#National Sausage Pizza Day
doctorfriend79 · 7 months
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🍕 Happy National Sausage Pizza Day! 🍕
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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National Sausage Pizza Day
Pepperoni gets the spotlight too often, but sausage is a great pizza topping. Make a sausage pizza at home, order delivery, or try a new kind of sausage.
Almost every person on the face of the earth has a favorite kind of pizza! Would that kind happen to be full of the robust, well-seasoned flavor of sausage? National Sausage Pizza Day reminds us that while Pepperoni may be considered the King of Pizzas, it’s Sausage Pizza that’s Queen.
Sausage Pizza is the second most popular pizza in the world (only behind its good friend, Pepperoni Pizza), and with so many variations on sausage, there’s an endless number of types that can be deeply enjoyed. National Sausage Pizza Day is the perfect opportunity to challenge the idea of boring pizza and try multiple types of this spicy and delicious topping.
History of National Sausage Pizza Day
Of course, it’s true that almost everyone likes pepperoni, but what most people don’t know is that sausage is nearly as popular on pizza as its cousin pepperoni. While most places that serve sausage pizza use classic Italian sausage, that’s a discredit to the incredible variety it is possible to get out of this incredible meat treat.
There are as many types of sausage as can be imagined, including beef sausage, chicken sausage, and of course the classic pork sausage. Each of these can be made with apples, fennel, cheese, garlic, black pepper, red pepper flakes, and a myriad of other ingredients that can change a simple sausage into a delicious extravaganza.
Sausage on pizza is nearly as old as the pizza itself and has been a common ingredient in this flatbread-based treat for centuries.
Since National Sausage Pizza Day falls within Pizza Month, it’s a doubly good reason to celebrate! 
How to Celebrate National Sausage Pizza Day
Celebrating National Sausage Pizza Day can be loads of fun–and truly delicious! Get on board with all different varieties and brands of sausage pizza and try out these ideas for celebrating:
Go Out for Sausage Pizza
This is a great day to gather family or friends and head over to a pizza joint! Whether a deep-dish Chicago style or a thin crust New York-style, sausage pizza covers it all. Try out one of these unique and interesting pizza places that are known to offer some of the best pizza in the world:
Pizzeria L’Operetta in Singapore. Authentic Napoli pizzas are served in Southeast Asia at this delicious pizza place. Expect some interesting varieties of toppings!
Bæst Pizza in Copenhagen. Those searching for great pizza in Scandinavia need to look no further than Bæst in Denmark. They cook their pizza on a wood-fired stove that was imported from Naples!
Lamanna’s Bakery in Toronto. This Italian bakery is known for its authenticity, and its pizza recipe is no exception. Specializing in enormous slices of pizza, one slice can be shared with a friend (or even two!). Or, the brave few with a huge appetite can try it on their own. And the bakery offers delicious desserts–for those who have any space left after they have eaten their huge pizza slices.
Pizzeria Gino Sorbillo in Italy and Beyond. For the best in Italian pizza, of course, one must go to Italy (or, perhaps, Italy will bring the pizza to you). This chain of several pizzerias, owned and operated by Gino Sorbillo himself, has locations in Rome, Naples and Milan and other places in Italy, as well international locations of Tokyo, New York and Miami.
Make Pizza at Home
Some of the tastiest pizza is made in humble kitchens all over the world. The great thing about making it at home is that it can be made exactly to the specific desires and needs of the person (or family) who is making it! Enjoy making fresh dough or grab it from the refrigerator section at the grocery store. Stuff the crust, if desired. Make it thick or thin. Add various toppings (sausage required, of course). Then bake and enjoy!
Have Sausage Pizza Delivered at Work (or at Home)
Maybe the boss will pay for it, or maybe everyone will need to pitch in, but ordering sausage pizza for the folks at the office or the warehouse is a great way to celebrate the day! Check out local delivery deals that might be special specifically in honor of the day. Downloading the apps for the local pizza places is a great way to keep apprised of discounts and deals that are offered.
Discover Something New and Creative
National Sausage Pizza Day is a great opportunity to break free of old traditions and discover something new. Everyone has their favorite kind of sausage, and all of them can be used to top a pizza. One interesting favorite for a sweet sausage pizza is Apple Chicken Sausage, which lends a sweet flavor to the dish while still providing a tangy taste.
For the people who have only experienced classic Italian Sausage on their pizza in the past, it’s time to expand that palate. Head on down to the local butcher or deli department and ask them what they’d suggest using on a pizza, and turn them away from the Italian, since the point is to get creative here.
Get Cheesy for National Sausage Pizza Day
Looking for something cheesy and zesty? Some call it sacrilege, but other people may happen to enjoy putting Cheddar Wursts on their Sausage Pizza. Of course, this requires cutting it thin and layering cheese around it to get the best effect (because, honestly, who doesn’t just love cheese?), but it will taste absolutely fabulous. What other fun and unique variation will you come up with for National Sausage Pizza Day?
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murderousink23 · 7 months
10/11/2023 is International Top Spinning Day 🌎, General Pulaski Day 🇺🇲, National Coming Out Day 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇲, National Sausage Pizza Day 🍕🇺🇲, National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work/School Day 🧸🇺🇲, National Emergency Nurse's Day 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🇺🇲, National Stop Bullying Day 🇺🇲, National Fossil Day 🇺🇲, National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day 🇺🇲, International Day of the Girl Child 🇺🇳
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informersinc · 7 months
National Day Report October 11, 2023
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nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
OCTOBER 11, 2022 | NATIONAL SAUSAGE PIZZA DAY | INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD | GENERAL PULASKI MEMORIAL DAY | NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY NATIONAL SAUSAGE PIZZA DAY | OCTOBER 11 Food lovers across the country enjoy National Sausage Pizza Day on October 11th each year. Whether served on a thin or thick crust, sausage pizza goes well with other toppings, too. Don’t hesitate to add mushrooms…
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reserwrekt · 1 year
Trying not to be salty about being an indigenous person that's currently struggling very hard to afford food during a time when many white people will be stuffing themselves full. If you can help us not go to bed hungry another night- v:@ kittyzibby
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vavandeveresfan · 1 year
It’s National Pizza Day!!
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scotianostra · 4 months
1. You consider scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine 🌞 as good weather.
2. The only sausage you like is square.
3. You were forced to do Scottish country dancing 🕺🏻
every year at secondary school.
4. You have a wide vocabulary of Scottish words such as numpty, aye, aye right, auldyin, baltic...
5. You destroyed your teeth when you were young using Buchanan's toffee, Wham bars, Penny Dainties, MB Bars, Cola Cubes etc
6. You have an enormous feeling of dread whenever Scotland play a 'numpty' team like the Faroe Islands.
7. You happily engage in a conversation about the weather with someone you've never met before.
8. Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig, Caledonia , Deacon Blue and Big Country, you still love it when you're in a club abroad and they play something Scottish.
9. You used to watch Glen Michael's Cavalcade on a Sunday afternoon with his side kick Lamp Paladin.
10. You got Oor Wullie and The Broons annuals at Xmas.
11. You can tell where another Scot is from by their accent - "Awright, pal, gonnae gies a wee swatch oa yur Sun ? Cheers, magic pal." Or "Fit ya bin up tae ? Fair few quines in the nicht, eh ?", etc
12. You see cops and hear someone shout 'Errapolis'.
13. You have participated in or watched people having a 'square go'.
14. You know that when someone asks you what school you went to they only want to know if you are catholic or protestant.
15. You have eaten lots and lots of random Scottish food like mince 'n tatties, Tunnock's Caramel Logs, oat cakes, haggis, Cullen skink, Lees Macaroon Bars, etc.
16. A jakey has asked you for money.
17. You think nothing of waiting expectantly for your 1p change from a shop keeper.
18. You know the right response to 'Ye dancing ?' is 'Y'askin?' followed by 'Ahm askin' and finally 'Then ahm dancin'. 💃
19. Whenever you see sawdust it reminds you of pools of vomit as that's what the jannies used to chuck on it at school.
20. You lose all respect for a groom 🤵 who doesn't wear a kilt.
21. You don't do 🛒 shopping ... you 'go the messages'.
22. You're sitting on the train 🚂 or bus and a 😵 drunk man sits next to you telling you a joke - and asking 'Ahm no annoying ye ahm a?' and you respond 'Naw, not at a', yer fine. This is ma stoap, but'. 🛑
23. You can have an entire phone 📞 conversation using only the words 'awright', 'aye' and 'naw'.
24. You have experienced peer pressure to have an alcoholic drink 🍷 when out - regardless of the circumstances.
25. You know that ye cannae fling yer pieces 🍞 oot a 20 storey flat, and that seven hundred hungry weans'll testify tae that. Furthermore you're sure that if it's butter, 🧀 cheese or jeely, or if the breid is plain or pan, the odds against it reaching earth are 99 tae wan.
26. You know that going to a party 🥳 at a friend's house involves bringing your own drink.
27. Your holiday abroad is ruined if you hear there is a heatwave in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 while you're away.
28. Your national team goes 2-0 up again the Czechs in a qualifier in Prague and your mate says we'll end up losing 3-2 here and you think "Probably". ⚽️
29. You can properly pronounce McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, and Auchtermuchty.
30. Your favourite pizza is deep fried and battered from the chippy.
31. You're used to 4 💨 ☔️ ☀️ ❄️ seasons in one day.
32. You can't pass a chip shop or kebab shop, without drooling, when your 🥴 drunk.
33. You can fall about 😵 drunk without spilling your drink.
34. You measure distance in minutes.
35. You can understand Rab C Nesbitt and know characters just like them in your own family.
36. You go to Saltcoats because you think it's like being at the ocean.
37. You can make a whole sentence out of just swear words.
38. You know what haggis is made with and still eat it.
39. Somebody you know used a football 🥅 schedule to plan their 💒 day date.
40. You've been at a 👰 🎩 wedding where the footie results were read out.
41. You aren't surprised to find curries, pizzas 🍕 kebabs, Irn Bru, nappies and fags all for sale in one shop.
42. Your seaside holiday home has Calor ⛽️ gas under it.
43. You know that Irn Bru is an infallible hangover 😵 cure.
44. You understand all the above and are going to send it to your pals.
45. and, finally, you are 100 per cent Scottish if you have ever used these terms - "How's it hingin'?", "clatty", "boggin", "cludgie", "dreich", "bampot", and "dubble nugget"..
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gwendolynlerman · 9 months
Deutschribing Germany
Meal times
The German proverb Iss dein Frühstück wie ein Kaiser, Mittagessen wie ein König und Abendessen wie ein Bettler (Eat your breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king, and dine like a pauper) sums up the German outlook toward meals.
A typical day begins with Frühstück (breakfast), when people drink coffee, tea, or hot cocoa and eat muesli with yogurt or milk or bread with butter, jam, honey, chocolate and hazelnut spread, sausage, or cheese. Some people also drink juice and eat a boiled egg. This usually takes place between 6 and 8 a.m. Children usually eat a mid-morning snack at school called Pausenbrot (recess sandwich) that consists of a sandwich, a piece of fruit, or a muesli bar. The adult version is called Zwischenmahlzeit (in-between meal).
Mittagessen (lunch) takes place between 12 and 2 p.m. A typical lunch dish includes potato salad with sausage or meatballs and meat with potatoes or vegetables. It is common for family members and friends to gather between 3 and 5 p.m. for Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake).
Abendessen (dinner) is eaten between 6 and 7 p.m. Sometimes it is a light cold meal with bread and cold cuts, in which case it is called Abendbrot (evening bread). Dinner normally consists of a salad or soup, bread, cheese, meat or sausages, mustard, and pickles.
German cuisine varies from region to region, and what is considered typically German is actually typical in the south, mainly Bavaria, where cuisine is similar to that in Austria. There are also international varieties such as doner kebab, pizza, sushi, Chinese food, Greek food, Indian food, and Vietnamese food.
Bread and sausage are staples of the German diet. There are about 600 types of bread and almost 1,500 sausage varieties, including Bratwurst (made of ground pork, beef, or veal and spices) and Weißwurst (white sausage eaten with sweet mustard, a pretzel, and beer).
The national alcoholic drink is beer, of which there are many varieties, including Helles (a pale lager beer produced in southern Germany), Radler (a beer mixed with lemonade), and Weizenbier (a top-fermented beer brewed with a large proportion of wheat relative to the amount of malted barley).
These sweet dough dumplings, filled with jam and glazed with powdered sugar, are known as Berliner in northern and western Germany, Pfannkuchen in eastern Germany, and Krapfen in southern Germany.
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Birnen, Bohnen und Speck
Birnen, Bohnen und Speck (pears, beans, and bacon) is a dish made with pears, green beans, and bacon, accompanied by potatoes. It is eaten in Bremen and Lower Saxony.
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Bratkartoffeln (fried potatoes) are fried potato slices with diced bacon and/or onions.
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Brezeln (pretzels) are baked pastries made from dough and shaped into a symmetrical knot. They are typically seasoned with salt, but can also have toppings such as cheese or seeds.
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Brot (bread) comes in many different types, from white wheat bread (Weißbrot) to gray (Graubrot) to black (Schwarzbrot), which is actually dark brown rye bread. Some breads contain both wheat and rye flour and are called Mischbrot. Others have seeds such as linseed and sunflower seeds and are wholegrain (Vollkornbrot). Bread can also be made from spelt (Dinkelbrot), rye (Roggenbrot), or a mix of these with wheat.
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Brötchen (bread rolls) are also very common and can be made from the same cereals and seeds as normal bread.
Currywurst is Berlin's most famous dish and consists of a pork sausage with ketchup and curry powder.
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Eierschecke, whose name is derived from a tripartite piece of clothing, consists of three layers: the bottom one is either a yeast dough or made with baking soda, the middle layer is a cream made of quark, vanilla, butter, egg, sugar, and milk, and the top one is made from eggs, butter, sugar, and vanilla pudding powder. It is a specialty from Saxony and Thuringia.
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A Fischbrötchen (fish bread roll) is a sandwich made with various fish, either pickled or fried, and onions, common in northern Germany.
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Flammkuchen means "pie baked in the flames" and originates from Baden in Baden-Württemberg and the Palatinate in Rhineland-Palatinate. It is similar to a pizza with thin crust covered with crème fraîche, onions, and lardons.
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Frikadellen are flat-bottomed, pan-fried meatballs of minced meat. They are commonly eaten with pasta salad or potatoes, or in a bread roll with mustard.
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Himmel und Erde
Himmel und Erde (heaven and earth) is a dish with mashed potatoes, stewed apples and fried blood pudding. Potatoes are also called Erdäpfel (ground apples), so it is a meal made with apples that grow above and under the earth. It is popular in the Rhineland in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, Westphalia in North Rhine-Westphalia, and Lower Saxony.
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Kirschenmichel is a kind of bread pudding made with cherries and served hot with vanilla sauce. It is typically eaten in Franconia in Bavaria and Thuringia, the Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, and Hesse.
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These dumplings are known as Klöße in northern, central, and western Germany and Knödel in southern Germany. They are usually made from flour, bread, or potatoes. There are different varieties, including dumplings made of ground liver or breadcrumbs.
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A Kohlroulade (cabbage roll) consists of cooked cabbage leaves wrapped around a meat filling seasoned with garlic, onion, and spices. Rinderrouladen are similar but consist of bacon and onions wrapped in beef.
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Labskaus is a dish made from corned beef, herring, mashed potatoes, and beetroot, served with a fried egg and a pickled cucumber. It is typically eaten in northern Germany.
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Leberkäse ("liver-cheese") is eaten in Franconia, Saarland, and Swabia in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. It consists of beef, pork, and bacon that are finely ground and then baked as a loaf in a bread pan. It is served with an egg and mashed potatoes.
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Leipziger Allerlei
Leipziger Allerlei was invented in Leipzig and consists of a mixture of peas, carrots, green beans, asparagus, morels, and celery. It may also contain broccoli, cauliflower, or corn. It is served with potatoes and a sauce made from crayfish butter, crayfish tails, and semolina dumplings.
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Marmorkuchen (marble cake) has a streaked appearance, achieved by lightly blending light and dark batter. It can be a mixture of vanilla and chocolate.
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Maultaschen ("mouth bags") are large meat-filled dumplings typical of Swabian cuisine. They can also be filled with spinach, onions, and spices and can be either served with broth or cut into slices and fried with eggs.
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Pfefferpotthast (boiled meat pepper pot) is a traditional Westphalian stew made with beef, lard, onions, and spices. It is served with boiled potatoes and salad in the summer and pickled cucumbers and beetroot in the winter.
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Pinkel mit Grünkohl
It is a dish made from slowly cooked kale served with Pinkel, a salty sausage eaten mainly in Bremen and Lower Saxony.
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A Quarkkäulchen ("little quark ball") is a Saxon dish made from quark, mashed boiled potatoes, flour, an egg, and lemon peel. The dough is then baked in the form of a pancake and eaten hot with sugar and cinnamon or with fruit, whipped cream, and vanilla ice cream.
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These potato pancakes are served with black bread, sugar beet syrup, or stewed apples. They are common in many areas of the country, but the name is characteristic to the Rhineland.
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Rollmops ("rolled pug/fat young boy") are pickled herring fillets, rolled around a savory filling, usually consisting of onion and a pickle. It is a specialty from Berlin.
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Sauerbraten is regarded as the national dish of Germany. It originally comes from the Rhineland and consists of large pieces of beef or horse meat, marinated in a spicy water-vinegar mixture before baking and served with Klöße.
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Sauerkraut is finely cut raw cabbage fermented by lactic acid bacteria.
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Saumagen ("sow's stomach") is popular in the Palatinate and consists of a pork's stomach filled with pork, sausage meat, and potatoes. It is usually served with mashed potatoes or Bratkartoffeln and Sauerkraut.
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A Schnitzel is a fried, breaded thin piece of meat, typically pork or beef. Although the most famous one is Wiener Schnitzel (Viennese style), there are other kinds, including Jägerschnitzel, with mushroom sauce; Rahmschnitzel, with cream sauce, and Zigeunerschnitzel, with a sauce made with tomato, bell peppers, and onion.
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Schupfnudel are thick noodles typical of southern Germany. They are usually made from flour or potatoes and eggs and served with Sauerkraut.
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Schwarzsauer ("black sour") is a North German blood soup with spices cooked in vinegar.
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Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Black forest cake is a chocolate and whipped cream cake with a cherry filling and cherries on top.
Schweinshaxe is a typical Bavarian dish of roasted ham hock served with Sauerkraut. A variation of this dish is known elsewhere as Eisbein ("ice leg"), in which the ham hock is pickled and slightly boiled.
Schwenkbraten is a pork neck steak marinated in spices and onions. It is originally from the Saarland and grilled on a Schwenker, a grill that hangs on a chain over a wood fire.
Spaghettieis (spaghetti ice cream) is an ice cream dish made to resemble spaghetti. Vanilla ice cream is extruded through a modified Spätzle press to give it the appearance of spaghetti. It is placed over whipped cream and topped with strawberry sauce to simulate tomato sauce and either coconut flakes, grated almonds, or white chocolate shavings to represent Parmesan cheese.
Spätzle (little sparrow) are hand-made egg noodles, originally from Swabia. They are the main ingredient of several dishes, such as Käsespätzle (Spätzle with cheese) and Linsen mit Spätzle (lentils with Spätzle).
Streuselkuchen ("crumb cake") is made of yeast dough covered with a sweet crumb topping (Streusel). The recipe originated in German Silesia.
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rootedincuteness · 3 months
Large Pizza Disappointment, Part II
{cont'd. from this post}
Mudpie's Human: "Wait... why is this pizza here?"
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Mudpie: "Diiiiiid somebody say... pizza?"
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Mudpie's Human: "Mudpie, is this your doing?" Mudpie: "Don't be silly. Mudpie has no clue how this scrumptious mushroom and sausage pizza got here." *giggles*
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Mudpie's Human: "How on Earth did you order a pizza?! You don't even have opposable thumbs!" Mudpie: "My sources are, as always, confidential." Mudpie's Human: "Okay, but-" Mudpie: "Less talk, more open!"
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Mudpie's Human: "Oh wow... this looks delicious."
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Mudpie: "Mudpie has never seen anything so gorgeous..."
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Mudpie: "Happy Belated National Pizza Pie Day, courtesy of Mudpie." Mudpie's Human: "Well, I don't know how you did it, but... I guess we're enjoying this awesome pizza. Thanks, little buddy." Mudpie: "You're welcome. Let's eat!"
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adangerousbond · 5 months
Chaos and a Dingo CH 1
Well, never thought I would get into an NCIS again, but here we are.
I had about a million other things to do on NYE, but apparently my brain couldn't let me until I typed this out.
Not proof read or anything, so who knows what you're getting.
Just a light little 1 shot that might turn into a 2 shot, who knows, probably depend if I get the time.
Read below, at AO3 or FF.net
Somehow, a night of nearly dying, had turned into a day of hunting down a kidnapper, and to top it all off a betrayal by a supposed ally. The team was done, there was nothing left to do that couldn't wait until tomorrow, and they had nothing left to give.
"Alright, get some rest, we'll have to face the higher ups tomorrow," Mackey told them all, met only with silent nods of approval.
Collecting her phone and keys, Evie glanced around her desk to make sure that she had everything she might need, glancing up she caught her partners eye from the opposite desk, clearly about to ask a question.
"You need a ride?" she deducted quickly, offering before he could ask.
"Yeah, I came in with JD yesterday for the gala," DeShawn stated, turning his wrist enough to check his watch, "that was what, like 22 hours ago?"
"Let's not do that math," she grinned at him, the two falling into line behind Blue & Rosie also heading off.
"Can we stop at a great little Indian restaurant I've found just around the corner from mine?" he requested as they both got to her vehicle, continuing without giving her a chance to respond, "who am I kidding, it's not like you would turn down free food."
"As long as it's better than your gross pizza toppings," she scrunched her nose up at the memory, pressing the start button on the dash.
"It's so good, I found it by accident and now I think I'm basically a regular," he rambled on, creating their pick up order on his phone as he did, "you'll love it, best meal you'll have this week."
"I don't know, that Bunning's snag I had the other day will be pretty hard to beat," her quip came easy, much like always, as did her smirk at his confusion.
"Wait, what?" his brows furrowed as he stared her down trying to work out if she was messing with him or not.
"Yeah, I mean I was a bit worried for it after the whole onion debacle, but it held strong," she dead panned the information, paying more attention to the busy road ahead than the conversation.
"It's a hardware store yeah?" it would have been hard for him to have missed the signs and adds around town, but a part of her was impressed he knew that much.
"JD hasn't taken you for a snag yet? He's a die hard fan," Evie chuckled, making a mental note to tell JD to take Mackey for one.
"I'm going to google this real quick," he side eyed her, evidently finished placing their order.
"What, never heard of a sausage sizzle?" she turned to him for a second grinning.
"You see, this is the problem," DeShawn looked up from his phone even more confused than before.
"What? That our hardware store know how to do a bloody good sausage?" pulling up to a stop at a set of lights, she glanced at him once more.
"But how is it a national pastime?" his question was laced with the mixture of awe and confusion that seemed to make an appearance at a lot of Australian things he learnt about.
"Easy, it's a national store," she shrugged, turning as the light went green, "I still don't see the issue."
"The issue is that you Aussie's do such strange things, that I never know if y'all are messing with me or not," DeShawn sighed, grinning at her nonetheless.
"It's pretty simple," she started, pulling into a park in front of the store that he had directed her to, "if it sounds super bat shit, its probably real but if it only sounds a little crazy, then its probably also real, but if it's in the middle, possible not real."
"So helpful, Evie," he told her, exciting the vehicle and heading into the small Indian restaurant.
Watching him, she slunk back into the drivers seat, exhausted but wide awake, she felt like she wouldn't be able to sleep for hours. Focusing instead on the way that he greeted the staff, clearly knowing them all by name, she couldn't help but smile at the way he seemed to make friends wherever he went.
Getting caught out when he turned away to glance back out the shop window, he returned her smile and she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness that she had nearly never gotten to see him again. Turning away, she took to watching the street around them, trying to distract her brain away from the fact that she nearly died only the night prior.
Entering his kitchen, Evie watched as he placed the bag of take away on the bench before turning back to her, leaning against it. She took in his quiet demeanor and realised that it was all catching up to him as well.
"Not hungry anymore?" she asked as she approached, copying his actions on the island bench directly across from him.
"Help yourself," DeShawn shook his head at her question.
"I think I might be too wired to eat, shocker, I know," she smiled gently at him, not pressing on the fact that they hadn't really needed to even get the food.
"You all nearly died last night, Mackey, and Blue," he stared her down intently, "and, you."
"Crazy that it was only last night, hey," she bit down a quip that she had nearly instinctively responded with.
"I really thought we were going to get there too late, especially after we went to the wrong spot first," the fear was still evident on his tone, even though he knew that they had gotten there in time.
"But you didn't, you saved us all," Evie moved to stand in front of him to prove her point, she hadn't even had a chance to process the situation herself, let alone how it had effected him.
"Only just, we cut it too fine," his eyes filtering over her face as if he was trying to take her all in incase she disappeared and it killed her to know how much he would have blamed himself if it had ended badly.
Stepping closer into his personal space, she placed her hand on his chest much like she vaguely remembered doing in that chamber, his gaze focused on her as if he was trying to read her mind to get an understanding of her thinking. But, she wasn't even entirely sure she knew, one part of her was telling her to step away, the other was telling her not to have regrets.
Before he had a chance to question her, or she had a chance to over think, she kissed him, almost chastely as she went to pull back the instant that her lips touched his, had it not been for his hand already slipping in under her shirt pulling her back into him. Her other hand coming to rest on his bicep as his came to her face, stroking down her hairline as she broke away to catch her breath and her thoughts.
"Sorry, probably shouldn't have done that," she froze slightly at the implications of her actions, her mind racing to come up an exit plan.
"I was your 'kiss', wasn't I?" he joked, defusing the tension between them slightly, removing his hand from her face, but leaving the one just under her shirt on her back.
"No actually," she laughed, that game was always going to come back to bite them considering they had all lived.
That time it was DeShawn to initiate the kiss, his hand on her back pulling her toward him as his other went straight back to the side of her face, as if now he had had the taste of her, he needed more, something that she was more than willing to abide to.
"I should probably go, before we cross any lines we probably shouldn't," she tried to talk herself into it, as they broke away once more.
"I think we may have already crossed some lines," he smirked at her, brushing aside some strands of hair that had fallen across her face, a move that would be normally almost too sweet enough to make her leave, but instead she stayed put.
"I guess that we probably won't be working together after tomorrow's debrief," Evie reasoned, tilting her head slightly with a cocky grin; her mind made up.
"That's a really good point," he agreed with her, his lips moving to her neck.
Turning off the shower, she stepped out into his bathroom, drying and dressing as quickly as possible. She had yet to decide if he wasn't awake if she should wake him or not, and was glad that her decision was made for her when she entered his bedroom once again to find he watching her.
"Evie, it's 6am," his disheveled look from his bed brought a grin to her face, his groggy tone telling her that it was only her shower that had woken him.
"I know D, I'm making shit time," she grabbed her pair of runners and sat on the edge of his bed, deciding it was probably easier for her to get through whatever questions he might have for her about last night if they weren't face to face.
"Why?" he reiterated his confusion over the early get up time, especially when they weren't due back until 10:30am and it wasn't like they had gotten a well rested sleep.
"I've got to meet Mackey for run," she told him, leaving out the part that her alarm was set for the time that it took her to get there from her place and not from his.
"Surely not after the last couple days?" he asked, seemingly content with skipping over bringing up anything about the previous night.
"She didn't cancel, so I didn't," Evie shrugged, she wasn't going to be the one to cancel on the boss.
"Did you get gym clothes out of your car?" he questioned, as if he was only just awake enough to realise that she was wearing different clothes.
"Yes, thank god I had some in there," she had taken the win, extra glad that she always kept extras in her car, usually more so because she had forgotten to take them back out again then anything.
"You didn't wake me," DeShawn's words stilled her for a moment, before she realised he hadn't meant anything by it.
"I'm quiet," she stated, standing to leave, the rushed need for her to get going giving her a good out that was was very willing to take.
"Evie," he stopped her in her tracks, taking her pause as an affirmative to continue, "are we going to talk at all, or pretend nothing happened?"
"Likely the latter," she grinned at him, she knew it was the easy way out, but she also knew it was the answer he had expected from the way he smirked back, "bye D."
"You're late," Mackey told her as she approached, the older woman watching her with her hawk eyes as usual, "I wasn't sure if you had bailed on me."
"Sorry, bit harder to get up this morning you know?" Evie chose an answer that was believable and left minimal follow up.
"I get that," Mackey nodded in agreement, and for once Evie was glad that she wasn't one that was much for talking.
Entering their makeshift headquarters, Evie couldn't help but feel like it might be the last time that they were all in the same room together, especially that room. But, regardless of the consequences, she knew that they had all made the right choice and from the feeling of the room, it was a mutual feeling.
Heading towards the Mackey, Rosie and Blue at the table in the middle of the room, she quietly sat with them, a slight nod in greeting from everyone as they awaited their fate. The sound of footsteps drew the groups attention, only dropping slightly when they realised it was just the rest of the team and not the superiors coming in to potentially split them up.
"How was Jack today?" Evie asked JD as he joined the rest at the table, DeShawn following him, but she focused on her boss.
"Better, definitely going to take everyone a moment to get back to normal," JD answered her, glancing around at the quieter than usual group, "thank-you, everyone, I mean it."
"We know boss, don't stress," she told him what they were all feeling, "whatever happens."
"I have a question," DeShawn spoke up, Evie's eyes snapping to him instantly, "can y'all really have Dingo's as pets?"
"Yeah," Blue responded without thought, glancing at the other two women holding back smirks with confusion.
"What's Evie told you now?" JD asked trying to get up to speed as well.
"She sent me this photo this morning from her and Mackey's run," DeShawn showed his phone to JD, before showing the rest of the table a photo of her hugging a dog that looked strikingly like a dingo.
"Well, you can have them as pets if you really want, but, that there my friend is simply a cream Kelpie," Rosie told him, the older man shaking his head at the joke.
"It was just too easy, D," Evie smirked at him, glad that they could seem to just slip back into them and ignore everything else, even if it was likely short lived.
"Wait, you two went running and didn't invite me?" Blue questioned almost sounding hurt at being left out.
"Do you even run?" Mackey responded, trying not to sound too harsh.
"I could take it up, how far did you go?" the younger girl seemed eager to join in.
"We go a couple times a week, you can join us next time babe," Evie offered, Mackey nodding in agreement.
"How did that even start?" Rosie asked, everyone glad for the distraction.
"JD actually, he refused to come running with me so he suggested I hit up Evie, because apparently she is the only one around here that does early mornings and running," Mackey explained briefly, glancing slightly at the man in question before focusing back at the other man.
"I didn't refuse, I just prefer to surf first thing not run, Evie seemed a better fit," JD clarified, feeling the need not to be completely thrown under the bus.
"Honestly, the Evie and early mornings part was the most shocking part to me," Mackey smirked, moving on from her first victim.
"Rude much," Evie acted hurt, but grinned at the comment nonetheless, their conversation interrupted by the sounds of a group heading their way, the team suddenly quiet as they awaited their superiors who would determine their fate.
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scentedkittydetective · 3 months
today was a really good day, the only thing that was bad was waking up to Tigger licking the blinds this morning.
I had a delivery today and it had several things of tea, a brand new tea infusion mug and a new tablet. the tablet is gonna be a game changer for my mod works and even for photo editing! and best part? it was a gift from my bestest friend! so I've got two types of Thai tea, pink and blue and something that will be good for my productivity!
then I decided to play some more FFXIV and level Miner on my bnnuy girl, it was super soothing. I'm trying to get her skills higher but as she's not my main character, it's a little bit harder especially since my main doesn't have everything maxed.
I decided to visit my favorite comic book shop to check if anything new had caught my eye but instead of comics, I walked out with the nightly before Christmas mini Pop figures to go with one but that I have on my desk.
so for dinner, to celebrate National Pizza Day, we found this awesome pizza pub downtown! it was sooo goooood! and each slice was cut in half for us! like biiiig slices. and I was skeptical on the pickles but after a bite, it's so goooood! there is no red sauce and the pickles are dill, they taste kinda like those fried pickles you get at fairs. it was so good but my favorite was the sausage.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Sausage Pizza Day
Almost every person on the face of the earth has a favorite kind of  pizza! Would that kind happen to be full of the robust, well-seasoned  flavor of sausage? Sausage Pizza Day reminds us that while Pepperoni may  be considered the King of Pizzas, it’s Sausage Pizza that’s Queen.
Sausage Pizza is the second most popular pizza in the world (only  behind its good friend, Pepperoni Pizza), and with so many variations on  sausage, there’s an endless number of types that can be deeply enjoyed.  Sausage Pizza Day is the perfect opportunity to challenge the idea of  boring pizza and try multiple types of this spicy and delicious topping.  
History of Sausage Pizza Day
Of course, it’s true that almost everyone likes pepperoni, but what  most people don’t know is that sausage is nearly as popular on pizza as  its cousin pepperoni. While most places that serve sausage pizza use  classic Italian sausage, that’s a discredit to the incredible variety it  is possible to get out of this incredible meat treat.
There are as many types of sausage as can be imagined, including beef  sausage, chicken sausage, and of course the classic pork sausage. Each  of these can be made with apples, fennel, cheese, garlic, black pepper,  red pepper flakes, and a myriad of other ingredients that can change a  simple sausage into a delicious extravaganza.
Sausage on pizza is nearly as old as the pizza itself and has been a  common ingredient in this flatbread-based treat for centuries.
Since Sausage Pizza Day falls within Pizza Month, it’s a doubly good reason to celebrate!
How to Celebrate Sausage Pizza Day
Celebrating Sausage Pizza Day can be loads of fun–and truly  delicious! Get on board with all different varieties and brands of  sausage pizza and try out these ideas for celebrating:
Go Out for Sausage Pizza
This is a great day to gather family or friends and head over to a  pizza joint! Whether a deep-dish Chicago style or a thin crust New  York-style, sausage pizza covers it all. Try out one of these unique and  interesting pizza places that are known to offer some of the best pizza  in the world:
Pizzeria L’Operetta in Singapore. Authentic  Napoli pizzas are served in Southeast Asia at this delicious pizza  place. Expect some interesting varieties of toppings!
Bæst Pizza in Copenhagen. Those  searching for great pizza in Scandinavia need to look no further than  Bæst in Denmark. They cook their pizza on a wood-fired stove that was  imported from Naples!
Lamanna’s Bakery in Toronto.  This Italian bakery is known for its authenticity, and its pizza recipe  is no exception. Specializing in enormous slices of pizza, one slice  can be shared with a friend (or even two!). Or, the brave few with a  huge appetite can try it on their own. And the bakery offers delicious  desserts–for those who have any space left after they have eaten their  huge pizza slices.
Pizzeria Gino Sorbillo in Italy and Beyond.  For the best in Italian pizza, of course, one must go to Italy (or,  perhaps, Italy will bring the pizza to you). This chain of several  pizzerias, owned and operated by Gino Sorbillo himself, has locations in  Rome, Naples and Milan and other places in Italy, as well international  locations of Tokyo, New York and Miami.
Make Pizza at Home
Some of the tastiest pizza is made in humble kitchens all over the  world. The great thing about making it at home is that it can be made  exactly to the specific desires and needs of the person (or family) who  is making it! Enjoy making fresh dough or grab it from the refrigerator  section at the grocery store. Stuff the crust, if desired. Make it thick  or thin. Add various toppings (sausage required, of course). Then bake  and enjoy!
Have Sausage Pizza Delivered at Work (or at Home)
Maybe the boss will pay for it, or maybe everyone will need to pitch  in, but ordering sausage pizza for the folks at the office or the  warehouse is a great way to celebrate the day! Check out local delivery  deals that might be special specifically in honor of the day.  Downloading the apps for the local pizza places is a great way to keep  apprised of discounts and deals that are offered.
Discover Something New and Creative
Sausage Pizza Day is a great opportunity to break free of old  traditions and discover something new. Everyone has their favorite kind  of sausage, and all of them can be used to top a pizza. One interesting  favorite for a sweet sausage pizza is Apple Chicken Sausage, which lends  a sweet flavor to the dish while still providing a tangy taste.
For the people who have only experienced classic Italian Sausage on  their pizza in the past, it’s time to expand that palate. Head on down  to the local butcher or deli department and ask them what they’d suggest  using on a pizza, and turn them away from the Italian, since the point  is to get creative here.
Get Cheesy for Sausage Pizza Day
Looking for something cheesy and zesty? Some call it sacrilege, but  other people may happen to enjoy putting Cheddar Wursts on their Sausage  Pizza. Of course, this requires cutting it thin and layering cheese  around it to get the best effect (because, honestly, who doesn’t just  love cheese?), but it will taste absolutely fabulous. What other fun and  unique variation will you come up with for Sausage Pizza Day?
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murderousink23 · 2 years
10/11/2022 is General Pulaski Day 🇺🇲, National Coming Out Day 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇲, National Sausage Pizza Day 🇺🇲, International Day of the Girl Child 🇺🇳
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versatileer · 7 months
National Sausage Pizza Day! – 2023
Happy National Sausage Pizza Day! Today is National Sausage Pizza Day. . . Happy National Sausage Pizza Day ! ! !  🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 The History: Origination: Pizza has a long history, and sausage pizza is where it all started. The flatbreads with toppings were consumed by the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. The Italian version was served up with herbs and oil, similar to…
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 10.11
Black Girl Day Off
Dia Nacional de la Mujer Boliviana (Bolivian Women’s Day; Bolivia)
Feast of Real Family Values
General Pulaski Memorial Day
healthcare Security & Safety Officer Appreciation Day
International Day of the Girl Child (UN)
International Day of the Referee
It’s My Party Day
Kimberly Day
Kraken Day
Mato Grosso do Sui Day (Brazil)
Moi Day (a.k.a. Huduma Day and Utamaduni Day; Kenya)
Mother Jones Day
Myths and Legends Day
National Bookkeeper's Day
National Coming Out Day
National Fossil Day
National Kim Day
National Kimberly Day
National She Survived Herself Day
National Spread Joy Day
National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day
Revolution Day (Macedonia)
Sarandi Battle Holiday (Uruguay)
Saturday Night Live Day
Uprising Against Fascism Day (Macedonia)
Wine-Press Day (French Republic)
World Day Against Fracking
World Day of Roads
World Obesity Day
World Perimenopause Day
You Go, Girl Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Sausage Pizza Day
Southern Food Heritage Day
World Biryani Day
World Dulce de Leche Day (Argentina)
2nd Wednesday in October
Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day [2nd Wednesday]
Emergency Nurses Day [2nd Wednesday]
Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day [2nd Wednesday]
International Day For Natural Disaster Reduction (Hawaii) [2nd Wednesday]
International Top Spinning Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work & School Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Curves Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Fossil Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Pet Obesity Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Stop Bullying Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Sauerkraut Day (North Dakota) [2nd Wednesday]
Stem Cell Awareness Day [2nd Wednesday]
Stop America's Violence Everywhere (a.k.a. SAVE Today) [2nd Wednesday]
Walk & Roll to School Day [2nd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Belia (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Sirland (Declared; 1997) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agilbert (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Sauli (Christian; Saint)
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus (Roman Catholic Church; Martyrs)
Æthelburh of Barking (Christian; Saint)
Bruno the Great (Christian; Saint)
Cainnech of Aghaboe (Christian; Saint)
Canicus of Ireland (a.k.a. Kenny; Christian; Saint)
Day of Wayland the Smith (Pagan)
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
George Ault (Artology)
Gomar (Christian; Saint)
Gratus of Oloron (Christian; Saint)
Gummarus (a.k.a. Gummar or Cromer; Christian; Saint)
James the Deacon (Church of England, Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church)
John XXIII, Pope (Roman Catholic Church)
Lommán of Trim (Christian; Saint)
Maria Soledad Torres y Acosta (Christian; Saint)
Meditrinalia (Old Roman festival in honor of the new vintage)
Navaratri Dusserha (a.k.a. Dasain, Dashain, Dasara; Hindu, Nepal)
Nectarius of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia (Christian; Saints)
No Falling Down Day (Pastafarian)
Old Michaelmas Day (Celtic)
Philip the Evangelist (Christian; Saint)
Play Nice Day Day (Pastafarian)
Ramos (Positivist; Saint)
Vinalia (Roman Wine Festival)
The Wig (Muppetism)
Zenaida and Philonella (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Binary Day [1110] (6 of 9)
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [48 of 57]
The Addams Family (Animated Film; 2019)
The Backyardigans (Animated TV Series; 2004)
Bad Times at the El Royale (Film; 2018)
Bat Out of Hell, by Meatloaf (Album; 1977)
Body and Soul, recorded by Coleman Hawkins (Song; 1939)
Can’t Slow Down, by Lionel Richie (Album; 1983)
The Case of the Gilded Fly, by Edmund Crispin (Novel; 1944)
Charlie Chan in Shanghai (Film; 1935)
The Death Cure, by James Dashner (Novel; 2011) [Maze Runner #3]
Drop Dead Fred (Film; 1991)
First Man (Film; 2018)
From Russia with Love (UK Film; 1963) [James Bond #2]
52nd Street, by Billy Joel (Album; 1978)
Four Seasons of Love, by Donna Summer (Album; 1976)
The Goldfinch (Film; 2019)
Gotcha (Video Game; 1973)
Hook, Line and Stinker (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Island, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1962)
Johnny Cash with His Hot and Blue Guitar, by Johnny Cash (Album; 1957)
Killer Queen, by Queen (Song; 1973)
King Solomon's Ring, by Konrad Lorenz (Novel; 1949)
Knife of Dreams, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2005) [Wheel of Time #11]
Laura (Film; 1944)
The Long Kiss Goodnight (Film; 1996)
The Luzhin Defense, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1930)
MFKZ (Animated Film; 2018)
Mindwalk (Film; 1991)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Oklahoma (Film; 1955)
Orlando, by Virginia Woolf (Biography; 1928)
Parasite (Film; 2019)
Remo Williams (Film; 1985)
Saturday Night Live (TV Series; 1975)
Snuff, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2011) [Discworld #39]
Streetlife Serenade, by Billy Joel (Album; 1974)
30 Rock (TV Series; 2006)
To Have and Have Not (Film; 1944)
Touch, by Sarah McLachlan (Album; 1988)
The Transporter (Film; 2002)
Tuck Everlasting (Film; 2002)
Where’s Charley?, by Frank Loesser (Broadway Musical; 1948)
Without You, by Harry Nilsson (Song; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Bruno, Jakob (Austria)
Andronik, Emilijan, Filip, Gaudencije (Croatia)
Andrej (Czech Republic)
Probus (Denmark)
Aldo, Aldur, Eldur, Haldo, Haldur, Heldur (Estonia)
Ohto, Otso (Finland)
Firmin (France)
Alexander, Bruno, Georg, Manuela (Germany)
Brigitta (Hungary)
Firmino (Italy)
Maira, Monta, Silva, Tince (Latvia)
Daugvydė, Germanas, Rimdaugas, Zina, Zinaida (Lithuania)
Kennet, Kent, Kevin (Norway)
Aldona, Brunon, Burchard, Dobromiła, Emil, Emilian, Emiliusz, Germanik, Maria, Marian, Placydia (Poland)
Filip (Romania)
Valentína (Slovakia)
Begoña, Juan, Soledad (Spain)
Erling, Jarl (Sweden)
Zina, Zinaida (Ukraine)
Canice, Ken, Kendall, Kendra, Kennedy, Kenneth, Kenny, Kent, Kenton, Kim, Kimball, Kimberley, Kimberly, Kimberlyn, Kimi, Tate, Tatum (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 284 of 2024; 81 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 27 (Red-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 26 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 26 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 14 Shù; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 28 September 2023
Moon: 8%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 4 Descartes (11th Month) [Ramus]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 18 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 18 of 30)
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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