#Bollywood anecdotes
gazetteweekly · 3 months
“Namashi Chakraborty Shares Hilarious Encounter with Salman Khan on Set: No Feet-Touching Allowed!”
In a recent interview, Namashi Chakraborty, son of veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty, shared a funny anecdote about his experience with Salman Khan on the sets of a film. The incident involved a lesson learned the hard way about respecting personal space, especially when it comes to Bollywood’s beloved Salman Khan.
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Namashi recalled the incident vividly, mentioning that he had just wrapped up shooting for a film when he decided to pay a visit to Salman Khan, who was filming for “Radhe” at the time. Full of respect and admiration, Namashi approached Salman and instinctively bent down to touch his feet, a common gesture of reverence in Indian culture.
However, instead of the expected blessing, Namashi received an unexpected response from Salman. With his trademark humor and straightforwardness, Salman promptly told Namashi, “F**k off,” followed by a warm hug. Salman then warned Namashi against such gestures, particularly in the presence of actress Disha Patani, threatening to throw him off the set if it happened again. Lesson learned: never touch Salman Khan’s feet, especially in front of others!
Namashi went on to discuss the invaluable support and guidance they’ve received from family friends like Amitabh Bachchan, Govinda, Suniel Shetty, Shah Rukh Khan, and Jackie Shroff. Despite facing challenges, both Namashi and his brother Mimoh have persevered in the industry, with Namashi taking setbacks in stride and currently working on a project produced by Mahesh Bhatt.
The story not only showcases Salman Khan’s playful yet stern demeanor but also highlights the camaraderie and mentorship that exist within the Bollywood fraternity. It’s a reminder that even in the glitz and glamour of showbiz, humility and respect go a long way.
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phenakistoskope · 6 months
There is a difference between Bollywood and Bombay cinema?
listen, subcontinental cinema began in bombay; the very first exhibition of the lumieres' cinematographe was held there in 1896, a few months after its debut in paris, 1895. this event predates the discursive existence of bollywood and hollywood. shree pundalik and raja harishchandra, the films that are generally considered the very first subcontinental features were also exhibited there first.
subcontinental cinema under british colonialism was produced in certain metropolitan centers such as lahore, hyderabad, and calcutta; bombay was just one of them. in 1947, when the indian nation state was formally inaugurated, the idea of a "national cinema" began forming, but given the cultural and linguistic heterogeneity of the indian union, this was quite untenable. regional popular cinemas flourished well into the 1950, 60s, 70s, and 80s and various art cinemas began taking shape alongside.
under the economy that i'm going to completely elide as "nehruvian "socialism"" bombay cinema focused on broadly "socialist" themes, think of awara (1951), do beegha zameen (1953), pyaasa (1957), all of which focus on inequality in indian economy and society from different perspectives. these films were peppered in with historical dramas, and adaptations from literature, but the original stories tended towards socialist realism. reformist films centering the family generally waxed poetic on the need to reform the family, but i haven't seen enough of these to really comment on them.
the biggest hit of the 70s, sholay (1975) was about two criminals, posited as heroes fighting gabbar singh who was attacking village folk. deewar (1975) also had two heroes, and the stakes were the two brothers' father's reputation; the father in question was a trade union leader accused of corruption.
"alternative cinema" included mani kaul's uski roti (1969) and Duvidha (1973) both of which were situated away from the city. then there's sayeed mirza and his city films, most of them set in bombay; arvind desai ki ajeeb dastan (1978), albert pinto ko gussa kyun aata hain (1980), saleem langre pe mat ro (1989) which are all extremely socialist films, albert pinto was set in the times of the bombay textiles strike of 1982 and literally quotes marx at one point. my point is that bombay cinema prior to liberalization was varied in its themes and representations, and it wasn't interested in being a "national cinema" very much, it was either interested in maximizing its domestic profits or being high art. note that these are all hindi language films, produced in bombay, or at least using capital from bombay. pyaasa, interestingly enough is set in calcutta, but it was filmed in bombay!
then we come to the 1990s, and i think the ur example of the bollywood film is dilwale dulhania le jayenge (1995) which, in stark contrast to the cinema that preceded it, centered two NRIs, simran and raj, who meet abroad, but epitomize their love in india, and go back to england (america?) as indians with indian culture. this begins a long saga of films originating largely in bombay that target a global audience of both indians and foreigners, in order to export an idea of india to the world. this is crucial for a rapidly neoliberalizing economy, and it coincides with the rise of the hindu right. gradually, urdu recedes from dialogue, the hindi is sankritized and cut with english, the indian family is at the center in a way that's very different for the social reform films of the 50s and 60s. dil chahta hai (2001) happens, where good little indian boys go to indian college, but their careers take them abroad. swadesh (2004) is about shah rukh khan learning that he's needed in india to solve its problems and leaves a job at NASA.
these are incidental, anecdotal illustrations of the differences in narrative for these separate eras of cinema, but let me ground it economically and say that bollywood cinema seeks investments and profits from abroad as well as acclaim and viewership from domestic audiences, in a way that the bombay cinema before it did not, despite the success of shree 420 (1955) in the soviet union; there were outliers, there always have been.
there's also a lot to say about narrative and style in bombay cinema (incredibly diverse) and bollywood cinema (very specific use of hollywood continuity, intercut with musical sequences, also drawn from hollywood). essentially, the histories, political economies, and aesthetics of these cinemas are too differentiated to consider them the same. bombay cinema is further internally differentiated, and that's a different story altogether. look, i could write a monograph on this, but that would take time, so let me add some reading material that will elucidate this without sounding quite as fragmented.
bollywood and globalization: indian popular cinema, nation, and diaspora, rini bhattacharya mehta and rajeshwari v. pandharipande (eds)
ideology of the hindi film: a historical construction, madhav prasad
the 'bollywoodization' of the indian cinema: cultural nationalism in a global arena, ashish rajadhyaksha
the globalization of bollywood: an ethnography of non-elite audiences in india, shakuntala rao
indian film, erik barnouw and s. krishnaswamy (this one's a straight history of subcontinental cinema up to the 60s, nothing to do with bollywood, it's just important because the word bollywood never comes up in it despite the heavy focus on hindi films from bombay, illustrating my point)
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 22 days
lil bro's okay, but grandfather's not so good. it's still stable, but they're talking about travelling down west it's cooler, but it's gonna be costly oof. lil bro has scool in like 4 days, and it's likely they'll put out a circular to postpone school openings.
anyways have i mentioned i hate taylor swift? because i do so badly. one of my mutuals reblogged a "fav song" post with a taylor swift song and i got a papercut, she's bad luck see proved.
gooooooddd im so sick of all these edits with her lyrics. fandoms are polluted with her word and all these super cool gifs so talented and then i see her words "who else decode you" and i feel like throwing my laptop im so so so so sick of her and her brand of sickening white conservative "feminism".
i'm thankful she doesn't come to india i don't think i can handle the cooties. the other desi anon saying upper middle class girls liked her? totally true. i moved schools to like a richer more renowned one and i started hearing about her way more than i ever needed to.
anyways if you ever need recs to hindi songs, do let me know! i promise you every single lyric arjit singh has ever sung has contained more romanticism, more poetry that the entirety of her 30 albums and 900 copy paste songs, and that's after you translate it in english using google translate (bad translator for hindi).
I’m so sorry to hear that about your grandfather. I hope your family will find a way to travel west without it hurting financially. Also, your brother has school? In the U.S. this is around the time the school year ends. Is this the beginning of the school year or is this resuming school?
Right! Fandom is totally ruined because of Swifties. The only music they use in edits are hers and completely bulldoze any conversation when it comes to Taylor Swift, saying their faves would be swifties, no matter how OOC it is for the character. Like the “Hobie Brown is secretly a swiftie” post. HE WOULD NOT BE A SWIFTIE! Hobie is a fucking radical punk! He is the ANTITHESIS OF A SWIFTIE!
(Also-I was so confused by the “I got a papercut see bad luck proved,” because I genuinely thought that was a song title of hers. Her songwriting is just that bad.)
This is so damning, the correlation of wealth and Desi Swifties. This is what it’s like in the U.S. too but it’s crossed over with racial politics too. But generally richer = more likely to be a Swiftie. At least this is like anecdotal proof now rather than conjecture that I was accused of by other people.
Please send in the recs! I love expanding my music taste and from my limited exposure to Bollywood films, their soundtracks are always so fucking fire!
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mariacallous · 11 months
It may sound like fun and games, but it’s no joke. After Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, this decentralized group of activists came together to raise money for Ukraine and demolish Russian narratives on social media. They even have their own version of NATO’s Article 5 for mutual assistance, with the hashtag #NAFOArticle5, a cry for other fellas to pile in on social media posts. The fellas took a big step toward recognition last month by staging the NAFO summit in Vilnius. Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas congratulated the group on its first summit and tweeted, “Behind every Fella is a real person who believes in #Ukraine’s victory.”
The world has changed markedly in the more than three decades since political scientist Joseph S. Nye Jr. popularized the term “soft power” in the pages of Foreign Policy. When that article was published in 1990, the dust had barely settled on the ruins of the Berlin Wall, most American homes didn’t have a personal computer, and the first internet meme of a dancing baby was still a few years in the future. The notion of government ministers attending a wartime summit and taking time to praise smack-talking cartoon dogs would have struck many political observers as far-fetched.
​​Although the modern vernacular of soft and hard power implies opposition, since the earliest civilizations it has been more of a continuum. In ancient times, Hellenization spread throughout the known world in the wake of Alexander the Great’s army. Proselytizing priests followed in the footsteps of Spain’s conquistadors. Imperial China presented a cultural wall against the steppe as powerful as any fortifications. The information age has modified the nature of soft power but not human nature. As Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine grinds on and governments in West Africa fall to coups, it’s evident that no surfeit of wishful thinking will reduce the appeal of hard power for some.
Today, many world leaders still reach for sports, language, food, music, and movies to advance their interests. These efforts aren’t inherently more persuasive than bullets or blockades, but it’s a much more pleasant and humane way of seeking to influence world events. Occasionally, soft power seems to work like a charm. The United Kingdom is widely viewed as having benefited from the recent royal pageantry, despite it coinciding with some messy political infighting in London’s Parliament. India certainly benefits to some degree from the widespread popularity of yoga and Bollywood, but the country’s status as a rising Asian nation and counterweight to China explains much of its appeal in the West.
Increasingly, some political representatives are taking the extra, and risky, step of engaging directly with global popular culture. China’s ambassador to the United States, for example, recently tweeted, “An American friend asked me: what kind of flower will grow out of China?” A torrent of responses cast doubt on this anecdote and questioned whether the ambassador had any notion of how Americans actually speak.
Advancing soft power through pop culture may get more difficult as the internet evolves. The NAFO fellas, for example, generally organize themselves on Twitter, which has been a popular platform for social movements from the Arab Spring to Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. But Elon Musk’s rebranding of Twitter as “X” raises the question of whether the fellas will still be able to “tweet” and if anyone will notice if they do.
In a similar vein, Hollywood, which arguably did more in the 20th century to promote a beguiling image of the United States than the Marshall Plan or the Apollo program, is struggling with challenges at home and abroad. Labor strife casts doubts on new productions, artificial intelligence is encroaching, and competition from overseas is increasing. Content from Nigeria, Mexico, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and, of course, Bollywood is clamoring for the global attention span. Filmmaking can also backfire: Sony Pictures Entertainment suffered a major hack in 2014 that included threats to terrorize cinemas showing The Interview, a comedy about a plot to assassinate North Korea’s leader.
North Korea may be a touchy Hermit Kingdom. But South Korea’s K-pop, its brand of popular music, furnishes Seoul’s leaders with a deep well of soft power to draw from. In September 2021, when the United Nations opened the first fully in-person General Assembly in New York after lifting COVID-era restrictions, South Korea’s then-president, Moon Jae-in, invited the group BTS to sing and dance (and speak) their way through the U.N. headquarters as his special presidential envoys for future generations and culture. At the time, South Korea was riding high, having recently been catapulted into the top 10 largest economies in the world. Now, it has just been elected to the U.N. Security Council.
Sports and pop culture don’t have a monopoly on soft power. A little more than a decade ago, Russia was viewed favorably by nearly half of Americans. (Russia’s favorables have since dropped to single digits in the United States.) But with the possible exception of the dissident punk-rock band Pussy Riot, Russian pop culture was almost entirely unknown, then and now. Americans are more familiar with the cannons of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and the works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov came to define classical dance; ironically, these Soviet defectors made ballet cool for a generation of Americans enrolled in classes during the Cold War. Only much later would some balletomanes understand that Nureyev self-identified as a Tatar and Baryshnikov as a Latvian.
Some government cultural campaigns are deliberately nostalgic. In 2020, Spain’s food ministry launched a campaign with the slogan El país más rico del mundo—which translates as either the “richest” or “tastiest” country in the world—plastering the motto on billboards in train stations and at bus stops. Centuries have passed since Spain had the world’s silver at its fingertips, but Spanish food and chefs are ubiquitous.
Language, and the pleasure of wordplay, is one of the most enduring aspects of a culture. Romance languages, a Roman legacy, flourished in medieval Europe. Many of the top-ranked countries in a recent survey of soft power subsidize global language schools, including Spain’s Cervantes Institute, Germany’s Goethe-Institut, China’s Confucius Institute, Italy’s Italian Cultural Institute, and the United Kingdom’s British Council. The guidepost has been France’s Alliance Française, which was founded independently by a circle of preeminent late 19th-century Parisians that included Jules Verne, Louis Pasteur, and Ferdinand de Lesseps, a French diplomat, developer of the Suez Canal, and leader of the plan to bring the Statue of Liberty to New York. French President Emmanuel Macron feted the 140th anniversary of the organization’s founding on July 21, remarking at a celebration at the Élysée presidential palace that the hundreds of schools scattered around the world, mostly underwritten by student fees, are “absolutely key for the diffusion of French culture but also of our values.”
Soft power may be pricey, but world leaders continue to pour money into a range of cultural offerings because they can’t be certain what will resonate. Last month, Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi watched the Bastille Day parade in Paris, including a flyby of three French-made jets in the Indian Air Force. Modi’s visit concluded with an announcement that India would buy 26 more Dassault Rafale jets and three additional Scorpène-class submarines. This year, during a state visit to Beijing with plenty of cultural baggage, Macron sealed commercial deals for aircraft, cosmetics, financial products, and pork. Soon thereafter, a French television station called it a “jackpot” when the news broke that China had agreed to extend the stay of a pair of giant pandas at the ZooParc de Beauval in France’s Loire Valley. The zoo’s director had been among the entourage that had recently accompanied Macron to Beijing, which has a monopoly on pandas around the world.
Sports, especially hosting global events, can be an expensive and risky way to project soft power, and in some cases, countries have been accused of “sportswashing.” None of this is new. Adolf Hitler wanted the 1936 Berlin Olympics to showcase his Nazi regime; it showcased instead the superlative skills of Jesse Owens, the African American athlete who walked away with four gold medals. More recently, pro-Tibetan protesters stormed the field during an Olympic torch-lighting ceremony ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Last year, Qatar faced widespread criticism when it banned soccer fans from wearing rainbow gear into games because visible support for LGBTQ rights is prohibited in the socially conservative kingdom.
Currently, the thorniest debates center on the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes and how to handle it when they face Ukrainian competitors, a headache that host countries probably had not envisioned when they bid for these events years ago. Some star Ukrainian athletes are refusing to shake hands with competitors from Russia or Belarus, which Moscow has used as a staging ground for its war in Ukraine. Some tennis fans, who may have thought they were witnessing poor sportsmanship, booed at the end of matches at Wimbledon and the French Open. Ukrainian fencer Olga Kharlan was disqualified after winning a world championship match in Milan for refusing to shake hands with her Russian opponent. She later posted a video on Instagram saying that what happened “raises a lot of questions.”
One question that hasn’t been answered is whether the fellas are making a real impact. Their social media messages have been so pointed, at least in part, because they echo the agitprop communication style developed by the Soviets to agitate nonbelievers and motivate the like-minded. But the fellas didn’t get their most cherished wish at NATO’s Vilnius summit, which ended without a major advance in Ukraine’s bid to join the security alliance.
The term “soft power” evokes more than wishful thinking, although that was certainly part of its appeal after the barbarism of the 20th century. Alongside other forms of persuasion, it can help a country cut trade deals, win friends, or join new clubs. Or not.
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kaeyachi · 1 year
do you know about lord Krishna (a deity) of the Hindu mythology? I'm not much of a religious person but i know ab him a lot bcz of coming from a religious household and somethings ab him and kaeya just clicks so much
I actually thought ab it bcz kaeya's constellation is a peacock and Krishna is often symbolized with peacock feathers, so i looked into it . I think there might be some links connecting the both but I can't say for sure everything is connected but somethings might be telling us what might happen in the future lore.
And if i really post it rather than keep it in my mind can I tag you?
Thank you for asking, anon! I do know a bit about Krishna (my mom had a Bollywood phase and Krishna was frequently mentioned) but I have a feeling you know better than me. I wish I knew more than just the basics, but there are a lot of similarities between them other than just the peacock symbolism!
I also realized while seeing some Desi!Kaeya fanart that he gives the same energy as to when I see images of Krishna (the fanarts are so good. Probably one of my favorite types of Kaeya art)
I will be using some texts from wiki to better explain my MAIN points because my mind is a mess and I need to learn to control my blabbering!! If i didn't do this, who knows how long this post will get...
Feel free to use this as a basis as well! I'd be happy to get tagged when you post about his possible future for in-game lore. For people knowledgable in Hindu, please feel free to expand on this as well!
"He is the god of protection, compassion, tenderness, and love"
-Kaeya has been portrayed as a protective force of Mondstat along with the rest of the knights.
-Noteworthy moments are him being said to protect a nun's family and his roundabout way in protecting Diluc's identity as the darknight hero
-"Specializes in awakening knightly virtues in others." - Text in TCG card
-he is the guy who planned a birthday party for a friend in secret and passed the praise to someone else.
-several instances of Klee mentioning him being like a big brother to her (him making her a survival handbook and teaching her tcg)
- he has a cryo vision. Love has always been a main topic when it concerns them, especially since their archon representative is the Goddess of Love
"They portray him in various perspectives: as a god-child, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero, and the universal supreme being."
-his father has dubbed him as their last hope, already putting him on a (very bad for a child) pedestal. He is clearly seen as a possible hero for them and the entirety of Khaenri'ah
-seemingly the only curseless Khaenri'ahn thus far (hope we learn more in 3.5), and perhaps even "blessed" to have a vision
-known to prank and tease people enough that most descriptions of him are exactly about that
-was said to be the elderly's top choice for grandson-in-law
-crack idea but the game has this habit of inserting anecdotes or comments about Kaeya as much as possible to make sure to remind you of him. Suspicious, but so far its mostly funny things. He also seems to be a universal representative in-game oddly enough (frequently the face of tutorials or is part of the character trials).
Kaeya having Desi themes is definitely the biggest indicator to this. Were he not designed and named in such a way, many of us would have probably brushed this off (probably wouldnt have even connected the dots)
I hope this inspires further discussion. This topic is genuinely interesting in my opinion :)
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desimoviereviews · 6 months
Jawan: One of SRK's Best Movies
Follow me on Instagram: @thatguyanesejournalist
Let’s talk about Atlee’s Jawan
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Azad is a jailer at a women’s prison who moonlights as a vigilante with the aim to rectify corruption in Indian society, targeting a specific individual whose actions and status have caused extreme suffering for civilians.
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I’ll be honest. The plot could have easily been a two-dimensional hero versus villain story that we’ve all seen too many times. However, adding the stories about Kalki’s father and Dr. Eeram’s “negligence” really brings a depth to the plot that proves this film is not just a story about a protagonist and an antagonist: it’s a story about the people of India.
For example, to avenge thousands of farmers’ suicides, the team holds passengers of a train hostage until they get paid ₹40,000 crore ($4,818,532 USD) so they can repay the loans of the Indian farmers. The viewers finds out through one of the most emotional scenes in the movie that Kalki’s father, who was a farmer, committed suicide so that his family could pay off the loan on their tractor with the money they would receive from his death. In real life, more than 12,000 farmers in India commit suicide every year due to debts. These anecdotes in the film bring a touch of needed reality to the plot; in fact, the reality-based conflicts are something I think Bollywood needs desperately these days.
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Personally, I think this is one of SRK’s best movies. I’ve been waiting to see what movies SRK was going to churn out now that he isn’t doing purely romance movies anymore. I think Jawan is a great example of the content SRK is capable of creating without being a romance hero. And you see this with Azad and Vikram Rathore, who aren’t your typical protagonists. You would expect the protagonists to take the main spotlight for most of the movie. However, SRK shares the screen with a plethora of other female characters and doesn’t overshadow their acting or stories. 
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One character that I absolutely adored was Narmada. As a female protagonist, she wasn’t the “damsel in distress” that needed saving all the time. In fact, she was a tough character throughout the movie who held her own, even when she found out Azad’s real identity as a vigilante. I really do appreciate Narmada’s character arc and the fact that she could always defend herself as an individual.
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A quick shoutout to Kalee Gaikwad and how effortlessly Vijay Sethupathi acted in his role. This was actually the first movie I’ve ever seen him in, and he conveys the psychotic qualities of his character without it seeming fake or unconvincing. I have a whole bunch of Vijay Sethupathi movies lined up for me to watch for the future!
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Also, another shoutout to Aishwarya Rathore and the wonderful Deepika Padukone. Even though her cameo in the movie was short, it was an impactful one and gave me major Om Shanti Om vibes. I love how her character was also strong and independent, refusing to be coerced by Gaikwad and his scheme to frame Vikram.
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I loved the movie so much. There was impactful dialogue throughout, even though some parts did sound a bit preachy but still fit the message that the movie was trying to convey. The references to SRK’s iconic movies didn’t go unnoticed by me, and it was done in a way that didn’t make me cringe. I also appreciated the way there were numerous fourth-wall breaks that seemed like SRK was addressing the real-life viewers during the film’s most crucial moments; by staging this scenes as messages to the actual people, it causes viewers to think about their own political landscape in their country and how they can impact their own government (LEGALLY, PLEASE).
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All the songs on the soundtrack, composed by Anirudh Ravichander, were pretty catchy to me. Welcome to another episode of me having a hard time to curate my song list. At the end of the day, I included both popular and seemingly underrated songs from the film. Give them a listen! 
Aararaari Raaro
Zinda Banda
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The movie is 2 hours and 50 minutes long. Stream the extended cut on Netflix, grab a snack, and enjoy!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
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sapybara · 1 year
It definitely seems like they outsourced the actual translation part, based on this line from the video description:
"Depending on what API is used for transcribing/translations and how many people are being translated, it can be costly, so although the mod will be free from me, using it might require setup on your end."
I'm guessing the mod itself is mostly communicating with the translation software and displaying the translated text in real-time inside Minecraft.
That being said, I'm curious if Dream has partnered with whatever translator he's using to share data and improve translation accuracy and whatnot or if they're completely separate. Seeing this mod in action during livestreams on a 60-person server is going to be so awesome!
Also, fun anecdote I can share about slang: the whole bit about "who is Don?" in the video happened because the guy was quoting a very popular Bollywood movie. It's been a while, but if I'm remembering correctly 'don' refers to a gang boss or other high-ranking leader in the underworld, not a literal person named Don. But that's such an ingrained cultural reference that I wouldn't be surprised if the guy didn't even realize that it was slang until the mistranslation happened. It's going to be really cool (and probably funny) to see how all the different regional slang and expressions are going to translate :D
Even if the mod its "just" something that links the game with the software, it's really impressive that it literally can write what's being said in the OL in the TL in real time. I'm mostly curious about how it looks like for non-english to non-englisg bc we all know that's where the software usually fails (that's why I want to know what he's using)
Oh, I'm dying to see all the cultural slangs translated because it's always funny to see them translated word by word, especially those which are so ingrained on people's speech that they don't realize they're using them until the other person looks at you like o_O
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suvarnarekha · 2 years
Bollywood songs from Late 90s and early-mid 2000s were something else, especially the Original ones. They had this vibe that really transported you to the song itself.
Listening to Chudi jo khanke is being in the hostel room
Listening to Bhool Bhulaiya track is finding yourself in that castle
Listening to Ashiqui mein Teri is being in China town at midnight
Listening to Dhoom again is seeing the warehouse in front of your eyes
why am I saying this? Lets just say that I went for the dimly lit club in Chakna chakna and didn’t realise that it has been an hour of me teleporting from aesthetic to aesthetic until I was already in the rainy streets from Laga Prem Rog😌
A taxi winds up on the mountain road of Kasaol. It’s been a long journey from Nizamuddin railway station; a peaceful drive to the hotel would be nice. But the cabbie is in the mood for songs of bitter love.  “Ab tere bin ji lenge hum. Zahar zindagi kaa pi lenge hum” Kumar Sanu's nasal voice playing on a scratchy tape recorder fills the car.
"I can learn to live without you. Life would be like drinking poison but what's the big deal if one heart breaks,"
Says this hit song from Aashiqui. It seems churlish to tell him to stop playing the music because-- it hits you suddenly-- that you don't really want peace. You want sookun, a feeling of love. And who better to grant that, other than Sanu da's heartfelt high notes.
An imaginary anecdote starts to weave relentlessly in your mind. As the driver switches songs to Bol Na Halke Halke. Your brain paces back to a gorgeous Preity Zinta, mistaking Abhishek Bachchan for a coolie, filling your heart with a flawless warmth.
The tape recorder booms again. This time, with the ever so magical voice of Mohit Chauhan in Tum se hi. Your consciousness reverts to the moments of Aditya and Geet, pouring out their hearts in rain.
The classic Falguni Pathak melody, Meri Chunar Udd Udd Jaye, makes your heart leap out of you in elation. The entire dance of Ayesha Takia with the lady in the painting evokes nostalgia which you can’t get over.
Dil Dooba blares next on the tape, Oh you cannot contain anymore! You break into crooked hip hop steps on the back seat, trying to imitate Akshay Kumar and Aishwariya Rai’s jhakaas dance moves from Khakee.
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poohnotpiku · 2 years
Pooh & Dad
Today let me introduce my Dad, the primary reason why people link me to Piku!
Dad is not old like Amit ji’s character in Piku, but his body is like that of a 70-years old with many ailments. Life has not been fair to him or, may be, he has not been fair to life…we will not go there…Coming back to Dad’s age, he is just 3 years senior to Mr. Salman Khan (the first official hunk of Bollywood) :D
I would not want to bore you guys with Dad’s medical history but will point out his two major health-problems around which his life revolves.
First comes his ‘Bowel Movement’ (yeahhhh…go ahead….link this to Piku!). I am not sure what’s with these aged men and their bowels! (Inner Pooh : “At least, it’s the most important thing for Dad!”)
His second issue (which he is not aware of) is his Bipolar Disorder. Depending on where his mind is on the Bipolar scale, I am his ‘Gulab Jamun’ one day and a ‘Hellcat’ on other days!! I can accept Hellcat but which girl (Inner Pooh : “You mean old lady!”) would like to be compared to a GULAB JAMUN??? If it was a perfect Haldiram’s gulab jamun, made with pure ghee, dipped in saffron infused syrup, with a silver coating and a topping of pista, it would still have been great! But I am more comparable to those poor gulab jamuns in a dingy sweet-shop with sad-looking faces and no ghee or silver coating (forget pista!!). Now you see? We want to be Candies of the World and not damn Gulab Jamuns (Dear God…another item to be addressed in my next-life!!!)
Life with Dad is a mixture of laughter, tears, and anger. It’s a real roller-coaster ride! Let me share few funny anecdotes from Pooh&Dad archives.
Scene#1 :
I am in a deep sleep, floating away in the void of outer-space…. suddenly there is a bright light…(Inner Pooh – “Has the Sun blasted???”)….I wake-up with a start…my eyes flew open….I am back on my bed…..and as I see upwards, I see Dad staring down at me….Inner Pooh shriekkssss….
Me : “What is it Dadda? Why have you switched on the lights? It’s 4am!!!”
Dad : “Are you sleeping?”
Inner Pooh : “Yeah we are sleeping and now we are sleep-talking with you!!!!”
Me : “I WAS sleeping, now I am awake…What happened?”
Dad : “It’s ok, if you are sleeping we can talk in the morning…”
Inner Pooh : “grrrrrrrrrr…..”
Me : “Abhi I am awake…bolo na…what is it?”
Dad : “I was thinking when I will get well, you book me a 3-tier Railway ticket to Amritsar…I will go own my own…I need to visit Amritsar again…”
Inner Pooh : “Yesss…we too NEED to go to Paris….so we will first drop you off at Amritsar and then fly away…”
Me : “Ohk…we will discuss this later…first get well and stabilize your body….now let me sleep…”
Dad : ……
Inner Pooh : --------
Me : …….
Dad : ….
Inner Pooh : ????
Me : “Dad please switch off the lights now!!”
Dad (while switching off the light) : “Accha(btw), I did not had my bowels since two days, you are not giving me my Dulcoflex (laxative) tablets??”
Inner Pooh : “Not Again, Old Man!!!!”
Me : “Wait till tomorrow, if the issue persists, I will give you an extra dose!”
Lights off, Dad and his cane walk away…..Inner Pooh dozes off…..But Me?? I am left wide-awake, praying for my dearie sleep to return!!!!
Scene#2 :
Dad is a very bigggggg fan of Amit ji (Mr. Amitabh Bacchan). In fact he has literally asked me to find out Amit ji’s mobile number so that he can talk to him directly…(Inner Pooh : “Yeahhh, why not?He has his number published in wikipedia!!!”).
One day Dad was looking at Amit ji’s pic in the newspaper and calls me over and says : ”You have no idea what a big superstar he is….he is the DON!!”
I left the room, rolling my eyes (what else to say)….
But this gave me an idea to gift him a framed pic of Amit ji. I searched online, could not find any option….and then I went to our local photographer’s (who will be referred to as Bhaiya henceforth) shop….and….
Me : “Bhaiya, show me some photo-frames….”
Bhaiya : “Madam ji…look at this one….this is beautiful….” (he shows me 2 heart-shaped frames joined in the middle with lovey-dovey symbols all over)
Inner Pooh : “Ewwww…..”
Me : “Not this one bhaiya…show me a ‘simple’ one….”
He excavates an old box, from inside the box he takes out one dual frame piece…old but simple design…I had to take that one. Those where pandemic days…..I was lucky to even find this guy’s shop open…
Me : “Do you have internet? Please search for Amitabh Bacchan and Dharmendra (Dharam ji is dad’s another favorite) and let’s download one good-looking picture of each… you then print them out and put them in this frame…”
Bhaiya looks at me as if I have gone mad!!!
Bhaiya : “For whom are you getting this?”
Inner Pooh : “Should we tell him it’s for Dad? He will think we all are insane!!!”
Me : “It’s for an old uncle…he has his 80th birthday coming up…so just want to give him something which he will cherish…”
Bhaiya looks satisfied with the explanation and I leave the shop with a sighhhhh…..
The frame, with Amit ji’s and Dharam ji’s pic is still lying on Dad's bedside table….And every time I see the frame, I just can’t help smiling….
Scenario#3 :
I am in a meeting with my screen shared and presenting to my seniors in another part of the globe…..suddenly in my corner-vision I feel some disturbance….I look up from the screen and find Dad standing there, with his cane in one hand and beckoning me by doing gestures with his other hand…I do my random hand symbols to explain to him that I am in a meeting….but no use….he starts speaking in his loud voice…I excuse myself from the meeting, go on mute (Inner Pooh : “Thank God!! Else it would have been a live Indian drama for our foreigner colleagues…”)
Me : “I am in a meeting….What do you need?”
Dad : “I need 2minutes of your busy schedule….” (He stresses on the word busy)
Me : “Ohk…What is it?”
Dad : “You think you are the Lord of this house…you will control everyone….but I am telling you…you cannot control me…I will do whatever I want to do…you will not stop me…I do not need you or anyone…”
Inner Pooh : “Ooppsss…He has started again…moving towards other end of his Bipolar scale….note to call the psychiatrist…”
Me : “Okies…do whatever you want to do….now will you let me continue my meeting?’
Dad : …..
Inner Pooh : ……
Me : ……
Dad : “Ok….When you have time….play Anil Kapoor’s Laadla movie on my TV… “ (Mr. Anil Kapoor is Dad’s latest ‘crush’ :D )
Me : “Okkkk”
After completing my meeting, I go to his room and take the remote control and start surfing for ‘Laadla’ movie (Dad’s somehow not comfortable with any technological advancements….)
Dad : “Next time DeeDee comes, I will ask her to teach me how to operate this YouTube thing…”
Inner Pooh : “He has no expectations from you…LOL”
Me : “Where is the damn alphabet L…oh it’s here….now where is A?...”
Inner Pooh : “How I hate searching for anything on this television…such maze-like keyboards and you need to click each damn button one by one!!! If only you could handle advance technology, it would save so much of my precious time....”
Dad : “This Anil Kapoor Guy is also too good….there is no one like Amitabh….but Anil Kapoor is also a great actor….”
Me (still struggling with the on-screen keyboard): “Where are you hiding damn ‘D’….ahh…found you!!!”
Inner Pooh desperately looking at the recommendations panel of YouTube to show me ‘Laadla movie’ and stop me from typing anymore!!!
YouTube AI rocksss….we found the movie in the suggestions panel….set it to play….Mission Accomplished!!
Dad : “If you have sometime in your busy schedule…sit and watch this movie…”
Inner Pooh rolling her eyes!!!
Me : …..
And there are many more such anecdotes…..may be, I will share them some other day…
So, now what do you feel? Am I a Piku? Let us give you all some time to analyze this :D
Until then, ciao!!
P.S.: Do I need to say it again??? Please refer to the P.S. of my first blog..!!!!
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salmankhanholics · 2 years
★ Celebrating 33 years of Salman Khan: ‘The pied piper of Bollywood’, say SK’s producers and directors!
David Dhawan, Anees Bazmee, Rumy Jafry, Lawrence D'Souza, Puneet Issar, Ramesh Taurani, Vijay Galani and Taran Adarsh decode and share their fond memories with Salman Khan, as he clocks 33 years in the industry. (Repost August 27, 2021)
On August 26, 1988, Salman Khan made his foray into acting with a rather short role in the Rekha and Farooq Shaikh fronted, Biwi Ho Toh Aisi. This was followed by the All Time Blockbuster, Maine Pyar Kiya directed by Sooraj Barjatya in December 1989. His 33-year journey has been a roller coaster ride and very few in the history of Bollywood have seen the kind of success that Salman has – ranging from delivering a blockbuster in every genre, to having the maximum number of highest grossing films of the year - he has almost all major records under his name.
One director that he has worked with the most is the comedy king, David Dhawan. The duo have teamed up on successful films like Judwaa, Biwi No. 1, Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge, Mujhse Shaadi Karogi and Partner among others. David says, “Before actor and superstar comes Salman Khan, the human. He is a great guy, very honest, clean hearted and doesn’t like someone trying to flatter him.”
David’s writing partner, Rumy Jafry, who went ahead to direct Salman in God Tussi Great Ho can’t stop raving about the humane side of the superstar. “He has been doing all the good deeds since the 90s', and used to get angry when anyone spoke about it. I remember, there was an accident of an actor in town that he spotted while travelling. When no one was helping, he stopped there, carried the person to the hospital, did all the paperwork to get him admitted, figured out his family members went to their home and got them to the hospital,” Rumy shares. He also has another anecdote from the sets of Devdas, which not many are aware about. “There was an accident on the sets of Devdas when a fan wing fell down on a spot boy. It was Bhansali’s shoot, but Salman reached the set, took the spot boy to the hospital. The boy was in coma for months, but Salman got the treatment done and took care of everything,” Rumy recalls.
Salman’s life has been full of ups and downs. Rumy reveals that even in the difficult times of his career, he never took the stress. He recalls an incident from the days when Salman had to spend some nights in the Jodhpur jail. “Katrina (Kaif), Bina Kak ji and I were going to the jail with the bail order and on the way, I told Katrina that Salman will come out with a list in his hand to help the people in the jail. And that’s exactly what happened. He came out and said, ‘Rumy bhai, bahut badi list leke aaya hoon main. Can you believe it, a person is in jail because he doesn’t have Rs 10,000 to bail himself out. Uske ghar wale bhuke mar rahe hai. Ek aur bande ki maa bimar hai. Yeh sab ki madat karni hai’. Katrina and I laughed listening to this because we knew he would do this. It’s only him who can think this way. He is a true Dabangg.”
Trade analyst, Taran Adarsh believes that his good-hearted nature is one of the reasons for him to command such a terrific fan following. “There are a lot of actors who do things for publicity, but he is one man who shies away from it. There have been instances with me as well. I wouldn’t get into the details because it’s something very personal. He didn’t do it for publicity, but he did it,” Taran informs.
David believes that Salman is an excellent actor with good comic timing. “He became a superstar, but he has given so many good performances. He can do good work when he wants to do it. Today, he is a genuine superstar, whom the audience love. I have heard so many people say, ‘Bhai Ki Picture Aa Rahi Hai… Dekhni Padegi’ and he is one of those Jiski Entry Mein Log Pagal Ho Jaate Hai,” David shares, adding further that it’s difficult to stay relevant for 33 years. “His acting has become huge with experience. The masses are his yaar, but if you look, he has done amazing films for classes too. 300 crore toh kitni baar touch kar liya hai isne.
Director Anees Bazmee, who directed Salman in two comic capers, No Entry and Ready, hopes for Salman to continue with his entertainment for more 33 years. “He will continue to be a huge star for 33 years. According to me, his name should be Dil Khan. He is a bindass person, and it is fun to work with him. He is such a huge star, but an easy person to work with. He has a tough body and look, but a soft heart. He is a complete actor – a huge star, great at action, drama, romance, dance and comedy. A lot of actors in the industry are respected, but Salman Khan is someone who is loved by the audience. And there is a massive difference between love and respect,” Bazmee says.
The filmmaker further reveals that his daughter is a huge fan of Salman Khan. “We speak at regular intervals. My daughter, Sara is a huge fan of his and wanted to meet him once. He loves kids and spent time with her for 3 hours. For Sara, there is just one hero and that’s Salman Khan. It has been 10 years since that incident, and she has never missed any of his films.”
Taran believes that no one can tower over the superstardom of Salman Khan. “Salman Khan is the pied piper of Bollywood. There is a long queue in cinema halls for his films and he is the one who brought mass cinema back. He is loved by millions from all strata of society. He towers above all. There is no one who is actually as charismatic and as big a crowd puller as Salman Khan. His audience pull is unbelievable,
 though his last few films have not done as well as expected,” Taran explains. He further adds, “Even the start of his career, he delivered hits after his. Maine Pyar Kiya was followed by hits like Baaghi, Sanam Bewafaa, Kurbaan, Saajan and Patthar Ke Phool. His career was just wow at this point of time. Then something happened and it went down, but he kept working and kept getting movies. He has also been a constant in introducing new talents.
”Ramesh Taurani, who has worked with Salman in Auzaar and Jab Pyaar Kisi Se Hota Hai, calls the actor his 2 am friend. “You have any trouble and he is there for you. We have bonded well from the start. He was a huge star in the 90s, is a huge star today and will always be a huge star. But he hasn’t changed with stardom. His price has gone up 1000 times, but his behavior remains the same,” he laughs.
His Sajaan director, Lawrence D’Souza, informs that he and his producer had signed Salman even before the release of Maine Pyar Kiya. “I had seen the trail at Rajshri office and that was my first meeting with Salman Khan. He was signed with a token of Rs 5000 and then the proposal of Sajaan was made. It’s so much fun to shoot with Salman. He has so much love and respect for me and the family. In the industry, there is just one real hero for me and that’s Salman Khan. In terms of stardom, down south, it’s Rajinikanth and in Mumbai, it is Salman Khan. He is the man of masses with a heart of gold. It feels great to know that my hero, my friend, my family member is the biggest star,” Lawrence shares.
Garv director, Puneet Issar ranks Salman as one of the best actors of the industry. “He is a director’s actor, opposite to the image that he carries. If he believes in a director, he is like a raw clay which you can mold the way you want. He just needs to trust the director. Very few know that the cross sign in Garv was Salman’s idea. He has a photoshop memory. He has seen me do this a couple of times and decided to include it in the film,” Puneet recalls, adding further that Garv was the starting point of Salman’s journey as an on-screen cop. Speaking about the stardom, Puneet says, “Salman means stardom. There was Mr. Bachchan, Dharmendra and now Salman Khan. Everyone identifies with him – be it a 6-year-old, 18-year-old or 60-year-old. Salman’s connection with the audience is just too high.”  Vijay Galani, who produced two period films in Salman’s career – Suryavanshi and Veer – calls him a friend. “We had a one-to-one friendship. I had signed him for a film much before the release of his debut and he became a huge star right after the release of Maine Pyar Kiya. We have worked together on two films, and both of them were the biggest productions at that point of time for Salman. We continue to be good friends,” he concludes.
Taran Adarsh recalls Mr. Tarachand Barjatya’s prediction of Salman being a huge star much before the release of Maine Pyar Kiya. “After a screening of Maine Pyaar Kiya, Seth Ji (Tarachand Barjatya) had clearly told me that ‘Yeh Ladka Aur Ladki Bahut Bade Star Banenge’. He saw a spark in them. And that’s what happened. Maine Pyar Kiya rewrote all records at the box-office at that point of time, and Salman got the limelight from the first film. The film also revolutionized the sound system in India. This was the revival of cinema’s, in-fact a turning point as post Maine Pyar Kiya came Aditya Chopra, Karan Johar and Dharmesh Darshan.”
Taran signs off sharing a very personal interaction with Salman. “I had watched Dil Ne Jise Apna Kaha, directed by his brother in law, Atul Agnihotri, at a special screening. After that, Atul called me for feedback and I said that it didn’t really work for me. He passed on the phone to Salman, and I told him the same thing. And then he said something that stays with me even today. ‘Agar Yeh Picture Chal Gai, Toh Saara Credit Atul Ko Milna Chahiye. Agar Nahin Chali, Toh I will take the credit of failure.’ It’s a big thing,” he says, adding further, “People often speak about the casting choices of Salman, which even I may have pointed out at times. But the helpful nature crosses over to movies as well as he likes to bail people out – be it behind the camera or in front of it. That’s how he is
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jayhoshow · 5 days
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Kartik Aaryan and His Mom Grace The Great Indian Kapil Show Finale
Bollywood heartthrob Kartik Aaryan recently made a special appearance on the grand finale of The Great Indian Kapil Show, accompanied by his beloved mom. The mother-son duo charmed the audience with their delightful chemistry and heartwarming moments. Kartik, known for his witty humor and engaging screen presence, shared anecdotes and fun stories, making the episode a memorable one. His mom added a touch of warmth and affection, winning over the viewers' hearts. The finale was a perfect blend of laughter and emotion, showcasing Kartik Aaryan's close bond with his mom. Don’t miss this unforgettable episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show! For more information, visit https://jay-ho.com/kartik-aaryans-mom-plays-matchmaker-on-the-great-indian-kapil-show-finale/
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staruniversalnews · 9 days
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending time with their loved ones. While Father’s Day is as much an occasion for celebration for stars who have grown up within the industry per se due to their celebrity parents, let’s take a look at actors who came from normal non-celebrity parents, and still made it big in the industry.Shah Rukh Khan Father’s Day special: Kriti Sanon, Shah Rukh Khan and Kiara Advani with their fathers ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ‘The king of Bollywood’, Shah Rukh Khan is the son of the late Meer Taj Mohammed Khan. Meer Taj could never see his son’s mammoth success with his own eyes, having passed away in 1981, several years prior to SRK getting his big break. Same was the case with his mother Lateef Fatima Khan who passed away in 1991 shortly after SRK debuted in Fauji. Glimpses from Shah Rukh Khan’s childhood ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed Now catch your favourite game on Crickit. Anytime Anywhere. Find out howThe world-renowned actor however, has kept the memory of his parents, particularly his father, well and alive. Every so often SRK will fondly share a heartening anecdote from the limited time he had with his parents. In the 2004 BBC documentary The Inner World of Shah Rukh Khan, the actor shared, “My father was a very sweet, soft-spoken man. He was the youngest freedom fighter for India, actually”. The actor further revealed how his profession is essentially what helped him get over the sudden death of his parents. As shared by Shah Rukh himself, he makes it a point to spend as much time as he possibly can with his children, because he knows what it feels like to not have one’s parents around.Kriti Sanon ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed The newest entrant on Bollywood’s exclusive lineup of A-listers, Kriti Sanon comes from a simple, stayed background. She is the daughter of Rahul Sanon, a Chartered Accountant, and Geeta Sanon, a Physics professor. In a 2019 interview, Kriti opened up about how though there is a perception about men not being able to express love, she has never had that issue with her father — after all he is the ‘first man she has ever loved’. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She has also revealed how though he had his reservations about giving her permission to model, when her advertisements started appearing on television, he was the first to jump up and spread the word.Aishwarya Rai BachchanAishwarya Rai is the daughter of Krishnaraj Rai, who was an army biologist by profession. Though Krishnaraj was able to witness his daughter’s meteoric rise to global fame, he breathed his last on March 18, 2017. Aishwarya however, still makes it a point to celebrate her father’s birthday, year on year expressing her love and appreciation for him. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan and Brindya Rai pictured with a photograph of Krishnaraj Rai ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She recently commemorated his death anniversary via an Instagram post. The caption to it read, “Love you eternally, dearest darling Daddy-Ajjaaa. Thank you for all your Blessings”.Priyanka Chopra JonasPriyanka Chopra Jonas comes from a dynamic household with both her parents being doctors. Her father Ashok Chopra in particular, served as a physician in the Indian Army. He passed away in 2013 losing his battle with cancer. Priyanka is a self-proclaimed ‘daddy’s lil girl’, as sealed in with the tattoo across her wrist. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On his 11th death anniversary, the actor penned a heartfelt note remembering her father. “The light of every room.
You’re still our brightest light dad. 11 years without you and it still doesn’t feel real. Thinking of you today and everyday”, she wrote.Kiara AdvaniKiara Advani is the daughter of Sindhi businessman Jagdeep Advani. Like any concerned father, Jagdeep too was apprehensive about allowing Kiara to dive into the world of showbiz, attempting to make it big. However, it was their collective love for films — 3 Idiots (2009) to be specific, that convinced him to let her pursue her dreams. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On June 13, Kiara completed a glorious 10 years in the industry.Sidharth MalhotraSidharth Malhotra is the son of Sunil Malhotra, a former captain in the Merchant Navy. Sidharth has always been rather tight-lipped when it comes to his personal life, wanting to keep it away from the limelight. His beautiful bond with his father however, still manages to shine through. Sidharth Malhotra with his father Sunil Malhotra ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed In a Father’s Day post from some time back, Sidharth wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to the captain of our ship, for smoothly sailing us through thick and thin. I love you Boatloads Dad”.Anushka SharmaA true and blue Army brat, Anushka Sharma is the daughter of Colonel Ajay Kumar Sharma. In a 2012 interview, Anushka had shared how her father had been part of every major war since 1982. She was all of 11 years old when he was fighting in the Kargil War. Not truly understanding the gravity of the situation, she shared how she would keep going on about school and boyfriends for the limited time she got on the phone with him. Several decades on, their relationship still remains the same.Kangana RanautKangana Ranaut is the daughter of Amardeep Ranaut, a businessman. Kangana has been rather candid in the past, with regards to her parents’ initial disapproval when it came to her pursuing the arc lights. As a matter of fact, their relationship has seen many rocky days. In Kangana’s own words, she was the ‘unwanted girl child’. However, over the years, looking at her achievements and her conviction in her self, Amardeep has come around to accepting his daughter’s decisions and is now a proud and supportive father.John AbrahamJohn Abraham’s father, Abraham John, is an architect by profession. In a 2018 interview with Hindustan Times, John had shared how his father’s staunch and straightforward nature greatly inspires him. He said, “My dad is my hero, [and] not just because he’s my father…He has been a straight man, has always helped society, and never screamed about it like we do as actors”.He also shared how while his mother will love his worst films, his father will always give him direct advice, no matter how bitter. He added, “He speaks like an audience member. With some films, he has even said, ‘This is a waste of time!’ He’s my most vocal critic”.Ayushman KhurranaAyushmann Khurrana is the son of P Khurrana, a renowned astrologer. P Khurrana passed away in 2023. Following his prayer meet, Ayushmann penned an emotional note, detailing all that he had learnt from his father. “Thank you for your upbringing, love, sense of humour and the most beautiful memories. Jai jai 🙏🏽❤️”, he concluded.How will you be celebrating Father’s Day this year? News / HTCity / Cinema / Father’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dadsFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads #Fathers #Day #Army #biologist #Merchant #Navy #officer #meet #Bollywood #stars #lesser #dadsSource Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/htcity/cinema/fathers-day-2024-from-army-biologist-to-merchant-navy-officer-meet-bollywood-stars-lesser-known-dads-101718455684325-amp.htmlFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads:The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending t…
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Father’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending time with their loved ones. While Father’s Day is as much an occasion for celebration for stars who have grown up within the industry per se … Read More
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wolrdnewsmerchant · 9 days
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending time with their loved ones. While Father’s Day is as much an occasion for celebration for stars who have grown up within the industry per se due to their celebrity parents, let’s take a look at actors who came from normal non-celebrity parents, and still made it big in the industry.Shah Rukh Khan Father’s Day special: Kriti Sanon, Shah Rukh Khan and Kiara Advani with their fathers ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ‘The king of Bollywood’, Shah Rukh Khan is the son of the late Meer Taj Mohammed Khan. Meer Taj could never see his son’s mammoth success with his own eyes, having passed away in 1981, several years prior to SRK getting his big break. Same was the case with his mother Lateef Fatima Khan who passed away in 1991 shortly after SRK debuted in Fauji. Glimpses from Shah Rukh Khan’s childhood ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed Now catch your favourite game on Crickit. Anytime Anywhere. Find out howThe world-renowned actor however, has kept the memory of his parents, particularly his father, well and alive. Every so often SRK will fondly share a heartening anecdote from the limited time he had with his parents. In the 2004 BBC documentary The Inner World of Shah Rukh Khan, the actor shared, “My father was a very sweet, soft-spoken man. He was the youngest freedom fighter for India, actually”. The actor further revealed how his profession is essentially what helped him get over the sudden death of his parents. As shared by Shah Rukh himself, he makes it a point to spend as much time as he possibly can with his children, because he knows what it feels like to not have one’s parents around.Kriti Sanon ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed The newest entrant on Bollywood’s exclusive lineup of A-listers, Kriti Sanon comes from a simple, stayed background. She is the daughter of Rahul Sanon, a Chartered Accountant, and Geeta Sanon, a Physics professor. In a 2019 interview, Kriti opened up about how though there is a perception about men not being able to express love, she has never had that issue with her father — after all he is the ‘first man she has ever loved’. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She has also revealed how though he had his reservations about giving her permission to model, when her advertisements started appearing on television, he was the first to jump up and spread the word.Aishwarya Rai BachchanAishwarya Rai is the daughter of Krishnaraj Rai, who was an army biologist by profession. Though Krishnaraj was able to witness his daughter’s meteoric rise to global fame, he breathed his last on March 18, 2017. Aishwarya however, still makes it a point to celebrate her father’s birthday, year on year expressing her love and appreciation for him. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan and Brindya Rai pictured with a photograph of Krishnaraj Rai ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She recently commemorated his death anniversary via an Instagram post. The caption to it read, “Love you eternally, dearest darling Daddy-Ajjaaa. Thank you for all your Blessings”.Priyanka Chopra JonasPriyanka Chopra Jonas comes from a dynamic household with both her parents being doctors. Her father Ashok Chopra in particular, served as a physician in the Indian Army. He passed away in 2013 losing his battle with cancer. Priyanka is a self-proclaimed ‘daddy’s lil girl’, as sealed in with the tattoo across her wrist. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On his 11th death anniversary, the actor penned a heartfelt note remembering her father. “The light of every room.
You’re still our brightest light dad. 11 years without you and it still doesn’t feel real. Thinking of you today and everyday”, she wrote.Kiara AdvaniKiara Advani is the daughter of Sindhi businessman Jagdeep Advani. Like any concerned father, Jagdeep too was apprehensive about allowing Kiara to dive into the world of showbiz, attempting to make it big. However, it was their collective love for films — 3 Idiots (2009) to be specific, that convinced him to let her pursue her dreams. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On June 13, Kiara completed a glorious 10 years in the industry.Sidharth MalhotraSidharth Malhotra is the son of Sunil Malhotra, a former captain in the Merchant Navy. Sidharth has always been rather tight-lipped when it comes to his personal life, wanting to keep it away from the limelight. His beautiful bond with his father however, still manages to shine through. Sidharth Malhotra with his father Sunil Malhotra ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed In a Father’s Day post from some time back, Sidharth wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to the captain of our ship, for smoothly sailing us through thick and thin. I love you Boatloads Dad”.Anushka SharmaA true and blue Army brat, Anushka Sharma is the daughter of Colonel Ajay Kumar Sharma. In a 2012 interview, Anushka had shared how her father had been part of every major war since 1982. She was all of 11 years old when he was fighting in the Kargil War. Not truly understanding the gravity of the situation, she shared how she would keep going on about school and boyfriends for the limited time she got on the phone with him. Several decades on, their relationship still remains the same.Kangana RanautKangana Ranaut is the daughter of Amardeep Ranaut, a businessman. Kangana has been rather candid in the past, with regards to her parents’ initial disapproval when it came to her pursuing the arc lights. As a matter of fact, their relationship has seen many rocky days. In Kangana’s own words, she was the ‘unwanted girl child’. However, over the years, looking at her achievements and her conviction in her self, Amardeep has come around to accepting his daughter’s decisions and is now a proud and supportive father.John AbrahamJohn Abraham’s father, Abraham John, is an architect by profession. In a 2018 interview with Hindustan Times, John had shared how his father’s staunch and straightforward nature greatly inspires him. He said, “My dad is my hero, [and] not just because he’s my father…He has been a straight man, has always helped society, and never screamed about it like we do as actors”.He also shared how while his mother will love his worst films, his father will always give him direct advice, no matter how bitter. He added, “He speaks like an audience member. With some films, he has even said, ‘This is a waste of time!’ He’s my most vocal critic”.Ayushman KhurranaAyushmann Khurrana is the son of P Khurrana, a renowned astrologer. P Khurrana passed away in 2023. Following his prayer meet, Ayushmann penned an emotional note, detailing all that he had learnt from his father. “Thank you for your upbringing, love, sense of humour and the most beautiful memories. Jai jai 🙏🏽❤️”, he concluded.How will you be celebrating Father’s Day this year? News / HTCity / Cinema / Father’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dadsFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads #Fathers #Day #Army #biologist #Merchant #Navy #officer #meet #Bollywood #stars #lesser #dadsSource Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/htcity/cinema/fathers-day-2024-from-army-biologist-to-merchant-navy-officer-meet-bollywood-stars-lesser-known-dads-101718455684325-amp.htmlFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads:The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending t…
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Global - BLOGGER - #Global
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Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads - #Global Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending time with their loved ones. While Father’s Day is as much an occasion for celebration for stars who have grown up within the industry per se due to their celebrity parents, let’s take a look at actors who came from normal non-celebrity parents, and still made it big in the industry.Shah Rukh Khan Father’s Day special: Kriti Sanon, Shah Rukh Khan and Kiara Advani with their fathers ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ‘The king of Bollywood’, Shah Rukh Khan is the son of the late Meer Taj Mohammed Khan. Meer Taj could never see his son’s mammoth success with his own eyes, having passed away in 1981, several years prior to SRK getting his big break. Same was the case with his mother Lateef Fatima Khan who passed away in 1991 shortly after SRK debuted in Fauji. Glimpses from Shah Rukh Khan’s childhood ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed Now catch your favourite game on Crickit. Anytime Anywhere. Find out howThe world-renowned actor however, has kept the memory of his parents, particularly his father, well and alive. Every so often SRK will fondly share a heartening anecdote from the limited time he had with his parents. In the 2004 BBC documentary The Inner World of Shah Rukh Khan, the actor shared, “My father was a very sweet, soft-spoken man. He was the youngest freedom fighter for India, actually”. The actor further revealed how his profession is essentially what helped him get over the sudden death of his parents. As shared by Shah Rukh himself, he makes it a point to spend as much time as he possibly can with his children, because he knows what it feels like to not have one’s parents around.Kriti Sanon ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed The newest entrant on Bollywood’s exclusive lineup of A-listers, Kriti Sanon comes from a simple, stayed background. She is the daughter of Rahul Sanon, a Chartered Accountant, and Geeta Sanon, a Physics professor. In a 2019 interview, Kriti opened up about how though there is a perception about men not being able to express love, she has never had that issue with her father — after all he is the ‘first man she has ever loved’. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She has also revealed how though he had his reservations about giving her permission to model, when her advertisements started appearing on television, he was the first to jump up and spread the word.Aishwarya Rai BachchanAishwarya Rai is the daughter of Krishnaraj Rai, who was an army biologist by profession. Though Krishnaraj was able to witness his daughter’s meteoric rise to global fame, he breathed his last on March 18, 2017. Aishwarya however, still makes it a point to celebrate her father’s birthday, year on year expressing her love and appreciation for him. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan and Brindya Rai pictured with a photograph of Krishnaraj Rai ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She recently commemorated his death anniversary via an Instagram post. The caption to it read, “Love you eternally, dearest darling Daddy-Ajjaaa. Thank you for all your Blessings”.Priyanka Chopra JonasPriyanka Chopra Jonas comes from a dynamic household with both her parents being doctors. Her father Ashok Chopra in particular, served as a physician in the Indian Army. He passed away in 2013 losing his battle with cancer. Priyanka is a self-proclaimed ‘daddy’s lil girl’, as sealed in with the tattoo across her wrist. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On his 11th death anniversary, the actor penned a heartfelt note remembering her father.
“The light of every room. You’re still our brightest light dad. 11 years without you and it still doesn’t feel real. Thinking of you today and everyday”, she wrote.Kiara AdvaniKiara Advani is the daughter of Sindhi businessman Jagdeep Advani. Like any concerned father, Jagdeep too was apprehensive about allowing Kiara to dive into the world of showbiz, attempting to make it big. However, it was their collective love for films — 3 Idiots (2009) to be specific, that convinced him to let her pursue her dreams. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On June 13, Kiara completed a glorious 10 years in the industry.Sidharth MalhotraSidharth Malhotra is the son of Sunil Malhotra, a former captain in the Merchant Navy. Sidharth has always been rather tight-lipped when it comes to his personal life, wanting to keep it away from the limelight. His beautiful bond with his father however, still manages to shine through. Sidharth Malhotra with his father Sunil Malhotra ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed In a Father’s Day post from some time back, Sidharth wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to the captain of our ship, for smoothly sailing us through thick and thin. I love you Boatloads Dad”.Anushka SharmaA true and blue Army brat, Anushka Sharma is the daughter of Colonel Ajay Kumar Sharma. In a 2012 interview, Anushka had shared how her father had been part of every major war since 1982. She was all of 11 years old when he was fighting in the Kargil War. Not truly understanding the gravity of the situation, she shared how she would keep going on about school and boyfriends for the limited time she got on the phone with him. Several decades on, their relationship still remains the same.Kangana RanautKangana Ranaut is the daughter of Amardeep Ranaut, a businessman. Kangana has been rather candid in the past, with regards to her parents’ initial disapproval when it came to her pursuing the arc lights. As a matter of fact, their relationship has seen many rocky days. In Kangana’s own words, she was the ‘unwanted girl child’. However, over the years, looking at her achievements and her conviction in her self, Amardeep has come around to accepting his daughter’s decisions and is now a proud and supportive father.John AbrahamJohn Abraham’s father, Abraham John, is an architect by profession. In a 2018 interview with Hindustan Times, John had shared how his father’s staunch and straightforward nature greatly inspires him. He said, “My dad is my hero, [and] not just because he’s my father…He has been a straight man, has always helped society, and never screamed about it like we do as actors”.He also shared how while his mother will love his worst films, his father will always give him direct advice, no matter how bitter. He added, “He speaks like an audience member. With some films, he has even said, ‘This is a waste of time!’ He’s my most vocal critic”.Ayushman KhurranaAyushmann Khurrana is the son of P Khurrana, a renowned astrologer. P Khurrana passed away in 2023. Following his prayer meet, Ayushmann penned an emotional note, detailing all that he had learnt from his father. “Thank you for your upbringing, love, sense of humour and the most beautiful memories. Jai jai 🙏🏽❤️”, he concluded.How will you be celebrating Father’s Day this year? News / HTCity / Cinema / Father’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dadsFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads #Fathers #Day #Army #biologist #Merchant #Navy #officer #meet #Bollywood #stars #lesser #dadsSource Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/htcity/cinema/fathers-day-2024-from-army-biologist-to-merchant-navy-officer-meet-bollywood-stars-lesser-known-dads-101718455684325-amp.htmlFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads:The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending t…
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Global Father’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending time with their loved ones. While Father’s Day is as much an occasion for celebration for stars who have grown up within the industry per se … Read More
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newsweblogbluesite · 9 days
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads - #Global Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending time with their loved ones. While Father’s Day is as much an occasion for celebration for stars who have grown up within the industry per se due to their celebrity parents, let’s take a look at actors who came from normal non-celebrity parents, and still made it big in the industry.Shah Rukh Khan Father’s Day special: Kriti Sanon, Shah Rukh Khan and Kiara Advani with their fathers ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ‘The king of Bollywood’, Shah Rukh Khan is the son of the late Meer Taj Mohammed Khan. Meer Taj could never see his son’s mammoth success with his own eyes, having passed away in 1981, several years prior to SRK getting his big break. Same was the case with his mother Lateef Fatima Khan who passed away in 1991 shortly after SRK debuted in Fauji. Glimpses from Shah Rukh Khan’s childhood ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed Now catch your favourite game on Crickit. Anytime Anywhere. Find out howThe world-renowned actor however, has kept the memory of his parents, particularly his father, well and alive. Every so often SRK will fondly share a heartening anecdote from the limited time he had with his parents. In the 2004 BBC documentary The Inner World of Shah Rukh Khan, the actor shared, “My father was a very sweet, soft-spoken man. He was the youngest freedom fighter for India, actually”. The actor further revealed how his profession is essentially what helped him get over the sudden death of his parents. As shared by Shah Rukh himself, he makes it a point to spend as much time as he possibly can with his children, because he knows what it feels like to not have one’s parents around.Kriti Sanon ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed The newest entrant on Bollywood’s exclusive lineup of A-listers, Kriti Sanon comes from a simple, stayed background. She is the daughter of Rahul Sanon, a Chartered Accountant, and Geeta Sanon, a Physics professor. In a 2019 interview, Kriti opened up about how though there is a perception about men not being able to express love, she has never had that issue with her father — after all he is the ‘first man she has ever loved’. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She has also revealed how though he had his reservations about giving her permission to model, when her advertisements started appearing on television, he was the first to jump up and spread the word.Aishwarya Rai BachchanAishwarya Rai is the daughter of Krishnaraj Rai, who was an army biologist by profession. Though Krishnaraj was able to witness his daughter’s meteoric rise to global fame, he breathed his last on March 18, 2017. Aishwarya however, still makes it a point to celebrate her father’s birthday, year on year expressing her love and appreciation for him. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan and Brindya Rai pictured with a photograph of Krishnaraj Rai ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She recently commemorated his death anniversary via an Instagram post. The caption to it read, “Love you eternally, dearest darling Daddy-Ajjaaa. Thank you for all your Blessings”.Priyanka Chopra JonasPriyanka Chopra Jonas comes from a dynamic household with both her parents being doctors. Her father Ashok Chopra in particular, served as a physician in the Indian Army. He passed away in 2013 losing his battle with cancer. Priyanka is a self-proclaimed ‘daddy’s lil girl’, as sealed in with the tattoo across her wrist. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On his 11th death anniversary, the actor penned a heartfelt note remembering her father.
“The light of every room. You’re still our brightest light dad. 11 years without you and it still doesn’t feel real. Thinking of you today and everyday”, she wrote.Kiara AdvaniKiara Advani is the daughter of Sindhi businessman Jagdeep Advani. Like any concerned father, Jagdeep too was apprehensive about allowing Kiara to dive into the world of showbiz, attempting to make it big. However, it was their collective love for films — 3 Idiots (2009) to be specific, that convinced him to let her pursue her dreams. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On June 13, Kiara completed a glorious 10 years in the industry.Sidharth MalhotraSidharth Malhotra is the son of Sunil Malhotra, a former captain in the Merchant Navy. Sidharth has always been rather tight-lipped when it comes to his personal life, wanting to keep it away from the limelight. His beautiful bond with his father however, still manages to shine through. Sidharth Malhotra with his father Sunil Malhotra ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed In a Father’s Day post from some time back, Sidharth wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to the captain of our ship, for smoothly sailing us through thick and thin. I love you Boatloads Dad”.Anushka SharmaA true and blue Army brat, Anushka Sharma is the daughter of Colonel Ajay Kumar Sharma. In a 2012 interview, Anushka had shared how her father had been part of every major war since 1982. She was all of 11 years old when he was fighting in the Kargil War. Not truly understanding the gravity of the situation, she shared how she would keep going on about school and boyfriends for the limited time she got on the phone with him. Several decades on, their relationship still remains the same.Kangana RanautKangana Ranaut is the daughter of Amardeep Ranaut, a businessman. Kangana has been rather candid in the past, with regards to her parents’ initial disapproval when it came to her pursuing the arc lights. As a matter of fact, their relationship has seen many rocky days. In Kangana’s own words, she was the ‘unwanted girl child’. However, over the years, looking at her achievements and her conviction in her self, Amardeep has come around to accepting his daughter’s decisions and is now a proud and supportive father.John AbrahamJohn Abraham’s father, Abraham John, is an architect by profession. In a 2018 interview with Hindustan Times, John had shared how his father’s staunch and straightforward nature greatly inspires him. He said, “My dad is my hero, [and] not just because he’s my father…He has been a straight man, has always helped society, and never screamed about it like we do as actors”.He also shared how while his mother will love his worst films, his father will always give him direct advice, no matter how bitter. He added, “He speaks like an audience member. With some films, he has even said, ‘This is a waste of time!’ He’s my most vocal critic”.Ayushman KhurranaAyushmann Khurrana is the son of P Khurrana, a renowned astrologer. P Khurrana passed away in 2023. Following his prayer meet, Ayushmann penned an emotional note, detailing all that he had learnt from his father. “Thank you for your upbringing, love, sense of humour and the most beautiful memories. Jai jai 🙏🏽❤️”, he concluded.How will you be celebrating Father’s Day this year? News / HTCity / Cinema / Father’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dadsFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads #Fathers #Day #Army #biologist #Merchant #Navy #officer #meet #Bollywood #stars #lesser #dadsSource Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/htcity/cinema/fathers-day-2024-from-army-biologist-to-merchant-navy-officer-meet-bollywood-stars-lesser-known-dads-101718455684325-amp.htmlFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads:The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending t…
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Global BLOGGER - #Global
0 notes
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending time with their loved ones. While Father’s Day is as much an occasion for celebration for stars who have grown up within the industry per se due to their celebrity parents, let’s take a look at actors who came from normal non-celebrity parents, and still made it big in the industry.Shah Rukh Khan Father’s Day special: Kriti Sanon, Shah Rukh Khan and Kiara Advani with their fathers ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ‘The king of Bollywood’, Shah Rukh Khan is the son of the late Meer Taj Mohammed Khan. Meer Taj could never see his son’s mammoth success with his own eyes, having passed away in 1981, several years prior to SRK getting his big break. Same was the case with his mother Lateef Fatima Khan who passed away in 1991 shortly after SRK debuted in Fauji. Glimpses from Shah Rukh Khan’s childhood ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed Now catch your favourite game on Crickit. Anytime Anywhere. Find out howThe world-renowned actor however, has kept the memory of his parents, particularly his father, well and alive. Every so often SRK will fondly share a heartening anecdote from the limited time he had with his parents. In the 2004 BBC documentary The Inner World of Shah Rukh Khan, the actor shared, “My father was a very sweet, soft-spoken man. He was the youngest freedom fighter for India, actually”. The actor further revealed how his profession is essentially what helped him get over the sudden death of his parents. As shared by Shah Rukh himself, he makes it a point to spend as much time as he possibly can with his children, because he knows what it feels like to not have one’s parents around.Kriti Sanon ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed The newest entrant on Bollywood’s exclusive lineup of A-listers, Kriti Sanon comes from a simple, stayed background. She is the daughter of Rahul Sanon, a Chartered Accountant, and Geeta Sanon, a Physics professor. In a 2019 interview, Kriti opened up about how though there is a perception about men not being able to express love, she has never had that issue with her father — after all he is the ‘first man she has ever loved’. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She has also revealed how though he had his reservations about giving her permission to model, when her advertisements started appearing on television, he was the first to jump up and spread the word.Aishwarya Rai BachchanAishwarya Rai is the daughter of Krishnaraj Rai, who was an army biologist by profession. Though Krishnaraj was able to witness his daughter’s meteoric rise to global fame, he breathed his last on March 18, 2017. Aishwarya however, still makes it a point to celebrate her father’s birthday, year on year expressing her love and appreciation for him. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan and Brindya Rai pictured with a photograph of Krishnaraj Rai ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed She recently commemorated his death anniversary via an Instagram post. The caption to it read, “Love you eternally, dearest darling Daddy-Ajjaaa. Thank you for all your Blessings”.Priyanka Chopra JonasPriyanka Chopra Jonas comes from a dynamic household with both her parents being doctors. Her father Ashok Chopra in particular, served as a physician in the Indian Army. He passed away in 2013 losing his battle with cancer. Priyanka is a self-proclaimed ‘daddy’s lil girl’, as sealed in with the tattoo across her wrist. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On his 11th death anniversary, the actor penned a heartfelt note remembering her father. “The light of every room.
You’re still our brightest light dad. 11 years without you and it still doesn’t feel real. Thinking of you today and everyday”, she wrote.Kiara AdvaniKiara Advani is the daughter of Sindhi businessman Jagdeep Advani. Like any concerned father, Jagdeep too was apprehensive about allowing Kiara to dive into the world of showbiz, attempting to make it big. However, it was their collective love for films — 3 Idiots (2009) to be specific, that convinced him to let her pursue her dreams. ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed On June 13, Kiara completed a glorious 10 years in the industry.Sidharth MalhotraSidharth Malhotra is the son of Sunil Malhotra, a former captain in the Merchant Navy. Sidharth has always been rather tight-lipped when it comes to his personal life, wanting to keep it away from the limelight. His beautiful bond with his father however, still manages to shine through. Sidharth Malhotra with his father Sunil Malhotra ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed ^userSubscribed /userSubscribed In a Father’s Day post from some time back, Sidharth wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to the captain of our ship, for smoothly sailing us through thick and thin. I love you Boatloads Dad”.Anushka SharmaA true and blue Army brat, Anushka Sharma is the daughter of Colonel Ajay Kumar Sharma. In a 2012 interview, Anushka had shared how her father had been part of every major war since 1982. She was all of 11 years old when he was fighting in the Kargil War. Not truly understanding the gravity of the situation, she shared how she would keep going on about school and boyfriends for the limited time she got on the phone with him. Several decades on, their relationship still remains the same.Kangana RanautKangana Ranaut is the daughter of Amardeep Ranaut, a businessman. Kangana has been rather candid in the past, with regards to her parents’ initial disapproval when it came to her pursuing the arc lights. As a matter of fact, their relationship has seen many rocky days. In Kangana’s own words, she was the ‘unwanted girl child’. However, over the years, looking at her achievements and her conviction in her self, Amardeep has come around to accepting his daughter’s decisions and is now a proud and supportive father.John AbrahamJohn Abraham’s father, Abraham John, is an architect by profession. In a 2018 interview with Hindustan Times, John had shared how his father’s staunch and straightforward nature greatly inspires him. He said, “My dad is my hero, [and] not just because he’s my father…He has been a straight man, has always helped society, and never screamed about it like we do as actors”.He also shared how while his mother will love his worst films, his father will always give him direct advice, no matter how bitter. He added, “He speaks like an audience member. With some films, he has even said, ‘This is a waste of time!’ He’s my most vocal critic”.Ayushman KhurranaAyushmann Khurrana is the son of P Khurrana, a renowned astrologer. P Khurrana passed away in 2023. Following his prayer meet, Ayushmann penned an emotional note, detailing all that he had learnt from his father. “Thank you for your upbringing, love, sense of humour and the most beautiful memories. Jai jai 🙏🏽❤️”, he concluded.How will you be celebrating Father’s Day this year? News / HTCity / Cinema / Father’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dadsFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads #Fathers #Day #Army #biologist #Merchant #Navy #officer #meet #Bollywood #stars #lesser #dadsSource Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/htcity/cinema/fathers-day-2024-from-army-biologist-to-merchant-navy-officer-meet-bollywood-stars-lesser-known-dads-101718455684325-amp.htmlFather’s Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars’ lesser known dads:The internet is ever-eager to catch glimpses of their favourite celebrities off-duty, spending t…
Father's Day 2024: From Army biologist to Merchant Navy officer, meet Bollywood stars' lesser known dads Global
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