#punk is back
Chapters: 2/2 Summary: Bucky finds peace in Wakanda, however a goat that reminds him too much of Steve Rodgers gets the name, Punk. Even when Punk gets a shield...It is not how Bucky expected things to go...
Index Card Challenge - The cards have spoken! My good friend, Melodylnoelle and I created a writing challenge with index cards to post weekly. The minimum word count is 500. For this particular fic the cards chosen are: Everything dealer’s choice (Week 12)
Below the cut is where you can read this while staying on Tumblr. Above is the information and warnings you need as well as the link to Ao3.
Bucky had mentioned the funny idea of giving Punk a shield for his head and she thought it would be entertaining as well. Bucky had watched Punk run around cheerfully with the shield attached to his head. He tried to ram into a post of few, and Bucky did not see any issues with Punk being affected. His hope was that the little goat would not suffer anymore head injuries apparently came true. 
Bucky closed and locked the fence and decided to take a quick nap. Everything would be fine.
Bucky woke well rested, like the stress and worry for Punk had gone away. He stretched his muscles and then went out of his hut to see all of the goats gone… His heart plummeted when he saw a hole in the fence.
He went in search for the goats, if Punk was free the first place he should look is where the rhinos were. The little troublemaker was always trying to start fights with the biggest things he could find, just like Steve.
On his journey for Punk he found a few goats who followed him when he called for them. Like he told Ayo, the others listen.
He did not find any goats by the rhinos, that was a relief. He looked in the surrounding areas. Found a few more goats…
Then he noticed T’Challa, Shuri, Ayo, and Okoye… Shuri holding the custom shield, Punk being guided on a lead by Ayo. The little goat trying his best to get away.
T’Challa was the one to speak… Saying that the idea was entertaining when he first heard what they did to Punk… However, no one was prepared for the amount of chaos that Punk would create with the protection given to him. Bucky listened about what Punk had done.
He fought with the rhinos, thankfully Okoye was able to get Punk away, then Ayo found him trying to ram into everything and everyone. Thankfully no one was hurt terribly. T’Challa explained that many will have bruises on the lower half of their bodies. Many complaints have been made about the troublesome goat. 
The shield protected Punk’s head but only made him more brave. Trying to fight off the four infront of him. Shuri made sure to pick fun at T’Challa that he got hit in the shin but his injury is what helped them restrain the goat and remove the shield.
Cautiously, Bucky asked, “what needs to be done?”
T’Challa held his hand towards Shuri, who gave him the shield. “No more weapons for this goat. There will be a better fence put in with Punk’s ability to escape in mind.”
Okoye spoke. “I feel as if this goat is smarter than we think he is.”
Bucky rubbed his face. “I think you are right, Okoye.”
Shuri handed Bucky the lead to which Punk tried to escape during the exchange. Bucky kept a grip on the lead as Punk backed up close to him then tried darting off, only effectively causing himself to fall back a little.
Bucky sighed as he watched the goat huff and flop down on the grass and make himself comfortable.
Bucky looked at the others, “thank you for bringing him back.”
T’Challa spoke hopefully, “For everyone’s sake… Hopefully Punk will never get loose again.”
Bucky hoped for that more than anything in the world…
If you like this, want to continue and/or want to read my other works, here is my masterlist! Also the Cards Have Spoken masterlist!
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pbnmj · 1 year
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Have we talked about the Miguel Burger yet?
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I just wanna know if it was his idea, if he authorized it, or do the other spiders just think it’s rlly fucking funny and do it to annoy the guy?
I need to know WHY
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sea-critter · 11 months
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found in a squat in an abandoned housing development, 2023
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zosanbrainrot · 9 months
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Okay this AU has been brewing in my head for a while now and I finally had some time to draw stuff for it
a Ballroom AU ✨✨ in which we have Sanji mainly walking Old Way and slowly getting into Vogue Femme, he also works as a chef/bartender at Iva's club, Iva is, obviously, a world famous drag queen
Zoro is one of the security guys and can't help watching when Sanji performs
Sanji poses based off of Dana Vitkovski
1 2 3 4
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jnephrite · 2 months
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kon nation come back
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shushmal · 3 months
The latest Family Video customer is barely through the door before Eddie explodes, "Ugh, Tyler."
Beside him, Steve scoffs in agreement, nose wrinkled with distaste. He's so hot. "Yeah, exactly, uugh."
"That should be his middle name. Ugh," Robin chimes in. Eddie's so glad they're in agreement about the bleach-spiked punk guy that graduated three years ago but is still bumming around Hawkins. "Steve, I can't believe you dated that guy."
Seriously, Tyler is the worst— Wait, what—?
"Wait," Eddie says, gaping at Robin. "What?"
"You could barely call it dating," Steve huffs.
"You were together for a month and a half," Robin says. She's got this evil grin on her face and is pointedly not looking at Eddie who is very desperate for Robin to look at him right now, please. "You drove that bum to Indy every weekend. He broke up with you on Valentine's day."
Eddie's weak "Tyler? Tyler Teaks?" gets completely ignored.
"I—" Steve says with haughty emphasis. "—broke up with him on Valentine's day. Don't get it twisted, Buckley."
Robin snorts and finally glances at Eddie. "Steve only broke up with him because the guy blew him off. On Valentine's Day. Which is basically getting broken up with," she tells him, and ignores it when Eddie whimpers at her.
"Yeah, but I'm the one to ended it!" Steve insits.
Eddie, finally, finds his voice, and says, "Tyler Teaks?! Harrington!"
"Ugh," Steve says, slumping against the counter. "I know." He cuts a glare over at Eddie after a moment. "I blame you for this."
"Me?!" Eddie shrieks, incredulous. He's pretty sure he's stepped into another parallel world. Perpendicular world? A world where Steve apparently dates guys—and guys like Tyler Teaks, no less. Eddie's sure he's gone completely batshit insane. "What the hell did I do?!"
Steve stands, cocking his hip the side, and looks down his handsome nose at Eddie. "You wouldn't be my New Year's kiss at Tina's party," he says. "So I had to settle for Tyler Teaks instead."
"What the fuck?" Eddie says, completely lost. "What—? You—? Tina—? KISS—?!"
Beside them, Robin is grinning, laughing, eyes going back and forth between them, munching on a stolen back of skittles—her own personal dramedy on stage before her.
"Yep," Steve says, popping the P. He looks distinctly bitter. "Pulled my best moves on you, and you turned me down."
"Steve," Eddie breathes. He reaches out, places both hands on Steve's shoulders, intent. The eye contact he forces Steve into is desperate. "I don't even remember getting to Tina's New Year's Party." He takes a deep breath. "I woke up in her mom's pantry the next morning with no shoes and no memory of how I got there."
Finally, Steve cracks, a big smile stretching his face. Robin cackles. "Yeah, I kind of figured as much," Steve sighs, wistful now. "You told me, and I quote, 'Steve Harrington, you are very beautiful and I want to have a summer wedding because you'd look beautiful-er with sunflowers'—"
"Don't forget the 'you look so hot in that sweater' part."
"—'But actually, I am a very straight man. So very super straight.' And then you crouched down on the floor and crawled away." Steve is biting his lip now to keep from laughing. Robin is not so nice. "Like I couldn't see you, and the handkerchief flagging in your pocket."
"Oh my god."
"Don't worry, it was really cute," Steve says, grinning. "But, I still needed a New Year's kiss, and unfortunately for everyone involved, Tyler was my only willing choice."
"Oh my god."
"Totally duped me though, he was super sweet the entire night," Steve sighs. His mouth is twisted into genuine regret now. "Plus, the next week, you acted like you'd never spoken to me before, so—"
Steve and Robin give him twin grimaces. Robin's is a lot more sympathetic. Steve's is confused. "Listen, man," Steve tries to soothe. "I'm sure that's pretty embarrassing, but it was a cute story! No hard feelings, I promise."
Robin's sympathetic grimace deepens.
"No," Eddie says, standing up straight. "I refuse. There is no way I turned down Steve Harrington for a New Year's kiss. There is no way."
"Eddie, where—"
Eddie marches for the door, digging his keys out of his pockets. "Good-bye friends, I must go see a supergirl about time travel."
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amid-fandoms · 3 months
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nun this priest that what about THEM
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iffasart · 4 months
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Also my sweet child what happened to your bangs
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gleafer · 5 months
What WHAT??? 14,000 followers?!!!
Aw! You make this small potato feel all Au gratin!😘
Enjoy these pages from my Patreon 80s romcom “Come With Me If You Want To Live!”
I cram in as much 80s nostalgia as I can dig out of my childhood memories!
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strange-birb · 5 months
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I give you …..THEM ✨✨
I feel like I did Steph dirty…. Tbh I’ll try harder next time guys I swear 👀😅
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crippledpunks · 1 year
cane users don't have to use their cane for every single step in order to be valid in their need for a cane. cane users can suddenly stop using their cane while moving around and not invalidate their need for it next time they use it. some cane users may only use their canes during flare ups. some only need their cane every few steps for short bursts. everyone's needs are different.
every cane user deserves respect.
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suprsaturatd · 6 months
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Refuse Dystopia
I made this print for myself as a back patch - it’s a battle cry. I won’t sit still and wait for the world, for my world, to get better. I’m taking it back myself like a dandelion growing through concrete. We won’t settle for a broken world anymore!!
If you want a sick back patch for your battle jacket, consider picking one up at my store below! I also put it on a tee shirt if that’s more your speed. Hope you enjoy!
more of my art | shop | tip
[description in alt ID]
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jojolightningfingers · 8 months
i truly truly will never stop being tickled by how law's braincell count just plummets into the negatives whenever he's around luffy and kid SPECIFICALLY at the same time. like if it's one or the other he copes more or less just fine. kid's a shit-starter but he's predictable and easy (and fun) to rile up. luffy runs on baffling logic but he's fundamentally easy to get along with so long as you maintain your zen and understand that he usually doesn't MEAN to get under anybody's skin. separately they aggravate law in different ways. but when they're together kid's penchant for starting dickswinging contests (or inability to not take the bait of one) collides with luffy unhesitatingly answering with a one-up that no sane person would conceive of and what the hell is law supposed to do against THAT fuckin wombo combo. get left behind and called a bitch for it? not goddamn LIKELY!!
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samixayn · 1 year
free him he did some of that but his haters are annoying
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thedisablednaturalist · 10 months
I think when people think of mental illness and what helps, especially with things like anxiety and depression, the treatment involves pushing yourself. Pushing yourself to get out of bed, to exercise, to take a shower, to go out in public, to order your own food from the cashier, etc.
And because the mental health movement has grown so much, people think that's the default of ALL illnesses. That the only way someone will get better is if they push themselves. That practice makes perfect. That you'll become more comfortable or strong over time the more you do something.
But what people need to realize is, with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses, pushing yourself in most cases is DETRIMENTAL. Pushing yourself past your limits can lead to flare ups or further injury. That's why it's important to know your limits, how certain activities may affect your condition, and learn how to either adapt or get help to complete the activity in question.
Also, most of us are already pushing ourselves. Most of us don't have access to the help or equipment we need. Most of us live in places where we frequently encounter inaccessible obstacles. Most of us NEED to rest.
So please don't try to be our physical therapists or doctors. There are people specifically trained to help us navigate our own conditions and limitations. There are people trained to help us strengthen our body's resilience without causing flare-ups or injury. Do not tell us "it'll be good for you" or "you need the exercise" when we say something is too heavy or too far or when we say we need our mobility aid(s). Your friend with depression may need to be encouraged to get out of bed, but your friend with chronic illness definitely doesn't.
Respect our rest.
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