#Bo-bobo Sweets
itoastedatoaster · 7 months
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Next drawing for @bobovember! Day 26: Favorite Character(s) :)
Honestly, there're so many characters I Adore in bo-bobo - hekkun, bo-bobo himself, giga, pana and sonic, just to name a few - but if I didnt draw the hell killers (+kanemaru and nightmare) for this prompt, not only would all of my friends think im crazy, i would also not let myself live it down LMAO. theyre all my special little idiots and i love them all but i especially love Galubel, Kanemaru and Beep :)
~ Commission Sheet | Ko-Fi ~
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accio-victuuri · 11 months
this is now a bottled joy related cpns blog. 😂😂😂
no… but it won’t stop and i have become fascinated with whatever it is they post and how it’s being interpreted.
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( let this cute human being invite you in to read 🥹 )
just when i thought they had already done the most to cue cpfs, they prove me wrong and do more “outrageous” things…… you’ve probably seen some things floating around today but this is my attempt to put things in one place + add some that i missed from my previous posts ( one / two / three / four / five )
let’s start with the main topic right now, about bobo’s alleged renewal and what an employee said during a livestream + some customer service chats.
There has been some talk with the renewal since his contract expires in September, and with all the alleged cpf-bias, you might expect that Bottled Joy don’t get the usual love from so/os. There was a chat asking when will wyb’s contract expire and the answer is “renewed”:
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Then in their livestream they put the message: “don’t ask, already extended the contract”. LOL. and also said there will be good news in September, which is when it’s supposed to be renewed. So watch out for that. I personally like their cooperation, even if this whole candy digging didn’t happen.
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This guy also said something very nice during the stream : "You can't control Yibo, you can't even control yourself, you can't even control your emotions, if you are an adult, try to calm down your emotions" 💯
I agree with this message so much. This is not just a message to so/o fans — it also applies to us. We don’t control WYB or XZ. We don’t own them. No matter how much money or time we spend on them, they are not required to make us happy to somehow “pay that back”.
for the chats, it’s bxgs sending messages. p1 is the person sending well wishes to yibo since it’s his bday and by extension, to xz, they also said that when the official announcement is out ( their relationship i think ), bottled joy should be in the main table. the chat support replied with received. p2 is also sending a message to yibo and replied with they will try to convey this to wyb too.
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I don’t really buy that much into these chats cause the people behind these customer service “bots” are required to make the customer “happy” and in that case being very agreeable. it doesn’t really put much weight into the whole “cpf-bias”. I think they will be sweet and kind to any customer who contacts them.
here are other examples of why we think they are aware of what CPNs are going on in the circle.
P1 ( posted 7/25 ) has a caption saying: It is said that if you collect all these five tons ( bottled joy tumblers ) you can travel to 2026 and the kadian for the time it was posted is 18:23. These numbers are so well known if you are a cpf. P2 on the other hand, captioned as: Ton ton don’t know anything, it’s all from the boss @UNIQ-王一博. The whole “don’t know” joke is from a recent cpn too. again, interpret this as you will, it’s too much to be a coincidence at this point.
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Today, the shared the One and Only special edition bottle. The kadian is 23:28 ( Love Zhan, Love Bo )
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their continuous spotlight of the green ( yibo themed ) and pink?? ( guangdian colored ) bottles that cpfs love. they shared a spongebob x patrick post and then after that is a shot of those bottles. probably to represent zz and wyb who we know love the two.
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Lastly, another speculation is that WYB and XZ somehow “own” bottled joy. It doesn’t help that during the livestream, it was mentioned that there is a boss behind the scenes. and that the anchor asked his “boss” if he can talk about the renewal and he was given the go ahead. I personally don’t believe this but I understand why some people are onboard. At the end of the day, support their works and endorsements responsibly. 👍🏻
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suspencerrrr · 7 months
i’ve honked from the sweet bobo of life and have seen with mine own eyes that it is better to double barrel the sha-boing-boing without condiments than to never have sha-boinged at all
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
Fic writer interview
thank you for the tag, @katierosefun and @l-tyrell 💛💛💛
name/nicknames: bo is one of my r/l nicknames that I've had since I was born. It's actually a nickname of a nickname. It comes from my dad calling me bobo baggins and I hated it until about 5 years ago. I'm also called lamps (thanks to the wonderful @b1uetrees) by a few people here. Overall, I don't really mind what I'm called (as long as it's not tiffany as that can cause confusion due to the fact that it's an actual name, but not my name)
fandoms: beyond evil... what else?? lol 🤭 I used to write for other fandoms years ago but those works have long been deleted. I stopped writing/reading fanfiction altogether many years ago but then beyond evil came into my life and now lives rent-free in my brain
two shots?: Uhhhh yeah, I have an unsuccessful one 😂 My fic Your Love's Whore currently remains as an incomplete two-shot, due to the fact that I really don't like it and feel no desire to complete it (not going to tag it cause it's ew)
most popular multi-chapter fic: for sure it's Indoctrination, which comes as no surprise because it's the first fic I wrote for BE. So, it's had the most time to get traction. But also, it's the only multi-chapter fic I've completed 🙃
actual worst part of writing: having dyslexia and being perpetually insecure. I constantly get in my way, I'm my biggest critic and worst non-fan. I rarely like what I write and only tend to see the mistakes/negatives, instead of the positives. So.... me. I'm the worst part. Also, my concentration. I have so many abandoned wips/ideas because I lose interest in them far too quickly
how you choose your titles: The name of the Baptism trilogy (Indoctrination, By Desire, Martyrdom) was taken from religious jargon and the rest were either taken from song titles/lyrics, or from quotes/poetry/literature that I feel supports the themes of the story
do you outline?: yeah. Either I know point A and point B and let myself work out the journey one to the other as I write (my favourite way of working), or I write down loads of notes (before I forget them forever)... and there was that one time I wrote an 8K outline for a story I didn't end up writing 😩😂 Examples:
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(Cay, I stole your trick of naming individual chapters with funny summaries. thank you xoxo 🤭🤭)
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: i have sooo many! I'm very good at coming up fic ideas but pretty terrible at actually writing them to completion. I'm going to ignore my current published wips and instead share 3 ideas I WISH I could write: my jwds workplace au (13 chapters of just the cutest flirting. I love it, I still hope to complete it one day) a jwkh fic that explores their relationships with a big dollop of Han Toxicity (and lots of feelings) (i love them so much) jw/ds/jy based on the song Girl Crush 👀 (it's a jwds love story, really... but with extra steps and a bunch of Repressed Sexualities... a "what if?" fic)
callouts @ me: 1) interaction is not the purpose of writing. you're writing for yourself, not for numbers 2) stop comparing yourself to others 3) give it time. you don't have to be productive constantly
best writing traits: oooooffff... Uhm, I would say that when I have a good grasp of a character's personality, I am able to paint a vivid picture of their emotions and motivations. I feel like I'm also good at creating a sweet spot (of sorts) between melancholy and happiness when exploring love (my love stories are often underlined with sadness and angst)
spicy tangential opinion: STOP GATEKEEPING CHARACTERS. you don't own them. they cannot be owned, so therefore, you don't get to dictate to other creatives how they should interpret that character. You're not any better because you see a character in one way and some people see them in another. It's fiction. It's meant to be fun. Stop making people uncomfortable with how they explore their passions just because it doesn't meet your standards. That's just- ugh. Stop. Plus, like, with all my love and sincerity... who the fuck are you? Y'know? We're all just some guy on a website sharing pixels and opinions, so... let's just have fun and give each other the space to feel welcome 💛
tag, you’re it (if you'd like to! no pressure!): @loisroo @ettelwenailinon @unrememberedskies
thanks for including me, this was fun! 💛
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Butter Sales
Today's update is kind of a journey, but it's all leading to a super important update, so just stick with me. No real better way to get into it than to get into it, so... let's! 
Butter Base
Okay, so you know my friend, Ricky, right? Ricky? He's like... yay tall? Face like a meerkat? Yeah, him. Rrrrricky. Rickeeee. That's my boy. 
If you somehow don't know my friend Ricky, here's what you need to know. He's always coming up with these crazy schemes. Like, one time, Ricky... put flowers in a pot. Not like he y'know, planted a plant and flowers grew out of some beautifully sculpted terracotta. Nah, my boy Ricky, he bought some flowers for his mom but forgot to give them to her, so they were just like wilting in his house, so he put them in his big pasta pot. It was wild, but maybe you had to be there. 
Oh, that's the other thing you need to know. He has this big pasta pot because his mom, the one he bought flowers for, she's really good at making pasta. So she bought him a big pot so he could be good at making pasta, but I've tasted both of their pastas and Ricky's mom's pasta is where it's at and Ricky's pasta isn't very good at all. I guess there's more to pasta than a big pot. 
Ricky's New Gig
Alright, so one time, Ricky went to the store and they had a lot of butter. Like, how he first told it, it sounded like the store only had butter. But I asked and he said they had other stuff too, so, don't imagine quite as much butter as I did. Anyway, so he's at the store and they've just got all this butter. Ricky said it was like 50 times as much butter as a store should have. Just shelves of the stuff. And Ricky, you know him, he sees something like that and he starts cooking up these wacky ideas. So Ricky bought some butter. 
Now my boy is a butter salesman. He just goes around selling butter. And it seems like he's making bank. I know because he showed me this fat wad of cash he was carrying. He said he had to carry it around because his bank's really lame and wouldn't trade him non-buttery bills for buttery ones. 
He told me a trade secret, that I'm going to pass on to you. The sweet spot is the third house. The first two, the butter's like nice and cool and firm in your pocket, but it means you gotta find a knife to cut a pat off so people can taste test. But some people treat you really weird when you come up to their door and say that you need to borrow their knife so that you can sell them butter. The third house though, the butter's started to soften up, so you can just sort of scoop some out and let them lick it off your finger. People really like that. But for houses four and more, that gets a little tricky because the butter starts picking up like lint or money or whatever else you have in your pocket. 
My New Gig 
Ricky offered to get me a job working as a butter salesman, like him, and I took it. That's my big announcement. I'm leaving comics to go sell butter. Sorry! 
Don't tell Ricky this, but I also think I figured out a way to make even more in butter sales. I'm going to keep my butter pocket, my lint pocket, and my cash pocket separate. Like, duh. 
So next time you see me, tell me where your house is so I can come sell you some butter. 
Much love, David Butter Salesman 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Anime), The Circle (Trash TV), When Harry Met Sally (Movie), Logan Lucky (Movie), my friend Chloe Brailsford gave me a sneak peek of something they've been working on and it's very good. Keep an eye out for more from her! I haven't played it yet, but I'm very excited for The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. You may've seen that Min Ho Kim, one of our artists over at IDW, worked on the character art! It's clearly a labor of love by everyone involved and that's really cool. WonderCon was nice. Glad I got to see some folks I haven't seen in a while. I did catch con crud (and tested and came back negative for Covid, it's just a head cold), so if I missed you or we only had a pretty quick, limited interaction, maybe it's for the best! Speaking of both friends giving me comics and WonderCon, Matthew Palacios gave me an ashcan of his book Metal Skin and it was a lot of fun! I've also been playing a bunch of pranks over on my Twitter (2 whole pranks)! So, no, I still haven't seen ALF and I did not expect other people to send me pictures of my cat. Those were goofs. Lastly, yesterday was Transgender Day of Visibility. I posted a couple times about a fundraising effort that was going for Point of Pride and saw they ultimately ended up making twice their initial goal, $2 Million, to help out thousands of trans folks with gender-affirming care. There are also a ton of cool people who were sharing themselves yesterday in a time when that's a very scary thing to do. 
New Releases this week (3/29/2023): Nothing from me, sorry! 
New Releases next week (4/5/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #1 5th Anniversary Edition (Editor--A new version of the first IDW Sonic comic, with a bunch of bonus content including a new comic short!)
Final Order Cutoff - Let your shops know to order these books by Monday (4/3/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #60 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Biollante vs. Destoroyah (Editor)
At the moment, I don't have any new appearances until San Diego Comic-Con! But, that's subject to change! And I may have other announcements coming to this space soon, so keep an eye out! 
Oh, just because, uhh... I know we're all convinced Twitter's just going to collapse any day now. I've tried various other social medias and a lot of them don't really work for me. The best ways to keep up are obviously my website, my Tumblr, my newsletter, or my Instagram. I am still on a few other things, but don't really use them. If you're on Tumblr or Insta, please do follow me there so I can follow you back and make sure we're staying in touch! 
I will plug in my usual Becca corner, their website's up and should all be working. There was a bug with shipping, but that should be fixed! Maybe buy yourself or someone in your life something nice! And I believe they're still on for streaming tonight at 7 PST on Twitch, assuming voices are still holding up as we get over the last of this con crud! 
Pic of the Week: Major shoutout to KEM Cosplay! We met at WaifuExpo at the beginning of last month (you can see a picture of her in a previous blog as Dr. Eggman) and ran into each other again at WonderCon over the weekend where she was wearing her BIG THE CAT COSPLAY! 
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carbonatedjem · 3 months
You know, with all this yuri content you drawing, I hope when you watch Little Witch Academia(Should no cap, it's amazing), you understand why I ship Akko x Sucy...
OH YEAH QUESTION, two actually
1.What inspirations you took to make your OCs, specially your main avatar
2.im being thinking on com you again, but I'm very interesting in supporting via Patreon, so my question is, even with Com closed, can I ask something via patreon?(sorry if this question brother you, but very interesting in your supporting you via patreon recently)
And that's it uhhhh happy Easter, hope there is alot of sweets:D
I've watched a few episodes of the series way back when I was like 16, I got distracted so I never finished it but what I did see was sweet. But honestly I don't need to understand yo, just enjoy what makes ya happy :) When it comes to inspirations my Style is heavily influenced by Soul Eater, but my general character designs comes from stuff like Bo-bobo and Fairy Tail (Two series which just inspire me in general). So I just sorta do whatever sounds cool. As for my Sona it's not really based on anything other than myself, my current one came through fiddling with the various design traits either from a few concept designs (Which would usually be based on actual clothing I own or in the case of the second one an outfit I wore in Animal Crossing), along with some of my previous ways of drawing myself (Specifically No. 2 and 3).
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As for your last question when it comes to Patreon I have 5 high paying reward slots (All currently filled). Three for $25 which nets you a 1 character shaded pic, and Two for $35 which nets you a 2 Character Commission or a VS Comm. So you'd have to wait until someone drops out of that slot, or just wait until I reopen comms which might not be for awhile
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mikumanogi-blog · 10 months
2023-08-13 "Inoue Nagi can’t Ikeda Teresa Pan." Tereblog 104 [ENG]
Otsukare Summer
Ohitori Sum… Ohitorisama Tengoku MV is out👼🏻‎🤍🏹
Thank you for coming to read my blog again today.
I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa 💚🤍
Ikeda’s penlight colors are Green and white and so that’s why I’m really happy about the outfits this time…
My hair is slightly curled and it’s kind of became Hajike like! And after hearing those words I feel like I’m Onpu-chan.
Everyone is so cute, the road to becoming like Hajikelist is long…
And this was when my bangs were still long
(TL Note: Apparently Hajike and Hajikelist is a reference to the manga Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)
Fighting with Gamera-san
The motif was supposed to be an artist but it kind of turned into a mad scientist Ikeda, however an Ike-Room would surely have an artist.
They actually used a painting that I drew! Please make sure to look for it in the MV ^ ^
Y2K outfits
I love Nagi-chan.
For ages whenever I receive a box of sweets from her it will have “to Pan” on it, and so I’ve known about this nickname for a logn tim. Eheheh 🤭
I still have it
Please check it out 👼🏻‎🤍🏹
Friday September 1st on J-WAVE「INNOVATION WORLD」corner of “KYOCERA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE’ I will be appearing as a regular. I’m honored to take over from Serra-chan m(_ _)m
It happens every Friday from 21:40-21:50 so please make sure to come listen 📻
I’m going to continue to do my best! Nogizaka46
#Tereblog #104 (when Tere is tereshy support her!)
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rainsmediaradio · 10 months
Timaya - Tomato Lyrics
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Timaya - Tomato Lyrics My Brother it’s not your fault oo Not your fault oo My Brother it’s not your fault oo Not your fault oo As I dey move, I just dey go Plenty things e just dey show Nobody tell me how to go Nobody show me the road Driver stop me for that junction I no get time for explanation I live my Life I dey live my way Abase a di me tie tie (Calabar) Prakata mata my bonito Ya bombo, baby Toyin Tomato For my life, wen I dey, I no go get time for bobo I dey sweet like Toyin Tomato Prakata mata my bonito Ya bombo, baby Toyin Tomato For my life, I no go get time for bobo I dey sweet like Toyin Tomato Bo de oo (ijaw) From the bottom of my heart, me I swear Me no send anybody oo To the depth of my soul For this life, wen I come Na to enjoy oo Yebiri And I go enjoy oo Yebiri Egberi Papa Bo de oo Yebiri Papi Chulo Bo de oo Yebiri Prakata mata my bonito Ya bombo, baby Toyin Tomato For my life, wen I dey, I no go get time for bobo I dey sweet like Toyin Tomato Prakata mata my bonito Ya bombo, baby Toyin Tomato For my life, I no go get time for bobo Me I dey sweet like Toyin Tomato They know me I’m a ladies man Everytime I come around People want to jump around Your girls dey want to boogie down The girls dem turn it up eee Oo wen I came, they boogie down Wen I come, fall it up ee Nobody makes things turn around As I dey move, I just dey go Plenty things e don dey show Nobody tell me how to go Nobody show me the road Driver stop me for that junction I no get time for explanation I Live my Life I dey live my way Abase a di me tie tie (Crossover) Prakata mata my bonito Ya bombo, baby Toyin Tomato For my life, wen I dey I no go get time bobo I dey sweet like Toyin Tomato Prakata mata my bonito Ya bombo, baby Toyin Tomato For my life, Wen I dey, I no go get time bobo I dey sweet like Toyin Tomato My Brother it’s not your fault oo Not your fault oo My Brother it’s not your fault oo Not your fault oo Read the full article
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Sounds like you having lots of fun things to write about 😊I wish I could read your One Piece fics but I haven’t ever watched that show (I’m sure it’s good though) 😄No worries if not but any Whouffaldi fic updates soon?🙂
To answer the last part of the ask first: I plan on it, but I also plan on there being a lot more updates during the year-end holidays, so there’s a bit of hoarding that shall commence until later on in the month and December. There is actually a plan lol pls be patient or the groove will be thrown off
Now the rest of this is going to be me as a not-quite-One Piece-evangelist, because it is one of those things that I recommend with a HUGE caveat, and not for the reason people think.
A lot of people fear it because it’s so long (I just read the newest chapter, 1066, early yesterday morning and sobbed like a baby). That’s actually not the thing I warn against the most! If you can read long-form fics like The Time That We Love Best or The Thick of UNIT, or are able to sit through long and storied shows like Doctor Who, then I don’t think the length is what’ll be the potential problem.
It’s that the series is rather high on the Anime Bullshit Scale.
What is the Anime Bullshit Scale? It’s a scale that goes anywhere from low on the list with slice of life and mild whimsy (Kiki’s Delivery Service, Chii’s Sweet Home, Yotsuba&!, etc) to balls-to-the-wall-runs-on-nonsenseoleum (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Excel Saga, etc). One Piece is not at the tip-top of the scale due to some genuinely emotional and grounded moments, but it’s staggeringly up there thanks to how wacky it gets. There are even some people who really love anime who can’t go too high on the scale, and that’s fine, and I think not knowing about this scale is what creates bad recommendations that turn people off to anime and manga as a whole. You don’t go straight into Attack on Titan as your first anime, more like Cowboy Bebop or Azumanga Daioh, since those are milder than some of the other offerings. Not unless you’ve got a very specifically-tailored rec, such as Sakamoto Days if you’re a fan of John Wick (or so I’ve heard; never seen the Wicks), despite it being up there on the Scale.
Did you like Sailor Moon as a kid? Maybe up through the Ancient Egypt arc of Yu-Gi-Oh? Most of Naruto ‘cause we don’t talk about that show’s filler? Maybe you enjoyed stuff like Chowder or The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack or the Amazing World of Gumball or even a good chunk of early Spongebob Squarepants? Chances are that you might like One Piece. Personally, my attention is usually better with reading, so I’m a mostly-manga person (and there’s many websites with decent-to-great quality scans and translations that beat what I had available to me in high school, so you don’t have to worry about buying +100 volumes if your budget/living space isn’t ready or your local library isn’t carrying it (despite not being the longest manga series, it is the best-selling, so don’t feel bad)), but there is something to be said about watching. Go with the Funimation dub (which I think is on Crunchyroll and Netflix). It does have a bit of filler and it does exaggerate... erm... certain artwork quirks a bit more, but it is overall fairly loyal and coherent in comparison to the manga. Plus the pace is different--more cinematically measured in a way--and you can leave it on in the background if that’s what you need.
(Please take this time to pour one out for Mayumi Tanaka and Colleen Clickenbeard’s vocal chords, holy fcking shit.)
So, yeah, I do recommend One Piece if you’ve got a tolerance for wacky and long-form and lots of emotions everywhere. It’s pretty easy to start too: just go with chapter and/or episode one. Then you too can confuse the hell out of people by making references to it out of context, like saying how Worst Hypnotist Michael Jackson’s best friend is a wine pun who he met by defeating in a dance battle and now they simp together because that’s what bros do, naturally.
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naijastudio · 2 years
Camidoh – Kaba
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Nigerian artist Camidoh, well known for his rendition of "Sugarcane," enters the music scene with the incredible smash song "Kaba." This song follows the remix of his popular hit, "Sugarcane (Remix)," as well. For this reason, you probably only know the most recent, exciting hits if you listen to music. Camidoh – Kaba is now available for download on naijagenre.com, and don’t forget to share this website with your friends for the most up-to-date information. Camidoh – Kaba Lyrics Eleme ne lo oh Aah haaa Kaba kaba kaba kaba oh Kaba kaba eeh kaba Ose op3 sika ne odo Hey Ma sweet bobo I no fit to give you just love yeah Ose op3 sika ne odo Hey Ma sweet bobo Many many plans i get for you ouu eh Eno nti na me p3s3 mede me nipadua nyinaa b3 ma wo eh Anumdwa no dooso But baby every little thing i tell you no be lie oh eh Mese 3nora mpo na me order original berkins ma wo ooh oh Matsor nawo matsor nawo Everything you want baby matsor nawo She telling me Kaba kaba kaba kaba oh Kaba kaba eeh kaba She say she want it Kaba kaba kaba kaba oh Kaba kaba eeh kaba Zid3m3 n3 wab3 wensor Make we shop for Asos Odo yewu All of my cars and everything i get will be yours Zid3m3 n3 wab3 wensor Make we shop for Asos Odo yewu All of my cars and everything i get will be yours I know jiggers wey fi die for you Spend their liqle liqle change on you Order anything you and when they catch house sef They no go get the thing to chew I know big men ready to die for you But i no say you no go go oh Cos evi me you want Nti mese bra na meny3 woakoma so ade3 mma wo Ka kyer3 me 3nfa nhy3 wo bo Mene wo b3 tena aah Nti mese bra (bra) Na meny3 woakoma so ade3 mma wo Ka kyer3 me 3nfa nhy3 wo bo ouuu Mebe gbloe namu lo And i go do it for you Kaba kaba kaba kaba oh Kaba kaba eeh kaba She say she want it Kaba kaba kaba kaba oh Kaba kaba eeh kaba Zid3m3 n3 wab3 wensor Make we shop for Asos Odo yewu All of my cars and everything i get will be yours Zid3m3 n3 wab3 wensor Make we shop for Asos Odo yewu All of my cars and everything i get will be yours Kaba kaba kaba kaba oh Kaba kaba eeh kaba Listen Below & Download Mp3 https://naijagenre.com/wp-content/uploads/musics//[email protected] Read the full article
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
some weekend sweets : asian games, roborock, duck and double standards.
before we all celebrate 9/5, have some candy from the past days. 🍭 i hope you are all having a good weekend.
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1. Last friday, a statement from Asian Games was going around and it’s about them recognizing the film One & Only. People were quick to connect the fact that GG is the Ambassador for the HZ Asian Games and this is an indirect collaboration for our boys.
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this is part of the statement :
The Organizing Committee of the 19th Asian Games in 2022 plans and exclusively authorizes Ruyi Pictures (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. filmed the Asian Games-themed movie "One and Only" in 2022.
It started in Hangzhou on May 27, and was successfully completed on August 5. The film was directed by Dapeng, Huang Bo and Wang Yibo lead the cast, and Chen Zhixi serves as the chief producer. A new competition item, breakdance, will be added as a carrier, telling the story of teenagers who are pursuing their hip-hop dreams. Under the guidance of the coach, overcome many obstacles and shine on the stage of love.
The film integrates the beautiful image of Hangzhou city and the concept of the Asian Games into it. It lets the general public feel the charm of the Asian Games and the beauty of the city inside and outside the stadium, constantly deepen the understanding and understanding of Hangzhou at home and abroad, and enhance the popularity and reputation of Hangzhou city.
Turtles always ask when the boys will work together again or collaborate, and I think this kind of connection is what we will be having first. It may not be a direct drama/movie collaboration yet, but expect to see them be involved in the same efforts like this one. It is definitely on brand for them because they are all about representing their country and promoting things they love. This “thank you” from the asian games committee is decided by lots of people and takes into consideration that the film will be a good way to promote the games and the city. It’s nice that XZ/WYB are both ( in a way ) at the forefront of endorsing the games to the larger population.
I also remembered this bit today ( and thought about making a CPN post ) because in the let’s chat episode, Bobo was talking about the dance competition championship he watched. Then he said they have a better chance to participate in the Olympics. He really is serious in promoting street dance as a sport and i’m sure it’s no problem for him to lend his celebrity status to do so.
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I am excited to see their names pop up in other events together, where people don’t really have a choice but to shut their mouth and support whatever it is they are working on. The Asian Games are postponed because of COVID and is to resume next year. I hope it goes well and both boys get to be a part of it and represent their Country 🇨🇳
2. So funny because in SDC episode 4, we all saw Roborock as one of the sponsors. Not just roborock, but the G10s model, which GG recently endorsed. I’m not saying GG made this possible or what— it’s just a coincidence. Lol. Thank you Roborock for supporting this season of SDC 🙏🏼 and I think it’s a good thing they are gaining sponsors because it wasn’t that much when they started. Just shows that the program is popular so brands wants a piece of it.
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3. In the let’s chat episode 3, while everyone was busy playing — Bobo was fiddling with other things. Specifically, a Duck toy. Hmmmm. Why did he get that? Mayhaps, it reminds him of a certain someone who recommended it to use when you are soaking your feet. This is the kind of thing that only turtles will know because of what we know of them. ☺️
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4. I just have to spotlight this again! Ahhhhh!!!! I don’t remember the 🦴 necklace getting this much visibility before! and Bobo is extra happy/giddy in this episode. Having said that, I will be keeping an eye out on every frame of next week’s episode in case I see the reason why. Lol.
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5. Lastly, have some good old double standards in Yibo’s POV. 🤍
• When asked in his Cosmo interview how people often describe him, he says someone who doesn’t talk much. Well, not a new information, but with ZZ he is the most talkative. We see him interact with his colleagues and even on SDC, but he has to be prompted. Or he will say something and then it ends for a while. It’s not the kind of pestering he does with ZZ 😂😂
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I know I said I don’t like doing double standards anymore, especially like this, implying that Bobo won’t open up to anyone other than ZZ. We do like him having friends — and actually, what I think about is that his relationship with ZZ allowed him to be more relaxed in interacting with people. 💕
• A BAH bts showed one of his co stars asking him where his injury is. A normal question from a colleague, not really worrying much. Compared this to ZZ’s constant worrying even in the slightest chance that Bobo will get hurt 🥺
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AND OH, I noticed this in the Let’s Chat episode!
I don’t know what Bouboo’s relationship status is but his reaction and Yibo’s is making me 👀. Is he shy because he does not want to be put on the spot and talk? Or is it something else? I didn’t expect Bobo to do this. HAHAHAHAHA! He is like the kind of person who is in a loving relationship so he wants his friends to have a partner too! 😂😂😂 Bobo, not all of us can be in a sweet relationship like yours! 🙃
- END.
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animepopheart · 3 years
Master List of Christmas Anime Episodes
Last year on my blog, we posted a full list of every Christmas anime episode known to man (well, maybe not quite...more on that below), based both on an old forum post that I think is now lost to time, and additional efforts to add missing episodes and update it.
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Check out the list below if you want to anime-style Christmas cheer! And please help us make the list more complete by reblogging to get this out there and replying with which episodes we’re missing or any we got wrong! We’ll be happy to credit you if we add any episodes you tell us about.
Note: Linked reference notes below lead to articles we’ve written about those specific Christmas episodes.
.hack//Quantum (three OVAs)
009-1 (OVA) (Ep. 2) – “Holy Night”
Accel World (Bonus) (Ep. 7) – “Achel World Seven”
Acchi Kocchi (Ep. 10) – “Bear Encounter ⇔ Lovelymas”
Ace Attorney (Ep. 8) – “Turnabout Goodbyes – 1st Trial”
After School Dice Club (Ep. 10) – “Happy Holy Night” [1]
Aggretsuko (Ep. 11) – “We Wish You a Metal Christmas”
Ai Yori Aoshi ~ Enishi (Special) – “Beautiful Snow” [1]
Aikatsu! (Eps. 12, 114, 165) – “We Wish You a Merry Christmas!”, “Happy Tree Christmas☆,” “Luminas☆Christmas”
Amagami SS (series)
The Ancient Magus Bride (Eps. 16-17) – “God’s mill grinds slow but sure.,” “Look before you leap.” [1]
Angel Beats! (Ep. 7) – “Alive” [1, 2, 3]
Asteroid in Love (Ep. 8) – “Winter Diamond”
Astro Boy (Ep. 13) – “The Light Ray Robot”
Azumanga Daioh (Ep. 17) – “December / Incredible Santa / Christmas Meeting” [1]
B Gata H Kei (Eps. 4) – “Throbbing Christmas Eve. What Does a First Kiss Taste Like?”
B Gata H Kei: Yamada’s First Time (Ep. 11) - “Year 2 Class H’s Christmas Eve! Take Me To Bed!” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Baka to Test (Christmas special)
Baka to Test to Shōkanjū (Ep. 8) – “Runaway and Maze and the Summoned Beast Instrumentality Project”
Bakuman (Eps. 23-24) – “Winning and Losing,” “Imagination and Presentation” [1]
Bakuon!! (Ep. 8) - “Winter Break” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Bartender (Ep. 10) – “Christmas Miracle” [1]
Big-O (Ep. 11) – “Daemonseed” [1, 2]
Blend S (Ep. 12) - "I Love You!" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Blue Period (Ep. 6) – “Serious Mental Breakdown”
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Ep. 2) – “Let’s Get Wiggy With It”
Bokura Ga Ita (Ep. 24) – Episode Twenty-Four
Boys Be… (Ep. 11) – “The First Snowfall”
Canvas 2: Niji Iro no Sketch (Ep. 23) – “Christmas Colored Decision”
Cardcaptor Sakura (Eps. 35, 62) – “Sakura’s Wonderful Christmas, “Sakura, the Cards, and the Presents / A Present For the Cards” [1, 2]
Cardfight!! Vanguard (Ep. 454) – “Examinees’ Merry Christmas”
Carole & Tuesday (Ep. 21) – “It’s Too Late”
Charger Girl Ju-den Chan (Ep. 10) – “Present!?”
Cheer Danshi!! (Ep. 7) – “Strain”
Chi’s Sweet Home (Ep. 58) – “Chi Wishes Upon A Star”
Chihayafuru (Ep. 23) – “The Night is Nearly Past”
Chocotto Sister (Ep. 24) – “Happy Christmas”  [1]
Chrono Crusade (Ep. 12) – “Holy Night” [1]
Citrus (Ep. 8) – “war of love”
City Hunter 2 (Eps. 37-38) – “To Kaori From Ryo, With Love At Christmas: Episode 1”, “To Kaori From Ryo, With Love At Christmas: Episode 2” (via tomodachi-to-koibito)
Comic Party (Ep. ?)
Clannad After Story (Ep. 10) – “Season of Beginnings” [1, 2, 3]
Crayon Shin-chan (Eps. 32, 127, 213, 258) – “Action Mask and Xmas,” “Miss Yoshinaga’s Eve,” “Christmas Party with Schoolchildren / Selling Christmas Cakes / Looking Forward to My Present from Santa,” “Miss Matsuzaka is Not Alone on Christmas”
Cyborg 009 (Ep. 11) – “Christmas Eve Mirage”
Dai Guard (Ep. 13) – “Things That Can be Forgiven, Things that Can’t be Forgiven”
Death Note (Eps. 33-34) – “Scorn,” “Vigilance” [1]
Delinquent Hamsters – “Christmas Eve Punks,” “Chris Moose is for Good Ham”
Denkigai no Honya-san (Episodes 3, 9) - "Party Hard," Snowy Night" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Detective Conan (Ep. 42, OVA 2) – “Karaoke Box Murder Case,” “The Santa Claus of Summer” (via tomodachi-to-koibito)
Devil Lady  (Ep. 11) – “Box”
Digimon Adventure 02  (Eps. 38, 42) – “A Very Digi-Christmas  (Holy Night the Digimon Big Gathering!),” “Digimon World Tour, Part 3 (Love and Borscht, The Ferocious Battle)”
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (Ep. 13) – “The Christmas Disappeared!? The Calendar Thief Calendarmon!”
Dinosaur King (Ep. 45) – “Santa Saurus!”
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Movie) [1]
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan (Eps. 1-2) – “Precious Place,” “Joy to the World”
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (Season 1 Ep. 32, Season 2 Ep. 1) – “Frolic! Silent Night,” “Another Christmas Challenge!”
Doki Doki School Hours (Ep. 7) - "Santa Girl and New Years' Fun" (via @lancernolancing​) NEWLY ADDED
Doraemon (Ep. 486, 87, 488, 489, 643, 652, 692, 956, 1332, 1428, 1523 – “Day Changing Calendar,” “Nobita and Doraemon’s Christmas (part 1),” “Nobita and Doraemon’s Christmas (part 2),” “Mini Santa,” “Nobita’s Christmas Play,” “Snow in March,” “Flying Christmas,” “Time Skipping Pulley,” “Santa’s Chimney,” “Santa Mail,” “Santa Bag and Christmas,”
Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (Ep. 35, 87, 138, 162, 236) - "Bad Bad Santa," "Arale the Super Prize Girl," "Painful Christmas Day," "The Christmas Lie," The Horror of Black Santa!!" (via Matthew Lucas) NEWLY ADDED
Dr. Stone  (Ep. 21) – “Spartan Crafts Club” [1]
Dropkick on My Devil! (Ep. 3) – “Episode 3”
D.N.Angel (Ep. 25) – “The Black Wings”
The Duke of Death and His Maid – Episode 9
Ef – A Tale of Melodies (Series) [1]
Ef – A Tale of Memories (Series) [1]
Excel Saga  (Ep. 12) – “Big City Part II”
Di Gi Charat  (Eps. 16, 21) – “Usada Explodes,” “Di Gi Charat Christmas Special”
Fairy Tail (OVA) – “Fairies’s Christmas”
Flint the Time Detective (Ep. 13) – “Cavemen’s Christmas”
Food Wars (Ep. 79) – “A Midsummer Christmas”
Fresh Pretty Cure! (Ep. 45) – “We are Four Pretty Cures! Separation in Christmas Eve!!”
Full Moon wo Sagashite  (Ep. 37) – “A Present from Full Moon” [1]
Futari wa Pretty Cure (Ep. 44) – “A Holiday Visitor / I Couldn’t Be Happier!? Nagisa’s White Christmas”
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart (Ep. 42) – “A Rink Full of Sweethearts? Slipping and Falling into Grave Danger!”
Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star (Ep. 45) – “Cake, Kazuya and Christmas!”
Gabriel DropOut (Ep. 9) – “Christmas and New Year’s Eve Surprise”
Gal & Dino (Ep. 1-2) - "Nice to Meet You! & Look, Kitties!", "My Friend's Coming Over & I Ran Into Your Ex" (via @lancernolancing​) NEWLY ADDED
Gakuen Babysitters (Ep. 12) (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Ghost Hunt (Ep. 12-13) – “FILE 5: Silent Christmas Part 1,” “File 5: Silent Christmas Part 2”
Gintama (Eps. 37, 200-201) – “People Who Say That Santa Doesn’t Really Exist Actually Want to Believe in Him,” [1, 2] “Santa Claus Red Is Blood Red,” “Everybody’s A Santa” (via squirrelstothenuts)
Golden Time (Ep. 24) – “Golden Time”
Golgo 13 (Ep. 37) – “Christmas 24 Hours”
Gosick (Ep. 22) – “A Christmas Carol Decorates the Windowsill’s Happiness”
(MS) Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (Ep. 5) – “Say it Ain’t So, Bernie!”
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (OVA)
Gunparade March  (Ep. 12) – “Whenever You Say Goodbye”
Gunslinger Girl (Ep. 4) – “Bambola – Doll”
Hamtaro (TV)  (Eps. 25, 77, 129, 180, 231, 232, 283) – “Merry Christmas!,” “A Wonderful Santa Claus!,” “Mimi’s Christmas,” “The Mysterious Gift,” “Arriving to Your Smile!,” “It’s Santa,” “Merry Christmas!,” “A Christmas Ride!”
Hanamaru Kindergarten (Ep. 12A) - "A Hanamaru Christmas” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Happy Lesson (OVA)  (Ep. 3) – “Unsettling – Happy Mamas!”
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto (Ep. 10) – “Demon Lord”
Hayate the Combat Butler (Ep. 1) “‘Unmei’ In English Is ‘Destiny'” [1]
HeartCatch PreCure! (Ep. 44) – “A Christmas Miracle! We Met Cure Flower!”
Heaven’s Lost Property (Ep. 13) – “Queen of the Sky”
Hell Girl (Ep. 8) – “Miracle of Christmas Eve”
Hetalia  (Eps. 28, 31) – “In The World,” “Academy Hetalia Christmas” [1]
Hetalia World Series (Eps. 19-20) – “How Everyone Spent Their Christmas,” “America and Christmas”
Hidamari Sketch (Ep. 12) – “December 25: Goodbye Ume-sensei”
Himouto! Umaru-chan (Ep. 8) – “Umaru and Christmas and New Year’s” [1, 2]
Hinako Note (Ep. 11) - “From One Year To The Next” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Honey and Clover (Ep. 4, 9) – “Actually, I don’t like Christmas all that much… …” [1, 2], “Did she notice? Why is it that I don’t tell her? / That brooch was so heavy”
Horimiya (Ep. 12) – “Hitherto, and Forevermore”
How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? (Ep. 10) – “Do You Like Christmas?”
I Can’t Understand What My Husband is Saying (Ep. 12) – “Fusion Sage Day” [1]
The Idolm@ster (Ep. 22) – “On Christmas Eve” [1]
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls (Ep. 24) – “Barefoot Girl.” [1]
I”s Pure (Ep. ??)
Ichigo Mashimaro/Strawberry Marshmallow (Ep.12) – “Present”
If Her Flag Breaks (OVA) - "Christmas? Do You Think I'd Make Use of Something Like That?" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
If I See You in My Dreams (OVA) (Ep. 3) – “One Snowy Christmas Eve…”
Invaders of the Rokujyoma!? (Ep 12) – “Invasion Going Well!?”
Irresponsible Captain Tylor (OVA) (Ep. 6) – “White Christmas” [1, 2]
Is the Order a Rabbit? (Ep. 11) – “The Girl Dons a Red Coat and Drives a Team of Rabbits Across the Christmas Eve Night Sky” [1]
Is the Order a Rabbit? BLOOM, episodes 10-11
Itsudatte My Santa! (OVA) [1]
Jeanie with Light Brown Hair (Ep. 25) – “Alone on Christmas Eve”
Jewelpet (Ep. 38) – “Merry Merry ☆ – Santa Comes to Town”
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (Movie)
K-On! (Ep. 7) – “Christmas!” [1]
Kaitou Saint Tail (Ep. 12) – “Surprise! The Large Lizard Santa Claus?!” (via tomodachi-to-koibito)
Kakushigoto (Ep. 9) - "Your Lie in December" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Kamichu (Ep. 13) – “We Do What We Want” [1]
Kämpfer (Ep. 12) – “Their Christmas: The Entrails’ Miracle”
Karin (Ep. 19) – “A Couple’s Eve is Embarrassing” [1]
Kasimasi – Girl Meets Girl (OVV)
Kids on the Slope (Ep. 4) – “But Not for Me”
Kill Me Baby (Ep. 10) – “Santa Icicle Snow Mantra”
Kimagure Orange Road (Ep. 38) – “Kyosuke Timetrips! The Third Christmas”
Kimi ni Todoke (Ep. 22) – “Christmas” [1, 2, 3]
Kin-iro Mosaic (Ep. 11) – “Try and Guess How Much I Like You”
Kissxsis (OVA, Ep. 2) – “Christmas for Two”
Kobato (Ep. 19) – “…White Christmas.” (via art-of-wandering)
Kodocha (Ep. 38, 89) – “The Special Christmas Kiss,” “Hallelujah on X-mas eve? My heart…”
Koi Kaze (Ep. 9) – “Wind Flower”
Koikimo (Ep. 4) – “On This Holy Night”
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki (Ep. 21) – “Black Santa is Sleepless in the Night”
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (Ganbare Goemon) (Ep. 11) - "Santa Claus is a New Villain!" (via CancerDog) NEWLY ADDED
Linebarrels of Iron (Ep. 10) – “Over Drive”
Log Horizon  (Season 2, Eps. 5-10) – “Christmas Eve,” “A Lost Child at Dawn,” “The Suifū Maidens”(The Maidens of Watermaple),” “Akihabara Raid,” “The Changing Battlefield,” “Guild Master”
Love Live! Sunshine!! (Season 2, Ep. 8) – “Hakodate” (via avatar-of-thevast)
Love Hina (OVA) – Christmas Special [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions (OVA) – “Glimmering… Explosive Festival (Slapstick Noel)”
Lovely Complex (Eps. 2, 10) – “The Ex-Girlfriend Love Triangle?!,” “A Confrontation With The Ex-Girlfriend?! The Epic Breast-Baring Battle!!”
Lucky Star (Ep. 11) – “The Various Ways for Spending the Holy Night” [1]
Lupin III: Pt. 2 (TV) (Ep. 12) – “The Sleight Before Christmas”
Macross (TV) (Ep. 35, 64) – “Romanesque,” “Christmas is in the Hands of the Goddess” [1]
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s (Eps. 9, 11) – “Christmas Eve,” “A Gift for Christmas Eve”
Magical Princess Minky Momo (Ep. 41) – “Please, Santa Claus”
Magikano (Ep. 11) –  “Was it Really a Holy Night?”
Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful (Ep. 5) – “Will I Catch a Cold Tomorrow?”
Maison Ikkoku (Eps. 2, 18. 39-40 –  “Love is in the Air? Which One Does Kyoko Love Best?”, “Kyoko’s Gift! What, You Mean It’s For Me?”, “Love Takes Guts! Godai’s Part Time Job Ploy!”, “A Bittersweet Favor! Budding Christmas Love!?” [1, 2]
March Comes in Like a Lion (Ep. 10) – “Something Given (Part 1) / Something Given (Part 2)” [1, 2]
Maria Watches Over Us  (Season 4) (Ep. 7) – “Blank Map of the Future”
Marmalade Boy (Eps. 40-41) – “A Holy night. I’m alone on Christmas Eve/The morning of lovers. Merry Christmas”
Martian Successor Nadesico (Ep. 13) – “There Is No Single Truth”
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (Ep. 38) – “A Christmas Present”
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure (Ep. 38) – “Battle on Christmas Eve”
Minami-ke (TV) (Ep. 12) – “Of Christmas And Eves” [1]
Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-Sou (Ep. 12) - “Kotatsu, Year End, Santa” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid (Ep. 10) – “Troupe Dragon, On Stage!  (They Had A Troupe Name, Huh)”
Mitsudomoe (S1 Ep. 9. S2 Ep. 2) - "Santa Claus is my Eccentricity," “The Marui House Is Full” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Mother of the Goddess Dormitory (Ep. 8) - “Kiriya Wishes Upon A Christmas” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED  
Momokuri (Eps. 23-24) – “Excitement! Christmas,” “To the Day of a Cold: Part 2”
Motto! Ojamajo Doremi (Ep. 45) – “Merry Christmas with Everyone!” (via Henry, comments)
Motto To Love Ru (Ep. 9) - “For Whom The Bell Tolls” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood (Ep. 10) – “The Vampire and the End of the Year”
My Little Monster (Ep. 10) – “Christmas [1]
My Love Story (Ep. 17) – “My Christmas”
My Hero Academia (Ep. 101) – “Have a Merry Christmas!”
My Senpai Is Annoying (ep. 3) – “And Then, It’s Christmas”
My Wife is a High School Girl (Ep. 26) – “I will always love you…”
Mystic Messenger (Christmas DLC) – “Christmas Eve”
Nekopara (OVA) – “Nekopara OVA Extra”
Neo Ranga (Eps. 35-36) – “What Happened to Christmas Eve?”, “Christmas in Crisis”
Neo Yokio: Pink Christmas
Nichijou (Ep. 22) – “Nichijou Episode 22”
Ninja Nonsense (Ep. 10A) – “The Ninjas Have Christmas”
Nisekoi (Eps. 3-4) – “Need,” “Mother”
Nodame Cantabile (Ep. 3) – “Lesson 3: Queen of Percussion”
Nodame Cantabile: Paris (Ep. 5) – “Lesson 5: Chiaki and Nodame Cross Paths” [1]
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu: Purezza  (Eps. 3-4) – “Ah, It Hurts…”, “Yūto’s Scent…” (via squirrelstothenuts)
Odd Taxi (Ep. 11) – “If We Could Go Back to That Day”
Oh My Goddess (OVA) (Ep. 4-5) – “Evergreen Holy Night,” “For the Love of Goddess”
Ojamajo Doremi (Ep. 45) – “Help Santa!” (via Henry, comments)
Ojamajo Doremi Sharp (Ep. 44) – “A Happy White Christmas” (via Henry, comments)
One Piece (?)
Orange (Ep. 11) – “LETTER 11” [1]
Oreimo (Season 1 Ep. 7, Season 2 Eps. 14-15) – “There’s No Way My Little Sister Can Write a Novel,” “I Can’t Confess to Her,” “My Little Sister Is This Cute”
Oregairu (Season 2, Eps. 6-9) – “Without Incident, The Congress Dances, But Does Not Progress.”, “However, That Room Continues to Portray An Endless Everyday Scene.”, “Even So, Hikigaya Hachiman.”, “And So, Yukinoshita Yukino.” [1, 2]
Patlabor (TV) (Eps. 10-11) – “Eve’s Trap,” “Eve’s Terror” [1]
Persona 4: The Golden Animation (Ep. 8) – “We’ve lost something important again”
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou (Ep. 14) – “Windows and Lights on Christmas Eve” [1]
Ping Pong (Ep. 6) – “You Love Table Tennis More Than Anyone Else!”
A Place Further Than the Universe (Ep. 10) – “Partial Friendship”
Pokemon (Ep. 65) – “Holiday Hi-Jinx”
Polar Bear’s Cafe (Ep. 37) – “Christmas Planning / Christmas Trouble”
Popotan (Ep. 8) – “Christmas”
Pretty Cure (Ep. 44) – “A Holiday Visitor”
Pretty Cure: Max Heart (Ep. 42) – “A Rink Full of Sweethearts? Slipping and Falling into Grave Danger!”
Pretty Cure: Splash Star (Ep. 42) – “Cake, Kazuya and Christmas”
Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live (Ep. 38) – “The Happy Bell on Christmas Eve” [1]
Prince of Tennis (Ep. 165) – “The Tenipuri Family Goes to Hawaii?! – Christmas at the Tenipuri Family”
Punch Line (Ep. 3) – “Mars Attacks!”
The Quintessential Quintuplets, season 2, episode 4 – “Seven Goodbyes Part 3”
Rainbow Days (Ep. 1) – “Episode 1”
Ranma 1/2 (OVA) (Ep. 2) – “Tendo Family Christmas Scramble”
Ranma 1/2 (TV) (Ep. 75) – “Step Outside”
Re-Kan! (Ep. 6) – “A Super Awesome Holy Night” [1]
Read or Die (Ep. 10) – “A Christmas Carol” [1, 2]
Recovery of an MMO Junkie (Ep. 1) -“IRL, Online”
Rental Magica (Ep. 12) – “Requiem for the Holy Night”
ReLIFE (Ep. 16) – “Date” [1]
Rent-a-Girlfriend (Ep. 8) – “Christmas and Girlfriend”
Rilakkuma and Kaoru (Ep. 9) – “Snowman” (via squirrelstothenuts)
RIN-NE (Ep. 22) – “Christmas in the Derelict”
Robotics;Notes (Ep. 15) – “I’ll Show You a Dream”
Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals (Ep. 39) – “Christmas is the Last Chance for Love! / Cleanup is a Chance to Wash Away the Past!” [1]
Sakura Quest (Ep. 20) – “The Phoenix in the Holy Night” [1]
Sakura Trick (Ep. 8B) - "A Cherry Blossom-colored Christmas" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Sailor Moon S: Hearts in Ice (Movie)
Saiyuki Reload (Ep. 13) – “~Lovely Baby~ Just a Tiny Tiny Story” [1]
Samurai Pizza Cats (Ep. 48) – “The Cheese Who Stole Christmas / Nyankii Santas Fly Through the Air” (via squirrelstothenuts)
School Rumble (Ep. 19) – “Here, There, Everywhere Is Christmas! Bravely Moving Forward For Christmas! Shatter, Christmas!” [1]
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (Ep. 64) – “A Christmas Present of Death”
Seitokai Yakuindomo (Ep. 11) – “Santa’s Sexual Desires”
Senran Kagura Shinovi Master (Ep. 1) – “CHANGE THE WORLD”
Sgt. Frog (Ep. 39, 90, 192) – “Keroro Christmas Battle,” “Keroro Spring Cleaning Battle,” “Keroro, I Cannot Say Merry Christmas,” “Keroro, Christmas Prevent!/Keroro Platoon Cake is a Man’s Battlefield!”
Shaman King, 2021 (Ep. 20) - "Joco’s Christmas" (via art-of-wandering / @art-of-wandering​) NEWLY ADDED
SHIROBAKO (Ep. 12) – “Exodus Christmas” [1]
Shugo Chara (Ep. 10, 12, 13) – “Character Transformation!”, “Amulet Clover!”, “Sad Christmas Eve!”, “Big Disturbance! New Year Live!” [1, 2]
Sing Yesterday for Me (Eps. 9-10) – “Christmas Carol,” “A New Year of Beginnings”
Sister Princess (Ep. 20) – “Christmas Love Destiny”
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, (Ep. 12) – “Sleeping Princess of the Demon Castle”
The Slime Diaries (Ep. 11) - "Where is Santa Claus?" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation (Ep. 11) - "A Saint Comes to Town" (via eyevocal) NEWLY ADDED
Space Brothers (Ep. 96) – “Astronaut and Father”
Steins;gate 0 (Ep. 3) – “Protocol of the Two-sided Gospel: X-Day Protocol”
Stellvia (Ep. 12) – “Confession”
Strawberry 100%) (TV) (Ep. 14) – “Christmas of Past Loneliness”
Strawberry Marshmallow (Ep. 12) – “Present”
Super Gals! (Ep. 39) – “Holy Night! – Ring! Ring! – Emergency Bell of Love!”
Sweet Blue Flowers (Ep. 11) – “Winter’s Fireworks”
Sword Art Online (Ep. 3) – “The Red-Nosed Reindeer” [1, 2, 3]
Tamayura Hitotose (Ep. 11) – “A Christmas Eve Story♪”
Tenchi Muyo: Daughter of Darkness (Movie)
Those Who Hunt Elves (Ep. 21) – “Those Who Wait For Noel”
To Heart (Ep. 12) – “The Season of Emotions” [1]
To Heart: Remember My Memories (Ep. 10) – “A Long Night”
Tōka Gettan (Ep. 9) – “Snow”
Tokyo Godfathers (Movie) [1, 2, 3, 4]
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho (Season 2, Ep. 6) – “Militant Fist Chapter: A Christmas Eve Without Smiles”
Tokyo Mew Mew (Ep. 37) – “The Shining Tear: Celebrating Christmas with just the Two of Us”
Toradora (Eps. 17-19) – “Mercury Retrogrades at Christmas,” “Under the Fir Tree,” “Christmas Eve Festival” [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Toriko (Ep. 87) – “Merry Feasttmas! Gourmet Santa’s Present!”
Tsuki ga Kirei (Ep. 11) – “An Encouragement of Learning” [1]
Tsurezure Children (Ep?)
Urusei Yatsura (Eps. 10, 79) – “Pitter-Patter Christmas Eve,” “Mendo Family – Summer Christmas”
Usagi Drop (Ep. 3.5) – “Dear Santa” [1, 2]
Uta no Prince Sama (Season 2, Ep. 14) – “Shining Star X-Mas” [1]
Vandread (Ep. 10) – “White Love” [1]
The Wallflower (Ep. 12) – “Oh, My Sweet Home!”
Wedding Peach DX (OVA) (Ep. 3) – “Reunion ~ We Even Fight on Christmas ~”
White Album (Ep?)
Why the Hell Are you Here, Teacher? (Ep. 10) – “Tenth Period”
Winter Garden (TV)
The World God Only Knows (Ep. 6) – “Flag.6.0 I’m Ordinary?”
Wotakoi (Ep. 6) – “Bleak Christmas” [1]
Yawara (Eps. 116-117) – “Rich Idiot!”, “The Greatest Present”
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 (Ep. 42) – “Nozomi and Coco’s Christmas Vow”
Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo! (Ep. 44) – “Open! Everyone’s Present!”
Yo-kai Watch (Season 2, Ep. 23) – “A Very Christmas / The Koma-Santa Clause / Yo-Kai Ol’ Saint Trick”
You’re Under Arrest (Ep. 11) – “Santa Claus Panic”
Yuki Yuna is a Hero: The Great Mankai Chapter (S3, Ep. 5) – “Brightness Unleashed”
Yumeiro Patissiere (Ep. 12) – “The Seven Year Merry Christmas!”
Yuri on Ice (Ep. 11) – “Gotta Super-Supercharge it! Grand Prix Final Short Program”
Yuri Yuri (Ep. 7) – “Christmasery”
Yuru Camp  (Eps. 11-12) – “Christmas Camp!”, “Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls” [1, 2]
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slashersangel · 2 years
Dad!Bo Sinclair pt.2
why? cause i said so 🥰
just saying everything i didn’t in last post + more also it’s a girl this time because imagine bobo with a baby girl🥰
sorry this is late, i’m planning my ren fair outfit and it’s going to be super awesome mega cool >:)
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• he knows, he knows that Ambrose and their situation isn’t the best thing for a child and he’s thought about leaving more once or twice throughout your pregnancy cause it wasn’t safe for you, pregnant or not, and it definitely wasn’t safe your your child whenever visitors came, he’d get especially anxious when they’d escape from either him or Vincent, he’d get more angry if they escaped from Vincent though.
• Bo would lock you and your baby girl your your bedroom and he wouldn’t let you out until he was 1000% sure that all of the visitors are gone and dealt with.
• but bo with a baby girl is precious. maybe not in the early stages, but he’s always there when she babbles, talking to her in full on sentences, he’d never baby talk to her, he thinks its stupid and embarrassing to do
• when she says her first word, it’s “dada” and he tries not to rub it in your face too much because he knows how bummed you were when it wasn’t mama or mom, but he can’t help just getting so excited and happy whenever your baby girl says dada. he contains it though, so he’s still the mega tough man >:(
• when she walks for the first time, Bo is down at the garage, he insisted on working on his truck after the last round of visitors took it and crashed it into a damn tree. When she took her first steps, you couldn’t be happier, and you immediately rushed down to the garage with her in your arms and called for Bo.
• poor man thought something was wrong the way you came busting in, but once he saw that gorgeous smile on your face, his worries dissipated. When you had tried to show him the first couple of times, it didn’t work and she just kept falling on her butt, just as stubborn as her daddy. Then after a few tries, she walked to Bo and stabled herself on his leg, which looked completely like a hug and he took it as one.
• bo picked up his daughter after wiping his greasy hands on a towel and smiled at her. Yes, he was upset that he missed her very first steps, but what just happened made up for it
• she had her own crib but almost every night, after finishing some chores in the house, you’d come up to your room and find Bo sleeping with your daughter on his chest, both of them snoring and looking comfy as hell. bo would wake up after feeling your stare and open his arm for you to join the two of them, and you would, as much as you knew that she shouldn’t get used to sleeping with someone, you let it be.
• bo would have times, mostly at night, where he feared that he’d turn out like his parents, he’d take one look at his precious baby girl and though he couldn’t dream of hurting her, he was still afraid, and he knew he wasn’t the best to deal with while drunk, he’s made you cry multiple times because of it, and he’s always feared that it would escalate, but it never did, and you reminded him of that, every time. and you’d reassure him that he’d be a great father and that he would never do anything to harm you or your baby
• those were the nights when he’d let his ever standing guard down and let himself cry, but only a few tears actually slip because he still needs to be strong for you, as much as you hate that mentality he has, you know that all he’s ever wanted to do was protect you, and now your sweet baby girl
tell me why is took me 5 minutes to spell precious >:(
i always forget to put tags uh anyways
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IOTA Reviews: Dearest Family
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Rather than how I usually start my reviews with a little quip regarding my feelings on the episode, I'm going to take the time to address the loss of a member of the Miraculous Ladybug cast, as this is the first episode without her presence.
On July 1st, 2021, American voice actress Philece Sampler, voice of Sabine Cheng and Ms. Mendeleiev, had died from a heart attack at the age of 67.
Originally getting her start in acting through three long-running soap operas (Days of Our Lives, Rituals, and Another World), Sampler moved onto voice acting through anime dubs, with some of her more famous roles being Mimi and Cody from Digimon, Lori from Zatch Bell!, Beauty from Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Hiyori from Lucky Star, and Sarara from Bottle Fairy. Aside from that, she had occasional roles on Western cartoons like the second voice of Betty Ross from the '90s Incredible Hulk cartoon, and the older Toph Beifong in the final season of The Legend of Korra.
It's always tragic to talk about the passing of any actor, no matter what role they played in their life, and Sampler is no exception. Today's episode is the first one where Sabine is voiced by Anne Yatco, who I'm sure will do an incredible job with the role. But for now, if anyone in Sampler's family is reading this (as unlikely as that may be), you have my deepest condolences.
Rest in peace, Mrs. Cheng.
With that being said, let's get into the seventeenth (chronologically the twenty-first) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Dearest Family
We start off with Gabriel experimenting with a Magical Charm I'm assuming he got in an earlier episode and seeing it's effects preventing his Akumatization, with Nathalie recapping what we learned in “Mr. Pigeon 72”, that the user dictates how their powers work. After focusing hard (for a few seconds like how Ladybug unlocked her new form in “Mr. Pigeon 72”), Gabriel manages to create an Akuma capable of destroying the Magical Charms, briefly akumatizing himself into the Collector again.
So what exactly was the point of these Magical Charms again? I mean, given how this season's been relying on past Akumas most likely for budget reasons, I figured they'd have to find a way to render them useless, but why seventeen episodes after they were introduced? Doesn't this sound more like something you'd see in a season finale with how they were being subtly built up? And why show off the newly dubbed Megakuma (yes, that's what he's calling it) in an episode where he akumatizes Marinette's family when only half of them got Magical Charms? If you're going to show the effectiveness of the Megakuma, why not akumatize Chloe's family when they all got Magical Charms? It would make the Megakuma's first outing far more impressive.
We cut to Marinette's family's bakery preparing galettes, a French pastry typically eaten on Epiphany, a holiday celebrating the Three Wise Men visiting the newly born Jesus and presenting their gifts to him. Granted, the show doesn't acknowledge that, so for all the audience knows, it's just an excuse to eat galettes. Roland's there too, and we get a nice moment of him hugging his son as they bake a galette, the first recipe they made together, which sets up the episode's theme about family pretty well.
The freshly baked galette lets out a smell like it's a pie in a cartoon from the 1940's, which causes Tikki to wake up a sleeping Marinette, demanding to know what it is. Marinette goes down to ask for a piece of galette so Tikki will shut up, so she offers to give out free samples outside while people wait in line, sneaking a few pieces into her purse for Tikki to eat and more for the Kwamis in her room. The only problem is...
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It turns out that being the Kwami of Creation, Tikki has a genetic disposition to extraordinary sweets, and Sass thinks that the galettes Tom and Roland made were so unique, Tikki became a borderline addict as soon as she tried it.
After yet another Chloe cameo showing her yelling at her father for not getting a galette before they sold out (Astruc has to squeeze in his Chloe hate somehow), Marinette's globetrotting biker grandma who Roland actually had sex with, Gina, arrives to give Marinette a late birthday present.
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How the traditionalist Rolland managed to raise a son with her is anyone's guess.
While the other adults obviously protest giving the fourteen year old girl a motorcycle, Marinette struggles to keep Tikki from eating the last galette her family is supposed to eat, leading to the return of Unfunny Marinette Slapstick. Oh, good. I thought the writers were starting to realize there were other ways to tell jokes other than this. Marinette finally decides to reel Tikki in by transforming into Ladybug in her room, only for it to result in her catching Tikki's case of the munchies. So yeah, for the second episode in a row, a subplot involves Ladybug being made dumber for the sake of the plot. Do we really need this? There's already a lot going on with the Megakuma, so why use this to raise the stakes?
As Marinette's parents and grandparents keep arguing, Shadowmoth takes the opportunity to try out his new Megakuma (which looks just like a normal Akuma with some cheap editing over the stock footage) on the four of them. By infecting a small trinket inside an uneaten piece of the galette they were eating, Rolland and Sabine's Magical Charms are broken and the two are akumatized back into Bakerix and Qilin respectively, while Tom and Gina are reakumatized into Weredad and Befana as well.
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I'm going to try something new and talk about the other reused villains in the titular Akuma team barring Qilin (whom I'll save for her episode when it airs). I'll also try and edit my older reviews to talk about the resued Akumas too.
Bakerix (top left) is a very creative looking Akuma made entirely of bread products that really stands out among the show's roster of villains. I like how his shoulderpads and helmet are made of croissants and he has a belt made of toast slices and a pretzel belt buckle. His powers are... pretty boring. For those who don't know, Bakerix is meant to be an homage to the French comic series, Asterix. Much like Asterix himself, Bakerix has a potion that allows him to briefly become bigger and stronger for a brief period of time. Ignoring how Asterix's powers are a borderline ripoff of Popeye the Sailor Man, they don't really match up with Rolland's character. Rolland is a traditionalist who hates technology, and in “Bakerix”, all he really did while akumatized was complain about the modern world. As stupid as his powers were as Simpleman, they at least kind of alligned with his idea for things to be like they were in the past. If Bakerix had something like control over bread, I'd be more of a fan of him.
Befana (bottom right) on the other hand, I have much more positive things to say about her. I love how they managed to give her both a biker girl motif and a Wicked Witch motif while making them fit together so well. The punk leather jacket mixed with the bright red hair goes perfectly with her green skin and flying motorcycle broomstick. It makes sense because not only has Gina been established as a caring grandmother to Marinette, she's also more of a rebel at times, so the motif works so well. Her powers are very circumstantial but still make sense for the context for this episode. Like in her debut, Gina's motivation for getting Akumatized was to judge Marinette's friends and family with her candy bullets, turning them into stone if they're mean to her and making them angel, I mean fairy minions to do her bidding. Her akumatization makes far more sense here than it does for Rolland.
And back to the bad designs with Weredad (top right). First off, that pun's terrible as he has no werewolf powers, and takes more inspiration from fairy tales, with his debut episode being to trap Marinette in a beanstalk castle, despite the minimal connection to his motif. Second, his design just looks so generic compared to other Akumas, and again, the beanstalk vines don't really go with him and just stick out because of how bright they are. The one thing I actually like about this design was how Tom's mustache was made bigger. It's just a little touch I find clever. Other than that, it's just a bad design in my opinion.
As for the team as a whole, they're kind of like Crocoduel in that they're all fighting over what they think is best for Marinette. The idea of a free for all team sounds kind of interesting on paper, but I just don't get why Shadowmoth thinks akumatizing multiple people just to fight each other yet again is a good idea. They're more likely to hurt each other than they are Ladybug and Cat Noir.
In fact, why were all four of them akumatized when none of them touched the evilized object? I can understand how Tom and Rolland got Akumatized since the recipe for the galette was established to be very important to them and their bond as father and son (this kind of loophole was established in “Gang of Secrets”, with the charm bracelet meaning a lot to the girls), but there's no reason Sabine and Gina got akumtized as well, especially since the latter just got here.
Here's an idea to make all for them getting Akumatized feel more natural: Have Tom agree with giving Marinette the motorcycle initially, causing Tom to get into a fight with Rolland that leads to the two of them getting akumatized again, but once Sabine takes Rolland's side and refuses to let Marinette have the motorcycle, then she and Gina start arguing, and to show another potential threat of the Megakuma, have the akumatization spread to the two of them. It's not perfect, I can say that much, but I still think this at least gives more of an explanation for making the Akuma “team” four people instead of two.
Ladybug sneaks out of her room and tries to chase after the Akumas, but finds she's too hungry to move, so she steals a galette from Andre, which I'm pretty sure is all kinds of prosecutable. She can't even stop eating to fight, so Cat Noir has to bail her out, giving her time to retreat and talk with Tikki as Marinette. Befana then kidnaps her, and Shadowmoth learns once again why he needs to think his plans through more.
Earlier in the fight, Cat Noir had to use his Cataclysm to escape Weredad and Bakerix, so he has to recharge in the sewers to think of a new plan. Unfortunately, Tikki just remembered she can literally create anything she wants, so she uses her own Lucky Charm to create a giant galette that starts falling toward Paris. Interestingly, the animation used for Paris being crushed by the pressure of the galette is edited footage from when Plagg used Cataclysm all the way back in Season 2's “Style Queen”.
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It's entirely possible that could be an intentional, yet stylistic choice, representing the duality of creation and destruction, saying despite how different they are, both are equally as powerful, and just as deadly. While Plagg held back when using his power Paris while trying to help Ladybug and was horrified by the destruction he caused, Tikki selfishly used her own powers to create something for herself, ignoring the Akuma and the destruction she caused. Creation and destruction are concepts that are commonly associated with good and evil respectively, but what do you do when the embodiment of destruction does less damage than the embodiment of creation? How do you react? What is creation? What is destruction? The very balance of yin and yang is shown by the way this show brilliantly parallels the effects of Tikki and Plagg's powers is visualized by the same frames of animation being used, and will make the viewers question the synchronous relationship between creation and destruction, and the meaning of life itself.
Well, that, or the animators just thought it would be easier to reuse the animation from “Style Queen” because in case you can't tell by the fact four Akumas are being reused in this episode, the animators are kind of cutting corners in a few places, like the animation itself. Also, while I don't normally screenshot the dub for these reviews, I had to in order to get the clear screenshots, and it's pretty obvious Mela Lee is just phoning it in this episode. Seriously, her character is going crazy while creating a giant pastry. How the hell does she sound so bored here?
Adrien sees the gigantic galette, transforms into Astro Cat (oh, so now you remember the space forms exist), and just... destroys it with a Cataclysm, not even looking like he's putting in a lot of effort to do this herculean task. So yeah. Cat Noir just saved the planet.
What was the point of this entire subplot? All this did was kill time that could have been spent on the Akuma fight and the main story. Hell, the idea of Cat Noir using his powers to destroy the biggest target he's ever had could work on paper, but the way it's shot is done so casually, there's no impact to it. It's just another thing Cat Noir broke, and nobody ever acknowledges how impressive this feat of strength is. I'm being serious when I say that after a brief talk with Tikki, Ladybug is just back to normal and goes on with the fight like it was nothing (barring a brief moment when she stops herself from eating the galette piece the akumatized object is in). Does she even know Cat Noir destroyed the giant galette?
So yeah, after talking with Tikki about her addiction, Marinette transforms back into Ladybug and rejoins the battle. After a brief skirmish where she and Cat Noir realize none of them have the Megakuma on them, Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, a crown like the one the person who finds the feve in their slice of galette wears after becoming “king” or “queen” for the day. Ladybug realizes the Megakuma is back at her house, so she and Cat Noir head back to find it before Cat Noir Cataclysms it.
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Oh, for the love of—IT'S A PLASTIC CHARM! Why does he need Cataclysm to break it? Are the writers that desperate to prove Cat Noir is still useful after he just saved everyone on earth from death by galette? So the Megakuma flies out, and somehow, Ladybug realizes it's different even though it wasn't flashing like it was earlier.
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And when Ladybug de-evilizes the Megakuma, she actually knows the name. Do she and Shadowmoth just have similar naming ideas? So after some cute banter with Ladybug and Cat Noir putting on their crowns, Ladybug uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the damage Tikki caused, gives Magical Charms to the four Akuma victims even though she knows they won't do anything now, and heads back to her room, talking to Tikki about her galette addiction.
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Hahaha! Tikki almost wiped out all life on Earth because of how hungry she was and learned nothing from it! Seriously, if Astruc can blame Marinette for causing the apocalypse in “Cat Blanc”, then this shouldn't be written off either. So the episode ends with Marinette deciding not to accept the gift and instead gets an electric scooter, increasing her Parisian stats by 17%.
But then we get a post credit scene where Gabriel talks to Emilie's body and explains his true plan to use the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous.
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Yes, you read that correctly. Gabriel's plan isn't to use the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous to revive Emilie, but rather TO DESTROY THE WORLD AND RECREATE IT SO HE AND EMILIE CAN BE TOGETHER.
What kind of cocaine-fueled bender gave Gabriel this idea in the first place? I know he's one of the most inept villains out there, but he's seriously planning to slam the reset button on ALL OF REALITY, just to save ONE person?! What the hell is wrong with you?! And Adrien isn't even mentioned, hinting that Gabriel might kill him too! I guess it explains some of his more omnicidal plans like in “Cat Blanc” and “Stormy Weather 2” because he doesn't care who he harms as he's rewriting the world anyway, but this just makes his portrayal even more confusing. Are we still supposed to see this maniac as a sympathetic villain? Because the next episode to air seems to try saying that, even if it's earlier chronologically. 
And that’s how the episode ends. The Gabriel focus episode better explain a lot of stuff like this man's motivation to erase all of reality for some reason.
Barring the final scene and the giant galette, this episode was just forgettable. The action was okay, and the idea of the various family members fighting over what they thought was best for Marinette sounded interesting, but it was ruined by the Tikki subplot taking up too much screentime. Seriously, they made Cat Noir destroying a giant galette seem boring because it had little to impact on the story or characters. I think if there was more focus on the Megakuma and Gabriel's relationship with his son to contrast with Marinette's family and if the whole “turning the world off and on again” plan had more buildup, the episode could have been a lot more interesting. Like “Simpleman”, it's just the forgettable kind of bad, which is arguably the worst kind of bad from a certain point of view.
The next episode I’ll review, however, is anything BUT the forgettable kind of bad. 
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nothing-but-haikyuu · 3 years
A Small Friend
Reader: F Character: Kōtarō Bokuto Rating: G Summary: You played with the gift in your pocket. It was wrapped in tissue paper with a sticker on it reading your boyfriend’s name, Kōtarō Bokuto. You had made it for him when he went to the qualifiers for the Japan Olympic Men’s Team.  Warning: Fluff Ask Box: Open | Check Out ThreadytoGoDesign | Join me on Patreon 
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You played with the gift in your pocket. It was wrapped in tissue paper with a sticker on it reading your boyfriend’s name, Kōtarō Bokuto. You had made it for him when he went to the qualifiers for the Japan Olympic Men’s Team. 
You did everything you could to make it as lucky as possible, every wish, prayer, ritual, you even put a small Pyrite stone in it. You crinkled the tissue paper as you walked through town with your hands in your jacket pockets. 
You sighed to yourself, you had been working on this project for a few weeks now. It wasn’t perfect, you had just learned the skill to make it but you were eager to make something for your boyfriend. You were meeting at your favourite cafe, the one with the good coffee and delicious chocolate cake. 
Bokuto knew he was on an athlete’s diet, but often one slice would be okay. At least in his books. As you approached, you saw him through the window with two cups of coffee in font of him. You smiled to yourself and with a pep in your step you quickly made it inside to protect yourself from the cold. 
The silver haired man saw you and smiled. He beckoned you over and you slinked through to the back of the cafe and sat down across from him, taking off your hat and placing it on the table. 
   “How’s my beloved.” He smiled as you nudged the second coffee over, “Was worried you weren’t going to show up, you didn’t respond to my last message.” 
  “Oh, bobo.” You said, “I was underground and the train was delayed. I’d never stand you up, especially not now. The qualifiers are tomorrow, right?”
  “Yep, bright and early!” He chirped, his hands gave a slight shake of anxiety, “Can’t wait.” But you knew he was rather nervous about the prospect of playing for the Olympics. That was why you wanted to give him a gift. 
You took off your coat and slung it over the back of the chair before you gave your boyfriend another smile, “Thank you for the coffee, Bo. Cream instead of milk right?”
He nodded, “I remember from last time.” Bokuto was the type of men who bounced between overly sweet coffee or just plain black, it was determined by how wired he wanted to be. After becoming friends with Sakusa on the Black Jackals, he had taken a liking to tea in recent months. 
He rubbed his leg against yours and rested his elbows on the table, “So you’re going to come to the practice match? They’re allowing partners and what not to come.” His smiled grew, “I’d love to have you there.”
  “Don’t you get nervous when I’m at games? You say it makes your anxiety worse.”
He sighed, “I know, I know. But tomorrow is different, this is the next big step for us.”
  “You mean you.” You said.
He shook his head, “No, no, beloved, Both of us. After all you’re gonna be my wife soon so.” He dragged off. Bokuto wanted to get married literally a week after you met, but you told him to wait till after you graduated college, then you can start planning.
You chuckled and reached out for him, “Still about marriage huh?” 
  “Of course, why couldn’t I be?” He asked, “You’re my one and only!” He beamed, “No c’mon drink up, we’re celebrating with two slices of cake.”
  “Oh wow, won’t the coach get mad.” You chuckled.
  “I won’t tell if you don’t tell.” He then placed a finger over his lips for a moment.
You chuckled and said, “Well, I have something for you for tomorrow.” You felt your cheeks grow warm as you worried over if he was even going to like it. You saw him perk up and ask.
  “What is it?”
You leaned towards you coat pocket and said, “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” Then plucked the gift out of your pocket. 
Bokuto happily closed his eyes and held out his hands across the table. You hesitated for a moment to put it in his hands but eventually did. Watching him open his eyes to see the wrapped present. 
He blinked at it for a moment, then his smile grew as he demolished the wrapping paper, leaving little specks of the stuff on the table, near his drink. What was revealed was a small crocheted bear with a sewn heart on his chest. 
Bokuto didn’t say anything for a moment and became worried. Did he hate it? Did he think it was dumb?
  “Do you-” You started before Bokuto interrupted you. 
His eyes grew wide with excitement as he cheered, “I love it, baby!” Then crushed the toy against his cheek, “It’s so soft and squishy!”
You blushed more, “Are you sure it’s okay?”
  “It’s more than okay.” He smiled as he looked at its little eyes with admiration, “Oh, I love it, baby. It’s beautiful, he’s going with me tomorrow for practice.” 
  “It’s meant to be good luck.” You said shyly. 
  “Well then of course he’ll have to come! I need all the luck I can tomorrow, baby! I’m sorry I couldn’t make you something as cool, but I promise to make it up to you.” 
  “Oh, Bo. You don’t have to.” You said shyly. 
  “No, no. I want to. Please.” He placed the bear down and reached out to you, he touched your hand gently, “When I get into the Olympics, I’m going to win gold for you as thank you.” Then gave you a grin, “I promise.”
  “Alright, Bo.” You said, “You win gold for me and Mr. Bear.” Then smiled a bit at him. He just grinned and squeezed your hand before he went back to his coffee, idly playing with the toy as he talked with you. 
You felt pleased with yourself and what you created. Bokuto’ reaction made your heart soar, maybe he was going to be a good husband. Not that you doubted it, but you could see yourself spending forever with him. 
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carbonatedjem · 3 years
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PATREON RELEASE!  BO-BOBO SWEETS!  For my patreon last month I drew 7 Pictures of male characters from Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo in varied attire with a sweets theme. It was a lot of fun and is something I might do again someday. For this set we have Lambada Galubel (Garble for the Dub) Giga Softon (Without the Mask)  Rice Ujikin Tokio (This was cursed to draw, I had to look up Yaoi Hands) and Hatenko (With bonus Don Patch cupcake)  If you like my art, please consider joining my patreon  https://www.patreon.com/carbonatedjem https://www.patreon.com/carbonatedjem https://www.patreon.com/carbonatedjem Your support would not only be financially supporting my family but also allowing me more free reign to pursue my own personal projects. 
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