#Best Adrenal Surgery
are-they-all-sims · 1 year
Hi everyone!
I wanted to give you all a quick update. Unfortunately, I don’t think I will be able to continue posting for the foreseeable future. I know my blog has been quiet these last few months and although I love playing sims I just haven’t had the time.
I also have some health issues that have emerged. I need surgery to remove a tumor from one of my adrenal glands. At the moment, we don’t know if the tumor is cancerous but the surgeon will have it biopsied after it’s removed. The surgery is extensive and I’ll be in the hospital for a few days afterwards. I’m hoping for the best possible outcome and have been staying positive.
This isn’t a goodbye by any means! I will still be around to comment, read people’s stories, and reblog cc here and there. However, my story is officially on hiatus. If anyone wants spoilers or has questions about the story I can answer for you feel free to comment or send me an ask.
Thanks for sticking around this long! I’ve had my blog for almost 2 years now. It’s crazy how time flies.
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frary-us · 10 months
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Platform 7
Published Tue 28 Nov 2023
Interview with Toby Regbo - Matt
So, what can you tell us about Dr. Matthew Goodson?
Matthew is Lisa’s boyfriend, they meet at the hospital, where he works, so there is a slight breaking of the rules in order to get her number. And then we follow their relationship as more and more of her past comes back to her memory as she learns more and more about her life and we see how their relationship unfolds.
One of the conversations that we had with Paula Milne was about her first-hand experience actually of being married to a surgeon and that type of temperament. We talked about the adrenal junkie – Matthew sort of thrives on the adrenaline and things change him all the time. When he talks about A&E, he talks about how he lives that process, that there is always something new. I think that feeds into his personality, he has a passion and a hunger but it is also extremely hard on himself. We see in flashbacks, that his relationship with his mother is not the best, so he thrives on the next thing in order to feel the thrive of surgery, the thrive of saving someone's life, and the chase and the passion in his relationship.
What do we learn of Matthew in the early part of the show? Do we see Matthew before the flashbacks?
Everything is seen through Lisa’s memory. When I talk about my character, really what I'm talking about is what he means to her. All the characters are how they serve her really. So it's difficult to talk about him without talking about her. Even the memories- the way that she remembers them as a ghost, there are memories that aren't infallible so it mutates as she remembers more. Our memories are not infallible.
When you first read the script, what were your thoughts about the show?
I liked it because it's a mixture of genres that we don't sometimes see. It's a ghost story, it's a detective story, it's got elements of Noir. Almost my stuff with Lisa is this sort of a two-hander, almost like ‘Blue Valentine’ type relationship aspect of it and they will blend together. Which I hadn't seen before so it's a new mix match of genres.
What was it like working with Jasmine?
My favourite scenes - plural - have been really working with Jasmine. We've shot this montage or collage of moments of our relationship and a lot of that takes place in her flat and that was the one set build that we had, most of its filmed on location but we had one or two weeks that we filmed just basically us - all of these very intense scenes, our life together over the course of a week or so and that was really great. It's like filmmaking when it's very self-contained there's nothing else to worry about and it was almost like shooting a play just a two-hander. Jasmine's great and so we had a lot of fun shooting those scenes. The back and forth, the love, the passion. It's been great.
Do you have an idea of what the audience might take away or enjoy from this?
I suppose if there was a theme that was slightly metaphysical - moving on and what keeps us stuck? If there are ghosts, what are they really? Is something left behind that can't they move on from until something is resolved? Something is dealt with? I think it's a beautiful story in that respect. Watching somebody do what it takes in order to let go and in order to move on you know. For a lot of the show, she is stuck in a particular place, in a particular time, in a particular memory, unable to move through it and it takes bravery and internal courage to be able to move through and move past it to, and move on.
Interview with Jasmine Jobson - Lisa
Tell us a bit about Lisa...
Without giving away too much, Lisa is a ghost, trapped at a station. She's very strong minded and strong willed and she witnesses a devastating incident that jogs her fractured memory. Along her journey she finds similarities to something that she's experienced herself, which in turn gives her a lot of power, which is very exciting.
When you first read the script, what was your reaction?
There's a lot of flashbacks so I was trying to keep up with the timeline and how things progressed, but the script was phenomenal. There's so much description, it's almost like the book - so I could visualise every scene for every moment because it was so beautifully detailed, Paula smashed it!
Your character is a ghost - as a concept for an actress, what were your thoughts?
My biggest concern about playing a ghost would have been the special effects side of things, - how I'd manage to walk through things, figuring out at what point in the story I'm able to do certain things as it changes as the story goes on. I’ve always been fascinated by special effects and how they film people walking through you, so it’s been a beautiful thing to be a part of.
Sometimes it felt odd, talking and no one saying anything back to you - I had to adapt to being a fly on the wall. Especially being the main character in the show that often doesn't have a lot to say in scenes - I'd say about 60% of the job was facial expressions which is a tough skill to manifest. I was definitely ready for the challenge and think I did pretty well! Being a fly on the
wall was a crazy experience, to have everyone talking about you but no one talking to you and then when Lisa speaks no one responds!
What was your experience of filming at the train station?
Well, filming the show was so much fun, but being in a train station in the middle of winter definitely wasn't fun all the time, I had to constantly act like I didn't feel the cold as a ghost - so I would always try to imagine I was in a hot country like the Dominican Republic! Other than the weather, it was a breeze! I'd come straight off of another job so coming into Platform 7 was a little bit challenging going from one project straight to another but it meant that my performance is all unchecked emotion, it was all round amazing.
Do you have any favourite scenes?
All of the supernatural stuff! It was so fun to play.
What can you tell us about the other characters at the station - there's a whole community... There's a lot going on - outside of my character’s family, there’s Matt - played by Toby who was so great to work with, we had such a laugh. There’s Transport Police Officer Akash and station worker Melissa too and another ghost Edward. He has his own story that viewers will discover too - Phil Davies is a phenomenal actor and a lovely guy, he's like a BFG (big friendly giant!). He's so great, I learnt a lot from him. It was nice to have another character that Lisa can talk to as well so we bounced off each other well too which was lovely.
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foxsoulcourt · 2 years
15 questions
(or the time I almost pasted a comment intended for Hunting, @roseforthethorns + Only_1_Truth's recent spicy 🌶🌶🌶 JB/Q/AT werewolf au instead of the questions to answer 👀😂)
Ty @bishybarnaby + @macontheweb for asking me to play! 💜
1. Are you named after anyone? Kind of. My mama's best friend's name was Laurie + she like the sound of it so she came up w/something similar. (Grateful my dad ix-nayed the Two Grandmother's Name idea because Patience Josephine is a l o t for one small human to shoulder.)
2. When was the last time you cried? Two nights ago during a rewatch of Madam Secretary s05 e16 The New Normal about climate change-related migrations. Before that got weepy while listening to a friend explain the complicated surgery + recovery protocol she's navigating.
3. Do you have kids? Yep, two 24 y.o. born 5 minutes apart. Very different in almost every way, currently living in two different states. Each are DeLiGhTfuL humans which makes being family a lot of fun. ~ Interestingly, this almost wasn't my story. I'm deeply grateful neither of my parents pushed marriage or kids onto my ideas for the future. I grew up knowing neither choice is for everyone, nor an indicator of a rich, full life, and well into my twenties I was utterly convinced neither were for me. ~ As life unfolded I did a shit-ton of therapy, decided to stick around this place + then later on met my person. We're well-matched in many great ways, so when things shifted inside both of us, our two came into the world. We intentionally raised + launched them aligned with our quirky values + interests which turned out to be a trickier design challenge than I anticipated. Worthy though! But, ummm, I'm STILL kinda tired, so if you choose to do the kid thing, please get more sleep than I did while you do it. Your future self will be grateful. Plus if you have ovaries, menopause is a w a y easier journey if you've been getting enough sleep beforehand. #adrenal fatigue is real
4. Do you use sarcasm? Occasionally I hint at it, but no. It makes me emotionally + physically squirm.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people? Hmmmm, intuitively I pick up how emotionally safe they are, both within themselves + how they're likely to interact with others. Next I notice what draws their eyes. Then I get curious about what they choose to wear + why. Sometimes it's the exact opposite sequence.
6. What is your eye color? Green
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Ha! Happy endings!!! CanNOT watch anything remotely scary.
8. Any special talents? After years + years of wondering WTAF, I realised I'm the human equivalent of a portable sanctuary. Not always (that would be aNnOyiNg for all involved!), but often there's something about how I listen + interact w/people that makes them feel safe enough to share something about themselves, an insight, or chitchat about A Real Thing. It happens literally a n y w h e r e. Yesterday it was w/a guy in the grocery store check out line.
9. Where were you born? Within a mile of a small beach in a formerly sleepy southern Californian town, USA; moved to the PNW when I was 12. West coast gal all the way.
10. What are your hobbies? Chopping vegetables while listening to old school jazz, reading, dinking around in the garden, going for walks to look at other people's gardens, evolving as a human being, making Mr FSC laugh so his eyes crinkle. Vague itch to pick up some sort of fabric art activities in 2023.
11. Do you have any pets? After the heart-break of nursing first one + then a second older man cat to the other side (see below), I've become an avid backyard bird watcher. This includes staring out the window at LoTs of little brown birds + talking to the neighbourhood crows.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? All my life I've been physically active, almost always outside the bounds of defined sports. In high school I swam + played on the badminton team and both were a total gas, but that was because we were a team of weirdos doing something fun together. Swimming, bike riding, hiking, sailing, skiing, dancing, walking - all of it - is for the joy of feeling my body in motion. I am so f*%ing grateful to my parents for leading by example in this way which, thankfully, I seem to have passed onto both of our kids.
13. How tall are you? 5′6" / 167 cm
14. Favorite subject in school? All of them. Seriously. I loved learning about the natural world which opened up into all.of.the.sciences. Loved learning mathematics even when it was moderately hard; stopped when it got really hard. Adored reading + writing, and then writing about what I read. Liked art + cooking + sewing (which was still taught at the time). Took Spanish + then went to Latin America to speak it. Enjoyed learning how to speak persuasively, up in front of other people. Reading this over I started laughing because it makes sense of my Uni experience! Spent a few years on a journey through most of these topics before I narrowed it down to History of Science. Which still covers almost all of them PLUS included the study of people + institutions! Grad school was focused on leadership development + how to navigate organisational change, which meant picking up organisational psychology to add into the mix.
15. Dream job? Having had s e v e r a l already + being in the 3rd act of life w/the need to make a bit more money, this is a f a s c i n a t i n g, topical + tender question. I've loved what I've done: waited tables; collaboratively created a customer service + accounting dept within a successful dot com start up within a major retailer; lay minister with teens in a queer positive church; parent; organisational change consultant. B u T, I've also experienced mental + physical exhaustion 3x. The last episode has been particularly challenging to recover from, so the question at hand is how to be moderate. I hear it's possible + have seen others achieve this goal. Recently started back up w/therapy to figure why it's been challenging for me thus far. Dream of dreams? Consultant designing + facilitating important conversations w/in organisations navigating changes in leadership styles between The Old Way + what's evolving. I'm pretty skilled at inter-generational dynamics which is a deal these days. Goal is to get paid handsomely enough for doing it part time. Stretch goal? Flesh out some scribbled notes pinned on the bulletin board >> write a couple of small square books about organisational change + Generation Flux + sTuFf.
Who else wants to play? If you're interested, @fuzzballsheltiepants, @pomponiaia, @christinefromsherwood, @anyawen, @merceyca, @leahlisabeth, @youreyestheyglow. I'm guessing any one of you will do this in 50% fewer words. 😉 Carrying forward bishy's caveat: this one is long and also personal, so feel free to nope out if you'd rather not!
Here are sweet Oscar + Mr Bingley, may they continue to rest in peace while nourishing the garden.
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elvenferretots · 1 year
Really need to know what are the similarities between owning a dobe and a ferret there's gotta be at least a small bit of overlap
Really, the biggest overlap is the amount of maintenance that goes into both.
My mom always used to tell me that when I was an adult, I would stop keeping ferrets. When I got my first ferret as an adult a decade ago, she said "Of course you got another one. You grew into the kind of person who can't just have a pet, you need a hobby. Most people don't want to put that kind of work and money into an animal."
Both of the boys have written training plans and exercise/enrichment schedules. They come to work with me frequently. My house is plotted out and gated off and laid out with both of them in mind. I keep a 3K emergency veterinary fund and a CareCredit card.
Both ferrets and dobes are prone to destructive behaviour when bored. Ferrets are digging animals and will literally dig up carpets and dig holes in furniture; they are notorious for destroying mattresses and couches from underneath. Dobermans are prone to OCD-type behaviour varying from spinning to chewing through walls (Ten has a very bad habit of digging through beds/furniture, much like a ferret, which pops up if his needs aren't being met). Both ferrets and dobermans tend to be chewers who eat things they should not, and are common recipients of obstruction surgery. All of this can be prevented with appropriate outlets, management, and training.
Both are very sharky as babies, and prone to temperament issues if poorly bred or poorly socialized. They need outlets and boundaries for biting and rough play. They often end up in shelters due to this. Again with the need for appropriate outlets, management, and training.
Both are prone to some gnarly health issues, and cost a bit to vet. Any ferret who is not from a private breeder will likely get any combination of their big three cancers: adrenal, insulinoma, and lymphoma. The best way to prevent these cancers is to get a well-bred ferret and leave them intact. The caveat of this is that female ferrets can go into shock and die if their body does not think they bred, so they need regular hormone shots or chemical castration to help with this. Dobes...well, you know about dobes. I just used my entire medical fund and a good chunk of my credit on my well bred dobe because he has a disease that we still cannot genetically test for and don't know your dog will get until they get it. And the breed is prone to multiple conditions like that.
Of course, most of the good things about them would be different! The big good thing that ties them together for me is how much both dobermans and ferrets weave their way into your very being. When you spend so much of your time and heart on any creature, they return it equally; but I feel like these guys multiply it. They get me out of bed in the morning. They give me motivation and purpose. They help me meet other passionate people (it's amazing how much the ferret show was like being at a dog show with the dobe people). And they each make me see things from a different point of view.
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Comprehensive Care for Endocrine and Cancer Disorders in the Middle East
In the rapidly advancing healthcare landscape of the UAE and the Middle East, patients can access world-class facilities for treating complex endocrine and cancer conditions. With specialized centers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the region, these institutions offer cutting-edge diagnostic tools and treatment techniques to ensure precise care. Below, we explore some of the leading fields, such as Parathyroid Surgery, Radiology Investigation, Nuclear Medicine, Medical & Hematological Oncology, Radiation Oncology, and Endocrine Surgery.
Parathyroid Surgery Center in the UAE, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Middle East
The Parathyroid Surgery Centers in the UAE, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, provide expert treatment for conditions like hyperparathyroidism and parathyroid tumors. With a focus on minimally invasive techniques, these centers ensure precise surgical interventions, leading to quicker recovery and minimal scarring. Surgeons in the Middle East are highly trained in advanced parathyroid procedures, offering patients the best outcomes with personalized care.
Radiology Investigation and Nuclear Medicine in Dubai (UAE)
A key component of diagnosing and treating endocrine and cancer conditions is Radiology Investigation. State-of-the-art imaging techniques, such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound, allow doctors to obtain detailed images for accurate diagnoses. In Dubai, Nuclear Medicine facilities provide advanced imaging like PET and SPECT scans, which are crucial in diagnosing cancer, thyroid disorders, and other complex conditions. These imaging technologies help specialists deliver targeted treatment plans, ensuring precise outcomes.
Medical & Hematological Oncology Center
The Medical & Hematological Oncology Centers in the UAE are at the forefront of cancer treatment. These centers offer comprehensive care for various types of cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, and solid tumors. With a team of multidisciplinary oncologists, these centers provide individualized treatment plans that combine chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and other advanced treatments to achieve the best outcomes for patients.
Radiation Oncology in the Middle East
Radiation Oncology plays a crucial role in cancer care, using high-energy radiation to target and destroy cancer cells. Facilities in Dubai and the Middle East offer cutting-edge techniques such as external beam radiation and brachytherapy, which allow for precise targeting of tumors while sparing healthy tissues. Radiation oncologists work closely with other specialists to ensure a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment, offering the best possible results for patients.
Endocrine Surgery in Dubai, UAE, and the Middle East
For patients dealing with thyroid, parathyroid, or adrenal gland disorders, Endocrine Surgery is a vital treatment option. The top centers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the Middle East provide highly specialized surgical interventions for both benign and malignant conditions. Surgeons use minimally invasive techniques for faster recovery, smaller incisions, and improved patient comfort. Whether addressing thyroid cancer, goiters, or parathyroid tumors, Endocrine Surgery in the UAE offers top-tier expertise and comprehensive care.
The UAE, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, is home to some of the most advanced medical facilities for Parathyroid Surgery, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology Investigation, Medical & Hematological Oncology, and Radiation Oncology. Patients in the Middle East can benefit from cutting-edge technologies and world-class expertise, ensuring the highest standard of care for complex endocrine and cancer-related conditions. With personalized treatment plans and minimally invasive techniques, these centers prioritize patient well-being and faster recovery, making them the top choice for medical care in the region.
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susantaylor01 · 7 days
How to Remove Chest Fat
Body fat can cause weight gain, lethargy, and medical conditions. Different areas of the body experience it differently. Burning body fat, especially in the chest, requires extra effort and specific exercises. A team of doctors and physical trainers can help effectively deal with it. Chest fat is a concern for both males and females.
What causes chest fat in males?
Chest fat can be caused by various factors such as sarcopenia, hormonal imbalances, obesity, aging, and certain drugs. It can also be due to gynecomastia, which increases the amount of breast gland tissue in males. Underlying and comorbid health issues such as liver or kidney disease, hypogonadism, thyroid dysfunction, lung or testicular cancer, and tumors in the adrenal glands can also contribute to chest fat. Identifying and eliminating the causes of chest fat can prevent potential consequences.
What causes chest fat in females?
Hormonal changes in women can lead to breast growth, which can be caused by various factors such as genetics, an unhealthy lifestyle, PCOS, diabetes, etc. Any unusual lumps or changes in the breasts should be seen by a doctor right away. Factors like pregnancy, breastfeeding, hormonal imbalances during the menstrual cycle, aging, and certain medical conditions can also increase chest fat in women.
Effective Chest Fat Reduction Exercises
Push-ups target chest muscles and reduce fat. Chest dips engage pectoral muscles. Incline bench press targets upper and lower chest muscles with dumbbells or barbells.
Talk to a fitness expert to ensure you're doing these exercises correctly. Doing them in your workout can help you lose fat and make your chest look firmer.
Natural Ways to Burn Fat Under Chest
Besides working out, making some lifestyle changes can also help reduce chest fat and help you lose weight overall. Here are some natural methods to help with this:
Balanced diet: emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced diet that incorporates proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. It's crucial to avoid overconsumption of calories.
Strength training exercises: Incorporating strength training exercises is crucial for building muscle mass. Resistance training enhances overall muscle definition in addition to helping to shape and define the chest muscles.
Regular cardiovascular exercise: Perform aerobic activities to increase your heart rate and burn calories. Running, swimming, or brisk walking are your options. Chest fat can be lost as well as overall body fat with cardiovascular exercise. 
Sufficient rest and recovery: Give your body the time it needs to recover properly between workouts. Getting enough restful sleep, managing stress, and avoiding overtraining can help optimize fat loss and overall well-being.
Importance of regular sleep: Sleep is important for everyone, including those looking to get a toned chest. It helps with metabolism, hormones, and health. Try to sleep for at least seven to eight hours without interruptions every night, and you'll see your chest muscles get stronger.
Reducing alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can harm hormone levels and increase chest fat, so it's best to reduce it in moderation.
Medical Treatments for Chest Fat Reduction
If changes to your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle aren't yielding the results you desire, you may consider exploring medical treatments for reducing chest fat. The two primary options are liposuction and gynecomastia surgery.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body, including the chest. 
It's a popular option for those looking for immediate results. However, it's important to remember that liposuction is a surgical procedure associated with its own set of risks and complications. 
Therefore, it's crucial to consult with a qualified professional before proceeding with the surgery.
Gynecomastia Surgery
Gynecomastia surgery is specifically tailored to address enlarged male breasts. It entails the removal of excess breast tissue and reshaping the chest to achieve a more masculine appearance. 
Similar to liposuction, it's crucial to consult with an experienced surgeon to carefully consider the risks and benefits.
It's important to remember that medical treatments should always be considered a last resort. 
Before opting for surgery, it's advisable to explore non-invasive alternatives and seek professional advice to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your unique situation.
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Newly Discovered ‘Mountain Tea’ awakens metabolism
Wrapping Up
Preventing chest fat requires a balanced diet that supports weight loss and hormonal balance. Protein is essential for muscle growth, while complex carbohydrates offer sustained energy. Healthy fats play a crucial role in hormone regulation. Staying hydrated helps control appetite, and regular exercise enhances fat loss and metabolic activity. Managing stress is key to reducing fat storage related to cortisol. Getting enough sleep is vital for hormone regulation and metabolism. Maintaining consistency in diet and exercise is crucial for sustaining a calorie deficit, promoting muscle growth, and achieving hormonal balance. This comprehensive approach ensures a gradual and sustainable reduction in chest fat, leading to improved health and body composition.
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worldofurology123 · 8 days
Robotic Cancer Surgery in Bangalore | World of Urology
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Make an informed decision for choosing surgeons for robotic cancer surgery
Robotic cancer surgery has emerged as a groundbreaking approach in the realm of urological health, offering effective treatment for various types of cancers. This minimally invasive technique has revolutionized the management of urological malignancies, delivering improved outcomes and quality of life for patients suffering from Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Ureteral or Renal Pelvis Cancers, and Adrenal Gland Tumors. 
If someone has been diagnosed with cancer then depending on the location, proximity, and stage of the tumor, surgery might be the only course of action. When it comes to undergoing robotic cancer surgery, one of the most critical decisions you'll make is choosing the right surgeon. The advancements in medical technology, particularly in the field of robotic-assisted surgery, have revolutionized cancer treatment. However, ensuring that you're in capable hands is of paramount importance. 
The Importance of Selecting the Right Surgeon 
Robotic cancer surgery offers numerous benefits, including precision, minimal invasiveness, and faster recovery times. However, these advantages are maximized when performed by a skilled and experienced urologist. The success of the surgery, as well as the overall outcome and quality of life post-surgery, is greatly influenced by the surgeon's expertise.
Patients undergoing robotic cancer surgeries should feel confident in discussing their concerns openly with their urologists who are providing personalized care throughout the journey. Here are some key concerns patients can share:
Surgical Process Clarification
Recovery Expectations
Potential Side Effects
Follow-Up Care
Emotional Well-being
Why Urologists from World of Urology are the Best Choice:
Expertise and Experience: The urologists at the World of Urology forum are pioneers in the field of robotic-assisted surgeries, with years of hands-on experience. Their mastery over robotic techniques and extensive surgical background ensures a high level of precision and patient safety.
Specialization in Cancer Care: Dr Mohan Keshavamurthy and Dr Sreeharsha Harinatha along with urologists specialize in urological cancer care, making them uniquely qualified to handle robotic cancer surgeries. They stay updated with the latest advancements and evidence-based practices in cancer treatment.
Personalized Approach: Each patient's case is unique, and Dr Niti Raizada, Medical Oncology, Hemato Oncology, and Transplant Physician understands the importance of tailoring treatments accordingly. She works closely with patients to devise personalized surgical plans that address their specific needs.
Comprehensive Care: Beyond surgical expertise, urologists prioritize comprehensive care that encompasses pre-surgery consultations, post-operative follow-ups, and ongoing support throughout the patient's journey.
The multidisciplinary team at World of Urology comprises not only urologists but also uro-oncologists, urogynecologists, and andrologists, collectively bringing a wealth of expertise to the treatment and surgery of urologic cancers. This collaborative approach ensures that every aspect of the patient's condition is carefully considered, leading to a more holistic and tailored treatment plan. Schedule your appointment with our urologists now. 
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b12shot93 · 13 days
The Benefits of Purchasing Injectable Vitamin C for Sale: What to Look For
Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is an important vitamin for staying healthy. It is usually found in foods and vitamins, but injectable Vitamin C has become more popular because it works better and is absorbed more quickly. Injectable vitamin C has many uses, from helping the immune system to keeping the face healthy. But it's important to know what to look for when buying injectable Vitamin C for sale to ensure it's safe and sound.
Why Should You Pick Vitamin C Injectable?
Oral Vitamin C pills are helpful, but injectable Vitamin C has several benefits that make it the best choice for people who want to see results faster and with a higher absorption level.
Better Absorption Vitamin C is not fully absorbed when it is eaten. This is because of the gut system. If you take too much, it could hurt your stomach and lower your uptake. Vitamin C that is injected goes straight into the bloodstream without going through the digestive system. As a result, the body can use it more effectively and quickly. This is especially helpful for people who need instant immune support or tissue repair.
Help for the immune system: One of the best things about vitamin C is that it can help your defence system. Vitamin C injected into the body boosts the immune system by making more white blood cells needed to fight off infections and other germs. For people with long-term illnesses, recovering from surgery, or getting infections often, injection of Vitamin C can help their immune systems work better so they can get better faster.
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Making Collagen: Taking Care of Your Skin Collagen is a protein that keeps skin, muscles, and connective organs in good shape. Vitamin C is needed to make collagen. Vitamin C injected into the skin can make it more flexible, reduce lines, and help wounds heal faster. Because of this, it is often used in skin treatments to make the skin look better and younger.
Properties of Antioxidants: Free radicals cause reactive stress in cells, but vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that keeps cells safe. Free radicals are molecules that are not stable and can hurt cells, causing inflammation, chronic illnesses, and early ageing. Vitamin C that is injected has many antioxidants, which fight free radicals and lower the risk of getting long-term diseases like cancer and heart disease.
Injectables that fight fatigue and boost energy, such as vitamin C, might help you feel less tired and have more energy. Vitamin C helps the body handle physical and mental stress better by boosting adrenal function and lowering oxidative stress. It can also make you feel more energetic, which makes it an excellent choice for people who are generally or chronically tired.
When You Buy Vitamin C Injectables, What to Look For
When shopping for injectable Vitamin C, consider a few things to ensure you get a safe and high-quality product.
How Good the Ingredients Are: Look for goods that only contain pure, high-quality ascorbic acid and don't have any fillers or additives that aren't needed. Vitamin C that is injected shouldn't have any allergens, chemicals, or fillers that are bad for you. Vitamin C made for pharmaceutical use is usually the best choice because it is pure and effective.
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Staying clean and safe: To prevent contamination, injectable Vitamin C should be made in a clean setting. Look for items created by reputable companies that follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and have been through many tests to ensure they are sterile and of good quality. To avoid contamination and ensure safety during administration, picking a product with a clean, one-time-use vial is essential.
How Much and How Concentrated
Different amounts and strengths of injectable Vitamin C are available, so it's important to talk to a doctor or nurse to find the correct dose. Higher doses may be needed for medical reasons, while smaller doses may be enough to support the immune system or keep the skin healthy.
Trustworthy Supplier: When you need to buy Vitamin C, choose a reliable supplier or pharmacy specialising in injectable supplements. Don't buy from sources that aren't approved or seem sketchy because fake goods might not work or even be harmful. When choosing a seller, read reviews, look at certifications, and ask professionals for advice.
Talk to a healthcare provider: Before starting any Vitamin C injection plan, you should talk to your doctor to make sure it's safe for you. Some medicines or health problems may not work well with injectable vitamin C, so it's important to get medical advice before using it to ensure its safety and effectiveness.
The injected Vitamin C has many benefits, such as supporting the immune system and making collagen, protecting cells from damage, and giving you more energy. Its better absorption and bioavailability make it a good choice for people who want a solid, quick-acting Vitamin C intake. To ensure it's safe, though, it's essential to pick a good product from a trustworthy seller, follow the directions for dosage, and talk to a doctor. If you follow these steps, you can get all the health benefits of injectable Vitamin C.
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rudrasurgicals02 · 15 days
Different Types Of Laparoscopic Surgery & Diagnostic Procedures In Urology
In urology, laparoscopic surgeries and diagnostic procedures offer minimally invasive options for diagnosing and treating various conditions. We are one of the leading Laparoscopic Gynecology Urology Instruments Manufacturer In India because we are making the best instrument in this domain. Today, in this blog, we are going to shed some light on a summary of different types of laparoscopic surgery & diagnostic procedures in urology.
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Here’s a summary of different types of Laparoscopic Surgeries:
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy: Removal of a kidney using small incisions and a camera, typically for cancer or severe kidney disease.  
Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty: Repair of a narrowed area in the ureter where it connects to the kidney, often to treat ureteropelvic junction obstruction.
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: Removal of an adrenal gland, usually due to tumors or hypersecretion disorders.
Laparoscopic Prostatectomy: Removal of the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer, involving precise and minimally invasive techniques.
Laparoscopic Cystectomy: Removal of the bladder, typically performed for bladder cancer or severe bladder dysfunction.
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: Correction of inguinal or other types of hernias through small incisions.
Different types of Laparoscopic Diagnostic Procedures In Urology:
Cystoscopy: Insertion of a thin tube with a camera into the bladder through the urethra to examine the bladder and urethra for abnormalities.
Ureteroscopy: A procedure to visualize the inside of the ureter and kidneys using a thin, flexible scope, often used to diagnose and treat urinary tract stones.
Percutaneous Nephrostomy:In this, the insertion of a catheter into the kidney through the skin. It is used to drain urine.
Ultrasound: Non-invasive imaging used to assess the kidneys, bladder, and other structures in the urinary tract.
MRI: Imaging used for detailed views of soft tissues in the urological system, often used for complex cases or to evaluate tumors.
These procedures offer less invasive alternatives to traditional surgery and provide detailed diagnostic capabilities, improving patient outcomes and recovery times.
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Source: https://rudrasurgicals.blogspot.com/2024/09/different-types-of-laparoscopic-surgery.html
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drsunilmjain · 21 days
Dr. Sunil M Jain: Expertise in Endocrinology – MBBS, MD, DM
When it comes to finding a specialist in the field of endocrinology, Dr. Sunil M Jain stands out as an expert with a strong academic and professional background. With degrees in MBBS, MD, and DM in endocrinology, he has a wealth of knowledge and experience that benefits his patients. This blog will highlight his journey, qualifications, and specialization in endocrinology, shedding light on why Dr. Sunil M Jain is a trusted name in the medical field.
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Who Is Dr. Sunil M Jain?
Dr. Sunil M Jain is an esteemed medical professional specializing in endocrinology, a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal disorders. He has pursued his MBBS, MD, and DM degrees, all of which have equipped him with the expertise required to excel in his field. His dedication to patient care and passion for endocrinology make him a leading name in this domain.
Academic Achievements of Dr. Sunil M Jain
Dr. Sunil M Jain has a remarkable academic journey that laid the foundation for his expertise in endocrinology:
MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery): The first stepping stone in his career, where he gained essential medical knowledge and skills.
MD (Doctor of Medicine): This advanced degree helped Dr. Jain specialize further in internal medicine.
DM (Doctorate of Medicine) in Endocrinology: This is where Dr. Sunil M Jain mastered the complexities of the endocrine system, focusing on hormonal imbalances and their impact on the body.
Specialization in Endocrinology
Endocrinology involves the study and treatment of conditions related to hormones, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, growth issues, and reproductive problems. As an endocrinologist, Dr. Sunil M Jain provides comprehensive care for patients dealing with:
Diabetes Management: Helping patients manage both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes through customized treatment plans.
Thyroid Disorders: Diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, and other thyroid-related issues.
Hormonal Imbalances: Addressing a range of conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), adrenal gland disorders, and more.
Bone Health: Managing osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions influenced by hormones.
Why Choose Dr. Sunil M Jain?
Dr. Sunil M Jain is not just known for his academic credentials, but also for his compassionate approach to patient care. He takes the time to understand his patients' concerns, offering personalized treatment options that cater to individual needs. His years of experience, coupled with his strong academic background, make him a trusted choice for anyone seeking an endocrinologist.
If you are in need of specialized care for hormonal issues, Dr. Sunil M Jain is a name you can trust. With his qualifications in MBBS, MD, and DM, along with his extensive knowledge in endocrinology, he provides expert medical care to those dealing with diabetes, thyroid disorders, and other hormonal imbalances. For expert advice and tailored treatment, Dr. Sunil M Jain is the endocrinologist you can count on for a healthier, more balanced life.
Dr Sunil Jain
Near Bombay Hospital, Scheme No 54, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 91 731
91 731 2443344
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drkamath · 2 months
Best Oncology Specialist in Jayanagar — Dr. Anil Kamath
When faced with a cancer diagnosis, finding the right oncologist is crucial to ensure the best possible care and outcomes. In Jayanagar, Bangalore, Dr. Anil Kamath stands out as a leading oncology specialist known for his expertise, compassionate care, and dedication to patient well-being. With his extensive experience and advanced approach to cancer treatment, Dr. Kamath provides hope and healing to countless patients.
Oncology Specialist Who is Dr. Anil Kamath? Dr. Anil Kamath is a renowned surgical oncologist with a distinguished career in cancer treatment. He has earned a reputation for his skillful surgical techniques, innovative treatment methods, and commitment to providing comprehensive care to his patients. Dr. Kamath’s practice encompasses a wide range of cancers, including breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, head and neck cancers, and endocrine tumors.
Dr. Kamath’s Expertise and Experience Dr. Kamath’s journey in oncology began with rigorous training and education at some of the most prestigious medical institutions. He has gained invaluable experience working with diverse cancer cases, making him adept at handling complex and challenging conditions. His expertise covers:
Breast Cancer: Dr. Kamath offers advanced breast cancer treatments, including breast-conserving surgery, mastectomy, and reconstructive procedures. His patient-centered approach ensures that each treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences.
Gastrointestinal Cancers: Specializing in cancers of the digestive system, Dr. Kamath employs cutting-edge surgical techniques and therapies to treat colorectal, gastric, pancreatic, and liver cancers.
Head and Neck Cancers: With a focus on preserving function and appearance, Dr. Kamath provides effective treatment for cancers affecting the head and neck region, including thyroid and parathyroid tumors.
Endocrine Tumors: Dr. Kamath is proficient in managing cancers of the endocrine system, such as thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal gland tumors. His precise surgical skills ensure optimal outcomes for patients.
Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Methods Dr. Kamath utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment modalities to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective therapy. His approach includes:
Minimally Invasive Surgery: Whenever possible, Dr. Kamath employs minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopic and robotic surgery, to reduce recovery time, minimize pain, and enhance overall outcomes.
Comprehensive Cancer Care: Beyond surgery, Dr. Kamath collaborates with a multidisciplinary team of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and support staff to provide holistic cancer care. This integrated approach ensures that patients receive the most effective combination of treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Understanding that each cancer case is unique, Dr. Kamath develops personalized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs and conditions of his patients. This patient-centered approach enhances the likelihood of successful outcomes.
Compassionate Patient Care Dr. Anil Kamath is known not only for his medical expertise but also for his compassionate approach to patient care. He understands the emotional and psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis and strives to provide support and reassurance to his patients and their families. His practice is built on the principles of:
Patient Education: Dr. Kamath believes in empowering his patients with knowledge about their condition and treatment options. He takes the time to explain complex medical information in an understandable manner, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their care.
Emotional Support: Recognizing the stress and anxiety that accompany cancer treatment, Dr. Kamath offers a supportive environment where patients can express their concerns and fears. He works closely with counselors and support groups to provide emotional and psychological assistance.
Holistic Care: Dr. Kamath’s approach to oncology extends beyond medical treatment. He emphasizes the importance of nutrition, physical activity, and mental well-being in the overall cancer care plan.
Conclusion For those seeking expert oncology care in Jayanagar, Bangalore, Dr. Anil Kamath is a trusted and respected specialist. His extensive experience, advanced treatment methods, and compassionate patient care make him an ideal choice for individuals facing a cancer diagnosis. By choosing Dr. Kamath, patients can be assured of receiving the highest quality of care, tailored to their specific needs, and delivered with empathy and understanding. If you or a loved one are in need of oncology services, Dr. Anil Kamath is here to provide the expertise and support necessary for a successful journey towards recovery.
Oncology Specialists Dr Anil Kamath
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aasthalok4hospital · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to General Surgery | Aastha Lok Hospital
General surgery is a broad field that encompasses a variety of procedures and treatments aimed at addressing a wide range of conditions affecting the abdomen, digestive tract, endocrine system, and more. For those in need of surgical intervention, selecting a reputable clinic and skilled doctors is crucial for achieving the best outcomes. In Patna, Aastha Lok Hospital emerges as a leading institution renowned for its excellence in general surgery. 
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Understanding General Surgery
General surgery involves surgical procedures that are not confined to a specific organ system but rather address various conditions affecting multiple systems in the body. The scope of general surgery includes:
Abdominal Surgery:- Procedures related to the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and other abdominal organs. Common surgeries include appendectomies, hernia repairs, and bowel resections.
Endocrine Surgery:- Operations on the thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands. This can involve the removal of tumors or the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Breast Surgery:- Treatments for breast conditions, including biopsies, lumpectomies, and mastectomies for breast cancer.
Trauma Surgery:- Emergency surgeries for injuries sustained in accidents or other traumatic events.
Oncologic Surgery:- Surgical procedures aimed at treating cancers, often in combination with other therapies like chemotherapy or radiation.
Why Choose Aastha Lok Hospital?
When it comes to general surgery, choosing the right clinic can significantly impact the success of the treatment. Aastha Lok Hospital, recognized as one of the Best General Surgery Clinics In Patna, provides comprehensive surgical care with a focus on patient-centered outcomes. Here’s why Aastha Lok Hospital is a top choice for general surgery:
1. Expertise of Surgeons
Aastha Lok Hospital is home to some of the Best General Surgery Doctors In Patna. These surgeons bring a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge to their practice, ensuring that patients receive top-notch care. The hospital’s team includes surgeons who are proficient in a wide range of procedures, from routine operations to complex surgeries. Their expertise is supported by ongoing education and training, keeping them abreast of the latest advancements in surgical techniques and technologies.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities
One of the hallmarks of Aastha Lok Hospital is its commitment to utilizing state-of-the-art facilities. The hospital is equipped with advanced surgical tools and technology, including minimally invasive surgical equipment. This allows for precise operations with smaller incisions, which can lead to faster recovery times and reduced post-operative pain. The facility also includes modern diagnostic tools to ensure accurate pre-surgical evaluations and post-surgical monitoring.
3. Patient-Centric Care
At Aastha Lok Hospital, patient care is paramount. The hospital prides itself on providing a supportive and compassionate environment. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, patients are given personalized attention to address their specific needs and concerns. The hospital’s approach includes thorough pre-surgical counseling, detailed explanations of procedures, and a robust follow-up care system to ensure optimal recovery and long-term health.
4. Multidisciplinary Approach
General surgery often requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving collaboration among various healthcare professionals. Aastha Lok Hospital’s general surgery team works closely with specialists in other fields such as oncology, endocrinology, and radiology to provide comprehensive care. This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of a patient’s condition are considered and managed effectively.
5. Proven Track Record
The success of a surgical clinic can often be measured by its outcomes and patient satisfaction. Aastha Lok Hospital boasts a proven track record of successful surgeries and high patient satisfaction rates. The hospital’s reputation as one of the Best General Surgery Clinics In Patna is built on its consistent delivery of excellent care and positive patient outcomes.
Choosing the Right General Surgery Clinic
When selecting a general surgery clinic, it’s important to consider factors such as the expertise of the surgeons, the quality of the facilities, and the level of patient care. Super Multi Speciality Hospital In Patna, Aastha Lok Hospital stands out in Patna for its commitment to excellence in all these areas. The hospital’s team of leading general surgeons, coupled with advanced technology and a patient-focused approach, makes it an ideal choice for those seeking surgical care.
In summary, general surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at treating various medical conditions. For residents of Patna seeking the best general surgery clinics, Aastha Lok Hospital offers a comprehensive solution with its expert team of surgeons, cutting-edge facilities, and commitment to patient-centered care. Whether you require routine surgery or a more complex procedure, Aastha Lok Hospital is equipped to provide exceptional care and support, making it a top choice among the Best General Surgery Doctors In Patna. For anyone considering general surgery, Aastha Lok Hospital provides a reliable and trusted option to ensure that you receive the highest quality care throughout your surgical journey.
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gynecologistindore · 2 months
Understanding Puberty Disorders in Girls
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Puberty is a critical phase in a girl's life, marking the transition from childhood to adolescence. This period involves a series of physical, emotional, and hormonal changes that prepare the body for adulthood. However, not all girls experience a smooth transition. Puberty disorders can lead to various health issues that require timely attention and appropriate treatment. If you're seeking effective girls' issue treatment in Indore, the best gynecologists in Indore are equipped to provide the necessary care and support.
What are Puberty Disorders?
Puberty disorders refer to any abnormalities or deviations from the normal puberty process. These can manifest in various ways, such as:
Precocious Puberty: This condition occurs when a girl experiences early puberty, typically before the age of 8. Early signs include breast development, pubic hair growth, and the onset of menstruation.
Delayed Puberty: When puberty doesn't begin by age 13, it is considered delayed. Symptoms include a lack of breast development, no menstruation by age 16, and minimal growth of pubic hair.
Irregular Puberty: Some girls may experience irregularities in their pubertal development, such as uneven breast growth or inconsistent menstrual cycles.
Causes of Puberty Disorders
Puberty disorders can arise from various factors, including:
Genetic Factors: A family history of puberty disorders can increase the likelihood of similar issues in girls.
Hormonal Imbalances: Problems with the endocrine system, including thyroid and adrenal gland issues, can disrupt normal puberty.
Chronic Illnesses: Conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, or cystic fibrosis can delay or accelerate puberty.
Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain chemicals, poor nutrition, and extreme physical activity can impact pubertal development.
Symptoms to Watch For
Parents and guardians should be vigilant for signs of puberty disorders, which may include:
Early or delayed breast development
Early or late onset of menstruation
Excessive acne or body odor
Rapid or stunted growth
Unusual hair growth patterns
Diagnosis and Treatment
Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial in managing puberty disorders effectively. If you suspect your daughter may be experiencing puberty issues, seeking professional medical advice is essential. The best gynecologists in Indore offer comprehensive evaluations and treatments for such conditions. Here's what to expect:
Medical History and Physical Exam: The doctor will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination to assess pubertal development.
Hormonal Testing: Blood tests may be conducted to measure hormone levels and identify any imbalances.
Imaging Studies: MRI or ultrasound scans can help detect abnormalities in the reproductive organs or endocrine glands.
Treatment Options
Treatment for puberty disorders varies depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition:
Medication: Hormonal therapy may be prescribed to regulate hormone levels and manage symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes: Improving nutrition, reducing stress, and modifying physical activity levels can help manage puberty disorders.
Surgery: In rare cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct anatomical abnormalities.
Indore is home to some of the best gynecologists who specialize in treating puberty disorders in girls. These medical professionals are renowned for their expertise, compassionate care, and use of advanced diagnostic and treatment techniques. Seeking girls issue treatment in Indore ensures that your daughter receives the highest quality care tailored to her unique needs.
Puberty disorders in girls can be challenging for both the child and her family. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatment options is vital for ensuring a smooth transition through this critical phase of development. If you're in Indore and need professional guidance, the best gynecologists in Indore are ready to provide the expert care your daughter deserves. Remember, early intervention can make a significant difference in managing puberty disorders effectively.
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Comprehensive Care for Endocrine and Cancer Disorders in the Middle East
In the rapidly advancing healthcare landscape of the UAE and the Middle East, patients can access world-class facilities for treating complex endocrine and cancer conditions. With specialized centers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the region, these institutions offer cutting-edge diagnostic tools and treatment techniques to ensure precise care. Below, we explore some of the leading fields, such as Parathyroid Surgery, Radiology Investigation, Nuclear Medicine, Medical & Hematological Oncology, Radiation Oncology, and Endocrine Surgery.
Parathyroid Surgery Center in the UAE, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Middle East
The Parathyroid Surgery Centers in the UAE, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, provide expert treatment for conditions like hyperparathyroidism and parathyroid tumors. With a focus on minimally invasive techniques, these centers ensure precise surgical interventions, leading to quicker recovery and minimal scarring. Surgeons in the Middle East are highly trained in advanced parathyroid procedures, offering patients the best outcomes with personalized care.
Radiology Investigation and Nuclear Medicine in Dubai (UAE)
A key component of diagnosing and treating endocrine and cancer conditions is Radiology Investigation. State-of-the-art imaging techniques, such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound, allow doctors to obtain detailed images for accurate diagnoses. In Dubai, Nuclear Medicine facilities provide advanced imaging like PET and SPECT scans, which are crucial in diagnosing cancer, thyroid disorders, and other complex conditions. These imaging technologies help specialists deliver targeted treatment plans, ensuring precise outcomes.
Medical & Hematological Oncology Center
The Medical & Hematological Oncology Centers in the UAE are at the forefront of cancer treatment. These centers offer comprehensive care for various types of cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, and solid tumors. With a team of multidisciplinary oncologists, these centers provide individualized treatment plans that combine chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and other advanced treatments to achieve the best outcomes for patients.
Radiation Oncology in the Middle East
Radiation Oncology plays a crucial role in cancer care, using high-energy radiation to target and destroy cancer cells. Facilities in Dubai and the Middle East offer cutting-edge techniques such as external beam radiation and brachytherapy, which allow for precise targeting of tumors while sparing healthy tissues. Radiation oncologists work closely with other specialists to ensure a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment, offering the best possible results for patients.
Endocrine Surgery in Dubai, UAE, and the Middle East
For patients dealing with thyroid, parathyroid, or adrenal gland disorders, Endocrine Surgery is a vital treatment option. The top centers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the Middle East provide highly specialized surgical interventions for both benign and malignant conditions. Surgeons use minimally invasive techniques for faster recovery, smaller incisions, and improved patient comfort. Whether addressing thyroid cancer, goiters, or parathyroid tumors, Endocrine Surgery in the UAE offers top-tier expertise and comprehensive care.
The UAE, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, is home to some of the most advanced medical facilities for Parathyroid Surgery, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology Investigation, Medical & Hematological Oncology, and Radiation Oncology. Patients in the Middle East can benefit from cutting-edge technologies and world-class expertise, ensuring the highest standard of care for complex endocrine and cancer-related conditions. With personalized treatment plans and minimally invasive techniques, these centers prioritize patient well-being and faster recovery, making them the top choice for medical care in the region.
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bestsexologistdoctor · 3 months
Meeting with Best Sexologist in Patna for ED Treatment | Dr. Sunil Dubey
Are you a sexual patient suffering from erection problems? You don't know why this problem occurred in your sexual life. Actually, you should know about the causes of erectile dysfunction which will help you to get better in the future or during the treatment.
Dr. Sunil Dubey, India's top-rated gold medalist sexologist, is a specialist in Ayurveda and sexology medicine who practices at Dubey Clinic in Patna, Bihar. Every day, he treats more than thirty sexual patients at this clinic and provides them with medicine according to their problems. He says that mainly, erectile dysfunction is a physical sexual problem where only 10% psychological factors play an important role in leading a person to erectile dysfunction. He says that people should always know about the causes and remedies of their sexual problems that help them overcome their problems.
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Actually, Dr. Sunil Dubey is one of the best clinical sexologists in Patna, Bihar where sexual patients from all over India contact Dubey Clinic. He has researched erectile dysfunction in men and discovered the most effective natural medicines in his sexologist profession. He says that generally, three factors such as physical problems, psychological problems and lifestyle always matter for a person. Due to the imbalance of these three factors, a person has trouble in his sexual life.
Know you actual cause of Erectile Dysfunction:
Nerve Damage: The penile nerve gets damaged due to certain physical and medical problems like diabetes, sclerosis and spinal cord injury.
Blood Flow Issues: There are many factors that impede blood flow in the body, such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, and PHD (peripheral artery disease).
Hormonal Imbalance: Hormonal imbalance always affects erection which is caused by low testosterone, thyroid problems, and adrenal gland problems.
Medications: There are some certain medications are causes of erectile dysfunction. Those are Antidepressants, antihistamines, and BP medicine.
Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions are related to a person's sexual health, such as kidney disease, liver disease, and certain neurological disorders.
Psychological Factors: Psychological factors are the hidden issues that affect a person's sexual health such as anxiety, depression, stress and relationship problems.
Lifestyle Factors: There are some bad habits in daily life that lead a person to have an unhealthy sexual life, such as smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, and lack of physical activity and exercise.
Sexual Trauma: Trauma is related to pelvic injuries, prostate surgery, and radiation therapy. It is also a cause of erectile dysfunction in men.
Aging: With increasing age, sexual hormones decrease which is a common cause of erectile dysfunction
Others: insomnia or poor quality of sleep is also cause of erectile dysfunction
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Permanent Solution of ED in Ayurveda:-
World famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey says that if a person wants a permanent solution to his erectile dysfunction, he should always use Ayurvedic medicine and treatment. Now most of the sexual patients of Bihar state come to Dubey Clinic to consult Dr. Sunil Dubey. They know him as the best sexologist doctor in Bihar who treats both married and unmarried people. He says that Ayurvedic medicine always provides a natural system to heal the problem in body. There is no any side-effect of this medicine and the patient recovers his health in the natural way.
In his treatment, he provides complete natural medicine in the form of herbs (Ashwagandha), natural chemicals, effective bhasma (gold, silver, copper, iron, and mica), behavioral treatments, health tips and psychological treatments. These natural systems of medicine help the patient to manage psychogenic ED, improve sexual function and overall health and improve blood circulation in the body.
Appointment at Dubey Clinic:
If you are looking for a clinical sexologist doctor in Patna or online; then Dubey Clinic is always there to help you. The needy person can call @ +91 98350 92586 and take an appointment to visit the clinic or for on-call consultation privileges. Taking the right decision at the right time ensures a positive result.
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candiceg3010 · 3 months
General Surgeon Doctors: Comprehensive Guide
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General surgeon doctors are highly skilled medical professionals who perform a wide range of surgical procedures. They are trained to manage various surgical services and treatments, addressing issues that require surgical intervention. This guide delves into the roles, specialties, and expertise of general surgeon doctors.
Roles and Responsibilities of General Surgeon Doctors
General surgeons play a crucial role in healthcare, performing surgeries to treat a variety of conditions. Their responsibilities include:
Diagnosing Surgical Conditions: Identifying ailments that necessitate surgical intervention.
Performing Surgical Procedures: Executing surgeries with precision to treat conditions affecting various body parts.
Post-Operative Care: Providing care and monitoring patients after surgery to ensure proper recovery.
Collaborating with Specialists: Working with other medical professionals to offer comprehensive care.
Specialties within General Surgery
General surgeons possess diverse expertise, allowing them to perform numerous surgical treatments. Some of their specialties include:
Abdominal Surgery: Treating conditions related to the stomach, intestines, and other abdominal organs.
Breast Surgery: Addressing issues like breast cancer and other breast-related conditions.
Endocrine Surgery: Managing diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands.
Colon and Rectal Surgery: Treating conditions of the colon, rectum, and anus.
Common Surgical Procedure
General surgeons are adept at performing a variety of surgical procedures. Common surgical procedures include:
Appendectomy: Removal of the appendix.
Gallbladder Removal: Surgical removal of the gallbladder, often due to gallstones.
Hernia Repair: Correcting hernias in different parts of the body.
Biopsies: Removing tissue samples for diagnostic purposes.
Benefits of Consulting a General Surgeon
Consulting a general surgeon offers numerous benefits, including:
Expertise in Diverse Surgeries: Proficiency in a wide range of surgical services.
Comprehensive Surgical Care: Offering pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care.
Access to Advanced Surgical Techniques: Utilizing the latest surgical techniques and technologies.
When to Consult a General Surgeon
It is essential to consult a general surgeon when experiencing conditions that may require surgical intervention. Situations warranting a visit to a general surgeon include:
Persistent Abdominal Pain: Severe or ongoing abdominal pain.
Lump or Mass: Unexplained lumps or masses in the body.
Injury Requiring Surgery: Traumatic injuries needing surgical repair.
Chronic Digestive Issues: Long-term digestive problems unresponsive to other treatments.
General surgeon doctors are vital in providing comprehensive surgical care. Their expertise in various surgical treatments and procedures ensures that patients receive the best possible care for their surgical needs. By understanding their roles, specialties, and the conditions they treat, individuals can make informed decisions about when to seek the expertise of a general surgeon.
To locate “General Surgeon Doctors” effortlessly, download the Justdial app (JD App). Simply search “General Surgeon Doctors” within the app to discover nearby outlets and access detailed information about their offerings and locations. easy and convienient.
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