#Biosphere (2022)
pandalikeelf · 4 months
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Biosphere (2022) dir. by Mel Eslyn
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hgedits · 6 months
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Biosphere (2022) dir. Mel Eslyn
What he's going through? I can only imagine how scary and confusing this must be for him. And...yeah. I'm glad it's not happening to me. But still, I wish he could see this is about more than just us. There's goodness in change.
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pulsingvoid · 6 months
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You all know I ruined the world? That was me. I did that. Sometimes I like to play it off like it was a mistake, but I think I knew what I was doing. I just wish I knew then what I know now, y'know.
Me too.
Biosphere (2022) dir. Mel Eslyn
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whim-prone · 5 months
i need everyone who likes funny but sometimes tense sci-fi movies all set in a single location with two actors and some fish where they have a deep philosophical talk about super mario bros to watch the movie BIOSPHERE (2023)
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foralleternityidiot · 4 months
I take a break to choose a random newish indie scifi movie to stream and it just HAPPENS to deliver some unexpected yaoi mpreg… like I wasn’t even looking for it I swear
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ourqueertardis · 23 days
mpreg stands for mark (duplass) pregnant
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ennaih · 1 year
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
175. Biosphere (2022)
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musicollage · 5 months
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Biosphere — Shortwave Memories. 2022 : Biophon.
! listen @ Bandcamp ★ buy me a coffee !
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mymoviereviews · 1 year
Biosphere (2022)
My review of BIOSPHERE (2022) is here!
Biosphere is an engaging, thought-provoking, and witty movie about two men, Billy (Mark Duplass) and Ray (Sterling K Brown), the last surviving people on Earth. They live in a self-sustaining biosphere where they need to work out a way to survive. The film explores survival, loneliness, gender, and the human condition. Duplass and Brown are the only two actors in the movie, but the acting and…
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ruleof3bobby · 4 months
BIOSPHERE (2022) Grade: C-
Interesting. The plot is unusual & strange. Sterling K. Brown carries it, he've played the character differently, he was believable in a very unbelievable plot.
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mceproductions · 2 years
Best of 2022: Game of The Year
Nominee: Horizon Forbidden West*
Our first nominee for game of the year ironically found itself in the same predicament that its original was in when it was released in 2017.
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Being sandwiched between two highly anticipated games.
But what Horizon Forbidden West does here is actually expand upon the Zero Dawn landscape as Aloy traverses terrains and fight robotics of all sizes.
Even better looking on the PS5.
SUM 22: Aloy and company traverse the lands to save the biosphere in the years first nominee for best game.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 11 months
Fossil Novembirb 2: The Survivors
The End-Cretaceous Extinction was one of the most devastating - and tragic - events on our planet.
In the blink of an eye, the world changed from a thriving biosphere to a decimated one. The asteroid caused worldwide wildfires, tsunamis, and the dramatic release of particles into the air that blocked out the sun.
Nothing over 25 kg could survive, because they had nowhere to hide from the devastation. Anything under that limit had to have somewhere to hide - water or burrowing worked best - and something to eat, which was easier said than done. When the plants can't eat, nothing can.
And yet, life survived - not just life, but dinosaurs themselves!
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Conflicto, by @otussketching
In fact, one of the first fossils we have from the Cenozoic is Conflicto, a Presbyornithid - like "Styginetta" and Teviornis yesterday! - from Antarctica
Why these dinosaurs, and no others?
They had beaks, which would have helped them to access available food sources such as seeds and spores (plant material in a protective casing)
They did not live in trees, but usually near or with water - perfect places to hide
They were powerful fliers, allowing them to escape the flames and whatever else they needed to
Other than that? Random chance.
Much of the evolution of life on this planet is down to Sheer Dumb Luck
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Tsidiiyazhi by Sean Murtha
What happened next was truly remarkable: an adaptive radiation of dinosaurs the likes of which is rarely seen
With all of those newly opened niches, Neornithines adapted quickly, so quickly we can't actually figure out how different major groups of Neoavians - aka, most birds - actually relate to one another.
After all, there was just *so much* free real estate!
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Qianshanornis by @alphynix
In fact, many of these dinosaurs evolved right back into niches that their ancestors had famously lived in - penguins show up so quickly that we're giving marine birds their own day, replacing the now-lost Hesperornithines; Tsidiiyazhi and others quickly replaced the empty tree-bird niches left behind by the lost Enantiornithines; and raptors show up quickly too, already reminiscent of the lost Dromaeosaurs.
Qianshanornis, a mysterious raptor from China, had sickle claws just like its lost bretheren! In fact, it looks like it might be a Cariamiform, a group of dinosaurs including living Seriemas and the extinct Terror Birds, which often have sickle claws like Dromaeosaurs did!
Don't fix what isn't broken, I guess!
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Australornis by @thewoodparable
Non-Neoavians diversified too, with fowl doing just fine across the boundary - Presbyornithids like Conflicto, as well as mysterious forms like Australornis.
Palaeognaths remain weirdly absent, but don't worry - the earilest ones will show up before the Paleocene epoch is done!
The Cenozoic begins with the Paleogene Period, which has the first epoch of the Paleocene - this was a climatic quagmire, with frequent fluctuations at the beginning before a dramatic rise in temperatures at the end. This climate confusion would affect bird evolution greatly - and lead to the diversification of many kinds, some of which we still have today!
Ksepka, D. T., T. A. Stidham, T. E. Williamson. 2017. Early Paleocene landbird supports rapid phylogenetic and morphological diversification of crown birds after the K-PG mass extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (30): 8047 - 8052.
Mayr, 2022. Paleogene Fossil Birds, 2nd Edition. Springer Cham.
Mayr, 2017. Avian Evolution: The Fossil Record of Birds and its Paleobiological Significance (TOPA Topics in Paleobiology). Wiley Blackwell.
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dare-g · 1 year
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Biosphere (2022)
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I watched Biosphere (2022) and they did not lie that man can indeed get pregnant
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marykk1990 · 3 months
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve (Чорноморський біосферний заповідник), located on the coast of the Black Sea in Kherson and Mykolaiv Oblasts. It is part of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It was first established in 1927. There's about 3500 species of of animals in the reserve, which includes lots of different insects, 2200, & birds, 304 different ones. Sadly, the reserve did suffer damages in March 2022 due to fires caused by the muscovy invasion of Ukraine. muscovy also commits ecocide.
#СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦🌻
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sailor-moon-rei · 2 years
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Ukrainian biosphere reserve Askania Nova needs help.
It is the oldest biosphere steppe reserve on the planet and the largest reserve in Europe, and a member of the network of UNESCO reserves.
The Askania Nova has been under russian occupation since March 2022 and has no regular funding. The structure of the reserve also contains a dendrological park and a zoo. The team includes 220 specialists who courageously stay there despite the threat to their lives. More than 3,000 animals live in The Askania Nova.
The cold season has already begun, and animals and birds need feed. We hope for your help and to see you in Askania very soon.
The most common question is: will the reserve be able to use the funds in the occupied territory to purchase fodder? Answer: yes.
But the situation can change at any moment. Therefore, it is should be carried out as soon as possible.
Any support is helpful at this difficult time. Thanks to everyone!
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