#Cheapest Hotel In Singapore
simibest · 2 years
8 Best Door Handle Shops To Check Out in Singapore | Simi Best Singapore . . . Feel annoyed with loose Door Handle? Check out our Blog for strong and powerful door handle shops that come in different styles of door handles in Singapore.
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simpxxstan · 2 months
strangers to lovers with junhui
this is part of my 550 followers celebration event! find the rest of the members' headcanons in the event too as i post them through this month!
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warnings: mentions of one night stand. very mildly suggestive tones, rest is only fluff!
thinking about strangers to lovers with tour guide!junhui who's your designated guide for your first overseas trip to singapore
it's a twelve-member group for the tour, but you're the only one who's travelling solo and of age less than forty. perhaps this is why junhui is naturally drawn to your side. ever since you got off the airplane, junhui has been tagging near you, although he doesn't forget the other members of the trip as well. he's a professional tour guide after all- only five star ratings in the last year. he's not going to make slips in his work just because of a pretty passenger.
and yet, he's oddly drawn to you. he's not staying at the hotel the group is put up at, and he's not even supposed to be there at the dinner for that night. and yet, he does go. he goes, wearing his best shirt, even as the rain pours on, and he makes sure to sit at your table. you look even more lovely after resting post that long flight, and jun knows, that he's lost it even before the trip has begun.
the first day is scheduled for the tour of the gardens by the bay. "i'm so excited to see the flowers! i really like flowers. i have my own garden, you know. well, it's not too big, but i try." you're wearing a blue sundress, and jun thinks you look like a flower yourself, but he can't say that. instead, he grins. "i've seen them so many times on account of these trips, and yet the charm isn't lost on me."
thankfully, the group isn't a very taxing one. everyone seems to be happy sightseeing on their own, as long as jun remains close at call. and jun takes full advantage of this to stick to your side. he maintains a healthy distance at the start to ensure you don't get uncomfortable, because the last thing he'd want is for you to think he's a creep. but then, you specially seek him out during lunch and sit on the bench next to him, the edge of your sundress fluttering and brushing against his body, and jun feels slightly more hopeful of reciprocation.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who's just what you need for your tired heart when you whimsically decided to go on this trip after an extremely exhausting month at work
not only is he excellent eye candy, but also so sweet to you. you're suspicious of his oddly cute nature for the first hour or so, but then you realise there's no point in suspecting him. you've been betrayed enough and you have nothing left to lose.
he's also an A class guide. you've never been on a guided tour before, so you don't have a metric for comparison, but he's certainly way better than what you had imagined him to be like. he's extremely friendly, and under all those silly jokes, he's very knowledgeable and good at his job.
for example, he takes you to a beautiful photo spot where you can get a perfect view of the entire city of singapore, but it's not half as crowded as the designated viewpoint. he knows the best restaurants and cafes to eat at, hidden away in alleys you can't spot even on google maps. he knows what's the cheapest rate at which you can buy souvenirs, and he helps you bargain too.
you don't know if this is behaviour towards all his guests on all his trips, but a fanciful part of you thinks he is slightly partial towards you and you want to relish that. it's been long since you've had the attention of anyone. and it works wonders for you and your mental health.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who sees you wear even prettier dresses and makeup from the second day of the tour
he wonders what may have brought about this change. perhaps it's your mind unconsciously reflecting the beauty of the city? there's so much he wants to ask you, but he cannot, because he's a professional. but no one can stop him from picking up observations.
for instance: he sees no ring on your finger, and you're travelling alone, and there's no one calling you at all. so it's highly likely you're not in a relationship, although he can't rule out the case of a very secure partner who doesn't call through the day and only calls at night, even if time differences are wild.
he hears you talk about the fact that you work late often and that's why you often don't have time to go out and wander as you'd like to. so it's same to assume you're employed and perhaps a corporate job (if the exhaustion in your voice while talking about it is anything to go by).
he hears you talk about family, but only in passing, not like you're close to them. he doesn't want to assume anything, but he can only hope you're not lonely. because then his heart would break ten times over.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who deviates from the trip schedule and takes you out to a night market to enjoy street side delicacies
"you mentioned once that you prefer street food to restaurants." he tells you while the two of you walk to the market. you gasp a bit, quite taken aback by the fact that he remembers. no other words come to your mouth except, "i do. thanks for this, junhui."
jun shows you all the delicacies of the market, and you make sure to try each. it's a whole lot of fun going around with him, because even though he may be shy, he's a great conversationalist. especially because he doesn't intrude or ask personal stuff, but is happy with conversations that flow naturally like two friends catching up after a long time.
"where do you live, jun?" "umm, near the outskirts." he runs a shy hand through his hair, "about an hour away from here." "an hour! it's already eleven and we have to leave for sentosa tomorrow at eight am! how are you going to rest!" he smiles in embarrassment. "it's fun going out with you. i have no one to go home to anyway."
because of the crowd in the market the two of you end up standing very close to each other. so close that you can see the exact spots of his moles and the way his front teeth are slightly jagged at the edges. his smile looks like the most beautiful thing on earth, further warmed by the stars in his eyes and the short brown bangs that curl around his pretty face. if you tiptoe just a little bit, you could kiss him.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who knows he missed an opportunity to kiss you last night
it's a six-night-six-day tour and it's already the fourth day. and while jun should be distancing himself from you, because he can very well see how this is going to end in a crushing heartbreak for him, he cannot find the strength to do it.
because there's something that you're doing that keeps dragging him in. perhaps it's the way you lightly clutch his arm while navigating through crowds. or the way you spot that he's left a seat next to you on the tour bus and you take it. or the way you let him have a bite out of your ice cream last night.
you're just friends. friends can share food. friends can share bus seats. friends can touch sometimes. and jun needs to keep reminding himself of this.
but it's oh so hard. "junhui? do you think this hat suits me?" "junhui, do you wanna go on this ride with me? it's a haunted house ride, and it's embarrassing but i'm a tiny bit scared." "junhui, we can share the umbrella, and you can give your umbrella to mrs myers. she needs it more than you do." "junhui, can you take a photo of me?" "junhui-"
he's sick of it, the way you're playing his heart along. but worse, he's sick of the way he's responding to it, like a loyal dog. because he can't help it. he will regret this closeness when he watches you leave, but he will regret not getting close to you too and taking a shot at destiny when he had the chance to as well.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who doesn't turn up for dinner on the fourth night
you wear your best dress that night, and even heels. but jun, the rascal (endearingly), the damn brat (even more endearingly) just doesn't turn up! not just that, he doesn't even text you or anything. just leaves you sitting at the restaurant, alone at your table for two, while the rest of the group enjoy their dinner. it's like a date that dumped you, but it's not his fault at all.
it's totally your fault for thinking you could even have a date with a boy you'd met three days ago and fallen for immediately. for all you know, he may have a girlfriend (even if there's no one waiting for him at home), he may have a doctor's appointment (although doctors don't generally work at night), he may be a criminal (pretty sure he'd lose his job then) or he may be a practiced playboy (but he's too shy for that)!
you barely eat anything that night. mr and mrs myers, an elderly couple enjoying their second honeymoon, ask you if you're quite well, because you look distraught and lost. "no, i'm perfectly fine! just not much of an appetite, i think i'll just sleep early tonight." mrs myers adds, "oh. have you heard from jun? funny that he didn't turn up tonight." "yes, well, no. i haven't- no. not heard from him. but why would i? like, he'd text in the group, right? not me personally?" she smiles in that mysterious way that only older women can do. "i thought he'd like to inform his girl. well, this is the tragedy of youth- no sense of timing."
thinking about tour guide!junhui who's confused at the way you're maintaining distance from him on the morning of the fifth day
is it because he didn't come last night? he has a perfectly good reason- his brother turned up suddenly, and he couldn't really desert him when it's been a year since he's seen him.
so, when jun finds you alone staring at the penguins displayed at the singapore zoo, he takes the opportunity to read your mind. "how was dinner last night?" you jerk a bit at his voice, but quickly mask your surprised expression. somehow, you look especially good today. the pale green shirt makes your skin glow, and jun is suddenly jealous of whoever your future partner will be.
"good enough. enjoyed the nasi goreng that they served us." he's feeling a bit bold, so he asks, almost too softly for you to hear. "did you miss me?"
you don't immediately reply, but he sees the way your shoulders freeze. jun's mind panics and he immediately covers it up by rambling no no that came out in the wrong way i didn't- " i did. i did miss you." your words shock him to no end as you turn around to face him. there's an equal vulnerability in your eyes that reflects his own state.
"really? i'm sorry, i am. my brother arrived last night. he was supposed to come next week but he said-"
and then you lean in and kiss him. kiss him on the the mole that's on his cheek. "y/n?" "you have a brother." another kiss on the mole near his eyes. "yes, but-" "is he like you?" another kiss on a mole above his lips. "not much, we're step-" "did you have fun with him?" another kiss on the mole nearly on his lips. "yeah, but y/n, what are you doing right now?" "i missed you, junhui."
thinking about tour guide!junhui who you're going too fast with, but you can't help yourself
not with the way you crave for his touch all morning when you finally see him after... twelve hours. it's a little concerning, how hard you're falling for him. to be honest, you've never experienced this. is this love? or is this just you being infatuated?
"y/n, you go home tomorrow." "i do, but i couldn't stop myself. is this wrong? do you not want this? have i read you incorrectly?" "no. i do want- fuck, i need this, y/n. but i don't know if i can have you, so i can't continue." "we can just have one night together."
fuck. that's the wrong thing to say, clearly, because jun's face immediately changes from a constrained elation to a dejected puppy. "is that all you want? a one-night stand?" "jun-" "because i don't want that. so it's best if we don't really do anything about this because you'll be leaving tomorrow."
you can hear the way jun's voice breaks towards the end of his sentence, and you lean forward to kiss him again. "i don't want just a one-night stand with you, jun. you're wonderful and all i've been looking for, and honestly? fuck one-night stands. i want to have a house and kids with you. but we know that can't ha-"
jun giggles, and breaks your stream of thought. you pause, smiling at the cute way he's giggling. "what?" "house and kids?" you blush, averting your gaze, but jun's hand cups your cheek. "you're so bold, y/n." you gulp, "i'm just being honest." but then jun stops laughing. "but you know we can't. even though every cell of my body is aching to touch you after knowing that you like me too, i... i can't. we live in different countries. we've known each other for not even a week. we can't do long distance, it won't work."
you place more of your face into the cup of jun's palm. "you don't need to remind me of it. i've spent all night thinking about it. i really like you, but it feels cruel to know i can't do anything about it. that's why... i want to spend these two days with you. just you. i didn't want to deny my feelings anymore. not when i'm leaving tomorrow and i have nothing to lose." you smile, a bitter, sad smile. your heart aches with each word of truth you utter, but it's your only option left.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who kisses you next, a warm, soft kiss that makes you forget your surroundings
the guard near you interrupts your kiss and asks you to keep your pda private, because this is a zoo for kids, and the two of you double over with giggling. "sorry!" jun says, before he whisks you away towards a secluded spot for bird-spotting and kisses you more.
his hands rap around your waist, and he thinks, he'd rather die here than live without you. because everything you're even better than what he's imagined. the way your soft curves mould into his hands, the way your chapstick tastes like honey, and the way your shampoo smells of vanilla. you're a dream, a cloud melted into reality for him, and he wants to do nothing but hold you close.
"junie-" you moan into his kiss when he bites your lower lip, and your body clings to his even more. it's an exhilarating sensation, and jun craves it. "do you wanna come home with me tonight? meet my brother? eat dinner i make for you? i'm a good cook i swe-"yes! don't have to convince me, jun. yes, it's always a yes."
so he does. after the day's scheduled trip is over, he comes up to your hotel room, and sits with you on the couch as the two of you drink coffee and he helps you back your bags. it's a constant ache in his chest- the reminder of you leaving the next day. but it's too domestic and fulfilling a feeling for him to not take part in it. after that, he takes you home, where you meet his brother, who thankfully hides into his room soon after, so that he can get you completely to himself.
thinking about tour guide!junhui who cooks authentic chinese food for you, things you've never tasted before because your entire knowledge of chinese food is through takeout
perhaps it's the newness of the fond, warm feeling fluttering in your chest, perhaps it's the way the two of you eat from one plate as junhui shows you how to pair side dishes and even feeds you from his chopsticks, perhaps it's the way he cooks for you from scratch, or perhaps it's just the deliciousness of the food itself. but you're pretty sure that this is heaven, and nothing can beat it.
later in the night, jun and you sit on his sofa, curled up under a blanket, as the two of you make mindless conversation, sip beer and play games on his phone. it's only after midnight, that the initial happy vibes die down and the melancholy takes over. "we could be pen-pals," he says, spooning you from behind, as the two of you fit tightly into his sofa. "we could do video calls and texts and all..." "you said you didn't want a long distance relationship. and frankly, neither do i." you turn around to face him, and your heart breaks at the way his eyes water up slightly. seeing him, you break into tears as well, and he pulls you into his chest.
"i know. but i can't bear thinking that you'll be gone tomorrow. forever. that this is the end." your sobbing only increases at his words, and you can feel his tears fall on your forehead too, even though your eyes are shut.
"let me take you back to your hotel now-" "no. let me stay. please, jun?" your eyes are red with the crying, as you look up at him. and he presses a kiss to your forehead, and keeps his lips lingering there. "whatever you want, princess."
thinking about tour guide!junhui who wakes up to the smell of coffee and an omelette getting overcooked
he finds that you're no longer next to him on his sofa where you both had cuddled and fallen asleep last night. instead, you're in his kitchen, feeding breakfast to his baby brother, who's chatting with carelessly, as if today isn't the day of the apocalypse.
"oh, you're up! morning, jun." you walk over to him and place a kiss on the spot between his eyebrows. "i made breakfast. do you like tea or coffee? i didn't know, sorr-" "y/n? you have to get back to the hotel." "huh? no, i - i actually got my stuff sent over here. the hotel valet were so kind." "what?" "yea-" "i know i said the airport's close from here but you're supposed to leave with your group, you know." "eh? don't bother about all that, let's just eat breakfast now. good that your fridge is so well-stocked!"
jun's brain goes into overdrive because he's still sleepy, so he escapes to the bathroom to freshen up. "how did you brush your teeth?" he asks you when he comes out of the bathroom. "i used my finger." "finger? eww." "hey, it's better than using your brush!" jun grins and sits down on the kitchen counter next to you. you hand him a bowl of cereal with chopped fruits, and an omelette. "how did you know i like cereal?" "because your brother told me, dummy."
and for a few minutes, jun is in bliss. the two of you sitting on the counter, dangling your legs, eating cereal and slurping milk, and stealing kisses in between. but it's soon ten-thirty on his watch, and his heart rings out in alarm.
"y/n, you should leave soon. your flight's at noon, isn't it?" you look up from your seat, where you're eating the last piece of mango from your plate. "umm, so. i cancelled my flight." jun's plate almost slips and falls. "you what?" "yes, you heard me right. i cancelled my flight." "why?" "because i need time to think! i want at least two more days with you, so that we can figure out stuff. whether us shifting to one city is possible and-" "what? y/n? really?" jun's eyes are as wide as saucers now as he stares at you. you smile. "well, it was the only way out for me to make peace in my heart."
and jun kisses you. because it's the only way he can rein in his heart which is dancing with joy at the prospect of merely two more days with you and you even considering shifting to one city as a couple. "are you even real, y/n?" "i ought to ask you that!" "i love you." you smile, a little shocked, but it's a sweet smile. "i love you too, junhui."
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hislopchino · 2 years
Paul Merton: ‘I stayed in one of the world’s worst hotels in China’
The comedian recalls terrible hotels in China, mishaps with malaria tablets and why he’s happiest holidaying in the UK
Interview by Nick McGrath
From The Sunday Times, 22nd February 2023
Paul Merton, 65, first performed at the Comedy Store in 1982 and since 1990 has been a fixture on the BBC’s Have I Got News for You, which returns this spring for its 65th series. He lives in London with his third wife, Suki Webster, his co-star on Channel 5’s Motorhoming with Merton & Webster
My first holiday of any substance was to a holiday camp in Hemsby, on the edge of the Norfolk Broads. I was eight years old and I loved it. I loved the space to run around and the people drinking beer and watching the shows in the ballroom. It felt idyllic.
I visited Ireland a couple of years later and got a lot of attention from my mum’s relatives, which was great for my performer’s ego. We saw the Ring of Kerry and I was charmed by the locals’ love of words and storytelling.
I spent most of the Eighties living in a bedsit earning very little money, so the first time I travelled further afield was in 1987, when I went all the way to Australia, with a heavy cold, to visit my girlfriend at the time.
The cheapest route was London to Sydney, via Athens and Singapore. In Athens, the complimentary coach from the hotel to the airport was full of boy scouts from Liechtenstein, who were on their way to Sydney for an international scouting jamboree. Being stared at by three-dozen hostile Liechtensteiner boy scouts is an experience I won’t forget.
After a two-day delay in Singapore, I eventually got to Sydney on Christmas Day with horrible jet lag and an even heavier cold, sat down to Christmas lunch in 35C heat, then fell asleep for 16 hours. It felt like I’d been kicked in the head by a horse.
I’d only been earning £30 a gig, sometimes £10 even, so holidays were rare. But as my career took off, I travelled more — including to Kenya in 1990, where I had a terrible experience with anti-malarial drugs. Back then you had to take a weekly and daily pill and I had a severe reaction to the weekly pill, but it took a while to work out what the problem was.
Each Friday, first in Kenya and then back home in London, I’d take this pill then start to hallucinate. I got these paranoid thoughts, where I believed I was being followed by the Freemasons and could predict the next song on the radio. Which I couldn’t.
I then went to places like St Lucia, but felt uncomfortable driving around in a rented Land Rover that probably represented what some people there might earn in half a lifetime. I felt the same visiting Cape Town.
I was lucky enough to film a couple of travel documentary series in India and China — and had totally contrasting experiences. The poverty was dramatic in India, but the people were polite and proud and when I returned to film in Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta, they found our earnestly awful attempts at Bollywood improv hilarious and gave us multiple standing ovations.
I wouldn’t return on holiday to China, as the state interference leaves a bit of a nasty taste, as does the spitting. You literally pull up at some traffic lights and a woman in a very nice car will open her window and spit on the road. Everybody does it. Maybe a popular Chinese film star was a passionate spitter. Or perhaps Chairman Mao decreed it a healthy habit. Filming while surrounded on all sides by armed soldiers wasn’t massively relaxing either.
I also stayed in one of the world’s worst hotels in China. The foyer had a tarpaulin covered in some unusually dark stains and the room had bits of wall missing and stank of urine. I moved to a nearby hotel which was equally basic but clean, at least, although the TV was puzzling. It had a single channel showing a military man laden with medals berating a group of people for hours on end while they looked shamefaced.
I’d love to visit New Zealand as everyone raves about it. Another place I definitely won’t go back to is Tahiti, which everyone imagines is a South Sea paradise, but for me, it wasn’t. The hotel I stayed in was completely overrun by cats.
These days I prefer British holidays, as airports in the 21st century leave you with a low level of anxiety. My wife and I now love travelling round Britain in our motorhome, which is basically a hotel room on wheels. If we all could drop the idea that we have to go on holiday somewhere that has guaranteed sun, holidaying in this country has a lot going for it.
Paul and Suki will be speaking at the Caravan, Camping & Motorhome Show at the NEC Birmingham, which runs from February 21 to 26 (ccmshow.co.uk)
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whattheabcxyz · 2 days
Yishun residents have been breeding birds & planting illegally in the turf area in front of Block 272 Yishun Street 22
Strong winds & heavy rain last night uprooted trees & slowed traffic
2 workers killed in accident at North-South Corridor worksite in Lentor Avenue
Banks to roll out Singpass face verification as part of digital token setup process - this is f***ing stupid; what if someone's features are drastically changed due to an illness, accident or plastic surgery?!
OCBC developing new innovation hub in Punggol Digital District as part of $500m investment
SAF to send aid to Typhoon Yagi-hit Vietnam, Myanmar & Laos
Don't be fooled by the channel "True Crime Case Files" on YouTube - The supposedly "true" cases they feature are 100% fake & AI-generated!!! Some have already discovered this & are reporting the channel; you should too!
OpenAI threatening to ban users for asking Strawberry about its reasoning
Singapore: Teachers need not share personal contact numbers or answer messages after school hours
Singapore: Free screening for 40K couples to detect those with risk of passing down rare disorders
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^ More about Moebius' comic book art
HK actor Norman Chui dies aged 73 - his 43-year-old wife also died few days later, likely of a heart condition
Singapore: Local actors past & present gather for Mid-Autumn Festival reunion
Raffles Hotel & Capella in Singapore named in "World’s 50 Best Hotels" list for 2nd year running
13 supposedly cheapest islands to visit around the world
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thccartsonline · 1 month
Maxi cab
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Maxi cab, known too many also as maxi cab is a vehicle that can carry 7 passengers comfortably together with a large room for luggage. These are a very popular vehicle in Singapore because of their size, reasonable pricing and comfort level.singapore also caters to airport transfers such as airport arrivals and departures. Our response time of 15 mins upon booking our Maxi cab from any part of Singapore makes us a trusted brand name with our customers over the years.  Our Maxi Cab fleets are strategically located islandwide.  So whenever you need a Maxi Cab to the airport, to your hotel or just a transfer, we are always available 24hrs.
The good news is that our maxi cab services come with no hidden costing and we have a fixed price. Book a maxi cab to suit your needs with a safe, honest, reliable and experienced service we offer. Maxicab is a specially designed vehicle equipped to transport bicycles along with their riders. These mexi cab are modified to securely hold bicycles, ensuring they are safely transported without damage. Whether you are a recreational cyclist, a competitive athlete, or someone who uses a bicycle for daily commuting,
We guarantee this to you because our maxi cabs and mini buses are always on the moving island wide. Be it a maxi cab to the Changi airport, transfer from airport to hotel, a maxi cab at your hotel or a wheelchair maxi cab for a hospital appointment. We do it all. Book a maxi cab online or book a maxi cab via our cheapest maxi cab in singapore hotline. At Maxi Cab Taxi Singapore, we understand the unique needs of group travelers. Our fleet of 13-seater mini buses is well-maintained, fully equipped, and driven by professional drivers committed to providing the best possible service.
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 3 months
crystal NOT in nagasaki, singapore: part four
Welcome back to the fourth part of my Singapore (and eventually Thailand) adventures! I stayed in Singapore for about ten days, so there's been a lot to talk about. Thanks for reading even though I write a lot!
Anyway, let's pick up where we left off, on day 8 of 10. This day was December 31st, New Years Eve.
We dedicated this whole day to exploring the Marina Bay area, which is where the biggest tourist spots are. We used some really convenient bike rental apps called Anywheel and HelloRide to rent bicycles to cycle around the area all day and it was super cheap! Only about $7 for a week pass if I remember correctly.
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We started on the far side of the bay and enjoyed the view until we reached our first destination, the Cloud Forest and Flower Dome. These are two huge symmetrical domes which hold thousands of plant species as an indoor terrarium. There's even an indoor waterfall!
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There were some lovely art installments around as well.
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The cloud forest is a replica of a real biodiverse cloud forest, which are covered in a blanket of fog. There are mistings throughout the day, where mist is released into the dome to maintain the fog cover.
The flower dome was filled with thousands of different exotic plant species, as well as a themed Viking-Christmas display. I didn't take many pictures, but it was beautiful as well.
After enjoying the two domes, we stopped at a nearby hawker center for some lunch and ate more satay, stingray, and carrot cake. "Carrot cake" in Singapore is not like carrot cake back home, but is a savory dish made from stir fried cakes of radish mixed with flour and water. It was delicious!
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After this, I got some dessert outside the entrance of the two domes, which were decorated with many lion statues. I got chrysanthemum flavor, which is very popular in Asia. It had a really interesting and earthy flavor.
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After this we continued our biking, admiring the view of Gardens by the Bay and Marina Bay Sands, some of Singapore's most popular tourist attractions. We chose not to pay to enter Gardens by the Bay, and just enjoyed the iconic large flower-like structures from a distance. If you decide to enter the inner park, you can climb up to the top of them.
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Marina Bay Sands is an absolutely gigantic resort hotel complete with casino, restaurants, and a rooftop infinity pool. It's incredibly expensive, with the cheapest rooms going for $500 a night. You can only access the rooftop pool if you're a hotel guest, which is disappointing, but it's still very beautiful to look at and is an iconic symbol of Singapore.
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Speaking of iconic symbols of Singapore, it was time for us to visit the Merlion, Singapore's statue of a half-fish, half-lion that spits water from its mouth. This mythical creature is the official mascot of Singapore, with the fish half representing Singapore's humble beginnings as a fishing village and the lion half representing Singapore's namesake Singapura, meaning "lion city."
In the same way that many tourists love to lean on the Tower of Pisa in Italy, many tourists like to stage photos making it look like the Merlion's spout of water is coming from their own mouth. In my own goofiness, I did the opposite, drinking the spout of water from the Merlion's mouth instead.
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Since that evening was New Years Eve, we joined my friend's extended family for a delicious dinner at a chilli crab restaurant. This restaurant utilized lazy Susan style tables that are prominent in Chinese restaurants, in which large dishes of food are placed on a rotating center of a circular table so that the dishes can be "passed" easily between diners to share. It's very common in Asian countries to order many large dishes to share between a table of people instead of one dish per person.
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Chilli crab is made by stir frying whole or partial mud crabs in a thick, sweet sauce made of tomato and chilli. Wrestling crab meat out of the shell is already a difficult affair, but now imagine doing it while covered in copious amounts of chilli sauce. Needless to say it was very messy, but luckily the restaurant was well-equipped with bibs and gloves for us while we got to work. I'm not a big fan of spicy foods, but the sauce was sweet, so it was really tasty. It was a fun New Years dinner with family, friends, and delicious food.
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I think I'll end this part here and continue with my Singapore adventures in one more part before moving on to my time in Thailand. I'm realizing I was able to fit so many memories into my ten days in Singapore, and there's a lot to write about. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in part five!
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jaydeemedia · 10 months
[ad_1] Beautiful gardens, incredible architecture, delicious food. Singapore has earned every one of its superlatives. Enjoy the best the island nation has to offer with our pick of the best things to do in Singapore. LAST UPDATE: 20 Nov 2023 Anywhere We Roam is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support – Paul & Mark. In recent decades, few cities have seen as much change as Singapore. Transformed from a colonial outpost to a garden city at the heart of Asia, Singapore’s journey has been remarkable. Today, famously clean streets, framed by leafy gardens, are overlooked by colonial-era shophouses, all set under a futuristic skyline. Tucked amongst the diverse neighborhoods are a host of excellent activities unique to Garden City. Enjoy the best of this culture-rich, food-obsessed city-state with our curated guide to the very best things to do in Singapore.  1 – SKYPARK OBSERVATION DECK The boat-shaped roof of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel has made it the iconic feature of Singapore. It’s one of the unmissable experiences in the city. The SkyPark Observation Deck on the top of the hotel provides amazing panoramic views of Singapore. There is a small bar selling drinks and basic snacks, however, it’s standing room only on the observation deck. There are no seats on the deck and the bars on the roof are not accessible with a SkyPark ticket. If you want to have a drink (and a seat) while watching the sun go down you can try one of the bars on the rooftop bars in the Marina Bay Sands. Book – SkyPark skip-the-line tickets. VIEW FROM THE SKYPARK OBSERVATION DECK GARDENS BY THE BAY FROM THE SKYPARK OBSERVATION DECK 2 – SPECTRA SOUND & LIGHT FOUNTAIN SHOW Spectra, a futuristic sound and light show on the Marina Bay Promenade, is one of the most entertaining, free things to do in Singapore. The 15-minute outdoor production features dancing water fountains, light projections, and lasers. The whole thing is choreographed to a spirited orchestral soundtrack. It’s an awesome spectacle that easily rivals the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas. The best location to see Spectra is from the promenade just in front of the Marina Bay Sands Shopping Mall. Showtimes are 8 pm and 9 pm (Sunday to Thursday) and 8 pm, 9 pm and 10 pm (Friday to Saturday). SPECTRA SPECTRA 3 – HAWKER CENTRES & STREET FOOD Hawker Centres are an essential part of Singapore life. These open-air food courts with a variety of cuisines, serve some of the best and cheapest food in the city. They are great for a quick good lunch, but are most fun in the evening, when they are abuzz with an energetic vibe. Here are a few of the best. Boon Tat Street is rearranged with plastic tables and chairs beside rows satay stalls. Gluttons Bay is a pedestrianized street in the Marina Bay area lined with an appetizing selection of food stalls. The Chinatown Complex has over 260 stalls serving a huge selection of food from around the globe. SATAY STREET BOON TAT SATAY MARKET CHINATOWN COMPLEX, SINGAPORE 4 – SINGAPORE BOTANICAL GARDENS Located at the end of Orchard Road, the Singapore Botanical Gardens is one of the most impressive gardens we’ve been to. It’s the only tropical garden in the world to be designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The gardens were established on the current site in 1859 and played an important role in transforming Singapore into a Garden City. Spread across 82 hectares, the sweeping gardens are a wonderful mix of stunning flowers, landscaped lawns, jungle walks and pretty ponds. The highlight is the National Orchid Garden which contains thousands of species of orchids. Book — National Orchid Garden tickets COOLHOUSE, NATIONAL ORCHID GARDEN 5 – NATIONAL GALLERY OF SINGAPORE The National Gallery of Singapore opened in 2015 after a 10-year renovation. The project converted the old City Hall and Supreme Court into the world’s largest collection of modern Southeast Asian Art.
The primary focus is the influence of European culture as told through Asian art techniques. There is also a special focus on life in Singapore throughout the years. One of the highlights is Xu Beihong’s portrait of Lim Loh. He was one of the pioneers of Singapore who fought with the Chinese against the Japanese. After strolling through the galleries, visit the old government buildings. The former Supreme Court foyer has a history of Singapore. Don’t miss the Rotunda Library and Archive – one of the many great photo opportunities in the building. ROTUNDA LIBRARY NATIONAL GALLERY OF SINGAPORE 6 – GARDENS BY THE BAY SUPERTREE GROVE Gardens by the Bay is a massive horticultural extravaganza on a large area of reclaimed land. It includes greenhouse domes and huge tree-shaped structures lined with solar cells. It is one of the most popular things to do in Singapore. The site incldues a grove of 12 supertrees. Acting as giant vertical gardens, they contain thousands of plants from over 200 species. It’s free to stroll around the Supertree Grove from 5 am to 2 am. Here are the main attractions at Gardens by the Bay, which you can book here. SUPERTREE GROVE 7 – FLOWER DOME & CLOUD FOREST Flower Dome is the world’s largest glass greenhouse. Cooled to a comfortable 23°C – 25°C (73°F – 77°F), it showcases a diverse collection of exotic plants and flowers from various climates around the world. You’ll find rare and colorful blooms from Australia, South Africa, California, and the Mediterranean. The Cloud Forest is a breathtaking indoor tropic forest with a 35-meter waterfall. It replicates a misty highland environment, housing rare plant species that are only found above 2,000 meters. There is an elevated walkway that provides an immersive way to experience the lush vegetation in the forest. Book – Flower Dome & Cloud Forest skip-the-line tickets CLOUD FOREST FLOWER DOME CLOUD FOREST, GARDENS BY THE BAY 8 – SUPERTREE OBSERVATORY The Supertree Observatory is located on the highest tree at Supertree Grove. From the top, you can see the whole of the Gardens by the Bay complex including the Kingfisher Wetlands. Looking down over the OCBC Skyway, this is the best view of the overall complex and it’s a great vantage point to take in the Marina Bay area. Book – Supertree Observatory Tickets. VIEW FROM SUPERTREE OBSERVATORY 9 – OCBC SKYWAY The OCBC Skyway is a 128-metre curved walkway, 22 metres above the ground. It connects 2 of the supertrees, giving you a closer look at the structures and their plants. It’s lower than the Supertree Observatory so the view is not quite as good, but it’s still worth doing if you don’t mind the extra cost. Tickets – Book your OCBC Skyway tickets. OCBC SKYWAY 10 – GARDEN RHAPSODY Garden Rhapsody is a 15-minute sound and light show that turns Gardens by the Bay into a night-time spectacular. The Supertrees come alive with a vibrant light display, choreographed to a melodic soundtrack. The best viewing position is on the circular platform between the Marina Bay Sands Hotel and the gardens. Follow the signs to Gardens by the Bay from the hotel which will take you to the viewpoint platform. There are two performances each day, at 7:45 pm and 8:45 pm. GARDEN RHAPSODY 11 – BOAT QUAY Boat Quay is a historic section of riverside entertainment set beneath Singapore’s modern skyscrapers. A charming row of colonial-style buildings are bursting with every conceivable cuisine. You’re not going to find the best quality food Singapore has to offer, and the touts encouraging you into the venue can get annoying. But, it’s great for a boozy night out. BOAT QUAY, SINGAPORE 12 – CLARKE QUAY Clarke Quay is a riverside entertainment venue, reclaimed from old warehouses. It’s particularly buzzy on Friday and Saturday nights with pubs lining the water and a host of restaurants located around the area. It’s one of the top nightlife destinations for locals and tourists. It’s currently undergoing restoration work so much of the area is covered up with construction boardings.
But, most of the restaurants are still operational and the riverside section is still walkable. CLARKE QUAY, SINGAPORE 13 – COLONIAL DISTRICT (CIVIC CENTRE) The area north of the river is Singapore’s Colonial District. Wonderful old buildings serve as a reminder of British rule from the 19th to the mid-20th century. With modern skyscrapers and old colonial buildings, it feels like the centerpiece of downtown Singapore. In addition to the famous Raffles Hotel, here are some other points of interest in the Colonial District: Asian Civilizations Museum – Trace the origins of Asian cultures, from Islamic West Asia through Southeast Asia to China. The Fullerton Hotel – Pop into the lobby for a photo opportunity in one of Singapore’s prime addresses. St Andrew’s Cathedral – Singapore’s largest cathedral. COLONIAL DISTRICT, SINGAPORE 14 – CHINATOWN Chinatown is the epicurean epicenter of Singapore. The maze of narrow roads includes souvenir shops, boutiques, and trendy wine bars. It’s a diverse part of the city that’s more about the vibe than the must-visit attractions. The highlight for us in Chinatown is eating and drinking. Here are the main points of interest: Buddha Tooth Relic Temple – An eye-catching 5-story Buddhist temple said to hold Buddha’s tooth. Chinatown Complex – A hawker center with an amazing array of street food on Smith Street. Thian Hock Keng Temple: One of Singapore’s oldest and most important Hokkien temples. A great way to see both Chinatown and the Civic Centre is via this well-rated City Highlights Bike Tour. CHINATOWN CHINATOWN COMPLEX 15 – KAMPONG GLAM Kampong Glam is Singapore’s Muslim Quarter and one of the city’s oldest residential areas. It has a vibrant blend of Malay and Arab cultures mixed with heritage sites, colorful streets, and trendy boutiques. The best streets to explore are Haji Lane and Arab Street, where 19th-century shophouses have been converted into boutiques and restaurants. The main points of interest are: Sultan Mosque – An iconic landmark known for its impressive golden domes and intricate Islamic architecture. Malay Heritage Centre – Learn about the contribution of the Malay community in a beautifully restored palace. SULTAN MOSQUE, SINGAPORE 16 – LONG BAR RAFFLES Raffles is a luxury colonial-style hotel in the heart of Singapore. Having a drink in the Long Bar at Raffles is one of the most famous things to do in the city. Although it’s had many homes within the hotel, the current Long Bar retains the earthy décor inspired by Malay life in the 1920s. In keeping with the bar’s relaxed roots, it’s still acceptable to throw your discarded peanut shells on the floor. It’s about the only place in Singapore where littering is tolerated. The Singapore Sling was invented in the Long Bar. Unfortunately, it’s a whopping $37. Other cocktails are a slightly more reasonable $28. Beer is generally better value. LONG BAR, RAFFLES LONG BAR, RAFFLES RAFFLES, SINGAPORE 17 – SOUTHERN RIDGES WALK The Southern Ridges is a 10-kilometer hiking trail connecting 5 of Singapore’s most popular open spaces. These are Kent Ridge Park, Hort Park, Telok Blangah Hill Park, Mount Faber Park, and Labrador Nature Reserve. Hiking in these green spaces as skyscrapers flit in and out of view is one of our favorite things to do in Singapore. It’s especially good on a hot day when the shady path provides a cool escape. The best section of the walk is about 6 kilometers long and takes about 2 to 3 hours. It begins at Car Park B at the top of Vigilante Road in the Kent Ridge Park and winds its way eastwards along the top of the ridge taking in several sights. HENDERSON WAVE, SOUTHERN RIDGES CANOPY WALK, SOUTHERN RIDGES CANOPY WALK, SINGAPORE 18 – NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SINGAPORE The National Museum of Singapore is the oldest museum in Singapore and a fascinating exploration of life in Singapore. Witness the different stages of the city’s evolution in various evocative exhibitions.
The Singapore History Gallery is an immersive walk through the history of early Singapura through to modern Singapore. Modern Colony showcases the cosmopolitan life of Singapore as a British Colony in the 1920s Growing Up explores life in Singapore in the 1960s. Understand the emerging cultural style and uncertainty that new independence brought to Singapore. Tickets – Book skip-the-line tickets for the National Museum of Singapore. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SINGAPORE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SINGAPORE With designer brand names, unique products, and a culture of embracing crafts, Singapore is a great destination for shopping. Here are some places for retail therapy. Orchard Road is the premier shopping destination in Singapore. It’s a series of huge shopping malls, rather than a strip of shops. So it’s not like strolling from shop to shop, but it’s a great place to pick up designer brands. Raffles City is a huge shopping mall in the Civic District (Colonial District) of Singapore. You’ll find designer brands; big department stores and a very popular food court.   The shopping mall at Marina Bay Sands has the largest collection of luxury brands in Southeast Asia. It’s spread across 800,000 square feet of retail indulgence. If you’re looking for serious shopping, we’d probably pick Marina Bay over Orchard Road. It’s more conveniently located and it has all the big names. MARINA BAY SANDS SHOPPES ORCHARD ROAD MALL 20 – HAVE A NIGHT OUT ON AMOY STREET Located within Chinatown, Amoy Street has a rich history of being the meeting place for a night out in Singapore. Originally the home to Malay, Chinese, and Arab immigrants, Amoy Street later became the opium-smoking center of colonial Singapore. The street’s iconic shophouses were added in the 1830s. Today they are filled with cool bars and cafes catering to food-obsessed Singaporeans. Here are a few places to try on Amoy Street. Dumpling Darlings – Delicious creative dumplings and a winning cocktail list. Hashida – Top-end dining and a refined experience by master chef Kenjiro Hashida. Birds of a Feather – Sichuan flavors in a restored shophouse blending Western cuisine with Asian flair. Employees Only – A hidden cocktail bar with a dark and moody speakeasy vibe. EMPLOYEES ONLY, SINGAPORE 21 – MERLION PARK Merlion Park is an iconic waterfront park situated in the heart of Singapore’s Marina Bay area. It’s famous for being home to the Merlion, a national symbol of Singapore. The Merlion Statue is a popular photo spot in the city. The mythical creature has the body of a fish and the head of a lion, representing Singapore’s humble beginnings. The waterfront area is a great place to stroll around and get your bearings in the city. Most of the main landmarks are visible from here. MERLION PARK 22 – TAKE IN THE VIEWS FROM A ROOFTOP BAR Singapore has a skyline worth savoring from above. Enjoy a cocktail with a view from one of our favorite rooftop bars in Singapore. Level 33 is a microbrewery with one of the best views in Singapore. Located in the Marina Bay Financial District, the bar has sweeping views of Marina Bay Sands and the city skyline. To score a good seat on the outdoor deck, it’s a good idea to book in advance. Cé La Vi is the rooftop bar and restaurant at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel. They have a restaurant and a club, but for the best views, it’s hard to go past the Skybar. Booking ahead is advisable. SKAI Bar at Swissôtel The Stamford offers awesome views in a Scandi-inspired setting. It’s great for contemporary dining and crafty cocktails. CÉ LA VI, MARINA BAY SANDS LEVEL 33 MICROBREWERY, SINGAPORE 23 – JEWEL CHANGI AIRPORT More than just a transport hub, Jewel at Changi Airport is one of Singapore’s top attractions. This 10-story dome houses a host of entertainment options, restaurants, and retail outlets. The highlight is the 40-metre rain vortex, surrounded by a rainforest containing over 2,000 trees. On the rooftop, stroll among 14,000 square meters of gardens, walking trails, and play areas.
There are also some attractions you need to pay for including a Hedge Maze, the Walking Nets, and the Canopy Bridge. None of which we thought were particularly worth the cost. CANOPY BRIDGE, JEWEL JEWEL, SINGAPORE AIRPORT 24 – SINGAPORE FLYER The Singapore Flyer is a 165-metre observation wheel in the central district of Singapore. Get stunning 360° views of the city including Gardens by the Bay, Marina Bay, and the Singapore River. On a clear day you can even see Malaysia. There are 28 air-conditioned capsules and the full journey takes 30 minutes. Book skip-the-line Singapore Flyer tickets. SINGAPORE FLYER 25 – SINGAPORE WITH KIDS Singapore has a passion for food and a reputation for quality bars. But there are plenty of things for kids to do in Singapore as well. SINGAPORE ZOO The Singapore Zoo occupies 28 hectares on a forested catchment area on the northwest side of the island. It’s regarded as one of the best rainforest zoos in the world. Open 8 am to 6:30 pm daily. Book – skip-the-line Singapore Zoo tickets. NIGHT SAFARI Take a tram ride through the jungle to see a myriad of nocturnal animals in their natural habitat. Hotel pick-up and guide is included. Book – Night Safari tickets which includes an option of having dinner. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS SINGAPORE Get a dose of adrenaline at Universal Studios Singapore with rides, shows and attractions across various themed sections based on blockbuster movies and TV shows. The park is open from 11 am to 6 pm. Book – skip-the-line Universal Studios tickets.  S.E.A. AQUARIUM The S.E.A Aquarium on Sentosa is one of the largest aquariums in the world. There are over 100,000 marine animals from over 1,000 species. The experience is designed to be immersive with interactive programmes and close encounters with the animals. Book – skip-the-line S.E.A. Aquarium tickets. SENTOSA FLOWER DOME, SINGAPORE WHERE TO STAY IN SINGAPORE To make the most of the compact centre of Singapore we’d suggest staying as central as possible. Chinatown, the Colonial District, and the Marina Bay Sands area are all great choices. Here are a few places we recommend. CHINATOWN THE SCARLET The Scarlet is a boutique hotel in Chinatown with a rooftop restaurant, outdoor hot tub, and bold designs. The location is perfect for exploring the city on foot. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM OUR PICK COLONIAL DISTRICT NAUMI HOTEL This stylish Small Luxury Hotel property has all the boutique hotel trimmings with earthy tones and high-tech bathrooms. The stand-out feature, however, is the rooftop infinity pool. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM MARINA BAY MARINA BAY SANDS HOTEL The premier address in Singapore doesn’t disappoint with floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows, top-notch service, and plenty of facilities. Guest-only access to the world’s largest rooftop infinity pool is the other big selling point. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM MARINA BAY PROMENADE SINGAPORE ITINERARY – HOW MANY DAYS DO YOU NEED? From our first visit to Singapore over 20 years ago, there seems to now be much more to do. It’s no longer just a quick stopover between Europe and Asia, Singapore is worth exploring. To see a good selection of the main attractions, we’d recommend 3 days. DAY 1 Morning: Walk or cycle around Colonial District & Chinatown Lunch: China Town Complex Hawkers Centre Afternoon: Explore Gardens By the Bay Evening: Sunset at Skypark Observation Deck & Spectra Sounds & Light Show Dinner: Grab a meal on Amoy Street & a drink in Boat Quay DAY 2 Morning: Singapore Botanical Gardens Afternoon: Shop at Orchard Road and visit the National Museum of Singapore Evening: Grab sunset Drinks at Level 33 Dinner: Eat at Boon Tat Satay Market DAY 3 Morning: Explore the area of Kampong Glam Lunch: Pick a pavement cafe in Kampong Glam Afternoon: Peruse the National Gallery of Singapore Evening: Sip Singapore Slings in the Long Bar at Raffles SINGAPORE TOURS Taking a tour can
be a great way to see the best of Singapore, especially if you’re using the city as a layover and are a bit pressed for time. Here are a few we recommend. MAP | THINGS TO DO IN SINGAPORE Singapore’s public transport system the MRT is quick and efficient. However, this is a compact city and most places in this guide are easy to get to on foot. Download our map to visit the best of Singapore’s tourist attractions. >> How to use this map / Click on the top left of the map to display the list of locations, then click on the locations to display further information. Click on the top right corner of the map to open a larger version in a new tab or the star to save to your Google Maps.   GETTING AROUND SINGAPORE Singapore has a very efficient public train system called the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit). To save some cash, check out the Singapore Tourist Pass. It gives you unlimited travel for 1, 2, or 3 days on all buses and trains. Taxis are generally easy to get in Singapore. In some places, you’ll find a taxi rank where you need to press a button to call a cab. Uber does not operate in Singapore, but Grab is the most popular ride-sharing app. TIPS FOR VISITING SINGAPORE The tap water in Singapore is drinkable so there’s no need to buy bottled water. Happy Hour takes place from around 5 pm to 9 pm in bars across the city. It’s a great time to go out. Tipping is not expected in restaurants in Singapore, but a service charge may be added to your bill. Spitting and littering are illegal in Singapore. Be prepared for a tropical climate, it’s both warm and wet in Singapore. KAMPONG GLAM, SINGAPORE MORE GUIDES ANYWHERE WE ROAM IS READER-SUPPORTED If you found this guide useful, booking your trip via the links on this page earns us a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can also buy us a coffee. Big thanks – Paul & Mark. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM // FACEBOOK [ad_2] Source link
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The Importance of Regular Office Carpet Cleaning in Singapore
Keeping your office environment well-maintained is paramount. One often overlooked aspect of this process is the condition of your office carpets. However, regular Office carpet cleaning in Singapore is an essential practice that can improve the well-being of your workplace.
Why Regular Office Carpet Cleaning In Singapore Is Of Utmost Importance?
Enhancing Air Quality and Health- Improving the health and productivity of your employees is paramount. This is why taking care of the air quality within your office space plays a key role. Carpets gather dust, dirt, allergens and even bacteria over time. It leads to respiratory issues and allergies.
Don’t let it happen!! Before that, consider the best Office carpet cleaning in Singapore that can remove these unsafe particles and improve indoor air quality. This will boost the productivity of your employees and office too.
Improving Carpet Lifespan- Office carpets are an expensive affair. Replacing them can be costly. This is why considering daily office cleaning services can maintain their appearance and improve their lifespan. Dirt and debris can damage carpet fibers and cause premature deterioration. Involving expert cleaning methods can help reinstate and refresh your carpets.
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Impressions Matter- First impressions are lasting. Keeping your office appearance excellent shows your professionalism and attention to detail. Don’t leave your office carpets dirty and unkempt that can leave a negative impression. Also, carry out this task at the right time for the best and safest results.
A Sustainable Choice- Choosing regular office carpet cleaning makes ecological sense. When you try to improve the durability of your office carpets, you won’t need to worry about their frequent replacements. In addition, many reliable and expert cleaning services use eco-friendly cleaning products and methods.
Professional Expertise Matters-
Attempting DIY cleaning can be done, but it requires time, effort, experience and the right tools. Office owners and employees should not focus on these tasks instead they should consider their chore job. At the same time, the best results are achieved through professional expertise.
A professional Office cleaning company in Singaporehas the right knowledge, equipment, and experience required for this task. They can easily deal with the toughest carpet stains and dirt buildup. The best part is you can expect tailored cleaning solutions for different types of carpets. They ensure an effective and safe carpet cleaning process.
Don’t worry about your office size if it is small. Are you seeking small office cleaning services? Rest assured that professional and reputed Office cleaning companies in Singaporecan handle both small and large office space.
However, you should opt for a licensed and insured Office cleaning company in Singaporethat can cater to your carpet cleaning needs. In addition, don’t forget to compare the pricing of different companies so you can discover the right one. But, always focus on service quality over pricing.
The Final Thought-
The importance of regular office carpet cleaning cannot be overstated. Do you need the best Office carpet cleaning in Singapore?A-Cube Microsystems is your right stop. It offers the best and cheapest office cleaning services for corporate offices, showrooms, retail shops, shop houses, tuition and education centers, hotels, clinics, child care centers and warehouses, etc. Visit www.singaporehousecleaningservices.com for more information.
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Mount Bromo Tour from Singapore: A Complete Guide
Traveling to Indonesia from Singapore looking for a unique and amazing adventure then the right first choice is Mount Bromo Tour located in East Java, Indonesia. Mount Bromo is one of the most popular tourist destinations for foreign tourists from Asia, especially Singapore. A majestic volcano with easy access without requiring much climbing but the stunning views that will leave you in awe. Mount Bromo is a popular tourist destination located in East Java, Indonesia. Famous for its stunning sunrise views and Bromo Crater, making it a must-visit location for nature lovers and adventurers alike. Although Mount Bromo can be accessed from various locations from abroad, the most Singaporean tourists come to visit, moreover there is an international airport that is well connected and close to Mount Bromo. In addition, there are several tour packages from Singapore that make it easier for tourists to plan their trip to Mount Bromo.
Mount Bromo Tour from Singapore A Complete Guide
If you're traveling from Singapore, you're probably wondering how to get to Mount Bromo easiest and what to do once you get there. Here's a simple guide on how to plan a Mount Bromo tour from Singapore to make the most of your trip.
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The Best Time to Visit Mount Bromo
Before planning your Mount Bromo tour, you need to know the best time to visit. The weather on Mount Bromo can be unpredictable, and the scenery varies depending on the season. Weather in Mount Bromo Mount Bromo has a tropical climate with an average temperature of 20–25 degrees Celsius. However, it can get quite chilly at night, especially during the dry season. The rainy season starts from November to March, while the dry season is from April to October. Peak Season in Mount Bromo The peak season in Mount Bromo is from June to August, as well as during the Christmas and New Year holidays. During this time, the weather is generally good and the scenery is stunning. However, it can be crowded, and prices can be higher than usual. Off-Peak Season in Mount Bromo If you want to avoid the crowds and save money, you can visit Mount Bromo during the off-peak season. The best time to visit is from January to March or September to October. During this time, the weather is still good, and you can enjoy the scenery without the crowds.
How to Get to Mount Bromo from Singapore
The most convenient way to reach Mount Bromo from Singapore is by taking a flight to Surabaya Juanda International Airport. From Surabaya, you can book a Bromo tour package or arrange your own trip by taking available public transportation to Mount Bromo. Flight to Surabaya There are several direct and transit flights from Singapore to Surabaya, and the flight duration is approximately 2 hours 30 minutes. Airlines that provide flight schedules to Surabaya include Air Asia, Batik Air, Singapore Airlines, Scoot, Jetstar, Garuda Indonesia, Malaysia Airlines. Private Tours If you prefer a hassle-free and comfortable trip, you can take a private tour service from Surabaya to Mount Bromo. The trip from Surabaya to Mount Bromo takes about 3 hours. There are 2 choices of private tour packages to Bromo Tang available with departures from Surabaya, namely the 2 day 1 night Bromo tour and the Bromo midnight tour. Mount Bromo Tour 2 days 1 night is a package that offers 1 night stay at a hotel near Bromo, while the Bromo Midnight Tour is a trip to Bromo with a midnight departure without the need to spend the night at the hotel because you can directly visit Bromo by jeep to see the sunrise. Public transportation / Private Car Rental Taking public transportation is the cheapest option to get to Mount Bromo. From Surabaya, you can go to the station or bus terminal in Surabaya with the aim of going to Probolinggo / Pasuruan, then transfer to a minivan to Mount Bromo. The journey can take up to 5-6 hours, but it's a great opportunity to experience local culture. It's different if you rent a car, it can shorten travel time, but it's a little difficult because you have to leave a guarantee with the car rental provider and also need a driver's license. The choice of renting a car to Bromo is rather difficult unless it includes a driver / guide.
Accommodation on Mount Bromo
There are several types of accommodation on Mount Bromo, ranging from budget hostels to luxury resorts. The most popular place to stay is at Cemoro Lawang Ngadisari Probolinggo which is located closest to the Mount Bromo area. Here there are several hotels that offer direct views of Mount Bromo. Accommodation Type Hostel: There are several cheap hostels in Bromo that offer basic facilities, such as shared dormitory rooms with outside/public bathrooms. Guesthouses: Guesthouses are the more comfortable option, with private rooms and en-suite bathrooms. They also offer additional services like breakfast.Villas: If you want to splurge, you can stay in a villa with a stunning view of Mount Bromo. Villas usually offer modern amenities. Hotels: There are many choices of hotels ranging from 1 star to 5 star luxury resorts. Adjust your budget to get the right hotel. Recommended Places to Stay Bromo Terrace Hotel: Luxury hotel with views of Mount Bromo. Offering comfortable rooms with modern facilities and a restaurant serving local and international cuisine. Lava View Lodge : is a hotel with the most strategic location in Cemoro Lawang. This hotel offers views and is the closest location to Mount Bromo while the standard facilities are like other hotel rooms around it even though the price rate is slightly higher. Jiwa Jawa Resort Bromo : is a beautiful resort with stunning views of the hills around Mount Bromo. The hotel offers comfortable rooms with modern facilities, a restaurant serving local and international cuisine and a spa. Plataran Hotel : is the most luxurious and most expensive hotel on Mount Bromo with super complete facilities. Situated in the highlands of Bromo, it offers views of the countryside of agricultural plantations nestled in the surrounding hills.
What to do in Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo offers some amazing attractions that you should not miss during your tour. Here are some places that must be visited on Mount Bromo: Sunrise Viewpoint One of the most popular activities on Mount Bromo is watching the sunrise. The best spot to watch the sunrise is at Mount Penanjakan which offers panoramic views of the entire Mount Bromo area. If the top of Mount Penanjakan is 1 walk too far from the jeep parking lot, then another alternative is to see the sunrise at Kingkong Hill, Bukit Cinta, Mentigen Hill and Eruni Point. Bromo Crater Bromo Crater is the main attraction in Mount Bromo. It is an active volcano with a crater emitting smoke and sulfurous gases. You can climb to the top of the crater and witness the stunning views of the surroundings. Savanna and Teletubbies Hill The Sabana and Teletubbies Hills are located near the Bromo Crater. Sabana is a vast meadow with stunning views of Mount Bromo, while Teletubbies Hill is a small hill with a unique shape that resembles the shape of a house in the Teletubbies children's film series. If you go to this place, choose during the rainy / flowering season (January - March) because the scenery is very beautiful, but if you come here in the dry season, you will only see a stretch of arid, dry and dusty land. Whispering Sand Whispering Sands is a unique desert-like area on Mount Bromo with stretches of fine sand that make sounds when the wind blows. This is a great place to walk around and feel the unique atmosphere.
Mount Bromo Tour Packages from Singapore
If you want a tour to Mount Bromo hassle-free of arranging accommodation and well-organized, you can choose a Bromo tour package that can be booked directly online from Singapore. Here are some of the most popular tour packages: Types of Tour Packages Private Tour: A private tour offers a personalized itinerary, complete facilies and with a private transport. It is the most expensive option, but it offers the most flexibility and comfort. Group Tour: A group tour is a more affordable option where you will join with other travelers. The itinerary is usually fixed and you must follow the schedule of the travel agentcy so that there are no additional costs., but it is a great opportunity to meet new people.
The Best Tour Operator to Mount Bromo
tripwisatabromo.com offers several tour packages to Mount Bromo, ranging from private tours to group tours. Here also offer additional services by request, such as add visit tourist sites around bromo, transport transfers to hotel or airport, train station and meals. Mount Bromo is a stunning natural wonder that should be on travel bucket list in East Java Indonesia. You're a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or a culture enthusiast, Mount Bromo offers something for everyone. From watching the sunrise at Mount Penanjakan to hiking to the top of the Bromo Crater, there are plenty of activities to do on Mount Bromo and with several tour packages available from Singapore. Also Read : - Mount Bromo Ijen Crater Tour 3 Days 2 Nights - Mount Bromo Sewu Waterfall Tour 3 Days 2 Nights - Mount Bromo Ijen Tumpak Sewu Tour 4 Days 3 Nights - Mount Bromo Semeru Trekking Tour 3 Days 2 Nights - Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Tour 3 Days 2 Nights - Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali Tour 5 Days 4 Nights What is the best time to visit Mount Bromo? The best time to visit Mount Bromo is during the dry season, from May to October, when the weather is clear and sunny. What should I wear during my tour to Mount Bromo? You should wear comfortable and warm clothes, as the temperature can drop significantly in the early morning. You should also wear sturdy shoes for hiking and bring a face mask to protect yourself from the dust and sulfuric gas emitted by the Bromo Crater. Is it safe to hike to the top of the Bromo Crater? Yes, it is safe to hike to the top of the Bromo Crater as long as you follow the guidelines provided by the local authorities and wear appropriate gear. Can I bring my drone to Mount Bromo? Drone flying is not allowed in the Mount Bromo area due to safety reasons and regulations. What is the best way to get to Mount Bromo from Singapore? The best way to get to Mount Bromo from Singapore is by taking a flight to Surabaya Juanda International Airport and then taking Mount Bromo tour package. Read the full article
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travelseewrite · 1 year
Travel The World On A Budget: Cheapest Foreign Destinations Under 20,000 Inr From India!
I have just been back from almost a 20 days trip from Europe, and the most frequently asked questions I get are, “How do you get to travel so much?” and “Which are the cheapest foreign destinations to travel from India?”. “are there any destinations that you can travel under 20,000 or 30,000 INR from India?” and many more budget travel questions. I know you, too, like me, would be feeling the itch to explore new destinations but don’t want to break the bank. Well, you’re in luck! As a seasoned traveller, I’ve discovered several destinations that you can travel to for under 20,000 INR from India. These destinations offer a wide range of experiences, from vibrant cities to tropical paradises. So, let’s dive in and explore some of these fantastic destinations together that would give you the experience of doing international trips under 30k from India! And many of these foreign trips are not only cheap from India, but they even allow you to travel visa-free or have easy visa procedures like visa-on-arrival or e-visa.
Table of Contents
Kathmandu, Nepal
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First up, Kathmandu, Nepal, is one of the most economical destinations to make a foreign trip under 25000 from India, and you don’t even need a visa to visit Nepal. As a lover of the Himalayas, ancient temples and vibrant streets, I was immediately drawn to the charm of this neighbouring country. The historic temples are a sight to behold, and the markets are always bustling with energy. The food is good too, and the people are really nice. Plus, with an average cost of a round-trip flight to Kathmandu from India being around 10,000 INR, it’s an affordable destination to visit. Kathmandu is also very convenient for doing day tours to Bhaktapur, Panauti and Nagarkot (the sunrise is to die for). Once you are in Kathmandu, you can explore other parts of Nepal on a budget, such as Lumbini, Chitwan, Pokhara and even Everest Base Camp.
Colombo, Sri Lanka
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If you are tight on budget, you can do a trip under 30,000 In Sri Lanka.
If you are looking for international tour packages under 20000 with a flight, then Colombo in Sri Lanka could be another good option. As someone who loves a good beach, Sri Lanka’s lush forests and beautiful beaches immediately caught my attention. The capital city, Colombo, is a perfect blend of modern and traditional culture. The hotels and restaurants are top-notch. It’s also the gateway to other popular tourist destinations in Sri Lanka, such as Kandy and Galle. With an average cost of a round-trip flight to Colombo from India being around 15,000 INR, it’s an excellent budget-friendly option for travellers. When in Colombo, don’t forget to visit the famous landmarks such as Galle Face Green, Viharamahadevi Park, Beira Lake, Colombo Racecourse, Planetarium, University of Colombo, Mount Lavinia Beach, Dehiwala Zoological Garden, Nelum Pokuna Theatre, One Galle Face, Gangaramaya Temple, Dutch Museum, Colombo Lotus Tower and the National Museum. A trip to Sri Lanka would be incomplete without visiting its coast, Dambulla Cave Temple, Sigiriya, Adams Peak, tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya, getting up close to gentle giants at Yalla National Park, and going whale watching at Mirissa.
Bangkok, Thailand
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Thailand is a super popular destination among budget travellers from India to visit under 25000. If you’re looking for a vibrant city with a mix of modern and traditional cultures, Bangkok, Thailand, is the place to be. The street food, lively night markets, and magnificent temples are sure to leave you in awe. Bangkok is also an excellent base to explore other parts of Thailand, such as Chiang Mai or Phuket. With an average cost of a round-trip flight to Bangkok from India being around 15,000 INR, it’s an affordable option for budget travellers. You can do your entire international trip top Thailand for under 40k from India. Flying from Kolkata to Bangkok at times works out cheaper than local flights within India
Phuket, Thailand
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Phuket is another Thai destination that’s perfect for budget travellers. If you plan well in advance and look for good deals on MakeMyTrip, Agoda, Yatra, and Booking, you can get international trips to Phuket for under 30k from India. The island is home to stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and delicious street food. Whether you’re looking to party or just relax on the beach, Phuket is a destination that won’t disappoint. With an average cost of a round-trip flight to Phuket from India being around 12,000 INR, it’s an affordable option for travellers. In the off-season, neither you get crowded beaches nor expensive flights. I travelled to Phuket in June, and it was the perfect time to explore the place at ease and within my budget. You can read more details about Phuket here.
Kuala Lumpur
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is another vibrant city with a mix of Malay, Chinese, and Indian cultures. The Petronas Twin Towers are an iconic sight to see, and the street food is delicious. Kuala Lumpur is also a gateway to other popular tourist destinations in Malaysia, such as Penang and Langkawi. With the average cost of a round-trip flight to Kuala Lumpur from India being around 12,000 INR, it’s an excellent budget-friendly option for travellers. Also, when you visit Kuala Lumpur, you can extend your trip to either going to Selangor or Kota Kinabalu.
Bali, Indonesia
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Bali is a tropical paradise that’s home to beautiful beaches, cascading waterfalls, lush rice fields, huge volcanoes, beautiful mountains and ancient temples. The island is known for its unique culture and welcoming locals, as well as its delicious food. Whether you’re looking to surf, hike, or just relax on the beach, Bali has something for every type of traveller. Most tourists stick to its southern part, but I found its northern part more stunning and peaceful. With an average cost of a round-trip flight to Bali from India being around 15,000 INR, it’s a budget-friendly option for travellers. The villas, food, transportation, and everything is pretty economical in Blai, and the culture is quite similar to Indian culture.
Read more About:- Travel The World On A Budget
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financialservicesss · 2 years
It is better to know about exotic currencies before you embark on exchanging currency for your upcoming international travel. Foreign Exchange market has divided currencies in three groups across world.
Major currencies
Minor currencies
Exotic currencies
Exotic is most unusual and exciting. Exotic currencies are those which trade less or low volumes. They are illiquid and lack market depth. These currencies are not traded often in market. Important to know that less trading does not mean weak currency or devalued currency. For example, Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the highest valued currency in world but it is called as Exotic currency because of less trading in the market.
currencies are:
Minor currencies are
Danish Kroner (DKK)
Norwegian Kroner (NOK)
Swedish Kroner (SEK)
Most commonly traded Exotic currencies are:
Chinese Yuan (CNY)
Singapore Dollar (SGD)
Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
South African Rand (ZAR)
Mexican Peso (MXN)
South Korean Won (KRW)
Travel Destinations where exotics currencies are needed
The exotic or destination countries travelling is habit for people now a days. International Travel is more thrill, delight and importantly a lot of myth. Many beautiful destinations/exotic countries are visited by Indians where Rupee is stronger than the currency of those countries.
Important that how you can afford travelling foreign countries. Travelling abroad is expensive. You need to know the cheapest destination countries and currencies to take from India. Keeping destination currencies will help in reducing the exchange losses and harassment travellers faces while exchanging odd currencies at the foreign locations.
Some of the most demanded exotic currencies are mentioned below. All foreign exchange dealers do not keep stock of these currencies for the reasons discussed above and you may need to visit importer of these currencies to get the best deal.
Related Post: https://www.orientexchange.in/best-destination-currencies
THB: Thailand - INR TO THB
Famous for Tropical beaches, royal palaces, ancient ruins and ornate temples, Thailand is one of the most visited international destination by Indians. Thai Bhat currency is used in Thailand and widely available in India. Forex cards are available but charges are levied for ATM withdrawals.
MYR: Malaysia-INR TO MYR
The best place to visit Malaysia are picture perfect beaches and plenty of water activities. It is favorite destination to travel with friends. Carry Malaysian Ringgit for smooth travelling.
IDR : Indonesia INR TO IDR
World all travelers love to visit Indonesia. This is south Asia’s and world largest “ISLAND”. Indonesia is popular for blue waters, tropical climate and lovely beaches. Indian are offered to travel without pre-approved Visa. Before the travel, buy IDR currency, which is again not stocked by many forex dealers.
VND: Vietnamese Dong – INR TO VND
Vietnam is a southeast Asia country & world ‘s most spectacular sea views and a UNESCO world heritage site. In Vietnam oldest town you must see i.e Hue. The Hue town or city is along the banks of the gorgeous Perfume River. Vietnamese Dong is not readily available and should be bought beforehand.
LKR : Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is look similar like India might not see like foreign countries. Sri Lanka is famous for lovely beaches, mountains, lush greenery and historical monuments.E visa offered for Indians. Most of Indians loves to visit Sri Lanka because of cheap flights and affordable hotel expenses. Currency of Sir Lanka is Sri Lankan Rupee and sparsely available in India.
PHP: Philippines
Philippines is having beautiful beaches and unexplored natural beauty and is catching up among travel enthusiasts at lighting speed. One of the cheapest countries to visit from India, it attracts many Indian students to study medicine there. Philippines Peso is the currency one should carry while visiting Philippines.
Visit: https://www.orientexchange.in/foreign-currency
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fayyaztravels · 2 years
Choose your ideal Australia Travel Packages from Singapore with Fayyaz Travels
With Fayyaz Travels, choose from the most stunning Australia travel packages from Singapore for a trip you won’t forget. 
Australia is one of the most amazing, mysterious, remote, and highly developed countries in the world, as everyone is aware. The country is home to many natural wonders, well-known beaches, a wide variety of wildlife, urban metropolises, and vast expanses of outback. Due to its unparalleled beauty, Australia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. However, careful planning and preparation are necessary to make the most out of any country or vacation spot because traveling to a distant or foreign location is inherently uncertain.
You may get assistance from Fayyaz Travels in planning your vacation in the most effective and cheapest way possible. We ensure that your trip is not only secure and pleasant, but also really thrilling. 
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The following are some of our most well-liked vacation packages that you may select to better discover Australia:
3 nights and 4 days Melbourne Buddy Package: To be eligible for this package, a vacation must include a minimum of two adults. With the help of this package, you can be sure that your four days in Australia will be filled with the greatest possible memories. You will receive lodging at the Claremont Guesthouse with breakfast along with a round-trip N class ticket on British Airways.
3 nights/4 days F&E The Sydney Buddy Package: includes a round-trip N Class flight on British Airways as well as lodging in a Y Hyde Park room with breakfast. If you have a short amount of time and want to see the most of Australia, this is one of the best packages to pick from.
2 Nights and 3 Days Perth: You will receive lodging with breakfast and a round-trip ticket on British Airways in V Class. The Connect Bus Airport Shuttle Service will provide the return airport-hotel connection.
5 Days/4 Nights "Farm Stay" Perth Tour: Included in this package is return V class airfare on British Airways. Additionally, you will spend three nights and receive breakfast at the GoodEarth Hotel. The package includes a half-day city tour of Perth and Fremantle as well as a one-night stay in a hotel on a farm.
It's our bet that you won't regret selecting us for the Australia travel packages from Singapore.
In a same vein, we also provide the best Maldives Tour Package from Singapore. Therefore, get in touch with Fayyaz Travels, one of Singapore's top Bespoke Travel Agencies, who can expertly design your ideal travel while you focus on enjoying your vacation.
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mycozytrips · 2 years
5 Best Destinations to Take International Trips from India
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Indians love to take family trips. Rather than travelling solo, they prefer visiting international destinations with the entire family and experiencing everything all together, whether you are hiking through the mountains or partying on the beach. Take a look at the destinations and plan your international trips from India accordingly.
If you are planning a trip in the lap of scenic nature, you should plan a trip to Thailand. The wonderful destination gives you a perfect blend of tranquillity and thrilling experiences, making it a perfect destination to enjoy with your near and dear ones.
From exciting water sports activities to heritage sites and enchanting islands, Thailand has a lot on offer. You should never forget about the happening nightlife of Thailand that draws the attention of all partygoers from all around the world.
Singapore is a perfect sovereign island city-state popular for its well-known tourist destinations, beautiful modern architecture, and luxurious hotels. From stunning garden areas and comfortable cafes to age-old structures and underwater aquariums – there are so many places to explore on a family trip to Singapore.
Never miss out on visiting the Universal Studio Theme Park as it gives you a once-in-a-lifetime experience where you can relive your childhood memories. Savour your taste buds with local cuisines in Singapore after an amazing shopping experience in exuberant malls.
Bhutan is a Buddhist kingdom, a neighbouring country to India, worthwhile destination to visit from India. The spectacular Himalayan ranges, the valleys, trekking tracks, and monasteries make Bhutan the perfect destination to visit.
Plan a Bhutan trip to enjoy local delicacies, festivities, activities like water rafting, sightings like the suspension bridge, and many more things that are waiting to be explored. Please check out exclusive Bhutan holiday packages and enjoy a trip to the Land of Thunder Dragon with your family.
Vietnam is an unspoiled international travel destination epitomizing calmness and serene nature. You will explore the beautiful theatres, temples, and splendours of Hanoi exhibiting the glorious Vietnamese history. Don’t forget about visiting the floating villages, lakes, beaches, and waterfalls in Vietnam that bring you closer to wondrous nature. The magnificent country never fails to appeal to you with delicious culinary experiences that will tantalize your taste buds.
Sri Lanka
A scenic island country in South Asia, Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean. The country is well-known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean” because of its shape and location on the map. Surrounded by awe-inspiringly beautiful landscapes, stunning beaches, and splendid mountains, Sri Lanka feels like a heavenly paradise. With its veracious history and vibrant culture, Sri Lanka is a picture-perfect spot to take your Instagram-worthy clicks to a notch higher.
Bottom Line –
Whether you want much-needed rejuvenation or just some family fun and adventure, My Cozy Trip offers customized packages to plan the cheapest international trip from India. We will take care of all your vacation requisites and you will have access to essential travel information about well-known destinations for international trips from India. For more details about our international trip packages, plea
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sharky1933 · 5 years
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#Cheapest #hotels are available in #Singapore, Book now family #rooms, #Double rooms as well as #single rooms at #discounted prices at https://travellingtimes.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/p/B1GrPsLj49-/?igshid=1pm73vby2utjk
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shashankquotes · 5 years
Explore The Lovers Paradise With Bali -  Book Honeymoon Holidays in Bali
If you are usually planning a Bali honeymoon vacation package, then your research ends here. Bali is the perfect place for you, along with its calm coastal ambience and charming scenic sights. Bali is relaxing and affordable both, rendering it the great place for those who don’t want to spend the hefty amount on their honeymoon. Sale On Travel offers among the best Bali packages in the market. Not merely honeymoon vacation packages, but from flight tickets to %foreign trade, we have got you covered for your travel requirements.
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Why to Go Bali for Honeymoon?
A paradise with regard to honeymooners and called since Island of Gods, Bali – the land associated with untouched natural beauty in Indonesia, is pride associated with tourism in Asia. Surrounded with the Indian Ocean plus Bali Sea, the beautiful wonderland with splendid beaches, lush green and terraced paddy fields as nicely as amazing volcanoes offers something special for all mindsets to let them take pleasure in the presence of Mother Character and beauty that is situated all-around. Natural beauty, the serenity, unique culture, historic Temples and beaches are usually continue to serve the particular multicolored travel interests associated with vacations who desire to get a gateway away from recurring life. Best best bali honeymoon packages from Indian and various types of Bali tour packages are created with detailed day in order to day itinerary to enjoy the beauty of isle world to the maximum and at the same time frame discover some of its many amazing attractions.
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Bali is oozing with romance as a popular honeymoon destination for couples. Planning or dreaming of a tropical honeymoon? Read on, we are sharing the absolute best honeymoon hotels in Bali.
Bali, Indonesia
Ayung River Water Rafting
Tanjung Benoa Seaside Water Activites ( 1x Parasailing, Banana Ride as well as Jetski )
Tanha Great deal Temple
Candle Light Dinner on the Beach
Baliness Spa Treatment
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Book  Bali flights at cheapest price.Compare cheap flights to Bali - Sale On Travel  offers a huge selection of Bali flights, book your air ticket today & save!
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nikolai-novak · 3 years
Nikolai’s Travel Timeline
Nikolai graduated from high school in 2018, shortly before his 18th birthday in August. Given his family circumstances at the time, he really needed to get away so he took advantage of the fact that he had a full drivers licence and more than enough money to fund his travels.
June 2018 - December 2018
Nikolai was inspired by a photographer that he really liked -- Brian DeFrees -- when it came to mapping out his road trip around the state. In 2011, Brian travelled through 30-odd states in 53 days to see all the major landmarks. Nikolai followed a similar pathway by catching a flight to Virginia, bought a Kombi van, and started the road trip. Nikolai, however, took a full six months to complete the trip. Nikolai visited the following states and explored significantly in each:
South Carolina 
New Mexico 
Nevada (in which he caught up with old friends from high school)
California (in which he briefly stopped in and visited his parents to ease their nagging)
Washington (in which he met August Bright for the first time and his intended short stay in Washington was extended considerably. This is a major contributing reason as to why a trip that could have been completed in two months ended up blowing out to six months in duration. (@augustbright)
South Dakota 
North Dakota 
New York 
Nikolai then sold his Kombi van in New York and booked the cheapest round the world ticket that he could find. The ticket included flights from New York --> London --> Bangkok --> Singapore --> Sydney. 
December 2018 - September 2019 
After booking his flight to London, Nikolai spent the next nine and a half months backpacking around Europe. Now this was genuine backpacking, with Nikolai relying on various forms of transport -- including trains, buses, and even hitchhiking at times. His adventures were as follows: 
Great Britain leg -  England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland 
Central Europe, primarily via train - Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, France
Balkans leg - Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo 
Iberian leg - Spain and Portugal 
Transylvanian leg - Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania 
Baltics leg - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Russia 
Scandinavia leg - Denmark, Sweden, Norway 
South Caucasus leg - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan 
Greek Islands leg 
Note: It was in London that he first met Hannah Callaghan. The two met in a bar, hit it off, and fell into bed together. Nikolai didn’t stay in London for long, however he and Hannah have remained in sporadic contact ever since and will always hook-up again when they’re in the same place at the same time. @hannahcallaghanmu
October 2019 - November 2019
After finishing in Europe, Nikolai booked the next flight on his round the world trip and headed to Bangkok. He spent the next two months backpacking around Thailand, both north and south: 
Thailand - Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Kanchanaburi, Hua Hin, Ko Tao, Ko Pha Ngan, Ko Samui, Khao Sok National Park, Krabi, Rai Leh, Ko Phi Phi, Ko Lanta
December 2019
After finishing his travels in Thailand, Nikolai used the next part of his round the world the world ticket to head to Singapore. 
Singapore - exhausted from all the backpacking, Nikolai just spent a week in a resort in Singapore. Whilst he did explore the city, he was mainly focused on relaxing and recuperating in a 5-star hotel after primarily sleeping in vans, backpacker hostels, and even tents in some places since first beginning his travels.
December 2019 - July 2020
After Singapore, Nikolai booked the last leg of his round the world ticket and headed to Australia. After landing in Sydney, Nikolai scoured local car dealerships and bought himself another second hand Kombi van and commenced a backpacking trip around Australia. Starting from Sydney, Nikolai’s journey was as follows:
New South Wales - The Blue Mountains, Hunter Valley, Port Stephens, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Yamba, Byron Bay
Queensland - Gold Coast, Brisbane, Noosa, Fraser Island, Hervey Bay, Agnes Water, Lady Musgrave Island, Lady Elliot Island, Airlie Beach, Hamilton Island, Townsville, Magnetic Island, Mission Beach, Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef
He sold the Kombi van after finishing in Cairns so that he could fly over to Western Australia. After spending about a week on Rottnest Island, he managed to buy a second hand van that the owners had renovated for their own past long distance road trips. From there, the adventure continued: 
Western Australia - Margaret River, Denmark, Albany, Esperance, Perth, Kalbarri, Monkey Mia, Coral Bay, Exmouth, Ningaloo Reef, Karijini National Park, Broome, the Kimberley
Northern Territory - Darwin, Litchfield, Kakadu, Katherine, Alice Springs, Uluru, The Red Centre
South Australia - Adelaide, Grampians National Park, then the Great Ocean Road into Victoria 
Victoria - Melbourne, Carlton, St Kilda, Brighton, Collingwood, Fitzroy
Nikolai then sold the van, took a flight over to Tasmania, and rented a vehicle as he knew that he would only be there for a few weeks: 
Tasmania - Hobart, Wild West Coast, Cradle Mountain, Launceston, Bay of Fires, Wineglass Bay, Port Arthur
Nikolai then took a flight to Australian Capital Territory, where he spent a few last days in Australia before having to fly back to start at MU:
Australian Capital Territory - Canberra, Jervis Bay
July 2020
After finishing his mammoth Australian adventure, Nikolai received the ultimatum from his parents: either come back to California and get a university degree or they would be cutting off his access to his trust fund. Nikolai requested a couple of weeks to think about it and immediately booked a flight to Bali, Indonesia. Nikolai spent the two weeks in Bali thinking about the offer, before reluctantly booking a flight back to California. 
August 2020 - December 2020 
It was during this period that Nikolai was a student at Monarch University, having enrolled to study Exercise Science and Physiology. Nikolai really didn’t want to be at university and certainly wasn’t passionate about his chosen major. Struggling to adjust to life at MU, Nikolai crunched the numbers and he realised he could continue funding his travel expenses through his travel and photography blog. With that realisation, he called his parents bluff and left campus. His parents didn’t fully cut off his access to the trust fund but did restrict it (meaning that he was able to withdraw less money than usual each month) but between that and his blog, he was able to make it work. 
January 2021 - April 2021
After leaving MU, Nikolai impulsively booked a flight to Florida. He intended to just stay for a couple of weeks to party and blow off steam but ended up meeting Este Castillo (@estecastillo) in Miami. The couple of weeks turned into a few months whilst the two of them casually dated -- which is the most commitment that Nikolai has given to anyone since the whole mess with Lily. Whilst in Florida, his blog really started to take off. Despite the fact that he wasn’t travelling as extensively as he had in the past, people really loved his photos of Florida; and he had plenty of unseen pictures and stories from his previous adventures that he finally had the time to fully share. Este and Nikolai eventually had an amicable breakup as Nikolai was itching to hop on a flight. 
May 2021 - June 2021
Hopping on a flight led Nikolai to another backpacking adventure, this time in Brazil. Nikolai really hit a sweet spot with his photography and travel blog -- when he had first started the account after finishing high school, he had posted a photo a day; which really was only the briefest snapshot of his adventures as he would take countless photos each and every day. Each photo was accompanied with a brief caption to explain where said photo was taken. Having had some time to fully fleshed things out in Florida, Nikolai started posting more and more of the photos that he had taken over the last few years and accompanied them with detailed stories. The combination of his photography and genuine passion for travel was a recipe for success and this only continued as he backpacked through Brazil for two months.
July 2021 - current
Nikolai is back at MU and studying Business and Photography because he wants to figure out a way to make his blog into a sustainable career. Nikolai still has thousands of photos in his back catalogue that he can share, along with countless stories. Still, he’s making sure to supplement the blog by fully exploring everything that California has to offer; and whenever he can, he will take short weekend trips away or make the most of semester breaks to ensure that people get a good combination of both old and new content. 
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