#Bowling bag innovation
1-800-luvmail · 6 months
[ read part one w/ price here ! ]
reader who would rather skydive without a parachute than have their self sufficiency questioned vs cod men [ 2 / ? ]
könig assumed that when you invited him to bake with you, it was going to be a cute little activity for the two of you to do. a simple afternoon in your kitchen, making some baked goods to enjoy later.
he could not be more fucking wrong. you bake up a storm, leaving trails of flour, baking soda, sugar and whatever other substances you've used in your wake. you also seem to be eyeballing every single measurement. it's chaos. he's never seen a more disorganized process of making red velvet cupcakes.
the worst part is, könig can't seem to understand why he's even there.
"hey can you pass me th— nevermind, i got it." you say, standing on the tips of your toes to reach a bag of chocolate chips which was just a little too high. he's just a whole 6'10 ft of useless, standing in your kitchen, and getting in the way.
so instead of waiting for instructions, he choses to make himself helpful by attempting to clean as you bake. it works smoothly for the most part. he wipes up any milk you've spilt on the counter, places a batter covered spoon in the sink to be washed later (not before taking a little taste of course... and mess be damned, you're good at baking even if the sample he got was raw), and moves the bowls you don't quite need yet out of the way.
everything is going fine. you're talking to him like this is the most calming activity on earth and he's replying with little hums of acknowledgement and nods as he swiftly tries to get a little more batter from the whisk you've just stopped using.
"hey— no. you're gonna get sick. there's raw egg in there." you chide, just as he's about to sneak a lick. he wonders how you even noticed, considering you seem to be using 110% of your concentration on filling up the cupcake liners with just enough batter for each cupcake to be roughly the same size, which happens to be the only semblance of consistency you've had this entire baking session.
"i'm not going to die because of a little batter." he counters, amused by your concern. he can't help but chuckle.
you snort, rolling your eyes. "famous last words of an impatient man."
eventually, your baking frenzy subsides. the red velvet cupcakes are cooled after being pulled fresh out of the oven, you've made an insanely good homemade cream cheese icing to go on top (which you begrudgingly allow him one taste of. one.), and it's time to decorate. you've piped on most of the icing already, but the unsatisfied stare you give your baked goods allows him to piece together it isn't over yet.
"i think these need sprinkles." you murmur after a moment. your eyes glance around and eventually land on possibly the highest shelf in the kitchen. where the sprinkles just so happen to be. he tries to supress laughter when he sees the disbelief on your face. "motherfu—"
"i will get it." könig interrupts, stepping towards the shelf. you step in front of him, blocking him from getting there, hauling a chair with you.
"nope. won't need to. 'm innovative." he watches you set up the chair and get ready to climb up— only to gently grab your forearm and tug you back.
"famous last words of a stupid person." he scoffs, echoing your words from earlier.
you shoot him an exasperated look as you wriggle out of his grasp.
"c'mon, i do this like, what— all the time? hasn't killed me yet." you say, pointing at the shelf. "it's not that high. i'll just climb up to reach it."
"or you could swallow your pride and allow me to get it."
"and what fun would that be?"
he sighs at your response, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he mutters something to himself. probably in german. not like you could hear. you were too busy staring up at the shelf and getting the chair set up.
on one hand, könig wants to help to prevent you from potentially falling and eating shit, but on the other, he knows you well enough to understand there's no stopping you. so instead, he settles for a compromise.
könig moves the chair out of the way.
"i said, i'm getting it by myself. i kinda need the chair for that." you huff, glancing back at him, only to watch as he lowers himself, arms wrapping around your legs. "hey wh—"
before you can process, you're hoisted up into the air with a startling ease.
"alright," he isn't even trying to hide his smirk as he lifts you up, high enough to reach the shelf, "you can get it."
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valkyrieromanoff · 8 months
synopsis: you and Anakin decide to cook together, but the problem is that neither of you know what you're doing.
warning: fluffy
words: 644
a/n: it had been a while since I wrote anything about Anakin,I was left with an inspiration hangover. But this idea came to me when I was rewatching Little Italy. I know it’s short, but I hope you like it ;)
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“Are you sure this is how it’s done?” You asked, frowning, looking at what should have been the pizza dough, but looked more like a gooey mess.
“Maybe if we add a little more flour, we can reach the point.” Anakin suggested, taking the bag of flour and turning some into the bowl, the white powder scattering across the table as he stuck his hands back into the dough with the intention of shaping it.
You looked at the mixture biting your lip, looking for your datapad to check the recipe. It seemed simple, at first you thought it would be a fun way to pass the time, cooking as a couple's hobby, but things started to go wrong, when you didn't have all the ingredients in the fridge, and Anakin decided to innovate, making some adaptations. And it was these and other adaptations that led to this pizza dough that did not gain consistency, no matter how many cups of flour were added.
Anakin sighs in frustration as the 'pizza dough' refuses to cooperate, looking more like floury sludge than anything edible. He wipes his flour-coated hands on his already stained tunic, running a hand through his equally messy blond locks.
"This cooking thing is more difficult than battling droids," he grumbles, giving the bowl an experimental stir. More flour wafts up, dusting his face and the surrounding surfaces.
You stifle a giggle at his disheveled appearance, unable to resist planting a kiss on his powdery cheek. "We'll figure it out, my love. Maybe we were too ambitious starting with pizza," you offer gently.
Anakin glances down at the recipe on his datapad, still futilely attempting to decipher the instructions. "This is why I rely on you for the thinking. My expertise lies elsewhere," he teases with a wink.
"What if we use ready-made pizza dough? Then we just need to make the topping?" You suggested, remembering that there was a package of pizza dough lost in the fridge.
Anakin taps his chin thoughtfully, dusting more flour onto the floor as he considers your suggestion.
"There you go again, solving problems with that brilliant mind of yours," he says proudly, kissing your forehead. "Ready-made dough—why didn't I think of that?"
Wiping his hands, Anakin eagerly rummages through the disorganized fridge. "Now where did I see that package..."
A triumphant "Aha!" echoes as he emerges holding the dough aloft like a trophy. Ripping it open, he breathes a sigh of relief seeing its pliable texture.
"Let's get cooking," he says with renewed enthusiasm. As you prep the toppings, Anakin preheats the oven, wiping down the baking sheet.
You stare at the dough in surprise and amusement, taking in Anakin's handiwork. Though crooked and imperfect, the heart shape is unmistakable.
"Well, I'll admit shapes aren't my specialty," Anakin shrugs with a boyish grin. "But I thought a heart would be fitting, considering." He squeezes your waist affectionately.
Warmth blooms in your chest at his tender gesture. Despite all he's seen, he somehow maintains an earnest romanticism that continually draws you in.
"It's perfect," you assure him gently. "Everything you do, no matter how questionable the execution, always comes from here." You place a palm over his heart.
Anakin's eyes soften, embracing you in a lingering kiss. You pour all your care, acceptance and affection into it, leaving him smiling happily when you part.
"Now come, before our dough gets weird. The toppings await!" He winks and you get to work, sneaking soft looks and smiles throughout the process.
Though skills in the kitchen may need honing, here in privacy you each demonstrate a deep caring that nourishes body and soul alike. For you, these moments together are as delicious and fulfilling as any meal could be.
Your love, like Anakin's heart-shaped dough, may be imperfect but runs unfathomably deep. And that is more than enough.
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bubbles0bop · 8 months
The Way of the House Husband
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Tatsu Tending to a Pregnant Miku
Contains: mentions of pregnancy, string language, fluff
Snow fell on the rooftops of every house in town. Miku was home alone this afternoon, patiently waiting for her husband to return from the store as she lounged in bed.
There really wasn't much to do on such a lazy day like this one, not particularly feeling the urge to do anything other than this. The last few months had been of a similar routine, feeling a restless sort of fatigue as she went through the duration of her pregnancy.
Tatsu returns home from his grocery run, promptly slamming open the door with his foot, arms filled with brown grocery bags. He calls to his wife from the front door, expecting to hear her response from the cracked bedroom door.
When he is greeted by silence, worry envelopes his mind as he slams the bags down on the kitchen counter. Tatsu swiftly makes his way towards to bedroom door positioning himself right outside of it, holding an imaginary finger gun to his chest.
He listens intently as he hears what appears to be his loving wife grumbling in pain from inside!
"Miku!" He exclaims, bursting through the door to catch whatever jackass had taken his wife hostage. He pointed the finger gun around the room, frantically gazing the area only to be found with his wife snuggled under the covers with a hand over her stomach.
"Tatsu..." She groans, throwing a dramatic hand over her forehead. "The pain... The pain is unbearable! This is it for me..." The expecting mother tosses her head to the side, feigning death.
Tatsu falls dramatically to his knees at her bedside, reaching a hand out to her and even wiping away some nonexistent tears.
"Oh Miku! This can't be- there's no other explanation! You must have been poisoned... Who did this to you?!" He exclaims while grabbing his wife's smaller hands into both of his as if she was truly on her death bed.
"No... No it's much worse, Tatsu... I'm starving" Her voice is laced with weary and pain, playing along with the act. "Can you make me some brownies?" Miku sticks out her lips in a pleading pout.
"Of course, Miku ! How could I ever let my wife and baby starve like this?! So ignorant..." He wipes one remaining 'tear' from his cheek, as he hastily makes his way to the kitchen.
In a flash, all of the ingredients were hastily slammed on the kitchen counter. He followed the instructions to a T, throwing various kitchen items into a bowl. Eggs, sugar, butter, and chocolate chips, all being whisked into a large bowl with some much force that it could kill a man.
The batter was poured into a baking platter and thrown (literally thrown) into the oven and set to 350°.
Tatsu waited patiently for the beep of the oven, causally looking through household magazines and circling items off his shopping list in a very domestic way.
Eventually, after some waiting, the critical sound of the oven beep sounded through the kitchen and he sprinted to attend to the freshly baked goods. Pulling the brownies out of the oven he rushed over to the counter to check the instructions one last time- reading, "Let brownies rest out of the oven for 15 minutes to cool."
"What the hell?! My wife is dying in there and you expect me to wait for another 15 minutes to serve her her food?!"
Tatsu, trying to find an innovative solution, grabs his oven mitts and waves them in the air in a fan-like motion. He screams with intensity as he watches the brownies closely so any signs of them cooling.
In a matter of minutes, Tatsu is able to present the dish to his patiently waiting wife in their shared bedroom.
"Eat up." He declares as he presents her with some precisely cut brownies.
"Oh! Thank you so much, Tatsu! But.. Honestly, I'm kind of having a craving for Ramen now..."
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justyourtypicalwriter · 3 months
service dog au hcs because i cant be normal about them?? 👀
Kyle: 👻🫂💔🌟
Stan: 🎶👽💤😶
Kenny: 👻🎶🦾💔
Clyde: 💤🦾🥇😶
Butters: 👽💔💄😶
Cartman: 👻👽😺😶
Craig: 👻🦾🌟😶
Tweek: 👽🫂🍫😶
sorry its a lot 😭 if youd rather not do any feel free not to lmao
Oh my fucking god this took me way longer than it should have😭-
tw for slight talk of suicide
👻 - OOH OKAY. Now, I could get REALLY into this with a multitude of different things but the main one has got to be not having control. It’s why he hates being “sick” and hates the aspect of having a service dog for a while. He can’t control when he’ll have a P.O.T.S flare up, he can’t control when he’ll have a bad high or low, he can’t control his tolerance to taking food by mouth nor can he control if it’ll trigger a flashback of some sorts. Mainly, he can’t control where he is on the dependency scale. Kyle needs someone to be there for extra supervision, as much as Noble has benefited him. But at the same time, Kyle is a very stubborn, independent person. He doesn’t want some constant dependency on someone. He has no control over his physical or mental health so he craves control over other factors in life so he doesn’t feel like such an unstable mess.
🫂 - Picking someone for this one was tricky but I think I’m gonna talk about Kyle and Tweek’s relationship while I have this. I see Tweek and Kyle as staying kind of close after Tweek was in their group. They help each other out, especially after Tweek is placed with the Broflovski’s during their senior year. Kyle shows Tweek some distraction techniques he’s picked up on and Tweek works with Kyle to find innovative ways to help him slowly regain some of his independence.
💔 - Such bad emetophobia. It’s not really bad when he’s not the one vomiting though. The ARFID really fucks him over. There was a short period of time where he went on and off the nasal tube, I wanna say like every now and then from 11-13. He really thought he was getting better…he wasn’t. The summer of freshman year is when he really started going downhill at a rapid pace. Just the thought of eating could send him vomiting. Sometimes it’s only for a few minutes, sometimes it's an hour plus.  It hurts, it makes him feel horrible and it happens so often. More often than not he’s shaking, hunched over the toilet bowl either fighting back or in tears. And the poor thing is left exhausted and feeling absolutely disgusting afterwards.
🌟 - This one’s a fun one too. He wants to travel, see the world you know? He’s been so coddled most of his life that he never got the proper chance to but he’s determined to make it happen. 
🎶 - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3HoLXMmVuoMXPGbTHk7zvL?si=g9r63piOQz2thQKgmXJ3zg&pi=u-Kr5cAidHSeya (I’m jamming to this rn lmao)
👽 - I’m not sure if this counts as a quirk, I mean I kind of feel like it falls under a personality quirk but has a tendency to react emotionally to some things at times while at other times he could give less of a shit.
💤 - Sleep? WHERE?!? (but for some reason he sleeps perfectly fine when a certain redhead is nearby…*cough* fags *cough*)
😶 - This crusty ass emo wet cat looking bitch LOVES dance. Ballet in particular. He rocks gothic ballet routines but he’ll dance to anything. Just him and his fucking black point shoes. If it weren’t for the crippling depression he’d be unstoppable. And no one suspected that he dances until the kids are like thirteen when Stan was bored out of his mind while the gang was at Starks Pond and started doing a bunch of fun tricks to entertain himself. The rest of the groups standing there, jaws on the floor, minds blown because since when did Stanley fucking Marsh know how to do this.
👻 - Losing a loved one, whether it’s a family or friends. Kenny is immortal, he’s gonna keep coming back, but the others? Any health scare, accident, or attempt of someone worries him a lot. It’s why he always has his bag of shit, he’s so worried about losing someone.
🎶 - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3lhm5rFXq1TXuMUKDiptuI?si=CY4XjCHAQr-fxXDHwQ4dlw&pi=u-E6jLyFZgTFam 
🦾 - Muscular Dystrophy & Chronic Pain (live, laugh, love chronic pain Kenny)
💔 - Okay, okay this one’s more of the concept is angsty when you think of it, but Kenny himself could give less of a shit. Kenny in this au is relatively happy, I mean yeah being chronically ill sucks total ass but he’s chilling with it. The only thing is that Kenny kills himself a lot. He’s ever curious and loves to see what happens. He ends up hanging in Hell with Damien for a while before being sent back and before he knows it he’s wondering “hm, wonder if that’ll happen again-“
💤 - Clyde has a rocky sleep schedule. His health issues aren’t the reason for it though, it’s Fable. As mentioned in a previous post, she’s a little demon shit and has an ungodly amount of energy. Clyde finds this hysterical until it’s time to get up for school and he’s only slept like three hours.
🦾 - Clyde’s disability for the au is still being debated! Suggestions are currently open!
🥇 - I have a general headcanon that Clyde is really good at videography! Which, for all my Tyde girlies, falls into one of my general headcanons for Tolkien which is script writing. They make short films together and his biggest accomplishment is that one of their films won first place in their school's film contest.
😶 - He’ll play outside in the snow for HOURS. Even more now than when he was a kid since he’s got Fable. Clyde will just take her out for hours and they’ll have the time of their lives.
👽 - Yet another personality quirk: Butters always has a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm for someone who’s been through so much shit in his life. He’s an optimist, it’s what draws people in.
💔 - Okay I just really love antagonizing his parents so so much. Haven is owner trained, Butters bought her himself when he was thirteen. When she was still a puppy something minor happens and Steven isn’t very happy about it so he fucking SELLS her. And Butters is so heartbroken. He only had this dog for a week and suddenly she’s just ripped away. It’s actually Cartman (for the most part) who helps him get her back. 
💄 - I know this one’s really basic but I adore giving Butters his eye scar from ‘Fun With Weapons”. It’s very intimidating but Butters is just a silly, goofy guy. 
😶 - Y’know those Instagram and Etsy shops that sell custom service dog gear? Butters is really into sewing and he runs one! Giving gifts has never been easier, he just makes them a new piece of gear.
👻 - As much as I love antagonizing Cartman, I love when he has a soft spot for the main four (+Butters) a lot more. So if anyone’s acting out of character it lowkey has him shook. And with good reason, the gang has trauma from finding Stan post suicide attempt. It baffled Cartman since Stan had been acting more than okay for the past week. The bastard cares for his friends although he’ll never fucking tell them so he’s been paying attention to behavior changes ever since, even if they’re minor.
👽 - I’m actually gonna go dive a little deeper into the heterochromia thing. So if my memory is serving me correctly, the eye comes from Kenny so it’s blue. But every so often it has a purplish hue to it for a short period of time. Oh so conveniently, our favorite little poor boy is freshly back from Hell and his eye color has shifted from blue to a freakishly violet shade.
😺 - Oooooh y’all really want me to yap about Dolly. Firstly, she’s so soft. Like her fur was already soft but being that Cartman takes such good care of her, her fur is probably as good as it can get. He’s so gentle with her and she absolutely adores him. As for the rest of the kids: she’s not overly eager to go up to them but she likes them. Except for Kyle she fucking HATES him. 
😶 - Unfortunately Cartman is severely underdeveloped at the moment due to him being the most recent addition to the au so I literally don’t have anything else to say about him.
👻 - I feel like all of these fears have been really angsty but Craig’s is just spiders. They creep him the fuck out. Also high school musical-
🦾 - Epilepsy!
🌟 - It’s really a matter of what he wants to do first. He doesn’t act like it but Craig is really ambitious. Working in something with space is always something he’s wished to do. But he’s also into music (a mix of Tweek and Stan’s fault) and wants to learn violin. 
😶 - I love headcanoning that Craig has piercings so let’s jazz this up for the au a bit. In his late teen years he was (illegally) denied service at various piercing parlors because of Saturn. So he self teaches himself how to (semi) safely do piercings without being a professional and does them for his friends if they want.
👽 - Second physical quick of the ask but it’s freckles! I love giving Tweek freckles but the ones that are barely visible at any time that’s not summer. That’s when they come out. 
🫂 - I already talked about his relationship with Kyle so let’s talk about Tweek and Clyde. I only just started playing around with their dynamic a few weeks ago while writing a bunch of Staig drabbles. It’s always really funny to me because you’ve got paranoid sarcasm meets hyperactive sensitivity.
🍫 - What a little stress baker! He can’t cook for shit but the boy sure can bake. And he like over bakes too. He doubles the recipe almost every time. It used to be easy to get rid of the extras, he’d just take them to the shop so they could be sold. But after the meth bust he’d basically ding-dong-ditch his friends and leave baskets of baked goods on their doorsteps. 
😶 - Him, Kenny, Kyle, and Bebe all drove out of Colorado for the weekend when they were seventeen because they all needed a break. They stayed at an inn for the weekend and no one knew where they went. So yeah, they were having the time of their lives while everyone back home was losing their shit.
feel free to ask if you want elaborations!
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eponymous-rose · 11 months
A full day today, so I figured it might be fun to write up what a professor's day might look like when not lecturing!
6:30AM: Got up early to virtually attend a friend's wedding on the East Coast! <333
8:00AM: I have been very careful this quarter to shuffle lectures/meetings around so that I have a little time to myself in the mornings to sit at home and drink coffee and eat breakfast and pet a cat while I get the day's work started. No exception today! I pull up an application my PhD student has been putting together for a tech grant and use the proverbial red pen to make some (a lot of) comments. It looks good overall, though! I send him a note to encourage him to send it to our collaborator in the computer science department when he's done with edits. Monday's the deadline, we gotta get moving on this.
9:00AM: I load up a bag with books I keep putting off taking to my office, plus some extra Halloween candy I found to add to my office candy bowl, and head out to take the bus in to campus. Also, pet the cat goodbye (she is unconcerned).
9:45AM: At the office, books and candy put away! Time to prep for my first meeting, which is a committee meeting with someone else's PhD student. He struggled a bit with a recent exam (entirely his advisor's fault, but that's a different story), so we're reconvening as a group to see his progress and cheer him on. He sent an update document, so I run through that and take a few notes. Then it's responding to e-mails (setting up my participation in a federal review panel next year, responding to two prospective graduate students interested in working with me - the combo of a fun research topic and a beautiful campus means I'm now up to 20 inquiries so far this quarter, eep - and sending out an update to the department about the charitable giving opportunities I'm coordinating).
10:30AM: Great presentation by the PhD student about all the things he's done since our last meeting back in April-ish. He's made huge changes to his work, and we applaud (literally and figuratively) how much he's accomplished in such a short time. Also, amazing data visualization! Great work all around. He's set to defend his PhD by 2025 at this rate, definitely back on track.
11:30AM: Time to rush back to my office to meet with my own PhD student! We usually meet on Fridays, but we get tomorrow off for the holiday so we jumped the meeting back. He's a few minutes late due to a missed bus, so my next-door colleague and I talk about cats for a few minutes. As you do. When he does arrive, he's got some cool stuff to show me - we talk about the notes I made on his grant application, and I remind him (and myself) to book flights to a conference in December that is rapidly approaching somehow. (I guess this means I have to do some cool and innovative research before then that I can talk about. Go figure.) He also shows me some cool preliminary results from a project he's been doing with a friend out in Pennsylvania. He's late enough in his PhD that my role as advisor is primarily to get out of his way and make sure he has enough supercomputer core-hours to get his work done!
12:30PM: A break for me! I start in on e-mail again, sending a coordinator my bio and abstract for a talk I've been invited to give (virtually, thankfully) at a student conference in January. I also realize that, because of the break tomorrow, I should really put together a homework assignment and next week's lectures for the class I teach Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Hmmm. I dig through last year's lectures and assignments and realize they've gotten a little out of sync this year. The solution? I may just offer 5 instead of 6 assignments over these ten weeks and give them this one a week later. Class average has been extremely high on them, and I think the students will appreciate a bit of a break. Also means today's job is just to prepare a few lectures based on last year's material. I've got a big chunk of open time later this afternoon to deal with course stuff, so back to e-mail. Going to be joining a friend (who I can't help but think of as the undergrad who sat in during all my grad classes, but is now somehow a full research scientist) on a very cool project putting together a new thunderstorm dataset. Also reached out to another friend about setting up biweekly meetings to hopefully start a new research collaboration and... possibly some fieldwork! I also almost forgot to put a forecast together for our forecasting competition, but I got there in time. Phew.
1:30PM: Meeting with a colleague and the undergrad research intern we co-supervise who is sadly having to leave to go attend school closer to home. This meeting is mostly just us reinforcing to her that we're still here if she needs advice/reference letters or ever wants to work on a similar project with us remotely in the future, but we are going to continue with the research until the end of the quarter, at her request. After the meeting, I get an e-mail about another undergraduate looking for a research project! I present her with the options of a cool lightning project with my colleague next door (waiting to hear back about federal funding for that project, fingers crossed) and that other cool thunderstorm project led by my friend in Oklahoma.
2:30PM: Seminar time! A very cool freshly-minted PhD from California tells us all about her research, a complicated topic about which I knew very little going in and now know... slightly more. There was a very geeky moment in which she showed what happened to a particular part of the climate system when CO2 was added, then showed what happened when CO2 was removed, and the asymmetry of it made everyone in the room gasp and then self-consciously giggle.
4:00PM: Post-seminar snacks acquired (a big cookie and coffee are definitely a good late lunch, right? I kid, I kid, I had a big breakfast and have a big dinner waiting at home) and small-talk survived, I scramble back up to my office. Time to get those lectures ready for next week (pretty quick to do - rather than last year, where I'd show the code on the screen and we'd talk about it, I'm having us write the code together live and debug as we go; harder in the moment for me, but the students are learning so much better!). Get an e-mail back from the new undergrad research intern expressing interest in the lightning project, amazing! Time to get her registered so she gets credit for this starting in January. Also finally get a teensy bit more editing done on a draft of a review article that one of the top scientific journals in the world tapped me to write (???? still surreal beyond measure).
5:30PM: BAND PRACTICE. Our department is so nerdy that the faculty/staff/postdocs/grad students put together a giant band to perform popular songs but as covers so we can make the lyrics about our nerdy research. This tradition has been going on for 30+ years, and the big performance is for an hour at our holiday party every year. It's a riot, and this is my first year joining in the chaos (I'm on keys on three songs!). There are like 25 of us, we have a horn section, a professor plays the mandolin, the students create elaborate musical roasts of their professors, it's great. My parts go great, to the point where when there's some trouble with key drift during an a capella part they call me in to play chords under it and keep them grounded. I love playing music with other people!
7:00PM: Time to pack up and head home for dinner. Phew.
Long day, but also LONG WEEKEND BAYBEE. I don't actually have to do any substantial work this weekend, so that means BALDUR'S GATE WEEKEND BAYBEE.
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albusparker2131 · 2 days
Boston JetBlue Terminal: Modern Amenities for the Smart Traveler
Boston’s Logan International Airport is a bustling hub that connects millions of travelers each year. Among its various terminals, Terminal C, home to JetBlue Airways, stands out as a premier gateway for modern travelers. This terminal is not just about catching flights; it is about providing an experience that blends convenience, technology, and comfort. Let us guide you through everything the Boston JetBlue Terminal offers, from cutting-edge amenities to traveler-centric services, ensuring your time at the airport is as seamless and enjoyable as possible.
Seamless Check-In Options for the Digital Age
For the smart traveler, efficiency is key, and JetBlue’s Terminal C embraces this notion fully. From the moment you arrive, you'll find self-service kiosks strategically placed to minimize wait times. These kiosks allow you to check in, print boarding passes, and even manage baggage without waiting in lines. For those who prefer the convenience of their smartphones, Boston Logan JetBlue terminal offers mobile check-in through its app, enabling you to skip the kiosk entirely.
Additionally, automated bag drop stations are located throughout the terminal, offering a swift, hands-free process for dropping off your luggage. With these systems in place, JetBlue ensures that your time spent checking in is reduced to mere minutes, allowing you to focus on more enjoyable aspects of your journey.
Innovative Security Screening for Faster Processing
Security lines can often be a major stress point at airports, but JetBlue’s Terminal C offers advanced screening processes designed to move travelers through efficiently. With TSA PreCheck and CLEAR lanes, frequent flyers can breeze through security with minimal delay. These services significantly shorten wait times, allowing you to avoid the typical security bottlenecks.
For those without these premium memberships, Terminal C’s automated security screening lanes speed up the process with advanced conveyor belt systems, reducing the need for manual bin handling. This state-of-the-art technology not only enhances efficiency but also improves the overall passenger experience by streamlining the often tedious screening process.
Comfortable Lounges and Relaxation Areas
Once through security, you’ll find a variety of lounges and quiet spaces designed to offer a reprieve from the hectic airport atmosphere. The JetBlue Lounge, located near Gate C19, provides comfortable seating, complimentary Wi-Fi, and a selection of snacks and beverages. It’s an ideal spot for business travelers looking to catch up on work or for those who just want to unwind before their flight.
If you're looking for an extra level of comfort, the Airspace Lounge is another great option. Offering premium seating, showers, and a fully stocked bar, it caters to both JetBlue passengers and travelers flying with other airlines. Whether you need a quiet place to relax or a productive environment to work, Terminal C has you covered.
Diverse Dining Options to Satisfy Every Palate
One of the highlights of JetBlue’s Boston terminal is its impressive array of dining options. From quick bites to gourmet meals, Terminal C has something for everyone. For those in a hurry, grab-and-go spots like Cosi or Dunkin’ Donuts provide a variety of options, from sandwiches to salads and, of course, coffee.
Travelers with more time to spare can enjoy sit-down restaurants like Legal Sea Foods, where you can indulge in a taste of New England’s famous seafood, or Stephanie’s, known for its classic American comfort food. For those looking for a healthier option, B.GOOD offers farm-fresh bowls, salads, and smoothies. Whether you're craving sushi, pizza, or a craft cocktail, Terminal C delivers a rich culinary experience that caters to all dietary preferences and tastes.
Retail and Shopping: A Traveler’s Haven
Shopping enthusiasts will not be disappointed by the selection available at JetBlue’s Terminal C. From luxury brands to travel essentials, the terminal provides a diverse range of shopping experiences. InMotion, located near Gate C27, is perfect for the tech-savvy traveler, offering the latest gadgets, accessories, and portable chargers to ensure you're always connected.
For those looking for fashion and accessories, stores like Brookstone and Lacoste offer everything from high-end apparel to travel gear. If you forgot to pick up a Boston souvenir, New England Collections has you covered with a wide range of local products and memorabilia. With these retail options, you can easily pass the time browsing through quality items or picking up last-minute travel essentials.
Cutting-Edge Technology and Connectivity
JetBlue prides itself on being an airline that values innovation, and Terminal C is a testament to that ethos. Throughout the terminal, you will find high-speed Wi-Fi, free of charge, allowing travelers to stay connected whether for business or leisure. Charging stations and USB ports are also conveniently located at every seating area, ensuring that your devices stay powered up while you wait for your flight.
For those needing to work, JetBlue’s Business Zones offer quiet workspaces equipped with comfortable seating, ample outlets, and strong internet connectivity. Whether you’re catching up on emails or streaming your favorite shows, staying connected at Terminal C is never an issue.
Sustainability Initiatives and Eco-Friendly Practices
JetBlue has made significant efforts to integrate sustainability into Terminal C, reflecting its commitment to eco-friendly practices. The terminal has adopted energy-efficient lighting, water-saving fixtures, and recycling stations throughout the facility. Additionally, JetBlue partners with local farms and vendors to source food sustainably, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transporting goods.
For environmentally-conscious travelers, these initiatives reflect a dedication to promoting greener travel practices. Moreover, JetBlue encourages passengers to use mobile boarding passes to reduce paper waste, further underscoring its efforts to create a more sustainable travel experience.
Accessibility and Family-Friendly Features
JetBlue’s Terminal C is designed to accommodate travelers of all kinds, including those with special needs and families traveling with children. Accessible seating, elevators, and restrooms ensure that passengers with mobility challenges can navigate the terminal with ease. For families, the terminal provides family restrooms and children’s play areas, making travel more convenient and enjoyable for both parents and kids.
Additionally, lactation rooms are available for nursing mothers, providing a quiet and private space during their travels. These features demonstrate JetBlue’s commitment to offering an inclusive experience for all travelers, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and comfortable in their terminal.
Final Thoughts: An Experience Tailored for the Modern Traveler
In conclusion, JetBlue’s Terminal C at Boston Logan International Airport is more than just a place to catch a flight. It’s a well-designed space that prioritizes efficiency, comfort, and technology, ensuring that every aspect of the traveler’s experience is optimized. Whether you’re a business traveler looking for connectivity and quiet spaces or a family seeking convenience, JetBlue’s terminal delivers on all fronts.
From dining and shopping to relaxation areas and sustainability efforts, Terminal C stands out as a modern airport terminal that truly caters to the needs of the smart traveler. So next time you’re flying through Boston, take the time to explore and enjoy everything this terminal has to offer.
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kdhome · 1 month
Discover the Ultimate Snack Experience: Snack Chopsticks for Every Occasion
Snack chopsticks are more than just a trendy utensil; they are revolutionizing the way we enjoy our favorite snacks. In a world where convenience and style are equally important, snack chopsticks offer a unique blend of functionality and elegance. This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about snack chopsticks, from their benefits to creative ways to use them.
What Are Snack Chopsticks?
Snack chopsticks are specially designed utensils intended for snacking. Unlike traditional chopsticks, which are primarily used for eating meals like sushi or noodles, snack chopsticks are crafted to handle a variety of snack foods with ease. They often come with unique features such as more comprehensive tips or ergonomic designs to make snacking more enjoyable and less messy.
Snack chopsticks have gained popularity for enhancing the snacking experience. They allow you to enjoy a range of snacks—from popcorn to pretzels—without getting your fingers greasy. This makes them a perfect choice for parties, casual gatherings, or even a quiet night in.
Why Choose Snack Chopsticks?
Snack chopsticks offer several advantages over traditional snacking methods:
Hygiene: By using snack chopsticks, you avoid direct contact with your snacks, which helps maintain cleanliness and hygiene. This is especially useful when sharing snacks with others.
Convenience: The design of snack chopsticks often includes features that make them easier to use for snacking compared to regular chopsticks or utensils. They can be more comfortable and less cumbersome.
Style: Snack chopsticks come in various designs and materials, making them a stylish addition to any snack setting. Whether you prefer sleek metal or colorful plastic, there is a set of snack chopsticks to match your taste.
Versatility: While traditional chopsticks are best suited for certain types of food, snack chopsticks are designed to handle a broader range of snacks. From small items like nuts to larger snacks like chips, these chopsticks are versatile tools for any snacker.
How to Choose the Best Snack Chopsticks
Selecting the proper snack chopsticks can enhance your snacking experience. Here are some factors to consider when choosing your ideal pair:
Material: Snack chopsticks are available in various materials, including wood, bamboo, metal, and plastic. Each material offers different benefits:
Wood/Bamboo: Provides a natural feel and is gentle on your hands. It's also eco-friendly.
Metal: Offers durability and a sleek look, making it a good choice for modern settings.
Plastic: Affordable and available in numerous colors and designs, ideal for casual use.
Design: Look for snack chopsticks with ergonomic designs that fit comfortably in your hand. Some may feature non-slip grips or more comprehensive tips to help you handle snacks more efficiently.
Length: The length of snack chopsticks can affect their usability. Longer chopsticks may be better for reaching into snack bowls, while shorter ones are easier to maneuver for smaller snacks.
Ease of Cleaning: Consider how easy it is to clean the snack chopsticks. Some materials, like plastic and metal, are dishwasher-safe, while others may require hand washing.
Creative Ways to Use Snack Chopsticks
Snack chopsticks can be used in a variety of innovative ways. Here are some fun and practical ideas to make the most of your chopsticks:
For Parties: Serve snacks like popcorn, pretzels, and chips with snack chopsticks to add a touch of sophistication to your gathering. Guests will appreciate the stylish and hygienic option.
For Kids: Encourage children to use snack chopsticks to develop their fine motor skills. They can enjoy snacks like fruit pieces or mini sandwiches in a fun and engaging way.
For On-the-Go: Keep a pair of snack chopsticks in your bag for convenient snacking while traveling. They are lightweight and compact, making them perfect for road trips or flights.
For Healthy Snacking: Use snack chopsticks to control portion sizes and avoid overeating. By carefully picking up snacks, you can enjoy them more mindfully.
The Evolution of Snack Chopsticks
The concept of snack chopsticks has evolved significantly over time. Initially, chopsticks were used primarily for eating traditional Asian dishes. However, as global snacking trends grew, so did the innovation in chopstick design. Modern snack chopsticks are now crafted to cater to a wide range of snacks and are available in various styles and materials.
This evolution reflects a growing trend towards enhancing everyday experiences with stylish and functional tools. Snack chopsticks are a testament to this trend, combining practicality with a touch of elegance.
Care and Maintenance of Snack Chopsticks
To ensure the longevity of your snack chopsticks, proper care and maintenance are essential. Here are some tips to keep your chopsticks in top condition:
Cleaning: Clean snack chopsticks after each use to prevent residue build-up. Wooden and bamboo chopsticks should be hand-washed and dried immediately to prevent warping or cracking. Metal and plastic chopsticks can typically be cleaned in the dishwasher.
Storage: Store snack chopsticks in a dry place to avoid moisture damage. For wooden or bamboo chopsticks, consider using a chopstick holder to keep them clean and protected.
Inspection: Regularly inspect your snack chopsticks for signs of wear and tear. Replace them if they become damaged to maintain a hygienic snacking experience.
Where to Buy Snack Chopsticks
Snack chopsticks are available from various retailers, both online and in-store. Here are some tips for finding the best options:
Specialty Stores: Check out specialty kitchenware stores or Asian markets for high-quality snack chopsticks. These stores often have a wide range of designs and materials to choose from.
Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon or kitchenware-specific online shops offer a vast selection of snack chopsticks. Be sure to read reviews and check ratings to find the best options.
Local Markets: Explore local markets or craft fairs for unique and handcrafted snack chopsticks. These can offer a more personalized touch and support local artisans.
Incorporating snack chopsticks into your snacking routine can transform your eating experience, making it more enjoyable and sophisticated. Whether you're hosting a party, enjoying a quiet evening, or traveling, snack chopsticks offer a stylish and practical solution for all your snacking needs. Embrace the versatility and elegance of snack chopsticks and elevate your snacking game today!
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Tteok-rikás (Rice Cake Paprikash)
crimes against food, innovations of food....s'all the same right?
apologies about the measurements/notes on this one. this is a recipe i cook using augury to tell me how much I need.
onion (...I think I used a whole onion? idk, i get huge bags of them, preslice them and then freeze them for later)
1 tbsp garlic (very optional, i'm probably gonna stop using it in my own, but for those who are garlic fiends, it still goes fine)
protein of choice (i used beef in this iteration, going against every fiber of morality in my body, but in my defense my chicken was still frozen)
1 tbsp neutral oil ...or partisan oil...or crude oil if that's your taste [revs engine]
paprika; if you broke like me 1/2 a 8 oz. bottle minimum of whatever you got. if you bougie and wanna really spice it up, splurge for real hungarian paprika. wanna make sure it's real? Anything you can’t pronounce/is in its native hungarian/comes in a tube like a prescription ointment will Fuck Severely - a quote from my partner
1/2 cup-ish of rice cakes (my pan is small, couldn't fit more :sadface with sunglass emoji: )
1-3 cups liquid broth/stock; i had chicken stock, but whatever you've got on hand. paprikash is traditionally made with just water but....[looks around] yeah...this is not a place tradition often treads
1 pinch oregano; idk, i just felt like it
1 pinch cayenne; for just a lil kick
seasoned salt as necessary
also, keep 1 or 2 extra bowls on hand to rotate stuff to. this is 'technically' a one pan dish, but i pull stuff out and add it all back together at the end to make my life easier.
protein time in your cooking vessel of choice, you can either raw dog it since it'll soak up flavor later, or season now to make the deglaze that much tastier. i usually season with the seasoned salt, oregano, and cayenne at this stage
once cooked to appropriate level remove meat, set aside in bowl 1
add neutral oil, add onions, add garlic. turn heat to low-medium, lid, and caramelize...if you want. otherwise just wait til onions are tender. i just go sit and watch a ten minute youtube vid during this most of the time
add liquid stock, 1/2 cup at a time. will deglaze the onions/garlic first, then add enough that the caramelized mash is just covered by broth/stock.
paprika time [insert patrick batement 'he bought? dump it' gif here]
let simmer 2-5~ minutes
add more stock if a lot of liquid has simmered off. add rice cakes. i get the dehydrated kind, so they need time to soak up the liquids, but in exchange they thicken the sauce super nice with the rice glueten, which means I don't have to add any other thickeners. diversity win!
add meat back in when rice cakes are soft and cooked through. stir to incorporate, and bask in the multicultural mess you've just made
ideas for next time: alternate proteins (fish cake? more like tteokboki? fish balls?), separate out onions and use butter to deglaze before making a roux base for the sauce? (mixing glutens? ehhh)
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daysfan01 · 3 months
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nikkiserenity · 3 months
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Handicraft in Nepal Showing Thousands of Years of Rich Tradition
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Nepal is a beautiful Himalayan nation with centuries-old traditions and a rich heritage. The social structure deeply influences handicrafts in Nepal, and they play a crucial role in the lives of Nepalese while reflecting their rich tradition. At present, handicrafts in Nepal are highly popular for their traditional design, authenticity, and gorgeous look. One can find from intricately craved woodwork to vibrant textiles that reflect the thousand years of cultural depth.
Here are some of the best handicraft products in Nepal.
Hemp Product
The hemp plant is similar to cannabis, and therefore, the production of hemp is limited by the government. However, its fabric is used to make specialized clothes and ropes that last long. Due to the outstanding texture, this is being used for manufacturing bags, backpacks, side bags, and even ropes. Since these products are made with pure hemp yarns being produced in the Himalayan region, people prefer to purchase them as keepsakes, gift items, and even home décor.
Wooden Product
Wood carvings in Nepal bear thousands of years of legacy and craftsmanship. Wooden products like painted boxes, carved wall bells, miniature wooden temples, carved photo frames, carved windows, wooden decorative masks, and many more are available, which showcase the beauty, creativity, and thousands of years of craftsmanship. The wooden carving wall hangings are highly popular not only in neighboring countries but also in the Western world.
Singing Bowls
Nepal singing bowls are popular for their spiritual significance as they produce a "hum" sound when struck by a mallet. Though it originated in Tibet, it is nurtured in Nepal and become part of the tradition. This bowl is made with specialized metals that help to reduce stress, cleansing the chakra while increasing blood flow in the body. Most of the time, these bowls are used in yoga classes, meditation, and mental therapy to make peaceful activities important.
 Glass Smoking Pipes
Glass smoking pipes are some of the most popular Nepali handicraft products, and they are attractive, stylish, and handmade. Infusing creativity while combining with various color patterns, artists make them with the utmost creativity that remains unspoiled for years to come. These are the showpieces of talent, creativity, and design innovation.
Jewelry Product
Jewelry products are an integral part of the Nepalese culture. Each jewelry product carries thousands of years of culture, history, and traditions. So, having these jewelry pieces would let you know more about Nepal.
Nepalese rich tradition and artistry reflect on every piece of handicraft in Nepal. Nepal Handicraft Product Exporter is the prime online store that offers different types of Nepal handicrafts at a pocket-friendly budget. Visit this site to know more!
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mishry · 3 months
12 Innovative Ways to Enjoy Muesli
Muesli, a versatile and nutritious breakfast option, has come a long way since its invention by Swiss physician Maximilian Bircher-Brenner in the early 1900s. This wholesome mix of rolled oats, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds is not only delicious but also packed with health benefits. Whether you're looking to boost your fiber intake, enjoy a heart-healthy meal, or simply want a tasty breakfast, muesli is the perfect choice. But why stick to the same old routine? Let's explore 12 innovative ways to enjoy muesli that will make your taste buds dance with joy.
Classic Muesli with Milk or Yogurt The simplest way to enjoy muesli is by mixing it with milk or yogurt. This traditional breakfast option is quick, easy, and delicious. You can also add fresh fruits like bananas, berries, or apples to enhance the flavor and nutritional value.
Adding Fresh Fruits For an extra burst of flavor, try adding fresh fruits to your muesli. Berries, bananas, and apples work particularly well, providing a natural sweetness and additional nutrients.
Overnight Muesli Overnight muesli, also known as overnight oats, is a convenient and delicious way to enjoy this breakfast staple. Simply mix muesli with your choice of milk or yogurt, add some sweetener like honey or maple syrup, and let it sit in the fridge overnight.
Preparing Muesli the Night Before By preparing your muesli the night before, you save time in the morning and allow the flavors to meld together beautifully. This also results in a creamier texture that many people find appealing.
Flavor Combinations to Try Experiment with different flavor combinations like adding cinnamon and apples for a warm, comforting taste, or mixing in some cocoa powder and banana slices for a chocolatey treat.
Muesli Smoothies Smoothies are a fantastic way to start your day, and adding muesli to them boosts their nutritional content. Blend your favorite fruits, a handful of muesli, and some milk or yogurt for a satisfying and filling drink.
Best Fruits and Liquids for Smoothies Try blending muesli with bananas, berries, and a splash of almond milk for a delicious and nutritious smoothie. You can also add a spoonful of nut butter for extra protein and creaminess.
Baked Muesli Bars Homemade muesli bars are perfect for an on-the-go snack or a quick breakfast. They're easy to make and can be customized with your favorite ingredients.
Making Homemade Muesli Bars Combine muesli with honey, peanut butter, and a bit of coconut oil. Press the mixture into a baking dish, refrigerate until firm, and cut into bars.
Perfect On-the-Go Snack These bars are ideal for busy mornings or as a snack to keep you energized throughout the day. Pack them in your bag for a convenient and healthy option.
Muesli Pancakes Upgrade your pancake game by adding muesli to the batter. This not only adds texture but also boosts the nutritional value of your pancakes.
Adding Muesli to Pancake Batter Simply mix a handful of muesli into your pancake batter before cooking. This adds a delightful crunch and a hint of sweetness from the dried fruits.
Topping Ideas for Muesli Pancakes Top your muesli pancakes with fresh fruits, a dollop of yogurt, and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup for a breakfast that feels like a treat.
Muesli Parfaits Layering muesli with yogurt and fruits creates a visually appealing and delicious parfait. This is a great way to enjoy muesli as a snack or dessert.
Layering Muesli with Yogurt and Fruits Start with a layer of yogurt, add a layer of muesli, and then a layer of fresh fruits. Repeat the layers until you reach the top of your glass or bowl.
Creative Parfait Combinations Get creative with your parfaits by using different types of yogurt (Greek, coconut, almond) and various fruits like mango, kiwi, or berries. Add a sprinkle of nuts or seeds for extra crunch.
Muesli Cookies Baking cookies with muesli is a fun and healthy way to enjoy this versatile ingredient. These cookies are perfect for a nutritious snack or a sweet treat.
Baking Cookies with Muesli Combine muesli with your favorite cookie dough recipe. The oats, nuts, and dried fruits add texture and flavor, making these cookies both delicious and nutritious.
Healthy Cookie Recipes Opt for recipes that use whole wheat flour, natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, and add-ins like dark chocolate chips or dried cranberries for a healthier cookie option.
Muesli in Salads Using muesli as a salad topper adds a crunchy texture and a hint of sweetness, making your salads more exciting and flavorful.
Using Muesli as a Salad Topper Sprinkle a handful of muesli over your salad just before serving. This works particularly well with green salads, grain bowls, and even fruit salads.
Best Salad Ingredients to Pair with Muesli Combine muesli with leafy greens, roasted vegetables, quinoa, or couscous. Add some crumbled feta cheese and a light vinaigrette for a balanced and tasty meal.
Muesli Hot Cereal Cooking muesli as a warm breakfast cereal is a comforting way to start your day, especially during the colder months.
Cooking Muesli as a Warm Breakfast Simmer muesli with milk or water on the stove until it reaches your desired consistency. You can also add spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for extra flavor.
Flavor Enhancements for Hot Muesli Top your hot muesli with fresh fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup. For a savory twist, try adding a pinch of salt and some grated cheese.
Muesli Ice Cream Topping For a delightful dessert, sprinkle muesli over your favorite ice cream. This adds a crunchy texture and an extra layer of flavor.
Sprinkling Muesli on Ice Cream Simply sprinkle a handful of muesli over a scoop of ice cream. The combination of creamy and crunchy textures is irresistible.
Pairing Muesli with Different Ice Cream Flavors Muesli pairs well with a variety of ice cream flavors, from classic vanilla and chocolate to fruity options like strawberry or mango. Experiment to find your favorite combination.
Muesli Trail Mix Creating a trail mix with muesli, nuts, and dried fruits is perfect for hiking or a quick snack during the day.
Combining Muesli with Nuts and Dried Fruits Mix muesli with almonds, walnuts, dried cranberries, and raisins. Add some dark chocolate chips for a touch of sweetness.
Read More: 12 Innovative Ways to Enjoy Muesli
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How On-the-go Breakfast Products Are Helping Busy People Start Their Day
The Rise of On-the-go Breakfast Products Industry Changing Convenience Needs Our fast-paced lives mean we often don't have time for a sit-down breakfast at home or at a café. As commutes get longer and schedules get busier, consumers are increasingly demanding breakfast products that can easily be eaten on the go. Breakfast bars, breakfast sandwiches, breakfast wraps, breakfast biscuits and granola or cereal bites have become popular choices for a portable breakfast that can be enjoyed in just a few minutes between other morning activities and tasks. According to market research, nearly 60% of U.S. consumers eat breakfast daily, whether at home or on the go. However, the percentage of people eating breakfast away from home has increased significantly in the last decade. This trend towards breakfast convenience reflects the time constraints of modern life. For many people, the morning rush just doesn't allow time for a traditional sit-down breakfast even if they want one. Portable breakfast options have emerged to fill this need for a quick meal that can be prepared and eaten in under 10 minutes. Rise of Breakfast Manufacturers Major food manufacturers have taken note of this rising demand for portable breakfasts and have scrambled to offer innovative new products designed for convenience. Cereal giants like Kellogg's and General Mills now feature extensive product lines designed for on-the-go eating, such as breakfast biscuits, handheld cereal or granola bars, and breakfast shakes or smoothies sold in single-serve bottles or cartons. Large fast food chains like McDonald's also recognize the profits to be made from breakfast and have expanded their morning menus to include items that can be easily consumed outside traditional breakfast locations. Sandwiches, McGriddles, breakfast burritos and burritos, and coffee drinks have helped drive more breakfast traffic to these established chains. Specialty breakfast brands have also gained popularity catering specifically to on-the-go breakfast products. Companies like Atkins Nutritionals sell low-carb snack bars designed for breakfast when dieting. Protein bar companies like Kind and RXBAR position their products as breakfast alternatives high in filling protein and fiber. Coffee shops like Starbucks blend items formerly found only at bakeries into portable breakfast combinations, such as breakfast sandwiches, parfaits, and bakery items sold individually or in combo packs. New Product Innovation Innovative new product development continues as manufacturers race to capture this growing market segment. Breakfast biscuits now come pre-wrapped individually for simplicity. Cereals are miniaturized into bite-sized shapes or contained in resealable single-serve pouches. Granola has gone from a traditional bowl cereal to portable single-serve bags or bars. Refrigerated and frozen breakfast sandwiches, burritos and wraps aim to give home-cooked quality in just a few minutes of prep or microwaving. Some products even incorporate protein or fiber supplements for extra nutrition. Coffee itself has become a crucial component of many on-the-go breakfasts. Integrating coffee drinks right into portable breakfast combos has driven morning sales for many brands. Coffee bars, breakfast bakeries and grocery stores now sell an array of combination meals pairing hot or cold coffee beverages with a breakfast sandwich, pastry or breakfast bar. With caffeine and sugar providing that crucial morning energy boost, coffee has become inextricably linked with portable convenience breakfasts.
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priyanshisingh · 4 months
Food Service Disposables Market Projections: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast (2023-2032)
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The global demand for Food Service Disposables was valued at USD 57,135.50 Million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 90,167.014 Million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.20% between 2024 and 2032.
The food service disposables market encompasses the production, distribution, and utilization of single-use products used by the food service industry. These include items such as plates, cups, cutlery, napkins, straws, containers, and packaging materials made from paper, plastic, aluminum, and biodegradable or compostable materials. The market is driven by the increasing demand for convenient and hygienic food packaging solutions, particularly in the fast food, catering, and takeout sectors. Environmental concerns and regulatory pressures are leading to a shift towards eco-friendly and sustainable disposables. Innovations in material science and packaging design are also shaping the market, as businesses seek to improve functionality, reduce environmental impact, and meet consumer preferences for sustainable options. The growth of the food delivery and online ordering sectors further propels the demand for food service disposables.
Types of Products:
Plates and Bowls: Made from paper, plastic, and biodegradable materials.
Cups and Lids: Including coffee cups, cold drink cups, and their respective lids.
Cutlery: Forks, knives, spoons made from plastic, wood, and compostable materials.
Napkins and Straws: Single-use napkins and plastic or paper straws.
Containers and Trays: Takeout boxes, clamshell containers, and serving trays.
Packaging Materials: Wrappers, bags, and liners for various food items.
Materials Used:
Paper and Cardboard: Often used for plates, cups, and containers.
Plastics: Common in cutlery, cups, and lids; includes polystyrene and polypropylene.
Aluminum: Used in trays and some containers for heat resistance.
Biodegradable and Compostable Materials: Plant-based plastics, bagasse, and other eco-friendly alternatives.
Food service disposables refer to a wide range of single-use products used in the food and beverage industry to serve, package, and transport food and beverages. These items include disposable plates, cups, cutlery, napkins, containers, trays, and packaging materials made from various materials such as paper, plastic, foam, and biodegradable options. The primary purpose of food service disposables is to provide convenience, hygiene, and cost-effectiveness, particularly in settings such as restaurants, cafes, catering services, fast-food outlets, and events.
The use of food service disposables has become increasingly prevalent due to several factors. Firstly, they offer a high level of convenience for both businesses and consumers. For businesses, disposables reduce the need for extensive dishwashing and cleaning, saving time and labor costs. For consumers, they provide an easy and sanitary way to enjoy food on the go, which is particularly important in fast-paced urban environments.
Hygiene is another critical aspect driving the use of disposables. Single-use items significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of germs, which is crucial in maintaining food safety standards. This has been especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, where hygiene concerns have led to a surge in demand for disposable food service products.
Cost-effectiveness is also a significant factor. Disposables can be cheaper in the short term compared to the cost of washing, maintaining, and replacing reusable items. This makes them an attractive option for businesses operating on tight margins or those with high customer turnover, such as fast-food restaurants and food trucks.
The market for food service disposables is diverse and includes a variety of products designed to meet different needs. For instance, there are specialized containers for hot and cold foods, insulated cups for beverages, and eco-friendly options made from biodegradable or compostable materials. The latter has gained popularity as environmental concerns have led to increased demand for sustainable alternatives to traditional plastic disposables.
Key Players-
Graphic Packaging International LLC
Sonoco Products Company
Sealed Air
WestRock Company
Berry Global Inc
Cascades inc.
Amcor plc
Airlite Plastics
Twin Rivers Paper Company
Seda Group, Inc.
Dart Container Corporation
Anchor Packaging Inc
Hoffmaster Group Inc
D&W Fine Pack
Menasha Packaging Company, LLC
Inteplast Group
Food Service Disposables Market Growth Opportunities-
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Products:
Increasing demand for biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable disposables.
Investment in research and development to create innovative eco-friendly materials.
Regulatory Compliance:
Opportunities to capitalize on government regulations banning single-use plastics by providing compliant alternatives.
Adoption of sustainable practices to meet stringent environmental standards.
Technological Advancements:
Development of advanced manufacturing processes to produce high-quality, durable, and sustainable disposables.
Use of automation and AI to improve production efficiency and reduce costs.
Customization and Branding:
Offering customizable and branded disposable products for businesses to enhance their marketing efforts.
Tailoring products to meet specific client needs, such as unique designs or functionality.
Expansion in Emerging Markets:
Growing urbanization and rising disposable incomes in regions like Asia-Pacific and Latin America driving demand for convenience foods and disposables.
Opportunities to establish a presence in rapidly developing markets with increasing food service activities.
Growth of Food Delivery and Takeout Services:
The surge in online food ordering and delivery services creating a higher demand for reliable and innovative packaging solutions.
Designing disposables that cater to the specific needs of delivery, such as heat retention and spill resistance.
Health and Safety Focus:
Increased emphasis on hygiene and safety in food service, particularly post-pandemic, boosting the use of single-use disposables.
Opportunities to develop products with antimicrobial properties or enhanced sanitary features.
Consumer Preferences:
Rising consumer preference for convenient, ready-to-eat meals and on-the-go food options.
Offering products that align with health-conscious and environmentally aware consumer trends.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/food-service-disposables-market
Food Service Disposables Market Trending Factors
Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness:
Increasing consumer and regulatory pressure to reduce plastic waste.
Growth in demand for biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable disposables made from materials like plant-based plastics, bagasse, and paper.
Government Regulations and Bans:
Implementation of bans on single-use plastics in various regions.
Stricter environmental regulations promoting the use of sustainable materials and practices.
Health and Hygiene Concerns:
Rising importance of hygiene and safety in food service, particularly post-COVID-19.
Preference for single-use items to prevent cross-contamination and ensure sanitation.
Technological Innovations:
Advances in material science leading to the development of new, more sustainable materials.
Innovations in product design for better functionality, durability, and aesthetics.
Growth of Online Food Delivery and Takeout:
Surge in demand for food delivery and takeout services driving the need for effective disposable packaging solutions.
Development of packaging that maintains food quality during transport.
Consumer Preferences for Convenience:
Increased consumer demand for convenient, ready-to-eat meals and on-the-go food options.
Preference for disposables that are easy to use and dispose of.
By Type of Disposables
Plates and Bowls
Cups and Lids
Cutlery (e.g., forks, knives, spoons)
Napkins and Tissues
Food Containers (e.g., clamshells, trays, boxes)
Straws and Stirrers
Wraps and Foils
Disposable Gloves
Others (e.g., placemats, table covers)
By Material Composition
Paper-based Disposables
Plastic-based Disposables
Foam-based Disposables
Biodegradable and Compostable Disposables
Aluminum-based Disposables
Sugarcane Bagasse-based Disposables
By Functionality
Disposable Tableware
Disposable Drinkware
Disposable Food Packaging
Disposable Serveware
Disposable Utensils
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/food-service-disposables-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/food-service-disposables-market-landscape-b0xlf
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Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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robertnelson2-blog · 5 months
The Crunchy Craze: Freeze-Dried Gummy Bears Take Snacking to a Whole New Level
In the ever-evolving landscape of snack innovation, a peculiar trend has emerged: Freeze dried gummy bears. What was once a chewy, gooey treat has now undergone a transformation that has left snack enthusiasts intrigued and eager to try this crunchy twist on a classic favorite.
Freeze-drying, a process that removes moisture from food while preserving its flavor and nutritional content, has long been utilized in the food industry. However, applying this technique to gummy bears might seem like an unconventional choice at first glance. Traditionally known for their chewy texture and vibrant colors, gummy bears have now taken on a whole new form, offering a satisfying crunch that defies expectations.
The process of freeze-drying gummy bears begins with the selection of high-quality ingredients. Once the gummy bears are made, they undergo a freeze-drying process where they are rapidly frozen and then subjected to low pressure, causing the water within them to sublimate directly from solid to gas without passing through the liquid phase. This results in a light, airy texture that retains the flavor of the original gummy bear but with a satisfying crunch.
One of the most appealing aspects of freeze-dried gummy bears is their extended shelf life. Unlike their traditional counterparts, which can become sticky and prone to melting in warm temperatures, freeze-dried gummy bears are more resilient and less likely to spoil. This makes them an ideal option for snacking on the go or for packing in lunchboxes without the worry of a sticky mess.
Moreover, freeze-dried gummy bears have garnered attention for their versatility. While they can certainly be enjoyed on their own as a snack, they also make a delightful addition to various culinary creations. From topping off yogurt bowls and ice cream sundaes to incorporating them into baked goods such as cookies and brownies, the possibilities are endless. Sweet treat freeze dried candy
In addition to their unique texture and versatility, freeze-dried gummy bears also offer a novel sensory experience. The crunchiness provides a satisfying contrast to the familiar sweetness of gummy bears, creating a sensory adventure for the taste buds.
As consumers continue to seek out innovative and exciting snack options, freeze-dried gummy bears have carved out a niche in the market, appealing to both children and adults alike. Whether enjoyed as a standalone snack or incorporated into creative culinary endeavors, these crunchy delights are sure to leave a lasting impression. So, the next time you're in the mood for a snack that breaks the mold, consider reaching for a bag of freeze-dried gummy bears and embark on a crunchy culinary adventure.
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