#Brainz rambles
brainz-invoid · 1 year
so I was showing my friend the picture of Nubbins getting ran over and uh
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nezz-cringe-crib · 6 months
teru mikami analysis bc i love him
hi i'm just here to rant about how much i love teru mikami's character because he's genuinely such a well written character. this is probably gonna be unorganized and just rambly. i might rewrite it later but for now i just need another reason to procrastinate and focus on my silly emos.
(oh yeah also spoilers if that isn't obvious)
mikami is probably one of the best representations of religious trauma (at least imo and from what i've seen). i haven't read the manga yet and a lot of this might just be me projecting, but either way he's still the top in my books. there's SO many scenes and details about him that remind me so much of myself when i was still heavily involved with christianity (and to be clear, this is my own interpretation, not me tryna shit on any religions. that's a big wompwomp no-no. respect ppl hoes). so here's some random bits about mikami that make me go "OH SHIT ME-CORE ALERT!!!!":
the entire thing with his mom. i know that when he reflects back on his mom's death, he talks about how he's happy the whole thing happened because "she's evil and god killed the evil for me thanks god" but i completely believe the whole thing is just him brainwashing himself. like think about it for a second. his mom just died in the same car crash that involved his main tormentors, and this was also right after he was holding a slight grudge against his mom for defending said tormentors (she obviously didn't do that. she was just trying to help mikami view the world from a more realistic point of view to keep him out of trouble, but when you're that young and that passionate about justice, to him it'll seem like she's defending the same evil he's trying to fight). when you combine these things together, this is just gonna lead to a WHOLE lot of conflicted and lost feelings, and we see that in mikami. he had just been through a rough conversation with his mom, and she died before he could even get a chance to really think about said convo. all he is left with is a mixed feeling of loss, resentment, and fear. however, on the other hand, her death meant that the tormentors she was defending had also died. so to him, it has to mean something, doesn't it? the group of bastards that had been ruining his and others' lives and had finally been rid of. and if this had happened right after his mother had been defending them, it has to be a sign, right? there has to be a reason for all this hurt, right? when mikami is viewing the world through these lenses, it makes sense that'd he'd suddenly want a reason to justify his mom's death, even though it feels unbelievably cruel. so he finds a reason, and he finds that reasoning through god. this is honestly something that i used to do a lot when i was still heavily invested in my church, and i'm sure there are others who have been in the same situation. when the world is unjustifiably cruel, people will make up justification for it. it's a fear tactic that many people fall prey to in religious environments, and if not treated, it can fester into much more toxic environments for the people around them.
^^^ tldr: mikami copes with his mom's death by telling himself "it's okay that my mom died!! she was working for satan and god had to kill her!! thanks god!!" and if that's not the most religious-trauma-core shit out there then idk what is.
ALSO LITERALLY JUST EVERYTHING WITH LIGHT'S DEATH???? YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THAT SHIT HURT MAN. the realization that your god is not the god you thought you had been following used to be some of the scariest shit out there to me and mikami had it thrown right at his face when light died. not only was his god gone, but his god was never a god to begin with. he was just some guy. some pathetic guy who was now bleeding out and screaming on the ground. he had dedicated his life to this thing, and it was never real to begin with. and so he dies with it. because when the god revolving your life is gone, what other life do you really have? mikami was the perfect fucking example of that and i need it to be talked about more fucking please guys he's literally just like me fr i swear.
that's all i can think of right now tbh. if there's any typos in here no there isn't you're wrong nuhuh. anyways i fucking love mikami's character. he might be an antisocial autistic boyloser edgelord but he's MY antisocial autistic boyloser edgelord and i will defend him with my life. that hoe did EVERY wrong thing but your honor he is just a silly guy.
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wildernezz · 2 months
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ooouggh new intro post scaarryyyyyyyy
hi i'm nezz (or wilder if ur freaky like that) and uh i like tumblr :3 pronouns are whatever tf u want go wild but i go with he/him most of the time
i reblog chronically, most of them being death note related but there's other stuff too i prommy my autism isn't that bad.
here's sum of my other sideblogs yipeeeee:
@nezz-cringe-crib -- general art blog plus other things @analyzing-people-like-hell -- i analyze silly internet ppl @the-lost-class -- oc posting @nezz-cosplayz -- cosplay/outfit stuffz.
(also my youtube accs if u ever come across them lolz (both abandoned tho): colorful quesadilla, wildernezz.)
errmm now some tag thingies yayay:
#nezz artz (all art stuffs) #nezz animatez (animations) #nezz brainz (headcanons + analyses + other rambly stuff) #nezz cosplayz (cosplays) #nezz dumbazzery (general dum thoughts) #nezz editz (edits)
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wishcrafted · 2 months
we're still thinking a little bit about how sif got worked up yesterday when he and the rest of their subsystem was rambling off about their kinks
it would've been kind of funny that he never got to do anything about it if it wasn't for the trauma brainz hitting us hard being the reason
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foragergnome · 3 years
I have half life vr ai doodles but I'm scared to post them because most of my followers don't know what the hell it is and they probably don't want to hear me talk about it
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gresiniracing · 3 years
yknow fe having everything in one day is really cool but also it really breaks my brain having 2 switch between practice mode + then quali mode + then race mode in one day
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hyper-juice · 3 years
having ocs is a disease bcuz nobody will ever get it unless i make it myself like
jay & eni are "i can make him worse" and "i can fix him" at the same time to each other ok. they're both different flavors of horrible, but not like, bad people. but they're not acting in anyone's best interest either! the saving the world thing is pure coincidence! jay just wants to have fun bcuz life is a bore, and eni just wants some goddamn space to himself already. and it's like. i'm rotating them in my mind. i am.
jay starts out as this callous prankster with extraordinary skill used only to fuck around, but then he meets someone and takes them in for the joke right, like, it's the guy on the wanted posters? how much fun could he be? except jay got himself responsibility. if he helps the guy out once, he can't just ditch when he gets bored. and now jay has to look back! at all the times he did! except now if he leaves the guy might just die. can jay live with himself? after all the people he's fucked over for fun? has he ruined any lives? it just feels cheap now. it's not fun anymore.
and eni's like. the other way. for the first time in his life his trust is so irrevocably shattered, he runs away and he's so torn up about it. she's always been nice. he had a home, he had food, he had everything he could ever ask for. but it all didn't mean a thing. but then again, wouldn't it be right to repay this debt with blood? he's made the selfish choice now, and he has to stick with it, or else he's dead. he has to continue making the selfish choice, dragging others into his mess to keep afloat. and it tears him up inside. nobody deserves to be entangled with him. he has to convince himself he deserves it. he deserves to be happy, too. Even if it inconveniences others. But how much is too much? How much selfishness is care, and how much is cruel?
having ocs is like. man. i'm gonna put my complex feelings towards my parents, my crippling loneliness, my desire to be loved, and my feelings of being a bad person in these fictional little dudes. they get all my issues. free range therapy.
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backyard-bonanza · 7 years
It’s headcanon o clock lads, and it’s a big one today!! Mostly about some stuff I came up with for Super Brainz and Impfinity. It’s quite long so I’m just gonna ramble down here o3o
Basically, my headcanon goes along the lines of when Super was turned into a Hero, he was VERY quickly tasked with his first catastrophe. One of the biggest buildings in Zombopolis on fire, and only him around to save the people inside.
Almost all the people inside burnt that day. Except one, he was able to get to an imp he found in a room, surrounded by fire. He took him out the nearest window and down to the street a safe distance away, as Super flew out of the building it collapsed, and thats when he very quickly realized that he’d only been able to save one person.
This of course, led him to break down in front of a small child he’d just saved from a burning building. The kid smiled at him and thanked him for saving him, and told Super he wanted to be a cool hero like him when a he grew up.
Those words very quickly became Super’s inspiration to keep going as a hero, and train to be better. He wanted to be prepared and be the hero the kid had seen in him.
A few years later, rumors were spreading of a child on the streets who could clone himself, even if only briefly. Super was sent to find this child, and bring him back to HQ to get him into the hero crew. When the kid had looked up at him, not with awe, so much as familiarity it had surprised Super. But when the kid reminded him that he’d saved him from the burning building those years ago Super realized he hadn’t failed as a hero that day, he’d created one.
( @zoe-ze-medic , @impageddon )
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theinfernalbook · 7 years
i need to ramble, pls continue past if u don’t give a shit :)))
my life fell apart completely this time a few years ago and nothing has changed
christmas is a fucking lonely bullshit holiday to me and it just so happens that i’m currently going through a really bad depressive episode
this week alone, i have had more mental meltdowns, publicly and privately, than i had last year altogether and i just feel lonely and don’t want to burden anyone especially on christmas
it’s the same with new year. the same fucking lonely bullshit with nobody to celebrate it with but myself and a bottle of wine
star wars is currently the only thing keeping me grounded and i’m struggling lol
send ur gal help pls, i’m worried for my brainZ
merry christmas tho, even tho i love christmas but have no one to celebrate it with, i hope u all have a magical time
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brainz-invoid · 1 year
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brainz-invoid · 2 years
I will aggressively eat each and every single piece of Olimin/Pikmar art I find and no one can stop me
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brainz-invoid · 2 years
I love how everyone in the pikmin fandom just agrees that Olimin/Pikmar has bags under his eyes
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brainz-invoid · 1 year
I showed a picture of the president to my friend and she said he looks yummy...I don't know what to say
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brainz-invoid · 2 years
Wait if the caves are coming back does that mean we will get the bulbmin back??
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brainz-invoid · 1 year
uh little announcement thingy
I'm nearing 20 followers (ty btw for that) so I might start up that askblog about my pikmin au. If you don't already know about that it's just a silly au that I made that's called the Parasite Au. I don't know when I will create it but it will be made :]
that's all I needed to say bye bye
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brainz-invoid · 2 years
Hey, about your parasite au, could you talk more about it?
Like what exactly is going on? Is it just bad ending from Pikmin 1? Then again Louie is there and I don't how he'd be there if the bad ending happened.
Or is it like Pikmin 2 but Olimar ends up dying and getting turned into a Pik and Louie just has to deal with it? Or something?
Yo uh sorry for being very late to this and for the lack of context about my au. So here is some rambles about it :D
So pretty much it is the bad ending from pikmin 1 but 10 years have passed and (somehow) Hocotate Freight hasn't gone down in ruins and Olimar has been missing for awhile so The president sends Louie to Oli's last known location (PNF-404) to find him. And it so happens that the koppaites are going there too. So because of that it takes place in Pikmin 3. If you are wondering if I will make a ask-blog about my au I probably will make one when I have a decent amount of followers but it won't be made right now because if I do it will probably be left unnoticed and honestly I wouldn't want that for something that I am putting work into. Also yes there is more lore about the au and I will probably make a post about the lore in the future. Anyways I hope this answered some of your questions.
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