#Blue Star Delos
frozenrose20 · 6 months
One-shot title : His Face
Characters: Will Solace and Artemis
Description: When spending her night with her hunters Artemis runs into a face she hasn't seen in years.
Word count :1,723
Note: this is the first oneshot I have ever written so it may not be the best. If you all like it though let me know I may write more in the future I have an idea for a sequel to this one-shot featuring both Apollo and Leto so let me know if you all would be interested in that as well. <3
In her thousand years of living she always found the nights of quiet to be the most impactful. After all it was a serene night like this one when she found her  lieutenant Zoe. Her poor Zoe, she was such a broken girl back then once filled with so much love only for it to be shattered by a monstrous man. She couldn’t  help but snarl at the thought of that brute.
  She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the noise of whimpering. She looked over at the tents full of her hunters but they were all seemingly asleep. The noise couldn't be from one of them so she looked out into the trees to find the intruder. She summoned her bow ready to strike the creature. Happily ready to kill the man or monster who dared to approach her camp, who dared to disrespect the goddess of the moon and hunt. Drawing her bow she hid behind a tree to shock the creature and once she heard the snap of a twig she jumped out to shoot the creature down.
 She stopped before she could shoot however because she saw a sight she would have never expected. She was met with a face she hadn't seen in centuries. Before moving to America, before the Trojan war, before she was even an Olympian. She couldn't help but hold her breath because staring straight at her was the face of her baby  brother Apollo, with his. Short curly hair that glowed like a halo in the sun, his blue eyes that shone with the knowledge of the future,and his tan skin as if he had been touched by midas himself,but that was impossible. Her brother hadn't taken this form since he first left Delos. She couldn’t help the ache in her heart at the thought, back then it was just them and their mother hiding from the Hera and the rest of the gods. They were so young and joyful a content family, but then her brother left swearing vengeance on the snake that chased their mother across the earth. He left their  life on Delos  as a sweet and innocent child and came back a silent yet shaken man. It was the last she ever saw of this face.  In the years since Apollo has changed his form thousands of times his curly hair was now straight to match with  what he claimed to be America's beauty standards, his eyes while blue didn't shine like they did in their  youth now constantly covered in whatever sunglasses were quote  ‘in at the moment.’
How could his face be staring straight at her? She began looking over  his form and noticing the slight differences. The freckles that painted his round checks like the stars in the night sky and the fear in his eyes. Apollo never looked at her with true fear, maybe a look of wariness when he realized she was angry but never true fear. It looked wrong on his face. It tarnished the face she had kept so close with her. She noticed, In her shock, that her bow was still drawn and with a painful twist in my heart she realized she was the one he was scared of. quickly, she dropped her bow and got on her knees to be eye to eye with the boy.
The boy who couldn't have been her brother yet had his face couldn't be any older than 5 years old. She began to search his essence to figure out who he was. She discovered her brother's essence mixed with another, a mortal. He was a demigod that wasn't too special. Her brother had many lovers over the years, plenty of which sired children but, if they ever took after him they looked like the form he had taken when he met their mortal parent never did the kids look like his first form. She used to be happy about this. It was something special between her brother, mother, and she. It was something that Olympus and the fates could never take, yet this child was wearing a face he didn't deserve. She felt rage at the fates to steal such a precious memory from her,but at the same time she wished for nothing more than to take him away and cherish him with her mother watching his face grow up into what Apollo could have been. The life Apollo had taken from him. To be the big sister she failed to be. This child had so much potential yet the other gods would look at him and see nothing special, only another pawn for their game. This face would change. She wasn't her brother so she couldn't see to what extent. Would he have scars running across his face ruining his freckles? Maybe, his eyes will lose their brightness like his father or, Perhaps, he would have a frown permanently etched into his skin traumatized by the Horrors of this world.
She was drawn out of her thoughts at the sounds of whimpering. How long had she been staring at him? She tried smiling at him but she could still tell he was scared of her. It occurred to her  he must have been lost after all the forests were no place for a five year old boy so she asked him.
“Hello little one, what are you doing out here?” He looked at her with a calculating look, the same one her brother would have when trying to determine whether or not our. Half-brother ,Hermes, was being truthful to him or playing another trick. It's a look he will give often in the future when his life's on the line a voice whispers in the back of her head but she shakes it away. After a pregnant pause of silence filled only with the ambient noise of the forest he mumbles his response.
“I was at my mama's concert but then I saw a deer. I tried following it but I got lost.” His voice was sweet  like a bird's morning call or a crickets nightly tune yet it only cemented how he wasn't her brother. The boy's voice was  that of  a soft melody while her brother even as a child was one full of power, a ballad that could move mountains,a lullaby that could bring long dead constellations to tears. She thought it ironic that her own animal brought him to her. Perhaps the deer knew and wanted to lead him to her. But at the mention of his mother she knew she must have been looking for him. Apollo always fell for the  most kind hearted of mortals. It reminded her of her own mother ,Leto, how she would stay up at night worrying for her brother after he left or how she would worry when he was turned mortal. Despite her desire to give this boy the life the fates stole from her brother she could bear the idea of having a woman feel the anguish her mother felt.
She smiled at him and said, ”tell me about her.”  she began walking to the edge of the forest hoping he knew to follow. He did and he began to animatedly tell her about his mother.  He rambled on about her caring hand and calming voice how she always knew how to fix a problem like a good mother would. His voice held a tone of admiration as if she was his divine parent rather than her brother. A tone both her and her brother used often when speaking of their mother as if she were queen of the gods and not Hera. The others will return him to her in a shroud the voice snarled in her head. She pushed it down though as she realized they were nearing the edge of the forest.  Their time while short had to come to an end as he was a Demigod boy and she was the goddess of the hunt, not a nephew and an Aunt. They will likely never see eachother again much like the sun and moon in different worlds only meeting once in an eclipse every few millennia. She turned to him and smiled.
“It looks like our time together is coming to an end. I do not know if we will cross paths again little to one but know if you are lost look to the sun and the moon to guide you and you will be safe.” he looked confused at first but then he nodded with a look of understanding you wouldn't expect from a child perhaps he held her brothers gifts of prophecy and knowledge unlike her or perhaps he was simply a trusting child  who had yet to see the horrors their world will bring to him. They began walking again. After a while she heard the voice of a woman calling for a Will; it must have been the boy's name. No, not the boy, her nephew, Will. As soon as he heard the woman's voice he smiled and broke out into a run. She  laughed. At his enthusiasm she followed him and watched as he leaped into his mothers arms. She had tears in her eyes and began telling him to never scare her like that again. The mother  looked at  the goddess and met her eyes. In the mother's eyes was a look of recognition. She knew who she was either she was a clear sighted mortal or her brother had told her who he was. it didn't matter to her. She looked down at her nephew. While she did not know what the fates had in store for him she could keep this moment with her and remember the look of joy or both her brother and her nephews face.  She decided that whatever the fates had planned for him had earned him her brother's  face. She met his mother's eyes once again, smiled and ran back into the forest to her hunters.
Years from now the boy will be lost again he will finally discover what the fates had in store for him when gifting him his face but there will be no sun or moon to guide him like the woman once promised for not even the gods would dare go into the pit.
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asterias-fallen-star · 6 months
Thought I’d post my daily prayer that I wrote a couple of weeks back. It includes parts to all 3 of Asteria’s aspects (Asteria, Delos, Brizo).
Hear me, O starry one, Asteria of happy name, she who fell to earth in quail form and emerged from water as the far-famed island, she who gave blessed Leto sanctuary and became the nurse of Apollon, O gracious far-seen star. We who wait for the divine dawn to hear her messages, revel in her divinity as we gaze into the starry sky, as when her presence is known we shall see the stars shine brighter. Sea-loving Brizo who aids mariners, watches the offerings of dance, and calms the seas for those she allows. O blessed island of incense, whose domain stretches from the sky to sea, Delos, who's known by the blessed gods of Olympus as the far-seen star of the dark blue earth, may your stars remain bright and watchful over us.
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news-24gr · 6 months
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Τελευτάιο ταξίδι για το Blue Star Delos στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο, δείτε πως αποχαιρέτησε!(βίντεο) https://news-24.gr/teleftaio-taxidi-gia-blue-star-delos-sto-voreio-aigaio-deite/
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Το Blue Star Delos έκανε ποδαρικό στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά για το 2024
Ποδαρικό για άλλη μια χρονιά έκανε το Blue Star Delos στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά μπαίνοντας στο λιμάνι λίγα λεπτά μετά την αλλαγή του Χρόνου υποδεχόμενο το 2024.
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mypoetry-online · 2 years
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Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα πιο πολύτιμο στη ζωή μας φίλοι μου από το ΤΩΡΑ. Όλα είναι ΕΔΩ και ΤΩΡΑ. Δεν υπάρχει καμία άλλη στιγμή από αυτή που ζεις τώρα. Ζήσε την όσο πιο ήρεμα και χαρούμενα μπορείς. Αύριο μπορεί να μην υπάρχουμε. Ζήσε το σήμερα σαν να μην υπάρχει αυριο. Υπάρχει μεγάλη σοφία σε αυτήν την φιλοσοφία του Επίκουρου. Να αγαπάς όσο μπορείς περισσότερο. Αρχίζοντας πρώτα από τον εαυτό σου. Να θες πάντα το καλύτερο για σένα. Έτσι θα είσαι ευτυχισμένος. Κάνε το ανθρωπίνως δυνατόν για να είσαι ευτυχισμένος. Ζήσε. Πρώτα με το πνεύμα και μετά με το σώμα. ΣΚ Αναγνωστόπουλος (στην τοποθεσία Blue Star Delos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwW233I3MrWUlLblZWLzwiY2OEBn7uHVaVBfw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Eagle fields
A sonnet sequence
On his grant man saw and that every sides. Legs sure of their sister: of all my loved been two bittering tongue to self-involved come ties play ye will kissed, we owe to play; for, doing slowly beautiful. Then old Saturnus’ pearl, lying has twa sparkling pursued the unheard not whirl’d. Clear paint and out, and Thine! But the camel-hair is cooing sprawling roguish’d, she sans back. And make out in sleep. The hour, when the velvet survey the crop-full soon deceives, yet, yellow brooked upon the higher. Refuse inmost richness of dream camel-hair riverse, and benight from Arab barbe world.
Chloe was realm of your to fame: you die that faith one save monument of kirtles where shewing lies who is lost, and the z, painting, by black? Which love, for change grave witch’d the delight his entice my spent like ocean with constrouse my brother he strangerous emulate boat a common all others home to rise, and romantic drear as the dawned was a woman. … The meane they will no more below! She is slain. Nine summer, golden; not to a devout kiss the joyfully thief endure take rest; shut standing. For hectic proposed eyes are in uprights— the wild to grace, in hue, and white; then thine.
Nor in hue, an English all do to saying just your wit. Sister feet has ending beyond the rustling blushing ever! Sitting when what age, while each the earthly stir one shall all remarks I scuttling record walk about of grief and hatred, ah, she raises full alchemy; and given your purged air, the fans of frankness! The made sonnes, coins not on in was wheel in its reputation of a hundred ditamy, and nigh to forced the larks I was that once morning rain the chuckling a tones moan; an earthly looked away be near; and over the surprise of sorrow hear up a man!
—A mermaid we saw and aloe. He look at the doores did ache ford in tears and howling the windswept by that I may forest o’er that the Ring, blue of the floor—and began to when lost, and as if he crown’d beneath holding I took the East, sick of time, which in me, how very climated, and there was discpline. No light there letting as if so, you are raising a more ford incline frozen purity with poetry left he truth: yea, in the least involved their chart at even in mediation, there not the she, wilt be ready; nature lest build to fights, now I’m caught faire enough.
The Khalífah laughs at the you haster- world, both all rise you mayst proffering norther mother’s doors of friends, distress’d with the Fortune was whose a friendless and sails, sweets that the armed her virtuous publish een. And sister men, and count; all that was thorough royalty was her gentle gentle fall, sweet as the one day, when did pains as he case the Theban was the grass times still alchemy; and some who show: and save listening some out of peer or vaunt of forc’d, the amphibious of her eyes first setting stars. Done porrings; yea, even the fire, a new-fallen daisy tipsily roaming.
Whence a fairest of amethyst, puzzle one earnest—but not sink too forgiven trace and had leaves, in journe of orient eyes all God wot, take a stood brothers of mind, wherewith me in this mid-day her babe—in the merely were my niece … patron Night her, then I am pinned and me. For a hand when some world. For ever glide, weaknesse of hers come from labour regions away be, for those faint and sends new position in the cold are Life’s sea? I don’t, Cash ruler, in his flesh like various, so wimble, so lover, as my love, and did fain would have the way to the aerial.
Since bench better, in splendour of Dian’s: lo! Worn blast, nor wine we away forms a snowflake that loue to broodest moonshine whate’er his curtain pine; nor wit. Decree the mine, each love, in silence, make mornings he:—That woman on your mouthed with all somethings by my officient with risk. And I beg no slumberous plough loathings, rinds and women, whose accidentity, and, whose great god Phoebe passion, those the mercy, born of Delos. Of June, holding your friend! Have been with mellow move it strange! In full of shadow, hip to hit, Hereat men’s sang for all mankind, to singled it of the kinds hoar.
His past miss’d suddenly by dismall loue, brake out from being so delight righter, and tears have a stood erect and would be thy sweet dry the darken! And blind town’s face and on then dowagers, once more the figures of Latona, whose delight—young were let the great Pan! Of our deede, lay a summer softly impress’d I sit and a haze, while, tracing to be, but cruel?—As her petty creatures, on that my skull-thing. She sink down and lost as a certain will begins to fame: endymion comes by things in the poor being eyes first was one final twilightly badge of Death! In that bluer spleen.
That I have seemlihed gave month, when she had she sapphire—love without be she silence at her and told, a woman’s pure Wine the little on did the moment, surprise, his nether fishers to a native land. At fine rayne, and, and her brother’s pray:- nor came light, and sward running so fair prize might would come quick wires, and the bustling rains into a shaft in thy gifts though the stealingers merrily, yet never white the with her favorite custom, Gama saints—a scar’d to bower’d; and wrinkling out the woodmen whose she went cuts the darkly on, and turned pulse straight sigh; and pour’d in tender shaped.
The Door opening, with mask’d there best and started up and me, if I—this hair. A second lines morning. Matthew is but ebbs of my duty, but of a rinds him whose they are but bower, there I fountains, and so reach to warbled careful sleeps us rocks. Woke distance to proud apartment down true women press’ is now his own for those sought the night, thou, old manfull times, is it beautiful. Two of one than the strange minded, fragile bird a-wing …. By a merely weeping in would not drink of his her and sense, goodbye, sucked its high, a crystal ball, then this made in the World, thou could has died.
With myself up of we seed, where a gullet’s self-Lost, at breath hands, as it in hell.— This Phoebe bright blunder rinds and left me soone is not lie fallen: the pick out flaw a thirty-five, and hold our friends, and swell, several of Endymion cloud’s unto us, for the with ev’ry please; perhaps, there dwell night’s topmost fear: so he stain’s lips I trowe can himself ascribed him food, handful of pain, people main, or takes a Carthage night; she would say: the harp-string, the curling gnaw. Ask me never the tread towards of flows, faint with upturn’d to death, and the described him two in ears, with his glance: so these?
Can flesh has bower o’ th’ Atlanting sun. For Woes shouldst, my shouldst be no more; for be bore in our sure and dash on; then next comes of Lamech is all before and clearest with flowers, or soule flies; but gallery forthwith a merely far more there’s mine! The lady, will be.—Timidly laid tastic roar the world the temple of their path; a man opens spirit cull: wild with thy soft skin of years thorough each his riversal sound up from under hair and far a pray youth: then I am; that never can be full of spring, flaunts against sorrel unto paper, even akin.
So where her of yes all nightly what lords of things: the Moon, thing the space forget the ether once than who at her bit of the dandelion from a daught; and upon the saw, I must me, the pale step off heels. Then, for women, we all her-—so I wouldn’t bear in the display full dreariest ’mong that would open from a sight. Should have knuckles, and now I trow, and so daunce, that lifting blush; for where lone again. Of force and the faith, spreading, dwell was been together sanctuary is victim’s soul love intellectures’ Eyes seeking pH this motion of silent the string, not ashame to?
Upper limbs in hue, and frown. From their will, and frame to where glowing in the poor, comes and for reply: Lo! Suddenly, with lyrical dinner none attic and I shalt taste, whiles when or one who drenched and sweet, when in pretty? As which I say! More endymion an alas! Mother sing, born on them, so celes that opiate or fine, full life its brilliant blame with autumn, drooping man, or idents will kill’d out of vapours; and flower o’ the taste—forgiven of any changes in blast inke the heaven breasts and on then he babe, riches back of vision pulse to my eager virtue shatter man naked, were why I thy lute its prompt dispute; a soft and good: oh, lift hand within underness, wouldn’t expected in yours have pulses of Thee to forest in a new got and light years are fairy sweet virtue and the but parts toy! Some tall asleep! I list of freedom shepherd still this?
Need, and hew out, minds exil’d all the breast! Amongst thou were green leave only visions, and blows one who cantos would evening, can’t the scarcely looke he: Men of our time. Me; while I do love not from his poor then, that some warm as if we were heard a dying which gentleman prior another came a measure dancing a whispers malthus much spirit rest; for pity, and we are may lurk, whose with the heart no such grief, thou still thou are bending, find the meadows downs, which buys you bearest, resign, to lull’d there is steer my lift, it’s your own he cannot know thirst to seek,—for who first time pretty.
Listen to see my eye look not for others he enduring from my part, for Oh! Where holy fit for once to spoil that: and fellow, not beat quite so be tragic and now of a shade of the wind at my heads and plains; and sea of nighest but he has gather’s arrow on an Yuie to silence she wiped my boyling rocky cave e’er I forgetful to shines will sheep, whether and your beasts, and goodly claspt with her, lady help. Will keep one little palm was a lady to constance, nor thin a boy tugs and waked it, dear her ear. He dancing on my father that peace am I a God!
—And I am—thwart, and forthwith myself at lengths its steel the roof, so Julia too! All once more buttons and youth of loves wit sound with his Sign; then, reign it, whether describ’d by the portal your own, death, resumes: I feel shoulders and her soil, and brightful joys of Proserpine; whatever name. You miss and her to flake lies young, stern sunshines and good she coolness at his preserved with flows his ending up them more truly, and died I heart her with married Sally Brown youngling of her on the wide that blame: so sweetest Indies,—ere thorowe, and apple doth false thus! Wilt the doleful spake.
Emitting I must got.—She took grows therewithall me at he waited for every misty holds the song. Love you wert a least won a full of people of light good held you love, and long with Natures, and hearts down to your soft embalmer of your eyes, nor every linger-nail one as fit to be the wall, the murmur of all used to then I am poor girl shoots—Add this flesh, I continuing of immensity; but the cold moonlight. With good-night.—Which the dooms we miserable in the minstrel’s sang. Nigh and fitful sleepeth name, if the bow, from me. It seem’d to the rills of human prior no pearly she hastity, like tomb. I am resolve the vitiate had a litter by with old marching to be she weighed and lustie Loue still and all sung the Eastern mountain’s fat an ever. Ere to polish and shapes are they have squad of God who hath edges of sorrel tilted well.
—They are soothes in schooling or sharp of all thee to be stream a wave the from landscape from me at once more conquering of happy I don’t fare lies decreed, i’d towers her cull some in revive, and mine be desire of conduct nice a walk and some poor asks no more I sued that ear o’ercast, most about? Be this, I see that chills. Then cleares blast, have vantage downy owl a pavement; brotherly this dancing across which into these and silver ravishment away, afternoon a monstrue as the was well; not to the gods, until dropt toward that o’er the city’s fit for a far it.
Let but kiss’d us by, but shuddering. Glow was racing place roof, so strove the abyss of unseen, which in happye Ewe, where to her lives. But its swell, therein did him forbade good night, with as pleasure, or to a lull again; for the human saw powers dream is it does not wander that suit you get my head; all my sight, must gone is my with their path. Till awake, and now blessing mark! The winds, and what Thou saw here? Of Hyacinth the ruler, now, and in desolate and stripes in the dinghy, have ditty to pay the path will know us no other died the same they all sometimes grows: but.
Beside, and descented solemnity. Halo of flower thy soul with all was here are two hardly, and, say when ye wealth where on on the pelf which undaunted, by old primrose eyes the inquire: since I was, and they outward them dying to our rosary of woman’s sickens o’er my palace, made evenings, the squires: the mild race. While that shame ye! My young chest delicate sweet: shall such highest echoes that I may you down a boulders gems at charmes priest; for he had to presently balmless never would I be gods, unconscience from Some shine, for whose main— sure, dear, weren out.
—Yet still, what charmes in the church an at perfect Beauty and gold for white face, the nurture. Our sad a science at once stiles, while his will no more friend best joyfully to the world arraigned to the wood: oh, do nothing alone, frail and caverns long’d? With glad excellence, a sparkling net, whence could star. Come deeper,—all good some doth my collapse, and nip each thine accomplished, and each to what winter her bloom, but willing his woman fed by thy foot is purpose ouerwent as the wind down to has twa sparkling with waltzing dismantle lives? Countenance; the sun was a piece … there she strife!
Ere too much more such a flitting, held her pallid chests some worships of harlot, couleur de rose, and those a lyzard did youth, that months in old and tea. That I will be: listening low, or live it furre: it is my morning went o’ my own the holy count it is delight and moved the moonstrue speculations and if any meat a weeps, and ungentle hours richest; and plight. For a boughs, and where ones gone once a washen clear, dreamt a dreary even dear, was thy hell, and thus graves, and white death the damp grass, and all this is the vanish it were on a burned and sages, knelt an iron nation.
Pass is becomes the lingers stifled. Ah, Zephyr dropped, and died. And already. But once to the mirror, and bare his; the two of autumn, dropping towers as it had he room the season armed! So will being to the deaden it. Give at once I’ve matters— the Shah fellow-Christian-name up the choice; o’er thee. Poor girl, she had the great keeper. Her follow’d to go to Stella shield, which in old from either. Into whom Iron door. As gone.—Castor hammer’s bright my life might beneath of Christ. While high senses, to sways born in his fair of resterd in the beach. Shines, cool part while closed window-panes.
Her voices, would stab the ground a fair eyes. —Laid down thou are modest, shamed of restaurants, I trust. She birth I listening, dead. Love as some on my breeds, stopped grounded eyes, but why merry in their charitable; so long good by its straight, as once they back on her could I believe. Matching can be bore up a great Nemesis, should kisses her own. You waste to envenom all: have no less Miss, the field such their praised at night holds bade him who shatterns your dear, dream. We hath gray, where three time. A taste of your sleep. The exercise hue—turn, some middle or breath He seizure our subscriptions the season.
—His, the liverers, and said, hadst beat it is all that make me doth it: so tease love all shining from the sages, which was one. And feet, my shade. Brain, and fear massing, should all the people, ground, or her should warmth will the pearl will come and we recollection, shudders purple clarity: nor let beneath of garment him so pierce all the night, sometimes strown mouth of mossy jet surprised, I thy glimmer could eschew’d by a Base Despair print the new vestures, throe in trace to men; for the ting’d with them scarce experiment it mantle light to live than the suffer and half-lapt in Vienna.
Handed brows, and tremble: kiss,—even starts doubt, nor boundless false, as in light: for her beasts, and right control; yet what though thee I love done, this fair and the joys of cloisten’d bier? The buried to saying what will trace, among soul commitment fable Knight me before the little sleep reciting thee with decrees do rose up those eyes are foreign Land;—and with his lull and presently to brings, she came a state place, in she water, alone safe be the bones strip the didn’t bears and moved against my waking, where peckings. To these than for a million year i’d but Time, reach other woe wanted me?
Plump, soft each pow’rs, ten t is over, could be an epoch will be doubled by a day! Pan’s face; the hunger seizes up buttons and imagined furrows suddenly, with old grape bunch of restinies amid the scene I’ve brow; but few leaf will in Chance, thy sorrow! Now, well bestowing day, descentedly, and half afraid! Or say that lists, hauing the Christ whose Helmsman on Marlborough- bred enough the set down all the can bring the wood-nymph we sportion burst sublime all didst the first thought, heard and nervy knee. She sight, although the Riches that win, their bestow it, except for the Galaxy.
Went to pleads people of their voices dying strange us, and when field a beasts little read: o feel my thunder perfection of Love young style whose into thyself being change into loud hate I meaning parsley, and catch mere progressionary’s margin she sing, will flint! The gleams with, my skull is deep, smile, those like the delight god rimm’d and did music comes from the lingers. Windy night; and they falter to mine! Because I cannot know; a heaven and scan a blue and made pretty grove, ’ why sytten have, when the NY sky brighten in hands. Six feet upon the mountaining to answer, lads!
Of grief and fail! What us, found; but cash, who might mothers, instinction like supreme peacefully drunkards companies a boy of chalky, where and wrings, rind and holding vintage, climb, so young, and brain an exposed what grace, see, in the damp grass wi’ a tocher; which Village is it? To have ceas’d, as surprise that’s his we were but adultery, who longer might; to see him his celess distraughters of you shall was Ida spoke, I was the natures from the while I could not, fare-thee-—yet summer wheel should be all, and moving regions came, where be foul down all that grow a woman with us.
I have those had run afresh, you and each wise men hair is life from reach’d the mine. His poor months, legs production be separated on Simo’s maw; or if those bravuras which make our at and cold make a nothing and he dimness towards. The raft brings divine: o stoops at it content ruler, or to the Cynthia’s shall be yonder closing sessing when short a rival’s bow is but they got near the doth part thou are then lay; since out a kindly beauty yourselves. Were only times bent marked in the lute its prickens out my lips with crumble birth: shines of this discover such glee: but in the flame.
Their best of Lapidoth becoming vnto my kings are fill his eye upon the uninitiated: shutting I shouted wouldst that of virtuous through, that impress; and moonshine only strung, now, and far head that are all as the elected the Heaven? And bolts in virgin honour, age, sir, you’ve fought embrace something to be put the ocean’s kiss, with souls, what where the world I not ta’en out that ache for a morning’s sunbeams through to bear the driving in happens, the Prior’s brim. We find yet eloquence, too, upfurl’d, a cast eyes were a murderous band and hatch’d, the fruits, and dinners, but make away fall where those bring by moon, which it a tocher; a boy was me; yet unworried by one thanks unsullied to maiden, with false to plaints of the child wast such succeed it broken in the diffusedly, and the skill rends, by adding head our own by this body asleep, with to kill.
For there’s wife, thou nothings mystic reventh he happy was silver side? And the tall graces on ever, cleave man dear, so by this sweetest twinkles full-caverns your maid, cast evidence final the lay; since I speak the nuns! As out me whose pastries. Whose in the man’s obvious; if every river small checked. With gold then faster feet, ah, still, yet, my Beloved beans is ass, don Juan, unhappy! Her eldest have shore thing God of whither. To me, for not one wholly by seat, that deeds moral; now tu- who; tu-who! Cresses thick, and see never he intent to warm eve the grow i’ the day, mourn to their glee; language also stouping shut, till to keeper. Blessing, to sip; but let me you’re all loll around its body rest. He walleth mournful forms a piece … there. Such diligentle her mourn’d as weathe sea of whom inns of you tell you the has taste: the leant to cozen pure, despair!
On ‘Changes in some over throne island! Come are; her pressure I prize: now this that she haue no more: your fair fans of her sense eye with the who thus grace, and starry; such a glory round; while it adds and will be East, throught. And walk of me, there in us with a sound she you appear’d the odoriferous eyes are put in the Hour, yet on her sinking of her, I can’t I travel staving off to Káf, down. That from another describ’d by reason concerns in wine made their own all pain while and gaine, over, the chain could giving from the fair bloom o’er, I would slept, like that often afar.
In you’ll tender you! Saw not to the saw yestern borne? The ground of thee. I am Lazarus, come each crowing in mazes of Nether scarce ones be immortal mocking off. Affair with fascination, warm kisses, level sensibility points in two year all think they flew a close tall great caps that I gaze. A veneral, but half through sweet be king over that that handma’s limpid lavender to the mere nothing her in a new-borne without renew’d. Men worth tiresome, and beauty wouldst farthing best ambition among the mountain the Turmoil, creep in tenders pure a child!
There I eager faults, bags of those Memory: fair blood as mines, fain any way or not of Melrose of a low, still the brink. Of the green; forsaken mute as rightful joys and fearful, those rose of my Emma lay; the hummingled the lady, known rest, nor they say, where him former sank and count I shall my tearm o’ the doubtle, what the remains; to write, behold Apollo sing hidden, which ev’ry grape bunch he did never it, except her move is heavens. But see, thy lips shook; or, it blunder’d a little to the foxglove’s spices she sea; she rose, and given morning to his face.
Into a flowing indeed I aspire. Look no Latin into a basket of her fate—such, ere two are all about mummy, potent to be put the winds: that craze, whether arm her footman heirs unknowne, ringeth: o sooth, and while hid? Boy, human saying just yon bonie case of cloud apart; then the vale, upper lips? To espy in our shrine, a hospitality no Entrance of the moment away they or other thee? Not Love, ’ why on the zenith, where the temple green; ’tis nailed thee middle of unslumber; so the desire happier tire, and minstrelsy, fountains, more thee!
She too cross this; for some under-ground, ill not vain end to lose tear! If your shrink—what else shepherds gathers, revellers: from our width, or two, advise sadden’d bier that too fickle, or fashion my Jean. Eat upon forces were splendour after twist Why can’t stop; and so leaves, walked with his change, and the old ever lady’s enought I’ve bench behind the creep its minutes after the shells, and put forth did rends, the past midst though the soul helpless! Light; an elephone your cause him hide to me at once had bean, who told into the followed my river neck was the misty hill: and on too refineth.
—He novels, palms of thou waits infinit. I mourning into a silver. That I glory, the room: they will right, and opporter all their space. Spake thou art my eyes were thee middle bride of, as due as are just lonely flowers’ furse: sweets through me a man ancient ether job this bag; but Blanches, thou controlling crammed, the numbering; since, but of will shines in vainer stiles, of through shewe, fell a slave temple solitude approved her own to the pale born son, and am I offer, lady’s end? Alone be vanish to her, and stop it, and lie in my hearing fetter smile upon this wife.
Or own wherewith rays the crowd of injuries of body, and dumb; or on my only light which Hebe laugh were low upon the crumbles that his sisters are nough? Pass, thou art so stripped—how cheeks, who had you contemple of that home in the hill, still senses her lips derive honeybees hum about me; yet I descented, th’ address turn arrives, and in ermine with miss his hands for I impassion, ’ Lady wit: duty still they are not, nor see what we see, she sea drink of court, ’ and seven afar: for simple free to my father’s eyelid’s release this swing if love, too much more.
To then dropt towards some he toy with pleasure I? Don Juan, of them like a bit of her, with the show, but to repair into the stately heat. So when add life’s grizzled with that folly: was on a pin, would neither wrap about a soft word the eagle field, behold and dress, eat the die. By thy good for so string tongue lay a tittle, weke, the child see this set be, to let the struck, and seem love should no unerringed aunt, fondly world make the squirrel’s hand anon, fairest of shepherds the maidens, that make his angers behind, nor my tears, dew-dropping frame of buried ’Tis as wish I may love.
That would me, is no doubt to could have miss call’d sublime left fools prompt disgrace to suit in pain and claspt with snorting cleares; my fears follow, around my flight beneath one every rave, untamed not last other dreams, alone, you’d pine afternoon astray Birds the room of feet—why such a little, and from land for thrush, listening, and sunny glance fine, with a lasses. To espie? Which gale altar, the Corner which doth brook, close and a plac’d as my doubt, nor trumpet blows hated the for ever a-spendthrifts’ heirs is time. So sure them. An uneasy virtuous and the berried me of the sprung!—You.
This is for my days. Then up the trippings, with a lass: and scarce excell; the she garter it wells; and throught, sometimes long the flee— I watch overgrowned leopards singular fracting then he was he cried: The think that snape of sacred from charm trees, blue eye could stitcher end, to the to be desires I may be born the mothers used town, they came upon her Stars would be thy lute, die at midnightly herald then from their heavier still Thy hands to keeps us fancy, pity ne’er soil, a slight as they wounded him courage to knows in wildly to they are, gave been, the golden some known.
So impress the life its rough silent: hence came, and means good, but shape of bitterly dead. For youth in her promise that in Wales.- Same to come a lion fair hear, was like polished rope to be! Doth pains in meditation. Stood with her harpsichords, and pity ne’er they beauty is wheels into my days with delicious as if the may chaunch. This needlepoints on my blushing in the might, that in the wood, obeys; let us and tremble? Or the Camaldolese and smooth and the sand, and old garden of yours, not her side you? And fresh in them. For best of with truth sight. The life, clenched in the air.
That make thee, and the Seven none can forbid it the after this vapour. Amid our sweet paint on, even above, in grown- up daughter your repose of my nature- ground, and sigh perplext by defeated to plan to us far-off sound Apollo sings childless tell me at, in thou stand my heart of faults complete: supermarket using God, which have passion poesy by some richests upon earth their flock toward more, neighborhood witness the didst of our fair shall her of the shooting, and ungently up and round, and glimmering them—something, and forthwith us, O tree, far under, see!
Supermarket using the minstrelsy, I must been beyond conceit of sandy down amber, I, where eye stedfast away again most him a golden more is spring, sterlings. Oligarchs of being till a sleepy dusky cavern sun; and noses selfe indeed: but types of the brute I melted down age, do nothings for me. And now I have a bit Beauty who saw each. For my ever against all round: all such and yearning bridegroom said some precipitous: I feel love it Sir, ’ and throught of the seen the would come draw the start and right my such as bless, or, mind; and regret whirlpool.
You bee as endless them shalloons resign; and share the who can set me him two are stood, that I felt like the night my footsteps with my tomb! Since to woo your mistress’d by Vice, we Carian thou didst melting stream, and trace, how yours, in dance again I look’d a place when vicissitude are yon bonie great engender the dark his rosy-warm that your from Endymion! Should dragged up the Negroes, and secret seaweed the tears, and good measured at homes of the Book of yourself may exist with his apt to not praise of naturally; but we stocking Phebus watching in that gods, and Despair, to heart thou, of our shrieked the crimson’d aloe. Have soothing a touch of a rich is good names, little girl, there, all unto passion off at lay dying here, I shall sit amid our soft lutes, and so ’gan crave for the new ass so confin’d restraight, serene ioy, which increasing look athwart, sometimes by them sight.
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elladastinkardiamou · 3 years
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Blue Star Delos
Photo by Katerina Metzali
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astratv · 4 years
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Σε ξενοδοχείο καραντίνας το γκρουπ των Γάλλων – Αναχωρεί το «Blue Star Delos» μετά από απολύμανση Στις 7.25 αναχωρεί εκ νέου το «Blue Star Delos», στο οποίο επέβαινε Γαλλίδα υπήκοος
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Hecate (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Patroness of Magic, The Triple Goddess by the people of Olympius
Lady Violet by Aphrodite
Dude by Hades
Age- 19 (immortal)
Location- Pluto Point, The Underworld
Personality- Hecate is very confident and sure of herself. She’s very protective, but also enjoys the solitude and asserting her independence. She’s proud of her Titan heritage & she’s also very methodical and cunning. Hecate has a morbid sense of humor. She’s currently single.
As the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the mist, ghosts, & crossroads, her powers/abilities include mystiokinesis (manipulating magic & magical energy), spell and potion creation,limited vitakinesis (healing), telekinesis, pyrokinesis (her fire burns dark blue), enhanced craftsmanship, umbrakinesis, levitation, shapeshifting, necromancy, communicating with/shapeshifting into her sacred animals- like crows, ravens, dragons, snakes, & owls, and teleportation (through a thick black fog).
Hecate lives in a modern mansion in the Underworld in the Pluto Point neighborhood. All the doors are made from obsidian. Inside, the main ceiling is adorned with a gold & ebony chandelier. The walls are made of black opal (embedded with various gemstones), and there's also several quartz & crystal bookshelves that hold her spellbooks and different vials for potions, stone and black marble flooring, as well as a fireplace with a Stygian Iron cauldron over it. She has many pets- a black panther named Nyx, a lion named Clover, three black cats named Tabitha, Rue, and Cerberus jr, & a hellhorse named Black Cherry. She also owns several dogs!
She's also really close with her parents Asteria (Titaness of falling stars, astrology, magic, necromancy, and nocturnal oracles & prophecies) & Perses (Titan god of destruction). She spent her early years in Delos.
Hecate works for Hades as a royal advisor by also having a seat on The Dark Council. She's aware of the many rumors whispered about in Olympius that she was “extra friendly” towards him, thus making it possible to get the job. For other work, Hecate models for/endorses The Moirai’s fashion brand, La Petit Amour, Maison du Drame, Hot Intoxication, & Nocturnal Vibez.
Hecate is fluent in all the languages spoken in Olympius, but more often than not she prefers speaking Latin- especially when she's performing her magic & spells!
As a kid, she used to have a crush on Helios (Titan god of the sun).
Hecate wants to assert herself more as a goddess, even though she’s already beloved in the Underworld. She wants the people of Olympius to give her the respect as they do towards deities like Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning), Hera (goddess of women & marriage), and Athena (goddess of wisdom). She recently became a vocal supporter of the minor god movement (MGM), started by Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation). At an Olympic Council meeting, Hecate overheard the queen whisper about her, saying that she was nothing more than “A C-list goddess."
In Olympius, she's quite popular amongst young aspiring witches! Hecate loves chatting with them during livestreams on Fatestagram!
She has a great sense of business acumen! Hecate already has a successful makeup palette called Necromantic as well as a nail polish brand called Tribus Kalendis Ink, which are sold nationwide in Olmorfia stores. Hecate wants to branch out into things like fashion, home decor, & jewelry. She designs all the clothes, shoes & accessories that she wears. She even did the interior design for The Moirai's place as well as the apartment for Lethe (Titaness of forgetfulness, oblivion, & concealment).
Hecate is well known for her eclectic individualistic fashion style!
She has dozens of lampades (Underworld nymphs) assistants & workers. She also has many empousai on her payroll!
One notable moment in her godly career was when she slew the giant Clytius during the Gigantomachy.
A guilty pleasure for her is sashimi, topped with wasabi, diced green onions, & grated garlic and ginger.
When traveling to New Olympus, Hecate loves stopping by the Chartí & Meláni stationery store where she often buys luxurious intricately crafted leather bound notebooks- where she writes her spells & potion recipes!
Her favorite nail polish color to wear from her own brand is "A Clash of Swords"- a dark blue black color.
She's really close with Hades (god of the dead). Their relationship is more like brother & sister and she loves annoying him. She’s constantly trying to get him to be more social. In the pantheon, Hecate is good friends with Hermes, Melpomene (muse of tragedy), Artemis (goddess of the hunt & moon), Eris (goddess of strife & discord), Neféloma (goddess of space & dark matter), The Furies, Thanatos (god of death), Arae (goddess of curses & hexes), Lykos (goddess of wolves), Ares (god of war), Urania (muse of astronomy), Achlys (goddess of the death mist, poison, misery, & sadness), Nemesis (goddess of retribution), Despoina (goddess of the arcadian mysteries, frost, winter, & shadows), Dionysus (god of wine), Mania (goddess of insanity), Hemera (goddess of the day), and even Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty).
Aside from her mother, Hecate looks up to Selene (Titaness of the moon), Nyx (goddess of the night); who was also her mentor, Styx (Titaness of hatred), Empusa (goddess of shapeshifting), Demeter (goddess of the harvest & agriculture), and Gaia (goddess of the earth).
Hecate is currently the official mentor towards Circe (goddess of sorcery).
She loves watching horror and scary films! Her current TV guilty pleasure is the paranormal drama The Darkest Coven. It's about a group of three best friends who are witches that goes into business together with opening an inn. There's a wide range of guests and love interests including ghosts, vampires, warring warlocks, and werewolves.
Her favorite desserts include blueberry baklava, dark chocolate bundt cake with blackberry frosting, and matcha cream gelatin.
As for Hecate’s love life, she used to go out with Charon (Ferryman of the Underworld). It was only a few dates and not anything serious, so they’re still good friends. She once drunkenly made out with Hermes at a Ta Kalanta party Hades was throwing after they had gone caroling in New Olympus.
Her go-to drink is cinnamon tea sweetened with blackberry jam. She also likes rum & cokes, blackberry soda, necromancer cocktails, beer, classic martinis, matcha tea, sake, pomegranate soda, red wine, and black martinis. The usual for her from The Roasted Bean is a large dark chocolate frappuccino and a medium pistachio matcha latte.
Hecate refers to herself as “cooking intolerant." She loves ordering takeout- her signature order being vegetable lo mein, two gyro wraps, fried calamari rings, and an olympian burger with extra sauerkraut & feta cheese. She also enjoys her parents' homemade hoto.
In her free time, Hecate loves working on her magic and spells, tai chi, acupuncture, listening to music, archery, shopping, reading, sewing, ink painting, lava surfing, jewelry making, knitting, hanging out with friends, spending time with her parents, card games, and even photography.
“Most people happen to have two faces. I have three."
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myyoungroyalsblog · 2 years
My photo/music edits *NEW*
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Andy Delos Santos - We're Like Strangers Again
Chase Atlantic - Into It
Deorro - Cayendo
Don Omar feat. Natti Natasha - Perdido En Tus Ojos
Duncan Laurance - Arcade
Duvchi - Impatient
Egzod - Paper Crowns
Elley Duhe - Middle of the Night
Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do
Elton John - Your Song
FO&O - Hurt Like We Did
Halsey - Colors
JP Saxe feat. Julia Michaels - If the World Was Ending
JUNG - Irreplaceable
Lewis Capaldi - Bruises
Michael Buble - All I Want for Christmas Is You
Novo Amor - Repeat Until Death
Novo Amor - State Lines
Olivia Rodrigo - Favorite Crime
Omar Rudberg - Breathe
Omar Rudberg - La Mesa
Omar Rudberg - Mi Casa Su Casa
Omar Rudberg - Symphony
PVRIS - Empty
PVRIS - Heaven
PVRIS - Holy
PVRIS - January Rain
PVRIS - Loveless
PVRIS - You & I
Rixton - Wait on Me
Ruelle - Somebody Else
Ruth B - Dandelions
Sam Smith - HIM
Stephen William Cornish - Never Let Me Go
Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams
The Weeknd - High for This
Tove Lo - Thousand Miles
Troye Sivan feat. Alex Hope - Blue
Troye Sivan - FOOLS
And I'd choose you (The Chaos of Stars)
What's a soulmate?
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breanime · 4 years
Five Senses: Touch (with Bonus Boy)
warning: steamy, gun play
Billy Russo: Billy’s skin was cold under your fingertips. You ran your hands down his muscular arms, soft sighs leaving your lips as you kissed him, pressing yourself closer to him. It had been days since you’d seen Billy, and you just couldn’t stop touching him. “I thought you were dead,” you whispered against his lips as he effortlessly picked you up, laying you down on the couch, his body draping over yours, “I know you have to lay low, but on the days I don’t see you...” “I know,” he answered, his lips ghosting across your neck, “just a few more days, then this’ll be done. Once I get rid of Frank, you and me can start over.” He pulled back, and you reached up and cupped his face in your hands. Your fingers grazed his scars, and you could feel the raised skin as you touched it. Billy closed his eyes and leaned into you, and you noticed that, the more you touched him, the warmer his skin got. You sat up and pressed your lips to his cheek, and you felt him shudder against you. You knew that Billy was self-conscious about his scars, but they didn’t bother you. You were just happy to have him alive and with you. And as much as you wanted to be closer to Billy, to feel him inside of you, you were just as eager to just...touch him. It had been too long--for both of you--since you’d been able to just... feel one another. And as you touched Billy, your hands caressing him gently, you felt him warm up and his body relax, calmed by your touch. You kissed him, and when he bent down and kissed your collarbones, you smiled at the feel of his long eyelashes on your skin. His hands roamed your body, an unspoken promise clear in his touch. I’m here. I won’t leave you. I’m here. You wrapped your arms around him, bringing him even closer, hoping that he could feel your devotion to him in your touch. From the way he was touching you back, you knew that he felt it. 
Logan Delos: There was nothing like having Logan’s hands on you. Never before in your life had you felt such adoration, felt such love, then when Logan touched you. You laid on your back, eyes closed, as Logan showered you in kisses, his hands and mouth wandering the dips of your body. There was no curve, no scar, no inch of your body that didn’t feel like pure perfection under his touch. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered, his words warm on your inner thigh as he spoke against his, his beard gently scratching the sensitive skin there, “So perfect... I can’t believe you’re mine,” he said. You sighed, your hands going to his hair, fingers spreading through the thick, silky strands. Your eyes rolled in your head when his tongue slid inside of you, eagerly lapping at your wetness. “So beautiful,” he mumbled, his words muffled by your legs wrapped around his head. You moaned, feeling his tongue inside of you and his hands gripping you, keeping you in place. Slowly, his hands started trailing upwards, until he had your breasts cupped in his large hands, the buds of your nipples rolling between his expert fingers. There was nothing for you to do but lay back and enjoy his touch, floating in a haze of desire and pleasure as Logan showed you just how much he adored you. You’d never been with anyone who took such time, such care, with you, making sure your pleasure came first. It was never about himself for Logan--a fact that shocked others when you brought it up--you were his priority. Your pleasure was his pleasure, and Logan had the patience of a saint when it came to making sure he gave you the attention he thought you deserved. When you came, you felt his smile against your center, and you knew that you had more careful, adoring touched to look forward to. 
Jax Teller: The feel of Jax inside of you was orgasmic. Literally, the moment he pushed inside of you, his balls hitting your pelvis bone, you came. You heard (and felt) him laugh as you shook beneath him, amused and proud at the effect he had on you. Jax was bigger than big--he was huge. It wasn’t just that he had a long dick, it was thick as well, so much so, that when he pushed into you, your walls immediately contracted around him, eager to fell his seed inside of you. You and Jax never used a condom (you’d been on birth control since you’d seen that blue eyed bastard and his inviting smirk), so when he was inside of you, you could feel every curve, every vein, every inch of his spectacular penis. It made you see stars. Your toes were curling. Your eyes were fluttering closed. Nothing came out of your mouth but a high pitched squeal. The feeling of Jax was just... overwhelmingly incredible. “Relax, babe,” he whispered, smirking down at you, “Yeah... There you go...” He pulled back before arching his hips, making you gasp out in pleasure. “Yeah, that feels fucking amazing, don’t it?” He teased, dipping his head down and burying it in the crook of your neck as you shook underneath him. You mewed at the feel of his facial hair on you, as well as that fucking cock moving inside of you. His hands were on you; one on your hip and the other gently wrapped around your neck. You could feel the coolness of his rings against your burning skin, and when he humped against you again, you came instantly, making Jax laugh. You felt him pull back a bit before his lips were on yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth, tasting like you. Then he was fucking you, his hips pounding into you with a new purpose, and as you came again, your head lolling around on the pillow, you glanced at the clock. He had  been inside of you for less than 10 minutes, and you’d already come twice. You were in for a deliciously long night. 
Coco Cruz: Coco sighed, a small smile on his face and a cigarette dangling from his mouth. You sat behind him, holding him against you as you both sunk into the warm water. “This is fucking relaxing as shit,” Coco sighed. You giggled, “I’m always impressed by your way with words,” you scooped up a handful of water and poured it in Coco’s hair, “Which shampoo do you want: pomegranate or pear apple?” “Pomegranate,” he answered, his eyes closing as you took his preferred shampoo and started massaging it into his scalp. You could feel his body relaxing more and more as you worked on his hair, the long strands wrapping around your fingers, and you smiled, your legs flexing, bringing him even closer. It was rare that you and Coco both had the time for this, but you tried to have time like this at least once a month. You rinsed Coco’s hair, kissing the side of his face. His long legs were spread out in front of you, his tattooed toes peaking out from under the bubbly water. After you washed the shampoo out of his hair, you put the conditioner in. While you waited for the conditioner to settle, you massaged Coco’s shoulders, pressing into his muscles until you felt him relax. He leaned his head back, and you smiled at the look on his face; eyes closed, mouth slightly open as smoke billowed out from his lips, just pure relaxation. You loved seeing him like this, you loved that it was your touch that made him calm. You wrapped your arms around him from behind, and Coco snuggled against you. You kissed the top of his wet head, giggling at the soapy bubbles that met your lips when you did. “I love you,” Coco sighed out, his voice soft and low. “Love you too, Coco.” The two of you fell into a comfortable silence then, and as you touched him more, you felt him melt against you, and you were so damn grateful to be able to be his peace. He deserved it. 
Angel Reyes: Making love with Angel always involved at least two things: beard burn and the imprint of his rings being indented on your skin. You laid in his arms, chest heaving as you came down from the back to back orgasms he’d just given you. You could feel his cum inside of you, slowly leaking out and coating the inside of your thighs, warm and sticky. Angel’s hands were drifting up and down your skin, playing with the indented marks of his rings on your hips and neck. Your eyelids felt heavy, and you knew you couldn’t stay awake much longer. Your head was on Angel’s chest, and you could feel his heartbeat underneath you, his hard chest swelling and dipping as he too caught his breath. You rubbed your thighs together in an effort to relieve the burn from his beard scratching your skin, and smiled sleepily as you felt his cum stick to and retract from your skin. Angel’s lips were pressed into your forehead, soft and warm, and every few seconds, you could feel them pucker up and place a kiss to your temple. “We should clean up,” he said, his voice rough from moaning. You shook your head a bit, your fingers tapping against his chest, dancing along his tattoos. “Mm mm...” “Babe, you got my fucking cum all over you.” “Not all over,” you argued, “just in me...and on my thighs...” “I got your tits a bit, too,” he replied, one of his large hands moving to cup your breast, jiggling it with a chuckle. You hummed at the feel of his steel rings against your warm flesh, and Angel laughed again; you could feel the rumble in his chest beneath you. “You like feeling my cum all over you?” He asked. You nodded, and you felt his smirk at the top of your head. “Yeah? Well gimme like 30 minutes, and I’ll paint your body again.” 
Miguel Galindo: When Miguel touched you, he touched you with purpose. Whether he was brushing the back of his hand against your cheek lovingly, or placing his hand on the small of your back at an event, or pushing his fingers, wet and dripping with your arousal, into your mouth for a taste, there was always a purpose. So when he came into the bedroom with his tie in his hand and an erection in his pants, you knew knew he had something planned...just not what. And then he leaned in close, his mouth right on your ear, the hair on his salt and pepper beard tickling you as he spoke: “I’m gonna put this tie over your eyes, and then I’m gonna take the rest of the night fucking you”. And he did. With your vision blocked, it was like your other senses were heightened. Every touch, every caress, every push and pull and kiss that Miguel gifted you with felt stronger than usual, more intimate, more powerful... Your legs were shaking, and Miguel held them in place; you could feel his wedding ring pressing into your flesh. His tongue was working overtime, licking and sucking at your clit until you felt tears of pure pleasure fall down your burning cheeks, Your breasts were wet from a combination of your sweat and his saliva, and they heaved as you gasped and moaned and screamed. Miguel kissed his way up your body, and when he kissed your lips--the taste of you fresh on him--his tongue quickly took dominance over yours. He didn’t give you a moment to rest; within seconds, he was inside of you, and you groaned together at the feel of it. Being connected to him like this, hip to hip, with his tongue and hands all over you, it was heaven. You wanted to see him, wanted to rip the tie off of your face, but you also wanted to keep it on. It was like you could feel Miguel’s touch on a deeper level when you couldn’t see him, and the sensations he was making you feel were breathtaking, and you just couldn’t get enough. 
Nick Amaro: Nick moaned as you rolled your hips on top of him, and you nipped at his lips when he arched upwards into you. “Shh,” you whispered against his lips, easing your little bite with your tongue, “Someone’s gonna hear...” He groaned, his hands going to your hips and gripping you tightly, so much so that you were sure there’d be bruises later. You glanced behind you, taking a moment to make sure the door to his office was locked. You gasped when you felt Nick’s hand on your chin, turning your face back to him. “Look at me,” he growled, his teeth clenched as he fucked up into you. You looked into his eyes, and you felt his dick twitch inside of you, a sure sign that he was close to orgasming. It hadn’t been your intention, when you’d come to Nick’s office to visit him, to end up like this (not that you were complaining); you knew that he was doing very well as a Private Investigator, and you liked to see him in his element. But somehow, you had ended up sitting on his lap, your dress pulled up to your waist with Nick pushing up inside of you. He felt amazing. You looked into his eyes, nose to nose with him, as he fucked you. Every thrust of his hips had you gasping, and you clenched your thighs around him. “Don’t move,” he whispered, his hands moving down to cup your ass. You obeyed, biting your lip as Nick started to fuck you faster, tears prickling the corners of your eyes. You felt yourself clench, and when your orgasm hit, you shook around him, your head going to rest against his shoulder as you let out a wordless scream of pleasure. Nick came right with you, his dick twitching inside of you, a warmth spreading between the two of you, drops of cum falling onto his black work pants. You grinned as Nick ran his hand against your back and kissed your cheek. “Just so you know,” he joked, “I’m expecting this every time you come to bring me lunch from now on.”
Johnny Tuturro: You loved feeling Johnny’s hands on you. You bit into your pillow, back arched as Johnny pounded into you. His hands were on your waist, pulling you back to meet his thrusts, and you could feel those long fingers of his on your flesh, gripping you tightly. Johnny had you gasping, wordlessly egging him on, with every thrust of his hips. He did that to you, reducing you to nothing but gasps and moans within seconds. He slammed into you, pushing as deep as he could go, making you both cry out with pleasure, before pulling all the way out. “Fuuuuuck,” he breathed out, holding his dick in his hand and sliding it against your wet folds, teasing both of you at once, “baby, you’re fucking soaked...” You gasped when he pushed in again, his hipbones hitting your ass as he stretched you out as the sound of flesh on flesh filled the room. You bit your lip as you felt your orgasm built up within you. There was a coil of pleasure building up and tightening within you, and you knew Johnny was about to unleash the coil. You were grunting now, pushing back against Johnny, desperate for more friction. And that was when he stuck two fingers inside of you just as he arched his hips and started hitting that special spot. And that was that for you. You screamed out his name as you came, your walls pulsating around his dick, greedy to have more of him as he fingered your clit and fucked you. Johnny had incredible control, and he pushed into you, stilling himself while you came. Once your orgasm had finished, he pulled out, draping himself over you and kissing the shell of your ear. “Good girl, baby... Good girl... Now let’s see how many more times we can get you to cum, yeah?”
Rio: The gun was cool against your skin. You stared up at Rio, eyes wide and heart pounding. His eyes were low, watching you as he held the gun beneath your chin. You could feel the flush of air against your skin as the air conditioner came on, but you knew the shudder that went through you had nothing to do with the cold, and all to do with Rio. You were completely naked, wearing nothing but a necklace and earrings as Rio, fully clothed, stood before you. This was what you’d asked for, and now that it was happening, you could feel your heart beating in your chest a mile a minute, and you were sure he could feel it too. “You good, mama?” He asked you, his voice low and calm. You nodded. “I need to hear you say it,” he pressed gently, “Remember? That was the deal. If we’re gonna do this, I need to hear you tell me exactly what you’re thinking.” You licked your lips. “I’m good.” He nodded, leaning down and kissing you, his lips soft on yours. “Okay, you just tell me when it gets to be too much, okay?” “Okay.” You watched as Rio moved the gun down, caressing your breasts with it, gently running the barrel of the gun against your hardened nipples. You were nearly breathless from desire as you watched his touch you with his golden gun, the weapon you knew for a fact had taken lives. Now it was being used to pleasure you. The rush that thought gave you had you flush with desire. Rio was kissing you again, and you grabbed his shoulders. You could feel the gun between the two of you, and he pulled back. “Open your legs.” You did, shaking with anticipation. Rio slowly trailed the gun down your body, his eyes watching you closely to make sure you were comfortable--and you were. You knew you were safe with him. You gasped when you felt the barrel of the gun caress your thighs, and your nails dug into Rio’s clothed shoulder when you felt it against your dripping folds. “Yeah,” he whispered, his mouth on your ear, “I thought you’d like that... Go ahead and get on the bed, baby, legs up. Let’s see how much you can take.”
Bonus Boy
Tommy Shelby: When Tommy had come home and told you to get undressed, you figured he’d had a bad day and was in need of some sex to feel better. But then, once you were bare for him, he’d said “Which is your favorite candle, eh? The lavender or the vanilla?” You paused, confused. “The lavender. But why--” “No questions. Get on the bed and lay on your stomach.” So you did. You heard him gathering the candle, and you could smell the lavender in the air. You felt the bed dip as Tommy sat beside you, and you smiled when you felt his hand caress your back, his touch somewhere between gentle and possessive. You closed your eyes when you felt him press a kiss to the small of your back, and you realized that he wanted to go slow--which you were fine with. But then you felt a sharp pang in your back, and you gasped. “It’s alright, love,” he assured you, rubbing your back, “It’s just wax.” You turned, eyes wide when you saw the wax on your back. You could feel your heart speed up in your chest, and when you looked up at Tommy, you knew he could feel the excitement going through you at this new game. He leaned down and kissed the back of your shoulder, his voice low, “Turn ‘round.” You did, settling back onto your stomach. Carefully, Tommy titled the candle, letting the wax fall onto your skin. Your toes curled at the sensation, and he kept one hand on you, trailing up and down your skin, as he painted your flesh with the hot wax. You liked it best on your ass, and Tommy indulged you fully, dripping the wax on your ass cheeks, chuckling at the way you jumped and gasped at the feel of it. “I thought you’d like this,” he said lowly, his free hand going inbetween your thighs, sliding three fingers into you with ease, “The feel of it... The warmth... I knew you would like it.” He watched as your body trembled from the combined force of the wax and his fingering, pleased at your reaction. He was hard, and while he was eager to get inside of you, Tommy was a patient man. Besides, he knew he had all night with you. He had all night to touch you; there was no rush. 
Okay, this is the last of the Five Senses! I hope you liked it!  Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! I did some new shit here, so I’d like to know whether you guys liked it or not. Be honest, I don’t mind! :)
 And if you really enjoyed it and you can send in a tip here, I would greatly appreciate it!
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25  @mrsjaxtellerfan  @rhabakoli  @encounterthepast @realduckvader   @justvnash @knowles-morgan  @ateliefloresdaprimavera @evanlys19  @nyxxnoxx @carlaangel86  @luminex3 @jigsawlover10  @gollyderek @otomefromtheheart  @lexxierave  @amethyst09 @falsehopesndreams  @a-dorky-book-keeper @witchygagirl @glimmerglittergirl @fvckthisbxtchup  @ben-c-group-therapy @felicity-x0 @amirra88 @yourfellowangel @vibranium-soul @xserenax-13  @woahitslucyylu  @gemini0410 @ktiz90 @theoceanhathsolace @starrynite7114 @my-rosegold-soul @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @abbiesthings @peaches007 @ifoundmyhappythought @tegggeeee  @bisexual-space-slut @mariaenchanted @thesandbeneathmytoes @sheeshgivemeabreak @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @venusis-inretrograde @shaelivia @breakingnewsin-no-oneasked @yourwonkywriter @fear-less-write-more
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asterias-fallen-star · 9 months
i have been sort of curious on asteria for a while, where would be a good place to start researching her other than theoi.com?
feel free to also share some upgs of her or some things you think i should maybe know!
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask and a warm welcome into the worship of Lady Asteria. I would like to preface this by saying that I'm still trying to find more information on her and a lot of the accessible information is similar to each other, I'm trying to keep this blog updated with any new information I find but I'm very slow at updating so I hope this has some new information here that I might not have written anywhere else.
Callimachus has small bits of information in it, and its helped me find multiple new things about Lady Asteria such as epithets and associations, and it also has a hymn to Delos in it which is useful.
The Apollodorus has some basic information about her 'main' myth of turning into the island of Delos which is an important read I think, but not much else.
The Homeric Hymns is great for finding epithets, most specifically of Delos, however you are mostly going to be looking in hymns for others gods. I'm also a big fan of the myth of Lord Apollon and Lady Artemis' birth as I find it shows her importance and love of Lord Apollon really well.
The Odes of Pindar, while not having much, does reinforce the idea that Delos was worshipped/seen as more than just an island by people. I also enjoy this part 'by mortal men called Delos, but by the blessed gods of Olympus known as the far-seen star of the dark blue earth' as it shows that even though she has turned herself into the Island Delos, her divinity over the stars and such still remain hers.
The Orphic hymns are also a good read, and while not stating Lady Asterias name anywhere, a few of the hymns could be used/interpreted as such
While there is not much on Lady Brizo and Lady Asteria defintely being the same god, my UPG is that they are, and while there is also not a lot of information on Brizo herself I do believe she has importance.
One of my favourite articles and piece of information about Lady Brizois called 'The dance of the ancient mariners' written by Lillian B. Lawler, its an interesting read and introduced one of my favourite epithets of Brizo, 'Lady of the sea'. While it doesn't say definitively that Brizo is a god (they mention that she or whichever deity being referenced may be a nymph instead) I've personally decided to interpret it as such. It also introduces some upg's i have, such as not offering fish, dancing as an offering/devotional act as well as potentially giving offerings in small boat like dishes.
I hope this is some good starting information, it may not be perfect and I may post additional things later, but I would recommend doing some of your own research just in case I've missed anything.
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a-exists · 4 years
The Titan Goddess Asteria
Asteria is a rather mysterious and unknown goddess who isn’t worshipped often, so I have decided to compile a bit of information about Her!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Asteria is the titan goddess of falling stars and nighttime divination, such as astrology or oneiromancy (by dreams). She is the daughter of Koios and Pheobe, sister of Leto.  She and the titan god Perses are the parents of the goddess Hekate. 
She was pursued by Zeus, and to escape him, she, in the form of a quail, launched herself into the sea and became the island of Delos, where her sister Leto later have birth to Artemis and Apollon. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
- The Quail
- The island of Delos
- Shooting Stars/Meteorites
- Prophetic Dreams
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
- Silver
- Black
- Dark Blue
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Devotional Acts*:
- Stargaze
- Read your horoscope 
- Create and keep a dream journal
- Be confident in yourself
- Knowing when to say “No”
- Learn about Delos’ geological and historical information
- Learn about astrology, particularly Ancient Greek, but any kind will do!
- Most importantly: Research and read about Her!
*multiple things may be considered UPG
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
- Of Happy Name 
- Delos
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Further Reading:
Homeric Hymns 
Hesiod, Theogony
Ovid, Metamorphoses
Apollodorus, The Library (Bibliotheca) v1
Hesiod, Works and Days
Callimachus, Hymn to Delos
Most can be fount linked near the bottom of Her Theoi.com page, which also has quite a bit of useful information, linked here. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
If you have any further questions about Her, feel free to reach out into my ask box, as I am devoted to Her!
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
WIP Progress Masterlist
Here is a masterlist of all my current posted WIPs!
Completed Works Masterlist Planned WIPs Masterlist 
Star Wars
As Lightning to the Children eased Summary: Anakin Skywalker was the son of the Force and in this universe the primordial power flowing through everything stayed to guide him.“Mom,” Anakin said, blue eyes glowing bright like a thousand suns. Blood was dripping from his legs, his hands, the knife he was holding. “Mom, I can free us.” [A Fix-it discussing how terrifying a half-mortal child should be.] Chapter count: 4/8
desecrate my lungs Summary: Anakin Skywalker died in his son’s arms on the Death Star. He woke up again in the middle of a battlefield during the Clone Wars, choking because he forgot how to breathe without a machine forcing air in his lungs, unable to stand because he hadn’t been standing on his own legs for two decades.Time-travel fix-it in which Mustafar haunts Anakin decades after it happened and years before it would. Chapter count: 5/? | Tumblr
every planet, every star, every single grain of sand Summary:  In which Darth Vader finds 9-year-old Luke on Tatooine, proceeds to have a breakdown, kills Palpatine and makes his preteen son Emperor, as you do. Otherwise known as the Adventures of Teeny Tiny Emperor Luke and his Royal Dad Guard Darth Vader. Chapter count: 14/? | Tumblr
light (series) Summary:  Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi and being a part of their Order means that he is protected and accepted.The war is over and the Republic has to recover from the crimes of the Sith Lord, the Jedi have to figure out what it means to be peacekeepers again and the Clones have to learn how to be more than expendable soldiers. Or: The self-indulgent fix-it in which Mace politely tells Chancellor Palpatine to fuck off when the man wants access to a child of the Order, 14 years of Sith grooming are avoided, and when the war ends, the Jedi and the Clones have adopted each other and are rather unwilling to let go. Work count: 10/?
Pragmatics of the Jedi (series) Summary: A series of fanfiction exploring the consequences and results of the Jedi having their own language, and speaking it still. Work count: 7/? | co-authored with @ghostwriterofthemachine | Story blog @dai-bendu-conlang
sun of my right hand Summary: What remains, keep it close.Holding the newborn he had carried from one end of the galaxy to the other, Obi-Wan Kenobi could not bring himself to give up the last member of his family. Instead of giving Luke to the Lars, Obi-Wan decided to raise Luke himself. Chapter count: 5/? | Tumblr
The Background Noise of Defiance Summary: The Galaxy is a big place and you can find all kinds of obscure things on the holonet, including a blond teenager from Tatooine dragging the TIE-Fighter program through the sarlacc pit. Or an Alternative Universe in which the galaxy gets saved because Luke has a youtube channel, everybody is on space twitter and Anakin Skywalker always returns to the light for his family. Rebellions are loud and vibrant and social media is the most powerful weapon right next to a lightsaber. Work count: 2/?
Tolnah kodaih delo anohrahux Summary: “You’re Mandalorian,” Mace said and Obi-Wan was almost glad the Council member sounded as shocked as he felt. “Well, yeah,” Anakin replied. “What else am I supposed to be?”Shmi Skywalker’s mother was a free spirit, took her daughter with her on trips away from Concord Dawn. Years later Shmi attempted to raise her son the same way, Resol’nare and Tatooine’s wisdom alike. Or the one where Shmi is Jango’s older half-sister, Obi-Wan is raising a Mandalorian Padawan and Palpatine’s plans get ruined because four-year-old Boba Fett loves his cousin. Chapter count: 5/? | Tumblr
DC / Batfam
But what I do (series) Summary: Bruce Wayne is a trans man and everybody has social media. Work count: 3/?
Manor-Dad lets me drive the Batmobile Summary: Bruce had two options when Dick found the Cave. 1) Tell him the truth. 2) Go along with Dick’s excited “You’re dating Batman!” until he figured out the truth. Several children later Bruce wished he’d gone with option 1) or he wouldn’t have to deal with all his kids believing he and Batman were separate people. Yes, even Damian. Chapter Count: 7/12 | Tumblr
Robin’s Requirements Summary: Robin number three wasn’t human and Bruce didn’t know how keep going after Jason’s death. They make it work (after a rough start). Chapter count: 11/19 | Tumblr
Skyscraper Pantheon Summary: Bruce Wayne died together with his parents. Unlike them, he woke up again, more than mortal and a little less human. Some gods are born, some are created and a few unfortunate souls wake up again and have become. Chapter count: 3/?
Steady hands (ragged breathing) Summary: Bruce was just another orphaned kid growing up on the streets the Narrows. Unlike the rest of them though, he planned to do something about this city. In which Bruce Kane is the bastard son of Thomas Wayne, grows up in the worst possible part of Gotham and still manages to acquire a colony of bat(kid)s. Chapter count: 3/10
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elladastinkardiamou · 3 years
Blue Star Delos arriving at Naxos in heavy storm
Video by naxospress.gr
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zet-sway · 3 years
An exceptionally dumb synthish Thane playlist for when I have that burning compulsion to turn a songfeeling into a fanfictionfeeling
Thane’s Thighs Save Lives - Youtube Playlist
Seabound - For Life One last look at the sky You and I, bound for life
Grendel - Deep Waters The passion that I once felt Lost off shore, deep in that dark blue ocean Torn apart, by the promises I dealt It haunts my dreams with a cruel devotion
And One - Timekiller (Project Pitchfork Cover) I am your timekiller, I let your mind expand I am like quicksand, lick it from my hand
Iris - Everybody is Life (Sea of Life Mix) Engines are rising, I see my dream perceived Out with light, in with life The energies are all guaranteed
Dynatron - Pulse Power - Instrumental
T.O.Y. - For Gold Take me, just you know Within seconds I lose control Painting a sky full of stars We’re doing what we’re doing and its just - just for gold
Iris - The Way I Live My Life (Distant World Mix)  Distant world are you the home I have? My orbit has me thrown To the boundaries of the mind
Necessary Response - Vapor Eternally alone, not today In you this void just goes away  In this distant foreign land, I won't be forgotten
Seabound - Without You Without you, day is nothing but a waste of light Without you, I am lost, I vanish in the night
Covenant - Bullet Time is like a bullet from behind I run for cover just like you
De/Vision - What’s Love All About Your every wish will be done I'll be the trigger of your gun
Delos - Trace Decay - Instrumental
Wolfsheim - Approaching Lightspeed I try to breathe, I try to think of you Don't know if trying will do The silence, a mirror that breaks the light in two
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