#Best Pizza Singapore
simibest · 2 years
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grandkonak · 7 months
As the premier Turkish restaurant in Singapore, we are dedicated to serving you the finest selection of mouthwatering dishes that capture the essence of Turkish Lebanese cuisine.
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chilispizza · 2 years
Best Pizza Company in Singapore
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Reference By: https://bit.ly/3FDvfvN
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twoset-updates · 1 year
[100623 hong kong vip meet and greet audio recording + transcription]
link to recording: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19h4y1G7zp/
transcription of Q&A section below:
transcription/translation has been done to the best of ability; some parts were unclear due to noise, slurred speech, etc. 
note that as there is no video, there may be missing context from facial expressions or gestures.
any participants’ names mentioned are not written here as we do not know how their names are spelt.
those asking questions are referred to as Q[number].
approximate time stamps have been provided at intervals.
minimally edited for clarity. (they say “um” way too often.)
Staff: So we’ll first start off with a Q&A session, and afterwards it’ll be a signing, of course, there’s... so I’ll give the floor to Brett and Eddy. Thanks.
Brett: Thank you, thank you. [away from the mic] Can you guys hear me? [into the mic] Do I need this? This is better?
Eddy: Hi. Oooh.
B: Okay, we can use the mic.
E: I wanna see if there’s autotune. [sings offkey]
B: That’s a A?
E: [sings note] That’s an A. [sings again] Anyone with perfect pitch? No? No? Okay. Oh, in the front, nice. [sings again] That’s an A, right?
B: That’s an A?
E: Just checking, nice, nice.
B: [sings note]
E: Sounded a little bit sharp.
B: [sings the same note in a lower octave]
E: That’s sharp.
B: That’s not an A. [sings again in a higher octave]
E: That’s an A, but it’s sharp.
B: A-sharp.
E: No, it’s not A-sharp.
B: Okay, I’ll stop embarrassing ourselves.
B: Well, everyone, thanks so much for coming. This, we’ve actually been in Hong Kong for a few days now, right?
E: Yeah.
B: Um, it’s been like, five days? Six days? Can’t remember. It’s been a– This whole week has been a blur, because we’ve been preparing for our very first concert—tomorrow—of the tour. And it’s actually a special one ‘cause it’s with the HKFO orchestra, right? And so there’s a lot of moving parts, and this week, I don’t know, Eddy, what has been your favourite part of food in Hong Kong, so far?
E: I don’t know, I think Hong Kong just has some of the best, you guys have some of the best food in the world.
B: I have to agree, like—
E: And it’s not just like, Hong Kong food, it’s like, all different cuisines. Like yesterday we had a buffet, and it was just like...
B: Everything was there.
E: All the different styles, I’m like...
B: We even had pizza. And it was pretty good.
E: Yeah, and we even had like chicken rice, and like, [quietly] to be honest, I think it was better than Singapore, but... [normal volume] Can I say that? [laughs] Yeah, so I think the food here’s been great. The weather’s nice, actually. I know people think it’s really hot, but, y’know, Australia and Singapore also get pretty hot, as well, so... We’re used to it, I think. Yeah. 
E: Um, so yeah, it’s been really crazy, and we’re really– we really want to– I can’t wait to show you guys the show, but we– we think we should keep most of it a secret. I am just curious though: okay, raise of hands, who here plays an instrument? [pause] Nice. Okay. Can I– I’m curious, who– Keep your hands up if you have done, like, a music exam before, like ABRSM. [pause] Nice.
Brett: [laughs]
E: I think you guys will enjoy tomorrow’s show, then, ‘cause it’s– we wanted to– it was inspired off, like, we want to make it kind of relatable to what it’s like being a music student growing up, but... Yeah, I don’t know if there’s anything you want to say before we go to Q&A.
B: [mic malfunctioning] Does anyone– [inaudible] Hello? Hello? [mic works again] Hello? I think I can– [quietly] I think I accidentally turned it off. [normal volume] Anyway.
B: Did anyone go to our last show?
Fans: No.
E: Oh, wow.
B: Well, no one– no one came back. [fans laugh] Well, this might be your first and last one, too! [laughs]
E: Oh, no.
B: No... Okay, no, it’ll be fun. We can’t say too much, but Eddy kind of hinted at what it might be like, so I think I’m super excited. It’s also like, when it’s the first show, it’s– we never really know what’s gonna happen, too. So it’s kinda just, we’re gonna get thrown into the stage, just see just (a) pit of people, and we’re gonna just go from there, see what happens.
E: Yeah. Um, I mean... Yeah, ‘cause it’s like, we try to come up with a script, and a storyline, right? And we put in, like, jokes that we think, or we hope, are gonna be funny. But again, like you guys will be the first ones to hear this. So I’m really hoping there’s not gonna be like, dead silence, just like, no one laughs at your joke—ugh, just die on the inside, right? Nah, I think it’ll be fine.
E: Should we open up for some Q&A?
B: Yeah.
E: I’d love to chat with anyone that has some questions. Okay, lady there in white first?
Q1: Actually I have two questions. Number one is, your YouTube channel has been established since 2014, and that time you came in that your dream is to bring classical music to more people, and continue to inspire the next generation. Now, I think your dream is come true, right? So, then, what’s your next career path? What will you do, say, after twenty years? Still the YouTuber? Or do a few, some music school to educate the young– [inaudible, fans cheering] Ling Ling School.
B: I don’t know, I think Eddy wants to become a TikToker next. [laughs] Just kidding.
E: I’m too old for that, man. [laughs]
B: That’s a really good question. I don’t know how to answer that. I think...
E: I think if anything, you should show them your, uh, Arigatou dance, that you’ve been practicing.
[fans cheer]
B: [laughs] Let’s not preempt anything for tomorrow.
E: [laughs]
Fan: We can sing it for you!
B: [laughing] Oh, no no no.
Q1: [inaudible] Professor in Hong Kong.
B: Oh, professor in Hong Kong. Okay, look, I think for– [sighs] it’s tricky, because if you asked us ten years ago, what we would do, and say, ‘Look, we’re gonna make YouTube videos, or do these skits online, or tour over the world,’ we wouldn’t have believed anyone, right? We wouldn’t know. And one thing is for sure, is we never really know what would happen in ten years. We can only kind of guess where we’re going, kind of like, which direction we’re going. 
And we’re r– Actually we’ve– First of all, we’re really fortunate to have people watch our content, and then doubly fortunate to have people also inspired to pick up an instrument. Like we’ve seen that countless of times, wherever we go. I don’t know how it happened; I think, maybe we’re just someone there that... I mean, when we were growing up, we were basically watching violinists like Oistrakh online—like, black and white. That’s all we had on YouTube. And I remember my lap—like my violin’d be on my lap, I was watching, (and I’d) like play (the violin), trying to copy the violinist. But there wasn’t actually any YouTubers, like, in those times.
But in the future, I think educators is also definitely something we wanna do. Definitely always trying to—what’d that say?—make the pie bigger, or something. Like, so more and more people can come into classical music. And I think, I feel like, it’s not just us, it involves a lot of– more people as well. So, more– I mean, the last three years, there’s been a lot more classical music content creators. Which is a good thing. We’re bringing into more awareness that classical music is something that is just generally good for us, yeah—all the practice we do. And it has– I think it has good value, since practicing, you know, hard work, discipline—these are the things that we learn being a classical musician. Um, yeah, hope that answered your question. Um, [laughs] I just–
Q1: And the second question is, so, will you have the pressure from like, negative comment? Especially when you have, sometimes, [unclear]. How do you handle the haters and release your tension?
B: Wait, I just heard, what did I– is it back pain? Or–
Fans: [laugh]
B: Oh, Blackpink! I heard back pain!
E: Yeah, my back’s a bit sore, like– [inaudible, fans laughing]
B: I legit heard back pain.
E: [laughs]
Q1: So, how do you handle the haters, and like, let it out?
E: [groans] I mean, do you wanna answer that one?
B: I mean, I get back pain.
Fans: [laugh]
E: Like I think... Let me quickly ask Paganini. Because it wasn’t us, so it’s Paganini that had all the haters. So now, I’ll quickly call Paganini. 
Yo man, Paganini, how’d you handle the haters? [pretending to be Paganini] I just flex on them with my Paganini 24 Caprices! [inaudible, fans cheering]
Um, I don’t know, I think... I remember very clearly that day that we posted the video. And the first one or two hours were just, like y’know, Twoset subscribers, fans, watching it. They were like, “Oh, this is so clever, this is funny,” right? And then I remember at the time, we posted around our, like, midnight. So I was like, “This is kinda too calm. It’s like the calm before the storm.” I was like, “I’ll try to go to sleep,” but I couldn’t sleep that night, I was just like, “I feel like something’s gonna go off.” But eventually, y’know, after lying in bed for one or two hours, I fell asleep. Then I remember [laughing] when we woke up—
B: [laughs]
E:—it’s like, all my phone notifications (going), “DING DING DING DING DING DING DING!” I was like, “Oh my god.” And then so I remember reading through (the notifications/comments). And, to be honest, it’s like we kind of– I mean, we know how the internet works, and we expected the possibility that this would happen. So when it did happen it was like, “Okay, fair enough.”
I think, the– I did think one thing that caught me off guard at the time was, I was shocked at how much they went not just at us. ‘Cause I knew they were gonna come for us and say things about [inaudible]. But I was shocked that they came for everyone we knew. So I remember at the time, we met, like, James Ehnes—that soloist—the week before. And they were like, threatening him. They were sending– and he– I remember he, like, messaged us, and he’s like, “Who’s Blackpink?” ‘Cause he had no idea, and we were like, “[groans] Okay.” So we had to explain all that. And I remember the time they were trying to cancel our Mendelssohn with the Singapore Symphony, and so that was a little bit, like, shocking.
Um, but I think, I don’t know ‘bout you, but for me, it’s like... it was like– Okay, so first of all, when all the hate started coming in, I remember thinking, first of all, a lot of it was, like, kind of not very... intelligent comments, right? It was just like, vomit emojis, and poo emojis. I’m like, “Okay, I haven’t really read anything that’s legitimate,” you know, so I’m like, “Okay, that’s okay.” But then, I remember, like, it was really interesting to see, during that time, my– our close friends really stood up for us. So I think that was really... thankful. I mean, ‘cause you still feel it, right? You know it’s gonna happen, you know it doesn’t make sense, but you still kinda feel like, “Whoa, what is–” There are these people telling us to, like, literally do all these bad things and stuff, right? So I think it was cool, just how, like, our friends supported us, and be like, “Oh, just don’t listen to them.”
And then, obviously, I remember there was, like, after six hours, then a bunch of positive– you know, a lot of Twosetters came to support and defend us again. And that really helped, seeing people, like, stand up for us. I think it was really funny too, like then– it became like a fan war, as well. Like, BTS ARMY people were standing up for us, and I was like– I don’t know, it became like a battle between them, and I was like, “I have no idea what’s going on, this, like, K-Pop thing,” but um, yeah.
I think, going back to your question, how do we handle the hate? I guess... yeah, like, it just helped having friends and knowing that– and having, like, fans support us. I think that was the most important thing. I think if everyone was telling us what we did was bad, then I’d probably actually have a existential crisis. But you know, we had friends that was like, “No, I think what you did was fine, don’t worry about fans”—like you guys, you know—“it’s okay.” And then, also just knowing– ‘Cause I think also knowing, deep down, I think what we did was, like, it wasn’t... wrong. Like, I think– I mean, come on, standing up with– The whole theme of the song is like, you have to, at a certain point, stand up for your own values, right? And so, deep down, I– we believed in what we were saying. And when we looked at the comments, no one made us change our mind, because every comment was just like, poo emoji, so I’m like, “Okay, I think we’re still in the right,” y’know, so... yeah. That’s my perspective, I don’t know about you.
B: Uh, I think I forgot everything, it’s just [inaudible, fans laughing]. No, okay. It’s the same, I– Look, “haters always gonna hate”, we all know that line. And that was definitely, like, the most we’ve ever gotten. And Eddy was right. I remember watching the video, also kind of lying in bed. I was thinking, “I should probably go to sleep, this video... took a while to work it out.” And nothing happened, I was like, “Oh wow! Eddy, I don’t think we went hard enough.” No, I’m just joking. I’m like– And we did have a lot of iterations of the...
E: The lyrics.
B: The lyrics. So the one that we put out was actually quite mellow, [laughs] [unclear] what we had. But we did think that our original one was too far, so we’re like, “Okay, no, let’s just turn it back.” But like, it’s just another... you know.
E: It wasn’t us, it was Paganini, by the way.
B: Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, it’s, uh, Paganini, yeah, yeah. And then Mozart kinda just pranked Paganini the whole time, too, so.
[staff speaking inaudibly]
Yes. Oh, okay, okay, okay, sorry. We gotta get on to the next question. So sorry, let’s get on to the next question. [Brett and Eddy talking at the same time, Brett laughs.]
E: Do you want to choose? [Brett speaks inaudibly] Um... I don’t know, you choose. I picked the one before.
B: White mask.
E: White mask? 
[some people speaking, trying to identify which person]
E: Okay, yeah.
Q2: Hello, Brett and Eddy.
B: Hello.
Q2: I’m [name], and I have been a fan since the Ben Lee video, in 2019, and–
E: Since which–?
Q2: The Ben Lee video.
B: Oh, Ben Lee video– [inaudible, fans laughing]
E: Sacrilegious.
Q2: And it’s really a dream come true, to get to meet you in person. And so I would like to ask, out of the many videos that you have made, except for those million (subscriber) drops, do you have any particular videos that you like the most, or you feel (are) very memorable?
E: Mm. Um, sorry, can I just check, uh–
[commotion, sounds like some kind of accident happened]
Someone: You okay?
Q2: Yeah, I’m okay.
E: Okay. Um, “out of all the videos which ones we feel are memorable”, is that the question, right? [pause] Okay, this is recent, like, just ‘cause it’s fresh off my mind, but actually the video we posted yesterday. I don’t know if you guys saw, it was really fun. But we got invited to a univer– our old university, to be adjudicators. That was really... it felt really special to us, because it was where we studied, and we both did the competition before. And, uh, I didn’t win it, so.
Fans: [laugh]
E: But now I’m the adjudicator, so I was like, y’know. But I think that was really fun. There’s so many that I really like. Have you guys seen the video with, um, where we spoke Chinese, and the two spoke Korean, Hyung and Angie? That was really funny. And like, “ddongssa”, and we thought that was rosin? I really like that one. I don’t know, Brett, do you have any that stick out for you?
B: Uh, for me– Okay, that adjudication video we did, posted a couple of days ago, was special. One that stuck out straight away was the Among Us video we did for the Mendelssohn octet. I don’t know if you guys seen that one. That was really fun, especially playing with other people, and trying to figure it out, all that stuff. So that was definitely special. And... what else is there...
E: We did a video with HKFO actually, this week. And that was a really fun one, so–
B: Oh, that was it, that was good.
E: I’m pretty excited for that as well. Yeah, so many (videos), I don’t know. It’s like, it’s been ten years of making videos, almost. I think this is our tenth year, right?
B: Yep, [inaudible]
E: Yeah, so um... yeah.
B: The back pain is real now.
E: Yeah, the back pain [inaudible]. Yeah. Any other questions? Uh, yes?
Q3: Actually, it’s you guys who inspired (me) to study music next year. And I have grant to study abroad, to UK, [inaudible]
E: Oh, nice. Exciting.
B: Oh, congratulations.
Q3: Thank you.
[fans clapping]
Q3: And I want to ask, what’s suggestion would you guys give to someone who’s going to study music?
E: Uh, can I ask what instrument you play?
Q3: Trombone and piano.
E: Trombone and piano... I don’t have– I don’t know trombone advice.
B: I’ve never heard of that combo before, trombone and piano. Do you– Do you have a– Do you have one that you like more?
Q3: I think trombone.
B: Ohhh......
Q3: ‘Cause, like, the ratio of female and male trombonist is, like, one to nine. So I–
E: One to nine?! Wow.
Q3: I’ve only met around, like, five female trombonist in Hong Kong. But, yeah, but imagine it’s like, 100 people who play that.
E: That’s true, I’m trying to think about all the orchestras we played in. How many female trombonists have we seen?
B: None.
[fans laugh]
E: Queensland Symphony was all guys. Sydney Symphony?
B: None. They’re all–
[fans laugh harder]
E: Wow.
B: They’re all, they’re all usually on french horn.
E: Yes, usually.
B: Female players usually play on french horn.
E: Or trumpet, [inaudible]
B: Or trumpet, yeah, trumpet and french horn. Trombone, wow, you’re a first, I guess.
E: Actually, can I ask? How do trombone players view tuba players?
Q3: Can you repeat that?
E: How do trombone players view tuba players? Is it kinda like violin and viola?
Q3: Yeah, it’s like violin but it’s– there will be a few notes in one position, and you need to memorise them.
E: Okay.
Q3: Yeah.
E: Interesting. Yeah, I don’t know. What advice would you give, going to study in the UK?
B: You gotta book out all the practice rooms in advance. I know a lot about students’ struggle with that overseas, like UK, or the US.
E: Oh, what school? Have you– do you know that?
Q3: Um, that is [name] School. It’s a girls’ college–
E: Oh wow.
Q3: –and I got the scholarship
E: Oh wow. ‘Gratulations.
B: Lowkey flexing. [laughs]
E: Um, I think... hmm... I don’t know, I don’t know how to give, like, advice very well, ‘cause I feel like advice is always best when it’s like specific to your situation, that’s why–
Q3: So like, what would you suggest to adapt to this new environment?
E: Oh, okay. Adapting to new– you mean, in a different country, or in like a music school?
Q3: Music school, yeah. And I think it works in different countries, as well.
E: Mm... I think, um... My mind’s blanking, [unclear]
B: There’s like, numbers coming out of his head. [high pitched calculation noise] [laughs]
Okay, I’ll say something. I think when you go– are you going by yourself?
Q3: Yes.
B: Okay, I think, first, definitely meet– you’ll meet a lot of people, right? And always try to get with the community there, the people around you. Because I think when we’re studying, the one thing that’s important is about the people you spent the time with, right? So all the musicians are there, they’ll make you practice, they’ll keep you kind of in check. It’s definitely important to kind of mingle with them, and– I assume you’re, might have to try and get used to the lifestyle there? I mean, I don’t know what the lifestyle is like, but I know that brass players also drink a lot. [laughs]
Q3: Stereotype!
B: [laughs] Sorry. And you’re doing two instruments as well, so definitely... This is like a Sophie question, ‘cause she plays violin and piano, quite well.
E: Yeah.
Q3: I played violin before but the teacher was–
B: Whoa.
Q3: –so weird, that playing the [unclear], like, throw the [unclear] or something, if I play wrong notes, yes.
B: Was your teacher a Blackpink fan? [fans laugh] Just kidding, just kidding.
Okay, like, look, yeah, I– look, you have to just go with the flow. I know definitely it’s going to be chaotic at the beginning, but just know, after a few months’ time you’ll start settling in. I know when I first moved to Sydney—this wasn’t studying, but when I went to play with the Sydney Symphony—it was very chaotic. Just– I checked my schedule, like, everyday, just trying to make sure I’m on time. But after a while you get used to the flow, and then I think your normal practice routine will be back. So just– if you– it might be stressful at the beginning, so it should be alright, eventually.
E: Yeah, I think it’s just really exciting.
Q3: Yeah.
E: Sounds like a really big step in your life, and just, I think, make the most out of it. I don’t– You seem like you know what you want. You seem... I actually don’t think there’s much advice, other than just to enjoy it as much as you can. You will look back when you’re our age, thirty, like us, going back to uni and be like, “Those were good days.” So yeah, have fun!
Q3: Thank you.
[inaudible speaking]
E: We’ll go for a few more questions? I think we’ll go for a few more questions, yeah. Thanks. Uhh, Brett, choose.
B: I don’t– uhh, one in blonde.
Q4: I’m so nervous, I typed the question down on my phone, so I will [inaudible]. Since you guys started running your YouTube channel as a hobby, and it turned into a second profession other than being a violinist, I want to know how do you keep the passion alive to work in this situation? Because I’m also turning my hobby as a kid, drawing, to my future career. I’m going to attend art school this year, and I got into my dream school this year! Hooray! Uh, and, so I just wanna know– uh, so I’m already starting to see drawing as a work that has to be done, and I lost the motivation to draw as passionately as before. So, how do you balance– how do you balance it? And how do you [inaudible]. Thank you!
E: That’s a great question. Brett? [fans laugh] You guys are asking some really difficult questions, actually. That’s a very deep, philosophical... I think we need Wise Yang Sensei, with the life advice.
“How do you keep motivated when your hobby becomes your work,” is your question, right? Um... I think, for... Okay, I think for us, it’s about remembering why, and not losing sight of that. So it’s like, why do you love doing what you do?
And because it’s... it’s tricky, right? Because we always have to balance things with, kind of, reality, you know? I can’t– Sometimes, once it becomes your work, you have to meet deadlines, you have to work with clients, and sometimes clients might want this or that. And, you know, it’s part of what it’s like to make it your work. But I think if it feels like you’re losing motivation, maybe it’s time to kind of– rather than facing outwards, kind of go back inwards, and reconnect with the reasons why you love doing this—like a “why do you think it’s a good thing”.
That’s been it for me. I think, like, for example—I said this all the time—like, with YouTube as well, it’s like, it’s easy to fall into that frame of, like, “Oh, as a content creator we’re just chasing views, and then making content.” And there’s definitely been times where we felt the pressure to just make a video to keep making videos, or to make sure we get views, ‘cause if we stop making videos then it’s the internet and people forget about us in two days, you know, things like that, right? 
But then, at the end of the day, it’s like... You know, we did take some time off, and that was scary at the beginning. And then we realised, “Oh, it’s okay, people are still here.” And over time, you kind of decide, “Well, okay, these are the type of videos that we do want to do, because we know we’ll genuinely have fun. And then some video ideas, we know, probably will get a lot of views, but it’s just not something we want to do.” And then so, we’re like, “Okay, y’know, might be a good video but we won’t do it.”
So, I guess it’s to strike that balance between the job, or what you have to do, and fulfilling what you want inside. And if you don’t feel good, always just to– it means the balance might be a bit too much that way, (so) just kind of (pull) back a little bit. I don’t know if that answers your question.
Q4: Yes, [inaudible].
E: Alright, thank you.
Q4: Thank you!
E: Do you have anything to add?
B: No, I think you answered the question.
[all laugh]
E: Sweet. Any more questions? Uhh, I saw you raise your hand? Yeah, in black.
Q5: Thank you, Brett and Eddy. What is the most significant critiques you received from your comments, and how do you take that and make improvements? Maybe each one of you?
E: Ooh.
Q5: Thanks.
B: Full of vomit emojis.
Q5: So Brett, you cannot say, “Eddy, you answer the question,” okay?
[all laugh]
E: That was a critique right there.
B: [laughs] Critique. Most significant critic– criticism.
E: I think the most significant critique on comments is, “Eddy, stop doing paper in scissors-paper-rock.” But I never learn from that—I keep doing it anyway. I don’t know, I feel like... I can’t actually think of any off the top of my head. Most comments I can think of have always been so positive. Um... Can you think of any?
B: I honestly can’t. I think– in terms (of) criticism, most significant criticism...
E: Gonna pull out the comments to our latest video.
B: Yeah... I–
E: [laughs]
B: I mean, when you say criticisms, without the “comment”, I start thinking about me being in my violin lessons—my teacher saying this and that. But in terms of online, it usually feels like... It’s actually just a lot of positive comments usually, honestly. I know a lot of people—you know, we have like, 100 positive comments, one bad comment—people are gonna zone in on that. But we’ve kinda gotten used to that? And we just been treating comments as a feedback, for us to see what people like, what they enjoy. And in fact, I’ve really enjoyed some of the comments people make. Like, they make really clever comments, or– things like that gives me a laugh. And that just keeps us going, doing our own thing. Um, and– I don’t know if there’s a specific one, but I also enjoy reading a lot of– ‘s not really criticism, but when people have a story to tell in their comments. Like what they went through, what they’re doing, how they got here, what things have been happening, you know—these things kind of help us– well, they inspire us to keep, kind of, doing what we do, so. I don’t know if I really answered that question, but yeah.
E: Yeah. Yeah, I can’t think of any negative comments of the top of my head as well, but I was just quickly scrolling through, just then. And there’s so many funny– you guys come up with the funniest comments. Someone was like, “If you can adjudicate slowly, you can adjudicate quickly,” ‘cause we took so long adjudicating that day. But yeah, I think that’s... yeah.
B: Are there any more questions? Uh, the pink.
Q6: Hello, Brett and Eddy, I specially flew here from Chengdu to see you, so I wanted to hear the both of you speak Chinese (Standard Mandarin)—
B: [groans]
Q6: I wanted to ask if you have any plans to tour Mainland China this year, and do you have anything you'd like to say to fans in Mainland China? Finally, I'd like to welcome you to Chengdu to look at pandas and eat hotpot.
E: Oooh, hotpot.
[B and E discuss inaudibly]
B: I only heard "eat hotpot".
Q6: Are there any cities you want to go to; any tour plans?
Someone: Any plans for tour in China?
Someone else: In Mainland China!
B: Oh, right!
E: Brett, I thought you were practicing your Chinese, why don't you understand?
Someone: And do you have any preference, for the cities?
B: Ohhh, okay okay. Do I have to answer in Chinese?
E: Yes, she said she wants to hear us speak Chinese.
B: Uhhh, I like to eat hotpot. I would like– I would also like to go to Ch– Chen...
Q6: Chengdu.
B: Chengdu.
E: Also, I want to—what was that city we went to last time—Guangzhou. We want to go to Guangzhou.
B: Oh, right. I forgot.
E: Yeah. We’re not sure, we were thinking we could do it next year, maybe, but the plans haven't been, like...
Someone(?): Confirmed.
E: Confirmed, yeah, we haven't confirmed them. We just have some ideas. Also, maybe Shanghai? I think Shanghai—
[fans cheer]
E: Oh wow, okay. Yeah. Because the both of us have been to Shanghai; Brett went with the Sydney Symphony.
B: No, it was to Beijing.
E: Oh, you didn't go to Shanghai?
B: We went to Beijing.
E: Oh, so it was Beijing.
B: Right. [fans laugh] Yeah.
E: Oh. Wait, so have you been to Shanghai?
B: Nope. [fans laugh] I want to go though.
E: I've been before, I joined a tour group with a friend. And I remember, was it Pudong, Puxi, or something? You know there's that river—
Fans: Huangpu River. [T/N: Pudong and Puxi are districts to the east and west of the Huangpu River respectively.]
E: Huangpu River. And so many people were taking wedding photos there! Everyone was—I remember there were weddings everyday. Yeah, there were like five people getting married, I'm like, holy moly. Yeah. So maybe Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou; we really want to go, yeah.
Q6: Is there anything you want to say to the fans (in Mainland China)?
E: Thank you for all your support, and we'll continue to practice 40 hours every day. Yeah, cool.
Like, it’s 5:10, maybe two, three more questions?
B: Okay.
E: Maybe it’ll go to 5:30 [inaudible]. Yeah, uh, few more questions, yeah.
B: Uh... okay.
Q7: Okay, I come from Guangdong, and I will [inaudible].
E: Oh, nice.
Q7: Yeah, and I will ask the third question from my friend, I’m a [inaudible]. She asked, is tomorrow allowed to take any pictures during the performance?
B: If you’re allowed to take pictures?
E: Taking photos during the performance...
B: I think so...?
Staff: Not during the performance.
B: Oh, okay. Yeah, not during the performance, but...
Staff: Afterwards.
B: But afterwards.
Q7: But afterwards. Okay, [inaudible], thank you.
B: Okay. Do you have another question? Uh... in the white [inaudible]. Yeah, third row, yeah, yeah.
Staff: Sorry, which one?
B: [unclear]
Q8: Uh, hi.
B: Hi.
Q8: I am [name].
E: Hello.
Q8: A casual question: so I am really into MBTI.
B: Oh!
Q8: So, I really want to–
E: Oh, I love MBTI too!
Q8: Yeah, yeah, I love– I really want to ask you guys, what is your latest MBTI test results?
E: Can you guess? What– Do you know what we are, in the past?
Q8: I? Uh, no, I think Eddy is E.
E: I’m E? Think I’m a E? Guess what we are!
B: Oh, if you know, don’t tell her! Just let her guess!
E: We’ve talked about it online before, so if you know, don’t tell her.
B: Don’t tell her, keep your mouth closed, keep quiet!
Q8: Yeah, but like, because MBTI changes, it always changes.
E: Oh, okay.
Q8: Yeah, so some– for some people it always changes, so I would really want to know that– did your MBTI change, of any sort?
B: Oh, I guarantee Eddy hasn’t changed. [fans laugh] It’s very potent. Okay, guess– do you want to guess Eddy’s first?
Q8: Uh, I?
B: Yep.
Q8: S?
E: Maybe? Just keep going– [unclear] it’s okay!
Q8: IS... F... Is it F? No, it’s T– No, I think it’s T. [laughs] Uh... IST... P?
E: ISTP? That’s not–
B: Pretty close!
E: That’s the yellow dude, right? ‘Cause I [unclear] their colours. Is it yellow, or is it blue?
Someone: Yeah, yellow.
E: Yellow, he’s yellow.
B: Yellow, okay.
E: ISTP... He’s the guy with the toolbox, I think... With the tools, the drill!
B: Yeah, the drill.
E: Yeah! Close, close—I’m actually a INTP.
Q8: Ahh, okay.
E: So I’m the purple scientist, who just like– yeah, just stays in my room and practice all day.
Q8: That’s good, that’s good.
E: Yeah. How about Brett? Can you guess Brett?
Q8: I... N...
B: [laughs] She’s on the spot.
Q8: Yeah, you put me on the spot!
B: IN...
Q8: FP?
B: Wow, you’re very close on both.
E: Close, close.
B: I’m actually ENFP.
Fans: Whoa......
B: Whoa, why is it like “whoa”?
E: You know what’s a really funny story about this, actually? Even Brett didn’t know he was extroverted, in the beginning. So when he first found out he was ENFP he’s like, “What?! I’m not extroverted!” And then our friend was like, “An introverted wouldn’t yell so loud.”
B: [laughs] I remember that.
E: Yeah, he was like, “What?! I’m not extroverted!”
B: Yeah, [unclear] “The introvert would not do that.”
E: Yeah.
B: And I think I was telling everyone I was...
E: You thought you were INFP, initially thought, too.
B: Yes, yeah. And I was telling everyone, I was like, “No, I’m introverted, I’m introverted!” And [unclear] was like, “...dude.”
E: [laughs]
B: “An introvert would not do that.”
E: Yeah. So you’re very close, actually, yeah.
Q8: That’s good, thank you–
B: What are– what are yours?
Q8: Oh, mine is–
E: Oh, I wanna guess!
Q8: Yeah, sure, guess!
B: [inaudible] gonna guess?
Q8: Yeah, I’m going to turn you back right on the spot!
E: Um... I think you are...
B: [quietly] How are you gonna guess?!
Q8: No.
E: Aw, damn.
B: My turn, my turn. So I have one-in-fifteen chance.
E: Yeah.
Q8: Sixteen.
B: Sixteen?
Q8: Oh, no, sorry, fifteen, yeah, sorry.
B: No, one-in-fifteen, right? [to Eddy] You said INFP, right? No no–
E: Actually–
B: –no no no no no no no no let me– shhhh.
E: What colour do you think she is?
B: Uhh... ESFP.
Q8: Right. You’re–
[everyone cheering in shock]
E: Damn.
B: You know what gave it away?
E: What?
B: I think the way she dressed, it’s very outgoing. “Look at me, woo!”
E: ESFP... ESFP is the yellow one with brown [inaudible]
Q8: Yeah, it’s the Entertainer.
B: Wow...
E: Makes sense, makes sense. Nice.
B: Wow.
E: There’s uh, charades telepathy.
B: Do I get bubble tea?
E: [laughs]
Q8: Sure, sure! [laughs]
B: [laughs]
E: Nice.
Q8: Thank you!
E: Cool, thank you. That was a fun question.
B: [inaudible] we do one more question? Do we have time?
Staff: Maybe two more?
B: Two more, okay, cool. You can pick.
E: Um, alright. In the back, there?
Q9: Just a normal question: What’s your favourite movie, and why do you recommend it? Or which one do you think is the best use of classical music or violin?
E: Ooh, a movie.
B: That use–
E: Best use of classical music or violin.
B: Dude, that’s not a normal question, that’s a hard question. Whoa, that’s... Favourite movie...
E: That’s tricky. I’ll be honest, I don’t watch that many movies, so already that’s a bit hard for me.
B: Does anime count?
E: Yeah, I was gonna say, I watch anime. 
[fans say it counts]
E: Anime... but then there’s not that much anime with classical music. Obviously there’s Your Lie In April, there’s Nodame... They’re not really movies, they’re like series, right? What movie would you recommend, Brett?
B: I’m still thinking, just– I’m not sure yet, I just– It’s– Okay. I have favourite movies. But the classical music part, it’s... I’m not sure I have one that sticks out.
E: Yeah.
B: But, uh... Grease– There’s always all time favourites, like the ones from... You guys know Inception? It’s been a while now, right?
E: Mhm. I like Inception.
B: The dream in a dream—that was pretty cool. In fact, actually, there was an anime that had that, called Paprika. Right, Paprika?
E: Mhm.
B: They had the same concept, with the dream in a dream. But in terms of classical music, I can’t really access that right away.
E: Yeah, nothing sticks out in mind, I just remember the bad ones, and like, not good ones. But, I mean—I actually haven’t watched this movie—I’ve heard The Pianist is really good. I’ve been meaning to watch it, but I haven’t gotten around to it. Apparently it’s really good, The Pianist.
B: Oh, The Pianist.
E: Yeah. But apparently, it, like, makes you cry. I hate watching movies that make me cry, ‘cause then I’m just like, a mess. The most recent movie that I watched that made me cry—have you guys seen Coco? (The) Disney movie? I know it’s not classical music, but it’s a very musical movie as well, and dude, that movie wrecked me. It was like, so sad, so.
B: I didn’t know that.
E: Right, ‘cause you think Disney’s like, just for little kids and stuff, but it was like, full deep. And it’s about music, and stuff, so. Yeah, that was a cool movie. I don’t know if that answers your question.
Q9: Did you guys watch the new Spider-Man movie?
B: Oh, I haven’t seen it yet.
E: Wait, which one is the new one? But is it the one with the three (Spider-Mans)?
Someone: Across the Spider-Verse, it’s the animation one.
E: Oh, no, I haven’t watched it. Is it good?
Q9: It’s really good.
E: Ooh, okay. Cool, we’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, thank you.
B: Oh, one more question. Uh... Okay, in the front.
Q10: Hi, I’m [name] and this my girlfriend, [name].
B: [laughs] You guys saw that? He just put his hands all like...
Q10: Well, we are both violinists, and we’ve been dating for, like, five months. And I just have one question, that, um... Do you guys, like, get competitive all the time?
B: Wait, wait a second. Is this– are you asking for a friend, or like...?
E:  Is this relationship counselling right now?
Q10: Friendship-wise, but like, do you get competitive all the time, and like, arguing who being the best– who being the better one? And if yes, how do you overcome it and deal with it?
B: So... does she ask?
Q10: I ask this question.
B: Ohhh.
E: Somehow I feel like the question’s not really about us.
E: I don’t think we really do go competitive. Even like... okay, even back in uni, where we had some competitions where we’re against each other, we were never, like, competitive, you know? In the sense that we would still play for each other—like before our competition, we’d be like, “Hey, can you listen to my Mozart?” Or I’ll play my thing for you and just, you know, listen to each other, gives each other some feedback. I know there were definitely some students that were a bit more, like, weird about it. I remember, um...
B: Actually, for me it was similar. For the competitions, it was always about just making it through. Like, “Oh, you’re next, ohhhh.” I always thought about “Oh, who’s going first, who’s going second,” you know? And you can start playing these mind games with yourself.
E: Yeah.
B: So we don’t really get competitive. And honestly, I feel like I’ve never had the capacity to be competitive when I walk on stage. I just get really nervous, and I’m just trying to make it through the whole piece.
E: Yeah, same. It was almost like we’re both sharing the pain of going to this competition together, it’s like...
B: Yeah, but it’s not about us, so...
E: Oh yeah, that’s right, this question’s not about us. That is interesting though, actually. I have heard, you know, about musician couples. I don’t know, though. I don’t know what to say, Brett. Wise sensei, Yang-sensei. [laughs]
B: Okay, look—do you guys get competitive?
Q10: Sometimes.
B: Sometimes! Ohhh!
Q10′s girlfriend: Because we’re very, like, close in, like, level, and we’re gonna go to, like, university soon, and we’re both gonna study music.
B: Wait, so– but are you guys competing in the same university?
Q10g: Probably.
B: Probably? Have you got in the university yet?
Q10g: We have got in, and we both have full scholarships.
B: You both have full scholarships...
Q10g: And the same teacher.
E: Okay–
B: Whoa... Okay, this is– okay–
E: This is– okay, I have two ways of thinking about this, actually. I have the practical answer, which is interacting in normal day life. And then I have, like, the bigger picture—what I think about relationships.
So, I think, in life, meeting people that are genuinely close, that you form, like, life-long relationships with, is something that is so rare, and so meaningful. And that, to me, is always gonna be more precious than winning some competition. Like someone that you can trust, that you know that you guys will support each other. 
And so for me, like for people– like, for Brett, for example—like, I think it’s always that you should want the best for the other person, and you should also know that they want the best for you. And so, you know, if you see someone else exceed—even if, let’s say, for example, he won the Bach Prize and I didn’t, for example—even if in the moment I feel a little bit, like, jealous or envious—I’m not saying I did, I don’t remember how I felt, but if I did—I think at the end of the day, you should still commit. And there’s something you can practice, actually. Just practice being like, “No, I’m going to congratulate them, I’m gonna feel happy for them, because I want the best for them.” I think that’s really important, if you want to have a long–term– not even just relationship, like, a friendship, like a close friend, you know.
B: Yeah, I think you made a good point, like– Envy consumes you, if you’re not careful. Because it’s all inside you, you know. And there’s nothing to gain from envy—there’s literally nothing there, it’s just– you harm yourself inside. And it’s like Eddy said—yeah, envy happens? That’s why it’s one of—what’s that, like—seven deadly sins, or something. Like it happens, but it’s part of us to try and practice a way out of it, you know.
So you might feel it. It’s okay to feel it, you don’t have to be like, “I feel envy. Oh my god, I’m a bad person. Oh my god.” Just kind of be like, “Okay, well, it’s there, but I’m not gonna act on it. And I shouldn’t respond to it. I just look at it.” It’s like, “Oh, hi, envy. How’re you going? I’m going back to practice.” Just ignore it. And then, what Eddy said—it’s like, you practice congratulating the other person.
E: Mm.
B: So– and that’s– You’ll find that’ll help you in the long run, because then both of you, or who you’re congratulating, will help each other. And they say, “If you wanna go fast, you go by yourself; if you wanna go far, you work as a team.” So that’s really important.
E: Yeah. Even in the– I mean, even... Actually, that’s a really good point, right, like, when you’re young, it might feel like it’s just about who plays the best, who practices the most, who wins competitions. But actually, later, when you’re actually touring—and y’know, we meet a lot of soloists as well—who you know does matter a lot. And even if you’re the best player, if you just piss everyone off ‘cause you’re so competitive, no one will want to work with you. So that’s really important. Um, and–
B: He’s just– [laughs]
E: [laughs] Okay, but– [laughs] on a more day-to-day, practical level, I think—‘cause like, I have heard stories about this—I think the main thing is if someone else is practicing, don’t give advice unless they ask for it.
B: Oh yeah, don’t do that.
E: Don’t just walk into the room, be like, “Yo yo, I think your B-flat’s a bit out of tune, I think you should uh, work–” Like, don’t do that, don’t do that!
B: [laughs] [unclear]
E: It’s funny, though, ‘cause I’ve– we know, like, musicians that are musician couple—it’s a really common thing—and the insecurity... I have heard from– especially from couples where maybe one of them is more ahead in their career than the other one, it can feel like–
B: Or they’re in a string quartet.
E: String quartet is a big one as well. So, it’s– yeah, it’s not–
B: Oh, you guys in a string quartet?
E: Like it sounds funny, but it’s actually a tough challenge, and I hope– I wish you guys the best. Yeah.
Q10: Thank you.
E: Cool.
B: Alright, I think that’s it, right? Thank you, everyone!
E: Thank you, everyone, thank you!
Q&A session ends here. remainder of the video contains audio from the photo session, and op’s conversations, which will not be included here.
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backupherewego · 23 days
merc era vid list
youtube site search now is shit and shit , so I made a link list for James' merc era videos. not all the videos he appears in are in the list, the video must be interesting enough (i'm tired of watching him talking an hour-long strategy) you're welcome!
Previews & Debrief
22.08.12 W13 Challenges, Closing The Gap & New Foods! | 2022 Akkodis F1 Season Debrief
22.26.10 Upgrades, Brake Changes, Podiums & More! | 2022 United States GP Akkodis F1 Race Debrief
22.13.04 Overcuts, Safety Cars & More | 2022 Australian GP Akkodis F1 Race Debrief
21.09.12 Headphones, Damage & More | 2021 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix F1 Race Debrief
21.10.11 First Lap, Pit Stops & More | 2021 Mexico City Grand Prix F1 Race Debrief
21.28.10 Overcuts, Atmosphere & More | 2021 United States Grand Prix F1 Race Debrief
21.16.09 P19 to P3, Car Damage & More | 2021 Italian GP F1 Race Debrief
21.02.09 Wet Tyres, Aquaplaning & More | 2021 Belgian GP F1 Race Debrief
21.01.07 Upgrades, Second Stops & More | 2021 Styrian GP F1 Race Debrief
21.05.05 Sensor Issues, Fastest Lap Fights & More | Portuguese GP F1 Race Debrief peer pressure about food.
21.18.03 Sandstorms, Car Handling & More | 2021 F1 Test Debrief
20.16.09 Safety Car Restarts, Smoking Brakes & More! | 2020 Tuscan GP F1 Race Debrief 4:12
20.09.09 Lewis' Penalty, Best Pizzas & More | 2020 Italian GP F1 Debrief pizza!
20.05.08 Punctures, Pit Stops, Vibrations & More | 2020 British GP F1 Debrief
20.15.07 Tyre Offsets, Floor Damage & More! | 2020 Styrian GP F1 Debrief 6:25
20.13.05 PETRONAS Retro Race Review – F1 Mexico Grand Prix 2019 Is this your loft ??
20.29.04 PETRONAS Retro Race Review - Hungary F1 Grand Prix 2019
20.22.04 PETRONAS Retro Race Review - Bahrain F1 Grand Prix 2014
19.07.08 2019 Hungarian Grand Prix F1 Debrief & what happened
19.18.07 2019 British Grand Prix F1 Debrief analyzing toto's heart rate.
19.01.05 2019 Azerbaijan Grand Prix F1 Debrief he got a promotion.
19.27.03 2019 Australian Grand Prix F1 Debrief he got a cold.
18.15.112018 Brazilian Grand Prix F1 Debrief Why are you so mean to your coworker?
18.22.10 2018 United States Grand Prix F1 Debrief... with a Difference! Paul Ripke what have you done?
16.28.07 Full throttle down the Hockenheim straights! | Nico Rosberg on the German GP
Tech Part
16.23.06 F1 2016 Explained: How have the 2016 tyre rules changed race strategy?
13.09.07 Grand Prix Insights - Seat Fit
12.11.11 Grand Prix Insights - Race Overall
20.14.10 Everything You Need to Know About F1 Esports!
21.31.05 INSIDE STORY: Mercedes' Strategic Masterclass | 2021 Spanish Grand Prix
18.13.05 Inside Story Of How Mercedes Won The 2018 Azerbaijan Grand Prix
22.14.10 Driving Ambition - the journey to drive a Formula One™ car part1 part2 part3
22.24.07 "On a aujourd'hui moins de marsouinage que Red Bull ou Ferrari. Ce n'est plus un problème" need fr ip.
22.29.04 "It was UNFORGETTABLE to ride with you!" 🙌 | Lewis Hamilton and Valentino Rossi swap seats! 1:09 He wears a motorcycle suit.
20.15.12 LH44xVR46: Behind the scenes of the ultimate rideswap
19.04.08 An incredibly deserved podium today for James
19.18.07 LIVE at the F1 Esports Pro Draft 2019 star from1:57:26
19.21.06 “Fans, it’s James”
18.12.09 F1 in Schools World Finals Singapore 2018 - Day 4 - Awards Celebration star from 2:25:06
17.10.06 The Road to Montreal (Full HD)
15.31.07 Tumi and MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS F1 Team
21.02.08 Took a Champion’s drive to fight back to P3!
19.27.05 James, it’s Lewis... We need to talk!
18.05.11 Lewis Hamilton Behind the Scenes: Day in the Life of an F1 Champion
20.08 08 “James, it’s James”
19.19.12 2019 F1 Race Debriefs: The Bloopers!
18.24.12 Santa Spotted at Mercedes F1 Factory
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allieebobo · 11 months
Hi Allie!! The update was really gooooodddddd! Anw, ive been stalking and reading through the asks & while I’m enjoying those, i don’t think anyone has asked u about urself yet. Or maybe i miss it but I’m interested to know more about the author who wrote 2 of my fave IFs. Just general questions like;
1. which part of SG were you from?
2. Fav food?
3. Fav place to lepak?
4. Pri/sec school (if you were educated in sg)
5. What made you migrated to USA?
6. Where are u currently based in?
7. Are u still a student or a full-fledged career womann
8. One place in sg that will always carry beautiful memories for you, now that u’ve moved abroad.
9. What sparked your interest in writing these IFs?
Hehehe. If some of the questions are abit personal, you don’t have to share ur answers. Have a good day ahead 🤍
Ooh!! Anon, these are great questions hehe!! Sure, we can do a get-to-know-me session!
I will answer a couple, and get back to the rest at some point, OK? If there's a question that I didn't answer that y'all are really curious about, you can send me an ask with the number and I'll get to it sooner rather than later.
(P.S. no, none of them are too personal, I just think it'd take me a gajillion years to reply if I tried to answer them all!)
Got long, so the answers are below the cut!
1. which part of SG were you from?
Redhill/Bukit Merah! There's a moment in Merry Crisis where MC talks about it, and that's directly from my life! West side, best side! If me and my partner were entitled to a subsidized public housing flat (we aren't, for so many reasons including we're queer and she's not Singaporean), I'd absolutely buy a flat in the exact same neighbourhood.
2. Fav food
Wow... I can't really choose one, but if I could cheat and pick a whole cuisine then Peranakan food, hands down. Petai (stinky bean) with ikan bilis is one of my fave dishes—and it reminds me of my grandma. Otherwise, ban mian is a big comfort food for me, and so are red chili oil dumplings. I also love kaya toast with eggs for breakfast. Herbal bak kut teh and teochew fish are things I love but wouldn't eat every day... All of these might show up (the fish already has I guess!) in the game at some point!
For non-Singaporean food, I could eat udon, all kinds of pasta, and som tum all day every day.
3. Fav place to lepak
<Lepak is Singaporean/Malaysian(? I think) slang for like, 'chill' or 'hang', btw.> As you can already tell I added a lot of my own experiences/things I love into Merry Crisis already, so I'm going to have to go with Labrador Park and Sentosa. As a kid my mom would bring me and my brother to the rocky coast in Labrador after school with a box of Sarpino's pizza and we'd play in the water and eat and get really sandy. Sentosa back in the day was less commercial/touristy, and we'd just park in the carpark for $2, and spend the entire Sunday just chilling on the beach (yes, I'm a huge beach person haha), and my dad (not a big beach person) would be napping under a big tree probably wishing his wife weren't such a big beach person because it's been inherited by his kids and now this is how he'll spend his weekends for the rest of his life.
6. Where are you based in? 7. Are u still a student or a full-fledged career woman
Have a full-time job, sadly. I've been working as an urban planner in Singapore for three years now. (Think that answers both questions at the same time.) So yeah, I plan the city. Mostly I make sure future generations have enough housing, even though I'm not entitled to one myself. 🤷‍♀️ I enjoy my work and I think it's fulfilling, but it's also tough and my hours are too long. One day I hope to write full-time but I really don't think it'll pay the bills. Maybe if I live somewhere cheaper than Singapore!
Quite excited to answer 8, 9 as well, but maybe those are for another day?
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Sausage Pizza Day
Pepperoni gets the spotlight too often, but sausage is a great pizza topping. Make a sausage pizza at home, order delivery, or try a new kind of sausage.
Almost every person on the face of the earth has a favorite kind of pizza! Would that kind happen to be full of the robust, well-seasoned flavor of sausage? National Sausage Pizza Day reminds us that while Pepperoni may be considered the King of Pizzas, it’s Sausage Pizza that’s Queen.
Sausage Pizza is the second most popular pizza in the world (only behind its good friend, Pepperoni Pizza), and with so many variations on sausage, there’s an endless number of types that can be deeply enjoyed. National Sausage Pizza Day is the perfect opportunity to challenge the idea of boring pizza and try multiple types of this spicy and delicious topping.
History of National Sausage Pizza Day
Of course, it’s true that almost everyone likes pepperoni, but what most people don’t know is that sausage is nearly as popular on pizza as its cousin pepperoni. While most places that serve sausage pizza use classic Italian sausage, that’s a discredit to the incredible variety it is possible to get out of this incredible meat treat.
There are as many types of sausage as can be imagined, including beef sausage, chicken sausage, and of course the classic pork sausage. Each of these can be made with apples, fennel, cheese, garlic, black pepper, red pepper flakes, and a myriad of other ingredients that can change a simple sausage into a delicious extravaganza.
Sausage on pizza is nearly as old as the pizza itself and has been a common ingredient in this flatbread-based treat for centuries.
Since National Sausage Pizza Day falls within Pizza Month, it’s a doubly good reason to celebrate! 
How to Celebrate National Sausage Pizza Day
Celebrating National Sausage Pizza Day can be loads of fun–and truly delicious! Get on board with all different varieties and brands of sausage pizza and try out these ideas for celebrating:
Go Out for Sausage Pizza
This is a great day to gather family or friends and head over to a pizza joint! Whether a deep-dish Chicago style or a thin crust New York-style, sausage pizza covers it all. Try out one of these unique and interesting pizza places that are known to offer some of the best pizza in the world:
Pizzeria L’Operetta in Singapore. Authentic Napoli pizzas are served in Southeast Asia at this delicious pizza place. Expect some interesting varieties of toppings!
Bæst Pizza in Copenhagen. Those searching for great pizza in Scandinavia need to look no further than Bæst in Denmark. They cook their pizza on a wood-fired stove that was imported from Naples!
Lamanna’s Bakery in Toronto. This Italian bakery is known for its authenticity, and its pizza recipe is no exception. Specializing in enormous slices of pizza, one slice can be shared with a friend (or even two!). Or, the brave few with a huge appetite can try it on their own. And the bakery offers delicious desserts–for those who have any space left after they have eaten their huge pizza slices.
Pizzeria Gino Sorbillo in Italy and Beyond. For the best in Italian pizza, of course, one must go to Italy (or, perhaps, Italy will bring the pizza to you). This chain of several pizzerias, owned and operated by Gino Sorbillo himself, has locations in Rome, Naples and Milan and other places in Italy, as well international locations of Tokyo, New York and Miami.
Make Pizza at Home
Some of the tastiest pizza is made in humble kitchens all over the world. The great thing about making it at home is that it can be made exactly to the specific desires and needs of the person (or family) who is making it! Enjoy making fresh dough or grab it from the refrigerator section at the grocery store. Stuff the crust, if desired. Make it thick or thin. Add various toppings (sausage required, of course). Then bake and enjoy!
Have Sausage Pizza Delivered at Work (or at Home)
Maybe the boss will pay for it, or maybe everyone will need to pitch in, but ordering sausage pizza for the folks at the office or the warehouse is a great way to celebrate the day! Check out local delivery deals that might be special specifically in honor of the day. Downloading the apps for the local pizza places is a great way to keep apprised of discounts and deals that are offered.
Discover Something New and Creative
National Sausage Pizza Day is a great opportunity to break free of old traditions and discover something new. Everyone has their favorite kind of sausage, and all of them can be used to top a pizza. One interesting favorite for a sweet sausage pizza is Apple Chicken Sausage, which lends a sweet flavor to the dish while still providing a tangy taste.
For the people who have only experienced classic Italian Sausage on their pizza in the past, it’s time to expand that palate. Head on down to the local butcher or deli department and ask them what they’d suggest using on a pizza, and turn them away from the Italian, since the point is to get creative here.
Get Cheesy for National Sausage Pizza Day
Looking for something cheesy and zesty? Some call it sacrilege, but other people may happen to enjoy putting Cheddar Wursts on their Sausage Pizza. Of course, this requires cutting it thin and layering cheese around it to get the best effect (because, honestly, who doesn’t just love cheese?), but it will taste absolutely fabulous. What other fun and unique variation will you come up with for National Sausage Pizza Day?
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a-spell-a-rebel-yell · 9 months
hellooo, on-time this time! hehe i hope everyone is happy and healthy 💙
the end of September marks one month of school and my assignments are finally slowing down (re: there will be more it's just i've finished them for the moment so i can have some relax time). so, i finally got wind of the learning system here, it's student centered learning where we have to write a paper for every subject and do a presentation for every class, the profs are only there to correct us or complete what we left out. sounds exhausting (because it is!) but i think with this method we're 'forced' to gather as much information as possible because in order to do well we need enough knowledge on the topic. not to mention we're also graded from how active/responsive we are during classes. result is most of my 'free time' is spent reading 🙃 not entirely complaining because the major difference from first degree vs post grad school is now everything's more focused on the discipline i'm interested in hehe
most of my class is held online (god bless) and i'm, yet again, the one in charge of our class' Zoom account (which we buy ourselves instead of provided by the campus). i only go to the SaIemba campus once a week for weekly wire bending class. yes, ladies and gentlemen, wire bending is now taking over my bank account and i mean it literally because the pliers i have to buy cost me a loooooooot of money 🙃 i think this month i really exhausted my savings... the only relief provided for me is that for orthodontists we usually only buy these pliers once to be used for years, that's why it's important to buy high quality ones. kinda glad i bought my Coldplay Singapore tickets before this huhu
an update on my medical check-up, i finally got to see the internist and yep he said i have very high metabolism rate (everything i eat gets converted quickly into energy, not fat/body mass and i need to eat more carbs, but sadly i'm more of a beef veggies fruits person sigh) and that for my slightly anemic blood report i need to consume more blood replenishing food/supplements... these days i swear i’ve been eating more than i did years ago but i simply can't gain weight (still ranging around 41-43 kgs and never higher 🤡)
this September the class celebrated two of our members' birthdays! (again, i'm in charge of reminding everyone of someone's bday 😂) for the first one, kak Mandy's, i kinda made a cruel prank i really regret lol with everyone's help i tricked her we have impromptu on the spot zoom with our professor that required us to show our wire bending progress... she believed me and actually stayed up late to finish her work 😭 i swear i got her to stop and go back to sleep at 10 PM 🥺🥺🥺 but the surprise worked and she was actually surprised (& genuinely happy, i checked on her right after haha) to find us singing the hbd song as she entered the meeting room and sent her a lovely cake for her. the second one, kak Putri's, and this one we can no longer use the Zoom tactic again so we pushed back the surprise to our next wire bending class at uni, bought her pizza and coffee (her favs) and i think the best part is: after i checked in on her, she said she's touched by our efforts as she's never really experienced having people do this much for her. that answer stunned me in a way i get reminded again how being remembered is such a privilege, a rare thing, one's life goal? it's one of the best ways to leave no room for doubt that someone truly cares and loves you? seems like a simple gesture but woah. the impact it left? i think i've never felt more happier being able to remember people's bdays/preferences/likings, seeing how happy i can make someone feel? that's what i strive to do even more now 💪🏻
anyway, did i tell you already i'm the youngest in our class? and the oldest is literally 10 (ten) years older than me? so naturally... i'm also in charge of everything technical: starting from running our class' instagram account and teaching everyone efficient ways to use Google Docs and Slides to finish our assignments 😂👍🏻 i love getting treated like everyone’s little sister and calling everyone kakak/abang 🤣 yet somehow i love being the one people are (mostly) depending on? i like having responsibilities and being able to provide help i guess? 😂 and guess what: i actually also become the class' official editor. yep. one of the assignments given from the dean is to write this mini book (yes, book. not a paper) and she appointed me to be the editor! it's a rigorous task i need to be super diligent and attentive while proofreading and correcting the formatting, but yeah i enjoyed it. my editing hobby has leveled up to a semi official thing haha
last week of September my dad's coworkers held farewell parties (yes plural) for my dad as his last day of work in the entirety of 40+ years of career has finally come... it was an emotional night, almost everyone volunteered to give a lil speech for my dad and said how they've lost and will miss my dad dearly, even some of his lab assistants cried. because my dad was stationed on duty at St Regis hotel naturally i was tagging along, and my dad's subordinates arranged me to be the special guest and yeah. i got teary eyed too because i got to witness yet again how loved my dad is. anyways, i highkey will miss the 'side privileges' i'm so used to get for being a child of a Bank lndonesia employee HEHEHE i mean free staycation at five star hotels almost every week? health insurance (which stopped as i turn 25 huhu) and many many many others. oh well. now it's my time taking care of my mum and dad then, my dream to provide the same or even better treatments than what i received 🥺
with my dad entering retirement, now aside from school i’m swamped with packing and boxing. we’re slowly moving things back to the Cibubur house while i prepare some of my stuffs to carry to my cousin’s house. not gonna lie feeling quite sad because the benefits of having a house in the center of South Jakarta scene are endless! 😂 almost everything is within fingertips’ reach and i’m used to living in that part of the city that never sleeps. Cibubur’s pretty quiet and Bendi (my cousin’s house region) though just a few districts away from Blok M isn’t really the life of the party. i will miss Panglima Polim and everything surrounding it 🥹
last note: these days i'm feeling like life is really that unexpected? so many things i didn't even dream ever happening are thrusted onto my hands right now as we speak and they turn out to be all i've ever wanted? i think i've perfected the formula of doing good + be good + trust the timing. a simple example would be me getting back to school (you can tell i’m not done feeling super happy after getting accepted 😂) excited for more to come, major changes or challenges are welcome: bring it on! i'm ready and up for all kinds of surprises hehe
that's it for September! two months and i'll be 26... 9 months fly away just like that huh 😅 a reminder for me and everyone reading this to enjoy time as it goes, make every second count and special. see you next month!
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If I could choose what decade I was born in, I’d choose…
70s or 80s. Growing up in the 90s/early 2000s sounds fun
The first thing I’d do after winning the lottery is…
Hire a financial advisor
The videos that always make me laugh are…
There's a few funny vines
A trend I really love is…
Winged eyeliner
One of my most original costumes was…
The Leg Lamp from A Christmas Story, with a lampshade skirt that lit up
Between sunrises and sunsets, I prefer….
If for one day I could be invisible or fly, I’d choose to…
Be invisible
My perfect pizza looks like…
Cheese, pineapples, no sauce, maybe garlic depending on my mood
I wish I had hair like…
A friend from school who had thick wavy hair
If I could be feared by all or loved by all, I’d choose to be…
Once in my life, I’d like to cut my hair like…
I've already tried a bob, now I really just want to grow it out long
My feelings about coconut flavor are…
It's fine
One of my favorite writers is…
Brandon Sanderson
My favorite mode of transportation is…
Car. I know it's not the most ecological or economical, but if I'm 2 minutes late leaving the house I'd like to be 2 minutes late arriving at my destination, not 30+ or hours. Plus I like to sing in the car
One of my favorite singers is…
Taylor Swift
When I go to a new restaurant and have no idea what to order I…
Try to find something I would like
What’s a favorite hobby of yours?
I think a good source of therapy is…
A friend who I can always be myself around is…
A friend who always makes me laugh is…
Something helpful to lose weight is…
The only thing that ever works for me is getting sick, so obviously that's not healthy or sustainable
In the shower, I like to sing…
The furthest I’ve ever traveled is…
The best car I’ve ever owned is…
I've only ever owned one car, a Subaru Forester
A party I had so much fun at was…
My cousin's bat mitzvah when I was a kid
A fear of mine is…
My favorite season is…
If you knew me well, you’d gift me…
Dice or jewelry
Between movies and TV, which would you prefer?
A new year’s resolution I haven’t been able to accomplish yet is…
Lose weight
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simibest · 2 years
8 Best Door Handle Shops To Check Out in Singapore | Simi Best Singapore . . . Feel annoyed with loose Door Handle? Check out our Blog for strong and powerful door handle shops that come in different styles of door handles in Singapore.
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singaporecity · 8 months
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Prego, which means "come in," has a beguiling, welcoming energy, similar to visiting your nonna at her ravishing waterfront home on a warm Sunday evening. The irresistible grins of the staff, alongside Chief Culinary expert Mauro Sanna in the event that you're fortunate, will get you eager to dive into carefully assembled pizzas and pasta, delicious cheeses and cold cuts, and rich Italian dishes. Read more at: Prego @ Fairmont - Review 2023 | The Best Singapore
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chilispizza · 2 years
Top & Best Pizza Shop in Singapore
Hey, are you looking for the best pizza shops in Singapore? There are many pizza shops in Singapore. But, if you are looking for only the best pizza shop in Singapore which provides top-quality pizza with all the halal guidelines. Then, you must call us at (+65 8856 0483) to order the best pizza in Singapore. We offer amazing pizzas with a wide range of variety. Come to Chilis Pizza & experience the love at first bite. We deliver handmade pizza with passion.
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What makes us the Best Pizza Shop in Singapore
Here are some of the amazing features of our pizza shops that make us the best pizza shops in Singapore.
Handmade Pizza: Eating handmade pizza can be very healthy for most of the persons. We serve handmade pizza to our customers. They are delicious & healthy.
Halal-Certified: Chilis Pizza is one of the best pizza shops in Singapore. We are halal certified Singapore-based Pizza Company. We follow the halal guidelines that make us the best halal-certified pizza shop in Singapore.
Top-Quality: Our quality of the pizza is just amazing. Order the pizza by calling us on the given contact number & feel the taste of the best quality pizza.
Amazing Feedback: We have received amazing feedback from our customers. Till now, we have served many of the customers, everyone gave us positive feedback.
On-Time Delivery: We deliver pizza on time. If you want to order the pizza & get your pizza delivered on time. Then, you must order the pizza from our company (Chilis Pizza).
Affordable Price: Chilis Pizza is one of the best pizza shops in Singapore. We offer & deliver the pizza at an affordable price. Getting the best quality pizza at an affordable price is real happiness.
Reference By: https://bit.ly/3OiJ6dV
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The Chinese culinary landscape in Singapore is a fusion of tradition, innovation, and pure enthusiasm. Each restaurant, with its distinct offerings and atmosphere, ensures that diners get a genuine and modern dining experience. So, the next time you're in Singapore looking for Chinese food or a "Pizza restaurant near me," make it a point to go on this gastronomic adventure, savouring the flavours and stories of the city's top Chinese eateries. Read More
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foodreviews · 9 months
The Intriguing World of Food Festivals: From Bacon to Chocolate
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When it comes to the world of Food and beverage, there is no shortage of opportunities to indulge in culinary delights. Food festivals have become a global phenomenon, celebrating the diversity and richness of cuisines from around the world. From sizzling bacon festivals to decadent chocolate extravaganzas, these events offer a unique and tantalizing experience for food enthusiasts. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of food festivals and explore some of the most mouthwatering events dedicated to the celebration of food and beverage.
Bacon Festivals: A Sizzling Sensation
Bacon, with its irresistible aroma and savory flavor, has a special place in the hearts of many food lovers. It's no wonder that bacon festivals have gained popularity worldwide. These festivals are a tribute to all things bacon, where you can find creative and delicious bacon-infused dishes that go beyond the classic bacon and eggs.
One of the most renowned bacon festivals is the "Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival" held in Des Moines, Iowa. This festival goes beyond your typical bacon fare, featuring unique dishes like bacon-wrapped tater tots, bacon-infused cocktails, and even bacon ice cream. The event attracts bacon aficionados from far and wide who come to savor the crispy goodness of this beloved food.
To know more about : -
Chocolate Festivals: A Sweet Delight
For those with a sweet tooth, chocolate festivals are a dream come true. These events celebrate the world of cocoa in all its forms, from rich dark chocolate to creamy milk chocolate. Chocolate festivals offer an opportunity to explore the art of chocolate making, taste exquisite confections, and witness chocolate sculptures that are as stunning as they are delectable.
One of the most famous chocolate festivals is the "Salon du Chocolat" held annually in Paris, France. This event brings together chocolatiers, pastry chefs, and cocoa enthusiasts from around the globe. Visitors can indulge in a wide array of chocolate creations, attend chocolate-making demonstrations, and learn about the journey of cocoa from bean to bar.
Food and Beverage Fusion: Unique Combinations
What makes food festivals truly intriguing is the fusion of different food and beverage elements. These festivals often feature unexpected pairings and creative collaborations that challenge culinary norms. One such event is the "Bacon and Beer Classic" held in various cities across the United States. This festival brings together the smoky goodness of bacon with the refreshing taste of craft beers. Attendees can enjoy bacon-inspired dishes, sample a wide selection of craft beers, and even participate in bacon-eating contests.
Similarly, the "Coffee and Chocolate Festival" in London explores the harmonious relationship between two beloved indulgences. Coffee and chocolate lovers unite to savor the intricate flavors that arise from combining these two ingredients. From coffee-infused chocolates to chocolate-dipped espresso beans, this festival is a haven for caffeine and cocoa enthusiasts.
Global Flavors: A Culinary Journey
Food festivals also provide an opportunity to embark on a culinary journey around the world without leaving your city. These events often feature international cuisines, allowing attendees to explore the diverse flavors of different cultures. The "Taste of Chicago" festival, for instance, showcases the vibrant food scene of the Windy City, offering everything from deep-dish pizza to mouthwatering Chicago-style hot dogs.
If you're looking for a more exotic experience, the "World Gourmet Summit" in Singapore is an international culinary extravaganza. Renowned chefs from various countries converge to create a gastronomic feast that highlights the best of global cuisine. From Japanese sushi to French haute cuisine, this festival offers a passport to a world of flavors.
A Feast for the Senses
Food festivals are not just about taste; they engage all the senses. The sights of beautifully presented dishes, the sounds of sizzling grills and live music, the aromas wafting through the air, and the textures of various dishes create a multisensory experience that goes beyond the plate. These festivals are a celebration of culture, creativity, and community, bringing people together through the universal language of food and beverage.
In conclusion
The world of food festivals is a diverse and intriguing one. From savoring the smoky allure of bacon to indulging in the sweetness of chocolate, these events offer a unique opportunity to explore the world of Food and beverage in all its glory. Whether you're a dedicated foodie or simply looking for a memorable culinary adventure, food festivals are sure to tantalize your taste buds and leave you with unforgettable gastronomic memories. So, the next time you hear about a food festival in your area, don't hesitate to attend and immerse yourself in the delectable world of flavors and aromas that these festivals offer.
Read more : -
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businesses123 · 10 months
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Are you searching for the best Al Fresco Dining in Pasir Panjang? Then contact Black Cherry seeks to bring their version of modern European cuisine to the southwest region of Singapore. They serve hearty breakfasts, pasta, risotto and pizzas, and other modern European fares with an Italian, Spanish, and Fusion twist.
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dtcworlds-blog · 10 months
Gift Companies That Ship Internationally – Choose The Best Now
It is impossible to count the items and accessories you can use for promotions. So, how do you choose? From now on, choosing the best promotional gifts to give to your customers will not be difficult, no matter what kind of business you run or how much planning you have done. Pieces of "advertising" that the recipients will take with them are the best promotional gifts and redemption gifts Singapore.
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Gift Companies That Ship Internationally
A brilliant way for your business
These are the best promotional items that ever existed. First and foremost, they meet all the requirements listed above. In addition, each time a recipient wears them, he or she will be reminded of your products and services, as will anyone else who sees them. T-shirts are the ones that are used the most. These can be used to advertise any business.
Business accessories like conference folders, post-its, pens, and other stationery items have been used to promote a variety of corporate businesses, including pizza restaurants, fashion houses, confectionery stores, and others.
Send gifts where you want
In your personal life, you should think of gifts from the heart. However, in the expert circle, a similar need not be the situation. The practice of corporate gifting ought to be carefully planned and strategic. Your gift might be deemed inappropriate or of no use if you make the wrong move.
The gift you choose for your employees is very important if you want them to feel appreciated and respected. Promotional gifts from Gift companies that ship internationally can help you make an impression that lasts a lifetime, whether you are thanking your loyal customers or a new employee. 68% of individuals say that getting a significant gift from their manager fortified their relationship with them.
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