rabbi-brian · 1 year
This fantastic treasure we call the Bible is a library of mystery, miracles, and life-changing principles, communicated through multiple genres and a variety of literary techniques. Forty authors wrote 66 books, over 1,500 years of writing, while expounding on 7,000 years of human history, technology, and prophecy, yet supernaturally revealing only one central focus. What is the primary revelation of the Bible? When we read the words of this fascinating and awe-inspiring library of divine literature, we discover the Creator of the Universe, who desires to have an intimate relationship with all of His creation.
We believe that the first author out of 40 that God used to begin this journey of knowing him intimately was Moses, who wrote the Torah's five books, the first five books of our Bible. God revealed Himself through the Hebrew tongue, which is dynamic versus static and focused on function over form. For 40 years, Moses would communicate these dynamic words that he heard from God in the "cleft of the rock" on Mount Sinai. He was commanded to make everything according to the "pattern" that God had shown him. Even unique patterns in the Torah can reveal prophetic events that would take place in the future. Let me give you an example of one of the most fascinating patterns that God reveals about himself in the five books of Moses.
We will begin with the meaning of the word Torah. It's often translated as "law," while "instruction" is a better translation." The Law of Moses is actually the law or instruction of God, who wants to teach His sons and daughters how to draw close to Him. Yes, He did give this revelation to the nation of Israel, which has protected it for 3500 years, with the intent that they would be a "light to the nations" and prepare the world for the Coming Messiah. It was through the Torah that Moses that gave Israel where the disciples of Jesus discovered who He really was. Philip told Nathaniel, "We have found the one who Moses in the law and also in the prophets wrote about" (John 1:45).
Torah has only four letters in Hebrew, considered consonants, written from right to left: Tav ת, Vav ו, Reish ר, Heh ה. The letter Vav ו, normally transliterated as a "v," is used as a vowel by placing a dot on top to represent the "o" vowel. So the Hebrew letters for the word "Torah" would be spelled with four letters transliterated as T-O-R-H.
Genesis - First Book of the Torah
If you start with the word "Bereshit," translated "In the beginning...", in Genesis 1:1, you will find the first of the four letters for Torah: Tav ת. Count 49 letters, and you will discover the second letter Vav ו. Again, count 49 letters to the third letter Resh ר, and finally, count 49 letters to the fourth letter, Heh ה. What does that spell? Torah, תֹּורָה.
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Exodus - Second Book of the Torah
Now we will go to Exodus 1:1, and look for the letter Tav ת again, which we find as the last letter of "Sh'mot," translated as "names." Now count 49 letters to the letter Vav ו, another 49 letters to the letter Resh ר, count 49 letters to Heh ה again, and of course, we read the word Torah, תֹּורָה.
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Leviticus - Third Book of the Torah
The pattern we see in these first two books of the Torah point toward Leviticus, which has its own unique message. Instead of reading the word "Torah" תֹּורָה with intervals of 49 letters, we discover the name of God with intervals of seven letters in between. What is the name of God? While God seems to have many "names" describing what He has done or who He will reveal Himself to be throughout Scripture, there is only one self-revealed name that He gives humanity that perfectly describes His divine essence and eternal nature. This sacred name for our Creator comes from a verb of existence (hayah היה - "was"), which means 'He who always was, is or exists presently, and will always be or exist in the future." This dynamic verb of action also speaks of our Creator who brings all things into existence, and is spelled with four letters in Hebrew: יְהוָה : Yud י, Heh ה, Vav ו, Heh ה [YHVH].
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Numbers - Fourth Book of the Torah
Beginning in Numbers 1:1, the pattern is in a reverse order: ת,ו,ר,ה instead of ה,ר,ו,ת. So we discover the last letter of the word "Torah," Heh ה, count 49 letters to Resh ר, count 49 letters to Vav ו, and another 49 letters to the first letter Tav ת. We now read Torah תֹּורָה backward, as if it points back to Leviticus.
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Deuteronomy - Fifth Book of the Torah
We discover the same phenomenon in Deuteronomy 1:5, where the pattern is in a reverse order: ת,ו,ר,ה instead of ה,ר,ו,ת. This time, instead of counting 49 letters, in this last book of the Torah, we must count 48. The starting letter Heh ה is found in front of the word Torah, or "law" (HaTorah), as a prefix for "the" in the phrase, "Moses began to explain this (or "the") law." Now we begin by counting 48 letters from Heh ה to the third letter Resh ר, then 48 letters to the second letter Vav ו, and then 48 letters to the first letter Tav ת. Again, we now read Torah תֹּורָה backwards, pointing back to Leviticus which we learned has the pattern of counting seven letters instead of 49, or 48, to spell the sacred name of God, YHWH or YHVH יְהוָה : Yud י, Heh ה, Vav ו, Heh ה.
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Tetragrammaton – The Ineffable Four-Lettered Name of God. Tetragrammaton (from Greek tetragrammaton, meaning "four letters") refers to the Hebrew theonym (transliterated to the Latin letters YHWH, or YHVH; "Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh" יְהוָה] are the letters in Hebrew. It is derived from the verb that means "to be" or "exist" and is considered in Judaism to be the proper name of the God of Israel used in the Hebrew Bible. While YHWH is the usual transliteration of the Tetragrammaton in English academic studies, the alternatives YHVH, JHVH, and JHWH are also used. The most widely accepted guesstimation of the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) is "Yahweh," though "Jehovah" is used in many Bibles but in few modern ones. Neither forms are exact. As religiously observant Jews are forbidden to say or write the Tetragrammaton in full, when reading the Torah, they use the term Adonai [Lord or Master], or HaShem [“The Name”]. Even though most Christians feel no prohibition on vocalizing the Tetragrammaton, in most Christian translations of the Bible, "LORD" is used in place of the Tetragrammaton, after the Hebrew word Adonai, and is often written with small capitals (or in all caps) to distinguish it from other words translated as "Lord."
You might be asking, "What is the significance of all of this?" This unique Bible code or equal letter distance that we discover intervals of either 50 letters or 49 all point to the middle book of sacrifice, Leviticus. This priestly Manuel of worship teaches us the importance of atonement and the blood of a sacrificial animal being used on behalf of Israel to draw them close to God. The sacrifices in the system had no power to save. Honestly, they were never intended to save the Israelites spiritually, but more importantly, to instruct them. All the "types and shadows," peculiar patterns, and detailed commandments were teaching tools to reveal the closeness of God and the intimacy we can experience as His children.
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The Significance of This Discovery:
The Torah, whether reading from Genesis and Exodus or backwards from Numbers and Deuteronomy, points us toward the need for the LORD's sacrifice as an atonement of our souls (Leviticus 17:11). In fact, the middle words of the book of Leviticus, which is the middle of the Torah, also reveal a Bible code, found in Leviticus 10:16, Where Moses was searching for the sin offering. It says in Hebrew, "Darosh, Darash" דָּרֹשׁ דָּרַשׁ or "in searching, he searched." We must keep searching diligently to discover the ultimate sacrifice of the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world. Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew), our Anointed Messiah, is the Lamb of God who took away the world's sin through His atonement. He is the Word of God, "divine Logos," or "living Torah," who became flesh and dwelt (or "tabernacled") among us, and we beheld His "Shekhinah glory," the very glory of the Father in heaven. He became our salvation because He was willing to become the LORD's [YHVH] sacrifice.
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Shalom In Messiah,
Rabbi Brian Baruch Bileci
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nicknicklambert · 2 years
Great London Songs
Great London Songs @biblecodesundays #London #songs
13. Maybe It’s because I’m an Irish Londoner – Biblecode Sundays This is a great London song for those of us who grew up in London with Irish parents, or those who have moved from Ireland to London. It celebrates both London and Irish culture. This song was released in 2007 by the Celtic Rock band The BibleCode Sundays. They are still together today and still play live around London. If you get…
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marvelsupergirls · 5 years
I see Connection Power Shah! Reb Josef Weissmandel I am not! Where’s the Bible Code when you need it?
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abnthewholetruth · 6 years
"Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed). These, I will accept their repentance. And I am the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful." Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #160  
November 19th, 2013 A9 television network displayed the divine revelation of an encoded message hidden by Allah within the Torah. This was shown on Harun Yahya by Adnan Oktar, but he concealed an important message that Allah had revealed. This video explains that message and the reason Allah has punished Adnan Oktar.
#Allah #God #Quran #Bible #Torah #Isa #Jesus #RayEl #Kalimatullah #LordRayEl #TorahCode #BibleCode #HarunYahya #AdnanOktar
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sutrala · 4 years
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I am obsessed with this symbolism. The Ark of the Covenant has been my favorite historical artifact since I was a childe. And to know what all this means now only deepens the obsession. There are 3 sections to the Temple of Solomon; outter court, Holy Place, Holy of Holies. There are 3 sections to each human cell in the body. In the Temple Solomon built 2 pillars East/West named Jachin and Boaz. They were 18 cubits high (18 is "life" in Gematria). Then he capped them both with 5 additional cubits of brass (5 is "Grace"). 5+18=23 cubits total for each pillar. (23 is "death". The word "crucified" is mentioned exactly 23 times in the New Testament. On the 23rd time it is mentioned is Luke 23:23. 23+23=46. When the serpent tempted Eve, he used exactly 46 words to do it with the 33rd word being "eye" as there is no plural words in Hebrew). The human cell has 2 DNA strands each containing 23 chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes. The Throne of God in Revelation and Isaiah is ALIVE. Even a type of angel is referred to as a "throne". But THEEE Throne contains the 4 Holy beasts with 4 faces and 4 wings each. These are thought to be by some as a type of angel called "zoa". And the "orphanim" are wheels with eyes all over them with a spirit in the center. They Praise God day and night in their tongue saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Who Was, Who Is, And Who Is To Come..." (The occult and rock bands have attempted to pervert the symbolism of these holy creatures. ) These are the Cherub Order which lucifer once belong to as chief of Seraphim (firey dragon like creatures with six wings) and music. The Throne of God is surrounded by 24 Elders. The Ark of the Covenant was carried by 4 Levi Priests. It measured a total of 19.5 cubits in length, width, and height. The human heart has 4 valves. It is surrounded by 24 rib bones. The main artery runs from the left hand ring finger directly to the heart. Regardless of body type, gender, or race; all humans main artery measure 19.5 degrees exactly. #BibleCode #HumanBody #DNA #Laminin #HisTemple #PerfectMath #HeHoldsEverythingTogether (at New Jeruselam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CINsDspA6Zc/?igshid=1o2nbqzdqlsq1
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BibleCode Sundays - Hand In Hand feat. Russell Crowe & Lorraine O'Reilly
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larryneilson37 · 7 years
What I'm listening to right now
Cinderella Man by The B.C.S. - The Biblecode Sundays, on the album: The B.C.S. - The Biblecode Sundays: The Bridge To Abbreviation
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sjlees1991 · 8 years
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Research for my first tv pilot #biblemysteries #biblecodes #starofbethlehem #ancientaliens #truthbetold #bibleconspiracies
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saltykiss-us · 4 years
The Codesearcher's Livestream/ codeshare/ Biblecodes
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christianworldf · 7 years
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/bible-prophecies/end-time-events/book-of-revelation/seven-seals/news-news-the-four-housemen-and-the-7-seals-of-revelation-6-and-7-prophecy-with-bible-codes/
News News The Four Housemen And The 7 Seals Of Revelation 6 and 7 Prophecy With Bible Codes!
News News The Four Housemen And The 7 Seals Of Revelation 6 and 7 Prophecy With Bible Codes! The Four Housemen And The 7 Seals Of Revelation 6 and 7 Prophecy With Bible Codes! This is a Newer Better Version of my older video from before I started looking into the Bible Codes, In revelation chapter 6 and 7 It Proves many are deceive by false teaching of the old men that were so called bible scholars or prophets! There has been so many false teaching about end time prophecies! God Clearly told us that the books are locked till the end of days and will only be unlock at or around the time my two witnesses are put into place! Remember Donald trump is one of them And Netanyahu or Pence looks to be the other! This is a time of great troubles that we have been warned about in the books of prophecies!. ► Please LIKE ✯ COMMENT ✯ SUBSCRIBE To My Channel To See More Interesting Videos !
Subscribe & More Videos: https://goo.gl/Xdd5Sn Thank for watching, Please Like Share And SUBSCRIBE!!! #trumppresident, #biblecode source
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celtfather · 7 years
Celtic Punk #313
Grinning Beggar is taking over the show with Celtic punk from The Biblecode Sundays, The Pourmen, California Celts, McScallywag, Nevermind Nessie, The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats, Firkin, SMZB, The Wakes, Handsome Young Strangers, Black Water County, Hoist The Colors, The Peelers, In For a Penny. Listen. Like. Share. Then download 34 Celtic MP3s for Free! http://celticmusicpodcast.com 
Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
  Today's show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations
Every year, I take Celtic music fans on an adventure of a lifetime. This is not your typical wham-bam-thank you m'aam tour. We travel in small groups. We explore the Celtic history of different regions. We don't need to see everything, because this is a vacation. Instead, our invasion brings out the relaxation and magic of our adventure. In 2018, you can join me on a Celtic Invasion of the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Sign up to the mailing list at celticinvasion.com.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a musician and podcaster. You can share this show and find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. And you can support this show on Patreon.
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You can now buy 2017 Irish & Celtic Music Podcast t-shirts in our store at bestcelticmusic.net/shop. The shirts were designed by James McDaniel II and they feature the slogan REEL CELTIC MUSIC and the podcast name. Your purchase goes toward supporting this podcast. I also put together a 2017 Sainted Song Henge Collection which features the new shirt, a coffee mug, and some CDs. You can find all of that in our shop. Your purchases help to support this podcast. So if you don't want to pledge monthly, this is a great alternative. Buy some swag.
Would you like to win some free CDs? I'm clearing out my CD collection and giving them away through my personal YouTube channel. If you would like to win, follow the link to the Summer CD Giveaway playlist for details. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW2ZqJYHA7BAfiLDOg4i12Y1peePqb9Dy
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  This Week in Celtic Music
"Count Your Blessings" by The Biblecode Sundays from New Hazardous Design
"Day Drinking" by The Pourmen from Rise & Shine
"Ghost Ship" by California Celts from Totally Nautical: Pirate Songs of the Spanish Main
"St. Paddy's Anthem" by McScallywag from Dirty Waters
"Best of Foes" by Nevermind Nessie from Best of Foes
"The Boxer" by The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats from Sign of the Fighters
"Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye" by Firkin from Into the Night
"Ten Thousand Ways To Rebel" by SMZB from
"King's Schilling" by The Wakes from VENCEREMOS
"Poor Ned" by Handsome Young Strangers from Battle of Broken Hill
"Under Skies of Black and Blue" by Black Water County from Taking Chances
"Little Rebel" by Hoist The Colors from Mourners
"I'm Off To Kill The Devil" by The Peelers from Palace of the Fiend
"Stumblin' Home" by In For a Penny from Every Day
"Tattletale" by In For a Penny from One More Last Hurrah
"If I Get to Heaven" by In For a Penny from The Guardian Angel Sessions
VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20. It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2017 episode.
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at celticmusicpodcast.com.
Check out this episode!
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thenebulaworks · 7 years
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Biblecode Sundays #londonirish #biblecodesundays #irishmusic #musicphotojournalist
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mouthofthelion · 8 years
Remove All Toxins From The Body In 3 Days - DrAlimElBey
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maclad1888 · 8 years
Maybe it's because I'm a irish Londoner- biblecode Sundays
Maybe it’s because I’m a irish Londoner- biblecode Sundays
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