#Blaine The Mono
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Poll: the Mugen Train from Demon Slayer vs Blaine the Mono from the Dark Tower
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(image descriptions in alt text)
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kordell-fein · 2 years
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Blaine the Mono. (I wanted to make him strange, unnatural and insect-like, but at the same time simple without a sinister face. I like Blaine. He is beautiful) for Stephen King challenge
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And bonus points for Patricia the Mono
Ahhhh I love this!!
Blaine the Mono:
City of New Orleans- Steve Goodman
Crazy Train- Ozzy Osbourne
The Logical Song- Supertramp
Alone Again (Naturally)- Gilbert O'Sullivan
All By Myself- Eric Carmen
Patricia the Mono:
Our Town- James Taylor
Helpless- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Where Do The Children Play?- Cat Stevens
Land of Confusion- Genesis
This one was fun, thanks for sending!!
(Send me a Stephen King character & I will make a 3-5 song playlist for them!)
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nonbinary-beast · 2 months
tfw I start thinking about adding Blaine the Mono to the Devil's Advocate AU, since mid-world at some point was earth(?), given there was a Topeka Kansas in there. But at the same time I've never read The Dark Tower, though I should just to know what the fuck is going on. If it is not earth, there could be some weird parallel universe shenanigans where one crosses over just long enough for AM, Ted, and KARR to end up in Lud.
Probably if I was to wedge Blaine in there, he could be in his cradle, still asleep when KARR, Ted, and AM find him. Stuff happens that inevitably leads to him getting an alien tech body. More fun happens, Ted probably is stuck unraveling brain teasers until he grows sick of them, KARR and AM try to make sure Blaine doesn't electrocute Ted out of boredom.
But that said, I feel like KARR would be drawn more towards Blaine in this AU, maybe AM as a close second due to the hatred of humanity. KARR would definitely get that despair and waning mental health that comes from being abandoned and no longer having a purpose Blaine is going through. Ted probably would be keeping his distance from Blaine since he does not have the mysterious draw to him that KARR did, and probably is just outright difficult for him to tolerate.
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sharoscylla · 4 months
I would have missed the "Blaine the mono making Typical AI Mistakes" revelation in the Dark Tower because I'm "Hear Me Out"-ing Jean Stapleton u_u
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randomgentlefolk · 5 months
C5 for Blaine, mayhaps? :D :D
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Angst expressions FR FR!!
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ulcus88 · 2 years
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gagesfall · 2 years
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Bolsover Castle by Blaine Aldridge
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I personally like Blaine the Mono, just because of the Demons and Wizards song:
Holy shit. Added.
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[ID: an illustration for the Stephen King series The Dark Tower. A long red train drives along a single rail. The front of the engine is streamlined, with orange eyes and cowling that make it resemble the face of a dragon. There is a t-shaped fin on top of the engine for speed.]
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nicoise · 4 months
a kiss to prove you dont have feelings for them !!!!!!!
In an unexpected turn of events, Blaine was manning the kissing booth. 
It was possible he’d lost a bet. But he sat behind the counter looking completely at ease among the chapstick tubes and the breathmints and the stupid little privacy curtain. A tacky pink sign decorated with glitter hearts read, PUCKER UP TO SUPPORT MUSIC NITE. It was a dollar for a cheek kiss, five for a “friendly peck,” and ten for “ten seconds in heaven.”
Blaine was an equal opportunity kisser and the booth was quickly becoming a main attraction of the club fair. Kurt found it inexplicably embarrassing, like finding out an indie artist you kept to yourself had gone mainstream. 
“It’s really weird that you’re not lining up with the rest of them,” said Santana. “I thought you’d be salivating at the chance to plant one on his doe-eyed oblivious face.”
Kurt bristled. “You make me sound like such a pervert.”
“Well, aren’t you? I bet you couldn’t follow the rules if you were paid to.” At Kurt’s pointed look she said, “What, you think admin would let this happen unchecked? There’s no touching, no tongue, and no going past ten seconds. They have a timer and everything. Literal buzzkill.”
“That’s not what I meant. I can be normal about kissing Blaine,” Kurt said, offended. “I am so normal about kissing Blaine. I just - don’t want to.”
Santana looked unconvinced. “Because you’re incapable of being normal about it.”
“No. Because - because…” Kurt had the feeling that everything he said was playing into Santana’s hands. Santana was about to say something smug but he cut her off. “Shut it. Give me ten dollars and if you’re right I’ll pay you back twenty.”
“Twenty five.”
Santana pouted. “Fine.” She fished out a ten dollar bill from an implausible pocket in her skintight dress and did the annoying thing where she held it out to Kurt but hung onto it until Kurt snatched it from her. “Stay safe,” she yelled obnoxiously after him.
So Kurt found himself lining up behind a guy from his music theory class and a group of girls he recognized from Blaine’s social circle. He told himself he could always step out of line and make off with the money but he knew he wouldn’t.
Actually, Kurt let himself be so easily convinced because he felt that one kiss, surrounded by people he knew in passing and constricted by the bureaucracy of a fundraiser, would cure him of romantic delusions. Kurt had too much experience with unrequited love to make the same mistake again, and for all Blaine smiled at him and opened doors for him he was like that with everyone. So it wasn’t a crush. Just an illusion Kurt meant to break.
Kurt was almost at the front of the line when Blaine saw him and gave him a quick blinding smile. Then Blaine turned to take the ten dollar bill from the music theory guy. Was it the same smile he’d given Kurt? There was no time to wonder. Kurt watched as Blaine said something that made the guy give a flustered little nod and then Blaine kissed him. It looked slightly awkward, over the counter, otherwise not touching. Then it was over. Nod, smile, parting wave, not even a trace of a blush on Blaine’s face.
Kurt had signed up to be given the same charity kiss, the same nod, smile, wave. He stepped up to the counter.
“Kurt, hey! Are you here to support the music festival or did you come to see me?” Blaine grinned shamelessly.
It was a joke. He was joking. Kurt retorted, “Are you here to support the music festival or did you lose a bet?”
“Well, Sam was originally supposed to do it, but he has mono, so…” Blaine shrugged, slipping back on script. He gestured at the pink sign. “You have the choice of - “
Kurt slid the ten dollar bill across the counter. There was nothing he felt he could say.
Blaine glanced at it, then at him. There was something oddly heavy in his gaze before it smoothed into what Kurt could only call customer service. He went over the rules while Kurt thought of Sam, and Finn, and the music theory guy, and how there were no stakes in this, no destination.
“Do you want a breathmint?”
Kurt shook his head.
“Okay. Are you ready?”
Kurt was lost for words. What was this, a flu shot? 
Blaine caught Kurt’s look of disdain and genuine humor slipped through the protocol. There he was, amused, beautiful. He leaned in, inches away from Kurt’s face. “I’m going to kiss you now,” he whispered.
Kurt stood paralyzed, trying desperately not to let on that his heart was in his throat, waiting, unwilling to want. Then they were kissing. 
It was the most anxiety Kurt had ever felt kissing someone. Usually it was easy. It was something to do well, to make good. This wasn’t like that at all.
Blaine’s lips were soft from chapstick. He kissed closemouthed, but so tenderly it felt inappropriate, and he trembled in a way that couldn’t be construed as casual. Kurt couldn’t help himself and broke the hands-off rule to put his hands on Blaine’s shoulders, and Blaine relaxed into the kiss so sweetly with just that one touch it made Kurt’s head spin.
There was no way it was like this for anyone else. The crush, or whatever, that Kurt didn’t want to feel, or only felt occasionally, became undeniable like this, breath caught painfully between them, a sweetness so sharp it stung. 
The timer went off. Ten seconds. Kurt let go of Blaine and stepped back, feeling like all the blood in his hands had rushed to his face. He was aware of every point of contact on his skin, the way his clothes rested on him, and wanted so badly to touch Blaine on the other side of the counter that it felt like he’d develop telekinesis willing it to happen.
Through the white noise of the catcalls, Kurt managed to say, “That wasn’t a charity kiss.”
“No,” Blaine admitted. “It wasn’t.” He was dazed and flushed down his neck. Probably everyone was staring. “You should take your money back. I don’t want it.”
“It’s Santana’s money.” Kurt knew he was being awful but clung to it as a way out. “She convinced me - ” He couldn’t say it.
“Don’t try to tell me that meant nothing,” Blaine said, but he said it uncertainly, like he was asking. 
It was terrifying, what that did to Kurt. He opened his mouth to say those exact words, “it meant nothing,” but his gaze caught on how Blaine was running his tongue over his lips like he wanted another taste. A gut-punch of longing stole his breath. Kurt leaned in, heart pounding, feeling half crazed, and said in Blaine’s ear, “If I told you to abandon your post right now, would you do it?”
Blaine was nodding before Kurt was even done talking. He flipped the sign to CLOSED, pulled Kurt around to his side of the counter, and slid the privacy curtain shut in front. 
Kurt saw what he meant to do. “You’re crazy,” he said, laughing, helpless, but let Blaine take him by the hand as they made a run for it through the back of the booth.
Then they were outside. It was a blazing sun-soaked afternoon and Blaine let Kurt push him against the wall in the middle of the hall and kiss him and kiss him until they ran out of breath, and if there was a destination Kurt felt with stunning certainty they had arrived.
still taking prompts if anyone wants to send me any !!
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americanhellkmart · 3 months
there's a timeline out there where instead of being obsessed with allied mastercomputer as a teenager i was obsessed with blaine the mono (i turn out exactly the same it's just like a neutral lateral move)
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4minutesgcv · 7 months
my top 10 glee episodes
this is coming from someone with garbage taste so feel free to like yell at me about it 👍🏽👍🏽
grilled cheesus (this ep has played an extremely important role in my development as a person sorry guys)
silly love songs (gap attack……also santana giving finn mono just so she can prove that quinn is cheating on sam with him might be the cuntiest thing ever done in television history…I’m obsessed with her)
brittany/britney (this was a cosmic event also brittana duet 💗)
never been kissed (blaine 🥰🥰)
prom queen (friday night and the lights are lowwww looking for a place to goo…..)
sexy (brittana…….landslide gcv……BRITTANA)
rocky horror glee show (musical show doing musical *cheers and applause*)
power of madonna ( i just really like madonna….also save me 4 minutes gcv save me.)
preggers ( i 💗 insane blonde woman)
hurt locker parts 1 and 2 (life changing, earth shattering gravity defying basically just Real television)
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nonbinary-beast · 2 months
Blaine: I am not a silly machine! I do not entertain silly things!
Also Blaine: *does celebrity impressions, plays the drumline of velcro fly to freak out the Lud denizens, uses references to old media as jokes, the whole thing he does with "see you later alligator, in a while crocodile, don't forget to write"*
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ninasbookshelf · 6 months
webtoons i'm reading
hi again! apparently it's been months since my last webtoon post so here i am with a new one. this is what i'm reading on webtoon these days, what i've finished recently, what's on hiatus, and of course a request for recommendations lolol
first and foremost let's talk about Cursed Princess Club 😭😭😭 i can't believe it's over! this might be my favorite webtoon of all time. it's so well written and of course i love the art as well. it looks like Lambcat (creator of CPC) is hinting at some future CPC content (Blaine???) so it may not fully be the end, but this particular story is over. i miss it already! i highly recommend CPC to anyone looking for a wholesome, funny and emotional webtoon to read.
Muse on Fame - i'm still going strong with this story! it's well written and i'll always be curious to see where the story is going, but damn sometimes i open the app and it's the only updated story i subscribe to and it hits me with the most traumatizing chapter ever and then i'm expected to just... close the app and move on with my day? wtf. latest chapter was pure trauma if you couldn't tell. (i'm hooked)
High Spirits Neoma - i love this webtoon but it's currently on hiatus. i'm all caught up with the latest chapters so now i wait. i'm excited to see where it goes!
Re: Trailer Trash & The Age of Arrogance - i'm still enjoying both of these! no big updates from me here.
Mono and Mochi - i mentioned Mono and Mochi briefly in my january reading wrap-up, but never in a webtoons update post. i love it! it's an adorable slice of life webtoon, sharing funny moments between a cat & its owner. i highly recommend it to any cat lover.
The Raven King - i started this webtoon post-Cursed Princess Club ending and i loveee it! i caught up with all the posted chapters pretty quickly, but it seems like they don't update on a regular schedule, so i'm not sure when i'll get more content. (note: i think there's a different webtoon called "Raven King" that i have not read. the one i'm talking about is by Kyorin!)
that's everything i've been reading on the webtoon app lately! if anyone has recommendations for me, i would love to hear them. a lot of my favorites are finished or on hiatus now. and if you're curious to see which webtoons i've started and eventually dropped, you can check out my previous webtoon update posts. they should be under the webtoons tag.
thanks for reading. what webtoons are you loving these days?
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
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Da boys :)
Haha I'm just kidding
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