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dedibelyegei · 1 month
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Fú hát elég sok minden volt, meg mozgalmas volt az élet, egyszerűen nem tom mi történt, mindig kell valamit csinálni, szóval jól elfeküdt itt a blog, de nyugalom NEM HALT MEG! Főnixként éledünk újjá, habár a nyarat nem ígérem meg, hogy szuperintenzív lesz itt, de törekszem a jóra, tegyünk így minél többen!
Cserébe megint egy új ország érkezik, és egy igazi matuzsálemet hozok, minden szempontból. A jó öreg Ferenc Jóska tekint ránk komoran, ekkor már valóban jó öregen, hiszen a bélyeg 1917-es (!), hercegünk/királyunk pedig 1916 november 21-én távozott közülünk, szóval ez egyfajta gyász emlékbélyeg, még friss az élmény. Na de ne sikoljunk ám el, hogy ez bizony talán a legidősebb bélyeg eddig a blogon, 107 év azért ez nem semmi lássuk be, oszt itt van velünk, túl a háborúk, forradalmak, ki tudja mi minden zivatarán! De nyugi azért nem a vértől vörös, elvileg.
Szólván kicsit a bélyegről, ez egy kettő de mégis háromtagú sorozat tagja, oly módon, hogy eredetileg kétféle címletben nyomják, ugyanazon mintával és feliratokkal (a fekete nyomat 'gyári', ilyen régi bélyegeknél előfordul még, hogy eleve így kerültek ki, minden példányon szerepel). A kisebbik volt a 10 osztrák-magyar koronás értékű - bizony ez még az az időszak mikor Bosznia-Hercegovina ténylegesen OMM fennhatóság alatt áll, az első világháború lezártáig - amit sárgás színben nyomtak, illetve ez a piros 15 koronás. Kora ellenére nagyon sok fennmaradt belőlük, így bárnmilyen meglepő, de szinte értéktelen mindkettő, egy-kétszáz forintos árakon futnak. Azonban van az a bizonyos titokzatos harmadik tag! A kisebbik értékből az első néhány nyomat még más színben készült, sötétebben, egyfajta olajbarnában. Na ezek a példányok viszont igen ritkák, így állapottól függően, akár négy-ötezer forintért is vesztegetik őket! Itt az egész sorozat:
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A fekete német felirat, egyébként egyfajta alkalom megjelőlés 'Özvegyek és árvák hete', ugye '17-ben még javában zajlik különösen ezen a környékek az első világháború, így tartósan aktuális volt sajnos :(
Ferenc Józsefről végtelen sokat lehetne írni természetesen, én most itt csak pár fontosabb dolgot említenék meg, ugye 1830-ban született, és már császárként/magyar királyként veri le a forradalmunkat, V.Ferdinánd lemondása után, még 18 éves kora előtt foglalja el a trónt, egészen 1916-ban bekövetkezett haláláig megtartva azt, ezzel a Habsburg monarchia leghosszabb ideig regnáló uralkodója, de ezzel a 68 évvel, a mai napig Európa negyedik leghosszabban uralkodó embere. Az első meglepetésre nem a nemrég elhunyt II.Erzsébet, hanem XIV.Lajos a Napkirály aki több mint 72 évig uralkodott (habár trónra kerülésekor még csak öt éves volt...), utána jön Erzsébet, majd a szintén több mint 70 évig regnáló II.János liechtensteinin herceg. A forradalom leverése - melyben hathatós segítséget kapott I.Miklós orosz cártól - és a megtorlások után, az 1850-es és '60-as években a Császárság súlyos katonai és politikai veszteségeket szenved, elveszíti vezető szerepét a német államok között, többek közt itáliai tartományairól is le kell mondania. Ezek vezetnek el végül az 1867-es Kiegyezéshez, a dualista rendszer kialakításához. Hosszú uralkodását nem kerülik el a családi tragádiák, első lánya két évesen, tífuszban veszett oda, Rudolf koronaherceg, az eredeti trónörökös pedig 30 éves korában önkezével vetett életének. Mindezek betetőzése a trónörökös Ferenc Ferdinánd meggyilkolása Szerbiában, amely az I.világháború kirobbantásához vezet. A háború végét már nem éri meg 1916 november 20-án rosszul lesz, tüdőgyulladása és egyre magasasbb láza lesz, és 21-én virradóra 86 évesen el is távozik.
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coochiequeens · 5 months
All of these stories about femicide are within the last week.
On Jan. 9, Liliana Concha Perez was found dead in Durham alongside her former boyfriend, who was described by Perez's family as jealous, possessive and obsessive. On Jan. 24, an argument between María Teresa Meraz-Cruz and her boyfriend, Miguel Angel Ventura, ended in Ventura killing her in a murder-suicide. On Feb. 7, police arrested Tammy Lynn Hodges’s husband after she was found dead inside her home.
These women are just three recent examples of a tragic, yet growing, epidemic in North Carolina: femicide.
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Sherele counts female victims of violence. This is what she wants you to know
Violence against women is on the rise, and one of the key sources of up-to-date victim data is a lone journalist, not a government body.
Thirty-four Australian women have been killed by violence  so far this year.
This figure wasn't put calculated by a government body or advocacy organisation; it was collated by journalist Sherele Moody.
During her 27 years in the media, Moody has won accolades for her reporting and research, which has involved verifying and cataloguing women and children who have died in violent incidents.
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Last summer, Belgium adopted a pioneering European law on femicide, which aims to make up for lost time in collecting data on gender-based violence. However, feminist associations fear that it will not be enough to effectively curb the problem.
Théo Anberrée, Agathe Decleire – Le Soir April 30th, 2024
Their names were Laurence, Ingrid, Marie-Anne and Stéphanie. All four died this year in Belgium at the hands of their husbands. They were victims of femicide, i.e. the murder of a woman because she is a woman.
Like those women, more than 14,143 women were intentionally killed in Europe between 2012 and 2022. At least 4,334 died at the hands of their partner, and 2,472 at the hands of a family member. These are the numbers taken from Eurostat statistics, supplemented and studied by fifteen European media partners of EDJNet, including Le Soir.
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Samira Akbari, a 35-year-old woman, lost her life at the hands of her ex-husband in the city of Bardeskan, Razavi Khorasan province.
Having separated from her husband three years prior, Samira was murdered in a horrifying act of violence.
According to a report by the human rights organization Hengaw, Samira Akbari was fatally attacked by her ex-husband, Mohammad Zahedi.
Samira, who was also the custodian of their children, fell victim to this assault.
Although Zahedi was apprehended following the incident, detailed information regarding his motive remains undisclosed.
Samira Akbari's case adds to a disturbing trend of femicide in Razavi Khorasan province, marking the seventh such incident in the past four months.
The human rights organization "Hengaw" revealed in a report that over the last hundred days, at least 50 cases of femicide have been documented across various cities in Iran.
Twenty percent of these cases were driven by so-called "honor" motives.
Shargh newspaper, in a report citing official statistics last year, reported that in less than two years, at least 165 women in Iran were killed by a male member of their family, 41 of which were in and around the capital, Tehran.
Eleven months on from her shocking disappearance, the investigation into Cecilia Strzyzowski’s suspected femicide in Chaco Province has been sent to trial.
The case, which rocked politics in the northern region, was referred for oral trial proceedings by the special investigative team probing the missing 28-year-old’s death.
Juan Martín Bogado, Jorge Cáceres Olivera and Nelia Velázquez, of the EFE Special Prosecution Team of Chaco Province, on Tuesday deemed the pre-trial investigation over and a jury trial for the defendants.
Strzyzowski’s former partner, César Sena, is accused of carrying out the murder, which prosecutors say was aggravated by their relationship and in a context of gender-based violence.
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In August 2023, in Gradacac, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina (B-H), Nermin Sulejmanović brutally murdered his ex-wife, Nizama Hecimovic, during a live stream, with their child in the room. On the morning of August 11th, the bodybuilder started the live stream with the chilling words that viewers were about to witness a murder. Having killed his wife, Sulejmanović went on to kill two other people before committing suicide.
Over 10,000 people watched the live stream, some even encouraging the violence. The victim had reported the perpetrator to the official institutions, which decided to ignore his previous violence. Indeed, in the live video Sulejmanović cited the fact that she had reported him as a reason for the killing.
In B-H, one in two women has experienced violence since turning 15. Violence against women, particularly in the home, remains a pervasive social issue. Despite the advocacy efforts of non-governmental organisations to enhance legal protection for women against violence in public and private domains, it continues to enjoy alarmingly wide social acceptance.
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footballhq · 13 days
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pcgamer · 11 months
Watch This Amazing Landing At Sarajevo Int. Airport | Bosnia-Herzegovina...
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darshanan-blog · 1 year
Travel: Republic of Croatia (Harvatska) 
My #travel to #Croatia
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eva248 · 1 year
Lecturas de mayo. Cuarta semana
Cielo sucio / Edgardo Cozarinsky. Editorial Tusquets, 2023 Tres personajes se dan cita en un Buenos Aires perturbador. El verano y la humedad azuzan la violencia en la ciudad, una tormenta que amenaza pero que nunca acaba de desatarse. Alejandro, un escritor ya en la madurez y desencantado, estampa su automóvil contra un preso. Y este acto violento, aunque de alguna extraña manera natural, pone…
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wezg · 1 year
Zlata's Diary - A Child's Life in Sarajevo - by Zlata Filipović
What’s a grown 45 year old male doing reading a little Bosnian girl’s diary you might ask yourself. Well, it cropped up as a recommendation in a documentary on the war in the former Yugoslavia, a subject to which I have passionately researched from its genesis. The Balkans conflict is (to date) the worst conflict that has taken place on European soil since World War 2 (although Ukraine must now…
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lasercuttingbending · 2 years
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At Laser Cutting Bending, we hold ourselves to the highest standard and believe in full transparency within our team and with our customers. For that reason, our production process includes many rigorous practices and procedures to ensure the end result is the best it can possibly be. Read below to learn more.
As part of our rigorous manufacturing process, we make sure each product is flawless before it goes on sale. With this feature, we can guarantee our commitment to excellence with every single product.
When it comes to great products, a strong foundation is essential. We’re known for our quality standards, and always make sure this feature is one of the most important focuses for our team.
Efficiency, reliability, consistency - these are the three pillars helping us stand high above all our competitors. This feature ensures that we maintain this standing and provide quality products at fair prices.
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zhanteimi · 2 years
Amira Medunjanin & Merima Ključo – Zumra
Amira Medunjanin & Merima Ključo – Zumra
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2008, sevdalinka / Balkan folk Very much a no-frills album, just one woman’s haunting vocals and another woman’s evocative accordion. At times quite melodic, at other times floating about into drone territory, a terrifying glimpse into either the aftermath of heartbreak or the smoking remains of a battlefield.
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filmap · 3 months
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Last and First Men Jóhann Jóhannsson. 2020
Monument 6 Smrike Necropolis, Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina See in map
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iko66 · 1 month
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Old Bridge, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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reportwire · 2 years
Bosnians go to polls to choose between nationalists and reformists | CNN
Bosnians go to polls to choose between nationalists and reformists | CNN
Bosnians go to the polls on Sunday to choose the country’s new collective presidency and lawmakers at national, regional and local levels, deciding between long-entrenched nationalist parties and reformists focused on the economy. Nearly 3.4 million people are eligible to vote amid the worst political crisis in the Balkan country since the end of its war in the 1990s, prompted by separatist…
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bigskybigwords · 2 years
Photos from Bosna-Herzegovina, July 2022
Photos from Bosna-Herzegovina, July 2022
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melnoor · 13 days
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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