#Bonafide x Dopeness
bonafidexdopeness · 2 years
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William Conrad Erwin II (BXD™) | Brother Ben X | ESH® Full Color Portrait Work from The ESH® Portraiture Collection (Photoshop) | © 2023 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #WilliamConradErwinII #CommissionsOpen #BonafidexDopeness #BonafideDopeness #HighPointNC #NoAI #BrotherBenX
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missmeikakuna · 4 years
Vocaloid fanfic- The Librarian and the Maybe-Bisexual Bookworm Ch. 2
This is a fanfic I wrote for Vocaloid Amino for a previous Pride Month and thought I’d post it here. Rated: T Fandom: Vocaloid Relationship: Yukari x IA Relationship Type: F/F Description: Yukari is a hardworking student who manages to balance her studies with her relationship with a boy. Things start to change when she meets her high school’s young, beautiful new librarian IA. Yukari asks her to help her find a lesbian-themed novel like one she’s read and all goes well until she realises she might be more like the characters in those novels than she thought.
Chapter Two: Coming out is like telling someone about a book you’ve been reading in secret because it doesn’t seem like ‘your kind’ of story.
Yukari took a deep breath before entering the library. Just her luck. There were several people inside. She started walking towards the librarian’s desk but swerved towards a bookshelf. She looked behind her and saw IA, who waved at her.
Oh god, she waved at her.
Yukari just started nodding with the exaggeration of a bobblehead. After almost half a minute of this, she turned her head and focused on the bookshelf. 
She wasn’t looking for any book in particular, but she needed to do something to stop herself from staring at the librarian. The more she stared, the more the memory of the previous week’s fantasy would be able to crawl into her brain.
After a minute of staring into space, she realised she was in the mathematics section. She scrunched up her nose. If anyone were to say that being good at something makes you like it, she would throw these hefty books at them. 
She looked down at the book in her hand and remembered the main character’s struggle to talk to the ghostlike woman.
She turned around and lurched towards IA, debating whether to walk like she usually did or in a casual, breezy way.
IA smirked at her. “Do you like maths?”
Yukari snorted like a horse. “Of course. I love me some numbers. Trig is seriously underrated. Yeah.”
IA chuckled. “Calm down.”
Yukari held her head. IA eyed the book in her hand and reached for it. Yukari bit back a gasp when cold fingers brushed against her hand.
“Did you like it?” IA asked. Yukari, still looking down, nodded. “Who was your favourite character?”
“Why make me choose?” Yukari replied. “Tsukino Shion is a really relatable main character, but Kanbara Sora is a lot like… hey, how did you know my name? My name’s a lot like Shion’s.”
“It is?”
Yukari stepped back. She squinted her eyes at IA, who had her head tilted like a dog again.
“I’m Yuzuki Yukari. You… didn’t know?”
IA stood up and bowed. “I’m sorry for not asking for your name earlier. I keep getting…distracted whenever we talk.”
I keep getting distracted whenever we talk.
I keep getting distracted.
Yukari felt like something exploded in her head, sending a blast of heat that reached from her neck up to her ears.
She coughed. “So, uh, books. Gotta love ‘em. And music… music’s pretty… dope. It’s like oxygen. Everyone needs it in their lives.”
She mentally kicked herself.
IA sat back down and typed into the computer. “Are there any good books here?” She covered her mouth. “Forget I said that,” she said with her hand still on her mouth. She took it off and sighed. “Yuka… Miss Yuzuki, do you like jazz music?”
“I haven’t really listened to it. Why?”
“Well, you mentioned music and I remembered this lesbian romance novel about a spoiled pop star who meets a struggling jazz musician. The descriptions of the songs are really good. It’s like you can actually hear them, even though they’re just words on paper. Would you be able to come to my place again to pick it up?”
IA’s eyes widened in realisation. “Oh, is it okay to recommend you new books? You’re probably sick of reading lesbian romance novels since you’ve got a boyfriend.”
Yukari bit her lip. “What’s my boyfriend got to do with it?”
IA scratched the back of her ear and looked away, frowning. “Never mind.”
“I’m fine with reading that sort of stuff. Recommend away.”
IA beamed at Yukari, who, under her powerful gaze, started fidgeting with the hem of her skirt.
Yukari asked, “Do you like jazz?”
“I didn’t care much about it at first, but after reading the book, I started getting really interested in it. Isn’t it amazing how books can do that? It’s like every book is a new interest or hobby waiting to be discovered.”
The sky turned indigo and IA locked up the library, once again taking Yukari to her car. 
At the apartment, IA handed her a book with two women holding hands, one kissing the cheek of the other. In one woman’s remaining hand was a microphone and for the other woman it was a trumpet.
IA turned on a CD player in the room. The notes of a trombone and double bass filled the room.
“Do you have anywhere to be? Would you like to read here for a bit?”
“What are you going to do?”
IA picked a book from one of the piles called ‘Club Majesty’. “This will do for me.”
Yukari sat on the one couch in the apartment, taking off a pile of books that rested on it. IA slumped into the couch, opening her own book while existing in the grey area between sitting and lying down.
The language of the romance novel in Yukari’s hands was a bit more intricate than the previous novel IA gave Yukari but it wasn’t too difficult to read.
The jazz music in the background lulled Yukari into a trancelike state as she let the story envelop her. She felt like she was  sleep-reading and yet she was able to take in the story as if she had the concentration of a lawyer looking for holes in a witness’ story.
She was eventually broken out of her trance when IA rolled onto her back and raised her legs up against the couch’s back. IA bit her lip and stared at the book like it was written all in the most difficult of kanji characters. Yukari had to force herself to breathe, something she forgot to do as she watched her. She blushed as she stared at her lips.
She chuckled as she looked at the page IA was on. “I thought a librarian would be able to read the furigana.” She almost pointed out that furigana was usually in books for kids but didn’t want to get kicked out of the apartment.
IA said nothing, turning the page. It took her only half a minute before she turned the page again. 
Yukari took a closer look at the new page before IA once again turned it. It was a bizarre chase scene involving a car chasing a pig with a sack full of cash on its back. It was-
IA turned the page. “Hey, it was just getting good,” Yukari blurted out. She held her head down. “Um… sorry.”
IA turned her head and lightly poked Yukari’s forehead. “Silly girl. No need to apologise. Maybe you can borrow this one from me next time.”
Yukari smiled. She took a few moments to gain the courage to poke IA’s foot.
IA kicked the air, cackling like a middle-aged woman after one too many glasses of Syrah. 
She dropped her book and pounced on Yukari, tickling the underarms. This developed into a bonafide tickle match.
Yukari laughed so hard she snorted, which caused both women to laugh even harder. After they stopped, they stared at each other silently. IA leaned in closer.
Yukari felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. A mysterious shiver swam down her body and her cheeks were as hot as newly toasted bread. She breathed in and out slowly.
IA’s eyes grew before she shut them and backed away.
“Um, sorry, I… uh… you should go back to… whatshisname… your boyfriend.”
Yukari stood up and bowed. She grabbed her book and gave IA one last small smile before leaving the apartment.
She went straight home instead of Roro’s place. There was no way she was going to read a book with that kind of cover in front of him.
Her phone buzzed and she frowned when she saw the message.
How’re you doing, beautiful? Wanna hang out?- Roro row your boat
She didn’t reply. Her fingers tingled, yearning to tell him about everything, but she put her phone back in her pocket to prevent herself from oversharing. This was her battle to fight.
She read the book she was lended on her bed, hiding it under the covers whenever she heard her parent’s footsteps close in on her. Her parents never opened the door.
The book was a lot longer than the previous one so she stayed up until 3 A.M finishing it. When she finally finished it, she started pulling at the roots of her hair.
She hadn’t done any homework.
She managed to complete her homework after a few hours and went to school with bags under her eyes. Her hands shook whenever she used them and she jumped out of her skin when Roro put a hand on her shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
Yukari nodded and looked away from him.
Life began to form a pattern. Go to school tired, avoid Roro’s queries, return IA’s book to her, go to her place to find a new one, read it until the early hours of the morning and for god’s sake don’t let your parents know, do homework, get two hours of sleep at best, repeat the cycle. This happened for a good three weeks.
Each time Roro kissed her during lunchtime, Yukari felt the magic a little less. She started reminiscing over the days when the two of them were friends.
Yukari began to notice a few things about IA. Her apartment had an unplugged microphone and a keyboard. Her fridge was covered with sketches of monsters with crowns on them, ranging from medusa to demons and all from the same artist. The magnets that held them up were souvenirs from Greece. She had a to-do list with the most basic of functions such as ‘brush your teeth, you dingus’ and ‘if you don’t eat breakfast, you will starve to death before you get to meet a cute girl’. In the latter one, a line went through the words ‘before you get to meet a cute girl’. Yukari felt as if she had been split in half, one side uplifted and the other brought down to the depths of wherever the demon in that drawing came from.
After those three weeks, Roro took her aside after class and brought her to the empty music room.
He coughed an ‘ahem’. “Now that I have your attention, I want to ask you something. What the hell is going on with you?”
Yukari looked at the door behind her and stepped backwards but Roro grabbed her arm. His grip was gentle. 
“Please… whatever’s going on, please let me know. Did I do something wrong?” Yukari gulped, saying nothing. “Please, just talk to me.” 
Yukari rubbed her eyes with her forearm. “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.”
“Then is there anything I can do to help you? You’re not yourself anymore.” He said that last sentence with the face of a rabbit seeing a buzzard and his voice was hoarse, as if it was a struggle to say anything.
Yukari took her arm away from her face and allowed tears to just fall down freely.
“It’s something I have to figure out on my own.”
“But I can-”
“Not when the problem’s got to do with you!”
“But you just said it’s not my-”
“It’s my fault. If only I wasn’t so selfish.”
“What’s going on with y-”
“I like someone else!” 
Roro let go of her and stepped backwards, his hands quivering. Yukari sat on the piano chair and held her head in her hands. Her body shook as she cried. Roro sat next to her, trying to ignore the discomfort of sitting on the corner. He held his hand in the air for a while before placing in on her head and stroking her hair.
“Who’s the lucky guy? Is he in our class?” His voice was slow and ponderous, as if he was trying to hold in his own tears.
“It’s… a girl. You know the new librarian?”
Roro took his hand off her hair, recoiling from shock.
“Wait, so did you… I don’t know… pretend to like me so you don’t have to admit you like girls or something?”
Yukari shook her head, still looking down. “I liked you. Liked. Past tense. I’m…” She took a deep breath. “...bisexual. I’m really sorry. I should still like you, but… this girl’s just taken over my emotions and… I feel like there’s no room in me for any romantic feelings for anyone else.” She kept repeating the word ‘sorry’ in between sobs.
Roro was silent for a while. He stood up and wiped his tears away, looking down at the ground and silently wishing the floor would collapse and take him with it.
“I… never pegged you for one of those girls. It doesn’t seem like the type of thing you’d be into.”
Yukari looked up and saw Roro silently leaving the room.
He didn’t talk to her for the rest of the day. When she returned another book to IA and they headed to her apartment, she burst into tears in her car.
She told her about the breakup but didn’t explain the reason for it. IA stopped the car in a parking lane and reached over to hug her, stroking her hair much like Roro did, though this time Yukari actually noticed it and felt her cheeks heat up.
The two stayed there for a few moments, the only sounds being their breaths. It was just her and the ghostlike librarian who seemed more real with each passing day.
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trashexplorer · 6 years
BLCD Review: Sweet Delivery Boy
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Title: Sweet Delivery Boy (スウィートデリバリーボーイ)
Release Date: 2018/06/29
Author/Artist: Tatsunomiya Nachi (for storyline), Kiyuhiko (illustrations)
Cast: Katou Masayuki x Suzuki Yuuto
Makino Yohei, salary man, employs the service of Sei, a host, from “Penguin Paradise”. Makino instantly becomes attracted to the pure but serious Sei and frequently designates his services. Through the many times their bodies have connected, it seems that their hearts are starting to be connected too. Sei’s always been by Makino’s side to support him through his troubles at work but, Makino’s work starts piling up making him unable to meet with Sei for extended periods of time. When they finally get a chance to meet, Sei comes before Makino covered in bruises?
Review Proper
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Man, I knew.
I called it.
After getting my hands on Hako no Naka, I had to carefully plan out the order that I’d be using in listening to the CDs I’ve got. I felt that I had to place Hako no Naka in the middle because of the length and there was a high chance of me being destroyed by it that I needed something to ease my feelings lest Bokura wa Sore wo Koi to Yobu and Yuuwaku no Method disappointed me. And I’m glad I did because my worries came true. I was even planning to listen to Yuuwaku no Method before this and thank God I thought of switching them in the list.
Basically my order goes like this:
1. Bokura wa Sore wo Koi to Yobu
2. Yuuwaku no Method
3. Sweet Delivery Boy
4. Hako no Naka Ori no Soto
5. 30-byou, Sono Ato ni
6. Akai Itou no Shikkou Yuuyo
7. Fruit Gateau au Chocolat 
8. Ten Count 6 (I’m still debating whether to put Fruit Gateau au Chocolat for last because Ten Count 6 might just break me and I sure as hell need a pick me up if it ever does)
So that’ll also be the list of my upcoming BLCD reviews too. 
Anyway, the plot isn’t anything new and there wasn’t too much of a dramatic climax but, damn. The plot execution was E V E R Y T H I N G. I loved the character personalities so much and their relationship with each other was so fucking healthy that it basically blew Yuuwaku no Method out of the water. First of all, can we just have a round of applause for Makino-san?
He’s got the looks, the job, the “Sweet Delivery” in Sweet Delivery Boy, and the literal fucking moves.
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I, Francesca Gabrielle Louise Emilia Santiago, award thee, Makino Yohei, 32, salaryman, with 2018′s Seme We All Deserve in the BLCD category.
GOD - HE’S LITERALLY JUST THE BEST. He treats Sei as if he was the most precious being on the face of this earth DESPITE saying that he wasn’t interested in relationships the first time they met. He’s like: “Yeah, I don’t want to get into any relationships right now ‘cause people find me a little too overprotective” and immediately proceeds to treat Sei like he was his bonafide lover. My heart, my soul- 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ Get you a man who takes care of you like Makino-san!
Sei (real name Yoshikawa Hijiri), on the other hand, was the most precious need to be protected boy that deserves all the love and care in the world. He’s so fluffy and adorable so I get exactly why Makino-san fell hard and fast because if I was Makino-san, I would do the same. Can someone give me his bank account so that I could wire him my life savings so he could pursue his dreams of being an architect? I still don’t know why he would undertake such a career in prostitution despite knowing his reasons because honestly, there’s a big leap in the logic there. 😂 I honestly feel bad for his sister for marrying such a monster and I hope he leaves him in the future. 🙇  
I loved the plot so much it was dope and y’all who say otherwise should be prepared to catch these hands. 🔪🔪🔪
Moving on to the technicalities,
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He literally almost threw off Kawahara Yoshihisa from his throne with just this one work???? Kawahara Yoshihisa should be thankful that Katou Masayuki only has Sweet Delivery Boy and SM Gokko this year ‘cause yo boy is out for some fujoshi blood. 😩 I’m now considering listening to SM Gokko too even though I really didn’t like the synopsis - will my new found love of Katou Masayuki cross boundaries, I wonder? I’ve known Katou Masayuki for a while and am familiar with his Deadman Wonderland stint as Senji but more than that, I actually own a lot of his R18 CDs. 😂 His character here was close to his Shimazaki Seiji in Tunaboni’s In The Room which he also executed perfectly. His voice isn’t as deep Kawahara Yoshihisa and is probably within Morikawa Toshiyuki range but, he sound like motherfucking butter and instead of melting, he be the one melting you. 👏 JESUS. I need more of him seriously.
Suzuki Yuuto doesn’t have a lot on this year and so far I’ve only heard him in Koubutsu wa Kossori Kakushite Hara no Naka. He’s not new to this side of the industry and he’s done a pretty good job in the aforementioned work but the plot was shit so he didn’t really grab me much. Yo, if anyone’s planning to co-star with Suzuki Yuuto in the future, they better be looking this BLCD up because Katou Masayuki knows exactly how to work him. This is how you do Suzuki Yuuto, Hatanaka Tasuku. Take notes. Their chemistry here is comparable to Furukawa Makoto and Satou Takuya’s - and this is their first work together, mind you. I don’t think that I’ve seen Suzuki Yuuto work better with anyone else because let’s be honest, he did a great job in Kashikomarimashita, Destiny but he really outshone Hatanaka Tasuku both in side: Master and Answer. 🤷
I really do hope that they co-star again in the future because their pairing is a complete godsend. 🙏
So we’ve got a fairly intriguing and well-executed plot which had a great mix of both bitter and sweet, great character personalities, magic casting and chemistry, and delicious mattress mambos. I honestly can’t praise this enough. This is definitely going to be on my list of my Top Ten for 2018. 
It’s worth the spend, it’s worth the time - if I had the money, I may have just bought it twice. I wish that the writer could pull Kiyuhiko in again so that they could actually turn this into a manga because I’ll gladly buy ten copies. 😭
I highly, HIGHLY recommend this.
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Rap & Underground Hip Hop DOPE Mixtape Vol 63
Learn how to rap like the pros
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BEWARE!! HIGH QUALITY UNDERGROUND HIP HOP! Visit our group in Rap & Underground Hip Hop – DOPE, the elite of the underground hip hop is here! FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/Rap-Underground-Hip-Hop-DOPE-581154765235687/?fref=ts
C.O.T.I. – Spiritual Banger Entity – Verbal Robbery (ft. LucyB, L2R, and Dj Pexsi) Chino_XL_Feat_Sick_Jacken_B-Real_Thirstin_Howl_The_3rd_SinFul_Kid_Frost-Latino_Stand_Up Crooks_of_da_roundtable_-_day_by_day Taiyamo_denku-catch_up_(feat._urban_legend_xl_and_the_genius) Let’s Get It Poppin (feat. Rick Gonzalez & Termanology) Bombsheltah_assoc_-_neva_rest Supastition-think_fast_ft_silent_knight_and_kaze Cocky DaHomoMC – Cry Harder Ern Dawgy -Rise Up (Prod. Decibeles Production) Masta Ace-GMO William Cooper – Tomorrow William Cooper -The Sequel Block_mccloud-masters_degree_ft_jean_grae-mob VanLee & JGLO – My Misery Don Streat & M.W.P. Ft. Senica Da Misfit & El Ay – Lost The Foulness (feat. Kila Shia) [prod. by DJ Skiss] Broken Vinyl (feat. Ty Da Tyrant x Tha Soloist x Rated R and DJ Trickalome) Lostflow – Mental Madness Big Twins – Neva Ran, Neva Will (feat. J Hood) Prodigy – Girls Girls Freestyle Sprovod (feat. Nemar and DJ Trickalome) D12 & Lazarus – Raw As It Gets AJ Cobra – Up In Smoke B.Dvine ft.Tragedy Khadafi, GS Advance, MenaceOBEZ e Live Scientist Beppo S. Peter B. – Tourist (Prod. VersOne) Bonafide Boogie – Done It Again C.C.P. (Cloud City Projects) – Old Heads Young Bloods (Prod. La Runa)
The post Rap & Underground Hip Hop DOPE Mixtape Vol 63 appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/rap-underground-hip-hop-dope-mixtape-vol-63/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rap-underground-hip-hop-dope-mixtape-vol-63 from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/187781172843
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bonafidexdopeness · 2 years
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William Conrad Erwin II (BXD™) | Jay Electronica | ESH® Full Color Portrait Work from The ESH® Portraiture Collection (Photoshop) | © 2023 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #WilliamConradErwinII #BonafidexDopeness #BonafideDopeness #HighPointNC #JayElectronica
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bonafidexdopeness · 2 years
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William Conrad Erwin II (BXD™) via EarnSomeHeight® Studio
Highlighting My pens ⚡️
– 1. The Pilot Precise V5 RT
The pilot series has quite an extensive selection when it comes to their writing tools and they do not short quality when it comes to the light and bold Pilot Precise V5 RT. This is a professional’s pen. I do not recommend carelessly setting this one down.
We will begin with what we find extremely disappointing with this pen. Not a thing. Top to bottom, this retractable rollerball is a work of art. My personal preference is to utilize the dependability of the ink for writing, note taking, and signatures. Depending on the legibility of your hand writing this pen my amplify or completely obliterated it with its persistent and ever-ready ink. I love my handwriting and feel this pen adds some elegance and a flare to it despite hearing I have a doctor’s handwriting.
This pen has been my daily carry for the past three months and I just reached the end of my first one. I would say that is a decent lifespan for a work uses. I would be doing a lot of paperwork five to six days out of the week. As mentioned before I feel it is lacking the versatility of a pen worth illustrating with but nothing is impossible. I have many enjoyable works in rollerball and when pairing this tool in multimedia works. But for search work the design of the Pilot Precise V5 RT’s brother the Pilot Precise V5 is more my speed. If drawing and writing were two brothers pilot has definitely embody their assigned rollerball pens.
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Bonafide x Dopeness™ | Recoome | © 2018 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
Inktober 0001
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Tuesdays BXD™ | Feet studies/gestures for the ESH® Thousands™ collection (Ballpoint // 8.5" x 11" Great White MP Paper) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ESHThousands
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Bonafide x Dopeness™ | #TheScotsman from #SamuraiJack ESH® Full Color Portrait Work from The ESH® ChampionsAndLegends™ Collection (Photoshop) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ChampionsAndLegends
Quit Stealing My Work Tumblr. What Are The Like And The Reblog Buttons Here For?
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Sundays BXD™ | Faces (Crytek C.E.L.L Operative Helmet) studies/sketches for the ESH® Thousands™ collection (Ballpoint // 8.5" x 11" Great White MP Paper) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ESHThousands
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Thursdays BXD™ | Objects (M4 Carbine) studies/sketches for the ESH® Thousands™ collection (Ballpoint // 8.5" x 11" Great White MP Paper) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ESHThousands
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Thursdays BXD™ | Object studies/gestures for the ESH® Thousands™ collection (Ballpoint // 8.5" x 11" Great White MP Paper) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ESHThousands
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Fridays BXD™ | Drapery studies/sketches for the ESH® Thousands™ collection (Ballpoint // 8.5" x 11" Great White MP Paper) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ESHThousands
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Sundays BXD™ | Faces studies/sketches for the ESH® Thousands™ collection (Ballpoint // 8.5" x 11" Great White MP Paper) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ESHThousands
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bonafidexdopeness · 7 years
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Mondays BXD™ | Hands studies/sketches for the ESH® Thousands™ collection (Ballpoint // 8.5" x 11" Great White MP Paper) | © 2017 EarnSomeHeight® #EarnSomeHeight #ESHThousands
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