#Book of Sith
kingoffantasy516 · 22 days
Ok you know what, let's spread some positivity. Reblog this if you actually like Star Wars
And I am refering to all of star wars and not just select parts of it. Even if you have issues with parts of it, you still enjoy it.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 5 months
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Maybe the most devastating element of the prequels
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intermundia · 9 months
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to me this is one of the most important passages of the revenge of the sith novelization, as it contains a fundamental thesis of the prequels. the clone wars were designed to kill jedi. sidious put the order in checkmate before they'd even begun fighting. he used their compassion and trust against them by leveraging their sense of duty to push them into fighting a morally dubious war to protect innocent lives, tarnishing their galactic reputation. he gave them friends in the clones that were crafted to become their assassins. he spread the jedi out, thinned their numbers in years of brutal combat, and then when they were sufficiently weak, wiped them out.
the revenge of the sith required so much planning and moving from the shadows over decades to arrange the galaxy into a trap. the prequel jedi did not have the knowledge that we the audience have, they were operating out of a place of partial understanding and with the best of intentions. to hold them to a standard of omniscience and omnipotence instead of appreciating the genius and patience of the sith is unfair and missing the point. they're not perfect, but they are good. it is tragic that being good is not always enough, it is tragic to know that our best of intentions can come up short. it is tragic that evil can gain power and harm the innocent without repercussions.
this book is heartbreaking on a personal level, but also on a political and ideological one. it reflects the very real world when greed and fear hold sway over a population, where exploitation and oppression win. the jedi are slain and it is brutal to read, and a generation afterward struggling in the dark without them. however, star wars ultimately carries a message of hope: you can kill jedi, but you cannot kill compassion and community. wherever people love each other, there is light. the empire fell and the jedi returned because you cannot kill their ideas. so there is hope, but that doesn't change that it is an egregious crime in the prequels that they were slaughtered.
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shutupcrime · 2 months
Love the darth plagueis reveal because it’s 100% giving the energy of your roommate has a date over and you’re peeking out of your room to see if it’s safe to use the kitchen yet
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charmwasjess · 11 months
Lightsaber Theory: Obi-Wan "Sith Lords are Our Specialty" Kenobi consistently loses duels to Dooku not for any reason of technical form mismatch or lack of ability, but because Dooku is not even pretending to try to kill him. Resultantly, Obi-Wan can’t figure out what the fuck is going on when they fight. 
Obi-Wan: (preparing to defend an expected lethal strike) You’ll answer for your enormities, Count!
Dooku: (giving him the lightest love tap on the leg) Don’t be so sure, my special good lineage baby boy, so perfect in my eyes. 
Obi-Wan: …What?
Dooku: What?
Which Dooku and Obi-Wan proud lineage moment is even the most unhinged? There are so many to choose from! Is it Dooku’s frequent inability, both in AotC and TCW, to keep from spontaneously gushing about Sidious’s plans and even his own dark secrets to Obi-Wan?? Is it the time in Labyrinth of Evil where Dooku drags a long-suffering, bored Grievous over to watch a holorecording of Anakin and Obi-Wan thwarting his plans yet again, to point out how beautifully they’re working together as a team and how much he likes watching their lightsaber work evolve? Is it in the recent Brotherhood novel, where Obi-Wan just has to casually namedrop Qui-Gon to get Dooku to do exactly what he wants?
Obi-Wan is a big problem for Sidious in his mission to destabilize and corrupt Anakin, and Sidious knows it. He needs him out of the picture to do the same isolating, evil bullshit that worked so well when ensnaring Dooku himself. But the war has been going on for years now, and guess who remains inconveniently alive? And whose job was that to take care of? Oh yeah. I remember. His useless, Padawan assassin-collecting apprentice: fucking Count Dooku. By the time of RotS, Sidious has specifically ordered Dooku to make fucking sure Obi-Wan is dead only for him to completely ignore the command about a half-dozen times.
Going by the Stover RotS novelization, in the same scene where Dooku also literally refers to Obi-Wan as his fucking grandson actually, add that to our earlier list, Sidious reiterates that KILL OBI-WAN is the plan (over the sound of Dooku’s loud complaining) moments before that final duel.  I kind of wish we’d gotten a shot of Sidious's incredulous, enraged expression as Dooku knocks Obi-Wan unconscious and pins him safely out of the way. He is, once again, going out of his way to not kill Obi-Wan in that duel, and this time directly disobeying his Master to his face after they just had a conversation about it. You just know exactly what Sidious must be thinking at that moment. Oh, Dooku. You are so fucking fired.
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netmors · 5 months
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STAR WARS: Eleventh Fleet AU
Hey-hey, I worked, caught a cold, got sick and that’s enough… …so, concept art for the Eleventh Fleet.
Ar'alani and Vah'nya's designs are fairly simple, but the problem with them in particular, and the Chiss in general, is their clothing and style. There are many official references, including those from Legends, but each artist still has his own vision regarding, for example, the shape of the fleet. Somewhere there is a strong homage to the design from the old canon, somewhere it was modernized, and in the latter they added the same “honor's chains”, which look a little strange on the laconic form. It seems to be in the Chiss style, but very impractical.
As a result, I am reworking the design of the expansion and defense fleet uniform, but more on that another time. Let's return to Ar'alani and Vah'nya.
At the beginning of the events of the "Eleventh Fleet", Senior General Ar'alani on his flagship "Vigilant" is increasingly confronted with the Grysks. A year will pass since her last meeting with Thrawn, when the invaders of the Ascendency space will openly attack the Chiss ships.
Such cat and mouse would continue for another year until the disappearance of another Night Dragon class war cruiser, subsequently leading to disaster in the heart of the Chiss Ascendancy. The Senior General will be one of the few superiors who, along with Ba'kif, can survive. Much of this will be down to Vanto and Ronan - unaccounted for variables in the Grysk's plans. The trust placed in Thrawn's "alien protégés" paid off in full.
The Senior General was often accompanied by Senior Navigator Vah'nya. "Vigilant" almost always accepted missions to search for missing navigators. Vah'nya not only guided the ship through the stars and darkness of outer space, but she was much better at rehabilitating rescued navigators, as well as leading the other navigators on the ship. Friendship with Eli played an important role in this.
Because of her "anomaly" as a Navigator who hasn't lost her powers into adulthood, many of the regulations and rules simply don't work for Vah'nya the way they do for other girls. And to be an “anomaly” for Sindikure is a very subtle walking on the edge of a charrik. And yet, to the dissatisfaction of some aristocrats and syndics, the girl manages to balance on it for quite a long time.
+ bonus Ba'kif timeline concept art.
Because I’m not entirely sure that I’m right, but I really wanted to think about what this gorgeous grandpa would have looked like during the Thrawn. Ascendency Trilogy. And I also reworked his “chains” and other form elements quite a bit. And yes, I’m more than sure that Thrawn adopted Ba'kif’s “style” in his time.
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nkp1981 · 4 months
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Anthony Daniels, Ashley Eckstein, Hayden Christensen, Temuera Morrison, Daniel Logan, and Ewan McGregor, 2024
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 months
List of books below, taken from the Star Wars wiki. Only included: Original Novels, Novel Adaptations, Script Books, and Young Adult Novels. Please no comments about books that are missing from the list... it is what it is.
The High Republic: Convergence - Zoraida Cordova
The High Republic: Path of Deceit - Tessa Gratton, Justina Ireland
The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha - George Mann
The High Republic: Path of Vengeance - Cavan Scott
The High Republic: Cataclysm - Lydia Kang
The High Republic: Into the Dark - Claudia Gray
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi - Charles Soule
The High Republic: The Rising Storm - Cavan Scott
The High Republic: Out of the Shadows - Justina Ireland
The High Republic: Tempest Runner - Cavan Scott
The High Republic: Midnight Horizon - Daniel Jose Older
The High Republic: The Fallen Star - Claudia Gray
The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness - George Mann
The High Republic: Defy the Storm - Tessa Gratton, Justina Ireland
The Vow of Silver Dawn - His Majesty the King
Dooku: Jedi Lost - Cavan Scott
Padawan - Kiersten White
Master & Apprentice - Claudia Gray
The Living Force - John Jackson Miller
Queen's Peril - E.K. Johnston
Queen's Shadow - E.K. Johnston
Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade - Delilah S. Dawson
Queen's Hope - E.K. Johnston
Brotherhood - Mike Chen
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - James Luceno
Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising - Timothy Zahn
Dark Disciple - Christie Golden
Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good - Timothy Zahn
Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil - Timothy Zahn
Ahsoka - E.K. Johnston
Thrawn - Timothy Zahn
Lords of the Sith - Paul S. Kemp
Tarkin - James Luceno
Most Wanted - Rae Carson
Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition - Mur Lafferty
Rebel Rising - Beth Revis
Crimson Climb - E.K. Johnston
A New Dawn - John Jackson Miller
Jedi: Battle Scars - Sam Maggs
Lost Stars - Claudia Gray
Leia, Princess of Alderaan - Claudia Gray
Thrawn: Alliances - Timothy Zahn
Thrawn: Treason - Timothy Zahn
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Alexander Freed
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad - Christie Golden
Heir to the Jedi - Kevin Hearne
Doctor Aphra - Sarah Kuhn
Battlefront: Twilight Company - Alexander Freed
The Princess and the Scoundrel - Beth Revis
Alphabet Squadron - Alexander Freed
Aftermath - Chuck Wendig
Shadow Fall - Alexander Freed
Aftermath: Life Debt - Chuck Wendig
Victory's Price - Alexander Freed
Aftermath: Empire's End - Chuck Wendig
Last Shot - Daniel Jose Older
Poe Dameron: Free Fall - Alex Segura
Shadow of the Sith - Adam Christopher
Bloodline - Claudia Gray
Force Collector - Kevin Scinick
Phasma - Delilah S. Dawson
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Alan Dean Foster
Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire - Delilah S. Dawson
Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition - Jason Fry
Resistance Reborn - Rebecca Roanhorse
A Crash of Fate - Zoraida Cordova
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition - Rae Carson
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 2 months
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a gift for the awesome @nicolabarth :]
(in the spirit of asajj i have used that one program on the image that makes it a little, shall we say, poisonous. 😉 what damage a lovely purple flower can do.)
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querldyke · 1 year
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Dooku being extremely unserious in the Revenge of the Sith novelization
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legends-expo · 2 months
Would you want to see Dark Side Yoda? Check out the full panel video from "A Clone Wars Novel" with Sean Stewart and Matthew Stover next week!
Transcript: "And Yoda takes a step towards the Dark and basically says 'How much do you want this to happen?' and Dooku goes 'Ohhhhhhhhhh... Dark Yoda would be annihilating. Let's totally not, I was sort of joking... let's let's... would you like that?' Because there's a moment, and it's, it's one of those things, it's very important to me in the book; (if you haven't read it, think about it) is the moment at which everybody gets a good long look at what Dark Yoda would be like and decides that maybe they don't want to see that."
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cameoliob · 8 months
Watching attack of the clones rn and thinking about how unintentionally and hilariously hypocritical Obi-Wan is
He's out here scolding Anakin for being impulsive when he (Obi-Wan) at age sixteen left the temple on a mission (that he made for himself) because he was mad at Qui-gon, and came back like a week later after finding inner peace and killing a guy with a rock?????
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mae-i-scribble · 2 months
I'm starting a collection:
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In other news I have read wind breaker almost twice over now and I am adopting Sakura
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intermundia · 3 months
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i love the absolute commitment both hayden and ewan gave to the swordplay here, the desperation and effort visible on their faces as they move through such a long and quick choreography. they really sold the fight, it's entirely credible that they are both expert swordsmen and also intimately aware of each other's fighting style. they are fully in character, acting with their physicality, ewan turning obi-wan into a reluctant hunter, and hayden turning anakin into an apex predator lashing out with rage.
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like look at him... idk both of their performances mixed with the sophisticated special effects that situated them seamlessly into the hellish lava environment of mustafar, a context that mirrored back the eruptive agony of their conflict was all such a triumph. i think the intensity of the fight elevated the end of the film to a fever pitch of emotion, delivering a perfect climax for the prequel trilogy.
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cruella1989 · 4 months
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Palpatine’s Thoughts on How the Jedi Treated Anakin
Here’s another small section from Then Fall, Sidious. Here, we see Palpatine’s thoughts on the Jedi and their treatment of Anakin. Obviously, he doesn't think very highly of them.
I like how he calls out their hypocrisy and the flaws in their code, as well as in their behavior toward Skywalker. I especially love lines like, “They tore you from the only safety you had known and then they told you to be grateful. They told you to be peaceful and yet mistrusted you, letting fear make a mockery of their own code” and “What a mantle (an important role or responsibility) they placed on you and yet withheld from your own grasp. How eager you were, how trusting, how corrupted by insincerity (the quality of not expressing genuine feelings) and lies. How tormented by the loss they did not allow you to feel.” Those comments imply that he had some genuine compassion for Anakin, since he was emotionally limited, under the Jedi and wanted better for him.
Let me know what you think.
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jewishcissiekj · 7 months
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Jake Bartok's artworks for Stories of Jedi and Sith
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