) of his closest friend, then-Stadtholder of the United Provinces and future King of England William III (1650-1702).
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William III of Orange and Hans Willem Bentinck; dated to 1676. Collection of Stichting Kasteel Amerongen, via RKD Research.
William interceded on his best friend's behalf, and seems to have taken "Lotte", as he called her, aside when the latter, living with one of her sisters who had married an English noble, paid a visit to the Netherlands.
The Stadtholder, who was friends with Lotte as she was one of the few people who would engage him in some good, old-fashioned banter and, her love for a good joke aside, was an extremely intelligent conversationalist, made her promise to give a reply as to what he should tell his best friend; but that reply never came and so, William, writing to Lotte's brother-in-law, Thomas Butler, the 6th Earl of Ossory (1634-1680), with whom she lived, added a few P.S.-s to his usual (largely political) letters to Ossory:
In late January or early February, William wrote to Ossory:
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(P. S.) I beg of you to tell Lott[e] that, all her cruelty aside, I love her with all my heart, and to reproach her that she has neither written, nor even replied to my letter, as she had promised when we parted. I also hope that she will soon declare herself on that which she had promised me to think on when we parted, for Bentinck is very impatient to know how he stands, which seems very reasonable to me. G.*
(* In case you're wondering why William, or Willem in Dutch, signed as "G.", in his private correspondence: it's the abbreviation of the French equivalent of his name, Guillaume.)
However, it looks like Lotte was still ghosting both Bentinck and William, because he signed another letter to Ossory, datable to February 1675, off as follows:
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My compliments to all the family except for Lott[e]. G.
A third letter to Ossory lastly mentions Lotte in March 1675:
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(P. S.) I beg of you to assure Madame the Countess [of Ossory] of my very humble services, and [Lotte] as well, regardless of my not having any reason to be pleased with her. G.
One imagines that William may have taken his best friend aside and told him to forget about Lotte. Sadly, we have no information on how Lotte reacted to these messages.
If there is anything to be taken from this tale of historical heartbreak, it is that this sort of thing happens. If this Valentine's Day you find yourself unhappy because you're celebrating it alone and rather would not to, remember that you're not alone. Maybe also talk to your best friend, even if they're not a powerful noble in charge of a country.
Oh, and don't be a Lotte and ghost someone with an (romantic) interest in you. Just tell them in polite, but no uncertain terms that you're not into them.
From a historian's perspective, I find it fascinating how the Lotte-letters to Ossory highlight a part of William III's personality that is largely overlooked; posthumously often regarded as a guarded, almost robotically emotionless man, the young William in his early 20s who tries to play cupid for his best friend and adopts a very domestic tone in his missives going so far as to utilise nicknames paints a rather different picture.
Lotte was evidently forgiven, because she became a member of William and Mary's court, and briefly served under Anne as well. She never married, and her motives for doing so have been lost to history.
As for Hans Willem Bentinck, he met a woman called Anne Villiers (1651-1688) two and a half years later: she was, her mother having been the governess of William's bride Princess Mary, the future Mary II, a sort of sisterly figure to the Princess, and the two met through the marriage of their friends/employers. Contrary to William and Mary, for whom love only developed gradually in the aftermath of a fairly traumatic arranged marriage (especially on the then-15-year-old Mary's part), for Anne and Hans Willem Bentinck, their romance was much more organic: they fell in love at their workplace, so to say. To crown their personal happy end, William III stepped in to provide Anne, who was of a respectable family, yet had no fortune to speak of, with a dowry.
For the letters from William to Ossory, see: Japikse, Nicolaas [ed.]: Correspondentie van Willem III en van Hans Willem Bentinck (1927-1935), Vol. II, ii, letters 4, 15 and 16.
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princesssarisa · 2 years
A Christmas Carol Holiday Season: "A Christmas Carol: Scrooge's Ghostly Tale" (2006 animated feature)
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We now reach (as far as I know) the first CGI animated version of A Christmas Carol. Unfortunately, it's not a particularly good one. But it is an interesting version. That I'll grant.
This retelling takes place in a world of animals. Scrooge is a skunk, as are his nephew Fred and sister Fan. Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, and their family are rabbits. Marley's Ghost is a cricket, and in a possible reference to another Dickens story, The Cricket on the Hearth, he emerges from Scrooge's fireplace. The Ghost of Christmas Past is a Scottish-accented stork, the Ghost of Christmas Present is an Australian-accented kangaroo, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (who speaks in this version) is a walrus with a broken tusk. The two charitable gentlemen are bears, and the other London citizens are an assortment of frogs, cats, turtles, horses, mice, and such.
Predictably, this retelling is very much aimed at children, and the story is accordingly condensed and sometimes rewritten. Christmas Past leaves out Fezziwig and Belle, instead focusing on the child Scrooge's neglect and loneliness, and showing that he became estranged from Fan after Fred's birth made her unable to bring her younger brother to live with her. But Christmas Yet to Come gets more extensive changes. In the vision of the future, Tiny Tim is still alive and grown up, but his bad leg has been amputated, which has left him just as bitter and mean as Scrooge was. Meanwhile, Scrooge is said to have died when his hoarded pile of gold coins fell and crushed him, and at the cemetery, he sees his own ghost chained and wandering with Marley. Last but not least, after Scrooge redeems himself (and makes Bob Cratchit his partner, as in three earlier animated versions), he once again sees Marley, who for helping him is freed from his chain and rises up to heaven.
I have to admit that this Carol's main value is just as a curiosity. The CGI animation is generally crude and ugly, and while the voice actors do a fine job with their roles, the characters are written as caricatures of themselves. None of Dickens's original dialogue is used, but several quotes are borrowed from the 1951 Alastair Sim film, making me suspect that the screenwriters just watched that movie and didn't bother to read the book. The soundtrack also includes two mediocre songs – "Hey, Hey, Hey, Holiday," sung by Fred and his guests, and "A Second Chance," sung by Scrooge – despite the fact that the rest of the production isn't a musical.
Small children might enjoy this Carol, but personally, even for small children, I'd recommend many other versions above this one.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @faintingheroine, @reds-revenge, @thealmightyemprex, @thatscarletflycatcher
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defensivelee · 11 months
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Hanni's mid week encouragement
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onestuarteveryday · 1 year
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day one hundred and thirty eight: blaaaargh semi realistic alien William
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hassakudesu · 3 months
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Bro ur boyfriend is really difficult to coax
Damn I just realized that I have never posted his stuff but I actually did a lot!🗿 mainly because my English is poor. maybe l’ll translate something fun when I have time,, but now I have to survive finals week
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coquette2004 · 2 months
The Stuarts and Friends: Watching a Horror Movie
*Continuously ask questions about the plot, ruining it for everyone else*: George of Denmark, James Duke of Monmouth
*Scream mega loudly even when absolutely nothing has happened*: James VI and I, Mary II
*Ends up crying* - James VI and I
*"That's not even sca-" ends up screaming at jumpscare*: Charles I, Mary Queen of Scots, Sarah Churchill, Arnold Joost van Keppel, Anne of Denmark, James Duke of Monmouth
*Is silent throughout the whole thing, staring at the screen - no one can tell if it's because they're scared or they're enjoying it*: William III, Anne Hyde, Charles II, Mary of Modena, John Churchill
*Laughs like a maniac whenever someone dies - causing severe worry to everyone*: James II, Henrietta Maria
*Isn't even watching the movie, seeing everyone else (either out of terror or thinking they're all idiots)*: Anne Queen of Great Britain, Hans William Bentinck, Catherine of Braganza
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unanchored-ship · 3 months
William, Bentinck, and Keppel for the game teehee
Ohoho intereesting
Bedding Keppel because what else do I choose. If I don't bed Keppel are we even talking about the same person? Helloooo pretty boy 🤭
Wedding Bentinck... we all agree he is the best Dutch wife yes. He's a sweet guy and im sure we could find similar interests.
Wow all of us are beheading William today. Damn okay Louis I know you're working some magic here because why is he getting beheaded in every trio I've seen. What are you doing to m
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