#Best printer for printing business cards
alwaqasprinting · 1 year
Business Cards Printing in Dubai | Double Sided Design
Make a premium quality business cards for your business from Al Waqas  Printing. You can get high quality, multiple templates, and designs from here in just a few minutes. Then what is the delay, call us today itself. For more details visit us: https://www.alwaqasprinting.com/business-cards-printing-dubai
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
Case of the Ex: Part I
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Summary: Just as you decide to explore your feelings for Ari, an unexpected blast from your past sends you reeling...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Ex-boyfriends, Discussions of Weight, Discussions of Body Image, Mentions of Disordered Eating, Brief Discussions of Race, Pet Names, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Special thanks to @curls-and-eyeliner for helping me brainstorm. This story is part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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“So do you trust me now, Mr. Carmichael?” You tease as you carefully place several books into your customer’s reusable shopping bag while you wait on the receipt to print. “Because the way I see it, I haven’t steered you wrong yet.”
“Here we go.” The older man grumbles, playfulling rolling his eyes as you punch in the last few numbers to complete the transaction. 
“My recommendation track record speaks for itself.” You can’t help but laugh at the look he gives you. As if you two didn’t have the same conversation at least once a month. “I just want you to give me my props.”
“Arrogance isn’t a good look on you, young lady.” 
“Who said anything about arrogance?” Your eyes go comically wide as you lean into the theatrics by pretending to look around your shop. “Certainly not me. I’m just a small business owner, standing in front of the best retired florist in all of Bell’s Creek, humbly requesting that he finally give me my flippin’ flowers.”  
Mr. Carmichael heaves a weary sigh. “Fine, fine. You were right.” He steps back from the counter to give a dramatic bow. “Jean Hanff Korelitz’s Jacob Bonner was strong enough to rival Stephen King’s own Mort Rainey and Thad Beaumont. Your literary tastes reign superior once again.” 
“And there it is.” You rip the receipt from the printer and drop it into the bag before handing it over so that you can rest your elbows on the counter. “Now was that really that bad? It’s not like I asked for one of your Sapphire Sweetheart bouquets, after all.” 
“That entire moment was so positively excruciating I almost didn’t live through it.” He keeps his tone light as he slings the bag over his shoulder. “Anyway, same time next month?”
“Can’t wait.” You respond with a wink and a wave. “Wouldn’t miss it. And please give Millie my love.”
“Will do!” He calls behind him as he heads out the door.
Once he’s gone you decide to stand up and stretch, raising your arms over your head. You’re not satisfied until you hear the sound of your spine popping. And then you up the ante, twisting your body from side to side before bending down and touching your toes.
You hold the position for a moment, content to let yourself dangle until you hear the chime of the front door, signaling the arrival of another customer. Which was great news for you, especially since business had been kind of slow this morning. 
“Welcome to Baubles & Quills!” You chirp as you quickly right yourself. “How can I he–” The words die on your lips when you get a good look at the person standing just inside the doorway.
“Hiya, Cupcake.” 
It’s a nickname you haven’t heard in years. And it had only ever been used by one man. The same one who had broken your heart and left a wound so deep you’d been almost convinced that it would never heal. 
And yet there he was. Standing right there in your shop. Somehow even more handsome than you remembered.
Mason J. Prescott.
The seconds tick by, turning into minutes as a loaded silence washes over you both. Whatever you’d been expecting, it hadn’t been this. A visit from your ex-boyfriend had not been on today’s bingo card.
Grinning, Mason closes the gap between you. His long, denim clad legs covering the distance in a few easy strides. Once he’s in front of you he removes his Stetson pinchfront and sits it on the counter before taking the opportunity to run his fingers through his thick black locks. 
“Damn if you ain’t a sight for sore eyes.” Still grinning, his gray eyes give you a thorough onceover. It’s a blatant, slow moving perusal that lets you know he likes what he sees. “I swear they don’t make girls as pretty as you out in Brickfield. Must be something in the water.”
“Uh…hi.” You stammer as shock continues to course its way through you.
“You lookin’ to catch some flies there, Cupcake?”
Shit. That meant you were staring. Probably with your mouth open. It was an old bad habit that, up until today, you could’ve sworn you had licked. 
“Sorry.” You cough, forcing your brain to reboot.
“No need to be sorry.” While Mason’s easygoing charm used to calm your nerves, today it seemed to be doing the opposite. 
“What brings you..?” You trail off to take a steadying breath. “I didn’t realize you were back in town.” 
What the hell was he doing here? 
“I just flew in last night. Caught a red-eye home from Buffalo, New York..” He decides to explain further after you flash him a quizzical glance. “Dad had me working on a business deal up there. It was a quick trip with an even quicker turnaround.” 
Oh. “Got it.” 
“Yeah.” He chuckles, scrubbing a hand over his five-o’clock shadow. “My, uh, plan had been to fly back out to Brickfield first and then make the drive. But after speaking with my Mama no less than six nerve-racking times in the span of an hour, I figured I’d be better off coming straight here. And I’ll be damned if it doesn’t feel good to be back.” He raps his knuckles on the wood.  
“I’m sure they’re all very happy you’re home.” You weren’t really sure what else to say to that, so you kept it simple. Although it still didn’t explain his reason for showing up at what was arguably the equivalent of your doorstep.  
“Maybe. Some more than others, I suppose.” His voice drops an octave as he pins you with a knowing look. “Any chance you might be one of those people?”
Your teeth begin to gnaw at your bottom lip as your palms go damp with sweat. Why on earth would he care or not about whether you were happy to see him or not? Especially since you hadn’t spoken in–
“I’ve thought of you damn near every day over the last five years.” 
“Mace…” His former nickname comes on the heels of a weary sigh. 
“I’m serious, sweets.”
“Didn’t say you weren’t.” 
You did not want to do this today. It wasn’t fair or right of him to think he could just pick up and waltz back into your life as if he expected your feelings for him to be the same. 
Things had changed since then. You had changed. Everything was different now, starting and ending with you.
“I’ve been thinking…” Now it’s his turn to sigh as he squares his shoulders. “Maybe we made a mistake.”
“Ha!” You let out an unladylike snort, your hand flying to your mouth in an attempt to catch it. “I don’t believe for a second that I’m the reason your Mama pressed you to hussle your ass back to our quaint little town.”
“I came back because I needed to deal with a family matter. But I was thinking about staying because the one that got away also happens to own a shop that’s just down the road from my parent’s ranch.” His sobering admission is enough to send you reeling all over again.     
Mason then places his hand atop yours, allowing the slightly roughened pad of his thumb to stroke along the ridge of your knuckles.
“I’m afraid I don’t take your meaning.” You give him your best haughty southern belle impression. “But if you’d like, I can point you in the direction of our Self-Help books. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of helpful literature on learning from your past mistakes. Might I recommend John Purkiss’ bestseller, The Power of Letting Go? I hear it’s a real page turner.”
Your newfound snippiness has your ex-boyfriend rocking back on his heels. He even appears a little stunned. Good. 
You weren’t the same meek young woman he’d left behind all those years ago. Something that Mason James Prescott would do well to remember.
“Sheesh, Cupcake.” Your former flame presses a hand over his heart, feigning as if you’d wounded him. “You might’ve shed a few extra pounds when I wasn’t looking, but I see you've also gained a little sass too.”
You fold your arms over your chest as you take a moment to process what feels very much like a backhanded compliment. God’s gift to Bell’s Creek didn’t know it yet, but you were getting dangerously close to kicking his pert ass out of your shop.   
As if sensing that he’s made an error, he quickly clears his throat. “All I’m saying is that I recognize that I’m dealing with a new and improved you.” He moves to reach for you again before apparently thinking better of it. 
“But forgive me if I have a hard time thinking of you as anything but the doe-eyed freshman who wrote poetry behind the bleachers. That is, when she wasn’t busy taking home top prize at the state fair’s pie baking contest year after year.” Mason offers you his own award winning smile for good measure, highlighting the dimple on his left cheek. 
Suddenly, the room feels a little too hot for your comfort. You didn’t like feeling this unsettled. These days the only man who was allowed to get under your skin was your handsome, overbearing bounty hunter. 
It was a right that he’d earned, whether you liked it or not. And there were honestly times when you damn well didn’t. But you’d also be lying if you said that you weren’t learning to live with it.     
“I could sure go for a slice of your famous brambleberry pie right about now.” Mason keeps his deep voice low and even as he takes a tentative step around the side of your cash register, which is the only thing currently separating the two of you. “But I’d be willing to settle for some cherry pie and a scoop of homemade vanilla bean ice cream over at Holtman’s Diner on West 5th if you’d be open to join me.”
“So I can watch you stuff your face with pie while I nibble on a depressing fruit salad from a can like a sad little rabbit?” You scoff. “Pass.” 
Mason huffs out an annoyed breath, his brows drawing together. “You were the one who always complained about shit going to your hips. Meanwhile, I was just doing my part to be supportive. Isn’t that what any good man is supposed to do for his woman?” 
Apparently you weren’t the only one experiencing a few ruffled feathers here. Fantastic.
“I’m not sure it’s allowed to fall under the category of being supportive –” you respond, complete with appropriate air quotes “– if you’re also the one constantly pointing it out.” 
“We were kids, baby!” His hands fly to his waist so that he’s now standing akimbo. “Just a couple of stupid kids worried about stupid shit like football practice and prom pictures. I felt like I was walking around with the world on my shoulders back then. It wasn’t as easy for me as everybody liked to think.” He shifts his weight, resting his hip against the cashwrap. “Nobody understood the pressures of growing up as a Prescott. Nobody even tried…” 
‘Oh yeah?’ Your internal voice all but screams. ‘Try being one of only five black kids in your entire goddamned graduating class. But do you see me crying? Nope.’ 
At any rate, you didn’t sign up for this month’s Prescott Pity Party. So you were about to politely request that he miss you with that bullshit.
“I’m sorry you felt like you had to carry so much alone, Mace. I really am.” You look down at your feet as you try to drum up a way to usher him out the door without touching him. But the next thing you know, he’s suddenly standing directly in front of you. 
“Except for you.” He reaches out to clutch at your biceps, his big hands smoothing up and down your bare arms. “You saw past the spoiled little rich kid act when no one else did. And I didn’t appreciate you like I should have.” 
Your heart speeds up as you take notice of the way his eyes darken. He’s so close that you can see the light smattering of freckles dotting the bridge of his slightly crooked nose. If memory served, he’d broken it during a heated football game.
One where he claimed an opposing player made several crude comments about your body and choice of skirt. At the time you’d considered him a hero. But now…
Now you saw him for what he was. Another run-of-the-mill Prescott pretty boy. All style and no substance. That was the crux of it.  
“Why are you doing this?” Your question comes out weaker than you’d like, but at least it doesn’t waver.
“Because I want you to have dinner with me tonight. For old times’ sake.” His determined gaze bores into your own as all of the oxygen slowly dissipates from the room. “Please, Cupcake?”
Just then, you hear the chiming of the door, signaling the arrival of yet another customer. Spell broken, you take a fortifying step back – needing to put some distance between you and the town’s golden boy.
“Am I interrupting something?” The sound of a familiar voice has your already volatile emotions spiraling in the complete opposite direction as a sense of relief blooms in your chest. 
Saved by the damn bell. Thank the Lord.
“Yeah.” Mason snaps at the same time you throw out a swift “nope”. 
Of course your gruff bounty hunter would defer to you on this one – for which you were grateful. You turn your attention to him, not missing the tick in his chiseled jaw. 
Now that you saw them together, Ari appeared to have a good inch in height on your former lover. Aside from that, their builds were pretty similar. Instead it was the glaring difference in their personalities that managed to separate one from the other. 
“It’s fine, Ari.”
“Bird?” Mason’s lip curls in an almost sneer as his hands drop to his sides. “Is that what you go by now? It’s…cute.” He tacks on the last part when you respond with a simple shrug. 
If you were being honest, you didn’t much care how he felt or not. You just wanted him gone so that you could actually breathe again.
“Ari, huh?” He turns to give your man his full attention as realization finally dawns. “You must be that rent-a-cop my father was telling me about. Said you blew into town looking for Martin Westbrook’s sorry ass.” 
“Not quite, pal. But you’re almost there.” Ari spares a bored glance in the direction of his would-be rival. But he doesn’t say anything. You knew without him telling you that he was busy assessing the situation. It was something he had a habit of doing anywhere he went.
Especially when found himself face-to-face with a dick like Mason Prescott.
“Well, you won’t find him here, buddy.” Your ex gives him a dismissive nod. “So why don’t you see yourself out? The lady and I were just in the middle of catching up before you took it upon yourself to interrupt.” 
An uncomfortable silence ensues as both men stare each other down, each refusing to blink. The tension grows thicker with each passing moment. And it remains that way until you move to step between them. 
“Mace is an old friend who stopped by for a chat.” You tell Ari, jamming your nervous hands in your pockets. “But we were just wrapping up so I could get back to doing inventory.”
It was a lie. And you recognized that Ari was someone who deserved a better, more in-depth explanation than the basic one that you just gave him. But for now it would simply have to do. At least until you got your bearings.          
“But what about that pie?” Mason pouts, obviously upset by the prospect of you kicking him out. “Don’t leave me to eat alone, Cupcake.”
“Cupcake? Wow.” Ari scoffs under his breath, not bothering to his disapproval.
“Old friend, old nickname.” You hiss, somehow feeling even more self-conscious than you already did. “Now that we’ve established all that, I think it’s best if you two peaches get a move-on. I’ve got a busy day ahead of me.”
Needing some space, you attempt to shoo them out the door. But unfortunately, you might as well have better luck trying to herd a couple of cats. Lucky you.
“What about lunch?” Your man growls. Apparently he didn’t take too kindly to being thrown out either.
“Too busy. Gotta cancel. Sorry you came out all this way, but these books aren’t gonna stock themselves so…” You throw your arms in the air. “It is what it is.” 
Instead of accepting his dismissal, Ari takes a step towards you. He doesn’t stop until he’s in front of you, his body eclipsing your smaller frame and  effectively blocking you from Mason’s view.
“Did you eat today, baby?” He asks as one big hand comes up to cup the back of your neck, giving you an affectionate squeeze. Some of the stiffness in his shoulders eases when you give him a little nod. “Good. What’d you have?”
“A piece of toast and a hard boiled egg.” 
“Alright.” Warmth pools in your belly when your sweet bounty hunter hands over a plastic bag filled with what feels suspiciously like a sandwich and chips. “It’s a grilled chicken caesar wrap. Best they had since you said you don’t like that chipotle spread. Also got you some sea salt and vinegar chips, some cuke and onion salad, and a cookie.”
Christ. This man was simply too good for you. Moments like these only served to remind you that you truly didn’t deserve him.
“Thank you.” You murmur once you finally manage to swallow the lump forming in your throat. 
“I’m gonna need you to eat every last bite for me.” He tells you, his intoxicating blue eyes dropping to your lips. “So that I can fully enjoy taking a bite out of you later.” Thankfully, he's thoughtful enough to whisper the last bit. Making it clear that it was for your ears only.
“Okay, Ari.” 
Nodding, he shifts his attention back to an increasingly annoyed Mason. But while there’s no way he could’ve missed the moment you shared with Ari just now, he chooses to stew in silence. Which is absolutely fine by you. 
“Call me when you lock up.” You know that Ari’s words are meant for you even though his focus remains entirely on the other man taking up space in your tiny lobby. 
“I’ll see you around, Cupcake.” Mason smiles, but this time you notice that it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I can’t wait to find out if you’re still as sweet as I remember.” He finishes with a knowing wink.
With that, he turns and strides out of the shop, not even bothering to hold the door for Ari. But your man doesn’t seem to mind. Instead he makes a show of shouldering through it with minimal effort. 
As soon as it swings shut you hit the lock and flip the sign. And then you duck in the corner, watching as the two men exchange what you can only assume to be a few choice words right there in your parking lot. 
And while you can’t make out what they’re saying, you’re convinced that it’s anything but friendly – what with them being practically nose to nose. 
You stay in your spot until Ari and Mason finish their conversation. And it’s only once they’ve climbed in their respective cars and driven away that you finally slink off to the back room to lick your wounds and figure out your next move. 
Fuck! You had the sinking feeling that things were about to get complicated fast. Opening the fridge, you toss your lunch inside before slamming it shut so that you can snag a homemade strawberry and cream popsicle from the freezer. 
As you sit down, you feel your phone buzz in your back pocket. You fish it out, surprised to see that you’ve got a text from Ari that reads:
“Mace seems like a real stand-up guy.”
“No shit, Beast.” Rolling your eyes, you place the device facedown on a nearby table before nibbling on your sweet and creamy treat. “Tell me something I don’t know.” 
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realdirtfacts · 11 months
Selling your merch and shipping from home with Fourthwall
I've been selling @shiftythrifting Junk Boxes - our curated secondhand mystery boxes - since 2017 using different platforms with different levels of success. I moved to Fourthwall in 2022 and my teeny tiny business has only grown since then! FW is free to use and you get ALL the money from your home sales save for the credit card processing fees. I don't miss the fee structure from our previous hosts, so I thought I'd write up a little guide on how easy it is to get started.
Things you need to start shipping from home:
A scale, and it doesn't need to be an expensive or large one! Even a kitchen scale works for small stuff.
Packaging and packing materials for the product(s) you're selling.
Access to a post office and/or a printer.
Funds set aside for postage. You'll get this money back with your Fourthwall payout when the month rolls over.
(Optional but handy) A ShipStation account.
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Make yourself a store if you haven't already. You can sell print on demand, digital stuff, and your own inventory in one place but today we're talking about selling from home, so add a product and pick the middle option.
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You can customize everything about your product on this page, from adding size and color variations, the materials used to make it, size charts, inventory, and more. Get an accurate weight of what you're selling in its packaging and add that here. Hit save and you have your first listing. Gonna be selling a variety of products? You can duplicate the listing with the meatball menu! Change the name, photos, and anything else that needs changing and have your second listing up in a couple minutes.
Didi protip: I like to put people's reviews right in the listing. Lots of photos help sell your product, but there's nothing like a positive review from fans!
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Fourthwall's Collections feature lets me put my Junk Boxes in their own little section where I can set them to hidden or mark them sold out if I get sick or am on vacation. This lets me easily turn the self-fulfilled part of my store off while folks can still purchase print on demand and digital stuff and sign up for memberships.
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Didi protip: If you are in the US, the US postal service will pick up your outgoing packages free of charge on any regular mail day. Just set up a pickup on USPS.com!
When you've made your first sale, you can either make the label yourself or connect directly to ShipStation through Fourthwall's app integration. That's brand new and I love it so far. My labels pop up in ShipStation about 24 hours after a purchase, giving people a little window of time to adjust their order or make changes before I ship it.
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At that point, all that's left is handing it off to the postal carrier of your choice! Boom, you're done!
A final note from me, I moved ShopShifty to Fourthwall so I could have one address for ALL my merch instead of splitting it between Patreon, a print-on-demand store, and the Junk Box store. It's proven to be the best choice I've made in years and has saved me a ton of money in marketplace fees, Paypal's cut, and web hosting charges. This has genuinely been the easiest way to sell my merch!
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ghostly-wisp · 2 years
[series masterlist] [chapter 2] [chapter 3]
in which, the newly divorced teacher across the hall from you is more charming than you expected.
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“Hey, have you introduced yourself to the new guy?” Asks your co-worker, and best friend, Sam. The two of you sharing lunch in solidarity of your classroom. Most of the time, the lunch wave was spent between the two of you talking about crazy things students said or airing out problems either of you had with other co-workers. Today, it seemed like it was going to be about the new science teacher that everyone and their mom was obsessed with. 
Mr. Pascal transferred to your school just this year, replacing the old science teacher that retired the previous year. From what you understood from students, along with some teacher, he was an absolute heart throb. You were lucky enough to have your classroom across from his, so you’ve seen him a few times — but you never got a chance to actually speak to him yet. “No,” you reply. “I’ve been meaning to, though. Is he nice?” 
Sam nods, taking a bite of their salad while leaning back in the uncomfortable spinny-chair. “I thought so. We talked briefly, I asked him how long hes been teaching and why he moved here n’ such.” they hum, “I think I made him uncomfortable.”
“How would you have done that?” Sam for the most part, in front of other adults – lacks a certain filter, though you would still have expected longer before Sam would say something to make the new guy uncomfortable. “When I asked about why he moved here, he told me it was his recent divorce.. I think she cheated on him or something, he wasn’t excited to talk about it.” 
“Most people wouldn’t be,”
“Hey! In my defense, I thought he was just going to say the pay was higher or something! Not my wife left me!” after a moment of silence, Sam continues. “How haven’t you introduced yourself yet? He’s right across the hall from you.” To which you shrug, “I just haven’t had the time yet. Things are so busy, the year just started.” 
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For the rest of the day, Sam’s words stick with you. Hes right across the hall, and you haven’t had the decency to even say hello to him. Though, you wonder if he was really bothered by it, maybe he would introduce himself to you by now.
The last five minutes before the bell rings is normally an unproductive time, students are packed up and standing by the door, so you never actually continue “bell-to-bell” teaching philosophy, it just doesn’t work out, and if you’re being fair, you’re far too tired at the end of the day too. “Miss,” one of your students says, breaking out of your concentration to the computer screen, you turn to see what the student might want, to your surprise, they only point to the teacher in your doorframe, Mr. Pascal. 
“Sorry to bother you,” He says, his voice is deeper than you imagined it to be. Catching you by surprise just a little bit, “I need to print some things, and I can’t quite get the grasp on how to work the one down the hall. Can you help me out?” 
The printer was a tricky thing, theres a card swipe, password, authorization and then how many you want printed. To anyone who doesn’t quite know how to work it – you had a difficult time when you first started. 
“Yeah, its a major pain in the–” you cut yourself off, realizing that you’re still in the presence of teenagers, and while “ass” is not really a “bad word” and they most definitely say worse things, you still have to watch your mouth. You stand and make your way out of the classroom, making sure you had your lanyard. “Have you sent the papers to the printer?” you ask, to which he nods. “It’s just not showing on the little screen thing.” 
The printer isn’t that far of a walk, but it feels like it was one hundred miles. Especially since the silence between you two. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” you say after the tension proved to be too much for you, “I’ve heard a lot about you.” The printer seems like its getting further away rather than closer. Though he chuckles at your comment, “Good things, I hope.” 
“You can say that.” 
Another chuckle, followed by “My name is Pedro, it’s very nice to meet you, officially.” 
You smile softly to him, as you get to the printer, finally. 
“Okay– swipe your card here, and then put in the code they gave you–the one on the back of your ID card.” He does as you say, and much to his relief, he finally saw the access granted. “The printers here are tricky, take a while to learn.” you laugh, watching him put in the number he needed, and listened to the printer whirl as it started to work. 
“At my old school, they just let us have printers in our room—I was very upset to learn that thats not allowed here. Unless you’re an art teacher.” 
“They don’t allow a lot of things, some teachers do it anyway. I keep a mini fridge hidden under my desk.” you laugh, “Sometimes, we’re no better than the students.” 
He hums, “I guess so. Though, it would be very hard for me to hide a printer under my desk.” to this, you nod. “I guess it would be.”
Hes a lot more attractive up close than when you’re standing across the hall from him, the grays in his beard compliment him nicely, which isn’t something that happens for most people very often. You also like his sense of style, the black button up paired with the dark blue tie, the dark dress pants with the slim belt he wore—you can’t deny that men who know how to dress themselves seem to be more attractive than most. You can see what everyone was saying, he was a heart throb. You can’t help but wonder, what kind of person would cheat on that. “Thank you so much,” he says, turning over to you. Its only now that you notice his tie is decorated with little planets and constellations. How appropriate for a science teacher. 
“Its no problem, let me know if you have any other problems, always happy to help.” 
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
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“So,” Sam says, their voice is sing-songy, like they’re trying to hide something they’re clearly excited about. “I heard that you and Mr. Pascal have been spending a lot of time together between classes, you’re not trying to replace me, are you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you laugh, grabbing a water from your mini fridge. “He’s new, he’s just needed help with a few things and I’m right across the hall.”
“Thats not what Jenny said!” Their tone is still playful, though they’re pointing their finger to you, accusatory. “Jenny doesn’t know me,” you respond. “She said we were dating when I first started here!” 
“Fair point.” Sam shifts in their chair, “So you haven’t been hanging out with him?”
“Well, not between classes, but I occasionally go into his classroom to help him with websites and such.” your smile is tight, you didn’t realize just how often you two had been sharing time in his classroom the past few weeks. “He’s really sweet, you know. I get why the students like him.”
“They like him because hes good looking.” Sam replies, you raise your hands, “I said what I said.”
Sam lets out a laugh, “So you’ve fallen into the ongoing list of people captivated by this man?” they ask, as if they weren’t pretty high on the list themselves. “Not that I’m one to talk.”
You shrug, “I dunno if I’d say I’m captivated. But I can admit hes very good looking,” if anyone was a winner of the genetic lottery – it was Florence Pugh and Mr. Pascal. “This is highly inappropriate talk for work,”  
Pedro was newly divorced, surely, the last thing on his mind would be the younger english teacher across the hall from him, right? Thats what you stuck to telling yourself. Every time you hovered over his chair while pointing out how to work the teacher-portal to the grading site or how you thought he was looking at you in the break room during quick conversations, even if he was looking for a relationship – there were plenty of single teachers closer to his age he would be more interested in. Like Jenny, who seemed to ruin your small moments in his room. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N. Seriously, I would be lost without you.” Pedro huffs, looking up to you, your triumphant smile evident, after many explanations and pointing, you finally taught him how to set up his smartboard screen to be different than his computer screen. “You flatter me, Pedro.” you tease. Going to take a seat back in the chair you had pulled up earlier. He smiles his normal soft, heart-warming smile – “So uh, I’ve been thinking –” 
“Ms. L/N!” Jens voice comes in, she sounds happy to see you, but anyone knew that was forced. As much as teachers are forced to come across as one big happy tight-knit family in front of students and parents, if you throw in 100 something people together, not everyone is going to get along. This just happens to be the case for you and Jen, or Jenny — luckily for you, she teaches art downstairs. So you rarely have to interact, but shes been spending a lot more time upstairs as of late. Unfortunate for you. “It’s so funny that I caught you here, I was just looking for you in your room. One of my students was talking about some assignment you posted, they got confused about it n’ I told them to talk to you, I had to talk to Mr. Pascal, so I walked with them up here, figured when you weren’t in your room this is where you’d be.” 
“Thanks, Jen.” you reply, slowly standing up, your attention turns back to Pedro, who seems upset that you’re leaving before he could finish what he had to say. “Hold that thought for me, okay?” he only nods in response, watching you walk out the door. It's too bad, too, he should really learn to close his classroom door whenever you come by, perhaps this way there would be less distraction, and less of Jenny.
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corellianhounds · 5 months
Top 5 characters (any media: books, TV shows, movies, anything)
SO I’m chronically unable to pick favorites of anything unless I narrow down the category but I did my best 😭
These are based on an array of characters from different mediums that I can talk about at length who—
I enjoy as a character
Are well written in a well-written story
Influenced me as a writer/artist
Occupy a lot of brain space 😆
In order from when I experienced them (below the cut because it got ridiculously long):
1. Calvin and Hobbes. Package deal. Calvin and Hobbes cartoons were how I got into reading as a kid and were a formative part of my childhood and influenced me as a storyteller in how I write, read, and draw.
2. Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride, both book and movie. What I love about Inigo as a person IS his drive for revenge and desire for justice for his father’s murder, and what I love about his character within both the book and the movie is that his story is a subplot— We don’t know if Inigo will survive the story, much less achieve his goal. The audience knows it’s a fairytale; we know Westley and Buttercup will survive and live happily ever after. Inigo Montoya does not have that guarantee.
Additionally, I love a satisfying revenge narrative. Inigo gets exactly what he wants and there’s never this wishy-washy “oh if I kill him than I’m no better than he is” nonsense that drives me INSANE when I see it in other media
3. Nightcrawler from X-Men. The X-Men movies got me into superheroes and then at about 12 I started getting into comics, but since I didn’t have access to a whole lot of them, what I would do was scour Wikipedia taking notes and reading about all of the characters and storylines I thought were interesting 😆 I was obsessed with X-Men and that was my first foray into the idea of fandom, collecting art and printing it out to put in a binder with fanfic on notebook paper and sketches on printer paper lolol. I liked Nightcrawler because depending on the story he was either a tragic character, a comedic character, or both. He’s got a fantastic design and I loved the swashbuckling rogue archetype already, as well as the circus background and acrobatic fighting style. Definitely influential. Did I have a crush on his character? Mind your own business
4. Loki from the phase 1 MCU. I did a lot of reading/writing because of his character based on the first Thor and Avengers movies. I thought he was incredibly compelling, and there’s one fanfic author whose work I really admired and are etched into my brain.
5. Din Djarin from The Mandalorian. By episode 1 you already have a good sense of who this guy is, despite the fact he is shrouded in mystery, and I LOVE characters like that. Characters whose past aren’t fully explained are great because that tension and mystery keeps audiences wondering and coming back to them, AND it gives writers the freedom to explore and add in what’s needed as the story goes along without being constrained by a past that’s already been clearly defined.
Additionally, episode 3 has one of the best narratives arcs of anything in Star Wars in my opinion, and is one of my personal favorites in storytelling in general. From the intro we know what the first act is going to be. Karga, not knowing what the target is, in a recording saying “I don’t know if [the Client] wants to eat it or hang it on his wall.” Mando’s next line being “It’s not a toy.” The whole return to the city, the audience knowing what kind of wretched hive of scum and villainy it is. Din’s uncertainty even as he gives a child to know enemies for payment. Him asking what they’re going to do with it and not receiving an answer, but a threat.
Taking payment and the title card immediately appearing to say “THE SIN.”
The rest of the episode proceeding and us FEELING the weight of guilt in Mando’s silence, the way he’s trying to justify his choice despite the fact he knows it was wrong. The war within himself between wanting to see a helpless child safe and knowing he’s the type of person who could and should see it done— who shouldn’t have been the reason for the child’s safety being compromised in the first place— and his desire to reclaim something culturally, religiously, and practically important to a persecuted people he has pledged a faithful life and allegiance to. How the two things he cares about most come into direct conflict because to prioritize one means sacrificing the other.
He knew they had nefarious reasons for wanting a child captured. Why else would you throw out a cradle?
And to top it all off they REALLY tighten the noose around his neck all the way up to the climax because as far as we know, he really DOESN’T have a way out of this. The Mandalorians coming to his aid IS a surprise but it’s not contrived and it WORKS and it’s a satisfying end because we’ve truly seen this guy give it his all and despite the fact he was the best Mandalorian he could be, his best was not enough and the audience really doesn’t know how he’s going to get out of it in the end (<- establishing the main theme of the show). Tension, raising the stakes, meaningful themes that aren’t spoon-fed to the audience, and a successful marriage of the emotional climax to the physical one.
The scripts and ideas in Season 1 were so solid and done so well. I don’t know how they accidentally created one of the greatest characters of all time with so few lines of dialogue but they DID and I’ve been thinking about him for four years straight.
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shinesurge · 7 months
your custom cassettes are really really cool! ive been thinking about making custom cassettes for a bit, would you be willing to share what kind of paper you used for the label stickers and j-cards? also where do you get blank cassettes from? ive been looking at cassettecomeback but i was wondering if there was a better option.
Thanks a lot! They're really fun to make hehe
So full disclosure: I run a merch shop for my webcomic and I make most of my stuff myself in my studio. I've been doing this for the better part of ten years and over that time I've accumulated quite a bit of specialized, expensive equipment like the photo printer and cutting machine I use to make my cassette ephemera. THAT SAID mixtapes don't necessarily need all that!! Unless you're running a bootleg business on etsy or somethin I don't think you and your friends gotta run out and spend a ton of money to make these (beyond tracking down a deck and a player, obviously).
Unfortunately most of these items are found on Amazon because I'm a professional artist trying to Live, but if that's something you'd rather avoid buying through I'm listing the brick and mortar places I can find them when I need to for whatever reason!
My j-cards are just the 8x10 glossy photo paper from Pen & Gear, it's usually less than ten bucks a pack at walmart lmao. I use it with an inkjet photo printer! There are plenty of laser printer options out there though, which is probably the type non-artists have access to. Honestly I think the look of black ink on colored copy paper is super cool for handmade tapes, especially between friends.
My sticker paper was a bitch to find and I'm not sure if it would be useful without my specific equipment, but it's this glossy adhesive photo paper from some rando company called LDProducts. Literally just called "Sticker Photo Paper" pf. It's more expensive but I get it in stacks of a hundred because I print tons of stickers for my shop. Again, glossy adhesive paper might not be useful without a big boy printer but MATTE sticker paper is everywhere, that's also pretty common to find at walmart or at the very least at an office supply store; you can print on it or even get out some markers (not sure i'd suggest anything besides ink tho, I'd be worried it could come off and damage the player). I design the labels in clip studio and then load them into cricut so it's super easy to get the right shape every time, but if you're Determined you could get out a measuring tape and an xacto knife and get similar results.
I've only found my tapes on amazon unfortunately, and it's been a while since I bought any because I sort of inherited a bunch of sealed ones when my dad died and i'm still going through them lol. Almost all my custom ones are 90 minute Sony High Fidelity, last I checked you could order them in packs of five or ten but I'm not sure what the prices are like rn. If you REALLY want to get fancy with colored shells/custom lengths i did find this cool site you can order from, Duplication.ca, but the shipping is kinda rough. One of these days I wanna make some cassettes for my webcomic and I'll drop some money on some pretty ones then, but for now the Sonys are treating me fine so I haven't dug too deep.
I hope something in here is useful! I'm always happy to share what I know but again, I'm very fortunate to have access to quite a bit of stuff most people don't and I try to be up front about it alskdjf. Cassettes are best when they're sorta janky and handmade tho, it's kind of the whole point, and if they're just for you or someone you care about then marking them with a sharpie and masking tape is just as cool in my opinion. probably cooler. everybody should put music on physical media and trade it i think.
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deansgapjacket · 1 year
I love your version of John’s journal and was wondering how you make/where you get the business/ID cards and other things that are in the pockets at the front of the journal. Do you just find images on the internet and print them out on regular paper or is there a specific shop you use? Thanks!
Hi! Thank you so much :) first off I’m sorry I’m literally a month late to this ask, I’ve been swamped with finals but thank you for your interest in my journal! So the stuff in the journal pretty much can be separated into 3 sections of: made it, bought it, or got it in a supernatural book
So for the “made it”, here’s some example of photos and stuff I’ve made!
I shoot a lot of film so whenever I get those developed they come with basically a receipt thing on photo paper and I’ve always kept them in hopes of doing something creative with them and when I started making this journal I really wanted to include photos that you see in the show but I’m way too cheap & lazy to actually go get them printed soooo I use my normal printer, print the photo on just normal paper then glue it on to one of these and then cut it to size then boom I have what feels like a normal photo!
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For that extra old photo feel for the John pic I used an ink pad and just lightly tapped it one on the photo and it added that black dust stuff that you ↓ see on older photos!
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Then for “bought it” section this pertains to the FBI ID cards, which I just got on a little shop on Amazon called “signs 4 fun” but there’s a bunch of Etsy shops and such and sell packs of their ID’s but I think I’m going to make some of my own soon cause I have a friend who has a laminator!
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Last part of the “bought it” section would be the antique photos & post cards. Antique stores and the best they sell stuff like this for like $2
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And lastly there’s a lot of stuff that comes in supernatural books like this map came with the supernatural on the road with Sam and Dean Winchester book!
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Thank you for your question :)
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blogbeatsever · 9 months
From Design to Delivery The Art of Commercial Printing in Bridgewater NJ
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Nestled in the heart of New Jersey, Bridgewater stands as a hub of innovation and enterprise. In the realm of marketing and communication, the art of commercial printing plays a pivotal role, transforming ideas into tangible, eye-catching materials that captivate audiences. This article explores the intricate process of commercial printing Bridgewater nj, taking a journey from design to delivery to uncover the craftsmanship behind this essential aspect of business promotion.
Designing the Vision:
The process begins with a vision, a concept that needs to be translated into a visual masterpiece. Bridgewater, with its diverse businesses and industries, demands creativity and precision in design. Graphic designers collaborate with clients to craft visually appealing layouts, ensuring that the essence of the message aligns seamlessly with the brand's identity.
State-of-the-Art Printing Technology:
Once the design is finalized, it enters the realm of cutting-edge printing technology. Bridgewater's commercial printing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art printing presses that can handle a variety of materials, from brochures and business cards to large-format banners and posters. High-quality inks and advanced printing techniques bring the design to life, capturing the vibrancy and detail envisioned by the designers.
Precision in Production:
Commercial printing is not just about creating visually stunning prints; it's about precision and consistency. In Bridgewater, skilled technicians oversee the production process, ensuring that each print adheres to the highest standards. From color accuracy to proper finishing techniques, every detail is meticulously scrutinized to guarantee a flawless end product.
Versatility in Materials:
Bridgewater's dynamic business landscape demands versatility in printing materials. Commercial printers in the area are adept at handling an array of substrates, including paper, cardstock, vinyl, and more. This flexibility allows businesses to choose materials that best suit their marketing goals, whether it's a durable outdoor banner or an elegant business card.
Customization for Every Business:
One of the distinguishing features of commercial printing in Bridgewater is its ability to cater to the unique needs of each business. Whether it's a startup looking to establish its brand or an established corporation seeking a rebrand, commercial printers offer customization options. This flexibility ensures that the final product is not just a printed material but a strategic tool that aligns with the client's marketing objectives.
Finishing Touches and Bindery Services:
The journey from design to delivery includes crucial steps in the finishing process. In Bridgewater, commercial printing facilities provide an array of finishing touches such as laminating, embossing, and foil stamping to enhance the visual appeal and durability of the prints. Bindery services, including cutting, folding, and stapling, ensure that the final product meets the intended specifications.
Quality Control and Assurance:
Before any print sees the light of day, it undergoes rigorous quality control measures. Bridgewater's commercial printers understand the importance of delivering a flawless product to clients. From checking color consistency to verifying print accuracy, quality assurance is an integral part of the printing process, ensuring that the final prints exceed expectations.
Timely Delivery and Customer Satisfaction:
The journey concludes with the timely delivery of the finished prints to the client. Bridgewater's commercial printing services prioritize customer satisfaction, understanding the time-sensitive nature of marketing materials. Whether it's a tight deadline for an event or a scheduled product launch, reliable delivery services are a hallmark of the printing industry in the area.
In Bridgewater, the art of commercial printing is more than a technical process; it's a collaboration between creativity, technology, and craftsmanship. From the initial design concept to the delivery of the finished product, every step is a testament to the dedication and skill of the professionals who make commercial printing an art form in this vibrant New Jersey community.
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kamenwriter · 9 months
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A prominent educator and patron of the arts, Henry Cole travelled in the elite, social circles of early Victorian England, and had the misfortune of having too many friends.
During the holiday season of 1843, those friends were causing Cole much anxiety.
The problem were their letters: An old custom in England, the Christmas and New Year’s letter had received a new impetus with the recent expansion of the British postal system and the introduction of the “Penny Post,” allowing the sender to send a letter or card anywhere in the country by affixing a penny stamp to the correspondence.
Now, everybody was sending letters. Sir Cole—best remembered today as the founder of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London—was an enthusiastic supporter of the new postal system, and he enjoyed being the 1840s equivalent of an A-Lister, but he was a busy man. As he watched the stacks of unanswered correspondence he fretted over what to do. “In Victorian England, it was considered impolite not to answer mail,” says Ace Collins, author of Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas. “He had to figure out a way to respond to all of these people.”
Cole hit on an ingenious idea. He approached an artist friend, J.C. Horsley, and asked him to design an idea that Cole had sketched out in his mind. Cole then took Horsley’s illustration—a triptych showing a family at table celebrating the holiday flanked by images of people helping the poor—and had a thousand copies made by a London printer. The image was printed on a piece of stiff cardboard 5 1/8 x 3 1/4 inches in size. At the top of each was the salutation, “TO:_____” allowing Cole to personalize his responses, which included the generic greeting “A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year To You.”
It was the first Christmas card.
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Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar Will Simplify Your Business Communication
Having A Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar Will Allow You To Make Your Communication More Seamless And Effective. Wondering How? This Blog Post Will Tell Us.
The revolutionization of digital technology and acceptance in the business world has completely changed the marketing and promotional scenarios for every brand. Today, customers are having greater access to digital versions of physical business cards rather than opting for boring, conventional paper cards for communications.
One of the most effective networking tools this year is digital business cards. Going virtual has several tangible benefits, such as the ability to create a digital business card (and make it stand out from the crowd), sharing your business card with others, and more. With the right Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar, you can easily design your e-visiting card. 
Digital visiting cards have been around since the early 2000s, but we have not seen much change until recently. As technology advances rapidly, we are seeing more companies adopt digital solutions in place of paper ones. In fact, many of these companies are now offering free accounts for their customers.
Why Do You Need A Digital Visiting Card?
Digital business cards are what they sound like. A digital business card is also known as a virtual business card, electronic business card, smart business card, or digital visiting card. With an iPhone, iPad, Android, or computer, you can create a digital business card. You can customize, design, and share electronic business cards. 
Digital cards do not have any limits on the amount of information you can add to your card. It is up to you how much information you want to include. Additionally, you can add a photo, video, logo, social media profiles, badges, and PDFs along with your standard contact information including your name, phone number, email id, business website link, and so on.
Digital visiting cards can be accessed and viewed via any smart device. With nearly every adult in India owning smartphones and tablets, a digital card program could yield significant advantages for both consumers and retailers alike. It refines a brand’s professional image and makes your communication more streamlined and effective. 
How Does A Digital Visiting Card Work?
A digital card works similarly to how a physical one does. When someone purchases your business, they enter their details into the system; then you can send them emails about special offers or events. You can also ask your Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar to set limits on how often people get sent promotional material.
As stated above, a digital card saves time and money over traditional paper options. People don't need to print, cut out, or laminate paper invoices anymore. A digital option means less work for you, as well as lower costs for printing, mailing, paper supplies, and labour. You can even add features like text messaging and coupon codes with digital cards.
Also, for convenience and security, many companies believe that a mobile and web-based communication solution will help them meet customer expectations and engage with them at any time. And all these are possible when you hire the best Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar. 
Digital Business Cards: Make A Bigger Impact For Less. 
In the past, business cards were limited. In the old days, two-colour or monochrome cards were printed on sheet-fed, offset presses using basic spot-colour techniques. Colour schemes with more intricate details can be achieved, but only by involving methods such as screen-printing and a process of shaping the inks, which takes a great deal of time. 
As a result, the final products were lacking in definition and the colours were misaligned. However, printing on-demand, in small digital card batches has been revolutionized by the advent of digital printers. A digital business card is directly designed for online or virtual sharing without involving any printing steps or requirements in the process. 
As compared to traditional business cards, e-business cards offer several advantages, including the ability to print without a printing plate, resulting in a reduction in running costs and a faster turnaround time than traditional business cards. Savings can then be passed on to both the company and the customers. 
A digital business card is also more durable than a traditional card. While digital printing for digital business cards is expensive per page when compared with conventional offset printing, it avoids all the technical steps involved in making printing plates and typesetting, so the initial cost is less.
Electronic business cards are eco-friendly since they do not require paper, therefore helping the environment when you use them. With the increasing use of laptops, tablets, and advanced smartphones in households, electronic business cards are becoming more common.
Challenges Related To Digital Visiting Cards For Businesses
While some businesses may view these changes positively, others may find it challenging to change the way they do business. Entrepreneurs considering making the transition to a digital card program should begin planning now. As customers expect more convenient ways to interact with businesses, they must build a strong foundation for the future. 
To ensure success, organizations should hire the best Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar and plan to update the information contained on their current cards (e.g., expiration dates), provide a means of accessing them online, and determine whether they need to upgrade their technology infrastructure to accommodate the shift.
Digital Visiting Cards: Where To Start?
Organizations are replacing paper business cards with digital ones. Business cards are available from a few platforms, but MoovOn Services & Solutions stands out. MoovOn is the leading Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar.
From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, we offer affordable yet effective digital business cards for effective communication with individuals and companies of all sizes. Having the architecture and capability to support large enterprises makes us the best digital business card platform.
Get Started With Moovon Services & Solutions Today!
MoovOn Services & Solutions also offers a free trial for digital business cards and contact manager designs to assist you in curating and designing the perfect card. Our virtual cards are seamless, easy to share, and impactful. MoovOn is the perfect Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar if you want to make the switch from paper business cards to digital ones. 
If you are ready, sign up for MoovOn today.
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printmailsdocuments · 2 years
Print My Documents and Mail Them to Me
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Whether it's a single copy or a stack of paper, print shops have the proclivity to do the dirty work for you. Despite the ubiquitous nature of printers and ink, there are a few shady companies that snare the unwary and the well-heeled alike. One notable exception is the aforementioned FedEx Office which claims to have a hand in some 65% of all mail-ordered office supplies. Alternatively, the best place to shop for office supplies might be your local bookstore or library. If you're a slacker, you could even do your printing at home.
The question is, what should you do with the resulting ad-hoc print jobs? Luckily, there are a host of online print shops that provide the goods on demand, at reasonable prices. Amongst the most popular are Amazon, Office Depot and Staples. Other worthy contenders include FedEx, FedEx Express and UPS. If you're looking for a quick and cheap way to get your hands on that new business card, consider a visit to one of these sites. They offer an array of products, from printers and ink to stationery and computer hardware, all aimed at meeting your every need. Whether you're a dorm room dweller or a workhorse, you're sure to find what you're looking for at these locations. The aforementioned store can also provide you with a smorgasboard of information on the latest in printing technology, printers and ink. For the tech-shy, you might consider calling a professional services provider.
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centurytypeprint · 1 day
Jacksonville’s Magazine Printing That’ll Knock Your Socks Off!
When it comes to magazine printing in Jacksonville? Look no further! Century Type Print’s top-tier printing services deliver vibrant colors, text, and custom finishes, ensuring you get the best quality without compromising your budget. They understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in your business, and our services are designed to provide high-quality results at a reasonable price.
Key Features of Top-Quality Magazine Printing:
Vibrant Colors: Expect colors that pop off the page and draw readers in.
Crisp Text: Fonts are clear, and legibility is never compromised.
Premium Paper: From matte to glossy finishes, the paper quality is unmatched.
Attention to Detail: Every page is a masterpiece, with perfect alignment and immaculate presentation.
With state-of-the-art technology and a deep understanding of client needs, Jacksonville’s printers don’t just meet expectations—they exceed them. Their unwavering commitment to quality, keen ability to understand client needs, and steadfast reliability set them apart. They are a dependable partner for businesses of all sizes, ensuring confidence in the quality of service and the expertise of the team.
Personalized Service
Printing services in Jacksonville, FL, provide personalized consultations to understand and fully meet your unique needs. They value your input, whether you're designing standout business cards or a sleek run of magazines. The entire process is tailored to your project requirements, ensuring every step—from initial concept to final delivery—is aligned with your vision. Your involvement guarantees that your project receives the care and attention it deserves, resulting in a final product that truly reflects your brand.
A Range of Services That Impress
More Than Just Magazines: While magazine printing in Jacksonville is undoubtedly exceptional, it’s not the only thing on offer. Jacksonville's printing services offer a comprehensive range of services to meet your printing needs. Whether you need a fresh batch of business cards to leave a lasting impression, vibrant banners to catch your attention at your next event, or marketing materials that tell your story in style, we've got you covered.
Business Cards: Sleek, professional designs that leave clients wanting more.
Banners: Bold and eye-catching, perfect for any occasion.
Brochures and Flyers: Marketing materials that tell your story in style.
Why Choose Jacksonville’s Printing Services?
Unmatched Quality: From start to finish, every project reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence. We understand the importance of quality in your business, and we ensure that every print we deliver meets the highest standards, reassuring you that your brand is in good hands.
Competitive Pricing: High quality doesn’t have to mean high cost; Jacksonville printers offer incredible value. We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in your business, and our services are designed to provide high-quality results at a reasonable price, giving you peace of mind about your budget.
Conclusion: In summary, whether you’re seeking high-quality business cards, vibrant magazine printing, or reliable banner printing services in Jacksonville, FL, you’ll find a variety of top-notch options to suit your needs. With a strong focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Jacksonville’s printing services are dedicated to ensuring your business’s branding stands out with precision and excellence, helping you make a lasting impression every time.
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seo-canberra-7 · 3 days
Same day Business Card Printing London 
High Quality Business cards printing London:
If you are looking for business cards printing in London then you are in the right place. Print in London is well known for providing business card print service to local business in London areas. Our extensive selection of superior cards will set us apart from other companies. Not to add, we are London's most well-known print business, offering affordable and superior print services. Print quality represents your company, thus we think providing business cards of the highest caliber will present your company in a professional manner and encourage repeat business due to their reasonable price and dependability. to us again and again.
Business cards London
A business card helps you network with people who share your interests by carrying your identity and brand value. In fact, you are losing out on a lot of new prospects and possible clients if you are a business owner without an eye-catching business card. These are opportunities that could improve your company's chances of success.
Since London is the UK's business center, it is imperative that all business owners use memorable business cards to highlight their unique style and level of expertise. Print in London might easily be your first choice if you're searching for business card printing services close to London. We provide a wide range of business card printing services, including magnetic, regular, folded, and QR code cards, at competitive prices with lightning-fast delivery options.
Business Card Design London:
At Print in London, we offer professional business card design services in London to help you create a custom design that perfectly reflects your brand. Our team of experienced designers will work with you to create a design that stands out and helps you make a lasting impression.
We are aware that for many prospective consumers or clients, their initial impression of your company will come from your business card. Because of this, we approach the design process collaboratively, making sure that you are included at every stage. We will begin by getting to know your target market, brand, and objectives for your business card design.
Next, we'll work to create a visually appealing and functional design that integrates your branding aspects, such your logo, colors, and font. Our clients frequently remark that we are the greatest business card designers in London because of the thoroughness of our offerings.
We provide a number of customization choices, including as size, paper type, and finish, to assist you in creating a design that precisely represents your company. Our designers can assist you in realizing your vision, whether it's a trendy, bold appearance or something more classic and refined.
So, if you are in search of business card and logo design near London, then Print in London is the perfect option to fulfil your designing and printing needs.
Business Card Printer London:
If you need to print high quality business cards and looking for ‘business card printer near me’, then look no further. Print in London is a seasoned business card printer in London that offers both individuals and companies premium business card printing services. We are aware of how crucial it is to stand out from the competition with a business card that looks polished and represents your company.
Our latest printing technology, affordable pricing, and super-fast delivery facility allow us to claim that we provide the best business cards London service you can find in town. Your preferred printed business cards will be sent to your home in less than a day, regardless of where in London you live. an order through our website.
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Discover Top London Print Services for Your Business Needs
In the bustling metropolis of London, businesses of all sizes require reliable and high-quality print services to make a lasting impression. From sleek business cards to eye-catching banners, finding a dependable London print service is crucial for enhancing your brand's visibility and professionalism.
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Why Choose a London Print Service?
Local Expertise: London print services offer local expertise that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a quick turnaround for an urgent project or custom solutions for unique printing needs, local printers understand the demands of the London market and can provide personalized support.
High-Quality Printing: London's top print services are known for their commitment to quality. They use state-of-the-art equipment and premium materials to ensure that every print job meets the highest standards. From vibrant colors to crisp text, you can expect nothing but the best for your printed materials.
Diverse Offerings: A comprehensive London print service will offer a range of products, including business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, and more. This diversity allows you to consolidate your printing needs with a single provider, saving time and ensuring consistency across all your marketing materials.
Fast Turnaround Times: In a fast-paced city like London, timely delivery is essential. Many print services offer quick turnaround options, including same-day and next-day services, so you can meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality.
Choosing the Right London Print Service
When selecting a London print service, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Reviews: Research and read customer reviews to gauge the reliability and quality of the print service. A well-regarded provider will have a track record of delivering excellent results.
Range of Services: Ensure the print service offers the specific products you need. A provider with a broad range of services can accommodate all your printing requirements, from marketing materials to corporate documents.
Customer Support: Good customer service is crucial. Choose a print service that is responsive and willing to work with you to address any issues or special requests.
Price and Value: Compare pricing but focus on value rather than just cost. High-quality printing and reliable service are worth the investment for your business.
In conclusion, finding the right London print service can make a significant difference in your business’s branding and communication efforts. By choosing a local provider that offers high-quality products, fast turnaround times, and excellent customer service, you can ensure your print materials effectively support your business goals and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
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harshmishra8726 · 4 days
Comparison of Top ID Card Printers for 2024
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As the demand for secure and professional identification solutions continues to grow across industries, ID card printers have become essential tools for businesses, schools, and organizations. In 2024, several manufacturers have introduced cutting-edge models that offer high-quality printing, enhanced security features, and greater efficiency. If you’re in the market for an ID card printer, understanding the differences between the latest models can help you make an informed purchasing decision. This article compares the top ID card printers from brands like Datacard, HID Fargo, Magicard, and Zebra, focusing on their features, print quality, and pricing.
1. Datacard SD360: High-Security Features for Advanced Card Printing
The Datacard SD360 is one of the most advanced ID card printers on the market in 2024, offering premium features that make it ideal for organizations needing secure and durable cards.
Key Features:
Superior speed and productivity: Print more cards in less time. SD Series printers are much faster than other desktop card printers in their class. TruePick™ anti-jam card handling accurately picks cards, both standard and thin, with no need for adjustments.
Superb image quality for high-impact IDs: New TrueMatch™ printing technology ensures consistent, high-quality printing results from the first card to the last, with colors closely matching those on your screen.
Easy operation that anyone can master: The soft-touch control panel and LCD screen are seamlessly guided by intuitive icons. Loading cards and supplies is a breeze, thanks to the user-friendly design. Plus, the ergonomically designed ribbon cartridge includes a convenient drop-in cleaning roller.
All the right connections for easy setup: The SD Series printers can be easily integrated into any application or IT environment using the standard USB/Ethernet ports and the browser-based Printer Manager.
Print Quality:
The Datacard SD360 offers crisp text and vibrant images, using dye-sublimation technology to produce high-resolution cards. Its edge-to-edge printing capability ensures no unprinted margins, giving a clean and professional look to every card.
Priced between 55,000 and 60,000, the Datacard SD360 is a high-end solution, primarily suited for businesses requiring advanced security features, such as businesses, schools, hospitals, fitness clubs
2. HID Fargo DTC4500e: Robust and Flexible for Large Organizations
The HID Fargo DTC4500e is another top contender in 2024, known for its versatility and ability to handle high-volume card issuance.
Key Features:
Modular design: The printer’s modular design allows businesses to add optional modules for dual-sided printing, lamination, or encoding as needed.
Secure printing: Like the Datacard SD360, the DTC4500e offers security features such as password protection and data encryption during the printing process.
High-volume printing: Its input hopper holds up to 200 cards, making it ideal for large batches.
Optional lamination: While lamination is optional, adding this feature increases the longevity of printed cards and reduces wear and tear.
Print Quality:
The HID Fargo DTC4500e offers reliable, high-quality printing using dye-sublimation technology. It delivers full-color prints with precise details and vibrant colors, suitable for high-profile use cases such as corporate IDs or government credentials.
The HID Fargo DTC4500e is priced between 1,50000 and 1,80000, depending on the modules added. This makes it a flexible option for growing businesses that may want to upgrade their printer's capabilities over time.
3. Magicard Ultima: Premium Features with Built-in Security
Magicard is known for producing some of the best secure ID card printers on the market, and the Magicard Ultima is no exception in 2024. This model is designed for organizations that require both high-quality prints and integrated security.
Key Features:
Retransfer technology: The Ultima uses retransfer printing, which produces higher-quality images compared to traditional direct-to-card (DTC) printers. It also allows edge-to-edge printing on various card materials, including those with embedded technology.
Customizable security features: One of its key advantages is the ability to print customized security features, such as watermarks or holographic overlays, directly onto the card during the printing process.
Dual-sided printing: It supports dual-sided printing out of the box, saving time and reducing manual card flipping.
Print Quality:
The retransfer printing technology of the Magicard Ultima allows for exceptional color saturation and crisp image quality. It's ideal for businesses that need their cards to make a strong visual impact, such as universities or loyalty programs.
The Magicard Ultima is priced at the higher end of the spectrum, around 60,000 to 80,000 due to its premium security features and superior print quality. It’s a worthy investment for organizations where security and aesthetics are critical.
4. Zebra ZC350: Fast and Efficient for High-Volume Use
The Zebra ZC350 is a popular choice for businesses seeking fast, high-volume printing without sacrificing quality. Zebra’s reputation for durable, reliable printers shines through in the ZC350.
Key Features:
User-friendly interface: The ZC350 features an intuitive design with an easy-to-use LCD interface, making it accessible for operators with varying skill levels.
High-speed printing: With a print speed of up to 225 color cards per hour (single-sided), this model is ideal for businesses or institutions with a high card issuance volume.
Flexible encoding options: The ZC350 supports a wide range of encoding options, from magnetic stripes to RFID Technology, making it suitable for industries requiring smart card issuance.
Print Quality:
The Zebra ZC350 delivers sharp, vibrant cards with its dye-sublimation printing method. Its fast print speeds don’t compromise on quality, making it a favorite among businesses with high-volume printing needs.
The ZC350 is priced between 3,00000 and 3,50000 making it an affordable option for businesses that need high-quality prints in large quantities. It's a practical choice for universities, large corporations, and event organizers.
Which Printer Is Best for ID Card Printing?
Choosing the best printer depends on your specific needs. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Best for Small to Mid-Size Businesses: The Datacard SD360 offers a balance of affordability, dual-sided printing, and user-friendliness.
Best for High-Speed Printing: The HID Fargo DTC1250e provides fast printing speeds, making it ideal for businesses needing quick card issuance at an affordable price.
Best for High Security: The Magicard 300 is the top choice for businesses needing enhanced security features like custom watermarks.
Best for Large-Scale Operations: The Zebra ZC350 is perfect for large businesses or institutions that need to print a high volume of cards quickly and efficiently.
The ID card printer market in 2024 offers a variety of models suited for different needs, from high-security environments to large-scale operations requiring high-speed printing. Printers like the Datacard SD360, HID Fargo DTC4500e, Magicard Ultima, and Zebra ZC350 provide a range of features, print quality, and price points, ensuring that businesses can find a solution tailored to their specific requirements.
For organizations looking to invest in ID card printing technology, understanding these differences through detailed comparisons can make all the difference in selecting the right tool. As product comparison articles continue to attract significant search traffic, they also serve as valuable resources for potential buyers navigating this competitive market.
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printaz-co-uk · 6 days
Best Wedding Invitation Printer Paper
Welcome to PrintAZ, the premier creative printing business based in Dewsbury, offering a wide range of printing services tailored to meet your personal and business needs. From weddings to corporate events, our top-notch printing solutions ensure that your vision is brought to life with precision and quality. Whether you need personalized keyrings printing services in Dewsbury or high-quality bags printing services in Dewsbury, we’ve got you covered.
When it comes to special occasions, our Print invitation paper services in Dewsbury offer elegant, custom designs for your events, making your invitations memorable and unique. We take pride in being the go-to wedding cards printer in Dewsbury, providing stunning and high-quality wedding cards that capture the essence of your big day. Additionally, we offer comprehensive stationery printing in Dewsbury for all your event and business needs, ensuring a professional finish for every project.
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