#Best Time to Post On TikTok
techlatestupdates · 1 month
TikTok marketing involves using short-form video content to promote brands and their offerings, focusing exclusively on TikTok's unique content style.
Visit https://www.techuniverses.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-tiktok-marketing/ to learn more about the TikTok Marketing & best time to post on tiktok
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michaelbedwell · 4 months
What do you think after doing this you will be able to get the result you want from TikTok? Although your content is important, it is also required that you must know the best times to post on TikTok.
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sarahboyerdigiexpert · 10 months
The Best Time to Post on TikTok in 2023
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Are you looking to get more views and followers on TikTok? If so, then you need to post at the right time!
According to a study by Influencer Marketing Hub, the best times to post on TikTok are:
Tuesday at 9 a.m.
Thursday at 12 a.m.
Friday at 5 a.m.
These times are based on when TikTok users are most active on the platform. So, if you post your videos at these times, you're more likely to reach a wider audience and get more engagement.
Of course, the best time to post on TikTok will vary depending on your specific audience and niche. So, it's a good idea to experiment and see what times work best for you.
Here are a few other tips for posting at the right time on TikTok:
Pay attention to your analytics. This will help you see when your audience is most active on TikTok.
Post during trending hashtags. This will help your videos get seen by more people.
Promote your videos on other social media platforms. This will help you reach a wider audience.
By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting more views and followers on TikTok.
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ineffablelvrs · 1 year
mike walks on the street side of sidewalks whenever he and will go somewhere btw
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iarrelm · 4 months
An early morning conversation about tea got a little out of hand
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roxy206 · 7 months
Do you think this brought up Memories™️?
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📷 Trixie | 11/02/2023
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bike-wheeler · 2 years
i could never hate him
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television-overload · 2 months
Today was such a good day that I keep being shocked at how good it was and I almost start crying
Is this what having a normally functioning brain feels like?
Apparently the cure to my anxiety and occasional melancholy is a band of old dudes playing 90s country music at the church picnic, getting to hold my friends' brand new baby girl for like 30 straight minutes while she slept, and rain. Just heavy, heavy rain and thunder
Feels like it's been ages since I've had a day as hopeful and happy as today 🥹
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xomoosexo · 7 months
anons when they realize there's a difference between dream just making a dnf joke and him "pandering"
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rosicheeks · 9 months
#ok super random rosie post#not gonna explain but I feel a lot more free to do what I wanna do now#and it’s fucking amazing#but but I’m thinking about starting a tik tok for like idk singing and cover videos#maybe art who knows#but I don’t even understand how to USE TikTok let alone how to make shit on it#(just realized the first time I used TikTok it was ‘tick tock’ and I find that super funny#but also shows that I’m really really not on it at alllllll)#I only use tumblr#for years now I guess?#I still have a fb but it just makes me sad going on there lol#never been into twitter or x or whatever the fuck and instagram never really stuck for me#so here I am#but I’ve been really wanting to make music videos and I feel like that might be the best way#fun rosie fact of the day#I used to really want to do covers and music on YouTube#like back in middle school#I even did a few videos and I’m terrified to look to see if they are still up#but most likely they are 😂😂😂#lil rosie at like idk how old are middle schoolers? 10?????#anyway getting super distracted#but I’ve been singing my musical theater songs and oooooofda I love it so so much#kinda wanna try and do like a duet with myself#like if I’m doing wicked#I’ll do half my face like elphaba and the other like Glinda#orrrrrr I’ll figure out how to edit videos and do different ones and idk the right word right now connect them hahahaha#yes I might be a littttttle high#but I’m doing goooooooood also running out of space so the main reason for this super long tag post if anyone cares or sees#if you know or use TikTok and wanna help an oldie (even tho I’m 25 I feel like I’m so old 😂😂)#shut up rosie
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yotd2009 · 9 months
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#band teacher asks my class abt our musical backgrounds > i'm the only one there who Doesn't Have One > he's confused why i signed up for the#class > i have to awkwardly explain that i want to be a vocaloid composer and they no longer offer music theory > tell my dad abt how i had#to awkwardly describe what vocaloid is to my teacher > realize my dad has a v flawed idea abt what vocaloid is despite the many. many years#i've been enamored w it > try making him listen to vocaloid songs to fix his perception > have vocaloid songs in my youtube recs afterwards#> tailor shop of enbizaka shows up in said recs > make a bitchy tumblr post abt disliking the evillious novels on principle > feel bad for#not knowing evillious well enough to properly hate on it > evillious autism hits > go on evillious tiktok bc i'm curious > someone is#showing off the riliane dollfie dream > god i wish that were me dot jpeg > another person is cosplaying riliane > god i wish that were me#dot jpeg the sequel > think abt how badly i want that riliane dollfie + want to cosplay her constantly > there are only so many thoughts ab#riliane dollfie + cosplay one can have before they start branching out to other characters > 'the miku dollfie would make a killer prop for#a gallerian cosplay' > 'oh my god i have to get the miku dollfie and cosplay gallerian' > look into the different available dollfies >#check how much they cost secondhand > start trying to figure out how many dollfies i can budget for in a year > it's been hours#> i NEED a dollfie so much it's unreal > not even specifically the miku dollfie bc she's insanely expensive 2nd hand and i want to wait for#the inevitable rerelease > type moon & haruhi suzumiya dollfies tend to go for ~500usd > i NEED a dollfie so bad it's unreal#a few months and one of them will be mine. 'which one?' the one that i can get the best deal on when the time comes#romeo.txt
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Best Times to Post on TikTok in 2022: Maximize Your Reach
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The Best Times to Post on TikTok in 2022 in one easy-to-read guide that can help you expand your reach on the popular TikTok platform. Click for details!
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94erz · 1 month
I dunno what's more fucked up, people who are solos who hate other members of the group, or in Hueningkai's case people who genuinely hate his sisters. Like his literal biological sisters...
I see Kai solos who hate more on his sisters than I see of them hating on any of the other TXT members and it's so fucking bizarre. Kai so clearly has an amazing relationship with his family, he obviously adores his sisters and his parents, he literally only ever cries when it comes to his connection and love he has toward his family. So I can't even imagine claiming to be a fan of his, especially a solo, and then genuinely hate them, accuse them of using him, living off his fame, and doing anything with him simply for clout...it's psychotic.
But it's not new, like there's a reason all of BTS' siblings have had to distance themselves online when it comes to their siblings as well, the same fucked up accusations of only being close to their siblings for clout, thinking that any time they ever posted being with their sibling (BTS members) was for attention, people saying their siblings only use them to get ahead in whatever business or job they do, from Hoseok's sister and her brand, to Jin's brother and his restaurant, etc. etc.
How fucking depressing is that shit? I can't even fathom how hard that is. The thought that if you got famous suddenly ANYTHING you do with your sibling can lead to hundreds or thousands of complete strangers painting them as a bad person and wanting to drive a wedge between your relationship because they hate them and think you shouldn't even interact with them ever would be horrific, devastating honestly. My heart always hurts to think they absolutely see that shit too, like that's just a reality they have to accept with fame, that fans WILL hate on people they love and there's pretty much nothing they can do about it.
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me after watching every new eddie heavy episode: i’m not okay i am not physically okay
me after reframing it all through the lens of aroacespec eddie: okay im okay everything is all good no issues here
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bitchfitch · 11 months
If Tago and Whiskey existed in modern times, Whiskey would absolutely convince Tago that the rabies flag was the supportive straight partner pride flag and get him a shirt with it before they went to some pride event. He likes to feel included when he follows them around, and they like to cause minor problems on purpose.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
many thoughts today and i promise this is not a vague about anything recent at all its literally just me thinking about things today but hot take: things that make you personally uncomfortable or are a personal boundary or trigger for you are not the same as something that is inherently immoral or harmful or shouldn’t be spoken about. sometimes these things overlap. sometimes they don’t. if something being spoken about or the way it’s spoken about makes you uncomfortable, that doesn’t automatically mean that it’s inherently harmful to speak about those things, or speak about those things in that way. sometimes it does! again, sometimes that overlap is there, but not always, and often, it isn’t there.
for example: not all discussion of disordered eating that isn't  “doom and gloom this is a completely serious topic that must be approached in a serious way at all times,” is inherently harmful, nor is it inherently romanticization. for me, getting away from that doom and gloom inherently serious approach was integral for me to be able to overcome it. i’m not saying that these topics should never be approached in that serious way, but rather, that it shouldn’t be forced to solely be approached in that way. and there is a huge difference between approaching something in a more lighthearted way versus active romanticization (hell imo  the solely doom and gloom approach feeds genuine romanticization and fuels the disordered mindset more than anything else ever could but thats a topic for another post).
im gonna make a full huge post abt this topic specifically AND the ways in which mental health discussions in general are often stigmatized and framed as inherently, wholly immoral/inherently harmful/inherently romanticization due to PERSONAL discomfort but these are just some thoughts for rn. 
if everywhere you go smells like dog shit, check under your own shoe. if every post about disordered eating or mental health issues or suicidality that you encounter/makes you uncomfortable comes across as romanticization to you, then maybe you’re the one romanticizing it. maybe you’re not as past your issues as you think you are. or maybe you just don’t understand what romanticization is and thats fine!! and maybe it is romanticization sometimes and you’re right!! but if it’s every single time something doesn’t align with you/makes you uncomfortable? avoid what you need to avoid! but don’t project those things onto other people and try to dictate their behaviour/the way that they discuss topics unless actual harm can be demonstrated, and even then, if something is harming your mindset personally or triggering you personally, that’s still on YOU to avoid and address and deal with, and is different from tangible harm as a whole. you needing to avoid something is not the same as that thing needing to stop existing. the call is coming from inside the house, quit accusing other people of calling you. 
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