#Bill hader thirst
lethbians · 4 months
i could never be famous bc i couldnt even handle the attention that 2000 IT clownheads gave me
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
very tempted to make one of those snl compilations but it's just a random clip from every single one of bill hader's skits
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fandomtransmandom · 1 year
Decorated the trunk I use as a coffee table and made some coasters a.k.a. thirst traps😏
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izzyspussy · 2 years
👀 richie
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Last night I finished watching Barry and, after having slept on it, I want to say something.
I mean, if you haven't already seen it go and catch up because wow. It's only four seasons, eight episodes each, about 30 minutes each episode. I promise it's worth it.
Little shitty recap if you haven't seen the series: Barry Berkman is an ex-marine who comes back from Afghanistan and becomes a hitman. When he discovers theatre and meets Sally (a girl he falls for) and Gene (acting teacher), Barry decides he wants to change his life. Shit happens, the Chechen mafia is involved, he can't leave his life behind so he always finds himself in the darkest place.
Don't keep on reading if you haven't seen the show because I'm about to go and spoil it for y'all as I will talk about the last season and the last episode.
I get it, alright? I get why people don't like the ending. It's because it doesn't have a build-up or a build-down, it doesn't resolve anything, it's just... An ending. Just like in Bojack Horseman, when Bojack is sitting on the roof with Diane and she tells him it's just an ending. That's exactly what Barry's last minutes are. Just an ending.
We don't need something big, some action-packed gran finale with whatever you can think of. We already had that. We already had an adrenaline-filled last episode in past seasons, but it always meant that something else was going to happen, that the story wasn't finished. And you know what they had in common?
Those endings all had to do with Barry. Barry killed Janice. Barry went on a shooting spree. Barry wanted to seek revenge. But Barry's not there anymore, so who else is going to keep on the violence and the blood thirst? Nobody. Not NoHo Hank, who is dead. Not Gene, who's in prison. Not Sally, who wants to get away from all of this and care for her son.
This simple and bitter ending is just perfect for the tone set by all of the series. It's a satire, it's sad, and it makes you want to shout at John not to believe in what he's seeing. But it's real and raw. It is upsetting, that's true, just as the whole series is because Barry's point isn't to comfort you. It's never been.
Furthermore, what else could we have more? Every character got their own ending, in a way. That's it, there was nothing more to say.
Fuches (my God, Stephen Root you excellent actor, how I hated your character throughout the seasons) served his time in prison and got what he deserved. He still couldn't leave his criminal life behind, but we see that he understood his mistakes. We can see it in his eyes when he brings John back to Barry. Don't fuck it up, kiddo, don't fuck him up. Will he keep on leading a criminal life? Of course, he doesn't know anything else. Will he manipulate another kid like he did with Barry since he was a child? Not likely.
NoHo Hank... Listen, I still had my heart in pieces from the Ineffable Divorce (my babies deserve so much more, I believe in the South Downs cottage) and now THIS?! I WANTED TO SCREAM, OKAY? Nohobal was so precious and the healthiest couple on the show (I can't believe I just said that about two criminals but whatever) and this is what they pulled? Bill Hader, I love you with all my heart but I'm never going to forgive you. But it's so incredibly in character for Hank because even if we see him as this sweet and polite guy, he always chooses violence. Ever since the first season, his answer was always violence, even if it was to protect Cristobal and their future together. We just see him in a darker place and I just-- That last scene with Hank dying and holding Cristobal's statue's hand is *chef's kiss*. Give Anthony Carrigan his fucking deserved Emmy Award.
OH. MY. GOD. GENE. Even though I thought he was slightly off the entire season, I think it's fine. We've always seen him composed and rational, but this season he just let emotions take hold of him. He was so scared and angry and just didn't know what else to do. I was so worried he was going to unalive himself with that gun but boy. He did it. He really killed Barry. I couldn't believe it at first but wow. And Henry Winkler, my friends, is the reason why NOBODY should be typecasted. He was so good and believable and overall GLORIOUS in this series that I can't believe the industry didn't see his talent back then and just wanted him to play different versions of the Fonz. But Henry darling, I love you so much but I can't look at that hair and that beard.
Sally's such a complex character it is really hard to break down. I love how we can still see her trauma, her abused and abusive nature. She's always true to herself, even if she grows and changes for the better. I love that she found a passion for teaching and decided to be what Cousineau was for her. I really think she will be a great mentor if she can let her ego go. I love how she understood what John would have done at his (boy)friend's house and accepted it. I think that, while in the car, she was choosing what to do next. Do I tell my son the truth, that that movie is bullshit and his father was a killer, or do I play along so that I won't fuck him up? That's what her eyes told me, but I may be wrong. But wow. Sarah Goldberg is perfect. Just perfect.
And now Barry... Barry, who I loved so much, who I believed in, who I rooted for. Barry who can't stop being violent, is a killer at heart, who can't be redeemed. He's unforgivable, he can't make it right. We've seen it in the past seasons when he couldn't escape from Fuches and the mafia and all of that, we see it now as he dies before turning himself in. It's mindblowing. Bill Hader is such a fucking genius and such a good actor that I don't even know what to say. I could talk all day about this series and this character, but I think this post would be too long.
In the end, great series. One of the best I've seen in recent years, one of my favourites. Thank you, Bill, for making this show come to light and being so freaking good at writing, directing and playing in it.
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peachtozier · 3 months
bill hader thirst posts on my tiktok fyp...
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gidianthe · 1 year
do u guys remember a couple years back when everyone was thirsting over bill hader. what was going on there
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kelvintimeline · 4 months
i rly survived people thirsting over bill hader for like a year. i can survive anything.
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mona-liar · 2 months
Do y'all remember these few months back when the second IT movie came out and all of tumblr was thirsting for Bill Hader? Or did I hallucinate that?
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Barry episode 7 live comments:
"That's still a shitload of coups, Todd" utterly brilliant line, no notes
Hank openly thirsting over the fourth guy afshfjgkugkkgbjk
Ok I get that Barry needs to have the glasses on (I guess?? I'm not sure what method is actually being used to make him hallucinate) but I feel we are being viscously robbed of Bill Hader's eye-acting
Oh here we go. Gene's about to make Choices
The way John only took like three steps toward his mom lmfao
Ahhhh GENE the universe was giving you a chance to change course!! This really is the "everybody gives into their worst instincts" show!!!
Ok that entire scene was absolute fucking gold
Fuckkkkkk OF COURSE Gene telling that reporter about the $250,000 came back to bite him in the ass
Sally and Noho Hank meeting ahhhhhhhh
The Christian rock ringtone goddd
I cannot believe there's only one episode left.
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penworthy · 1 year
Too many thirst posts about bill hader in the superbad tag, not enough people talking about how that movie owns actually
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ariesbilly · 2 years
I’m starting Barry so if I start making bill hader thirst posts mind your business
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dogtheories · 9 months
that awful bill hader thirst blog posted this ask and i dont know where to even begin. this is hilarious. theres so much here
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I LOVE PEOPLE LIKE THIS oh I bet they're like 30 years old. it's always the ones that are weird about something that talk like this . I love it here
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izzyspussy · 1 year
been obsessed w Freaky since it came out. fucking Love that movie, for a solid three months i was watching it 3-4x a day. i also plotted out a reddie fic for it but we see where that ended up. anyways, jst a big supporter of my friends watching that movie bc its not like,,, super great or anything but its also very very great at the same time yk? 💖
idk i don't think there's anything not great about it, except for a tragic lack of (further) indulgence in my own personal tastes and desires. the writing is funny, the acting is good, the costuming is like nothing special but it's contemporary so what are you gonna do really but it's good, it's transgender, the soundtrack is fun, i like the way the scenes are put together. i suppose the cinematography and the actual character writing are not anything special either, but really there's nothing about it i would say is bad tbh. like it's not groundbreaking but that doesn't mean it's not good. and more importantly i'm in deep romantic love with the concept and we are going to be married and adopt a dog together.
anyway it's the second time i'm seeing it. it really was formulated to make me personally go a little bit stupid. it's like a designer drug. or designer pussy. you know.
anyway, i must confess. i rewatched it very recently and re-entered my bill hader thirst era, and i also just now watched bodies bodies bodies for the first time and was like haha what if richie played the older guy (lee pace, but scrungly) lol wouldn't that be funny. but then he wasn't in it for long enough to satisfy me, so i thought to myself hm. what other horror comedy could i watch and imagine richie in. and so here i am imagining (periodically, because vince vaughn does do it for me as well hwjaskfjks + actually these characters are compelling enough that they take one in!) richie tozier playing the butcher lmfao.
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cannibalmutual · 11 months
remember in 2019 when for three full moon cycles ppl were unironically thirsting for bill hader. is that how u guys feel when i post pictures of mads
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topperscumslut · 1 year
every time i go back into my obsessing and thirsting over bill hader era i also get rlly into kinning richie tozier which is funny as hell cuz im like “hahah look at me im so fucking GAY” but i still wanna fuck that old man so
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