#Botanical Learning
etherealyearning · 1 month
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Nanjing Friendship Garden, Missouri Botanical Gardens
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dark-orca-dynasty · 1 month
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Finally, my OG emo boy! I should have drawn him in a The Smiths t-shirt but NIN is sooo much easier. Yes I have drawn Alpheus in more or less this exact same outfit. Don't @ me, it's easy and I could not be bothered drawing a second pair of boots. Maybe both the Aronnax and Alpheus' squid sub just have floors designed for wetsuit boots, who knows! Also I didn't bother flipping his hair around like I did for Alpheus because at this point Cain does not care about how he looks. and I also just could not be bothered.
Cain: Yeah so I have a job now, but the bloke who arranged it for me warned me that my boss would absolutely feed me to the sharks if I did anything to her daughter Finn: lmao, what's your job anyway? Cain: I'm interning with Kaiko Nekton on the Aronnax Finn: [✓ seen]
Cain was the edgy bad-boy love interest in my favourite book series in high school, and much like with Tallulah, I have just been sticking him wherever he fits in everything else I've gotten into since then. I've even managed to fit the two of them in a HTTYD AU that I never got around to writing.
Anyway he's the other friend mentioned in Finn's bio, the one whose mother walked out on him. He's the youngest of three brothers, and about a year older than Finn. The two of them wavered between inseperable and estranged depending on how recently Finn had talked to his mother and therefore how jealous Cain was feeling about her continued if distant presence in the younger boy's life. Later, once Tallulah showed up and befriended Finn, Cain alternated between being jealous that she spent time with the younger boy and desperate for an in with her because he himself continually managed to offend her.
He eventually manages to win her over with Finn's help, as just a friend, but his ex takes offense to that and turns out to be a far better shot than her mother was when she was chasing after Cain. Finn had already made plans to leave Heckmondwhite at that point, but Tallulah gets pulled from school after being shot leaving Cain with no friends in town and only Finn messaging him. He is not doing so great emotionally at this point, and his father manages to get a friend (Tallulah's dad, who canonically is something of a naturalist and studies mollusks) to figure out a way to get him out of town. Cain does not realise his father's friend is Tallulah's dad because the man is built like comic book wolverine and Cain was picturing someone more along the lines of Loki.
Kaiko agrees to take on an intern because she could use some help keeping her workspace in order and doesn't want to force her kids to do it and end up making them hate the lab. Someone who signed up for it, however, is free game. She's not exactly happy that Liam told the kid about the assault charge, but she did kind of owe the man a favour after how often he covered for her in Uni.
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agentc0rn · 6 months
Found a rather fitting nickname for AZ’s floette while looking up names for creative reasons (as much as it would be cool to nickname it, I doubt we could tbh lol). The name is supposed to mean eternal AND happens to have az, which is a nice pairing combination. Azaliya in Japanese アザリア has a nice ring too.
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Dug further and found a cool connection with its variation of Azalea (more so male counterpart) based on the flower aspect. The flower is different from the one Floette carries of course, as it seems like a mix of trillium/tradescantia zebrina. Azaleas apparently last long too. Come to think of it, the flower was found on a shrub underneath the tree in ORAS 👀...
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vfdinthewild · 4 months
"...which I sensed was connected somehow to the mystery of my Irish paternal grandmother, Carlin Mary Gallagher, a woman who did not reach old age, and about whose life there were very few details."
-from Unearthing by Kyo Maclear, ch 3.
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goatsandgangsters · 10 months
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enjoyed some plants today 🥀
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cinderflower · 2 months
🤩 and 🧐!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
I think Lothric overall will always be my favorite to write, I love finding that balance of nihilism, love, callousness, and weakness. Malenia is actually a close second though for very similar reasons, I love sinking my teeth into the tragedy of the perspective of her character.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
It depends on the fic! If it's a ficlet that's a pwp or vibes based then usually no, unless I fall down a rabbit hole for some minor details that ultimately don't even matter. For long fics, more often than not I do just because there's so much more involved and I try and make sure that whatever I write is somewhat realistic whether it be based on world setting details and lore, or historical information, etc. Safe to say I've collected a lot of miscellaneous information on a lot of useless things lol
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au of the witch au where eclipse does what moon does and leaves the house, wandering from place to place until he finds earth’s little clearing and they start living together…
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Osmanthus (mu xi or guai hua) is a very beautiful plant which is actually related to the olive and symbolises prosperity and fertility. Osmanthus was traditionally given to a bride on her wedding day.
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nettleandthorne · 11 months
You say there's only some notes in ariadne is clockwork, but if it's not too nosy, would you like to share one or two ? :]
sure! it's something i really do want to write eventually, so i'm happy to talk about what little i have.
- ariadne: an remarkably lifelike clockwork automaton built to be a gardener; she lives within a vast glasshouse that she maintains and cares for
- almost my fair lady; ariadne is noticed by someone who is amazed by how lifelike she is, and he attempts to pass her off as a real young woman - note: eliza doolittle's 'what am i fit for? what have you left me fit for?' ariadne grows too used to being treated as real to want to return to living as an automaton, but is never real enough to feel as though she fits. what is she fit for when she's too alive for clockwork and too rigid to be alive?
- does she go back to the garden? is that what she wants? could she ever go back?
that's pretty much all i have! it's a story inspired by my own experiences growing up in all-girls school and not knowing that i was autistic, and now struggling to understand where i fit in autistic communities after years spent masking. ariadne is already very close to my heart, and i'd love to write her someday. thank you for this ask! <3
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staring at the ceiling thinking abt how much shit i could get done if i just stopped procrastinating and finished my fucking bachelor thesis. like i have almost 0 reasons left for me to procrastinate why am i still doing this shit
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etherealyearning · 3 months
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Circular Temple, Anglesey Abbey. Cambridge, UK.
The Temple Lawn was created in 1953 to commemorate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Ten Corinthian columns were installed in a circle divided around the central feature: a marble copy of Bernini’s statue of David with his sling. He's surrounded by a sculpted hedge in green yew, & the entrance is guarded by a pair of lead lions by Jan Van Nost the elder.
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(The columns erected and the new cross axis made across the park, 1953 from Lanning Roper) source
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floweringpear · 1 year
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11 october 2023 — kew gardens
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adalrikr · 9 months
aloe : how does your muse handle grief ?
also asked by @fangedjustice botanical headcanons (1/???) [still accepting]
Erk is lucky enough that I assume he hasn't had to deal with much grief outside of his biological parents, whom he does not mention in game and I hc that he does not really remember.
He does not seem like the type who would be able to deal with grief in a constructive way. Ignore the feelings and shut them away until it all bubbles over type. The type who simply locks themselves away in their room until enough time has passed that no one will question if they're okay anymore.
So uh. That's to say: definitely not well.
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ask-nicoandtheboys · 1 year
👀 I would like to give everyone here head pats. And random berry facts: Strawberries aren’t berries but watermelons are. Use that information however you want.
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Ace: Thanks for the headpats ! Those are greatly appreciated!
Robin: I'll allow it for this once.
Sanji: ❤️
Concerning this berries ordeal...
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Also, not going to lie here, I HAD to go check that, and for a solid ten minutes, I was just like Ace 😭
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entofieldnotes · 1 year
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Glechoma hederacea
🌿Glechoma hederacea
Family: Lamiacea (Mint)
Common Names: Ground Ivy, Creeping Charlie, & gill-over-the-ground
Perennial herbaceous plant
Native to Europe, and introduced to North America as early as the 1800's. It is considered Invasive in the U.S as it forms dense patches that can push out native plants.
Pollinators include: Anthophora furcata (Fork-tailed flower bee) Anthidum manicatum (European wool carder bee) Anthophora plumipes (Hairy-footed flower bee) Anthophora quadrimaculata (Four-branded flower bee) Anthophora abrupta (Minor bee) Osmia aurulenta (Gold-fringed mason bee) Osmia caerulescens (Blue mason bee) Osmia lignaria (Blue orchard bee)
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*whispers* i turned 29 today
i feel old
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