#Boxy Dee
da-ill-spot · 1 year
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June 24 | Radiotron 40th Anniversary | Levitt Pavillion | Los Angeles | FREE | All Ages
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weirdmarioenemies · 8 months
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Name: Boxy
Debut: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Ever heard of "box"? "Box" is a container that we can put various things in. In our world, they do not bite us. Thank goodness! Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, however, decided to ask the terrifying question... what if a box COULD bite us...?
I am glad they asked this question, because Boxy is such a wacky creature! A living present, which grants the rare and beloved Magic ability. Presents and magic aren't THAT closely associated, but it still fits very well, I think. A pretty box containing something mysterious, given to You, for free? That is magical!
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While not the most STRIKING part of the design, the most FASCINATING part of Boxy's anatomy is its tail. Or should I say its stem? If I had to give a present creature a tail, I would probably make that tail a ribbon, maybe a string ending in a little balloon, but this is an unmistakable PLANT feature! Is Boxy some kind of fruit? A CARNIVOROUS fruit? Maybe it was grown into a cubic shape like those funny watermelons for aesthetic purposes, and is now seeking revenge? One of its attacks is to spit smaller presents. Could these be its seeds?
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Nope! That is not a plant embryo, that is a Waddle Dee! What a lovely present! Boxy's gifts contain all manner of things, which I guess ties into the Randomness aspect of the Magic ability. I hope one of the presents contains WAFFLEZ!!!1! lol
Maybe it's not a fruit, but Boxy still does seem to be a carnivorous plant, which is SUCH a delightful thing for a fangly cube to be. Maybe it uses its presents to tempt prey, like a real carnivorous plant's sweet-smelling nectar! Maybe that's the reason for the big ribbon on top, too! Or maybe she just wears it to be pretty. It's working!
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Whatever kind of creature Boxy is, it is one whose goofy face gives it a whole lot of character! Just look at its expressions after crashing into a wall. This thing is ridiculous! Boxy, I could watch you crash into a wall and injure yourself all day. That's a compliment!
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7-wonders · 2 years
The Mixup
Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x Reader
Summary: Matthew goes sticking his beak in places it shouldn't be, and finds what he believes to be some shocking news.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: This is a complete and utter crack fic, fight me about it. Based on this post I made. Matthew died right before the pandemic in this, bc it's my fic and I decide the rules :)
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As Dream of the Endless’s Official Raven™, Matthew had developed a special set of skills to help him complete the tasks that only he could successfully accomplish. One of these skills, and arguably the most useful one, was the ability to gather evidence from the smallest of clues. He was like the most diligent of spies, and he took his job extremely seriously; James Bond had nothing on him.
Part of being the greatest corvid detective a number of realms had ever seen meant that it was sometimes difficult to turn his investigation mode on and off. After all, he was expected to be at Dream’s beck and call at the moment that he was needed, which could come at any time or any place. What if there was another John Dee-type emergency and he wasn’t on his a-game? That wasn’t an experience that Matthew was willing to repeat, so he was always on the lookout for any potential situation that might require his expertise.
Today, he had just finished an errand tracking a couple of newer dreams as they learned how to walk through dreams. It had been pretty successful, and since he was already out and about, Matthew decided that he would go and drop in to say hi to you. This was solely out of the goodness of his heart and the desire to see a friend, and most definitely not because you kept your kitchen stocked with sour gummy worms and raspberries just for him.
When Matthew arrived at your home, though, swooping in through the window you kept cracked open just enough for a smarter-than-the-average raven to crawl through, you’re nowhere to be found. Not in your kitchen (which is the first place he checks, for obvious reasons), not in your living room, and not in your bedroom. That’s odd. Normally, you’re home at this time and on this day.
After grabbing a second, third, and fourth helping of some very delicious snacks, Matthew remembers that he hasn’t checked your bathroom yet. Though you’re probably not in there, it won’t hurt to check; maybe you’re taking a shower or something?
The lights are on in the bathroom, but as it is everywhere else, nobody’s home. Frustrating, because Matthew had his mind set on coming to say hi to you, and he hates not fully accomplishing his goals. Oh well, that’s just how things go sometimes. Matthew takes a perch on the counter, deciding that while he’s here, he should preen his feathers of the sugar crystals and raspberry juice that his snacking has left on him. When he turns his head to try and smooth a feather near his wing, he sees it.
Two small, boxy tests, each with two lines on them.
While it had been a few years since Matthew had been a human, he very much remembered the basics of a pregnancy test. And those? Pregnancy tests.
His surprised squawk sends him falling off the counter, and he has to furiously flap his wings in order to not land on the floor. When he gets his feathers under him, he takes a second look at the tests, just to make sure that his beady eyes don’t deceive him. They don’t, because he definitely sees two tests, with two dark lines on each of them. Positive.
As Matthew retreats to the Dreaming, he finds himself a little mad. He can’t believe that Dream’s managed to hide this from him! He really thought they were closer than that, or at the very least, that they had a good-enough working relationship where something as life-changing as a pregnancy would be shared as good news.
It really be your own boss sometimes.
Said boss is sitting on the steps leading up to his throne, surrounded by books and stray scraps of paper. It’s been one of his missions, as of late, to read up on popular literature that he missed during his captivity for ideas for new dreams and nightmares. When hearing about this, you had told Dream that if he was looking for nightmare inspiration, all he had to do was watch the news for an afternoon—something that he was less than amused by, even though you were being completely honest.
Matthew landed on the step next to Dream’s leg, affectionately nipping at the outside of his thigh until he looks down with one of his barely-there smiles. 
“How did our new dreams do?” he asks.
“They did good! Got lost a couple of times, which you expected, but after they got the hang of it, it was smooth-sailing from there.” 
Dream nods before going back to the paragraph he was reading, proud of his creations, though Matthew keeps watching him closely for any sign of…something. A glow, a happiness, something that expecting fathers hiding the news from their beloved ravens would carry. Matthew can’t let this stand, and so he attempts to bait Dream into telling him.
“I haven’t seen Y/n around lately,” Matthew begins.
“We have both had our own various tasks keeping us away from each other the past couple of days. I have felt her presence in the Dreaming each night, though, and she knows that she may call for me if she had need of me.”
Hmm, a painfully normal answer. Not what Matthew was hoping for. “Awesome! Yeah, awesome.”
“Matthew,” Dream calls impatiently.
“Why did you choose this topic of conversation?”
“Well, I just, y’know…stopped in to say hi earlier. She wasn’t home, but.” Matthew’s not a good talker, and he needs to just rip the bandage off. “When were you gonna tell your old pal Matthew that you two were expecting?”
Dream looks at Matthew again. “Expecting?”
A moment. “Expecting what?”
“Uh, a baby?” Matthew wants to add “duh” under his breath, but he restrains himself.
Dream’s fingers, which had been slowly and methodically tapping on the book he was reading, froze. No, that was wrong. Dream, in his entirety, froze. Literally, it was like someone had hit ‘pause’ on a remote. Though Dream didn’t need to, when in his human form, he found himself in the habit of doing human functions like blinking and breathing. Seeing them stop so suddenly is extremely jarring for Matthew, and he’s a little worried that he’s going to have to try and rouse the King of All Night’s Dreaming from a stupor by throwing water on him or something.
Thankfully, he doesn’t have to when Dream asks, slowly and as though the air has been punched out of him, “A baby?” Matthew was hoping he’d get more than just a repetition of his own words, but he’ll take it.
“I mean, if the positive pregnancy tests were anything to go by, then yes.” Matthew now feels like the biggest jerk in the world. He had thought that Dream was keeping a secret from him, not that you were keeping a secret from Dream! “I’m sorry, I thought you already knew.”
“No, I knew of no such…development.” 
Uh oh.
“Oh! Well, then I guess she just found out! Heh. Congratulations?” Matthew’s working desperately to try and spin this, even as Dream stands up so unsteadily that Matthew worries he might pass out. “Maybe she’s figuring out a fun way to tell you the news.”
Dream nods, but his mind is already in the Waking as he tries to digest what he’s just been told. “Matthew, please inform Lucienne that I will be in the Waking.”
“I can do that! Do you know how long you’re gonna be there, or–” Matthew’s cut off by Dream disappearing in a swirl of sand. When it’s just him in the throne room, a frantic Dream Lord long since gone, Matthew sighs. “Shit.”
The lights in your bedroom are off in order to combat the pressure in your head, the only source of light coming from the random show that you’ve seen fifty times, turned on so that you can have some sort of background noise. You’re only half paying attention as you scroll through your phone, having just woken from a nap and trying to fully wake up so that you can drag yourself to a shower before you try to go to bed.
You’d like to say that this is why you throw your phone in fright when Morpheus suddenly appears in your bedroom, but the reality is that you’d have been just as caught off-guard if you were completely aware and knew that he was coming.
“Hi!” you greet with a smile, pushing yourself to sit up in bed. “What are you doing here?”
He looks off when he makes eye contact with you, but you can’t tell if he’s actually distressed or if it’s just his normal brand of weirdness. When he runs a hand through his hair, that’s when you realize that he’s actually distressed. Morpheus almost never does any sort of human mannerisms, especially something as visibly anxious as mussing up his own hair.
Finally, he remembers to answer your question. When he does, though, you’re absolutely not expecting him to say, “Why did you not tell me that you are with child?”
Morpheus takes a seat next to you on your bed and grabs your hands in his. You just hope he doesn’t realize how clammy they are. “If you were…scared of how I would react, then I must sincerely apologize. Though we have never discussed this topic, you must know that I would be happy and support you in whatever you decide.”
“I mean, that’s great and all, but…” you squeeze his hands, which are as cold as they usually are. “Morpheus, I’m not pregnant.”
He blinks. “You’re not?”
You shake your head slowly, wary of the double vision you’ve been experiencing when you move too fast. “No. One-hundred-percent not pregnant, sorry to disappoint.”
“Oh.” The relief on his face is so palpable that it almost makes you laugh.
“How did you come to the conclusion that I was?”
“When Matthew came by earlier to visit you, he saw what he said were…” he thinks for a moment, “‘pregnancy tests’ on your counter.”
You huff. “Matthew needs to mind his own business. They were covid tests, and that’s probably why I wasn’t here when he was. I scheduled a pickup order at the pharmacy so that I could get meds and other ‘sick person’ stuff before I got too sick.”
“Coronavirus. It’s the pandemic, people have definitely dreamt of it before.” His gaze goes foggy for a moment, and you can tell that he’s drawing on the knowledge of the Dreaming in order to learn everything about covid in the span of a second. When he comes back to you, he nods.
“Yes, they have.” Then, he gets panicked again. “You are ill, then?”
“Unfortunately. It’ll be okay, though. Just have to rest and hydrate for a few days.” You cough, your body deciding to punctuate your point about being sick and needing rest.
“Is there anything that I may do to help you in your recovery?”
“Yeah, you can call your little sidekick so I can yell at him for going through my stuff.” You won’t actually yell at him, because you’re not actually mad. Still, it’ll be funny to see how he reacts to the knowledge, and you can’t miss out on getting to be the one to tell him how wrong he is.
Morpheus holds his coat open to reveal the starry lining within. Through some link that you haven’t quite been able to figure out yet, Matthew flies out of the galaxies and into your room seconds later. He settles himself on your nightstand, looking about as visibly awkward as a raven can.
“Hey, there’s the happy couple!” When you both do nothing but stare at him, he clears his throat. “Congratulations?”
“I’m not pregnant, dumbass,” you say.
“What?” Matthew exclaims. “But I saw the tests!”
“First of all, don’t snoop through my stuff. Second of all, how the hell did you mistake a covid test for a pregnancy test? It literally said what it was on the test.”
“First of all, I was looking for you and, when you weren’t here, I was trying to make sure you weren’t in any danger. It’s what being a good raven is all about,” he retorts. “Second of all, maybe it’s because I don’t know what those are!”
“A covid test?” He bobs his head up and down in a nod. Just as you’re about to use the new roast material you think you’ve just acquired, you pause and think. “Wait, when did you die?”
“Uh, February of 2020?” 
Suddenly, it all made sense. Matthew didn’t know what a covid test was, because when he died, covid was neither widespread nor a public health emergency. Hell, in February of 2020, at-home tests wouldn’t even be available for another half of a year.
“You get a pass this time for your lack of knowledge,” you say before pointing at him. “But don’t go through my stuff anymore. Just…wait around next time! Enjoy some snacks!”
“Oh don’t worry, I still enjoyed plenty of snacks before looking through your stuff.” Matthew looks back at Morpheus. “Can I go, or am I still needed here?”
Morpheus sighs and holds his coat open again, still trying to wrap his head around the conversation he just witnessed. “You may return to the Dreaming, Matthew.”
“Sweet, thanks!” He flies up into the air, and right before he disappears back home, he calls out, “Make sure you use precaution!”
You’d throw a pillow at that damn nosy bird, but you don’t want to hit poor, confused Morpheus with it.
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freesia-writes · 2 years
Has anyone found interviews or anything with either Dee Bradley Baker or the animators of TCW or TBB where they talk about how they make the subtle differences in the clones, in their looks and voice? Like obviously the hair and tattoos and everything is distinguishing, but I swear their faces are slightly different too — Gregor has slightly sharper features, Howzer has bigger eyes, Cody is a lil more boxy, etc. Maybe it’s just the hair that makes them look that way? But the reg’s voices sound slightly different too?!
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facesbehindglass · 10 months
Casual doll collector. I barely know what I'm doing.
I want to collect at least 1 of each fashion doll brand. Especially early 2000's ones. There's plenty so I don't count knockoffs (unless they're really interesting....)
If you ever look for info like
-do X doll clothes fit Y doll
-doll id (try google lens first tho!)
-size comparisons
then feel free to poke me after checking the list below (cause you'll know what dolls I got)
If there are any dolls you find interesting and aren't on the list, share, I wanna see :3
(Also, personal posts are tagged as #rustyspots)
✓ Owned
🔜Will arrive soon
👁️‍🗨️ Have my eyes on them
Arabian Friends
Art Squad
✓ Barbie (My First, Extra Mini, Extra Mini Mini)
Barbie Dream Besties
✓ The Beatrix Girls
👁️‍🗨️Beauty Cuties
✓ BeKind Dolls
Be Fashion Academy
✓ Boxy Girls
✓ BFF Crybabies
✓ Bratz (but the tall ones lol)
✓ Bratzillaz
👁️‍🗨️Bratz Kidz
👁️‍🗨️ Bright Fairy Friends
👁️‍🗨️ Candyloks
Catwalk Kitties
✓ Cave Club
Coleção Camilinhas
✓ Creatable World
Crush: Urban Energy
✓ Cutie Pops
✓ Cyborg Rocks
👁️‍🗨️DC Super Hero Girls
✓ Decora Girlz
Defa Lucy
✓ Disney Descendants (Hasbro)
Disney Descendants (Mattel)
🔜Disney ily 4EVER
✓ Diva Starz
✓ Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini
✓ Dream Seekers
✓ Enchantimals
👁️‍🗨️Ever After High
✓ FailFix
Fairy Tale High
✓ Famosa Club Hello Kitty
✓ Fidgie Friends
✓ Flavas
✓ Freckles & Friends
✓ The Fresh Dolls
✓ Fulla
👁️‍🗨️ Glossy Bossy
👁️‍🗨️ Glo-Up girls
✓ Gorjuss
Gorgeous Creatures
Groovy Catz
✓ Hairdorables
✓ Hairdorables Hairmazing
👁️‍🗨️ Hello Kitty and Friends
✓ Hi Glamm
iBesties (?)
Juku Couture
Just Grrls
👁️‍🗨️Kawaii Crush
👁️‍🗨️ Kindi Kids
👁️‍🗨️ Kurhn
👁️‍🗨️ Kuu Kuu Harajuku
✓ Lalaloopsy
✓ Lammily
✓ La Dee Da
✓ Licca
👁️‍🗨️Little Bebops
✓ Locksies
Lollipop Girls
✓ LOL OMG Fierce
✓ LOL Tweens
✓ Lottie
👁️‍🗨️LPS Blythe
✓ Magic Mixies Pixlings
✓ Mermaid High
✓ Mermaze Mermaidz
👁️‍🗨️Mia by Hello Kitty
Miss Scouby
✓ Monster High Frightfully Tall
✓ Monster High G1
✓ Monster High G2
✓ Monster High G3
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Girls
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Teenz
👁️‍🗨️Myscene (any...)
✓ Myscene Fab Faces
✓ My Little Pony Equestria Girls
✓ Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens
Naija Princess
✓ Nebulous Stars
✓ Novi Stars
✓ Once Upon A Zombie
Passport Friends
Peppermint Rose
✓ Pinkie Cooper
✓ Piny Doll (PinyPon)
Pixie Doodles
✓ Power Puff Girls Z
Precure Bandai (?)
👁️‍🗨️Prettie Girls Tween Scene
✓ Project Mc²
✓ Queens of Africa
Rainbow Brite
✓ Rainbow High
✓ Rainbow High Junior
✓ Rainbow High My Runway Friend
✓ Regal Academy
Rose Petal Place
Secret Jouju
✓ Shadow High
✓ Shibajuku Girls
👁️‍🗨️Shopkins Shoppies
✓ Sindy (Hasbro)
👁️‍🗨️Sindy (Pedigree)
✓ Snapstars
✓ Star Darlings
✓ Steffi Love
👁️‍🗨️Strawberry Shortcake
Style Bae
Sunny Day (?)
✓ Sweetyz
✓ Tattoo Divas
Twilight Teens
🔜Unicorn Academy
👁️‍🗨️Unique Eyes
Vibe Girls
✓ VIP Hair Academy
Vi and Va
✓ We Teens
✓ What's Her Face
Wild Childz (?)
✓ Wild Hearts Crew
✓ WWE Superstars Wrestling
Yue Sai Wa Wa
Zeenie Dollz
Zodiac Girlz
👁️‍🗨️Zombie Girls
Side quest- Mini dolls? Chibi or kid-shaped
👁️‍🗨️Best Furry Friends
👁️‍🗨️Lady Lovely Locks
✓ Sparkle Girlz Little Sparkles
Dolls (or their remains) that are pretty much impossible to get but one can hope ;w;
-Country Kuttiez
-Trashion Alley
"Duplicates" I want anyway cause they're my grails:
-target exclusive Pinkie Pie EG
-failfix, the blondie one cuz shes smoler than the rest
-Novi Stars Doe A Deer
-Monster High Isi Dawndancer
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Preliminary Round Results Part 2!
Part one here :3
Wave 4 is complete! Reminder that the winners will be in orange and bolded! ^-^
Plugg vs. Boxy
Broom Hatter vs. Dizzy
King Doo vs. Waddle Dees
Bohboh vs. Papi
Kawasaki [Anime ver.] vs. Noddy
Awoofy vs. Bernard
Congrats to the Wave 4 winners! :D
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Taking advantage of this Pinkie Cooper Renaissance, I decided to put my contribution to the community. Some people are recently getting her for the first time, and she is usually naked(and without ears, but I'll cover that another time) So... What fits Pinkie Cooper? Turns out, a lot of things, some which are readily available (or at least easier to find than her actual clothes.
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1. Dresses La dee da. She looks decent at the front, but it doesn't close at the back. It's a very small section, I could probably close it with a velcro extension. Totally Minnie. Perfect fit. Snapstars. Perfect fit. The shirt is a liiiitle baggy in the chest area, but is not really noticeable. Shoes. Monster High Twyla, is a perfect fit. No idea. I assume they're barbie, but I got them in a bag of randoms. Equestria Girls. The legs fit perfectly and it adds some height.
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2. Dresses. All three are wearing diverse Monster High stuff, which is hit or miss. The Spectra dress fits perfectly other than the shoulder straps, the shirt doesn't close at the bottom, same with the red dress, which is also a bit baggy on the chest area. Shoes. Random Fakies meants for a Barbie. Monster High. Equestria Girls. ( I think)
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3. Dresses Cave Club. Perfect fit Bratz. I dont remember which ones. A bit baggy, but has no issues Boxy Girls. Perfect fit. Shoes Monster High Fakies. Hasbro Anna
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4. Dresses Hasbro Princess Comfy Squad. Okayish fit, a bit baggy. Fail fix. The first is a bit snug, second is a perfect fit. 
Not pictured. Kuu kuu Harajuku.
My absolute favorites are the Minnie and the Boxy Girls stuff. Snapstars is also cool, but hard to get here.
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woollenpharaohs · 1 year
Dee looks so hot in those wide denim pants and boxy t shirts like she's working it
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jaketrains · 2 years
Jake & Friends: Reboot Series: Season 25: Series 1 (2023)
Jake Heaston
Zane Heaston
Rick Heaston
Kim Heaston
Chris Kratt (PBS Kids and Amazon Prime Video)
Martin Kratt (PBS Kids and Amazon Prime Video)
Dr. Scott D. Sampson (PBS Kids and Amazon Prime Video)
Jimmy Z
Wild Kratts Kids (PBS Kids and Amazon Prime Video)
Zach Varmitech
Donita Donata
Chef Gourmand
Paisley Paver
Tuck and Ella
Al (Pup)
(Cat Pack)
Leo (Cat Pack)
(Rubble’s Construction Crew)
Grandpa Gravel
Auntie Crane
Mayor Goodway
Julia Goodway
Julius Goodway
Mayor Greatway
Mr. Ducky-Doo
Mr. Porter
Alex Porter
Cap’n Turbot
Francisco Turbot
Tilly Turbot
Dr. Tammy Turbot
Taylor Turbot
(Ruff Ruff Pack)
Mayor Humdinger
Kitten Catastrophe Crew
Harold Humdinger
Cheetah Humdinger
Helga Humdinger
Ace Sorensen
Tough Guy
Marty Muckraker
Adventure City Camerawoman
Butch and Ruben
Kendra Wilson
Sid Swashbuckler the Pirate
Gus the Truck Driver
Mother Mer-Pup
Baby Mer-Pup
Unnamed Mer-Pups
Shopkeeper Shelley
Farmer Zoe
Cafe Carl
Princess of Barkingburg
Earl of Barkingburg
Butler of Barkingburg Castle
Duke of Flappington
Sparks the Dragon
Speed Meister
Mr. McTurtle
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Timmy the T-Rex
Codi Gizmody
Park Ranger Rose
Camila (Rubble & Crew)
Mr. Hudson
Mandy (monkey)
Farmer Al
Ms. Marjorie
The Copycat (Mr. Nibbles)
Hailey Daily
Thomas the Tank Engine
Gordon the Big Engine
James the Red Engine
Percy the Small Engine
Emily the Emerald Engine
Devious Diesel
Nia the Kenya Engine
Kana the Electric Engine
Kenji the Electric Engine
Riff and Jiff
Harold the Helicopter
Skiff the Sailboat
Carly the Crane
Sandy the Rail Speeder
Ashima of India
Annie and Clarabel
Troublesome Trucks
Brake Car Bruno
Whiff the Recycle Engine
Darcy the Driller
Sir Topham Hatt
Fireman Sam (character)
Penny Morris
Elvis Cridlington
Arnold McKinley
Ellie Phillips
Jodie Phillips
Station Officer Steele/Fire Captain Steele
Tom Thomas
Ben Hopper
Malcolm Williams
Rose Ravani
Sarah and James
Bronwyn Jones
Charlie Jones
Charlie Jones
Gareth Griffiths
Mike Flood
Helen Flood
Mandy Flood
Trevor Evans
Dilys Price
Norman Price
Derek Price
Mrs. Chen
Lily Chen
Moose Roberts
Joe Sparkes
Lizzie Sparkes
Hannah Sparkes
Bella Lasagne
Professor Pickles
Scoop Dooley
Krystyna Kaminski
Peter Kaminski
Prince the Horse
Police Dog Shadow
Police Horse Kilo
Camila (Blue’s Clues & You!)
Rainbow Puppy
Sidetable Drawer
Tickety Tock
Slippery Soap
(The Spice Family)
Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper
Sage and Ginger
Shovel and Pail
School Bus
Farmer McColl (Does Not Speak)
The Construction Workers (Cameo)
Drew (Cameo)
Unnamed Children (Cameo)
Unnamed Peoples (Cameo)
Cowgirl Beryl (Cameo)
Farmer Yumi (Cameo)
Luke Stars (Cameo)
Traveling Travis (Cameo)
Cletus (Cameo)
Mr. Wingnut (Cameo)
Mrs. Wingnut (Cameo)
Cora Colors (Cameo)
Toodles the Clown (Cameo)
Deirdre (Cameo)
Randy (Cameo)
Gustavo Goodway (Cameo)
Henry the Green Engine (Cameo)
Farona and Frederico (Cameo)
The Mayor of Adventure City (Mentioned)
Unnamed Adventure City Policeman (Mentioned)
Unnamed Adventure City Policewoman (Mentioned)
Scoop Dooley’s Cameraman (Mentioned)
Sally Thomas (Mentioned)
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personasintro · 2 years
Love Lockdown | 03
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𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; yoongi isn’t going easy on you
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: yoongi x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: zombie apocalypse au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, horror au (?)
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.3k+
banner by: @dee-ehn​
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢
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The morning isn't any better.
You learn that as soon as you make it downstairs with Zoya attached to your side, met with cold stares aimed at no one else but you.
Are you even surprised? You weren't expecting them to suddenly be fond of you after one night. As of now, they see you as a burden which isn't too far from reality. You hate being seen like that. You hate having to depend on other people, strangers, that some of them don't want you here and it's more than clear.
It makes you angry and sad at the same time. Do you have another choice? Not really. You certainly won't risk your life any further, not when you're no longer alone. Without them, you would probably be dead by now and you would have no shelter where you could peacefully sleep knowing there is at least someone who is up the whole night to make sure you (all of you) are not dead before the sunrise.
In other scenarios, it might look like any family morning you often used to see in movies as everyone meets in the morning for breakfast. However, there are no scrambled eggs, toasts or whatever that could be appetizing enough to make you salivate.
“Well, I'm going to sleep. G'night folks.” Bruno waves, not really waiting for any response as he makes his way upstairs with Johnny following him right after.
You stare at them questionably. Sleep? Didn't they sleep?
“We take turns guarding the house during night,” Yoongi says, cold eyes already set on you as he breaks you from your thoughts and curiosity caused by the two men. “We let you sleep because it was your first night but tonight you're on guard.”
His voice is rough just like you remember it to be, eyes watching you attentively as you gulp and give him a nod. “Okay, thank you.”
He doesn't say anything else, staring at what you notice is a map in front of him.
You're not sure how you feel about the news. It sounds like a huge responsibility and you've no idea what it entails to be on guard. Well, you did tell Taehyung you will try to do your best. If this is one of those things – not that you have a choice because it seems like you don't – you have to do, then you will learn how to do them.
“There are always two people who are on guard, don't worry. You won't be alone.” Zoya informs you as she motions for you to sit down.
You do, your stomach clenched with nerves but still craving for some more food. Ironically enough, it's right on the opposite side of Yoongi who doesn't pay you any attention as he continues to scan the map.
“Good morning, how was your first night here in our luxurious abode?”
Yoongi looks up to give Taehyung a look, turning his gaze back to the map.
Taehyung scoots down onto the seat next to you, shining you with a bright boxy smile as you give him a slight smile in return.
Despite how comically safe your old apartment felt like, including your own bed, it was out of electricity and water shortly after the whole chaos had begun. Yesterday, on your way here when Taehyung started talking to you in a car, he mentioned this house and how they found it. Sometime in the midst of it he explained they have running water, which immediately made you confused and curious at the same time because no one in the city has running water.
As far as you know, the water network stopped working due to contamination, damage and leakage.
But you remained silent, only because you were too nervous where they were taking you (no matter how Taehyung tried his best to ease your nerves) and Yoongi's sharp eyes just added to your stress. He didn't seem to be happy about Taehyung clearly oversharing any information.
However, Taehyung continued to show his gratitude revealing the old couple had their own cistern which water haul service had to fill up. That would also explain this house being located in the woods, rather than closer to the city. The water is of course limited and you suddenly understand the glares they probably gave you behind your back once you were allowed to take a quick shower.
Yoongi said they're running low on their supplies. Running water must be one of them.
“Good,” you answer simply, “I… I really needed sleep.” you share, stealing a glance at Yoongi who simply ignores you which you're glad for.
You're on the edge in his presence. It's like you're just waiting for him to jump at you or send any jabs your way.
“That's good,” he genuinely gives you a smile as he turns to his food – instant ramen which its smell does make you salivate. “Who's on guard tonight?”
“She is.” Yoongi answers right away, voice cold and distant as Taehyung slightly freezes before he looks at you, giving you one of his encouraging smiles.
Taehyung knew Yoongi wouldn't go easy on you but the fact he already set you to watch over the house on your second night here, is slightly beyond him. He hoped he would at least let you grow accustomed to… well, them.
“Oh, I can be with you if you want.”
Your heart softens at Taehyung's kindness and willingness to help.
There's no time for you to even open your mouth before Yoongi's voice booms in the entire kitchen again, despite it being not even that loud.
Taehyung frowns, both of you staring at Yoongi as he slowly looks up from the map.
“I don't trust her.”
You tense again, his words feeling like a punch to your stomach because the coldness towards you is more than obvious. Anyone could see and hear that.
“So? Why can't I be with her tonight?” Taehyung asks confusingly as Yoongi sighs and leans against the stool.
“Because you trust her.” he says yet simply again, almost as if that explains everything.
Zoya stands behind the kitchen counter, behind Yoongi where he doesn't see her and visibly motions to Taehyung not to argue about it any further. It seems like Yoongi has the final word. Always.
“Who's gonna be with her then?” Taehyung asks, his eyes averting from Zoya back to the cold dark-haired man.
You gulp, not helping yourself as you stare at him once again. But he never spares you a glance, simply standing up from his spot as he takes the map with him.
Not even the smell of ramen can make you feel the appetite again. You still force yourself to eat some of it once Zoya places it in front of you, encouraging you to eat.
After all, you have no idea for how long you will stay here.
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The room you share with Zoya seems like the safest place in the house. No one comes in, so this way you're off their sight and their glares can't make you squirm in place like a little lamb that's driven into a corner by wolves.
Well, except Zoya who makes sure you're okay once she finds you in bed staring at the plain ceiling that would definitely need a fresh painting. How funny.
No one will ever care enough to do that because – what's the point?
“I was wondering where you were,” she says, chuckling as she crouches down and opens her backpack. “You can join us downstairs, although I understand you prefer to be alone. I'm not blaming you,”
You stay quiet, sighing in response.
What are you supposed to say?
She knows she is right. Anyone would rather be alone if all they are met with is coldness and contempt.
She stands up, walking up to you which makes you turn your gaze away from the ceiling to her as she hands you a–
“It's a toothbrush. I took it from Cherry, don't tell her,” she chuckles, “I had a spare one but I can't find it. She has lots of this stuff. Well, more than any of us.”
The redhead woman that seems to utterly despise you does seem like someone who takes care of her well. She's pretty. You can't lie about that. Maybe if it weren't for her cold exterior that makes her unsympathetic, maybe she could be even prettier.
“I–thank you,” you take it from her, slowly sitting up. “You didn't have to… I mean–if it brings you trouble.”
“It won't,” she assures you with a smile, “She won't know if you don't tell her.” she teases as you chuckle.
“I surely won't.”
You both share a laugh, thanking Zoya one last time for taking care of you even when it comes to things like this.
Even the simplest act such as brushing teeth makes you feel like a human again. Even though, you're reminded by her not to use too much toothpaste because there's only one in the bathroom. Along with water.
Oh, how you missed the simple life from a year ago. Back when there was no pandemic and everything was normal.
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You manage to take a nap during the day, preparing yourself both physically and mentally to spend the night in Yoongi's presence. Zoya has assured you there's nothing to worry about. You just make sure to look from the windows and a balcony here and there, see if there are any threats in the form of undeads or anything that actually could be a threat.
You are nervous. You are scared and a coward when it comes to things like this but being in this house does feel safe.
Despite your nap, you feel like you could use a good night's sleep.
You barely slept anyway. Whenever there was the littlest sound or voice outside of your room, you shook yourself out of the nap with your heart beating fast against your ribcage.
It will take a while to get used to this. Unless you will be out of here before you can even get used to anything.
Yoongi barely pays you any attention as he lays on the couch, leg propped lazily. He looks like he's used to this. He most certainly is. He wears the same black cargo pants with a matching black short-sleeved shirt, and you think it mirrors his persona accurately. It just adds more to his coldness.
Along with attractiveness you're too stubborn and shy to admit even to yourself.
You stand next to the fireplace, where a set of candles is lit up and warms your face. You stare at the single picture of the old couple in a dark brown frame, what seems like them in a sunflower field. They hug themselves, smiling widely which makes you smile sadly.
At least they got to live most of their life under normal circumstances. Who knows if they still live. It always makes you wonder whenever you see or think of someone. It mostly happens when you can't sleep or you're just swallowed in your own thoughts.
It has been happening ever since the lights got turned off and the entire world was swallowed in darkness.
Does the guy who worked in your favorite bakery live? Did he make it out alive?
Does your first boyfriend whom you mutually broke up with because you grew apart live?
Is your sister still alive?
Is your dad alive?
What about your cousins?
“Overthinking never helps.”
You jump at the gruffy voice behind you, noticing Yoongi in his same position with the only difference that he is now looking at you from across the room.
“So what? Am I supposed not to think?” you ask dumbfoundedly, growing annoyed at him. Does he realize how absurd that sounds? You can't control your thoughts all the time.
“You could make yourself useful and prove taking you in wasn't a waste of our time.”
Waste of their food and water is what he wants to say.
“What am I supposed to do?” you ask, challenging him as you don't let him intimidate you no more.
Of course, you still have a huge respect when it comes to him. With a snap of his fingers he could kick you out of this house and you are done for.
However, Yoongi seems to be amused by the sudden voice you have found. Even if the smirk is bitter and cold like his entire personality is.
“Perhaps you could start by watching through the window instead of being ten seconds from crying.”
You gasp, noticing how wet your eyes feel. Fuck! Your overthinking always makes you want to cry. Huffing a breath, you don't let him have the satisfaction of seeing you wiping your eyes, you walk towards one of the tall windows that is covered by a curtain. You wipe it as soon as you're turned with your back to him, glancing into the darkness.
“How are we supposed to see anything when it's so dark outside?” You voice your thoughts, frowning when you can't see even a meter away from the house.
All you see are the tops of the tall trees but that's only thanks to the moon and its moonlight.
“We are safe here. The house is locked but if undead come near, you will notice them.”
You can't imagine how when it's pitch black outside but well, he probably knows what he is talking about.
“What happens if there are more of them and they're right next to the house?”
“It's usually enough for us to grab our things and go,”
Is it really that easy as it sounds? Grab their things and go?
“There are usually a couple of them but they don't come in massive groups. At least not in this location but you never know.” he explains, his words scaring you a little if you imagine hundreds of undead surrounding this house. Actually, just the thought of a dozen of them makes you scared shitless.
“How many of them have you killed?”
Yoongi pauses, his eyes momentarily dropping to you. “I lost the count.”
He stares back at the ceiling, his hand under his head as he goes back to ignoring you.
You take the silence to think again. Without a doubt, you do admire Yoongi for how brave he seems to be. He definitely has to have good skills to make it out alive this whole time. That could be said about you but on your part it was more luck than anything else.
Sighing, you drop your head against the window, the sight of darkness and not knowing what's between the trees, deep in the forest makes you anxious. Gulping, you realize how dry your throat feels like.
“They smell people, right?” you ask in affirmation, feeling like an idiot you ask such a question after four months of the world being in this state.
Yoongi chuckles bitterly at your lack of knowledge which embarrasses you to the core, but you don't let it be known as you face him with a raised brow. Unfortunately for you, he doesn't even spare you a glance.
“Light and sound attracts them,” he informs you, “Light not as much but sound and smell of living flesh for sure.”
You shiver at his answer, backing away from the window as you take a deep breath.
A rustle sound comes from the couch as Yoongi stands up, his boots hitting the wooden floor as he starts walking out of the room and you panic.
“Wait–where are you going?” You're embarrassed how quickly you react, fear more than clear in your tone as Yoongi stops and frowns at you over his shoulder.
“I'm gonna check the balcony. It has the best view.”
Glancing between him and the windows, you suddenly feel unsafe to be left alone even though he told you the house is locked. They don't really have a chance to get inside, unless they come in a massive group and would eventually be able to break down the windows. Although, you are not sure if it's possible. You have never seen it and you don't want to.
“Can I–can I come with you?” you ask quickly, cringing at yourself as Yoongi sighs and looks at you again.
He sees you biting onto your lower lip anxiously, causing him to roll his eyes at your weakness. “Just be quiet. Everyone's sleeping.” he mutters under his breath.
That's all it takes for you to follow him.
There is not a chance of you stealing something and making a run for it. Not in the middle of the night and you wouldn't really have a chance to hide any food you might have taken. Plus, you don't know where they keep the medicine – something everyone is willing to kill for and they were lucky enough to find some a month ago.
Still, he doesn't trust you and it's better if he doesn't let you out of his sight.
But you're oblivious to his thoughts and assumptions about you.
It's hard to be quiet when the stairs creak under your boots with each step you take. You really want to smack Yoongi every time he annoyingly sighs when your boots and the wood makes a sound. It's not your fault! The wood creaks under his weight as well but somehow, he manages to go quietly and almost soundless.
He walks up to a door that's in the middle, the one that has to be facing the back of the house. He slowly opens the door with you following him. It's too dark to make out any details of the room but your eyes widen when you realize there is someone sleeping in the bed.
This room is bigger than the one you and Zoya share and judging by some pictures hanging on the wall, it has to be the master bedroom. Suddenly, you're reminded of the old couple that used to live here and your heart clenches with sadness.
Too distracted once again, you bumped into Yoongi's back rather uncomfortably and you have to admit the collision with your forehead and his back is not very pleasing.
Yoongi takes a deep breath, causing you to sheepishly apologize.
“Sorry.” you whisper.
He doesn't say anything, quietly making his way towards the balcony. The curtain is draped over there as well but he locates the knob and turns the lock with an audible click. He opens the balcony door and the immediate cold breeze brushes past your face.
As he steps onto the balcony, you follow him but not before stealing a glance at the person lying in the bed. It's Cherry.
There is no denying it's a female and considering Zoya is in your shared room, it has to be her.
You join Yoongi on the balcony, shivering at how chilly June night is. Surely, the temperature runs low in this location since you are surrounded by trees.
There is absolutely nothing.
Just darkness but Yoongi was right.
The view is best from here and despite the darkness, you can make out things more clearly from up here.
The night is soundless, just a casual rustle of the trees once the breeze gets slightly more intense but other than that, it seems like a calm night.
It's weird.
If it weren't for the apocalypse, you would think of this view and place as peaceful.
“Have you stumbled upon any undead here?” you whisper, your voice suddenly sounding too loud in your ears but you know you're keeping your voice down.
“Yes.” Yoongi answers your question, dark eyes looking around completely focused on the forest in front of you.
“How many?”
Yoongi takes a deep breath before answering. “Two or three.”
“And how many days have you been in this house?”
“Two weeks.”
“Fuck.” you say mindlessly, not even hiding the desperation in your voice.
He turns around, getting out of the balcony and you eagerly follow him. Embarrassingly slowing down when you notice he's been waiting for you to get out of there before he closes the balcony door quietly, not to wake Cherry up.
You get out of the room quietly, slowly making your way back to the living room where the tall windows wait for you. Yoongi goes back to his previous position lying down.
You sit down on the stool, easily growing bored as you keep walking towards the windows to check outside, no matter how scared you are each time you touch the curtain.
Not having an idea of how many times this is that you've walked to the window to check outside, you lazily lean your head against the frame, eyes lazily drooping as you finally start to feel the exhaustion.
Yoongi keeps checking the kitchen and the windows in front of the house but still comes back to the couch to lay back. You're embarrassed how anxious you get each time he stands up and walks out of the room.
He's back on the couch, mindlessly twisting a pen between his long slim fingers.
You're not going to lie. You did take the time to watch him whenever he was focused on something else. You don't know whether he knew about your curious gaze or not, but he never commented on it.
He's an average height but still hovers over everyone with his demeanor. He has such a soft skin for such a rough mouth. It's pale and clear, in other words Yoongi doesn't look real in rare times of mindlessly staring at the ceiling letting his features relax. But still, he always has a prominent frown present on his face, even though sometimes it's very subtle.
You wonder if he ever smiles genuinely these days.
Is there even something to smile about?
You certainly don't have a reason to smile, so you can't blame him if he doesn't do it.
Staring into nothing, you audibly sigh (both bored and exhausted) wondering how many hours until you can go to bed and sleep. Perhaps your next sleep will be better and more peaceful. However, sleep is long forgotten, especially when your eyes catch something – a movement – that is so slight you barely see it but if you focus your vision, you're able to notice it.
Naturally, your heart starts to pick up its pace, hands slightly shaking as you focus your eyes even more.
Come on, it's just a tree. You're tired and you're seeing things.
You know it's your own fear trying to persuade you of such a thing, mouth slowly opening when you realize.
It's one of the undeads.
It's close.
You back away, fearing to take your eyes away from it so it disappears and you won't be able to pinpoint where it is.
“Yoongi,” you shakily say his name, still staring at the slowly approaching monster. “It's–it's undead.”
Yoongi jumps out of his spot, immediately on his feet as he walks over to you, chest brushing against your side but you're too scared and frozen to even notice how close he is.
How you can smell the interesting combination of men's showergel and him.
Yoongi tries to follow your line of vision, staring into the darkness with a deep frown until he finally makes out the motion and turns around, walking to the coffee table where he takes a knife from. The sharp and big one that's been sitting there ever since you came here, waiting to be used.
But you hoped it wouldn't have to be.
Just as he's about to leave, you're quick as you suddenly grab him by his wrist, stopping him from going any further.
You're met with a glare as you stare right back at him.
“Where are you going?”
“Going to kill it,” he deadpans, “Move.”
“No, don't go.” you plead him, wondering what if something bad is going to happen.
He really wants to get out, into the darkness and kill it?
You're fearing for him.
“Move,” he growls at you. “Or would you rather kill it, dove?”
You stop, slowly letting go off his wrists as you shake your head. Dove?
“That's what I thought.”
And he's walking to the backdoor which is situated in the kitchen, clicking the lock open. He is out before you can blink and you gasp, running towards the backdoor, palms pressed against the cold glass as you don't let your eyes fall from Yoongi's back.
Yoongi approaches the undead as if it's a normal human being, suddenly moving too quickly and before you can realize what is happening, the knife is already stabbed into its brain and it falls down, dead completely.
He pulls out the knife, standing quietly while he looks around for a moment before he walks back into the house.
You take a step back, letting him come inside as he closes the door and clicks the lock shut.
“Do you know how you make it completely dead?” he suddenly asks, walking towards the kitchen counter as he pulls out a random cloth, wiping the blood the undead left behind on the knife.
“How?” you ask, voice shaky as you still stare at him completely shocked how easy he made that look. Meanwhile you were ready to shit your pants just by watching it.
“You destroy the brain,”
That makes sense. The two times you've seen people kill them, which happens to be only Yoongi so far, it has always been sticking the knife into its brain. Destroying it.
And then he looks up at you, expressionless and emotionless as always as he wipes off his knife.
“Next one is yours.”
You've no idea if he does it to scare you or make something known to you – your hands shake by the time you join him in the living room.
Praying no more undeads will come to this house.
It's only your luck that it had to appear on your first guarding with Yoongi out of all people.
You're lucky when the sun comes up and no other surprise visits in the form of growling and bloody monsters happen.
Yoongi's eyes follow you once you finally have the green light to go to sleep.
You know it's just a matter of time before he makes you do your job here.
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Word Find Tag
I’m responding to an open tag from @ezestreet
The words are: anything, something, everything, and nothing.
Her eyes, still very human, were rattled by the number of light changes. The technology adapted faster though, she knew this. She knew she could defend herself from the tech. The protectors began moving in on Green. She knew Peace might be right. Each protector reached for her. Grasping onto anything their hands could touch. The dilapidated bun, her stolen clothes, and the strong arms attached to her boxy torso that weren’t moving from their inhuman grasps. The feel of their fake skin and metallic fingers grip throwing chills through her body as they yanked at the woman in their hold. 
The tech that was supposed to aid humans failing as a human would. The protectors, robots with human qualities, succeeding. She thought of Peace as she swung her knife wildly. Even after their agreement she felt betrayed and defeated. A few fell to their knees using it as an opportunity. They grabbed her legs. Doing their best to bring her down to the lifeless gray dirt. If she weren’t so short they might’ve tried it already. 
She stared at her reflection in the dusty full body mirror. Her figure has been said to exclaim strength, but she felt stupid. Standing there with an uninterested expression. She ran her fingers through her thick hair before looking down at her hands. 
Middle, index, and pinky fingers are all replaced with machinery. Each hand was like this, inorganic. She curled each finger individually. She could’ve done something more enjoyable with her life. Obviously, disaster hit. With these new fingers came stress her body couldn’t handle. 
“There you are! You ready for our big job tomorrow?”
The inquizitive protestor went silent focusing on recalling as many events as they could. They simply nodded and laid back, their hair resting in the dirt. Peace was glad to have the silence back. It couldn’t be subordinate for much longer. Similar to how everything around here could never remain the same. Light filtered through the few protestors and shined upon the trees. 
Peace startled, looked to the direction of the lights. She covered her eyes in shock of how intense the burn was to her eyes. Machinery trekked on unbothered by the startled protestors. Shouts. Commands probably. Peace knew they needed support. Still she found herself standing although like a newly born calf.
Green looked in the direction she believed the voice was originating from. Her brain was processing as much as it could, which slowed her thoughts. She couldn’t multitask currently, but she never truly succeeded at it any other time either. Assuming that Green didn’t hear the original request it was repeated. 
“Look I’m just lost.” She needed to avoid answering their request as long as possible, “Maybe you can show me out.” 
Nothing. No response to Green. Were they just toying with her? A bright light focused on her cutting through the darkness. The further bafflement made her take an aggravated step towards the voice’s origin. The light almost blinding her from it’s intensity. Her eyes and the gear were both dysfunctional with it.
I tag @amapofyourstars @winterandwords @jezifster @adie-dee and anyone else willing to participate.
Your words are: fire, skill, imagine, plan.
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deluxewhump · 3 years
Roman, part 4: Arguing in the Dark With A Bossy Boxboy
(Cam and Zee find a runway 1, 2, 3)
CW: bbu, wru, pet whump. 
Roman’s heart skipped and thudded in his ribcage. The apartment was pitch dark. The only thing orienting him as he crept along the hallway was the blue light from the stove clock, glowing up ahead like a miner’s headlamp. 
He didn’t want to take the cell phone far, but he also didn’t dare use it right in front of Alex’s door. His tongue clicked on the roof of his mouth as he mouthed an old rhyme from his childhood:
The Slithery-dee, 
he came out of the sea.
He ate all the others, 
but he didn’t eat me.
Alex had been kind to him. They all had been, taking him in and making up a bed for him on their floor, and now their couch. He’d already been with them three nights. But Alex always closed his fucking laptop when he walked away from it, and when it opened again it was passcode protected. Tonight was no exception. 
So, phone it was. 
The lanky suspicious one, Cameron, was finally gone. He was still in school, and had finals to attend to. Alex was young as well- only a year out of college. And then there was their boxboy. Hard telling, but Roman guessed he was somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty-three.
Roman cleared the hallway, lowering silently into one of the uncomfortable chairs at Alex’s dining room table. How Alex sat there for hours doing work for his grad program was beyond him. 
He needed to stay clear headed for this. He could not let fear eat him alive. As always, he imagined himself physically pushing it away, pushing the Slithery-dee— an amorphous, oozing blob the color of crude oil— into an imaginary wooden box deep in the center of his rib cage. He’d just about wrangle one wriggling side and the dee would pop out the other like a possessed Flubber, a sack of eels.
He mimicked the passcode he’d seen Alex use. It was a swipe pattern, starting in the lower right quadrant. Up, diagonal, down left. He got it wrong on the first attempt and the lock screen shook red at him. The Slithery-dee gained some ground, squelching out the side of the imaginary box. 
In, you. Get thee behind me.
He’d watched Alex unlock his phone multiple times out of the corner of his eye. He was sure he had it right. He tried the passcode again, with one slight variation on the diagonal swipe.
The phone unlocked. He exhaled in relief and opened text messages.
Maybe his burner phone hadn’t been working that horrible day. Even if it had been, he had to try again. He typed the number by heart into the recipient bar and his thumbs flew over the keyboard as he typed out his message. He hit send and closed his eyes, counted to three. He liked to imagine by three, his message had bounced off its respective cell tower and found its home in Ivan’s notifications. 
Please, please. I should not be here. You should have come to get me. Why didn't you come?
He opened his eyes, deleted the copy of the message from Alex’s outgoing texts. The time at the top of the screen told him he'd been at the table for under a minute. It was risky, but he might not have another opportunity to google the status of the case.
He was going to do it. 
He opened an incognito browser. 
“What are you doing?”
Alex’s phone dropped onto the table with a loud clatter. He spun, jumping up instinctively to stand in front of it like hiding evidence. 
It was the boxie, Zee. He was standing three feet away with his hand on the lightswitch, as if daring him to move and he would flick it on. He was wearing basketball shorts and a baggy tee shirt with school letters on the chest, blue piped in white. His auburn hair was tousled from sleep, and there was a red line across his cheek from a pillow.
“Hi,” Roman whispered.
Zee eyed him up and down. “What’re you doing?”
“I was thirsty,” he lied. “Just getting some water.”
“Where is it, then?”
“Well I haven’t got it yet.”
“Roman, just stop it.”
“I’m sorry?”
This boxie wasn’t like any he’d ever heard of. He couldn’t quite figure out what the dynamic was among the three of them. In fact, Zee had told Cameron off for eating waffles with maple syrup on the sofa the day before. 
“Stop lying. Everything you say is a lie.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re doing it again. Give me his phone.”
Roman dropped his placating smile. “I was just trying to reach my mom, okay?” he lied.
“Why didn’t you ask? Alex would let you call anyone you want. And how’d you get his password?”
His brain was misfiring. The dee was winning, clogging up his neural pathways like primordial gloup. “Listen. Don’t freak out. I can explain—”
Zee snatched his master’s phone from Roman's hand and locked it. 
So loyal.
“Who are you? Tell me or I go tell Alex right now.”
“Okay, wait. Please, reconsider that. You and me— we’re the underdogs here, right? You’re not really gonna rat me out to him, are you?”
Zee scowled. “I don’t know what you are, but it’s not what I am. And you’re lying to my friends. They’re trying to help you and you’re taking advantage of them.”
Roman couldn't help but chuckle. “Friends?! Hoo, man. You really drank the kool-aid, didn't you? Did those guys not buy you?”
Zee’s face hardened, his honey-brown eyes narrowing, nose flaring slightly. “Whoever was after you... You’re really scared of them, aren’t you?”
“You know who it is. And yes, I’m scared out of my fucking mind, okay?”
“That’s the only thing that isn’t a lie. Tell me the other part, or I’m telling Alex you’re lying and you stole his phone. And that you can read.”
Shit. He wondered for a moment if he could take this kid. He thought he might be able to, especially if he didn’t see it coming. But there was no guarantee he could do it quietly, and then Alex might wake up. Then he’d be done for. Besides, he sort of liked Zee. He was sweet and kind when he wasn’t being nosy. He didn’t want to hurt him.
“Read?” he stalled. “They take that away from us. You know that. The headaches...”
Zee rolled his eyes in open disgust. “I can see you reading stuff, Roman. I actually know what it’s like to not be able to read anymore, like I’m four years old. You think I like almost throwing up trying to do a word search? It’s the most embarrassing… frustrating…” he trailed off. “You suck at being a boxboy. At pretending to be a boxboy.”
The slithery-dee,
he came out of the sea.
He ate all the others,
but he didn’t eat— 
The dee had won. It had pissed on Roman’s grave and was now dancing a jig.
“Okay.” he said. His voice shook. “Okay, I give up. I’ll tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“Everything. You win. It doesn’t matter anyway. I don’t know what I’m doing. Is there somewhere we can go where we don’t have to whisper?”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to be on a roof with you.”
He had no choice. He’d let the mask slip when he’d run up on their car with a knife, and he hadn’t known what to do ever since. All of this was off script. He had no more allies, and no idea how to keep evading his enemies, and how they might trick him into a trap. 
This was going to be a desperate, uncalculated risk. But he was going to tell this boy how he got here. All of it.
Roman’s Taglist: @briars7 @whump-only @boxboysandotherwhump @onyxeverett @albino-whumpee @cupcakes-and-pain @orchidscript @asummerwithclara 
*the Slithery-dee belongs to Shel Silverstein, specifically with Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark's illustrated version in mind.
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theboldtypestyle · 3 years
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Who: Aisha Dee as Kat Edison
What: Alice + Olivia Ivan Reversible Boxy Coat-  $318 (Final Sale)
When: The Bold Type/ 05x03 “Rolling into the Future ”
Worn With: Homme Girls Shirt, Helmut Lang Pants, Alexander MCQueen Boots
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The Preliminary Round Matchups!
The deed is done :D
There are 38 (mostly randomized) matchups in total, so the polls will be placed in Waves of 6, but the last Wave will have 8! Everything has been placed under the cut so people not interested don't have to scroll that much :3
The Preliminary Round is complete! Thanks to everyone who voted! The bracket will be updated to include all characters officially on the bracket as soon as possible!
Wave 1 (Complete!):
Tokkori vs. Yamikage (Winner: Tokkori)
Punc vs. Ice Dragon (Winner: Ice Dragon)
Ringle vs. NESP (Winner: NESP)
Dark Mind vs. Dark Daroach (Winner: Dark Daroach)
Poppy Bros. Jr. vs. Plasma Wisp (Winner: Plasma Wisp)
Scarfy vs. Dark Matter Blade (Winner: Dark Matter Blade)
Wave 2 (Complete!):
Bugzzy vs. Storo (Winner: They tied!)
Knuckle Joe’s Father vs. Chef Shiitake (Winner: Knuckle Joe's Father)
Batafire vs. Wolfwrath (Winner: Batafire)
Sir Galahad/Dragato vs. Gaw Gaw (Winner: Gaw Gaw)
Queen Sectonia vs. Weapons Shop Waddle Dee (Winner: Queen Sectonia)
Chilly [Game ver.] vs. The Robot Puppy (Winner: Chilly [Game ver.])
Wave 3 (Complete!):
Spinni vs. Dom Woole (Winner: Spinni)
Garlude vs. Commander Vee (Winner: Garlude)
The Meta-Knights vs. The Squeakers (Winner: The Meta-Knights)
Nametsumuri vs. Batamon (Winner: Batamon)
Phan Phan [Anime ver.] vs. Lololo and Lalala [Anime ver.] (Winner: Lololo and Lalala)
Doc vs. Tornadon (Winner: Doc)
Wave 4 (Complete!):
Plugg vs. Boxy (Winner: Plugg)
Broom Hatter vs. Dizzy (Winner: Broom Hatter)
King Doo vs. Waddle Dees (Winner: Waddle Dees)
Bohboh vs. Papi (Winner: Papi)
Kawasaki [Anime ver.] vs. Noddy (Winner: Kawasaki [Anime ver.])
Awoofy vs. Bernard (Winner: Awoofy)
Wave 5 (Complete!):
Hyness vs. Yin-Yarn (Winner: Hyness)
Bio Spark vs. Knuckle Joe [Game ver.] (Winner: Bio Spark)
Fecto Elfilis vs. Chaos Elfilis (Winner: Fecto Elfilis)
Kit Cosmos vs. Sir Gallant (Winner: Kit Cosmos)
Sir Arthur vs. Glunk (Winner: Glunk)
Shadow Dedede vs. 02/Zero Two/Zero^2 (Winner: Zero^2)
Wave 6 (Complete!):
Galactic Nova vs. Dark Taranza (Winner: Galactic Nova)
Sirica vs. Sir Lancelot/Nonsurat (Winner: Sirica)
Vividria vs. Kracko (Winner: Vividria)
Simirror vs. Box Boxer (Winner: Simirror)
Galaxia [Anime ver.] vs. Sir Percival/Falspar (Winner: Galaxia [Anime ver.])
Sillydillo vs. The Robobot Armor (Winner: The Robobot Armor)
Chuchu vs. Mara (Winner: Chuchu)
Squishy vs. Needlous (Winner: Squishy)
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
Adding my own little take to the anon and Remus going feral on the piñata. Roman: how long has he been going at it? Random person(probs Dee): about an hour. Remus putting the piñata in a choke hold: COME ON YOU BOXY BITCH!!WHERES MY SNICKERSssssss?!!!
Give the man his snickers already!!!!!!!!!
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doomedandstoned · 4 years
Iron Man Cement 30-Year Career with Monumental Double Album (+ new song!)
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
Review by Billy Goate
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This is more than an album. It is more, even, than a portrait of quintessential New England doom metal. It is a testament to the enduring power of music and friendship to bring a collective dream to life and to sustain it to the bitter end.
The new double album 'Hail To The Riff' (2021) showcases 14 anthems by Maryland doom legends IRON MAN. With the exception of one previously unreleased studio song, the bulk of the material was performed live at Castle of Doom Festival in Pagazzano, Italy on Saturday, July 5th, 2014. It was the band's one and only trip to Italy, now being released for the first time (appropriately enough) by Italian label Argonauta Records.
Many of you know the Iron Man story. Founded back in '88 as a Black Sabbath cover band, the guys gradually started playing their own compositions and were ecstatic by the positive reception the original material received. Iron Man released their first album in '93 and over the course of many decades, went on to tour the world with the likes of Cathedral and Pentagram, composing many a doom standard along the way ("Hail To The Haze" will forever be my fav).
"In the beginning, Iron Man had two jobs," guitarist Al Morris told Doomed & Stoned some years back. "First, we were a Sabbath tribute. We were able to headline shows and get people talking about the band. Second, we were writing original music for a demo to shop. Everything went as planned! By May of 1992, we got signed to Hellhound Records in Germany. That kind of history, coupled with the internet, gave us worldwide exposure. The fans did not let us get frustrated! We are totally motivated by our fans. We have them in mind at all times." (Read the classic Doomed & Stoned interview with Iron Man.)
It should surprise no one that Hail To The Riff   is dedicated straight up to Alfred Morris III, who sadly died in 2018. As he was the longest-standing member of Iron Man and its most consistent face, it made sense when the group disbanded after the passing of its founding member.
"The Type of person my father was," Al's daughter reflects, "he never expected anything huge. He just enjoyed doing what he loved. Music was in his blood; part of his DNA and he wasn’t complete without it...As long as I can remember, Iron Man was a large part of my dad’s life, and mine. My first rock show? My dad’s band. The first live show I ever saw was Iron Man. Watching my dad perform, I saw him transform. He had this amazing stage presence. An effortless grace when he played guitar that was mesmerizing. Even though I had seen him play a thousand times, I was always impressed!"
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I spoke with Screaming Mad Dee Calhoun in 2018, near the 30th anniversary of Iron man and just a few months following Al's death. "Just on a personal note, I don't think anything I'm doing now," Dee reflected, in reference to his burgeoning solo career, "would have been possible without being a part of Al and Iron Man. Al was very supportive of my efforts outside of Iron Man, be it music or writing or what not. I can never thank him enough for just tapping me on the shoulder and saying, 'Hey I want you to join my band?'" Dee continued, "No one I ever knew who knew Al ever had a bad word to say about him. He was just one of those guys who was a positive influence on people. Once he touched a project, it was better than before he touched it. We certainly miss him.
As a follow-up I asked hnw people could get better acquainted with Al's contribution and really hear his spirit. Dee replied, "Just start with Black Night and work forward. He would want to be remembered by his music. Just sit back and enjoy what he had to bring to the world." That album's title track is no. 13 on the playlist below us, and Al shines just as bright on it here as he did on their cardinal opus. What band could hope for a better life than Iron Man had, with their unlikely success leading them to record five LPs and three EPs, crossing some of the world's greatest record labels?
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Hail To The Riff   begins with a cheering throng and the grungy downtuned riffing of Al Morris, to be joined in short order by Louis Strachan on bass and Jason "Mot" Waldmann on drums. At last, Screaming Mad Dee belts out hellfire and brimstone in his scratchy quasi-operatic style (who, it must said, has one of the most intimidating voices in all of metal). "Make some goddamn noise!" The crowd eats it up, of course.
At this point, I'd advise you to make any room corrections you need to, as live recordings tend to be a unique beast all their own. They always sound a little "thin" and "boxy" to me. I found simply turning the volume up a few notches more than for casual listening brought this live recording alive for me. I did not, however, tempt fate by listening with earphones (I'm already dealing with enough tinnitus from my many years of filming live shows).
"The time is here to strike fear. We are Iron Man, bringing you 25 years of Maryland doom!" That really fires up the festival for what would become the band's third and final live albums. If this had been your first time hearing Iron Man, you would encounter a group in top form with accessible songs like "Run From The Light" that capture so powerfully the spirit of metal, itself a kind of freak born of the age of electricity.
Since I don't have perfect pitch, I would be hard pressed to determine just where Al's axe is tuned for this set. Judging from tracks like "The Worst and Longest Day'' and "South of the Earth," let's just say it's low enough to confuse the guitar sometimes for the bass (and when you listen a second time, the bass is often hitting a similar if not lower range). Remind me to ask the guys next time I get a chance and I'll add a note to this article with their answer. I'll be there were a lot of fans that day who were really feeling that Iron Man vibe on a raw, gut level as the sound reverberated through from their internal organs, ultimately grabbing hold of their spine with a mighty grip of doom, and shaking their bones like a rattle.
I've always said the acid test of any band is their ability to pull their songs off convincingly in a live setting. So many things can go wrong, but the way a band bounces through the hurdles of that 30-60 minute set tells you everything. You know right away whether you're dealing with confident musicians who believe it to the core, or wannabes who are fronting a hype machine. To hear Dee make "South of the Earth" work without the cool vocal layering from the recording and still give you chills says everything you need to know about the integrity of Iron Man as a band.
Time for the bottom line. Hail To The Riff   is nothing less than a celebration of metal-making, friendship, and the mysterious power of the riff to compel us -- no matter who we are, what language we speak, or what our differences may be -- to assemble together as a sweaty mass under a hot Italian sun in the middle of summer and revel in the pure love of heavy music. If you close your eyes, you can almost picture yourself there.
Of course, the real treat for Iron Man acolytes is going to be the solemn 14th and final track, "Black Morning." The band recorded it in late-September of 2013, just days before South of the Earth saw its release on Rise Above Records (later on Metal Blade Records, too). Hearing the words and the instruments meet in such perfect execution and conviction brought a single thought to my mind: "These guys really get doom." Long live the ferocity and might of Iron Man!
The album is officially out this Friday on digital outlets, with a special gold vinyl 2XLP available via Argonauta Records. Right now, Doomed & Stoned is letting you revel in it all! So sit back, turn those speakers up, and...
...give ear.
Iron Man - Hail The Riff
The Fury
Run From the Light
The Worst and Longest Day
Ruler of Ruin
South of the Earth
As the Gods Have Spoken
Hail to the Haze
Sodden With Sin
A Whore in Confession
On the Mountain
Fallen Angel
Black Night
Black Morning
Follow The Band
Get Their Music
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