#Between us ep 10
liyazaki · 2 years
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are you cold?
BETWEEN US | EP. 10 [2022-2023]
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thebroccolination · 2 years
Win had a rough week. He tried to arrange a family meal that went sour, got a frantic call from the man he loves that convinced him to drive two hours by motorcycle in the rain to a completely different province, found that man almost delirious in a cemetery before an unknown child’s grave, heard that man sob into his shoulder that life would be better if he were dead, met that man’s parents for the first time early the next morning, drove two hours back to Bangkok with a fever, and then had an emotionally turbulent build-up with Team that left them both in tears.
He had a rough week.
They both have.
And because of that, I think it makes sense that Win had no idea how to answer Team’s question of what they are to each other. Their relationship status has always been nebulous, but as @nejineeee and I were just discussing, Win also kind of had his confidence torn down piece by piece throughout this episode.
First when Team told Win to leave his room. As far as Win knows, he hasn’t done anything to be kicked out for. He doesn’t know Team just had an emotionally raw conversation with his friends that’s put him on his back foot. He just knows he had a fever the night before, he was allowed to stay then, and now Team’s telling him to go to his own room seemingly for no reason.
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Win looks genuinely confused and hurt, and it probably wouldn’t occur to him to think so, but there’s an imbalance here. Win’s allowed Team to use his room as if it were his: he sleeps there, showers there, even borrows Win’s clothes freely. But Team’s room is still only Team’s. And that’s Team’s right, of course, but it gives us an idea of how Win could be interpreting Team’s side of things.
We know Team loves Win, and so does the alphabet gang and now the traffic light gang, but he can’t say it to Win himself. Team is terrified of losing the most important person in his life—someone he didn’t even know a year ago!—who’s become so significant to Team that he introduced him to his parents and wants to be significant to him, too. He can’t imagine life without him anymore.
But when Win makes up an excuse to stay in Team’s room for the night, that his fever is still lingering, Team argues back. Maybe because he wants some degree of control back, to keep for himself some small part of his life that Win hasn’t totally absorbed yet.
Win doesn’t know that’s what’s going on, though.
He just looks genuinely vulnerable and almost nervous that Team really does want him gone. When he’s done nothing wrong—in fact, when he’s only done things right. All he did was rely on Team while sick, so is that where his mind goes? This is what happens when you’re a burden to others? They get bored of you and kick you out?
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And in terms of character growth, I was so proud of Win here. This scene is the first and only time so far that he’s genuinely gone against what Team claims to want. Every time before, Win’s ultimately backed off and respected Team’s space (King of Consent TM), but now, he finally pushes back, and purely because he wants to be near Team.
He’s worried about Team. He’s saved this kid from nearly drowning, and then only the night before he was sobbing into Win’s shoulder that life would be better if he were dead.
What Team said to Manaow and Pharm about Win is also true of Win: he can’t imagine himself without Team anymore. And given Win’s fear of being alone, being left, could there be anything scarier for him than realizing Team is that important to him?
And yet, despite pushing back and ignoring Team’s protests, when Team does join him in bed, Win gives Team this searching look below. I interpreted it as Win checking whether Team is actually uncomfortable. If Team really does want Win to leave. Because I think he would have, if Team had said just one more annoyed hia here.
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Yet, when Team says nothing more…
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Win loves him so much, and honestly, what he’s been doing for Team would probably work for a lot of people. Team just needs more stability and a level of bluntness than Win can offer him at this stage.
Then they arrive at the resort, and Team claims that he doesn’t want to room with Win. To the point where he’s literally screaming “HELP ME” to his best friend.
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And sure, that’s How Team Is, and he doesn’t mean it really, but that’s also the second time in less than twelve hours that Team has expressed displeasure at the suggestion of sharing a bed with someone he’s spent months actively seeking out for exactly that purpose.
Incremental damage to your defenses is still damage.
Then, there’s the bottle game where Team (correctly) tells Dean he isn’t dating anyone. And he isn’t, and there are ways to change that, but oh, how that must sting for Win to hear aloud after everything they’ve been through in the past week.
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It’s entirely possible that Win just doesn’t understand what Team needs from him. He’s waiting for Team, but that’s not what Team needs.
After that, Team ends their kiss on the dock without explanation and leaves Win alone there.
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I think it’s easy to see Team’s side throughout the series because we’ve seen him seek help from his friends and heard what he’s thinking and feeling.
Win’s less forthcoming, and I think that’s why he’s so broken by this whole episode. He’s always faster to care for others than he is to seek counsel for himself. But during the scene where he’s sick, Win doesn’t object to Team taking care of him. On the contrary, he seems quietly undone by it.
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Win is just so young himself. He’s only two years older than Team, and this whole situation is just as new to him. He doesn’t know what he’s doing or what he should say. He just wants to feel wanted by the person he loves to a degree that scares him, and he’s trying to communicate in the ways that feel safe to him.
In the next episode, he’ll make it right. They’ll finally talk, and there’ll be tears and catharsis.
But I think this episode did a strong job of showing why Win hesitated when Team asked him what they are to each other. For all we know, Win might’ve hesitated because he’s stuck between two answers: what they are and what Win wishes they were.
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Oh and now we wait for the fanfics that were written in spite, fury and tears after ep10
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neo-neos · 2 years
Everyone: Omg hihihihi they're so going to make it official this ep hihihiheheh can't wait
WinTeam: ... Eh...
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to-be-spared · 2 years
Surviving is an ugly thing.
Surviving is about crawling and bloodied fingers. It’s about guilt and mistakes and nightmares. It’s the howling and the violence it takes to rip you away from the very thing you’re trying to survive – but you’re clumsy, and in an attempt at ripping yourself away you end up ripping yourself apart.
Surviving is nothing if not the aftermath of a wreckage, and a wasteland is no place for tenderness.
So when you put yourself back together it’s with an unkind touch – rough, bloody fingers over the raw edges of the pieces of someone you’ll never be again.
It hurts but it’s the only way you know, and pain can so easily feel like a reward.
When you finally look at yourself, it’s like a butcher has stitched you back together.
Because surviving is an ugly thing, so here’s how it goes: the softness, the tenderness, the innocence that made you forgivable and the light that made you lovable – the best of you. It can’t survive with you.
And so it’s no wonder that when he looks at you and says, “I want to keep you.” your answer is, voice consumed by all the screaming you did trying not to want to drown, “Why?”
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These boys in Episode 10 have me screaming at my monitor on a Sunday afternoon.
At Win:
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At Team :
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At Tul :
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At Waan :
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Manow, Pharm, Dean, and ABC :
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aanithewrapper · 2 years
why is it always "wyd" and never "ycbaoaitw. iracabbys. bycbaom. emffy. bbai."
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aliceisathome · 2 years
Team getting all shy after a forehead kiss - ADORABLE! That recognition of emotional intimacy rather than sexual. And pretending to be asleep while Win's talking to his mum? Also adorable.
Team's parents are the opposite of Win's - observant, empathic and sweet. Nice clock of the driving by his mum.
There have been many wet boys needing many wet towel baths in Between Us. Nice to see the uke looking after his seme for a change though.
Loved the chats between the besties. Tell him Pharm! Tell him Dean! All the boys using their words and talking about their feelings EXCEPT Win and Team to each other. FFS . Gah.
Ep 11 of doom incoming and doesn't look like we get the iconic mosquito bite...
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ejaynoir · 2 years
ok well i did REALLY love episode 13 or 14 of UWMA when they were at the resort and I loved Win and Team in that and I loved the fluffiness of it and the comedy and how nothing went wrong I loved it so very much you all must understand this. i loved that very much.  unfortunately I also love angst and I am willing to sacrifice continuity for the sake of it
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mondstalgia · 2 years
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liyazaki · 2 years
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make it clear to him.
BETWEEN US | EP. 10 [2022-2023]
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep 10
oops, so yeah, maybe ep 11 is coming out in 3 days... maybe i don’t care though and im posing my ep 10 thoughts now. and boy did i have too many... way too many in fact, that i think i am going to forego some of it for space sake.
teams parents knew win when they were on the phone with him??? they were like?? hold on a minute??? ur that guy right?? so cute :) Also, team's mother (i think it was, i dont remember if it was his father or mother but whatever) knowing that team likes win :3 the way she said.... yall mfs see this?? our son does NOT let people touch his car... this is love
win saying "shouldn't you sleep? don't you have class early tomorrow?" like that hit me because the day after i was watching it i had an 8:30 am class and i definitely went to sleep far too late :/
here is where the too many thoughts come in... I know it is episode 10 and people are frustrated about them not being "official" yet but honestly... Hearing team agree with pharm when he said "you already love him right?" was so cute lolol. but anyways, back to the official part.
I feel like both win and team have such complex trauma surrounding love that this show could end with them never being "official" and i would still be happy with that ending. As someone who also has a complex relationship with love/being loved (albeit i don't have traumas surrounding love) i feel like far too many people are treating this relationship as too black or white. It isn't and shouldn't be. Like, they are working through such complex emotions. It has taken 10 episodes for them to even accept they have feelings for eachother... real feelings. And now, we saw how ep 10 ended, Team will be pushed right back to the beginning. Like, Win loves Team, we know that he does. He knows that he does. But he still has trouble saying it out loud. Now, Team is going to think about how Win probably doesn't love him (though, based on the preview for the next episode, i'm sure this conflict will be resolved quite quick). I really don't know if i see a confession in the next episode. like it just feels like if it does happen next episode, then it will be rushed (within the confines of the context of this episode) and then what? that leaves one episode? Like honestly,,,, HONESTLY i would not be surprised if this series does not end with them being "official". anyways the last little bit probably didnt make sense... thats where most of my thoughts were but i didnt know how to put it all together. :)
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writebyeve · 2 years
A new WINTEAM oneshot is out on AO3!
'Win has always been teased about being too protective of his boyfriend, Team.
He never acknowledged the jokes, finding them to be nothing more than an exaggeration made by his friends to mess with him.
When one day Team falls sick with harmless fever and Win quite dramatically sees his life flash before his eyes, he starts to believe the other people's sayings.
He's too protective of Team and there's nothing he can do about it.'
Link towards the oneshot + small sneak down below ⬇⬇⬇
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neo-neos · 2 years
I am officially yeeting myself off a bridge, good bye
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prem-ium · 2 years
Dean's hand placement...👀
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aanithewrapper · 2 years
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