#Beyond the Heaviside Layer
You See: Jellylorum’s Arc and Why It’s the Best Grizabella Arc
Yeah, so, I got writer’s block trying to organize and write this properly, so I’m just writing off the top of my head. I can only hope that any of it makes sense.
I said that I might elaborate on Jellylorum’s hatred of pubs and Grizabella, and I decided to go ahead and do it, even though literally no one asked.
So, the general arc with Grizabella for most characters, especially Munkustrap and Bombalurina, is that Griz did something to offend everyone and they still hold a grudge, so they won’t let her back into the tribe, even though she might be literally dying. Then Grizabella sings Memory and everyone’s moved and they learn to forgive and Grizabella goes to the Heaviside Layer, which was probably Old Deuteronomy’s plan all along.
However, many people, even if they like Memory as a song, don’t really follow the Grizabella story. I’ve gotten the feeling that she’s not a popular character on this site, which is not helped by Munk and Bomba, much more popular characters, being against her for most of the show. The main problem with the forgiveness story is that the audience lacks any context. We don’t know what happened, so we don’t know if this is a story about forgiving someone for something petty, or forgiving someone who seriously wronged you. Most attempts to solve this problem fall flat. The 2019 film said that Grizabella went off with Macavity, but the movie had to alter the roles of several characters to get that to work. Mungojerrie worked for Macavity, and the tribe took him back. Demeter and Bombalurina had some sort of relationship with Macavity, and the tribe took them back. So, the movie makes Jerrie and Bomba more villainous and removes Demeter’s connection to Macavity, so Grizabella stands out. If you have to throw out large portions of what’s interesting about three characters to make your backstory make sense, it’s not a good backstory.
But, the show already sort of has a built in solution to this problem. While most of the characters hate Griz because of some past incident, there’s still at least one character arc about accepting Grizabella that’s based entirely on what the audience can see and hear.
This is where Jellylorum comes in.
If you pay close attention to how Jellylorum reacts to Grizabella, as well as to several other characters, you’ll notice that, though I’m sure she’s upset over whatever Griz did too, Jelly is not motivated by a grudge. It’s not about Grizabella’s past. It’s about her present.
Grizabella the Glamor Cat
Jellylorum, for the first few numbers, doesn’t really stand out. She’s always part of a larger group. In Gumbie Cat, she’s in a trio with two other queens. At this point, the audience really wouldn’t know what makes these characters stand out from one another. In Tugger’s number, Jelly is one of four older cats who are shocked and offended by Tugger’s antics, but the reactions of all four characters serve the same purpose. Jelly, Jenny, Skimble, and Asparagus are part of an older generation and they don’t get the things kids are into these days, finding them downright offensive.
If isn’t until Glamor Cat that this starts to change. At first, Jelly’s still the same as Jenny and Skimble, an older cat who stops the kittens from touching Grizabella. What’s different is how Griz reacts. Skimble leads Jemima away and Griz doesn’t comment. Jenny slaps Electra’s hand away and Griz doesn’t comment. But, when Victoria and Etcetera crawl towards her and Jelly runs in to stop them, Griz turns on her. Up until this point, the song has been fairly quiet. This is the first time Griz raises her voice, taking the orchestra with her.
You see the border of her coat is torn and stained with sand
Grizabella is dirty and beaten up by life and she accuses Jellylorum of responding to that, assuming that someone in Griz’s condition must be a threat to the children. This isn’t about a grudge. It’s about judging by appearances, specifically, the appearance of poverty, which will become more clear as we go.
When Demeter starts singing about Grizabella, she doesn’t sing about her glamorous past:
She haunted many a low resort
Near the grimy road of Tottenham Court
Tottenham Court Road, at the time this poem was written, was associated with crime. It’s a street in a lower class neighborhood which was infamous for theft and prostitution. So, Griz has been seen in a place where bad things happen. To think of her as a criminal is guilt by association.
The play decides not to tell us what Grizabella did to become an outcast, but it does tell us about her life as an outcast. From her character design, we can also see that Griz is in poor shape. This is the information the audience is actually given.
Bustopher Jones
Bustopher is easy to compare to Tugger, since the cats that don’t like Tugger all adore Bustopher. But, because we met Grizabella right before this, he can be compared to her too. Bustopher is everything the older cats see as ideal, while Griz is the opposite. Bustopher spends time among the rich in gentlemen’s clubs. Griz spends time in a working class neighborhood with a high crime rate. Even though they’re both probably strays, Bustopher presents as rich and Grizabellla presents as poor.
Just as different cats have different reasons for hating Grizabella, different cats have different reasons for liking Bustopher. For some, it’s his skill and gaining access to good food. Jenny has a crush on him. Misto likes that they look similar and that he’s the mature and sophisticated adult Misto wants to be. But, though Jellylorum’s part in the number is small compared to Jenny’s, the first thing she has to say about Bustopher is:
He doesn’t haunt pubs
Unlike gentlemen’s clubs, which are exclusive, pubs are everywhere and are for everyone. They’re frequented by the working class. Bustopher is only seen in the upper class parts of town.
Meanwhile, some of the locations Demeter mentions in Glamor Cat, The Rising Sun and The Friend at Hand are pubs. Bustopher doesn’t haunt pubs. Grizabella does.
The Glamor Cat Reprise:
So, a lot’s been implied about Jellylorum and how she admires things associated with the upper class and has disdain for things associated with the working class. But, this is where it all comes together. Grizabella accuses Jelly of treating her as someone to be feared and shamed because she’s from the bad side of town and looks it. Here, by repeating Grizabella’s words, Jelly confirms the accusation:
You see the border of her coat is torn and stained with sand
Jellylorum turns to Victoria, the pure white Symbol of Innocence who wears a sparkly pink collar, implying a wealthy owner, and points out that Griz is dirty and is both someone Victoria should avoid and strive not to be like. Victoria ignores her. Victoria is the feline equivalent of the sheltered princess, a proper young lady from a good family who hasn’t seen much of the world. But, Victoria is unaware of the implications of her status and sees someone like Grizabella as an equal. She doesn’t acknowledge class and doesn’t listen when adults try to explain it to her.
When Jellylorum pulls a kitten away from Grizabella, it’s always Victoria. The first time, it was Victoria and Etcetera, but Victoria is always involved. Victoria is never stopped by any other adult either. She seems to be Jelly’s responsibility, which creates and interesting contrast.
Gus: The Theatre Cat
After the Grizabella Reprise confirms that Jelly’s prejudice against Grizabella is based in classism, it would be easy to see her as a villain. The unspoken grudge of Munkustrap and Bombalurina is more sympathetic. 
But, very early on in act two, Jellylorum is given the spotlight, and we can see her good side. Gus is a lot like Grizabella. They’re both old and past their prime, but they once were stars of some sort. But, Gus is loved and cared for by everyone. Grizabella is one her own. 
Gus meets with his friends at the pub to tell theatre stories. You can tell from Jelly’s delivery when she brings it up that she’s not happy about this. But, she loves Gus anyway. Gus is old, his coat is a mess, and he hangs out in working class pubs, but Jellylorum loves him anyway. She’s perfectly capable of seeing beyond classist prejudice when it’s someone she already likes. She just hasn’t realized that Griz and Gus are the same. She can learn the lesson she needs to learn. She’s not a villain. She’s antagonistic, but she’s redeemable.
Griz appears one last time, Victoria tries to touch her, Jelly stops her. Same old, same old. Things don’t get interesting until everyone sits down. Jellylorum, along with Victoria, sits with Old Deuteronomy and Munkustrap. She’s right up there with the leaders of the tribe. This puts her on the same level as Munkustrap, who has his own lesson to learn from this.
Memory makes Jellylorum realize how much Grizabella is suffering. She’s not on Tottenham Court because she does bad things. She’s there because she’s in a bad situation and has nowhere else to go. Griz is also caught up in memories of her past like Gus is. Jelly, like everyone else in the tribe, figures it out.
When Victoria gets up to touch Grizabella, she looks back to the adults to get permission. Old Deuteronomy nods, letting her go ahead. But, it looks like all of the adults in that corner consulted each other. Munkustrap, at this moment, makes the decision to forgive Grizabella. Jellylorum, at this moment, makes the decision to accept Grizabella as an equal. She’s no longer beneath someone like Victoria.
Then, when all the cats greet and welcome Grizabella, Jelly looks very guilty, more so than the other older cats do. She’s realized just how petty she was being, that she was even worse to Griz than most of the tribe, because they either had a more emotionally-charged reason, or they just didn’t know any better.
Jelly’s story arc is a classic “don’t judge a book by its cover” story, with the symbols of class being the cover she judged.
In Conclusion:
Everything about this arc is based on information the audience is given. We can see that Grizabella is in bad shape. We know where she’s been spending her time because Demeter tells us. We can confirm Jelly’s motivation with the Grizabella reprise. We can compare how the characters of Gus and Griz are described:
You see the border of her coat is torn and stained with sand
His coat’s very shabby, he’s thin as a rake
Jellylorum sings the former line with disdain, but she sings the latter line with sympathy.
Jelly’s arc is where Grizabella stands out the most. Griz calls her out on her bullshit, is shown to be completely right in her judgement of her, and then is able to change her mind.
And, the emotional impact is all there, because no important information is hidden from the audience. The arc begins with the words “you see”, because you can.
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sillybub · 3 years
Can we do family and friendship headcanons for Jelly, please? (My grandma self can't figure out the emojis)
Jemi you have just enabled me in the best way possible
Family and Friendship
Jellylorum's biological family consists of her father Gus and her older brother Asparagus Jr. She was not quite yet a teenager when her mother was chosen for the Heaviside Layer after falling sick with a terrible illness. She was sad to see her go, but thankful that she left for next life with a smile on her face.
Around this time, she met the queen who would become her closest and dearest companion, Hathor. New to the neighborhood, and quite shy, Hathor was reluctant to wander far from home. Luckily, Jellylorum lived right next door, and was determined to befriend her. She took Hathor under her wing, showing her all around town, and where the best spots to sunbathe were, and which streets to avoid. She spent the Hathor's first Ball with the tribe by her side, gently pulling her aside to quiet corners when the revelry got too loud and chaotic for her.
They became close confidants--they were neighbors, so they could see eachother all the time. But Jellylorum likes to think that they would have still been close even with more physical distance between them. Hathor had a calm and soothing presence, and was wise and insightful, and had such a warmth to her that Jellylorum always felt better about everything when she was with her.
In their youth, Jellylorum and Asparagus were super competitive against eachother. They both wanted to live up to their father's legacy, so they were constantly one-upping eachother on who could hold the longest note, who can recite the most monologues, who can. Even beyond winning against her brother, Jellylorum wanted people to be impressed with her. She knew that people had high expectations for her as the daughter of a renowned actor, and she so, so hated to let people down. So she told jokes an learned funny songs to make people laugh--she loved that she could bring joy and laughter to people.
As they grew older, their attitudes towards each other mellowed out. Jellylorum has a lot of respect for her brother, and knows that she can trust and depend on him for anything. They'll still rib eachother, of course, but it's with much more fondness now.
Gus didn't ever purposefully pressure them into pursuing his career, but growing up surrounded by theater still gave them an interest in it. He encouraged them to try new things and expand their horizons, and liked to take them on little adventures around town to meet new people and see new things. He was the type of father to want his kids to be exposed to a lot of different ideas, to keep their minds fresh and open. He would make up stories with them, and was a sad day when they got "too old" to play pretend anymore.
As Jellylorum grew and began to explore her own individual identity and what she wanted out of life, she realized that she loved having a family to care for, and wanted one of her own. She liked singing and acting well enough, but the idea of performing on a stage and living a dazzling life of fame and glamor grew more and more unappealing every day; especially after a good friend of hers abandoned the tribe in pursuit of it. She didn't want the adoration of a faceless crowd; she wanted to bring love and happiness to the people she held dear to her.
Her friends were already starting to have kittens, and even her brother had his own on the way. But she had no mate to raise kittens with, and she was getting tired of waiting for one. She deliberated a lot over it with Hathor.
"Jemima doesn't have a mate," Hathor said. "And she's doing well with her twins."
"I know, I know," Jellylorum said, twisting her tail in her hands. "But I don't think I could do that. Raise kittens all on my own."
"Would you be?" Hathor asked. She laid her paw over Jellylorum's. "Alone, I mean. You'd...have me, wouldn't you?"
Jellylorum's paws stilled as she looked up at her friend. "I couldn't ask you to do that."
Hathor just shook her head. "You don't have to. I mean, I would be their auntie anyways, right? You know that I'd already do anything for them, and for you."
They sat in silence for a moment.
"What's really the difference between a best friend and a mate, anyways?" Jellylorum asked.
So Jellylorum raised a pair of kittens with her best friend Hathor, and sure, it was a little unusual, but it worked for them.
Jellylorum sees so much of her younger self in Etcetera. The boundless energy that begged to be channeled into something constructive, the sense of fun and humor to make her friends smile, and the compassion to reach out to a newcomer who needed to be loved (so of course, Jellylorum wasn't surprised when the Electra became her daughter-in-law later down the line).
Carbucketty is similar to her in their shared need to please; he can't say no to dares or favors, and he's always acting out to make his friends laugh. He wants to impress his peers, because he admires them so much and wants them to think highly of him as well. She hopes that he gains confidence in himself and his worth, and finds what he wants out of life. She knows how hard it can be to grow up, but she hopes he keeps his fun and playful energy when he's older.
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I would love to hear more about Ruzzilo, Beatrice, and Theophilus, too, if you're okay with sharing!
I’d love to! I don’t have great refs for them currently, but I’ll update with refs in the future when I get the chance to make them.
I’m also going to try and keep all of these a little briefer since they aren't my main oc (but still important to me!)
Ruzzilo is Domoria’s long lost twin brother. When she was adopted from the pet store, he ran away, and somehow ended up working as a low level henchman for Macavity. He’s considered expendable, so he’s practically a living weapon. His jobs are to keep shady allies in line, fight on behalf of Macavity when needed, and work for respected allies from time to time. 
One of these allies is a rich queen named Bastet ( @your-missing-period). She despises strays and the Jellicles, and Ruzzilo is basically a bodyguard of sorts. Their relationship is comical since they never see eye to eye, due to being raised with very different lifestyles, but Bastet can’t afford to lose him. A small witchy black cat named Sugar Spice ( @jelliclegifs) works for Bastet as well, and Ruzzilo hates her and her ghost friend Oblivion ( @fandomsandmore394). 
Ruzzilo hates Sugar because of his deep loathing for magic. It is also the only thing he fears. He’s worked for Macavity far too long and has seen the extent of his powers. Macavity’s magic is also how he lost his left ear.
Personality-wise, Ruzzilo is the direct opposite of Domoria. Where she is open and optimistic, Ruzzilo is cold and seemingly apathetic. 3 personality traits I'd use for him are 
He has spent his life building a reputation to scare others away from him. It makes living as a stray easier; he can find food and shelter more secluded since everyone avoids him. He has never lost a fight, and since he will fight to the death need be, the day he loses is the day he dies. 
That’s not to say he is completely incapable of caring for anyone. When he does care about someone, he is extremely loyal and protective. He also has a sharp wit and understanding nature, since he knows he’s probably committed worse atrocities. Currently, his only friend that he cares about is Macavity’s son Alexei ( @star-freckled-kitten). They are one hell of a disaster duo.
The easiest way to describe Beatrice is lawful good. She’s a very quiet queen that few have ever heard speak. She actually only ever speaks when someone else speaks to her first, due to both shyness and only ever wanting to engage in deep conversation, not small talk. However, if/when you do talk to her, you will find she is very sage. She gives the best advice and is incredibly unbiased and understanding. Her mind is beyond her age. 
However, very few actually talk to her. She is tentative acquaintances with Jemima and Victoria, and has a crush on a much more outgoing queen named Nouvel ( @fandomsandmore394). But that's about it so far- at least for her living friends.
Beatrice is a medium and can speak to essentially what are the ghosts of the junkyard, otherwise known as shadow cats. These are the cats that didn't quite make it to the Heaviside layer. To Beatrice, her powers are both a blessing and a curse. Her best friend is the aforementioned Oblivion, and she has close connections with other shadow cats as well. But not all of the shadow cats are kind. Some are restless spirits, more angry than rational. This can get extremely overwhelming for Beatrice, who strives to help as many shadow cats find peace and move on past this world as she can.
3 personality traits I use for her are:
She also has a deep love for nature, since its quiet, unlike the junkyard.
Theophilus, or Theo for short, is my newest oc. I’m still unsure of all the details on him, and hopefully I can develop him more over time.
Theo is the definition of a scaredy-cat. Literally everything alarms him at first, from pollicles to butterflies. He’s small and timid, so many even mistake him for a kitten at first! In actuality, he’s a young adult and smarter than most. 
If you need information on anyone or anything, Theo is probably the best person to go to. He knows everything about the Jellicle tribe, both current information and the history. He also is extremely intelligent and logical. The only thing holding him back from sharing this knowledge frequently is his own fear. 
As always, three traits I’d use for him are
Since he’s new and also not very outgoing, he doesn't have any friends yet. However, as a friend, he’d be very kind and rational, perhaps just a little clingy from time to time. He’s kind of like a younger brother, even though he’s probably smarter than you. Theo also likes to share random trivia or fun facts from time to time; it’s practically his way of saying “I like being around you and want to share things I find cool with you because you're important to me”. 
I also have two (mostly) NPCs, Sophronia and Gehenna. Sophronia is a mostly blind cat who lives in the local opera house, but breaks out to join the Jellicles. Gehenna is extremely motherly, but she lost her two kittens a few months before joining the tribe. She still wants a family though, and she reminds me a lot of Jane Seymour (SIX).
Thank you so much for asking, if you or anyone else has any more questions or just wants to know more, send in more asks or privately message me! I love hearing about other’s ocs and finding new friends for my ocs!
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victeazer-archive · 5 years
Here are my rough ideas regarding Jemima, Grizabella, Macavity, the nature of magic in the universe of Cats. I'm purely spit balling here on what I know and of course what I do know could be very little in the scope of things; please inform me if my theory is flawed based on any fact/canon within the Cats musical!
I'm new to Fandom and didn't entirely understand the hype surrounding Jemima - I only knew her as the kitten that sang the bridge in Memory which inspired Grizabella, a very iconic and memorable moment in the show, yes, but she wasn't particularly memorable to me (heheh) and her role in the story was taken by Victoria in the film adaptation.
So, I didn't really think abou Jemima until I revisited the classic 1998 recording of the musical and started browsing the Cats wiki to fuel my ever growing curiosity/hyperfixation and I came across a very peculiar detail that intrigued me. During midway through the show, it is described that Jemima was "telepathically selected" by Deutoronomy to relay a message to Grizabella, and this "possibly hints at her mystical nature". This raised many questions I want to unpack.
First off, I had no idea that Old Deutoronomy had the ability to communicate telepathically. It does make sense, as Deutoronomy is the only known cat able to access the Heaviside Layer - we can view this as one of his magical abilities, and a sign of him being the most powerful of all the magical cats. I suppose it just caught me off guard that it's not exactly explicitly stated that Deutoronomy was using his telephatic ability during this scene with Jemima, but it is a largely accepted interpretation and so we can confirm it is an ability he possesses.
Speaking of the magical cats, the other known magical cats are Mr Mistoffelees, and the Coricopat and Tantomile pair. The reason I bring these characters up is because I believe there is a specific logic to their magical power through age.
See, Mistoffelees is considered to be a young adult, about the same age as Victoria, who is seen transitioning from kitten to adulthood throughout the show. Now, there is subtle imagery of Mistoffelees possessing magic throughout the show (being able to open Jennyanydot's briefcase through gesturing his hands, for example) and until his big number (which I will discuss later), these magical tricks indicate that Mistoffelees' power is actually rather weak compared to the other magical cats like Coricopat and Tantomile, who are said to be able to predict the future, are shown to sense approaching presences and seem to share a telepathic bond between them. I believe that why Mistofelees's power is weak compared to that of Coricopat and Tantomile is because of age difference - the mystical twins are well into adulthood and their power thus could have grown stronger over time with maturity. It makes sense to me that the strength of magical power in a magical jellicle cat is relative to age, because at the very top of this hierarchy of magical cats is Deutoronomy, the oldest cat of this group. However, I don't think this is the only factor in a magical cat's power level, but I will discuss this later.
My second question regarding this scene is why Deutoronomy didn't simply send the message directly to Grizabella, telepathically. Heck, why doesn't he ever speak to her once throughout the play - we see him reach and fail to touch her, but I do not recall him calling after her. So, after wracking my brain for an answer, the conclusion I came to was this: he cannot use his magical power to communicate to Grizabella, because Grizabella is not a Jellicle Cat.
Let me break this down; yes, it is clear that Grizabella is a Jellicle Cat in the sense that she belongs to this species within the universe, but what I am referring to is specifically the tribe of Jellicle Cats, of which she once belonged to, and was then outcasted from. The magical cats within the show only ever really use their abilities in relation to others within the tribe; Mistoffelees summons Deutoronomy (which we will discuss I promise), the mystical twins are able to sense Deutoronomy's arrival, and, of course, Deutoronomy uses his telepathic power to communicate to Jemima. (There is an instance of the mystical twins being able to sense Macavitys precense, but I believe it has more so to do with the constant paranoia of Macavity's arrival throughout the play rather than their actual magical insight). So, it would be logical that Deutoronomy could not reach out to Grizabella, because he cannot actually use his power on her, only on those within the tribe.
This leads me to believe that there had to be some ritual taken place to remove Grizabella from this magical link between the Jellicle Cats, and that, of course, the only way to mend this link is through a Jellicle Cat's touch - an acceptance into the tribe's community, but also to the magical link to the, well, magical cats.
Onto my next point is that there is technically another magical cat within the show, but he is not accepted within the Jellicle Tribe. In fact, you could say he has his own opposing tribe that isn't really elaborated or established clearly within the show - but we do know that he has henchmen, some of which were Jellicle Cats (example, Mungojerrie, who we will talk about more in this too! Yay!) that clearly converted/were accepted back into the Jellicle tribe before the start of the show. In fact, it is implied that he has a personal history with individual members of the Jellicle Tribe like Demeter and Bombularina (who are rather matured adult queens). This leads me to believe that Macavity was once a Jellicle Cat, being that he was once a member of the tribe, but left to establish his own.
Now, I'm going to take some information from the movie adaptation, so forgive me (even though ALW did work on the film and so it could be recognized as new Canon etc etc etc...) Within the film, Macavity is actively eliminating other potential competitors for the Jellicle Choice, and is ultimately rejected by Deutoronomy for having "no Jellicle soul" (I'm paraphrasing).
Now, I believe that this is could actually act as Macavity's backstory for the musical. He was once Jellicle Cat, a magical one in fact, but used his magic for his own benefit instead of for the tribe (reminder that our aforementioned magical cats used their powers to protect, warn, or rescue their fellow jellicle cats). Rejected, or leaving on his own accord, Macavity instead forms his own tribe, that, again benefits only him. I should clarify that it is clearly evident that you do not have to be a member of the Jellicle Tribe to yield magical powers, ala Macavity being able to do so.
Now, as said before, Macavity recruited/lured cats from the Jellicle tribe to join his own. One of them is stated to be Mungojerrie who, according to this timeline, must have been a kitten when Macavity recruited him. Mungojerrie was an impressionable, trusting child who was probably attracted to Macavity's criminal lifestyle, as is Mungojerrie's character. However, it is clear that Mungojerrie left Macavity and returned to the tribe and was accepted back in. We can assume the reason he did would because he suffered from some form of abuse from Macavity, as we see him literally tremble in fear when he witnesses him, even as an adult Tom. Mungojerrie isn't the only one - Demeter is also constantly paranoid and anxious that Macavity will cross paths with her again. Macavity doesn't actually care about the people in his tribe. Again, it is for the benefit of himself.
Now, how could having a tribe benefit Macavity beyond helping him with his crimes or facilitating his needs? This is where I talk about the second factor that influences a cat's magical strength. We are getting to the Mistoffelees number.
Remember when I said that Mistoffelees is pretty weak up until his big number? Well, the reason I think he suddenly gained such power is the fact that he is accompanied by a chorus of his own Jellicle Tribe that are expressing adoration and affection for him. I believe that Mistoffelees is able to channel this positive energy into his magic, making him able to pull off such a great task such as teleporting Deutoronomy back. I believe a cat's magical power can be strengthened through not only maturity, but also through the support from a community.
(And in case you were wondering, Coricopat and Tantomile are rather recluse and quiet cats. Although I don't think they're hated within their community they are definitely not able to draw in a crowd like Mistoffelees, clearly).
Thus, I believe Macavity is trying to create a tribe so as to strengthen his magic, but doesn't actually value his fellow cats, so abuses or discards of them.
Let's circle back to Grizabella. Now, in the musical, it's never explained why Grizabella was outcasted from the Jellicle Tribe. However, in the film, they explain that Grizabella actually joined Macavity, and was thus shunned and ostracized by the Jellicle Cats. While not elaborated on, I feel like this is a solid explanation if we follow my theory. Grizabella could have been lured by Macavity into his tribe for many reasons; he could have promised her something akin to fame or glamor, as is her namesake, or could have seduced her romantically like he did Bombalurina or Demeter. So, Grizabella leaves the tribe and goes through some ritual to sever ties with them, if you will. She goes and travels with him, but not as peer but a servant to him; you can see she is torn and dilapidated, perhaps from years of abuse, neglect or suffering from a one-sided relationship in which Grizabella sacrificed her youth, her beauty and her community for Macavity, and he ultimately gave her nothing in return. Now, Grizabella could have left at her own accord, but I find it more plausible that Macavity discarded of her once he realized that she had lost faith in him, thus weakening his power. This could explain why in the film Grizabella seems to drift between Macavity and the Jellicle Tribe, clearly reaching back to the Jellicle Tribe but rejected by both.
Now, of all the jellicle cats that left and came back, why is Grizabella the one that the Jellicle Tribe resisted to accept her the most? I believe it could be that Grizabella was Macavity's oldest follower, one of his firsts perhaps, and thus possibly the longest-lasting tribe member who stuck by his side despite watching cats - kittens, even - come and go. It would be logical for them to distrust her expressing to return to the tribe, considering her unwavering loyalty to Macavity until this point.
(Just a side note I think this explains why Macavity comes back through out the play to kidnap Deutoronomy and Demeter, rather than luring or trying to convince them, just becoming frustrated and forcing them instead).
Anyway, let's try and go back to the beginning of all this. The scene. We have Deutoronomy, who is unable to communicate via his magic to his old friend that he had possibly forgiven for leaving, seeing how she had suffered, because she is no longer a part of the tribe, then using his magic to ask a young kitten via telepathy to relay a message of Happiness, and thus possibly awakening the young kitten's own mystical power through love, and acceptance. I believe that this isn't the only instance of Deutoronomy speaking through Jemima, either. He could have possibly telepathically relayed the verse in Memory (Daylight) for Jemima to sing. Through this he is already teaching her that her magic can be powered through love, affection, acceptance and especially, compassion.
Later, when Victoria finally touches and accepts Grizabella, she is once again within the tribe. And thus, her and Deutoronomy can finally reunite, and he can offer his friend redemption; a new life. I believe he is able to access the Heaviside Layer not only because he is the oldest and wisest of the magical cats, but through the power of his own love for who he deems the Jellicle Choice.
I feel like my theory on how magical cats work give these scenes a new layer and strengthens them, give em a lil logic. It just makes sense to me, and I cant really watch these moments the same way again once I've realized this.
Anyway, cat magic is powered by love and macavity is a dick so that's why I like Jemima more than I did before the end!
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jb-reviews · 5 years
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I’m a cat lover, have 3 of my own, and have never seen the play this film is based on, but knowing what I know about movies I can 100% say this is a mess. It gets the musical aspect right as it has great songs I’ve already added to my Spotify playlist accompanied by bright, colorful and extravagant dance numbers yet the plot is simple and unimportant. Through the course of one night these cats living in London sing and dance while ultimately choosing one of them to be the “Jellicle Choice” making the chosen one go to the Heaviside Layer and return to a new life. Oh, and Idris Elba plays the villain that doesn’t really do much or becomes a huge threat in any way and is easily disposed of. It’s all very “let’s get to the next musical number as quickly as possible” and the plot is kinda irrelevant. It seems the makers of the film just wanted to get as many high profile celebrities they could find to sing these popular songs and that would have worked if it wasn’t for the hideous CGI. Why they didn’t get these actors in costumes is beyond me cause the CGI they did to make them look like cats is freaky and awkward looking. The settings are gorgeous...if only they were real. Green screen and CGI ruled this film and it’s too bad cause it would have made a great musical, but everything else just doesn’t work and some good songs don’t make a movie great. ⭐️⭐️
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notanotherreview · 5 years
Cats Review (2019)                       #1
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Director: Tom Hooper
Stars:  Francesca Hayward,  Jennifer Hudson, Judi Dench, Idris Elba
Having read many terrible even horrendous critic reviews for Cats, usually most of the time I don’t agree with them, but having seen the film for myself in this case i completely agree with the negativity surrounding this film. What i hoped to be on the same standard as 2012′s Les Miserables directed by Tom Hooper, dramatically fails on almost every aspect. From the CGI cat suits to the dance routines all fail to draw you in.
For me I feel like the first 30-45 minutes of the film is a train wreck, Usually in a musical the opening number is a big number a song and dance that draws you into what the whole show is about, something that stands out captivates you, draws you in for the rest of the performance, but sadly Cats opening song is a let down, too many moving parts for you to understand what the hell is going on. Most of the cats aren’t actually doing cat stuff, i get that they’re dancing but collectively it doesn’t work, as we’re introduced to many of the types of cats during the opening period of the film it’s obvious that the production clearly fail to understand how fur works. cats rubbing up against each other but their fur doesn’t appear to move naturally, and the tails don’t move like a cats should.
As the film moves on the story becomes slightly clearer, Victoria (Francesca Hayward) who we are introduced to at the very start by being abandoned by humans, makes her way round the group called the Jellicle Cats, a group of cats that each year a selective few do a song and dance for one of them to be picked by the tribe leader Old Deuteronomy (Judi Dench) to go to Heaviside Layer a place for the Jellicle cat to start a new life over.
Rebel Wilson, James Corden and Jason Derulo (Jennyanydots), ( Bustopher Jones) (Rum Tum Tugger) respectively all add no value to the film, Derulo shouting Milk over and over in his solo song is terrible, wearing a fur coat also serves no purpose as he’s suppose to be a cat who already as fur. Rebel Wilson doing her song and dance with the cockroaches leaves you with memory scars you wish you could unsee as they all had weird human faces, every so often while singing and dancing she takes one and eats it, then there’s the whole part where she rips off her fur to only have another whole outfit on underneath, Cordens cat is an over weight over indulged cat his whole song is about eating and eating. Then we have the Villian cat  Macavity (Idris Elba) a cat who can teleport and make other cats teleport with him.  Bombalurina (Taylor Swift) has about 3/4 minutes of screen time and although in those minutes she does do a good performance, it all feels that many of this cast are here due to their names and their past work.Instead of merit of being able to sing and dance given that this essentially is a muscial.
Ian McKellan as Gus the Theatre Cat lacks glamour his singing is mediocre at best, Judi Dench plays her part well, her singing is the same as Ian McKellans dull and sounding quite out of tune. Francesca Haywards casting seems to have been a great choice, though with her talent i’d have liked to have seen her dance more within the film.
The highlight of the film was Jennifer Hudson (Grizabella) and her rendition of Memory. From start to finish of the song she sings it magnificently, the raw emotion in her voice grasps her struggle as an outcast cat and her demise into the shadows. Other small highlights were Steven McRae (Skimbleshanks) I enjoyed his whole railway dance rountine for the few moments on screen it felt like a more of musical number. Laurie Davidson (Mr. Mistoffelees) and his showpiece of  Mr. Mistoffelees is the other highlight it’s about the only song in the whole musical that I remember any of the words to.
Overall highly disappointed with the film, a lot of big name actors and actresses in this line up will have their credentials slightly tarnished by being part of the production. Hopefully every future film i see in 2020 and beyond is much better than Cats.
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chipslater · 4 years
Beyond the Heaviside Layer ♦ Astounding Stories ♦ By Capt. S. P. Meek ♦ ...
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digitalhovel · 4 years
Cats 1983: The Musical: The Album is pretty good
So. I just listened to the 1983 official soundtrack to the Broadway musical Cats. And let me tell you, it was pretty good actually.
This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me, but, alas, despite my BFA in acting, I have seen about ten musicals in my life, none of which were Cats in any form. My only experience with this musical was the incredible review of the musical by Polygon’s Simone de Rochefort, and the awe-inspiring twitter thread by the person who saw the 2019 movie rendition three times in one day. Until now, I kept myself free from any actual Cats content directly entering my eyes or ears.
The official soundtrack isn’t perfect. I read along with the Wikipedia synopsis, so I could understand what was happening, because if I didn’t, I would have no idea who Munkustrap is. I still don’t. But that’s okay. The official album doesn’t include the Pekes and Pollicles song, but that’s also okay, because this musical is about Cats, and a song about dogs is just wrong, right?
So. The music.
The instrumentals are neat, but I have no way to critique them. I have no knowledge of music or how it works, or even whether it sounds good (a matter for a different time). Anyways, they’re there, and that’s fine. I would also argue that “The Naming of Cats” isn’t a song; it’s a chant with which to grant your housecat sapience and the ability to kill you if it desires. As such, I recommend keeping it from the ears of your pets at all times, lest they grow too powerful. However, do let them listen to “Jellicle Songs for Jellicle cats,” because that song slaps, and I broke out into dancing while it was playing because Jellicles can and Jellicles do, and that’s the sort of enthusiastic attitude we all need while trapped inside and bored out of our gourds. Finally, the biggest musical number I heard, “The Jellicle Ball,” was a solid series of instrumentations that projected excellent colors on the inside of my brain (no drugs necessary).
Now, the cats of Cats. A review of this music would not be complete without an attempt to parse what has happened and who deserved to be the Jellicle choice.
Munkustrap is clearly showing favoritism to JennyAnyDots, otherwise he wouldn’t have her in mind. While she has done something impressive by orchestrating cockroaches and mice, unless she creates a business reviving dead dinosaurs, she’s not a true venture capitalist. Munkustrap is a mystery; he is the omnipresent narrator, the audience stand-in, the ringleader of the program, even if he doesn’t have Jellicle authority. As such, he is the wizard behind the curtain of the Cats universe, and therefore is incredibly powerful and probably deserves reincarnation, but his services to Cat-kind would be a loss. Also, I imagine he has no physical form, and is just an ethereal voice, so he can probably float to the Heaviside whenever.
I really didn’t expect to be annoyed by Rum Tum Tugger, but I was. I mean, clearly the song is about a cat who is annoying to its owners for always being contradictory. It’s a real thing, so it’s funny. But I cannot listen to this man list things he likes and doesn’t like and then list them in reverse for four minutes without wanting to disown this cat because it’s a jerk. The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat, but he’s also like that friend who agrees to go see a movie then starts complaining on the drive there because it got bad reviews and it’s not even a Tarantino for Christ sake so what’s the point.
Edit: upon seeing a visual of Rum Tum Tugger, I get it. He’s still a nasty, horny lad, but I get it. So he’s fine, actually.
Bustopher Jones and MungoJerry and RumpleTeazer sit together in my mind. They’re fun, they’re entertaining. They’re chaotic, and they know what they’re about. But also, they are clearly too materialistic to be jettisoned into the glorious skybox that is the Heaviside layer. Similarly, Mr. Mistofeles does cool parlor tricks, but he probably just laces the other cats’ food with catnip and then lies really good about what he does. Also, he issues seven new kittens into the world using only his hat, which is a crime against the earth and a hostile opposition to TNR programs and everything Regis Philbin stood for.
          So, who deserves to go into that beautiful clown circus in the sky that is the Heaviside layer? Skimbleshanks. He provides a good service to the world and is proud of it. His pride isn’t the self-involved absorption of narcissism, but the healthy self-contentment of seeing and owning the products of one’s labor. However, he can keep that up for a while, and he should. Unionize the cats, Skimbleshanks. I believe in you.
So, the three cats of an appropriate age for recycling are Old Deuteronomy, Grizabella, and Gus. Macavity may be old enough to be reincarnated into a small glowing cube of fur and joy, but he’s a criminal, an adulterer, and a tax evader. We don’t support dirty capitalist criminals here. So, the other three. Gus: an old theatre actor, but probably a racist (this album included the tale of Growltiger, the only song I didn’t finish because it was fucking racist). Old Deuteronomy: Who said he can’t pick himself? What if Deuteronomy looked around, found out everyone else was kind of annoying and self-centered and left them to burn instead of teaching them about life and loss and the meaning of happiness? Finally, Grizabella: enigmatic, tragic, sorrowful.
          About halfway through, I was rooting for Gus. He’s an old, old man, and he deserves a break from life and a chance at being great again. But then his bravado and bragging became an entire musical number, and no one likes the actor who keeps reminding people of that time in college when he played Seymore in Little Shop. Old Deuteronomy clearly has to stick around because he’s the only hope of teaching the other schmucks about life. So, let’s lay it out: Grizabella’s voice is a moving powerhouse. She laments, or praises the fact that she still has the memories of her life. She has lived a full life of experience. Now, that aforementioned twitter thread suggested that she was ignored and deserved to be reinstated with the Jellicles. But, she clearly wants to leave them. She knows what her life has been, and she wishes to see beyond, to see the sun, the moon, the true face of things. She wants access to the test room where all the good assets are held, uncorrupted and perfect. Grizabella is old, frail, and dejected. Is it kinder for them to let her back in? Yes. But even she’s dejected, and instead of trying to make her feel like she matters, the Jellicles give her what she wants: escape from them and their bitter, self-centric dance-routines.
          Grizabella is the most mature of all the cats. She demonstrates acceptance with her life and also with the idea of leaving her memories and her past behind, despite the beauty she once had and all the good times before everything went south for her. As she is absorbed into that godless place beyond space and time, she leaves behind her memories. It’s a tragedy, but she is happy for her new life, and probably to be rid of all the Jellicles, who are largely mean to her and nuisances.
          So, what did I learn? Well I learned that Jellicles can, and Jellicles do. I learned that happiness is the maturity to leave your past behind and accept a new day, and I learned above all else, that cats are not dogs. In general, this album ruled, and it was a good listen for an hour-and-a-half while I twiddled my thumbs and tried to avoid doing other things. One day, I’ll watch the other Cats products, but for now, I’ll let this one float around for a while, until I’m ready to move on and look fondly back on the memory.
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leapfroglearningpad · 5 years
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Cats the movie: 
Are you blind when you're born?
Can you see in the dark?
Can you look at a king?
Would you sit on his throne?
Can you say of your bite
That it's worse than your bark?
Are you cock of the walk
When you're walking alone?
Because Jellicles are
And Jellicles do
Jellicles do and Jellicles would
Jellicles would and Jellicles can
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
When you fall on your head
Do you land on your feet?
Are you tense when you sense
There's a storm in the air?
Can you find your way blind
When you're lost in the street?
Do you know how to go
To the Heaviside Layer?
Because Jellicles can
And Jellicles do
Jellicles do and Jellicles can
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicles do and Jellicles can
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Can you ride on a broomstick
To places far distant?
Familiar with candle
With book and with bell?
Were you Whittington's friend?
The Pied Piper's assistant?
Have you been an alumnus
Of heaven and hell?
Are you mean like a minx?
Are you lean like a lynx?
Are you keen to be seen
When you're smelling a rat?
Were you there when the pharaohs
Commissioned the Sphinx?
If you were, and you are
You're a Jellicle Cat
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
We can dive through the air
Like a flying trapeze
We can turn double somersaults
Bounce on a tyre
We can run up a wall
We can swing through the trees
We can balance on bars
We can walk on a wire
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Can you sing at the same time
In more than one key
Duets by Rossini
And waltzes by Strauss?
And can you, as cats do
Begin with a "c"?
That always triumphantly
Brings down the house
Jellicle Cats
Are queens of the night
Singing at astronomical heights
Handling pieces from The Messiah
Hallelujah, angelical choir
Jellicle Cats
Are queens of the night
Singing at astronomical heights
Handling pieces from The Messiah
Hallelujah, angelical choir
The mystical divinity
Of unashamed felinity
Round the cathedral
Rang vivat
Life to the everlasting cat
Feline, fearless
Faithful and true
To others who do what
Jellicles do and Jellicles can
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicle Cats sing Jellicle Chants
Jellicles old and Jellicles new
Jellicle Song and Jellicle dance
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Practical cats, dramatical cats
Pragmatical cats, fanatical cats
Oratorical cats,
Delphic-Oracle cats
Sceptical cats, dyspeptical cats
Romantical cats, pedantical cats
Critical and parasitical cats
Allegorical cats, metaphorical cats
Statistical cats and mystical cats
Political cats, hypocritical cats
Clerical cats, hysterical cats
Cynical cats, rabbinical cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
There's a man over there
With a look of surprise
As much as to say
Well, now, how about that?
Do I actually see
With my own very eyes
A man who's not heard
Of a Jellicle Cat?
What's a Jellicle Cat?
What's a Jellicle Cat?
What's a Jellicle Cat?
The naming of cats
Is a difficult matter
It isn't just one
Of your holiday games
You may think at first
I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you a cat
Must have three different names
First of all there's the name
That the family use daily
Such as Peter, Augustus
Alonzo or James
Such as Victor or Jonathan
George or Bill Bailey
All of them
Sensible, everyday names
There are fancier names
If you think they sound sweeter
Some for the gentlemen
Some for the dames
Such as Plato, Admetus
Electra, Demeter
But all of them sensible
Everyday names
But I tell you, a cat
Needs a name that's particular
A name that's peculiar
And more dignified
Else how can he keep up
His tail perpendicular
Or spread out his whiskers
Or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind
I can give you a quorum
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo
Or Coricopat
Such as Bombalurina
Or else, Jellylorum
Names that never belong
To more than one cat
But above and beyond
There's still one name left over
And that is the name
That you never will guess
The name that no human research
Can discover
But the cat himself knows
And will never confess
When you notice a cat
In profound meditation
The reason, I tell you,
Is always the same
His mind is engaged
In a rapt contemplation
Of the thought, of the thought
Of the thought of his name
His ineffable
Deep and inscrutable
Name... Name... Name... Name...
Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicle Cats come one, come all
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats meet once a year
At the Jellicle Ball
Where we all rejoice
And the Jellicle Leader
Will soon appear
And make what is known
As the Jellicle Choice
When Old Deuteronomy
Just before dawn
Through a silence you feel
You could cut with a knife
Announces the cat
Who can now be reborn
And come back to a different
Jellicle Life
For waiting up there
Is the Heaviside Layer
Full of wonders
One Jellicle only will see
And Jellicles ask
Because Jellicles dare
Who will it be?
Who will it be?
I have a Gumbie Cat in mind
Her name is Jennyanydots
Her coat is of the tabby kind
With tiger stripes
And leopard spots
All day she sits beneath the stair
Or on the steps or on the mat
She sits and sits and sits and sits
And that's what makes a Gumbie Cat
That's what makes a Gumbie Cat
But when the day's hustle
And bustle is done
Then the Gumbie Cat's work
Is but hardly begun
And when all the family's
In bed and asleep
She tucks up her skirts
To the basement to creep
She is deeply concerned
With the ways of the mice
Their behaviour's not good
And their manners not nice
So when she has got them
Lined up on the matting
She teaches them
Music, crocheting and tatting
I have a Gumbie Cat in mind
Her name is Jennyanydots
The curtain cord she likes to wind
And tie it into sailor knots
She sits upon the window-sill
Or anything that's smooth and flat
She sits and sits and sits and sits
And that's what makes a Gumbie Cat
That's what makes a Gumbie Cat
But when the day's hustle
And bustle is done
Then the Gumbie Cat's work
Is but hardly begun
She thinks that the cockroaches
Just need employment
To prevent them from
Idle and wanton destroyment
So she's formed from that lot
Of disorderly louts
A troop of well-disciplined
Helpful boy scouts
With a purpose in life
And a good deed to do
And she's even created
A beetles tattoo!
Squad salute!
For she's
A jolly good fellow...
Thank you, my dears
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
If you offer me pheasant
I'd rather have grouse
If you put me in a house
I would much prefer a flat
If you put me in a flat
Then I'd rather have a house
If you set me on a mouse
Then I only want a rat
If you set me on a rat
Then I'd rather chase a mouse
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there isn't any call
For me to shout it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing anything
About it
The Rum Tum Tugger
Is a terrible bore
When you let me in
Then I want to go out
I'm always on the wrong side
Of every door
And as soon as I get home
Then I'd like to get about
I like to lie in a bureau drawer
But I make such a fuss
If I can't get out
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there isn't any use
For you to doubt it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing
Anything about it
The Rum Tum Tugger
Is a curious beast
My disobliging ways
Are a matter of habit
Now if you offer me fish
Then I always want a feast
And if there isn't any fish
Then I won't eat rabbit
If you offer me cream
Then I sniff and sneer
For I only like
What I find for myself... No
So you catch me in it up to my ears
And put it on the larder shelf
The Rum Tum Tugger
Is artful and knowing
The Rum Tum Tugger
Doesn't care for a cuddle
So I'll on up into your sewing
Cos there's nothing
I enjoy like a horrible muddle
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
The Rum Tum Tugger
Doesn't care for a cuddle
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there isn't any need
For me to spout it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no
Doing anything
About it
Remark the cat
Who hesitates towards you
In the light of the dawn
Which opens on her
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amethyst-labyrinth · 8 years
Under the Jellicle Dawn
 Chapter two.
"I had just gotten away from Jenny and Jelly when I come upon Victoria looking very upset."
"How come you never told me you had magical powers?" She asked me. "I am, after all one of your closest friends am I not? Aren't we like brother and sister? How could you not share something like with me, yet The Rum Tum Tugger knew! Don't you Quaxo, or is it Mistoffelees ,I don't know what name to call you now! Not like the Curious cat? And why did you choses Cassandra as your assistant and not me?"
I sighed before I answered her.
"Quaxo is my particular name and Mr. Mistoffelees is my family name for every day use. You can call me ether, though I do like Mistoffeless best. I didn't tell you about my powers because I didn't want to be judged unfairly. Also to be liked for who I am not what I am. Tugger had found about some of my powers by accident and being the curious cat he is wasn't going to leave me alone and then he ended up living with me in my human home and learned about the rest of my powers. Look Tugger dose annoy him half of the time, but I do like him in fact The Rum Tum Tugger is my best friend."
"You love me!" The Rum Tum Tugger interjected playfully biting Mistoffelees' ear.
"Victoria was still unhappy with me."
"Do you think I'm was such a vain and haughty cat that I wouldn't bother to get to know you?" She sounded like she was about to cry any second.
"No of course not," I told her
"I can't believe The Rum Tum Tugger lives with you! You've never invited me to your human home, but you bought him there!"
"What could I do?" I told her. "Tugger had followed me to my human home one day and then a week later he showed up again in the pouring rain head-butting against the back door and meowing to be let in! So my precious one."
"Precious one?"
"That's what I call my human, as I was saying she let him in and then she took an odd liking to him and Tugger for whatever reason decided to stay. You know it's certainly no bed of rose living with The Rum Tum Tugger ether! Tugger is always pouncing on me while I'm in the middle of a good nap! Never doing his fair share of mouse and rat hunting! Sleeping on my pillow when Tugger has one of his own, how when my precious one feeds us Tugger always is going after the food in my food dish even though Tugger is being feed the same food as me! And no I do not want to eat out of Tugger's food dish because said dish has Tugger's human family name printed on it! I want to eat out of my dish that has my human family on it not Tugger's! It's the principal of the thing! What's more Tugger randomly starts licking me, he gets my favorite catnip toy, soaking wet with saliva, marking territory where he shouldn't be marking territory! Try putting that in a song why don't you!"
"You told her all that?" Tugger said clearly embarrassed. Mistoffelees nodded. "How could you tell her about our none junkyard life? Are to trying to ruin my image? My style?"
"Calm down Tug, Victoria didn't care about any of that, she just asked what that had to do with me choosing Cassandra over her? Which of course nothing but it did feel good to get that off my chest and I thanked her for listening and being such a good friend. Then she called me impossible and told me that she hated me before running off crying," Mistoffelees finished sighing. "What am I going to do Tug? I can't believe Vicki hates me! She was first real friend I made in the tribe. Her friendship is so important to me and now I've lost it and I have only myself to blame," He said putting his head in his paws.
Tugger frowned his anger at Mistoffelees for embarrassing him fated away when he saw and heard how unhappy the little cat was. Then he smirked realizing how the white queen really felt about the magical cat.
'Poor kit,' Tugger thought. 'She thinks Cassandra's her rival. She's going to be devastated when she finds out that both her dream toms are spoken for each other. Well I better clue Misto in before things get worse between the two of them.'
"Tugger, Victoria is not in love with me," Mistoffelees told him when Tugger explained to him.
"Misto, you're oblivious to love," Tugger said matter-o-fact.
"Rum Tum Tugger, I think I would know if some cat was in love with me!" The magical cat told him hotly.
"You didn't know I was in love with you until I told you. You didn't even know you were in love with me at first," Tugger told him smugly.
"Tugger, you flirt with every animal that has an X chromosome, how was I supposed to knew your flirting with me meant something other then you being the great big flirt that you are."
"I do not flirt with every animal! I only flirt with other cats!" Tugger protested.
"Says the cat who's flirted with a flock of chickens."
"Oh come on! You that was only to put that upstart pretentious rooster in his place!"
"Didn't you flirt with him too? And the whole barnyard."
"I just trying too cheer him up after all the chickens and hens fell in love with me it's not my fault he fell for me too, I mean what animal can't resist this?" He said getting up and gesturing to himself before doing his famous dance moves right in front the other cat's face. "Now tell me you're not all hot and bothered and turned on right now!"
"Well I'm bothered alright, but that's about it," Mistoffelees deadpanned.
"You're telling me you don't want me right here right now?" Tugger asked in disbelief.
"When you get like this the only thing I want is for you to go away or better yet I'll go away," Mistoffelees said getting up and starting to walk away.
Tugger blacked his path wrapping his arms around him.
"Aw you're just tired and upset. Trust me Misto, Victoria dose not hate you."
"You're sure?" The smaller cat asked.
"I'm sure."
"And you're sure she's in love with me?"
"Is The Rum Tum Tugger not artful and knowing? She's in love with you."
Mistoffelees sighed and buried his head in Tugger's chest.
"I think I'd rather have her hate me. At least then I wouldn't end up hurting her."
"Mistoffelees," Tugger said softly running his front paws up and down the smaller tom's back. "You and I will sit Vicky down and tell her about us and try to spare her as much of the pain of heart brake as much as we can."
Mistoffelees looked up at him. "You're sure you're alright with doing that?" He asked. "So far only your father and my parents and uncle  know about us. I thought the next cat you'd want tell would be Munkustrap."
"That's true I do want to tell him, I know will tell them both together that Vicky will have a nice shoulder to cry on."
"I suppose there's no helping her crying is there?" Mistofelees asked.
"Of course she's going to cry, " Tugger said. "Finding out that I'm spoken for! All the queens and a few toms for are going to cry."
"What?" Mistoffelees asked looking up at him bewildered.
"I am almost everyone's first choice for a mate you know, but once they usually realize that I'm beyond their reach and they reluctantly move on. Yes it's true they do find true love with their second choice, since you are her second choice it will be extra hard for her," Tugger said thoughtfully.
"I don't know if I should argue or agree with you. Well whatever Victoria's reaction will be nothing could be worse then your reaction when I didn't return your love at the time," Mistoffelees said stepping out of their embrace.
"What are you talking about? I handled your temporarily rejection with dignity," Tugger primping his with mane.
"Tugger, you had a screaming fit, throwing yourself on the ground demanding to know why I didn't love you."
"I did not! You're remembering things wrong," Tugger said quickly. "Anyway besides the three queens did any other cats give you any trouble?"
"Well… some of your fan club isn't too happy with me either."
Tugger's ears went down slightly.
"Well what did the dear kits say to you?"
"After Vicky ran away from me, Etcetera in the lead followed by Electra, Plato, and Jemima come over to me. Etcetera demanded to know what right did I have to call The Rum Tum Tugger a 'terrible bore'? Electra wanted to know what did I do to get The Rum Tum Tugger to noticed me, and Plato asked me how long did I think it would be till The Rum Tum Tugger got bored with me, and Jemima asked why did I chose Cassandra as my assistant?"
"I can't believe Plato would have the cheek to asked you a question like that!" Tugger said shocked. "What did you tell them?"
"I told Etcetera, Electra, and Plato to ask you. And I told Jemima that I chose Cassandra because she had a braided tail. Then Jemima looked at her own tail and run off crying."
Tugger chuckled slightly.
"How cute, seems little Jemima has fallen for you too."
"That's not funny," Mistoffelees told him. "You know Alonzo is mad at me too."
"What?" Exclaimed Tugger, his ears going flat as he grabbed the smaller cat by the shoulders. "Did he hurt you? Threaten you? I swear to the Everlasting Cat if he's done anything…"
"Tugger relax, Alonzo didn't do or say anything to me."
"But you said…"
"All he did was hiss at me when he saw Cassandra and I talking after the ball. He's very jealous over her. Would you believe he was actually vulgar enough to walk right up behind Cassandra and bite her on the back of the neck as we were talking?"
"Everlasting Cat! Even I wouldn't do something like that," Tugger told him. "So what happened? They didn't start mating in front of you did they?"
"No, Cassandra throw him off her into a stack of old tires," Mistoffelees told him laughing.
Tugger laughed too, "I can't understand why every-cat thinks there's something going on between you and Cassandra, when you and I all but made out and mated during my song to you," Tugger said pouting a little.
"Tugger what are talking about?" Mistoffelees asked making a bewildered face.
"Well first considering I The Rum Tum Tugger sang a song about you. Praising you up to the Heaviside layer, then you offer me your arm, so we could walk arm in arm for a bit during the song, which shows that you can't keep your paws off me," The Mane Coon said pulling himself and Mistoffelees down on the ground and onto his lap and running his paws all over him.
"Tugger, one I did that to show you that I was happy with the song and two, what are you doing?"
"Helping you let yourself go," Tugger said still continuing to run his paws all over him and messing up the smaller cat's fur.
"No you let go… of me," The magical cat said slipping out of Tugger's grasp. "My furs even more messed up then before," He muttered conjuring up hairbrush.
"I even helped you off with your jacket. That's the most curtsies thing I ever done beside half bowing to my father," Tugger went on.
"Where did you put my jacket anyway?"
"I don't know, I think I handed it too Vicky or some cat," Tugger said off handily.
"You lost my jacket?" He asked crossly.
"Don't be like that, you just conjure up another one."
"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer have probable stolen it by now," He grumbled.
"If you can get back Old Deuteronomy from the Hidden Paw, then you get your jacket back from a couple of notorious cats," Tugger told him taking the brush from him and began to brush his own mane. "Anyway I as I saying we even danced together."
"Tugger, you've danced with other cats before."
"Yes, in groups, never with just one cat, we evened hugged."
"Wasn't that an accident? You walked into me," The Magical cat asked snatching the hairbrush back.
"The Rum Tum Tugger doesn't have accident! I walked into you because I wanted too!"
"I think the problem is you're not showing me enough affection," Tugger said ignoring him.
"What are you talking about?" The Magical cat asked snapping his front toes making the hairbrush bush his back fur by itself.
"Well you never danced with me the way you danced with Cassandra," Tugger said batting at the hairbrush. "Why did you choose her anyway?"
"Not you too Tug!" Mistoffelees yelled sending the hairbrush after him.
"Not me what?" Tugger asked trying to bat the hairbrush away.
"You're jealous of Cassandra too!"
"The Rum Tum Tugger doesn't get jealous!" The Mane Coon declared forgetting to fight off the brush. "Now call thing off me and make out with me now!"
"And why should I do that?" Mistoffelees asked beginning to stretch.
"It's brushing my fur the wrong way and I want to kiss you."
With a sigh, a flick of the paw and a snap of the toes Mistoffelees sent the hairbrush away. He walked over to Tugger and began smooth down his fur, licking him occasionally.
"You're not going to tease me over Cassandra?" Tugger asked him.
"Why should I do that? There," He said as he finished smoothing Tugger's fur.
"I'm not jealous, I'm curious that's all. Out of all the cats you had, her help you bring Old Deuteronomy back, I just want to know why."
'Ugh' Mistoffelees thought rubbing his temples. 'I wonder if I'd have gotten this much grief if I had chosen Gus the theater cat instead.'
"You're not listening to me," Tugger companied. "Am I that much of a bore that you have to tune me out?"
"Yes," Mistoffelees told him and before Tugger could reply he leaned up and kissed him. It was a cheap trick the Magical cat knew distracting Tugger with a kiss, but he was tired, tired about being ask questions and tired physically. He found himself purring when Tugger responded to kiss deepening it. Soon enough Tugger's purring joined his, paws began to run up and down each other's fur. The kiss lasted longer then Mistoffelees had anticipated, not that he minded when the kiss finally ended both toms were panting heavily.
"Well," Tugger said resting his forehead Mistoffelees. "The only real question is your den or mind.
"Nether," Was the reply.
"What?" Came a shocked uncharacteristic reply from Tugger. "You mean right here? Out in the open? Look Misto babe, I knew how badly you want believe me, I you want you just as bad, but really think of the kittens, my father, any cat. Yes I want to tell the tribe about us, but I think a G rated way is better."
"I want to go to our human home."
"But Misto!" Tugger whined. "Our dens are so much closer!"
"Find a nice comfy spot in the garden."
"My den is comfy!"
"And curl up and go to sleep, till breakfast, then go back to sleep again."
"Tugger, please I'm drained," The magical cat told him. "I just have enough energy to make home."
It was then that Tugger noticed Mistoffelees' coat seemed less glittery, his shoulders drooped slightly, tail un-perpendicular, and not mention he could barely keep his eyes open. Tugger had seen him like this once before after doing an incredible unplanned feat of magic.
"That magic show and bringing back old Deuteronomy took a lot out of you didn't it?" Tugger asked him placing a paw on the smaller cat's cheek noticing how the tux's eyes were slowing becoming unfocused.
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drnikolatesla · 7 years
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An interview with Nikola Tesla
New York Herald Tribune, September 22, 1929.
Does Not Believe in Hertz Waves and Heaviside Layer, Interview Discloses
The model of a “Tesla Coil” which will be featured in the historic exhibit of the radio show reawakens interest in its inventor.
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It is not generally appreciated that this curious apparatus, often associated with pretty or spectacular demonstrations of high voltage electricity, is really a fundamental part of modern radio. For all the tuning apparatus and circuits in every transmitting and receiving set are simply variations of Tesla coils and Tesla coil circuits.
It was for this invention, and other inventions and principles concerned with tuning, heterodyning, and the generation of continuous waves, which were made at least several years before the very first experiments of Marconi, that many of our most reputable engineers have conceded to Nikola Tesla the title of “Father of Radio”.
Mr. Tesla, still actively working, was interviewed last week to get his ideas regarding the prospects of the radio of 1930, and beyond. As a prophet, however, he balked. He had repeated time and again his visions for the future. As far back as 1900, he had contemplated a world-wireless system which included broadcasting, picture transmission, international time service, and in addition television and the distribution of electrical power. Part of this early prophecy has been realized - what remained, still stood as his prediction.
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Disputes Hertz Waves
What, then, about power transmission by radio? Laurence M. Cockaday, the technical editor of this radio section, had expressed the opinion several weeks ago that, with present apparatus at least, it was hardly feasible. Mr. Tesla agreed to discuss the point at length.  As a result, he made public for the first time one of the most extraordinary conclusions - that Hertz waves do not exist! If his theory is true, there may be found in it more adequate explanations of “dead spots”, fading, reflection and a dozen other problems that have always puzzled the profession.
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The inventor began by referring to Cockaday’s article:
“I have read the article, and I quite agree with the opinion expressed - that wireless power transmission is impractical with present apparatus. This conclusion will be naturally reached by any one who recognizes the nature of the agent by which the impulses are transmitted in present wireless practice.
"When Dr. Heinrich Hertz undertook his experiments from 1887 to 1889 his object was to demonstrate a theory postulating a medium filling all space, called the ether, which was structureless, of inconceivable tenuity and yet solid and possessed of rigidity incomparably greater than that of the hardest steel. He obtained certain results and the whole world acclaimed them as an experimental verification of that cherished theory. But in reality what he observed tended to prove just its fallacy.
"I had maintained for many years before that such a medium as supposed could not exist, and that we must rather accept the view that all space is filled with a gaseous substance. On repeating the Hertz experiments with much improved and very powerful apparatus, I satisfied myself that what he had observed was nothing else but effects of longitudinal waves in a gaseous medium, that is to say, waves, propagated by alternate compression and expansion. He had observed waves in the ether much of the nature of sound waves in the air.
"Up to 1896, however, I did not succeed in obtaining a positive experimental proof of the existence of such a medium. But in that year I brought out a new form of vacuum tube capable of being charged to any desired potential, and operated it with effective pressures of about 4,000,000 volts. I produced cathodic and other rays of transcending intensity. The effects, according to my view, were due to minute particles of matter carrying enormous electrical charges, which, for want of a better name, I designated as matter not further decomposable. Subsequently those particles were called electrons.
"One of the first striking observations made with my tubes was that a purplish glow for several feet around the end of the tube was formed, and I readily ascertained that it was due to the escape of the charges of the particles as soon as they passed out into the air; for it was only in a nearly perfect vacuum that these charges could be confined to them. The coronal discharge proved that there must be a medium besides air in the space, composed of particles immeasurably smaller than those of air, as otherwise such a discharge would not be possible. On further investigation I found that this gas was so light that a volume equal to that of the earth would weigh only about one-twentieth of a pound.
"The velocity of any sound wave depends on a certain ratio between elasticity and density, and for this ether or universal gas the ratio is 800,000,000,000 times greater than for air. This means that the velocity of the sound waves propagated through the ether is about 300,000 times greater than that of the sound waves in air, which travel at approximately 1,085 feet a second. Consequently the speed in ether is 900,000 x 1,085 feet, or 186,000 miles, and that is the speed of light.
"As the waves of this kind are all the more penetrative the shorter they are, I have for years urged the wireless experts to use such waves in order to get good results, but it took a long time before they settled upon this practice.
"Although the world is still skeptical as to the feasibility of my undertaking, I note that some advanced experts, at least, share my views, and I hope that before long wireless power transmission will be as common as transmission by wires.”
According to Mr. Tesla, the present broadcasting station does not propagate Hertzian waves, as has always been supposed, but acts more like an “ether whistle” - transmitting waves through the ether similar to the waves transmitted by an ordinary whistle through the air. He also expressed his disbelief in the Heaviside layer, and claimed that the reflection of waves back toward the earth was due to the change of medium encountered at the vacuous boundary of the atmosphere.
At Colorado Springs, about thirty years ago, this scientist had a Tesla coil seventy-five feet in diameter which produced voltages above 12,000,000, and sparks over 100 feet long. Electrical flashes were created which were the nearest approach to lightning that man has ever made. During his experiments there, of over a year, Tesla claims that he transmitted a considerable amount of electrical current to the other side of the earth. It was upon these, and later experiments that he bases his present prediction.
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chicagoindiecritics · 5 years
New from Kevin Wozniak on Kevflix: Review – Cats
          I have never seen the stage version of Cats and I barely know anything about it in general, so I was going into Tom Hooper’s adaptation of the classic musical relatively blind.  I know the play is quite legendary, having won numerous awards throughout the years.  I didn’t know the plot or characters or any of the songs, except “Memory”, of course, though I wasn’t aware that song was Cats until well beyond after I heard it.
Even not knowing anything about Cats, I have no idea what to do with Hooper’s film.  This is genuinely one of the strangest movies I have ever seen and definitely the strangest of 2019.  I was in complete awe of what I was watching on screen.  Some of it was in horror, some of it was pure bliss, and some of it made me feel like I was on drugs, and some made me wish I had taken many drugs before entering my screening.  This move might be a mess, but it is far boring.
Here’s the gist of what Cats is about.  A tribe of cats called the Jellicles must decide yearly which one will ascend to the Heaviside Layer and come back to a new Jellicle life.  What any of this means I am still trying to figure it out.  I don’t know what a Jellicle is, but they say it so many times throughout the movie that if I was playing a drinking game with that word and had to drink every time they said it, I would have died of alcohol poisoning in hour one.  There are a ton of Jellicle cats and each one gets their own song to tell us who they are and what they do and then one of them ends up winning this competition to got the Heaviside Layer, which apparently is the cat equivalent of Heaven, where the cats are reborn as a younger, hotter cat.  That’s it.  That’s Cats.  There isn’t much to it and about 99% of the film is sung, which allows a lot of the songs to merge together and become forgettable.  “Memory” is the big ballad at the end of the film and while a decent song, the moment is only okay.  My favorite song in the film belongs to the noir-inspired, catnip jam “Macavity” from Taylor Swift and Idris Elba and “Bustopher Jones”, in which James Corden sings an entire song about how fat he is and how much he likes food.  All of this is very strange to watch on the big screen and I can only imagine any form of this play would be weird to watch, stage or screen.
Cats boasts an incredible ensemble, featuring Oscar winners, singers, and up-and-comers, all donning CGI fur and whiskers.  Actors like Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Idris Elba, Rebel Wilson, and Jennifer Hudson share the screen alongside the likes of Taylor Swift, Jason Derulo, James Corden, and new-comer Francesca Hayward to bring Andrew Lloyd Webber’s play to life.  None of the performances are very good and some border abysmal.  Dench looks like she sleep walked on set, McKellen is doing all sorts of nonsense, and Elba tries his best to have a ball, but you can tell this film is killing him inside.  I enjoyed James Corden, who’s briefly in the film, but got a number of laughs.
This movie definitely has a ton of life to it, with tons of wild colors, giant sets, and the look of the cats.  The choice to use CGI fur on everyone and stray away from actual costumes and make-up was a bold decision, though not the right one.  I commend Hooper for wanting to try something new, but real make-up and costumes wouldn’t have looked as weird.
The problem with the film Cats isn’t the filmmaking or the performances or the weird CGI, though those do not help.  The real problem is the source material.  Cats is crazy, yet it is also very thin and regardless of how this is viewed, it would still be very thin and not feature much more than theatrics and unremarkable songs.  I am astonished the original Broadway run was so popular and won so many awards because there is nothing here that is even close to interesting.  Adapting this wild and crazy play into a movie was never going to be great, so what were our expectations?
Tom Hooper’s Cats will be laughed at for the rest of 2019 and the first couple months of the new decade.  How this film will be appreciated in the future is if it is given the Rocky Horror Picture Show treatment and become a midnight madness film.  Have sing-a-longs at midnight with people belting out the songs as the come along while being severely intoxicated or on drugs.  These types of showings would allow people to appreciate just how strange, stupid, yet weirdly entertaining Cats is.
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punkucats · 6 years
CATS fanfic chapter 2
read chapter 1 here 
Demeter rushed through the streets, tears streaming down her face mixing with the falling rain as she pushed past crowds of people, at this point she no longer cared who saw her crying, all that was on her mind was the memory of Bombalurina telling her to get out, that stern yet pained face was burned into Demeter's mind, those amber eyes had never looked more fierce and yet so lost at the same time.
The trek back to her apartment was going to be a long one as she fought against the heavily pouring rain that had completely soaked through her clothes and drenched her fur underneath, though the feeling of being cold and wet was long lost on her mind as the only thing she could feel was the burning ache of her own heart.
after turning down one alleyway after another and cutting so many corners blindly the golden queen wasn't even sure where she was going anymore, home? What did that even mean without her? And why was she still running when she knew all she wanted to do was collapse, to fall into those scarlet arms, to be held tight by the one she loved and told it was all going to be okay.
Fatigue was finally catching up to her as she felt her legs start to give out, all of her emotions came crashing down at once as she fell to her knees into the muddied earth below which proceeded to soak into her jeans, the queen screamed out into the falling rain in frustration, why had she let that scarlet queen get to her like this? And why did the only person that she ever trusted with her heart have to be the same one to turn around and break it?
at least the rain helped cool and wash the hot tears from her face, she tried wiping her face with the soaked sleeve of her jacket and then let her arm drop in a huff as she realized how pointless that had been, her ears twitched nervously as the sudden sound of quickly approaching footsteps splashed through the mud, already angry at the world, it took everything she had to not growl at whoever had decided to disturb her in her moment of contemplation.
Squinting her eyes to attempt to see the figure through the heavy rain and fading light of the evening, she was only able to catch glimpses of scarlet fur which made her breath hitch as her heart seemed to leap into her throat. "Bomba, if you followed me out here just to break me further... I'll have you know that there isn't much more you can do at this point." She tried to hiss but it came out as more of a trembling whimper "I understand that you don't have to share my feelings... but Heaviside layer and all that is holy Bombs, did you have to make letting me down seem so painful?" she cried out as the figure took another step towards her "oh, my sweet Demeter." Called out a deep husky voice causing the golden queen to widen her eyes in shock, as the dark figure stepped closer and what was once beautiful scarlet fur faded, into a messy ginger color. "I haven't caused any pain whatsoever" the voice purred softly as the face of a wicked young tom crept into view "yet, anyway." He finished with a twisted grin upon his face, he grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her up to her feet before pinning her to the nearest wall causing her to let out a small yelp. "now listen closely my pet" he whispered harshly into her ear "the more you struggle, the more you scream, the more fun I'm going to have."
Demeter then gasped as he swiftly gripped her throat, his claws slightly digging into the sides of her neck causing her to whimper as he pulled her from the wall and brought her close to his face, looking down upon her still he bared his teeth "now, I believe we were heading home weren't we, my dearest?" the tom had a way of lacing his words with a poison that left a bad taste in your mouth as he spoke, with his hands still gripping her arm and throat tightly he let out a laugh "you aren't going anywhere that I don't want you to." With a growl he turned her around and gave her a shove forwards causing her to stumble a bit, straightening herself up, she reluctantly led him to her flat, though, did she really have any other choice?
Bombalurina's apartment wasn't the fanciest thing in the world but it was livable, WAS being the most fitting word right now as it seemed as if a small tornado had plowed through it, chairs had been thrown against walls leaving various holes and scuff marks, the few picture frames that she did have now lay upon the floor broken with shards of glass spread out amongst the wreckage, claw marks lined the furniture and a lone lamp could be found busted behind the couch where it had been tossed in a blind fury.
In the center of it all was tall, broken queen at the end of her rope, her eyes were bloodshot and the fur underneath them was streaked with tear tracks, her hands were clenched tightly with the knuckles of her right fist sporting open wounds from having punched a mirror when the reflected image disgusted her, in her left hand was a bottle of whiskey that was only a good swig away from being emptied.
the scarlet queen looked down at her bloodied hands and growled, she gripped the bottle tightly by the neck and contemplated just finishing what she had started, the sweet amber liquid tempted her with every splash it made as she moved, each drop seemed to call her name, however, no amount of alcohol could remove those images from her head, that beautiful golden queen with tears welling up in her blue eyes, those eyes that Bombalurina loved so much full of so much hurt and betrayal, it was official, Demeter's face was going to haunt her and there was no way that she was going to erase the memory of their kiss, everlasting, that kiss, how amazing that had been, now would only ever be painful to look back upon.
Bombalurina grit her teeth and threw the bottle against the wall, glass shattered and rained down upon the floor, the scarlet queen was beyond furious, there were no more tears to be shed, no words that could express how incredibly angry she was, both at her brother for being able to get under her skin the way he does, and at herself for falling right into his devious plans. "of course I had to go and fall for the one queen that Mac also had eyes for." She growled running her hands through her hair "get rid of her Bomba! No matter what get her out of your life, do this and all your debts will be paid, you have my word." Bomba scoffed as she recited Macavity's words, she had wanted out of this shithole of a town, out of this lifestyle so badly that she was blind to the way her brother had been lusting after Demeter but it was all too clear now. "great job there Bomba" she grumbled to herself "now Demeter is gone.. and Macavity is probably headed... right after... FUCK!" Bombalurina swore at herself as realization finally hit, knowing that he was more than likely headed right after the now brokenhearted and vulnerable golden queen.
fists now shaking with rage as tears welled up in her eyes, Bombalurina quickly ran out of her apartment and slammed the door sharply, she rushed out into the pouring rain not knowing which way they might have gone, Bomba decided to head towards Demeter's home, hoping that she would pick up one of their scents along the way if she was close enough.
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