#Boi this angsty thing almost had me crying in the airport
violetlilysunshine · 3 years
He’s Not My Harry
Boyfriend Harry Holland x Actress Reader
Summary: You’re presenting at Comic Con and a fan asks you a question about your relationships with Harry and Tom.
WC: 1,550
Warnings: A little angsty maybe??? But nothing really
A/N: I’ve never been to Comic Con so I don’t really know how it works, also written before Tomdaya, so don’t at me.
REQUESTS OPEN - Or just come chat :)
Your new show was invited to present at Comic Con this year and you were over the moon. You were already planning to go to Comic Con, since Harry would be there with Tom, but now you got to be featured as well. You hadn’t seen Harry in way too long. You and Tom had filmed together in Atlanta, becoming fast friends. After he had introduced you to Harry, you guys hit it off immediately, quickly becoming a couple.
The distance had been pretty hard on the both of you, but you were still going strong after two years. You and Harry made your relationship public just a week before Comic Con, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off each other once you reunited. You posted a casual, “Happy two years,” and a cute picture, keeping it short and sweet, mimicking Harrison and Grace. Harry on the other hand seized the opportunity and posted, “Two years. Gotcha beat Haz and Grace,” making sure to tag them both. Luckily, they found it funny and you all laughed it off.
You both had gotten more positive messages than you were expecting, but quite a bit of hate as well. You expected to get some, but didn’t really think people would be sending as much to Harry as they were. You felt really bad about it, but he reassured you over and over that he was fine. The absolute last thing you were prepared for, was how much hate he was getting because the fans were shipping you with Tom instead.
The boys got in last night and Harry called you immediately upon leaving the airport. He texted you again as they were pulling into the hotel and you bolted down the stairs. You found them at the front desk, checking in together and Harry was just taking a room key.
He turned around, spotting you standing by the staircase. His face broke into a giant smile, his eyes lighting up at your presence. You skipped across the room, jumping into his arms immediately as he dropped his bag, his other hand still holding his phone and key as he wrapped it around your waist.
“Hey, Red,” you greeted him quietly in his ear as you snuggled into his neck.
He rubbed his face deeper into your hair, “hi, darling,” he whispered back.
You pulled back slightly, arms still latched around his neck, and pulled him into a deep kiss. You were glad that you’d posted together because you wouldn’t have been able to hold back.
When you pulled away, you saw some fans taking pictures scattered across the lobby, but you weren’t all that worried about it. You’d kind of expected it, and most of their focus was on Tom anyway.
“Alright, you lot, c’mon,” Tom called, picking up his bag and heading towards the elevators.
You unwrapped from Harry, taking his camera bag over your shoulder as he grabbed his larger suitcase.
“Alright, love, so I’m in 615 with Harrison,” he told you as you waited for the elevator, “you can drop by whenever you like, alright?”
“Oh,” you answered in a small voice, smile dropping just slightly.
“What is it?” he asked gently.
“Well, I sorta thought maybe you could stay with me...”
“Oh, well, I didn’t know what you wanted to do, so I just got this one with Harrison. It’s connected to Tom’s too, but uh, I’d rather be with you if that’s what you want,” he said with a smile.
“Hey!” Harrison called turning around.
“Sorry bro, but do you really blame me?” Harry said, smirking.
“Whatever, div,” Harrison turned back around, climbing into the elevator behind Tom.
“Okay, we’re in 710,” you told him, as well as Tom and Harrison, passing Harry your second key.
“Maybe I should write the numbers on them so I don’t get ‘em mixed up,” Harry laughed.
You giggled back, looping your arm around his wrist.
Waking up next to Harry was your favorite thing in the world; you loved feeling his arm carelessly thrown over you and his legs tangled with yours. You loved seeing his sleepy morning smile and crazy bed head curls. You loved hearing his raspy morning voice and his grumbles as he awoke. You’d never get enough of it or him.
You rolled over this morning to find his eyes already on you; you smiled gently, bringing a hand up to push the curls off his forehead.
“Morning, baby,” he said, pulling you closer.
“Mmm, hi,” you whispered.
“Wish we could stay like this forever,” he said, leaning forward to kiss along your jawline.
You giggled as his hair brushed over your face, “unfortunately, we both have things to do.”
“Mmm yeah, stupid work,” he grunted, tucking into your neck, pressing a few kisses to your skin before mumbling, “stupid Tom.”
You laughed loudly at that, knowing he was just joking and he didn’t really think badly of his brother.
You giggled again, pulling his head up to kiss him for real. He held your kiss for a moment, before pulling away. He brushed his fingers against your skin under your shirt, just watching you for a moment. You giggled under his intense gaze.
“What time are your panels, darling?” he questioned gently.
You rattled off what you could remember before asking, “why?”
“Well I wanna come to as many as I can o’course! Maybe bring the guys with me just for fun.”
“Mmkay,” you giggled, before pulling him in for a few more slow kisses.
Before you knew it, your alarm was going off, “have to get up and get ready,” you said sadly.
“Me too. Was supposed to be at Tom’s half an hour ago,” he chuckled.
You slapped his chest lightly before rolling out of bed to get ready for the day.
He chuckled deeply, watching you fiddling around and getting your stuff together for a second before getting out of bed to do the same.
You weren’t really expecting anyone to bring Harry up today in your panel, but of course, three questions in, someone said something.
“Hi, um, my question is for Y/N,” the fan said timidly into the microphone.
“Hey, darling!” you cheered with a big smile, “what’s up?”
“Um, well I saw you posted a happy two years with Harry, and I was wondering why you picked him instead of Tom?”
Your face dropped instantly, lips curling down and eyes losing their sparkle. You stared blankly at the fan before asking, “are you serious?” in a low voice.
The fan just looked back at you, nodding only the slightest bit.
You took a deep breath, glancing at the ceiling before opening your mouth. You opened and closed it a few times, trying to figure out how to handle the situation.
“I know that the smart thing to do here would be to not answer that question, but I’m going to,” you breathed, “I’m going to answer it once and that’s that,” you said finally. “Let me start with this: I hate that question because it sounds like ‘why’d you settle for Harry when you could have had Tom?’” you paused, “it makes it seem like Harry is less than Tom and that is absolutely not true at all,” you took a break there, breathing deeply.
You noticed fans were beginning to chatter in the audience, pointing at the boys sitting in the front row. You noticed the look on Harry’s face and after that, all you could see was red.
“I don’t need you to point at them, guys, I know they’re there,” you spoke tenderly into the mic, chuckling a little bit so as not to scream.
You continued your answer, speaking slowly, “Tom and Harry are not one-in-the-same. They’re not interchangeable. They are two completely different people. Harry offers me things that no one else in the world ever could. He’s kind and smart and beautiful and confident and genuine and hardworking and so, so incredibly talented and one of the absolute greatest people you could ever surround yourself with,” your voice started to falter as you got choked up, almost crying from anger, “and not that Tom isn’t all of those things, but he’s not my Harry. Tom is great and one of my best friends in the world and I’m so grateful for that, but... I love Harry so much that it hurts,”
You took another break, glancing at the ceiling again to try and keep yourself from losing it, “and if anyone puts him down in front of me again, I’m absolutely going to lose my shit. So…” you trailed off, chuckling again, “so, in conclusion, they’re very different and while Tom is great, Harry is the best. Next question, please.”
You turned to face the fan on the other side of the audience, placing your mic in your lap and tossing your hair behind your shoulder. You took a deep breath, shaking off your anger, and looking at Harry in the audience again. His happy expression had returned now, his eyes brightening and a very small smile gracing his features. You gave him a tight lipped smile back mouthing, “I love you,” to him quickly.
He mouthed, “I love you more,” back, making your smile grow even wider.
TAGLIST:  @samhollandscupcake @spider-barnes @hogwartsmarvelmommy @tulipholland @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cupids-crystals @sunwardsss
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Never Enough | Owen Patrick Joyner
Request: Can you please write a piece with owen maybe a little angsty like she doesn’t think she’s good enough for him so she distanced herself from him but he catches on and reassures her 🥺
Author’s note: I absolutely sobbed writing this. I really did need a sad fic to cry it out today, so thanks for requesting this! I hope you like it :)
Pairing: Owen Joyner x reader
Warnings: Angst, anxiety, self-doubt, lots of crying 
Words: 3,275
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You had been feeling terrible the past few weeks. There was no reason at all to feel like this besides maybe your boyfriend, Owen, being in Vancouver filming for Julie and The Phantoms while you were still stuck in Norman, Oklahoma. But other than that, there was no reason for you to feel like this. And still, you felt like crap. It was almost as if something heavy was pressing down on your chest and you could just feel something was off. Something wasn’t right. 
You had called Owen a few times, in tears, sobbing about how terribly you felt and how everything just felt wrong. He comforted you as well as he could through a phone screen and sang you to sleep almost every night. But he still felt bad for leaving you behind in Oklahoma. That’s why he decided to book you a ticket to Vancouver, so you could come stay with him and Charlie, and join them on set. He knew you could take a few days off of work or do some stuff remotely, plus he was convinced it would really make you feel better. 
When the weekend finally came around, you packed your bags and hopped on a plane to Vancouver. You were finally going to see your boyfriend again after months of not seeing each other, and the thought alone made you feel a little better already. 
The second you spotted the mop of blonde hair, your heart leapt as did your feet in the run up to him. Launching yourself into his arms, you felt like you could finally breathe again. And with that exhale, came the tears again. 
“Why are you crying, Baby?” he mumbled into your hair as he held you as close to him as possible. You pushed yourself off him to look at his face and wipe away your tears, chuckling. 
“It’s happy tears, I promise. Just… I missed you so much,” you replied. Owen’s expression turned  from worried into endeared as he looked at  you. He grabbed your face in his hands, his thumbs helping you wipe away the tears. 
“Aw, I missed you too, Little One. Let’s get home now, shall we?” You nodded your head, and Owen’s hands dropped from your face, one trailing down to grab your hand, the other your suitcase. With hands intertwined, the two of you exited the airport and made your way to the car.
Though, there was still this gnawing feeling at the pit of your stomach, you knew it was going to get better the more time you’d spend with Owen. You pinned the anxious feeling you still had to the fact you needed more of Owen in your day after having spent so long without. 
“Here you go, Little One,” he said as he pushed the door to his and Charlie’s apartment open, letting you go inside first. With Owen trailing behind you, you stepped into the place, and were immediately met with a cinnamon-y scent. You grew more and more confused and curious as you walked further into the living room, finding Charlie in the open-plan kitchen, leaning his elbows on the counter as he scrolled through his phone. A light lit up the oven, showing a tray of cinnamon rolls baking, your very favorite. 
“Gorgeous, did you bake for me?” you asked, looking up at Owen. Your words made Charlie look up from his phone, a smile finding its way to his lips upon seeing you. 
“We did,” he corrected you while walking towards the two of you. “Welcome to Vancouver, y/n,” he greeted and took you in for a hug as Owen shut the door and took your suitcase into the living room. “How was your flight?” He pulled away from you and made his way to Owen with you. 
“Good, but can we not just glace over the fact that the two of you baked cinnamon rolls?!” You didn’t peg either of the boys to be bakers. You knew for a fact Owen wasn’t the greatest baker as the one time you baked together, he completely ruined the dough by adding egg whites to it when the eggs had to be seperated. 
“Charlie is actually a pretty decent baker,” Owen said with a smile and plopped down on the sofa, patting the space beside him. You inhaled deeply, the faint scent of burning reaching your nostrils. Trying your hardest to withhold a laugh, you turned to Charlie. 
“Right, that’s why they’re  nearly burning in the oven,” you said sarcastically. The panicked look on Charlie’s face was the best thing you’ve ever witnessed. His eyes grew wide before he sprinted to the kitchen, cursing and panicking, and getting the cinnamon rolls out. 
“They’re good! They’re good!” he shouted as he placed the tray onto the counter. “Wanna come and drizzle them with some of that white stuff?” You bit back a laugh at the innuendo before walking over to Charlie and helping him out with the royal icing. 
You could already feel the anxiety was slowly washing away. All you needed was these two himbos and a couple of cinnamon rolls, and you’d feel a million times better. 
The three of you spent that night, cuddled up on the sofa, eating cinnamon rolls, talking and watching a ton of movies together. It kind of felt like coming home in a way. Because Owen was your home. Even though you’d always thought it was kind of cliché when people said “home is in your arms” but you couldn’t deny that it was true. Home was in Owen’s arms with his heartbeat softly thumping against your cheek as you laid on his chest. 
Owen had been your boyfriend since the seventh grade. You’d been friends before that since you lived on the same street and went to the same school. You remembered the first day of seeing him move in a few houses down in the calm cul-de-sac you lived in. Ever since that day, the calm cul-de-sac wasn’t quite as calm anymore. He’d always ask for you to come and play with him whenever he was bored -- which was a lot, and, when you got older that kindly asking to come and play, turned into calling you in the middle of the night to sneak out and go on an adventure with him. 
He never really asked you out. At your thirteenth birthday party, when everyone had left and Owen was allowed to stay over, he just kind of kissed you on the lips and told you he liked you. That’s how you kind of established you were boyfriend and girlfriend, which sounded hilarious to you when you remembered it later. 
When Owen went off to L.A. to pursue his acting career, you’d kind of broke up, thinking it would be easier that way, but when you turned seventeen and he came back to Norman, OK for a while, the both of you realized you were actually in love with each other. It wasn’t that cute Middle School crush anymore. And now, you were still very much in love at 19 years old. You just knew this was going to be it. This is the guy you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Owen was peak husband material. 
Owen and Charlie took you to set the next day. You had already met all of them when you came to visit him at bootcamp in the summer. Unlike what you expected, everyone remembered you and was happy to see you again. 
“We should all go to dinner together tonight!” Savannah exclaimed excitedly. She was the first one you met years ago when Owen was on the Nickelodeon show Knight Squad. You immediately clicked with the bubbly personality that is Savannah Lee May. You just loved how she came bouncing up to you when you visited them on set to introduce herself. Add to that the utter beauty and kind-heartedness, and you’ve got yourself a new best friend. The two of you FaceTimed regularly and texted daily, it almost made Owen jealous. 
But  now that you were seeing him on set with all these amazingly talented people that became his best friends, you were getting slightly jealous. Not the ‘one of you is going to steal my boyfriend away’, but the gnawing jealousy when you realize he’s built up this entire new life outside of Norman, outside of you. Even if you weren’t here, he’d still be this happy. 
You wished you could shake the anxiety over the jealous feeling in your stomach, but you were unable to. All day long, you trailed behind the group, absently laughing along whenever the others did and just watching from the sidelines as Owen interacted with all these people. Even at dinner, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
Owen started to notice how you’d quieted down during the day, and at dinner, he leaned into  you and asked, “Hey, you okay, Little One?” in your ear. Chills ran down your spine at his hot breath blowing in your hair. 
“Yeah, just a little tired, is all,” you replied and offered him a half-hearted smile. It didn’t convince Owen at all, but decided not to ask any further. Your relationship had always been built up of open communication and mutual trust. So, now he had to trust you would talk to him if something was really bothering you. But how do you tell someone you hate seeing him have a life beside you. That’s just plain selfish. 
The next day, you decided to stay at the apartment instead of going to work with Owen. You had a few mails to catch up on and could keep up with some work here, anyway. Though you knew you weren’t going to do much of that. 
“You sure you don’t wanna come?” Owen asked once more as you were settled on the couch with your laptop in your lap, ready to pretend to work. As you looked up at him, he was pouting and had a worried expression on his face. You were certain he knew work wasn’t the only reason you wanted to stay home for the day. 
“Yeah, there’s just a few things I need to do,” you lied, shooting him your most convincing smile. Charlie and Owen exchanged glances, both of them knowing you weren’t being 100% truthful. The latter sighed deeply before making his way towards you and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Have a good day at work, Gorgeous,” you said to him with all the excitement you could muster up to sound convincing. 
“Yeah, you too, Little One,” he mumbled and left the living room. 
“Goodbye, y/n!” Charlie shouted with a wave while Owen ushered him out the door. A small smile fought his way to your lips at the interaction between the two. They really were the best of friends. 
“Bye, Charlie!” you shouted back. 
The silence fell over the apartment as well as a heavy weight on your shoulders. You felt terrible for feeling this way. You knew you should be happy for Owen that he had so many amazing friends around him and that he loved his work so much. But you couldn’t help but feel sad about it too. The more he integrated here in Vancouver with all these amazing people, the more he let go of Norman, Oklahoma. The more he let go of you. 
Tears pricked in your eyes as the thoughts raced through your mind. You could keep them at bay for a while until the image of Owen laughing at something Madi had said flooded your mind and pushed the tears out. You placed your laptop on the coffee table and grabbed a pillow, hugging it close to you as sobs raked through your body. There was no good reason for you to feel this way, but you still did. You felt bad for feeling this jealous of friends of Owen, of your friends. It truly just felt like he was letting go of you and his life in Norman, and you didn’t know how to handle that. You didn’t know how to handle losing someone you’ve had in your life for such a long time. 
By the time the boys came home, you had stopped crying and were half paying attention to a movie you’d found on Netflix. None of the work you actually did want to do had been done, and you’d even forgotten to eat. Which you only realized when the aromatic smell of pizza filled up the apartment. 
“Hey, Gorgeous,” Owen greeted as he walked into the living room. When his eyes fell on the little ball of a mess you were, his demeanor changed entirely. He went from somewhat cheerful into full-blown concern. “Are you alright?” he asked, placing the boxes of pizza on the dining table before walking up to you. You sat up from your previously sprawled out position at once, your heart breaking as a million thoughts flew through your mind. You were upset with him for building up something incredibly for himself beside you, and even more upset at yourself because you were upset at him. 
“Don’t,” you snapped curtly, holding your hand up, “Take another step because I will break.” Owen swallowed visibly as he froze in the middle of the living room. He stuttered and stumbled over words of confusion and worry. “I can’t do this anymore, Owen.” You rubbed your hands over your face before looking up at him again. The look on his face screamed confusion. He had no clue what he’d done wrong or what had happened for you to suddenly think that. 
“What are you talking about, y/n?” His voice cracked as he choked back tears, breaking your heart even more. You hated yourself for feeling this way, but you just couldn’t handle it. You didn’t know how to handle it. 
“You, having a life I don’t belong in…”  The words came out in a whisper. You barely even dared to speak your thoughts out loud. You were very aware that this was all crazy talk, but this was the only way to save the relationship from becoming toxic. 
“What do you mean, Little One? You do belong in my life, I--” He shut up when you held your hand up to make him stop before you got up from the couch and walked towards the bedroom you’d shared with him for the past two nights. The place you’d fallen asleep in, feeling so safe and happy. Now it just felt cold and daunting.
“I’ve booked a ticket back home,” you choked on fresh tears as you walked into the bedroom. Owen’s loud voice bouncing off the walls made you stop in the doorway, your heart pounding loudly in your chest as you listened but didn’t look at him. 
“No! No, y/n! You don’t get to just walk away without properly explaining what I’ve done wrong!” You waited a few beats after the last words had rolled off his lips, gathering all your courage before turning around to face him. You regretted that action immediately as the first thing you saw were the hot tears rolling over Owen’s cheeks. 
“Look at your life, Owen. You got all these friends and an amazing job in a completely different country and I can’t help but feel left out, like I’ll never be enough. I feel like you’ve built this entire life away from Norman, Oklahoma. Away from me. And I know -- I know I shouldn’t feel like this and I hate myself for feeling like this but I can’t…” you took a shaky breath, “I just can’t pretend I don’t feel it and I can’t pretend for the sake of our relationship -- for your sake -- that I don’t feel it. I just, I can’t, Owen…” 
Owen grew completely silent at your words, his heart slowing down as it broke. He thought he had everything in life. The perfect job, the perfect friends, the perfect significant other. And now everything just seemed to crumble down right in front of him. It just all seemed so perfectly balanced out with you being friends with his friends. He was completely mistaken. He knew something was wrong when you’d distanced yourself so much the day before and why you didn’t come with them to work. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered before turning around again to grab your stuff, but once again, you were stopped. Not by his voice this time, but by his hand grabbing your wrist and forcing you  to turn around.
“Please, y/n, don’t do this,” he whispered, his voice cracking ever so softly. Tears clouded your vision as you looked at him apologetically. “No, baby, no, please don’t do this. I can’t-- I can’t live without you. It’s because of you I managed to come this far with this job. It’s thanks to you I even dared to do this audition because you believed in me. I wouldn’t have even tried for Alex if it wasn’t for you encouraging me. Please, baby. Everyone in the cast and crew loves you, y/n, I promise you. Charlie told me earlier he wanted to ask you to live with us,” you looked up at Charlie, who had retreated in the kitchen, chewing on a slice of pizza as he listened with tears glistening in his eyes. “Savannah has loved you since you met when we did Knight Squad. Madi and Jadah see you as a big sister, and Jeremy just loves joking around with you,... They all love you so, so much, baby. Kenny! Kenny even asked where you were today.” Owen sniffled before taking another deep breath. “I can’t do this without you, y/n, please, don’t leave me. I love you so, so much.” The both of you dissolved into sobs as he sunk onto the floor on his knees, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head against your stomach. He pleaded and begged, and your heart broke into a thousand pieces seeing him like this. 
“Please, y/n,” you suddenly heard from the kitchen. When you looked up, you found Charlie walking closer with tears running down his cheeks. “Just stay… You belong here. With Owen, with all of us. We love you so much, we don’t want you to leave, ever.” Another sob raked through your body as fresh tears escaped your eyes. You finally let your hands fall on Owen’s head before kneeling down in front of him, your hands sliding down to his cheeks. 
“I am sorry for feeling this way, Owen, I--I love you so much,” you whispered, sniffling. Owen searched your eyes for an answer. He wasn’t sure if this was goodbye or not. “I feel so stupid for feeling this way, I should’ve just told you I was doubting myself, for doubting us. I am so, so, so sorry.” A soft smile lit up his entire face as more tears rolled down. 
“I love you so much, y/n. Please, don’t ever leave me,” he cried and buried his face into your neck as he hugged you tightly. You pushed him off you gently and cupped his face before pressing your lips to his in a passionate, kind of salty from the tears, kiss. 
“I love you so much, Gorgeous,” you whispered and kissed him again. 
For the first time in weeks, you felt okay again. Completely and utterly okay. Nothing could ever stop you from loving this man. Nothing could ever take you away from him. This was for forever. You and him. Forever.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon @caitsymichelle13 @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15 @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost
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I Used To Call You Home - Isaac Lahey x Reader
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Summary: Isaac comes back from France after two years after leaving without saying a word. (Requested by anon: Could I have a teen wolf Isaac Lacey imagine where he comes back from France? It’s angsty but has a happy ending)
Word Count: 2660
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing (what else is new)
a/n: hi! sorry this took so long, thanks for sending in the request anon! if i’m being completely honest i kinda like the title more than i like the actual fic (oops). but hopefully you like it and i did it justice! as always, please message me if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
It was the last day of y/n’s first semester of college. It had gone by in a blur, really. The pack, y/n included, had still been recovering from everything that had happened with the hunters back in Beacon Hills, so to say her mind was elsewhere at the beginning of the semester was an understatement. She had finished all of her finals the day before so technically she could have already gone back to Beacon Hills, but given that her family all but disowned her when they found out she hung around with the “freaks” of the town, she wasn’t exactly eager to go home. When Scott’s mom found out that y/n was planning on staying on campus for the break she graciously invited the y/h/c to stay with them for the holidays. While y/n was looking forward to spending time with her found family, she found that now, with her classes over and almost a month of nothing ahead of her, she had more time to think about things than she’d like. 
Despite her efforts, her thoughts always wandered back to him. The one that got away. If one could even call it that, technically they were never together. But that didn’t mean it hurt any less - in fact, maybe it made it hurt more - when he left without so much as a goodbye. y/n was packing up the last of her clothes for the break when her phone rang. When she saw the name, she could’ve sworn that her heart dropped through the floor. 
She almost didn’t answer. She would’ve been smart not to, considering all the pain he caused her. But something inside her - the part that still loved him with every fiber of her being - told her to pick up the phone. The line was silent for a moment before she worked up the courage to say something.
“Hello?” y/n began timidly. Another beat of silence passed and she wondered if he’d called her by mistake. Or worse, as a joke. She heard him clear his throat and she let out a silent gasp as he answered.
“Hi… I’m… I’m at the airport, could you come pick me up?” Isaac said shyly. y/n could’ve been knocked over with a feather in her state of shock. He’s here. He’s in California. He’s home. On his end of the line, Isaac was almost sure that she’d hung up on him based on the lengthy silence that followed after he spoke. Though she couldn’t see him y/n knew that he was scratching the back of his neck, the way he always did when he was unsure or nervous. Before she could give herself a chance to be bitter, to be sad and resentful, to leave him hanging just like he did to her, she said yes. She was almost as shocked by her answer as Isaac was. 
“Okay… um, yeah, I’ll be there soon. Give me like 45 minutes?” she stumbled over her words as she pressed her phone between her ear and shoulder while rushing around her room to pack the last things she’d need while back in Beacon Hills.
“Great, no rush. I can’t wait to see you, y/n,” Isaac smiled warmly before hanging up the phone. y/n stood still in the middle of her room, surrounded by sweaters and leggings with her mouth wide open. I can’t wait to see you, she repeated in her head. 
“Fuck me,” she murmured under her breath as she shoved the last few items in her bag. “So much for moving on,” she muttered to herself, shutting and locking her door behind her as she left.
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The drive to the airport from y/n’s college campus really wasn’t too far, much to her dismay. Sure, she was eager to see Isaac, but she was definitely not looking forward to confronting the feelings she’d been avoiding for years. As she pulled off the interstate she had to remind herself that they’d been friends since they were in middle school. They knew each other like the back of their hands. Well, they used to know each other anyways. She reminded herself that he always had her back and she always had his. Until of course, he left. No matter what she thought about, it always seemed to come back to that. He left home. He left the pack. He left her. There were some days it made her so angry that she could cry - so she did - but today it was more of a low simmer with the potential to burst at any moment. 
The moment y/n pulled up to the terminal it all seemed to fade away. The hurt, the anger, the sadness, gone. Just like that. It didn’t take long after she parked to find him in the crowd. Her blue-eyed, six-foot-two scarf-wearing best friend stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd of shorter travelers. Her breath hitched in her throat when they locked eyes through the window. As far as she was concerned, the rest of the world ceased to exist in that moment because all she could see was Isaac striding towards her car with multiple bags in hand. She snapped out of her daze and nearly tripped over her feet as she rounded the car to greet him and help him with his things. 
Before she could say anything Isaac haphazardly dropped his bags on the ground, the safety of his belongings be damned, and wrapped his arms around her in a tight bear hug. A million scenarios had gone through y/n’s mind on the ride over but this was not one of them. Isaac buried his face deeper into her neck as y/n finally came out of her state of shock and returned the hug.
“I missed you so much,” he whispered quietly. His breath was warm, much warmer than the uncharacteristically frigid December night, and it sent a warm tingle down her spine. I missed you so much. God, she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. She was convinced it had to be a joke, this whole thing was playing out as if she hadn’t spent an entire year putting the pieces he’d left her in back together. The worst part was that she knew him leaving had nothing to do with her. He had never meant to hurt her and she knew it would kill him if he knew how badly he did. But, she decided, that was a conversation for when she wasn’t dangerously close to getting a parking ticket for being in the terminal pick-up for too long.
“I missed you too,” y/n replied with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Isaac was instantly able to tell something was bothering her.
“Hey,” he said with a concerned smile on his face. “What’s the matter?” He genuinely cared, y/n could tell that much. She would’ve felt bad lying to him if she knew she’d get away with it, but she knew he’d be able to tell the moment the words left her lips.
“I’m fine,” she replied with her lips pressed into a thin line and an expression that Isaac couldn’t quite read. He knew something was up, but he also knew y/n. The last thing she would want is to talk about whatever was bothering her in public, so he squeezed her arm gently before effortlessly picking up all three of his suitcases simultaneously to load them in the back of her car. They were quiet for the first few minutes of the drive and a silent understanding passed between them. A lot has changed. The silence remained until Isaac glanced away from the yellow street lights reflecting off the pavement to look at y/n. She’d grown a lot in the time since he’d last seen her; her hair was darker, the bags under her eyes had faded to a lighter color and her skin was clearer. He was almost too wrapped up in rememorizing her features that he didn’t see a small tear slip down her cheek, followed by another, this one larger and faster. Almost.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked, worry etched all over his face as he gently placed a hand on her arm. If she was being completely honest, y/n hadn’t even realized she’d let the tears slip out until he said something. She glanced in the rear view mirror before quickly rubbing her face with the sleeve of her oversized sweatshirt.
“What? Nothing. I’m fine,” she managed to say without her voice cracking. A small sniffle escaped but she never looked away from the road. At first Isaac was patient, he really tried to be anyway. He realized that after nearly two years of radio silence he didn’t have much of a right to come back and act like nothing had changed. But every being - supernatural or not - has their limits, so when y/n lied about her feelings for at least the second time that night, Isaac got tired of being patient.
“Pull over,” he ordered gently, looking at her expectantly and drumming his fingers on his thigh.
“What? No, I wanna get back ho- to Beacon Hills by a decent time,” she answered, only tearing her eyes away from the highway momentarily to try to read his face. He didn’t miss the way that she avoided calling Beacon Hills ‘home’ and that spurred him on even more.
“y/n, pull over, Please,” Isaac pleaded. y/n, who was really not in the mood to unpack her feelings this late at night, almost said no again. When she took in the soft look in his eyes though, she melted. Just like old times. She pulled off at the next exit and parked in the nearest well-lit area. The place was so quiet that it reminded her of a ghost town. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of the pack’s encounter with the ghost riders. Boy, did they have a lot to catch him up on. They sat in silence again for a moment as y/n was nervously wringing her hands together in her lap while Isaac studied her face.
“What’s bothering you? Seriously? Do you know how much it kills me when you’re hurting?” he asked sincerely. y/n let out a small chuckle at that. If only he knew. She thought about deflecting again but she knew that would accomplish nothing and he’d keep them there until the early hours of the morning if she didn’t tell him what was on her mind.
“Why didn’t you say anything,” y/n murmured in a small voice. A beat of silence passed before she continued again. “I know why you left, I get that. I know you were hurting after Allison died. Hell, we all were,” y/n took long pauses every now and then and Isaac gave her all the time she needed. “I… fuck, Isaac, I don’t know how I’m supposed to tell you this,” her voice getting louder and gaining momentum with each word. Here goes nothing.
“I- I loved you, okay? I loved you and you just left without a single goodbye. I was stuck picking up the pieces of myself for almost a year and loving someone who was gone. I lost my best friend,” she rushed out before she lost the courage to say it all. “I still love you,” she whispered quietly. y/n refused to look towards her used-to-be best friend after her confession. She started to regret the words the minute she was enveloped in the silence that followed. Loved. Love. I still love you. The words rolled around in Isaac’s mind for a few moments. When they’d finally registered he lunged towards her, narrowly missing the center console as he gently grabbed her face and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. y/n honestly thought that he was going to get out of the car and walk back to Beacon Hills after her admission, so when he kissed her like he’d been waiting to for years she let out a surprised gasp and sat frozen for a moment. When she finally snapped out of her daze she returned the kiss with a newfound fervor as she threaded her fingers through his brown locks.
The pair only broke apart when their lungs were screaming for air, and by then the car windows had managed to fog up a little. y/n smiled sheepishly at Isaac, who wore a grin big enough to crack his face in two. She looked down to her lap shyly as she chuckled.
“So…” she trailed off, a little bit lost for words.
“So…” Isaac mimicked, a playful look in his eyes as a smirk danced across his face. y/n rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his arm. 
“Be nice to me, I could’ve let your ass freeze outside the airport,” she retorted, followed by a very mature display of sticking her tongue out at him.
“Oh, I think I was very nice to you,” Isaac wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. y/n groaned but nonetheless smiled at his boyish nature. The two years apart hadn’t harmed his sense of humor and y/n was grateful for that, maybe just as grateful as she was to have him back home. A few short but sweet kisses were exchanged before y/n drove back towards the highway. It wasn’t until they were nearing the exit leading to Beacon Hills that y/n realized she didn’t know where she was taking Isaac. 
“Hey, umm, where are you staying?” she asked as she flicked on her blinker before merging into the right lane. Isaac looked at her like she’d grown two heads.
“With you, to Scott’s place,” he answered, confusion written all over his face. y/n’s jaw dropped and she tried her hardest to keep from swerving off the road.
“So they knew you were coming! And they conveniently forgot to tell me! And you conveniently needed me to pick you up from the airport! What the hell?!” she ranted. Truly, y/n was far too giddy from their earlier kiss to be angry with her friends, but the little plot they had orchestrated definitely had her brainstorming ways to get back at them. Even though Isaac was unaware that the pack had kept y/n in the dark, he found her outburst a bit amusing. During the remainder of the drive to the McCall house they alternated between playful bickering and laughing at each other’s stories from the past two years.
When y/n and Isaac pulled into the driveway they sat there for a moment, basking in the warm feeling of each other's presence. The air between them was quiet for a moment before Isaac broke the silence.
“You know, there’s something I meant to say earlier,” he began as he slowly leaned toward her.
“And what would that be?” y/n asked playfully as her eyes danced around his face.
“I love you too,” he murmured sweetly before pressing his lips against hers. Joy swelled in y/n’s chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. After they pulled away y/n nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Scott, Stiles, and Lydia standing only a few feet away from the front of her car. Both of the boys wore knowing smirks and Lydia was swatting Stiles’s arm.
“I knew it! I knew it!” the red head squealed. Isaac chuckled as y/n’s cheeks began to burn bright red. She buried her face in his chest and he rested his chin atop her head, pressing a gentle kiss to her hair.
“I think this might have been part of their plan, too,” he whispered with a smirk.
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a/n: if you saw me using italics 534988 times in this post, no u didn’t ❤
join my tag list!
tag list: @linkpk88​ 
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kyoomiii · 4 years
♡ Realizing you’re growing up [hcs]
- ✎ characters ❝ iwaizumi, oikawa, and ushijima ❞
- [ trigger warning(s): none other than maybe one curse word ]
- ⚘ genre ❝ fluff, angst (i suppose it’s more bittersweet than angsty) ❞
❝ dedicated to some wonderful third years... σ(≧ ~ ≦ o) ❞
-kyo  ♡
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It hit you the moment he began looking at colleges. Watching over his shoulder as he gathered information on what he might want to do in the next coming months, because this was it. Your last year of high school, and the beginning of your adulthood.
And you don’t know when, but eventually it begins to settle in for him too. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s considering leaving Japan, or the fact that he realizes that the school year was coming to an end, but the feeling lingers in the air as it strikes him that he really is almost an adult.
After the epiphany he keeps you close, shyly holding you more because you can both feel it slipping despite still being young.
And you’re right, because one day at lunch with just the two of you Oikawa was probably off doing who knows what he blurts it out, the look in his eyes almost guilty.
“I decided I want to go to Irvine California to study sports science- and hopefully, work with Takashi Utsui…”
The words set a pit in your stomach, your appetite suddenly lost as you look up at Iwaizumi who awaits what you have to say. So you try your best to muster the biggest smile you can, grasping his hand and placing a kiss to his knuckles which send a flare of red to his cheeks.
“Hajime, if that’s what you want to do with your life then who am I to stop you?”
“How did I ever get so lucky to have found someone like you y/n…”
His eyes are shining with happiness as he pulls you into a warm hug, despite being a boy with rough edges, Iwaizumi is incredibly gentle when it comes to showing you affection. He’ll litter your skin in soft butterfly kisses as his heart flutters with joy.
But it only lasts a moment as the conclusion he tried so hard to avoid comes to mind, easily overwhelming his heart.
“So this means…”
“Please don’t say it Haji, I know…”
A silence falls over the two of you as you lay in each other’s arms, basking in the warmth of one another as you try to remember every detail of this feeling of unconditional love.
“I change my mind- I can’t leave you…”
“Hajime, no… Don’t give up what you want to do just for me, I refuse to hold you back.”
“So then what are we gonna do?”
“-I don’t know.”
Every moment from here on is precious. He holds onto it so tightly with every sundown and sunrise, never once staying away from you too long in fear that you’d slip through his fingers without him even noticing.
He begins to ease up on Oikawa too, his insults and attacks becoming less harmful as he recognizes that these may be the last in person interactions he has with his best friend for a long while- especially since Oikawa plans on leaving the country too.
Everything is moving so fast, it felt like just yesterday he and Oikawa entered the Aoba Johsai gymnasium, introducing themselves as first years, and stating their dreams of going to nationals.
But the blindfold is slowly lifted as he glances around the airport, his grip on your hand tight as his thumb caresses your skin. This is it… The gate to adulthood.
“I’m going to miss you y/n- you too Trashykawa.”
“Wow Iwa-chan i’m touched.”
“Don’t worry about us Hajime.”
He can’t help it though, as he gazes at both you and Oikawa with the most loving eyes, even if it did look like he was glaring at the two of you from someone else’s perspective.
“Hey… Thank you, for the past few years. They were truly something special.”
“Don’t get sappy on me now Iwa-chan! *THWACK* Owie...”
His attention turns to you, as he takes a step forward. His lips place a gentle kiss on your own.
“They say that if it’s meant to be that it will happen. I love you y/n, and I always will, no matter what, and there’s no doubt in my heart that we’ll be okay.”
“Hajime… I love you too. You’ll always be the one I love the most no matter what.”
He gives you one last peck to your forehead before turning back to his luggage.
Your stomach sinks as you watch him leave… Growing up is learning how to let go, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.
“Ew… Tooru, you’re getting snot everywhere.”
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As the ball bounces off of Oikawa’s arms before dropping to the floor, you feel your heart drop. Your body tensing as the gymnasium suddenly falls quiet. The daunting sound of the ball bouncing across the wooden floor echoing throughout the silent space before the sudden roar of cheers erupt from the stands and the opposing team. 
The memory plays in your head, repeating over and over, even as you hold his hand walking side by side surrounded by his boisterous teammates. The mood is light, but your heart is heavy as you walk with the other third years. Nevertheless you try, putting on your brightest smile for the younger members.
However despite all of your efforts you can see it in their eyes- they know, but even so they don’t pry, even as you and the rest of the third years depart.
Oikawa’s grip on your hand tightens once it’s just the third years, the tension in his hold doesn’t go unnoticed by you as you gently squeeze back.
He and Iwaizumi bicker as usual, something you’d miss seeing on a daily despite the fact that it annoyed you to no end, and judging by the looks in Matsun’s and Maki’s eyes, they’d agree, watching nonchalantly as Iwaizumi easily throws your boyfriend from your grasp.
“What are they competing about?”
“The usual.”
“I guess that’s what happens when you’re dumb…”
“So mean y/n-chan!”
“Oi you better watch it!”
And despite the heavy feeling in your heart, you laugh wholeheartedly as Iwaizumi playfully glares at the three of you or at least you assumed he was being playful
The group comes to a stop, the surrounding all too familiar, from the building, the landscape… Your precious memories are stored here in this one building that in your first year you’d call hell.
“Weren’t we heading home?”
“I think… In a way we are home Matsun..”
No one could agree with you more. Over the past three years this building, the gym, and the people within it have become your home. 
The boys, having decided to play for a while, set up the court. The familiar sound of shoes squeaking against the flooring fills the gym as all the third years scurry about.
“Shit, the ramen, I’m gonna puke.”
“You guys are like children...((( ̄へ ̄井)”
“Especially you Tooru.”
“y/n-channn ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚”
But just like your time here, their session draws to an end as the sun disappears beyond the horizon. They begin cleaning up everything they set out, and as Oikawa jogs up to you for his water bottle you can see it in his eyes, he felt it too…
“Go easy on them Tooru.”
With a gentle kiss to your forehead he nods, quickly taking a sip of his water before turning back to his team.
“Everyone… Can I have your attention for a sec?”
Maki seems to notice the sullen look on your face as he quickly holds his hand out.
“Oi! Knock it off! We’re going out of our way to finish things on a high note, let’s just end this peacefully- “
“Shut up!- Thank you! For the past three years.”
His words begin to sink in, the atmosphere all of you tried so hard to put up suddenly comes crumbling down as Oikawa’s shoulder’s begin to shake, tears streaming down his face. The quiet sobs of the third years following suit along with your own as you watch them from a distance… This was it.
Even as you say your heartfelt goodbyes, despite seeing each other in the morning tomorrow, you can’t help but feel your heart clench. Especially as you and Oikawa bid Iwaizumi a goodnight, leaving just the two of you alone.
“I told you to take it easy on them Tooru.”
But he knows that it was more meant for you than anyone else as he brings you into an embrace, his grip tight as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. The worries of the future suddenly lifting at his touch.
“No matter what happens in the future y/n… My heart will always follow you.”
“I love you Oikawa Tooru.”
“I love you too.”
The end doesn’t always mean goodbye…
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After years of hard work and development you watch from the sidelines as the last practice draws to a close.
Third years standing apart from the first and second years as they say their final words of encouragement. And it begins to sink in for you that this really is it. Shiratorizawa, your home since Junior High would no longer be yours after this year. 
And to think, that at the end of your journey here, someone else's begins. The feeling is bittersweet as you say your goodbyes, a pang to your heart as you watch Goshiki cry once more.
You knew this day would come eventually, after all moments like this always come to an end. It’s made painfully clear as you glance around Ushijima’s dorm room. He had always been clean, but the sight of boxes and the bare walls make you uneasy, there are no traces of Tendou’s knick knacks, no doodles on the desks from when either you or the redhead get bored.
It’s almost like no one was ever here, as if some of your most precious memories didn’t make a mark in this tiny room.
Your mind is racing, jumping between past memories and the unknown future. The thought keeps you awake into the late hours of the night, and not even the soothing warmth of the boy next to you can set you at ease.
Ushijima is a light sleeper, it’s been that way since he was a boy, so despite the fact that you are not particularly loud the mere shift of restless movement from you has his dark olive eyes groggily opening. His face is ever so stoic, but his eyes gleam in concern as he looks at you.
He was never one for much affection, even in the confinements of his own room, but nonetheless he embraces your body, pulling you close as he rests his face against the top of your head.
“What’s wrong?”
And for a moment you find it hard to speak, your voice caught in your throat despite his gentle thoughtful touches
“Toshi… Do you ever think of growing up? Or the fact that our time at Shiratorizawa is coming to an end?”
Once again silence falls between the two of you. The only sound being that of Tendou’s soft snores from the top bunk.
“It’s a natural process of life y/n. Everyone grows up.”
“But it’ll be so different don’t you think? We’re going to be adults…This place will only be a distant memory.”
An unfamiliar feeling of worry engulfs your being.
“This won’t be our home anymore…”
Ushijima’s hold suddenly tightens, it’s hardly noticeable, hidden by the darkness of the room, but his eyes soften.
“y/n you are my home, just as I am yours. I will always be here.”
His words bring a sense of peace to your heart, they are fleeting and short, but they linger with you throughout the night, blooming with warmth as he holds you close. He has always been a constant in your life, and a constant he will remain.
“Thank you Toshi…I love you”
You almost miss it, the faint whisper of his voice 
“I love you too y/n”
Perhaps everything will be alright… Growing up means starting new chapters, not tearing out old ones.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Chapter 3: Home Is Where The Heart Is
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Part 3 of the “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” Series
Word Count: 10K
Genre: Angsty Angst (This chapter is actually the saddest one of the five chapters but don’t worry, it gets better soon)
Summary: Distance makes the heart grow fonder—or does it?
A/N: Hey guys! So this part sounded better in my head(it’s kind of all over the place) but so is my life hahahaha please enjoy! (Italics are past tense but I bet y’all already knew that)
“I’m sorry, but the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please try again later—“ 
The frustrated groan that fell from your lips was expected. This was the sixth time you tried to get in contact with your boyfriend tonight but all your attempts went straight to voicemail. You knew being in a long distance relationship was going to be difficult; not having Mark around anymore was driving you to the brink of insanity more and more each day. 
It didn’t help that there was a seven hour time difference between the two of you. When he would be waking up, you were in the middle of class and if you were about to go to sleep, he was getting ready to go to soccer practice. As much as you tried to make sure that Mark heading off to college wasn’t going to affect your relationship in any way, there was only so much you could do to stop yourself from worrying about what the future really held for the two of you. 
From the beginning of your relationship up until now, you and Mark experience distance on multiple occasions. However, the twenty-minute distance between your elementary school and his middle school was nothing compared to being stuck in California while he went off to study at New York University. 
You remembered the day he found out he was accepted like it was yesterday. Not only was Mark extremely talented in almost every single sport any college had to offer, but the grades he maintained all throughout his high school career was unbelievable. It was only natural for all these colleges to reach out to him; offering many different kinds of scholarships and even full rides to some of the universities Mark could only dream of being able to attend. 
When you were younger, the older boy would always fantasize about traveling to New York. He would watch all kinds of shows, documentaries and anything kind of tour program that the travel channel had to offer. At the time, you thought it was extremely adorable. Any time Mark seemed very passionate about something never failed to pull on your heartstrings. But when the many acceptance letters began coming in the mail, you wanted nothing more than to rip them all up. 
You’d be lying if you said the breathtaking grin on his face each time he opened up one of the letters didn’t make you happy yourself. You were extremely proud of Mark for being able to excel in almost every single thing that he put his heart in to. To this day, it boggled your mind at the idea of how perfect he genuinely was. There was not one letter of rejection and it wasn’t shocking to you. Mark was the kind of student athlete every school wish they could have. 
He had acceptance letters from almost every university in California and you tried to indirectly hint towards wanting him to choose from one of them. At the same time, you forced yourself to accept whatever it was that he wanted. After all, it was his life—his future. You were being selfish for wanting to get in the way of that. Unfortunately, everything you’ve been worried about since you’ve realized Mark was going away for college at the beginning of your sophomore seemed to come true. 
Fights began to occur whether you liked it or not. Deep down, you knew it was harder for him because he was thousands of miles away from his friends, his family and his favorite person—but that was his choice. His schedule and your schedule tended to collide. You were both extremely busy at the same time and it was evident that making time for one another was harder than you both thought it would be. 
He called you every single day for the first month that he got settled in and he never failed to mention just how much he hated it. The campus was huge; your parents allowed you to go up with him and his family to explore New York City together while helping him set up his dorm. It was honestly one of the best experiences in your entire life. Just like Mark, you’ve always dreamt about traveling the world and the longer you two were dating, all you ever really wanted to do was experience going on trips all around the world with him. 
For the most part of the trip, the Tuan family had an itinerary of what they wanted to do while in New York but they did give you and Mark some free time to do whatever it was that your hearts desired. You found yourself at Central Park having a cute little picnic that he planned out prior to landing in New York and he also took you to the skating rink in the middle of Times Square. Watching him fall on his ass multiple times made you come to the realization that maybe Mark wasn’t perfect at everything—but that didn’t matter. He was still flawless in your eyes; and it was one less activity for you to get jealous over. 
The days seemed to fly by to both his and your dismay and soon, you and his family were just hours away from heading back to California. You deemed yourself old enough to say that leaving Mark had to be the hardest thing you have ever done so far in your entire life. You’ve never seen him cry so much before and you didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. 
Sure, the idea of not having his family around really upset him; but the fact that he was no longer going to be able to see that breathtakingly beautiful smile of yours—nor would he get to hear your contagious in person really broke his heart. If it were up to him, he would’ve held you captive and prevented you from going on that six-hour plane ride home. His grip on your hand as you all drove over to the airport was tight while his face was hidden in the crook of your neck. 
“Fuck—I made a mistake didn’t I?” 
You gently pulled him away from your nape in order to look at him and you could’ve sworn you’ve never felt a pain in your chest like you did when you saw his eyes so swollen and red from all the tears he cried. Out of force of habit, you cupped both his cheeks and tried to give him the best fake smile you ever put on before. 
“No, you didn’t make any mistake babe. If anything, this decision had to be one of the best ones you’ve made so far. Four years will be over before you know it. Trust me, you’ll be over the moon when you finally become a successful engineer and you’ll learn that it was all worth it.”
“Will it be worth it though? Leaving you—no longer physically being with you. Not being able to kiss these pretty lips of yours, not being able to hold you as much as I want to, not getting to hold these dainty little fingers of yours that seem to fit mind so effortlessly; like they were made for me. God y/n, I’m going to miss you so fucking much. I don’t think I can do this. I can’t live without you.” 
The tears were practically burning at your eyelids. Then don’t. You wanted nothing more than for him to change his mind and those two little words were on the tip of your tongue—but it was too late. He was already registered; he had a jersey for all three sports teams he was going to be a part of. His dorm was filled with all his items—this was going to be his home for the next four years and you just had to accept it for what it was. 
“This is your future Mark—“
“You’re my future baby. All I want—all I could ever need, for the rest of my life is you y/n. I’ve known it since I was seven years old and I’ll know it when we’re eighty. Promise me, we’ll be okay. Please. I know it’ll be hard; missing you is probably the only thing really fucking me over right now. I can’t promise you that things are going to stay the same between us as much as I would hope it could, but don’t give up on me. Okay? I love you y/n, more than I could ever fathom in to words. We’re going to be okay.” 
His words from that night came back like a slap to the face. It was like they were taunting you. The two of you were definitely not okay. Although his college experience was off to a rough start, things seemed to fall in to place for your boyfriend during the second month. When football season began, he had something to do to take his mind off of how much his heart was longing to be with you. 
You felt at ease knowing that he was finally getting used to being so far away and that he was actually enjoying his college escapades. He informed you on all the new friends he was making, how practices were longer and more grueling, how the campus food was nothing compared to his mom’s cooking and how people in New York would walk like they were on steroids. 
If only you could say you were having as much of a fun time with school as he was. Junior year wasn’t all that you thought it would be—but you also blamed yourself for your disinterest in anything that didn’t regard your boyfriend. Your life revolved around Mark and it was something you never wanted to admit out loud in fear of sounding pathetic. What person in their right minds would spend the only free time they had sitting around with their phone in their hand, waiting for a call from their boyfriend? Only you apparently. 
Your family were quick to pick up on how you were no longer yourself; everyone and their mothers were well aware of how much Mark meant to you and equally aware of how much you meant to him. The two of you were magnets; where you would go, he would follow. Nobody could separate the two of you even if they tried. 
There was a gravitational pull between you and your boyfriend and everyone knew that his absence had to be the reason you were always so out of it. You might have been there physically; whether you were at school, hanging out with your friends or just sitting at dinner with your family—but mentally, you were with Mark. 
Your mom was actually the one who talked you in to either getting a job or joining a club. Seeing as how you weren’t someone who liked to interact with anybody you didn’t really know on a personal level, you decided to go with the former and found yourself applying to many different jobs. Unlike a lot of your classmates who chose to work at coffee shops or at the state library, you accepted the job at a grocery store ten minutes away from your house. 
It wasn’t the most ideal job, but you could use some extra money. The first day of work was pretty simple; it was more of an orientation to get you prepared for your next shift. Your manager went over what was expected of you as a cashier, how you were supposed to wear your uniform, where you could find items if customers were to come up and ask you for assistance and other necessary information about your responsibilities. 
Right as you were packing up your things and preparing to head home for the day, it was then you walked in to the break room and noticed someone sitting on one of the couches. That someone just so happened to be one of the biggest pains in your ass. 
“Jaebeom, what the hell are you doing here?” 
When you first were introduced to him a little over five months ago, you didn’t think he was going to get under your skin like he has been for the last few weeks. In the first week of his arrival from Korea, your teacher gave you the responsibility of showing him around the school. Not only did you not feel as if you were personable enough to be the one to actually give a campus tour, you cringed at the idea of having to be alone with him. 
At first, he attempted at small talk with you; he wanted to know what your favorite food was, how your high school experience was so far, if you were in any extracurricular activities and the kind of music you listened to. You decided to not give him the time of day and tried to limit any interactions with him specifically because you didn’t think Mark would be too fond at the idea of you befriending another guy. Especially one he wasn’t all that familiar with. 
You also felt that there was a chance Jaebeom took a liking to you. Although you never really thought too highly of yourself nor did you want to assume that he had developed feelings for you, he always seemed so eager in wanting to talk to you. In fact, you had yet to see him try and pester anyone else the way he would with you. It was if he was picking on you purposely. 
A part of you felt as if you were being extremely rude towards him; he was nothing but friendly and patient towards you and you were nothing but hostile with him. His kind personality only lasted for so long. When he realized that you had no intention on being friends with him, his considerate nature took a 360 degree turn. 
Out of nowhere, his flirtatious compliments soon turned in to insults. He also started picking on you; throwing paper airplanes in your direction to get your attention, always selecting the good supplies before giving you a chance to and even hiding your things while you were away from the table. You knew you were at fault for his behavior; your hostility towards him when he was nothing but nice to you was unfair on your part. But you knew guys like Jaebeom—you had a feeling he was like most of the guys at your school. As much as you enjoyed hanging out with Mark’s friends, they obviously only chased after girls for sex. 
Your boyfriend was the only one with genuine interest in relationships and being in love. Jaebeom didn’t seem at all different; it’s as if his aura screamed trouble and the last thing you needed was someone to meddle with your relationship in any way. The older boy looked up at you incredulously; he was wearing the uniform you were just given and he was sitting in the break room—obviously that meant he was an employee and you were well aware of that. 
It was just that you had a hard time processing; or accepting rather the fact that you were going to be working alongside someone you considered an enemy. Out of all the places—why did he have to work at the same grocery store that you just got hired at? He already gave you so much stress at school, you could only imagine it was going to be worse now that he was your coworker. You found out in that same week that he was a stock member, so you wouldn’t have to deal with him at all which you were glad to say the least. 
The less time you had to spend around him, the better. To your dismay, your contact with Mark went from a couple times a day to only once or twice a week if you were lucky. That wasn’t the worst part; the distance seemed to be getting in the way of everything. For the last three years in high school, you were good with keeping up your grades. You were also very good whenever it came to participation and answering any questions your teachers would ask you. 
You didn’t realize just how unhappy and dejected you were until you and your parents were called in to the office by your counselor to talk about your grades. Not only were you failing two classes, you were one letter grade away from being on probation. Your parents wanted to be understanding; although you never involved anyone in to your relationship, they were well aware that your behavior was the subject of Mark’s absence and his failing to call and text you. You began to feel like he no longer loved you the way that he used to—the way you still did with him. 
If he did, wouldn’t he use every minute of his free time, no matter how exhausted he was to talk with you? There were countless nights you’d stay up past midnight because it was the only time he’d be able to contact you. Here you were bending over backwards in order to even get a glimpse of him and yet—he couldn’t; or didn’t even think about doing the same for you and it sucked. It sucked because all your biggest nightmares were coming to life right before your eyes and there was nothing you could do about it. You couldn’t help but cry every time you thought about how he practically begged you to never give up on your relationship, no matter how hard it was. 
Where was the boy who claimed to love you more than life itself? The same boy who would call you up at 2 in the morning just to cry over how much he missed going to sleep with you in his arms? Where was the boy who was willing to give up his entire college career if it meant being able to see you every day and who was this stranger who couldn’t care less about how you’ve been doing? 
A part of you felt as if you wanted to confront Mark and tell him about how you felt, but you never got around to it because if he ever did get in contact with you, it was to complain about what he was suffering through or how his life was going. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be there for him; you were so grateful that Mark trusted you with all of his worries and problems, but you missed being able to do the same with him. You didn’t want to accept it, but your boyfriend no longer cared about you and it was a hard pill to swallow. 
As irresponsible as it was for you to cry while at work, there was one day in particular that you just had enough. You stayed up the entire night before, contemplating your relationship with Mark and wondering if it was even worth fighting for anymore. Keeping up a long distance relationship was a team effort and you knew you were the only one putting in your heart and soul to make sure it wouldn’t fall apart. 
Your manager had a feeling something was off with you that day as soon as she saw you walk in with your shoulders slumped and tear stains on your cheek. When you were ringing up customers, you had zero energy and you weren’t even trying to put on a fake smile—you just did not want to be there at all. Most of your friends felt like giving you your space even if they were extremely concerned with your well being. But they didn’t feel like there was anything they could do. 
Your sister moved out of the house to live with her boyfriend a couple of months ago and both of your brothers were away at college. It was just you and your parents and even then, they would both work up until late. You felt so alone—and it wasn’t like you had Mark to run to. Everything in your life was falling apart and you were so unhappy. You loved Mark, more than you wanted to; and more than he deserved as of right now. 
There was nothing more you wanted than to fly up to New York and knock some sense in to him—you also wanted to kiss him for as long as time permitted you to. Only one hour in to your shift, your manager pulled you to the side and asked you if everything was okay. 
Honestly, you didn’t know how to respond. You were definitely not okay; nothing was okay. By the weary expression on your face, she knew something was wrong and instead of trying to force it out of you, she allowed you a fifteen-minute break just to take a little breather. 
Sure, you have been working there for quite a while; but you didn’t want to take advantage of your manager’s kindness. She already had done so much for you; whether it was switching around your schedule so you could study for your midterms or finding someone to cover your shift if you called in sick so you didn’t have to, you knew she was an employer who genuinely cared about her employees and it was something you would be forever grateful for. 
Once she told you to head to the back, you found yourself releasing the quietest whimper before you broke down in tears. You didn’t care whether or not someone were to walk in on you crying, everything was just too much for you to handle. Your chest felt tight and your throat grew sore with every sob. Why was all of this happening to you? 
Just months ago, you were living out your best life. You had your entire family to come home to every day, your grades were almost perfect, you had both your friends and Mark’s friends to make you laugh and take your mind off of how difficult school could be but most importantly, you had Mark. You were so busy wallowing in self-pity that you failed to notice that you were no longer the only person in the break room. 
You felt Jaebeom before you saw him. He glided his hand gently along your back as a way to get you to slow down your heaving. When he noticed that you leaned back in to his comforting touch, he took that as a sign to hold you even closer—and he did. Jaebeom had brought you on to his lap and began to run his fingers through your hair while rocking you back and forth. 
Although he knew he was getting in to dangerous territory; there was no way he could just let you cry by yourself. There was a chance you would be mad at him for taking advantage of you while you were in such a vulnerable state, but he didn’t care. He’d accept whatever you were to throw at him once you realized what he did to help console you. 
What you weren’t aware of, was that he did in fact have a crush on you. It may have been a suspicion on your part, but it was true—and he made it painfully obvious that he liked you. On his first day when your science teacher had him sit with you, he was captivated by your beauty. Sure, Jaebeom has seen many pretty girls in his lifetime, but something about you stood out to him and he could explain what it was because he didn’t know himself. 
However, when your teacher had you bring him around the school—take him to his classes, show him where all the important buildings and offices were; he learned that you were a no nonsense kind of person. You were also very bold and blunt; something he wasn’t used to in a girl. Maybe that’s why he liked you so much. Unlike other girls, you hardly ever batted an eye to him nor did you appear to desire his attention. It wasn’t something he was used to; Jaebeom was always well-known and well-liked by his peers. 
In the few months he’s been at your school for, he grew to be a crowd favorite. Everyone in your junior class either wanted to be him, be friends with him or date him. You however, wanted nothing to do with him and something about that made him all the more interested in you. He didn’t know why, but seeing you cry made his chest feel heavy. He had no idea why you were so upset, but he wanted to beat up whoever it was that made you cry. 
Even if it wasn’t towards him, he’d observe the way you were such a bright and bubbly person whether it was with customers, your fellow classmates or your teachers. It was a bit of a stretch to desire a friendship with you, but he at least wanted to be civil. Jaebeom wasn’t going to lie, he got a kick out of teasing you and doing things he knew would get a rise out of you, but it was his only way of really getting to interact with you and he was going to take whatever he could get. When he realized you were no longer crying, he decided it would be best to get you off of his lap. You shocked both yourself and Jaebeom when you stopped his movements and cuddled in to his chest even closer. 
“Wait—just a couple more minutes. Please?” 
You didn’t know what came over you in that moment; whether it was because you were lonely and felt as if you had no one, or because this was the first time in a long time that someone held you in such a comforting way, but you didn’t want him to let go. You couldn’t help feeling as if it was wrong; being held by another guy who wasn’t your boyfriend—you knew Mark wouldn’t be all too happy if he were to find out that you were the one who wanted to continue being held by Jaebeom, but you weren’t able to find it in yourself to care. 
The two of you stayed like that until Jaebeom told you he had to clock in, but once the two of you got up from off the ground, he pulled you against his chest and held you ever so gently. This was the first time you ever felt anything other than disgust for him and it actually felt pretty nice. He could’ve have just left you there; he could’ve allowed you to cry all by yourself and honestly he should have with the crude way you’ve been treating him, but he didn’t. You were evidently hurting and Jaebeom came to your rescue. 
From that day on, your friendship with the kind-heartened boy blossomed immensely. Instead of hiding in one of your classes or in the back of your school library for lunch, you were now meeting Jaebeom in the courtyard. It took you a while to come to accept it, but being around Jaebeom felt like a breath of fresh air. Although his presence didn’t completely take your mind off of your failing relationship and what was barely left of it, he did make you laugh with some of the corniest jokes and he also brought you some of his mom’s homemade strawberry milk. 
The longer you were friends with him, the more you learned that he was the complete opposite of what you thought he was. First, he was the biggest momma’s boy. Well—other than Mark, but being an only child, Jaebeom was always clingy and overprotective when it came to his mom. He wasn’t embarrassed to answer her calls if he were around you and one day, he brought you over to her café in order to let you try a few of her other concoctions. He was also a huge cat lover. 
He was the proud father to five different cats he all adopted from the humane society. The fact that surprised you the most though; was that he was a b-boy dancer. He didn’t give off the vibes of being passionate for dance, but at the same time you didn’t think he was capable of taking care of anyone but himself—let alone five cats. You didn’t want to believe that there was anyone else for you other than your boyfriend—nor did you think you harbored any romantic feelings for Jaebeom; but at the same time, your chest would feel empty every time he would drop you home. 
You wanted to believe that the love you had for Mark was enough to fight off the feelings you assumed were growing for the boy in question. It wasn’t until he called you outside of your house on a Saturday with a bouquet of roses in his right hand and a teddy bear in his left. You would never be able to forget how shy and flustered he looked; you never thought you’d see the day Im Jaebeom’s cheeks would be flushed with pink—it was even harder to process that you were the reason. 
“Hey—I uh—would you maybe want to—I was wondering if you and I could—Junior prom?” 
Shit. You were too focused on everything else going on in your life that you failed to remember than prom was in less than a month. Honestly; you didn’t really care about going. Mark never asked you about it and when you tried to bring it up to him one night, he told you he would be busy on that day so you ultimately decided you wouldn’t go. 
There really wasn’t any point in going anyway; you were hardly close with anyone in your year and you didn’t want to waste hundreds of dollars on a night where you’d be alone and miserable. Plus, you already got to experience both Junior and Senior prom with Mark. Both nights were too amazing to even describe. Mark never failed to compliment how beautiful he thought you looked; in fact, most of the night was spent with him staring at you in awe of your beauty. There was no way you would be able to go to prom without tearing up over how much has changed in less than a year. 
A year ago, Mark rented out a hotel room for the two of you to return back to once prom was finished and you knew exactly what his plans were for the rest of the night once he pressed you up against the elevator mirror and kissed you with all the energy he could muster. Even if you weren’t really in the mood to go, you didn’t have it in you to tell Jaebeom no. 
Knowing the kind of guy he was, you were sure it took a lot for him to build enough courage to ask you such a nerve-wrecking question. The two of you may have been friends; but that didn’t necessarily mean you would want to go with him. As soon as he saw the small smile that he was falling for faster than he’d like to admit rise upon your face while you nodded your head in agreement, he returned back an even bigger and toothier grin. He was quick to hand you the gifts and pulled you in to his warm embrace before your mind could really process what was happening. 
“I like you a lot y/n. Would you be my girlfriend?” 
Hearing those words made your head spin. At this point, you were confident that Jaebeom liked you. He was so sophisticated and chic around anyone else but to you, he would conform in to the smallest little baby. He was so soft for you and followed you around like a lost puppy. You’d be stupid if you didn’t think there was even the smallest chance that he liked you. 
Seeing him with such hopefulness in his eyes broke your heart; your relationship may not have been what it used to be, but there was no way you would ever cheat on Mark—nor did you want to give up on him just yet. You were waiting—what for, you had no idea. But there was a tiny voice in your head begging you not to give up on him just yet. You wanted to believe that one day soon, he would realize exactly what he was doing to you. He would realize how he was breaking your heart and if he didn’t hurry up and get his shit together, he would lose you completely. 
“Jaebeom, I’m so sorry—I can’t—I—I have a boyfriend.” 
When you watched his face practically drop at your confession, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. Why didn’t you say something earlier? How could you lead him on like this? He was nothing but caring and thoughtfull; everything Jaebeom did was to make you happy. Something that only your boyfriend should be worrying about. 
You didn’t feel like you needed to tell him everything about yourself nor did you feel as though that information was all that important. Yet—you couldn’t help but feel as though there was another reason as to why you didn’t tell him. You didn’t think it was because you didn’t want him knowing you were in a relationship just in case he did have feelings for you. 
So what was the real reason? His frown was quick to disappear and you felt as if you’ve known the older boy long enough to distinguish his real smiles from the fake ones. The smile he was currently giving you did not reach his eyes. You wanted to reach out to him and give him a hug—but you would only be giving him more confusing signals.
“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it okay? I should have expected it. There was no way someone so beautiful with such a charismatic and gracious personality was single. Please know that I won’t let my feelings for you get in the way of our friendship okay? Your boyfriend is a very lucky guy; I hope he knows that. I’ll see you on Monday, have a nice day.” 
That was the first time you ever cried over someone who wasn’t Mark. Your heart hurt from Jaebeom. It was evident that he wasn’t a relationship kind of guy; nor did he seem to be the kind of person who would buy flowers for someone but he did so—for you. Jaebeom was changing his ways in order to impress you—to be the lucky guy who got to be the one who called you his. But that position has been taken for over ten years now and there was a battle going on between your mind and your heart on whether you wanted to continue your relationship or if you wanted to take a break from it. 
That following Monday; you could tell Jaebeom was trying his best to show that the rejection wasn’t affecting him in anyway, but he was only human. You were the first girl ever that he fell head over heels for; so it was a lot for him not only to face rejection, but to hear the reason as to why. He wasn’t as talkative nor did he really show interest in anything at all. You even tried to come up with all kinds of conversations about topics you knew he was heavily interested in, but all your efforts failed. 
You broke Im Jaebeom. 
Thankfully, things didn’t stay awkward between the two of you for too long. If the only way he could have you in his life was as a friend, he was going to take it. Prom night finally arrived and you knew you should have been excited, but you couldn’t wait to get it over with. You didn’t even tell Mark that you decided to go—you didn’t think he would care anyway. It was disheartening for you to come to the realization that your relationship was causing you more anguish and pain than it was excitement and adoration. 
When did Mark grow tired of having to put effort in to your relationship? When did he realize that you were the last thing he should be worrying about? When did he stop loving you? As much as you didn’t want to think or even believe that your boyfriend fell out of love with you, there was no other explanation as to why he’s been acting the way he has towards you. Sometimes, you felt that the only reason why Mark continued to stay in the relationship was because it was convenient for him. Your relationship continued for a span of a decade. 
You were all he has known for the last ten years. You’ve seen it all; the good, the bad and the ugly. The idea of starting over with someone else, having to get used to someone else must’ve been troublesome. While you got ready for your prom, you were quick to pick up on your mom’s unusual behavior. 
She was constantly texting someone on her phone and she motioned for your dad to walk over to where she was so she could show him what was making her so animated. You wanted to think it was because she was just excited that you agreed to go to prom, but something in your gut told you there was more to her exuberant exterior. You were just getting the finishing touches of your makeup done when the doorbell rang and your mom wasted no time making her way downstairs. 
“Y/n! Jaebeom is here, and he’s looking especially handsome today!” 
Your parents were aware of your friendship with the older boy and they seemed to approve of him. They were fond of the idea that he took care of you in the way Mark always did when he was still in California. You decided to leave out the fact that he liked you just in case it caused any unnecessary drama. After you finished putting on your dress and your heels, you started heading down to the living room and you could’ve sworn your heart rate increased as soon as your eyes landed on him. 
Everyone with good eyesight could see that Jaebeom was exceptionally good-looking. You actually hated just how handsome he really was; but seeing him with his hair slicked back, wearing a suit and tie was all the more breathtaking. You didn’t think it was possible he could get any more handsome than he already was. When his eyes landed on you, his eyes widened in shock and you even saw his jaw drop a little bit. His stunned reaction was making you feel things you know you shouldn’t have been. 
“Wow y/n you look—wow—“ 
You giggled softly as you playfully pinched his cheek as a way to prevent him from seeing the effect his words were having on you. “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself. Shall we get going?” 
He placed your corsage on your wrist and gave you his arm to hold while saying goodbye to both your parents. Jaebeom in more or less words, was the perfect gentleman. From the moment you both arrived to the hotel, he opened every single door for you, pulled out your chair for you and helped lift your dress to prevent it from dragging.
 As amazing as the night had been so far, you despised the fact that you wished it was Mark there with you instead of Jaebeom; but it was only human of you to do so. No matter how much hell he was currently putting you through, you would rather go through the ends of the earth to be with him than to go to heaven with anyone else. 
When your date excused himself to the bathroom, you decided to go on your phone until he was too come back. Right as you saw that you got a text notification, curiosity got the best of you since the only people who would get in contact with you these days were your parents, your siblings and Jaebeom. At first, you just assumed it was your sister wishing you a good time or your mom reminding you to watch your step. However, your heart both fluttered and sank when you finally opened up the message and saw who it was from.
Babe: Hey, are you free right now? Can we talk? 9:23 p.m.
You wanted to laugh hysterically. Out of all the times he could contact you, it had to be the night of your prom. A night where you were supposed to have fun and enjoy your last year and a half in high school. Was he really being serious right now? You wanted to leave his message on read; you told him that you were going to prom and you were sure he must’ve seen a couple of posts on social media from some of his friends in your grade that he still kept in touch with. But your heart was dying to hear what he had to say. 
For some reason, you thought it was something negative. Those three words never led to anything good. Was he finally feeling the distance between the two of you? Was it suffocating him as it was slowly killing you? You didn’t know what he was going to tell you, but you couldn’t let it wait.
You: Sure, let me just go outside real quick. 9:24 p.m.
You decided to send Jaebeom a quick message that you needed to make a phone call so that he didn’t worry about your sudden disappearance. Once you made your way outside, you gave yourself a few seconds to recollect your thoughts. The last time you had a conversation with him that lasted for longer than five minutes was almost two weeks ago. It was currently almost summertime, yet the temperature was in the low sixties, so you began to rub alongside your arms to keep warm. After taking in a deep breath, you pulled up his contact and dialed his number. 
“Hey baby. How are you?” 
You absentmindedly rolled your eyes at his question. What did he care? How you’ve been no longer seemed to matter to him for over four months now, so what was so different about tonight? “I’m fine. What is it that you wanted to talk about? I’m kind of busy right now.” 
You didn’t mean to come off so coldly, but you were just so frustrated with the entire situation and you were anticipating something negative to fall from his lips. 
“Aw shit—I forgot. Tonight is your junior prom right? Damnit—if it’s any consolation baby, you look so fucking beautiful.” 
You were confused at his compliment; when did he get a chance to see you? Since you weren’t all too excited for tonight, you didn’t really post anything—nor did you feel the need to send him any pictures. Maybe your mom sent him photos of you or something. Right as you were about to respond, there were two hands that lightly covered your eyes. 
You knew exactly who it was without even having to guess; these were the hands you’ve held for more than half of your life. The same hands that would wipe away any tears that would fall from your eyelids. Mark. He spun you around and immediately placed a searing kiss upon your lips before you could even say or do anything. 
“Hi baby, missed me?” Seeing him for the first time in almost five months should have been more thrilling, yet when you looked at him, you felt nothing. No butterflies, no sparks, no increasing of your heart rate—nothing. When you looked at him, you didn’t see the love of your life. 
The boy in front of you held no familiarity at all. You wanted to react; you wanted to cry—to wrap your arms around him and kiss him all around his handsome face. You wanted to go in to detail about how much you’ve missed him and how these last five months without him were extremely difficult—but nothing came out. You could tell by his furrowed brows and the way he was biting his lip that he wasn’t expecting such an emotionless reaction from you. 
“What are you doing here Mark?” 
He frowned. Mark had a feeling he was being such an asshole towards you for the last few months. He knew the distance between the two of you was all his fault. It was killing him as much as it was with you. What you didn’t know, was that he took on a job in order to make some money for a trip back home—to see you. To say he was tired was an understatement. 
If he wasn’t at school, he was at work. If he wasn’t at work, he was at practice and the only time he had to rest was right before bed. There was no excuse for not reaching out to you more often; honestly all he wanted to do was to call you and see what you were up to. That’s why all your calls were so short. He didn’t care what the two of you talked about or how long the conversation lasted, he just wanted to hear your voice. It was what kept him going. 
No matter how hard college was for him, he knew he was going to get to see you again soon. If only he knew what his absence was going to do to your relationship; then he would’ve just asked his parents to pay for his flight home but it was a pride thing. Mark hated having to depend on people. He was independent from the day he could walk. Your reaction was the complete opposite of what he was expecting, but it wasn’t exactly unexpected. 
“I wanted to surprise you. Listen, I can explain why I haven’t been so involved in our relationship these days and I’m really sorry y/n. I’ve been such a jerk and you really don’t deserve that but—“
“I think we need to take a break.” 
You couldn’t even look at him; you were sure the two hours of makeup that the makeup artist work so hard on would get ruined if you were to see his reaction. It took you a long time to come to that decision; not once in your ten years of knowing him and loving him for would you have ever thought you would want to take a break from him. You never wanted to be away from Mark—ever. But he was never around anyway and waiting on him only interfered with what was going on in your life. It was also taking a huge toll on your mental health and you no longer wanted to give him that power anymore. 
“Y/n, you don’t mean that. Baby you’re just mad and you have every right to be. But please, hear me out—“ You let out a scoff of disbelief. 
“Hear you out? All I ever seem to do is hear you out Mark. Everything is always about you! Go check your messages. It’s always me—I’m always the one reaching out to you. I’m always the one initiating the calls, I’m the one staying up till the wee hours of the morning and going to school so exhausted just so I can talk to you. I—I can’t help but feel as though you fell out of love with me. Don’t get me wrong, your happiness, your health and your well-being is all I care about. But you don’t seem to give two shits about me or anything that goes on in my life Mark. I got a new job—I tried to tell you, but I never get any word in before you have to leave for school or for practice. I’m also on probation—my grades are shit right now and if I don’t get my act together, they’re going to hold me back an entire year and guess what Mark—it’s all your fault. I’m tired Mark. I can’t keep doing this anymore.”
“So that’s it? You’re going to give up all these years—these wonderful, amazing and unfathomably perfect years together because you’re being stubborn and refuse to hear me out? You’re giving up on us so easily y/n! You claimed that I fell out of love with you—you and I both know I am still so madly in love with you and I’m always going to be in love with you Damnit! What happened to all our plans huh? What happened to forever? You and I are soulmates y/n—did you forget that?”
“Of course I didn’t Mark—but don’t you dare play the victim in this. Our relationship is no longer what it used to be. I tried so hard—so fucking hard to get it back to what it used to be but each and every single one of my efforts went to shit because you obviously don’t think anything is wrong. I’m dying Mark. This relationship is going to be the death of me. I’m unhappy Mark. I haven’t been happy in such a long time. I’ve missed you so fucking much—“
“I’m here now baby. Fuck y/n I’m so fucking sorry baby. Please—please, please—let me fix this. I can fix this. I’m not letting you go this easy—fuck I’m never letting you go y/n. Get it through that thick head of yours. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.” 
You hesitantly brought your hand up to cup his cheek and released a gentle breath of relief when you felt him lean in to your palm. You grazed his bottom lip with your thumb before leaving a chaste kiss against his lips. Your heart was begging you to hear him out—stupid heart. Such a stupid—stupid heart. 
In his eyes, you could see the little boy who added an extra red piece in the slot when you weren’t looking so that you could win connect four against him. The same boy who gave you his shoes to wear as he walked with just socks on because he saw how much pain your heels caused you at his junior prom. There was not a doubt in your mind that Mark loved you even if you kept trying to convince yourself that he didn’t. 
The love he had for you was still there. It just wasn’t as fierce or as strong as it used to be. You wanted to deepen the kiss; you loved kissing Mark. There was nothing you missed more than having his pretty lips meld perfectly with yours—but you knew if you were to kiss him, your entire speech about going on a break was going to be for nothing. You rested your head against his chest before placing a gentle kiss right below his jaw. 
“I love you Mark. I truly believe I was made for loving you and I’m always going to love you. I have every intention to getting married to you, starting a family with you and spending the rest of my life with you. But right now, I think we need some time apart in order to find ourselves again. I lost myself loving you Mark—I gave you everything and you took it all without hesitance until there was nothing left. I need to learn to live without you Mark. I’m not giving up on us—I’m just doing what I feel is going to bring us back to each other again. You are my person Mark Tuan and I’m yours.” 
The two of you stood there for what felt like hours. His grips were tight on your waist and you began to tear up as soon as his chest began to heave against yours. You knew he was crying and you weren’t actually expecting any kind of emotion out of him; you were still so shocked to hear him grow angry with your decision. When you looked up at him and saw his eyes were now bloodshot red and filled with tears; you were ultimately regretting your decision. You wiped a tears away with your fingers and pecked his nose lovingly. 
“Don’t cry baby. In due time, we’ll be fine.” 
You were selfish; you were the one pushing him away, yet you still wanted as much time with Mark as you possibly could get. You didn’t know just how long it would take for you to heal, so you wanted to cherish this moment while you still could. Unfortunately, your little reunion with Mark was interrupted and you had a bad feeling that things were right about to go downhill. 
“Hey y/n, they’re going to start announcing the king and queen did you want to—oh—uh—hey man, you must be Mark. Nice to meet you.” 
Mark’s grip on your waist tightened as his jaw clenched; yeah—this wasn’t going to end well. Mark was the definition of a jealous boyfriend. One time, he almost ended up twisting BamBam’s arm when the younger boy made a joke about how you were in the bedroom. He was extremely protective and territorial over you—but since he’s been absent, he had yet to hear about who this guy was that seemed to know who he was. 
His eyes landed on Jaebeom’s tie and how it matched your dress perfectly. It only made him wonder—who exactly was this guy to you and why were you at the prom with him?
“Jaebeom, do you think you could go inside? I’ll be right there.”
He looked at your worried expression then noticed how both of Mark’s fists were balled at his sides. Jaebeom wasn’t stupid; he wasn’t all that bright when it came to his studies, but he could tell that you weren’t as happy as you played yourself off to be. Seeing how tense you and Mark both were, he couldn’t help but feel that your boyfriend was the reason. 
As much as he wanted to call Mark out for making you cry so much these days, it wasn’t his place to do so. He was just your friend and if he wanted it to stay that way, he knew it was best to keep his mouth shut. You relaxed when you saw him nod in agreement before walking back inside of the ballroom. 
“Mark, I think it’s time for me to head back—“
“Him. Is he the reason why you’re leaving me? Did you fall in love with him? Did you cheat on me y/n? Did you get lonely while I was away—working my fucking ass off at a job I hate in order to save enough money so I could come and see you?—“
“Mark, stop. You know it’s not like that—“
“Needed another dick to keep you satisfied while I was away? Is that what it is? What—did he say all these nice things about you to get you to fall for him? What is it y/n? What’s so good about him huh? What does he have that I’m lacking—“
“ENOUGH! Don’t you dare accuse me of cheating on you. You and I both know I would never EVER do such a fucking thing. My heart—this pathetic heart and what’s left of it, my mind, my spirit, my body—you own it all. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want anyone else but you for you to get it through your fucking head? Stop trying to play the victim Mark! You’re at fault here! Accept it! Jaebeom is just a friend—he was here for me when I had nobody. I had no friends—my siblings are all out of the house—my parents are gone all the time and my boyfriend only calls me when he wants to—when it’s convenient for him. Jaebeom is a genuine friend Mark. You should be happy that I had him to keep me sane. Instead of wondering who he is to me, you should be focused on what you are to me. Good night Mark.” 
Jaebeom tried his best to cheer you up in any way possible, but he could tell by your body language alone that you just wanted to go home. He didn’t hear what happened after he left, but the curiosity was eating away at him. However, you already looked so distraught—he didn’t want to add on to it. You felt bad for Jaebeom—this was just as much his prom night as much as it was yours and now you ruined it for the both of you. What you could use was a three-month long nap. When Jaebeom dropped you home, he placed a soft kiss on your cheek before wiping a tear from your face that you didn’t even know fell. 
“I don’t know what happened earlier and I don’t expect you to tell me. But just know I’ll be ready to listen whenever you’re ready to talk.” 
You didn’t know what it is that you did to deserve such an amazing friend like Jaebeom—if someone were to put you through what you’ve been putting him through since the day you met him, you would’ve dropped that person completely. But here he was—so understanding—so willing to give up and sacrifice anything for your happiness. You made a mental note to make it up to him once you were mentally ready to do anything. 
Your parents were shocked beyond words to see you coming back alone—they actually didn’t expect you to come home at all knowing that Mark was going to surprise you. They actually conspired with Mark to go and surprise you at the hotel because they’ve noticed how broken you’ve been for the last few months and they were hoping that seeing him again would get you in a better mood. Your mom was about to approach you, but it was evident that you just wanted to go to sleep. 
Only three days in to your break with Mark did you realize you may have made a brief lapse of judgement. Sure, it was as if nothing has changed. You were already used to not hearing from him; but now that you knew the two of you currently were not a couple, it made things all the more difficult. Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days and days felt like months. Waking up felt like a chore; you missed him like crazy. 
Even if you only heard from him on his time, it was better than not hearing from him at all. Exactly one month after that heartbreaking night at your prom, you found yourself on a plane to New York. Once school was out for the summer, you found yourself at the grocery store almost every single day in order to make enough money to afford a round-trip plane ticket to see Mark with the hopes of mending your broken relationship. In this last month, you came to the realization that you were willing to have Mark in your life even if it was only once or twice a week; it was better than not having him at all. 
“A105, A106, A107—A108. Here goes nothing.” 
You were afraid that in the last month, Mark could have realized that maybe this break should be a permanent decision. He hasn’t tried to get in touch with you once since your prom night nor did he try to visit you once while he was still in California—but then again, you couldn’t blame him. He was giving you the space you asked for; now, you were hoping and praying he was going to open the door and welcome you with open arms. You knocked a few times and it felt as though you were about to throw up your heart. When you had yet to hear a response, you reached forward to knock again. When the door finally opened, the person behind it wasn’t who you were hoping it would be.
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hayleyb100 · 4 years
Light My Way, Part 4
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 the end
⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️ -It is a twisted story of Pokemon Sun and Moon, and a crossover of Pokemon SM and SWSH.  -It features Hau and Kabu as the main characters.  -Extremely angsty.  -Everything is headcanon. -It isn’t spoiler-free.
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The Professor woke up from a nightmare on his desk again. He probably fell asleep on his desk again, crying over the loss. The last several months have been a complete chaos. The grandson of his mentor, who he considered as a nephew, has gone missing. His mentor passed away, and Hau was discovered from the cold sleep. Kukui's nerve was on the edge as Hau recovered. He thought he might not even wake up, but miraculously, Hau fought back and opened his eyes. The Professor almost smashed the phone on the floor when Hau's dad ignored the calls and didn't give a shit about his son. He nearly went to break the backbones of the hideous foster families who abandoned Hau yet again, but Kahunas and his wife had to stop him.
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Kukui was desperate to take care of the boy himself. But he just couldn't. He almost had heart failure when he saw Hau outside the door. His guilt for not protecting him nearly crushed him. He couldn't look at Hau. He despised himself. So much. He acts all strong by being Royal Mask and leading the construction of the League, but what exactly did he achieve? He didn't even know Hau was in such unbearable pain.
After all the chaos, Kukui let go of everything he was doing. The League, research, even taking care of himself. Despite his wife's effort, he wasted away day and night. He thought he did something unforgivable to his mentor and his grandson. The least he could redeem is to take care of Hau, but he couldn't even do that. He felt helpless and useless.
Then, after a while, he heard another person who was hoping to foster Hau appeared. And it was no ordinary person, but a Gym Leader of another region. Kukui went to Nanu instantly, who bridged the two.
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Nanu answered back calmly despite a sudden outrage since he knew Kukui was on his edge.
"What the heck are you thinking sending Hau overseas?!"
"What do you mean? He needs family. He can't stay in the hospital forever, right?"
Kukui shook his head with fury.
"He isn't fully recovered from that wound! All those dirty foster families! And going overseas? Are you kidding me?!"
"Calm down. I had to think hard for that."
"NO, YOU DIDN'T! If you had any senses, you wouldn't have made that decision! He is not going anywhere. Hau will stay with me!"
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Nanu sighed and glared at Kukui.
"Then let me ask you one thing too. Is that for the kid? Or is that for you?"
Kukui stared at Nanu, dumbfounded.
"Listen, I get that you bear all that guilt for Hala. But be honest, you are not well yourself either, eh? I might sound cruel, but fostering and adoption isn't about you. It's about the kid. It's about finding the parents who can guide the child and the child can rely on. Especially since the kid is hurt severely. You can't take the fostering as the method to redeem yourself. It's not that simple. To add to that, Alola is a place full of horrid memories of that kid. He should leave and spend some time somewhere else until he can stand back on his feet."
Nanu sighed deeper and continued.
"You gotta drop that horrible habit of trying to do everything on your own. Don't you think you already have too much in your hand? Researching as a professor, being Royal Mask, developing Alola by building the League..."
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Nanu's words hurt. It hurt so much because they were all true. He was so caught up with repaying what he did wrong to Hala that he forgot about how Hau was hurt again. Kukui remembers the man who is willing to foster Hau. A Gym Leader he met in Galar. He was a man of passion, kindness, generosity, justice, and wisdom. An iron fist in a velvet glove. A reliable someone. The perfect person for Hau. He knew that. Kukui knew it all too well but didn't want to let him go. He was worried sick.
But at the same time, Hau deserves someone better. It was as plain as day that Kukui wouldn't take good care of him with his worn-out heart. He was like a tree with rotting root, that would fall over when someone lean on.
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"He's leaving in two days," Nanu added.
"If you wanna say goodbye, come to Melemele Island Airport by noon."
After Nanu left, Kukui came back home. He skipped the meal and thought about what Nanu said over and over again. In fact, he didn't know why he thought it over, when the answer was crystal clear.
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"Didn't you forget anything?"
Two days later, Kabu asked Hau who was holding his small suitcase. Hau stood there and quietly shook his head, as Kabu buttoned up his jacket. Kabu was so sad that such an adorable child is so daunted. He couldn't wait until the boy was lively again, running from place to place with his partner pokemon.
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"Take care, okay, Hau?"
Olivia and Nanu were waiting for Hau at the airport. Olivia was ready to cry, and Nanu just looked into the distance.
"Here, it's our contact detail. Call us when you need us."
Olivia handed a little note to Hau with Nanu and her call number. Hau nodded a little and put the note in his pocket.
"Now, the airport is crowded, so you might get lost easily. Don't let go of my hand, alright?" said Kabu.
The little olive haired boy didn't say a thing, but he grabbed onto Kabu's fingers tightly. Kabu held his hand back.
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Just then, someone called Hau from a distance.
Nanu was shocked to see Kukui, as he thought he wouldn't come. But there he was.
Kukui took another deep breath and came to Hau. He stroked Hau's cheek, holding back his tears with all his might. He beamed brightly, trying to relieve Hau.
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"Hau... Stay happy there. Galar is a wonderful region brimming with discovery, new experiences, and adventure. The man next to you is a great person. He will take good care of you. You had enough sadness in your life. All you need is happiness and delight, just like all the other boys of your age."
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Hau stared at him quietly and answered with a short nod.
Kukui then turned to Kabu. He pleaded with a shaky voice.
"Please, take good care of him. He is a pure boy who deserves a happy life."
Kabu smiled with determination and nodded to Kukui. He knew what the boy meant to the professor, so he resolved to keep Hau under his wings safe.
"I will. That I promise."
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Kukui grinned and waved goodbye, as Hau and Kabu went further away to the departure lounge. The Alolan Professor still felt his heart shattering thinking he wasn't strong enough to take care of Hau himself, but at least he now knows he is in the safe hand.
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Y/n gets hurt on set
Request: helloo, i loveee ur works. and i was just wondering if i could request a tom holland imagine where the reader is working on a movie set and gets hurt in a stunt accident and tom, the reader bf flys our from britain to the hospital (where ever the film location is - you decide!) and he takes care of her. a little bit angsty and fluffy if that’s not too much trouble? thank u lovely xxxx
Warnings: Motorbike accident
A/n: In a single day, I accidentally punched the corner of a door, bruising my knuckles and thought something was broken for a sec, and then a few hours later I stubbed my toe which ripped my entire nail off, and then a few hours later I sliced my arm open while I was shaving. Pain and hurt is a very acquainted topic at the moment😬
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(Tom on his way to save you after hearing you’ve been hurt)
Being an actress is fun, they said. It’s really easy, they said. But no one said that something like this could happen.
You were filming a movie in Atlanta- an action film alongside some amazing actors and filmmakers. This was the first film where you were able to do some pretty cool stunts on your own. You loved what you were able to do thus far, but you weren’t prepared for what would happen in just a few moments.
You were doing a stunt where your character was getting chased by the bad guys- they were in Range Rovers while you were on a motorcycle. This was the first time you had ever driven one. The company paid for you to get lessons so you could get comfortable and be able to do it yourself because they wanted you to do it, not a stunt double.
You were steering your bike down the road until you realized something was wrong. The gas pedal was stuck in it’s position and not letting up. You pressed the break to try to slow down, but the break wasn’t working either. You were gradually building speed, with no way to stop, and you didn’t know what to do.
You started to yell out alerting the crew of the situation. They tried to tell you what to do, but you couldn’t understand what they were saying. You ultimately lost control of the bike and crashed to the ground, hitting your head on the concrete and rolling. You were also hit by one of the cars that wasn’t able to stop in time.
You remember feeling shocked and tired before your eyes closed. The next time you opened your eyes, you were in an ambulance being rushed to the nearest hospital. You felt dazed and confused, unsure of what was going on. You were only certain of one thing- pain. You felt pain in every inch of your body.
One of the EMT’s noticed you were awake and started to ask you questions- who you are, what you do, what year it is, who your parents are, etc. Thankfully you didn’t have any kind of amnesia.
“Is there someone we can call for you? Any family?” she asked you.
“My boyfriend, Tom,” you rasped out before giving her his number. You arrived to the hospital and were taken back for tests and, ultimately, an emergency surgery.
// Tom pov //
Tom was hanging out in his and Harrison’s shared flat when he got the call.
“Mr. Holland?” He heard a deep, male voice ask.
“Yes?” He asked confused.
“This is Dr. Kalu from Atlanta Medical Center. Y/n has just arrived to the ER by ambulance. She’s stable, but she has been rushed into emergency surgery. Is there anything we need to know? Allergies, health problems, anything?”
“She’s allergic to bactrim, but that’s it. What happened?” Tom replied quickly. He began to feel panicked- he didn’t know what put you in the hospital or what the injuries were. He immediately sat at his computer and began to pull the first ticket to Atlanta.
“There was an accident on a film set, that’s all I can say right now. I would suggest you get here soon though,” the doctor said before hanging up. Tom had found a ticket leaving for Atlanta today in just four hours. He ordered the ticket and ran to his room, shoving random clothes into a bag before running to Harrison’s room.
Harrison and the twins were sat in the room talking about some project they were working on together. They went from happy to worried with one look at Tom’s face.
“Something happened, and y/n’s hurt- I’m flying to Atlanta right now,” he spit out before running for the door. He heard the boys yelling at him, asking for details or something. Tom didn’t stop to listen or pay attention.
He made it to the airport and to his gate as quickly as possible before there was nothing more for him to do but wait. He sat in the chair and pulled out his phone, starting to text you. He felt like he was in a dream- you couldn’t really be hurt.
Thomas❤️: y/n, please answer me. Let me know you’re okay. I don’t know what’s going on and it’s scaring me.
He knew if what the doctor said was true, he wouldn’t be receiving a text back anytime soon, but he could only hope.
Tom sent three more texts before he gave up. He put his head in his hands and tried not to cry. This was the worst possible situation he could think of- you getting hurt a thousand miles away from him and having no clue what happened or what state you’re in.
After waiting for an hour, Tom boarded the plane. Nine hours to get to you. He sat back in his seat, put his headphones in and willed himself to fall asleep.
Tom woke to the turbulence and announcement that they are close to landing. After the plane touched ground and stopped at the gate, Tom was immediately out of his seat and headed for the door of the plane. He got several strange looks from other passengers, but he didn’t pay them any mind.
Tom rushed into the airport, grabbing his bags before he found a taxi service. He told the man he needed to get to the hospital quickly, and they ushered him to a cab and took off. It wasn’t a long trip before he arrived, paying the man, and practically running into the hospital.
“Y/n,” he gave your name to the lady at the front desk before she could even greet him. “Where is she?” He watched as she typed on her computer, finding your name and room number. Tom going to the elevator and finding your room.
He went to open the door right as it opened from inside. Tom stepped back as he saw a doctor coming out of your room.
“Are you Tom?” The man asked.
“Yeah,” he answered before his waterfall of questions poured out. “What happened to y/n? Why is she here? Is she going to be okay?”
“I was told she was involved in a motorbike accident on the film set. She broke a few facial bones and suffered a concussion. She has a few broken ribs, one of which punctured her lung so we had to do surgery to repair that. Her legs and arms are covered in roadrash,” the doctor told him. Tom felt his heart sink hearing everything that you had endured. “She’s extremely lucky. Hearing what I did about the accident, she could have ended up a lot worse.”
“Is she awake? Can I see her?” Tom asked.
“She’s asleep- still under from the anesthesia, should be awake in a few minutes. You’re more than welcome to sit with her.” Tom nodded his head. “Let us or the nurses know if there’s anything we can do for either of you,” the doctor said before walking away.
Tom looked at the door, preparing himself before walking into the room. He saw you laying in the bed on your back, a small tube connected to your arm. He pulled a chair right next to your bed and sat down next to you. He found your hand and brought it to his mouth, placing a kiss to the back of it. He continued to hold your hand in his as he reached a free hand to your head, stroking your hair.
He felt a tear fall as he looked at you. Almost the entire left side of your face was cut and bruised, a decent sized cut going across your temple and down your cheek. He brought his hand back down from your head and held your single hand with both of his. He felt more tears in his eyes as he noticed the ring on your finger. He had given it to you as an anniversary gift- you were suppose to take it off when filming, but this time you didn’t.
He sat like that for the next ten minutes before you began to wake up. Tom squeezed your hand as he watched you, standing up to look at you properly. You felt pain all over, before you even opened your eyes. But when you did, you found yourself face to face with Tom.
“Tommy,” you said in a hoarse whisper, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Hey, darling,” Tom replied. “You really know how to scare the shit out of me, don’t you.”
The doctor came in, in that moment. “Hi, y/n. I’m Dr. Kalu. How are you feeling?”
“Horrible,” you told him.
“That’s what I was expecting. We’re going to give you some pain medicine, and we want to keep you for a while just to observe and make sure you’re healing correctly before we let you go. Is there anything I can get you before I leave?” He asked looking at you.
“Can I have some water?” You asked him.
“I’ll get the nurses to get you some. Anything else? Tom?”
“I’m fine,” Tom told the doctor, who nodded his head.
“Alright, I’ll check back in with you soon,” Dr. Kalu said before leaving. You looked back at Tom to see him already looking at you.
“When did you get here?” You asked him.
“About 15 minutes ago, maybe? The doctor called me and said you were hurt, and I was on the next flight out. You have no idea how scared I was.” Tom stopped talking as a nurse walked in with some water. “Thank you,” Tom told her. “What happened?” He asked you, wanting to know first hand how you got here.
“We were doing a scene with me on a motorcycle, some cars behind me. I don’t know what happened, but I just lost control of the bike, and next thing you know, I’m coming down,” you explained to him. “Do I look horrible?” You asked him. He softly chuckled at your question.
“A little bruised up, but you’re still the most beautiful girl in the world,” Tom told you, causing you to roll your eyes at him.
“Thank you for being here,” you told him. “I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t.”
“I’ll always be here for you. It doesn’t matter where you are- if you need me, I’ll find you,” Tom promised as he bend down to kiss your head, being as gentle as possible.
. . .
Two days later, you were still in the hospital, but not by yourselves anymore. You heard a knock at your door and saw the twins walk in with ‘get well soon’ balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, and McDonald’s.
“I said one flower arrangement- maybe a balloon, but not the whole fucking store. And why do you have McDonald’s?” Tom asked as he saw the goods in his brothers arms.
“Hear me out,” Sam started. “This is from me, this is from Harry, these are from Paddy, this is from Mum, this is from Dad, these are from Tessa, this is from Harrison, and these are from the grandparents.” He showed you the different items as he told you who they were from. You weren’t sure how that worked, but you thought it was super cute.
“And we figured you’d be sick of the hospital food so we got you this too,” Harry said holding up the bag of food before placing it on the table beside you.
“Thanks guys,” you told them.
“So how are you feeling? Is it still as bad as it was when it happened?” Sam asked you.
“It hurts, but they have me on some good pain killers so it’s manageable. I just wish I could be in my own bed.”
“Paddy wanted us to tell you that he hopes you feel better. He wanted to come visit too but school,” Harry told you.
“Bless,” You said. “He’s a good kid.”
“What’s your plan for when you get out of here?” Harry asked.
“Straight home,” you told him. “I won’t be doing much of anything for a while, and filming has been halted for the foreseeable future. I can’t wait to get out of here.”
“I bet, I would hate being stuck in here,” Sam replied. “Are you going to be staying at your place or hers when you two get home?” He asked Tom.
“Hers,” Tom said while gesturing his head towards you.
“Did you really have to ask to know that answer?” You said teasingly.
“True,” Sam said with a nod.
“What? You got severely injured and put in the hospital when I was far away from you,” Tom started to say. “You can bet your sweet ass I’m not leaving you for as long as I can manage.”
Hearing Tom’s words made your heart flutter. You couldn’t imagine how scared he was to hear that you had been hurt- you knew if it were the other way around, you would have been terrified.
“Well, it’s getting late. We’re gonna head out, see you two tomorrow,” Harry said as him and Sam got up, gingerly hugging you and heading out.
You looked at Tom again as the twins closed the door. “Will you lay with me?” You asked him. You feel like, even though he was right next to you, he was so far away. You needed to be close to him.
“I don’t want to hurt you, love,” he said, not moving from his seat.
“You won’t, just lay on this side. Please? I deserve a cuddle,” you practically begged him. He sighed knowing he wouldn’t win. He stood up, walking to the other side of the bed as you scoot over to make room for him.
He sat on the bed next to you and laid back, arms open. You laid your body next to his- your head resting against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, trying to be as gentle as possible. You felt Tom press a kiss to your forehead as you closed your eyes, falling into a deep, welcomed sleep.
I... loved... this!! Thank you for the request.
Also, Dr. Kalu is based off a doctor from The Good Doctor- a hunk👌🏽
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shirorozutriea · 5 years
Experienced a Loss, but dared to Confront it
I don't know how would you guys react to a certain OOC here. I hope you don't mind it. This is an AU, so yes, there's bound to be OOCs, I hope you would still like it nonetheless. Day 5: Loss
Months have passed since the beginning of our beloved couple's relationship bloom. The two will admit that that day was the best thing that happened in their life. And so far so good, everything is all happy and fine. No drama, no angsty walkthroughs, no fights except for the countless of debates of who's the most wonderful girlfriend.
 “O Romeo, Romeo, where art thou, Romeo—again why?” Asked Yang looking Weiss.
 “Why what?” Said Weiss tapping at her laptop.
 “Why Romeo and Juliet?” Asked Yang. “I get that its classical and it's made by William Shakespeare.”
 “I just happen to relate with the main heroine.” Shrugged Weiss.
 Blake picked up the book and scanned it. “Juliet Capulet.”
 Weiss nodded without looking away from her laptop. “Yes. Lady Capulet.”
 Blake gave her a look.
 “But why? Juliet is like, blinded? Or something like that.” Said Yang, looking incredulous.
 “Blinded?” Asked Weiss and Blake, blinking at her.
 “Yeah. Blinded by love. Y’know, falling for Romeo at first sight and then agreed to marry the guy despite the short time they knew each other. Like, that's ridiculous. Seriously.” Frowned Yang.
 Weiss blinked.
 “I didn't know you read Romeo and Juliet?” Asked Blake, looking flabbergasted.
 Yang pouted. “Hey! I can read classical too ya know.”
 “Yes, yes. Just surprised.” Chuckled Weiss. Yang continued to pout, which earned a giggle from the two.
 “Where's Ruby anyways?” Asked Yang, looking around for her wonderful gay sister.
 “Bought some cookies.” Replied Weiss.
 Yang laughed. “Ruby and her cookies.”
 “Yes. Just a little bit and I swear she's going to marry those cookies.” Scowled Weiss.
 Yang laughed while Blake snickered.
 “Are you serious? You're jealous on a peace of flour?” Laughed Yang.
 “Aah, young love.” Teased Blake.
 Weiss glared at the two. She then looked at her laptop and frowned.
 “What's with that frown, Weiss?” Chuckled Yang. “You look like you're on the verge of killing someone.”
 Weiss sighed. “As a matter of fact, as much as I want to, I can't. I don't want to be classified as a murderer.”
 “Who is it, Weiss?” Asked Blake, concern etching from her voice.
 “You know. The usual. Father and his persuasive arguments.” Said Weiss. “And—oh no…”
 Weiss face etched into worry and downward horrified. She can feel the cold sweat in every part of her skin, and her eyes began to water. The couple shared a look, before looking at their friend in worry.
 “Weiss.. tell us what's wrong..” Pleaded Yang.
 “He—he knows…” Said Weiss, her breath hitched in horror.
 “He knows what, Weiss?” Frowned Blake as she look at her friend whose in any moment might palpitate.
 “Ruby.. a-and I…” The two gasped.
 “Crap..” Cursed Yang. Blake looked at Weiss and held her hand.
 “Whatever happens, we're here for you, okay?” Said Blake, her ear twitching.
 “Ye-yes.. and he wanted… to-to meet her.” Weiss looked at her friends with a pleading look. “I-I don't know what to do. What if.. what if he hurt her? Oh god..”
 Blake hugged her and shush her, then brushed her hand in her hair in comfort. Yang patted Weiss’s head.
 “Don't worry. We'll be here for you. If you need to fly to Atlas with Ruby, we'll be there. Maybe not directly on the mansion you're going, but nearby, okay?” Assured Yang as she also hug Weiss.
 They heard Ruby shout from the door as she made her way to her crying and terrified girlfriend.
 Ruby looked at her and kissed her in her forehead and hugged her, whispering to her to help her calm down.
 “Weiss, what happened?” She asked as she wiped her tears.
 “Father.. wants to meet you…” Stuttered Weiss, taking a deep breath. Ruby's face scrunched up in anger as she brushed her hand on her hair.
 “I'll be there to face him.” Said Ruby, lightly growling. Weiss shook her head.
 “I don't want you to get hurt…” She muttered. Ruby raised a brow at this.
 “And you won't? Weiss, I love you, and I swear that I will be right beside you with every step you take.” Declared Ruby as she cupped her lover’s face.
 “Well, looks like we're on board on raiding a Schnee douche.” Grinned Yang, earning a jab from Blake.
 Ruby kissed Weiss’s forehead. “I love you and I will always be here for you.”
 And almost instantly, Weiss relaxed.
They were already on air towards Atlas. The skies are bright blue, with clouds ever so gently pass by. The flight towards Atlas was barely bearable, with Weiss constantly fidgeting on her sit with Ruby beside her. Ruby saw how her girlfriend tap her fingers to her knee, which is often displayed when she's anxious or nervous.
 “Weiss, it’s all going to be alright, okay?” Reassured Ruby, holding the latter’s hand entwining them. Weiss only nodded in response and rest her head to her lover's shoulder.
 Ruby brushed the white locks from Weiss’s face. Her eyes are closed and there are visible dark circles under her eyes due to a few sleepless nights before the initial flight to Atlas. Ruby couldn’t help but to worry, not for her sake when she meet the father, but for Weiss’s sake when they meet the father. To Weiss, her father was nothing but a tyrant person and an unloving father. She may had been given her necessities and others, but all with a price. From what she remembered, it was either recitals just to show face or meet the suitors.
 All passengers, please remain sitting for the duration of the flight. The plane will be landing in thirty minutes. Thank you.
 “Hey Rubes, wanna see if I can jump while the plane is landing?” Asked Yang from her right.
 Blake elbowed her girlfriend. “Yang, no.”
 Yang pouted and slouched on the chair, while Ruby giggled at the sight.
 “So, how is Ice Queen?” Asked Yang.
 Ruby's eyes drooped at the question. “Still restless. She's very anxious right now.”
 Yang frowned. “Whatever this bastard did to her, did give her a pretty bad reminder.”
 “And that bastard you're talking about is her father.” Said Blake. Yang face contorted into anger.
 “I still don’t get how a father could treat his child like that.” Grumbled Yang.
 “There’s no perfect fathers. But Jacques is beyond imperfect.” Said Blake, sighing.
 Ruby is very thankful to have a family like them. Aside from her dad, Yang and Blake had been the greatest family she ever had.
 Ruby shook Weiss to wake her up. “Weiss, we're nearly landing.”
 Weiss groaned and her eyes fluttered, showing those beautiful blue pools. Ruby grinned and kissed her forehead.
 “We're here?” Asked Weiss, groggy.
 “I think so.” Said Ruby.
 As if on cue, the speaker blasted off sentences. Along the lines of it are get ready to go down and get your things.
 The four grabbed there bags and head out to the exit, heading outside the airport only to be greeted by cold air.
 “Really? Is winter already the season here?” Asked Yang, rubbing her palms.
 “This is normal in Atlas.” Said Weiss, as if the cold never bothered her in anyway(ELSA!).
 “What are you? Elsa?” Said Yang.
 “I didn’t get the title of Ice Queen for no reason, right Yang?” Smirked Weiss. Yang gasped.
 “She accepted it!” Guffawed Yang.
 Weiss shook her head while smiling. “Come on. Father needs to see us.”
 Ruby looked at Weiss and hold her hand. Weiss jumped in surprise and looked at her, then she smiled at her and hold hers as well.
 “Well then, and off we go.” Said Ruby.
“What a surprise for you to bring the whole… uninvited visitors..” Said Jacques, his voice laced with sarcasm. Weiss didn’t said a thing and just held a steely gaze.
 “Now, I know you know why I called you and your undesirable choice of a suitor. I’m very disappointed to you, Weiss.” He said as he stared at the two.
 Ruby glared at him and her fist curled in anger.
 “Look how she behave. Glaring at the host of the house. Such dreadful manners.” Spat Jacques.
 Weiss snapped.
 “I can stand with you spouting nonsense at me. And the occasional stomp to my ego and pride, as well as my feelings. But, I cannot let you insulting my girlfriend and my friends slide.” Growled Weiss.
 Jacques scoffed. “Is this the result of you joining in the wrong sorts? How inadequate. Are you even worthy of a Schnee?”
 “The only not worthy of the Schnee name is you!” Snarled Ruby. Weiss looked at her in surprise, but regained her composure and didn’t oppose on her outburst.
 Jacques glowered at her. “What did you say, brat?! I’ll have you know, I made the Schnee name more well-known and more powerful. I made it grow. I shaped it to what it deserves to be.”
 “Grow? All I see is your egotistical sorry ass grow. You changed the Schnee name from what it supposed to be. And I am certain that grandfather is disappointed to you.” Spat Weiss.
 “How dare you insult me at my own house?! You ungrateful little twat!” Bellowed Jacques. He stood up from his chair and prepared to slap Weiss, but Ruby took a hold on his hand.
 “Dare? Yes, I dare. Because what you are doing as of now is unworthy of the Schnee name. You have caused millions of people out there, pain and suffering. You belittle everyone you deemed unworthy of your praise. You made countless mistakes, and have yourself involved with countless of crimes. And you ask how dare I insult you in your own house? May I remind you that this house doesn’t belong to you, but belongs to my grandfather who spent his life shaping up the good name that is a Schnee. But what did you do? You blemished the Schnee name, and polluted it. I should be asking you that question. How dare you?”
 Weiss growled at the man and glared at him. Her hands balled into a fist, her palms turning white.
 “And on top of that, you neglected your daughters and son. Well, you may have pamper Whitley because he’s a boy and would be the sole heir of yours, a carbon copy if I do say honestly. But, the question is.. is that how should a father act?”
 Weiss voice quiver and soften. Her eyes glisten and her shoulders droop. She gripped the hem of her blouse and quiver in her spot.
 “Do you even know how we—I feel? I'm like a piece of trash thrown into a pit because I don’t serve anymore purpose to you. I’m like some paper, only to be crumpled because you made a mistake and that mistake is me.”
 Weiss inhaled and sighed. Her eyes fluttered close. Her mind reeling. She wanted to tell him how she feel, what she had always felt. And now is the time.
 “You know, as a child, I've always admire you. How well you seem to cooperate with others or how well you negotiate with them. I've admired you from afar. And as a child, a father with a heart of gold is an admirable one. Also, you had this streaking determination to do what's best for everything and everyone, including us.”
 Weiss opened her eyes and looked at Jacques. His gaze was hard yet soft. Like there was a mist hidden in his eyes that are slowly fading away. She rubbed her arm and her gaze diverted from him.
 “You were a father figure… a great.. Dad. But you changed. The moment that incident happened, you changed. The day where mother had left you, you changed. And my opinion, adoration and admiration, slowly withered away. You became harsh, strict, and arrogant. You were not the same person I used to admire.”
 Weiss exhaled and swallowed the lump on her throat. There was a long pause before she continued.
 “You were lost. You lost yourself in the heap of melancholy and confusion. You lost your light… your warmth.. and you lost your love. And now, I know why you resent me and Winter. We look like mother, and I am an exact spitting image of her, both personality-wise and physical-wise.”
 Weiss was tightlipped and her eyes stared to water.
 “I lost my Mom… now I’m losing my Dad.. just exactly how fast she left us.”
 Weiss suppressed a sniffle and walked away, leaving a gaping Jacques Schnee. Blake and Yang quickly followed to comfort Weiss, leaving Ruby looking at him with a melancholy look in her face. Jacques sank in his chair and put a hand on his eyes while deeply sighing. His fingers tapped at his desk and Ruby saw familiarity at the motion.
 “She acts like you.” She spoke. The man looked at her in confusion. Ruby sat on a nearby chair and smiled sadly.
 “Deep down, she still admires you. She kind of acts like you. With the way you fidget with your hands just as the same as Weiss.” Smiled Ruby. Ruby bit her lip and looked at him. “I’m sorry for saying you are unworthy of the Schnee name, despite not knowing you in any degree.”
 Jacques slowly sighed. “You were.. right for that matter. Weiss is right. My daughter is right.”
 Jacques looked at Ruby and bowed. “I, too, apologize, for insulting you, your friends and your relationship with Weiss. I knew nothing about you to spout some.. atrocities.”
 Ruby blinked at the man. She then smiled understandingly. Jacques looked Ruby intently and spoke.
 “Have I been a bad father?” Asked Jacques, even though he knows the answer he still wanted to hear it.
 “In some degree, yes, you have been.” Ruby answered. She closed her eyes and sighed, leaning on the chair tilting her head up before opening her eyes. “But just like Weiss said, you are lost.”
 “Lost…” Mumbled Jacques. He interlocked his hands and rest his elbows on the desk, his hands covering his mouth. “I may… perhaps been lost..”
 “I know how you feel, Mr. Schnee.” Said Ruby, smiling sadly. Jacques looked at Ruby. Ruby continued to look at the black ceiling.
 “I was once.. lost. I lost and drowned myself in sadness and loneliness. It may have been in a different circumstances, but you and I were the same once.”
 Ruby sighed and draped an arm on her eyes covering them. Jacques listen intently and had gain a different light towards her.
 “True, you may have been a bad father to them… but that could change. It can change. You still have time to correct your mistakes. And that's all that matter. For you to make things straight once again.”
 Ruby sat up straight and smiled at the man. His eyes widen, tears brimming in his eyes.
 “I.. I'm sorry…” Apologized Jacques, his eyes clenched shut.
 “Don’t say sorry to me. Say sorry to your family.” Grinned Ruby. Jacques nodded and smiled at her. His eyes no longer hard and steely, instead it was warm and soft.
 “Would you mind listening to me?”
 Ruby nodded.
 “Willow.. their mother… left. And of course, as a person who loved, it hurts. I couldn’t bear the fact that she would leave us—me. But she did anyways. And after that, I drowned myself to work and neglected my children. I support them, financially, but not as father would do, but as a business man who didn't care for anyone. Self-centered, if you may.”
 Jacques sighed and tapped his finger in the desk.
 “I am a bad father. I didn’t support them as a father would do. All they had left was me, and yet, I didn’t do my responsibility. Instead, I worked and worked, and drowned myself to my own thoughts, ignoring everything and everyone.”
 Jacques chuckled sarcastically. “Pathetic, am I right?”
 Jacques sniffled and gulped. “But… if I were to be given a chance to change.. I will. I have been lost for so long..”
 Jacques looked at Ruby and smiled genuinely. “I think it’s time for me to find myself.”
“Weiss, are you alright?” Asked Yang.
 There they stood in the middle of the estate in the fountain. Weiss stood in front of the fountain with her head down. Yang and Blake behind her, trying to comfort her.
 “I missed my Mom. I missed Winter. Heck, as annoying as my brother is sometimes, I missed him too. And I also missed my Dad.” Weiss sighed and looked up. She covered her eyes from the sunlight, before the clouds moved and covered the sun.
 “I wish.. everything was the same as back then… but no matter how many times I wished for that to happen… the results are always the same… nothing..”
 Yang looked at Blake and stepped forward to Weiss and grabbed her arm pulling her to her chest, hugging her.
 “It's alright, Weiss. Everything is going to be alright. Let it all out.” Yang coped while running her hand on the latter’s head.
 Weiss gripped the back of Yang’s clothes and wailed. Yang held herself back from crying. She doesn’t want Weiss to feel anymore bad by adding to the fuel. Meanwhile, Blake called Winter and informed her about the talk with Jacques and asked her to take care of her sister while she go back to the estate. Blake also told her to call Whitley and come with her, the latter hesitated but agreed and ended the call.
 Weiss just sobbed and cried her pain and sorrows. Blake walked towards the two and hugged them both. It was jarring to see her like this, the Weiss who is proud and confident. Crying, sobbing… broken.. it was shocking, but she understood how she felt. If she was in her shoes, she would act the same, she would feel the same.
 Minutes later, Winter arrived with Whitley behind her. She looked at how miserable Weiss looked right now. She felt her insides churn at how her beloved sister looks right now. Meanwhile, Whitley was shocked. She may have seen her sister cry, but not like this. He felt a stinging feeling inside him after looking at her sister.
 “Winter… Whitley..?” Weiss pondered. “How? Why?”
 “Blake called and informed me of the circumstances. I brought Whitley along with me.” Said Winter. “What did he do?”
 “Nothing extreme… I just.. snapped at him and told him how I felt..” Mumbled Weiss.
 Winter looked down and sighed. “I wish I had the courage as you do, Weiss.”
 “Is that father with Ms. Rose?” Asked Whitley.
 The group perked at the question and looked behind. They looked at Jacques and Ruby. Jacques looked nervous, while Ruby is calmly smiling.
 “I guess the whole family is here.” Chuckled Ruby. She looked at the man and nodded.
 Jacques nodded and steeled himself. “I.. I am sorry for everything.. I don’t expect for you to forgive that easy.. but I want to do things right…”
 Jacques looked at Weiss. “I know I can’t bring back those old days, but I would at least make those old days as possible as I can. Your mother left.. I don’t want you to lose me once again…”
 Weiss had her eyes wide. She brought her hand to her mouth, tears running down on her cheeks. Winter was shocked, as well as Whitley. Weiss ran towards her father and hugged him tightly and sobbed in his arms. Jacques smiled and run his hands to be hair and brought his free hand to ask the other two to join, and they immediately joined.
 And that’s how everything had ended.
“I am so sorry to cut this meeting short, but I need to make amends.” Said Jacques. “I need to start over again.”
 Weiss smiled and nodded. Winter raised a hand.
 “Would you like me to give you assistance.. Dad?” Smiled Winter. Jacques looked at her wide eyed, but smiled and nodded.
 “Yes, please.” He said. He ran a hand on his hair and tapped his fingers on the desk. “I hope I'll get to meet you again, Ms. Rose.”
 Ruby laughed and shook her head. “Please call me Ruby. We’re family here.”
 Jacques smiled and pondered. “Family, huh? Very well, Ruby. You may call me..”
 Jacques thought for a minute. Then he looked at Weiss and Ruby, then back at Weiss. His eyes glinted mischievously. Weiss blinked at the mischievous look of her father and suddenly got nervous. Jacques smiled teasingly and spoke.
 “You're my future daughter-in-law, might as well let you call father or dad. And, don’t be formal around me.” Shrugged Jacques. Ruby looked at him bewildered, as well as the rest.
 Ruby then grinned and looked at the blushing Weiss. “You got it, Dad.”
 Weiss blushed brightly and Ruby laughed.
 A few months later…
 “Winter, do we have anything in schedule next week?” Asked Jacques as he viewed every papers in front of him.
 Winter browse to her tablet and looked at the calendar. “Nothing of some sorts, Dad.”
 Jacques hummed and thought for a minute. “Call Ruby.”
 Winter blinked and grabbed the phone from his desk and called Ruby putting it in speaker.
 “Yello? Is there something wrong, Dad?”
 “Nothing. Is Weiss there?” He asked.
 “Nope. She's with Blake right now. Why?”
 “That's good.” Coughed Jacques. “Are you and your family free next week?”
 “Next week? Hmm.. yeah. Pops is on break and our schedules are fine.”
 “Very well. Please do pack necessities. We're going to a resort.” Smiled Jacques.
 “Resort?! Whoah. Sure thing, Dad! Shall I tell them?”
 “Please do, Ruby.” He chuckled at his future daughter-in-law’s enthusiasm.
 “Okay. See ya soon, Dad.”
 “You too, Ruby.” Said Jacques and ended the call.
 “Resort, huh?” Smiled Winter. “I’ll inform Whitley.”
 Jacques chuckled and nodded. “Go ahead, Winter.”
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krreader · 6 years
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader ; jeon jeongguk x iu fandom: bts warnings: language ; no happy ending ; mentions of sex genre: angst
summary: iu has always been special for jeongguk. so it was to no one’s surprise that when she finally gave him the attention he had always wanted from her, he didn’t think twice about being with her. even if he was actually already with you..
a/n: wow you are all angsty as fuck lol. enjoy, I guess?
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“Guys, guys, guys, guys,” Jeongguk ran towards his band members, who were currently preparing for the performance that they had in a couple of minutes, “IU JUST WISHED ME GOOD LUCK!”
“Did she?” Namjoon laughed, “Congrats, Kookie. Your idol finally acknowledged you,” he patted him lightly on the back, a soft smile now on his face.
“Oh god, she's literally the prettiest woman on earth. And the way she smiled at me,” he plopped down on the couch, brushing his hands over his face, “I just love her.. seriously.”
It was fine when he used to say these things about IU. Back then, it was only Jeongguk, but now.. now, the rest of the boys were always incredibly uncomfortable when he mentioned how much he loved IU, because the image of you, his actual girlfriend, kept popping up in their heads.
How much you loved him and cared for him and how little you actually knew about how much IU meant to Jeongguk.
“Don't let (Y/N) hear you say that,” Taehyung muttered as he walked out of the room.
“Huh? Oh, right. Yeah, no, I won't,” the youngest laughed bashfully.
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“Hey, where the hell did Kookie go after the show?” Hoseok asked, entering the living room where the rest of the members were already sitting, “Did he go see (Y/N)?”
“I don't think so?” Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, “She's out of town right now, isn't she? For work?”
“He told me he had a date, though?” Jin asked, “Who is he..-”
But just when he wanted to finish that sentence, the devil himself walked in, with the happiest of smiles they had ever seen on his face.
“Where the hell have you been?” Yoongi asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“I uh..-” he giggled, literally blushing like a ten year old boy.
“Spit it out, Jeongguk.”
“I was with IU.”
“What?!” all of them asked at the same time, various questions flying through the room as to the how, why, when and where. He decided to simply tell the whole story right away, instead of answering all individual questions.
“She came up to me again after the concert and wanted to know if I wanted to have dinner with her. I obviously said yes and then that's where we went..”
“And?” Taehyung probed.
“And she kissed me! IU kissed me, guys!” he bounced up and down, almost like a child on Christmas.
For some reason, Kookie had expected them all to lose their shits, be excited and happy for him, but if anything, they were downright pissed and angry, the first of them leaving without another word, shaking his head disapprovingly at what Jeongguk had done.
“You know, Kookie,” Namjoon started, “When you and (Y/N) first started dating, she came to me and asked me if I believed you would be happy enough with her, because she knew how much IU meant to you. You know what I told her?” he got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to him until he was right in front of him, “I told her that you would be, because you would never do anything to hurt her.But.. seems like I was wrong about you after all.”
“But Hyung, this is IU we’re talking about. The woman of my dreams, the woman that I literally wanted for years.. what was I supposed to do? Tell her no?” 
They didn’t know what was worse.. the fact that he didn’t feel guilty at all, or the fact that he seemingly didn’t care about what this would mean for you and him.
“(Y/N) deserves better than you,” Jimin walked past him just like the others had.
And never had he seen his hyungs so disappointed in him. 
As if he had just committed a crime or something.
It was only a week later when you came back from your trip that he realized he should probably end things now. Because as excited and happy he was for himself, he couldn’t fully enjoy it while he was technically still with you. And you did deserve that much.. for him to end things before he really started dating IU.
Taehyung was the one that opened the door, his shoulder slumping when he saw how happy you were, probably because you would see your boyfriend in a couple of seconds.
“Hello, handsome,” you kissed his cheek and handed him a bag, “I know you said not to bring anything, but I couldn't help it.. They had this really nice souvenir shop at the airport!”
When you wanted to walk past him, he quickly grabbed your wrist and looked you dead in the eye, “We're here for you.. always. Okay?”
“Uhm.. thanks?” you laughed, before you took off your jacket and walked straight into Kookie's bedroom, still super excited to see your boyfriend again, while the rest of Bangtan looked after you with sadness, because they knew you wouldn't come out with that same expression again.
They knew that in a few moments, you would get your heart broken by the one that meant the most to you..
“Heeeello?” you closed the door behind you and immediately wrapped your arms around him, kissing him softly, “I missed you.”
He really didn't know how to do this, but kissing you now was probably not the right thing to do. So he gently grabbed your arms and pulled you towards the bed instead, sitting down with you.
“(Y/N).. we should talk..”
“Sure,” never in a million years did you think he would say what he was about to say. 
Not now.. not ever.. mostly because he had once made a promise to you. A promise to stay with you forever. A foolish promise, now that he was thinking about it and one he shouldn’t have made in the first place..
He was about to break that promise just like your heart.
And he only really realized that when he looked into your eyes.. those same eyes that he used to look in when he needed comfort. Those same eyes that lit up whenever he gave you a compliment. Those same eyes that had tears in them when you and him were fighting again, but managed to resolve it like everything else..
But in a few moments, those eyes would either turn ice cold, or well up with tears. And he didn’t know if he was ready for it, now that he was face to face with you.
“While you were gone.. things.. happened. Things between IU and me.”
“IU?” you furrowed your eyebrows, a small smile still on your face, “I don't understand?”
“I don't know why, I don't know how but.. she suddenly showed interest in me.”
You expected him to say that he told her no. That he told her he was already in a happy relationship and that he was flattered, but not interested himself.
Instead, he said: “So we went out on a date.”
“Excuse me?” you snorted.
“And.. she kissed me.”
“This better be the part where you tell me that you pushed her away and told her you were already dating somebody. That you’re already dating me.”
But he didn't. He was quiet and just looked at you. 
But it was enough for you to understand..
..he didn't tell her that.
“I don't want to be with her behind your back, that’s not fair to either party. So.. I'm ending things now.. between us.”
This must have been the worst break-up in the history of break-ups. The fact that it didn’t seem hard at all to him. Like he would be able to move on tomorrow morning, hold IU in his arms and completely erase that last year you and him had spent together..
Did you not mean anything to him? You had asked Namjoon if he believed Jeongguk could love you and he had said yes, but.. apparently you were never as good as IU.
Never could have been.
“Wow,” you laughed humorlessly, “I really hope she dumps you the second she realizes what a fucking prick you are.”
“(Y/N), I'm sorry, I didn't..-”
“Shove your apologies up your ass, Jeongguk,” you got up from the bed, “Did you ever even mean it when you told me you loved me? Or was this all just you pretending I was IU? You know, every time we fucked, you'd think of her? Every time I sucked your dick, you’d picture her doing it?” “What?! No!”
“And when she kissed you, I bet you didn't even think about me., right? Think about the fact that you had a girlfriend that loved you! The same girlfriend you promised to marry one day.. you didn’t even bat a fucking eyelash..”
“I never wanted to hurt you.. I just..-” he sighed, getting up as well, but not taking a step towards you, “I'm sorry, (Y/N). It's just.. it's IU.”
And that seemed to be a good reason for him to break you. 
Because you weren’t good enough. And whatever you would have done.. you never would have been.
All she had to do was smile and kiss him and you weren’t important anymore..
That’s how little you had meant to him, apparently.
“Don't you dare come running back to me when she drops you as soon as someone better comes along,” you walked over to the closet and started grabbing all of the things you had left here, for when you didn't want to go home anymore.
You really tried not to cry, not wanting to give him that satisfaction, but it was either crying or punching him in the face.
And you had never been a big fan of violence.
“I really did like you a lot. I promise..”
“Fuck you, Jeongguk. Fuck you for playing with me, when all I ever did was love you.. only you,” you cried out, walking past him and out of the apartment, without looking at the boys who were all staring at you.
“I'm sorry,” is the last thing you heard him yell before you left. Then he let out a sigh and looked at his hyungs, fidgeting with his hands, “So..”
But none of them seemed to be interested in whatever he had to say, all of them immediately leaving.
He knew that they all liked you very much and that that was probably why they were so upset, but he had hoped they would come around as soon as they saw how happy he was with IU.
They didn't.
Because you were a mess after this break-up, while he didn’t even shed a single tear about you.
Jeongguk went to bed with another woman in his arms, the woman he had always loved.
You went to bed on your own, hugging your pillow as you couldn’t stop crying, because the man that you loved never loved you..
Or at least not like you had loved him.
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treasure-my-aurora · 5 years
One More Night. Pt 11
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Pairing: Kim Hongjoong / fem!Reader
Chapter: 11/14
Genre: Mutual pining, canon compliant, fluffy af, angsty af, suggestive, teasing and filled with that good shit that everyone loves
Words in this chapter: 5947
“I talked with him yesterday” Seonghwa stood next to me the following day, speaking up, without looking at me and only loud enough so that I heard him as we stood a bit to the side. I’d noticed him when he’d came to stand beside me a few minutes earlier but his words were still completely out of the blue and I looked over at him for a few seconds in surprise while we waited for the signal to start walking out of the airport, knowing that he talked about Hongjoong without even asking. I wet my lips as my gaze rested on the faint red soft mess of hair a few steps in front of us, a headband over his forehead and eyes watching the ground as he swayed back and forth slightly, deep in thought with headphones in his ears. “He loves you; you know…” The eldest hyung continued and I nodded, my lips pursed as I looked away again from the man who held my heart, “And he doesn’t say those words lightly, barely says them to us at all but he couldn’t stop himself from rambling it over and over when we talked. He’s hurt… you are his first true love after all, his love for music excluded” I met Seonghwa’s eyes quickly, feeling my cheeks burn and he gave me a sad smile, “You need to solve this, leave us at the dorm as soon as we get back and take him to his real home, not necessary your apartment- but to you, with you, where his heart is. You deserve to be happy noona, you both do” He looked away and sighed as the queue started to move and my heart squeezed with the anxious weight of his words as we walked and then jumped into the cars that waited on the other side. .. My own car was parked exactly where I left it, in the parking space connected with the boys’ dorm. I reached out my hand and took a hold of Hongjoongs jacket, just as he was about to join the others and he gave me a confused look, taking out the headphones for the first time since we’d sat down in the airplane in Japan, “Come with me” I begged, and he looked down where my hand gripped the black fabric before he looked back at his hyung who raised his brows, urging him without using any words that he should do as I asked. Hongjoong scoffed slightly but didn’t argue as he took his seat next to me, like he’d done so many times before and I drove us to my apartment in silence, parked, walked up the stairs and unlocked my front door, unable to get rid of the heavy feeling I had in my throat, like I’d swallowed an uneven boulder and it had gotten stuck in my throat, slashing up and wounding my insides, tears of defeat collected in the corners of my eyes as we entered and I locked behind me like I always did. “This is it then?” I asked, taking a shaky breath, almost chuckling in disbelief of how much had changed these last days as I watched my feet, standing frozen on the tiles in my hallway after I’d taken off my shoes. It was like we were strangers again and Hongjoong sighed as he rolled his eyes, hooked my arm with his and I looked at him with confusion as we entered my bedroom and sat me down on the bed, “Lie down” He said simply but I didn’t comply, sick of the way he’d been ordering me around since the day I started working with him, and even though it had mostly been out of love, teasing and joking around in the past, I couldn’t take it right now. I just didn’t have the energy. “I don’t know if you’re flirting or trying to start a fight, but I don’t want to. We need to talk and I’m tired of you acting like this whenever you meet some sort of obstacle in your life. You just turn off completely, not talking to me, not talking to your members. I want to solve this thing between us, I want us to be how we’ve always been” I begged, and he sat down next to me instead, rubbed his eyes, tiredly. “Well, you kinda fucked that up when you basically said that my love for you is a lost cause” He said and clicked his tongue, jaw clenching as he fiddled with his clothes. I pinched the bridge of my nose and felt myself losing it again. I didn’t think of myself as an aggressive person. I’d never actually hit someone, but I’d definitely had a flash of a violent thought here and there and this was one of those moments. I clenched my fist and felt my entire body tense up for a second as furious anger boiled in my system again. “I’m sorry I let you down then, Joong” I fought to keep my voice calm, but it still cracked as I tried to swallow down the tears that threatened to make an appearance, “I’m sorry that I fell for your amazing charm, your perfect fucking body, the way only you could make me smile in the darkest, loneliest moments in my miserable life ever since we started working together. I’m so, so fucking sorry that I actually had the audacity to hope that you felt the same and then get overjoyed when you actually did, and it works, the sweet kisses, the way we only touch ourselves to get off. For now. But we both want more, right? And how do you think that will work out? How could you ever expect that I, a normal girl to ever, ever get away with dating you? Huh? How do you expect that? Do you really, really think that Ateez will have a chance to properly break through the market in any part of the world if the leader of the group is dating his stylist? I’m employed by the same company as you and you’re my client, it’s just morally wrong in the eyes of so many and a scandal you’ll never be able to break free from…” I cried, sobbing as I tried my hardest not to raise my voice at him and he wet his lips when I finished, swallowed hard and then nodded, “Then don’t” He said and my heart broke into a million pieces, and I audibly choked on my breath, croaked forth a, “What?” between broken sobs, tears falling uncontrollably from my cheeks and I felt sick from anxiety, his lack of reaction to my sorrow made me want to puke. “Just quit, stop coming up with the fucked-up reason that you are company owned. Freelance and I’ll pay you out of my own pocket” He said, jaws tensed and I looked at him confused, “I’m the reason why we’re in the situation after all” He continued, dangerously calm, almost seeming older than me with his logical and calculated words instead of hysterical crying and I felt a hinge of embarrassment as I wiped my tears, “I’m the one who should be sorry” He shrugged, “I’m the one who has been pushing you, both mentally tormenting you with my naughty words in inappropriate situations and pressing up on you when you might not have wanted me so close, pursuing you even after you’ve begged me to stop… I’ve been rude to you in difficult situations, jealous, envious of the people that own your friendship as well. Like a green-eyed monster, greedy and selfish and wanting you all to myself. Hell… I almost thought about quitting the company because the whole feud between San and me seemed so never ending that I just wanted to run away, scared that I’d do something I’d regret if he ever came close to you again ” He sighed and shook his head to the memories he talked about, eyes on his clasped hands in his lap, “I can stop completely, If you want to. Talking about San, he’s still interested to have you as his stylist, if you’d have him instead. I can step down; I can stop tormenting you” My lips were on his in a heartbeat, making him shut up just after he finished his sentence and my heart sang with happiness when he gasped in surprise as I tackled him on the bed, making him lie down on his back while straddling his lower belly. My hands quickly found their familiar spot in his hair and I pulled on it hard, causing him to inhale sharply in surprise before he met my lips again. “Babe, I…” He tried to talk between the wet sloppy kisses but I didn’t let him, tired of feeling distraught, tired of feeling like I was shattered into a thousand pieces, desperately just needed to be mended back together with his body against mine. “I love you” I said and he smiled against my lips, the first smile of that day and I inhaled sharply as he repeated my words, his hands on my hips, right where they belonged and I paused, broke the kiss and sat back up slightly, “Say it again” I asked and gulped as I watched him, lips a bit swollen from my sudden attack, hair tousled from my yearning fingers and chest heaving underneath me, looking up on me with the corners of his lips upwards in that wonderful smile he seemed to save only for me. I still found it hard to believe that he was actually real sometimes, not only willing to put his hands on me in the ways I craved but loving the feeling of my skin against his just as much as I did. Brows furrowed, like my touch was burning him when I moved a strand of hair from his forehead, before I removed the headband completely and let his hair spill out like an auburn aura around his head against my cream coloured sheets. “I love you” He repeated again, and I inhaled sharply, taking his words to my heart, the tips of my fingers caressed down his face to his cheek, following the edge of his chin, down his neck and the quick beating of his pulse, “Again” I demanded and indulged in the way he took a controlled breath when I unzipped the shirt he wore, revealing an oversized tank-top before my hands splayed on his chest instead, “I love you” He placed a hand on my cheek, and I leaned into it, my eyes still locked with his. “Again” I whispered now, so deeply lost in his eyes that I felt the world around us disappear. Seeing myself mirrored in the darkness of them. “I love you” He replied and smiled, giving me a tender look before he leaned me down to place a soft kiss on my lips, holding me there for a few seconds longer, sighing contently through his nose and my hands reflectively buried in his soft hair again, feeling the silky strands ripple between my fingers as I took a shaky breath. The hand that cupped my cheek travelled back to grab a handful of hair in my neck as he deepened the kiss, as if he couldn’t help but let out the side of him that needed more, opened his mouth to taste my lips, tongue meeting mine halfway as I kissed back with the same heated intensity, knowing how he worked by now. What he craved and how I could give it to him, my body moving against his, flushing my chest against him as if I wanted to sink into him, disappear within him, and I separated my legs further, rolled my jeans covered heat against his hard stomach and he groaned deep at my demanding desire, the sound resonated within my soul and I shuddered slightly as a ripple of desire went through my body. His hand moved again, stroking down my sides until they came to cup my butt and he squeezed hard before he pushed my body further down to nudge against his cock and I swallowed hard when I felt that he was already rock hard, his appetite for me so large that I found it hard to breathe, a gasp left my lips when the sweet smile of his turned lethal with greedy hunger and I couldn’t help but clench my thighs over his hips, excitement pounding in my entire body. “What do you have in mind?” I groaned and he licked his lips, eyes hooded, and my heart skipped as they tugged up in a smirk. “Hopefully the same as you” He said and I bit my lower lip and nodded, my blood boiling hot as he rolled us around and I choked on my breath when my back hit the bed and he sat back up on his knees, digging his toes into the bed for support and pulled of his blazer, the shirt he had under and then finally the tank-top with swift motions, watching me with glazed over eyes as I bit down on my tongue, my stomach clenching hard. I swallowed, almost nervously as he carefully placed his glasses on my bedside table. My eyes never left his body as he towered over me, eyes so dark that the sweet brown I was used to only showed up as a thin line, face already flushed with lust as he leaned down again, shuddering slightly, like he was nervous as well, when his fingers hooked under the edge of my shirt. He met my eyes underneath his lashes, as if he was unsure that I still was ok, but I nodded and the reassured feeling it gave him, lit a flame in his eyes as he pulled my shirt over my head before his attention turned to the shorts I was wearing. His fingers trembled slightly when he unbuttoned them, and I placed my hand over his to still the motion. He looked up again, scared that I’d tell him to stop, “We don’t have to rush” I said softly, stroking over his knuckles comfortingly but he just shook his head, licked his lower lip into his mouth and gave me another breath-taking smirk, “Believe me baby, I won’t rush, but I’ve been waiting for so long, my want isn’t just a want anymore, it’s a craving and I’m planning to give in completely” My cheeks flushed slightly as his well-placed words made my stomach do somersaults and I looked away as he pulled the shorts down over my ankles and threw them aside, almost downright shy when he leaned back on his feet again, watching me with hooded eyes as I unhooked my bra in the back. I fought the feeling of wanting to cover up as I threw the garment to the side. My cheeks burning red now as his mouth fell open and a wrinkle appeared between his brows, eyes teary with lust as a shaky inhale left his lips. My hands continued down to my panties and he closed his mouth and swallowed, reaching out to place his hands on mine to stop my movements, “No, please. Let me” He begged and I paused before I nodded shortly, flinched a little out of excitement as he hooked his fingers at the lining and pulled down, captivatingly slow and I gasped when he finally saw me naked, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped, taking in the sight of me for the first time. “You’re gorgeous. Fuck, I’ve imagined this moment… imagined you, so many times but this is…” He reached out to carefully separate my legs and I clenched my eyes shut, wanting to hide my face in embarrassment when he cursed loudly at my wetness. “Open your eyes, please. I need you to see how badly I want you” He said, voice low and husky, hands squeezing around my thighs and I opened my eyes again, reluctantly and bit down on my lip as I met his eyes, that beautiful pink flush on his cheeks and sweat already collecting on the roots of the baby hairs in his forehead. “I love you” He said again, and my heart ached for him. How could I ever doubt myself when it came to him? How could I ever doubt that I wanted to give myself completely to him? “I need you” I managed to say, and he wet his lips, his eyes soften, and a smile tugged on them, “And you’ll have me, for as long as you want” He said back and I reached out for him, placed my hand on his cheek, bringing his lips to mine, not able to stop myself from tasting him again, like his lips was a wine and I wanted nothing else but to get drunk. He kissed me back with vigour, before he placed hungry nibbles underneath my chin and down my neck. Paused for just a few seconds to unbutton his own pants, pulling them down and threw them on the floor to join the rest of our clothes before his lips were on mine again, and he peppered my body with kisses, his lips soft on my skin as he went lower and lower, kissed the swell of my breast and my fingers buried in the red of his hair when he sucked a sensitive nub into his mouth, nibbling slightly on it with his front teeth, meeting my eyes behind dark long lashes and I moaned, writhed underneath him while he went over the other, repeating the action and I hooked my leg around his waist, needed to feel all of him as he made sparks of pleasure shoot through my body. He growled, low and guttural and bucked his hips into me, the tip of his clothed cock prodded my entrance and I clenched around nothing, so wet and bothered that it actually began to hurt. Almost thankful when he left my boobs to continue downward, feeling like my head was among the clouds when he pressed lithe kisses over my ribs, down my stomach and I sat up slightly to lean on my elbows, choked on my breath when his hands came to rest on my thighs and he looked up, face centimetres from my cunt. “This is the last chance to tell me to stop, because I fear that I won’t be able to, once I get a taste of you” “Don’t stop, please, don’t stop at all” I shook my head fast and he chuckled lightly before closing his eyes and flicked out his tongue, planting it flat over the lips of my cunt before he licked carefully at the slit and I could feel him inhaling with difficulty as he swallowed. Moaning and sending vibrations through my body at the taste, my taste and my surprised gasp spurred him on as he repeated the action before he carefully sucked my clit into his mouth. I was a mess within seconds, my head falling back as I buried my fingers into his hair, pulled on it softly while gasping between hard gasps. The feeling of him, eating me out like it’s the last thing he’d ever do, was better than anything I’d ever dreamed of and only God knew how much I’d actually been dreaming, hoping that the moment would become reality one day and I inhaled sharply as his hands gripped my thighs hard, pushing me down harder on his face, the grip of his fingers almost bruised my skin but I didn’t care, only embraced the feeling as he pushed his nose against my pubic bone. His tongue slipped into my entrance to lick up my juices and I swallowed hard, as his hot shaky exhales send ripples down my spine. “Please, darling I…” I choked forth and he paused, came up between my legs again to meet my eyes, chin wet and eyes dark and he licked his lips, like he’d just had a great meal, gulped when he met my eyes, ready to listen to my every command, “Yes?” He asked, and I swallowed, mouth dry as I was fighting to remember how to speak. “I need…” “More?” He asked, eyebrows raised and I nod, my head falling back against the bed when he chuckled lightly, lovingly at my need for him before he let go of my right thigh and I cursed loudly when a finger entered me, eyes rolling back in my skull and a breathy moan escaped my throat, “Fuck babe, you’re so wet, I just slid right into you” Hongjoong said, wonder in his eyes and voice and I just let out a whiny response, not able to think clearly as he pumped his finger carefully a few times before he let another join and I gripped his arm hard, my breathing hitched as he curled them and tickled that sweet spot inside of me. He paused for a second, scared that he’d hurt me from my sudden jolt, but I shook my head, “Don’t stop” I could only choke forth, feeling a bit pathetic with the fact that I was so far gone already. But he didn’t seem to mind, seeming proud that he’d put me in the state I was as he sighed and I could hear on his exhale that he smiled when I clenched around his fingers as he leaned down to press his tongue back on my cunt, still with his fingers deep inside me, crying out as my back arched off the bed from the combination of his licking and those devilish fingers working up a quicker pace inside me. I opened my eyes and realised my mistake the same moment I did so, meeting his eyes, seated between my legs like he was the only one meant to be there, his red hair tickled the inside of my thighs and I involuntarily clenched around him again, feeling myself standing at the edge faster than I wished. “Stop, I’m gonna come” “Then come baby” He groaned against me, but I refused and scooted back away from him, having other plans in mind. He actually groaned with disappointment as his fingers slid out of me again and I swallowed hard from the sound of it before I opened my eyes again, panting as I came down from the mountain I’d been climbing before I motioned for him to change place with me without using any words. “I… I want to give you some as well, just don’t… don’t move” I said, my voice unsteady and he gulped as I Ieaned down over him, his back on the bed now with his head against the pillows and I swallowed as excitement made my heart hammer hard in my ears and hands tremble slightly. I reached forward, seated between his legs and let my fingertips touch him through his underwear, a surprised gasp leaving his lips as he watched me, his hard cock leaking with pre-cum and my fingers travelled over the underside of his length before I cupped my hand over the head, feeling him twitch against my palm as he melted to putty at my touch, and my other hand soon joined to squeeze softly along the shaft. I rubbed softly along the bulging vein on the underside again, my touch a bit harder now and he twitched again, stomach clenching and I could feel how badly he just wanted to thrust into my hand, but he held back, doing as I wished and just stayed still. My eyes flicked from what I was doing, to his face as he bit his lip, cursed under his breath when I spread the wetness of pre-cum over the fabric, making the spot bigger and bigger. “Please” He begged finally, chest constricted and heaving hard from controlled breaths, lips pink from biting hard onto them and body flushed from arousal and I bit my own lip to stop a moan from escaping as I comply with his wishes and pulled down the underwear with one swift movement. It felt like I wanted to cry when I finally saw him, his cock large and heavy as it flopped back against his stomach, turned upward towards his belly button as soon as it sprung free. The tip an angry purplish red from my teasing and I inhaled sharply as it twitched happily when Hongjoong noticed my enticed stare. “Touch me, please” He begged, licking his dry lips and my eyes lingered on his for a few seconds, his hooded and pleading and I nodded, gulped hard as I felt arousal tick between my legs like an angry bomb, wanting nothing else than just give in and straddle his hips. But I promised myself to make this first time special. I wrapped my hand around him properly, finally, and watched with hooded eyes as Hongjoong’s closed, a deep moan left his lips as his head fell back against the pillows, his back arching slightly to thrust up into my hand, impatiently needy and not able to stop himself and I choked on my breath as I tugged on his length. Dipped my thumb into the slit and he writhed underneath my touch, my name falling from his lips like a mantra, begging me for more. I wanted to praise him for being so good, laid there, thighs shuddering as he took every shot and ripple of pleasure that ran through his body from my touch and I swallowed down the nervous feeling, never really enjoyed being the one so much in control when it came to sex. But something within this moment just screamed at me to take, to claim his pleasure and restrain it. “Darling?” I say as I loosen my grip slightly, “Uhu” He managed to answer, breathy pants escaping his lips, “Am I doing good?” He swallowed, rolled his eyes slightly, like he couldn’t believe what I was asking before he met my eyes again and bit his tongue, an encouraging nod made his hair whip and I smiled as I closed my hand harder around his cock again, beads of pre-cum coated my fingers. “Can I taste you?” I asked, my heart beat hard in my chest and he whined out a “Please, fuck baby, don’t even ask” I flicked out my tongue without another word, and I gave the head of his cock a kitten lick, finally salvaging his taste before I took the head into my mouth, let my jaw fall open and he cried out, twisting my sheets underneath him as I took him as far down as I could, choking slightly at the size and he buried one hand in my hair, showering me with praises as he tried with all his might not to thrust up, stomach clenching as I swallowed around him and I writhed, craving friction, feeling how I was basically dripping. “Wha-” He started as I suddenly let him go again but still pumped him with lazy movements though. I didn’t say a word, and only gave him a smile before I turned in a half circle, straddled his chest and pushed my cunt into his face, gasping slightly when his tongue flicked out to taste me again, without any question and I went back to his cock, took him into my mouth again and moaned when two fingers entered me, sending shivers through him when the vibrations of my moan made him shudder. It was hard to focus, with his tongue licking down between the lips of my cunt, dipping his tongue in to join his fingers and then moaning when I repaid him, deepthroating his cock as far as I could, feeling my eyes tearing up slightly and I focused on breathing through my nose instead. “Baby, I-” He moaned, choked a little as he stopped his movements and I let him go, a small pop from my mouth as his wet cock fell back on his stomach, “I need to be inside you, now” He said, almost like he ordered me and I bit my lip, sat back up and he turned me around with a tap on my hip, making me straddle him the other way, and he sighed before he sat up against the pillows, signalling for me to join him with a flick of his wrist. I sat down in his lap again, my legs on the side of his hips, chest flushed against his and captured his lips with a breathless gasp as he cupped my face with both hands, kissing me like my lips was the reason he breathed and I rolled my body against his, my skin prickling when my lower stomach pressed against his cock and he broke the kiss with a soft gasp. His hands came to rest on my neck as I raised myself up slightly, one hand on his cock and the other on his shoulder, stabilising myself as I guided him to my entrance and kept our eye contact as I impaled myself, agonizingly slowly to get used to the size and I couldn’t help but close my eyes when he was finally fully sheathed inside me, my forehead resting against his as we breathed the same air. “Stop clenching around me” He hissed forth between tight lips and I gasped, “I’m sorry, I just… I can’t help myself” I choked on my breath and tried to move, still adjusting to the size, just a little and his hands splayed on my back instead, making sure that I didn’t lose my balance as I shuddered and gripped his arm to keep him close. He placed a kiss on my shoulder and gripped me tighter, raising my body slightly as he hugged my frame, “You feel so good babe, so tight around my cock. I could stay like this forever, in your pulsating heat” He whispered, and my head fell back as I moved again, desperate for friction, my need for release so deep that it shook me. His hands travelled down to my ass and he helped me as I moved again, lifting me up almost completely before letting gravity do its thing and I fell back on his length again with a choked moan. He repeated the action and I pressed him close to me, trapped my boobs between our flushed chests, my arms around his neck and he nibbled my exposed throat again, “Tell me your mine” He said, knowing the answer but longing for confirmation anyway, before he swallowed hard, hands squeezing my ass and helped lifting my body again, and I choked on a breath, “I’m yours darling, I’m yours. Please, just… more, I need more” “More again? You’re so needy for me, huh?” He repeated, taking the request as a challenge and I swallowed hard before I met his eyes again, and a gasp left my lips from the diabolical fire burning in them. Before I knew it, I was on my back again and he pulled out completely before plunging even deeper into me and I gripped into him hard as he thrusted, setting a pace that made my body shake. My head fell back, and he kept his arms around the small of my back, letting me become putty in his arms as my back arched. “So good, fuck. You’re being so good to me” He gasped out in the crook of my neck, his hands travelled as he sat up slightly, placing one hand on the side of my face, kissed me with a breathless gasp and let the other hand close around my throat and my head fell back again as he pressed his thumb over my windpipe. He leaned back, watching me with a tilt on his head. Placed the hand that's been on my cheek around my waist instead, his fingers digging into the flesh there as he pounded into me, “You like this baby girl?” He asked, voice hoarse and husky, teeth biting into his lower lip as his gaze flicked from my eyes to his cock, “You like it with my hand wrapped around your throat? My cock disappearing within you like that” A shaky, controlled breath left his lips as he cursed, eyes straining as he gripped my throat tighter and I nodded, almost frantically, not able to find my voice to speak. A shaky inhale made his chest shudder as he watched himself disappear around the lips of my cunt over and over and over again, “God, I love you so much” He said, voice so full of affection that I choked on a gasp and his lips were on mine again, my mind cloudy with ecstasy as he moved with me, slowed down his movements for a short while, to just feel me, kissing me with the same warmth I’d come to crave, came to need to even be able to breathe properly, “Are you close?” He asked and I nodded again, clenched around him to tease him and his breath hitched, “Touch yourself then, I wanna feel you clench just like that when you cum” I swallowed hard and his hand moved to rest on my chest instead to stabilise himself as he snapped his hips even harder against mine and I choked on my breath when I pressed two fingers on my clit, tilted my hips down to make it more accessible and separated my legs even further, my head fell back as an even more intense pleasure shot through my body and I only had to rub for a few seconds, he was filling me up so much that it was impossible for me to stop myself, and I was gone awkwardly fast, my body tensing up as pleasure made my brain foggy, pulsing through my body like tidal waves crashing, and a breathless scream left my lips as my eyes glazed over, my hearing blew out and my fingers grew numb. Hongjoong swore as I clenched around him, hard, like I wanted to suck him into my body and he almost stilled his movements completely. “I… can I… cum inside you?” He choked and I nodded, “Please. Fill me up” He thrusted and I clenched around him, spurred him on even faster and my eyes teared over with emotion as I watched when he fell as well, tensing up and buttomed completely inside me, head falling back and breathy pants escaped his throat, and I moaned with satisfaction when I felt him twitching inside me, some of his cum spilling out before he was even finished, his body shuddering against me and I kept clenching, tried to keep it inside me as he pulled out, and he wet his lips before he bit down on it as he watched his creation, the way he’d wrecked my body completely. “Fuck baby” He whispered with admiration as I let go and let his cum ooze out, coating the lips of my cunt, and it was as if he couldn’t help himself as he reached forward to scoop some of it out of me and brought it to my lips. I licked his fingers clean and he sighed with hooded eyes before he leaned down to capture my lips again, tasting himself on me. - I woke up with him next to me that following morning, his naked body pressed onto mine and I reached forward to stroke my thumb over his cheek, happiness bubbling in my belly as I watched him. Knowing that he was mine and mine alone.
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jamaisvu002 · 6 years
You are the reason - SM
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A/N: I had a vision and then I kinda lost it but I decided not to give up again, so this is what I finally came up with. Feedback is highly appreciated so please do let me know if you liked it by liking & reblogging. Thank you! ❤︎
@coveredinpoutine Thanks hun once again for proof reading this thing for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you and Hal. ❤︎
Warnings: Angsty Shawn (mixed with some fluff)
Word count: 2.5K
“Come here.” He called in a low soft voice. You removed your jacket  and walked up to the couch he sat on. He grabbed your hand and pulled you down to sit with him. You turned to face him and rested your elbow on the back of the couch and leaned your head against your palm.
The hotel room was dark, the only light being the moon that peeked through the curtains and the few scented candles he had put on the table. You had recognised the smell the second you walked in. It was your smell. The first time you had light up one of those candles in front of him he had said how it smelled like you and from that moment it became your favourite candle scent.
Apparently it was Shawn’s too since he always took at least one with him while he was away. He said it made him feel like you were there and that helped him to relax. This time it didn’t seem to do the job since he seemed to be as far away from relaxed as possible.
You could tell how stressed he was from the way he was wiggling around his fingers. The dark circles under his eyes revealed his lack of sleep and the adorable lazy eye was even more prominent than usual.  
“Have you been sleeping at all?” You asked quietly as you wiped a ringlet off of his sweaty forehead. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as your fingers caressed the skin on his forehead.
“No, not really. Is it that obvious?” He asked and turned to look at you with a side smile that never reached his eyes.
“Unfortunately.” You answered while stroking his cheek reassuringly. He turned his head away and started to look at his fingers. It began to feel obvious that something was really wrong.
“Brian sounded really worried on the phone what’s going on?” You finally asked as your fingers kept playing with his curls. He kept staring at his hands instead of looking at you.
“Something happened.” He said with no emotion in his voice. Suddenly you felt the lump in your throat and it started to feel harder and harder to breath. You waited impatiently for him to talk. You moved your hand from his hair and placed it on top of his hand and gave it a tiny squeeze.
“What ever it is you can tell me.” You reassured and gently stroked his cheek again. He took a deep breath and got up from the couch.
“I’m sorry you had to drive here at this hour.” He mumbled and walked to the welcome tray and poured himself a cup of coffee. He grabbed the mug and blew into it in hopes to cool it down.
“Please don’t be sorry and Shawn you need sleep not caffeine.” You protested as he walked back to the couch and sat down. Instead of looking at you he took a sip of the coffee and placed it in between his hands to keep them warm. He kept staring at the cup as he spoke.
“I told Brian not to call. I didn’t want to worry you.” He took another sip and finally lift up his gaze to meet yours. “I know I was the one saying I needed a break so I didn’t want to bother you with my shit.” He continued before you could say a word.
“I came here because Brian said you needed me. If you don’t want me here I can also leave.” You acknowledged while looking into his eyes.
“No, I do need you and I want you to stay. Please, stay.” He admitted and placed his hand on your knee. You smiled at him and placed yours on top of his.
“Do you remember when I found you in my bathroom singing one of the Queen songs in your black silk robe?” He asked and you felt your cheeks turn red as you nodded in response.
“We were going out that night and I came to check if you could help me with my bow tie. I heard the music to the hallway and peeked through the door. There you were in your robe dancing in front of the sink while you used a hairbrush as a microphone. The belt of the robe was loosened enough to reveal your red lace bra. You were the most beautiful thing ever and I wanted nothing more than to dance with you right there and then. I ended up doing so and at that moment I knew how madly I was in love with you.” He confessed with that familiar loving smile on his face.
You didn’t know where this was going or that he had felt this way during that night. What he just had confessed made your heart burst and a tear escaped your eye and rolled down your cheek. It landed on the back of your hand that still laid on top of his. 
You removed your hand and used it to wipe away the rest of the escaping tears while he placed the now cold mug on the coffee table. His smile had faded as his gaze returned to meet yours. You started to feel anxious as you waited for him to continue.
“I was a mess and convinced myself that this break would be a good decision. What I didn’t know then was how much I’d regret it.” He revealed, not looking at you while running his shaky hand through his hair. You moved closer to him and placed your hand on his cheek.
“What made you regret it?” You asked curiously as you caressed his cheek with your thumb. He raised his gaze to meet yours and you saw the tears that had gathered in his eyes. He tried so hard to blink them away that they obeyed. He turned to look away in case the tears would return.
“I heard this song in the car when we were on our way to the hotel from the airport in LA. It just hit right through me and before I knew it I was in tears. I sat across from Brian and he saw it in my face that something was wrong. I couldn’t stop the tears when they rolled down my cheeks I just sat there with a blank expression on my face.” He said still unable to look at you.
“I got off the car and walked straight to my room not wanting to talk about it. Brian being Brian he didn’t leave me alone and kept asking day after day if I was okay. I told him I was fine even though I couldn’t sleep and had lost my appetite. I was able to pretend to be somewhat normal during the meetings and interviews but soon enough everyone noticed something was wrong. I couldn’t pretend in front of the guys they all know me too well. So yesterday I decided to go to the gym with Brian and in the middle of my work out I ran to the bathroom to throw up. He came after me and said I needed to eat something and not just keep drinking coffee in hopes to keep myself even somewhat sane. We went out to eat dinner and I couldn’t keep it in anymore so I told him everything.” He added and finally turned to look at you in disgrace.
You had no idea he had been feeling this bad. After announcing the break and leaving he didn’t keep in touch so you thought he was doing fine and that the break was helping him figure out what he wanted.
Now seeing with your own eyes what a mess he really was and how he was opening his heart to you without even being able to look you in the eyes for being so ashamed. You had never seen him like this before and it broke your heart into million pieces to look at this broken creature that you loved so much it almost made your heart hurt. You gently placed your hands on his cheeks and leaned your forehead against his.
“Shawn I’m so sorry about everything. Please let me help you, I can’t stand to see you like this.” You begged and gently kissed his forehead. You lowered your hands to the back of his neck and ran your fingers along the hairline.
“Please don’t apologise, it’s all my fault.” He protested while looking into your eyes and then placed his hands on your hips and squeezed lightly. You took it as a hint to lean closer and attacked his lips with soft sloppy kisses while still massaging the back of his scalp. He pulled you closer to him and as your breasts got pressed against his chest a small moan escaped from his lips. You broke the kiss and leaned your forehead against his as you both breathed in heavily.
“Can you play me the song? I’d like to hear it.” You asked quietly and still out of breath from the kissing. He didn’t say anything so you placed your hand on his cheek and caressed it with your thumb. He sighed and pecked your lips once more.
“Sure, honey.” He finally agreed and got up from the couch. He walked to the desk behind the couch and grabbed his phone. You could hear the keyboard clicks as he searched for the song. There was a tiny quiet moment before he sighed once more and set the phone back on the desk. He turned around and the song started playing. 
Listen to the song
He stood next to the desk and leaned against the wall. He stared at the floor while running his fingers through his hair. You turned away and tried to focus on the lyrics. When the chorus started you turned back to look at Shawn. He was now sitting on the floor with his knees up, back still against the wall. He was looking up and even though it was dark you could see the tears rolling down his cheeks.
You didn’t think your heart could break more than it already had but seeing him cry on the floor proved otherwise. The tears came without a warning as you got up from the couch and walked towards him. You sat down in front of him and straightened your legs on each side of his body while wrapping your arms around his bent knees. You kept hugging his legs while he sobbed quietly.
“I ruined everything. Because I’m so scared to lose you.” He blurted out and raised his gaze to meet yours. His chin trembled while the tears kept running down his cheeks. You had never seen him like this and nothing hurt you more than seeing his warm hazel eyes in so much pain. You would do anything for this curly haired boy you loved so deeply.
“Shawn, look at me, I’m here. You didn’t ruin anything.” You said and wiped away the last few tears that escaped from his puffy eyes. You rested your chin on top of his knees as he used the hem of his shirt to wipe his eyes.
He rubbed his nose and sniffled quietly as you got up and offered a hand to help him. He grabbed your hand and you pulled him up and against your chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his chest. The familiar scent of his skin made your heart flutter. You sniffled along his neck, nose faintly touching the skin. Without seeing his face you felt how he crinkled his nose in response the way he always did.
“Honey, what are you doing? He chuckled as you brushed his earlobe with the tip of your nose. He moved his head to the side so he could see you.
“I’m sniffing you cos I missed the way you smell.” You said smiling proudly at him. He smiled back while shaking his head and kissed your forehead.
“I still owe you an explanation on all this. Let’s sit back on the sofa, eh?” He suggested while loosening his grip around you. You nodded in response and grabbed his hand to lead him back to the sofa. You sat down with your legs crossed and patted the free space in front of you.
He sat down and ran his shaky fingers though his hair. They kept shaking as he placed them on his lap and turned to look at you. A sigh escaped from his lips before he spoke.
“I was afraid. I feel so stupid to even admit it but it’s the truth. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. It’s so scary because what if I can’t give you what you need? I mean I’m here and ready to give you everything I have, but what if it’s not enough?” Tears filled his eyes again, but this time he made sure none would escape.
“I love you so much that every time it gets harder and harder for me to leave. I know I have to because it’s part of my job but at the same time I don’t want to be away from you. I need you. Gosh, you have no idea how you are the only thing keeping me sane in all this.” He continued while couple tears escaped from his eyes and fell down his rosy cheeks.
You were looking at him and felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest. He looked so vulnerable and all the things he said were something you weren’t expecting. Not that you didn’t already know but at least now you were sure that he loved you and wanted you in his life. He was just a bit lost because all of this was a bit too overwhelming and hard to process while being on tour and working so much. You placed your hand on his cheek and used your thumb to wipe away the tears.
“It’s okay to be afraid. You don’t ever have to worry about what you have to offer because everything you have already given me is more than I could ever need. I want to be here for you so please, let me help you.” You insisted while caressing his cheek with your thumb. Before he could protest you quickly continued.
“Shawn, I love you with every single beat of my heart and I would literally do anything for you. I was born to be here, with you. I know I was meant to take care of you and I will continue doing that until you tell me to stop.” You smiled through the tears and he was finally smiling back at you, genuinely. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
“I’m officially the luckiest man on this planet, because of you darling. Thank you.” He answered and pulled you into his lap. You grabbed his face in between your hands and kissed him. He kissed back with so much passion and love that it made you forget everything else. He was everything you wanted and needed in life. He was made for you, he was home.
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Anything But Average
TW: Alludes to some violence. @weirdmixofweirdness i had a brain and thought: why not pull up desktop mode ONTHEFREAKINPHONE. DUH 😂🙈
Formatting sucks but. Yeah.
@ashphoenix06 @nekob00
Chase sat at the bar, his second glass of whiskey in his hand. He didnt want to go home, JJ and Jackie would want him to talk. And he just didnt feel like talking now. Itd been so long since she left it seemed...but seeing her today, across the street, holding hands with some guy theyd gone to school with, it seemed she was his just yesterday.
"Oh suck it up. She didn't want you. Youre here drowning your sorrows, and shes onto the next dick..deal with it" he thought to himself, draining the glass and waving for another.
"Ya know. Thats the cheap crap. You really wanna get blasted theres better stuff.." The bartender said "Yeah well. Im just drinking. Not getting crazy."
His phone buzzed and he looked down, laughing to himself at the meme Jack had sent him. Then a text came through from Alison She was Jacks friend that had become close with the Septic guys over the last few years. Based in Texas in the US they didnt see her in person much, but Chase and her communicated almost daily
A:Heyyyy. Whats up?
C: *picture he took of Stacey and her boy toy* Thats a guy we went to school with 😑. They were 'friends'
A: Dude. Thats a downgrade. Although she was never good enough for you anyway. Only good thing was the kiddos
C:yeah. It still hurts like hell though.... I need to run away. Get out of here. Theyre going to her moms for a month or so for school holidays and i dont want to be here.
A:well. You could always come here? My Dad and step mom are leaving so i have my cabin on the ranch plus the main house to myself for like a month. You should come!
Chase sat and pondered this. Him go to Texas? With horses and a lake and a bunch of land to explore with fourwheelers....that sounded like heaven
C: Are you for real? Because i could seriously use that lol
The phone rang with Alisons ringtone "Hello?"
Alison: Hell yes im serious! Itd help me out because i don't really want to be by myself out here that long. And you sound like you could use it. Seriously. Fly in, ill come get you and we can tear some shit up
Chase laughed 'alright. Be careful what you ask for Allycat"
Her laugh echoed across the line "Ohhh im shaking Mr Brody. Figure out a flight and let me know!"
Chase told her ok and hung up with her, immediately finding a flight that left in a couple of days "I am outta here" he said
************* 'Wait. So youre going for a month??' Jackie said in shock , 'Just like that??' He was standing in the bedroom door watching Chase pack. He had to be at the airport in about 2 hours
"Yeah. I need to get outta my head and Ali offered. So Im going. I think it'll do me some good. She has a computer and Stacey said i could skype the kids, they wont be in town anyway... I just need this Jackie" The hero stared at him knowingly and then nodded 'ok. Just be careful.... Hey..She ever say anything to you about her going MIA a while back?'. Chase shook his head. Thats one thing he hoped to get out of her. Even Jack had tried to get her to tell him where she'd been, but no dice. 'Hm. Ok. Well, let us know when you get there man...'
Chase zipped his suitcase and grab his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. 'I will bro. Thanks for understanding' he hugged his brother hard and then grabbed the suitcase and left.
******* Chase sat in the passenger seat of the truck, still speechless at Alison's appearance. He was expecting the Alison hed seen two years ago; but shed been training and gained muscle and holy hell. She was dressed in cutoff red shorts and a sleeveless black shirt. When she ran up to him at the airport hed almost stepped on his own bottom jaw. Her auburn hair gleamed in the sun as she talked about everything she had planned for this weekend
"Uh...chase..you ok? Awful quiet there bud" she looked over at him. Chase shook his head to clear his brain 'yeah. Yeah im good.... Hey. You look incredible!"
Alisons face flushed 'aw. Thanks' she laughed. "So. Here we are" she pulled the truck up to a gate and punched in a code. As she drove onto the ranch Chase stared out the window.
'Holy hell Alison. This is gorgeous.' They drove for another fifteen minutes, passed the huge main house and pulled up to a log cabin.
'Alright. Let's go in.' She grinned and stepped out of the truck. Chase smiled and followed her. She walked up the steps and unlocked the door. As Chase walked in he laughed. A Sam pillow and Pink Mustache pillow decorated the couch on either end.
'Really Alison?' He said, picking up Septiceye Sam "Hey! Yes really!' She said laughing. 'Just because im friends with them doesnt mean im not going to buy their shit!' He shook his head, all awkwardness gone.
There was the Alison he knew, a goofball with an affinity for Markiplier and Jacksepticeye.
She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling some steaks out. 'You hungry?' Chase nodded. 'Hell yes, ive been needin some of your cooking!' He said, his smile lighting his face. 'You know. Im gonna have to teach you how to cook Mr Brody.' She grinned at him. And he looked at her wide eyed "um..alison. You sure you wanna do that?' "Um. Yes" she said. Grinning at him. 'First lesson..music!' She pulled up an app on her phone and music began drifting through the room. Chase shook his head. Yep. Still Alison
****** Chase watched as Alison danced in place as she cut up some vegtables and potatoes. She was barefoot, singing along to the beginning notes of 'Small Town Boy' by Dustin Lynch, he smiled as he stood up from the barstool he was sitting on... Vegatables could wait He walked up behind her and took the knife from her hand, she turned to him 'what are you-?' Chase grabbed her hand and pulled her to the open kitchen floor and started dancing with her. She threw her head back and laughed as they swayed and Chase sang along
* I'm a dirt road in the headlights I'm a mama's boy, I'm a fist fight Kinda county line, kinda cold beer Little hat down, little John Deere I kinda give a damn I kinda don't care You see that girl standing right there She loves a small town boy like me She's my ride or die baby She's my cool, she's my crazy She's my laid back in the front seat She's my with me to the end girl My turn-it-up-to ten girl....* Alison laughed and sang with him. She was in trouble if her stomach and heart were going to continue playing Zoo escape with him here. Shed been friends with the guys a while. But this was out of left field. She hadnt expected her heart to try to beat its way out when she saw him standing there at the airport. His green hair had been replaced by a natural brown and his eyes shone as blue as ever. When he saw her and smiled as she started to run toward him for a hug, shed almost fallen over. This would be a very interesting visit.
*********** They were sitting on the back porch after dinner. Chase was watching Alison animatedly talk about training with some of the guys in her Dad's work, laughing when she knocked over her water glass when her hands flew into it 'Oh shit!' Alison cried out. Then she just started laughing and Chase couldnt help but laugh along with her as he went inside the sliding glass door to the kitchen and grabbed a towel and handed it to her. She mopped up the mess and then sat back down, still giggling.
'Well. Still gracefull as ever i see Miss Calaway' Chase said teasingly She stuck her tongue out laughing 'oh fuck off Mr Brody' They laughed and then sat in silence, watching the lake.
'So.' Alison said quietly 'how are you...really?'
Chase smiled at her 'you know.... Earlier this week i was in hell. Seeing her with him opened old wounds...but being here now i feel a little better. Like i can breathe. It hurts still. But i can breathe' Alison nodded and reached over and squeezed his hand 'im really glad you came. I needed some company...'
She dropped her hands to her lap and stared out at the water. The energy around them shifted and Chase could sense something hed been feeling all evening. Something was weighing heavy on her. 'Alison....whats going on? You never told me what happened that two week span you quit replying to anyone..and ive left it alone this long but.. i can tell now sitting here it wasnt a case of being too busy with fun stuff to look at your phone' Alison looked down, a mixture of sadness and guilt shadowing her face. He was talking about last year. Even Jack had tried to get out of her where shed been...but she hadnt told a soul. Only her family knew. Tears welled in her eyes... that had been during a bad time for Chase...she remembered the pain in the drunk texts from him that shed read when she got the phone back...
She stood and walked over to the railing. Trying not to cry and failing 'Hey...alison im sorry. I didnt mean to-..' Chase stood and walked up beside her and put an arm around her shoulders. She turned to face him and burying her face in his chest, silent tears rolling down her face for a moment. Then she took a deep breath, stepped back and wiped her face 'Sorry...its just... I never apologized for not being there for you. I read those texts a million times after the fact and... Im so sorry Chase'
Chase stared at her shocked 'thats whats upsetting you? Alison, i send angsty texts to my brothers every time im freakin drunk' he laughed. "You dont need to apologize. It was a bad point but nothing for you to feel guilty for being absent for... But i would like to know where you were. We all know when you reappeared you were different." Alison stared into his eyes, hed had never noticed how green they were. She was searching...but for what? 'Chase.... Not even Jack knows what happened...' She took a deep breath '....i was in the hospital.' Chases mouth dropped open in shock 'What?! Why???'
She stared at her feet and was quiet for a minute. 'Do you remember Chris?' She asked. Chase grimaced at the name, he remembered Chris. He also remembered the broken nose and black eye he gave him a couple years back when he saw him shove Alison to the ground "Yeah. Your boyfriend that no one liked?' She nodded 'yeah. That one.... God i shouldve listened to yall. ' Chase put his hand under her chin and lifted her gaze to his and spoke softly 'what did he do ali?' She swallowed hard. 'Short version? Got mad that i wanted to leave the country to come see yall.... Tied me up and used me as a punching bag for 3 days....'
Chases eyes widened in horror 'what the fuck....howd you get away???' She snorted 'my Dad came to find me.... Imagine for yourself how pretty that was' Chase knew it hadnt been.
Her father was famous for being called The Undertaker. Almost seven feet tall and 300lbs...and Alison was his little girl. His first daughter. His pride... Oh lord that couldnt have been good....
'So' she continued 'i was in the hospital for a good while... Actually the first time i texted you i was still there for another week.... ' Chase pulled her into a hug 'Ali im so so sorry..my God if i had known...' Alison laughed 'if you had known you wouldve been deported and arrested for murder...no i didnt want anyone knowing. Im the one who stayed when yall told me to leave. I'm the idiot.' Chase leaned back, arms still around her. 'No! Its not your fault. I dont care what we told you to do. You want to see the good in people. You want to believe everyone is good and thats an amazing trait. You should never think thats stupid' She smiled and leaned into his chest savoring the warmth and safety.
Later, after they had said goodnight and gone to their rooms, Chase lay there awake. He could still feel her head on his shoulder, feel the warmth from her, and his heart skipped. "What the hell is going on ??' He hadnt felt that since high school...that first skip of the heart when you find someone.... 'Oh grow up Brody. Shes your best friend and doesnt need your damaged ass complicating her life..' Little did he know she was in the room at the opposite end of the hall thinking along the same lines...
****** A week had gone by, they danced around the flirtation and the obvious tension that lay under their banter. The day before it had rained, creating mud puddles everywhere. Now it was sunny and muggy out. Alison excitedly threw a pair of 4-wheeler keys to Chase and grinned as she pulled her ponytail through the back of the hat she was wearing. Chase watched as she bounded down the front steps and followed suit. They were both in jeans. The day before Chase had bought a cheap pair of boots he could get muddy. They were heavy but at least it wasnt his sneakers. They headed down the path between Alison's and the main house. Chase studied her as they walked. He hadnt been as brave since the first night. He wanted to say something....anything. But he wasnt sure where to start. 'You good ?' Alison stopped walking and looked at him, his face flushed slightly "Yeah, im good. Ready to tear up the mud' Alison laughed 'well the shed is right over here. I keep mine here since its closer to my place' They rounded the bend in the path and came upon the metal shed. She unlocked the door and walked in, pulling the tarp off the two four-wheelers. She threw a michevious grin at Chase as she climbed on hers "You ready to get dirty?' She laughed Chase grinned 'Hell yeah!' He climbed on his and they roared to life, Alison shot out of the building and took off, he threw his head back laughing and started after her
****** After about an hour or two of flying through mud and water puddles, they were sitting on the edge of the lake on a blanket Alison had laid out under the big umbrella. Chase had his shirt off as it was wet and muddy. He looked over at her and couldnt help but laugh. She had mud streaked down her arms and some on her nose.. The only part that wasnt spotted was her legs. Shed taken off the jeans and was in her swim shorts that had been under them.
'What?!' She said
'Youre a little...uh...dirty there girl' She laughed 'you should see yourself, your floofy hairdo aint cuttin it kid' she said as she reached over and messed up his hair, dirt falling out 'Hey!' Chase cried and grabbed her hand as he chuckled 'you leave my hair alone. Youre just jealous' Alison laughed and rolled her eyes. 'Yeah. Ok' They sat next to each other in silence, her knees pulled up and arms wrapped around them. She leaned against his side and looked like she was ready to fall asleep on his shoulder. Chase scooted over to the far side of the blanket and laid back, then pulled her down so her head rested on his chest and an arm was around her. His pulse raced and she easily fit in his arm and curled against him.
She sighed contentedly 'hey Chase... Anytime i need to lay with someone im gonna find you. Because youre really comfortable' she said giggling. He laughed 'ok. But youll have to come across the pond a lot' 'Hmm' she said thoughtfully 'ok. Im good with that. Ill come over there for some Brody cuddles' He squeezed her and smiled. 'Hey....Ali?'
'Yeah?' She shifted her head so she could look up at him. Her heart raced as she caught his eyes. Shed been having trouble concentrating on anything since he took his shirt off and this wasnt any easier.
'What are we avoiding here?' He asked... He hadnt meant to be so blunt but it just kind of came out that way. 'I mean. We're good and normal and then other times its so freaking awkward..i dont get it' 'I-.' Alison didnt really have an answer for that. She knew what she thought she was avoiding. But she wasnt 100% sure. 'I dont know.. I mean... I think its obvious theres something to talk about. But neither of us wants to say it'
Chase stared into her green eyes intently 'Well if you want to say what i want to say, then fuck this silence. Tell me'
Alison sat up and looked the other way and he followed. 'Its not just that easy for me Chase.... I dont know what you want...i dont know what im supposed to do..i dont know wh-'.. '
He grabbed her chin and turned her face towards his 'what i want is for you to shut up and kiss me...what youre supposed to do is stop rambling and let me show you'
With that he pressed his mouth to hers and kissed her. Slowly at first and then harder. She sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. They pulled away breathless and stared at each other.
'Now alison' he said, his voice husky "Whyd you wait so long to do that?' He grinned and pulled her to him again and kissing her deeper, laying back, her laying halfway across his chest. After a moment she pulled away and laid her head down on him and laughed 'Holy crap' He laughed out loud, 'yeah... Thats one way of putting it' He kissed the top of her head and wrapped her in his arm, they both drifted off..
****** It was a month and a half later. Chase stood by the front door. Nervous. He didnt want to leave. They hadnt been what youd call official..neither of them labled it . Sure they had held hands, slow danced with each other, kissed and gotten close..but it wasnt like *that* was it?... And now he was going home. He wasnt supposed to feel this way. His heart wasnt supposed to ache like this....
Alison stood in her room making sure she had her keys and phone...stalling. "What the hell...why is this so damn hard. Hes my best friend....a great kisser...but my best friend! Its not supposed to be like this' she thought to herself. Walking out she caught his eyes and saw her sadness reflected there
'Are you ready to go?' She inquired, trying to sound happy
"....you want the truth or the answer thatll make you feel better?' He chuckled.
'Chase...' She stood by him and grabbed his hand... 'I know, i know. We live a million miles from each other... I just didnt think it would-' 'Hurt this much?' She said, staring up at him He sighed and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in and kissing the top of her head. 'Yeah' She opened the door and they walked out to the truck.
******** 'Seriously. Come out sometime, the boys and me will show you a good time' Chase said Alison smiled at him ' Definitely...ill miss you. Thank you for coming. I had a blast'
Chase smiled and her 'And stop standing so far away.' He grabbed her hand and pulled her close 'its harder to kiss you goodbye from over there....if thats okay.... Just one last time?' She smiled and nodded as a blush crept to her cheeks he leaned down and kissed her, both of them holding on longer than they intended. 'Alison...dont be a stranger' he said. Hugging her one last time and picking up his bags. 'I..i wont Chase. Tell everyone i said hi'
She waved goodbye and watched him walk toward his gate, then turned and headed for her truck. When she got inside she let go of her control and cried. The tears didnt stop until she was back to her place. She walked into the room Chase had been staying in and found one of his worn shirts folded on the bed with a note and a small bottle of cologne. She smiled and cried a little reading it
'I know its not the same as falling asleep on me. But this is the cologne i use, you can wear the shirt or use it as a pillow case... Ill miss you' She laid down on the bed and could still smell him as she drifted to sleep
******** 'Dude. You were supposed to go over there to get happier. Now youre just more mopey. What the hell happened?' Jackie asked Chase
They were in the living room, Chase sprawled on the couch. It had been almost two weeks since he came home 'Jackie. Just leave it alone man. Ok? I dont want to talk about it'
'Chase, you need to talk about it. I havent seen you like this ever. When Stacy left you cried and drank and talked about it... You dont even drink anymore. You just sit and watch tv or sleep' Jackie said, worry coating his words.
Chase sat up 'look man. Im an idiot and i caught feelings at the wrong time and the wrong place. Ok? And it hurts because i cant be where i need to be and where i want to be at the same time! I dont drink because then i dream about her and....'
His words drifted off Jackie came to sit by him and put an arm over his shoulder ' you always dream about Stacy though. I thought the sleeping pills helped with that'
Chase put his head in his hands 'Bro. This isnt about Stacy. I never thought id say this but i think this hurts worse'
Jackie was shocked. He couldnt believe what had just come out of his brothers mouth 'Then...who? And what did they do that was so bad???'
Chase shook his head 'thats just it. Nothing bad. It was all amazing... But.. Damnit man. I just wish it wasnt so fucking far, you know?' Jackie thought for a minute and his eyes widened and mouth dropped as he caught on
'Holy shit you mean Alison???' Chase's head shot up 'Jackie if you tell anyone so help me ill strangle you' Jackie put his hands up 'No no. I wont..but..what happened?' Chase laughed 'nothing like that... We just kissed and cuddled a lot and... I really think i fell for her man and i dont know how to process it... I feel like I'm losing my mind.' Then he opened up and told Jackie everything about the trip. His brother just sat and listened.
*************** Two weeks later...
'Alison!' Jack ran over to her, shed begged him to pick her up at the airport but hadnt wanted anyone to know. Hed been happy to oblige. Confused. But happy
'Jack!' She ran over to him and hugged him hard. Shed missed this goofball
'Ok so are you going to tell me whats going on?' Jack said as they grabbed her bags and walked outside to where the Uber was waiting for them
' um.... Its a little hard to explain. But.. I just had to come ok? Im actually meeting my Dad tomorrow. Theyre here because of a movie shoot. We are all staying a month or so.'
Jack shook his head 'i know when youre lying. Theres something youre not tellin me Ali' She looked at him. Knowing hed either laugh or help her... Well only one way to find out
'Jack....when Chase stayed with me for that month... We..I.... I fell for him ok? And i think he feels the same way. And this last month has been hell because i cant stop thinking about him. I know it sounds crazy but i had to come see him, and yall. ' it came out in a rush.
Jacks mouth dropped open in shock. 'You mean...youre the reason Chase has been so mopey? Thank God i thought he was on about Stacy again' and he laughed 'So. Wanna suprise him?' His smile conspiratorial Alison grinned. She shouldve known she could count on him.
*********** 'Well why do i need to go Jack? Why dont you?' Chase whined into the phone 'i dont feel like talking to anyone about filming man. I dont have it in me' 'Chase. Youre going. Trust me. Just meet the agent at the park. Theyll be by the river. Itll be a good opportunity for you man' Jack said on the other end of the line, trying to keep from laughing. 'And what about the others? Jackie and everyone left the house today. They said they were staying with you tonight because you were filming some stuff. Why cant i help?' Chase questioned 'Look Chase. I need you to do this for me. Ok? Please bro?' Chase rolled his eyes 'fine. But this better be a good meeting' Jack hung up the phone and laughed 'oh trust me Brody. Youll love it' he said to himself. Shooting alison a text. 'Now we wait'
At the house Chase threw the phone. He wanted to be mad but he knew Jack was just worried. Hed been holed up in his room since he came back, hadnt touched his skateboard in a month, hadnt even looked at his PS4.. All he could do was go through the photos from his trip. Hed talked to Alison on facetime and she seemed to be happy, was training and riding horses. She had sent him phtos of her and her Dad and little sisters... He felt like he was lying to her. He said he was okay, just more tired...but the reality was he wanted to beg her to come to him. He wanted to tell her he thought he loved her-- but he just kept a smile on his face because as long as she was happy, thats all that mattered
****** Later that night Alison sat on the bench. Nervously playing with the hem of her dress she had bought that morning. He should be here any minute.... What if he was mad...what if he didn't want her here? What if.... She recieved a text from Jack
J:Hes there.
Her heart pounded. Now what? She sat and waited...hearing footsteps
* Chase could see someone on the bench by the water and headed that way. As he walked his eyes focused on the figure. Their hair was an auburn color... That thought made his heart ache as he remembered brushing Alisons from her face... He got close enough to the bench and the figure stood and turned toward him. His heart jumped and he almost fell down 'Al-alison?' He whispered. Not believing what he was seeing. 'Chase..' She said softly. Her face broke into a smile as tears filled her eyes. She ran to him and he embraced her. He finally let go and looked down at her grabbing her face with both hands "ali what the hell are you doing here?!' Tears rolled from her eyes 'Chase....i couldnt stay away anymore. Im sorry...i know i shouldve told you but i didnt know if you wanted me here and-' her words were cut off as he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. When they pulled back he looked at her for a long minute and then spoke as he wiped her tears 'Dont ever apologize for making me this happy...ever. Of course i want you here. Its been hell just talking to you on FaceTime and not being able to say what im thinking. My God Alison i missed you more than i thought possible' She smiled and kissed his cheek and hugged him again. Savoring the feel of his arms around her
'Cmon. Lets go talk' he said pulling out his phone to call a ride 'I got it' she said grinning 'My dad loaned me a driver for my trip' she called someone and said whered they be. As they walked to the road Chase saw a black limo waiting and laughed 'Well. That beats an Uber'
As they rode he just stared at her. She was looking out the window. His heart beat faster. She came....she missed him so much that she came all the way here. He smiled to himself and then shot Jack a text
C:'Youre an ass for letting me walk into that unwarned....but thank you man'
J:no thanks needed. I did it for both of you. You both deserve smiles on your faces man. Now put the phone down... Also Jackie said to tell you 'stay in your own room' 😂
Chase laughed out loud and covered his face. He was going to have to smack him Alison looked over 'whats so funny?' She reached for the phone and snatched it before Chase could stop her 'alison i wouldn-' he warned laughing 'Oh my god.... Im gonna have to smack him when i see him' she said laughing as her face turned red. They both giggled and Chase grabbed the phone and turned it off after sending 'tell him i said ..' Followed by a couple of middle finger emojis
***** They walked into the house and Chase locked the front door before grabbing Alisons hand and kissing her again. He couldnt believe she was here. Alison leaned into him and kissed him back and then said smiling 'i cant believe im standing here' Chase laughed 'i cant either! I mean...why would you come all this way??' Alison locked eyes with him. 'Because... I never knew i could miss someone so much Chase. Honestly it was driving me nuts. I got tired of having the pictures from your trip and FaceTime with fake 'hey buddy' bullshit..... But i wanted to say it to your face.
Chase nodded. He knew exactly what she meant.
** Alison had been there a week and couldnt get over the fact that she was with him. Chase was sprawled out on the other side of the king sized bed and snoring. They had both decided to stay in the hotel room she had reserved for her time here. Chase wasnt used to such a huge bed and Alison laughed thinking back to his face when he first laid on it. She laid her book down and reached over, brushing his hair back and smiling. He stirred and blinked at her sleepily "Ali-- you ok babe?" Her heart jumped at that name. She felt a blush spreading as he sat up and his bare chest became visable. "Yeah- yeah. Was just admiring how cute you were when you sleep" He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair "what. Are you saying im not cute when im awake? " "Well....when youre asleep youre much quieter" she said laughing. His mouth opened in fake offense and then he grinned mischeviously "Oh. Okay.." He rolled over and caught her and tickled her and she laughed and squealed. 'Chase! Chase! Okay i give i give!!" He stopped and looked down at her as he laid across her and laughed 'youre pretty cute yourself Alleycat " he kissed the tip of her nose and she craned her mouth up. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around him. He still wasnt used to the sparks that went through his brain with her. That first night hed stayed with her they... Caught up.. quickly. He was still addicted to the taste and feel of her even after as many times hed experienced her. "Ali-" he whispered as he placed his forehead to hers "Yeah Chase?" "I...i think... This is gonna sounds insane' he laughed She pushed him up so she could look in his eyes "Baby...what?" Chase stared into her green eyes. Never having been more sure of what he was about to say...knowing if he didnt hed never sleep "Alison..... I love you...and i know thats crazy. I never thought id ever say that to anyone with this feeling behind it after her....but honestly if she walked up to me right now and asked me to come home...id say no. Youve made me feel whole. You make me the man i want to be. Even my kids when i saw them yesterday asked why i was so happy... ' He stopped and grinned sheepishly "i kinda talked about you a little...they want to meet you. I told them maybe in a couple of weeks..but thats up to you..Stacy was cool with it if you are..' She stared at him, not knowing what to say. A smile broke across her face and her eyes misted over "Chase...id love to meet them..." She pulled him to her and kissed him before saying quietly 'and Mr Brody...you should know. I love you too.." *****
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siremyrises-blog · 6 years
I'm in love with your siremy domestic headcanons??? But as much as I love fluff I would also like to have some angsty ones, like jealousy or fights headcanons :)))
So this kinda turned into a sort of one shot as opposed to hc’s and I apologize profusely about that. I hope that this is okay, tbh it’s my first time writing angst. I’m more of a fluff writing kind of gal but hey I tried! Thank for the request lovely💓
Simon gets jealous VERY easily. It’s a trait he hates about himself and often causes arguments between him and Jeremy.
Jeremy thinks Simon’s jealousy is rooted from the internalized homophobia he had back in high school. Simon seems to think other gay men are ‘gayer and therefore more appealing’ which makes “absolutely no fucking sense” as Jeremy always reminds him.
“How can someone be more gayer than just being gay? Do you even hear yourself right now?”
The truth is Simon’s jealousy is rooted from his insecurities. He always felt that he wasn’t good enough for Jeremy, that Jeremy was the one that put more into their relationship even though Simon has never loved anyone as much as he loves him. The only man he’s ever loved. The only person he’s ever loved.
When they are out and another boy so much as looks at Jeremy, Simon feels his heart sink. He’s terrified that Jeremy will find someone better than him. Even now, after all this time, Simon still struggles with who he is. Not as much as before but sometimes the glances they get when they’re holding hands in public put him off and he feels weird.
But he’s afraid to tell Jeremy because he doesn’t want him to think that he doesn’t want to be with him or that he doesn’t love him, because he does, sometimes too much. Like this one time.
Simon has a burning hatred for Jason. Jason being a boy that goes to the same gym as Jeremy. Clearly gay and clearly interested in Jeremy.
Simon goes to pick up Jeremy from the gym one night and finds him outside talking. Jason. Simon feels the anger and jealousy burn in his chest. He trusts Jeremy of course. But he doesn’t trust Jason.
He’s edgy and tense on the way home. He has a feeling Jeremy knows why. He doesn’t want to go there, he really doesn’t, but his feelings have been fueling for so long and he feels like he’s going to explode.
And he does. Everything comes out. His fears, his doubts, his jealousy, his anger, everything. It’s the worst fight they’ve ever had. Insults and curses are thrown back and forth. It becomes a war between the two. They are screaming and shouting, neither being able to calm down.
Now we all know that Simon is an emotional guy. He’s a great actor but one thing that faults him is his inability to hold back tears.
Jeremy’s heart wrenches whenever he sees Simon crying. No matter the situation, he always hugs him close, squeezing him as tight as he can, making sure he knows that he’ll never let go, not until Simon has calmed down. It used to be the only way Jeremy could calm him down back when they first started dating and Simon would argue with his father. He would drive over to Jeremy’s house, in a mass of tears and Jeremy wouldn’t say a word, he would just pull him close.
But not this time.
Jeremy is crying now too. It hurts him to see Simon this way. His heart is screaming out, telling him to go over and wipe away his tears. But his head is telling him no.
They are both silent. Both being completely shocked at how far they’ve let this go. It’s clearly something that has been sitting on their relationship for a while, something that they’ve been choosing to ignore. Suddenly, Jermey speaks up, his voice calm and barely above a whisper.
“How is this relationship ever going to work? You’re supposed to fucking trust me. Do you seriously think that I would ever cheat on you? You? The boy that I waited so long for simply because of how much I loved you. I mean, do you even want to be with me anymore? How do I know that you’re not just going to leave one day? Huh? Just suddenly decide that all of this was a mistake? Sometimes I feel like this relationship is completely one sided”
Simon’s heart breaks. He knows exactly why Jeremy feels this way. He knows exactly what he is talking about. He watches Jeremy pick up the keys and leave, slamming the door behind him without a word.
His mind is racing, there are tears flowing down his cheeks. He can’t do this anymore. He can’t go on like this.
His head is telling him that Jeremy deserves better. He doesn’t need you. Someone like Jason could treat him better than you could. He deserves someone confident and proud, not someone like you.
Simon can’t get his head to shut up.
Maybe it’s time to do the right thing and end it. He cries some more, walking around the apartment they share. He wonders why he ever starting dating Jeremy. It was back in high school and Simon wasn’t out, but Jeremy played the long game and they had a secret relationship. And now, even though Simon is out and has partially accepted himself, he still feels that things haven’t changed.
Jermey deserves someone better. 4 words that continuously race through his mind. He doesn’t want to ever let him go, but decides that it’s what’s best for Jeremy.
So, he packs a bag.
Sitting down at the kitchen table of their small but cozy apartment, he begins to write a note.
“Dear Jeremy, Firstly, I want to say how sorry I am. Not just for tonight but for everything. I never meant for this to happen. I never meant to hurt you this way and trust me, it’s killing me inside. I’m not the person you need. I wish I could be. I really do. But I can’t change the way I am. I want you to know that you are the most incredible human being that I have ever laid my eyes upon. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve your love. And I’m so sorry that I wasted it. I’m sorry that I couldn’t give back to you. But believe me when I say, it’s there. You own my heart and you always will. But this is for the best. You deserve someone that won’t be afraid to hold your hand in public, someone that doesn’t care what other people think, someone that can give you all that love in return and not let insecurity ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to them in their entire life. I’m so sorry.
I love you. forever and always, Simon.”
Later that night, a slightly tipsy Jermey arrives home to a cold and empty apartment.
He eventually stumbles upon the note.
This can’t be happening.
Suddenly he is completely stone sober, the shock putting all of his senses on high alert. He pulls out his phone, tears streaming down his face, his heart racing in his chest.
No answer.
He frantically calls again.
Simon’s voice makes Jeremy fall to the floor, he is sobbing and feels like he can’t breathe. His body not reacting well to the mix of alcohol, anger, fear, betrayal and complete heartbreak.
It’s been a week. Still no word. Jeremy sleeps on Simon’s side of the bed every night. Somehow hoping he’d wake up to Simon telling him to move over, like he always does. But nothing.
He has no idea where Simon is. No one does. Not even Lilette.
Jeremy can’t stand it. All he wants to do is kiss him and tell him that he is good enough, what they have is good enough and will always be good enough for him.
He swears that when he comes back, he’ll kill him for putting him through so much pain.
But that’s the thing, it’s been 4 weeks and he still hasn’t come home. Not a word nor a sign.
5 weeks.
6 weeks.
7 weeks.
8 weeks.
9 weeks.
10 weeks later, Simon Saunders pulls up outside the gym. His heart stops beating when he sees him outside. He’s standing there alone, he has headphones on and is looking down at his phone.
Simon waits for a bit, every bit of his being is screaming at him to get out of the car. There is a war going on between his head and his heart.
His heart almost wins when suddenly he sees another car pull up. A tall, dark, well built boy jumps out and a smile spreads across Jeremy’s face.
A tear slips down Simon’s cheek. He watches them talk for a moment, before Jason heads in alone. Jeremy doesn’t move. He has this weird feeling. Like something is telling him to stay.
“This is for the best”. He nods, another tear slipping down his cheek, and finally drives away.
Jeremy is left standing there. Unaware of what just happened. A part of him is missing and he is desperately trying to find it. He searches his surroundings, nothing.
Simon drives to the airport, completely crushed and broken as he has been for the past 10 weeks. He knows what he did was wrong. It was more than wrong, it was utterly fucked up. He convinces himself that it was the only way. Like ripping off a band aid. He hoped Jermey would be okay and, by the looks of it, he finally was. Little did he know that he was getting worse by the day. His depression and loneliness and heartbreak completely taking him over.
Jeremy cries himself to sleep every night. Every day it gets harder for him to cope. He feels like Simon has died and he is mourning his death. How can he just disappear like this? How could he do this to him? Not one lousy call or text to tell him that he’s okay. No one knows where he’s gone. No one knows what he’s doing.
Jeremy is angry, so fucking angry, but he knows that if Simon walked through those doors right now, he’d forgive him in a heartbeat. He would give absolutely anything to have Simon with him, to kiss him again, to wake up beside him again. He’s going insane.
One night, his phone buzzes and he picks it up. A message from a private number.
‘I’m okay. I’m sorry but this is for the best. I promise.’
After realizing he can’t call or text the number back, Jeremy absolutely loses it. He starts breaking things, he knocks everything off of the kitchen counter, sliding down the wall and hitting the floor like a dramatic scene from a movie.
It’s been 10 months. He’s sitting on the cold floor of the kitchen they once shared together. Tears are streaming down his face and heavy sobs are making his body shake. He clutches the note to his chest. The same words ringing in his head.
“I love you. Forever and always.”
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subtlerain · 7 years
You’re My Serendipity
→ Jimin x Reader
Summary: You’re Namjoon’s childhood friend, and you suddenly reunite with him after eight years. Little did you know, this fluke would change your life forever.
Genre: Fluff, little bit of jealous and angsty Jimin
A/N: Hi! This is my first time posting my writing on this blog. This was an idea I had a while ago, so I decided to put myself out there and post it. I really hope you enjoy it, and I’ll be posting more soon!
Ask/requests  ♥  Masterlist  
Jimin raised his head as the door to the dance studio opened, a very excited looking Namjoon walking through the door. Jimin smiled at his content face, slowly coming out of his stretch on the shiny wooden floor.
“Everyone! She’s going to be arriving any moment. We can go ahead with rehearsal, but we can end early if she comes while were still practicing.” Namjoon said, plopping down with the rest of his members. It was early morning, but Namjoon was radiating this intense energy that hardly ever made an appearance.
“Hyung, you really don’t need to keep telling us. You’ve been reminding us for days…” Jungkook sighed, setting his bag down in the corner of the room.
Namjoon’s smile faltered for a moment as he looked at us, “Ah, I’m sorry guys. It’s just…well-I’m so excited!”
Yoongi scoffed, laying down on his back to ‘stretch’.
Jimin smiled at Namjoon, enjoying seeing him so happy. With comeback approaching so soon, he had been busy writing new songs for the album, practicing choreography furiously and making sure his team stayed healthy. “I’m excited for you Hyung. I can’t wait to meet her.”
Namjoon smiled back at Jimin, stretching his legs, “I just can’t believe I’m finally going to see Y/N. It’s been eight years.”
Jimin looked down. Namjoon’s story with you was unique. You two had grown up as childhood best friends, him looking after you, as you were four years younger than him. The two of you had been inseparable.
“I mean, I haven’t even seen many pictures! Since she went away to Canada for high school, I never saw her. And then we debuted…” Namjoon looked off in the distance, biting his lip. “But she’s beautiful and kind and smart. After all, the reason she’s coming here is to attend, university.” The older boy beamed. He played with the hem of his shirt. “She wasn’t even supposed to come here, but her mom got sick and she wanted to be closer to her.” He frowned. “It was kind of a fluke.”
Jimin stood up, feeling excitement bubble in his own stomach. From what Namjoon described, his childhood friend seemed amazing, and Jimin couldn’t wait to finally meet her.
You sighed, stepping out of the taxi in front of the Big Hit building. You rubbed your eyes, cursing the crying baby on the 14 hour long flight for not allowing you to get even a wink of sleep. You entered the building, dragging your suitcase behind you, backpack heavy on your shoulders.
It had been almost 8 years since you had been in Korea, and you couldn’t believe you were back. Spending your teenage years in Canada was amazing, but you were restless and needed some change. And after your mom got sick, the world lead you back to Korea.
You smiled as you went to the front desk, noticing a picture of BTS hanging on the back wall.
You smiled at the lady at the front, showing her your ID card and watching as her face brightened at the name.
“You can go right on ahead Y/N.” She said happily, nodding her head. “He should be in the dance studio.” You left your bag at the front, brushing down your skirt and pulling down the sleeves of your sweater after discarding your jacket.
You touched up your makeup in the washroom, making sure you didn’t look too dead from the flight. After all, it wasn’t just Namjoon you were seeing. You were finally meeting his amazing band mates! You took a deep breath, staring at yourself in the mirror. You had tried to keep up with BTS as soon as they debuted, and watch them grow into worldwide stars. You took pride in Namjoon, and how far he had come.
You walked down the hallway, the only sound being the click of your heeled boots. You heard faint music, smiling when you recognized the song. You waited outside the door until you heard the music stop, your heart beating faster and faster as you cracked open the door.
Seven heads turned towards you as you stood in the doorway, unable to move for a moment. Namjoon’s eyes were wide with shock as you looked at each other. No amount of time could’ve prepared you for being united with your friend.
“JOONIE!” You cried, running to him, feeling happy tears gather in the corners of your eyes. Namjoon met you half way and lifted you into his arms, grinning. You closed your eyes, hugging him tightly.
“Y/N!” He said back to you. “I’ve missed you so much!” He said, letting you go. You smiled up at him, realizing how tall he had gotten. He ruffled your hair, just like he used to do when you were children. “You’re so grown up!” He said in awe as he looked down at you.
You shrugged, “Well, you did last see me when I was thirteen…” You remember the day when you left for the airport, saying goodbye to all your friends and family. Namjoon couldn’t make it to send you off, but he slipped a handwritten letter in your suitcase, saying how much he would miss you.
He laughed, pulling you into another hug. It was then that you realized that you were in a room with all the other members, and as if reading your mind, Namjoon spun you around to face the boys, who were awkwardly standing in a line behind the two of you.  
You felt your natural shyness take over as Namjoon held your shoulders. “Guys, this is Y/N!” He said proudly. You smiled at the ground, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. Gosh, they were even more beautiful in person.
Seokjin was the first to introduce himself, bowing deeply and blowing you a kiss, which made your heart skip a beat. Worldwide Handsome was an understatement.
Yoongi greeted you simply, bowing and offering a small smile. You felt your cheeks get hot as you remembered all the times you would furiously rap along with him in your room, busting out all your greatest dance moves as he spit fire.
Hoseok greeted you with a smile, which instantly made you feel more comfortable in this new situation
Your eyes briefly met Jimin’s as you looked across the row, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks as he smiled at you shyly. Jimin was always so dangerous on stage, but he seemed so understated in person.
Taehyung and Jungkook greeted you last, joking around that Namjoon never stopped talking about you. You giggled, watching as the other members smiled at the youngest boys.
“This is great!” Jungkook added smirking, “I’m not the youngest here anymore!”
“But you’re born in September so I’m technically older.” You blurted. You slapped your hand over your mouth as the boys looked at me curiously. “I’m not being creepy or anything! I really like you guys. You’re all so talented…” You said as they thanked you. You noticed Namjoon beaming out of the corner of your eye.
Jimin couldn’t take his eyes off of the girl in front of him. When she first walked in the room, he was stunned by her beauty. She was just about the cutest thing he had ever seen. Due to her contrasting height from Namjoon, she practically looked like a child next to her friend. Jimin watched her as she grew shy when she saw the rest of them, pink dusting her cheeks as she looked at the ground, her small smile making her face glow.
Jimin snapped out of his gaze as the light conversation died down.
“Well,” She said slowly. “I should get to my apartment. I need to finish unpacking!” She said. She smiled up at us, once again her eyes meeting Jimin’s. “I’ll let you guys get back to rehearsal.” She bowed once more, hugging Namjoon and waving goodbye to us as she turned and left out the door. Jimin watched as she left, glancing once more behind her before she continued. For the rest of the rehearsal, Jimin couldn’t wipe the smile from his face.
You walked into your apartment, throwing down your backpack and releasing a heavy sigh. What a tiring week it had been. Navigating around the city had been tough, and accidentally missing your stop on the subway had caused you to be late for your first class. You closed your eyes, enjoying the sudden silence of your empty apartment. You walked into your tiny kitchen, flipping on the kettle and sitting down at the kitchen table, slipping your phone out of your pocket and checking your notifications.
There were messages from your friends in Canada, all still jealous about you being best friends with Namjoon. You had even gotten an anonymous message on twitter from a fan, saying she’d pay you a lot of money if you got their autograph for her. You frowned. Although you knew BTS were idol superstars, you never wanted to exploit your friendship. Namjoon was too important to you, and you were grateful that he was your friend.
You thought back to your first interaction with the boys, and the way a certain blonde haired dancer caught your attention. But to be honest, Jimin had always captured your attention. Jimin was not only an amazing dancer and singer, but also an amazing person, as Namjoon had told you many times. You couldn’t help but feel butterflies flutter in your stomach every time you saw him
You lifted your head  as you heard a familiar ting. You picked up your phone, seeing that Namjoon had texted you.
Joonie: Y/N! Wanna come over to the dorms tonight?
Y/N: Ahh Joonie I’m so tireddd. School is killing me. Plus I haven’t even done any homework yet…
Joonie: Please Y/N! I wanna see my best friend! We can order take out….
Y/N: I’ll be there at 6
Joonie: :D
You walked down the street briskly, the cold autumn air blowing around you. You wrapped your jacket tighter around your body, wishing you had worn something warmer. You reached their building, opening the door and going up the elevator to the top floor. You went to their room number and knocked, hearing voices come from inside.
The door opened, revealing a smiling Seokjin. “Good evening Y/N! How are you?”
You stepped inside, grateful for the sudden warmth. “I’m okay. How are you?” You asked him, spotting Taehyung and Hoseok goofing off in the main room.
“Good, although I’m going to be a lot better when our food gets here…”
You giggled, slipping off your shoes and jacket and walking into the main room after Jin. Taehyung and Hoseok waved at you, and jungkook yelled a quick “hi!”
You walked into the kitchen, feeling your heart beat faster as you saw Jimin talking to Namjoon.  You were about to abort your mission and turn around, but Namjoon saw you, causing you to face the two boys. Jimin turned to you, blonde hair flopping into his eyes as he nodded in your direction, a wide smile taking over his face.
Namjoon pulled you into a tight hug.
“Joonie…you’re hurting me…” you whispered, your face squishing against his chest.
He let you go, smoothing down your hair. “Sorry Y/N…” He laughed. “I just can’t believe you’re here…” The doorbell rang suddenly and Namjoon squeezed around you to get the door, leaving you alone with Jimin.
He shifted his body toward your, sticking his hands in the pockets of his black ripped jeans. “So Namjoon said you’ve come here to study? What’s your major?”
“Psychology. And I minor in music.” You said, meeting his warm brown eyes.
“Woah really? Namjoon didn’t tell me you were into music too!” His eyes brightened. “Did you ever audition to be an idol?”
You laughed out loud, covering your mouth, “No, I could never. My minor is in composition, so I don’t really have much to offer. Plus I can’t dance.” You added, biting your lip. Like Namjoon, your strengths lay in academics and music, rather than athletics.
Jimin smiled at you again. “Dancing isn’t everything. I mean look at Namjoon!”
You laughed, noting the way his eyes never left yours. “I know, I know. But I love watching people dance. It’s just so captivating. You can express so much emotion through such simple body movements.”
Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but Namjoon cut him off.
“Take out’s here!” Namjoon called from the main room.
You quickly backed up to leave the kitchen, when you tripped over a chair, nearly falling when you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist.
Jimin’s face was just inches from yours as he pulled you up. “Alright?” He whispered.
“Guys-“ Yoongi walked in the kitchen, abruptly stopping in the doorway when he saw the two in a somewhat compromising position.
You quickly stumbled back from Jimin, offering Yoongi a small smile as he reached behind you to grab a bottle of coke, a slight smirk adorning his face.
You felt your face redden, still feeling the pressure of Jimin’s hands on your waist.
You were heading to the Big Hit studio, after Yoongi had asked you to stop by to listen to some of his new music. You had grown quite close the boys, but especially Yoongi over the past couple months as you quickly bonded over your love for music. You had quickly grown to trust Yoongi immensely, and he learned to read you very well. He was the only one who knew about your infatuation with Jimin.
Snow had been falling ever since this morning, and the wind blew it softly as you trudged along the street. You smiled at the bright Christmas lights in the many store windows you walked past.
You entered the building, stomping off your boots and slipping on the converse you brought with you. It was quite late as you glanced at the clock, noticing it was nearing 11 o'clock. Of course Yoongi would be up at this time.
As you made your way to the back of the building, you heard faint music coming from the dance studio. You furrowed your brow. Who would be practicing at this time? You carefully pressed your hand on the studio door, looking through the tiny window and making sure to not draw too much attention to yourself.
There he was.
Jimin was dancing, a loose black shirt hanging from his muscular torso. You took in a breath as he spun around. You always loved watching Jimin dance. His movements were fluid and soft, but you could tell he was powerful. He stretched his arms around him, his face twisted in concentration. His body rolled as he moved to the music, and you stood on your tiptoes to get a better look. He was captivating. You only wished you could dance as beautifully as he did.
HIs emotions took over as he danced, sadness, confusion and hope all mirrored in his simple steps. Jimin moved closer to the door where you were, but you kept watching, feeling goosebumps scale your skin. He was dancing to a song you hadn’t heard before, and you wondered if it was for their new comeback.
That was when he spun around to face the door, pausing as his eyes connected with yours through the window. You instantly shot down, rolling to the side and pressing your back against the wall, hoping he didn’t see you watching him.
As if reading your mind, Jimin poked his head through the door, his eyes landing on you with a slight smile. “Hi Y/N.” He said simply, sweat glistening his forehead.  
You looked at him in surprise, trying desperately to think of an excuse. “Oh hey! Uh…I just dropped my phone on the ground haha! Silly me~”
“Do you want to come in?” Jimin said, giggling at your obviously-fake excuse.
Your heart started beating faster as you stood up, nodding your head slightly.
Jimin smiled at the ground as Y/N followed him into the studio. He was so surprised when he saw her little face gazing at him through the window, eyes wide in awe. He turned around, not quite realizing what he was going to say or do when you came into the studio. She was dressed more casually today, her dark hair knotted in a bun. But her plain white t shirt and jeans hugged her body perfectly, causing Jimin to look away bashfully.
Jimin broke the silence, “I practicing my solo intro dance for comeback.”
Y/N’s eyes widened and she smiled. “Really! You’re the one doing the intro this time?” She seemed genuinely excited.
Jimin laughed. “Yeah. I mean it’s no big deal really.” He said, scratching his neck. In reality, he was quite nervous. He didn’t want to let the team down.  
“No, it’s so cool! I’m sure you’ll do well. What’s the song called?” She asked. Her shoulders relaxed as she talked, she was obviously getting more comfortable around the older boy.
“Serendipity.” Jimin said simply.
Her lips parted. “Ah, your dance fits it perfectly.” She walked around him, glancing around at the different objects around the room. She held one finger up in the air, closing her eyes. “An occurrence of events that happen by chance.”
Jimin looked at her closely. “…That’re happy, or beneficial in someway.” He finished. She looked at Jimin again, a glint in her eye.
Jimin tilted his head. “Would you like to learn?”
She coked her head, her hair falling to one side. “Learn what?”
Jimin smiled slowly, “Learn to dance. You once told me you wished you could.”
Y/N seemed to think this over, her eyes darting around the room until it seemed she had come to a decision. “Sure.”
Oh god. Why did you do this. You mentally face palmed right after you answered him. You said you wanted to dance, but you were a very bad dancer. And now you needed to dance in front of Park Jimin.
He beamed after you answered him, beckoning you to sit down in front of the mirrors. The room seemed so much bigger than usual, without all of the staff and members crowding in. It was peaceful.
You slowly sat next to him, crossing your legs underneath you.
“Alright so, the first thing we have to do is stretch.��� Jimin said slowly, glancing at you. You felt a wave of confidence go through you. Stretching. Yeah, I can do that. You followed Jimin’s movements as he stretched his legs out, mentally screaming when you had to hold the painful position. The room was quiet as you two stretched, a comfortable silence resting between your bodies. You snuck a glance at him as he stretched his arms behind his head, his large arm muscles making an appearance as he stretched. You felt your ears burn as you looked away, focussing on yourself in the mirror. You frowned at your messy bun and casual clothes, noticing how good Jimin looked in his ensemble. You hand’t talked to Jimin as much as the other members, as he always seemed so shy and reserved. The other boys were great at initiating get togethers, so you didn’t spend much time alone with Jimin.
Jimin snapped you out of your thoughts as he stood up, slightly bouncing on his feet. You stood up next to him, eager to start learning.
“Alright well…I’m not sure what to start with really. I could teach you some basic steps, of if there’s a song…”
“Spring Day.” You answered softly. Jimin looked at you, lips parting. “The song has so much meaning, and the dance is pretty.” You reasoned. You didn’t say it, but the Spring Day era was your favourite, and you loved Jimin’s cotton candy hair.
To your surprise, Jimin was smiling, as if you said the best thing ever. “That’s a great idea Y/N!” He said happily, running over to speaker to connect his phone. “You’re probably going to be able to dance it better than Namjoon can.”
You bit your lip in concentration. You had been working for a while, and you had gotten to Jimin’s solo part. Jimin was a great teacher, giving you pointers and making sure to be clear and productive. You were doing quite well, and Jimin was surprised at your progress.
“Jiminie…” You said as you sank to the ground, suddenly feeling very tired. “This is too hard.”
Jimin laughed at your pout, feeling his heart beat faster as you used his cute nickname. “Y/N-ah, you can’t just give up! You’re doing so well.” Jimin stood above you, watching as you brought your hands in front of your face, hair fanning around you.
“But I’m tired. Why does your solo part have to be so difficult!” You said, suddenly mad at yourself for choosing this dance to learn.
“I am a dancer….” Jimin said, the smile not leaving his face. “Come on, just once more, I’ll help you.” Jimin loved teaching you just as much as you loved being taught by him. You put so much passion into everything you did, and you applied this need to learn to dancing, which he knew was challenging for you. You weren’t a bad dancer at all, and the way you moved in front of him made him blush. He cursed himself for being able to fall for you so easily.
You sighed and got up, letting out a breath. “Okay.”
Jimin stood in front of the mirror, looking at your reflection while talking. “You really need to feel this music when you dance. It’s sad and longing, its missing a friend.” You nodded, looking at him again.
Jimin demonstrated again, sweeping the floor with his body and getting up effortlessly. You let out a breath as you tried again, concentrating. You stopped halfway through, realizing you were on the wrong foot. As you tried to step out of your wrong foot placement, you lost your balance, falling onto your side. This time, Jimin couldn’t catch you, and you tumbled to the ground. You braced myself on your hands but your right elbow harshly hit the ground, and you let out a cry of pain.
“Y/N!” Jimin gasped, rushing over to you. “Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Jimin got down beside you, face laced with worry.
You gritted your teeth together, hissing at the pain in your arm. “I just…hit my arm.” You felt tears sting your eyes and you cursed yourself for being so weak. Jimin must’ve noticed, because his face twisted in worry before quickly getting up. He rushed to the side of the room, opening up the mini fridge and producing an ice pack. He jogged back over to you, helping you up and sitting in front of you. Even though you were in pain, you blushed at the sudden close proximity.
You hissed as he grabbed your wrist, bringing your arm closer to him. He glanced up at your briefly, but you kept your eyes locked on his hand around your wrist.
You shivered as he placed the ice pack on your arm and held it there, his hands delicate grazing your skin, goosebumps littering the surface of your body.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He said softly, eyebrows knitted together.
“No Jimin, it’s not your fault. I’m just too clumsy for my own good.” You cracked a smile, but Jimin’s expression didn’t change.
“But I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard. You were tired and its so late. You need to get rest. It was unfair of me to keep you for so long.” Jimin looked genuinely distraught, and you felt a slight pull in your heart.
“Jiminie its okay. I enjoyed spending time with you.” Your cheeks flushed.
You snuck a glance at Jimin, watching as a light pink dusted his cheeks as well.
You suddenly felt a guilt that had been eating you up this whole evening. “Although, I was supposed to meet Yoongi in his studio to help him…”
Jimin looked up at you, eyebrows furrowing. “But Yoongi is back at the dorms. He’s been working with Namjoon the whole day…”
Your lips parted, suddenly very confused. “But then why would he…?” Realization suddenly hit you as you realized what Yoongi had done. You reflected on you and Jimin’s closeness and bit your lip.
“You’re really close with Yoongi, aren’t you?” Jimin said, another emotion coming over his face.
You shifted your eyes. “Yeah, I mean he’s really into music and we understand each other very well. He’s nice to hang out with and he’s super talente-“
“Do you like him?” Jimin suddenly blurted out. You looked at him in surprise. Jimin’s gaze was unwavering as you felt his grip tighten slightly on your wrist.
“N-no! Jimin, no. No.” You said quickly. “Yoongi’s like five years older than me, he’s like a brother…” you said. Why is he acting so weird?
Jimin sighed, “I-I’m sorry for asking that. I just thought that maybe you guys were…you know…”
Your eyes widened. “Jimin no. He’s just a close friend. I could never do that with you guys.” you said quickly, mind spinning, feeling embarrassed.
Jimin swallowed, his face dropping slightly. “I see…” Jimin abruptly let go of your arm, standing up straight. “I-I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t’ve asked.” He turned away from you.
You furrowed your brow, suddenly confused.
Jimin walked away from you, harshly grabbing his bag from the front.
“Jimin? Where are you going?” You asked, your heart racing.
“I’m going home. I’m sorry I kept you here for so long.”
“It’s fine! Yoongi and I were planning on meeting tomorrow too, maybe he messed up the time?” You said, although you were sure he just messed with you so you would run into Jimin.
“It was unprofessional. You’re Namjoon’s friend, I should let him spend time with you…”
You looked at him confused, stepping forward. “Namjoon doesn’t care. We’re all friends-“
“That’s just it!” Jimin said, voice raising slightly. “I hate that we’re friends.” He said, stepping closer to you.
“What?” You asked, stomach dropping.
“You play video games with Jungkook and Taehyung, and cook with Jin and get coffee with Hoseok, and write music with Yoongi. And now you’re here with me, at late hours of the night, dancing. It’s all the same to you, isn’t it.” Jimin said, his tone biting.
Your mind was racing as he looked at you, brushing his hand through his light hair. “Jimin…I don’t understand. You mean so much to me and-“
“You can stop, Y/N. It drives me crazy when you lead me on. Just stop.”
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you moved closer to him, eyes brushing down his soft features. “Jimin…you’re so stupid.” You grabbed his face roughly, smashing your lips onto his. His body was tense as you cupped his jaw, but he melted into your touch, gripping your waist. His breath was hot and heavy on your lips, tickling your nose and eyelashes. He tugged at your hair and you pressed your body closer to his, feeling all of him. Jimin broke apart, resting his forehead against yours, lips swollen.
“Y/N…” He said softly.
“Jimin, I’ve liked you since I first saw you dancing your debut stage. You’re different to me. You’re special.” Your heart was beating out of you chest, and you were sure he could feel it too.
Jimin smiled down at you, brushing the pads of his fingers over you cheeks and lips, before kissing you softly. “I’m so glad I met you…”
You broke apart again, and you looked deeply into his chocolate brown eyes. “You’re my serendipity.”
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thelastpilot · 7 years
Miss Me- One Shot
I was talking with @tides-miraculous who, while we were talking about criminal lack of Nino (and Adrien’s interaction with Nino), mentioned jokingly that Nino could straight up move to Morocco and no one would notice. And then I proceeded to send to a 4k word one shot about exactly that. So keep in mind this was all in a text long so it isnt fantastic and the grammar isn’t wonderful lol, but I wanted to post it anyways. (Tide’s commentary has been kept lol) ((also i know phones dont work on planes just let me have this))
Angsty Nino one shot below the cut
Boy could move to morocco tomorrow and you won't notice
it would take adrien three days to notice he wasnt there
Adrien: *calls nino* " Hey, Nino you sick or something haven't seen u in a while
Nino: *hangs up*
aw thats sad
aw that makes me really sad and i just had a whole idea for it
Why we gotta back the salt angsty
bruh this is our thing, you say something sad and i make it worse
its always time for salt on the pain train
It's hella sad cuz man. Minus headcanons and crap we got nothing to back them up and be like "naah this shit ain't happening"
Cuz boi we know Nino cares. He got akumatized
For his frickin b-day but besides that nothing really on Adriens side
Not to mention all the hugs
Daamit Nino you're too good for him what is This?!!?
I'm so confused I'm trying to actually think or canon stuff to back them up and filtering fandom stuff and HOLY shit!??!
He was thinking 3,000 miles. That was about his current guess. Nino awkwardly shifted the mishappen box in his arms to tap his phone awake from sleep mode, and looked for a moment at the photo of him and adrien on his lock screen. That was an old photo... Maybe 4,000 then. Nino tried to ignore it as he placed the last of his things in the car, taking off his hat and throwing it into the backseat. The car hadnt been started yet and his parents were still inside, and despite how crowded Paris was for the moment he was alone on the sidewalk. He tapped his phone again. He was bound to be halfway gone before anybody even realized
He was 3,728 miles away before he got a text. He was nearly 4,000 before he got a call. and after that, the calls never stopped. Nino felt himself curling inward in the plane's seat as he screwed his eyes shut, furiously ignoring how his phone shook in his hands. Or maybe it was just him. He bitterly recalled the order to shut off his phone during flight and moved to unlock his phone, but even that was interrupted by another phone call.
He watched it vibrate for a while and let it go to voice mail. There were three there already
He was getting them from everyone now, Alya was sending the most texts, but Adrien was relentless with the phone calls. Out of everyone it was Adrien he felt the most betrayed by. Maybe he knew that...
Nino almost liked to picture Cat Noir showing up at the window of an empty apartment, he was just angry enough to take some kind of bitter feeling out of that. How he probably showed up to ask for a favor, wondering if he had been joking about leaving for good. His halfassed apology would have echoed back to him in the vacated rooms, the carpets dirty in the places where his family had walked for years and spotless in the spaces where his bed and desk used to be
Adrien called again
He didn't answer
My heart I'm so sad
"I can't talk. I'm on the plane" he found himself typing, interrupting the indication that Adrien was about to send another message. his finger hovered over the send icon, but he pressed it still. He wasn't sure what he was hoping for, what he could possible want, but his chest hurt and he could feel hot tracks of tears on his face. He was trying to be quiet, his parents asleep besides him, but his phone wouldn’t shut the hell up. It had always been silent before, it was only now that anybody seemed to care about reaching him
"The plane?" Adrien's text replied immediately. "You're serious? Nino please you have to be joking, I saw the place was empty but you just moved, you're joking"
"I've been joking for months now? Are you serious dude? You thought I was fucking lying?"
Nino wasn't sure what the point was in arguing but he wanted to argue. If he had the space he'd be screaming. "Nino," Adrien answered instantly, clearly waiting by his phone. "You're just gone? You're gone and you didn't call? you didn’t even say goodbye?"
I'm am currently in a quiet hallway at a cubicle absolute losing it
That pain in his chest grew cold, and he shrunk even further in his solitary, cramped space 30,000 miles above the black ocean. and he typed out what he had been thinking the whole time. "I didn't think you'd even notice."
Adrien called again.
He didn't answer
Mother fuck
I am so sad
He declined the call and typed out despite Adrien’s clearly frantic attempt to reply. "I've been packing for a week and a half. I was 3 hours into the PLANE RIDE before anyone even noticed. If you had even so much as spoken to me in the past two months maybe you would have fucking known about it. I tried to tell you and you were never fucking there. you dont get to do it now."
Oh shit go off nino
Nothing. Adrien started to reply and then stopped. He started again but stopped again, and after awhile there was nothing. And nothing His phone went quiet, and it was familiar to him, but somehow felt even worse. The cabin of the plane was dim, and it was aisles and aisles of people facing forward into darkness with headphones in, numbly and distantly checked out from their surroundings as they waited and waited in perfect, straight lines. And he was alone in the crowded, dark space of strangers and cut off goodbyes and lost homes and silent phones. And he cried.
He clutched his phone and he cried
Lmao what the SHIT
Yea so Nino's heart died and I died
you're welcome im in pain also
Okay baby boy just go to Morocco fucking live it up. Idk fu slipped in his miraculous into his luggage and now his jade in morocco done
Come back for uni. Shits still bad between friends kinda but they bond as heroes
I'm trying to fix this
i got a thing hold up
Agadir was a long way from home, and it felt really different in a lot of ways. Every way, honestly. It was by the ocean, which was new, and about over 50% of the people there didn’t speak a word of the only language he knew...so he found himself alone a lot. 'Nothing new there' he thought to himself bitterly. Moving in made it easier, he had something to do. He was out of school for the rest of the year and was probably going to start a year behind when enrollment happened again, so he had nowhere to go and no one to keep track of him. His father started his new job almost immediately, and his mother was wrapped up in adjusting. So when the few things he owned were set up and the last of the boxes were stored out of sight he would leave, and start to explore
About three months in he was running out of places to get lost, starting to recognize streets and having an easier time winding his way back to the dust colored box apartment that was 'home'. He would walk and someone might say something to him, but the words were rounded and he didn't understand them. He would then spout off the only Arabic he knew now. "I'm sorry, I don't understand" and he'd keep going
He was on the beach by himself, observing work day traffic on the raised streets when his phone rang
Nino sighed, shaking sand from his hands as he shifted his position to allow him to reach for his phone. He was working on figuring out where he was well enough to tell his mother when he looked at the screen, and his brow furrowed at the unfamiliar number
He sighed a second time, ready to rehearse his one line of arabic as he answered, saying plainly and without enthusiasm, "Hello?"
There was a sharp gasp, and then a harsh, familiar rush of desperate relief. "Oh god, you have the same number, yes PERFECT, thank god. Nino, holy crap I didn't think it would work"
Nino was frozen, the waves crashing a short distance away from him before he sputtered out, "ADRIEN?"
"Yes!!," his old best friends voice answered immediately, laughing uncomfortably, but still relieved. "It's me Nino. I- listen please don't hang up, I'm begging you give me just a second. Just thirty seconds of a call please."
There was silence, a thousand jagged emotions rooting Nino to the spot, but Adrien didn't wait for him, instead thinking aloud. "I can hear the waves. Are you near the water? Nino listen I-..." There was a silence, but in the need to not waste his half a minute he continued, the words rushed together. "You have every reason to hate me. I would hate me too. I DO hate me... but i can't do this. I can't just leave it knowing that I fucking did this. I made you think I don't care. I can't live with that. I need the chance to say it..."
"No, I didnt come this far to have this talk over the phone, tell me where you are. I can be there in five minutes. Well, maybe a minute more I'm still near the airport-"
Nino heard something muffled, a female voice shouting something to him over the din of background noise mixing with his own ambience of the waves. There was another one as well, and then a garbled, distant message projected over speakers in arabic, and Nino felt his stomach drop out.
"Wait, you're fucking HERE?"
Yeas blond use that cash for good!!!!
(Will continue in just a minute)
BRUH take your time
I'm still crying so everything's good
"Where are you? the beach? there isn’t that much beach right how much area is that?" there was more distant talking, and adrien was clearly eager to move. "I cant take this phone with me. Give us just one chance, please nino wait for us we'll be right there." "US?!" he responded incredulously, but the line was already dead, the hang-up tone loud in his ear
he pulled it away from his face, staring at it in disbelief like perhaps it hadn't even happened. and just like that it was only him and the waves again, no other passerbys on his beach that morning
anyone who was on the beach might have seen something odd, streaks of color dashing past that weren't from around. a group of kids moving a little too desperately, dressed strangely as they fled to the coast. Nino wasn't sure what to do, getting increasingly nervous as he walked the shoreline, his hands balled up into fists in his pockets and his back to the north. minutes ticked by and his heartbeat was loud to him, and he felt that bitter, numb something crawling in his throat. all the harsh and hurt things he wanted to say
but as he passed beneath a weathered and abandoned dock he heard three impacts in the sand behind him, and those words died in his throat
he turned slowly... stalling by obsessing over the gradients in the sand. The pattern of broken wood, the stench of ocean draped around them and clinging to the dock. and three lost friends, letting magic fall from their shoulders and leaving them exposed in front of him
they all felt exposed, in the moment. at least, for once, the ground they stood on was even
despite all their intentions, and all of his pain, and all of the distance, no one said anything at first. They stood in the shadow of the dock and the kwamis milled nervously, shooting each other glances but not interfering.
the waves creeped up, and slipped away, and Nino watched them. after a while, he shook his head
"gangs all here..." he muttered quietly. After a moment he felt he had to add, "I admit... i didnt see this coming"
"We would have come sooner..." Marinette spoke quietly, her voice almost out of place in his head. It had been awhile since he had last spoken with her. "It was hard to orchestrate. But we were trying from the day you..." she hesitated
She was going to say 'left', but she stopped short, unsure of herself. Saying that he left didnt sound right, even though in literal terms it was the best way to describe it. but it made it sound like it had been his decision, that he left THEM. and that wasn't what happened
There was silence again and the three heroes seemed agonized, but unsure of themselves. They watched as well-worn anger passed across Nino's expression. "So what? What happens now, guys? Is this the part where you say you're sorry, and that’s all supposed to be good enough and then it’s just better? ..." his voice dropped, and he looked down into the sand. After a pause, "Coming all the way here is... not what I expected. but clearly nobody has any idea what to say."
The waves echoed in their small, dim space, and just looking at them standing there so unsure of themselves… it made him angry. His hands were balled into fists at his side and his body was tense. That horrible feeling chipped at his insides and it felt like it was suffocating him.
"Nino-" Adrien tried to speak next, his expression horribly pained, but Nino couldn't hear it. He spoke clearly enough by Nino realized in a flash of sharp pain that he was incapable of hearing it. He didn't want to see him dare to pretend. Like he was mocking him. "Shut up!" he cut him off, his voice hard and hitting adrien with enough force to push him back a step.
"I get it, okay!?" Nino spat at the three of them, trying and failing to keep his voice steady. "I understand. It fucking sucked but it always made sense to me. You're busy, you're all busy you have so much shit that you have to do, so much is expected and you have this whole other part of your lives that doesn’t involve me, but it involves each other doesn’t it? You have each other. That was enough for you, and I get it alright, I fucking always got it." He grit his teeth and he nailed Adrien to the spot just by looking at him... but his voice wavered. "It always made sense to me..."
On one hand I want them all to make up and hug it out but on the other... GO OFF NINO
"You're important. You're important people with important shit and you got all caught up in everything else. In the fight, in the fucking powers in all the bullshit in EACH OTHER," he couldn’t help but add, throwing out a hand to gesture harshly between Marinette and Adrien. "You had other shit going on, you always did. You weren't bothered with me being there so I didn't bother you with leaving. I was surprised anybody even noticed."
He looked away from their expressions, his heart cracking just that much more. They looked... horrified, and he didnt want to see it. He didnt want to fucking make it easy for them. He was angry
"I was attatched to how it had been before, but looking back to some degree it was always like this and I get it. Once Alya joined in it was harder cause then I was the only one left behind all the time, but I got it. I'm not saying you should have stuck around. I'm not saying that you had to... i'm not even saying you owed me much of anything at all. But you owed me a goodbye..." His voice cracked and he folded slightly, fists uncurling so he could cross his arms, but it felt more like holding himself together. "Fucking listen to me... im sobbing about this shit again and I'm sick of it. But you fucking know what? out of all the people standing here I was not the fucking one who owed you all a goodbye. It wasn't me. You all left me behind and you did it way worse. You did it over MONTHS of just leaving me out and ignoring me and putting me off, if you were done with me you should have just said it...
The pause between his words was deafening. The dock creaked in the wind that picked up, the ocean churned as if it had been disturbed, and Nino, who was sick of crying over all the same things, cried. And he hated it. "I understand why you left me behind... but I don't want to hear you apologize for it. Because even if I'm stupid for it I still just wanted you guys to be alright. And if you are doing what you need to now then all the best... But if that picture didnt include me then you never should have pretended that it did. You made me feel like i was part of your 'team' but I fucking wasn’t and I GET IT, but im sick of pretending..." Nino raised a hand and rubbed harshly at the tears, angry that his hand was shaking. Angry that he kept crying like a child. Angry that this even still hurt
"I just wanted my fucking friends..." His voice shook again and he shrunk in on himself, standing on the coast line of a whole other country, out of place and lost and too far away from all of them, even when he was finally right there. "They told me we were leaving. they TOLD me they didnt ask and do you fucking know, how much I just wanted someone to tell. And I tried, for ALL OF YOU and there was no one there? cause there was never anyone there? I was losing EVERYTHING, I'm in this fucking place where I cant even speak to half the people here and i just want to go home and I cant and theres no POINT."
"I was freaking out and I just wanted my friends and you weren't there... so why the fuck did you bother? Whats the point of THIS!? Whats the fucking point of even coming when NO ONE HAS ANYTHING TO SAY"
there was a space there, so grand and torn that he couldnt see any way across it. and in a lot of ways he was looking for one. Nino wanted, in the deepest kind of honesty, just to go to his friends. He wanted to just pretend it was fine and be with them while they were there. He wanted someone to miss him, and he felt like no one did. He felt like no one ever did. He didn't want to look at their faces and play in to the fantasy in his head that they were sorry. He didnt want them to trick him into forgiving them. He didn't want to-
Yeas I read a line and think "wow my heart can't break anymore" then I read the next and I'm provide wrong
Just shit this is actually so heart breaking what the shit girl this is golden
"He wanted someone to miss him, and he felt no one did. He felt no one ever did" I AM SOBBING
He felt them around him, Alya's face buried into his chest, Adrien reaching out, Marinette stumbling to be behind him. It was like something had broken further in that rift and people were falling, desperate to do anything. Part of him wanted to shake them off. But part of him held them too. He was too unstable to support their weight, all three of them speaking but the words not reaching him. As they noticed that he couldnt seem to hear they became more desperate, but Alya's words were unintelligible with tears and Adrien was too quiet, too far away. He felt like they were all sinking into the sand, and he murmured wretchedly. "I just wanted someone to miss me..."
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," it sounded in a chorus, bursting through their sentences wherever it could fit and each sounding different in their voices. They spoke over each other and Nino looked at none of them, shaking with anger but not falling. They lowered into the sand and they supported him, kneeling together under a battered, ruined dock and begging for him to listen.
"You're right..." it was one of the first things that caught his attention.
Nino looked over, the girls falling silent and looking to Adrien. His head was hung low, sand coating his jeans as he sat there, defeated. Miserable. When Adrien looked up he met Nino's eyes, and Nino could see how far down it went. It was like there was a pit behind his eyes that sank lower and lower, and he said it again
"You're right... and i'm sorry... I dont know how to say it... I don't have the right words to explain it. We were wrong... I was wrong. But I can't do this. I can't stand it Nino, seeing this. You're in the wrong place, and you were scared and I wasn't there and I wasn't ever fucking THERE and I didn't notice that you felt like this. And it's my fault. But i can't let you say what you said nino i cant stand it. I can't stand you saying that you understand why we pulled away, because there is no WHY," adrien shouted, his voice cracking and faltering. "You talk like we were right to do it! Fucking leave you behind because of what?! We have no excuse! There IS no excuse. I left my /best friend/ to feel like we were better off without you and I CANT, I- I cant..."
"Nino... I don't know how to make you believe that I love you, because I gave you a hundred reasons to believe that I don't. But god Nino I miss you so much... I miss you so fucking much and I don't know what to do."
"... you were fine without me before-"
"I wasnt! That isn't what that was! You're right, we got caught up in all this other shit, I took for granted that you would always be there but I never pulled away because of- because of ANY of that shit you said, like we were better or too busy for you, too important. I never hesitated to believe that you would always be there for me and I forgot to make sure that you knew the same... I never imagined you leaving because I couldn't picture us without you... I know you don't believe me- fuck," he bowed his head, a sob wracking through his chest and shaking him. "I never tried to think about what you being gone would feel like because I never thought it would happen. But then I was standing in your room with everything torn off the walls and I lost it, and I lost you and you were thousands of miles away... I have no excuse, there is no excuse... but I've been desperate to get here because I couldn't let you think that I didn't care. that i didn't notice...
Marinettes quiet voice shook and wavered, Nino's eyes turning to her as she clung to him and cried. "We should have been there... we should have-..." she repeated herself quietly, desperatly, and Alya spoke into his chest, her words thrumming against him and her tears wet against his skin as it soaked through the shirt. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry DJ- I, we..." she sobbed hard,folding against him. She turned her cheek to him and said something that stood out on its own. The second thing that truly stood out. "I love you. WE love you. We love you, I love you I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Marinette whispered something and she wrapped her arms around his stomach, her face turned into his back. Adrien was bent forward over himself, but he was reaching out, one hand on Nino. Marinettes quiet, broken, wretched chant chipped at him, his anger and hate and injustice slipping through his fingers... like sand in the ocean. "We're here... we're here... we're here."
He was so far away, kneeling by the ocean with something too big and heavy to survive in his chest. He was displaced, pulled away from his home and tossed to the side and left alone in a city with foreign grating words, and cold, stretching oceans. He was left alone with the knowledge that no one would come for him, and that no one would notice. And heard the only thing, he had been waiting so long to hear. "We're here... we're here... we're here"
  ~~end of story~~
Girl u deadass just spat out a one shot like it was nothing
... i kinda hate the mental image of nino kneeling in the sand of a foreign coast and above him it just says "i just wanted someone to miss me..."
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silverscreenbitch · 7 years
Lady Bird discussion and review
So before I start just some background about me, I’ve lived in a few places in my life. I was born in Baltimore, lived in NYC until 7th grade, and now live in Sacramento California. This is not a cmbyn post so bear with me if that's why you follow my account. Also this will be longer than my cmbyn review so I’m not really expecting that much response to it lol.
- I am fortunate that I got to see the movie at Tower Theater(our local independent theater) the night it came out in Sacramento. I had plans to go out with my friends that night but they fell through so I thought, why not go see a movie by yourself. The theater was completely full of people, many of which I knew as my friends’ relatives or even acquaintances from school. Despite Sacramento being home to almost half a million people, it really does feel like a small town. This was the only time I had ever seen the theater that packed before. The movie at one point shows a clip of Tower theater and I pretty much just cried from there to the end of the movie. The movie starts out with a quote from Joan Didion, “anyone who talks about California hedonism has never spent a Christmas in Sacramento”. This got giant laughs each time I’ve seen the movie in Sacramento and hardly any reaction when I saw the movie in NYC. This is kind of a recurring theme throughout the movie, that the movie feels like a special little gift to Sacramentens. I’ve never experienced a piece of art so specific to me or my city.
- Saorise is the perfect representation of so many Sacramento teenagers I know, and her friends Jenna is also a perfect representation of the other side of the spectrum. The school the girls go to is based on a local Catholic school, St. Francis. The detail of saying Jenna had a starter house in the forties(a very nice neighborhood close to midtown) was so so funny to people living in my city. Along with that her saying she never wants to leave Sacramento and wants to raise her children here is so true to so many families and girls I know. Everyone who’s a teenager in Sacramento either wants to escape to the east coast or San Fransisco, or they never want to leave. I can say I know multiple Ladybirds’ and Jennas.
- I can say that Ladybird/Christine is a very relatable character for me, I often want to go back to NYC and want to “live through something”. I almost feel sometimes like I’m living a life that wasn’t really meant for me(this is really angsty and personal compared to my cmbyn review lol) and I think Saorise in general perfectly reflected what it feels like to almost be at odds with yourself. The whole idea that you don’t know where your home is until you leave it is very universal and definitely shown in a unique and fresh way in this movie. I love that there is no real villain in this movie. Everyone is flawed whether it be Ladybird, Kyle, Jenna or Ladybird’s parents, no one is truly one thing.
OK next onto performances: I’m gonna talk about Saorise and Timmy mostly here
- You guys already know that I have to start with Timmy. I had never seen Timmy in anything before seeing him in Lady Bird. I knew he was going to play Elio in cmbyn and didn’t even realize that until after seeing Lady Bird. I genuinely think that he is one of the most versatile actors I’ve ever seen on screen. Kyle in this movie is so funny and such an asshole and Timmy is SO convincing. Whether he be talking about on participating in the economy through bartering or telling Ladybird that he’s not a virgin and hasn’t lied in two years, everything he says feels perfectly acted and performed with just the right amount of comedy and seriousness. I was kind of worried that Timmy wasn’t going to be nice enough to play Elio after seeing the movie, but obviously, I watched like one interview with him and became obsessed.
- Next, Saorise. WOW, she is incredible in this movie. I’ve seen it four times now and her performance hasn’t ceased to amaze me every time. The whole relationship between Ladybird and her family, especially her mother, is so well executed by Saorise. I definitely can relate to them constantly fighting and making up, and having miscommunication about what they want for themselves and each other. Saorise also does a perfect Sacramento accent, like genuinely perfect. I have seen so many coming of age movies in my life and have never felt quite as emotional as I do when I watch this movie. Saorise really reflects what it feels like to be in between two lives and knowing that you want to leave, but also loving your hometown. She is just so perfect in this movie, I really believe she deserves the Oscar for best actress. I saw Brooklyn a few years ago and felt the same way about her acting, she is one of the best actresses of our generation imo.
- To finish this section I just felt like I needed to comment on Beanie and Lauries’ performances. Beanie is so sweet and Julie. From her audition for the play to asking Jenna what the emergency was that interrupted her having sex at some dudes lake house, she is such a lovely actress to watch on screen. Her and Saorise crying in the car to Crash Into Me is so perfectly hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time I really love her acting and portrayal of Julie. OK it’s really hard for me to put into words how amazing Laurie is in this movie. She is really really perfect. Whether it be her and Saorise’s character getting in a screaming fight or her crying in the car at the airport, she really does a beautiful job acting out a very complex character without it ever feeling off-color.
So these are my last little comments and thoughts on the movie:
- Greta did an incredible job with this movie. While I adore Call Me by Your Name I’m kinda rooting for this to win best picture. The attention to detail, the directing, and the performances really made it stand out to me. One of my favorite little things she included was that we get very similar shots of Saorise the first time we see her walk through Sacramento and New York; I think they even play the same music in these two scenes! To kind of conclude this review/essay/rant, I just am overflowing with love for this movie. It is so rare to see such an honest portrayal of the teenage experience. I adore that Christine never has her whole life revolving around a dude and that it’s ok that none of the boys she dates are the right match for her. I think in general putting focus on a mother-daughter relationship immediately makes the movie more relatable to a wider audience and feels more honest. I felt so emotional by the end of the movie, especially when Ladybird is painting over her walls and paints over the boys’ names. The whole last ten minutes are so beautiful and moving. I love this movie and would strongly recommend to everyone that they should go see it ASAP.
As always, if you want to discuss this movie or other stuff like cmbyn with me, either put stuff in my asks or message me!! Lmk if you guys like this kind of post and if you got this far, thanks for reading:).
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