#Brant watch
na-bird-of-the-day · 8 months
BOTD: Brant
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Photo: Nicole Beaulac
"No other geese nest as far north as the Brant, and few migrate as far. These small geese are characteristic of coastal areas in summer and winter; most birdwatchers know them from seeing their wintering flocks along both of our coasts. Traveling between their summer and winter outposts, they may fly at altitudes of several thousand feet as they cross great expanses of land or open ocean."
- Audubon Field Guide
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The State Bird Initiative: New Jersey (#3) - Results
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Another week, another poll! And this one...this one had the results in super fast. So, we're gonna get right into it, as well as the personal choices by the SBI. But OK, which species does Tumblr think should be the State Bird of New Jersey?
Which of the following should be the state bird of New Jersey, the Garden State?
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Look...I'd be lying if I said I didn't vote for that one, too.
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SBI Elected State Bird of New Jersey: Laughing Gull (Leucophaeus atricilla)
The American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) has been replaced by popular vote by the Laughing Gull (Leucophaeus atricilla) in the latest polls! And there's a part of me that wonders if this is for the meme...and there's a part of me that thinks this actually makes sense.
Read the original post here if you want my rationale, but...yeah, I stand by this being a good choice. NJ is a coastal state with a long coastline and a strong beach culture, to the point where "the Shore" is a recognized area in the state with an international reputation. And yes, while other shorebirds could be associated with the state, the Laughing Gull is essentially the only one whose breeding population heavily depends on its Jersey population. Plus, it's a recognizable and iconic bird with a known presence, and could easily be associated with the state it's been selected for. I can dig it. Just sayin'. And yeah, this is the bird chosen as a personal choice by the SBI as well. If you'd like to see the other personal choices from the SBI, stick around after the jump! And if this is all you were waiting for, then no worries! Check out Georgia's entry and give it a vote while you can!
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The State Birds Initiative Personal Pick - New Jersey (#3)
State Game Bird of New Jersey (SBI): Brant (Branta bernicla)
Wait...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? I never brought this bird up as a contender for State Bird? So, what is it doing here? Well, I never brought this guy up for State Bird because they don't breed in New Jersey, and honestly couldn't come up with a solid argument for it to be in that position. However, it was always a contender for State Game Bird, because New Jersey is home to the largest population of this goose, the Brant (Branta bernicla), on the eastern coast, with other concentrations being in Virginia and Rhode Island. But they'll get different birds for this category.
Now, time to talk further about what a State Game Bird is. Game birds are not a single taxonomic classification; rather, they're a sociological one. These are birds prioritized for hunting, usually for culinary purposes, if not just for sport. While they come from a few taxa, the vast majority of game birds belong to orders Galliformes (chickens, pheasants, quail, etc.) and Anseriformes (ducks and geese). The Brant represents our first member of the latter in this category! New jersey is known for its Brant hunting, and the state has major regulations during its Brant hunting season for conservation purposes. I could've put the Snow Goose (Cher caerulenscens) here as well, since New Jersey actually prioritizes hunting of this overpopulated bird...but the purpose of this is to promote birds of conservation interest that have a significant role in the state, and the Brant fits this a lot better than the Snow Goose. With that, let's move on!
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State Raptor of New Jersey (SBI): Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonicus)
The Gray Ghost wins the category of State Raptor of New Jersey! This one, of course, I put in the original post and poll, and it unfortunately didn't get far at all. Not sure why, since it's the logo for the New Jersey Audubon Society, it represents a major ecosystem in the state, and it's generally a pretty cool bird. But, hey, that's the price of democracy. Either way, the Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonicus) is a charismatic raptor of conservation concern, and a generally pretty neat bird all around. Check out the original post for more details on this guy, but for now, we'll move on!
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SBI's Big Fifty - New Jersey: Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammospiza caudacuta)
So, in my original post, I mentioned that the Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammospiza caudacuta) wasn't a great fit for State Bird due to its similarity to other sparrows, and that would be difficult for the average citizen to parse out. A sparrow is a sparrow is a sparrow, right? Well, not to birders it ain't! This is a pretty big bird for any birder's life list, mine included, making it an important focus for that community. So, in order to give the sparrow its day in court, the Saltmarsh Sparrow wins the prize for New Jersey's representative in SBI's Big Fifty, adding it to the countrywide scavenger hunt that this list represents. Sorry, Massachusetts, I know you could've had this one, too. I'll give you a neat one, I promise.
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State Conservation Focus of New Jersey (SBI): Pine Warbler (Setophaga pinus)
OK, so, the Conservation Focus of New Jersey is sort of disingenuous in this entry, since the bird is far less of a focus than its habitat, but I'll use it as the symbol of the habitat. The Pine Warbler (Setophaga pinus) is an accessible symbol for the average person to see when going to the ecologically significant (and always in danger) New Jersey Pine Barrens, also representing a larger community of birds with which it tends to be geographically associated. But more than that, the real symbol of the Pine Barrens isn't quite as accessible. For that reason, there really should be two focuses for the Pine Barrens, one for bird people, and one for ecologists. And if you know anything about the New Jersey Pine Barrens, I think you know what the other symbol is.
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Now, to be fair, the Pine Barrens Tree Frog (Dryophytes andersonii) is, despite the name, not endemic to the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Instead, it can be found in the Carolinas and the Florida Panhandle, all in isolated areas and...well, pine barrens. But, its populations are decreasing in size, with the Georgia population already extirpated, and is a species of conservation concern. Frogs are, of course, less easy to spot than birds, especially nocturnal ones like the tree frog. So, it's not a great public symbol of the forests as a result, but is still an important inhabitant of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. So, consider this another conservation focus endorsed by SBI. And for the record, it's actually the state frog of North Carolina, so it hasn't been completely shafted!
And with that, we've reached the end of the personal choices by the SBI for ornithological state representatives! Be sure to check out the Georgia poll currently running; still a day or two for votes to be counted!
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See you next time, and happy birding!
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soloavengers · 5 months
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sunshine-1722 · 2 years
I think they should introduce escape room episodes more often
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cornwatcheshockey · 9 months
glad to see the reffing is just as bad in this league as it is in the nhl
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camelspit · 2 years
crying cassius is leading by 4% now
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toddjdreyer · 2 years
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Sayreville to South Amboy
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unstable-flames · 2 years
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Which bread would you chose
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 3 - "Okay, show me."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
"So… first time getting kidnapped?"
Tim blinked at the teen that was tied to a wall right across from him. He marveled for a a moment at how similar the two looked and even thought that he could see how the other teen could have gotten mistakenly kidnapped in his place. Though if they had already kidnapped him then why did they end up kidnapping him again?
"No, getting kidnapped kinda comes with the name and status." Tim finally answered and the other kid nodded sagely as if he understood. "Usually they are a little more incompetent."
He moved his wrists a little causing the strange silver bracelets they had slapped on his wired before chaining him to the wall so that they would cause a rattling noise, making the other teen look at them with a raised eyebrow.
"So first time getting kidnapped by the GIW then."
"Guys in White, or well Ghost Investigation Ward, a government organization." The other teen explained with a shrug. "Usually they are incompetent. Aside from a couple of burns from getting shot, this is the first time they actually managed to chain me in a while. Normally they would have messed up by now but it's interesting that they even manage to nap you too."
Now Tim raised an eyebrow. That was news to him. To think there was a governmental organization that was actively abducting civilians for who knows what. Damn, he could see how B would not be happy once he told them about that.
"Sorry btw." Tim blinked up at the other teen in confusion, who chuckled in return. "They probably kidnapped you thinking you were my double or something. We look similar enough for them to think that."
"Wait…" Tim's eyes widened in realization. "They kidnapped me because I look like you? Not the other way around?"
"Uh yeah, why would I be kidnapped because of you?"
"Tim Drake-Wayne. Does that ring a bell?" Tim huffed only to watch how the other teen furrowed his eyebrows as if deep in thoughts before shrugging.
"In fact no it doesn't. But I don't keep up with high society, it helps pissing of the fruitloop whenever he drags me to 'meet important people' and I actively call them false names no matter how often he introduces them."
Tim's eye twitched. While that is fun, this was also the first time he met someone who hadn't heard of his name before in some way or form. In the end just let out a sigh.
"So what now? We wait to get rescued or will they release us after some time?" Well he had already tipped off his family, so it was probably only a matter of time until one of his siblings burst in to play knight in shining armor. He just hoped it wasn't Jason again, or he wouldn't shut up about having saved him for another month.
"Oh we can wait, but they won't release us. It's probably better if we get out on our own."
"Really? And how do you plan for us to get out of the handcuffs?" Well Tim did have a lock pin hidden in his jacket and some small sized tools stuffed into the sole of his shoes but with his hands chained above his head it was a little difficult to get them. But his feet were not chained so with just a bit of body twisting he could-
"Oh the handcuffs are no problem. They can be easily removed by overloading them."
"Overloading?" Tim arched an eyebrow, now the cuffs did not look like your normal brand he can admit that but how was the other going to do that unless he had some secret electric tool stored on him.
"Yea, overloading. It's pretty simple. These look like the same Brant they tried to cuff me with a year ago. It's funny how they look like they haven't learned a single thing in all these years."
"Really now?" Tim stared at the other teen unimpressed. "Okay, show me. How are you going to overload them with no tools around?"
"Easy." The other teen smirked at him and Tim's eyes widen as he saw the others hands emitting a green light before the cuffs on his wrist sparked and then fell off. Okay, noted the other teen was a Meta.
"My name is Danny by the way." Danny grinned as he rubbed his wrists before getting up and walking over to Tim to do the same to his cuffs. Tim rubbed his his own wirsts, carefully examining them for any time of injury only to look up just in time to watch Danny reach into his own chest. With wide eyes he watched Danny sticking out his tongue while one of his hands was going through his body as if he was looking for something.
"Aha! I knew I stuck them in my body somewhere for a situation like this!" Okay there was so much to unpack from this sentence alone but before Tim could even ask a single question Danny pulled out a lockpick set from his chest and proceeded to pick at their cell door.
"I have so many questions." Tim muttered, still watching the other teen.
"Well I can probably answer some of them once we are out of here. It's the least I can do after you get kidnapped because of me." Danny grinned as the lock he was working on clicked and he swung the door open. "Wanna talk over some coffee? You look like you need some."
"This is definitely not what I expected when I said 'show me'." Tim muttered once more walking passed Danny out of their cell, eager to leave this place.
"Yea well that the more civilian friendly things I can do." Danny followed with a grin. "Though I do have some other tricks I could have used too."
"You talk like a hero." Tim thought aloud, eyeing the teen and how they were holding themselves. Nothing about this teen screamed innocent civilian anymore, well aside from the obvious Meta abilities. He also marbled about the fact that they basically just walked out of the warehouse they had been holding. Huh looked like these GIW guys were really as incompetent as Danny had mentioned earlier.
"Yea, well I am a retired Hero." Great now Tim got more to look into in regards to Danny. Oh that reminded him, he probably should tell his family that he was no longer kidnapped… but that could probably wait until after he got his coffee with Danny. What was the worst that could happen? Red Hood storming an empty building. Oh well, it would be a good exercise for his brother then.
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whore-ibly-hot · 1 year
Yan!Husbands Boss x Married! Reader
"Just Another Day at The Office."
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Dub-con, misogyny, name calling, nude photos, coercion, dubcon touching, fem genitalia for reader, mentions of divorce, general perversion, praise, clit play, cheating, readers husband is a scumbag.
(AN: Requested by an Anon early today, and it made me feral.)
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Tick... tick... tick... the sound of an office clock rings in your ears, the only sound louder is your heart, pounding in your ribcage. The clock was awfully loud, though you had never noticed it before, when you were coming to bring your husband a warm, home-cooked meal. Maybe then you didn't notice it because you weren't fearing for your future.
Morgan & Cole, the investment firm your husband had been working for for years had been doing better than ever, and in turn, so had your husband. Promotions, expensive raises, and more had been sent his way. The house was even being repainted. All that begs the question, how had you found yourself in this situation.
It was a few nights ago when your husband informed you of the deal he had made with his boss. Morgan, the co-owner of the company, had his sights set on you, apparently. At a holiday party, he approached your husband with an offer, an offer to get a night with you in exchange for another fat raise. You had always known your husband hadn't been the most loving, but you had never imagined his greed could get to this. The worst part was how casual the deal he described was. Approaching a man at an office party and asking to sleep with his life like you were discussing sports frightened you. You had only met Morgan once or twice, and while he seemed charming, him doing something like this made you very much doubt he was in actuality.
You are snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of a door opening. Morgan steps out of his office, fidgeting with his smart-watch when he looks up and sees your meek form in the office lobby. His brow furrows.
"Oh, Mrs. Peters, I hadn't expected you to met me here. I had intended to come pick you up. How long have you been here?" He asks. You gulp. "Not long, just ten or so minutes." You say, trying to hold eye contact. He sighs and shakes his head. "Well, I wish you would have knocked on my office door, I feel awful having left you out here alone. Come, we can head back into my office and chat." His voice is so soothing, and in any other situation it would have been nice. You enter his office, and he closes the door behind him, before sitting at his desk. You take the chair in front of it.
"So, I assume your husband-" His teeth grind as he says this. "Is assume he has gone over what this is about." You nod. "He did... and... and I don't know if I can do this. I don't know you at all, and I'm a married woman." You whimper. Tears begin to slip down your cheeks, and Morgan sighs heavily. He comes around to lean back against the front of the desk, one hand supporting him while the other touches your cheek.
"I know this must be scary, I understand that. But I'm gonna solve both of those problems right now." He kneels down so your eyes meet his. "First, you worry you don't know me. Let me fix that. My name is Morgan Brant, I am thirty-two, and I live in a loft down on 37th. I like charcuterie and making my own organic lattes. I work out everyday, and enjoy walking through the city. I have both of my parents, Ruth and John, and they live in the city as well. Anything else you'd like to know?" You're too stunned and still panicked to respond, so you just shake your head. "Okay, okay. Good." He murmurs. A hand strokes your hair softly, as if trying to soothe a wild animal. To your shock, for a man who basically paid for a co-workers wife to prostitute herself, he does seem genuinely upset at your fear. His eyes are filled with a sorrow, and he chews his bottom lip nervously. He looks down for a moment.
"Mrs. Peters, your second concern, about being a married woman, is very respectable. I appreciate that you respect the sanctity of marriage so much. I think your loyalty and love for your husband is beautiful." He pauses, and gently grips your chin so you look him in the eyes. "But... I worry that love and loyalty may not be returned. Mrs. Peters, I need you to promise me you will listen to what I am about to tell you." You gulp, his suddenly serious, yet still soft, tone worries you.
He stands, walking to the back of his desk and opening a drawer, grabbing a manila envelope before sitting down at his chair again. He pushes the envelope towards you, folding his hand together and sitting up. He looks as those this odd exchange is yet another business deal, as he sits like a man prepared to do whatever it takes to seal a deal. A real businessman. Your hand trembles as it opens the envelope. Your heart stops.
Inside, your husband can be seen in several photos, from many different angles. Some looked ripped from security footage, others appear to be taken at a distance. However, they all contain the same subject. Your husband, locking lips with various women, every photo a different one. Your hand covers your mouth as you let out a choked sob. "N-no... I mean, he was never warm to me, b-but..." Everything comes crashing down at once. All those nights you waited up for him when he was 'working late', all those warm meals you brought him at work, only to be brushed off so he could talk to his secretary. It all made sense.
"I can't believe this..." You squeak. Morgan shakes his head. "You can believe it, I know you can. He's never loved you, I've seen how he treats you. Rejecting your meals, ignoring you at office parties and work functions. My dear, he is actively sitting at home and preparing to count the bonus he received for pimping you out to me." Morgan exclaims, his shoulders tightening. You put your head in your hands. "I'm... what am I going to do?! I'll divorce him, but I'll have nothing. I, oh god." You cry. Morgan once again moves to try and comfort you. His broad arms wrap around your shoulders.
"I know, I know this is scary. You've been through a lot tonight, your entire marriage even. But it's going to be okay." He cups your face. "I've been watching the two of you, you mostly." He hands you something. An empty tupperware container. "This is from his lunch yesterday. Every meal he rejected from you, I gladly took. I hadn't had the chance to eat something made so lovingly in a long time. They don't serve home-cooked meals like this at business conferences." He chuckles. "I saw how you would cling to him at those same parties he was ignoring you at, and wishing, praying you would cling to me like that." You look up, his confession is shocking. "Your husband... he is a greedy man, but he has pride. I knew I wouldn't even get a moment along with you unless there was something in it for him." He shakes his head. "Darling, I was just as disgusted as you were that he'd agree to that. As excited as I was, as I am for this moment with you, I was thanking whoever is out there that no other person at this office had tried something similar. I'm not some deviant, or criminal. I've had my fair share of sexual encounters, with prostitutes and escorts, but... I never felt anything. I need to feel something. I do with you." He says.
You shake your head. "You don't know me." You say. He shrugs. "You don't need to someone to love them, not at first. I hate to say this, but you didn't really know your husband, did you?" You sob again, and his sticks his hands out. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry darling, that was out of line. I just needed to prove a point. What I'm saying is, I don't just want one night of pleasure with you. I want you to be mine. If you left him, you wouldn't be lost or desolate, you would have me. I could give your everything he has and more. Money, a penthouse, and my love. Real love. You deserve someone who wants to care for you the way you cared for that man-child. I can do that." You sniffle. "It's all so soon, and I don't... I'm scared." You say again. "I know. I hadn't wanted to do this here. I had wanted to show you the pictures and confess early on, I had plans to pick you up and take you somewhere nice to eat. I know the last thing you want right now is a fresh new relationship, I understand. But just maybe, the idea of revenge tempts you?" He suggests. You look up, and bite your lip. "What are you suggesting?" You ask.
"He thinks he's better than you, and that you could never leave him, because you have no one else, nothing else. Why else do you think he assumes their will be no repercussions for a night like this? He's so confident that you would never leave him, never even think about another man, that he truly believes you will return to him after he's pimped you out." Morgan moves closer. "I won't lie, I'll enjoy this, but don't just do it for me. Do it for yourself. Give in, leave him for a man who will worship you, who can give you more. Get back at him, and be with me." You shake your head. "You... you paid him to pimp me out to you like this though?" You exclaim. He nods "I had to show you how little he cared for you, same with the investigators I hired to get those photos." He nods in the direction of the envelope, now dabbled with your tears. "Besides, I've already signed his termination papers, I don't hire men like that here. He isn't getting shit for doing this to you." He assures.
In a moment of weakness, you break. The betrayal of the evening, the hurt and the fear, the anger, it's all too much. You sink to your knees, and nod. "Alright, let's do it. Just... be gentle, go slow." He nods. "Oh, my sweet. I'll do whatever you ask." He captures your lips, pressing your back against the front of his desk as he kneels beside you. His lips are soft, and taste of bourbon and mint. He smells like cologne, but a good kind, something smokey. Not like the tacky expensive stink of your husband, now ex-husbands favorite cologne. His tongue prods at your lips, and shyly you part them, allowing his tongue to slip in and suck against yours. He groans, and you both pull away breathlessly. While you take a breath, he immediately latches onto your neck, placing quick, feverish kisses along your collarbone. You gasp at the feeling, shrinking in on yourself. He grins.
"Does it really feel that good, that's quite a reaction." He chuckles. You blush and look to the side. "It's- It's been a while." He frowns and tilts his head. "How long is awhile, darling?" He whispers. "A few months, maybe eight or so." He shakes his head. "My poor girl, doing all that for him and he still wouldn't please you." He grips your waist, his lips on the shell of your ear. "To be fair though, even if he did, he couldn't make you finish. He would please himself, not you. But I won't, baby. Tonight, is all about you." You can feel a thick hardon pressing against your knee.
"Tell you what, darling. Let me make you feel good, real quick. Something nice and easy for my sensitive girl. Then, I'l take you out. I'm not just going to have sex with you without wineing and dineing you. Then, I'll take you back to my place, I-I'll send for your stuff tomorrow, and if you want, we can go for round two." He coos, looking up at you with admiration and hope. "Won't my husband try to resist my stuff being taken?" You ask. He shakes his head. "He's not your husband. If he calls, I'll hang up. He sold you out, and if he gets pissy, I've go the best lawyers in the country at my disposal. I'm not letting you spend one more night under a roof with that man. You aren't Mrs. Peters anymore, you're Mrs. Brant. Now... let Mr. Brant make you feel good." Hands cradle your thighs, slipping the skirt of your sensible slip dress up over your knees. A hand paws at your panties, cupping your cunt as he sighs. "So warm, poor little thing hasn't been touched in months. I've only kissed your neck a little, and your soaked. Is it because I said I love you? Does your little cunt respond well to just being admired and appreciated? Oh, my darling." He slips your panties aside just a little, not wanting to ruin your outfit for dinner later. Fingers part your lips as a long digit strokes up, from your entrance to your clit. A finger prods the entrance, and you gulp at the throbbing heat you feel.
"Gentle, slow please." You murmur. He nods, placing a gentle kiss on your neck before slipping in his digit. His long, calloused fingers rub your neglected walls in all the right ways. "A-ah, Morgan..." You pant. "Good?" He asks. You nod, breathless already. He thrusts it in and out gently, before asking to add another digit. When you nod, he adds another, while his free hand circles your clit with his middle finger. Perhaps its from typing everyday, day in and day out, but he is skilled. Even when your husband has slept with you, you had never felt like this. A coil forms in your stomach as you pant and whimper.
"M-morgan." You moan. "Please, I need to-" You're cut off by him sharply curling his fingers, as they hit a spongy spot deep inside you. "Oh, god. Yes." You moan again. "Cum for me, darling, please. I want to hear you." Morgan's tone is suddenly more desperate ethan you had heard it all night. He's needy, begging to know that he is pleasing you in the way he so desires. "Say my name, would you? I just want to please you, I need to know it feels good." He begs. "Morgan, I'm gonna cum, shit-" Your walls begin to pulse, juices coating his fingers. As you moan, finishing your high, he kisses you feverishly, desperate for closeness.
When you pull away, panting as you come down from your orgasm, he licks your juices off his hands with a squelching noise, putting your panties back into place. He helps you to your feet, and hands your your purse. "Ready for dinner?" He asks. Tired and very hungry, you nod. "Just one more thing, and you don't have to do anything, I've dealt with this myself plenty but-" He looks down, the tent in his pants is still very prominent.
"May I handle that before we go out?"
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juneyjubilation · 1 month
Peter Parker x Reader
jealous + first kiss :) At the Daily Bugle, you and Peter are a reporter and photographer, and form a strong working relationship while exposing corruption. Betty, a new reporter, creates tension between them as she flirts with Peter. Your jealousy surfaces, leading to an tense argument. but y'all makeup and kisth.
. . .
You and Peter sat across from each other at your shared desk, going over the latest scoop. The room was dimly lit, the only sound was the rustling of papers and the occasional clacking of a keyboard. As you and Peter Parker worked late into the night at the Daily Bugle, the tension between you thickened with each passing moment. The story you were working on was a big one, exposing corruption within the city's police department. The pressure was tangible, and it wasn't just from the deadline.
The tension between you had been building for days, fueled by the constant proximity and the way your eyes met whenever you thought no one was looking. But the daggers that Betty Brant, the newest reporter and former secretary of J. Jonah Jameson, threw your way didn't help matters.
"Peter, I think we should focus on this angle," you suggested, trying to maintain professionalism.
Peter, his eyes locked on the documents, hesitated before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I think you're right," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
You could feel Peter's gaze on you as you typed away, your fingers flying over the keyboard. You knew that he had feelings for you, and the same was true for you. But the presence of a new reporter, the sultry and alluring Betty Brant, had thrown a wrench into your burgeoning relationship.
Peter couldn't help but notice the way Betty flirted with him, the way she leaned in close, brushing her chest against his arm. But at least for now, you had him all to yourself.
You leaned back in your chair, rubbing your eyes as you scrolled through the latest batch of documents Peter had sent over. "Okay, let's see here," you muttered, your voice low and thoughtful. "The mayor's office is definitely involved in this cover-up. But we need to find a way to link them directly to the police department."
Peter leaned forward, his eyes shining with excitement. "I think I can help with that," he said, pulling up a file on his laptop. "I managed to get my hands on some internal memos that show the mayor's office was pressuring the police to keep quiet about the corruption."
You leaned forward, your heart racing. "That's fantastic, Peter," you breathed. "But we need to be careful. If we publish this without concrete evidence, we could be in for a world of trouble."
Peter nodded, his jaw set in determination. "I know. But I think I can help with that too. I've been going over the financial records, and I found some discrepancies that could link the mayor's office directly to the corrupt officers."
You reached out, your hand brushing against Peter's as you took the laptop from him. "Let me take a look," you said, your voice low and husky. "I want to make sure we have everything we need before we go to print."
As you scrolled through the files, your fingers brushing against Peter's for a moment, you couldn't help but steal glances at him. The way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, the way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck.
You and Peter were in the midst of a heated discussion about the latest developments in your story. The tension between you was palpable, and you could feel the electricity between you as you worked together.
Just as you were about to make a breakthrough, Betty Brant's voice cut through the air, shrill and insistent. "Peter Parker, can I see you in my office for a moment?" she called out, her voice dripping with sweetness.
Peter's eyes flickered to you, and for a moment, you saw a flash of annoyance. But he stood up, brushing off his jeans, and followed Betty out of the room. You watched them go, your mouth tightening in annoyance.
You waited for a few moments, tapping your pen against the desk impatiently. Finally, you heard the door open again, and Peter walked back in, a look of irritation on his face.
"What was that about?" you asked, your voice low and even.
"I don't know, she just needed to talk to me about something," Peter shrugged, his voice dismissive. "Don't worry about it."
You narrowed your eyes, your annoyance simmering. "About what?"
Peter frowned, clearly not understanding your sudden anger. "I don't know, she didn't say. It was just a quick conversation."
You crossed your arms, your eyes flashing. "Did she say anything about me?"
Peter blinked, confusion etched on his face. "No, why?"
"I thought so," you muttered in a huff, turning back to your work.
Peter's confusion deepened. "What's wrong?"
You didn't respond, your jaw clenched. Peter sighed and walked over to where you were sitting, his hands on your shoulders. "Hey, what's going on? You're acting really weird all of a sudden."
You shrugged him off, your frustration boiling over. "Just drop it, Peter."
Peter's hands fell away, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "No, come on. Talk to me. What's going on?"
You shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak. Peter's face fell, and he looked at you with a mixture of confusion and worry.
"Look, I know we've been working really closely together, and I know there's something between us," he said, his voice gentle. "But I don't understand why you're acting like this. Did I do something wrong?"
Peter's words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken meaning. You couldn't meet his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest. Suddenly, the tension between you seemed to crack and crumble, leaving only raw emotion in its wake.
Peter stepped closer, his eyes searching yours. "Vienna, please," he whispered. "Talk to me. Tell me what's going on."
Your breath caught in your throat as his lips brushed against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You felt the heat of his body against yours, the strength of his arms as he pulled you close.
"Peter," you breathed, your voice barely audible. "I'm so sorry. I...I didn't mean to snap at you."
Peter's arms tightened around you, holding you close. "It's okay," he murmured. "I know you're stressed. But please, tell me what's going on. I want to help you."
You bit your lip, trying to find the words. "It's just... I don't know, being around Betty all the time, the way she looks at you, it's..." You trailed off, shaking your head. "I don't know, maybe I'm just tired or frustrated."
You kept going, your voice trembling as you spoke, "I mean, this story is important, and we're under so much pressure. It's just a lot, and I guess it's getting to me.” You continued to ramble, your words spilling out in a jumbled mess. "I mean, I know it's not fair, she's just doing her job, but... I don't know, maybe I'm just tired and tense from work. I've been putting in a lot of long hours, and I'm probably just imagining–!”
Peter's lips crashed against yours, his hands moving to cradle your cheeks. The kiss was tender, yet insistent, as if he was trying to reassure you that everything would be alright. You melted into the embrace, your thoughts scattering as your heart raced.
For a moment, everything around you faded away. The dim lights of the office, the sound of the city beyond the walls, all of it ceased to exist. All that was left was the two of you, sitting at your stupidly small desk in the middle of the empty newsroom.
Your hands were still on the edge of the desk, and Peter's hands were still on your face, but it was as if the rest of the world had disappeared.
You could feel his breath on your lips, hear the slight catch in his chest as he pulled away. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I didn't mean to interrupt you. I just couldn't help myself."
Your heart was still racing, your skin flushed with heat. You could feel the warmth of his body against yours, the strength of his arms as he held you close. It was as if you were the only two people in the world, lost in a moment of pure emotion.
Peter leaned in again, pressing his lips to yours in a soft, sweet kiss. You could taste the salt of his tears on your tongue, the hint of coffee and chocolate on his breath. It was a kiss that spoke of longing and desire, of two people who had been dancing around each other for too long.
As you pulled away, you could see the vulnerability in his eyes, the raw emotion that you had never seen before. It was a look that told you that he was just as lost as you were, just as unsure of what to do next.
But at that moment, it didn't matter. All that mattered was the two of you, standing in the middle of the Daily Bugle, lost in a world of your own making.
. . . bonus! . . . “so… betty huh?” “oh, shut up.”
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jarofstyles · 9 months
Illicit- 4
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Heyyyy my loves! Here is part 4 of Illicit and a better look into Harry's behavior without Y/N... not a nice man but he's OUR man <3
Check out our Patreon where we have exclusive writings and early access to the next 2/3 parts of Illicit!
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Wc- 3.3k
warnings- asshole h, infidelity, slight violence, paparazzi
Harry was reaching a boiling point. 
Katherine had stolen him away from Y/N for the night, under the guise her father set as a business dinner. Said he had something to discuss with him at a new, up and coming restaurant that it was imperative that he came tonight. He had to peel himself away from Y/N who was curled on his couch with her laptop in her lap, doing a bit of clothing shopping while he leaned against her to help veto and approve on things she was on the fence about. He had been having a very good time being domestic this afternoon to be forced away was already pissing him the fuck off. 
So to find a table clear of said man and just see his daughter there with a scheming beam on her face? It was the worst possible option. Of course, she assured him that her ‘daddy’ would be coming shortly, but by the time their entrees arrived, Harry was fairly certain of what was happening. 
H: I need wine when I get home. 
Y/N: Yeah.. someone sent me an article. 
Harry’s stomach dropped when she sent the link, an article that must have only been published just a few moments ago. A photo of a preening Katherine across from him had been snuck. Thankfully his face was blank, ever so practiced. She was leaning across the table with a preen all over her face, the angle taken so you couldn’t see the third drink set out for her father who was mysteriously not there. 
This had to be a set up. He wasn’t giving the image of the doting, in love boyfriend that Katherine wanted and she was obviously a bit more cunning than he had originally anticipated. He was beginning to piece things together again, and he was getting more furious by the minute. 
The real anger stemmed from being taken away from one of the rarer nights he didn’t have work to check up on periodically, and he’d cleared it just for her. It was like she somehow knew how to piss him off out of some fucked up intuition. While Y/N had the owner's manual on how to make him happy, Katherine knew how to make him irrationally angry. Despite his asshole behavior he was still nice compared to the whole plethora of things he wanted to tell her.
He had no qualms about embarrassing her publicly. It’s where she had weakness. Her reputation. 
H: I’m leaving in a moment. I have a theory about this. Brant Jr never showed up. 
Y/N: Seriously????
H: Yes. What ice cream do you want me to pick up on my way home, my love?
Y/N: ……
Y/N: You’re good, H. Mint Choc pls <3
H: Anything for you. I’ll be home soon. Go get changed into something more comfortable. 
Harry tucked his phone back in his pocket, turning to Katherine who had been watching him curiously. “So when are you going to admit you stole your father’s work phone and tricked me here?” He had waited until the waitress was in earshot. This was a story he wished would actually show up on TMZ. “Because I was having a very important evening and was torn away from people I had meticulously scheduled to come here and discuss ‘emergency business’ changes. I didn’t ask you to dinner because I didn’t have time for these silly things, and because I didn’t want to.” Harry tugged his wallet out. “You are childish. I knew that. But messing with important business shit because you’re trying to trick me into a dinner and planting one of your friends at another table to get some clicks for your weird fangirls living vicariously and extra money?” He pointed directly where he had found one of her friends, the redhead’s eyes widening as Harry caught her phone up and gave his stone cold glare. “My business isn’t a fucking game, Katherine. Wasting my time when I’m doing things because you’re throwing a childish tantrum because I can’t shower you in affection every hour of the day? What did we discuss last time?”
“Harry, darling, you’re being a bit loud-” Katherine chuckled nervously, eyes wide as she had been figured out. The waitress and tables close could clearly hear him. She hated negative attention and had been working at trying to market them as some sort of ‘it couple’, which wasn’t going to work for him anymore.  He was growing tired of this scheme and really needed her to just end it so the contract could be over, null and void. 
“I can be louder, if you want.” He said ruthlessly. “I can let all of your little friends know the image of our relationship you paint is a sham, that you try to make me out as someone who I never had been, and never will be for you. I am not in love with you, Katherine. I told you, if you wanted to date me that it would be on my terms. If that makes me an ‘asshole’” He sneered, “So be it. I’ve never lied about my stance in dating you. I let you prance around and use my name to get into clubs that your own last name is too irrelevant to get you into, I allow you to pose photographs of me though you know I despise it when you do, I allow you to use my yacht and I let you use my home in Los Angeles before I sold it to have one of those stupid influencer parties you love to post about although, I know you hate half of those girls.” He knew his voice was carrying, but he didn’t care.  “You are the one hurting yourself by making this relationship out to be anything but it is. A means to an end.” For both of them, but she would know now just how onto her he’s been. 
“I’ve let it go for a while. I’ve allowed you to do what made you feel better because if it kept you off of my back while I handled things on my own, I was fine.You even harassed my friends for the lake house keypad number, which is fucking pathetic.” it really was and Harry had been mad since then, but this was growing past a disrespect he was willing to accept. “ But you’re fucking with business now. I will not ever stand for it. If I say no, it means no. If I say not tonight, it means not tonight. If I say to stop calling, stop fucking calling me.” He let his voice seethe while his face remained mostly it’s usual cold sneer, throwing a few bills on the table. “Continue fucking with my business and see how that ends up. Your father could build up a company, and I can take it down just as fast.”
He stood up, righting his jacket as he watched her pale face, knowing he had just scared her. He didn’t care. Maybe there was something wrong with him, but he truly, to the bottom of his heart, didn’t care about her feelings. The one girl he cared about was waiting for her mint chocolate chip ice cream. 
“Are- Are you threatening me?” She shriekd quietly, making Harry pause, calling their waitress all the way over.
“It’s not a threat, but a promise.” There was no questioning that he meant it. Looking towards the waitress, he handed her a generous tip and nodded, leaving the restaurant to find flashing cameras. One particular flash pissed him off, and catching Harry in a bad mood was not a good thing to do. 
His hand shot out, grabbing the surely expensive to the man’s camera, and threw it forcefully onto the pavement. It shattered into little pieces, the lens crackling on the sidewalk and the plastic of the body falling into shards, his blank stare going from the broken beyond repair camera to the sputtering camera man. His face was tomato red while Harry’s jaw remained sharp and clenched, raising a brow in challenge. 
“What the fuck! My fucking camera!” He bellowed. “I’m gonna sue the fuck out of you!” 
Harry grabbed his business card out from his pocket, handing it to the man. “Reach out. It will be a pleasure to beat you in court.” 
His car was in the lot, which he quickly got to and peeled out of the parking lot. He wasn’t even inside of the shop yet when he got a call from Y/N. Her contact photo brought a smile to his face, answering it as he briskly walked inside the automatic doors and grabbed a little basket. 
“Hi, my love.” He murmured, making his way towards the back, knowing the exact brand she wanted from the freezer. 
“Did you really break a camera?” Y/N squeaked into the phone. It made him laugh, not pausing in his expedition. She was still relatively new to his life and didn’t seem to google him like everyone else who met him. Even if it felt like she was meant to be with him forever, that their souls had always been familiar, she hadn’t seen much of that side of him yet. 
“Yes.” He hummed. “Shoved it in my face, blinded me for a moment. I was already angry. The photographers know it's a risk when I’m involved, darling.” It was sort of his thing. If people got too close, hit him with it, intruded on his personal space, he was quick to rid himself of the problem. They were lucky he chose the camera and not the person behind it. Harry really didn’t care, and he knew some would label him as toxic or maybe even crazy, but it wasn’t something he cared about. His temper was notorious. 
“Christ! H!” Y/N laughed in disbelief. “Hannah sent me an article. There’s a video circling social media. I haven’t watched it yet.” 
“Good. Don’t, it’s a waste of time yeah? Told you I’m an open book for you, sweetheart. Can ask me any questions you’d like when I get back to you.” He tucked the phone between his shoulder and cheek, opening up the freezer door to grab their designated flavors. “Stay comfortable for me, I’m just about to check out and get home t’you. I’ll talk to you in a bit.” It was something Harry wished he could have happen every day. Going home to her. She was the centerpiece of his home now and her absence was palpable when he got home and she was at her own place or out and about. 
They said their goodbyes and Harry found himself lost in his head as he used the self check out to pay for their sweets. He avoided most social interaction when he could because everyone always had a favor to ask him, a question, a dig. It was nice to be able to pay and avoid the pointless small talk with a cashier who usually didn’t give an actual shit, or someone who obviously gave far too much of one. His lone wolf lifestyle suited him just fine- but now Y/N fit into it. She wasn’t just anyone, her voice didn’t grate on his nerves, and he was in love with her. He figured adding another lone wolf to his life wouldn’t hurt- not when it was her.
“Harry…” Y/N laughed, licking her spoon clean. “While I am most definitely proud of you for how quickly you can come up with comebacks and witty words, I’d prefer they not be needed at all.” Her smile faded, leaning further into him. The man had stripped himself of his suit and found his clothes after a quick shower, trying to rid himself of the disaster and waste of a night. Now he was going to be with the woman he had been looking forward to spending time with for the rest of the night. 
“Unfortunately, s’part of the job.” His thumb rubbed over her shoulder as she leaned into the man, his neediness even more apparent when he’d plucked her up from her spot and sat down to settle her in his lap. “Paparazzi are, for some reason, something that still is a thing and they make a pretty penny on photos of me because I like to dodge them.” Harry was not the stereotype of a nepotism child. He did work for what was given to him but he was under no false pretenses. He knew that he was born into an almost impossible wealth, one that some of his peers had deluded themselves into thinking they could be anything. The so-called ‘self made’ millionaires as if they didn’t have billions to cushion their blow if they were to be shot down. He liked to hide away from the attention part of it the best he could, but sometimes appearing at things was a necessary evil. 
“I know.” The angel in his lap grumbled. “I know it is but it still makes me irritated that you have to worry about it. That they’ve gotten so far in your face that you were even able to do that. It’s just rude and invading your privacy.” Her little pout did something to his formerly black, charred heart. 
Y/N was his opposite in a good way. She was love and warmth and light and morals. Harry was cold, cruel, darkness. Iron compared to gold. If it were anyone else, he thinks he may be slightly annoyed by their cheerfulness, their optimism. Harry had seen a lot of the world and a lot of the bad sides of people, skeletons hidden in closets and the life of the elite. It was hard to be optimistic at times when he’d seen such hopelessness, but she managed to peel back some of the grimy layers in his dim outlook in life, his cynical snarks and soften the jagged edges just a bit. He wasn’t a changed man- no. He didn’t have rainbows out his ass, he wasn’t a warm being, but he held the new wick that was lit up in a dim glow when it came to her. He could be good to her. Thankfully Y/N wasn’t looking for more. She didn't want to change him. 
“Oh, my love.” He sighed, his hand chilled from the ice cream coming up to her chin. “It’s alright. They’ll learn at some point. Besides… It isn’t a normal occurrence when I just go out, not normally. Katherine called them, I’m positive.” The mirth in his eyes returned at the reminder of the woman. “I’m going to call Brant tomorrow and let him know of the antics, but I’m going to threaten again. I don’t want to be under this contract anymore.” His voice quieted, looking at Y/N who dropped her eyes from his. His stomach twisted, knowing where her head went. “Hey, sweetness. Look at me.” He urged, trying to catch her eyes again. “You know that I’m looking for every way out, yeah? If I can’t use that, m’gonna move on to the next idea. It’s hard when I’m contract bound, but I’m going to make her break up with me.” 
Honestly,  he was surprised she hadn’t just from tonight. It had him suspicious of her. There was no way that her ego wasn’t bruised from his spiked tongue tonight. He’d made sure other people heard the verbal hits, made sure some of it would be sold to the same publication she was trying to make a few bucks off by planting her friends to take photos. There was a prayer in his mind that maybe that would move it on, make her give him up. Surely, she was someone’s dream trophy wife. Sure as fuck not his, but maybe someone else. 
“I know. I just hate….” Y/N paused, giving her eyes back to him. “I hate that she makes you so miserable, but I’m glad that you hate her. I feel like an awful human being, but I just hate so much about her and It makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me.” 
This was news to Harry, surprisingly enough to actually show on his face. She’d mentioned disliking Katherine before but to see her struggling with her hatred towards the woman who was trying to claim her boyfriend as hers in the public eye, it made him feel even more guilty. He didn’t want this for her, he didn’t want her upset- but he knew that it was his own fault. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you, Y/N.” He said seriously. “I know that hatred isn’t something that your pretty heart feels a lot so m’sure it does feel a bit off but I promise you, it’s worth hating.” There was a pause, thumb squeezing her jaw slightly and watching as it popped open from the little trick. “If I had to see you out with someone else… I’d be murderous. If another man said you were his, I’d enjoy knocking every tooth from his skull.” His jaw tightened. There was no way. Every time he thought about it it made him ache, so he knew that it must be similar to her. Though he couldn’t imagine Y/N’s gentle soul to be murderous, she at the very least must be angry. 
“Cool it, cowboy.” Y/N crooned, watching as his brain was visibly showing his thoughts on his face. “No one is coming to get me. I’m all yours.” It was like she was soothing a dragon. To be fair, Harry was pretty sure that if it could, smoke would be coming from his ears or his nose. Y/N could read him very well but to be honest, he did little to hide his emotions from her anymore. His girl was just good at knowing him, and he appreciated every moment of it. He couldnt lie and say that her insistence of being his didn’t please him- it absolutely did. 
Harry had quite a few morally gray qualities and one was his possessiveness. Words like that, telling him that she was all his, it made him hard. Settled him in a primal, animalistic way and he wasn’t going to stop it. Y/N had been clued into it, knowing the exact right thing to sway his mood a different way. Knowing that the woman curled up to him thought of herself as his, that she was fully belonging to him and would be proud to be his as soon as they could be in the limelight. Harry would be equally as happy with people knowing he belonged to her, and he had no shame in labeling himself as so- but Y/N was playing into his weaknesses. 
“You are, aren’t you? And I’m yours.” His voice dropped an octave, moving his hand down a little bit to cup the side of her neck. “No matter what she tries to play to the public, no matter the image shes trying to sell, I belong to you, sweetheart. Heart and soul. It’s all yours.” No truer words had been spoken. Harry was an honest man, most of the time, but this wasn’t something he would lie about. He wouldn’t declare his heart as hers if it wasn’t. “My messy little girl.” He swiped away a bit of ice cream from the corner of her lip with his free hand, bringing it to his mouth to suck it away, keeping her eyes on his. Her ice cream was melting in the tub in her hand, and Harry had a better idea on what too with it now. 
“Let’s not talk about her anymore, my angel.” He suggested, gently moving her closer to him. “Why don’t you let me have my sweets now, yeah? Taste them off of you?”
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
The Last I Heard
i may have a seperate part 2 of this on the way, the idea is so cute.
Pairing: Peter Parker (mcu) x Reader
Warnings: peter do be flirting
Genre: Fluffy/slight angst/ pining
Word Count: 15K
Summary: Peter overhears you saying you like him but you're too scared to tell him, he makes you want to tell him.
Peter knows it is absolutely wrong to use his powers for his own advantage. 
He also knows that the majority of common folk would disagree and use it to their own advantage if situations were reversed, and that’s fair to Peter. Everyone at one point has sworn that if they had super powers they would listen in to every conversation, or they would read everyone’s mind. 
And Peter did do that at first, until he realized that eavesdropping was a terrible idea. Because you start to feel kind of itchy and icky about yourself, you realize that these are conversations that were meant to be personal. Ned was the one that usually begged, he would point out random people and persuade Peter into listening in and giving him dirt. 
It was never anything too interesting, just personal. 
At lunch Ned would ask, “Yellow jacket is up in hat’s face, what’s going on?” 
And Peter would listen in. 
“You weren’t there! You have no idea what went down, like, at all!” 
Hat defends her stance, “Oh come off it! You’re supposed to be MY best friend, you were mine. And I lost you to him.” 
Yellow jacket is upset at her dismissal, “ You decided that, not me. You think this is dumb of us? That we’re selfish? That this was one big ploy to fuck up your life?” 
Hat is taken aback, then stands her ground. Solidly, “You fucked my brother, Jessica. You both decided to run around and date behind my back, and if you did it openly it would’ve gone over better. But you conniving with him hurts, I just lost my best friend and I have to watch her walk around my house cuddling up to my brother!” 
Peter stops listening, he feels like he should’ve never heard that. 
But he still tells Ned. 
Once at the mall Ned pointed to a group of girls, “What are they talking about?” 
Peter hones in, then repeats. “Redhead is looking for a tampon, Jeans is helping Redhead search for a tampon. Ponytail is talking about wanting to hook up with Jayson but she’s dating Erik, Bangs is telling Ponytail to do it anyways and Glasses thinks you’re cute.” 
Ned grins, “Should I go ask for her number?” 
Peter frowns, “No.” 
He doesn’t like playing this game so much anymore, he’s started to feel like a constant invasion of privacy. He doesn’t do it for Ned much anymore, only sometimes. 
“It’s an emergency, Peter! Like a real emergency! You have to tell me what they’re saying!” 
Ned shakes Peter's shoulders for emphasis, Peter bobbles his head back and forth then stops to wave and smile like a normal human when you walk by doing it first. 
He lets out a sigh, “Who?” 
Ned points to Betty Brant and Flash Thompson. 
Peter understands why he wants to listen in so bad, he gives in. By the way Betty looked it wasn’t going to be anything juicy. 
“Flash is telling her about how his mom is gonna buy him a new car, Betty is saying her mom’s making her favorite dinner.” 
Ned pouts, “Nothing about me?” 
Peter shakes his head slowly, “Sorry man.” 
Ned stays quiet for a few seconds then pushes his head towards them again, “How about now?” 
Peter sighs, “No, Ned.” 
MJ wrapped her hand around your neck after you passed by Peter. 
“Waving to your future man?” 
You turned your head back, panicked he had heard her. Instead you just saw Ned and Peter looking at Betty and Flash. 
“He’s so fucking cute, right? Did you see his hair? His curls are like, fucking perfect today.” 
Peter Parker made your heart race. 
He was a goddamn saint, the nicest person you’ve ever met. He was a genius, the smartest person you’ve ever met. He was funny, the best quick wit you’ve ever heard. His laugh was the best you’ve ever heard. His smile made you feel like putty, his voice woke you up in the morning but melted you down if you’d been extra stressed that day, and his clothes looked down right adorable on him. 
Everything about Peter Parker was your favorite thing about him. 
“Careful, Y/N. I may think you have a crush on the kid.”
You pushed MJ in her ribs, “Has he ever kissed anyone before?” 
“Why, looking to be the first to settle the land, Christopher?” 
You gasp, “Did you just call me a colonizer?” 
MJ ignored you, “You know, you could just ask him.” 
You laugh, “That’s cute.” 
It was. You and Peter were casual friends, you’ve hung out in only groups and only had one on one conversations a few times. You did like him, and you did flirt when you were around him but it was so subtle you don’t blame him for not picking up on it. 
“I mean, I think you guys would actually work out. Like hardcore, he’s just a little dumb. You’ve gotta be the one to bring it up.” 
Here we go again, the same tired piece said over and over. MJ, Betty, even Flash has gotten in on it, they all claim Peter would be down in an instant but would it be because it’s you, or because someone likes him? 
“Does he even like me? Or think of me like that?” 
MJ grimaces, “Peter’s hard. He doesn’t really talk about girls, you know? I mean, he’ll say when a girl is pretty or whatever but he’s never been one to be like, ‘she’s so hot, i wanna french her by noon,’ so, maybe?” 
You tap her arm around your neck, “So insightful, I’m so glad I have a friend on the inside.” 
MJ squeezes the sarcasm out of you. 
Peter’s gotten better at not eavesdropping. 
It’s been weeks of fighting off Ned’s request to listen in on an unsuspecting victim. 
Until recently. 
He kept hearing his name, but couldn’t clock it. He had his head swiveled around the entire lunchroom with no luck. It wasn’t a constant calling, just casual. Peter this, Peter that, Peter, Peter, Peter. 
He swears he’s going insane, he can’t jus-
Peter jumps, he’s trying to dial his focus on his name when you slam your hand down on his lunch table. 
“Oh.” When he realizes it’s just you. 
“Hi, Y/N.” You grin when he does, it’s infectious. You almost forgot why you approached, MJ said Peter would admit when a girl was pretty. 
“Hi, Peter.” 
Peter looks to the side of him and pushes his backpack away, “Wanna sit here?” 
Your heart lurches with the question, he was asking if you wanted to sit next to him. 
You shake your head, “I just have a question.” 
A grin, “Shoot.” 
You gulp, why did you do this again? Oh. To prove you had a chance. 
“In a strictly non friendly way,” 
“Uh oh.” He voices. 
You smile, “Do you think I’m pretty?” 
Peter freezes, “Oh! Uh, I mean, me?” 
“You what?” 
“Me! You’re asking me? Of course I think you’re pretty!” 
You smile, “Thanks, Peter. But, am I pretty in a non friendly way?” 
He looks confused, “What would be a non friendly pretty?” 
You roll your eyes, “Like, pretty enough to date.” 
His eyes go wide, pink coats his cheeks. 
“Oh, oh!” He nods enthusiastically, “Yeah! You’re dating pretty, don’t worry about it.”
You thank him and walk away with your head a little higher. Your group quiets when you approach, MJ greets you with raised eyebrows. She has to pretend the whole group wasn’t just talking about you and Peter.
“What was that about?” 
You sit your stuff down and take a seat, you shrug and look at her. 
“He said I was pretty.” 
Flash commends the size of your balls. 
You thank him.
“Y/N asked if she was dating pretty today, what does that mean?” 
Ned shrugs, “Google it.” 
Peter gives him a ferocious look, “And what would Google say?” 
Ned sighs as he looks over Betty, “Are you sure she’s not talking about me?” 
Peter looks towards the back of the class, you and Betty sat next to each other giggling. Peter tells himself not to, but he does. 
He hones in, he doesn’t get much. He’s learned to listen in enough to get the details, but protect the person at stake. 
Peter’s eyebrows furrow, he wants to listen to more. 
“Uh, they’re talking about a double date.”   
Ned throws up his hands, his jaw is dropped and he’s looking between Peter, you and Betty. 
Peter looks around, “Well what?” 
Ned tugs at Peter’s arm, “With who?” 
Peter’s eyes widened, “Oh!” 
“I’m sure Peter would be down, Y/N.” Betty shoulder checked you and winked, you groaned and looked up at Peter, he was looking at you. Even though he was across the room you felt paranoid he could hear you. 
You smiled at Peter and turned to your friend, “Sure, you ask Ned first.” 
Betty drops her jaw and looks at Ned, she starts to sputter. 
“No! That is not the plan, at all!” 
You huff at her, “The plan was to use Peter against me? You’re sick for that.” 
Peter knows he should stop listening, he’s caught on, the double date was with him and Ned, but he also wants to keep listening. 
“No! I never said that!” 
You narrow your eyes, “Look, it would make sense for you to ask Ned on a date.” 
Betty turns her nose up, “Well, the same could be said for you and Peter.” 
Peter Parker can’t help but feel a bit giddy, you asking him on a date? He would never shut up about it again. 
Ned is pawing at Peter’s shoulder begging for an update, he shrugs him off and keeps listening. 
“What? No, it literally could not. You and Ned flirt all the time, everyone knows it’s gonna happen, it just when.” 
Betty is slightly confused, she's wondering if you two are fighting. Just slightly. 
“Do you think you’re not flirting with Peter?” 
You blink and Peter watches your mouth open, you’re about to reply when Ned shakes him hard. 
Peter turns back around and scoots his chair closer to the desk. 
“It’s us.” 
“What is?” 
Peter clears his throat, “The double date, it’s us.” 
Ned’s eyes light up, the thing he’s been searching for in conversation is coming to fruition, then dials it back some. 
“Betty wants me, right?” 
Peter nods. 
“And Y/N wants you?” 
Peter shrugs. 
“I mean, it makes sense. She’s always trying to hook up with you.” 
Peter’s head spins, “What?” 
Ned pulls his head back, “Well, yeah. I just thought you weren’t interested. She’s always trying to make a move when we hang out.” 
Peter is in disbelief, “She is?” 
“Bro, she literally only hugs you when we all hang out. When she gets there and when she leaves, she wants you all over her. Like, now.” 
Peter is nibbling his lip, he never thought he had a chance. He just thought you were extra friendly towards him, maybe you thought he needed a friend. He didn’t know you wanted him like that though. 
He decides to listen in, one last time. Then he swears he was done, forever. 
Betty huffs, she’s lovely but absolutely stubborn. 
“Then fine, I’m not asking Ned until you ask Peter first.” 
“That’s fine, Ms. Brant. But I’m never gonna ask him.” 
Betty huffs again then looks to the boys and sees Peter looking at you, she gets a wicked grin across her face. 
“Then I’ll make him ask you.” 
You turn your head to see her looking at Peter, you start to backtrack immediately. 
“No! No, no, no. You won’t. You promise me you won’t get Peter involved.” 
Betty pretends she didn’t hear you. 
“Betty, I’m serious. Promise me right now you won’t involve Peter.” 
She starts to hum, this is a game to her. You know what she wants and you’re about to give in. 
“Betty please, don’t involve him. I’ll ask anyone else, if you’re that dead set on a double date I’ll ask literally anyone else.” 
She pretends to think about it, then calls out across the room. 
“Hey, Peter?” 
You whip your head to his, he’s looking at Betty confused. You start to melt and panic. 
“You won’t.” You mutter the words. 
“Come here?” 
Peter looks at Ned and shrugs, he goes to stand. 
Your heartbeat is hammering your chest, you grip Betty’s elbow tightly. 
“Stop it, Betty. It’s not funny anymore.” 
Peter’s walking over, you feel your hands shake. You curl them into fists.
“Betty!” You look over your shoulder, he’s about to be here. 
“I’ll ask him! I’ll ask him!” 
Betty smiles, it’s like she's asking you if it was that hard. 
You can’t help the smile that crosses your face when Peter not only approached your side of the desk, but also smiled at you first and made sure you saw him before looking at Betty. 
“You called?” 
Betty grins, it makes you feel sick. 
“I was thinking of asking Ned on a date, what’s his favorite food?” 
Peter thinks of his next words carefully, he makes sure to look at you when he speaks. 
“We’re both pizza kinda guys.” 
You shudder. it was never about asking Peter for you, it was about forcing you to say yes. 
“What’s his favorite? He strikes me as a hawaiian type of guy.” 
He grins, “You guessed right.” 
You speak up, “You strike me as a cheese or pepperoni type.” 
Peter tilts his head, “Do I?” 
You shake your head, “Actually, I think you’re a ‘any type of pizza will do, as long as I can pile as much parmesan cheese as humanly possible on it.’ kind of guy.” 
He hums, “Are you a crushed red pepper kind of gal?” 
You shrug and feel your cheeks get warm, “Maybe.” 
“That’s good then, none of the packets get wasted. Look at us, the zero waste couple.” 
“Couple of besties?” You give a nervous grin. 
Peter nods, “Sure.” 
You swallow hard, you were never prepared for Peter to say something flirty to you, he was supposed to be the nervous quiet one, but you have a feeling he can be extremely charming when he wants to be. 
Betty eyes you then looks at Peter, you notice they share a look but you can’t place what it is. 
“Pizza then?” 
“Trust me Bets, Ned is gonna scream when you ask him out. He’s been dying to do it but it’s always nice to know when a girl is into you.” 
He let that last line slip, he’s trying to hint to ask him without laying it out. Or let you know he was listening in. 
“Does he really? I swear he doesn’t make it known.” 
You look over at Ned, you have no clue how she thinks he doesn’t make it known. He followed her around like a puppy and was at her beck and call. Not to mention he’s watching the entire encounter rocking in his seat biting his nails. 
And you were scared you looked nervous. 
You point at Peter’s best friend, “Really, Bets? He doesn’t make it known?” 
Peter pats your head, “What she said.” 
You bite your bottom lip hard to stop the whimper from escaping, Peter shares a glance with you, you’re pretty sure he heard you. 
“So it’s an easy yes?” 
Peter nods, “The easiest.” 
Betty nods at Peter then looks towards you, “Y/N? Anything you need to ask Peter?” 
Your cheeks feel hot, you give a death stare to Betty. 
“Uh, nope. Can’t think of anything.” 
Betty pushes, “You sure?” 
“Positive.” You push the word through clenched teeth. 
Betty waits with pursed lips and when you offer no more she nods slightly, she can play this game too. 
“Thanks for the advice, Peter. But I don’t think I’m going to ask yet.” 
You want to disappear, and you are extra aware of Peter’s body next to yours. If you leaned against him you would rest into his waist, you wanted to make him proud again, so he could give you another celebratory pat. 
“He’s there when you’re ready, Betty. Stays between us, promise.” Then he looks at you before he departs, “Hey, you going to Flash’s party tonight?” 
You don’t trust your voice and nod, Peter watches where you chew on your lip. 
“Good, I’ll see you there.” He taps your shoulder with a punch and walks back towards his best friend. 
Ned looks at him with wide eyes, his fingernails are nubs. 
Peter sighs dreamily, “I’m gonna make her ask me out.” 
You both point at each other then meet in the middle for a hug, Peter sways you slightly and pulls away. 
“Long time no see!” He jokes, you giggle along. He’s just so funny. 
“No kidding, you know time stops when you’re not around.” You wink to play off the joke. 
Peter scrunches his nose like a bunny, “I love when you flirt with me. Want a drink?” 
You feel frozen for a moment, he’s not supposed to catch on. He was supposed to play dumb until you all grow up and get married and have kids and one night over lunch when you catch up after years you let it slip that you had a giant crush and always waited for him to notice. He wasn’t supposed to notice now. 
“What are you drinking?” You clock his red cup, he’s not a drinker but it’s not a water bottle this time. 
He holds it out, “Try?” 
You take it and raise it to your lips, it’s nearly empty. You can’t help but think about this being the first time you’ve shared a drink with Peter, you’re putting your lips where his were. The only thing more intimate than this is sharing a bite of food. If you pretend hard enough you can say that you’ve technically kissed him. 
It’s sweet and you can’t detect alcohol. You pull back and eye him, he’s waiting for your reaction. He hopes you like it. You pull a face then try it again, you’re trying to place it. 
“Like it?” 
“It’s like a cherry sprite, but like, better?” 
“It is! I can make you one?” 
Peter pushed you towards the kitchen with a hand to your back, you felt his palm through the material of your shirt and realized how cold the rest of you felt. Small conversation carried you through the wait, he made each of you a cup and handed it over. 
You both took a sip at the same time, you pulled back with a slight frown then took another sip. Peter watched you furrow your brows before you reached out for his own and took a sip. You make a confused sound. 
You shrug, “Your’s tastes better.” 
Peter thinks it's adorable, he can only hope that if this goes the way he’s thinking that you would carry this over. He always wants his to taste better, just because it’s his. 
“I’d offer to swap but then I’d think that one would taste better.” 
You nod, “I think you’re right.” Then hold your own out, “Cheers!” Peter obliges then holds his back when you try to tap it, “What are we cheering for?” You pucker, “Do we need a reason?” 
Peter pouts, “No, I guess not. Feels better to have one though.” 
You think for a reason then exclaim, “Here’s one,” You raise your cup again, “Here’s to new friends!” 
“And couples!” Peter taps his cup on yours. 
“What?” You eye him down, did he just say what you thought?” 
He nods his head towards Ned and Betty, totally wrapped up in each other. 
“Right! To new friends and couples.” 
Peter was about to speak again when Flash’s voice rang out on the DJ speaker. 
“Friends to the inner ring, losers stay away.” 
MJ immediately leaves from the inner circle to the kitchen, “MJ! You’re a friend!” 
She calls behind her, “I know you consider me one!” She stops when she sees you and Peter chatting closely. 
She nods her head in recognition, “Nice.” 
“What are you doing?” You watch her open cabinets moving around the kitchen. 
“Making toast. Take my place for me.” 
You made a pit stop to the bathroom and came back to the living room, the whole group sat across the couches and criss-crossed on the floor, there was not one space open. Peter took the last spot, you were about to sit in the kitchen with MJ when Peter waved you over and tapped his lap. You felt warm just thinking of sitting on his lap, it was closer than you’ve ever been before. You would literally be on top of him, and if you were to move just right perhaps you’d get even closer. 
You held your breath as you lightly rested on his lap, most of your weight rested on your feet you kept planted on the ground. Peter wrapped his arm around your waist and tugged you against him, your feet dangled between his knees and his chest was against your back. He delicately wrapped his other arm around your waist, he was hugging you to him. 
“Good?” He tried to look around at your face, instead you gave in and rested your head against his shoulder and rested a hand over his on your waist. You nodded against his neck, he grinned softly, “Good.” 
The rest of the party went by quickly, it was just a few rounds of some games but nothing too crazy. Some truth or dare, some never have I ever, some beer pong but nothing that led to anything more between you and Peter. He did however stick to your side the whole night. 
Betty and MJ had to nearly pull you from his side to leave, you wish they would’ve left you so that Peter would walk you home and you could maybe score a midnight smooch but they didn’t let you get the chance. 
“Say bye to Peter, Y/N.” 
You pout at Peter, you’re wishing he says he’ll take you home instead. He thinks that’s what you want too, but he has patrol after this, he even has the suit on. 
“Bye Peter. I’ll see you on Monday.” You reach in for a hug, he squeezes you and talks in your ear. 
“Bye Y/N. Let me know when you’re home, okay?” You grin into his shirt, he’s never said that before. You pull away and he looks over your face and hesitates before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your cheek, “See you Monday.” 
The only thing you can do is nod, you smile softly then step back into MJ and Betty who are ‘oohing’ softly at Peter’s move. You can’t even form words, your knees feel shaky and all your pacing thoughts are screaming his name over and over. Peter grins at your reaction before turning and going back to Ned who is now ready to leave since Betty is no longer there to entertain, Peter feels the same way. 
Okay, Peter swears this is the final time. 
He’s never going to listen in on you ever again, he just needs to know what you’re feeling right now. He’s just making sure you’re okay, you didn’t talk over the weekend beyond the ‘home safe’ text and his ‘good, i had fun tonight! thanks for hanging with me!’ text. After he finds out what you’re thinking he’ll trust the process, he just needs to be sure you know he’s interested. 
You were distraught, did you go up to Peter? You got closer than ever at Flash’s party, but he didn’t text you all weekend, but you didn’t either. You wanted to pull at your hair, you had a feeling Peter was the ‘what you give is what you receive’ kind of guy. You swallow the lump in your throat and walk towards him. 
Peter opens his arms, “Hi.” 
Your face lights up, he’s never initiated a hug before. You step into his hold and melt into him this time, no more pretending you didn’t absolutely love this. 
“Good Morning.” He mumbles the words in your ear, you mumble them back into his chest. 
“I don’t want to go to math, go for me.” 
Peter rests his chin on your head and pulls you in tighter, “Wanna swap? I have advanced trigonometry.” 
You pull away and squint at him, “Ew.” 
“I know right?” 
“It’s cause you’re such a smartie. I bet I could quiz you on anything and you would know it.” 
Peter grins, “Wanna come over and test that theory?” 
Your eyes widen, “Just you and me?” 
Peter laughs, “Unless you want to make it a decathlon.” 
A joke. 
He’s joking. 
“Bet, I’ll start working on the flash cards. Irrelevant question, what is your toughest subject?” 
He blows air through his lips and shrugs, he lets out the word with an honest chuckle. 
You swallow, “Noted.” 
He was losing his window of opportunity. 
Good thing, you and Betty sat with him and Ned at lunch. (MJ and Flash followed.) Bad thing, he couldn’t listen to you talk about him. Peter will admit that it feels good to openly like someone and not be scared because he knows the other likes him too, it gives him confidence like he’s never had before. 
You sat next to him too, it went: him, you, Betty, Ned, Flash then two seats away from him, one from Peter was MJ. The table was loud, everyone having mixed conversations, once it quieted down some MJ was reminded of something. 
“Hey, Peter. Are we still doing the thing tonight?” 
What thing? You weren’t told of a thing, was it a Peter and MJ thing? I mean, MJ doesn’t like Peter and you’re almost sure Peter likes you but what is that thing tonight? 
“Yeah! I think Ned is gonna invite Betty too if that’s cool?” 
MJ nods, “Betty’s cool.” 
Peter then nudged his nose against the side of your face, you turn and he’s right there. You notice him glance at your lips for a quick second then asks, “Busy tonight?” 
You hum and think, “I don’t think so.” 
Peter grins, “Wanna come over? It’s game night.” 
“What kind of games?” 
“Mostly video games, MJ and Ned have a switch so we all take turns. But I have some two player board games if you want to play me.” 
You give him puppy dog eyes, “That is so cute.” 
“Is it?” Peter didn’t know it was that easy, he just wanted you to feel included if you didn’t want to watch him or your friends play games. 
You bite your lip and nod, without thinking he places his thumb on your chin and pulls down releasing it. You stare at him and he watches your pupils go wide, he was about to apologize but he won’t now. He’ll let you believe he did that on purpose. 
“Do you have Guess Who?” You clear your throat and try to level your breathing after his stunt. 
“Think so, I have a couple of good ones. I’ll show you when you come over.” 
You look him up and down, “Can I wear my PJ’s?” 
Peter holds a hand to his chest, “I’d be insulted if you didn’t.” 
You hold out your hand to shake his like a business agreement, “Deal.” 
He tells you he’ll text you the details and you lean into him as you laugh at something Ned said in retort to something Flash said. Your head was against his arm, he carefully watched as you made eye contact with Betty, she raised her eyebrows slightly and you carefully nodded your head.
He wrapped his hand around your neck and pulled you into him. 
Peter knows he has you now. 
“Okay, what’s up with you and Y/N?” MJ wasn’t one to care, she promises. But you did consider her a friend on the inside and Peter was acting extremely touchy feely with you and he’s never done that before. Not to mention he kissed your cheek the other night. 
You couldn’t shut up about it on the way home, and of course the group text with you and Betty had been blowing up like crazy. You were constantly analyzing Peter’s every move and Betty was doing the same with Ned. If MJ was honest, and she would never admit it, Flash was her favorite right now. 
“Uh, nothing?” 
MJ nodded, “Nice to know we’re lying.” 
“I don’t know. I know she’s into me and Betty wants to ask Ned out but she won’t do it until Y/N asks me first, but she doesn’t think I’m into her so I’m trying to show her that I am so she’ll ask me.” 
“How the hell do you know about this?” 
Peter shrugs sheepishly, “I listened.” 
MJ groans, “You said you were gonna stop!” 
“I know! Ned was begging me and I accidentally heard it, and now I know she’s into me. I just want to make sure this actually happens.” 
Ned walked in the front door and shook his shoulders, “It’s freezing tonight.” 
Peter glanced at his phone to see if you texted him again, he told you to let him know when you were on your way up, he wanted to catch you in the hallway. Alone. 
“Y/N and Betty are on their way, by the way.” 
“Betty’s bringing her switch so we can all game.” Ned shot finger guns at MJ, she blocked the imaginary hits. 
“Sweet. I’m gonna kick double ass in Mario Kart.” 
Ned looks at Peter, “What are you doing?” 
“I think we’re gonna play some games in my room.” 
MJ waggles her eyebrows, “Alone?” 
Ned whistles, “On your bed?” 
“Probably.” Peter doesn’t see what’s wrong. 
“She’s gonna think you’re making a move, you know that right?” MJ clicks her teeth at him. 
“Like what?” 
MJ chewed on her lip, “She asked me if you’ve ever kissed someone.” 
Ned whoops, “Get it, dude!” 
Peter isn’t that surprised, he wants to kiss you too after all. And maybe that was slightly his plan already, he was trying to separate the both of you from the pack. He just wanted to talk with you more and he couldn't spit game as confidently when his friends were watching and listening. Peter also can’t think of a downside of kissing you either, it just seems really lovely. 
“It’s almost like I planned it.” He winks at his friends as they realize he did in fact plan it to be this way. 
His phone buzzes, “Hold on.” 
He opens the door to see you and Betty’s smiling faces, “Hello.” He reaches in for a hug, you first then Betty. “If you wanna head in you can,” He smiles at Betty and watches her step through the threshold, you go to follow and he steps in front of you. He softly closes the door behind her, you watch expectantly. 
“Hi.” He smiles. 
“Hi.” You mimic.
He almost kisses you now, he opts for pulling you in for a second hug. You’re surprised but latch on tightly, he pulls away and places a delicate kiss on your cheek. It’s softer than the one at the party, it’s intimate, it was a private kiss. 
“Thank you for coming.” He whispers against your skin. 
Your cheeks flush, you’ve never felt this seen before. Peter notices everything about you, and you wonder why it took him this long. You can’t help but get lost in daydreams where he was truly yours and his kisses never stopped, even as they trailed down your body. 
“Thank you for inviting me.” 
He didn’t even look at what you were wearing, he tilted your head up with his hand on your jaw. 
“You look pretty.” 
You blinked slowly, you kept looking between his eyes and his mouth. He said his worst subject was girls, you think he’s a liar, he’s too smooth and quick. 
“You’re better at this than me.” 
Peter just grins smugly. He’s better at the flirting game and he knows it. Spider-Man has some quick wit and it’s helped Peter out tremendously. 
As soon as you both stepped through the door MJ berated you, “What were you two doing out there?” You wince and suck a breath through your teeth, “Making out. Hard core face sucking, had a full round of tonsil hockey.” 
MJ narrowed her eyes, “Oh? Peter finally kissed you?” 
This is what Peter means when he says his friends ruin his game. 
You nod, “Oh yeah. Had me pressed against the wall and everything. I’m still seeing stars.” 
It’s funny, nothing actually happened but what did felt more personal than actually telling your friends about a hook up session. 
“Really?” Betty gasped, fully amazed that you had actually done it. 
You frowned slightly, she seemed so excited for you. You had to let her know you were kidding. 
“Yup. He even asked for my hand in marriage, right Peter?” 
He nods, “We haven’t set a date yet.” 
Betty boos with Ned, “No fair, we actually believed you.” 
MJ shook her head, “No way. Peter’s not the make out in the hallway type.” 
Peter makes kissy faces at MJ, “Wanna find out?” 
MJ gags.
Ned huffs, “Betty and I are setting up Mario Kart.” 
“I’m making popcorn.” MJ backs up into the kitchen. 
Peter tugs you into him, “Wanna check out my games?” 
You may or may not be trying a little extra hard to make your butt look good as you bend down looking at the games, Peter’s standing behind you and you just hope he’s taking a little look. Your PJ’s did hug you just right. 
“You know I’ve never played chess?” You move the box to the right and find Connect Four, you pass him the box and he gasps. “Never?” 
“Nope.” You wish you could play Clue, it was a favorite. You’re gonna team up with Betty to get the boys to play with you, MJ was an easy add if everyone else played. 
“Never learned?” 
You shake your head, “Never did. I dated one guy in middle school who did it competitively, and seeing as he was my boyfriend and a master in the game, or at least I thought he was at the time, I asked if he would teach me and he laughed at me and said it was “too advanced for a brain like mine.” So I vowed to never play it.” 
You stood and handed him two more games, Guess Who and Battleship. 
Peter frowned, “Sounds like a dolt. If you want, I would love to teach you. The hardest part is learning what the pieces do, after that it’s all strategy.” 
You smile, “Don’t make fun of me but that would be a cute date.” 
He laughs, “Teaching you chess?” 
“Yes! You would be like this does that, and this does that, and you would let me practice on you, but you wouldn’t let me win cause then you can tell me why I failed so I actually get better.” 
Peter doesn’t know why he thought girls were so hard to please, he thinks that's just what he’s been told. But so far all you really want to do is hang out with him. 
“We can do it later this week if you’re up for it.”  
You grin and nod, “Yes! You’re awesome, thank you so much!”  
You also are extremely excited to see Peter concentrated and calculated with his moves. 
Peter tells you it’s no biggie, then asks if you want to play in his room. You breathe in and nod, you were nervous to be in Peter’s room for the first time ever, and alone with him. It was slightly calmer if you think about how this is the first of many times you’ll see this room. You’re hoping you’ll be looking at the ceiling a lot more, though. 
He points to his bed when you enter, “I’m leaning towards Guess Who first.” 
You kick your shoes off and sit on his bed, “Comfy.” 
“Just big enough for two.” 
The way he speaks so casually makes you sweat. He’s a natural when it comes to flirting with you, you feel kiddish thinking about your lame attempts you call flirting. No wonder it went over his head for so long. 
“Red or blue?” He holds up the plastic, “Red.” He nods in approval, “Nice choice.”
You hum, “Spider-Man wears red, I like red. I’m easy.” 
He looks at you, “You like Spider-Man?” 
You draw your head back, “You don’t?” 
“I do! I didn’t know you were a fan, that’s all.” 
“I’ve never seen him in person though, MJ has and I ask her about it all the time but she’s just super generic. Have you seen him?” 
Peter clears his throat, “A few times.” 
You drop your jaw, “No way! Tell me!” 
“Nothing special, just the usual walking down the street and seeing him swinging.” 
“That’s so cool though, have you seen him just fucking people up? Like when he does that web thing when he picks them up and slams them down? It’s so sick. Or when he wraps them up and like, flies towards them and double kicks their chest?” 
Peter pretends to think about it, “I think I’ve seen some videos. He’s pretty cool, he’s got a few sick moves.” 
“He’s my Harry Styles, if I saw him I’d melt down and cry and ask him to gently hold me. Like, it sounds crazy but I just know he’s cool. I don’t even like him like that, I just want to be his best friend.” 
Peter wants to ask how you’d feel knowing you were about to make out with him. 
“Total fangirl moment?” 
“Pictures and all. I’d ask him to sign my tits, no joke.” 
Peter throws his head back in a laugh, you smile at how he lights up. You love making him so happy. 
“Okay!” You clap your hands. 
“Is your person wearing a hat?” 
“Is your person wearing glasses?” 
“Does your person have a beard?” 
“Fuck off, Peter. I’m moving in.” 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” 
“Is your person old?” 
“Is your person Sam?” 
You narrow your eyes at Peter, “Is this how it’s going to be between us? You always winning?” 
“I ask good questions, stick around me long enough and you’ll get better at dodging me.” 
“I could eat you up in scrabble.” You mutter. 
“Yes you could, I’m ass at scrabble.” 
Somewhere after the hour mark you’ve made your way to Battleship, it’s been a close game both of you have one more hit on the other person. You’re starting to feel the pressure, you try and calculate where he is, if you guess wrong he’s going to win. You know it. 
You hold your breath, “C-4.” Peter looks at you and builds the suspense, then frowns. “Miss.” You groan, “Ugh, go ahead and sink me.” He smiles softly, “D-11.” You grunt at your board, “I’m swimming in the ocean with hope and a lifejacket.” 
“Don’t worry, my one boat will come to save you.” 
You snort, “Don’t worry babe, I blew your engines. You’re sinking next.” 
“Are we gonna Jack and Rose it?” 
You nod stiffly, “I’d let you die for me, yes.” 
The room gets quiet, it makes you want to puke but you think the time is right. You told Betty you’d do it tonight, and Peter isn’t so scary, you just hate the feeling of rejection. 
“Remember when Betty called you over about Ned?” 
Peter has to pretend to think about it, he hums as he’s setting up his ships again. 
“Well, she was trying to set up like this double date thing cause she’s too scared to go out with him alone for the first time. I mean nervous, not scared. Ned’s not scary.” 
He hums again, he’s placing the third ship. He’s nearly holding his breath in excitement. 
“And she wanted me to, like she asked if I would, I uh, nevermind.” 
You lost the steam, you weren’t even sure how to word it without making it seem like a favor. 
“I’m listening, she asked if you would what?” 
“It doesn’t matter, it’s stupid. Are you almost done?” You almost looked over to see if he was done placing his ships but stopped before you would ruin the game. 
He looked up at you, “Tell me about Betty, come on.” 
You shook your head and bit your lip, he took his chance and leaned forward to untuck it like he did earlier. Peter watched your pupils blow like before, he looked between your eyes and mouth before moving in. You felt his hand move to cup at your jaw, his thumb brushing your cheek softly before hooking his hand around your face. 
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, you knew what he was doing. He watched your reaction as he pulled you near him, he leaned in closer. He was taking his time, you were nearly shaking waiting for him to just kiss you, he was slowly building the tension. He wanted you to know he wanted this just as much as you did. 
He smiled as he leaned in, just inches away. He brushed his lips against yours, the feather like promise of more. You melted into his touch and closed your eyes, he took that as a sign. His lips pressed against yours and your spine jolted, electricity felt like it ran through you, it didn’t hurt but it woke you up. You gripped at the back of his neck and held him tighter to you, you had dreamed of this for months, you weren’t letting go easily. 
Peter moved against you slowly, he felt as you opened your mouth slightly and he took that as an invitation, he smoothed his tongue over yours and you moaned into his mouth. You’ve never felt this way before in a make out session, and this was just starting. He went until he felt choked for air, he pulled away slightly. You made a wet smacking sound when you separated. You raced for breath and kept your eyes closed, still panting you needed more. You opened your eyes to blink then pulled him back in, you were only able to last a minute before you searched for more air. 
You couldn’t help yourself, he tasted so sweet it felt impossible to pull away. Now that you know what you were missing you never wanted to go back. You told yourself one more, you tried to pull him in but he pulled your hands from behind his neck, “Breathe. I’m not going anywhere. Can’t make out if you're unconscious.” You nodded and made a show of you breathing, then you leaned in for one more, he bowed his head and laughed. “That good?” You drank him in with greedy eyes, you ached for him. “Please,” You whimpered the words, it sent chills down his spine, he loved the way that sounded. 
He nudged his nose against yours, “Please ask me, I’ll say yes.” He whispered his request.
He wasn’t talking about kissing, you knew that. He was asking about you asking him out, you know he was. He tied two and two together, you breathed in deeply. 
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” 
He nodded and placed his mouth on yours once more, you gripped at his shirt before shoving the plastic boxes to the side so you could get closer. You slowly shuffled toward him until you pulled away to straddle his waist, meeting his lips quickly before he could tell you to slow down. You’ve dreamed of this forever, you were in awe of what was happening, Peter Parker was making out with you, and it was really, really good. 
Betty tried to walk in to ask what time you were leaving, it was a school night after all. But she decided to back out and give you space when she saw you busy at work on top of Peter. She came from the room glowing, she couldn’t believe you had actually done it. 
“What’s going on in there?” 
Betty smiled at MJ, “They’re making out.” 
“Good for them!” Ned cheered out, he passed the finish line before MJ, “Last lap, loser.” 
“That reminds me!” Ned looked over at Betty, “What?” 
“Wanna go on a date with me?” 
Ned dropped the remote, his character fell off a cliff. 
“Yes. God yes!” 
MJ is sure Flash is her favorite now. 
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plussizefantasia · 20 days
Troubled Hearts
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Read parts One and Two here: Fluttering Hearts Unsure Hearts
Warnings: guy being creepy, threats of violence, drinking (not reader) we're getting into the angst here guys sorry
a/n: hi, hello, I'm alive sorry for falling off the face of the planet. When I went to go grab the link for part two I realized that I hadn't updated this story since JANUARY!?!?! here is my formal apology: sorry. My goal is to have parts four and five up sometime this month so I can be ready to jump into CozyTober when it starts. Anyway, much love I hope y'all are still interested in the story if not I understand.
Kili Durin x Human!Soulmate!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
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Kili must hate himself, there is no other reason for why he’s putting himself through this. Months have passed since you had kind of sort of opened up to him and he couldn’t get you to do it again. He’d been spending his nights the same way, a constant presence at the bar. No matter the weather, the dwarf prince would be posted up on a stool. He slowly sipped the same pint throughout the entire evening and his eyes followed you like a hawk. 
You would have thought that his attentions would have waned by now, you’ve been busy with the bar, Brant unable to keep up in his old age. You figure that he was letting you take control. You never really planned to set down roots in Dale, it was supposed to simply be a stop on your journey. 
You had stumbled into the town late one evening and needed a place to stay, despite the tavern not being an inn and not technically having an extra room, Brant was kind enough to let you stay for the night, as long as you worked it off the next day. One night turned into a week, turned into a month and you realized just how much you enjoyed working at the tavern.
You enjoyed feeling needed, even if it was just to refill someone’s glass. You enjoyed putting in effort and watching yourself get better at all the different skills necessary for a place like this, and you enjoyed the subtle anonymity of it all. Nobody really knew why you were there and nobody had really asked either. Your past didn’t follow you and if you were lucky it never would. You had worked hard and carved out a little life for yourself here, a life that you loved.
Well, a life that you loved most of the time. Up until those nights when every man was just a little too drunk, every woman glared just a little too much and your skin felt just a little too wrong on your body. You did your best to let it all fall off your back, to push through and let yourself be lost in your work but you didn’t always succeed.
You were not sure what hour of the night it was, it seemed that within these four walls, time flew and stood still all at once. What you did know however was that you were getting sick of Roland’s jeers and jibes. You were sure that it was his way of flirting, but you had never really ascribed to the type of flirting where you tore the other person down in the hopes that they begged you to build them back up. Roland was a dick. It was as simple as that and if he thought he had a chance with you he was sorely mistaken.
He had yet to get that through his thick skull though. You balanced a tray of pints above your head with one hand and a tray of food in the other. You expertly wove in between patrons, making your way to the back where Roland and his men often gathered.
“Ah, here she is. Lovely lady with a body to match.” He didn’t wait for you to place the tray down on the tabletop next to him. He just reached his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. His hand digging into the flesh there and making you move towards him to try and get away.
“What do you think lads? Don’t we make a pretty picture?” There were slight nods from the men around you, most of them had eyes only for the ale you were still holding. You noticed that this was often the case. Roland spoke and told stories, he was loud but nobody ever really listened to him.
“I think… that I have more work to do so if you would kindly remove your arm from my waist…” You looked at him, arching an eyebrow. “Before I have to remove it for you.” 
He chuckled deeply in his throat but followed your instruction and released you.
“Alright Gents, here are your pints and your pies, anything else for tonight?” Nobody spoke up, except for a few mutters of thanks. “Well, you know where to find me if that changes.”
You made your way back up to the front of house, sliding behind your bar and releasing a deep breath.
“I don’t understand how you do it.” You look up and into the eyes of the dwarf who just spoke.
“Do what Kili?”
“How you let him treat you like… that like you belong to him.”
You bristle at this. “I belong to nobody but myself Your Highness.”
“I know this, and you know this, but the brute doesn't seem to get it.”
“The brute is manageable Kili, he and his friends give this place far too much business for me to be anything less than civil with them.”
“Civil is fine, I just don’t wish to see you get hurt.”
“I appreciate that Kee, but I can handle myself.” 
“I never thought you couldn’t, I just want you to know that you don’t have to handle everything on your own.”
“I’ve been on my own for a long time, it's not easy to give that up.” You see a customer flag you down a few tables away. “Know this, my dwarf prince, should I need protecting… you’re the one I’d ask.” You smile at Kili and pass him offering him a small smile as you get back to work.
The night continues much the same, people come and go. The group in the back gets steadily more rowdy and you glance at the clock every once in a while hoping that the hands will have moved further than they have.
You serve food and drink to several patrons throughout the night, most kind some not as much. You were being truthful with Kili when you had told him you’d come to him. You just didn't think you’d ever need to. Your past wasn't the nicest and you’d quickly learned to take care of yourself because the people who are supposed to take care of you won’t always be there when you need them to be.
The time flew by faster than you’d thought, you’d apparently been lost inside your head for most of the night. The only light was that of the candles on each table and the fireplace next to the kitchen which was miraculously still lit. You’re not sure how, it's your job to keep it going and you know that you hadn’t stoked it all night. 
The darkness outside creeps into the space and more and more people begin their journey home. All your regulars settle with you or get glared at for their insistence that they’ll pay up next time. Eventually the space empties… mostly. Roland and his friends have settled a little but they still sit vigil in the back of the space, you lost count of how many rounds they’ve had but none of them are belligerent so it couldn’t have been more than eight. 
“Y/N, Another!” One of his comrades yells toward you. You forget his name, Roland’s never-ending cycle of yes men made it difficult to learn names, so at some point, you’d stopped trying.
“I don’t know if you Gent’s noticed, but we’re closed. Go home, I’m sure your wives are wondering where you are.”
“What the old lady doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” The same man yelled out, his remark setting off a burst of laughter from his buddies.
“Come Y/N, one more round and we’ll leave when we’re done.” Roland turned his body to face you and what you imagine to be his attempt at a suave smirk graced his face. 
“Sorry boys, but closed means closed, settle your tabs and go home.” You roll your eyes at the grumbling and whining that come from the group of grown men but do not sway in your decision. One by one they come and hand you some coin, some thank you and some say nothing but all of them leave as they were told.
Roland is the last to come up, as he so often is. “I don’t know why you spend so much time here, if you were mine you’d not have to work one more day in this place.”
“Well, I’m not yours and I like working here.” You place your hand on your hips and cock one out to the side. 
“Yet.” Roland leans over the bar and licks his lips. You lean back in order to put distance between your face and his. 
“Not ever.” You firmly reply. “I am your barmaid nothing more, the sooner you get that the sooner you can move on wooing the other ladies this wonderful town has to offer.”
“Ah, but none of these other ladies stir me as much as you do.” His grin becomes sharper and he moves even closer to you. 
The space behind the bar isn’t very large, big enough for one person really, and with how far he’s leaning you can feel your back brushing against the shelves behind you. 
“The only thing I want from you Roland is payment for your tab and for you to leave.” Your voice carried the weariness that was creeping into your heart, men like Roland rarely took no for an answer. You didn’t want to have to hurt him, it would be hard to explain. 
“Such harsh words darling, I promise I’m not nearly as bad as you think I am.” He reached forward and grasped your wrist. You pulled away instinctively and his grip hardened. “I think you might even like it.” Your face screwed up and you bared your teeth ready to rip out of his hold.
“Get your hand off her.”
Your head whipped to the voice. Kili. Why was he still here? How long had he been here? How much had he seen?
“Piss off runt, this is between me and the lady.” Roland didn’t move his eyes away from you.
“Remove your hand from my One or lose it, you oaf.” Kili growled from the corner of the room. The sharp sound of metal reverberated from the space and if you thought the rage on Kili’s face was intense, it was even more striking with a sword in his grip.
Both you and Roland were looking at the dwarf now. Your lips had parted and your eyes widened. Not only because you were sure blood would be spilled tonight but because of what Kili said. A thousand thoughts ran through your head all in the same second. You had to shake yourself back to the present.
Roland’s grip on your wrist slacked a bit and you took the opportunity to bring your arm to your chest. Your eyes bounced between the two men. You looked around behind the counter, searching desperately for something you could use. You let out a breath when you caught sight of the wooden handle resting on top of a wet rag.
“Pay the lady and leave, like she asked.” Kili took a step closer to the brute his posture reminding you of a coiled snake, muscles tight underneath his skin and ready to strike. 
“I do not take orders from dwarves.” Roland’s voice had deepened, his frustration bleeding through into every syllable. His hand reached out towards the axe holstered on his belt.
“You will either leave here with your dignity, or you will not leave at all. That I can be sure of.”
“Mighty words for an imp.” Roland pulled his axe from his belt and took a step towards Kili. As much as you might like to see the two fight, and you really did.  You needed to stop this before it started. 
You grasped the knife that had been lying on the towel and firmly drove it into the counter in front of you. The noise stopped both men in their tracks and they turned their heads to you, not yet dropping their battle stances.
“Enough. I will not be cleaning any blood off these walls tonight. Roland, you're drunk and daft-  a combination no woman in her right mind would want. Leave and don’t show your face here again. There are plenty of other places to drink, choose one.” You look into his eyes as you rip the knife from the wood, pointing it towards him and gesturing towards the door. 
He grumbles but holsters his axe and begins to leave.
“Oaf, you forget something?” Kili called out to him. You cut your eyes to the dark-haired prince narrowing your gaze on him. “Or are you the type of man to run out on his debt?” 
Roland turns slowly and his hand flexes by his side. He takes a large breath before grabbing a small leather bundle from his coat pocket and throwing it up on the counter. Kili smirks and nods his head. 
Roland lets out a low growl but continues on his path, pushing past the doors and onto the street. You don’t move until he turns the corner. At which point you deflate. Your head falls forward like a puppet without strings and you take a deep breath to soothe your racing heart.
“What was that?” Your question, head still bowed.
“What?” Kili takes a step toward you and you shoot up.
“What was that Kili!?” Your chest heaves with every breath you take. “I had it handled, I don’t need you coming in here and threatening people!”
“He put his hands on you!” Kili shouts.
“So you pull your sword?! I do not need a bodyguard Kili let alone one with a temper as bad as yours.” You throw your hand up and drag one across your forehead. “Know this, Your Highness, I have no intention of being claimed by you.” Kili’s eyes grow wide and he opens his mouth to speak, “Do not think I don’t know what a One is, I have traveled these lands for a very long time.” You interrupt him. “I have been claimed by far too many men far too many times, I told you, I belong to nobody but myself now. Do you understand?” You look into his eyes, waiting for a response.
“I have no intention of claiming you, I simply wish to share my life with you.” 
“That is very sweet Kili, but you don’t me. You cannot possibly wish to spend your life with me.”
“Then let me get to know you.” He pleads, “I have never felt like this before.” He takes several steps towards you, pulling your hand into his own and looking up into your eyes. “They say that being with your One is the greatest joy a dwarrow can know. I have had a taste now, being in your space, speaking with you, hearing your laugh, and seeing you smile. It has made me feel more alive than any battle and made my heart more full than it has ever been. I will not force you into anything, I care for you too much for that but I will plead with you. Please amralime, give me a chance to make you as happy as you make me. Let me stay by your side and know you not just as a friend but as a partner, through all things.”
His words steal the breath from your lungs and the beat from your heart. They make you feel like you're flying and sinking all at the same time. There is a part of you, deep down that is screaming for you to give in, to let him love you. 
“Kili I-” You pause, “I am tired. Tired of a great many things. I-I I think you should go.” You turn from him and blink back the tears that flood your eyes. You hear him sigh followed by the creek of the floorboard he stands on as he shifts his weight. He does not speak though, simply drops his arm from where it had been holding your hand and makes his way to the door. 
You hear it open and your shoulders tense, the chill air floods into the room and nips at your skin. Then the door shuts and you're alone. Not for the first time, you question if this really is all for the best.
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taglist: @bunnybabe-babydoll @kokochanel111 @shiinata-library @oneiratxxia10 @targaryenteam @sunnysidesidra @shadowrose13-blog1-blog1
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Does the Daily Bugle have a tv news program yet or are they entirely print media?
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supercap2319 · 7 months
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Jameson, but–"
"I told you, Ms. Brant! No calls or meetings at this time. What could possibly be so important that you..."
J. Jonah Jameson stopped mid-sentence to see Y/N Maximoff, aka Prometheus, walking through his door. The young Avenger pulled his hood down and looked at the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle watched him with narrowed eyes. "A young Avenger? What brings you here, kid?"
"Mr. Jameson! I'd like a word with you." Y/N slammed this morning's paper on his desk, with the headline reading: Spiderman. Murderous Menace of New York.
"What about it?" Jameson asked.
"It's a lie. Spiderman didn't kill anyone. Certainly not that asshole, Quentin Beck. He tried to kill myself and Spiderman. This headline is a lie, and it's full of slander. I demand you retype it." Y/N said.
"Retype it? Ha! You must be joking." Jameson laughed hard.
Y/N leaned close, eyes glowing red as his body glowed. "You're going to write the truth. Or would you prefer to take this conversation to the rooftop?" The promise was there, and it was ready to be executed by Y/N if Jameson refused.
For once in his life, J Jonah Jameson was actually scared, but he tried not to show it. "Okay. What's the real story?"
Y/N smiled.
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