#Boulder Media
d-blue02 · 10 months
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I wonder if any Danger Mouse fans here on Tumblr have heard the news about Danger Mouse yet.
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g5mlp · 2 years
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Animation Magazine reports today that Boulder Media, the Irish animation studio that made My Little Pony: A New Generation, has been sold by Hasbro to the Australian production company Princess Pictures.
Robert Cullen founded Boulder in 2000, and it was bought by Hasbro in 2016. Cullen was also the co-director of My Little Pony: A New Generation.
In August, Bloomberg had already reported that Hasbro was considering ending subsidiary Entertainment One's production of non-branded entertainment by selling or restructuring parts of the subsidiary. A lot of Boulder Media’s output has also been unrelated to Hasbro's big franchises, so this tracks.
At the moment, MLP animated media is contracted out to the Canadian studio Atomic Cartoons and the Malaysian studio Lil Critter Workshop, so current MLP content won't be directly affected by the purchase. However, Boulder’s sale probably means it’s less likely for Boulder to do MLP projects in the future.
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shiguresouma · 9 months
Capitán Fall (Serie de TV, 2023): marinero de agua dulce
A pesar que me la estoy pasando bien viendo esta serie, no dejo de preguntarme que estoy viendo en realidad… osea, es una animación cutre pero claramente se debe a que no pretende destacar en ese tema sino que está más orientada en resultar interesante por su trama. Y en cuanto a la trama… Y es que ante la andanada de animación de primer nivel que viene de oriente, a occidente le ha tocado por…
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dannyd1997 · 2 years
Another piece of lost media.
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strigital · 6 months
honest question, fellas. do y'all think johnny may have seen the shrek movies? at least the first one? i mean shrek 1 was added to the list of movies to be preserved for future generations so... and if he did see it do y'all think he feels like a donkey involuntarily following a shrek (v) or like a shrek forced to follow around a donkey (v) because they know the way to the duloc castle (mikoshi)? does johnny also at some point bring up the layers hypothesis? cause i'm pretty sure he has layers upon freaking layers to peel off like a monster onion. and would he consider alt a fiona since she's a kidnapped princess stuck in a tower (beyond blackwall)? or the dragon because she also guards the thing? would he make a "compensating for something" comment about yorinobu since he's in a big boy arasaka tower now? 🤔 anyways, i think i need to stop now
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AHHH HI BOBA!! I HAVEN'T!! I keep meaning to watch it, and I keep forgetting to actually start it!! But I ABSOLUTELY agree, from what i know of Amphibia, I think I would be SO obsessed with that show if i ever actually started watching it!!
you know my taste in shows so well askdljsld :)
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dronningnure · 17 days
Fml. I went bouldering yesterday (it's only my second time ever but I love it!!) and my usually bruise free hands were all scraped up so I took a picture on snap that so I could send to my friend, but forgor to send it.
Somehow I posted it on my fucking SNAPSTORY and I didn't realise until my sister and aunt asked me what happened😭😭 Now I probably look like someone who posts themself being injured for attention and then reply with "I don't wanna talk about it..." 💀
And all it was is me spending 20 minutes climbing the easiest paths at a bouldering center 😭😭 aaa TwT
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allgremlinart · 9 months
manifesting Avatar Szeto novels and more good Minhkhoa appearances and maybe an animated Bone series and good canon Brutalia while God laughs at me
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mario8th · 8 months
I'm gonna start watching Hunter x Hunter I know next to nothing about it, but I want to listen along with the new Friends at the Table show, Media Club Plus I'm very hesitant to do so. I did not like Yu Yu Hakusho. At All. (Aside from the intro). But I do like JoJo's, which I've heard it compared to. So I think I'll document my progress. Certainly open to being surprised, but nothing I've heard makes me hopeful. Guess I'll find out.
Well, three episodes in and I'm fairly optimistic
I'm still tired of many of the more used anime tropes, but I'm coping
And there hasn't been a Single Fight yet! (a good thing), and I'm somewhat interested in the premise, more so with the characters.
But I was also interested with the premise of YYH, and then a few episodes in it completely changed (I wanted a demon detective show and got endless monotonous fights), so I'm not entirely sold
At the very least, I'm really liking the score, the intro's all right (think I've heard it before) and the outro is absolute garbage, haven't hated an anime song this badly since that one My Hero Academia song that also overdid it on the crummy autotune (and this one adds unpleasant screamo)
All being said, I'm not dreading the next three
I enjoyed this batch of episodes quite a bit (eps 4-6)
It helps a lot that I feel like I know the premise of the show, and I don't want these posts to only be about YYH, but so far HxH seems to know what it wanted to be from a much earlier spot
And what it's trying to be is just smashing words together. The amount of weird guys in this show is staggering. The Crow that imitates speech? The big frog? The weird card guy who has a higher body count then most shows I watch? Lotta stuff going on
But the soundtrack, especially Gon's theme, is really great, and a lot of the hi-jinks are fun so far, if not a tad bit predictable
It was really nice that Gon got a friend his age, it's wild that old guy isn't that old, and the line where people with Strong Hunter Aura or whatever attract one another is just how JoJo Stand Users attract, but whatever.
And stop the presses, Snooty Gourmet Hunter Girl is my new fav, despite me groaning when the old guy focused on her breasts. Seriously it's mainly because I like cooking and cooking characters. No really I mean it. Wait No Don't Go
One thing I forgot to mention last time was just How Many People Died
So Many Dead
Anyway, just realized in the intro, when the narrator says "These are Hunters" the silhouettes are (at least) some of the examiners, so that's neat
I continue to enjoy these episodes (Eps 7-9) as I watch them, but remain... ambivalent? Unconvinced? I'm enjoying the show, but I'm certainly not In Love with it.
Speaking of death, we had a really brutal one this time, that guy was not expecting that weird dinosaur bird thing. Of all the side character deaths, his felt the most impactful. And it turns out skateboard kid isn't such a chump, in some ways those deaths were Not treated as brutally, but it really paints skateboard in a certain light.
Gon continues to be charming, I enjoy the interactions with the four friends, loved the reveal of their fifth companion
I liked the twist on expectations with the Blue Guy. He began powering up like that boring villain in YYH, but wound up just being a chump.
And the Music! There was one song that played as they learned of the tower, that had such a good bass riff, I was dancing around in my seat. Great tune, great score across the board.
In the end, these episodes weren't surprising, I knew exactly what red eyes was gonna do well before it happened, but everything is executed well, and the pacing fairly good, so, again, I'm enjoying my time.
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crowcaws · 5 months
I love when the second adaptation of something comes out and you get clowns acting like the first ADAPTATION is the source material that the second needs to conform to.... And completely disregard the real source material while harassing people who like the second adaptation more.... I love that so much.... It's so cute and funny.......
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jeffbytes · 8 months
i got bluesky if anyone wants to be moots, ill follow back people i know
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caterpillarinacave · 4 months
totally random question, but does anyone else around here watch bouldering?
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squidsploitation · 2 years
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— 1.05
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imagine claiming that the difference is his battle with charles was respectful and then saying shit like this, clearly indicating he knew exactly how to hit the apex when he doesn’t want to send peopl to the hospital
exposed as fuck, should be shamed
OMFG, this man literally confessed he attempted murder 🤢🤢
I didn't see this, but why am I surprised?? What an asshole. I am 100% sure that he did what he did then perfectly aware of the repercussions of his action. What a disgusting person who went ahead and also dared to say sth like "I could have gotten smashed at the wall." Bitch, you put someone at the wall and then celebrated like a deranged maniac, let alone your goons cheering like the bloodthirsty weirdos they are, doing the same shit even when when the replays were shown.
Ewwww, disgusting. Please, don't bring this man and his foulness to my attention again 🤢🤢
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I miss Danger Mouse and his husband :(
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calypsolemon · 2 years
why are you, as a tumblr user, looking at your "for you" page?
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