little-red-fool · 8 months
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Doodles of Silvertongue when he was younger and worked as a manservant at Beshaba’s court.
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csealia · 5 months
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I haven’t posted in 84 years but here, please accept my dnd character and current obsession. Her name is Wisteria🪻
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coreene · 5 months
The Legend of Tyche and Her Twin Daughters
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Before the Dawn Cataclysm, there was but one goddess of luck, Tyche. Ever flirting with fortune and disaster, Lady Luck bestowed and withdrew her favor at a whim. When her current paramour, Lathander, started a fight among the gods, Tyche kissed the Morninglord with misfortune and wandered off to explore the world.
During her travels, Lady Luck discovered a budding rose of unequaled beauty. Delighted with this fortuitous happenstance, Tyche reached to pluck this delightful token, which she assumed was a peace overture from Lathander, who sought to regain her good graces. Much to her amazement, Lady Luck couldn't pluck the rose from its bush no matter how hard she tried. Frustrated, she cursed the rose with bad luck, and the flower's stem broke in her hands. Tyche put the plucked rose behind her ear and continued on her way. Unknown to Tyche, the rose was a manifestation of Moander, god of corruption and decay. The severed rose stem crept into Tyche's ear and subtly began to rot her from the inside out.
When Tyche returned home, she came across her dear friend , the goddess Selune, waiting to speak with her. Also waiting for her were Lathander, who wished to regain her affections, and Azuth, who had come to mediate the dispute between the two. Selune wept great tears as she saw the corruption destroying her friend from within, and before Tyche could discern her intent, Selune lashed out with a bolt of purifying light. Tyche's rotted core split down the middle and a smaller, brighter version of the goddess of luck stepped out, allowing the goddess of the moon to save that which was good and pure in her friend. However, following this first figure out of the rotten shell was another form stunning to behold, but full of dark malice and capricious ill will. As the two forms emerged, they immediately fell upon each other in hate, struggling madly, and were separated only by the combined efforts of all three visitors.
It is said that Tymora, Tyche's Fair-Haired Daughter, embodies all the grace and kindness of her mother, while Beshaba, Tyche's Unpleasant Daughter, got only her looks. Since their birth, the twin aspects of Tyche-Tymora, Lady Luck, and Beshaba, Maid of Misfortune-have battled each other, contesting matters as great as the fate of nations and as small as the flip of a coin.
source: Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide pg. 40
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reptile-garden · 7 months
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Guess who got to hyper focused on finishing their oc (D&D based off of a Beshaba spawned tieflings) and forgot to eat lunch. Look at my baby tho. Look how precious they are.
This gal. 😂
I’m gonna go crash now, but hey! I finished Raines design for the most part… I still wanna see if I can add in wings at some point (AU anyone?) so they can do the thing. Said thing below. I find it hilarious.
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nyuula-art · 2 years
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NPCs from my little evil campaign about a group that worships Beshaba🦌 it’s so fun doing things other than the usual good deeds
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sonybaloneyart · 2 years
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My full page piece of Beshaba for #UncagedGoddesses! Find yourself pulled into Beshaba's struggle with Tymora & testing your luck against the Maid of Misfortune herself in @itsjackieyang's adventure "When Luck Runs Out" 
Get your own copy of Uncaged Goddesses today! 
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vault-of-lore · 5 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Phrases
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Religious Phrases
Watching gods. x
Black Hand be thanked. x
Bloody fool, may the Black Hand take you. x
By The Black Hand, I told you to leave that alone. x
Beshaba's black bones. x
By Mystra's eyelids. x
Coinmaiden guard your coffers. x
The Coinmaiden watches you. x
Waukeen be with me. x
By the Nine Hells. x
Damn thing's sealed tighter than a Duke's pursestrings. x
Little serpent, long shadow. x
My horns for a normal day. x
She toys with us like a tressym with a pigeon. x
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psalacanthea · 7 months
WiP Whenever
I think I'll be done with this chapter tomorrow, but I'm not sure! (work is crazy ;_;) From the Tav x Astarion Modern AU. Dealing with other people is mortifying. (don't go to dinner with carm he probably tries to get out of paying for his food after he's eaten it by complaining to the manager)
When Zyn stepped outside, the cleric had cornered a hapless passerby and was herding them towards the menacing collection box.  The woman was looking highly uncomfortable, backed into a corner by a 5’3”, balding half-elven man wielding a half-burned cigarette like a weapon. 
“You think you can just walk by like this?  You don’t think.  You don’t stop and think about what misfortune should befall you should you ignore Her.  You really feel that lucky that you can neglect her like this?  Huh?  Do you?”
Zyn tugged his hood a little further over his head.  Hells, this was so embarrassing to witness.  He didn’t even like asking people for help.  Couldn’t even imagine the fucking balls it took to accost people in the street like this.
“I asked if you feel lucky enough to neglect Her. You walked right by the collection box, my child.” The term of endearment sounded like an epithet.
“I– I didn’t think,” the woman said, sounding annoyed but fearful all at once.  “I don’t carry cash.  Okay?  When I have some cash…”
“Hey, come on.  Leftovers?  That’s insulting.”  Carm whipped a small black device out of his pocket, like a magician revealing a dove suffering from oxygen deprivation.  “Luckily for you, Lady Beshaba takes plastic and digital currency of all kinds in exchange for Her protection.  You just swipe that right here.  No problem!”
“Carm, come on,” Zyn groaned, mortally embarrassed as he yanked the edge of his hood down to meet his mask.
“Mind your fuckin’ business, kid!  You don’t mind him, ma’am, you don’t mind him.  Kid’s got no respect for the clergy.”  Carm beamed a craggy smile as the woman retrieved her wallet from her pocket.  “There you go!  You on the blockchain?  That magic internet wizard money?  I don’t know what it is, but I know we take that, too.”
Zyn wanted to die.
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crowsyart · 9 months
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Entropy’s been mistaken for one of loviatar’s worshippers before(as he carries and uses one of their scourges)(unknowingly at first it was the only one he could afford/felt would work for his purposes) but he’s not particularly interested in pain for the sake of pleasure, while he does whip himself as a form of worship it’s more to remind himself of his own misfortune and place in life rather to enjoy and accept pain as a part of being alive
He will also pour alcohol over his wounds to cleanse them/as further worship to Beshaba
Hes kind of a pushover despite being so devout in his faith, assuming most people will come around eventually, as he figures misfortune is the strongest aspect of living life, and by worshipping it he can turn it into something for his own use. He assumes he can convince all others that this is the case, even if they worship other gods/goddesses
There’s your fun facts I mostly just wanted to draw him in the Loviatar armor
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vulpixelates · 5 months
last rb is giving me thoughts of the cat sidhe rogue/trickster cleric that i've had swirling around in my brain for forever 🙃
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little-red-fool · 8 months
I wanna learn about silver tongue I love abyss lore
Heehee I’ll gladly talk about Silvertongue and his backstory. I don’t know as much about Forgotten Realms lore as I would like to so correct me if anything seems inaccurate, also I haven’t fully fleshed out his lore yet but this might still be quite long because I like rambling lol so I’ll try to summarise it a little (also I might have changed some of the Dark Urge lore to fit his backstory too whoops).
*cracks knuckles* Ok so as a bit of an overview of his character, Silvertongue originally started off as a half-elf bard when I made him, he was also chaotic good but I was able to develop his character a lot more when I decided to ship him with Raphael and made him chaotic evil instead because I thought two evil bards would be really funny, which then led me into researching into Forgotten Realms lore; I found out that cambions can also be half demons in some versions of D&D so that’s why he’s like how he is now.
I’ll talk a bit about his backstory now that you have a brief summary of his character. Whilst Silvertongue’s a half-demon cambion, he’s still a half-elf in game so I decided to make his mother a high elf, although like other cambions she died during childbirth, and I like to think that the reason is because like some animals (such as spiders) he ate his way out of her womb rather than being delivered naturally. Although he was born in Blood Tor, he was very quickly transported to Toril where he grew up in an orphanage in human society (possibly in Baldur’s Gate but I haven’t decided), and for the most part his demonic heritage wasn’t prominent and he fit in well with the other children despite the odd outburst and rampage which were few and far between and wouldn’t last long—he was always drawn to music as a child which lead him to learning how to play violin and flute, and that started his career as a bard when he was a teenager. As he grew older though it became harder to hide his heritage and his urges grew stronger and more difficult to manage, he became more malicious and deceitful, as well as more sadistic, which then escalated and led to him attacking and killing a few people. After this happened he was hunted down like an animal when people discovered his heritage so he fled the city. It wasn’t long after this that his father—a demon—managed to track him down and bring him to the Abyss, saying that he would fit in better there and that his talents would be appreciated more.
This was when he came back to Blood Tor, where he spent his mid twenties to his late fifties. Whilst there he was a vassal to Beshaba and served as a manservant in the court, sometimes directly assisting Beshaba. When he was older he was drafted into the Blood War as a soldier and was trained to fight. He was originally sent on raids with other demons to the City of Strife to steal souls from the Wall of the Faithless, but later on he was sent into proper battles in Oinos, and much later he was stationed in Avernus up until recently. Whilst Silvertongue had a few mortal friends on Toril, he didn’t really have any in the Abyss due to the untrusting and malicious nature of most demons, however he was close with a couple of other cambions that also served under Beshaba at the same time as him. They were also drafted into the Blood War alongside Silvertongue, however one was killed during a baatezu attack in Bloor Tor, but he managed to save his other friend from an orthon attack, however this meant that he suffered many injuries and his clothes were tattered—he still wears the coat he wore from the orthon attack as he views it as a symbol of pride and a reminder that he saved his friend. Silvertongue is probably around 300 or so years old (give or take) so he served in the Blood War for over 250 years, and he was a decent soldier. He was often picked on due to his diminutive stature compared to the other demon soldiers, however what he lacked in strength and size he made up in agility and stealth. That isn’t to say he’s weak though he could still easily rip a human in half.
Now that I’ve given you most of his backstory I’ll talk about the events that took place recently to when BG3 starts. This part is also linked to the Dark Urge backstory, which I altered a bit for Silvertongue’s backstory. Although he was still fighting in Avernus, he started going on missions to Toril in order to disrupt devils from gaining souls from mortals, and for this he went to lots of different cities, one of these being Baldur’s Gate. This is when he ran into the cult of Bhaal, and long story short he ended up becoming involved—he didn’t worship Bhaal but he thought that having the Bhaalists on his side would be useful. Not too long after he met Gortash, and he found out about his affiliation with Bane, and learned about the Crown of Karsus and the Elderbrain, which is when Silvertongue forged the plan to use the Elderbrain and the ilithid tadpoles to turn the people into mindflayers as it would completely destroy the devils’ ability to recruit mortal souls as mindflayers were soulless. Him, Gortash and Ketheric carry out the plan etc etc and during these times Silvertongue keeps occasionally returning to Avernus to continue fighting in the Blood War.
This is right before the events of the game, as he was in Avernus when the nautiloid passed through it at the beginning, and due to being half-elf and therefore somewhat mortal he was swept up by the nautiloid and infected by a tadpole. Similar to some of the other companions—such as Wyll and Gale—Silvertongue’s stronger abilities and a lot of his power were sealed due to the tadpole’s influence, and he was trapped in his mortal aspect with very little magic. His current goal, like the other companions, is to get rid of the tadpole in order to regain his demonic aspect and his powers so he can continue to fight in the Blood War, although reluctantly—he recognises that it’s his duty and it gives him the opportunity to maim and kill others, but he’s still quite connected to his mortal lineage and he likes the thought of retiring, or at least living in Toril rather than continuing to fight in the Blood War.
Alright now on to him and Raphael (and a bit of Haarlep). Their first meeting was interesting, Silvertongue immediately clocked Raphael as a devil and tried to attack him, whilst in my interpretation of Raphael he’s never fought in the Blood War himself and has only witnessed it from afar so he can’t easily distinguish a demon when they’re not in an easily recognisable form, so he just thought Silvertongue was a bit jumpy and paranoid. I haven’t gotten Silvertongue past Act 1 yet, so whilst these events haven’t taken place yet I’m still going to refer to them in past tense for ease. Raphael manages to figure out that Silvertongue’s a half-demon at Last Light and that he was a soldier in the Blood War, which is what prompts him to get Silvertongue to kill Yurgir. In Act 3 I think Raphael’s contract would be slightly altered for Silvertongue, instead offering to remove his tadpole rather than giving him the Orphic Hammer. In exchange Raphael still receives the Crown of Karsus. Since Silvertongue has spent most of his life in the Abyss and hasn’t encountered any devils in a peaceful or conversational setting, he doesn’t really know how tricky they are and the weight of their contracts and how binding they are, so he signs Raphael’s contract; Raphael keeps his word and removes his tadpole. Unfortunately, with Silvertongue having grown attached to his companions and hating authority figures, he decides to break into Raphael’s home to nick the Orphic Hammer so he can free Orpheus, but he doesn’t take his contract as he just thinks it’s some old piece of paper, he doesn’t think that it actually holds any power over him or his soul. As you might know if you break into Raphael’s home without stealing your contract he, uh, incinerates you. My interpretation of this is that the player character then becomes one of his debtors trapped in his house, which is exactly what happens to Silvertongue. Fortunately his companions were able to escape with the hammer, however Helsik then closed the portal because let’s be real who wants a rampaging devil chasing after you into Toril, so essentially Silvertongue is stuck there as his soul is bound and his companions currently had no way of breaking him out.
Raphael doesn’t have as much power over Silvertongue as his other debtors due to his Abyssal heritage and not being fully mortal, so Silvertongue still has some freedom and is (mostly) sane (or as sane as he was before becoming a debtor), he’s mostly just bound to the house and unable to harm Raphael. Silvertongue is not happy about his situation and spends the first couple of weeks essentially throwing a huge tantrum and destroying half the furniture. He meets Haarlep during this time and since I headcanon Haarlep as being an enslaved tanar’ri (thanks to this post which completely hey this place isn’t too bad, it’s warm, I get a bed aechanged my outlook) they hit it off well pretty quickly, so they became quite close and shit-talked Raphael. It took a few weeks but Silvertongue realised that hey this place isn’t that bad, it’s warm, I get a bed and free food and I’m not constantly praying for my life and I don’t have to kill devils 24/7 for hundreds of years so he very quickly becomes a lot like a house cat, although he also realises that whilst he might be stuck with Raphael, Raphael is also stuck with him, which gives him the motivation to be an absolute prick but in a petty and mischievous way rather than an overly destructive and murderous way. Raphael absolutely hates this at first but over time they get more comfortable with each other and less antagonistic, which then evolves into a slight fondness (well more of a mild love-hate relationship), and I think that’s all up-to-date.
I’m so sorry that was so long ajdnshdndn but I really enjoyed infodumping about Silvertongue’s backstory, thank you so much for this ask!
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doodleroo1 · 2 years
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Figured I might as well make a pinned post here since it’s been a while since I’ve made a tumblr!
Hi! My name’s Alaina, and I’m a hobby artist who loves all things fantasy and D&D! I started playing about five years ago and have met so many wonderful people doing so. I’m not super active with messaging, but I do like and reblog a lot of art from artists I look up to!
This is one of my more recent paintings of my current D&D character, Andromeda. She’s an Aasimar Twilight Cleric, Gloomstalker Ranger multiclass and she’s cursed by Beshaba! 
She’s just trying to live her life rn while the spooky god lady keeps whispering in her ear, it’s totally fine
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coreene · 5 months
The Maid of Misfortune, Lady Doom, Black Bess
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Beshaba is the counterpoint to Tymora and is just as frequently acknowledged in daily life as is her more benevolent "sister." She is seen as a cruel and capricious goddess who must be propitiated to avoid attracting her attention and interest in a negative way.
Beshaba's name is invoked when someone is beset by bad luck-which could be as minor as stubbing a toe or breaking a wagon wheel, or as catastrophic as slipping and accidentally falling off a cliff. It is also invoked to ward off her attentions when someone is doing something in which good luck wouldn't play a part but bad luck might. For example, someone rolling dice would invoke Tymora because they want random chance to fall in their favor, but someone about to cross a rickety bridge would ask Beshaba to keep the bridge intact.
Folk make the symbol of Beshaba by folding in their thumbs and extending their fingers on one or both hands (mimicking the horns of her holy symbol) to ward off misfortune. The same gesture raised to the head signifies a salute; when pointed at someone, the "horns" indicate ill favor directed toward that individual.
Many druids worship Beshaba as one of the First Circle. They propitiate her with dances while wearing fire-blackened antlers dipped in blood. According to these druids, her holy symbol is the horns of a stag because when Beshaba was first worshiped, humans were simple hunter-gatherers and she was believed to bring misfortune to hunters, such as being gored by a stag.
Although most people tremble in fear at the prospect of Beshaba's attendance at any event (even in spirit), Beshaba is almost always invoked and welcomed formally in the opening speeches or ceremonies of formal functions such as marriages and coronations, contests of sport or martial prowess, and at the naming ceremonies of children. If she isn't invited to such an event, she might take offense and wreak misfortune on those involved.
Temples to Beshaba are virtually unknown. It's common, however, for rural folk to erect a post and mount antlers on it at the site of some roadside accident or murder. In cities, where antlers are hard to come by and murders and accidents more prevalent, the fashion is to draw the black antlers of Beshaba with charcoal on a nearby wall, leaving the symbol on display until weather scours it away. These "shrines," in either form, serve as warnings to others about places of ill fortune.
More formal shrines to Beshaba exist in places where folk frequently hope to ward off misfortune. These sites tend to be posts or stones painted red with blackened antlers attached to them, or a red, triangular wall mounted plaque with attached antlers. Both types have a stone or bronze bowl where coins can be tossed or burnt offerings made. The Red Wizards of Thay commonly erect such shrines outside their ritual chambers to guard against unfortunate mistakes.
Few dare to take Beshaba as a patron. The rare clerics of the Maid of Misfortune are those who have been deeply affected by great misfortunes and who seek to warn others of the essential unfairness of life- or to inflict that unfairness upon them.
source: Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide pg. 26
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yourplayersaidwhat · 7 months
"Tymore and Beshaba are just watching and laughing at [Bladesinger's] life, I swear. His girlfriends keep dying but he can upcast *Fireball* in the middle of the Spellplague and be fine."
- Psychic, about the party's Bladesinger.
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nyuula-art · 2 years
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more of the NPC Mallory, Black Finger of Beshaba in the campaign I DM 🦌
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sonybaloneyart · 2 years
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Last bit of #UncagedGoddesses art from me! This time it's my spot art piece/ mural piece for @itsjackieyang's Beshaba adventure "When Luck Runs Out"
Get your own copy of Uncaged Goddesses today!
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