The Angel and The Unholy
Thank you for beta reading @earthlyangelbby I appreciate it a lot! (All mistakes are still my own)
Chapter 4. Warnings/Triggers: Drug use. (Anything else let me know.)
Chapter Summary: Victoria is hell bent on waiting for the perfect time to be with Edward Munson. Fate is done waiting.
Victoria watched as Eddie and Nate exchanged money for the product. Looking like a handshake, but she knew better and saw the pre rolled joints in a baggie. Nate smiled at her as he put the bag in his jacket pocket, stopping to ask her if she was coming.
Victoria forced a smile, “I want to get my sister home. Send her out, please?”
“You coming back? It is about to get interesting.”
Nate looked her up and down. Making her skin prickle and she did her best to fight the annoyance. 
“I will see if I can manage. My sister had plenty to drink.”
Nate disappeared into the building, announced something, and a few cheers were heard…
She turned towards Eddie, “you staying?”
He laughed, “I’m just the supplier. They don’t like me past that. Uhh.. Are you staying?”
“No. I am waiting for my sister to get out here.”
“Do you plan on coming back?”
“No. I will be my sister’s babysitter.”
It began raining slowly, and she took the amazing excuse to make sure Eddie left too.
She smiled a little with the question. “Can I use that rain check on the ride home?”
Eddie’s smile grew, eyes lighting up. “Absolutely. Uh-Do you want to go get your sister?”
Victoria looked at the building… “Was it weed you just sold to Nathan?”
His smile disappeared immediately.
Victoria observed his face filled with worry, “I’m only asking so I know if Natalia will be relaxed or not.”
“With who your father is, your sister, smokes weed?”
Victoria shrugged, “My dad is a lawyer, not a cop.”
“Will this be a while?”
“No. She is usually quick with what she does.-”
Victoria looked towards the building. A few loud yells could be heard then they heard Natalia’s panicked voice.
Victoria looked at Eddie, “Just leave.”
Eddie grabbed her arm, “You don’t know what is going on in there.”
“That’s why you are leaving.” Victoria got out of his hold and ran into the packed room. Everyone was interested in whatever was at the center of the room.
Looking over shoulders, she noticed a few people trying to get Natalia to touch the ouija board as she verbally and physically resisted. Victoria pushed through, forcefully shoving some aside. She held the wrist of one who held Natalia’s hand towards the board. 
Victoria warned with a low tone. “She said. Let. Go.”
Surprise was on the girl’s face. Her blonde hair peeking out of the red wig, the little devil horns askew on her head. Then a brave challenge as she snickered. “Little witch needs to participate in her holiday.”
“It is a costume. Now, let go.”
Someone shouted, “Munson is here!”
Victoria glanced towards him. Internally damning her luck and easy plan to leave. 
Someone else..“The witch, the Satan worshiper, and the Devil should use the board!”
Another person… “It is a complete group!”
Laughter from all around telling Victoria this was not going to end well but no matter what, Natalia and Eddie were not touching that board.
Victoria dug her nail into a pressure point that made the devil girl let go with a hiss. Victoria pushed her away from Natalia and the one on the other side, an angel, who let go before being touched.
Natalia muttered, “I could have handled it, Victoria.”
“Lets go-” Victoria moved away from the center but quickly turned as Eddie moved past her.
Eddie stepped between them, “Hey, uh. Can you stop, Rachel?” His hand was stopping Rachel from grabbing Victoria.
Rachel pushed on his chest causing him to knock into Victoria. He turned, making sure Victoria was fine, holding onto her arm for a moment as she shifted to stand beside him. His arm slightly in front of her body.
Victoria kept an eye on Natalia, not bringing attention to her. She walked around, getting into Nates pocket as he walked by. 
Nate stepped forward. “You are used to Satanic shit, so play with your board. I’m sure you will be the best at getting answers.”
Rachel giggled, “Satanic involvement? Sounds like I could get a holiday celebration with the freak. He can worship me.”
Victoria moved Eddie’s arm away from her. She glared at Rachel from beside Eddie.
Out of the view she knew Natalia was already walking out the door.
Victoria turned towards Eddie, hand on his chest to push him away from the situation. “Let’s go. No one needs to touch that thing.”
Rachel demanded, “are you talking about me?”
Victoria did not respond but pulled Eddie by his jacket. She paused for a moment as they walked outside. It was raining harder than before. Natalia was nowhere to be seen, until she looked out the passenger window.
Eddie muttered, “I thought I locked it.”
Victoria asked again, “Can you take us home?”
He nodded. “Yeah…” 
Eddie started to shrug off his jacket but Victoria did not need the chivrally right now. She needed to get him away from here. So she tugged on his jacket, effectively stopping him from shrugging it off and dragging him to the van. He held the passenger door open for her, she muttered a thanks and quickly got in. She watched as Eddie ran around to the driver’s door. 
She noticed Nate and a few others watching from the door.
Natalia stated, “a gentleman. Who wants to fuck you to oblivion.” Then she chuckled to herself, as she made herself comfortable in the big space of the back. Lighting one of the joints with a flicker from her finger. 
Victoria scolded, “Natalia!”
She asked Eddie as he started the van, “Do you mind if I smoke this in here?”
Eddie looked over his shoulder, “Nah.” He did a double take before speeding away from the building, “how many did you buy?”
Natalia chuckled, waving her fingers, “a special discount.”
There was a crease on his forehead from how much confusion on his face. “You stole them?”
Natalia snorted, “I don’t know what you are talking about. -Vic, Try this.”
“Not right now.”
A cloud of smoke surrounded Victoria’s head a moment later. She coughed, then cracked the window. “Stop blowing it at me.”
“Just try it. It is good.” Natalia shoved her thumb into Eddie’s shoulder. “This guy is now my supplier. By the way, how much does this cost?”
Eddie could only respond with, “Uhh…”
Victoria looked at her father standing on the porch. Staring at the van, no doubt the smoke exiting the cracked window. 
Natalia grinned, “See you around, my new supplier.” Natalia got out with a laugh and began walking towards the house. Smoking dramatically with twirls, and blowing into the air above her as she walked.
Franklin stopped Natalia from entering, “That shit stays out of the house. Clothes immediately in the wash. -Stay out of the green house!”
Victoria sighed, “You don’t need to worry about my dad. He is strict with Natalia because she would smoke everywhere. My dad also hates the smell. With a newborn and customers visiting our house would not work really well…”
“Probably not.. You are sure I don’t need to worry?”
Victoria looked at her father, “you don’t. Thank you for the ride. Be careful on the way home.”
She got out of the van and walked to the house, hearing Eddie’s van leaving. She spoke once close to her father. “It’s a nice opportunity for a restaurant. Needs a lot of work to clean it up first. However, we might need Andy to make a few adjustments to better suit mother’s cooking style. It was a simple burger and fries set up.”
Frank asked, “how did that happen?”
Victoria knew what he actually wanted to talk about. “Those at the party had an ouija board. Tried to force Natalia to touch it, then Edward because he followed me in to get her. To get all of us away from the board I asked Edward to take us home. Natalia stole the drugs off of them.”
Frank sighed heavily. “Clothes in the wash and go shower.”
The next day by lunch, everyone was staring at Victoria, talking about her. Some even asked her about the “altercation” with varying amounts of interest and disbelief of her being involved with Eddie The Freak Munson. The only thing that she could do was tell the truth and change the subject. Everyone told her to stay away from the freak, and told her rumors, and brought up his “satanic” club.
Victoria was well rehearsed by the time Robin confronted her. 
“Dungeons and Dragons, is a board game. I mean the real board linked to Satanic rituals is an Ouija board. That was at the party and everyone there was trying to force my sister to use it. I wanted to get my sister out of there and they were using force to hold her against her will.”
“All I am saying is that it is not hard to believe that you two are dating. -I believe that you are not. But, but-! All that staring you did before is like, this big sign. For me at least. I have caught him staring at you too. Like.. Maybe it isn’t a bad thing.” Victoria scrunched her face. “Not a bad thing?”
Robbin scrunched her face back in mocking. “Yeah. I mean if you like him. The staring -All. The. Time. Buuuut- I know Steve thinks you are cute.”
“I am not interested in Steve. He is nice but,”
“He is a dingus.” Victoria giggled, “yeah. He is a dingus.”
Robin shrugged, “I am saying that the outside view looks like you and Eddie are a thing. You turn down every advancement from others, including dingus. However, you not only leave the party with him, but drag him out with you. If you haven’t noticed, this is a small town with not a lot of interesting things but stories people like to make up. Eddie is…odd, but the kiddies speak very highly of him.”
“Max does not.”
“She lives by him, he plays music loud, with the occasional police involvement. -But Dustin and Mike and Lucas do like Eddie. Eddie took them in like lost puppies. Dustin adores Eddie. So there must be something good about him.”
“What are you trying to say?”
Robin shrugged, stuttering. “I am just saying that it is worth talking about-you and Eddie. You turn down everyone but are different for him? I noticed, okay. That is all I’m saying.”
Victoria rolled her eyes, “thank you for stating I’m deserving all of the gossip.”
Robin’s mouth opened to protest, then she closed her mouth. “That’s not what I was saying but in a roundabout way I guess was-but I’m trying to say that people are going to talk now regardless of what is actually going on.”
Victoria inhaled a deep breath and held it for a moment. “Thanks for the… talk.”
Robin deflated, “I intended for it to be better.”
The bell rang and next was biology class. 
She sighed looking around the lunch room as people began leaving. “I know you meant well. I will talk to you later.”
She was questioned by everyone before class started but as soon as Eddie walked in the door they stopped. He sent a glare in her direction, she swore it was for her.
So when that class was over she hurried to her locker, hoping to be quick enough for no one to bother her. She was exhausted from all the conversations. Her mind was worn down from the gymnastics of trying to defend Eddie while simultaneously trying to keep herself in the lie of accepting everyone.
She felt the twitch of her eye from the frustration.
She did not understand what could happen now. 
Was this a way of the bond pushing her to Edward Munson? Why all of this drama? Why him?
“Victoria… hey.” Eddie quickly got to the pace beside her. “Are you okay?”
She kept walking to her locker. “Are you done glaring at me now?”
He repeated the question softly… Thinking about it when he remembered. “-I was glaring at everyone bothering you. Not at you, I promise. I’ve been hearing all the talk.”
Victoria nodded slowly. Then scoffed a laugh, “there has been a lot of talk about the same thing.”
Eddie leaned against the wall, crossing his arms with the notebook hanging from his hand. “You know… uh.. thanks. For not throwing me under the bus.”
He looked away, around the hall. Victoria glanced quickly and noticed enough people making eye contact. She resumed dealing with the book exchange of her locker.
“You did nothing wrong. You helped me get my sister home. That is the truth. I need to go. Auditions are today for solos for choir.”
Eddie looked at her, pushing off of the wall. “Good luck. I’ll talk to you later.”
The rest of the day she swore everyone talked to her about last night but everyone got the same story. The few she tutored also had to make some opinion to bring it up about Eddie. 
She tried to distance herself from Eddie. 
She tried not to think about him.
She dwelled on why she had to have him as her fated.
She felt cursed for having a fated that knew nothing and how he chose so strongly to go against conformity.
It would be easier if he was not hers.
She could keep her family safe. 
She would be happy if things were easier.
Then she was starting to not accept Edward Munson as her Fated.
She was becoming sick as she rejected her Fated.
She felt the sensation of the pull towards him worsen as the time passed. He must have felt something as well because he seemed to be around more.
She was becoming physically weaker as she willed herself to not engage with him past formalities. The mental struggle of wanting to be nicer to him and to distance herself was wearing her down and making her sick. Everyone had their opinions of how involved they were, it would be easy to fall into a relationship right now because everyone believed it. On the other hand, Victoria did not believe it was the best time. She had much more to do in order to change the views on Eddie “the freak” Munson. 
She wanted to make things easier for her family. If it was easy for her family, she could relax.
Not only was there the internal struggles within her own mind. Her family was trying to push her to at least be friendly with him.
Her family was positive he HAD to be one of the rare circumstances where he honestly had no clue about anything. That he really did not realize what he was, and how important Victoria should be to him. They wanted her to get the conflict over with Munson, talk to him, because the way things were going now, it was damaging their bond. 
It could possibly be killing her because she fought the bond.
Her skin would turn cold when near him. She no longer wanted to touch him, it was like a need. A lifeline. She remembered how it felt when they touched briefly, the pleasant warm sensation that would dance where there was contact between the two. She wanted to wrap herself around him when their hands would softly brush against the other as they shared a book for tutoring.
She still refused to be with him… There had to be a better time for him.
She needed a better time.
Victoria rested her head on the locker, feeling nausea taking over her as her head throbbed from the noisy hallway. The chill from the metal felt amazing against her forehead as the fever made her overheat. She was going to stay here for a moment, let it quiet down and regain herself. If she was late to class maybe she could get an excuse for the nurse. She would go home, eat some homemade chicken noodle soup prepared with good intentions, incantations and moon water. The soup was the only thing she could stomach but it was becoming more difficult to eat anything.
While she waited in the same position, she held the fifth Jasper Crystal of the week in her hand and focused on it, trying to will her illness away and onto the crystal. Feeling it crack in her grasp as her body chilled instantly giving her a warning Eddie was near.
“Are you okay?” That familiar, beautiful, deeply concerned voice beside her. 
He has asked her that a few times over the last week. Many people have but he checked on her more the worse she got. Trying to fight the bond with him near made her worse.
Victoria sighed heavily, defeat weighing down on her fast. She saw herself in the bathroom mirror just a moment ago and she looked terrible. Her voice was hoarse,  “No.”
“You need help getting to the nurse?”
“No. I’ll be fine.” She stood without the support of the locker. She tried to walk away from him. Felt an intense lightheadedness flood her brain, his hands holding onto her, steadying her. 
Damn fated bond was literally throwing her at him.
“Jessus Christ! You are burning up.” One arm wrapped around her that she grabbed onto, the other hand touching her forehead, then cheeks.
Victoria sighed pleasantly, “You feel good.”
He grabbed her bag, slinging it on his shoulder. Then sweeping her up as she swayed again. “I’m taking you to the nurse. Then when she releases you, I'll take you home-or to the hospital.”
“No hospital.” Victoria groaned as he walked quickly to the nurse’s office.
“You don’t have insurance?”
“We don’t go to the doctors.”
“Well now you are.” He struggled for a moment but got the door opened. He set her on her feet, but still holding her arms.
The nurse noticed them immediately, asking in a rush, “What is going on?”
Eddie answered, “I think she is sick. Burning up, and was dizzy. She hasn’t been feeling well for a while now.” He helped lay her down on the bed, being careful then stepping out of the way so the nurse could examine her.
“I’m fine.” Nothing could fix her situation unless she would convince Edward to hold her for a while. 
She imagined he would without hesitation.
The nurse told Eddie to leave, he was reluctant but did go outside of the office.
Victoria let the nurse take her temperature and stayed quiet otherwise.
“You have a fever. A high one.. I need to send you home so that you do not pass on this illness. When the fever is gone longer than 24 hours without medication you may return.”
“Okay… I’ll go home.”
“Do you have a way home?”
She took the slip from the nurse to the front office to be excused, having the bare necessities in her book bag, then went outside. She stood at the payphone and looked for change, thankful to have just enough for a quick call home. However, no one answered. Her mother did say they were planning to deliver many orders today. She sighed heavily as she took the change and threw it in her bag to deal with later as she turned around. 
Bumping into someone who held onto her arms to steady her. “I will take you home.”
Victoria jumped back with a gasp, “Jessus Christ! What are you doing out here Eddie?! You need to go to class!”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. -I was planning on skipping the rest of the day anyway.” Victoria furrowed her brows, then closed her eyes in frustration… “Edward Munson, go to biology.. and take notes for me?” She opened her eyes, silently pleading with him.
“I already snuck out of school. I doubt I would get back in easy.” He chuckled a little, his dimples showing for a moment. “Are you walking home?”
Victoria exhaled steadily, looking up at him. His hands are still holding onto her arms “...I don’t know the correct answer.”
“No, is the correct answer.”
Victoria stated, “I’m not walking home. uhh-My dad is actually getting me, the nurse called him.”
Eddie hummed, “okay. I’ll sit with you. Make sure you don’t pass out.”
Victoria could not help how her shoulders slumped when the defeat hit. She is blaming the lack of deception on her illness.
The way his lips turned up slightly let her know he caught her lie. “How long are we going to wait?”
Victoria bit the inside of her lip and pouted as she looked away. “Will you come back?”
“If you take me home will you come back to class?”
“I was planning on leaving after checking on you. Taking you home is an additional stop. Which is not a bad thing, I really don’t mind.”
“Where else were you going to go?”
“Just pick up more… supplies. I already have a list of distributions to deal with.”
Victoria felt surprise on her face before understanding. “Oh…” She stepped back and Eddie held his hands out a moment longer than needed.
“I know we didn’t talk much before the town brought you into the spotlight I shine in. It’s not the best lighting compared to what you are used to... I’m sorry..”
Victoria’s face moved on its own as she felt all the negative emotions hit her at once. The rumors apparently spread so vastly in such a short time of a week.. Everyone thought of her in a tainted way, no matter how much she distanced herself from Eddie.
“I.. Jesus. Can we go to my van and talk? You look ready to pass out. I promise that I’ll drive you straight home, and drop you off.”
Victoria looked at his feet, setting her jaw and nodded. “Okay..”
He grabbed her bag and slung it over his shoulder as he helped her across the parking lot during her dizzy spells. Opened her door and made sure she was situated before shutting it. He rushed around to his door. Turned the key and then quickly turned the volume down drastically as Victoria visibly jumped.
He laughed nervously. “Sorry… Kind of only me usually. And I love music, ya know?”
“Black Sabbath is worth listening to loudly. Just not with a headache.”
With a smile he pulled out of the parking lot quickly, jolsting Victoria.
She held onto the door to brace herself. Then her head as she got dizzy. “Slower please? Head hurts.”
He took his foot off the gas, slowing gradually. “Right. Sorry, again.”
It was silent for a few moments. 
“So… uh… I figure that is embarrassing, to hear what Rachel said, us together... Then this whole town is talking about it, and I’m really fucking sorry. I’ve got bullshit from it and I promise I told everyone it’s not true. That we don’t have sex, the truth that we don’t talk outside of school. Anything I have to deal with is probably nothing compared to what you have to deal with, people thinking you are with the freak of the town. Ya know, me with an angel like you.”
Victoria snorted, “angel?”
“I think it fits well, actually-” 
Victoria laughed, laughed harder than she has in a while, making herself go into a violent coughing fit. Her? An angel? She practiced witchcraft. Has inflicted harm to others. Has hunted animals for food that she later enchanted. She would kill for him, she would curse this whole town and inflict pain for all eternity on everyone that has harmed him in any way. Her being an angel was unbearably amusing.
Eddie pulled over immediately, rubbing her back and holding her hand, the soothing touches were enough to focus on to calm herself down.
“You are hilarious.” She smiled at him after a final small cough escaped.
“Hey, I’m being serious.” Both of his hands held hers..
She scoffed but only made him a little more insistent.
“You are the nicest person I know, you help everyone. You made Dustin and Mike free cookies. Fuck, you stood up for me to Nate that one time. You are telling everyone good things about me, and trying to reason with everyone about my club. I don’t know the last person who defended me. -With brutally sharp words too. Showed how smart you are -other than all the scholarly book stuff.”
Victoria simply stated. “Nate made it easy to state he admitted he is dumb. Everyone else needs to stop being close minded.”
She took her hands away as she began to cough. 
She considered for a moment, what if she never defended him as a fated and just as a nice friend. She had a violent shiver as her body felt like it was dumped in an icy lake. 
With her teeth chattering, “can we go?”
Eddie nodded, “I think maybe you should go to the hospital.”
“No hospital. I just need… Some medicine. We have plenty.”
Victoria watched as his knuckles turned white around the steering wheel. She wondered why, but maybe he felt the need to comfort her. Maybe it was just the pull of the bond. It was a common thing between fated that they had instincts and intuition of the other so well that sometimes they did things without a single word spoken.
Once at her house, she offered a kind smile, “thank you for bringing me here.”
His eyes looked at the house, she knew he saw that the lights were off. “I.. Let me walk you in.”
“You don’t have to. Really I’m fine.”
He rose an eyebrow. “I remember you not being able to walk. It looks like no one is home.”
Victoria could not say another word. Eddie already shut off the van, and was walking around to help her out of the car. She felt…happy. Relieved that he was so insistent to care for her. She wanted him to take care of her. She wanted to be wrapped up in him. She clung to his arm because she needed support. She was still trying not to accept him, even as his hands hovered over her as she unlocked the door. 
Roxy was on the couch with a sleeping bell. She looked in confusion… “What is going on?”
Victoria stepped into the house, “I got sent home from being too sick…”
Roxy’s eyes looked at Eddie. “Shouldn’t you be in school still?”
Eddie looked thoughtful for a moment. “I wanted to make sure she got home. She is kind of clumsy right now. I uh.. Didn’t want her walking home.”
Roxy nodded slowly… Looking at Victoria. “How are you feeling?”
Victoria bit her tongue for a moment as she put a hand on the wall for a moment. “Worse. Fever now.���
Roxy sighed steadily from her nose. Thoughts running through her eyes. 
“Eddie… Can you stay for a moment? I am going to go put Bell in her crib and heat up some soup for her. I can get you a bowl for your trouble.”
Victoria rolled her eyes just before closing them as she had a stabbing pain through her brain.
Eddie looked at her, “if that is okay.. I can’t stay too long.”
Roxy stood Bell in her arms, “sit with her for a moment. I will be back.”
Eddie gently grabbed Victoria’s arm, helping her over. He sat close enough once they were seated. He looked around, “It’s nice in here..”
Victoria nodded, grabbing a blanket off the couch. “We keep the downstairs nice because it is often visited by people buying some stuff. There is still a bedroom for staying guests on this floor. The upstairs is our personal area. Just bedrooms and a bathroom but only we go up there.” She looked at Eddie, fighting the bond as she stated. “You can leave. You don't have to stay here.”
“I can stay for a little bit. I want to make sure you are okay.”
Victoria sighed as she put her head back. She felt another strong chill go over her body.
Eddie sucked in air, “you really don’t look good.”
The back of his hand touched her forehead. Then her cheeks. 
Victoria couldn’t help the humm that happened.
Eddie was staring at her when she opened her eyes. “You are burning up.”
“Yeah… Your hands feel nice though.”
He laughed for a brief second. 
The door opened, and Victoria’s father stood there.
Frank asked, “Victoria, are you worse?”
Eddie took his hands away from her quickly. “She has a fever now and is dizzy too. I brought her home. I..uh. wanted to make sure she was okay.”
Frank nodded.. Thinking. “Thank you for that Edward Musnon. I owe you a favor for getting her home safe.”
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Welcome to my crazy, mostly disorganized blog that is held together by some tags to try to organize things. Not sure if the tagging system has been fixed but I try.
I often throw things on here dealing with the MCU. I enjoy the MCU, even if I am critical of the newer projects. I love to write -that is on my other blog @brightsun-and-darkmidnight. I promise it is organized with masterlists so things are easier to find. 
I enjoy playing some video games. I love music, it is on constantly. If it is quiet, I will hum and whistle and tap on surfaces, even snap my fingers -my family calls me a noise maker. It is accurate.
I have two dogs, Midnight and Taz. Sometimes I share some pictures of them! I love dogs so you are absolutely allowed to tag me pictures, videos -whatever of dogs.
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melodylnoelle · 2 years
Kiss It Away
I opened my computer to get to writing and realized I somehow never hit post on the one from Friday?? So here it is. Whoops.
The Cards Have Spoken - Week 9 (@brightsun-and-darkmidnight ’s cards)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters: Steve Rogers x reader Category: Angst - Hospital Relationship: Shy and flirt AU: Soulmates Warnings/Notes: Injuries and a little suggestive // For these, we are setting it to a minimum of 500 words. You can use these same cards for your own story if you like, but please tag me and @brightsun-and-darkmidnight so that we can see what you do! This was a different one for me, for sure. Please enjoy Words: 1951 Summary: Steve arrives at the hospital after you are hurt on a mission Masterlist
           Steve strode at a quick pace through the hospital, searching room by room for you. He knew you weren’t in any of the ones that he passed, but he couldn’t help but look anyway. The tugging in his chest was pulling him forward, and he knew you were close.
           At least he knew you were alive. He certainly would have known if you were not – he had heard from Pepper what it had felt like when she lost Tony, and that wasn’t what he was feeling now. It was pure, unhindered longing. And pain.
           He let his body move on its own, following the tug in your direction, until he was standing outside of Room 254. The tugging turned to duller, a longing to hold you, and he knew he had found the right room.
           He took a deep breath, then another, willing himself to look calmer. The last thing that he wanted was to burst into that hospital room and worry you. He could hear the monitors beeping on the other side of the door and timed his breathing to their rhythm.
           When he felt he had calmed enough, he pushed the door open softly and stepped into the room.
           His heart plummeted to the floor as he took in the extent of the damage. Your arms were wrapped up completely from mid-bicep to the knuckles. Your forehead had a bandage just above your left eye, and there was a matching one of the left side of your neck. He was sure, from Bucky’s description of events, that there were more injuries that he couldn’t see.
           He internally kicked himself for not going on this mission. It had been his to run, his mess to clean up. But he had things that needed to be taken care of in the compound, so you had volunteered to go in his place. He had trusted that you and Bucky would watch each other’s backs.
           What he hadn’t thought about is that the way that you worked together was near reckless. Both of you were two brazen about completing the task at hand, taking whatever risks were necessary and with whatever potential injuries you have to take. Bucky at least had the serum to heal, but that wasn’t the same for you.
           Now, you were here in the nearest hospital to the mission site, after throwing yourself within a blast radius full of shrapnel to push a family out of the way. He was surprised, after Bucky explained it on the video call earlier, that you didn’t look worse. Or feel worse. Maybe it was because you were sleeping, but the pain that he could feel on your behalf was duller than he would have expected. It had hit him like wrecking ball initially, but now it was a muted, dull ache.
           He watched your eyes flutter open, looking around the room. They settled on Steve after a moment, focusing, and a warm smile touched your face. “Hey, hot stuff.”
           “Hey, doll.” He swallowed, trying to rid himself of the lump in his throat.
           “How’d you get here so fast?”
           Steve’s brow furrowed. “I left as soon as I heard, but it’s been a few hours. Took some time to get here.”
           “Hours? I thought it was less than that. Must’ve been ‘sleep.”
           The slur to your words left his heart aching, until he got close enough to read the IV.
           Ah. Morphine. At least now he knew why the pain he felt was so dulled. Preparing himself for the lack of mental clarity and nausea he was about to feel second-hand, he decided to start with the important news. “There’s a quinnjet here to take you back to the compound. Sam and Bucky are at the front desk arranging for you to be released. Then we’ll take you to the infirmary in the compound so Banner can keep an eye on you.”
           “Soundss good t’ me.” You frowned. “Can we leave t’ morphine ‘ere? I don’ like how’t makes me feel.”
           Steve chuckled. “Better than pain, though, right?” You shook your head. “Alright, we’ll find something else for the pain, then.”
           “Thanks.” You shifted, sitting up in the hospital bed. “Can we get s’me food, too? ‘M starvin’.”
           “Course you can. Anything you want, doll.”
           “Maybe fast food? Or shwe… shawarma?” Steve tried not to laugh as you struggled to get the word out. “Or maybe poutine? I havn’ had pout’ne ‘n forever!” You smiled, then leaned back on the bed, still half-sitting. “Man, ev’rything sounds good.”
           This time, Steve let himself laugh a little. “How about we get you feeling better, and then I will get you everything on that list, ok?”
           “’Kay. ‘M gonna keep a list, trust me.”
           “I believe you.” He felt the slow roll of nausea go through his stomach. “You ok?”
           “Yea… maybe ‘s not best for me t’ eat right now, anyway.”
           “No, probably not.” It was quiet for a moment before Steve spoke again. “You scared the hell out of me, you know?”
           “’M sorry.” You closed your eyes as you spoke. You sat like that through another roll of nausea, and then met his gaze. “There was a family there.”
           “I know, I heard. Bucky told me.” He clarified when you looked confused. “But you could’ve been hurt so much worse. You got lucky.” You hummed in agreement. “Just promise me you’ll be more careful next time, ok? ‘Cause I know there will be a next time, I know that. I just… don’t want to lose you.”
           You reached out and touched his hand, your skin cool compared to his, and the action instantly calmed his nerves. “I promise, Steve.”
           “Thank you.” He took your hand to his lips, placing a quick kiss over your exposed fingers.
           “’Nd be nice t’ Bucky, ‘kay? ‘S not his fault, he wasn’t close enough to stop me.”
           Steve didn’t say anything, he just kissed your hand again. He had already heard as much when he gave Bucky a panic-driven earful about having let you get hurt.
           “Huh.” You drew your hand from his slowly, examining it. “That feels better.”
           “Like kisses from me that much, huh?” He joked.
           “No… I mean, yes, but…” You trailed off, picking at the gauze wrapped around your hand to remove it.
           “Hey, what are you doing?”
           “’T doesn’t feel like it hurts anymore.”
           “That could just be the morphine.”
           You took the bandages off anyway and, sure enough, there was not a scratch on your hand. Just two large pink lines – one across your palm, and one just above the wrist – that looked like new skin. Like a cut that had healed over.
           “What’d you do?”
           His brows knitted together again. “Nothing, I just kissed you.” He stared hard at your hand. He’s experienced second-hand effects from morphine through you before, but it had never made him see things. He probably wasn’t, but he didn’t know how to believe what he was seeing.
           He decided to test it, taking your arm again and pulling back the bandage that was over your forearm. There was a deep gash through skin and muscle there, the edges jagged. The skin around it was still red from the wound being cleaned. You flinched at the action, and he felt the dull ache shoot up his own arm. “Sorry. I just want to see something.” He placed a kiss there, careful not to kiss over the cut itself.
           He watched with wide eyes as the wound started knitting itself together in front of him. The sensation in his own arm was odd, a weird mix of unpleasant movement of muscle and relief from the lessened pain. He stopped anyway, though, looking to you.
           “Woah.” You were transfixed, looking to the way the cut had already partially healed. “I didn’ know ‘t worked like that.”
           “Neither did I.” He thought back to all of the times either of you had returned from missions. Steve healed so quickly that he would never have noticed a difference if he kissed you and an injury healed right away. You, though, didn’t get injured often – at least not like this – and you had always had little cuts and bruises fade quickly. He had never made the connection to him before now.
           He removed the rest of the bandages from that arm, then, peppering it with kisses as he went. You hummed as he worked his way up to the shoulder, and then to the one on your neck. He could feel the cuts and wounds healing over his own body, the ache lessening slightly.
           “You know…” You said slowly as he sat up, looking between you and the heartrate monitor that just spiked. “I ’ve some injuries that are lower, too.”
           “Your ribs, you mean?” He looked to your torso then back up to you, shaking his head. “The gown might be in the way for that-“
           “No, no. Lower.” You were grinning, the look in your eyes finally making him process what you were saying.
           “Y/N!” The look on your face turned to amusement as he felt the blush creep up his neck and to his face. “We’re in a public hospital!”
           “’n a private room ‘n a hospital,” you teased.
           “And you’re injured, that’s surely not the time.”
           “But your kisses ‘re clearly magical,” you were smiling, but patting his hand. “Fine, fine, I c’n wait. But no ‘firmary when I get there, ‘kay?”
           A nervous chuckle made its way through his lips as there was a knock on the door, and then Bucky entered. His cheeks were flaming. Of course it had to be Bucky. He would have heard all of that.
           “Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt.” He gave Steve the look before giving you a once over. “All the paperwork’s done. Sam’s getting the jet ready, but we’re clear to get you out of here.”
           “Than’ god,” you sighed.
           A nurse walked in behind him, listing off instructions as she started taking off all of your connections to the monitors. Steve rose and backed away, letting her remove the IV from your arm. He let out a breath, looking forward to when the morphine finally wore off in your system so he could think more clearly.
           “Your clothes are right over there,” the nurse said. “A little privacy while we get her dressed, boys?”
           “I’ll wait in the hall,” Bucky answered with one more pointed smirk at Steve.
           “Steve’s fine t’ be here.” You told her before turning to him. “Ya don’ need to be so ‘mbarassed, Steve. He’s heard worse, ‘m sure.” You said as the nurse helped you stand.
           That did nothing but make him blush harder.
           Steve helped along with the nurse as you got dressed back into your clothes.
           “Go ahead and sit while I get you a wheelchair, and then you will be all set.”
           “That won’t be necessary,” Steve responded as he lifted you easily, carefully shifting you into a comfortable position to not hurt you further. He was at least grateful that the morphine would dull this. It was better than you trying to walk on your own since he knew you would have adamantly refused the wheelchair anyway/
           “My hero,” You said jokingly as he carried you bridal-style through the door.
           He chuckled. “Let’s get you home.”
           “Home and not t’ the ‘nfirmary, right?” You winked at him.
           He sighed, fighting the urge to run and hide from Bucky, who was walking ahead of you and now chuckling to himself. “No, doll. No infirmary.” As uncomfortable as other people overhearing that was, internally he was also very excited to test this theory that kisses between soulmates could heal.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Imagine Tony and Pepper hiring you to babysit Morgan for them. Tony's main rule is to keep Morgan safe and away from the Avengers floors.
One day, while playing hide and seek, cleaver little Mogan escaped to the Avengers floors and she seemed to grab the attention of a specific god, Loki. The very person Morgan is not allowed to be near.
You watch Loki be very nice to her and as he speaks aloud of an adult Morgan should be with, he sees you. You beg him not to let anyone know that Morgan was on the floor, trying not to be straightforward and say, "Tony would kill me."
Loki swears to keep quiet, if you go on a date with him.
Babysitting Morgan for Tony while trying to hide the relationship with Loki from everyone can be... challenging.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
I would love to participate in your challenge but this is my first time doing a challenge(not sure how it works. Do I have it posted by june first and tag you when I post to my own blog so you see it?) If it is available I would love to use the song prompt #29 - Shatter Me by Lindsay Stirling & Lzzy Hale. For Loki.
Yes, that’s it, you nailed it! Just post it anytime between now and June 1st, and tag me in the post so I see it. 
I’ll claim that prompt for you now, I can’t wait to see what you do with it because it’s one of my all time fave songs 💕💕💕
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lucywrites02 · 4 years
@tomhiddlestonfanfic Writes AMAZING! Fanfic for Tom and Loki!!! Mostly hurt/comfort but takes requests and is open to trying new genres for writing!!! I love her work and cannot recommend her enough!!
@ancientwastedlores Writes for Tom and Loki!! Their stories deserve more interaction, Writes Fluff and hurt/comfort. Also takes requests!!
@hiddlesblr Writes for Loki and Tom, Smut, Fluff and angst. Also writes One shots, Drabbles, Gif blurbs and series fics. Takes requests (But they’re closed for just now) They are amazing!!!!!!
@brightsun-and-darkmidnight Writes mostly for Loki but has some for Tom, Fluff, angst, comfort. One shots and Series fics, they are amazing!!!
@ohdearhiddles Writes for Tom and Loki! Fluff, Angst, Smut ! I just love her fics, they are soooo good!!!!!
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cateyes315 · 4 years
B and Q
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience? Beauty From Ashes is definitely inspired by personal experience
Q: How do you feel about collaborations? I've actually helped a fellow writer with some of her stories and she's part of the reason and the encouragement behind my writing @brightsun-and-darkmidnight I still can't thank you enough for encouraging me to try writing my own stories
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authorspotlight · 5 years
I would like to nominate @brightsun-and-darkmidnight @the--sad--hatter @nekoamamori @just-the-hiddles @helloiamanavenger @hopelessromanticspoonie
@brightsun-and-darkmidnight is not on the list just yet! But will be added:)
@the--sad--hatter @nekoamamori @just-the-hiddles @helloiamanavenger @hopelessromanticspoonie are all on the list already! Thank you!
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The Angel and The Unholy
I want to thank @earthlyangelbby for beta reading this. All mistakes are still my own.
Chapter 2 - Surface Knowledge
Summary... A little in Eddie's perspective to show how well the Carrier family has been accepted into Hawkins. As well as the first tutor session between Eddie and Victoria.
I hope you enjoy and please let me know if you liked this at all.
Eddie looked over at Victoria, not being able to help himself. 
She was smiling, talking with a few others. Eddie wondered if there was anyone she didn’t talk to because everyone would. The band geeks, science nerds, cheerleaders, jocks, and even the ones who partied. She talked to all who crossed her path, especially people who she could help. Some of the people who talked to her were others who were enrolled in tutoring. Mrs. O’Donnell spoke highly of her and maybe she could help him.
Maybe he could learn more about her too…
Victoria was sitting with the group of band geeks right now…Talking just as animatedly with Robin Buckley about something with that radiant, trance inducing, gorgeous, perfect smile…
Then Eddie watched as Nancy Wheeler asked her a question and then Victoria smiled as she gathered her things. They moved towards the doors of the cafeteria room. Nancy holding a sheet of paper to her. The answer was clear what that paper was when Victoria grabbed her red folder she kept specifically for food orders to give to her mother, Sylvia, and grandmother, Echo. 
Dustin tapped Mike’s arm frantically. “Is she talking to your sister?”
Mike spoke quickly, “is she ordering more cookies?!-”
Dustin was up and pushing Mike towards them. “Gogogogo!”
Eddie watched the two freshmen rush towards Victoria and Nancy, their eyes hopeful and quickly talking over Nancy who looked annoyed at the interruption. Victoria laughed, the sound reaching Eddie’s ears and making him want to smile. She nodded to the young boys and they cheered unashamed.
Gareth mumbled, “think they will share with us again?”
Eddie silently hoped to get another taste of the cookies. No one could describe the amazing way the food tasted because it tasted out-of-this-world good.
The Carrier family was quickly, lightspeed fast, making a positive name for themselves. 
The brother, Andy, a fucking mircale worker as the towns new handy man that could fix anything. He had a quick solution to nearly every problem, making him the new ‘first to call’ for any issue. If he could get his hands on something that broke, he could fix it. He stopped to help people whose car broke down on the side of the road and tried to at least mend the issue so they could get home. He could fix the hardware of any appliance.
He proved his skills in blueprints and constructing houses on their own property.
The house that the zombie boy lived at, that was where the new family lived. Andy completely changed the property and used only a few contractors, choosing to do the work mostly between himself and the family. Added a second story to the house, installed a greenhouse, renovated some space for cooking purposes and food storage.
Mike and Dustin were there a few times to pick up an order or few with Nancy and they couldn’t stop talking about how much the property had changed in the short time they lived there.
All of the family members have proven to be self reliant, never asked for help but ready to do anything to help others, they were all compassionate and selfless.
As well as righteous.
The head of the family? Mr. Carrier. He was a lawyer, and a damn good one. Hardly lost a case.
They were the perfect family…
All Eddie had was his uncle Wyan and a bad reputation from his father. Known as the TOWN freak for his taste of music, and hobbies. Dealt drugs for his money that already got him a criminal record. Third time trying to pass senior year… So he was perplexed as to why he had the extreme fascination with her. He wondered why the hell he signed the paper for tutoring but it just felt right. It felt like his chance to learn more about her. The idea was stupid as shit. All because she knew he suffered academically enough for a teacher to push tutoring onto him.
Excellent grades must be a part of the demand within the family because Victoria was not at the school long, almost a month, and tested amazingly enough to be accepted into the tutoring program. Teachers loved Victoria and her sister, Natalia.
While it seemed the family was settling in for the foreseeable future, Eddie was sure Victoria would leave. She seemed like the type that had a bigger life than a simple small town. Get a fancy degree and be off to whatever perfect dream job she wanted.
Eddie dreamed of getting out of this small town, and hit it off big with his band, and experience all the crazy and amazing shit that rockstars did. He wouldn’t be the freak of the town, he would be adored by his fans for being the metal head he was.
Victoria was welcomed by all, helped all.
Eddie brought in his little lost sheep and gave them understanding to embrace who they were. Nerd and weirdness completely accepted by him. He took every chance to try to prove to the students of Hawkins High that stereotypes and people in those confined little boxes were hiding pieces of themselves. Vital pieces that would fester until they exposed themselves to the so called friends of school, only for them to run away and abandon friendship. Either way, most of these people would never see the other as soon as they got the diploma. Off to college or a new location for a fresh start.
The bell rang and maybe tutoring could be the fresh start he needed.
He thought of one word with a snort. Doubtful.. 
Eddie went to his locker to grab the notebook for biology class with Mrs. O'Donnell. He hated this class. Learning about life, only to then do the disgusting dissection later on this year. He couldn’t stand it. People call him a freak and a satanist while he chooses to skip class during that lesson, all while everyone else is excited to dig around in something dead.
Eddie wondered if Victoria would participate in that. She seemed way too nice for something insanely cruel.
Victoria was in her usual seat near the front of the class so Eddie sat in the back. For some reason he hoped for something different but he wasn’t surprised.
Victoria couldn’t even look at him. That actually hurt somehow because she was nice to everyone else… The note he passed to her yesterday was used as the bookmark for his notebook. He read it over as Mrs. O’Donnell’s voice became background noise… Victoria really did seem to give him the same kindness everyone else received. He knew she would have to talk to him during tutoring, she would have to talk to him because how else was he going to learn from her?
For once. He was looking forward to being in the school longer than he needed to. He was going to probably make an idiot of himself, the fact he was thrown into tutoring by a teacher was probably enough… He sighed, holding the note before tucking it away and attempted to take notes.
Victoria bumped her forehead against the locker. The supplies she needed for the tutoring sessions today in her bag hanging off of her shoulder. She knew she had to get to room 203, however… She knew in about an hour, she would be sitting next to Edward Munson.  
“I should just go home…”
Natalia scoffed, “call in sick to work when everyone has seen you in good health the rest of the day? Sounds believable.”
“When are you ever help?”
“I help by not sugar coating shit. Shit is shit. It does not change if you try to polish it, just makes it worse to deal with later.”
Victoria grumbled, “Go home.”
“Yeah. I’m going before it gets dark… When are you done today?”
Victoria sighed, throwing her back into the locker… “I should be done around six. Dad knows to pick me up.”
“Good. Should be enough time for you to get ready for tonight.”
“Yeah. I hope I can get some answers tonight. I have offered a lot this last month, even more so within the last week.”
“I noticed. Yours is rivaling Grandmother’s…”
“I got to go.. Get this over with. I need the money anyway.”
“I’ll check in on how things went in a few months.” Natalia winked as she rounded her belly. Crackling in laughter and skipped out of the way as Victoria was going to hit her.
Victoria focused on her sister, felt her energy, then projected the sharp pinch she inflicted on herself to her sister.
Natalia yelped and rubbed her arm. She turned and flipped Victoria the bird. “I’ll tell dad!”
“Not if you want to keep the unfortunate series of events happening to the kid who picked on Max a secret.”
Natalia huffed as she walked away.
Leaving Victoria alone, groaned as she turned around. Heading through the halls to room 203, where Nate sat, starting the homework already. He really struggled with math but Victoria was happy he was trying. Now if he would stop trying to ask her for tutoring somewhere else other than the school, that would be greatly appreciated.
When the time was getting closer to the hour being up he noticed.. “I know that my time is over for this week, is there any way that I could get some extra time. Study at my place, maybe?”
“I have others I tutor and it is easier if I have one location. I only get 3 hours for each person a week.” Victoria got her planner out and the paper for signatures after each session, her proof for payment. “As always, sign here. Then you can schedule for next week.”
Nate signed and filled three separate times for next week. Then wrote something else largely and circled it a few times. “I’m throwing a party on halloween. I’d love to see you there. Booze and all that fun stuff.”
Victoria looked at how he filled every block for that day. In ink. Her mouth opened for a moment as she tried to think of what to say, calmly. “Uh..” 
Nate was heavy into partying, and fun stuff meant drugs and whatever else happened between the impaired. Victoria has been to parties before but she didn’t find them all that admirable. Especially because there was always someone intoxicated flirting with her or even putting their hands on her.
Knowing she had a fated waiting for her she never wanted to entertain anyone else. It was a common thought between many of those who had fated that it was almost like stealing another’s love life. Some people look down on those who entertain others. They call those people greedy and unfaithful because they have their person out in the world waiting for them. Even in cases of casual sex it was still looked down on. Sometimes people catch feelings regardless of the talk of “no emotions.”
In rare cases, a casual hook up could become obsessed with and jealous of the fated pair… It has ended in death often enough to be taught as warnings. Often very intricately woven with the sex talk because children outside of a fated pair have happened.
Nate’s question pulled her out of the horror stories she has heard. “Do you drink?”
She enjoyed a drink occasionally, it gave her a little relaxation. “Not often.”
However, at parties it gave her a look into the truth of some people, something about alcohol brings the ugly heads of truth out in people. Made digging for secrets easier. 
“I’ll have a lot supplied, and lots of people will show up.”
A weakened mind was easy to manipulate with telepathy.
Victoria offered a smile, she could use that time to dig around. “I will try to make it.”
Nate smiled largely after a moment of realizing there was a glimmer of hope. “If you need help picking out a costume, I could help. Get you into something, cute.”
Victoria took the chance to get out if it was going to be a party like that. “Thanks for the offer but if costumes are a requirement, then I’m out.”
“Then costumes are optional.”
She laughed as humorsly as she could. “You changed your mind quick.”
She put her planner off to the side as she closed it. Then looked at the time then the door where Edward stood. She saw how he looked at her, confusion still evident in his eyes even though he looked at her with awe. Maybe he was just as confused as she was about him. 
Why were they paired together?
Nate spoke and pulled her out of her thoughts. “Just want your beautiful face there.”
Edward's eyes changed, anger dancing in his narrowed eyes.
Victoria turned towards Nate. “You do need to go, my next person is here.”
“I don’t believe it, Munson is getting tutoring this year. Is the new tutor worth feeling like an idiot?”
Victoria replied quickly, professionally. “If I truly make you feel like an idiot, then I am not doing my job properly. I apologize for any reason you have come to this conclusion on your own. I will put in a referral for you to be switched to someone better suited.”
Nate scoffed. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I want you to have the best chance at passing this year. That chance is clearly with someone who won’t make you feel terribly about yourself. I am sorry for anything I have done wrong and will see what your options are for another tutor. Have a good rest of your day, Nate.” Victoria offered a smile but she knew it did not reach her eyes because they had the irritation of protective anger burning in them. "I will try to make it to your party."
Nate huffed, leaving with his things. 
Victoria gestured to the seat beside her. “Please sit. As I said in our note, I don’t judge. I apologize if he made you feel bad in any way. I won’t tolerate that at all.”
Edward shrugged, “Nah. It’s okay. Third attempt in senior year so I hear it all the time.”
Victoria looked at him, seeing him try to look unaffected but she could see some unease. He kept moving his eyes, rubbing them. She said, “My eyes get irritated sometimes too, try to blink rapidly to attempt to produce some tears for lubrication.”
He looked at her odd so she continued on the right path of conversation. “But, anyway. School isn’t for everyone, nothing is wrong with that.” She pulled out Eddie’s test with a big red F on it, making him sigh at seeing it. “The only people who are going to need to know the specifics of how cells divide are scientists and doctors who monitor that process, with microscopes. I guess teachers do too.”
Edward smiled a little. “Apparently you need to know how cells divide too.”
Victoria shrugged. “I’m just here for the pay because I retain information in an odd way.”
“Care to share your secret, oh wise one?”
Victoria shook her head with a chuckle. “I dig around in their brain.”
Eddie rightfully looked at her confused. Of course he wouldn’t understand telepathy.
She refrased for normalcy. “Find people who are fascinated with a subject and talk to them. Ask questions, dig, you know?”
“The teachers would die if I did that.”
“Lucky for them, I’m here for you to ask the questions you want to know. If I need to, I’ll find out for you. Take notes during class and come to me with questions. For right now, let's go over this test.”
Victoria noticed Eddie was more relaxed after their talk and now she was doing everything in her willpower to treat him like all the others. She kept her hands away from his, refrained from pushing hair away from his face, staring at him too long, and making herself keep on track of the subject.
The time dragged on for that hour as she controlled herself. She wanted to get to know him more. He seemed like a good person, he was polite, friendly.
Victoria looked at the time. “I apologize, but my next person is going to be here soon. I see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. I got the slot right after school.”
“Yeah. Not many want to get tutoring on Fridays.”
“Do you like to be here on Friday?”
“It is not terrible. Tutoring barely pays anything, but it's the same place as school, so I don't have to walk elsewhere. I also help the little food service going on in my house for some extra cash.”
“Dustin and Mike love your food, thankfully brought Hellfire a cookie for each of us last time we had a meeting."
Victoria stated, “the club for that fantasy board game?”
He rose his eyebrows, “You know about Hellfire? Dungeons and Dragons?”
Victoria scoffed. “Everyone talks about it in all the media as if it is worse than ouija boards.”
“Those boards for summoning ghosts?”
Victoria responded causally as she flipped through her calendar. “Not always ghosts so that's why anyone with a working brain stays away from them.”
“What do you mean, not always ghosts?”
Victoria wet her lips and as she realized she fucked up slightly. “You know in the movies. Usually something bad, like, a demon attaches to the ones using it. Haunting them, hurting them.”
“You think demons are real?”
“I think there are many things that have yet to be proven. Many find comfort in a religion or belief in higher entities because they fear the things that are uncommon and unknown. So those who are highly religious see those things as unholy. The fear of things they don't have in their straightline scriptures make them unwilling to understand anything else.”
“You are not religious?”
Victoria paused for a moment, “I was explaining that I do not agree with people who have a closed mind to new things." 
Victoria slid the paper for him to sign and offered the calendar. "Sign there by the X, it is the form that I turn in to get payment and proof you were here. And if you want to, you can schedule for next week now or wait until a later time. Mrs. O'Donnell is going to have that quiz on Wednesday. Maybe Monday and Tuesday would be days to consider."
Edward looked at the dates for next week. Then tentatively spoke. "I have a gig at the Hideout on Tuesday night. With my band. Could we do a double on Monday? Is that okay?"
Victoria slid the planner to herself. "I only have an hour available on Monday left. I am done by six." Victoria looked at the clock, the next person was almost ten minutes late and with the importance of tonight she needed to get home. "You still have an hour available this week, out of the three. If you want, I could do it for two hours, tomorrow. Then, that way you could go over everything this weekend on your own and I could see what you need help with on Monday."
"Yeah. Uh.. sounds good."
Victoria pushed the planner to him. "Fill those in and you have 2 remaining hours for next week."
"Are you going to go? To the party?"
"According to the planner I am. Anyway, my next person will be here soon."
He gathered his few things, "Right. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Have a good night, and be careful."
Edward stopped for a moment, a small smile on his lips. "You too."
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Do not repost -reblogs are encouraged. The link above is to AO3 where you can use the great feature to bookmark works to have easy access to it so no excuses to steal and post elsewhere. I will only post on AO3 and this tumblr account.
Author Note - I know it has been a long time since I have posted some writing, but I have joined the Stranger Things fandom and The Muse has latched onto Eddie Munson like those Demobats.
No warnings or triggers at the moment. 
The Angel and The Unholy
Stranger Things Fic - Eddie Munson and Victoria Carrier (Original Character)
Story Summary: Victoria Carrier is put in a tough situation when she finds her fated partner. She wonders why Edward Munson is her fated every time she needs to stop herself from staring at him too long. She does everything she can to stay away from him to keep unwanted attention from her family and the secrets they hold. Eddie "The Freak" Munson may look dangerous but he is far from it. All of the Carrier family may seem docile, and that is exactly the image they need to blend in with the confirming society.
Chapter 1: The Fated
Victoria sat at the lunch table with her sister, Natalia, trying her best not to stare at the brown eyes that kept making their way towards her.
She remembered the first time she laid eyes on him. Stared at him with bated breath, frozen in place, heart fluttering and her whole body wanting to run to him. He had a smile on his face as he talked with friends exiting a bar, the Hideout, with musical equipment being loaded into his van. Her family was leaving the little store across from it. When he looked at her… She knew she should have gone and talked to him then and there. 
That would not have worked well for her, or her family for that matter. Given the stereotypical box labeled rebellious metalheads he chose to be in. As far as Victoria knew, no one had a fated that blatantly stood out from the normality of society.
Victoria looked to her father, leader of the family and also the protector. She knew he understood what just happened. His facial expression was torn but he was letting her decide to have her fate no matter what that might mean for the family. She looked at her fated who was staring at her still and she knew he didn’t understand what was happening. That made her choice easier. She quickly turned and got in the car. Her heart ached as she got in the back seat and curled into herself. Her family followed her and got in the car quietly. All of them were uncertain on what to say, her father said that they would talk once home and Victoria had made the decision to leave.
Everyone was torn with her decision just as much as she was as they drove away. Fated pairs were not something to take lightly. It was a bond that immediately tie two people together because they are the missing piece, their better half, the one for life and could never be broken.
Clueless romantics would call the relationship “soulmates”. 
The word soulmate just isn't... enough. When people think of soulmates, they think of someone destined to be in love. Someone who would sacrifice themselves for the other person because they can't bear being without them. But the bond between people who are fated? That's the real bond. They wouldn't just look out for their partner, they would be ferocious against any threat, any potential harm. It wouldn't be just self-sacrifice. There would be vengeance. Every possession and loved one of the person responsible would be burned as the funeral pyre for the fallen partner if anyone dared do such a thing. Fated are committed to the last drop of blood between them.
Shouting from the jock table and the instant fire of irritation burned in Victoria’s lungs. The jocks talk badly about his table of freaks everyday. Every damn day someone has something to say about them… A simple incantation and- A kick from Natalia had Victoria breathe and force a smile at her. A smile but not at all friendly because hell burnt in her eyes. 
Victoria forced the thought through her mind repeatedly. Just words, it is all there is to it right now.
Edward Munson responded by laughing at them. His eyes met hers and she turned away again.
Natalia asked for the millionth time. “Why don’t you talk to him?”
Victoria kept her eyes away from the table of question. “You know how complicated that would be for our family. Me, dating the freak of the town.”
She shrugged, “I completely understand, all of us do but holy shit. He is your fated, you two need each other. Although, honestly… It makes sense with how you are.”
Victoria looked at her, confused. “What are you talking about?”
“You are weird.” She laughed at the eye roll. “Same music taste, you laugh things off, you both have leather jackets, play instruments and want to pursue music as your career. If you think about it, you kinda have always fit with him.”
“Being with him would put our whole family in an odd position…”
“Well yeah… He is the type we point our fingers at to take the eyes off of us once we start getting settled in. People like him attract bad attention easily.”
“And that is why I can’t be with him. I would put our family in that attention. Put us in danger.”
Natalia rolled her eyes. “There is only so long you can put off the inevitable. Besides, all of us are shifting our ways because of that fact. The inevitable.”
Victoria rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh. “There is no inevitable. Some people have never found their fated and lived just fine.”
“Their fated was dead.”
“Oh? So we are going to kill him?”
“No!” Victoria felt the protective rage flare within herself. For as long as she was alive Eddie would not have harm done to him, not without consequences for the person hurting him… until death does us part was taken to a whole other level within her family bloodline.
“Yeah that’s what I thought. I actually almost feared for my life by the way and you didn’t even go through the bonding ceremony yet. So just go jump Eddie Munson’s bones and make me an aunt.”
Victoria blushed fiercely, shielding her face with her hands. “That's not even part of the ceremony."
"The ceremony is inevitable. However, making the bond stronger in every way is encouraged." 
The bell rang for lunch to be over and Victoria quickly left her sister muttering loudly, “stop it.”
She walked into class, being stopped by Mrs. O’Donnell. “I believe your tutoring is helping many because grades have improved. I wanted to let you know I am adding another student, Eddie Munson. Even if he would complete his homework that would get him a passing grade.”
Victoria nodded with a forced smile. “Yes ma’am. I’ll do my best.”
“I believe you will give him the best chance this year. There you are, Munson. Meet your tutor, Victoria.”
The bell rang just as he was walking around the corner of the hallway. An excuse already started to fall out of his mouth, “I was in the bathroom-” but then the squeak of his shoes stopped abruptly. A step away from Victoria. "I didn't sign up for tutoring…" The words were said slowly.
Victoria looked between the two of them as nerves turned her stomach. She felt the air get caught in her chest as he met her eyes. He was even cuter up close, and she felt the pull to be near him even worse when he was this close…. And now she was going to have to tutor him. She wanted to touch him, wondering how it would feel. Every fated pair she has met said the touch is different from others.
She couldn’t.
She tore her eyes away from his as Mrs. O’Donnell spoke that she filed the paperwork out for him and just needed his signature, insisting that Victoria was excellent and she wanted him to get the max tutoring, three hours each week.
Three hours…
Edward was extremely hesitant and a little dismissive of the idea, however Mrs. O’Donnell convinced him to sign the slip…
Victoria was torn about wanting him to sign or not… relief and fear settled into her mind as he scribbled his name on the line. Now she was going to have to see him, talk to him. She followed him into class, getting her calendar out that she used for filling tutoring times. She set it on his desk as she sat beside him in the back, getting an odd look from him because she usually sat closer to the front. 
“You can pick when you want to meet. I usually like to start out by splitting the time up rather than all at once, that way we can work on things learned through the week.”
She got her notebook out, opening her book to the page on the board and tried desperately to pay attention during class, taking an unreasonable amount of notes. She wanted to talk to him, ask too many questions just to find out, why him.
Eddie handed her the calendar back, a piece of paper sticking out in an obvious way with a scribble of his hand writing. She opened the planner to see a simple question.
    Where do we meet?
She had a lot of places in mind immediately but chose once again to run away from the bond. It was more efficient and believable if she started this off like he was anyone else asking for academic help.
    Room 204. I think it would help me know where you are with this class if I can see your last test. Can I ask Mrs. O’Donnel for it?
She passed it when Mrs. O’Donnell was not looking. His release of air through his nose sounded completely defeated. She looked at him for a moment as she flipped to the next page of the textbook. He slid the note back to her when the chance was good enough. She slid it under her notebook to resume taking notes on the class. 
    If you think it will help. It wasn’t great. 
She did not need to respond to him because it was consent enough, however she found herself continuing the conversation with comforting words. Passing it back to him right before class ended.
    I’m here to help. There is nothing to worry about and don’t be afraid to ask things, It is how you will learn. I will see you tomorrow after school.
Victoria packed up her things, going to the next class once the bell rang. Thankfully the day went faster. Then she walked home with her sister, taking the shortcut through the woods as always. Natalia was rambling on about how insufferable she found most of the people in school.
Victoria blurted out, “I have to tutor Eddie.”
Natalia stopped mid sentence, pausing in her steps. “Damn. I guess you can’t fight what fate has in mind for you.”
“We, our family, have to figure this out… This town would get the pitchforks for Eddie alone and for that, our family might go through a version of the Salem Witch Trials again. But this time… we can’t point the blame to an easy target.” “We will need to make the target tolerable.”
“Not just that… Make him and his friends not the target.”
Natalia snickered. “We could curse the jocks. I always hated that stereotype the most. Jason Carver is the worst.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
Natalia had a belly laugh, “The sweetest of us ready to mingle with dark magic to save the love of her life. Damn. Fated are no joke.”
Victoria groaned, “I don’t know what to do. This is unlike anything we have ever dealt with. Damnation! He needs to pass this year so we can relocate.”
“Planning on running off with him?”
“C'mon. You think staying in this town that’s ‘cursed’ is best for us? The town that hates him?”
Natalia shrugged, “Energy here feels… cleaner, pure compared to the Appalachian mountains. Though at our house it does seem as if something did happen at some point. That boy who went missing then came back seems off.”
Victoria snapped her fingers, “that is it! The people of this town already think this town is cursed.”
“We get to curse Jason?”
“No. -Maybe. First we need to see if anyone has experience with this odd ‘curse’ if it really is that. Start quietly like articles and newspapers. Then maybe we could recreate it-away from Edward.”
“Or we could just get dad to scan the town’s thoughts.”
That idea earned them a stern look from their father when they returned home and explained.
He spoke finally. “No. You will not use your magic for this. No magic at all from the two of you. While I admire the creative solution, that could take too long and more effort than you think.”
Victoria started, “If it would clear Edward-”
“Edward Munson has plenty against him already and the only thing you need to focus on right now is helping him graduate. If we would do this grand plan of yours It would backfire on all of us. The best thing we can all do is keep our heads down. Limit our magic use-especially in public -Natalia you cause a fire in chemistry class again and you will be grounded.”
“I didn’t-”
Their father stared down at her. “Want to try the truth or want to be grounded from hanging out with Maxine?”
Natalia sighed. “It won’t happen again.”
He leaned on his desk, sighing. “We just moved here a month ago. Your mother and grandmother finally got their garden situated and are starting a small menu of soups and baked goods to sell based off of what people liked. If it goes well they will open a restaurant. Your brother is gaining recognition as a repairman of all things. Roxy just had Bell and the move was hard enough on her. I have a good place within the legal system of this town as a lawyer. If anything happens that threatens our family I will handle it. Not you two. Understand?”
Victoria and Natalia nodded, speaking in unison. “Yes, Sir.”
He nodded. “Good. Things will work out for all of us, don’t worry about that. I have never heard of things becoming concerningly worse for a family due to a match of fated. Word has gotten back to me that we are a well trusted, understanding, and compassionate family that welcomes all. We will keep it that way. For us to remain safe and sway people into being more accepting of Edward, it will take less effort than your plan. We are on the right path. I promise. You two need to understand immediately…We are not dealing with creatures or animals, we are dealing with close-minded humans. The way to handle them is with a big smile, open mind, and persuasive tongue.”
Tags: Let me know if you want removed or added. I have never done a tag list before but I will try. :)
@jamdoughnutmagician  Sorry it took me so long to post! I really had to wrestle this idea into a writing format. 
*** I really want to thank the wonderful @melodylnoelle for helping me edit this soooo much and helping me with a fic that you don’t watch the show. You are the best. That being said! Any errors after I choose to post this are fully my mistakes. Melody did enough wonders to this first chapter. Trust me, it was a mess when I asked for help after I went through FOUR different drafts to find a still messy start to an idea to even feel okay to share.
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Where’s The Danger  -  Bucky and Lotus
Warnings/Triggers - Violence, mafia/mob AU, smut.
Chapter 13 summary - Bucky is struggling with Lotus living with him while she recovers, and he looks forward to when she feels better. Mr. Barnes burns the city for Lotus and gives her the moon.
Bucky sighed heavily once Lotus fell asleep. 
He thought having her live with him through her recovery would be an amazing way to form a better foundation for their lifelong relationship. However… She was a special breed of domestic terrorist -his own personal one. He has not done it for a long time but he revisited a relationship with God and prayed and begged that she was not like this normally. 
He considered looking for a magic lamp, because he would use all three wishes from a genie to make Lotus more bearable.
Number one, he knew it had to be because of the high dose of pain medication but he would still wish for it so it ended immediately… He wanted her to stop drooling in her sleep. He has replaced seven pillows because of her disgusting mess.
Number two would be that she stop clinging to him with her cold toes -or wear the damn socks he specially ordered for her to wear. He could not sleep in the same bed as her because of her freezing body and the drool..
He suppressed a disgusted shiver that rolled through his body at the memory
The final wish… The crazy food requests stop. The chefs worked around the clock just because of her. They usually took different shifts of the day, but they were all available at every second. The elder woman, Pamela, who has been the head of the kitchen since he was a toddler expressed concern of Lotus being on strong medicine.
Bucky wished that was the case. Oh how he wanted that to be true. The hospital did a pregnancy test immediately, and unfortunately he has not touched her. She did try to have sex but it made her headache worse due to the increase in blood pressure.
He will never let her take pain medication for as long as he lives. There will be other ways to make her feel better, he does not care what it will take. A massage, chiropractor, acupuncture, crystals, magic, sacrifices to the gods.
Never again.
Lotus acting out for attention was worse when she tried to resist the medication. She would walk around unsupervised, she still had occasional clumsiness. The crash outside his office yesterday scared him and those with him, everyone ready with guns… There stood Lotus clinging to the wall for stability and other hand holding her head, everyone quickly hid their weapons. On the ground in pieces was a priceless, one of a kind vase made by a monk while he took a year in solitude. 
The monk died five months ago and Bucky would never have a replacement.
When she wasn’t being a terrorist she was passing out wherever she sat. He could not count the amount of times he had to carry the ragdoll to their bedroom. 
Sometimes she stayed awake long enough so he would set her on the bed, she would roll off of his arms and immediately pass out in whatever twisted way she landed. He wondered a few times if she was training to be a contortionist.
The only positive thing about this situation was Lotus trusted him to carry her anywhere now. She was sometimes a boa constrictor about it though.
He needed to get back to work, he did feel bad because he was texting a few messages while they ate breakfast together. Now that she was asleep, he could better communicate what needed done.
He pet Alpine before leaving. “Keep her safe.”
Alpine made herself comfortable on Lotus’s back and Bucky chuckled a little.
He went to his office, looked out the window down onto the city.
Smoke was rising from a few buildings, the city’s emergency services swamped with all the chaos, other counties and nearby cities were rushing to help.
Steve spoke to Bucky first, the others in the room talking among themselves about what to do next. “The city is in chaos and it's rumored the mayor believes it is you.”
Bucky sighed… “We gave that puppet plenty of hush money. I want his bank account in the negative of his collected debt.”
Sam typed on his laptop, “his password is his girlfriend’s birthday, not his wife’s?”
“Collect them both and I will give him a call myself.”
Steve asked, “Lotus asleep?”
“Hopefully until lunch.” His phone rang, and he controlled his annoyance, “What can I do for you Paul?”
“You have made this city a mess. Where is Lotus?”
“She is sleeping, just took some pain relievers. I promise you she is safe here.”
“I don’t doubt she is safe, but this is all too much. Two workers didn’t show up this morning for work because they are terrified of leaving their homes. I have not heard from Megra since yesterday.”
Bucky knew Megra was not able to be contacted because she was dead. She became jealous of Lotus, tried to push her towards John by informing him when she would pick up Paul. Also, she was willing to have a sexual relationship with John to make Bucky jealous. Obviously that failed miserably.
Bucky tried to change the subject. “Will I be seeing you for lunch or dinner today? I will do my best to keep Lotus awake.”
“If my crew does not show up soon I will be here all night.”
Bucky sighed, closing his eyes in frustration. “I will send replacement workers.”
“I don't want replacements! I want my team of workers that I brought together because they are hard workers-they earned their place here!”
“Do you want the extra workers so you can see your daughter tonight, or would you rather work into the foreseeable future?”
“My place is not for grand theft auto.”
“They do quick and flawless work.”
“You pay for their labor.”
“They are on their way. And Paul… we are going to have chicken salad again.” Bucky smiled a little. It was petty but he didn’t care.
“You are a special breed of asshole and I see no reason my daughter cares for you like she does. ..I will be there at six.”
“Try to stay calm Paul. Being worked up is not good-”
“That is really funny coming from you since you are the reason I’m stressed.”
“I will see you at six. Have a nice day Paul.”
Bucky hung up and tossed his phone on the desk… He sat at his desk and then the door to his office opened revealing Natasha.
“Hey boys. I hope this chaos is worth it.”
Bucky sighed, “what are you still doing here?”
She shrugged as she walked around the desk, sitting on the edge and picking up a picture of Lotus. “I was wondering if you needed anything else done.”
“I already told you no.”
Natasha set the picture down. “Are you sure, handsome?”
“I am positive.”
“What if Lotus wants a female bodyguard?”
Bucky gave her his coldest glare. “You are to stay away from her.”
Natasha smirked, “this city is a mess because of her and the only thing you are proving is that you love her. Before her, I thought you didn’t have emotions, other than rage and a needy dick.”
Bucky stared at her. “Did you think it was funny what you did to Walker?”
She smiled, “did you like it?”
“You made him erect, then mutilated his genitals.”
She shrugged, “to me it was disappointing, not much to work with.. You however.”
“You will never have me again.”
She laughed, “Did the video scare you?��
“No. I’ve seen you do worse. You will never have me because you don’t interest me anymore.”
“Harsh.” “Truth hurts even if you don’t want to accept it.”
Natasha shrugged. “I’ve known the truth for a long time, even when you were paying me for my company. But, I was worth every thousand dollars. I wonder… How kinky is Lotus?”
“She is already more interesting without anything drastic.”
Natasha grabbed another picture. “It is clear she doesn’t know about these pictures. You seem obsessed with her but this picture makes you look like a happy couple. To think all it took was a beautiful flower to thaw that ice cold heart of yours.”
“I have things to do Natasha. You need to leave because I am not paying you for anything else.”
“If you want help with the Draven situation, let me know. Don’t look surprised, I can find out anything.”
Bucky watched her walk out of the office, “Steve. Make sure she leaves.”
Lotus hugged her dad, “I’m happy to see you.”
“Have you been feeling well?”
“Better. I’m still sleeping a lot but with how bad my migraines have been, sleep is welcome.”
Paul looked to Bucky. “The rest is good, it will help you heal faster. Let’s eat.”
She looked at Bucky. “We have had this three times in the last five days. I know your chefs know how to make anything.”
“Just worried about your father is all.”
Lotus sighed as she ate. It was the best salad she has ever eaten in her life… but it was getting repetitive. Her father and Bucky barely talked this time, they usually had a little conversation.
Bucky’s phone rang and he excused himself from the table completely.
Lotus sighed, “Bucky has been really busy recently.”
Paul nodded slowly. “This whole city is becoming more aware of how much that man loves you.”
Lotus stared at him with wide eyes… “he doesn’t love me. We haven’t even had that date yet, he couldn’t be sure.”
Paul shrugged, “Sweetheart. He will burn the entire world to keep you warm.”
Lotus resumed eating, her head beginning to pound again. She did notice with relief that the pain was not as bad and was hoping to get Bucky to have a conversation with her because she has been wondering about too much.
She did recall seeing a lot of smoke in the city and knew it was Bucky handling her being hurt. She didn’t need to ask that but she was going to. She wanted to know how he got to the hospital sooner than her father because she knows Bucky was not listed as an emergency contact. Those people who protected her and her friends… Where did they come from?
She had to talk with him tonight. She needed to know and if the answers didn’t feel right she would go home. How she would get there with no vehicle would remain a mystery until she went back to her drafty apartment. She felt better and believed that she didn't need to be under Bucky’s care anymore.
She had to admit all of the comforts and luxuries would be greatly missed. The bed and food would be her most missed. However, being able to hold Bucky as she fell asleep sometimes… That brought a special kind of peace and relaxation.
She knew she had feelings for him. 
She sighed knowing that maybe she should ask for that date but the thought sort of terrified her. What if that date was the only thing keeping him interested in her? What if that was the only hook she had left?
She looked at the man she was caught up in thought about. “Yes?”
“Are you feeling okay? Your father was trying to get your attention.”
She smiled, “just got lost in thought for a moment. I’m okay.”
He asked with that cautious concern. It was sweet now, the frist day it only made her mad. “Do you need to lay down?”
“No. I would like to stay up for a while. I need to start staying up longer.”
He nodded, “it would be best to become less dependent on the medication.”
Paul agreed.
After her father left, Lotus gently held Bucky’s arm. “Can we talk?”
He smiled down at her, “what is on your mind?”
She noticed the people in the kitchen cleaning up. “Can we go to the bedroom to talk?”
“Can I carry you?”
Lotus laughed, “you don’t need to carry me all the time.”
He picked her up anyway. “I love to.”
Lotus smiled as she got comfortable in his arms. He set her down on the bed and kneeled in front of her with his hands staying around her hips.
Lotus left her hands in her lap preparing for this difficult talk. She was not sure how it would go because this was a new area of conversation for them. “I have some questions about the.. accident or more accurately the attack.”
“You don’t need to worry about that.”
“But I do. I really think answers will help calm my thoughts and thus my migraine. I have been thinking about one question over and over. -How did you get to the hospital before my dad? I never gave them your information so they couldn’t contact you.”
She watched a muscle tick in his cheek. Then rolled his tongue out to wet his lips before talking.
“There are a lot of people who know who you are and how important you are to me. They want to be on my, Mr. Barnes’, good list. Those who saved you and your friends were heavily rewarded and that is what everyone wants.”
“There are also people who want to hurt me.”
She felt his hands flex for a moment on her hips and she already noticed the change in his eyes when her father showed up.
He started with no facial expression but she knew he was waging war in his head. “Those people will not be an issue again.”
“I’ve seen the smoke around the city from the window and all the emergency lights… Is all of that because of you?”
“Please don’t worry about that.”
“I am. You already told me that you would handle my injuries how you wanted. Is all of that chaos how you handle things?”
Bucky sighed, “Lotus, don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.”
“I’m asking because I want to know. I need to know because I can’t keep trying to figure this out on my own.”
“If you are in pain-”
“My pain is coming from your secrets.”
She watched him, observed how he struggled to find words because if he was her choice for life, this moment would hold important information on his mannerisms.
Her hands gently held his face. “Don’t hide anything from me. Please, Bucky.”
He held her hands, kissed the palms of each. “The people who are responsible have been made an example of, everything of theirs is destroyed.”
Lotus nodded slowly, processing.
His hands removed hers from his face gently rubbing them and the warmth felt amazing. “You will never be hurt or targeted again.”
“My father… He.” She cleared her throat and hummed. “He said you are proving how much you love me.”
He smiled in a hesitant way. “I have realized from all of this mess, that I do care for you, deeply. You know your new collection of clothes is beginning to fill the space across from mine.”
She sucked in air… She remembered how he said that space was for his Mrs. and she thought of that before. She thought it would be temporary but him voicing it aloud, it hit her. He has said it so many times that she lost count…
“Lotus, I want you unlike anything before.”
She stared at him then looked past him to the window… She could not see the stars like she could at her old home. Was city life something she could deal with the rest of her life? 
Never mind thinking that far into the future. She cared for Bucky, but to love him? She wasn’t there yet. Maybe he didn’t love her-he didn’t say it. Just a deep care for her… No one has ever cared for her in the way Bucky has. He could give her anything-wanted to give her anything. Apparently destroy a city and burn the world to keep her warm.
Was that insane of him? It showed that he was dangerous and also anything meant anything. She never felt scared of him. He listened to her and communicated everything with her. He respected her in some sort of way because he never forced her into anything. 
She looked at him still kneeling in front of her. 
“Am I safe with you?”
He brought her hands to his face and kissed them gently. He kept holding onto them as he spoke. “I want to keep you from all the details you don’t need to know. If you ever have questions, I will assume you ask because you can handle the answer I’m willing to give. I never want to scare you and I hope I didn’t.  I promise you, I will never hurt you. So if I make you uncomfortable in any way, I will improve myself.”
She nodded while nibbling her lip in worry… “I think we should get that contracted date done.”
“Tomorrow, depending on how you feel.”
Lotus nodded with a small smile. She leaned forward to kiss his lips and giggled at how fast he met her.
She held onto his neck and leaned back. He followed her and supported his weight on his hands. She wanted him, hoping that she could stand the headache -no. She can take some pain medicine and pass out. It’ll be fine. She hooked her legs together around his hips and pulled him to her.
“If you feel pain-” “I want you.”
He stopped and looked at her. “Lotus. I’m not going to be the reason for your pain.”
She grinned. “Maybe you should focus on making me feel too good.”
Bucky smiled, shaking his head, “are you challenging me?”
“Is it working?”
He responded by kissing her, pushing her shirt up with her bra. His hand fondled her breast, then his warm mouth was sucking on her. His hot tongue massaging her nipple then he blew cold air on it and she felt how her body reacted. Her nipple hardened into a pebble and her core became hot and slick with need. His fingers toyed with her nipple as his mouth took care of the other the same way.
Her back arched into him, craving more of his touch. Her head was becoming an annoyance but she was greedy for his touch. 
As soon as below her waist was bare he immediately threw her legs over his shoulders and she threw her head back with a moan. There wasn’t time to do much else because he was feasting on her like he was actually starved, moaning occasionally in between long licks through her lips.
The feel of his thick fingers entering her made her moan. He wasted no time in finding that spot within her that only he knew about or maybe the only person who could find it. Her leg began shaking as he stroked that spot repeatedly and sucked her clit.
She gripped the blanket and could not control anything else about her body. The sounds she made were erratic and worried she was losing too much oxygen from the sounds of pure intense pleasure.
When she came he didn’t stop. He held her hips in place as he kept going. Lotus felt pleasure that was drowning her and kept her under the tides. She tried to wiggle away but those hands held her still, her own hands tried to push him away.
He held her hands in place while still restraining her hips. “One more. Give me one more.”
Lotus moaned loudly, “Buck-” Then before she could decide to protest her body gave him that orgasm as soon as his mouth enveloped her and ran that tongue through her folds. Maybe it was the sensation of what he was doing with that wonderful mouth of his… Oh, but the way he sounded when he gave her oral, like it was something he loved to do -that turned her on more than anything. The way he wanted her completely and the things he would do for her…
Tears welled in her eyes from the intense orgasm. It was a blissful pain from the intensity of pleasure.
Bucky worked his way up her body, leaving hot kisses along the way. “Are you okay?
“I think I am. It felt too good.”
He smiled, “did I achieve the challenge?”
Lotus nodded. 
Bucky smiled, “good.” He stood fully and began getting undressed. “Think you can come on my cock?”
Lotus laughed, sitting up to remove the rest of her clothes. “Do you think you can make me?”
“Get comfortable because I want you as long as you will let me.”
Lotus sighed as the veil of sleep was lifting away from her. The sun was gently lighting the room. She looked around for Bucky but he was missing from the room, he has been up before her a lot of the time. She felt the filth of the long night with Bucky…
She scoffed, she wished she would have struggled through the headache sooner because that man… He gave her enough attention to make the headache fade away, being so lost in pleasure she could only think of the pleasure. She could not count how many times she reached completion but it never satisfied him. He kept telling her she could come again, even when her mind said it was impossible, however her body proved her wrong too many times to count.
She got a shower and enjoyed the warmth of the water, the smells of all her new soaps that Bucky ordered her. The hair products?-oh god they were amazing and her hair felt healthier, looked beautiful after it dried and did not tangle like before. The body wash made her skin soft too, and he got her a special exfoliant for her face too. She made a note to look up these brands because she wanted only these products for the rest of her life.
She expected them to be expensive because everything that Bucky got her had to be the best, but the price of two thousand dollars for basically each of those products?
Including her selection of clothes. To wear today, she chose leggings with a loose sweater.
Bucky’s voice was behind her as she looked in the mirror then turned around.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
She smiled with her arms out and he held her.
“Good morning Bucky.” She breathed his scent in and sighed happily. “Can I use you as my pain reliever?”
He laughed, “Flower. All you need to do is. Tell. Me. When.”
She looked up at him with a grin. “Sure you are prepared for that?”
“I don’t think you are.”
After breakfast Lotus tried her new pain reliever and she was probably more exhausted than those prescribed pills.
Bucky played with her hair as she laid on his chest.
“Lotus. I will have sex with you whenever and wherever you want.”
She mumbled, “I hope you are up for it later. I want to check in at work and make a few calls today to update some people. My mother is probably freaking out. I missed a call and forgot to call her back. -Someone had me busy last night. Don’t smile like that.”
“Every moment with you makes me smile.”
She laughed, putting her toes on him. “Even now?”
“Get your ice toes off of me.”
“OOooo the Big bad Barnes voice. So intimidating.”
She screeched as he turned and pinned her.
“You got more to say, brat?”
She grinned, putting her toes on the back of his legs. “You are warm.”
“Lotus. -I. Hang on.” He sighed as he rolled off the bed for his phone. “Yes?”
Lotus sat up and pulled the sheet to her body.
He looked at her and sighed, “I will be there soon.” He hung up and tossed the phone on the bed as his hand rubbed down his face. “I have to leave. I should be back sometime before our date.”
Lotus walked with him to the closet, “is everything okay?”
He turned, kissing her forehead. “It will be. Please do not worry. Focus on your calls, get rest, and be ready for dinner at 5.” He held her head, tilting it up so he could kiss her deeply.
Lotus sighed with her forehead on his chest, “be careful.”
“Always. Pamela can help you with anything you need. She knows this place well.”
Lotus made a call to Nicole to check on her and she had more to say than just her arm…
“It is madness on the streets. I have never seen the streets the way they are. For New York it’s like a ghost town. No one is going out unless they need to. Jenna?-She accepted the security Steve offered. Those two are trying the exclusive relationship thing. They are cute but I’m not sure how Jenna is not freaking out. She had a lot of anxiety the first two days but I guess Steve has some sort of tongue of persuasion to calm that girl down. Tracy… Well, she is working her fingers off and drinking a lot more.”
Lotus sighed steadily… “I’m sorry I haven’t called. I’ve been asleep a lot since…”
“Mr. Barnes is showing how powerful he is by tearing this city apart. I know it is him, even if no one else admits it. You were hurt and it’s like someone lit his mind on fire and he is working through the rage.”
“Nicole… Does anyone know who ordered that attack on us?”
“He didn’t tell you? He has to know to go through all of this. There are rumors of John Walker being behind all of it because all of his stuff is destroyed and anyone dealing with John.. It’s like they disappeared.”
Lotus didn’t know how to react but she should have guessed. “I guess I am only a little surprised. Bucky was pissed and got into a fight with John before. Bucky swore John would never bother me again-maybe a death threat is being carried out if John really was the one responsible.”
“Lotus… How are you okay with all of this information?”
“It’s hard to say. I feel safe with Bucky but hearing how chaotic it is for others worries me.”
“The only people who need to worry are the ones who helped John. I don’t worry about my safety if that comforts you at all. You make me feel safe because I know our freindship has a lot of benefits.”
Lotus laughed, “thank you Nicole. Your humor is greatly appreciated.”
Lotus called Nathan next. She asked about work; the new hires, if he wanted her to come back to work in a few days because she was hoping to feel better. He responded that he could manage until she was fully recovered, told her to enjoy Thanksgiving and contact him after that.
Lotus sighed… Thanksgiving. She was supposed to cook dinner because her father asked her last month to cook for him. He missed the family stuffing recipe and begged her for it. This would also be the first Thanksgiving without her mother. Even when she lived two hours away at college she would make sure she was home for her mother’s holiday dinners.
What was going to happen this year?
She went to the kitchen, happy to see Pamela who had quickly felt like a grandmother to her.
“Hello my dear! Are you hungry already?”
“I wanted to just talk.” She sat on the stool and leaned on the counter.
Pamela dusted flour off of her hands, “something wrong?”
Lotus smiled a little, “I’m wondering about Thanksgiving. I was hoping you could help me, maybe?” 
“I would love that. You said help, did you have your own recipes?”
“I do. I promised my father a dinner. I usually helped my mother but as you know, she lives four hours away. I’m doubtful she would have the time or energy to drive all this way. I also have no vehicle to go visit her...”
“Dear. You shouldn’t be behind a steering wheel for a long while. I would love to make dinner with you and I think James would be thankful for having you this holiday.” She smiled brightly, “He is enthusiastic about your date tonight.”
Lotus smiled and looked elsewhere. 
Pamela really was a grandmother when she said, “it looks like you are too. Let me tell you dear, I’ve never seen him happier.”
“I’m excited about it too. He apparently has it planned out.”
“Trust me, I fully believe you will love it.”
Lotus looked at the counter behind her… 
She stood in front of her. “Go somewhere else Dear. Or I will have you removed.”
“Is that for our date?-”
Pamela put her hands on her hips. Tilting her head quickly to the doorway. “You get going.”
Lotus laughed as she left the kitchen.
She was planning to deal with the headache of her mother fretting over everything, have time for prescribed pain relief and a nap if she needed to.
Bucky looked at the mayor. “I will have you replaced if you do not change your story.”
“John Walker fled New York and ordered everyone -and thing- be destroyed so he wouldn’t have evidence to criminalized himself.”
Bucky nodded, “Sounds good enough. However, you will quickly change those rumors about me.”
“Of course. Can we go?”
Bucky said. “The sooner you clean up your mess, the better. Now if you excuse me, I have a date.”
“Is Lotus Derby really worth all of this?”
Bucky stopped and turned with murderous intent. “Is the answer not clear enough? Attacks on me I can deal with-But attacking my Lotus?” Bucky smiled wickedly with a sinister laugh… “I am making it known that Lotus will never be targeted again.”
Once he was in the car, he called Lotus. “Hello beautiful. I am on the way home to get cleaned up. Are you getting ready?”
“I would be finished if you let me get off the phone. I’m only in lingerie sir..”
Bucky laughed at her teasing. “I will see you shortly.”
He looked stopped in the spare bedroom that was farther away from his room. It was transformed for their date and he hoped that she would like it. Maybe he was taking a risk here but he had to admit that this room was out of this world.
Lotus smiled at Bucky walking out of the closet. “You took forever.”
“I want to be dressed to impress.”
“I think the first time I see you in casual clothes will be the day I am impressed.”
“I think shocked is the correct word. Do you trust me?”
Lotus looked at the silk in his hands… “I am not letting you tie that around my hair. It looks too good. Wait-is our date here?”
He smiled, “Then you need to hold this over your eyes.”
Lotus took the blindfold and felt the smooth material. “How am I going to walk?” “I’m going to carry you”
Lotus rolled her eyes. 
“You cover those eyes because I don’t want to see that attitude.”
Lotus laughed, covering her eyes with the material. Gasping as he picked her up, he carried her easily and she wondered where they were going. She hummed as she smelled the delicious food as they passed the kitchen…
He set her down gently.. helping her sit down. She heard him sit across from her.
Lotus thought, maybe, he sounded minimally nervous. “You can look now.”
She uncovered her eyes and her mouth parted as she giggled. The centerpiece was a glowing moon on a beautiful glass stand. The curtains were shut to block out reality, and a beautiful arrangement of lights covered the whole room that resembled the galaxy in space. Along the walls were beautiful soft glowing lights that reminded her of stars because they softly dimmed and lit again.
She smiled at him, and somehow he looked even better with the soft glow of the moon on his face and the beauty of the stars around him. “You brought me the moon.”
A small lift of his lips, oh god… He was nervous. “I hope you like it.” She smiled even larger, “This is amazing and actually kind of funny. I can’t believe you remembered.”
“I treasure every word between us. I promised I would do everything I can to make this the best it could be. While delivering the moon as promised. Seeing your beauty among the stars.”
Lotus does not remember smiling the amount she has while they talked about domestic and personal things.
She learned that Bucky loved his family a lot, his siblings moved to other parts of the world and he rarely saw them. He blames himself because he pushed them away from New York and away from him. They were all younger siblings and he did not want them tangled into the business. He was introduced to the mafia role young, he believes he always knew about it. His father had high expectations whenever Bucky was involved with anything.
Bucky was completely accepting of hosting dinner for her and whoever she wanted to invite. Lotus loved the offer but did not feel comfortable inviting her crazy family. He teased her that maybe he would find more about her through her family. Lotus laughed, saying he was never allowed to talk to them because they can’t keep secrets.
Lotus felt a little uneasy to turn the subject to something a little more grim.. But the conversation earlier he promised no secrets. So, she asked about the chaos of the street and he promised it would come to a stop because everything was taken care of now. He hesitantly admitted it was John Walker who ordered the attack, that John wanted to use her and her friends to weaken him. He promised he would never be a concern again but that was all he said. 
Lotus assumed he was dead.
Bucky stood and held out his hand for her, “Dance with me?”
Lotus nodded, taking his hand and enjoyed being in his embrace where she felt safest.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Angrboða | Angerboda/Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki / Angrboda Characters: Loki (Marvel), Angrboða | Angerboda (Norse Religion & Lore) Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Secretly Dating, The Cards Have Spoken, Index Card Challenge Summary:
Loki knows who his mate is but sees her in secret because he is not sure how his family will react.
Index Card Challenge - The cards have spoken! My good friend, @melodylnoelle and I created a writing challenge with index cards to post weekly. The minimum word count is 500. For this particular fic the cards chosen are: My cards (week 10) Fluff- Snowball fights/build a snowman Relation- Secretly dating AU- Alpha, Beta, Omega Character- Loki
Below the cut is where you can read this while staying on Tumblr. Above is the information and warnings you need as well as the link to Ao3.
Loki walked through the frozen air of Jotunheim… The wind blowing, snow crunching beneath his feet, the ice cracking and sometimes crashing somewhere far off. Except for those few sounds, the Jotunheim was silent. Thankfully silent enough for him to wander around and stay away from the Jotuns. It always set his nerves on edge and made him wonder why he was there at all. However, until a few months ago while he was traveling through secret passageways… He ended up here.
He felt the pull, he was where he was supposed to be. The place where everything started to make this frozen realm desirable, made his nerves excited not fearful. This special gorge had a frozen river that he played on, plenty of snow to play in, and a few odd berries that were surprisingly delicious. He looked around to see if he was alone before settling in. He searched the area in hesitance…
Then as he was sitting a huge snowball hit him on the chest that caused him to land on the ground unceremoniously. He heard her lovely laughter as he huffed.
“You should check your surroundings better.”
“You can easily camouflage.” He sat up and then took her offering hand to help him up.
“The God of Mischief should have better tricks.” She looked at his hand in hers, then her other fingers danced along his…The patterns on her blue skin mesmerized him and sometimes, his skin would change when they would touch. 
The first time they touched scared him but she only became happy. Loki felt drawn to the Jotunheim because he belonged there. He must be a Jotun as well, and his mate? 
She was staring at the transition to blue skin that she loved so much. He grew used to the startling transition, and was still trying to figure out how to tell his family-rather ask them. He feared the possible outcomes of being kept away from Angrboda. He couldn’t be away from her, he knew she was the one.
They were mates.
He smiled at her as her hand touched his face. It was cold but did not hurt him. The way his skin changed made her hand feel lovely against him. 
She looked all over his face, smiling as his vision slightly changed and the realm was not so dark and his eyes were no longer bothered by the dry air.
She smiled, “There is my mate.”
“Darling, I do not know what keeps me looking Aesir.”
“One day we will need to tell all the realms of us.”
Loki shrugged, “I’m not even sure if it is something that I control.”
“I do not mind touching you.” She grinned.
Loki smiled, holding her hand. “I do not mind your touch. Shall we build something today?”
“With the snow?”
“What else is there to build with?”
She looked at him with curiosity. “That is a little odd…”
“On Midgard they call them snowmen.”
“For so little time they have to live, midgardians choose to do a lot of things they classify as fun.”
“Help me roll the snow into balls like this and then we stack them.”
She questioned hesitantly, “And this will look like a man?” 
Loki shrugged rolling the snow along, “For someone who lives so long you need to learn how to have fun.”
Angrboda packed the ball tighter and threw it at him, “for someone that is the god of mischief you might need to be more serious.”
Loki fell over from the force, packing snow from his seated position, “building a snowman is serious fun!” He threw the ball that did not faze the frost giantess. His smile fell as she stood there unaffected. “Snowball fights are never fair with you.”
“I suppose since my mate is upset I need to humor his attempts at foolish fun.”
Loki threw another snowball at her, annoyed at how unaffected she was. “Darling you will see this is just fun.”
“I thought the throwing of balls made of snow was a terrible idea, but I do like it…”
Loki scrambled to get up as she gathered snow again. “I will win this time.” “Not by running away!”
Loki always had fun with Angrboda, even when loosing to giant snowballs thrown at him. She was his mate, and he was hers. One day they will tell everyone proudly, but not now as they knew their time together was more special to them and less complicated with others involved.
If you like this, want to continue and/or want to read my other works, here is my masterlist! Also the Cards Have Spoken masterlist!
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Chapters: 2/2 Summary: Bucky finds peace in Wakanda, however a goat that reminds him too much of Steve Rodgers gets the name, Punk. Even when Punk gets a shield...It is not how Bucky expected things to go...
Index Card Challenge - The cards have spoken! My good friend, Melodylnoelle and I created a writing challenge with index cards to post weekly. The minimum word count is 500. For this particular fic the cards chosen are: Everything dealer’s choice (Week 12)
Below the cut is where you can read this while staying on Tumblr. Above is the information and warnings you need as well as the link to Ao3.
Bucky had mentioned the funny idea of giving Punk a shield for his head and she thought it would be entertaining as well. Bucky had watched Punk run around cheerfully with the shield attached to his head. He tried to ram into a post of few, and Bucky did not see any issues with Punk being affected. His hope was that the little goat would not suffer anymore head injuries apparently came true. 
Bucky closed and locked the fence and decided to take a quick nap. Everything would be fine.
Bucky woke well rested, like the stress and worry for Punk had gone away. He stretched his muscles and then went out of his hut to see all of the goats gone… His heart plummeted when he saw a hole in the fence.
He went in search for the goats, if Punk was free the first place he should look is where the rhinos were. The little troublemaker was always trying to start fights with the biggest things he could find, just like Steve.
On his journey for Punk he found a few goats who followed him when he called for them. Like he told Ayo, the others listen.
He did not find any goats by the rhinos, that was a relief. He looked in the surrounding areas. Found a few more goats…
Then he noticed T’Challa, Shuri, Ayo, and Okoye… Shuri holding the custom shield, Punk being guided on a lead by Ayo. The little goat trying his best to get away.
T’Challa was the one to speak… Saying that the idea was entertaining when he first heard what they did to Punk… However, no one was prepared for the amount of chaos that Punk would create with the protection given to him. Bucky listened about what Punk had done.
He fought with the rhinos, thankfully Okoye was able to get Punk away, then Ayo found him trying to ram into everything and everyone. Thankfully no one was hurt terribly. T’Challa explained that many will have bruises on the lower half of their bodies. Many complaints have been made about the troublesome goat. 
The shield protected Punk’s head but only made him more brave. Trying to fight off the four infront of him. Shuri made sure to pick fun at T’Challa that he got hit in the shin but his injury is what helped them restrain the goat and remove the shield.
Cautiously, Bucky asked, “what needs to be done?”
T’Challa held his hand towards Shuri, who gave him the shield. “No more weapons for this goat. There will be a better fence put in with Punk’s ability to escape in mind.”
Okoye spoke. “I feel as if this goat is smarter than we think he is.”
Bucky rubbed his face. “I think you are right, Okoye.”
Shuri handed Bucky the lead to which Punk tried to escape during the exchange. Bucky kept a grip on the lead as Punk backed up close to him then tried darting off, only effectively causing himself to fall back a little.
Bucky sighed as he watched the goat huff and flop down on the grass and make himself comfortable.
Bucky looked at the others, “thank you for bringing him back.”
T’Challa spoke hopefully, “For everyone’s sake… Hopefully Punk will never get loose again.”
Bucky hoped for that more than anything in the world…
If you like this, want to continue and/or want to read my other works, here is my masterlist! Also the Cards Have Spoken masterlist!
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Welcome to brightsun-and-darkmidnight
Before we get further...This blog is 18+ so Minors do NOT interact. This place is not for you. If you are a minor or have a blog that I suspect is a bot, your blog will be blocked. Most of my work has explicit content and I am currently trying to explore darker themes. Check the warnings and triggers to decide if you can handle that content. Things will be tagged appropriately, if you feel a tag needs to be added please let me know so it can be addressed. With that being said...
Welcome to the land of (my)Muse. Each idea produced is either as bright and cheerful as the sun, or as dark as midnight with a new moon. Some ideas that the muse finds interest in are short lived and others the inspiration seems to flow forever. 
To help keep the Muse inspired on an idea you can try to feed it! It’s favorite food is called, feedback. You can leave a comment, reblog, or send an ask anonymously to feed the Muse with what you liked about its work. Feedback may make this fickle beast latch onto the idea. The Muse is often easy to inspire and flexible with ideas. 
Cannon rarely matters in my writing -I prefer to write with Alternate Universes. My top two favorite characters are Bucky and Loki...I use them the most for writing because the Muse loves to use the appearances of Sebastain Stan and Tom Hiddleston. It’s very likely that you will see posts of those actors and tagged “muse fuel” or “for research purposes” or I tagged specific characters and/or fics of mine as well. Feel free to tag me in things with these two actors and see if the Muse is hungry for more inspiration. We can start the tag game that once happened with suggestive or filthy things and tag all that with “this is war” it was fun but Tumblr was not safe to check in public.
Keep the majestic Muse traveling wildly through Tumblr by hitting that reblog button on things you like. Tags on Tumblr are sometimes odd but could help you find things easier on your own blog! That reblog button is a feature on tumblr that will put the post to your dashboard. Reblogs are the only way that the Muse’s creations are able to be seen by others. Likes are appreciated because they are the affection that the Muse loves too, but the Muse loves to run wild. The more people who see the muse, the more likely it will be fed and be energized for more wild inspirations. The muse will not react kindly to those who repost the work it produced -reposting is copying and pasting elsewhere to make your own post. Even if you give credit to me, it is still NOT allowed!
No one is allowed to repost or translate my work. My work is only posted here on tumblr, and on my AO3 brightsun_and_darkmidnight.
AO3 stands for Archive Of Our Own. It is a library for fanfiction and it has a nice feature of being able to bookmark works so you can easily go back to things you once read before or save things for the future. The tagging system is amazing there, and easy to use. Everything the Muse makes me write is posted on my AO3. From now on a link will be shared from AO3, then to here (Tumblr), with the access to the work below the “read more” link/cut so you do not need to leave Tumblr. Each creation will be posted in one of my masterlists that I try to organize the madness and chaos that the Muse leaves for me to gather and organize for all of you lovely followers and those passing through. To keep things as organized as possible, there are two masterlists….
Main Masterlist  
-I have been working on this since I began this account a few years ago. There are many things to see here and I hope you enjoy. The Muse is hoping for affection and feedback because of the stuff you enjoyed. A reblog simply saying “I liked this” will make the Muse incredibly happy and probably prance around and show off more.
Index Card Challenge - The Cards Have Spoken! Masterlist 
-This masterlist has all the information you need as well as the work that I have created from this weekly challenge. In summary, @melodylnoelle and I, pull index cards with different information/prompts and write something on this game of chance. There have been many different things produced from this challenge and we do our best to post weekly. Melody is an excellent writer and I highly suggest you check out her work too!  
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s) Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Bucky, Steve Rogers, Captain America - Character Additional Tags: Bucky Barnes Has Nightmares, Nightmares, Comfort, Runaway, On the Run, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, winter soldier killings, Killing Summary:
Index Card Challenge - The cards have spoken! My good friend, Melodylnoelle and I created a writing challenge with index cards to post weekly. The minimum word count is 500. Our Index cards have theme, relationship, AU, timeline (for mine if cannon pull AU), characters. If you wish to use our card pulls, let Melody and I know because we would love to see what you do and how this inspired you. On our Tumblrs is our complete list of all the options we have chosen on our index cards. For this particular work the cards chosen are described in the summary/notes of each chapter.
Author Note- I know I was supposed to post mine today but I wanted to post this one using @melodylnoelle cards first to add to this little bit of fic that kind of came together. I will post the one that uses my cards tomorrow!
Below the cut is where you can read this while staying on Tumblr. Above is the information and warnings you need as well as the link to Ao3.
Bucky made sure to not use phones unless he absolutely needed, though that was for very specific reasons like transportation, ordering certain things, and once contacting Ruby.
She cried the first time he called her. Both of them happy to have the chance to hear the other’s voice. He did tell her how much he wanted to be with her forever and also in the same breath let her know it couldn’t happen. He would never blame her if she moved on-she interrupted him that she would never find anyone like him.
He told her that’s the point. She should find someone better and someone that could be there for her. Someone that was not running away from his past.
He wanted her to know that he loved her, hoped she was happy and that he wanted her to move on because he could not go back.
Then she offered that she could go with him, that she could learn how to survive on the run but he didn’t want this life for her.
His extremely small apartment up flights of stairs would definitely make her out of breath. The uncomfortable mattress with a sleeping bag on it that sometimes did not keep the cold at bay every night.
His last words to her before immediately hanging up after,
“You deserve a better life than that.”
He quickly turned the phone off and made sure it was not useable again. He could not risk anyone finding her because he knew she was one of his weaknesses. He knew he should not have contacted her, but his mind had drifted to her as he wrote in his journal of questionable memories again.
When would his mind be safe? When would he be safe from the world?
He sighed, putting on the note book in the bag, then the bag in the floor and covered it back up with the floor boards.
If anyone knew what he journaled, they would know everything he thought he knew, the memories that could be imagined or real.
He looked at the money he had, deciding he could use some plums to hopefully help him think more clearly. Going to the market, ordering some plums and scanning the area… He noticed someone at a news stand look at him and then at the newspaper… Worry and fear taking over the man’s face.
Bucky walked right over towards to confront the issue, because if anyone noticed him he needed to know what was on that paper. The man took off in a hurry and Bucky picked up the pace. Grabbing the newspaper and pure confusion filled his entire being…
It looked like him but that was not him in the picture. Bucky was not a killer anymore and he definatly did not set off a bomb.
Now he knew that he was not safe, thankful to cut off all ties with Ruby when he did. He was going to be hunted down now.
He went to his apartment with full intentions of  leaving this place in search of somewhere else.
Though when he got back to his apartment he stood there silently as he watched Captain America looking at things in his apartment.
Bucky had already been found by the one person he was purposely running away from. The single person who could answer all of his questions.
He knew him from museums he visited, some of the things in that note book he had were facts he found in his research about his past friend.
“You know who I am.”
“Steve Rodgers.”
If you like this, want to continue and/or want to read my other works, here is my masterlist! Also the Cards Have Spoken masterlist!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s) Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Bucky Additional Tags: Bucky Barnes Has Nightmares, Nightmares, Comfort, Runaway, On the Run, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, winter soldier killings, Killing Summary:
Index Card Challenge - The cards have spoken! My good friend, Melodylnoelle and I created a writing challenge with index cards to post weekly. The minimum word count is 500. Our Index cards have theme, relationship, AU, timeline (for mine if cannon pull AU), characters. If you wish to use our card pulls, let Melody and I know because we would love to see what you do and how this inspired you. On our Tumblrs is our complete list of all the options we have chosen on our index cards. For this particular fic the cards chosen are: My Cards Scene- Comfort from bad dream Relationship- Established relationship AU- Cannon Timeline- Post age of Ultron Character- Bucky Barnes
Below the cut is where you can read this while staying on Tumblr. Above is the information and warnings you need as well as the link to Ao3.
Ruby watched from her seat as Bucky slept on the couch. She was watching TV as entertainment, well they both were until he fell asleep. Her apartment seemed even smaller once the giant James Buchann Barnes moved in. He was sometimes flustered with how much room he took up but she would giggle and ‘accidently’ fall into him.
She smiled softly at the romantic kiss on the show and remembered her first kiss with Bucky.
He was hesitant, asked a million times if he could, he apologized endlessly if he wasn’t good enough and that he was nervous. So, in the middle of another apology, smiling, she gently grabbed his face and kissed him. Her cheeks warmed at how quickly he took over the kiss and how amazing it was. He proved how quickly he was able to remember things preserum. Before the war that he got into because of his best friend, to protect him by his side and then to protect his home.
That same friend he was running from, trying to piece things together from all the museums of the great Captain America, Steve Grant Rodgers.
The things that were not found in the museums, those little bits of memory that would only be proved by only Steve… Those drove him more insane than anything else. Was it a real memory or just an imagined fantasy?
She heard the beginning softer groans coming from Bucky as he was in a nightmare.
She called his name softly, staying where she was-as he made her promise to do so when he was in such dreams. She was not allowed to touch him until he was fully alert because what he dreamed of was violence and he did not trust his mind in these moments. He tried to get her to leave him but Ruby loved him too much to let him suffer alone.
He gasped, jumping up, sweaty and wild eyes.
Ruby smiled softly, “hey there. You okay?”
He looked at her with unease and looked away with a sigh. Arms wrapping around his bent legs, head placed against himself. Always trying to hide after these dreams. She sighed quietly with a relieved smile, she approached him slowly. Kneeling beside him, fingers dancing on his back.
He mumbled, “victim,” his voice rough with emotions.
She nodded, understanding his one word and why he was especially haunted this time. Not just a victim of the Winter Soldier, but an innocent civilian that was a witness thus needing to be eliminated. Everything the Winter Soldier was expected to do, was to be among the unknown and untraceable.
Ruby asked softly, “Do you want me to get the shower ready?”
She stood, kissing his head, “anything for you.”
She turned the shower on the hottest setting, hung a towel on the rack with a washcloth. She was reaching for the special lavender soap when his silver hand grabbed it with ease. She took it with a giggle. Both of his arms wrapping around her, his head leaning on hers.
He sighed, “what would I do without you?”
Her hands kept his arms where they were, kissing his flesh hand, “You are never going to find out.”
“I hope.”
She watched the steam starting to build behind the glass door of the standing shower. Could she promise she would always be there for him?
She was a simple, kindhearted civilian. She had no clue how to stay off of a radar, she could not defend herself, she doubted she could find him if he ever left her. He had many, many people looking for him. People who had the skills and technology and determination to find him.
Bucky had his best friend looking for him through any bread crumb he could find. Steve Rodgers, Captain America could not find him -there was no way she stood a chance if Bucky would decide to leave. Thinking about it, for the infinity of times… She debated on what she would do if she woke one morning and he was not there, not coming back to her after too long.
Would it be right to tell Steve Rodgers where Bucky had been? Tell the one person who Bucky was terrified of looking in the eyes again so she might be able to look shamefully into his once he was found?
She turned to face him, touching his face gently. Her fingers traced his cheek, eyebrows, down his nose and traced his lips before cupping his face. Staring into his eyes, “I will always be here for you.”
He forced a smile briefly.
All of the conversations before this point come to mind at once.
If he was too much for her, he would leave.
If he scared her, he would leave.
If she didn’t want him anymore, he would leave.
If she was in danger, he would leave immediately after he dealt with the dangers he brought to her.
If HE ever hurt her… Well, he said the serum can’t heal everything.
She looked at him with a gentle smile through some steam that was gathering in the small bathroom. “The hot water will run out soon.”
His hands held hers gently like she was made of thin glass. Kissing each before letting go. “I’ll be done soon.”
“Take your time, I will shower tomorrow before work.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. I’ll get us some fruit from the market.”
Immediately, his worried eyes were held on her. “Don’t leave without me.”
“I went to the market before.”
“I.. I want to pick out my own plums.”
She smiled with an accusing tilt of her head. “Fine. But now you need to hurry. That stand closes in an hour.”
“I’ll be done soon.”
She left the room quickly to try keeping as much heat in there as possible. She leaned against the door with a heavy sigh… She loved him so much, that being without him scared her.
She remembered the one time he left before she woke. She grew more worried as the day went on, the walks around their favorite places, asking some of the most trusted about him… He was no where to be seen and she worried that he was gone for good. He walked in as she was crying in her bed and holding onto his pillow.
He left to go to the other town to do a mechanic job, get her beautiful flowers and a box of chocolates since he couldn’t on their first date. He apologized for scaring her and that was the first serious conversation about him leaving if he had to. She begged him not to, but he made a forever growing list of why he would.
She made him promise to leave a note or something to let her know he was gone.
She took a calming breath… It would not be soon.
No. It would never happen.
She grabbed her bag when she heard him turn the shower off. Putting her shoes on as well as tying her hair up as he dressed.
They walked together through the market, grabbing his plums first. Apparently he knew the best ones to get, meaning no offense to her of course. He claimed he was picky but they both knew it was because he wanted to be there to protect her.
His eye caught something and looked to Ruby. He kissed her cheek. “You should head back. I want to get you something as a surprise.”
She looked around wondering what he had seen. “Okay. I’ll see you in a bit. I am going to stop and grab some fish first.” She kissed his lips briefly, smiling as she walked past him. He loved to surprise her with things, she just hoped it wasn’t something that would set him back in his savings.
She got back to her apartment and noticed most of Bucky’s things missing… Her heart stopped seeing a beautiful, yet simple ring left with a flower and a dreaded note… Tears welled in her eyes a ran like waterfalls because she already knew what it said.
She looked at it, though she did not want too…
“My dearest love, my best gal… I want you to have this ring I bought a few weeks ago. This is what I was saving for… I want to be with you forever but I know now I can’t be. Steve knows I’m in the area and I have to go. I’ll love you always, and I’m sorry I hurt you like I always knew I would.”
Ruby fell to the ground in a pit of grief. Her chest ached like it was being squeezed, head aching with racing thoughts, breathing too fast to get any real oxygen…
She was crying as if he just died, but it hurt worse than that. It hurt worse because he was alive and he chose to leave her. He chose to run away from the past of the Winter Soldier that was catching up to him. Running from the friend from a lifetime ago.
He bought a ring because he wanted to be with her forever, but that forever was too short.
Forever that was a wishful dream.
If you like this, want to continue and/or want to read my other works, here is my masterlist! Also the Cards Have Spoken masterlist!
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