#Bog Project
bonefall · 2 months
I LOVED hearing about the Ripwater episode!!!! Could you discuss whichever episode that would include Jayfeather‘s warrior training perhaps? If not I’d LOVE to hear about any other!
Jay's warrior training happens across lots of them! He only pivots to being a Cleric near the VERY end of the arc. He's considered fully trained after "saving" Hazeltail by secretly kicking Moleflight's ass.
Jaypaw -> Jayfang -> Jayfeather
Blackstar's Bog Project seems to be the conflict so far that's going to be featuring Jaypaw's training the most, though, the way that most of these episodes end up being centric for one of the three.
Jaypaw will be dominant in ShadowClan-related episodes because his first rival shows up here; Owlpaw, later called Owlclaw.
If you recognize that name, it's either because you know he's the secret brother of Kestrelflight and Harestar, or you remember that he's the father of Weaselkit and Happyface which causes familial problems within Violetshine's adopted family. Noteworthy recurring ShadowClan cat!
Head's up this one's way less organized than Ripwater's
Pre-Bog Project; The beginning of Jaypaw's apprenticeship Ableism and Longtail
Before Blackstar begins the bog project, I want there to be a decent amount of battle between ShadowClan and ThunderClan.
At the time, The Three are kits or young apprentices. For the most part, they're born into a world where they mostly know ShadowClan as this kinda distant, scary thing that the older warriors fight a lot.
When they become apprentices, it doesn't help that ShadowClan's presence is sharp. They have a very dry, dark sense of humor which can mask bullying. They cite the Warrior Code a lot and take blasphemy seriously. It's not always obvious when they mean what they say or if they're being sarcastic
This is especially bad with ThunderClan cats. Tawnypelt had a REALLY hard time adapting to this culture back in TNP.
there's one major fight Jaypaw takes part in between the two, as a young apprentice. Enter Owlpaw.
It's REALLY important that in this fight, Jaypaw gets his ass kicked.
Owlpaw is the third oldest lakeborn cat. He's big, mean, and vicious. He is a DIFFICULT opponent, he really is an Owl to a Jay at this point. Bad Bad Leroy Brown type shit
This curbstomp messes with Jaypaw baaaadly, shaking any confidence he'd gained in the short time where he's started training with Longtail.
When Jaypaw FIRST becomes the apprentice of Longtail... it wasn't actually welcome. Jaykit's ceremony was nearly delayed, as if Firestar was just going to pass over him.
An objection was raised, as it was wondered what would happen with Jaykit. The poor kid was put on the spot, when he'd just been expecting to get given a mentor the same as his siblings.
When Firestar and Brackenfur had an awkward answer, Longtail leapt in heroically, demanding to be un-retired so he could come and mentor his grand-nephew.
While most of the Clan saw this as impressive, Jaykit did not. It was humiliating and embarrassing!
It was like they were just going to skip over him, and "the only mentor I could get was another useless cat, like me..."
Jaypaw is dealing with a lot of shame through internalized ableism. It's that kind of sticky misery where you just end up hating everything you touch. NOTHING is good or okay. Everything is awful and if you try to tell me otherwise I will double down.
The type that you can't reason with. So Longtail trying to get through to this kid was already hell.
He was trying to be motivational and uplifting. "We'll prove them wrong, together!" and "Stick with me kid, I'll teach you everything." and "There's lots of ways to be a warrior, we'll find what works best for ya."
It does not work. Jaypaw is determined to hate him, dismissing him as being insincere and fake-nice.
And when that first fight comes up, Jaypaw's spent however long as an apprentice being difficult and his first real matchup is against ShadowClan's Youngest Blender
So of course, Owlpaw toys with him like canon. Keeps dodging and taunting him, making little jabs, commenting on how weak ThunderClan must be to put him out on the battlefield.
After the fight ends, Longtail tries to let Jaypaw mope for a bit about it, lick his wounds, recover.
But he just ends up at his lowest point, and snapping at Longtail that he'll never amount to anything anyway, "a blind warrior isn't worth anything."
And Longtail's LOST his patience. That's IT.
"Get up right now and fight me."
"wh... what?"
"Maybe you're used to everyone else just letting you say whatever dumb thing, but when you insult yourself, you insult ME. And I've got the Right to Challenge over my honor. So GET UP."
Over the course of this fight, Longtail uses it both to coach him on how to properly move, and also to let Jaypaw blow off steam. He taunts him to just let his claws out, while keeping his own sheathed.
And during all this, Jay can barely get a hit in. The fight ends with Longtail easily pinning him to the ground, and he reminds him,
"Don't wanna be a blind warrior? Fine. I can't teach what you don't want to learn, you tell me and we'll find other options, but if I EVER hear those words come out of your mouth again, it's personal."
And after THAT, it clicks for Jaypaw. It's personal. Longtail didn't need to do any of it, stand up for him, mentor him, he wants to.
When he insults himself, or when he thinks of Longtail like he was some cheap option, it hits both of them.
Longtail is an excellent warrior-- and a warrior defends their honor.
Still, Owlpaw remains, and these aren't just internalized thoughts only he has, "don't get mad at me for insulting your honor. I was just repeating what Owlpaw said to me. He said a blind warrior isn't worth anything at all. And it's like the whole Clan agrees, but they just don't say it."
"Then we'll kick his ass," removes his paw from his apprentice's back, "We'll kick all their asses. But you're not going to go around agreeing with them before you even learn how to fight."
The grand irony of this is that after making this promise to kick Owlpaw's ass, having this as a goal in-mind, Firestar begins the fruitful negotiations with ShadowClan which will result in a period of sweet peace. There aren't any battles to get into between them for a while.
So Owlpaw continues to be this sort of "goal" on the horizon. Jaypaw wants revenge against this specific person, while also being forced to work with him at various points, as ShadowClan is their ally.
Something interesting I plan to do is to secretly write Breezepaw as being a MUCH stronger fighter than Owlpaw ever was. Owlpaw is big and strong, but it's BREEZEPAW who's the truly vicious fighter of the Po3 apprentice generation. A cat that Jaypaw faces off with several times, and has a difficult time fighting because of Breeze's aggressive, straightforward fighting style.
Jaypaw fights best against cats who try to get out of his grapples, because he can turn it against them. When a cat is so ferocious that they don't relent at all, meeting him with even more biting and scratching, it effectively counters his unique style.
Between his brawls with Lionpaw and Breezepaw, Jaypaw has no idea how overleveled he is lmao
Bog Project
There's two times that I want to zoom into the Bog Project in Po3.
The first one is when they FIRST construct the dam that destroys the pine plantation, including an altercation with human plantation workers who come to try and dismantle the dam. The Clan cats run circles around them as the humans are too heavy to not sink into the mud. I want someone to jump off the dam, bounce off a person and knock them over with a SPLAT, and then jump back on the dam in one smooth movement lmaoo
(Switch over to the researchers for a second and they're actually scrambling to get the area turned into a different classification of protected site during this. Unknown to ShadowClan, they really do just have to buy some time.)
The SECOND time is when they're simply repairing some damage, Owlpaw starts a fight with Jaypaw and swings the first blow, and Jaypaw realizes it's time to take this man to Clown Town.
The fight begins while they're up on the dam, trying to figure out where a leak is or some other minor thing.
Owlpaw starts REALLY getting into it with Jaypaw. "I can't believe they put me up here with you. It's like they want you to have a little accident so I can say I have no idea what happened."
I'm REALLY TORN between Jaypaw either playing this as peacefully as possible, so it's completely Owlpaw's fault they got into it... or realizing he can totally goad this fight and then be able to say it wasn't his fault because Owlpaw threatened him first: "Bold of you to talk about little accidents. Ur mom"
I'm leaning towards Jaypaw goading it after Owlpaw started it, realizing that snark is a very useful tool. Thinking back to how he used to call himself useless, how Longtail used it to make him unload all his pent-up anger and aggression. It has a purpose.
and that purpose, right now, is making an opportunity to put this git in his proper place.
But either way, when Owlpaw starts lashing out at him, SO much like that first fight, Jay notices something REALLY interesting
Owl always tries to stay out of the line of his whiskers. The blows are hard clobbers, but he's not really scratching because he doesn't want to get close
Jaypaw stays perfectly still, UNNERVINGLY still, and takes one, two whacks. Then he knows that his opponent favors his right paw, and he's about... 2 mouselengths away.
Owl lifts his paw again, and in one, smooth move, JAYPAW LUNGES
Caught square in the belly, they roll back along the wall
Owl recovers, twisting onto his opponent, hissing and scratching to untangle, and they tumble right off the side in a clattering shower of sticks and daub
They make a SPLORCH as their bodies splatter the mud below them
"THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING" -Lionpaw probably
The entire construction crew gathers around. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"
Owlpaw seems to be getting wise, trying to wriggle out of the grapple to win back distance, but Jay hears Longtail's words of wisdom echoing in his head
"To know his own limits,"
He never lets his opponent out of range of his whiskers, Owl breaks away only to expose his back to a vicious opponent
Jaypaw grabs his foe by the neck, rears up and dunks his face down in the mud. SPLAT!
Owlpaw screeches in rage, snorting muck out of his nose, blinded
The big bully has no idea to slow down and think about where the blows are coming from, or anticipate how his opponent moves.
Jaypaw's jaws close down viciously on his shoulder, and in a flash, he's wrapped around him like a snake.
Trying to buck him off is only causing Owlpaw to sink into the mud
Jaypaw only releases his lock long enough to command; "SAY UNCLE"
Terrified, like a rabbit with a weasel with its fangs dangerously close to its pulse, he obeys; "UNCLE!!"
Jaypaw disentangles and hops off, and it's only now that he registers the size of the crowd.
Hazelpaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw, both of his siblings, every ShadowClan apprentice, plus all the warriors who were assigned to the project
Most are cheering, others murmur with awe or hiss with frustration, Owlpaw's mentor is helping him out of the mud, asking him what the hell happened back there
Jay is GLOWERING. He can't help the smug smile that paints his face, or the pride that washes through his veins, though he nonchalantly flicks the mud off his tail.
but the gloating is cut short. Longtail's rough tongue passes over a swelling lump next to Jaypaw's eye, and a little cut he didn't realize he'd gotten had started to sting.
"Knock it off!" He grumbles, doing nothing to stop him, "you're embarassing me!"
"Embarassing?! I'm so proud out of my fur I just might cry about it and embarass you even more!"
In the aftermath, Owlpaw is the one who gets blamed for the fight on the wall. Though Longtail freely admits that his apprentice can be rude, Owlpaw is the one who escalated it to blows.
That said, no one really "gets in trouble" for it. It's written off by both Blackstar and Firestar as an "apprentices will be apprentices" moment. BB!Battle cats can have battles without holding a formal hearing in parliament about it.
What DOES happen that Jaypaw finds bizarre is that when he gets home and the news spreads, Bramblestar is one of the first cats to start gloating. He feels odd about how odd he feels about it.
But after his father has given his ear a proud lick and explains the situation to Squirrelflight who gives a proud lick to the other one, Jaypaw examines the feeling. He tries to think of other times Brambleclaw has been this proud of him, and that's when it clicks; there are none.
Lionpaw is an accomplished fighter at this point, having landed the fatal blow onto Ripwater. Hollypaw is at the forefront of nearly every diplomacy meeting alongside her mentor, Brackenfur. But Jaypaw.. well, most of his brawls have been little skirmishes. Not really "achievements."
It's not like Brambleclaw has been absent or anything, so... he's not yet sure what to do with this feeling. It's quickly buried as the other apprentices dogpile him, begging for the full details.
Assorted closing thoughts for other episodes and such;
Jaypaw's power is plane-hopping. He can move freely between supernatural realms-- dreams, heaven, hell, Earth. He can interact, physically, with anything on these planes.
No more magic empathy. Society has progressed past the need for magic empathy.
He's going to get several little moments in other episodes where he helps to heal others, especially when Cinderheart breaks her leg.
Becoming a Cleric is a choice that should have significant build-up, since he chooses it over Poppyfrost.
I think the REAL inciting moment that he decides to commit to the bit is that he ends up having some kind of dream where Moleflight (Poppyfrost's ill-fated brother) visits him, just after getting his warrior name, and Mole says, "you will be an excellent warrior."
Jayfang: "theres no way youre just being nice to me. What are you trying to stop me from doing."
He also really likes giving advice and listening to people. Enjoys a good little debate, but I kinda want to show him visibly sharpening his emotional intelligence as Po3 goes on.
It starts with Longtail, who whittles that aimless cynicism into something earnest and constructive.
I also want to work in some scenes where Longtail explains to Jaypaw how much he reminds him of Swiftpaw, his "uncle."
Sootfur too, sometimes. In the humor.
Jay: "Great track record, two dead kids."
Longtail, very quiet... only to break the tense silence himself, "Sootfur, no. Swiftpaw... yes. I should have been a better mentor."
Everyone knows a mentor is meant to teach an apprentice. But Longtail realizes that an apprentice is meant to teach their mentor, too.
And he wouldn't be worthy to guide another paw if he hadn't learned his lessons from Swiftpaw.
"I taught him to ignore his limits. I made him think that he had to "prove" himself to be worth anything. It was something my mentor taught me, which was something his mentor taught him. Jaypaw, there's going to be things you can't do, and when they come, you'll hate me for stopping you. But I'm not here to raise another brave fool who dies to prove a point."
Jaypaw also meets Rock at various points through BB!Po3, especially when StarClan isn't being straightforward about answers or they end up in the tunnels.
Rock is VERY gentle with Jaypaw, but no one else. If Jaypaw hadn't been in the tunnels that time the WindClan kits went missing, he probably would have just left them all to drown lmao
The first hint The Three discover about their powers, and the prophecy at all, comes through Jaypaw inadvertently ending up realm-hopping. I'm keeping it on standby for him gaining access to information through dreams.
Before he eventually pressures Dovepaw to spy on other Clans, he was using his own powers to gather what info he could.
Thankfully, he doesn't discover how much power this actually grants him, or what he can consciously do with this, until OotS.
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veiligplekje · 8 months
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The Yde Girl memorial, the Netherlands
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i recently went to the actual WH website, saw the cannon Barnaby after months of tumblr brainwashing *cough cough more realistic barn cough* and was taken aback, like i had to look at him for a few seconds. I choose to blame you and that Weevmo feller' for this
you. you haven't. you haven't looked at the actual website? you haven't looked at The Actual Project? i. im.
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bog-teeth · 1 month
omg i just woke up but for tdov you should totally doodle rui kamishiro of pjsk fame. you don’t actually have to do this i know i’m insane
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i used ur take on him hope thats alright 👍
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bogcreacher · 5 months
I never read a Warrior or WOF book in my entire life, but I love your comic and characters so much that I'm constantly googling the lore just so I can enjoy it more
Oh wow, that’s so kind, thank you! I’m afraid I didn’t think about non-warrior-centric readers when writing and put 0 exposition in for how their world works lol! Explains why some people were very confused as to why the recent pages have been such a big deal haha
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pegglefan69 · 7 months
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Over the weekend I used some sock yarn scraps to knit a replica of the purse found with the Gunnister Man! The pattern I used included lots of fun info, including instructions on how to copy the really unusual cast-on he used, & the fact that he had an unfinished knitting project in another one of his pockets.
It was really fun & I want to knit more sometime! I ended up making this one a few inches longer to hold my phone & wallet, so some of the colorwork is me doodling instead of a direct copy. Maybe I'll pick 'accurate' colors in the future, but hey, I figure if he had access to a broader range of colors, maybe he'd've used a little hot pink too. 🧶
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dawntheduckrb · 2 months
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Mouse with sloppy dramatic lighting
I just wanted to make a post so I can share this song lol, I always seem to work faster when I listen to it and its mega pretty
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bonefall · 7 months
dovewing wakes up a little late and finds a whole saga of every little thing that happened that morning from Heartstar plus various tangents about how much she loves her
The tangents are just drawings of the two of them snuggling or kissing, surrounded by little hearts. Heartstar's improvised signs for them based off the heart-shaped scar on her chest and Dovewing's flopped ears, so they have words for their names that look like <3 and UU.
Dove goes out to the nearby claysource (glepf) and takes back a big ball of raw clay, to see if she can press this one really good doodle into a plate that she can bake and keep forever
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padmerrie · 3 months
Muscle Memory (Bookends AU) [1.2K; AO3]
Summary: Minato takes a break from the campaign grind with a sleeping Naruto in tow and stumbles upon his three former students.
ᓚᘏᗢ    ᓚᘏᗢ    ᓚᘏᗢ    
“One.  Two.  Three!” 
Obito, Kakashi, and Rin dropped their sticks into the water and raced to the other side of the bridge.  They braced themselves against the railing, eyes fixed on the river below, their collective breath held in anticipation, waiting.  Watching.
Three sticks appeared, one stick slightly ahead of the other two.
Obito glared at Kakashi.
“You keep dropping yours early,” he snapped.  On his other side, Rin laughed.  
“He’s not dropping it early, Obito.  It’s just luck.”
“Call it whatever you want,” Obito grumbled.  He hopped off the bottom railing and jabbed a thumb to his chest.  “I’m picking the sticks this time.”   
Kakashi made a noncommittal sound, still watching their sticks being swept downstream.  “Rin picked them out last time.”
Obito waved him off with a disgruntled noise, not looking back as he jogged off to retrieve three new sticks from the river’s shore.  
“My, what have I stumbled upon?  An after school physics lesson?”
Rin and Kakashi turned to find their favorite teacher strolling towards them pushing a baby carriage. 
“Minato-sensei!” Rin exclaimed happily.  Her eyes lit up as they landed on the carriage, but Minato pressed a finger to his lips before she could open her mouth again.
“He’s sleeping.  It’s new,” he added with a tired but not unhappy chuckle.  He beckoned them over with a wave of his hand.  Rin was by Minato’s side in an instant.  She gave a delighted gasp, then looked up and waved to Kakashi.  
“Get over here!” she hissed in a whisper. 
Kakashi sighed and dropped off the railing, slipping his hands in his pockets and walking over to them with all the urgency of a tortoise crossing a road.  He hovered by Rin’s shoulder and peered into the bassinet.  It was a sight indeed - mostly because this was possibly the first time Kakashi had ever seen Naruto asleep.
“I’m surprised to see you out, sensei,” Rin said, keeping her voice soft.  “The only time we see you these days is on campaign signs.”  
“Oh those,” Minato chuckled, looking away embarrassed.  “It’s a little much.  Even Kushina said she’s tired of seeing my face everywhere.”
“I saw you on TV yesterday,” Rin continued.  Her lips quirked to the side.  “The camera loves you, sensei.”
Minato’s cheeks flushed.  “I’m glad you think so, but I’ll admit, the feeling is pretty one-sided.  I’ll be glad when this campaign is over next month.  Win or lose.”
“We miss you at school.”
“I miss you all too.  And I miss teaching.  But I truly believe I can do more as governor.  Not just for my students, but for all of Konoha.”  
“What will you do if you lose, sensei?” Rin asked.  Kakashi tch-ed in disapproval, but Minato only smiled. 
“Exactly what I said I’d do when I announced my candidacy.”  Minato looked between Rin and Kakashi.  “No one is handed a road map to achieving their dreams, so one must conclude that there is no one right way to get there.  I don’t have to be governor to make Konoha a better place.” 
Kakashi, still studying Naruto from a distance, said, “You’re going to win, sensei.” 
Minato’s expression softened much in the way it had when he looked in the carriage.  He laid a hand on Kakashi’s shoulder.  “I hope you’re right.”
There was a clattering of noise and all three turned to see Obito standing at the end of the bridge, a pile of sticks lying forgotten at his feet.  
A squalling howl cracked through the air, no build-up, no warning.  Everyone’s eyes snapped to the baby carriage.  
“Nice job,” Kakashi said, frowning peevishly at Obito.  “You woke Naruto up.”  
“It’s ok, Kakashi,” Minato said unperturbed.  “It was going to happen sooner or later.  A butterfly could wake him up.”  He reached into the carriage and lifted Naruto into the air and cradled him to his chest, bouncing him gently and cooing sweet nothings until his cries faded to a more tolerable squabbling. 
“We were just talking about the election,” Rin told Obito as he joined them.  His face lit up.
“I saw you on TV yesterday!”
“Not you too,” Minato lamented, color returning to his cheeks. 
“I sure did!  You kicked those old geezers’ asses in the debate!”
From over Naruto’s head, Minato hit his former student with a stern look.  “Those old geezers have names, Obito.”
“My Gramps can’t stand Danzo,” Obito went on like he hadn’t heard him.  “And he says the only thing Hiruzen Sarutobi should have authority over this late in his life is his burial plot.” 
“Oh!”  Minato’s expression froze in a state of shock.  “Well, that’s, uh,” he stammered, struggling to find an appropriate response.  “I-I appreciate their vote.” 
Kakashi caught Rin’s eye and murmured, “Spoken like a true politician.”  She smiled at him as Obito shook his head emphatically.
“Oh, they’re not voting for you.  Madara says if Danzo’s egomania doesn’t run this province into the ground, then your idealism will.  I guess that leaves Sarutobi…” Obito trailed off thoughtfully.  “I bet Gramps is counting on him dying during his tenure.”
Minato stared.  
“Hashirama says if this doesn’t work out, you should consider recording audiobooks.  He said he could listen to your voice all day.  Just not your politics.”
“Oh my.  That’s…”  Minato looked around at the three of them, flustered for words before abruptly saying, “Would anyone like to hold Naruto?” 
There was a resounding YES from at least two of his former students. 
Kakashi watched as his friends fought for custody of Naruto, neither one content with simply holding Naruto for a minute and letting go.  Naruto didn’t seem bothered in the slightest being the object of their power struggle.  He babbled senselessly, regardless, his earlier tears long since dried.  There was only one thing that would call for a ceasefire. 
“No,” Kakashi said narrowly.  This was directed at Rin who, despite Kakashi’s clear refusal, only took an undeterred step into his orbit.
“Just for a minute,” she insisted.  “Trust me.”
Kakashi’s hands might as well have been sewn into his pant’s pockets.  He stared defiantly down his nose at the squirming baby in Rin’s arms, all squishy and pink and foreign.  Even though he’d had numerous encounters with him, every interaction felt like the first, which was to say that the experience never ceased to make him uncomfortable.     
Kakashi’s eyes flicked back up to Rin, still watching him.  The shroud of carefully constructed aloofness that he wore like a second skin slipped a little.  He sighed, and held out his arms. 
And then Kakashi couldn’t feel them. 
The only thing he felt was the unfathomable weight of a very small, very real human life cradled to his chest.  Being a baby, Naruto possessed the misfortune of being both easily breakable and highly unpredictable.  While Kakashi didn’t hold this against him - he was a baby - these were two qualities that Kakashi did not care for.  He would have very much liked to hand him back to Rin, but a steadying hand on his shoulder held the urge back.  
Kakashi looked up over his shoulder and watched Minato watching Naruto.  His expression was so familiar that it nudged a memory out of place.  He turned away.  Feeling hadn’t returned to his arms, but he held Naruto a little tighter all the same.   
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mossflower · 5 months
i need to write so bad
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You are literally one of the only reasons I'm still partially in the WH fandom /pos
🫡 just doin' my duty sir
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l0ganberry · 4 months
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I feel a bit violent now with it. You may feel concerned.......
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any chance we'll get an update to the first step of kintsugi soon?
To be entirely honest I have no idea.
It’s not abandoned, to be clear, and it’s going to be finished. I just haven’t cared all that much about marvel in a hot minute, and writings like pulling fingernails when I’m not interested in the material. I’ve also noticed that it tends to make for some of my more poorly written chapters.
That being said, hyperfixation happens on the turn of a dime for me. It could be a week; it could be a month. I don’t really know. It will come though! I really love kintsugi and have no intentions of abandoning it.
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marypsue · 1 year
Have I proselytised lately about My New Best Friend, Outlining? I feel like I haven’t done enough proselytising lately about My New Best Friend, Outlining.
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rastronomicals · 1 month
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11:24 PM EDT April 4, 2024:
Bog Oak - "Holy Mountain" From the   CVLT Nation Sleep's Holy Mountain Cover Project (2015)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Doom, doom, and more doom
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heidicore · 9 months
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some quilting inspiration from road to avonlea !!
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